The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, February 22, 1890, Image 2

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    BWllri a Humml-CUta Matter nt tli I..
blKhtim Poitann,
11 Ml
The Carbon Advocate
1.1 HlliHTON. l'KNNA.
Kates fur Legal Advertising!
Charter Nolkes 1 4 00
Auditor's Niillci-s 4 00
Coinmlislonor's ISollae - - - 4 00
Wlvorce Notice 4 On
AdmlmMiAtiir's Notices - - - S 00
Bxeciitor's Notlcm J 00
llonn l'lilo Circulation Larger tlinn that of
any Weekly Newspaper In the County.
In an uptown hotel in a small room not
over provided with comforts, lay a man
considerably past mldillo life waited and
careworn; his features wete sliarp and
ptuclied with suffering, for Ills Mrugulo
with death had been a lone, one, but at last
he had won at heavy cost. lie had been
handiotne and even "now, worn with di
sease, the east of his face and the mould of
his head, told at once thai he wis consid
erablv inoro than a commonplace man lie
was nn actor eminent In Ins day, whoso
dramatic achievements had won him high
distinction in his profession, and for years
ho had stood In the front rank, applauded
by men and adored by women, who And on
the stage a realization ot ineir ureamj
dreams born in the prevalent Ulerattiro o
the times; dreams never to be realized this
side of tne golden gales.
Back about two miles from the terminus
ol the great Brooklyn Bridge, is a quarter
known as The Hill. Dr. Talmagc's now
church will stand in a part of its most
fashionable quarter. But beyond that, a
half mile, is a line avenue lined with state
ly residences, near which profane trade baa
never been able to come. Arouuil tne
mansions are magnificent grounds careful
ly tended by skillful hands, and eycu in
mid-winter when snow and Ice are supremo.
beautiful orchids and other rare flowering
plants can be seen tluough the windows of
tne ample grccntiouses. wuose roots in
frosty Jauuary are festooned with great
bunches of luscious grapes, such as ai
found in other climes under a burning sun
Crousus lives here, and revels summer
and winter in all thai gold can buy. But
gold nor silver nor precious sioues can
keen away the messenger of ileal u: for sec
the door knob and tliu be I of jonder pa!
ace arc coveted with solemn crape; cran
mlncled with while, emblems of hope and
despair. Enter the palace eate, around on
every side gold has been scattered with
lavish hand, l'letiires bv the finest masi
ers hang on the walls; rare brlc-a brae fills
every noolc aim corner; toe (read tan
noiselessly on the rich ll'lltons lhat coyer
the Qoor. rivaling the exquisite frescos tha
look down on them frniu the ceilings above,
In the centre of tho .grand parlor lieapci
high witli flowers is a casket, beayii
mounted with si er, and in It rests peace
fully sue wuo was once Hie wife of tlie
s'ick man In tho hotel of whom I spoke a
the opening of this letter.
Agnes Leonard is dead. She was one of
Singer's many daughters. How many his
tory has no adequate record. When lb
inventor of the sewing machine died.
left litany millions to be divided among his
live wives, and tneir numerous progeny
and whatever Singer s faults were, and
goodness knows the list was a lone one,
non-proyisiou for his family could not tie
placed among tne nurnuer. 11 no bad
large family lie look good care of them.
and it was said that his daughter Alice wa
the favorite of them all. Be that as it
may, be lavished mono on her and her
mother, and from the day of her hltlh to
the Hour of ncr dentil sue never knew
want that mor.ei could gratify. In her
voung girlhood she married an old man
named Lagroye; her wedded life was short.
She soon separated from her husband, and
finally diifted to America.
She bad been reared on tho continent of
Europe, most of her early life In Paris,
Ilete, with great wealth and nothing todo,
time hung heavy on her hands. The
theatre was her great delight and the stage
her beau ideal of life. Acting became
craze with tier, and at last she formed
company of her own and became a slloll
lng player, thousands, of uohars wet
sunk in the venture, criticisms harsh and
blistering failed to discourage her. Mrs
Langlry had succeeded, Mary Anderson
bad been received b royalty, even Mrs,
James lirown rotter, wtine not a pro'
nounced success, was far from a dismal
failure; and why should she not carve
name and fame when so many bad achieve
success? In the course of her travels sb
met the popular actor Frank Bangs and
fell desperately In love wltli mm. At tbl
time Mr. Bangs was over Uftv years and
blase; lie bad been on tbo slage for man
years and tne romance of acting bad a
been knocked out of him for a quarter of
a centuty. He had run through the who e
list of stage lovers, Claude Meluotte, Ro
meo, and Armand Duval in Camilla,
Loye-maklug to him was simply a matter
of business, into which no more, feeliti
entered than If ho had been a wooden Ii
dlan. But Agnes Leonard, as she called
herself, had seen him only from the front
of the house, and to ber he was Borneo,
Claude Mclnott, and Armand Duval, all
rolled intn nnr One nflprnnnn nlmlif tiea
years aeo j,r. Bangs anil Jiss Leonard ap-
peareu ai tun uouso ot mo nev. lieur
Ward Beechcr and the twain were made
one. That afternoon they started ft
Washington, where she expected to meet
all the great llglits of tbe stage, Booth
Jefferson. Billy Florence, Larry Barrett
Jauanscheck, Mary Anderson and Mod
jeski, The goal of her dfe's ambition wis
reached, she had a ro'uantic lover for
husband, and the Kings and queeus of th
stage were to meet and greet her ou equal
terms. On tho way to Washington it was
alleged that the newly married brinegoom
paid more attention to his little dog Toby
than he did '.o his bride. In point of fact,
Toby had been his constant companion for
years, and he would not aye parted with
lilm for all tha women In the world.
Arrived in irashingion, there weie no
great actors theie to greet her; and her
husband, Instead of a romantic lover, was
a blase old mail, as cold as au Iceberg.
She was sick at heart, the hopes of her
life were shafloied, her dream was dust
ai'd asbos. The next aflei noon she look
the train for her Brooklyn home, and she
never saw her husband aflei Divorce
proceedings were Instituted, to which Mr.
Bangs made no answer, and His. Lagrove,
for that was hei real name, was released
from her marriage tie. She kept the
cosily dresses which she had prepared for
tbe stage with u 1 her slage jewels in a
large loom; tlicy had cost her ovei a hun
dred thousand dollars, and were the objects
of ber adoration to the last. So ends a
stormy and an unhappj life. With all of
his kindness the memory of her father was
anything but pleasant to her, for there
was a stamp of illegitimacy about all of
Singer's later children, and that thought
weighed on her like a -mountain. But tbe
end came at last, and the hard hattle-of
life is ended. She died at thirty-eight
worth a half a million, leaving an only
son by her first husband the inheritor of
her wealth.
On Tuesday I heard that lied Jim Mc
Dermott had'arrived In town from Europe,
and that consequently there was quite a
stir in Fenian ciicles. The Clan-na-Gael
had set a price upon Jim's head, for be
was supported lo be the spy of tbeEngllsh
Government, whose evidence sent several
good Fenians and Clan-na Uaels to the
A few years after the war Mr. Sic
Dermoil figured as an active politician in
tbe city of Brooklyn, and was remarkable
for bis haired of the English Government.
The very name of the Sassenach was
poison to him, and he had soyeral plans for
blowing up Windsor Palace, the I'orlla
mem Houses, Scotland Yard. Wales, and
the Queen he was going to finish himself,
while he planned revolts in Ireland,
Canada, India and Australia which were
sure to rend the British Empire in pieces.
He was known as "Bed Jim" partially on
account of his roil bead, but more particu
larly on account Ills gory teeord, for every
day he waded up to his boot tops n British
blood. Red Jim never worked, but some-
bow he always appeared to be well fixed
forca--li Tbe expedition to blow up the
Parliament houses was arranged heieln
Brook) n , lied Jim had a hand In the pie:
a Docmr Oallber. wfco resided In Brook-
In. was luinllcaied in
tbe expedition.
Scotland Vaid knew all about Dr. Galla-
Dr. Galla-
ouer and his mission before he landed.
'I be information furnished by lied
Jim. and part of il was supposed to b
furnished bv Donovan Itossa, for a
check of lied Jim's for fifty dollars was
found In ltosea's possession about that
time. Poor Gallagher was gobbled up
Just afler he reached London, and Is now
ervlne a nenal term In Etmland with a
hull and chain ailac ed to his leg, while
some of his coadjutors were hung.
Shortly after Gallagher's capture, lied
Jim McDermolt was suspected by tbe
Clan-na-Gael. One night I was going up
town and as I was passing a low saloon I
heard the sharp crack of a pistol, and the
flying ball shivered tbe glass iboyn my
head. Being naturalh brave, but knowing
at tbe same time lhat people of my high
one were cettinz scarce. 1 dodge into tne
first i allwav and c awled behind tbe door.
Just then a man rushed out of the saloon
bare-headed, pursued by another who kept
on firing; an lie passed tne street-lamp
opposite the door where I was sheltered, I
recognized Bed Jim MeDermott. But
New York and Brooklyn grew to hot for
him and knew him no more from that
The C an na-Gael was said to have re
gistered an oath lo kill him anywhere be
tween sunrise and sunset. For years he
was lost to sight and was supposed to be
skulking away from his teirlble foes some
where on the South Amer can pampas, or
amid the wilds of Australia, or tliesavages
of Now Guinea While all srts of fair;
tales were written about him. be was walk
ing the streets of London and Paris with
out the shadow of a disguise. Jim married
a Countess with money, and lias oeen
keeping his yacht, and living like a gentle
man on the fat of the land. So far, no
red-banded Fenian or no murderous Clan
na-Gaulcr, has attempted to cut Jim's
wizen. Last wecK after an aosence oi nve
years, he landed In JMcw York, and was
seen by several of his friends, without a
coroner's Inquest. It mat be possible that
their III luck with Uronin in Chicago has
made the Clan. na-Gael a little cautious.
I shall not be surprised to hear that lied
Jim has turned up all right in London or
Paris. lie has as man) lives as a cat and
he has not parted with one of them yet.
The Baptist Union dined at Delmonlco's
last week. I confess I was astonished to
bear It. The Union as a religious body Is
pledged to problbitioc; so you may guess
my surprise to mid tuem dining in a rum
shop, lor tbat Is all Jjeimonlco a is. i aa
tnlt it is a very bign-toned rum-snop;
whiskey (Old Bourbon or liye 1708) costs
vott fortv cents for a respectable smell and
brandv a ban dollar, l dou't Know tuai
any of the Union folks moistened their
cla- wilh anything more dangerous than
uKllliiar,s. but Satin was In tbe cellar;
whole boxits and barrels of him "Lead
us not Into 'temptation." Not that I drink
oh. my no: It s somebody else.
This has been a red-letter week for Now
York. Monday the brains of New York
turned out to install Seth Low as President
of Columbia College. There have been
uianv grand galbeiliigs Inside of the Me
tropolitan Opera House, but never before
has it held such a representative and un
exceptional Intellectual assembly. It
seemed as if al tbe great scholars and ed
ucators of the entire land had turned out
to do honor to the occasion. Never befoie
In t' is country, and no.l often In any other
lias so Joung a man been caded upon to
guide the destinies of so great a college or
university. Along side or tbe grave and
reverend faru tv I. .at surrounded him. Mr,
Low.Uttle more than a boy. Among them
weie mnn of his old instructors. But
Columbia had raised him. he was her sou
they knew his whole life, fiom childhood
to manhood, and unanimously they crown
ed him their king. Sir. Low bas been one
of tbe most fortunate of men. Born to
wealth, with a good constitution, he has
nloycd all the world could give. At
school and at college he stood among tbe
highest. In politics he had rivals, but no
enemies. .Every station he lias occupied
he lias filled with the distinguished honor.
Columbia College was fortunate in getting
such a president.
Tuesday saw gathered there, all the legal
lore to be found between Maine and the
Gulfof Mexico, and from the Atlantic to
tne I'acllic, we bad tne best of everything
Law, Logic and Divinity. The Supreme
Judges had a ro al time; the best in the
town was not too good for them, We wined
them: wo dined them and sent them hotnr
sorry tbat they nad to go. After all tbe
high company we've been entertaining do
ou think we are stuck-up and proud?
Not a bit: of of couse we know the re.
spect that is due to our position in society
out notwithstanding, that if you are in
town don't bo afraid to come and see us.
I am, yours truly,
Shlloh'e Catarrh Remedy.
Sliilob's Catanh Remedy, a marvelous
cure for catarrh, diphtheria, canker mouth
and headache With more successful
treatment of these complaints without
extra charge. Price 60 cents. Sold at
Blerv s or Thomas' drug stores.
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A marvel of purity,
strentrtli and nholesomeness. More eennnmlca
than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in
competition with tbe multitude ot low test, short
weight, alum or phosphate powders. Hold only
In cans. Hoyal linking Powder Company, 10
Wall Street N. Y. luneis
Administrator's Salo
By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court
of Carbon comity, there will be exposed to pub
lic sale on the premises, the late rrnidenro of
John Schwartz, deceased. In the borough of Le
hlghton, Carbon county, I'eiuia., on
Saturday, March 8, 1890,
at TWO o'clock I. XI., the following real estate
late the propert of John Schwartz, deceased.
1. All these two certain lots or. pieces of
ground situated on the east side of 1'lue street,
in the bomiuth of l-ehluhton. Carbon county,
l'eunsylTanla. and numbered In the plan or plot
of tho old vll'aga of So Lehlghtnu, Ko. 42 and 43
2. All that certain lot or piece ot ground
situate on tho east side ol Northampton street.
In said borough ot U'tiUliton, and numbered on
the plan or plot of sala liorougb, on tbe part
formerly known as So. Iehlghton, No. 19.
3. All that reitaln lot or piece of land situ
ate on the east utile ot Northampton street, In
saldboruueb of Leblghton, and numbered on
the plan nr plot of said borough, on the part
formerly known as South Lenlgnton. No. 20.
The linpiovemimls thereon consist of a TWO
other necessary outbuildings.
Terms and conditions will be made known
at time and place ot sale, by
. , , . . t HOltACE HEYDT,
Administrator of John Schwartz, deceased.
Freyman & lleydt, Attorneys.
F. I. SMITH, D. D. S.,
Office opposite tbe Opera House.
Bank Street, Leh hton, Pa.
Filling aud making artificial dentures a special
ty. Local anesthetics used,
(las administered and Teeth Fxtracted WITH
OFFICE HOUUSi From 8 . m., to 12 m., from
1 p. ra., to 5 p. m., from T p. m., to 8 p. in.
Consultations in English or German
omce Hours at Ilaileton-Kvcry Saturday.
lesDectfully announces to the Merchants of T.
i ilgbton and others that he Is now prepared to
fff. nil klnifa nf
; . , -r. w
I M i-n up . vrn H i nn i f.
. .tr.." .....
Corner store or at rur resklwi celt rUNE St..
near the Cemetery, will rcJT pr&at'Utui
twa. JVUouun lelUttad.
Annual Statement
Carbon County,
For 'the Year Ending Decem
ber 31st, 1889.
GEORGE DOliON, Treasurer.
To balance on hand, Jauuary 1, 1889. ..117,020 07
Received of Tx Collector.
W. T.. Utiles, rackerton, 18SS....I
B 89
43 98
82 W
110 00
178 67
399 3
93 00
30 00
163 82
19 99
371 CO
. 1'. unnstinan, 1'eun Forest.. 1887....
'atrlck Kelly. Hanks townsblo. " ....
Jos. 11. Bteigerwalt, Kast I'enn.. " ....
O. II. Oreen,TowHinenslng,..lSS8....
wm. Hcnauei, j.enignion - ....
J. Olirlstman, l'enn Forest... " ....
ii. -. i.ovaii, rraiiKiin..... " ....
1'. II McNeils. Hank "
Joseph L. Field, rarryvllle " ....
John Painter, Maucli Chunk ... " ....
is. a. ueiiiuieman, nasi renn.. " ....
.1. .1. Uerliard, Packer " ....
II. Vogt, Welssport " ....
320 09
112 19
94 03
592 55
950 00
397 23
1.611 63
U. I- iteinman. K. M. Chunk.. .
.llllnn U.l... ...... 1. 1 1 ..
Jas. Ilutler. Maucli Chunk two..
Thomas II. Carr. Banks twp
ii. u. niouiuu, niuuer iwp....
500 00
loseiui i rieia, i-arryviue
510 62
Duck. WeathenV
500 00
6,39 58
John fainter, Mauch Chun&...
Jacob Bteigerwalt. East I'enn.. .
60S 71
Win. llelster, Lansford
1,979 04
407 29
571 39
1,159 69
,i. j. uernaru. l uciter..
Samuel Welsh, Welssport
ii. i.. neinman. rc. ai. ununic...
win. ecnauei, jenignion
John Htrohl. U Towmenslnir....
2,755 23
Jacob Folk, Lausanne
Jonn Sliafer, Lehigh,
101 47
313 91
. ii. lioinueri, jnanomng
. F. Chrlstman. Penn Purest..
1,467 00
250 00
1,723 85
4G0 00
Samuel Darby, Summit Hill....
U. II. Green, Towamenslng
Total , $2(1,239 70
ReeelpU for Unseated Land Taxes
Banks I
1887 taxes
226 09
245 63
31 02
6 93
16 52
1888 "
1889 "
Interest collected
misi renn i
1888 taxes
Interest ,
1888 taxes
14 73
4 80
4 83
Lehnr hi
1888 taxes
liwer Towanienslntr:
1888 taxes
Maucli Chunk rnwnshln
1888 taxes
34 03
It 48
91 42
39 93
1 25
28 22
64 72
1 05
2 45
18l9 " ,
1-83 taxes
1889 '
rcun Forest!
1888 taxes
1888 taxes...
. 824 80
For Account of Rente.
k. si, Mulhearn. office f 30 00
Keystone League Club Room 90 09
Democratic Club, '88 campaign. 10 00
isi national uank, ground rent - 12
use of Court House for meetings
For County Bonds Sold,
142 00
6 00
David lleltz $ 2,100 00
II. F,
Stelgerwalt. ,
250 00
.Mrs. I,
I. It. brans...
1,500 oa
250 00
1,000 00
2,000 00
600 00
1,000 00
win. noil v..
Michael Martin....
David Kuntz
Samuel Levan
I'homas Ackerman,
unaues lueendsen.
COO 00
Kdnard Schmld 500 00
ineouore sennua 250 00
seuastian iiabn 250 00
E. II. Kistler 1,000 00
Moses Never , 1,000 00
Andrew Hart. Jr 1 mn m
Jacob Wagoner. 250 00
.uuian Btemicr 1,000 00
bmma A. Deppe 600 00
I'atrlck F. Clark 600 00
David Belte boo 00
Henry Trapp l.ono r
Ladles Aid Society 500 00
Total $17,760 00
County's Share of Iletatl Liquor.
Licenses granted Jan. terra
1889.63 licenses 8150.00
Une-Ufth due County 1.500 00
43 licenses $76, $3,225 00.
One-fourth due County 805 25
$ 2,393 23
Less Treasurer's Commis
sion as iouows:
l,O0O6per,cent....5O 00
$1,000 1 per cent,... 1000
$390 25 percent.. 198
61 08
$2,334 27
For Old Material Sold.
John Exner.
Levi Horn, slouc
25 00
25 25
For Tax llecelpt Books Sold by Coram),
loners to Tax Collectors.
.1. J. Oerhard, 1 book...,
.1. II. Humbert, 2 books.
W. W, Buck, 2 books...
Joun Strohl, 1 hook ,
Joseph L Field, 1 book.
1 20
1 20
Total $ 4 20
For redemption of Unseated Lands Bought
by County Commissioners.
By ram Oliver, Ferry Tract $ 19 85
A. Ungessner, Coates Tract. ,
16 61
" Damershepp, Martin Tract 113 11
" Daniel Shepp, Smlthers Tract 214 23
Total $ 363 78
For Taxes on Tax Lies Ilecord.
E. B. Brown estate $
Daniel Adam estate ,
1 M
30 13
31 21
By Mrs. Martz from George 11. Jones,
unseated land redeemed $ 1035
For temporary loan from 2nd National
Bank of Mauch Chunk 5,000 00
i-u. vwuikvuaisrciuuucu uyi , W.IteCK-
er, Not. 9 aud 10, October sessions,
17 86
For additional taxes collected by Win.
SchadeL ,
It. I'. Levan, sheriff, for Jury fees
J. J. Uallagher, overpaid salary re
funded 71
16 00
Total receipts from all ftnurret larturf
lng balance $69,792 00
lit. r i?riimiifiin v... . -.. .....
til l. no AAIUU11AU lJ 1 1 1 C AOUllUIlSf.
Court Expenses.
Jury Commissioners and Clerks, $ 172 08
Jurors, Constable ice turns and Tin-
staves ,,
-ourt crier and Janitor
Court Stenographer, F. P, Sharkey....
Justices, coustanles and witness fees In
Commonwealth cases
Sheriff James Uallagier, fees In Com
monwealth cases ,
District Attorney fees in Com. cases,
W. M. Rapsher
1'rothonotary Georite W. Esser
James Dallagher, sheriff, for boarding
II. 1. Levan. sheriff fep hnnrHlno.
4,702 60
278 00
436 60
1,425 85
49 00
616 00
632 00
27 38
prisoners, etc 2.019 27
Total 110.258 94
Assessments, Keglstratlonand MlllUry En
rollment. BAVKS,
Audenrled District!
Bernard Ferry, for himself and assist
ants For registry..... ,
159 26
42 00
201 26
Beaver Meadow District 1
Stephen Furrow, for himself and as
sistants For registry
240 21
54 00
294 21
Hiram Hontz, for himself and assist
ants........... J65 04
For registry 20 00
183 04
Charles Itehrlg, for himself and asit-
ants.... in co
For registry. 12 00
Wm. 11. Reber, for himself and assist
ants ............
For registry. ',,
195 71
2K 00
221 7
I). O. MoLaud, for himself and mut
ants For registry 1,..,
68 23
14 09
SO 25
South District:
Emory Getz. tor himself and assistants.
$3 08
10 00
r or registry .
73 ot
Keal Brlilln.for blmselfand asslitaats.
For registry.
66 60
14 00
Oeonte W. Diebl, for himself and as
sistant. For reglMry
147 34
14 00
181 34
Adnlpb Luiiman, for himself and as
sistants For registry.
77 88
14 00
Millport District.
Washington Snyder, for himself and
Per making an extra assessment.. ....
For registry
139 40
22 00
28 00
189 40
Little dsn District.
George M. Henry, for himself and as
For registry
67 83
10 CO
73 83
10 00
Bowmansvllle District.
Joslah Dowman, for registry
,1. L. Lewis, for himself aud assistants.
S10 85
CO 03
370 85
For registry
mavoii chunk Twr.
Bloomlngdale District.
Charles ltemaley, for himself and as
sistants. ......
For registry.
71 68
6 00
77 68
Ncsquehonlng District.
Wm. A. Watklns, for himself and as
sistants For registry
146 04
34 00
180 00
Hacklebernlo District.
II. W. Battels for registry..
12 00
First Ward.
Lewis Wsley, for himself and assist
ants For registry
214 85
22 00
236 85
Second Ward.
F. II. Miller, for himself and assistants.
For registry.
189 15
24 00
2(3 15
A. D. Miller, tor himself and assistants.
143 16
14 00
For registry
157 16
Fackerton District.
Leopold Meyers, for himself and as
For registry
97 75
14 00
Ill 75
J . C. Blltner.for himself and assistants.
For registry..
48 34
10 00
68 34
Harry Ueniitzv. for himself aud assist
ants For registry
83 98
12 00
lvl Kueliner, for himself and assist
For registry
118 40
12 00
128 40
Nathan Btemler, for himself and as
sistants. For registry and unseated land assess
ment, 1888
For reidstry, 1889
16 on
10 00
J. C. Streeter. for himself and assist
ants 1IH OU
For registry 32 00
210 00
M. J. Stout, for himself aud assistants.
For registry
329 45
00 UO
389 45
Austin Boyer, for himself aud assist
ants For registry.
56 49
10 00
Gabriel Miller, for making unseated
land assessment In 1888 for Lehluh
township 2 00
Attendance of assessors and assistants
ou extra appeal days lu the matter of
the assessment of coal companies.. . - 40 00
T. f . Amer, coniiensalloti allowed by
Commissioners for making copies for
assessors of all tbe real estate and
personal property in tbe County 125 00
Expenses In collecting old assess-books 0 00
For clerical expenses lu adjusting val
uations and assistance inaklui: out
duplicates 20s 00
Total. $ 4,711 15
Unseated Land Taxes.
Paid to the School Directors, Overseers ol the
Poor, and Supervisors, as their portion du,
Patrick Boyle, road tax for Banks
township for 1816 and 1887 A
23 02
Paul Smith aud Samuel Beer for road
tax ol Towameusing township, for
1880 and 1887
J. J. Smith, school tax of Penn Forest
township for 18M and 1887
Jacob lleydt for H road tax for Penn
Forest township, for 1886, 1887 and
Henry Helming, for 'A road tax lor the
J. Gerhard for school aud V, road tax
of rauker towdshlp tor 1886 and 1887.
David Wetzel, for i, road tax of the
J. II. Gerh, rd for tax of same
Godfrey Hettinger tor road tax of Le
high township for 1886 and 1887
Gideon Kistler for road tax of East
Penn township for 1880 and 1887
Nnnrod Morris for bait road tax ot
Banks twp. tor IKSOand 1887
William Kennedy, for school and road
tax Lausanne twp. for 1686 and 1887..
T. F. Amer, for poor tax of Franklin
township for 1886 and 1887
Samuel Harleman school and road tax
61 SO
227 41
147 69
147 69
141 35
144 47
210 64
23 03
34 80
3 94
tor weatuerly Dorougn 1886 and 1897.
Abraham tlreen for noor tax of Town,
mcnslng township tor 1886 aud 1887..
62 39
wiiiiaui r ister ior scnooi utx 01 traiix-
lln townshin for 1886 and 1887
John Fleniming tor half road tax of
Mauch Chunk twp. for '86. '87, '88....
Paul Kresge, Ior school tax of Towa
menslng township for 1880 and 1887..
J. F. Cbristman, for poor tax of l'enn
Forest township for 1880 and 1887...,
Charles Dotter tor school tax of Kid
der township tor 1884 and 1885
Ben, Jacoby for school tax ot East
Mauch Chunk for 1880 and 1887
Edward Boyer for tax of Ixiwer Towa
menslng township for 1886 and 1887..
Domliilck Coll for school tax ot Banks
township for 1886 and 1887
Fred Schinelrskors for school tax of
Lehigh township tor 1886 and 1887. . .
Michael Casslily, attomej for the Mid
dle Coal Field Poor District for poor
tax for 182, 1883. 1886 and 1887
D. J. O'Doiinell for road tax ot Mauch
Chunk township
19 09
68 15
35 CO
11 53
14 90
16 02
134 49
271 30
381 94
19 lo
$2,741 CO
Redemption of Unseated Stands.
Geo. If. Joues tor tract iu Packer twp.
ltoad Damages.
Frederick Messlnger, Franklin Iwp...
J K. itlekert. Franklin township
10 35
300 00
20 00
County Bridges.
East Mauch Chunk Bridges
Labor aud mateilal as per bills filed.. .$ 301 45
I'oho Poco Bridge at Paul Buck's :
Solomon Stemler, labor and material,. 18 14
Bowman's Bridge :
Labor and material by II. Bowman, H.
Sherry and Marsh & Zeru
85 ts
Moyer's Bridget
Dennis Moyer for labor and material..
Jedd'sDam Bridges
O. L. Carrol labor and material. ,
Tobyhanna Bridges
Pittsburg Bridge Co. as per agreement.
East Haven Bridges
S, R. Bert and Joseph Shatzle, labor
and material
Little Gap Bridges
G. M. Henry, repairs
Leblghton Bridges
17 44
23 10
748 69
9 60
10 15
Tills is a new bridge over the rlrer Lehigh In
place of tbe old one condemned.
The site of tbe bridge was chanced bribe
viewers appointed, and approved by tbe Court
and County Commissioners. The Lehigh Valley
Railroad Company agreeing to pay to the County
of Carbon the sum ol $6,000 for the benefit they
derive from said change. The contract for the
iron portion aud wood-work was awarded to
Nelson & Buchanan, of PittsburK, Pa., for the
sum ot $26,600. The abutments and substruc
ture to John llendler. of Wllkesharre. Ht st ka
per cubic ard,
iru oeptcmurr vtu, a. u. ibw ine iiouniy com
missioners in conformity with the cousuulloii
Sec. 8. Article 9. and the Act of Assemhiv on!
titled "An act to reinilate the manner of i.
creasing tbe Indebtedness ot municipalities.
at. .n..nH.illh.WHl. rf.. . n.. I . j-.. , 'v'"
eluded to Incur a bonded Indebtedness in 11, I
Atnnunt f 9rT nm thn aAtn IiaImif ivtthln u '
constitutional mutts and In accordance with the
actot Assembly) tor the purpose of using the
money derived from said bond for tbe buUdine
of said bridge.
Jos. llendler, contractor, on account .$OJoOoo
T. W. Nelson, agent ior tbe Pittsburg
inuKe iiomiMMiv. liooo 00
f 1 III ."u.. " V) 00
rniiu uiKKi, iciuicvk siiiiviiiicu uy
the Commissioners, on account
Bridge Views....
Reuben Kresee. labor
31 60
For hauling, material and work on
tempo ran bridge to sundry parties
as ir bill tiled ana axaxaUd.. .
17 U
Maria Furnace Bridge:
F. Whit taker and K. Reber for work..
Wealhorly Bridge:
J. C. rtemlel. labor nd material ...
David nwank, labor and material. .. .
Uudsondale Budge:
Nelson A Buchanan as per contract.. .
John KnglebHrd lor abutments, ete. . . .
Urimtli Bridge:
Harrison Kuukel, for labor and material
4 00
43 70
97 50
486 00
39 80
19 66
$18.2148 39
County Commissioners as per liullv'd-
unl account $1,690 00
Commissioners Clerk's salaiy con 00
County Moilcltor's salaiy 10000
uoumy ooncitor lor rroiesniomn ser
vices 210 00
County Treasurer's salary 1,000 00
lamuty Aiuuiors nnu cierK lure iuu
Courthouse aud Jail expenses and re
pairs vtv w
February and November elections 1.678 64
June elections 710 40
rlutlug election proclamation lor tho
Juno election 240 00
Printing and stationery 1,475 41
Fox and w lid oat scalps 121 00
lluilal of soldiers 105 00
Stale Hospital for the Insane at Dan-
vine 1 or uoaru aim uieuicai attend
ance 528 67
Support of convicts in the Penitentiary
ior tne uasiei'ii u strict 01 renn 11. . .
Pennsylvania 'telephone Uomuanv 37 60
Michael Cassldv, Esq., for auditing
dockets of 1'rolhoiiotury & Kecorder. 60 00
Over-mud taxes refunded 6 09
J. J. Boyle, affidavits of Commission
ers. Assessor lltid iieknowleclizllllz
deeds IB 75
Ueo. Williams serving notice on As
sessors w
Michael Calsldy, extra clerical services
Hiiuneu oy me otaie ior transcriuiiiK
mortgages, etc. for 1888 and which Is
to be churned to the State bv tho
Countv Commissioners 123 00
E. M. Alulhearii, fees In extra election
uistrici 111 Loner louamensingTwp. ou
E. F. Luckeiibaeh and J. J. Uallaghcr,
for computing Juno election returns. 10 M
Frank Sharkev. et. al. for returnlnit
board on November election.... .... 15 00
Fees In lunacy proceedings of Thomas
Faga 20 00
T. F. Amer expenses Incurred In ex-
nmluinir l ie record 01 Joseph iienu-
ler and others 25 10
W. M. Itaiishcr. Kfcq., tor rhos. Jvoons,
ex-tneriu ior balance uue nun as Der
last annual statement 180 50
Charles A. llolh fur ballot boxes 27 80
Second National Dank for temporary
loan 6,000,00
Second Nat. Bank fordlscount thereon 33 35
Witness fees paid In re-appeal from as
sessment by the Coal Companies 109 51
II. J Danzer tor water trouL'li In Mauch
Chunk township 5 00
Water rent fiom Apr. 1. to Oct. 1. 1389. 32 6'
E. D Bartholomew fur rubber hose.... 7 50
Tlionias Selulrled ior lee In the Court
House and offices 20 00
J. W. Heberllngforcarpet, ete. used In
court uouse una uoinmissioners'
olllce 14 10
. A Snvder. Co. Institute for 1889.. .. 200 00
Sebastian llanuand. thers for clean 1111
ofllees, pavement, Court House, etc., 19 90
Inquisitions 153 a.
$15,952 W
AotAi I'xpenuitures.
Including temporary loan of $5000 62.278 21
Balance In baud January 1, 1889 $ 17,026 0;
iceceipis miring year iromaii sources.. o2,7t v.
Total $09,792 10
Less payments as shown by vouchers.. 62.278 21
Balance In bands ot Treasurer. Jan
uary 1,1890 $7,613 79
Cr. by 100 days 3 00 $ 300 Ou
Cr. by 110 days $.'.00 220 0
Cr. by bill ot traveling expenses 21 tv
541 ro
Dr to vouchers paid uy Treasurer aso 0
Balance due Miller
lill 61
Cr. by 10 days $300
Cr. by 121 das$2.00
Cr. by bill ot traveling expenses ...
Dr. to vouchers paid by Treasurer..
Cr. by 100 days $3.00
cr. by 121 days &.00
Cr. bill ot travelliiK expenses
390 0
242 00
87 u
3C0 0i
248 0-
Dr. to vouchers Paid by Treasurer 711
Total paid to Commissioners. ...$ 1,690 iC
Cr. by boarding prisoners mid fixing
11 res $
Sheriff's tees In Commonwealth eases.
Serving Jury notices
Removing piUouers to Eastern I'eul
teallar) and Insane to Danville
1,669 10
70 4U
Dr. to vouchers paid by Treasurer. 2,019 2
COUNTY, JANUAliy. 1, lsw.
It. S. Horn, East Mauch Chunk, 1882. f 10
S. F. l'ealer, Lansford 1884. 8 6
F.nuk P. Boyer, Parryvllle 1885. 62 10
'11. J. 1. vans, iiaiiKS inso. 670 8
"timory uetz, juuuer 1887. 443 1
J. It. steluerwalt. East Peun. .1887. S8 41
J. F. c hrlstniau, 1'euu Forest... 1888. 1U3 0-
11. P. Levan, Franklin " 300 81
n. r. wnruer, weameriy " 4 0.
Ed, Boyle, Mauch Chunk twp.. 727 61
Milton Setzer, Franklin 1889. 342 63
jas. uuuer, siaucn chunk twp. 2,7001
Tbos. B. Carr, Banks " 1,101 n
D. G. McLaud, Kidder " C8 01
Jos. L. Field, Pariyvllle.,', " 168 21
W. W. Buck, Weatherly " 905 67
Jno. Painter, Mauch Ch'k-bor.. " 1.040 34
Jacob bteigerwalt. East Penu.. " 191 90
Win. llelster, Lans2ord " 771 05
d. j. uernaru, racker " 13222
J. II. Gumbert, Mahoning " 835 94
j. r. uiinstmau. Peun Foiest... " 15 60
nainuei ueruy, Dummiriiiu..., " 763 51
o. 11. Green, Towamenslng.... " 313 69
11. L. Relliman, East M. Chunk " 420 05
Total due from Collectors $12,775 74
Note subject to exonerations and com
mission. Subleet to 6 per cent commission on bat
nuve ui uupucuif;.
Henry Miller, dl allowed by Auditors
tor 1888 $ B8 35
it. ). i uouueii, ior same 72 0
J. . Hawk', tor same loa t-u
Culitiilmtlou due by L. V. It. It. Co,,., 6,000 00
Balance In nanus of Treasurer Janu
uary l, lsuo 7 513 79
Total suudrle $13,807 Oj
10 ueorce Dolon, Treasurer $ 250 00
10 iienry Miner, commissioner.
191 69
To County Bonds Issued
To Samuel Welsh, Collector of Weiss-
pori, overpaid taxes
To William Schadd, Collector of Le-
J7.760 00
86 27
nighlon, overpaid taxes I 85
Total $W,ii7 62
We, tbe undersigned Auditors of the County
01 uarDou, stnte of Pennsylvania, elected and
appointed and duly sworn according to law, do
report that we met lu the office of the County
Commissioners, audited, adjusted, and settled
according to law, I he accounts of George Dolon
Treasurer, Henry Miller. D. J. O'Donnell and
Jacob S. Hawk, Commissioners, and Hiram P,
Levan, Sheriff of said comity, for the year end
lng December 31, 1888, commencing the work on
the first Monday ol January, A. D. 1890, and
completing It on the 28th day of January. A. D.
1800. And thai the accounts settled as above
and filed lu the office of the Protbonolary, are
cornet. We found a small mistake occasioned
by an overcharge of mlleavo by the Jury Com,
tidsslonersnmotintliiir to $1.30 which overcharge
we sugKest mat tne county Commissioners de
duct from tbe next bill rendered by the Jury
Commissioners. We feel It our duty to again
call tl e attention 01 the taxpayers to tbe fact
that the charges of some of the assessors are ex
oeiMlve. A CMleftil iimieetliiit nr rim!,.
bills duly examined aud 011 file ut the Coinmls-
ttilltlAI-M' llflllU. I MVvlltu lllu r ( llu, l..,...l... ,
. .v - j ..... ..... t,,u uuwLi .un iaw
the Commissioners are helpless In the premises
and must accept the sworn statements of the
cmuio. Lt j iciuuiiiK III tne captlllll "ASSeSS'
.meiit. Registration and Military Enrollment'
one cannot hell) but be surmised at tn inmnui.
By of 1 lie charges. F01 Instance, the assessors
euck having no larger population than the Dor'
1 I: 1 K . 1 summit- "in ana Lntislord.
ouuh 1
ot Lehhthtnn i-Iuikh respectively tlutlie
:lv ilu the
order named 1
S489.45. 370.5.
iai.:u. 'II1A
charges fur lehighton I
rites fur l-elllchtim Pel ml- lei.:
and the. same iucongruity exists lu the towu-
eniK less man one-halt.
ftlllll.-t. ! 1, IH1I III I1IIII 1IIIV IHMU1 I lunuHrin
making the niUibiiy enrollment every year. As
this place the county under considerable ex
peuse, Inquiry should be made Into the necessity
settlement be made with Menroe County tor tbe
urwiinuKPuiur me luuyiinuua
,vc i9u nnu mui jen, ujier year uius 01 large
amounts bavo been paid to ihe llosniiui rr in.
luMuc a. Liaiiviiit. ior ine Keepiui; aim main-
teunco and medical attendance of Insane Pau-
ers hellt mere hv theni-ripr of tlm ivtur, ' a.
the law under which these unfortunates are sent
said Insane patiersnre residents, shall refund
to the County the amounts paid, and as we fall
to find any ured.t from such sources we sugirest
tbat the County Commissioners without (Tela v
nimuul In this ..iu,,aku..H ...lm,.A . '
,iuw9M,j mi mig w..ri.,iuii ui luvse cxpenu
Itures. r
'ibe rate paid to the Sheriff tor boarding pris
oners (37Vt eents per da ) w e think Is too low and
altogether inadequate, considering the present
iiliiiiiKD.urniuu:iics mill pruvisiou. A1SO
ue wutry ai tne ixJiniuiMjoners' uierk ($55 per
month) should be Increased, considering the
responsibilities and duties connected with this
In testimony whereof wn huve hurminin
our,!'iliS? u tU'5 di'y 01 Jl"wr),
A fl PPTWUH re..,.
I YbxBJLry TUi, Ub-ws
Lehighton Business DIreotory.
VAJ HOHWAKTZ, Bank St., the oldest furni
ture house In town. Every description of
furniture always on hand. 1'rloes very tow.
rrr A. I'BTHHb, saloon and Restaurant, Bank
vv 4 bireei. I'resn iHger always ou tap. uys-
11 season. Drop In and see us.
Ii. D. S. BOCK,
street, plain and fancy Job printing a specl
ly. Aovocatr one dollar per year In advance.
JW. ItAUDKNBUSII. Bank street, wholesale
. dealer In choice Drands of whiskies, gin,
(Handles, wines, lit. V& Patronage solicited.
Our Ohurohos.
Sunday cervices at 10 a. m., and 7.00 p. m.
Sunday School 2 p.m. Rev. Dumian, Pastor
plllNITY LUTHERAN, Iron street, Bunday
J, services, 10 a. m., (German), 7.00 p. m,, (Eng.
tisnj, sunoay scnoor.i p.m. j. 11. kuikh,i-i
O EFORMED, Lehigh street, Sunday services
fcw as lua. m., tueriuani, i.uu p. m., innKiisni,
sunuay scnooi 2 p. ra. j.ALviHiiKBEii,rasior.
WVANGELIOAL, South street, Sunday services
iU at 10 a. m., (Herman), 7.00 p. m., (isngnsn)
sunuay scnooi 2 p. m. j.a.rKwnAiiT. raster,
CATHOLIC, corner Northampton and Coal
.trnt. .pnbnCATHrv Htlhilftv mnrnlliff unit
streets, services every Sunday morning and
iikv. uamhaukk raster,
Professional & Business Cards.
W. M. Rapsher,
First door above the Mansion House,
eal Estate and Collection Agency. Will Buy
nd Sell Real Estate. Convevanclmr neatlv done.
ollections promptly made. Settling Estates of
ecidents a specialty. May be consulted In
neusn ana uerman. nov. iu-yi
w. a. rvi. seipio,
May be consulted In English and German.
peciai attention given to uynecoiogy.
Offick norms; From 12 M. to 2 P. M., and
DID 0 to r. si, mar, 01-jri
Graduate ot Fhlla. Dental College.
Pcrseryalion of tlic Teeth a Specially.
OFFICE nOUItSi From S a. m. to 5 p. m,
OAS BALL, Harkat Sintre, Mauch Oaunk.
Two Doors North of Fost-Offlee.
OFFICE IIOUH8: 7 to a. ra. aud S to 1 p. m
Opposite L. fc B. Depot,
0. n. uom, rnor-KiETOR.
his house offers first-class accommodations for
..inslent and permanent boarders. It has been
ewly refittedln all its departments, and Is locat
d in one of the most picturesque imrtlons of the
orougn. Terms moderate. tSf Tlie b A It In
iipplled with 'he choicest Wines, Liquors and
igurs. rresu iiKerou xan. aiirii-jr.
Havlne loaned to CHARLES HONQEN, 0!
Franklin townsnip, caruon county, ra., me 101
lowing property, to wit: 1 lied Suit and Bed.
illng.l Cook and 1 rarliirritove,2Tables,lBlnk.
Int id Carnct and other articles. 1 lierebv can
lion the public not to meddle with tho above
uiiner penally 01 ine iuw.
Jan. 28,90-13 Welssport, Fa.
D.ssolutioa Uotice.
Notice Is hereby given that the lo-partner
sum existing Detween ,1. 1.. iiarieman ana 11
v. Iiarieman, doing business at FncKerton, Fa.
under tlie Arm llama of J. L. HARLKMAN I
illtO., was dissolved by mutual consent on the
Utli aav ot January. A. I)., 1890.
The business, tieneral .Merchandise, will be
'ontlnued by the undersigned who will receipt
or all amounts due the late firm, and pay all
laims against mem.
Fackerton, ra., Jan. ICih, I8ww
Valuable Real Estate!
Pursuant to an Order of the Orphan's Court of
Carbon county, Fa., there will be sold at Fubllc
oaie on ine premises in riusKUir iowstsuxi-,
uomuy ana state atoresaiu, on
Saturday, February 22d, 1890
at TWO o'clock P. I., the following described
IMulnll)ial., It fWlflUIT
dee'd, to-wit: All that Lot or Piece ot Ground
situate in Franxim iwp., caroon county, ra.,
bounded and described as follows, to-wlti Be
ginning at a poston the North side ot a proposed
..IIa.. .l.nnnA .. I.J I .. .. - ...... ft '... I . I.
'iiicjt, i,iii;ii.q uj laiiii irtw? vi umuca . diiij.ii,
Nortii 27 degrees. West 245 feet to a post on the
South side of a public road leading from Harrlty
to Rlekertsvllle, thence alom said road South as
degrees, West 150 feet to a post, thence by land
of George Miller South 27 degrees, 338 feet to a
posi on ine Doum sine oi me aDo?e menuoneo
allev. thence alone said allev North 40V4 deirrees.
Kast one hundred and forty-six feet, more or
less, to tne piace oi Deginmng, containing
more or less. The Improvements thereon are a
ana all necessary outbuildings. The buildings
are in nrswnass condition, naving Dccn out re
cently creeled. Tbe said nrennsea are located
about three-quarters of a mile from Welssport
and persons desiring to view tbe same will please
call ou tbe underslcned.
Terms and conditions will be made known at
time ana piace ot sale, oy
AUSTIN BOYER, Administrator.
-OF '
Real Estate!
Pnrsuant to nn Order of the Orphans' Court of
uaruon i.ounij, ra., mere win oe sold at l'nunc
Sale on the premises In FraNkun TowKSiur,
uoumyunu oiaie aioresaia, ou t
Saturday, February 22d, 1890,
at ONE o'clock P. M., the following described
Ileal Estate of he Estate of HEN KY KltAMEli,
dee'd. to wlti All that 1-ot or Piece of i. round
snuaie in rranKUn i wp., carbon county, ra.,
bounded and described as follows, to-wltt Be
ginning at a stone In a public road leading from
Welssport lo Ntroudsburg, thence in and along
said road North 78W degrees, East 3 6-10 perches
10 sioue 111 sam roau, ineuee norm ki oegrees,
Kast 414 lurches to a stone Hi said road, thence
or iana oi nonen campoeii, norm aegrres,
Vvcst 0 nerches to a noat.thence bv land nf !i
Itlekert, South B9 degrees. West SU perches to a
1'usu l ri ce ur lug same 901111 ueirreefl. kiv
0 2-10 perches 10 place of beginning, containing
more or less. Tbe Improvements thereon con.
sist of a
with Kitchen attached, and alt necessary out-
ditlon. The said premlsesaro located about one
mile from Welssport liorougb and peisonsde-
uiiiiuiuKS. in, uuiiuiniza urn n nnuuu ran.
aiiiiiK icw fcuo sKiue win piease can on me
terms ana coniiuons win be raaae xnown at
inne aim piace 01 sale, or
AUSTIN BOYER, Administrator.
A. S. Rabonold, D. D. 8.
von Qtwis i Over J.
W. Ssodcabush'
Iquor Store,
iwntlstnr in all Its branches. Teeth Extracted
without Pain. Gas administered when requested.
Office Days -WEDNESDAY of each Vrsek.
P. O. adaiow, ALLKNTOWN,
- h IftatttST.B
ents Furnishing Goods
which includes an excellent nssortment of the very best "made"
Ready-Made Clothing,
we have cut figures regardless
view, first and last, of clearing
on first qua il y goods moves
the buyer. He also, carry a
The prices on these good will
to call and examine our stoclc and learn prices.
Opera House Block,
Lehigh Coal &
Coal, Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass,
Agricultural Implements and Kepairs,
Field and Garden
Phosphates, &c
We desire lo call
fira IV fHdfo
llllg dfdiOi
A full supply of which we have constantly on hand.
Orders taken for Lumber.
General Agents for the
Imp. Anthony Wayne Washer & Ironing Boards
Seller's Comer. North Bank Street.
Big Stock.
Boots & Shoes.
Paints, Varnishes, Glass,
Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa
nead Every Word Carefully. We have taken this medium of annhunelng oar GItEAT
CLEAHANOE SALE, the Greatest ever held In the Lehigh Valley.
We are determined no lo carry one dollar's worth of Winter Goods. Th enormous
reductions we nave made and quote belor, will Draw me greatest crowd even seen
In anv Clothlne Store In the Valla . We will clve yo 1 an opportunity qf saving
many dollars on Clothing for vourse'f or your bovs. Al OVKUCOATS and other
neayv eoods must ko, we are namlnz prices to Clear Our Counters. If .too. want to
make your moue do the best possible service, don't bu until you see us. '
Lot No. 1. 500 Boys' Overcoats.
Former price IM, 2.00, 1 73. 3.W, 4.00, 4.75 and iM. Reduced to 93, 1.35, 1.7J. S.35, tzo, 1.00, 4.00.
Lot No. M. 1200 Men's Overaoata.
Regular price 8.00, 8.50, 10.00. 12.W. is CO and
Youne men now Is your chance, such
Lot No. 3. 2n0 Silk
Rerularprtce 12.00, 15.00, 18.00, M.oo, 23.00, 28.00
Lot No. 4. 235 Storm
Former price e.00, 8JS0. 10.00, 12 00, U.00 and l.oo. Reduced I03JO, s.OO, T.Ot, sjw. iojo. il.
llothers be ou haud with your boys, such bargalni wo hare never offered before.
Lot No. 5.
Regular price 1.75, 2.23, 3.00, X73, iM.t.K. lUOand 723. Reduced to 1,00,1.23,1.73, 2.23, 3.00, MJ.
Lot No. 6.
Be sure to bo on time assome lots will not last lonpt. Regular prlee 3.75. JA 3.00. 10.00, ., 13.00.
13.00 and 20.00. Ueducedto3.BO,4.00,87.0O,9Cl0.llXl0,IX60andl3.00 """""i
Lot No. 7. 600
Inallslzes, redueed to If ss than Kt to manufacture. Former price 1.30,2.00, 3.73.
3 00, 3.73 aud 70, Reduced to 1.00, 1 .23, 1.73, 2 00, 2.80, 3.00. 3J0. 4.60 ind 3.23
Lot No. 8. 200 Single Coats for Men and Boys.
Reduced to 1.00,10, 2.00 and 3.30. single vests as Jow .s2Qeen's.
Lot No. 9. 425 Pair of Knee Pants.
Regular price 00, 30, 1.00, 1.23 and 1.30. Reduced to 40, 60, 60. 75 and I. eo.
Lot No. 10. 850 Styles of Suitings, Pantaloonings,Overcoatincs.
Out of these we are making salts, trousers and oveieoats to order, that for price, duality and atria
cannot be touched. 130 styles In suitings. Former price I2.oo.15.uo.ik.oo, 20.M. 23.06. iioo IKS
W.OJ. iteauceo iov.w, jaou, ri.oo, is 00, 17.00, mo and 22.00.
Lot No. 11. Includts a complete line of Gents Furnishings.
Posh a Rott Jackets. Underwear, Hosiery.
Lamest aBfl LealiEE ClatMntx Honse in the Valley.
Hotel Allen building.
of fhe prices thev brine, with a
out the stock. The big reductions
sales quickly anil always enriches
hiie nssoilUKnt of
CAPS, &c.
apeak for themselves. We ask you
Bank Street, Lehighton.
Hardware Co.,
special attention to our
Cement, Lime and
Building Sand,
me winier uooos
Cheviots, &c, &jp3
There is a good deal of satisfaction
in beinjr perfectly satisfied, and espec
ially so in regards to what you- wear.
In this particular we invariably mors
than please our patrons. Our stock
being lurge, varied and complete gives
satisfaction in making a choice o! goods
desired, while in style. finish and work
manship our reputation speaks iar more
eloquently than word. Call on us for
your Fall ann Winter Clothing Light
or Heavy Overcoats, Suits or parts oi
Suits. Prices alwavs the Lowest !
Clauss Bros.,
Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa.
1100. Reducod to 3.50, GOO, 7.00, g.75, 10.09. ltoa.
sluiinlitennir prices you never turd ot.
and Satin Lined OvercoaU.
and 30.01. lt.duced to 10.00, 12.30, l(.50, 11 so.
Coats for Men and Boys.
445 Hoys' Suits.
500 Men's Suits.
Pair Single Pants.
Glores, Flannel BhlrU, Dress Shirts, Neckwear,