The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, February 15, 1890, Image 2

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    i m Swoua-CldM Mntter t th L
iii is lit oh ioit-onic.
The Carbon Advocate
Rates for Legal Adv.rtlslng i
Charter Notice
Auditor's Notice
Commissioner's NoMees
Alvore Notices
tdmtnlstrator's Notices
lecutor' Notices
4 00
4 00
4 00
--4 Oo
3 00
3 00
Bona Fide Circulation I-nrger limn that of
nmf Weekly Newspiipor In (lie County.
On Wednesday last X dropped into the
American Art Galleries nn Twcnty-tlilid
Ireet to see ''The Barlow Col ectlon'1 now
on exhibition there, and I confess It wns
not without a falling of sadness. S. h. M.
Barlow, who died last summer, was una of
the most eminent and successful lawyers in
New York. It was his pood fortune to
keep always In the swim with rich men and
ereat corporations, so that his fees were
large and his income generous.
Mr. Barlow would never bavo been a
rich man, for his tastes were expensive.
and his style of living broad and hospitable.
In no man that I oyer met were appear
ances so deceptive In person he was pon
derous and heavy, weighing about tlnee
hundred pounds; theexpiesslon of his face
was dull and stupid, and at limes almost
brutal. Not one person Jn a hundred t on
sand would have guessed that beneath thai
unDromlsinz anil ungainly shed, was a
, gentle and kindly spirit, and taste most ex
autslte and refined, with n knowledge ol
books and men, not possessed by one in a
million of his kind, jelln the Inisv haunts
of men, where the UVice battle of life is
constantly raging, air. ualiuws umnnei
were not particularly attractive; constant
contact bad made tuum nurd and orusqiie
but once across the threshold of his homo
It was as a host thai the man's better nature
shone out. and those who had the measure
of.iharing his hospitality, wl I not easih
forget It. He was particular!., fortunate ii
bis domestic sunoundings. Ills viife.
though lor many years an Invalid was a
lady of the most rellned taste in Literature
and Art, and full) entered Into all Her, tin?
band's dans for the adornment and en
rlchment of their beautiful home, lie
Ioyed money and worked for it; but it wa
never his. god: It was alway his setvant,
used for tlio gralllicallun or tames alike
honoraulo to and nis lamiiy.
The Collection Is a noltibe one. in many
respects, and tlio only sorrowful aspect of
toe auair is, tuat altera lire spent in col
lecting It, It should e broken up and scat
tered to tne lour winds ot iieaven.
It never seemed to be Mr. Harlow's am
bltlon to die a rich nun and leave a large
fortune for his heirs lo fiht about; he
sought to enjoy what he made like a gent e-
.man, and this he did lull . and thoroughly ;
and be not only enjoyed it, nut no made
tnousands oi otticrs better anu nappier, u)
tne rich treasures with wblcu no surround
ed himself.
The first floor of the American Art Gal
lerles Is occupied by the llbrar : the second
by the pictures, and the third by the rare
Drlc-a-broc, cosll pereeialns, tajence:
and ceramics many of them of fabuiom
value. Ho common man could nave
brought such a collection together. The
selection of such a libiary, demands the
most learned scholarship, The catalogui
of paintings gives evidence of an unsur
passed knowledge of ancient and modem
art, while the collection of bric-a-tuac
porcelains, etc, displays a refinement o.
taste, which stamps him at once, as one ot
the ablest collectors that this couutry La.-
teen lor many years.
I wandered aoout among the tables con
talnlng the books. What priceless treai
ures were there; what delight Mr. Diiiiuh
took in conning their cutious pines, am
how proud be was to show toein to his
friends, knowing that many of his gpui
were not to ue found, even in the giea
libraries or the world. There were no
costly bindings It was tt e inside and not
the outside that he cared for. And here
tber were, thousands of volumes, rich it
every branch of human knowledge and in
every language widen has ever been primed
.Manuscripts were there, dlcsolored aim
grimed with age, but precious as ewel
and worth their weight iu gold Fhvv of
the palnilngi belong to the modem
school of art. Ue loved tiie old Dutch
masters; and scattered on every hand ueie
ncn specimens ot that lamous senm 1,
whose name Is immortal In the world b.
art Tlschbeln, Ki-en, Oila.le, Teliieis,
uuocne, Vandyke, Kimstfael and vtouve.
mans. There are few noble example of
the French. Spanish and Iu Ian school.
while Amerhau art, lliourh rcpiesenld,
found scant favor. Five piutuie b
JUacllce and two by Mot-eland represents
the Royal Academy. One solitary UUz
represent that wondrous band which lie
given such a craze lo modem art. No
Jflllais no Trovons. no Husseaus, no
Jfessoniers, no ltosa lionlieura weie fouuo
In the collection, show lug conclusively ilia
be was one of the few collectors who nevei
lost bis head, but vtlthsianding all allure
ments of the new school, cluiii! steadfast!
to his early loye, Iu the upuer galler .
against the veri wall and on the Ideuticil
pot where The Angelus hung few week
ago, Is a case of Ceramics, worthy or es
pecial attention. All unmnd are wonder
ful creations of cenlus, tinny of them
beautiful beyond the iov.crot dcciiniion
At ffhal cost and care tin ough long .searc
of search and eocieivor these geius vwr
brought together! In a lew ilivs, uudei
the merciless hammer of the aiiclnueer,
they will be going, going, gone I I I Mr.
Harlow was one ot i tie suffeiers b ilie
forgeries of Ills trusted clerk, lieilell, who
robbed the firm of blilwnun, Choato A
Harlow of nearly a unaiter of a mil loi.
dollars. At heavy sacrifice Mr. Harlo
paid bis share of the los; but I doubt II
the money it cost him gave i Im as much
pain as he would have suffered ha 1 lie
lived to see the children of his loe
scattered among strangers.
Consideraullll feeling exists among our
Jewisn population because the llabbi u ho
bas charge of the slaughtering of meal
and fowls charges ten cents a head for
tagging the aunlmals, to as to let the
faithful know thai they uie not unclean by
having been slaughtered by Uentilu hands
11 any Jewish reniobaies assert that a
Gentile goose or a (Jcntlle calf tas es just
as good as an orthodox yose or an
orthodox calf, that has hail the benefit ot
the church's blessing, and some or ihcce
wicked sinners have even gone so far as lo
but pork chops of Christian butchers.
Of course we know but will become ot
11 such; but strange to sa, they fail to re
alize tbeli danger, and refuse lo pay for
the Rabbi's tags. They say that he re
alizes between flfiy and slxiy thousand
dollars a tear, and they regard It as down
right robbery. Of course all good
orthodox Jews cheerfully pa) for the lags,
but I feai In thin matter the sinners out
number the saints.
Uaulc circles cro considerably startled
by the announcement ou Thursday thai
the Sixth National Hank a Di institution
onthe comer of Tem -third street and
Broadway, had been looted by Its Presi
dent of six hundred ihoii.aiid dollars. Only
a week at oil was regarded as one of t e
moat substantial banks in uieclty, Its moc
being quoted ut .r share. Ilj (tie
adroitness of the bank examiner and the
honesty of the cashier, Hie ileposilui were
secured from loss; but the stockholder
may not be so fortunate; the deficit. hat
ever it is, will have to he made good bt
them, and a few weeks will tuotiabl record
n addition to that army of financial rascals
l Sing Sing, of which Ferdinand ll'anl,
bank president Fish and lledell the forger,
jure such bright an J shining examples, Hy
conference on Sunday the affairs were
patched up; the thieves were kicked out,
and the bauk opeued under he old man
agement. Brooklyn polities are considerably dl
tU'bed, aud as man era stand neither Uem
ocrat nor Republicans have much cause
for rejoicing. For several - ears past it has
been believed that a boodle ring existed Jn
Brooklyn worse, if possible, than anything
we ever had In New York. If any one
wanted a contract he had to bend the kiien
4o the combine. If a com met was wortjj
.one hundred thousand dollars the cumrac
iorrosde It a hundred and tweutj-tlvelhou.
sand dollars, aud ih boodlers shared the
fiin, j;lur;dr. tpQiiui agoga fixture
were to be put In tlinew Municipal Build
ings, and one of the go-betweens went lo
a reputable manufacturer and asked lilm
his price. The manufacturer gave him his
figure, and then the uood er asueu mm to
add twenty-five per cent, to the bill. This
the manufacturer tefused to dot so te
order was carried to a house with an easier
conscience, and the thieves got there all
the same, tvticn tne new Asyium runn
ings were put up at St. Johnsland, which
was purciutipii nv a system or rouocr.i, :iw
Hoard of Supervisors resolved to put up
four buildings, al alike. Tlio supervising
architect drew up plans for one buildir.g,
and chatged for four, his charges for work,
that look nlm less than a week, being over
iwelvo thousand thillais. The President of
the Board, a high minded gentleman,
Vetoed the bl I, but tbo combine passed it
over ills veto, and are supposed to have
sliarec the plunder Shortly alter mete
was a large contract to bo given out, and a
man named oCann was the owestbid ler.
Tim chairman of the Board, one O'Brien,
approached McCann and asked hi , "Uow
much there was In It for the b'ycsp" Mc
Cann said there was nothing In it "for tne
b'ves." So McCann was thrown out and
some one else got the ob. Now, the
President of the Board says that this same
O'Brien offered him twenty thousand
dollars not to veto some bills. The case
hts found Its wa lo the courts, and It
looks as though Brooklyn might furnish
some Supervisors to the State Prison to
keep company with the boodle Aldermen
frnm this side of the river.
The Republicans, too, have hail a lively
slaking up, Atllie receni couniv im
vendor,, when a chad man of the Count)
Republican Committee was to be elected,
there were two candidates, one named
Woodruff and the other Baldwin. A
fellow of uusavorv reimiailou named
Daggett, at one time Sheriff of Kings
l ountv. undertook to manage Mr. Bald
win's election. He gave one Ureenleal
Smith his note, endorsed by a person
named Birkett, to the amount of Inree
thousand dollars, to deliver lilm voles from
his ward, which il appears, Vr, Smith
carried In his breeches pocket. In the
mean tlm Die rival taction had not been
Idle, and as soon as the- ascertained the
nory of I lie no'es, the sent for Smith and
offered him two thousand two hundred
and fiftv dollars cash ior them, the coir
sideraiion being thai Smith should deliver
ilie votes for Woodruff ami not to Baldwin.
Smith took the notes out of bis pocket ex
oeciinc the cash, when Woodruff snatched
the notes out of Ins hand and ordered the
rasral out of his house. This shameful
prostitution of the franchise has aroused
i he hones. cr portion uf the entire com
munity, and they are now debating the
question whether it is not possible to start
a t.ew party for municipal purposes, which
hall drive all ringsters. boodlers and
thieves from public life. This state of
affairs is duo not to the Inherent vice of
cither party, but lo the criminal negligence
of the better men of both parties, wo
have allowed these rascals to come to the
front, grab all the offlces and plunder all
'.hitcllv "Eternal vigilance Is the prlceof
liberty," and for the present, If the to
cities ate going to be .saved, a. I mete pant
alllllaiions must be sunk for the common
Vare Mill rejoiclngjn summer weather,
anu luegrip sun uuius on.
1 ara, yours trill v.
A Lady's Perfect Companion
rAiNMf33CiiiiJ)mET)i. a new book by Dr.
John II. Dye, one of New York's most skillful
uhyslclans, shows that prtn Is not necessary in
olilldblrth, but results from causes easily under
stood and overcome- It clearly proves that anj
woman may become a mother without sufferlnt
any pain whatever. It also tells hnw lo over-
come and prevent morning sickness, swelled
limbs, and all other evils atteiullnir nreenancy
It Is reliable and lilirlilv endorsed by physicians
everywnere as tne wire's rrue private compan
ion, rut this out: It will save vou meat naln
and ponlbly your life. Send two-rent stamp fm
iieicriiuive circulars, lestunoiiiait.anii cniuiaeii.
Il tl letter sent In sealed envelope. Address
Trunk fliomus & Co.. lMbllshcrs, Baltimore
Absolutely Pure.
Tins nowdriieer .oies. Amartelof purity,
strength and nolesomeness. More economics
than tlio ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In
competition with tlio multitude ot low test, short
uelglit.ulumor phosphate powders. Sold only
in cans, ltoval Ilaklng Powder Company, K
Hlimieei n, t. itti eio
Administrator's Sale
Itv virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court
ij iiriHjii louuiy, mere win Deexposeu to p a,
he sale on tne premises, the late residence ol
John .Schwartz, deceased. In the borough ofl.e-
'oi;uuMi,iuruuii county, i euiia,, on
Saturday, March 8, 1890,
at TWO o'clock P. M the tollowlnit real rotate
late the property of John Schwartz, deceased,
1. .ill those two certain lots or nieces o
,'rouiid situated on the east side ot I'lne street
iu tne horouih of lhiclilon. Carbon count)
l'eiinsylanl.t. and numbered in the plan or plot
I the old vU'oko of So Lrflilnliton, No. u and 4:'
i. All that certain lot or piece of grouml
situate on lliu east side of Northampton street
11 said borough ot l.i lilL'liteii.aiul numbered 01
Hie plan or plot or said borougb, oulhe pan
formerly known as So. IIiIkIUou, No. 19
3. All that certain lot or piece of i ind situ
ate on the east tlde of Northainptou street, id
s.ihl borough of 1-ehlKhton, anil numbered 111
the plan or plot of said horouch, on the pan
formerly known us South l-rhlgtdou. No. 20.
'Ilie Inipioiemenls thereon cuistst of a TWO
otlirr necessary oulbullillnuj.
Terms and coiuiltlnns will be made known
at time and place of sale, by
Administrator ot John Hchwartz, deceased.
Freymau & lleydt, Attorneys.
On Gb Gi
For Sale by all Druggists.
F. I. SMITH, D. D. S.,
once opposite the Opera House.
Bank Street, Leh l ton, Pa.
billing and maklnx artificial dentures a special
ty. Ical anesthetics used.
Uas administered and Teeth Fxtractvd WITH'
OFFICE IIOUIUii-Froiu a m., to 12 m.. f roin
1 n. nu, 10 o p. in., irom 1 p. in.. 10 a p. in.
Consultations Iu EuuHsiior (ienimu
omce Hours at Ilazletou-Every Saturday.
Oct 15-87-lv
tesnectfully announces to the Merchants of 'Le-
iiguiou sua noun uiai ue is uuw prviwea 10
Hauling or Freight, Impress
Matter and Bagqage
On njuoiiable tftriHS.
Orderi, ile at Hweeny'i
Coruer htiie or at luy reldm celt
near the CeioeUry, IIU rocolT ptimm aU-
Annual Statement
Carbon County,
For the Year Ending Decem
ber 31st, 1889.
GEORGE COLON, Troasurer.
To balance on hand, January 1, 18S. .. 117,028 07
ReclTed of Tas Collectors.
W. I- BUIes. Packerton. IsRS...
J. F. Christtnan, 1'enn Forest. .1887...
I'atrlck Kelly, Banks township. " ...
Jos. U. Htelgerwalt, East I'enn.. " ...
O. U. Oreeii.TowsnienslnK..lSS8...
Wm. Bchadel, Uhlghto " ...
J. F. Chrlstman, l'enn Forest... " ...
8 M
43 OS
81 Mi
110 Ot.
ITS 07
393 3
W 00
30 On
11. 1 . ivan. rranxun
1'. II McNeils. Banks " ...
1C3 Kl
18 t
371 i
320 00
142 111
si oa
ko ou
397 25 iy,
Joseph I-Field. I'arryvllle " ...
John Painter, Mauch Chunk ... " ...
K, , iieiutiieman, nasireun.. ...
.1. .1. Oerhard, Pucker " ...
11. Voirt, Welssport " ...
II. L. Kelhman, K. M. Chunk. ... " ...
Milton Seller, Franklin. ..... .1889...
Ins. Butler. Mauch Chunk two.. " ...
Thomas B. Carr. Banks twp " ...
u. u. MPLana, Hiaaer iwp.... - ...
Joseph I. Field, I'arryvllle " ...
W. W. Buck. Weatherlv " ...
600 OU
610 Ci
M10 00
John Painter, Mauch Chunk... " ...
C.QJ3 68
jacoD MeiRcrwait, cast rcnu... - ...
Win. llelster, Luusfoid....n... " ...
J.J. Oei hard. Packer " ...
COS 71
l .ma 04
407 211
671 3!
1,169 (fc
2.7M 2:1
tA5 94
Humuel wcisn, weisiport " ...
II. K Kelhman, E. M. Chunk... " ...
Wni. Sehadel. Lehl.hton " ...
.lohn Htrolil, L Towinenslnj.... " ...
Jacob Folk, Lausanne. " ..
Joiin Hhaler, IhlKh, "
J. II. Oombert, Mahonlnn " ...
I. F. Chrlstman, l'enn Forest.. " ...
Samuel Darby, Mummlt Hill.... " ...
o. II. Oreeu, Towamenslux " ..1
101 4'
.113 01
1,467 00
260 CO
1,723 US
Total 128)9 7U
ItecelpU for Unseated Land Taxes,
I8H7 taxes 228 09
1888 " 1 2(5 M
1889 " 31 02
Interest collected. 6 93
bast 1'enni
1888 taxes IS 62
Interest 10
1888 tale t It 73
LehiK 1:
1K88 taxes 4 80
liwer Towamenslue:
1888 taxes 4 83
Intel est .. 14
Mauch Chunk fownsIilD:
1888 taxes 34 03
im " 11 48
Interest 4h
1 88 taxes
st 42
39 83
1 26
28 22
84 72
1 03
2 45
I'enn Forest:
1838 taxes
1888 taxes...
Total S 824 80
For Account of Rants.
E. M. Mulhearn. office
Keystone league Club ltooni
Democratic Club, '88 campaign....
tst National Bauk, ground rent...
Total .'
Use ol Court House for meetings..
30 00
so 00
12 no
142 00
6 00
For Conaty Boads Sold.
David Beltz 8
II. F. Htelgerwalt
.Mrs. I. It. Evans
.Vim. Holly
Michael Martin
David Kuutz
Samuel Lvaii
I'homas Ackerman
Charles Meendsen
rid ward Hclimld
Theodore Hclnnld
Sebastian Hahn
doses Never
mlrew Hart, Jr
Jacob Wagoner.
Hthau Stemler
Kmma A. Deppe
atrlck F.Clark
ilavld Belli
.lenry Trapp
Indies Aid Society
2.600 00
260 00
100 00
260 OU
1,000 00
2,000 00
600 00
1,000 00
600 00
600 00
260 00
250 00
J ,000 00
1,000 00
1,000 00
250 00
1,000 00
600 00
600 00
1.000 Oi
600 00
Total f 17,760 00
County's Share of Retail Liquor.
Licenses granted Jan. term
1889.63 licenses 4i 31CO.00
lue-tuth due County S 1,500 90
13 licenses a $75, 83,223 00.
Oue-fourtli due County 806 25
$ 2,3 23
Less .Treasurer's Commls
sion as ioiiows:
n,000O5iiercent....tM 09
J1.000 1 per cent,... 10 00
i390 2SKperceut.. 1 98
61 08
$2,334 27
For Old Material Sold.
John Kxner
Levi Hum, stone 25 00
Total 1 25 25
For Tas Receipt Books Sold by Commis
sioners to Tas Collectors. -
f. J. Oerhard, 1 book ,
1. 11. Uumbert, 2 books
iV. W. Buck, 2 books
lonn-Htrohl, 1 hook
Joseph L Field, 1 book
1 20
1 20
Total I 4 20
For redemption of Unseated iJinds Bought
by County Commissioners.
By Paul Oliver, Perry Tract $
19 85
A. linL'essner, Coates Tract
Daniel Mhepp, Martin Tract....
Oaulel Hliepp. amithers Tract..
18 64
214 23
Total 1 3C3 78
For Taxes on Tas XJen Record.
i!. B. Browa estate $ 1 08
.lanlel Adam estate 3013
31 21
Hy Mrs. Martz from (leorire H. Jones.
un-eated land redeemed f 10 35
"or temporary loan from 2nd National
Bank ol Mauch Chunk 6,000 00
nruouncosiareiunaea uy 1-. w.uecK.
er, Nos. 9 and 10. October sessions.
1889.......... 17 88
or iiuaiiiouai tuxes roueciea ny win.
18 00
1 1. P. Levan, sheriff, for Jury fees
I. J. (lallagher, overpaid salary re
funded 67
Total recelDts from all sources tiiclud-
tug balance....... tS9,792 00
Court Expe
lury Commissioners and Clerks, I 172 08
lurors. Constable
ctuins ana rip.
4,702 86
ourt crier aud Janitor
771 00
Con it stenographer. F. P. Sharkey,
I iistlces, coustanles and witness fees In
i;omiuouweaiin cases. 1.425 85
oiiciiu uainca uaui; icr, ices luuilfl
nionncalth cases
District Attorney lees luCom. rases.
W. M. ltapsher
Prothonotary George W. Ksser
lames Gallagher, sheriff, for boarding
II. P. Ivan, sheriff fees, boarding
prisoners, etc
49 00
6IC 0
632 OO
27 38
2.019 27
ToUl itO.238 94
Assessmeats, Rrglstratlon and Military En.
Audenrled District 1
Bernard Ferry, (or himself and assist
ants For registry..
169 26
42 00
301 26
Beaver Meadow District 1
Stephen Formw. for himself and as
sistants ,
For registry ,
kXrt MAucrr chunk.
Illram Hontz, for himself and assist
ants , ,,,
For registry
240 21
64 00
294 21
185 04
20 00
185 04
Charles Rrhrlg, for himself and asst-
For registry , ,
111 60
12 00
193 CO
Win. n. Reber, tor himself and assist
ants FurresUtry , ,
II. c. Mclaiid, for himself and assist
ants ....,
For registry...... ,
South District!
Emory Gftx.forhlmselfand assistants.
lot registry a , ,..
195 71
26 00
221 71
64 25
14 00
10 00
73 08
Fwrigl'B?'f himself and assistants.
66 60
14 00
rge W. Dllil,for blntseit and as-
147 34
14 00
For registry
tei 34
Adolph LuhHMli, for himself and as
For registry
77 8
14 00
91 83
Millport District. .
Washington Snyder, for himself and
For making an extra assessment
For registry u.
139 40
28 00
Little Gap District,
leorge M. Henry, for himself and as
sistants 57 88
16 00
Fur registry
73 83
10 00
Bowmansvllle District,
luslah Bowman, for registry.
J. I- Lewis, for himself and assistants.
310 1
CO 00
For registry
Bloonitngdale District.
370 85
Charles Itemaley, for himself and as
For registry
Nesquehonlng District
Wni. A. Watktns, for himself and as
sistants For registry'
Hacklebernle District.
II. W. Bartels for registry
Mxunu crruitK nonouait.
First Ward.
Lewis Mslry, for himself and assist
ants For registry.
Second Ward.
F. H.MIIler.for himself and assistants.
Kur registry
A. D. Miller, for hliusell and assistants,
ror registry
Packerton District.
Leopold Meyers, fur himself and as
sistants ,
Fur registry
71 68
0 OU
77 08
140 01
31 00
180 CO
12 CO
'214 86
22 00
2o0 65
180 tfl
24 110
"213 15
143 15
14 00
157 13
97 75
14 10
Ill b
J . C. Blttncr.for himself and assistants.
For registry
i 31
iu on
Harry Henrltzv, for himself aud assist
ants For registry.
83 OS
12 00
16 Lid
rr.Nx roRMT.
Ijnvl Kuehner, for himself aud assist
ants For registry
110 40
12 UI
128 41)
Nathan Stemler, for himself and as
sistants. For registry and unseated land assess
ment, lsss
For registry, I8D9
123 76
16 00
10 00
153 75
J. C. Streeter, for himself aud assist
ants For registry ,
184 00
32 00
210 00
M. J. Stoat, for himself aud assistants.
For registry ,
329 45
UI 00
3oO r
Austin Boyer, for nlmself and assist
ants For registry
60 49
10 OU
Gabriel Miller, for making unseated
lauu assewsmeui in isss ior lA'tiigu
2 00
Attendance uf assessurs und ustisiauts
on extra appeal days Iu the matter uf
the assessment ol coal companies... .
T. F. Arner, coniieusatiou allowed by
Commissioners Ior making copies for
assessors ut all the real estate uud
personal property in the County
Expenses lu collecting old assess-buoks
For clerical expenses lu adjusting val
uations aud assistance maklmr out
40 00
125 Oo
0 00
duplicates .. 0j.uo
Total $ 4,711 16
Unseated Land Tuxes.
Paid to the School Directors, Overseers of the
Poor, and tuf jivlsors, as their portion duo
ratrlck Boyle, road tax fur Banks
township lor 1880 and 1817
23 02
Paul Smith aud Samuel Beer for road
tax ot Towamenslug township, for
183 and 1887....'. til 00
j. j. Hmitn. scnooi tax or l'enn rorest
township for 1886 aud 1887 227 41
Jacob lleydt fur H road tax tor l'enn
Forest luwushlu, fur 1888, 1887 aud
1888 147 69
Henry iienulug. Ior ! road tax lor the
same 117 to
j. tiernara ror scnooi ana 54 road tax
of Packer toudshlp for 1880 aud 1887. 610 69
uavid wetzel. ior ft roau tax ol the
same , Jll 35
j 11. uern ro ior tax ui same 111 47
uouirey iietuuger ior roao tax ui Le
high township for 1886 uud 1887 210 64
uiueou Kisuer ior roau tax 01 i-jist
I'cmi township tor 1886 ami 1M7 19 62
anuroo iiorris ior nan roau tax or
Banks twp, for l86 and 1887
William Kennedy, Ior school and road
tax Lausauue twp. for 1886 uud 1887..
T. F. Arner, for poor tax ol Franklin
township ior 180 and 1887
Samuel llarlemen school and road tax
23 03
34 8
3 91
9 63
ior vteaiueriy uorougn lbxiuim ikit
Abraham Green for poor tax of 'lima
menslui: townshin for 18b6 and 1887..
62 Kl
9 63
19 09
William l ister lor school tax ot Frank
lin lowiiNhm tor 1886 and 1887.
John Flemmiug lor halt road tax ot
Mauch Chunk twp. for '80, '87, '81
Paul Kresge, lor school tax ol 'Iowa
meuslng township for 1880 aud lsa7 . .
J. F. Chrlstman, for pour tax ol I'euii
Forest touushlp lor 1886 and 1887....
Charles Hotter for school tax uf Kid
der township for 1884 and 1885
Ben, Jacoliy fur school tax ol Eist
Mauch Chunk (or 1880 and 1887
Kdwaid Buyer for tax of I jiwer Towa
mensing township for 1180 uud 1887..
Domlulck Coll for school tax ut Banks
township for 1886 and 1887
Fred Scbmelrskors tur school tax ot
Lehigh township ror 1886 ami 1887. . .
Michael Cassld), attorue) for the Mid
dle Coal Fl Id I'oor District for poor
tax for 18s2, 1883. 186 aud 1887........
D. J. O'Doiiuell fur road tax of Mauch
Chunk tuwushlp
14 M
134 4:
271 30
f 2,74 1 09
Redemption of Unseated Lands.
Geo. II. Jones for tract In Packer tn p.
Road Damages.
Frederhk Messlntfer. Franklin lu
10 33
300 or.
J K. lilckert, Franalln township.... ..
32U 0U
vountj linages.
East Mauch Chunk Bridget
Labor and material as per bills filed.. .1
Polio Pocn Bridge at Paul Buck's 1 .
Solomon Stemler. labor aud material..
Bowman's Bridge 1
Labor and material by II. Bowman, II.
Sherry and Marsh & Zeru
Mover's Bridge:
Dennis Muyer for labor and materUl..
Jedd'sDam Bridge 1
O. L. Uarrol labor and material
Tobyhanna Bridge 1
Pittsburg Bridge Co. as per agreement.
East Haven Bridget
8. R. Bert and Joseph ShaUIe, labor
aud material
Little Gap Bridge 1
tl. M. Henry, repairs
18 14
85 48
17 44
25 10
718 60
9 60
10 15
Lehlghton Bridge:
This Is a new bridge over the river Lehigh In
place of the old one condemned.
The site of the bridge has changed bv the
viewers appoluted, and approved by the Court
and County Uumiuissloners. I he Ihlgli Valley
Kalltoad Compauyagrrelng to nay to the County
oj Carbon the sum oiw.000 tor the bcnentihey
derive from said change. The contract for the
Iron portion and wood-work was awarded to
Nelsou & Buchanan, of Pittsburg. la for the
uinol (2500. 'I be abutments and substruc
ture to Johu Hendler.of WUkesbarre, at 7.fl"
per cubic vard.
On September Oth, A. D. 1889 the County Com
missioners in conformity with the cousltntlon,
KtF'i.f.rUcle,'.,l"1 th.e Actot Assembly en
titled "An art to rrimtat IhA mua ,.r it.
creasing the Indebtedness of uiunlcliiahtleH,
, J J v , u luo ""f ui April, isii, eoU'
sv or Anril.
ciuucu to
incur a bonded lndhtir1iiMa tniim
vir". .m" ueiug wiimn tue
constitutional limits and In accordance with the
act ot Assembly) lor the purpose of using the
money rieiitrd from said bonds for Ih6 building
ol said bridge.
Jos. Hendler. eontrArtar. on inwnni sia un m
T.W. Kelson, agtut tor the Plltsburir '
Bridge CoiiiDanv. " ig.000 00
Franz Mack!, architect appoluted by
Bridge Views...... 31 &o
neuueu nrcsgr, lauor. J jo
ror hauling, material and work on
unipoiari oriage 10 suuory uartle
M lU bl
and sguuulasd.
lit tl
.mu 1,1 . ui u.tce diiukis:
1'. WlilttnKer mid K. Keber for work .
Weatheily Bridge:
I Sendel, IhImu ;iiid material
avld iswuiik, labor and material
HudsondHle Bridge:
Selson & Buchanan u per eon tract.. .
.1' lin K11glel1.ini lor aoutinents, etc....
Urimth Bridges
i.uiiMjii Kuukel, for labor and material
97 Ob
30 .
19 a-
ta3.2K3 3
U unity Coinnilssloiiere as Pel Imllv'd-
intl Heeount $1,000 do
OonimlsslonersCteik'ssulaiy.... ceo u
Oouuty HHlellor's salary loo 0.
Count) SollcUor lor i rofesslonal ser
vices 210 Ik
County treasurer's salar-i l.ooot.
oouuty Aiuiuurs ami ciera nire..
Court house and Jail expenses and re-
Febiuar) and November elections
nine elections
Priiillugeicctioii proclamation tor tlio
June election
1'rllitiug and stniluiieiy
Fox mid wild cot scalps
llurlal ol soldlersf.
.Slate lldsplud hir the Insane at Dan
ville for board mid medical attend
ance support of convicts In the Penitentiary
lor the husteru district of rciin'a. . .
I'eiinsjUiuila Icleplione Uouipauy....
Michael Cnssldv, Hsq., for auditing
97.1 O
710 .
240 0
1,175 4
124 01
105 01
621 6'.
202 II
37 6.
uockcis 01 1'ioiiionotary si itecoiuer.
80 On
3 0.
Over-paid taxes retuiided.
J. J. Boyle, atlldavits of Commission-
ers, Asseisors uud neknovMeuglng
13 76
125 00
26 M
10 lu
15 00
26 0U
25 10
Geu. Williams seivlng notice on As
sessors Mienael Calsldy, extra clerical services
ittlovml hy the State for transcribing
mortgages, etc. Ior 1888 and which Is
to be charged to the State by tho
County t uiiimisslonors
K. M. .Mulhenrii, fees In extra election
district lu lAiner 'loHiitneutlng twp.
IL 1-. i.ui'keuhaeh mill J. J. Gallagher,
(orcompiilliig June.leclluii reliirns.
Frank Sliarkey, et. ut. Ior relurnlu,(
board on November election
Fees III lunacy pioceedlugs ot Thomas
T F Aiuer expenses Incurred In ex
amining Ilie record ol Joseph llelld
Icr ami others
W. ,1. Ilapniel. cq., Ior Thus. Koous,
ex-fclieilll for balance due him us per
1 ,slai,nual shilement
hiarles A. Golh for ballot box 'S
Second .National Bank for teniorary
Seeunti Nat. Bauk lur discount thereon
Wlints. lees paid lure-appi alfrum as
8essiueiit by the Coal Cumiianles... .
II. J Dauzer tor water trough lu Mauch
t'liuuk township
Water rent fiom Apr. I, to Oct. 1. 1889,
K. D Baithoiomew for rubber hose.. .,
lliomas helgllled lor Ice In the Court
House uud dllces
J. W. Ileberlliiglorcaipet, etc. used In
lourt House und Commissioners'
olllce .-
r. v Snyder. co. Institute for 1889....
Sebastian llaliuuud tilers forcleaiilug
186 to
27 81
33 u.
199 6
32 b
7 f
iO 0
14 1
200 00
oiiices. paveiiieui, i;uuri iiouse, eie..
19 tt
Total Expenditures.
Including temporary loan of $600i 62278 2
Balance lu hand January 1, 1889 $17,026 0,
llecelpts during year fi-oui all sources.. 62,705 11:1
Total $69,792 10
l-ess payments us snoivn uy vouchers. . 02,278 2
Balance lu hands ol Treasurer, Jan.
u,uyl,185u $7,513 7.
t'r.byK0dayst 3OO $ 3'0 0
Ci. by UOdaysdiit .00 zi) 0
Cr. by bill ot traveling expenses 21 &
641 .0
Dr to vouchers paid by Treasurer ,0 0
Balance duo Miller Iji .,
u. J. o'oomnkxu
Cr. Iivl0i(las$3i0 coon
Cr. bv 121 da. stoSL.OU 24z Ou
Or. by bill of tiuvellug expenses 87 0
Dr. lo vouchers paid by Treasurer..... 629 o
Cr. by 1 00 days S3.00. 31 0 0.
cr. by 121 days vjt j;.eu , 24 0
Cr. bill uf tntvellug expenses 163 t.
Dr. to vouchers paid by Treasurer 7il ue
Total paid to Commissioners..,
. i,vao ll
Cr. bv bnardlnu prisoners and flxinir
Hies v $ ,6C9 10
Slierltl's fees III Comuioiiwcillh eases. 70 4b
reivlng Jury notices 137
ltemovliii: nrUoliers lo Eastern I'enl-
teatlary and Insane 10 Danville 141 7
Dr. to vouchers paid by Treasurer. ...9 2,019 2
COUNTY, JANUAlty 1, Isuo.
It. S. Horn, East Mauch Chunk, 1882.
S. F. 1'eider, Lanslordf.-. 1881.
F.ank P. Uuer, larrj Ilie 1885.
11. J. vans. Banks 1886.
"hmoiy Getz, Kidder 1887.
J. It. Mehieiualt, liat l'enn. .1887.
J. 1-. t hrlstniuu, I'euu Forest... 1888.
11. P. Levan, Franklin "
L. F. Warner, Weatherly....... "
ud, Buyle. .Mauch Chunk lp.. "
Mlllou setzer. Franklin .1889.
Ju. Butler, Mauch Chunk twp, "
Thus. II. I ai r. Bank-
D, G. JlcUuicI, Kidder
Jos. I- Field, 1'hii jviric "
W. .Biuk, W.atherlv "
J no. 1 aimer, Mauch Ch'k bor.. "
Jacob Melcel wait. East Peun , "
W 111. llelster, Laus2ord "
I 16 7
8S 6
52 10
670 S
413 I
88 4i
103 O
S01 81
4 0
727 li
312 6.
2,7ai 6
101 1
68 0
168 2:
903 V,
1.V40 ih
191 IO
771 U
132 2.
u. j. vieiuarii, I'acKer...
J. II. tiuuibert, Malioniiig
J. F. Oinlsl 111.111. l'enn t'oivst...
833 &
15 61
Samuel Deiby, Summit lib ....
11. 11. Green, liitvamenslng....
II. I.. Reiiunuu, East M. Chunk
Total duo from Collectors..,
763 5
313 C:
42U 0
.112,775 7,
Note subject to exonerations and com
Subject to 5 per cent commission on bul
uucu ui uupucate.
Henry Miller, dl allowed by Auditors
lor 188s $
D. .1. D'Doiuiell, lur same
.1, S. Hank, lur same
couiiibutliiu due by L. V. II. II. Co....
Balance lu iiaudu ol Treasurer Janu-
68 3.'
72 0
tea 80
6,000 0
uarj 1, lrt.0 TJ513 7!
Total sundries , tlv-07 0
10 uenree Union. Treasurer t 2.'0 (
to Henry Miller. CouimiumiaT;. ..
191 6v
loijouuiy nouns isHiied
To Sciiyiel Welsh, Collector of Weiss-
por , overpalil t ixes
To William sehadel. Collector uf Lo-
hlghton, overpaid taxes
17,760 00
86 27
1 a
918,279 li-
We, the uudersliinud Auditors ot the Count)
iilCuibon, Mate of , emisjlvania, elected anu
.ippolnted and duly sworn according lo law, do
report that we met in the olllce ol the Count J
Commissioners, audited, adjusted, and settled
according to law, the uccouuts of George Dolon
Treasurer, Henry Miller. D. J. O'Donnell and
Jaeous. Hunk, Commissioners, and Hiram 1
lvau, Sheriff of said county, for the year end
Ing December 31, 1888, commencing the work on
the llrtt Monday ot January, A. I). 1890, and
completing It 011 the 29th day of January, A. D,
1800. And mat (he accounts settled as above
mid filed lu the oltlee of the Prothonoiary, are
corri cl. We found a small mistake occasioned
by an overcharge uf mlleave by the Jury Com
mUsluueis amounting to 91.30 which overcharge
we suggest that the County Commissioners de
duct from the next bill rendered by the Jury
Commissioners. We feel it our duty to again
cull tl e attention 01 the Uixjiayers to the fact
that tho charges 1 f amiiu of the assessor am .
ccsslve. A cxreutl Inspection ul their sworn
uois inn uianiiiicu aim on uie ut tue comuils.
slouers' urllce rev. als the fact that under the law
the CummiMlnner are helpless 111 the premises
and niuit ueeepl the sworn statements of the
ifbesxus. By referring lo the caption "Assess
ment, liegtstratloii aud Military Eurolhueiil"
one cumuli help but bo surprised at the Inequal
ity of ilie charges. F01 Instance, the assessors
"1 liiv Duiiiujtim Ml milllllllb mil uuu Ijllisiuru,
eek having no l.iruer population than the Bor.
oiudiof laililglitou chaige resiiecllvely (lu the
order named) 9480.43, 370.85, 8llil.Js. 'lhe
viiarKrsior lA'iiigutoii ueiug less mail oue-nair,
und the same Incongruity exists In the town-
snips, we iitu to nnu auy reason or beneni in
making the military enrollment every year. As
misplaces the county under considerable ex
irvsnouui ue iuaueliitntlieiie.nfi,
lor iiiiikiiiu the same. We also smrireittimtH
settleiuent be made with Meuroe Oouuty for the
new uriuee uver ine luujnauua
We also tliul that yea, after year bills of lai
amuuiits liave been juild to the Hospital lor the
iii.aueui, j'diivuie lur mr Keepiiuc anu IllalU
tell .ncn und medlcai attendance otlusaue pau-
en men uuu uieuicui aiteuuaiice 01 lusaue pau
jera ini iheie bv iheoider ui tlm iiurf. a
he law under which these unfortunates urs sent
mere, pruviues 111111 inv (HMir OlStriCtS.OI HIUCU
said Insane iMiiners are residents, shall retund
to the County the amounts paid, aud as we fall
to And any cred.t trum such sources we suggest
that the tkuinty Commissioners without delay
proceed In this matter aud takothe proper steps
necessary tor the collection or these expend
iture. lhe rate Paid to the Sheriff for boardlnfr nri.
oners (37ti cell is per day) we think Is too low aud
altogether inadequate, considering the present
both prices for uroeeries and orovNinni. Alia
the salary ol the Commissioners' Clerk (133 per
month) should be Increased, considering the
raspouiHbllltleii aud duties connected with this
lb testimony whereof we have hereunto mmt
our ban. is and seals this 39th day ol January.
A. 1 . laVU.
. Fwtriuiy Tib, lUOvwt
Lehlghton Business Dlreotory.
7AL. SOHWAKTZ, Bank St., the oldest furni
ture house In town. Every aeserlptton ot
furniture always on hand. Prices verr low.
WA. I'KTKIlS, Saloon and Restaurant, Bank
Street. Fresh Lager always on tup. Oys
n season. Drop In and see us. novu-ly
A D. 8. BOCK,
street, plain and fancy Job printing h sped
ty. Advocate one dollar per year In advance.
T W. rtAUDENBUBIUIank street, wholesale
Hii.iianK street, wholesale
brands to whlskle, gin,
t3f Patronage solicited.
w ueaier 111 cuoice
nranoies, wines, sc.
Our Ohurohoa.
Sunday services at 10 a. in., and 7.00 p. m.
Sunday School 2 p.m. Itjiv. Duna ak, Pastor
TRINITY LUTHERAN, Iron street, Sunday
services, 10 a. m., (Germini), 7.00 p. m., (Eng
lish), Sunday school 2 p.m. J, II. KuiER,Pastor.
REFORMED, Ihigh street, Sunday services
at 10 a. m., (German), 7.00 p. m (English).
iunday school 2 p. m. .LALVlNttKUER,!
EVANGELICAL, South street, Sunday service
at 10 a.m., (German), 7.00 p. m (English)
Sunday school 2 p. m. J.S.Newhart, Pastor.
CATHOLIC, corner Northampton and Coat
streets, services every Sunday morning and
evening. Rev. Hamhackr Pastor.
Professional & Business Cards.
W. M Rapsher,
First door above the Mansion House,
eal Estate and Collection Agency. Wilt Buy
nd Sell Ileal Estate. Conveyancing neatly done,
ollections promptly made. Settling Estates ot
ecueiiis a specialty, juay ue consunea
itngllsh and German.
nov. 22-vl
W. Q. MC. Solplo.
May be consulted In English and German.
peciai attention given 10 uynecoiogy.
Office Hours:
From 13 M.
to 2 P. M., and
nm 0 to 9 P. 51,
mar. ai-yi
Graduate ot Phlla. Dental College.
'erseratioa of lie Teeiii a Specially.
OFFICE HOURS: From 8 a. m. to 5 p. in.
OAS HALL, Marfcet Square, UauoJi Chunk.
Two Doors North of Post-Office.
IFFICE HOURSi 7 to Ha. m, and 6 to 7 p. m
April 3-3m
Opposite L. k 8. Depot,
hl house otters first-class accommodations for
inslent and permanent boarders. It bas been
ewly refitted In nil Its departments, and Is locat-
1 in one 01 me most picturesque portion or the
.orough. Terms moderate. lr- The bA R I.
upplled with 'he choicest WTnes, Liquors and
Mgars. Fresh i.ger on Tan. apr 17-yl
Having loaned toCIIARLKS nONGEN.
ranKiiu townsnip, carnon county. Pa., the lol
owing property, to wit: 1 Bed Suit and Bed
ling, I Cook and 1 Parlor Stove, 2 Tables,! Sink,
ot of Carpet and other articles. I hereby can
non the public not to meddle with the above
inder penalty of the law.
Jan. 28,90-t3 Welssport, Pa.
D.js Dluiicu notice.
Notice Is hereby given that the co-partnership
existing between J. L. ltarleman and li.
. iiariemau, uoing uusiness :n racKerton, ra.
aider the flrm name ol J. I.. II AIM. I'M a N &
ilto., was dissolved by mutual consent on the
I4th dav of Jnnuary, A. D., lkso.
The business. General Merchandise, will be
ontlnued by the undersigned who will receipt
I nu .iiiiuuiiis 111- mv laio urin, auu pay an
luiiiia mkuiiisv uiciii,
Packerton, Pa., Jan. icib, ltoo-3w
Lfiuiiiiton CARBHN ADVOCiTE.
Real Estate!
Pursuant to an Order nf the Orphan's Court of
i.niLHiu eouiiiy, i n., mere win ue sum at ruiilie
-aie ou me premises in rnAMtuir lowasilir,
ouutv anu ntate atoresaia, ou
.Saturday, February 22d, 1890
it TWO o'clock P. the following descrllwl
Itntki irofuto nf tlisa kVsr.ifa . Ci Ui it V ! Ui I V
'lee'd, to-wit: All that Lot or Piece of Ground
tuuate iu f raiiKiin iwp., carbon county, la.
hounded and desi-rlbed as 11h
iclunlng at n post on the North side of u proposed
illey, uieiice by land late or James P. Smith,
North 27 decrees. West 24S feet tn a nost on the
South side nf a nubile road leadlmrfrom Harrltv
ni ltlckertjivllle. thence alou said road South ti
uegrees, west lau leer lo a post, inence by land
nf George Miller South 27 degrees, 338 feet to a
'hisi. on tue ooutu siue mine Hoove mentinnea
alley, tnenee along said alley sortli 4SV4 degrees,
A,,iiD .uuu,t-u nnu ,ui,j-91a irrv, IIIUIB 111
less, to tne place or beginning, containing
more or less. The Improvements thereon are a
inn all necessary outbulldlnirs. The hulldlmr
are In first-class condition, having been but re-
-eiiuy rreneu. inesniu premises are locateo
ihoutthree-niiarteisofa mile from Welssnort
ind persons deslrimr to view the same will olease
call on the undersigned,
terms and conditions will be made known at
lime ana place ui sale, oy
AUSTIN BOYER, Administrator.
Estate !
Pnrsuant to an Order or the Oruhsns' Court of
Oarbnil 1'ouniv. 1.. there will be sold at I'ulillu
Baie on ine lireniiscsinriiAKKUN lowjtsmr.
t;uuiuy nnu ouiie aiurcsuia, on
Saturduy, February 22d, 1890,
at ONE o'clock 1'. M., the following described
ueai t.iuueoi iifiiiaieoi nr.niix aimmw
dee'd. to Hit: All that IM or llece of I. round
situate In Franklin Twp., Carbon county, l'a.,
bounded a'ld described as follows, to-wlt: Ibv
glnnlnt! at a stone In a publlo road leadlne from
Welssiwrt lo Htroudsburg. tlienceln andalonK
said road North 78V1 decrees, East 3 C-10 perches
osionein saiu roaa, inence norm K aeicrees,
Kast 4H perches tn a stone In said road, thence
by land otltobert Campbell, North Hi deerrrs,
XV est 9 uerches to a rxwt.thenre bv lsnd at ilarnli
lilckert, Houlh so diKrees. West (li perches to a
post, inence uy iiib same noi'in svfc oeirreea. mm1
9 3-10 lurches to place of beKlnuluu, conUlulUK
more or Ths Iinnrovements thereon con.
ui in a
Two-aronv fiiame dwkllinii houue,
with Kitchen attached, and all necessary ous-
uuuuiurs. ine muiainusarr iu nrsi-ciaM con
ditlou. The said urendsea are located about one
mile from Welfunort llomiuih and Dei sons de
nuK iu view iqq same will pinwo van un tue
Terms and conditions will bs made known at
tirse aim place or sale, ur
AUSTIN llOYEIt, Administrator,
. 8. Rabonold, J3. O. S.
VUt OrriC i-Orer J. W. Baudenbush'
Uquor Store,
uentlstry In all Its branches. Teelb Extracted
wlUiout rain, osj aaininiitereawnenrequesien,
umea Days WEUNBauAY or eacn wees.
INKUOAY of each
I r. . adcitst,
Gents Furnishing Goods
which includes an excellent assortment of the very best made"
Ready-Made Clothing,
we have cut figures regardless or the prices they bring, with a
view, first and last, ofcleitVing out the stock. The big reductions
on first qua it y goods moves s.iles quickly and always enriches
the buyer, lie alto, carry a fii i LeK.nuiti.t of
The prices on these good will speak for themselves, We ask you
to calhand examine our stock and learn prices.
E. Gt. ZERN,
Opera House Block, Bank Street, Le'ighton,
Lehigh Coal & Hardware Co.,
Coal, Hardware, Paints, Oils, Olass,
Agricultuial Implements and Bepairs,
Field and Garden Seeds,
Phosphates, &c.
We desire to call special attention to our
Roofing Slate, BuStniime and
A lull supply ol' which we have constantly on hand.
Orders taken for LllTllber.
General Jgents for the
Imp. Anthony Wayne Washer & Ironing Boards
Seller's Corner, North Bank Street.
Big Stock.
Boots 8t Shoes.
Paints, Varnishes, Glass,
Bank Street, Lehightori, Pa
Ueatl Every '.Vord Csrefnllv. We have taken tills medium uf anntiunrlng our GREAT
CLEAltANCE SALE, tlm Greatest err held In th llilli Valley
We are delermlned no lo carry one dollar's worth of Winter Goods. The enormous
reductions we have made and quote beloo, will draw I lie greatest crowd even seen
in any Clothing Store in the Valle , We n ill icve jo an opportunity of saving
many dollaM on Clothing for vourse f or voui bovs. Al OVEKl'OATS and other
hear- goods iiinst go, we are naming prices to Clear Our Counters. If ou want to
make your mono., do the best possible service, don't bir until jou see us.
Lot No. 1. 500 Boys' Overcoats.
Former price l.M.2.00, 2 75.3,'AM7-1itnl Reduced tn i, 13, l.Ts, 2.M, 2.W, 3.00, tw.
Lot No. '.I. 1200 Men's Overaoata.
ReEUlar price 6.00, S.flO. 10.00, 12 BO. 1500 and
itiuuii men nun .9 wui vii.iiiui-. quuu ouiuuivi nix jirivTs never iienru UI.
Lot No. 3. 2o() Silk and Satin Lined Overcoats.
Krgular price 12.00, 15.00, 18.00, 23.00, 23.00, 28.00
Lot No. 4.
235 Storm
Former price 0.00. W0, 10.t, 12 on, n.00 and
juoiuers ne ou nana wiui your no.'s, No. 5.
Ileeulftr price 1.T5, 2,23, 3,00, 3.75, 40, 6.13. (UOnnd 723. Reduced to 1,01, 1.23. 1.75, 2.2S, J.09, 1.T5,
Lot No. 6.
Re sure to bo on time as some lots III not last
11.00 and 20.00. Reduced to 3 so,
Lot No. 7. COO
In all sites, reduced to less than cwt to miinuMcture. Former price 10.2,00. 2,60.3j.s.Tb. taa-
0 00, e.r? aim tjo. ueiuio u to 1 00, 1 .23, 1.75, 2 00, 2X0, 3.00. SJ0, i.U and 0.25.
Lot No. 8. 200 Single Coats for Men and Boys.
Reduced to 1 .00. 1.50, 1.ooand 2.50. Single vests as cen s.
Lot No. 9. 425 Pair of Knee Pants.
Regular price 00. to, 1.00, 1.25 and 1.50. Reduced to 0. 50. 60. 73 and l.eo.
Lot No. 1 0. 850 Styles of Suitings, Pantaloonings.i Jvercoatinizs
Ont or these we are making suits, trousers and oveieoats to order, that for pries, quality, and stvl.
cannot Ue touched. 150 si vies In suitings. Formei i.rlce 12.00, 15.00. IK.MV 20 06 "iSm 'il'd
2S.00. Ueduced to .eo, ia60, 12.00. li 00, 17.00, 19.50 and is.oa
Lot No. 11. Includis a complete line of Gents Furnishinirs.
Bud. as Knit Jackets. Vt Hory
Largest anil LeafliDE ClctMnoc House in lhe Yallev.
Hote Allen building
Fine Winter Goods
Cheviots, &c, &c.
There is a good deal of satisfaction
in being perfectly saticfied, and espec
ially so in regards to what you wear.
In I his pprticulnr we invaiiably mors
than please our patrons. .Our stock
being large, varied and complete gives
fatihliietion iu making a ehoicp ol goods
desired, while in style, finish and work
manship our reputation speaks tar more
eloquently than word. Call ou us for
your Fall and Winter Clothing Light
or Heavy Overcoats, Suits or parts ot
Suits. I'riees always the Lowest !
Clauss Bros.,
Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa.
If tt Ilt.IA
18 OU Iliilufed to 3M, 6.00, 7.(19. R.T5. 10.00. IMO,
and 30M.
IteJucecl tn 9.50. 10.00, 12.90, H.M, I8 60.
.wauu ziio.
Coats fir Mn and Boy?.
18.00. IleJuoed IO3J0. 8.00, T.f, KS0. 10J10.1J.00.
surii barcaln we Have never ottered telore.
446 Hojs' Suits.
ttim 4.70,
500 Men's Suits.
long. Regular iirlee 1.75. SM. 8 00. to.00. 12.50. 15 00.
100,3.50, 7.00, S00.ll.0u, 13.50 and 13.00
Pair Single Pants.
Flann.l ablrts. Dress Shirts, eckwesr.