The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, February 08, 1890, Image 4

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    Bseklta't Arnica Salre.
The BK8T Halve in tbe world for cut, Brunei
ore, ulcera, salt rhe'im, (ever term, tettM
thapped hsii In, chilblains corns and nil tkli
ruiitloui, and positively cures plies, or HO tm
required. H Is guaranteed to give perfect satis
action, or money refunded. I'rlee 29 ceuts pei
box. for sale liy ItHMIlt druiwlit.
The general depth of the Sues canal h
twentT-jli feet.
In New York city last year there wen
19,580 deaths, and 14,400 martlages.
TClectric Bitters,
This remedy Is becoming so well known am
so popular as to need of nopeclal mention. A
who liavo used Electric Hitters sing the sain
song of praise A purer medicine does not e
lit and It Is guaranteed to all tliat Is clalmec
Electric Dlttors will cure all diseases of the Ilvi
and kidneys, will remova pimples, boils, sal
rheum and other effectlons caused by Impiir
Hood.-VI11 drive malaria from the system an
prevent as well as cure all malaria fevers.-Ki
cure of headache, Constipation and Indlgcstlo
try Electric Bltters-Entlre satisfaction guarai
teod. or money refunded. Price COcents and I)
er bottle at KEBEU'S Drugstore.
With the most of us, the man wlo be
lleyos as we do Is not only tight, bu
atron;, able and successful; our aymoathli
are so strongly with him that we take It ft
(tranled that he Is earning everything bt
fore lilru.
The Doctor and Postmaster.
Were talking about a case of serious lllnerr
das to a Dtg-eotit cold and rapidly going Int
Oonmmptlun, which was promptly cared b)
Puritan vtough and Uoniuinptlon Oure. Prl(
its cents.
Experience has shown suncrerswlth Dyipeps
HUllouiness and Liver Complaint, In fact al
diseases, arising from a disordered system tbst
nothing equals Dr. Lee's Liver lUgulator fo
for these troubles. Try It, Trial bottles free a
Thorns s' drugstore.
If some people would stop worryln
about the past and worry a little aboutjth
future they would greatly ItutJrovo theh
chances of success.
forced to Leave lloine.
Over 60 people were forced to leave the!
homes yesterday to call for a free trial pack
ace of Lano's Family Medicine. If yom
blood la bad, your liyer and kidneys out o
order, if you are constipated and have head
ache and an unsightly complexion, don't fal
to call on auy druggist to-day for a fre
sample of tnis grand remedy. The ladie
praise It. Everyone likes it. Large tlzeV
package 5( tfnte.
It Is tha in.. ii.i oiders a room ot
the toD floor who U i On- most roon
In writing his name ou Ilia lint--! register.
Success depends quite as much o
adaptability as ability.
How ridiculous are the mistakes' o
others; how perfectly pxcnsahle our own.
Why Should I
Nothaye confidence in that which has don
me a world of good? If von had stiffen
years with livei complaint and got cured b
using Sulphur Bitters, would not you to
have confidence in them? J. It. Nasi.
Hotel Winihrop, Boston.
Beforo arithmetic was Invented peopl-
multlo'led on the face of the eatth.
It Is a co d, clammy thing to say, bu
those people who treat friendship the sarin
way as other selfishness get tbe most out o
Notlilnc lu the Wide "World so Good,
I was afflicted with kidney disease. Di
Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, of Rondout
N. Y. I say it with a perfect recollectioi
of all that was done for me besides, is th
only thing that gave me permanent relie
I have recommended this medicine to man
people for kidney disease and thoy all igre
in 8a) lug that it has not its equal in th
wide world for this complaint. Lyma
Crawford, Druggist, Springfield, Mas.
It Is quite natural that tbe man wh
steps on a tack Bhould be hopping mad.
Be courageous and noble-minded; otu
own hearts and not other men's opinion
of us, form our true honor.
Ask Tour Friends About It.
"Your distressing cough can be cured. W
know it because Kbmp'n Balsam within tin
pact lew years has cured so many cougl
and colds in this community. lis remarku
ble sale has been won entirely by its genu
me merit. Ask some friend whs has use-
It what he thinks of Kemp'a B ilsam. Ther
is no medieine so pure, none sneffectivi'
Large bottles 50c and (1.00 at all pruggsstc
rwmpie Dome tree.
There Is not enough justice In th
world to prevent the right from occasion
alonally getting left.
Time flies and stays for no man. Th
only fellow who can beat him Is a musl
"Ayer's Uherry Pootoral has given me gres
relief In bronchitis. Within a month I havt
sent some of this preparation to a frlenn inffor
Ing Trom tironebltls and asthma, Ie has don,
him sommhgoOd that he wrl'et for more,
Uharlei i'. Dumtervllle, Plymouth, England,
Unceasing and relentless watchln)
oyer ourselves Is the price of success In tin
higher alms of life.
Tne uimculy ot administering; medle'ne to
cnunren id entirely overcome by using Ur.
Bull s Hair Syrup, the eaftit, molt pleaiani
anj etnoeul remedy tor the little ones. Prlci
w oenif.
Bad lirmth Is inift always earned by aMcV
wh tuigvinffiiiif dd curo-i, i,axAaor
raiuou mr sjoo cases. iTice ceutf.
A ib )rgrns rich by seeming pi or:
an extraviga:. mvi grows poor by seeming
After diphiheria, boat, feiver,
pnemoma, Jinod's SamnparilU will givi
strength to tho system, and exbel all poisoi
When a man's temper gets tbe best of
him, It reveals the worst of him.
Kemember, If you let your chlckem
feed from your nelghboia flower bed
his pig will probably get fat lu your potato
"rents too frequently permit Iheii
cniKirrn to sunerlrom lieadache, file, St
Vitus Dance, nervousness, etc., when thev
can he cured. Mrs. P. was cured of sick
ucnuuciie, uuzineis, uyspepsia, nervoiih
prostratlmi of eighteen years standing, after
falluroof ixleeii physicians; Mn. K. ol
sick headache for 35 vears: Mrs. P. ni
twenty to fifty fits a night; others from this
Tkinitv could be mentioned who have been
cured by that wonderful nerve Jood and
medicine Dr. Mileo Nervine, which con
tains no morphine, opium or dangerous
drugs. Free sample bottles may be had at
Biery or Thomas' drug store.
Every man ought to bo at good as
his word. Nothing Is expected of those
who never have a good word for any
body. A tuan Is great when the trifling inM.
dents of bis life are noticed.
A mustard man says that ha has not
made his fortune out of mustard eaten,
but out of mustard watted on plates.
Many a Bait, makes a good reputa
t on on w&it xct Jound cut about
Jeff Dugn Bared the norsee Dublns
Dare Hack Mid Almost Naked Ttironeh
the lUnlu of Murderous Apaches and
Urlnalne 11 ' Herd Safe to the Ranch.
If In those days any of tho boys had
been asked to pick out the coolost and
bravest member of our wild, woolly
sang, almost any one would have been
selected before Jell Dason. Gentle,
smooth voiced, freckle faced and red
headed, our horeo wrangler was chiefly
remarkable for his lovo of tho caballada
(horse herd) over which he had charge.
Every morning sunrise saw Jcu swing
to Ids saddlo and drive tho band to Cajou
canyon, and sunset saw them rolling the
dust back to tho big corrals. It was only
five miles to Cajou, but tho Apaclics nau
raided tho ranch itself, and Jeff's posi
tion was no sinecure. So it was that
one clorious August morning, just as
tho sun came blinking lazily up over
tho great eastern plains, Jeff and the
band started for the grazing ground.
In among the tnesquitcs a few daunt
less songsters were protesting against
another day of Arizona sun, and the
earth was trying to smile in spite of the
fact that another fourteen hours of ett
fling, gasping heatwas at hand. Across
the broad, white, alkali flat swung the
band, raising great lazy clouds of the
Duncent dust, and finally rounded the
canyon point, out of sight. It was cool in
Cajou, for the cedar-crowned roclt walls
were untouched by the sun kiss yet, ana
the fragrant breath of a restful night
still lingered lovingly over tho green
grata carpet and along tho redrock walls.
The forenoon passed lino otiier fore
noons with Jeff, the horses drank, graz
ed or lay down, while their watchei
played murubletypeg, or gambled with
four pebbles against on imaginary op
ponent for fabulous sums, or dozed with
lila hand on his horses' picket rope.
About 2 o clock Jell discovered somi
Tiinion trees on top of the canyon walls,
and tying old "Bonapart" to a mcsquite,
proceeded to investigate the condition ol
the nuts. It was a hard climb, but aftei
he had reached tho top and found the
pinions would bo sticky for a month tc
come, he lay down to gazo on tlio long
level stretch of plain below.
Perhaps he lay thus fifteen or twenty
minutes, when he saw something tha
brought him to his feet, wido awake
Off to tbe southwost, about two mile:
away from the mouth of Cajou, cam.
Uve mounted Apaches, riding slow,
toward him. With beating heart Jef
watched them until the point hid then
from view, saw them come in sigh
igain at the broad mouth of the canyon
watched them as they stopped and ex
imined his horses tracks, and noted twi
lismount and start up the rocky poin
ifoot and the others start across to tala
station at the mouth and turn the horse:
when they came down away from tin
ranch. Then he started down the bluff.
slipping, sliding, jumping and clinging.
until be reached the meadow below
bruised and panting, but resolute. Tc
escape without his ponies was not to Ix
thought of. The Apaches stationed be
low will finish tho stampede that tin
two creeping up will attempt. But thoj
shouldn't have his beauties, his pets
every one of whom seemed doubly deal
just then.
Had he not broken many of them, and
did he not know the faults and virtues ol
every woolly scamp among them, and
was there one in the lot that should b(
ridden, beaten, starved or saddlo gallct
by those red devils? Not Not Bettei
death twice over than that they be thu
abused. With quivering lip and sobbini
breath lie draws old "Bony" closo to tin
wall and with trembling hand loosen
tho cinchas, throws the saddle into a rif
of tho canyon wall, and stripping off al
clothing save drawers, shirt and stock
ings, hurls them after the saddle. Slip
ping the bridle on "Bony" and throwini
a double blanket over his sharp back, he
slides six or eight cartridges from hi
belt, catches up the revolver and stand
waiting. Presently Broncho Duko raisei
his head from the grass and sniffs the nil
luspiciously, then with a wild snort ant
i nervous stamp of his forefoot ho is of
Jown the canyon with the band closo f ol
Bight behind them aro Jeff and Bony
part, the old war horse, with nose hlgl
in trie air, chafing under the closo rein
Has ho not won many a close race, an
why should his young rider strip and rid
with only a blanket unless he meant ti
dhow these young upstart colts that olr
Bony was chief still. So they race dowi
the canyon, splashing through the seep
age pools, rattling over the pebbly drifts.
wishing through the sage and mcsquit
bottoms, and whirl from the canyon
mouth like bounding bowlders. A start
ling yell from tho wuitiug Apaches, nnc
Jell tightens his grip and digs his ban
heels in Bony's flanks as the watcher
iweep out toward the band. The horsei
snort and shy, but the old racer is stretch
ing his long legs on the opposite side am
Jeff's pistol is hurling a stream of fin
'iiat holds them steady. They raco thui
perhaps 6eventy-five yards, but old Bom
crowds them so close that, bewildering,
and confused, they break and sweep be
tween the howling, astonished Indiani
and tako a bee line for the ranch.
As tho victorious horse and rider whirl
past they receive a flight of arrows, Jell
stopping two and the horsecatching one
which he notices by a squeal mid a kick
as ho thunders ou after his mates. IIou
old Bony did enjoy that race with frc
rein and the long, level plains befor-
tneml How ho showed those conceltei
young horses bow horses ran in his day
From one side of the band to the othei
ho "weaved," with cars laid flat ani
eyes fairly bulging In bis excitement
As to those Apaches ever overtaking
them, ho snorted at tho idea.
So they raced, and the sorely wounded
rider, sick unto death, gamely clung t
his back, though thigh and loin were
crying out with their burden of an arrow
each and the froth was on his purpling
lipa. Yet a little further and they would
bo safe at the ranch. Yet a little and
hero Is the corral gate, the boys pouring
out or tne caimi, tne Horses saved and
even as he titopj old Bony with a sharp
pull, his strength forsakes him and the
horao rustler of Cross L ranch has nassed
the divide across the ranee, while -the
shell he tenanted so well, and that we
called him, falls like a sack of wheat into
our eager, outstretched arms, Denver
(Colo.) Cor. Philadelphia Press.
The Toad and the Spider.
A story copied into The Sun reminds
meot a still more striking instancoof
the toad's indomitable pluck than any.
thing I have ever seen in print, which
was observed in my boyhood at tho door
of a farm houso fn Fairfax county, Va.
The doorsteps wero cut from the trunk
of o large tree, and a large spider bad
spun a strong web in a cozy corner near
the ground, between the rounding ourve
of the block and the side of the log
house. Tha gross had been worn from
a space four or flvo feet wide about the
straaoa to the dwelling, 1 saving eje-
v wtota eC fear& wtfdtit. sal.
Trrare were locust tfeas ' arourtu tne
house, and bunches of plantain leaves
grew rankly in the thin gross of the
It was late on a drowsy summer after
noon. The spiuer was oasking in me
sun waiting for flies, when a valorous
young toad appeared on the scene, hop
ping directly toward tne spiuer s citaaei.
As tho cnoiny appeared in sight the
spider seemed to swell in sizo and put on
his war paint, for, whereas he was dull
in color before, ho now became nil aglow
with brilliant hues. Tho toad advanced
boldly to tho investment of the castle,
halting for a second or two below, and
leisurely surveying the Held. When
these observations had been taken, ho
leaped up half a dozen times in quick
succession at the enemy, and then rap
idly retreated to the nearest turtof plan
tain leaves, from which ho nipped two
or three pieces and Bwallowed them,
RcturnltiK to the attack, tho same series
of operations were repeated many times,
until tho spider had spent all lits venom,
It Is supposed, ana tlio web was broken
down and the brave defender was dead,
It was nearly dark before tho combat
closed. Nothing could exceed tho cour
age of tho defense unless it was the per
sistency of the attack. I would not ven
ture to guess how many times tho toad
got a doso of virus from tho spider, and
can account for his resort to the plantain
leaves only on tho supposition that tne
courageous littlo warrior mere touna a
sufficient antidoto fortliospuler s poison.
But throughout tho whole or tno tengtny
contest it was tho gamest assault on an
intrenched enemy I over witnessed. Be
sides this it afforded nn example of per
tinacity on the part of tho despised toad
which fully parallels tho lioroic quality
of tho snider, made familiar to us in
vouth by the story of the Bruoo encour
aged to renowed effort by tho example
of ono of theso little insects. Baltimore
Seville's Clcarette dlrls.
Ono of the sights of Seville which no
tourist misses is the cigar factory, in
which tho government employs about
5,000 women and girls. Tho showing
about of visitors is accordingly looked
upon as a regular source of income by
tho porter and the matrons.
After getting permission to enter, you
aro placed in chargo of a matron, who
shows you through her own department
and then passes you on to another, and
so on, until 'your stock of pesetas and
half pesetas put osido for fees is ex
These matrons nccompany tho visitors,
not in order to prevent the girls from
diiiiiiK with tliem (nothing could do
that), but to see that no tobacco or bun
dies of cigarettes may dL-appear.
Beforo entering each room a bell 13
rung to warn the girls, who aro in great
deshabille on account of tho heat, to put
on their wrappers, ard as the door opens
scores pf round arms nnd pretty shoul
ders are seen disappearing, whilo several
hundred pairs of coal black eyes are
fastened on you.
Tlio passages aro lined with cradles,
and the poor young girl mothers to
whom they belong implore us with eyep
and hands for a penny for tho Mmillop
of tho future lyins in them.
These girls aro more frank; than subtle
In their flirtations. There is not ono in
the crowd who will not bo immediately
conscious of a man s gaze fixed upon
her, nor will sho be tho first to turn her
eyes away.
Some will wink, and even throw a kiss
from a distant corner at the ricli Inglese
(all foreigners aro supposed to be wealthy
They are a merry Jot, on the whole
these poor girls, the cleverest of whom
make only two pesetas, or forty cents
day, for which they have to toil twelve
or fourteen hours in a tobacco reeking
atmosphere. Not that they object to the
tobacco at all.
They are allowed to smoko if they wish
and mako use of this privilege. They are
remarkably deft at rolling tho cigarettes,
but not all seem eager to make as many
as possible; for some are idling, and
others aro asleep; but no one cares, us
each is paid according to the number she
rolls. Henry T. Finck in Scribner.
Tlio Chinese have contractions for all
the characters of their written language.
tho use of which qualifies them to be
come Bhorthand reporters of speeches in
their own language. They do not prac
tice speech making, but ttiey write tin-
contractions with wonderful quickness,
aud the scribes at nn imperial audience
probably write all or nearly all that is
Robert Browning is likely to be the
last of thu English men ot letters (save
Tennyson) who will find a grave est
minster nbbcy. The interment or nuy
mora bodies thero is opposed ou sanitary
A Splendid
By Amanda M,
Watchfor Itl Read It
N tho story,
Which will shortly
bepublished in
those columns,
Thoroughly sustains her
reputation as a Novelist ol
tha highest rank.
ft Splendid StoryFinely
Because man came into the world
barefoot is no reason ho 'should walk
over its thorns unshod.
The busy man may have no time to
spare for living, but It Is tolerably cer
tain he will harp some to spare for dy
ing. A good oonsoienoe, a good table,
good digestion, and a good wife what
better luut thou in thy store, O heaven?
Joseph Whitton in TaUe Talk.
Prevents X,migr Fever!
Cures Distemper, Heaves, Glanders, Lose
f Appetite, Founder, Fevers, fto,
lib. in each package Sold by all dealers.
Cures Dysentery,
b aSEJttL.ErfSS B"clJ)iamiasft.
C-illo, Sea,
Facilitates Tcetliinc
Regulates tlio Rowclo!
Sold by all druggists. Price 23 cents.
For tho euro of
sumption. Croup,
and forvtho rolief A
Consumptive per
sons. For Saloby all
druggists. 25 cents.
inlUIUZ tarrhl Prim 10 CU. At all druggists.
, Oatarrii
IS a blood disease. Until tno poison Is
I expelled from the system, there can
bo no euro for this loathsome and
dangerous malady. Therefore, tho only
effective treatment, la a thorough course
ot Ayer's Sursupiu'lllii the bent of nil
blood purifiers. The simuer you begin
the butter ; delay is dangerous.
" I was troubled with catarrh for over
two years. I tried various remedies,
and wns treated by a number of plivsl
cluun, but received no benefit until I
began to talto Ayer's Sarsaparilla. A
Tew bottles of this uiedielne cured mo of
this troublesome complaint and coin
plulely restor-jd my health." Jesse M.
Uiijjgs, Hohuau's Mills, N. O.
"When Ayer's Snrsnparilla was rec
iiiiiuended to me for catarrh, I was in-;liu-d
to doubt its efficacy. Having
tried so many remedies, with little ben
efit, I had no faith that anything would
cure me. I became emaciated from losi
nf appetite and impaired digestion. 1
had ni-arlv lost tho senso of smell, and
my syKtciii wns badly deranged. I was
about discouraged, wju-n o friend urged
mo to trv A.ver'H Snrsnparilla, and re
ferred me to pcrhons whom it had cured
of tntarrh. After taking half a dozen
bin ties of this medicine, 1 mil convinced
thnt the only sure way of treating this
obslliiate. illiease Is through the blood."
Charles II. Jialouey, 113 Itiver St.,
Lowull, Muss.
, mcr-ARBD nv
Dr. -J. C. Ayer Ik Co., Lowell, Mass.
I rice 1 ; li bottles. J '.. Woi th $ 5 bottle.
g7fo Greatest Blood Purifier
This Great German Jlcillclno Is thoAv.
cnc.-ipcfiiniiu ocsr. jsuoscsorouu
I'lll'lt JUlTtUSrorffl.ra.leesllinn
ono rent a close. It will cure thrfyj
Qworsi cnecs or BKin uiscase, irom,
a common plmiile on tlio fnco
I iu hum. mvxui uiRcnfio ociouim.
II! best medicine to nso In alii
eiicukus ur such BtuutKirn nnuArYour
til not ever tako Jfatmilnr. l
8&lK iui? Sitt itVfctt,?,rn,vUat 11119
tho purest and hatff ya n3
jjmedlcluo ever nade. gBUnr BUterS J
wltlinvolIoYstlckrDon't wait until yon J
n substance? IsyourJ?aro unnblo to walk, or
breath foul and Sara flat on vour back.
1 offensive? YourA-butget some at onre, it
I jBtomnch Is otnwwlll euro you. Sulnliur
I I of order. TJeo Bitters is
1 1 SULPHUR JK,,..-t . i
Q B1TTEI18AF J.UO iuviuiu 8 xnenu.gj
T. -."...:'a - Mfc.. ....... ...
')' uyoumng pro booh innuo w ell oy
lno tlilcU.S'itB use. Itcincmbcr wlint you
roivy, cio-nrreatl here. It rc.ny save your
iuj-, viiure, li nns buvcu uumircuB,
JUon t wait until to-morrow,
Try a Bottlo To-day I
S a Aro you low-spirited nnd weak.
3 for etiffei Inir from tlio excessea of
-ffyoulM It so, SULPHUR BITXKRb
..... JUW
Send 3 S-ccnt stmiipa to A. I.'o..
Uoeuu,AluS9., tor boat medical work puullahudr
Eases Pain Instantly.
Strengthens Weak Parts.
Quiets A'oryousness.
UnlrertutDy rcpulat bbcuree of real medlotntl
atknetsu. n.t r v.ter ku w utud or Iiomt eTftre,
ant J-or tiatxunuuivsn,LiuntiauiiDiM0 MntuMoi
11 Ting, ct
a tb wot id
' i-rumpt, una t notour :i in ixi
Ting, curing and ie-
UMolllto1 TftflmMV of tlionnanrla of recpla
ul tlw cmiLAntV tnexwuttnff of thuuo pUktera,
ample pr Jut w iho truth ol this aBwrtl' .
rrlHH l'L.TE nrcrburn or Irritate.
IT you ftHar-rawfe u&o now; rop'U (tl happier i
arrow, r-xUi guoo the musenl put
bHwp Vlif ere ntiA bj
m'lu niniffid Into tLlnit
1 Qkeaini-13 -
ibet tQtn ct t:nlt U bUmatUV
01 be 1 unJ r. tho si.uiaecoo(ia.
i i:nit .ti 1.1 bltf tutiire ot ntvprictore
-2 t .'umujua
W1' inlouIi-Bje I lit- imrrliHtcr tlmbekta
1'IHBT My eunruhtfolliic evniy lf..
Hi rONII IU htumnllitr Hucli khwt villi
I Ui UiaiiU anil llilrkueM.
TIUHD lly KXeluilluK winters or defec
Uv klatli.
I'tillltril-Ily braudlne tbe net -llil of
lie Uil elieel on eavli box, lo unlit) the i-un-tjmer
(lu tlile auiuf light weight ulatiwlthat
lie U oblaiuliiK Full Wi-lnlil.
l'or the Ueiifflt of I Uue wauling I lie ven I
uo-l rooouK iaie. wi- axsen, ana hi b lire
ire(t to iirove. tout llu-r.- are no olhei
oranua of roofinv Itn offered In the market
u-dav, by any linn under the fniir different
imiHUteee Kiven above t Huh ImiiHe. ami
e elii llenge u imbilc luntiadlctlon of tliU
ur book on Tin Voet v. "I furnUhed f tee
ou BpiilloaUon.
& CO.,
cm AGC .
Ii am
WffcllllW ! I
Dm is
g si
0W V
A lie r.
It Alt Ountx Ivotn Omw-A VUlt to n
lArcn Dnlrj- Parm How the Milk
Onlhorcd-Ileoolloettiiiu nf '-Clierry,"
"ftuprri llenv' Hlll Other Old Fmorllo.
Why don't you buy creamery butter?
I always do, I think It Is better; why, it
is mado of crentri, you know," said n
young woman who lias boon recently
married and who superintends tno Keep
ing of tho dearest houso In tho world.
I was rather nniused at tho remark und
at tho tone of advice. To mo it Beenicd
inexpressibly funny, as I thought I knew
better than she did, having seen those
mysterious processes called butter inak-
in?. Wondering If tlioro wcra others
who know no moro about that rather
necessary nrtiolo, I resolved that I would
enlighten tho public, and boKintilnp; with
a cow a red Cow, I think, called Cherry
I would toll tho wholo story of how
Huttrr h made, and pt-i-linpj provo that
other butter is made of cream, too.
Cherry stands up to her knees in red
clover and, rapid! v but not greedily.
bites of! the Rowing heads. Nobodx
knows how many "four leaf clovers" bIii
lias swallowed; perhaps, that is what
makes all her milk turn to golden butter
She puts In a white and sold daisy and
eats sweet flag and anise, so that nt niglil
when she is driven homo to thobarnyarn
her breath is as fragrant a3 new mown
I am sorry that tho pretty milkmaid
whom Barney bothers, is almost extinc'
but if it is not her, as it sometimes stil.
Is, it is somebody else with clean linger
who does the milking and, as' ho whistles,
thinks of her.
So you thought dairy butter was not
raado of cream. Let us follow tho mill;
man, while Cherry lios down and in
"meditation, fancy free" chews her con
templative cud. When you have seen
the milk carried to a littlo stone milk
house, built ou a hillside, where the wa
ter from a spring trickles in and around
tho pans, and smellod the cool, sweet
cleanness of the place, you will bo re.uly
to confess that dairy butter may be good
Then when you liavo seen a woman ii
white cap and apron, with strong, grace
ful arms, lift the dasher up and down ii.
nn earthen churn, tuul seen her witli a
ladlo in her hand working the butter iutc
a yellow roll, I am sure you will bo glad
to taste it. This is surely tho poetry ol
butter making, nnd I thought there cuulc
be no other, until I realized that jierfec
tion of mechanical detail and fitness foi
uses did mako poetry also.
I visited a largo dairy farm and -a
taken through a great cool cellar, when
the milk of forty deer-liko Jerseys wa
cooling. It was in largo vats with run
ning water all around it. Then tin
churning was done by a water motor
and the butter worked in a largo bowl
and after this I saw it pressed into hal
pound packages just right for tlio tabK-
Each package had a sheaf of when
printed on it, was wrapped in a sheet o
parafuno paper, and laid by Itself in ni
ice-lined compartment. I thought th
people of Philadelphia, where this wa
to be shipped, wero very fortunate.
I liavo not described all tho process-.-very
minutely, as I wanted to tell nboj
tho making of creamery butter, and tin
principle is tho same in all butter maU
To go back a littlo, thoy carry the pail
of foaming milk and this is no' poct'i
figure to tho great tin cans that stum
in the corner of the grassy yard and'
strain jt into them. Tho cans aro wheeled
out to the roadside and set on a rude
platform there, and when tho man who
drives tho milk wagon come along ho sou
thern lightly in, along with manyothers.
I have found it in my heart to envy this
man. lie sees the world in all tlie fresh
ness of morning, when overything i
waking up nnd is fresh and bright after
its rest; again when the sun sets and the
iglow still lingers, the big man drives Ids
sturdy team slowly up tho hills and at a
round pace down the ijlopos, and carries
His load to tno creamery, it is a long
building, a little at ono side of the town,
and looks like soldiers' barracks. Here
tho milk of "Cherry ," "Q iien Bess" and
"Polyanthus" is emptied together Into
great vats and inextricably mixed. It)
quiet it stands, and chemically, and,
therefore, imperceptibly, the yellow
cream particles are separated and risa to
the surface. In tho morning thero is a
thick mass of cream to' be skimmed off
and churned, The cream of the previous
milking is put vvjtli itf as they ch urn only
once a day.
All this cream (s turned into a great
square churn, hung cornerwiso, the belt
which attaches it to tho engine is slipped
on nnd it is turned over aud over a great
many times, until the experienced ear
knows the right moment has come. Then
it is stopped and the buttermilk h drawn
olf. They liave a special bright ti t cup
winch tliey reserve for ylsilors: this (hey
will fill and give to any ono who stands
by. It is sweat ni)d cool, and a most de
iieious draught.
After this a great many pallfula of
water are poureu in anu tno cuurn is set
slowly going again, then they draw off
the water ond lake tho butter out Into
wooden bowls. From herp it is carried
and emptied on a circular table, Kilt js
KiuiiiKieu on aim tuu machine sot iroin
1 1 isdeftly manipulated and an arm comes
clown ana flutes tno suriuce nil over.
Then it is heaped' up again; this is re
peated until tho salt is thoroughly worked
through. It is then put back in the
wooden nowis to wait until the next
morning, when it is worked a little more
and pressed into fill fzos and shapes of
woouen ooxes, lastencu up anu imi in a
refrigerator car, whom it reached the
consumer in an incredibly short. time.
This is all tho process, essentially the
same whether in tlio creamery, tho large
dairy or tho little stone milk house. All
the flutter Js madp pf cream, please don't
forget that.'
"What nlii.ll ho eat but white bread and
butter?" to quote Mother Goose. Nothing
better, is there? unlers ruethinks they
to spread brown sugar over that. 1
oan taste It now and feel again tho des
pair which Ailed my heart w lion J dropped
It butter side down in the garden. Milk
mM li Detroit Frco rrus
No Store Fixture Ther.
"Do you keep stationery here?' asked
a young woman of a clerk in a variety
"Not much!" replied the young man,
rubbing his blue hands together. "The
old man's so stlnfrj of his coal we have
to hustle round to keep warm." Turling
ton Free Prao
The Crave Gets Tired Yawning,
eetoltigly, for certain wretched InrulMa who
toddle ttebly along t though alwaii loiklng a,
If they were gelDp to die, but omllllug to do It.
They dry up, wither, dwindle away finally, bui
la the maaiitlme never harlDg- roljuil hoi lib,,
know m.lhlng ol the byileal enjoymeat. the
Mtof thai eilitence to which they ellnir Willi
luah remarkable tonaolty. Tber are alwayi
to lu foond trying to mend by tlnkerinKattbeto.
aelTciwltb come traiby remedy, tonlo or -nleka
mo up" to give fillip to dlgeitlen. or "help the
llTer." It iuh tniigulded felka would rtiort
ad adhere to Ilottetter'i Stomach Hitters
would be w-ll ti them. Tbli luperb Inrlg
oi ant luppllea the ttamloa that the leeble re
quire, by permaunUy relnfetel uk dlgeitlon and
aeimllatloa. It intneoiH nerToulBtu, (a
aomnta, maUrla. kUlaey esmplaluU, blllaumeii
mU'BeHdtlumaUaBi ilvuaJaafe)
m re i nip T t rrtotilmU frntn 11
of tliPfflnlio Pi-pMttlll
i r, 337 lift-h A?. New
.Will Wanh
win bin tut world IVrftx
i ti' ioi li hunt in r Mtel,
tid m
equal mn Ok rlttnortm ,
i ra int dm nnc i iionienoiii
mil r ft. ThrM MmtriM, wtll
ilia mtetL. ar All thi work von
tiftitl il.i Ii to ithim whilwtMDd rout ihwc who fall jriwt
friend aM nfii-lib-M-and th about ilit alwifi n-aulta
In Taloabla irieU frt if, h' h boM for?, nt w hen nne tariftl,
and thiii wa ara r)-ild w n-iv all m j-n-M. frtlt-bi, eta After
ou knawalt, If vuu wM llkf m r to 'rh fitr
earn from to ffUlO prr werk and bftwardi Adrlmi,
atinaun is uuxaiu, ruruunu, aiuine
SI mSk
EaB V HSlA 1
Ilns just opened nn entire new line or
(nmpris!ii nil th very Intest styles in White Goods, So
teena, Prints, Ginghams, Mul'SfilleS. Seersuckers ana
Fancy Dress Patterns oi flic very best qualities at exceed
iii: low prices.
Groceries, Provisions, Crockeryware,Glasswait
Vood and Willow ware of the best ninkes at low figuref
Cloths Cassimers, Hats, Boots, Shoes and r eady
aiade Clothing in great vn'ietv ntul at prices witli ji he read
if all purchasers prices fully as low ns the same goiu.! can h
bouglit for at any ether general store in this vicinity.
Carpets, Oil-cloths, Lamps and Fixtures in gren
variety and of best quality at Kock Bottom Prices.
Hest quality ol Flour and -Feed, nt prices lully as low as tlw
tune articles can be purchased elsewhere.
A cur load of coarse salt has just been received the pno
been marked down to the very lowest notch.
All goods of the ven best quality and are being sold at prif
quauv as low as tne same yooas
ii this section. Call and be convinced. Uespctfullv,
JulyJ-23.71 A.M0S REIPtEI..
FOI! -
This Itrinpi'y is tlio prosniptinn nf one -
nil whsii-i i ij I. tin u nil titipiiiiiiiiiii ii mcec.' -
o tin- i'nlil!'- ;ir n iiriipili-l:ii iheilli'lnt- III
nlo nlliiii.i i-ieiy riniiitry nn t lu- fni-e nf I In
lif.iiiinilf nf tin- le.nlliij; plij-li-mns. Mi-illi-nl fui-iclli-s liuve iIIsciimm lis inant-luils sin
al I lii-ir iihiiinil n ni in 1 1 nif. hiiiI nfler llielr nlliclal clieinlfls Imve imal zeil it nn
i'jihI ll ni Ii i'oiiImIih-i! no npliiieo. luMnlik-s, or oilier Imruiful iiif-itdieiitii, quietl
lateil il Huiiina their stanil an'. reinr-illM. x
ii. r. nriowN. m d.
2S West Jfrrev St.,
El.tZABMII. K. J., Jum 2R. 1 Bl
Thl l In ri-rlify tlml I l-avf.iifrii frr fine inrnll-r will- miii-h rails roti. Hie iiiiiiliiniitii I
I i. iiuili.-h . b r lit Mm rl.e. ki i n - Ilr nt'o ItenHni-lip Tri.fli9. Tlio it medv cures more heni
.-lit e t elnl y ui !i efft-it Nervi in- V. ini'li llihii mi ll.ini! 11111 mqiinlnli il with, ami i
nt t eiifn nle ill It-!l e irtni.i" 1 1 l.piiirih il Inn fmo'rnLle iiMt i.lii'ii ff vnfleriia frnui tin.
""itUe, 1 thull let) lln.t 1 have d. ne Hu m h service. Ij. R. BROWN, M. U.
Sold by all TJi-ugglEt6, or sent by Mall on rocoipt of Prico,
II ii sea 9 Ml wnvim - C1,
Aiifmt SI.
Ncnr rhllndclplila.
Selniol llpene r-et. 1 0l Ii
Yearly Hxiicnie, $3110.
0,unrf prly 1'aj ui'is,SI-J3.
A1miU tnd lqs.lftet yourtv twea ntl bcv it M tiraf i tit
1 mi r.nafintntn.iL', i. .ti 1, tT4Ui-iiiiiit . ttc iliti4 th Iea
tiU'ientslHMrri jtli tlio I ftciirrtnll in'n mt
.1 i 1 '"nt 1 1 ii ti mc 1111 riin(i t nii cmu'ieio dr. imm iir'i rnn iu t bjii HAel
itlilctlcs.vic f 11. n.u.ium special .ufv. tunitlesf r aM itui-u t-1v4 -i i4tJ.t'V luimltii.iri.U ec'ivilr.i irlat.l
" ""ii- 'h en'i ni iv iit t i.ti stunted ur n ihiim,. i (Hi -e re-i trat ,i 1 v im-ni or t ivu.l iiBiiiecr in,
course. n-t al flfti I ticniiral I nl .i..rv I'r 1. tl 1 lt.,!.t ie ncKrtii-tt ili leley;-(.hy 'hf.rt ' st.t, I iic-riiin;
etc.. etc. More lid v miiiI e-I itii ipian "hn .irn U.f 1 c ruvtj .liuil ' -r . Artviny 'Ji;rtI 1 ver In it.
Otfiiriirt the lM riluciiiim nil ihc Ift traiimi I i-tt fv r nerv etinvj NvrianHn ttr-ntf 11 adai w.tun New
lllufirateil - Rial '-tiw went Hm to n fl.Mrr. U 1 1 Ili.N C bllOK 1 1. A U , A Ki. ilar-ii l.ri.uatej. rrlnupal
tadfropiietur. Med a. I a t ir. ulai. ni thu uiR a
$1 a fear
Inoludlnff main lines, branches and oitenslons East and West of tho
Mlaeourl IUver. The Dh-ct Routo to and from Chicago, Jollot, Ottavr.,
Poprla, LaBallo, Mollno, Boolt island, In ILLINOIS-Davenbort, Musoatino,
umirs, in IOVVA-Minnoanolia arid St.
fftd Hloux li-alls, In pAKOTA-Oumeron
IIutohliiBon. Oroalr. Klnarflahnr
Sprlnjrs, Dmvor, Puoblo, In OOLORADO.
of lntiroommi'nloatlon to all towns and cities oast and west, northwest
and southwest of Chloapo, and Paclfla and transoaoanlo Seaports.
Leading oil compotitora in apl uidorof equipment, cool, well ventilated, and
freo from duot. ahi-oush Coaohes, Pullman Sloepers, FREE Rocllnlnff
Chair Oars, and taa&t. at Midsouri River) Dlnlncr Cars Dallv hatwAn CVilcacro.
Deo U Jill -B. c
lounil Bluffs, ani Omaha, with Froo Rocllnlng Chair Car to
J or 11 Piatt, Hob., and batwjen Chlcajro and Colorado Bprlnga, Denver.
uuiu, viu.ot. uouoiiu, ur jxunius iviiy una iopuuk apl
IfiirMluhlna. mnala At RRRa-nAhln naiira) w n m f. nf Ml
Callfirala. H.:eurlonu dally, with CHOICE OP ROUTKB to and from Salt
Lako. Oo-den. Portland. Los Anorelefi.
LINE to and from Pllo's Peak, Mariltou, Garden pf the Oods. tho Sanitari
ums, and Qoento Qrandeura of Colorado.
Tra.1na dailv batween Chi
with THRO
uu itooiiui.
Choir Cara
Kansas oity . Tnrouett O&air car and
ina Sioux Falls, via Rook Island. Tha
town. Sioux Falls, and
the Oummor
ureuaiu 01 uo normwosv
travel between dinoinnatl, IndlauanoTU, Lofavstte, and Oounoll Blul A.lhlan T ..n .).
Por TlokeU, Mao. Polders, or daalred Information, apply to -any Tiolcet
Offloo in tha Onltod Otausu or Canada, or address
Geaeral Manager. OHIOAGO, II L. Oeo'ITUket ft Paae. Ageat
172 Main Slioci, Hath, P.
l I I I MOU , A M Kit i 'AN M()TKI..THUH1I)A V
V I I' I II. I UN Kl-lf H ANI Hatiihdavs.
.i liiutt- F hum 0 h. m. to 4 p. m. rrartlnn
';,..u 'i i iiit. nt tne
Eye. Ear, Nose & Throat
C7"A,. Hi fr.u lion ufthu Eyofor tho atljUitt-
mvi i'trmaiieuu cui eU b
i 'i 1 1 1 . A U K i . I 'HI A . ; " A I o at one, no operMI on
t luHiidf i imc fMiu tiji w. i aneapnitiouncwl la-
vu till') by ut in 1 9 w . .( 1, boiniforClrculevr.
CURE LU.f;ANUED. ooSrVi'iis.
& S. DEPOT,-r
can ooujiiu atauv izenerai su it
of the U-ailinc physli-ians of 1'arlJ, Kiatm
s tor ui-r iiiiri jchii-.iiihI ui rlrrt t:i 1 1
lNit. n nil smci- lliut time It lias fuiiml Its ra
- uliiln-, ami lii'cuiiu- a fiivuriU- reineilv ul 1
them tnr Huicess.
si. nv CtAUgt, rohterhnic f
ty. Si.rvltf, I ltn.i.l .1 J
t4' Ki irtflfe'! "Vlirrl ;ll
m ult 11.. Fitif lntlilifif . irRle nr doul
dr. mull lri rt- run l( iu t bjll lia-eti
ittiv' iu("tltii.iri'l e"iirii lirlat
4 nrt-chh olt rT lntlilfif . iiRle nrdwih
nu i-rd ci imuvd
i$ the price of the Advo
cate .or 52weeks
ODVi auuuuuui auu BtavA vuutlUII
Paul, In MINNESOTA-Wabsrtown
n, St. Joneph, and Kansas City, iu
FREE Reclining Choir Care to
Splendid Dining
Missouri juver.
and San Franclsao. Tho Dfrtilr
o and Minneapolis and St. Paul.
H) to and from those tiointa nnd
laaner between Peorln.. flnlrit L&kra.
Ps.vortto Lino to plpastone, Water
Rosorta and Iluatintr an
AMD WANK-A IT WTO oITt-b fknlllt
I. St.
n a i . .1 at- On..
bottom. I' h? I"lr otnnnt eMpply tooj
eend direct to fectorr encloelns BuVrKtUed
Finn CatT. Ilenvv I.aceil arnln and Cread
moor Waterproof. ....
lent III inn woriu. r.innnnn me
nn.on (iKNtuvi; ii,ni-m.i-.i kiioii.
B4.IIO H,Nl-SliU'i:l) VKI.T SIIOK.
na.rn imimcij ani rAitMi'itH1 mioe.
B-i.nil r.XTltA VAI.IIK I'AI.K hllOB.
tl2.aa & 2 WOItKINOBir.N'S bllllKR.
82.00 mill 81.7(1 HOYS- SCHOOL hllOUB.
Atl mado In CouKrcn. llu'ton and Lace.
$3&$2 SHOES ladies.
tleet Slnterlat. Heat Stvle. Ileet Flttlns,-
, j.. Douclae, Drockton, tins: Sold by
Adam Mohrkam uuii, Aleuts,;
Sold bydruggistS
LKULSS tUU D tS-8 Volora.
a Fayorite Singer
Scwlna Machine.
HIGH ARM $25.00.
Each Machine has. a drop leaf,
fancy covir, two large drawers,
w iih nickel ring, ami a full act
of Attachments, cual to any Sin-
- get Macliu.e sold Irom J4U to
$60 by Canva sers. A trial in your home be.
fore payment is asked. I!uy direct of the Manu
facturers and save agenti pr 'fiu besides getting
tertificatea of warrantee for five years. Send for
testimonials to Co-operallvo Sewing Maqhlno
Co., 269 S. Ilth St.,l'hiladelphia,lJa.
IJ-WE PAT i'UEIirr.-iC
Weha. a tcmedr that will CURE CATARRH.
'BRONCHITIS anf ASTHMA. Our faiih'fiM
ttran? we will icml treatment on trial.
Send for Treatise and full particular!. Address, "
The Hall Chemical Co., 3860 Falrmount Ay., Phlla., Pt
mll n ..tcl I Ul L liOriUEl
t.S,e ...i i.. DON'T ANV Ir 1 K Clvo I'oitOf.
liee. Slate and County, an i Aje .lainly.
55o Fainuojnt Avenue, l'llliJtl()hia,Pa.
One f tlir I
nipnitt1! 1 11 I
Ihc rtl. Onr racilitit art
uucqtialrd, and lolntnidurceui
louDI I CHnn In tch liKllilT
Ie Mbutt Only thott tho wrttt
tJitl ptftrn niAk ft
rriumdtn thuw mir ped l
thvvb rill fwur nHichborf
and th pf uruund you Tbt b
(fnninr of till idvcrtUtmnt
how the incll tnd of thdrff
Milt CM If
tboQl thi flftltlh prt tt U balk. It I- rrtnd. doabl Ilf .
cop, Urr I Miy lararrr, Wi w III aUmbw yo how yp
em rniki from 83 to H 1 0 day il Iratr, from lb Urt.wfil.
at Miiioe Uettr writ al nuea. W ty all tlprcai charr
The roMflE GAZETTE will he mallrd
vcurnly nrHKrl, t any uHdrsea in the UdI,
kI 8tiite for three nmollis nn m-ellit nf
Pne X)oiiap,
liiiernl dl-ciijint uUnwiiil to iiotnmstets
Ki tlll'K i'l' rli'lw. fiiliHUe inplM nmileil fiee,
Afliln-tisull iiiilerstc. HU llAIiDK KOX.,
Muj ;-Hi)l riiANKt.iN Sgt-aiiK, JJ. Y.
Cream Balm
Cleaners tbe
Nnial Fusiapei,
Allaja Fain ana
Heals tha Sorei
rteitores tho
Sense of Taste anr1
A i-ii title In iiillrd Into each nootrll and is
nureoulilc. l-ru-e 60 cents ut driiKelstSi by mull,
rrislstert-d, OOrtH.
HI.V llHOTIliatS. 66 Warren St., New York.
KtlgllDt 17, 1IM9
Some people ngnw witli Tiik Sun's opinion
ghout men mill lliuis, nnd eonip I'l'i'l'le iliipt,
lint rvoolxxl) '"eli 1 lift hnlil of the iirwsuier
which Is never dull una never afraid to speak
Ita nitiid.
Ih-mnerMs know that for I wenty years TliK
Sun luta fought In the front Hue fur liemormtlo
irlntlpUs, never wait iluu or wrakenlni; lu its
InyiUty tu the true luli-iu.ts of tlietuuiyit iu-rve-witti
fearlMia IntrlllireiHiD and ilUtiiiti-reiited vig
or. Attlnies njiluIiHK lltra linen-i as I'l the
iHHt melius of ucoiiiip Klilni,' I hi- i-oiiimon pura
jwsei l It nut In k 8i n a f.iult If It lws m-ch (ur
ther Into Ihiiiu'lll-liii"'
nightecu liundml mil ulnetv Is the yenrthaf
will )ruliabl deleriiinu- tin iv.lllt of the I'resl
(leiitial elei-tlonot lmu, nut iM-rhaiw the fortunes
of tin- DeiniKTHcy f"i tin- rut of I he century
Vli-tory lu law Is a duty, and the pevlmiliiK of
I nan Is the best time at.trt out 111 comiiaiiy will)
Tup Hun.
Ihilly, per mmilli . 9 O.DQ
mlU, K-r year 6.1
Sumht , ier N 1 00
Ihilh and riiiu.luN . iter v. ar 8 OJ
ltally iuiiI rnn.lti , per npnitli , 0 TO
WreKl Siiii.oiie Netir 109
Address TIIK SUN, New Yqrk,
cinul iMi-n is r- wing
KJ Lll bcrnuse we furni-h
al) tho Intuit local news iu the
bett styie. .Sutrie ua
1 nflETHi? vCf
a. r--
tan ii
m m n
M 1
VM . M mm E33 aaHK I)Yi