The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, February 01, 1890, Image 1

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    l!ZZMHUIt"T-'Ti-V" .' ' ' ' ' n" 1,1
Advertising Rates.
Legal Nofcloea.
The following price foi legal adver.ia
Z has been adopted by tbe CAitnott
Chuter Notices - - - - $4 00
A o.lltor's Notices - - - 4 (X)
Commissioner's Notices ... 4 00
Divorce Notices - - 4 00
Administrator's Notices ' - 3 00
Kxecutor's Nolfco - 8 00
O Uier legal advertising will be charged for
by tbe square.
H. V, Hortalmsr, Jr.. Publisher.
Tehjort Bnste Directory.
This honso offers first-class accommodations to
the permanent boarder and transient guest.
I'anlo prices, only One Dollar per day.
rtwrl-iy John Kkiiiuo, Proprietor.
Oscar Chris tman,
Livery and Exchanqe Stables.
Aasy riding carriage and sate drlvlnu horses.
IJest accommodations to agents and travellers.
Mall and telegraph orders promptly attended to.
aire mn a trial. mav2l-l.v
The - Weissport - Bakery,
c. w. lauhy. rnoritutTon.
Delivers Fresh Bread and Takes in Weissport,
liehlshton nnd vicinities every day.
tn the store I have a Fine Line ot Content . nnery
o? the Holiday Trade. Sunday schools an.ires
yals supplied at lowest prices. decMm
Near the Canal Bridge. In
Is prepared to do all kinds ol
Blacksmifhing and
At-verylteaionablc Prices. TIKK SETTING A
SPECIALTY. Also, Agent for the
P. P. Must Itoad Cart,
the Cheapest and Best on the market. feb2-y t
MprteR for .cmAgESj
Henry Christmas
Fort Allen House. Weissport,
Hells the Popular and Celebrated
Burlington O and O York
At prices that are considerably less than compe
tition. I have all styles and qualities
which I wish you would not fall to Inspect
before making purchases. mayl l-3m
Received in Car Load Lots al
most every week at
O. J. Saeger's
East Weissport, Pa.
Store-keepers, Hucksters and all
others can save money by mak
ing purchases of him. Other
fruits in season. Call or write
for prices.
Dead Men Tell No Tales
Our Story's Short.
We have'ut cot the BIGGEST STOCK of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Provis
ions, Notions, Boots and
hoes.Tobacco, Cigars,
&c, &c, &c,
In the Lehigh Valley, but we have an Elecant
Assortment Just the same, nnd the prices aro
marked way down below the great majority ot
our competitors, and that's what suits you be
cause QUALITY IS the IIEST and the PRICES
are always JUST RIGHT", Our stack Is entire
ly New, Fresh, Clean, Complete and Handsome,
so ve take pleasure In asking the people ol
Welssnort nnd the surrounding community to
tall and Inspect our assortment of general store
goods, Kespecuveiy,
Post-Ofllco. Weissport. Pa
Over Canal Brite E. Weissprt
., , Crises, the very lowest. Quality of
roods the best. Satisfaction guaranteed In
every particular.
Gaskbt.s, Coffins and Shrouds
We have a full line which we will furnish
the lowest possible prices,
Flour, Food, &c,
Of the choicest quality at very reasonable prices
Call and be convinced.
Je anil Watctota
Bank Street, Lohighton, ;nna
ftesnertfnlly Invites the attention of bis friends
auuine citizens generally m mi immense
new stock of
Watches, Clocks,
Silverware, Jewely
at Prices that defy competition. It will pay you
o call and inspect my sUck before purchasing
Promptly done at lowest charge, and all work
DonU Met Uie Place.
Bank St Leliightoa.
Joseph r
$1.00 a Year in Advance. INDEPENDENT " Live and Let Live." $1.26 when not paid in Advance.
VOL. XVIII.. No 12 Lohigliton, Parboil Oonnty. Penna. February 1, 1890. Singlo Copies 5 Cento
Far Stare Chan Twenly-flve Tears. A Com.
plete Itecevery. The Means Used.
I bad Inflammatory Rheumatism. For nearly a
year I had to be fed and turned In bed. I could And
no relief. Mr etonuch was ruined and col to pieces
with powerful medicines taken to effect a cur so
that I wea compelled to lire on uread and water, l
snffcredf or twesty.ftre years In this way. I was In.
duced to try Dr. David Kennedy! Favorite Bamrrly,
mado at Bondout, N. T and
I Am Now Woll,
thanks to this medicine. Dr. Kennedy's Favorite
Remedy la my best friend. With It I am enabled to
enjoy irood night's rest. Alto food, such as meat
and pastry, which I hare been deprived of for years,
showing that the Favorite Remedy has no equal for
the care of Indigestion and Dyipeiwta as well If
any should doubt this statement I will send the
ready proof at once. Garrett Lan.lni?, Troy. N. Y.
It Is my pleasure and absolute dnty toward thois
who are atnurglinff for very life asalnit the deadly
Diseases of tho Kidnoys
to add my testimony to the already weighty evi
dence of tbe wonderful efficacy of Dr. David Kenne
dy's Favorlto Remedy. My wife was a hopeless case,
abandoned by the rhyatclans. Dr David Kennedy's
Favorite Remedy was resorted toi cot because any
hops was placed In It, but because nothing else re
mained. All means and medicines had been testod
without avail. The effect was little short of a mirs-
At the second bottle she had regained strength.
and continuing the treatment has fully recovered.
Jay Sweet, Albany, N. T.
r. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy
Prepared by
Ire" 'tt'e Bis forts Br all irnrrut.
lick Headache
S a complaint from which many suffer
and few are entirely free. Its causa
Is Indigestion and a sluggish liver, the
cure for which Is readily lound in the
use of Ayer's Pills.
" I have found that for sick headache,
caused by a disordered condition of the
stomach, Aycr's rills are the most re
liable remedy." Samuel C. Bradburn,
Worthlngton, Mass.
"After the use 01 Ayers ruts ior
many years, In my practice and family,
1 am lusiineu in sayiuK mm moj "
excellent cathartic and liver medicine
sustaining all the clalmsmade for them."
w. A. Westfall. M. D.. V. P. Austin
& N. W. Railway Co., Burnet, Texas.
"Ayer's Pills are the best medicine
known to me for regulating the bowels,
and for all diseases caused by a dis
ordered stomach and liver. I suffered
for over threo years from headache, in
digestion, anu consupauuii. uu
appetite and was weak and nervous
most of the time. By using three boxes
of Ayer's Pills, and at the same time
dieting myself, I was completelytmred."
Philip Liockwooa.'ropeua, Kansas.
T Trmn troubled for vears with indi
gestion, constipation, and headache. A
few boxes of Ayer's Pills, used in small
dally doses, restored me to health.
They are prompt and effective." W. H.
Strout, Meadvllle, Pa.
Ayer's Pills,
rnirinsD st
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
old by alt Druggists and Dealers In Medietas.
Horse Doctor,
(Honorary (Iraduate of Ontario Vet. College.!
ice: Carbon House BaiiK St.- LenlglilG
Diseases of Horse and Cattle
Special and Particular Attention paid to
plints, Ringbone, Honfbound
Hid all dlseases prevalent among Iiometcatei
Ills Horse and Cattle Povvilets sold b him
elf and stores generally.
Jonsultatlon Free charges Moderate.
Ca Is brtelesraph and telephone nromutl y nt
utt n.ied to Oiieratlous hkllUully Performed
New Liver) lire id Store
I.EOrOU) MEVEItS re pe t.fuliy informs tin
people of rackerton and iclnity that he has just
opened a LIVEUY 8TA tll.E on BEAVEH St..
where persons can be supplied with Hood, Safe
feains either for Funeral, Wedding or for Haul
ug Purposes ut very lowest Rues. lu conuec
ton therewith he has also In stock the very best
oraros ot jluuii ana t r.Ln, ivmcn lie win
set 'ii rawest rrices.
Attention, Builders!
The underslirned Is stl i working the DOLON
stonk uuAicitv, una is prepared tosuipiy,a
shortest notice and nt Lowest Prices. nei'soU'
who itpalrn with (iOOl) H.UNHfnr Hltll.DI Nl
VUKl'OSES, Call and In. nect the Wones anl
learn rrices Leiore purcuiiainReisewnere.
febj-ly , Packcrlon, Pa.
Itesectfully announces tQ the public that he hai
opened a-NltW UVKKV 'riTAuMt,and that he Is
ow ureii'irea iu lunusu leiiius ror minerals.
Wedd'nes or Business Trlns on the shnriest no.
ice and most liberal terms. Orders li lt at ih.
CarooL Ilouse" will receive prompt attention.
next the HitoliLehlzhton. tantttA-
Horse aalMo,
Joshua Shoemaker, Proprietor
CHEUUYVILLE, r. 0 North.unptnu co.,
DIKEOTIONS-Fora horse, ltablespoonful.two
ur mire imica a hcdk; wueil mck, 111110-
spoonsful a day. For a Cow, I teaspounful
initoi, ntfcp , nucu Milt, I.IIB U tiny. 1 III'
same tor Hogs, l'or I(iltry ui(x with l(eU.
..fTT tKWler !?,RrePared aftertho recipe
of the Ute Ur. i, j. WiU-jii. and Utile Kc..Unie
article. Owners I above named animals should
Heaters And.
In Great Variety at
Samuel -Giuveu's
Popular Store, Bank Street. ,
Roofing nnd Spoutlnir a Rpecinl
ty. Stove repairs furnished
on short notice.
UMautUet !
IMost aro they whom the creatures bteaa I
And yrt that wealth of tenderness
In look. In gesture. In caress,
By which our hearts they touch.
Might well the thoughtful spirit grieve.
Believing as we must believe
How little thpy from man recolvs
To whom tbey give so much.
Saturday ross.
Forty or moro years ago, in the days
when California was only poor, far-off
Mexican California and nothing; more,
and I was a very young ofilcer in Uncle
Sam's little army, I once found myself
stationed at a certain inland town if a
collection of adobe or mud huts deserved
tho nanio situated about sixty miles dis
tant from tho then scarcely larger village
of Yerba Zlucna, the now mighty city of
San Francisco.
Woweredoinirirarrison dutv a slnele '
company, under old Capt. Jack B ,
an easv iroinr? commander, who rave tia
little to do and plenty of time to do it in.
Bo, as tho hours hung somewhat heav
ily upon our hands, Capt. Jack and I
the only officers at the post took to
hunting and shooting, with now and
then a little fishing by way of change, to
vary the monotony of our eolaisr life.
Countless flocks of wild geese brant and
lesser water fowl camo by thousands to
banquet upon the wild oat fields and
make their reedy homes among tho wide
marshes which separate the firmer land
about Sonoma front tho spreading bays
that tcrminato in tho Golden Gate.
Wo had goose for dinner, brant for !
breakfast and cold duck for supper and
lunch, till old Jack declared his belief
that ho should quack if we ate any more
such fare.
Ono morning I had been very success
ful at duck shooting, and when I tired
of tho sport I proceeded to shoulder my
piece and secure my game for the home
ward tramp of three or four miles.
As I lost sight of tho shooting ground,
and began to enter the Jive oak groves
scattered here and thero along the hljhcr
ridges bordering the marshy edges of
tho bay, I found myself suddenly envel
oped in one of those denso mists which
sweep up at certain seasons from the
sea, like tho ocean vapors of a Newport
summer afternoon.
As I had no special path, and was
traveling only by familiar landmarks,
now rendered indistinct by tho hoary
hase, I was obliged to move" more elow
ly, and soon felt satisfied that I had
missed my way.
Reaching at length a space open
upon threo sides, the fourth being thinly
wooded, but without a particle of undern
growth I paused for a moment to sur
vey, so far as my limited horizon would
permit, a tract of country which was
new to me; moreover, I hoped to hear
the sound of running water, which, as I
knew the general direction of the
streams, would servo to guide me in
taking what sailors call a fresh depar
ture. Whilo listening intensely, I heard from
the wooded side of my narrow, visible
world a sort of pounding, as if somo man
with large boots and no cbrns had found
his feet unpleasantly cold, and was en
deavoring to warm them by stamping in
a manner which betokened' an utter dis
regard for shoe leather.
Then came a wheeze like that of a
gruff giant troubled with the asthma,
and finally a mixed compound of
crunching and mumbling, as if a huge
hog were eating hard corn. My atten
tion being now thoroughly aroused by
so remarkable a combination of sounds,
I peered into the gloom until I fancied
I could perceive the vague, misty form
of some creature stirring up the fog
within twenty feet of the spot on which
I had halted.
"It js no, it can't be yes, but it is n
grizzly! Don't I wish I was at hornet"
That's what I thought. You see, 1
hadn't come bear hunting, I was duck
shooting, and had no conveniences for
carrying homo a bear, oven if I should
kill one; and the more I looked at Mr,
Grizzly, the better satisfied I was that
he had every convenience for killing and
carrying mel
AU I had ever heard or read of his
ugly, hateful ways seemed to rush into
my mind.
If I had been examined on this subject
in natural history just then, I should
havo gone up to the head of my class
Meanwhile we stood looking at each
other. It was evidently a surprise on
both sides. I stared very hard at the
bear with wide open eyes, while the bear
stared very hard at ms with wide open
I think the bear got over his astonish,
ment first, and, what is worse, I could
see he wasn't at all alarmed. lie stopped
eating, gave a snttl and a snort of inter
rogatory "Who are you?" grunt, and
then took a step toward me.
As I am of a retiring disposition, and
have never been willing to Intrude my-
self into company where I have not been
invited, I felt some delicacy in continu
ing to be a witness of his repast, and was
accordingly withdrawing in as unosten
tatious a way as good manners would
permit, when it seemed to occur to bruin
that he owed it to good fellowship to
cultivate my acquaintance,
Declining that honor, I dropped into a
backward walk, keeping my face, after
the msnner of royal presentations, toward
this monarch of the western wilds, when,
to my horror, he favored me with a grin
such a grin I and it was followed by a
snap and a growl
4s he quickened his steps toward me,
I Unconsciously hastened my own; when
taking a long stride backward, I found
myself suddenly prostrate in a sort of
dry ditch or "slue," where I lay for a
moment half stunned, in company with
my dead birds and duck gun.
As I recovered myself I could hear my
grunting and grumbling friend, doubt
less not a little astonished at this sudden
disappearance, go tramping up and down
in the vain attempt to nose me out in the
I h&d now time to think, and, as a
mercnani iiiignt Bay, iaso hvock di my
rvMltlnn nnrl m-nsrukrtA- On thn nnn nlrl
x was chased by a bear, a hungry bear,
cross bear, a bear disturbed at bis
breakfast of sweet acorns. I had lost
; my way- 1 ha(1 ou,y dwking gun,
wwen, noweyer lormiaame io wuu geese,
was a mere plaything when, brought to
bear upon the thick, tough hide of on
acorn fatted grizzly, whose gross weight
might be somewhere in the neighborhood
of nine hundred pounds. As for my
hunting knife, I had left It at home,
What wonder if, m an Irishman might
say, I wished that I had left myself there
before I started!
Against cli thjs J. had the consolatory
IsasawxuseT at'tZM tssssaJsTt usa iaAsa?
olltnbs, winch, as the trees woro all on
tho side of the bear, diiLjiot add much
to my sonso of security. But my prin
cipal hope lay in tho fact that I was just
then hidden by tho gully, the depth of
Which varied from eight to twetro feet,
with precipitous sides and a dry bed,
which probably led down to somo neigh
boring stream of water.
"Now," thought I, "I have only to
crawl along this ditch, reach the stream,
cross it, and bid good-by to gr'iezly."
I had just picked myself up, and was
proceeding to curry out my plan of es
cape, when .1 heard a crackling and
breaking of tho underbrush which
fringed tho ditoh, and by which I was
partly screened from view. This was
speedily followed by an angry growl, as
the treacherous earth gave way. and let
Mr. Bear with no gentle tumble directly
down into the very gully Into which I
had fallen.
Fortunately for me, bruin had not only
a greater fall, but tumbled into the ditch
" " Plnt somewhat distant from my
hiding place, and tho little ferret eyes
did not at onco percelvo mo. An un
lucky stumble, however, which' I owed
I to a twisted root, betrayed ma, and he
turned and gavo chase.
! They have a very expressive phrauo In
California wlien a person is desired to
leave suddenly; it consists of but two
words, "You git," My young reader,
when that bear tumbled into my gully
1 "I got," and when ho took up tho chase,
I continued "to git" in a style which as
, tonished oven myself.
When I first saw him (all, I certainly
, hoped that ho had broken his nose at
least, or even dislocated his great uelv
neck; but that hope vanished in a mo
He was evidently not a whit the worse
for his somersault.
It was no longer a matter of ceremony.
I sped over the ground like n hunted
deer, whilo my stout friend came lum
bering and puffing on behind, like a
portly old gentleman who fears he may
bo too late for the .evening train. I was
expecting every moment to feel the blow
of his heavy paw, when, turning an
angle of the gully, I perceived, with no
little dismay, that the ditch in front of
mo was blocked by an immense fallen
tree. The smaller end of tho broken
trunk being toward me, showed an open
ing wide enough to admit my then some
what more than usually slender form.
There was little timo for hesitation. I
could hear the bear's heavy tramp be
hind mo. A moment moro and I had
plunged into the opening, and drew my
gun after me, just as my ut friend
rounded tho turn of the "slue" In hot
pursuit. Running blindly on, he en
deavored to force himself after me, giv
ing the log a shock which made me
tremble for the security of my new tene
One or two furious plunges tended to
convince him that I could enter where
his liugo framo could not, for ha seemed
to reflect, and finally introduced a paw,
from whose far reaching grab I ctired
into the inner recesses of my chamber.
Finding that his attempts in this wav
were equally futile, I began to feel a lit
tle more at ease, and when bruin again
poked in his great paw, in an inquiring
sort of way, I managed to push a dead
duck out to him with tho butt of my
gun, by way of a peace offering. I was
willing just then to have peace at any
price short of surrender.
But Sir Bear had no thought of such a
compromise. He tore away, and made
the feathers fly with his cruel teeth and
clawB, in a style which gave me a pretty
lively notion of what I might expect
were I to trust myself within their
I had begun to think seriously of giv
ing my pursuer the benefit of a charge
of duck shot, in the hope of putting out
one or both of Ids ugly little eyes and
making him give up the hunt, when, my
eyes becoming accustomed to the dark
ness, I discovered a faint indication of
light behind me.
On working myself round, I saw that
the hollow into which I had entered was
divided by a narrow, rot eaten wall from
a still larger opening in the body of the
trunk beyond, the portion of the. great
tree in which I had ensconced myself
being in reality only one of the main
branches and lying almost at right
angles to tho parent stem. A little lusty
kicking, with some help from my pocket
knife, soon enabled me to worm my way
with difficulty through the opeuing. Into
this I immediately stuffed my light outer
jacket, in order to conceal my departure
from the beast, who was just then too
busily engaged in tunneling an entrance
into my hiding place to take notice of
my exit.
The creek was below me, and I
dropped into it in a moment, and pushed
apparently unheard to the opposite
bank; for his excited heirship contin
ued still at his, probably unwonted, but
fascinating, pursuit of man hunting, at
what may be termed the back door of
my recent domicile.
I was now comparatively safe, and felt
strongly disposed to give the angry brute
a moro accurate notion of my wherea
bouts by lodging a charge ot duck shot
into his shaggy hide; but prudence,
coupiea wttn some qoudis as to the pos
sibility ot discharging a wet gun. in
duced me to leave Ursa Major to his log
boring, while I made the best of my way
back to camp. Leslie Cum mine In
Youth s Companion.
She What do you suppose supports
the vast arch of tho heavens? '
He Tho moonbeams, I guess. Lowell
Ha VTonldnt Ilav Told.
The other day the little son of enn of
tie prominent clergymen was examining
the Illustrations in an early edition of
"Fox's Martyrs." It was evident that
the excruciating sufferings that were be
ing undergone by the subjects of the il
lustrations produced a deep effect upon
the boy s youthful mind.
"Would you have been a Christian if
you had lived at that timer' asked the
"Y-e-s," was the hesitating reply,
then, more promptly, "But I wouldn't
have told." Hartford Courant.
William K. Yanderbilt, who has some-
bow been classed by the publio as the
head of the Vauderbilt family, though
his brother is a more Important financial
figure, looks almost like a boy. He
moves about town briskly and amiably,
and bis popularity among people of all
sorts Is very great, There Is none of the
ostentation about him that most very
rich men display. Be is of medium
height, ruddy cheeked, might eyed and
has an endies lund of good humor.
The sympathies of people are always
with tbe unfortunate, because the ceotila
know Uwy ar so liable to be unfortunate
Hush tbee, my baby, to rest I
Fear not the night shadows, dear,
Acgels fond vigils are keeping1,
While little starlets are peeping-,
And toy sweet baby is sleeping,
Bats In her warm little nest.
Baby Is tired with play;
Mother Is weary, lore, too.
After the day's labor endetu,
Ood from his throne of love bendeth,
And, In his mercy, might sendeth,
ailing new strengh for the day.
Sleep, little darling, so mild I
Falntor the tender voice Calls;
Lullabies blend with her dreaming.
Sweeter and holier seeming.
While the soft moonlight Is streaming
Over the mother and child.
Katharine Hamilton In Good Housekeeping
"He Isn't worth a cent In tho world,
and he sha'n't have her."
This is what my husband, Col. Lee,
said to me one morning, as I endeavored
to bring- him to reason in regard to the
lc?v& affair of our only daughter. -
I did not contradict my husband, .al
though I felt that he was utterly tit the
darfcabout the whole matter. No one
ever did that. I doubt K his opinion
had ever been disputed in (he whole
course of his life. I ventured to inquire
"But what have you against the man?"
"His poverty, for the first Item," he
answered; "but this would not influence
me a particle if I saw any way under the
heavens by which ho could earn a re
spectable living for a family. Archibald
Harris is an artist and a dreamer; and
if that combination is not enough to con
demn him, I should like to know what
"But, husband"
"No buts to me, Effie. I have made
up my mind. That Iandscate dauber
shall not have my daughter. Tell Ma
rion that this is my ultimatum, and on
no account to mention the subject again
to me."
This was a hard message to take to my
child, and, I feared, an entirely unex
pected one; for to this "artist," "dream
er" and "dauber" my husband had been
unusually polite. By his invitation lie
had become a constant visitor at our
house, and through his instrumentality
the young folks had fallen in love.
That Marion would obey her father I
had not tho slightest doubt. Novcr in
her life h&d she given us a moment's
concern. The giving up would be hard,
of course, and my heart shrank from the
trial the dear child would bo compelled
to meet; but that she would yield in
stant submission I was quite sure. My
face must have told tho wholo story, for
she gave me a keen glance as I entered
her room and said:
"Don't feel bad about it, mother. I
was quite sure he would say no. Did he
state his objections?" she continued, qui
etly. "Ho does not like Mr. Harris profes
sion; or, at least, has no confidenco In it
as a means of maintenance."
How very quiet tho girl was. I looked
and wondered. .
- "Doeshelcnow anything against Mr.
Harris.' character?" she resumed.
'Certainly not," I answered. "I think
ho believes him to be n thorough gentle
man, but lacking sufficient business en
terprise to insure your future comfort
and happiness."
"Mother!" and now my child s tones
were very firm "I beg you will say this
to father: If ho will prove Archibald
Harris a liar, a thief, a gambler, a loose
society man, or a piece of one of these, 1
will promise never to think of him again
in this way; but upon no other condi
tions. Ifie is unable to do this, I shall
share my lover's future with him, what
ever that future may bo!"
"And you will marry without your
father's consent?"
"Yes, ma'am."
"And break my heart?"
Marion smiled sadly, and replied:
"Don't use that weapon with me,
mother, please, because under these cir
cumstances it is not an honorable one.
If Archie Harris is not the upright man
I think him, I want nothing of him. If
there is no black mark found against
him, I shall marry him. If I wero not
to do this, I should be unworthy to be
your child, because we love each other."
"But your father will never forgive
you never in the whole world"
"Let him not, then," she interrupted,
as quietly as before. "That matter la be
tween him and God."
My daughter was right and my hus
band wa3 wrong. I must bympathize
with one honestly and fully land oppose
the other a difficult position, and my
heart failed me at the prospect. The
colonel would, I knew, continue obdu
rate, and of course, after the above inter
view, what else could I predict of
A day or two after these memorable
interviews we found that Mr. Harris had
been very formally but very politely re
quested to discontinue his visits at our
Grieved at this insult, Marion sought
her father, but the attempt to draw him
into conversation on the subject was en
tirely ineffectual. He dismissed her with
this "flea in her ear," oa he facetiously
called it:
"I don't know anything against Harris'
character, and sha'n't trouble myself to
go round hunting up his antecedents. It's
enough for me to know that he Is a pauper
and will always remain one. I have fixed
the whole matter foryou, and now you've
nothing to do but make lore to your
mother and your ugly old father (or
a while. It'll do just as well, if you've
only a mind to think so."
A few weeks passed, and one evening
I found on my toilet table the following
"Darling Mother Don't blame me,
for no other course was open to me.
Would to heaven there had been. I ac
cidentally heard yesterday that Archi
bald was very ill. I immediately made
it my business to find out how 111. To
my utter horror and amazement, I dis
covered that his physician had ordered
him to go either to California or abroad.
He baa an. acute bronchial difficulty,
which the doctor declares will not yield
In this climate. I found, too, that be .
was delaying this trip firstly on my ao. I
count, and secondly because he really
had not the means to defray the expenses
of a, Ipng journey and a protracted (per
haps) period of Invalidism. When I had
gleaned al) the facts I came home and
hunted up every jewel I possessed and
fold them. Yes, mother, I can do with
out jewels; but I cannot, must not, let
the man I lore suffer. This morning w
were married (I did it all myself Archie
(airly rebelled against the whole ar
rangement, and by th time you reoelr
this letter we shall be on our way tQ CU
ftMaia. XMS(iU$4tw Msad 4ImI
trom the sale or my gtmcracks, anu tins,
with what Archie has, will do tho work,
I reckon. Tell father plcaso to try and
think well of me and forgivo me. If I
had acted in any other manner in mo dins
an emergency I should not have been
worthy to have retained the Ie, which
looks very prettily now sandwiched be
tween Marlon and Harris."
By tho way, this was the first bit of
lmpudcnco I had over known my daugh
ter guilty of toward her father. Her let
ter ended in this style:
"Lovo mo and pray for me, dear
mother. I will keep you informed of
our whereabouts. Hoping and believing
that ovcrything will come right before
long, I am yotirs and dear pnpa's loving
Oh, tho storm that followed this, or
rather the awful calm that prccoded tho
whirlwind of a few days later. My hus
band neither ate nor slept for two days
and nights, and wc hardly spoke.
When his rago found words, then he
cursed and left mo cursed mo in lan
guage I can nover forget.
"You havo done this, madam! YouP
he howled. "Now reap your roward.
Five minutes more and you .will have
neither daughter nor husband. Tills
house is yours, and you will find your
self provided for economically, madam
not a cent will you havo to spare for the
child you havo aided and abetted in dis
honoring mel"
Then the door slammed and I was
Twenty years of married lifo, and tho
very first quarrel followed by a separa
tion I I drained that cup of bitterness to
the dregs. For weeks I heard nothing
from my daughter, and for twelve long
months not a word from my husband.
The colonel's lawyer took chargo of nil
financial affairs, and my comfort was
strictly attended to. In this respect
there was nothing to find fault with;
but, oh! tho utter bleakness and barren
ness of my lifo! How plainly the whole
past stood out before mot
During all tho years I had spent with
Francis Lee, I had never once asserted
myself. By entire conformity to his
wishes and implicit obodienco to "his
will, I had managed never to come in
contact with the angularities of his im
petuous nature. My lovo for him had
kept me entirely passive, allowing my
husband and my master to rulo mo as
absolutely nnd imperiously aa ever a
domineering king ruled over tho weak
est of his subjects. To bo sure, love
kept the chains from clanking, but they
were thero nil tho same; and now they
cut into my very soul. Tho first my of
light that penetrated my gloomy home
was a letter from Marion.
"Do not grievo any more about this
unfortunate business," sho wrote. "I
say, do not, because such grief is wicked.
You have dono no wrong. Let that
thought comfort you first of all; and
then do try and be happy in the thought
of my happiness. Archie is gaining
strength everyday in fact, ho is almost
well; and he has received an order to
paint a picture for one of the wealthiest
men in tho whole west. Ho is to bo paid
splendidly for it, and wo aro so happy
about it and everything elso. God only
knows how glad I am, that I went to my
husband in his misfortune. He just
needed me; and together, dear mother,
we can do anything paint pictures,
writo poems and get rich, perhaps; who
knows? Father will come back to you
before long, and wo shall evermore be a
happy family. I am sure of it."
Much more my darling wrotc,and every
line infused fresh strength and courage
into my veins. At the end of the year I
visited them at their temporary home in
California. Orders for pictures had been
crowded upon Archibald so fast that they
had found it necessary to move to a
more publio part of the city of Francisco
and wero then boarding at a hotel. Ono
day, after dinner, Marion, who had re
turned from a short shopping excursion,
burst into the room whero Archie and I,
sat talking, with a face pale as that . of a
"Come with mo, softly," said she, in a
whisper. "As truu as I live, I have this
moment seen father in a room just down
the corridor. The door was open a way,
and, as I passed, I saw him sitting in a
chair with his back toward me?"
"But, perhaps," I answered trem
blingly, "it may not be he"
"Cornel" Bhe interrupted, gaining con
fidence as she saw my excitement. "I
guess I know father. Cornel we'll sur
prise him,"
"But, Marion"
"No buts. I tell you to follow me. If
over a man's back expressed sorrow and
homesickness and remorse generally, my
father's back did, as I passed It a mo
ment ago."
She ted mo out of the room and
through the corridor, and never once
halted until she had thrown tho door
wido open, and finally pushed mo in.
Marion and Archie followed. A second
more and I had passed around the chair,
and was kneeling before my husband.
"Efllel" said ho with a shout of joy,
"you here? God be praised 1"
"And can you"-! I was going to say
forgivo, but He interrupted me.
"Don't say that word ta me, Effie
"But the children, Marlon and
Archie?" I stammered.
"Oh, yes," ho smiled, "tho children!
Where aro they? I havo nothing to for
give even there. I wonder if they can
over forgive their obstinate old father!"
Then Archie and Marion camo for
ward and the past was blotted out. Sun
and Voice.
In the excavation for sewage wonts in
Rome a marble group lias been found
representing a nymph struggling with a
satyr. It is one-half life size. The head
of the nymph is loet, hut the satyr is
nearly intact.
The Verestchagln pictures will prob
ably remain in America permanently,
They were entered in bond, free of duty,
and the timo allowed by the bond having
expired, duty has been paid on the en
tire collection.
An amateur of Liege haa discovered a
sketch made by Louis David for his plct
ure of "Brutus." The drawing is signed
by David, is dated 1787 (the picture was
done two years later), and tbe famous
composition Is fully indicated.
Sidney Cooper, tho doyen of the Royal
academicians, recently attained the age
of 63, Tba old animal painter Is slightly
deaf, but is otherwise la full possession
of his faculties, and his three pictures In
last year's aoaderay showed no falling
off in his artistlo powers.
The late Friedricb Kaiser, the histori
cal and battle painter, was born in Ba-
dea in 1815. He went to V arts to study
lithography, but fell In with Horace
Vernet, who persuaded him to study
painting. Tbe wars of 1861, 1866 and
ICT70 lurniaaea minwitti subject ror a
sp9t WWS.V tioure.
If -one can not seriously and soberly
think of his own life, and ot tho Issuo
thereof both here and hereafter, without
being miserable ho may set It down as a
certainty that tqere Is some radical fault
in that life Sad, indeed, Is the condition
af that man Who can be happy no longer
than he can be thoughtless. If ho were
rlfibt himself, then to think of himself
would be a source at pleasure rather than
of pain.
It must sotnowhere be written 'hat
thj Tlrlues of 'mothers shall occasionally
bs visited on their children, as well as the
sins of fathers.
A man never realizes how little his
word Is worth till lis tecelves a black
eyo and attempts to explain how ho came
by It.
No one Is allowed to deslroy pave
ments, vet It Is not unusual to sec a man
ko tearing up the street.
If a lovely woman smacks n e on one
cheek I will turn her tho other also,
bravely ejaculates a humorist.
IOO Ladles Wanted.
And 100 men to call at druggists, for a
free package of Lane's bamily Medicine,
the great root and herb remedy, dissoveera
by Dr 8ilas Lane while in the Rocky moun
tantns. Fur diseases of the blood, liver and
kidneys it is a potitlyo cure. For constipa
tion and clearing up the complexion it docs
wonders. Children like it. Everyone
praises it. Largo-size package, 50 cents.
At all drukistf'
A young man whose plrl went back on
him says that he suffers from heart
Worth Its Weight In Gold.
If you fool depressed, your appetite Is poor
and aie tiouhlrd with lllztlneis of tbe head,
Ullllouiness or Dyspepsia, nr. Lee's Liver Kej
ular nil) cure vol. Trial size bottles free.
A well-known phreiclan in New York advises
all his patients that suffer with I'uughs and
Uolds to use Fnritan CouKh ard (Jnnsuuiptton
Cure. At T. II. THOMAS' Uruir Store.
When a woman wants tbe earth, it Is
with lb view of plvlng It to some man.
A Woman's Discovery,
"Another wonderful discovery has been made
and that too Dy ii lady ot this county. Disease
lastened Its clutches upou her and for seven
years slio stood its severest tests, but tier vital
orpins were undermined and death seemed Im
minent. For three months she couRlied lucess
untly and could not sleep. Bhe bouclit of us a
uotle of Dr. King's New Discovery for con
sumption and was so much relieved on taking
lrst dose that she slept all night and with one
bottle has been miraculously cured. Her name
Is Mrs. l-uther Luz." Thus write W. ft. Ham
L'S&S&h?1 She'by N. C-Get a trial bottle a
KKIIKK'H Drug .Store.
The boy who Is left unmolesled In the
pantry is likely to strike a pudding.
Hon. John Nealy, justice of the peace
and ex-member of the House of Ueprcsen
tatiqea from Meredith, N. H., as for
twelve years a terrible sufferer wi h rheum
atism. He says: I cannot obtain any
medicine which docs me so much good a
your Sulphur Bitters, and I think it is the
best medicine made.
Tho coming man will ily when the
coming broom is after him.
There are many pit-falls in a neaeh-
Tho four seasons Birth, Courtship,
Marriage and Divorce.
You have often seen women with marked
blueness or paleness of face, anno.
tites, and a craving for tinwholes, me food.
ni . - .. . ...
iiieBoaro signs ot a Uieordered liver, and
the trouble must be corrected or worse re
sults are sure to follow. Husbands and
lathers cannot afford to treat this matter
''gn?'. Dr. Kennedy's "Favorite Item
eoy, which dispels liver disease, rosts less
ihan sick wives and daughters. You will
find it a very profitable investment.
The new cheviots have an Invisible
water proof finish, 'and, It is tald, will
repel even sea water.
Some Voollsh People
Allow a cough to run nutll it gels beyond
ihe reach of medicine. They often say,
' Oh, It will wear away, but in timtt rases
it wears them away. Could tht-y be in
hiccd to try the successful medicine called
Kemp s Balsam, which is sold on a positive
guarantee to cure, they would immediately
-ee the excellent eflect after taking the firs't
lose. Price 60c and $1.00. Trial alio free.
At all druggists.
The Good Friend So, good-bye
dear old fellow, and If over you want $50
come to me and we'll go together and find
some ono who lend It to us.
ErTeeto of Modem life.
Eminent authorities unanimously agree
'hat the high pressure methods o:' modern
ife aro rapidly making us a race of help
less invalids subject to all manner of ner
vous ache, hysteria, nervous troubles of the
heart, stomach, kidneys, brain, etc. Ladies
md gentlemen who are thus nfllicted, or
who aro compelled to keep late hours, do
much mental or physical work, who worrv
r grct about business or domestic troubles,
ihould remember that no other remedy In
ilte world will so speedily euro these dis
eases, remove worry and the blue, induce
ranquil sleep, relieve pain, or build up the
iruln acd nervous systems, as Dr. Miles'
;reat discovery, the Zfebtorative Nervine.
It contains no opium or morphine, Trial
Kittles free at Diery, Weissport, and
Thomas, Lehfchton, Drug Store.
"Good-night; I hope you will sleep
well," said tbe friend of tbe policeman as
the latter went out on bis nlcbl tour.
"It's only a question of time,'' and a
hcrt lime, too, as to when your rheuma
ism will yield to Hood's Sartiinnrilla.
fry it.
During a cyclone the people are sure
here Is something In tbe wind.
IVby are ladlts cood sailors? Because
tbey make good mates and can always
command a smack.
What enhasces tbe beauty of fine restores
mors than acleariktnt Evn plain feature,
are made attractive by a good comnlezlon. To
aeeor thli, pnrlfy yoorblood with Arre't Bara
narllla. It has no equal. Prtee 1. Six totUn,
ko. Worth a bottle.
Tre bill collector's work Is always dnn
before be gets his pay.
Eyrry dog has hit day, and some of
hem want the night, too.
The young man wbAgets smitten with
a girl often gets rnUten. too.
STbzTimd Uoxokxd Notre Dsns, Balti
mohx. Mo.
Wa have had ample opportunity to convince
ourselves of tba tfneaev'ot Salvation Oil. We
cheerfully submit our names to tin pnblle aa
retVrenee. HMpectroliy, Sisters of Notre Dame.
Alrqnltb h EaaerSti. nelttraore, Md.
Ko wonder people have eosadeces when the
bast physteUns are preaerlUng Pi Sails Cough
The Carbon Advocate
An tttDaratmitirr Family NKWsrArnrt rub
irfitea every Saturday in LetilfnilOfl,
uaroon uouniy, l-ennsyinuna, oj
Harrv V. Morthimer Jr.
$1.00 Por Yoar in Advanoo I
ItestadverUslnft medium In the county,
Kvery description of Plain and Floor '.
very low prices. We do not hesitate, to say
that we arebetter equipped, than any other
printing establishment In this section
to doCrst-class Job-work. In all
Its branches, at low prices,
The Emprosj Frederick has ordered
present of money to bo made to each of
the women and girls who woro omptoyod
in making tho Princess Sophie's trous
seau. Quoen Victoria is breakintr down ran
idly. Sho is lame from rheumatism,
and her mind is not as bright as it was.
Sinco sho learned that the Prince of
Wales has an incurable disease she ha
failod rapidly.
King Milan of Servia it about to droit
his title and take up his retidonce) la
Paris. He will be at home in tho French
capital, for he was educated there, and
has been a member of the French Jockey
club since 1873.
Tho king of Denmark has just com
pleted a thorough restoration of the well
known castle of Rosenborg at Copenha
gen, wherein the crown jewels, picture,
state weapons and other objects of art
aro deposited and admirably arranged.
Emperor William has conferred upon
Count von Moltke tho exceptional honor
of tho crown and brilliants. In a letter
to tho count accompanying this latest
evidence of the Imperial favor the em
peror says in part: "Ills now fifty years
since your return from a tour through.
Turkey, when you were given the insig
nia of the ordor which you have again
just received."
Prince Oscar Beruadotte, the second
son of tho king of Sweden, recently per
formed an act of gallantry which will
go far to incrcasa his popularity through
out his father's dominions. A small
boat with three men capsized, and with
out hesitating a moment the young giant
his stature is six feet and three inches
jumped, fully dressed, into tho sea and
succeeded in rescuing two of tho drown
ing men.
Tho Czarewitch greatly enjoyed his
visit to Athens, and the somewhat demo
cratic lifo of the royal family of Greece
was a source of constant astonishment
and surprise to him, accustomed as
he is to tbs thraldom of Russian court
etiquette. To seo King George walk
about the street of Atliens unattended,
or to jump into a surface car when late
for breakfast and in a hurry to get home,
was an extraordinary novelty in his eye.
Some enterprising experimenter has
found out that bedbug powder makes a
tolerablo filth light
An apparatus has lately been perfected
by which glass plates are lined for pho
tographers' use. By this process the
finest steel engraving can be imitated,
and a finish igi von to the work heretofore
unattainable, except in Europe.
Mr. Gregg, tho well known authority
pn lenses, recently stated to the writer
that ons should focus a little shorter for
a flash light picture than (or one taken
by daylight, as the chemical qualities of
the light were different from sunlight,
His theory was well sustained by photo
graphs taken to Illustrate the point
According to The St. James .Gazette
tbe czar of Russia has taken up amateur
photography. By his orders the Russian
ambassador in London has sent the em
peror n,Bot of photograpbio appliances
that must, in tho immediate future, con
vert him Into a first class photographer.
According to report, he is infatuated
with his apparatus, and getting on splen
didly. According to M, Balagny, in Le Mon
Iteur, the ideal lens will bo an instru
ment which can be used quickly, one
that will not compel you to ask what di
aphragm must be used in order to ob
tain the desired sharpness. He declares
that whsther the camera ba on its own
legs, or on tbs arm of the operator, It
must be capable of being used almost
automatically, and in such a way that tba
shutter can exercise Its function 'int.
Don't read in omnibuses or other jolt
ing vehicles,
Don't neglect any opportunity to insure
a variety of food.
Don't eat or drink hot or cold thing
immediately in succession.
Don't pamper the appetite with such'
variety of food that may lead to oiceij.
Don't direct special, mental or physical
energies to more than eight hours eeioit
Don't read, write or do any delicate
work unless receiving the light from' the
left side.
Don't keep th parlor dark unless you
value your carpet more than your and
your children's health,
Don't delude yourself into the belief
that you are an exception as' far as sleep
is concerned; the nominal average of
sleep is eight hours.
Don't endeavor to rest the mind by alt
solute inactivity; let it seek its rett'ia
other channels, and thus rest the tired
part of the brain. Montreal Star.
Onions are good for the aguo.
Ltztard'g flesh is like chicken.
Elk is only sold by tho quarter.
Scrapple Is the Philadelphia tid-blt"
A snake's liver is a Greenland dellcaoy.
The queen of England eschews, roast
Antelope is ycry much like venison In
Stewed kidney is improved by tilted
A brave man may attack a turky,
yet quail on toast. Hotel Mail.
Ho who wisely uses his wealth need
not leave it for his tombstone.
True genius lurketh undercover. whll
arrogance stalks abroad in the full light
of day.
The sight it a man's money is often
times the antidote for the odor of a very
bad character,
An Outrogeona Iferformane.
Diner You have waited upon xry
acceptably and I have enjoysjl roy meat
thoroughly. You have behaved like ft
gentleman, and a gentleman, you cer
tainly are, notwithstandingyour humble
Waiter I hope, sir, that r am gen
tleman. I always try to be one. .
Diner It is as I suspeoted. -Andte.
ing a gentleman, I -shall nptiueult-you
by offering you money. Perhaps at
some time 1 may be able to reolproafol
your courtesy Till thnn, farttwvn,
Bmtuu Tranvertpl.