11 fie PIN3Q JOB PRINTING ATrrnK lowest Prices Weissport Burins; Directory. "Ep HAN KLIN HOUSE, BAST WEISSPORT. rENN'A. 1,1. i,nn ntror first-class accommodations Ilia permanent boarder ana transient guest Fanla prices, only one uoiuir per nay. awrT-iy John Rkhuio, Proprietor, Oscar Ohrisfcman, WKISSPOET. PA. Livery and Exchange Slulh sv rldhiK carr .11501 nnd sate uriyiim mirat-.-fst acSnodutio.i'i to aRcnts urn travj; ler, lf.11 nn.i toivirmnh orders nrouiiilll attended T nir.moatrlal. inaWM Tho - Woissport - Bakory, n w T.Aiinv. proprietor. nidivers Fresh Ilreail and Ca'ses in Weissport lhlghton and vicinities everyday. In tlie store I have a Fine Lino ot Confectioner; or the Holiday Trade. Hund.iy schools a Hire. ,.! niinllpil lit lowest OrlClW. dl'M-Olll R. J. "HONGBN, lCCESSOlt TOOll.Mlt.r.S BCHWKITZKH, Near the Canal llrldje. In JSArfT WEIS5PQRT, Penna Is prepared to do all kinds ot Blacksmithing and Horse-Shoeing at very Reasonable Trices. TIKE SETTING ' SPECIALTY, Also, ARent for the P. P. Mast lload Cart, tho Choapost and Iiest on tho market. feb2-y M0m for mmm Henry Christman ATIIR Fort Allen House, Weissport, Bella tho Popular and Celebrated Burlington O and O York SIN3LB AiJD I0U3L2 OABRHGSS At prlces.that are considerably leas than compe tltlou. I have all styles and n.uaUtli-i' which I wish rou Would not tall to Inspect before making pjirchases. mayil-3m APPLES AND POTATOES Received in Car Load Lots al most every week at' O. J. Saeger's East Wejssport, Store-keepers, Hucksters and all others can save money by male ing purchases of him. Other fruits in season. $Call orkwrite for prices. Over Canal Brite E. Weusport Joseph UNDERTAKER AND DEALER IN FURNITURE, PARLOR SUIT liS, BED ROOM SUITES, ., 0, Trices the very lowest. Quality ot gtods the best. Satisfaction guaranteed In every particular. .Caakstg, Coffins and Shrouds We have a full linn which we will furnish a tie lowest possible prices. Flour, Peed, &c, Of the choicest nnalltyatvery reasonable prices. Gall and be convinced. JOSEPH P. REX, AprM-iy east 'VrassronT DENTISTRY. Dr. J. A, Mayer &Scn. Dr. GEORGE H. MAYER,' a Graduate from the Dental Department ot the University of l'ennsylvunla, has opened an office In the same buUdlim with his father, secoud floor 111 the Uay W liidmv, 89 D ROADWAY, MAUCII CHUNK, I' A., and Is now prepared to receive every oue in need Iiaritan Buslnoss DireoLory VAL. BOIIVVARTZ, Bank St., tho oldest furnl ture house in town. Every inscription 01 furniture always 011 Hand, rrlnos very low WA. PETERS, Saloon and Restaurant, ilauk . Street. "fresh LKeralwayaoutap. Oya- n se.lou. urup iu aitu set, us. uuviz-ij ESBANO'S SUAVINO SALOON, opposite the AUVOOATR Ofpicf, Is headquarters foi shavinc aud liaircitftluK. Ciirars & tobacco sold Oq TO Fits. RODBUER, under the Exchanip Hotel, Hank street, for a smooth shave ora tashjauable hair cut. t-i7 Closed on Sunday's. Uoeiler'a Hair tonic, cures Dandruff. A RELIABLE JEWELElti A D. S. BOCK, JauJ M OPP. PUBLIC SQUARE. THE CARBON ADVOCATE OFFICE, Bank street, plain and fancy Job printing a sped ly. Advocate ono dollar icr year In advance. JW. RAUDENBUSH, Bank street, wholesale . dealer In choice Drands of whiskies, cln, brandies, wines, &c. Hf Patronago solicited. Our Ohurohes. TUr-ETHODIST EPISCOPAL. South Hank street, JLYJL Sunday services at in a. in., and 7.00 p. m., 5u4ay School J p.ntt Rev. Duncmw, Pastor. mBINITV LUTHERAN. Iron street, Bunday J, services. 10 a. m., (Gcrmanl, 7.00 p. m. , (Ent llsh), Sunday school t p.m. J. II. KuuEii.Pastnr. TJEFORMED, Lehigh street, Sunday services it) at 10 a. m (tier man), 7.00 p. in.. (Knillsh), Sunday school 3 p, m. J. ALVINltr.BEn.l'astor. EVANGKLIOAI South street, Sunday services at to a. m (Herman). 7.nop, m., (Emslish) Sunday school) p. ra. J-S-Ncwiiaut, Pastor. CATHOLIC, earner Northampton and Coat strtttf , strrtces every Sunday looming and tresisT itsr uuuiawk rw. J $1.00 a Year in Advance. VOL. XVIII.. No 5 Professional & Business Cards. Horaob Hoydt, ATTORNEY AT LAW, NOTARY PUBL10, jFTicEi-Tho Itoomreccntly occupied by V. M. Itapshor. BANK STREET, - - IiEUiGHTON. PA. iftay be consulted In English and German. July 4-ly W. JM. Itapshor, VTTORNEY and COUNSELLOR AT LAW, AND DISTRICT ATTORNEY, First door above tho Mansion House, MAUCU CHUNK t'ENN'A. teal Estate and Collection Agency. Will Puy lid Sell Ileal Estate. Conveyuurlu neatly (lone. oiiecuona proinpuy maue. nciiiuiK nsiaicsm ecsdeius a specialty, -hixllsh and German. May bo consulted in uov. sa-yi W. G. IYI. Soiplo, PHYSICIAN AND SUROEON. 30UTII STREET, - - LEHIGHTON. May bo consulted In English and German. .pecfal attention (th en to Gynecology. Uffick Holms; From 12 M. to 2 V. M.,and mm o to 9 1', M, mar. 3l-yi 4.. S. Rabonold, I), ncii Of ricn : Over J. W. Raudonbush' Lujuor Store, BANK STREET, LEHIGHTON. icntlslrvln all Its hranehes. Teeth Ext nutted vlthout Pain. Uas administered when reqnestea. OITlce Days WEDNESDAY or each neck. '.O.addiess, ALLENTOWN, - Jan 3-yl 'LehlKh county, ra. F. I. SMITH, D. D. S., or.lco opposite the Opera House. Bank Street, Leh ton, Pa. DENTISTRY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. filling and making artificial dentures a special ty. Local anesthetics useil. Jas administered and Teeth Fxtracted WITH OUT PAIN. 'JFFICE HOURS: From 8 . in., to t2 m., from 1 p. in., to S p. m., from 7 p. in., lo 8 p. 111. Consultations In English or German 6mco Hours nt Hiuleton-Evury Saturday. Jet 15-87 IV Dr. H. B. REINOHL, Graduate ot Phlla. Dental Coif ene... DENTISTRY! IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Peiseryation of tlie Teeth a Specialty. OFFICE HOURS) From 8 a. m. tofi p. m. OAS HALL, Harkst Square, Uaach Chunk. BRANCH OFFlCEl AST - MAUOH - CHUNK, Twn II.10M North of Post-OIIlee. OFFICE HOURS: 7 In ua. 111. and A to 7 p, m Aprllm DR. G. T. FOX 172 Main Street, Batb, Pa. VT EARTON, 8WAX 1IOTKL, TUK8DA VB. vr ALLRNTOW.V, AMKU1CAN 1I0TKUT1IUI13I)A VT llANnOB, llROAUWAV 110UHK. MONDAYS. Vt Batii, Wednesdays and satuudays. OITlce Hours From 9 a. in. to 1 p. m. Practice Lulled to diseased of tho Eye,Earr Nose &. Throat tf- Also. Refraction of tho Eves for the adjust iiieut ot glasses. Stoves, Tinware, Heaters and Ranges, In Great Variety at Samuel Urayeiis Popular Store, Bank Street. Roofing and Spoutinr n special ty. Stove repairs. Fin lushed . on slort notice. Iteasonahle! ! FRANK P. DIEHL, NORTH STREET, , Practical IilackMiiitlufe Ilorseshoer Is prepared to do al work Inlilsllm hl the best manner and at the lowes rices, f lease Cill. uovai-80-ly. PACKERTON HOTEL, Midway between Mauch Clmnk & 1-ehlL'hton, Z. 11. 0. HOM, Proprietor. PACKERTON, FtKXA. his well-known Hotel Is admirably refitted, and as the best accommodations for iiermanent anil ranslent boarders. Excellent Tables and tin cry best Liquors, stables attached. )au5-yi MANSION HOUSE Opposite I k S, Depot, BANK STREET, LEHIGUTON, C. II, HOM, PROPRIETOR. 'hta 1inuA nfTpra flntt-el.assneeoinmnitAtlnn fnt ransleut and permanent boanlers. It has been elv relltleilln all its neimrtments. ami is meat, d In one of the most picturesque portion of the loroiigli. Terms moderate. Iff The 1 A 11 i uppllcd with "n choicest Wines, Liquors and Ugars. Fresh -ugcr on Tan, apr 17-yt T. J. BRETNEY espectfully announces to the Merchants of Le Ighton and others that he Is now prepared to 10 all kinds of Hauling of Freight, Express Matter and Baggage On reasonable terms. O-derini'itSweenvS Comer Store or at my resldep cstt PINK St., iM-ar the Cemetery, will recei pro.apt atten ion. Patronage solicited. For Newest Designs and Most Fashionable Styles of DRESS QOODS, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, SILVERWARE, &c .&c. GO TO R. H. SNYDER, Bank Street, Lohighton. Goods guaranteed and prices si low si else where for the same quality of goods JnlTlB.USS 1 D. S RHEURr1AT0SlY3 For 3f oro than Tvrcnty-fivo Vcnrs. A Com. pleto Iterorcry. The JJeans Usod. I had Inflsmmitory It'ieiiTiiatlsci. Tor ntatlr a rorlhad to'bofi-dand tamnl In led. I could nnd no relief Ifysiomne'i r as rnl.;cd asd cut toileccs with powerful medic' :cs token to effect a cure to that I was compelled t9 lira on Instil and water. I suffered for twent r.flva roars la tula way. I was In. doeedto try Pe David K hkVs Tavorlte ruunody. raado tt Itondoni, N. Y cid I Am Roiv Weil, thanks t3 tbta nslW-. Tr. KennoJr's ravorita remedy is ray best f.-ieiiil. Ith It I am enabled to rnjayarood iilxhl's re?t. l-o feait.rych as meat csd rastrj. wnt.-h X .a-c becti derr'ved of for rears. thowir.zthattaor.'ive.rtio i:;.lyhas no equal fori tha euro of Isd'.etlot rysre:!a e.s mil. If any should dan'jt tUI etatiment I will send ths ready rroo nt oa-a -Parrott I.ins!!W. Troy. N. Y. It Ir lay pleasnrs and abnoluts duty t&ward tlioss coo aro irn.wn:iK tor vtryl jo against tho deadly Disoao33 of t'.io (Cidnoys to dd my testlraony to tbo already ireifirhty cvl. dn;eof tho wonderful effleaey of Dr. David Kcnne- ay"s ravorilo Itemcdy JTy vrlfo was a horelcss case, abandoned by t'.iorhyslclans. J)r David Kennedy's Tavcrita Renjcdy was resorted tos not becauso any lioro was 1 laced in It, tut beene nolh'.ne clua ro. raatned,. All inca-.s and medicines had been tested without avail. Tho eff rt was llttlo short of a mlra elo. At tho teeo::d bo'.tlo (bo had recalned strength. ar.d continuing the tr. aimcnt has fatly rocoTcrei Jv Hwcet. Albany. Y. Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy. Prepared by Oil. OATfs KENNEDY, ItONIMlL'T, N. V lips' ott'e BlxforSS. By all dnwrifiatii. Horse Doctor, (Honorary Grnduato of Ontario Vet. Collcce.) 3fflce: Cartiou -House Bank St., Lcnislitoii CASTRATION. DENTISTRY, AN ! Diseases of Horse and Cattle, SUCCESSFULLY TREATED. Special and Particular Attention paid to LAMENESS :-: SPAVINS. Splints, Ringbone, Hoofbound, Uidall diseases prevalent among Donift'cated Annum. Its Horse and Catllo Powdeil snlil I) lilm elf and stores generally. nuiltatlun Free CliarKes Moderate. ca is bvleletrrnith nnil f.il,nlimtn i,Mtii,.tiv .f i. ,i icn w ,.)i.-i.,tiiiii3 .-isiiiiuii.v 1 erinrmeii -AT THE- Central Drug Store, Orr THE PUBLIC SQUARE Hank Street. Lchiohtou. Pa. ISHEADQUAUTEI!3 FOR . A IT Pure Drugs and Medicines, Fine Soans. Brushes. &c tic. Choice Wines and Liquors, Largest Assortment df Library Lamps ! Wall Paper and Lecorations ! Spectacles! JVIicn you buy a pair of Shoes you want a oodflt. But If' you ncecl SPECTACLES It is nuch more important that tho EYE should.be iccommodatcd with correct lenses and a proper ly fitting framo which will brim? Hie lenses di rectly beforo'thocentre of the eye. If ottbuy your spectacles ut Dr. Horn's you will And the nbovo points properly attended to. ERSGRIPTIONS Mally CflfflDsnuflei OCH5-1887 New Liver, I Fed Store AT PACKER TON. LEOPOLD MEVEltSre po s.fuliv Informs the eople of Packertou and iclnity that he has Just opened n LIVERY STABLE onBEAVEIt St., where planus can bos'iiiplied Willi Good, Safe leains unhvr for Funeial, Wedding or for Haul ng Pri posi-s at very Lowest It ilea. In coimec ion t. erewllli he lias iilxu In stivk tliver best hmrds of l'l.OUll anil l'lCHI), ,vliU-b he will scl at Lowest 1'rlces. Attention, Builders! The undersigned I Kti . wmkinn. ti, nimtv STONH OUAltltY.-anil Is in i,., r..?l i.. .,;.' ilioitest notleo ami at Lel Prices, pcisi'ins ,. i..V.,?ir..Jwl; VUUV ir IIUILlMNU I'UItPOSLS. I'nll und In i.i'i'i 1 in si,,,.... leitrn Pilceslefm-t) purchasing elsewtieiu. LEOPOLD MEYERS, "b.2-ly Packertou, Pa. mm D. J. K I SUTLER lle'Si'ctfiilly nminiinres to tho public timt he has nedaN'EVLiyi!ltVSTAlLE.,it iltlia he , ow nreiiarcd to furnish Teams for I'unenils, V (PiiBsor BusliieasTiliis un the shortest n fA, JJI.' ,'i,0hl l.'.l)e,7il t,,r".,s- 0rilel' 'eft at tlie Caruot House" will receive prompt attention. STABLES ON NORTH STREET, next tho Hotel, Uhljhton. 1an?iu- Howard Deifenderfer OrrosiTE tub Ptmuo Sqoaiie, Bask Stbukt, LEIIIOUTOJf, MANDFAOTURER . OF - FINE - CIUaRS Also a Choice Line of Tomcoots. Cioina, asd SMi'KEns SurruES. ' SO-Poo't Forget to CallTtT SHOEMAKER'S Horse M Cattle Rowte Joshua Shoemalcor, Propriotor CHERRYVILLE, P. O., Northampton CO.. DIItECTIONS-Fora horse.l tatdespnonful.two spoonsful aday. For a Cow. J leasnnonfnl twirWMkj when alek. twice artav. Tlo same lor Hons, For Poultry mix with lerd. . .PfrJ ispowder Is prepared aflerthere of the late Ur II. o, Wits .11. and Is the ce- reeine ...... - ... ..i,.ii iu, Bnma me centime . " u,a ,14 inoiucr on ac wVlte aViT!ier,9,"T?ll,B,', -"aalh.14l:onD'0' bis differing with yun In MlllUs miicarpacf, Armllfficrua Anlnlun. - K"iilne INDEPENDENT--" ' Lohighton, Carbon County, Penna. December 14, 1889. Neypr court the favor of tlio rich by flat lorInjf either their vatillles or tlces. Novsr resent a stiopnscil Injury till jou Know the views an I motives of tho auttto of It. Say as little as possible of yiutielf and of thole who aro near to you. A Minneapolis man claims lo Iiavo In Yenteil a motor wlilcli will do all kinds o kitchen wotk. It Is understood lo liavo no friends. After illptlierii, sent lit levy, or pnetuno ma, HikkI's S.irsaiiarilla will eve slrcnutli- lo the system, and expel nil poison from tlie UlOUU. bayo usfroni Jiosa who know cxacllv what their constitution will bear, ami-sin up to It. ' f . 100 Liiillcs Vanted. An 1100 UK'ii to rail at ilrugclsiH, for freff iiaukugu of Lane's 1 nmily Medicine, the great root and herb remedy, discoveero liy IV Silas Lane while in the Korky nioun t...-.1: r.i.. .t,. .. . loiniis. i-iii uiai:uL's 01 me uiooo, uver anu kiiineya 11 m a positive cure. For constipii' tluiiunil clearing up the complexion it iloe wiinilei's. Cliihiren like it. liveryom jiraUes it. I.argc-sizo package, f)0 cents. At all dnifc'si6tf' The latest trust is in dried apple Give it plenty of water and it Is sure to swell Worth Us tVolght In Gold. Tf you foel dcnrcMed, your appetite Is poor and Hiq t1011b.nl with Ulltlnej. of the hoad, hllllousnes or Kyspeiuln, nr. Lee's l.tver lte ulnr nlll cure yo,. Trial io bottles free. a woii.kuiiwn physician in New York advises an 1119 imucnia tiiai suuer witn (.'cuglis and LiolUstouio I'urlnin Uuuith ard 'oniuuiptlon Sntfio people change their tulnds every day and jet never have a decent ,000 hi them. A SENSIULK MAN Would Use KcniD 8 IlaU.nn fnr 11, Ihrnnl anil luiiga. It in curing more enscsof CourIicc Utlds. Astlima, llioneliiiis, Croup and nil riiio.it and Lungs Tniubles, thai! an o tlier IIICUlllllC, llie nroiiriL-torlms mil inr inmiv druggist to gin you a bample liotlle Free to eouviiiie you of tho merit nfthis great rem- euy, largo nottie OUc anil 51. Customer How much is this ring? New Jewely Clerk-It's marked 18c' Eighteen cents, please. Hints TlifUnro Metier than Cold. If you have nd breath. alutnrlsh hum iu tlie-.sinall of von r or giiltlincos, your vital organs uro sadly nut of order. A mere "dole of physic" will not help you. Your only wise conrso is to take Dr.ravid Kennedy's Favorito Remedy of liondout, N. Y.. ami cleniibo our sys tern of the iinimrilics. It ireL'tilntcs thu Liycr and Kidneys. It is better to give than to receive. This telater especially to advice and niAdletm. Didn't Want a Girl. Last summer mv wife's health nil run down, and she wanted me to lilroa giri lo do tlie work, Jn a little whiln I f,,nnii nnu I thought would suit her, when to my surprise she buid I need nut hi as pho felt iniich 'better, and thought an-1 nt!ifi linltla .J U..1..I.... II!.. 1 ! ....... ww..,x, . uuitiiiii, iiiiitrn wotuu cure ner. uuuaiU Urey, 41 Worcester tlubton. square, A faux pas Her father. Panekiller A snow ball. I'ortunnte Father nnd Son. "I mn as tertmn as I nmv llvo" t P E. Bartholomew. of Ku kaskus Mi. li il.i Dr. Ilavid Kennedy's Fnvnrit.fl lfimiili .,1 Rondout; N. V., saved my 'He when I was a victim or that terrib e runal diuinlpr Urighl'a Disease . My son had n lever burv 1111 Uia icir. . Hp. too. used Kavnrim ltii.lv ami is now well. Jtut fur this medieino I in win whii miner anu son woulu have 1....1. i..i , ... ikvii aix icei unacr 1110 Sik, Companions in arms Twins. The woman's cause Becauso. KUl'El'SY. iiiisiswhatvou ouaht lo liavi. m riot must have It. to fully cnj.y life. Tlmusands ate uZH'"ls,!".rt dl! ( ,u"1, '"numlnB because tlie unci it not. thousands upon thousands ol ,.,. niv uyiuis ppcui annually uy nur people III tlie lione that t hev limviiiinin tiim i,n ',,.1 'ft It inilv ill) Ililll liv nil ll'n . .1.... illClrlO illttl-rs. lflisnl nivnr.llnn . 11,.. ..... ..:.oi "....i ... i"viiui ci'stliiii and oust the demon dispepsla and In- 11 nun uu'i.iipeiisv. We recommend Electric m .1 . n",7 . """an diseases 01 Liver, 1 t iT,i Vi.i.-,." ,''.". ..."i "., 11 , and $t per Far-ln.affalr Artesian wells. Belles of the bawl Girl babies. A Close unit. Mrs. Clms. Ureenwood, of Indlannnolik luid whnt thedoio.-s eal. d, asthma, but. sheznl llttfc relief until slie tnnk Fir. Milfift' ew Cure, which soon made her lone winded, stnppwl the pain incliett, swellini! of ankles. coiiL'h, nalnltatinn. etc. Sold ni Ilit'ry'snnd Thoinuaiirag stores. Remarkably fine board -Sawdust. Superior court Sparking a rich girl. Don't yVhlp n sick Itor, Nor take Cathartic Pills when your hnwela or liver are sluggish. Thev art whip. But try onco at least Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills. They act thmiiRh tin nerves. Samples free at Biery or Thoma ' Irus stuic. Y I v docs asparagus resemble long mops? Because the ends are most soughi after. John E vlra, do you love me. or. Is It n'y inonoj ? Elvira John. I love yo 1 both. When a -dude is near-slshlcd and half witted ho gots on jery well with half tn eye-class. The unmarried females of the conntty will bo much interested In the work of the Patrons of Husbandry. As a hone ami cattle loton Salvation Oil hai proven lu-li an miallibl. remedy, n has ra" celved the hearty Imiorn-ment 01 tnanv old and well knownhorem n. rlco cents a' Pottle. Moj hers. do not It your darllnirs tutfer with the whooplnn eough wlil'a you have a teuiady .o JVT!r.f.t,,'4n)I' 1,8 Uu"' tlouuh Syrup and tholltlleiutrarar will ioou find relief, PrloexSQ, The "Forty-nliierB" of California wen Pan Americans, though some- pan'd out better Mian others. There isa rumor that the senior class at Harvard University is deteriorating, and the election of a negro as class orator seems to Ive color to It, (Jeulal host-Pithrlck, me bhoy, vou've hadqulte enough to dbrlnk. ,Takemea. - lee; when yet to the top of the ithreet ye'll see two cabs; take tbs' ftrst. for begorra there's onit oue. Always take the part of an absent person who is censured In company, so far as truth and propriety will allow. never think the worse of another rm ar. Live and Let Live.' THE LAST PERFORMANCE. Brimful of faces was the hall, Tho orchestra ablase with light Once mora we played before them ail, And pawed away into the night Tf teld them once another way, My master. In your merry mood Now only this remained to play, Th muslo of your solitude. Aad a your strains ro-eohoed there I knew whoso shadowy form stood by. The people praised us did wo carat We. were too lonely; you and L Small joy you had of your renown, 'Hy.master. or vour cirtiiivinAt Why, when your gallant ship went down. .. " uiHkkcr mi rioor uanc or miner Now, In tho dark, deserted room Aealn I hear vour mimln di. I ae your face float through tho gloom, You, broken hearted, even as II May Kendall In Scot's Observer. M'TTTJ TTnrnrirv nrnttn "Kosa, darling, nre-you quito hDnv? 11 1 ever cause you a moment s unhapni- . v - - ness may I wear horn3 forever, liko my flentliah'prompter. Father and mother dote upon you; won't you try to lovo them, pet: ' Thus spoke a young; and handsome hns- band to his beautiful brido durinir their noneymoon, whilo on a visit to his par ents. The youthful Rosa folded her hnnds meekly over her bosom and answered 6iemnly: "Wilbur, thy people shall bo mv o. plo." So far (rood, but soon misunderstand. ings and heartaclieB, arising from con flicting tastes and habits, ovorshadowed tneir little romance. ine nappy counlo bocamo tired of Tlsltlng and, disgusted -with bo.inlinn-. then thoy Went to housekeeping, and, navtng nmplo means, furnished their nouse In elegant style. Rosa was satis fled, but thought that ono more picture was needed to fill a certain vacancy on the parlor wall, 'and whenover sho ox- pressed a particular wish for nnvthlnr' Wilbur, lover like, was quick to gratify t , j J was surl,rise1 do- ..B.nou 10 nnu niac ne naa piacea one there; Bho was a woman of cultivated tastes, and was really shocked upon ox amining it more closely. It was a representation of tho death of Washington tho mournlnc familv with different expressions of grief upon their countenances were groupod around the dying hero; a negro, black as night, peeped from behind tho dranorv of tho bed, while above hovered the goddess of uoerty with a sorrowful, half averted face. It was painted in arlowlurr colors in most execrable taste. Rosa turned awav in dismar. and met me smiling eyes or her husband, who had entered unpercelved. "What do you think of it, dear?" ho pleasantly Inquired. "It 'is tho most horrible daub I over saw," she replied, scornfully. "Daub, Rosa? Tho painting is some what faulty, I admit, but the design is fine, is dt n6t? Observe tho flmiro of liberty mourning tho loss of her cham; nlnn " "Indeed," said his wifo. mischievouslv. "I can't decide whether tho goddess is weeping over the dead general or over tho intensely black negro, who appears kj uo wiping ms nose upon tho curtains. I suppose this is' one of vour iokes. Wil- bur, but pray remove this unsightly blot immeaiateiy, iest some Inopportune vis, ltor happen in and shatno us." "No, Rosa; I intend it shall remain," he replied emphatically; "it is a very impressive picture." "Very," said she, sarcastically, "noth- ing can .be more impressive than u death ing can .be more impressivo than a death scene it is especially suggestive for the wans or a parlor." "Rosa!" "Wilbur!" "You are a fool," he exclaimed, with rising anger. "Then I'm not a suitable wifo for a gentleman of discriminating tastes and politeness," she retorted with bitterness ml , . .men sue ruonea to her own room. threw herself upon a chair, flung her arms half across the tabje and burst into a storm of hysterical sobs. All their little variances rose to her mind; how very singular that Wilbur should admire this odious picture; she nau Often Heard his judicious comments upon various works of art; nover before had she known him to be so deficient in judgment. Surely thero must be some hidden motive for such conduct. What could it.be? The longer sho on tertainod this idea tho inoro convinced she became that thero was a mystery at- tacnea to it, and a feeling of jealousy was aroused in her heart. While indulging in tho luxury of tills good cry a lady friend called and sho was obliged to calm herself sufficiently to re ceive her. "Dear Mrs Plant." she exolalmed. nit- eously, "I am very unhappy: Wilbur has oauea ma a fool and I I thought that the first year of man led life was always tho happiest." "Not always, dear Rosa; it takes years to learn the ins and outs of eacli others' character, as well as to assimilate in habits and tastes, but don't be disconso late; love has as many lives as the pro verbial cat." "You can joke, Mrs, Plant, but I feel my heart is breaking," "Well well, dear,' one of the most insupportable pangs that can afflict the sensitive heart, disenchanting forever me Dngnt illusions ot life. Is the lirst doubt Of the Idol Of our affections," re- pneu er ineno, laughing; -put serious- C " T. i.. 1 v,'"''"00 through many a slight skirmish. Come, uj Juur iicari. icuer, um noi nnAt m Anil inn. visi mncl rr tmma mill, I , . - 0. uu bv ..uu.u "...1 1 , v . " 1 x . 7 lnal lrfte husband of youra has already eaten his "y uiiuugu a wiiuia uiu 01 larej, Je- pend upon it, if he starves his love for a while, he will not starve his stomach." Rosa accompanied Mrs. Plant to her nanusome home, leaving word for her husband that she would return tho next day. While crossing the ferry her friend, noticing her sadness, sought to divert her thoughts from that dreadful epithet of "fool," which she said was ringing in her ears oontinuallv. her ears continually, "icosa," she said pleasantly, "you must not allow trifles to worry you so. Men are fickle creatures at best. Let me tell you a secret; it may bo helpful to you. -i was not my Charlie's first love; you look incredulous, but heliimself told me .11.1 u l.' 1.1... nmi. . i." I . "' " m-iriicu iu a uiu jeor un 1 toon a taney to a pretty girl nnd visited Her frequently, finding lier more attrac- wve anu interesting upon eacn visit. - ui rurso 11 was impossioio even to VJnt at n marriagp just then, as he was only a r-lerk upop a very small salarr in. 91, out uiarii was a wise chap h 4tei&Uttil to wai toKcitUy uuktl h!Amrau, could ask her, especially at ho fancied that sho would not say no. "Ono ovonitig ho invited her (0 accom pany him to tho fair of tho American instituto. I daro say sho was pleased enough to promonado with a handsomo reilow liko Charlie, and thoy uttered a groat deal of soft nonsense as thoy promenaueu together through tho Im monso nan," Rosa smiled, and Mrs. Plant know that tho cloud was lifting. , "You know how 'tis yourself," sho saiu, sinning in return, "At last," sho continued, "tho loving pair camo 10 a confectioner's stand, pienuiutiy supplied wttli a tempting dis play of goods. 'I know you are fond of candies,' saiu unartic, -will you liavo some. "Thereupon sho selected whatever suited her tasto, and as. ho took out Ills pockotbook to par for them the confoo ttoner remarked that tho packago being rnuicr uuiKy 110 Had maUO two of It, "loucan carry this one, miss,' he said, handing her quito a largo bundle, 'and hero is another for your young man. Three dollars. I hopo they'll please the lady, and that you'll call again.' "Rosa now laughed heartily and her inonu joinou ill iter mtrtli. . "liireo dollars' worth of candy! Had ho heard aright? Fifty conts or oven$l 'as quite enougli lo spare. Why, all he had in tho world was a $3 greenback, siiugiy 10 wen away lgr tuo purchase 01 a now vest which ho very much needed. "Novcrthclcs3, thero wa3 no help fdi it; ho must not do without it now, and saying nover a word lie handed over the money with a sigh. "Now, Rosa, haven't I reason to bless that young woman for her inordinate liking for candy? Cliarlio was dison chanted then and there a girl that could eat her way through a $3 package of sugar was altogether too sweet for him. ana altogether too extravagant for n pooruian for sho was well nwaro that ho couldn't afford it, but was too selfish or thoughtless to care, "Charlie didn't vlsither again, neither fHfl llO flirt rif rlicirinnninimnnt- lt...1 to bocomo 11 wealthy man, abundantly ablo to glvo his second lovo all tho candv sho wielies for so you perceive. Rosa. that a woman must not fancy that ther never was, nor never will bo another wo man in tho world so attraotivons herself. out siio must strtvo to keoplier husband's love It sho values It." "Thank you for telling mo tills secret. Wilbur shall not bo disenchanted if can help it," said Row, "even if ho did call me a,fool." So, gaming courage, she-tried to banish unpleasant thoughts, and cool her mirror by strolling arountl her friend's beautiful grounds, wondering if ho would follow her, or wait until the next day. ouuumiiy sua saw ner nuguanil np- nrn.lfillinp'. TTo lnnt-nl ndnln.D.un It alittlobird had sung in his eaiy-;'siur -,.. w .v,,.u ....v. ,ii , iiiu .in ii J.llUUQt cornered py a cat; but she smiled, nnd discreetly remained silent. "ltosa, torgive me," ho said, softlv. Throo little words, full of hon nnd nieanlucr. In tho first hittorrmw nf hot ! resentment bIio had tlimmht. ,i,nt. never could forgive, but womanlike, al tho liret word of tendempns. tlm K-irrfon of pride gavo way. and she throw hor. self into his outstretched arms nnd sobbed out: "Dear Wilbur, you too havo much tc torgive. Oil, why did -ou marry me?" "BecausoI loved you. but not half at well as now: let mo oxnlnin mv unnar. donablo rudeness. "I had a dearly loved brother, youngei than myself, who early developed a ge- nius for painting nnd' drawing in oil but, alas! he was a confirmed consump- tivo. "He dovoted tho falllmreuonrieHof lift own lifo to tho picture that you so un- rflorcifully ridiculed; it is to mo a sacred memento, hallowed by a thousand asso ciations; can you blamo me if I could not bear to hear it criticised in terms oi levity nnd disgust? I thought you wen very heartless,. Rosa." "Oil, why didn't you tell me Of this be fore?" sho inquired. "My remarks must havo seemed cutting nnd cruel. My deal fellow, I havo a keon perception of the ridiculous, aud my risibilities aro easily excited, but I sincerely hopo that I am not malicious. Will you forcivo me. Wilbur, anil show that you do. bv allow. ing inu picture to remain wnero you piacea nt 1 uaro say that I havo 'dozens of faults, but I hopo timo will correct them all perhaps I shall bo perfect some day, but I fear it won't ha till I have wings." "Rosa, wo must bear and forbear. You must try to bring out my best points; you win nouotiess liavo a trying time of it. but remember what the immortal poet says,.anu lie is authority: "Nothing lovelier can bo found In woman,-tban to study household good, And good works Iu her husband to promote. J. S. in,New York News. JLarca landowners In Anitralla. Thero nro some largo landowners in western Australia. Mr. W. H. Barber has 620,000 acres; 5fr, J. Bateman up ward 01 i.i'uo.uuu, nr. a, J. Cunningham has upward of 0,000,000, or an area equal to abouta tenth of that of England. Mr. W.Mackinnonhas upward of 4,000.- uw, ana the union bank, of Australia, lias upwards of 7,800,000. Montreal oiar. an incandescent lamp arrangement for showing tho interior of boilers while und.tr steam has boon mndo by aOerrann lnvtor. The Vernacular of the E.tlnC Honae. old Gentleman-I'll have a nice rump eteair, waiter rathor underdono and potatoes and'greens; and after that I'll have er let me itc-yes an apple .... I Qumpiing. Waiter Yessir (bawls "off")-Steak under and vedge; dump to foller.- Judy. ' Ton.orlal item. Judge (who is bald headed) If half. w witnesses xcsiuy against you is 'ruoi yur consclenco( must be aa black as your hair. Prisoner If a man's conscience is reg- ulated by his hair, then your honor 7.? E 7 consc,nee at Texas Sif tings. Ho Had Stepped nn Them. Singleton What do you think about tho tariff question? Do you think that wool should be on the free list? Benedict I don't know; but I wish the fniL-a m t rVi f l,n i-amAitarl ..4-n iu.Mum.,- Lawrence American. Would, otherwise. juias jenuerneurt un, see that poor utuo monueyi wny is he chained to Iho hand organ? Blngloy So ho won't run nwav from thehorrible music, Isupposa. Lawrence $1.28 when not paid in Advance. Singlo Copies 5 Cents He Med. A man rushed frantically into u Kan sas depot just in timo to miss tho train. Tho crowd sympathized with his evident disappointment. "Doubtless you woro going 011 your annual vacation nnd feel the enforced delay keenly," said a tourist from Boston. "No, stranger," said the left man, al most tearfully. "I am a real estate agent and a customer overpaid mo for a corner lot by $50. He's on that train. I just found out tho mistake and was hurrying to give tho money back, and" "Liar!" shouted overy man iu the dcpoLMtinsoy's Weekly. Why He Cnnlcil tlie llcll. it' 'I Buy, old man, what have vou col mat uen 101. "iou see, my horso used to null strcot car. I havo to ring twice for him iu go uuenu anu onco tor mm to stop." -Solinlk. X Gentle Hint. You "lovo the irround I walk njion" At least, you nay you do! "Tlie very theme I talk upon Thenceforth Is swoet to youl" You'd "liko to le the terrier My pouting Hps havo kissed j" You'd "And existence merrlr Th banRla on my wrist. " You're "Jealous of the nickie thlngr That clasp's my dainty waist s" Could "be a bee" you flckla thing "My rosebud mouth to taste." Oil, rodenhi, hoy t you weary lne! Why auch Ions range wish? One needn't atand, a-denrle-me! At forty rods toflahl 0. F. Lummls in Time. How It Occurred. Black (an expert stonotrrHulierl Snv. "I??. rrm Th0. f1 . orei,l;('r wo transcript 01 that leo - ture. Is it most finished? Green (a novice) All but a short son' tenco in about tho middle of it. nnd I'll oe hanged It I can make out from my noies wnac it is. Black Just insert "grent annlauso.' and let it go. Green acts upon sumrestion. nnd the lecture is sent to Tlie Journal oflico for publication with the doctored part read- r ht..j i t ,. ... 11 few moments' longer" Great applause. I Aille, T''o Drawback. uusiomer inoro r one urawback to a business like yours. Barber What is that? C It is impossibld for men of vour cftN'nS to get rid of unpleasant acquaint- ances. B. -I would like to know why? C You can't afford to cut anvbodr. 1'ho Wisdom of tin AucieuU. "Lijizle," remarked Sir Walter RalclKh to tho queen, "wherein do a man's aim resomblo a bill collector?"' "In good truth I knoir not," 'replied er majesty.. "Wherein do they?", "In their propensity for finding 0,lt" 1uot'1 Sir Walter. Mm; Weekly. ' him nscv s Tlie I. alt One. Stranger Is this a quiet town? Resident Very. Stranger No robberies, eh? Resident No, sir; not ' lately. Let's see (cnlling to his wife) Marin, long ago was it we had our parish how fair? Boston Transcript. Ought to Be ffatlafled. Papa (who has just been made magis trate, addressing his little daughtor) Lilly, I can marry people now. did vou know that? Lily (anxiously) But you won't, papa uonc you think mammas onough? HnrperV Bazar, What "Co-Eil" Ma; Result In. Harold (A.'-B.. Harvard. '88) Maude. I lovo you. will you be my wife? Maude (A. B Harvard annex, 88) No, Harold, that can never" be, but we shall always bo brothers.- Harvard Lam poon. 'Twn. Hut a Dream. Poor Apprentice (loquitur) Oh, last night l had such a'beautfful dreaml I thought that my master's wifo had cut her hand so badly that she had to lot me nutter my own bread! Fliegende Blaet- ter. Old Ktyl and Xew. Teacher What is that letter? Pupil I don't know, Teacher What is it that makes honey? amaii lioyfsonof a manufacturer) Olucose, Now York Weekly. Semper Parata. Archie Now, Boss, I'm going to kiss you. Bess If you do, I'll scream! (Archie pauses.) Well, I'm all ready to scrpam. Ttme. Adjourned. At a caucus in a western state it was a long whllo ago, and all the partici pants are dead someone made a motion not In harmony with the opinions of Jha presiding officer. That worthy gentleman was nonplussed for a moment, but immediately recovered himself, "The motion requires a two-thirds vote," he said, "and tho chair decides that there aro not that many here." which was not much more absurd than some parliamentary law that is ranctioned by the books, Youth' Coui- M&a 1 I. r uanion GET THE Carbon Advocate" All the No-wb. 5 2 WBBBLS J S1.00. MEN YOU HEAR OF. Tho Duko of Edinburgh Is a tosUg stamp collector. Flippant Washington calls Secretary Rttsk "Old SocdletB." Princo Ulsmarck considers Sir Charts Dilkc the greatest English statesman. Ux. Governor Itoadly's incomo from his legal practice is said io be $100,000 a your. Ilenrik Ibsen, the Norwegian nlov wright, pronounces tits last nnmo "Eye bsen." President Caniot has repeated a for mer gift of 25,000 francs which he be stowed on tho poor of Paris. Tho late James Dupro, the famous French artist, always carried in liti pooket a copy of Jlontnigne's essays. Col, Swope, who was killed by Col, Goodlqp at Lexington, Ky., bore a strik ing resemblance to Col. Robert G, Inzer soil. Buffalo Bill contemplates takiner his " Wild West show to India. Certain In- dian potentates who vlslttd Paris fast summer advised him to do so. Sir George Grove, the musician, was educated to bo a civil engineer, and de j signed the first two modem lighthouses ereorou oytne jfnttsli government in the West Indies. Geroniuio, the treacherous and blood thirsty old Apacho chief, is reporied to have embraced Christianity, and is now actively engaged in Sundnr school work I among 1115 leiiqw rctt men. Drs. Schweinfurtli nnd Junker. I ln At. rlcan travelers, express doubts whether Eniin Pasha will enter tho English serv ice. Thoy believe that he will ivttla down at HrssowrIi, in accordance with an old wish. It is beliovcd that the oldest clergy man now in the church of England U Archdeacon Jones, late archdeacon of Liverpool, who has attained his 08th year, and has been in holy orders for seventy-four years. The late John F. Smith, the great Phil adelphia typefounder, gave to various charities more than, $100,000 a year dur ing tho closing years of his long and use ful life. "Everything I have to civa away," he said, "I shall give away be- ioro 1 aie. Tippoo Tib, tho great African slave dealer, is getting tired of his wandering 1 and dangerous existence, and tosertlo down as a solid citiseu on his estate at Casingo, 300 miles above Stan ley Falls, where ho has built for himself a large, fine stone maueion. THE GENTLER SEX. Sarah Bernhardt has a' marrnificent tomb in the cemetery of Pere la Chains, Mrs. Shawbogorie. wife of the chief of the Chippewa Indians, is over 100 vewrs old. Kate Field says women are absolubslr unfit for the management of pnblio af fairs. Mine. Modjeska drinks tea. smokes cigarettes and keeps a scrap book of critj icisras. Mrs. Ormieton Chant was lately in- vited bySpnreeon to preach from his pulpit. Miss Vida Latham iias been noDolntd assistant in the pathological laboratory of Michigan university. Prince Hntzfeldt'a bride was married as "Clara Elisabeth Prentice, otherwise Clara Elizabeth Huntington." Miss Clara Barton, the philanthrouiat. is the only person in America entitled t wear the Iron Cross of Prussia. Miss Maud, the eldest daughter of Sir Julian Pauncefote, is skilled in sketch ing and painting, nnd is n fine equestri enne. Miss Hammersley steers a ladisV' "eight," manned entirely by her sisters and cousins, who have been rowing a good deal this year on the Thames. Mme, Patti is said to be the only ner- ison in the world who can draw a full house to Albert hall. She receives $3,500 a night, and the average receipts are $8,800. Mrs. Clements, wife of Mark Twain, is a sweet, lovely, refined woman, but a serious drawback to her husband's hap piness is the fact that sho ennnot anora- clato his jokes. Miss Gertrude Miller, the little dauah. ter of the attorney general, is quoted as expressing dislike for Washington, be cause "the people go out in the street with their babies." Mrs. Catherine Donovan, of. Baltimore. has given 100,000 to Johns Hopkins uni versity, expressly stipulating that no por tion of the money shall be used to givt instruction in the dead languages. MEN OF LETTERS. Emlle Zola is opposed to the guillotine. Whlttler says he expects to lire to the age of 100 years. Eugene Field is collectine his into a volume, to be published bv him. self. Col. Thomas W. Knox, who is an an. thor, a traveler nud a good fellow, Is a man in the prime of llf. nix feet tall and jovial by nature, Moncure D. Conwav is said to Im th hern nf "Ttaherl: VHi,no T. 1. n known that Mr. Conway's mfiHon in London was a failure. , , Although nearly ninety vear nhl Goorgo Bancroft proposes to devote him self almost exclusively this winter io hit Litie or f resident rolk." Dr. Buchwald, the authority on Mar. tin Luther, has just discovered Luther's marginal notes on Peter Lombard ami John Tatiler' sermons in the municipal library at Zwickau. Paul du Challlu. whose book nted such a sensation, was born in Louis, iana. Ilia father was n trader t it,. French colony of Gambia, on the west coast, and J'aul wenf there as a child. Central Africa soon fascinated the youiuf nattiraliht, who lived on the brim of th vast continent, and bis explorations were tbo result. Queen Victoria does not wear a Mreat deal ot fur. She has an odd cloalc,how ever, in which she comfortably ncaMi herself when traveling in the cold weather. It is made entirely of enoiat, and the ermine is outside. The cloak give her a very regal appearanea. One of the youngest monarelis in th world is King Thantal, potentate of An num. He is 0 years ot age, very pre cocious, and fully conscious ot th im portance of his position. He is Dcletati and thoughtful, disdains childish iportj, and spends all his time in the seclusion of hi palace, studying, converting with- aged eounivslors and poring ovr book and manuscripts.