The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, November 23, 1889, Image 4

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Big Stock,
Boots & Shoes.
j. l. mm,
Paints, Varnishes, Glass,
Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa
- for
This Remedy Is the prescription of one of the leadlne physicians of Paris Fraiir
wi sused by him with unparalleled success for oyer thirty Vars.and waVuVst 3?en
. rub Ic as a proprietary medicine In 1878. and s.nce that time t has fou ltsil a
fete almost jTery country on the face of the KIobe. and become a favorfte remedVwUi.
fc.ands of the leading physicians. Meulcal societies have discussed its marSsuc
EIS'm?' Vnnn?',coriYent'on.s' and after their official chemists bay" ana" aed It am'
L. It. BROWN, U. D.
23 West Jersey St.,
...... , ,. . T. M, Euia.Mn.N. J..June28,l889
Sail II to eertify that I bare used for soma months with much tlafnit!nn th.
HmmMm, for Heaaaehe, known .. Brio's Headache TrodiM? Th remedy curesTorl be H
1" " Norrous Women than anything I am amu.lnted with and li
tSirf'SSlTS h. 1 ZflSZSl US abloUcnUo'Tb.1!
? . ..v. u. n, miuwn, M,U.
Bold by all Druggists, or sont by Mail on roooipt of Price,
itemed Mesjicii Co.,
Ajriit II. '85.
Closing Out
. Bargains
Or ateount of rapidly failing health the undersigned will close
out ui saennce prices nis large stock of
The goods are new, no shoddies or seconds, and people who
tiwly take advantage of this great closing out sale will secure
lT.naeriui oargains in ine snape ot good goods at low prices.
Don't Eail to Call.
Has just opened an entire new line of
Carrmrisinir all the verv Ifitrssfc sfcvlns in XXTTiiA
i' a j J - - vruuiWi OB.'
taens, Prints, Ginghams, Marseilles, Seersuckers and
Fancy Dress Patterns of the very best qualities at exceed-.
ong luw piiuua.
Groceries, Provisions, Crockeryware,Glassware
Wood and Willowwars of the best makes at low figures.
Cloths Oassimers, Hats, Boots, Shoes arid F.eadv
ad Clothing in great variety and at prices witl tile reach
f all purchasers prices fully as low as the same goods can be
lmght for at any other general store in this viciuity.
'jCarpets. Oil-cloths, Lampsvand Fixtures in meat
jariety and of best quality at Hock Bottom Prices.
Best quality ofFlour and Feed at prices fully as. low as the
&ma articles purchased elsewhere.
A ar load of coarse salt has just been receivedthe price
j leen marked down to the very lowest notch.
All goods of the very best quality and are being sold at prices
Ca11y a low n the same goods can bought At any general gtoie
ki this section. Call and be convinced. Respectfully
Wr 828-71
Fall & Winter Goods
Clieyiots, &c, &c.
There is a good deal of satisfaction
in being perfectly satisfied, and espec
ially so in regards to what you wear.
Jn this particular we invariably more
than please our patrons. Our stock
beinn larcre. varied nnr. mmnWn
, ' ' t o ' ..v. fj'M
satisfaction in making a cltoice ot goods
desired, while in style, finish and work
manship our reputation speaks far more
eloquently than word. Call on us for
your Fall and Winter Clothing Light
or neavy uvercoats, Suits or parts 01
Suits. Prices always the Lowest !
Olauss Bros.,
Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa.
at Gost.
for You.
.U yip
es&Chiltas Shoes
Alleged American FunJAY'S HORSE
Bucklen'i Amies Salve.
The BEST Salvo In tho world for euti, 1-umes,
sores, ulcers, salt rhenm. fever anr. tAtt.-r.
clumped lmn In, chilblains corns nml nil skin
eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay
required. It is Ruaranteed to give perfect satlt-
laciion, or money reiunnea. nice X) cents per
box. Forsale by llliHIiltdniRKtst.
The National Association of Stationary
Engineers lias now 4811 members.
Tho clRbt-hour- rulo Is observed bj the
Cincinnati Board of l'ubllc Works.
The Knights of Labor claim that 8340
men joined their order during August and
l'resUent Carnot, of Franc, recently
remarked that he was determined to Tlslt
America before b died,
1 Consumption Surely Cured.
To the Editor Please inform yourread
ers that I have a positive remedy for Uif
above named disease. By its timely use
thousands of hopeless cases have been per
manently cured. I shall be glad to send
two bottles of my remedy free to any of
your readers who have consumption if they
will send me their express and postoffice
address. Respectfully, T. A. Slocura. M. C,
J81 Pearl st.. Kow York.
The lato Sir Charles William Bikes was
the founder of England's groat system of
.postoffice savings banks.
forced to Leave Home.
Over CO people were forced to leave their
homes yesterday to call for a free trial pack
age of Lane's Family Medicine. Jf your
blood is bad, your llyer and kidneys out of
order, if you arei constipated and have head
ache and an unsightly complexion, don't fall
to call on any druggist to-day for a free
sample of this grand remedy. The Jadii
praise it. Everyone likes it. Largs Ucd
package GO cents.
Uiny people will be astonished to learn
that tha London preacher, Spurgeon, It
only fifty five yeais old.
Cure Yourself.
Don't pay largo doctor's hills. The best
medical book published, 100 pages, elegant
colored plates, will be sent you on recti pi
of three 2-ccnt stamps to pay postage. Ad
dress A. P. Ordwav.& Co.. Boston, Mass.
General Orenfell, K. C'. 1)., commandei
of I tie English forces- in Egypt, losks like
Qrever CUvoland.
Interested People.
Advertising a patent medicine in the pe
culiar way in which the proprietor oi
Kemp's Balsam for Coughs and Colds doe
is indeed wonderful. He authorizes nl.
drugulsta to give all those who call for it t
sample bottle free, that they may try it be
fore purchasing. The largo bottles ore 50i
and $1.00. We certainly would adviso i
trial. It may save you from consumption.
The uen dowager of Portugal is ta re
celve au annuity of $03,000, and sb will
reside abroad.
HftTB used your Idoal Tooth Powder
for quite a while, and consider it second to
none for purity and pleasantness. There
la no better; I tako pleasure in recorn
mendinc its virtues to all my friends,
and so Ton;; as you manufacture such a
delightful powder as tko Ideal, you shall
nave tho bonoilt of all I can do for you.
Db. G. B. Sweent, Pittsburg, Pa.
W can thoroughly recommend Ideal
Tooth Powder to our readers. Wo find
it highly endorsed by tho Dental profes
sion, as being free from all injurious
material; no grit, cleansing the teeth per
fectly, imparting a pleasant, refreshing
condition to the mouth. lias received
four medals, the highest each timo. Wo
advise our readers to rend the advertise
sent elsewhere in this issue, and give it a
Corporal Tanner aud family have settled
down for the winter at Washington.
Gould not Ksep
Shop without them. I consider your flul
phur Bitters a remarkable blood purifier, i
know of seveial people, whose cases wen
considered hopeless, that have been en
tirely cured by ycur medicine. The sale o
Sulphur littters is so large here that 1
could not keep shop without them. E.6
Yates, Pharmacist, 99 Essex street, Lawr
encc. Mass.
Senator-elect Pcttlgrew, of South Da
kota, Is only just over forty years old.
Don't StnndTlmt l'aln.
Itden't do to negleot nature's warning, aches
through the system cause Ithoumatlim, Neur
algia, Backache and pain In the side, a prompt
nd af remedy It rcqutrad. lied t'laft Oil, th
famous pain cure, fills the bill. l'rle 15 cents.
Are you Consumptive ordoyou sutferwl ha
Couch or Cold, If so use Hurltau Uough ami
Consumption Cure, l'rlce :J cents. JTer sale at
Thsinn' drui store.
Mrs. U. S. Grant will yl'lt her son Jeisr
In California, this winter.
The transition from lone, lingerie and pain
(til sickness to robust health marks an epoch li
the Ills of the Individual. Such a remarkabli
event Is tieasurcd In the memory anil aucno
whereby tho good health has been attained I':
Brati-fully blessed. Hence It Is that so much 1
heard In praise of metric Dltters. Bo many led
they owe tltelr restoration to health to the use oi
the Oreat Alterative and Tonic It you art
troubled with any disease of Kidneys, Liver oi
Stomach, or lon or short standing you will sure
ly find relief by use oi Electric Hitlers. Sold at
60C. and II per bottle at UHHKK'3 Drucbtors.
Klnr riumbert. of Italy, is still suffering
from dyspspsia.
Make No Mistake If you have made
up yourmlnd to buy Hood's Sareaparilla do
not be induced to take any other. HoodV
Sarsaparilla Is a peculiar medicine, rosses
ing, by virtue of Its peculiar combination
proportion and preparation, curative powei
superior to any other article of the kind
before the people. For all affections arising
from impure blood or low state of the ava-
tern it is unequalled. Be sure to set
iioou .
Gen. Legitime carried off from tlayti
abeut ?00O,O00.
A Clot vail.
Mrs.Chis. Greenwood, of Indlanapoirh
had what the dotors called, asthma, lint.
she got little relief until she took Dr. Mileal
new cure, wmcii soon made her lone,
winded, stopped the rain inchett. nwpllim.
of ankles, cough, palpitation, etc. Sold at
uierysana i nomas drug stores.
The journeymen tailors strik InChlcago
which lasted five days, has been declared
on and the men have returned to work.
Llon't tVklr a Sick Ilor.e,
iMir la&e lamartic nils when your
Doweis or liver jre sluggish. They are
whips. But try once at least Miles' Nerve
and iaver 1'iiis. They act through the
nerves, hamples free at Biery or Thomas'
drug store.
Two-thirds of the cigar dealers of Kan
Francisco have pledg'cd themselves not to
sell cigars made by Chinamen,
Rlln m.A !. r . v. ......
bsbyiand interest I e broken or Prevented by
attacks vf eslto. ttoasach or bowel disorders tiro
lilSS'ihi S.?"'.' iJ1,bjr "bich """!
eonsequeit health. ,
A P'rson suffering from a poorly aetlnr liver
should take Laxadur and be 'h.m.. .t,..
I'rloetseeutf. Bold every wkere.
It Isn't what is Gathered but nlmtl. nA
that gives the profit.
Head work should always lead hand
Someone remarks. "Smlla t tnf .n,i
he will follow you about all ilir " aa
another smile, likely.
The Circus tumbler pan hsrdlv d M in
hold his own when he's "full."
It la the banal oraanlst wlma llf. I.
ontlaiul grlad.
Cures Dlstompev, Heavcj, Glanders, Loss
ot Appetito, Founder. Favors, &0.
1 lb. Id each package. Sold by all dealers.
Cures Dysentery,
and Diarrhcea.
OurcsWlndfft 1AU Ali'min
coiio, &o. dad f nur
EeliovcsGriplngflndSummor Complaint.
ms aouiaics A cclliiiigi
Rcjrulatcs tho Bowels!
Bold by aU druggists. Prlco 25 conla.
For tho euro of
and for tho relief uf
Consumptiro por
cons. For Saloby all
druggists. 25 cents.
OuCAc tarrkl PrhllOCtt, AtaHdrugottU.
When I say Ctms I do not mean merely to
bmif .in-iii iur n iiiiiw, auu uioa liuvo mem TO
turn again. I mean A 1CAU1CAL CUIUS.
1 have mado tho disease of
A life-long study. I WAnnAKT my remedy to
Cure tho worst cases. Because othere have
failed is no roason for not nowrecciving a cure
Send at once for a troatUe and a Freh IIottlb
of mr Inpalublb Ukhedv. Give liiprc.s
and ro.t O(?co. It costs you nnthlnifura
trial, and It v ill euro you. Address
H.O. ROOT, M.C., 1 83 Peasi St., Keh Yob
Successful Troalmsni of Oisoaso
.UlCltOlllCS the Cauao of nil Uliennoa.
iiiil llllJili hilleb
. JLllln llln Allrnl...
Su&cessfal Treatment.
Wonderful TiitiIo nod
The effloanvnf 4Iim T Ti.,. trni.. f ... -.
iro jmtltted in cUIhum f, r It empire ponora beDud
th- ot njr tnHlicns known. We do ol claim for It
Si255L?Silxl!?V ,n c?ri",f tifr (rone tht cure
imporaibla. but wo rin cltm that it trUrcnre ill ewe
IHt'Si? Iun"." not more than hlf Bono. rnon
beat fonlo. Y.jmj yne should me It. pin Icnlirij tfifii
---- ii.u niiuiucuiaDiecnronioaie-SJJS?-!.
.tro?M,iEffrrS". " ca of dlieue. The
modi -lno tht will kfll the (rerms end t the svb tune
nre the patient It the one to uae.
Slid onlr in one sallon stone Jora. lrleM fin. 00.
Win. Radam's Microbe KUIer, WttSi
LaB 9 JH H LH mH I k 1
- K3
H THE lincAT m
jGerman Remedy.
l or tliosu deathly
l.0OO will lio imlil
foracaso where SUL
pitun ItrrrEits will
not assist or cure. II
"Tom suUer with
lnevcr tans.
Suia,, 1 1 uumiuaiiuiH
rccllnir; If so, use
Clcanso tha vitintAd in
Iblood when you ecc II
It will iMirn vnti.
:11a iinpunuea onrst-i s
I ae through the eklnl I
In I'lmplcs.Blotches,! I
md Bores. Itely ouU
Oiiei atli cs who arc
mvtv,l. UIIIIIUGU 1U
Utho mills and work-
I shops; clerks,whodo
not procuro sufficient
oxcrclse, and all who
are confined Indoors,
should uso SuLmoit
Birrnrts. They will
pjnotthenbo weak and
ind health will fnl.pH
8ULPI1UU IlllTRltfl
will euro Liver Cora
IlL-llnL Dontlinfllft.
Irouraired; It will curt
Ito sn fror from ltheum
atlsm, uso a bottlo of
Snxr-nun Hrm?rtn
If vim til nut urlalil
make you strong and
si. . '
4 1. iivlt inns 10 roro.
llon't Im ivlthimt m!
will make your blood
1. ... -
: oortie. ttv it : you
I will not regret It.
I'uru, iicn ana scronfi;,
juu. u.dii imru.
1 health, -who are all
run down, should use
Try HULl-HUU lux.
runs ro.nient. nnd
vou will elecn wll
rum n;i:i iietter rorit.
Ilottnn. ItnsiB.. nnil rem mi j,
w vwtirvo
nerpaltr Is not this thetth time I tuve haXtsoled
"f'-y.Ml BlneeIhTeiea WOUT'S 1CIB
BLacz lno -mr boots wear longer thaa before sad
art alirajl brttht ajid olMnT
It theJUocking for Mm, Women and
Making Leather Waterproof and Durable.
No Bruth. A Shim Lattt a Tf
Cbn be toothed tcith water, tamo at OUdoJi.
The Finett Dressing for Harnett.
Bold by Shoe Stone, Grocers, TtnmWs,
and retailers generally. 1
, mis wv UiBlIDU
eCUrOiT WntltMd. tO ntT rt(lvJkBa In h TT-r
ed Btatei for threo moatht on receipt of '
One Dollar.
T.lhpml lllinmtht allAtsi-a On.
Address ail ordsts to ItlClIAUO K. KOZ,
ay riUXKUM.Uavtim. V. J.
Even aa one in city peat,
Daxed with the stir and din of town,
Drums on the pane In discontent.
And see the dreary rain come down.
Tot through tho dimmed and dripping glua
Behold, In fancy, visions pass.
Of spring that breaks wlUi all her leaves,
Of birds that build la thatch and eaves,
Of woodlands where the throstle calls,
Ot clrla that gather cowslip balls.
Of ktna that low and lambs that cry,
Of trains that Jolt and rumble by,
Of brooks that sing by brambly ways.
Of sunburned folk that stated and gaze.
Of all the dreams with whlob. men cheat
The stony sermons of tho street;
So, In IU hour, the artist brain,
Weary of human Ills and woo.
Weary of passion and of pain.
And vaguely craving for repose,
Deserta awhile tho stags of strtf
To draw the even, ordered Ufa.
The easeful days, the dreamleai nights,
Tha homely round of plain dellghU,
The calm, the unambltloned mind
Which all men seek, and few men find.
-Austin pobaon, In his prologue to Tho Quiet Life.
The old rod farmhouse, "Cartor'i
Place," was ifn usually astir on a certain
bright October mornlncr. There wero no
absolute sounds of unwonted occurrences,
only & vogue air of expectancy soonied
to brood over it.
On tho opposite side of tho road lived
9hlluiy Corwin. Sho was busily on
gaged in watching tho Carter houso and
washing the breakfast dishes, whilo eho
talked with her Invalid slater, IUiody
" 'Pears to me," said Philury, pausing
in her work and gesticulating with her
dish cloth in her hand, " 'pears to mo as
if sothln unusual like was o-goln' on to
them Carterses. I seen the greatest lot
o' fliin's tv-goin' in there these last two
days, an' I hearn that they got Mis'
ney up from King's Holler a-sowln' up
in tno spare cnamber a-sewin all day
an' on even by candlelight. Then I seen
they been a-havin' them parlor blinds
open, an' that certainly means sothin'
An Mis' Carter bought two silver plated
napkin rings down to CollinEes. I think
I'll jest run across an' enquire, if you
will watch them pies, I am that fierce to
know if Glory Ann be really n-goin to
marry that Fhiletus Antrim."
With a parting admonition concerning
the pics, Phllary started upon her tour
01 investigation.
"How be ye, Mis' Carter?" she Inquired
as sho paused before the kitchen door
and looked at that lady, who was busy
making many ana various sweet smell
ing cakes.
Mrs. Carter looked up, and, waving hor
Hour-covered arm toward a chair, said:
"Set, Philury. I be feelin fair to mid
dlin' I How's Khody Ann an' y erselfT '
"Rhody Ann ain't feelin' very smart.
Her back's a-troublln' her, an' her head
is sort o' fuddled with the achin', but
I'm feelin' very nice. I jest run over to-
aay to fetch ye the drawin o tea I bor
rowed of a Monday, an' to see if
couldn't do nothin' to help ye. I seen ye
Vas havin' quite a lot a-goln' on. Be it
that Glory Ann is really a-goin' to git
marneaf l hearn eomo talk of it when
I was last down to the Holler. Be she?"
And Philury repeated her question in
an insinuating manner, as she put the
teocupiui 01 tea on tno table.
"She be, Philury," said Mrs. Carter,
"About when, Mis Carter?"
"About Sunday, PhUury, if nothin'
uon-t pervenc an- inese calces is pleasin'.
"Well, I jest said to Khody Ann, as
come out, I says, sothin' Is certainly
co mm on to uarterses, .though I wan'
sure. Humor is sometimes now and
ag in deceivin'."
"It be, Philury, only this time 't'aln't
I 'lowed to go 'cross an' bid ye to the
weaain' this afternoon, all of ve. Bliodv
Ann, Rastus, Limy, Polly, Mariar, your
hired help an' Nervy Ann; but now, us
ye ore were, perhaps ye won't mind
a-doin' my errent for me, on' ask them
as 1 have named to come o' Sunday at 4
so as we'll git through In time for
"I'll tell 'em," said PhOnrr. as she
turned to go, "I'll tell 'em," an' it's like
as not they'll come."
And they did, and most of tha neigh
borhood with' them.
A wedding in the community waa an
event of no small occurrence. It was
second only in importance to a funeral
and no right minded person who was
able to crawl would think of missing
"Glory Ann's weddln'," for she had
friends in the oity, and it was expected
that she would have a very stylish
affair, with plenty of "new fanglod no
tions," as Miss Durney expressed it.
By 8 o'clock Sunday afternoon tho
road In front of the red farm houso was
full of carriages, hitched to every avail-
aoie tree ana fence post.
The bride elect was proud In tho pos
session or a laoierai or. presents, which
were displayed under the kitchen win
dow, outside of which was hitched to
one of the shutters a yearling calf, the
gut oi uer lather.
There was a "fly catcher" of straw
from a cousin In King's Hollow, and on
aiDum from an aunt in the same nluco.
a dozen flat irons from Mr. Bangs, tho
siorexeeper, ana six cans of preserved
DiacKDemea from his wire.
Philury brought a lamp shade of green
paper muslin ana a tidy from Rhodv
Ann. It was decorated with decalco-
maniaB and trimmed with purolo ribbon.
Philury .had made this herself and was
very proud of it
Mis' Slimmer, from over the hill, being
a poor wiaow, Drought a yeast cako,
which she said was "like to bo useful
when they kep' their own house, on'
yeast, too, was better nor salt rjsln's."
The groom care a salt cellar. Mrs.
Carter a half dozen yards of rag carpet
and a copy of "Grant's Tour of the
The other gifts were varied in style.
extending all tho way from a bronee
lamp, sent by the city, lady, to a paper of.
gold hairpins, given by Mrs. Carter's
"Glory Ann's hair, bcin' red, will sort
o set off them pins," she explained to
'But what." Phllurv aakwl. "hn tfcnt
imng a nonjCUV bv the narlor nrr-an? it
looks for all the world like a bucket
tumed upside down an stuck all oyer
wisn white hollyhocks."
And it is." renlied the hired olrl
"Uiory Ann's city friend writ to her
about them weddln bells what, they
have a hangin over them as Is to be
married. We didn't have no bell, so we
took a bucket. I think it's very Bightly
njjjjcium aon i your
"1 ao. it certainly la lovcdv." said
Philury, sincerely.
"But I don't set no store br his folks."
wuupcreu me nein.
"Whyr asked Fhilurv. aelzintr th
speaker s arm eagerly.
wen, tnoy ain't cot no stvlo about
them, nor they don't wear no mitts nt
least his ma don't. They stayed to Sairv
Holmeses last nlcht at the Holler, sn'
then walked up. I. -think they was too
mean to ride. An', too, they gave slch a
present! Why, his pa gave Olory Ann
tlx dollars, on' his ma a bladn' star bed
quilt which would blind ye, 'tis so fierce
"Dew tell!" murmured Phllnw. intor.
stedly. "
. vmmsi hue inn nn
I she slipped nway In tho gathering crowd 1
I to help-tho bride. i
The ceremony progressed well. Every-.
thing went smoothly until tho supper
was about half over, when Mrs. Carter
eald: :
"Whero bo ye goln' for your towor, '
"Wall," ho said, slowly, "I 'lowed that
mo an' Glory Ann would tower to Glen
ham an' back. My sister's husband's
child, Alphonso, lives there. I 'lowed
'twould bo as good a placo to towor to as
any, I did."
Then Glory Ann lookod up quickly,
and her cheek glowed so that her halt
seemed pale in comparison as sho said,
with withering emphasis:
"I'lowod to tower to Klng'ii Holler nn'
see Uncle Elbertus. I 'lowed I should
, tower there an' to no other placo olso, I
"Seems to mo," said Mr. Carter, speak
ing up quickly, "that Glory Ann's tower
Is best. It only seems to mo to bo jest
proper in you to go nn' tower to your
Undo Elbertus', for I hcarMirandy ain't
very well."
"An' it 'pears to mo," said tho groom,
"as if I was tho one to decldo on this
tower, so it 'pears to mo, it does."
"I can't set quiet nn' see my darter's
opinion set osido ail' sort o' flounced nt,
so to speak," interposed Mrs. Carter.
"Why, ain't you decided' on your
tower yet?" asked PhUury. "Why, my
stetcr Dorlesky know where hor tower
was a-goln' to bo beforo sho know about
her woudin'. She says to me. says she,
'Philury, Jerry has promised to fetch
mo to Niagary Falls on n tower if I mar
ry him. If ho is really monniu' It, I will
if ho ain't, I won't.' An' ho was, anUha
Philury paused with a smllo, and
glanced inquiringly at the brido.
"An' " (Glory Ann shook her head em
phatically) "an', Philury, Dorlesky was
right. Sho didn't intend to bscastdown
or trod upon by any of thatn bullies
known as men. Nor.I don't, neither. I'm
a-goln' to tower to King's Holler or 1
ain't a-goin' to tower at all, so I ain't.'
"Wall, yo are," interposed Phlletus.
"Well, ye set and dally till I git ready
to go on any other tower," said the brido,
complacently, as she passed her plate up
saying, "I'leaso ginitno somo inoro
them cakes, pa."
Hereupon Phllerus grew very angry,
uising, ne saici, uerceiyi
"Glory Arm, I'll take back that salt
ceilar, an' you don t come to Glonham
"An you, Pliiletus, kin tako your salt
an' yourself ye nre both too fresh foi
me an' go to Glenhatn,or where ye will
for I'll tower to tho Holler or I'll towor
And Glory Ann aroso and passed ma
jestically up stairs, carrying n glass of
elder nnd "them cakes with her.
After supper, Mr. Cartor said, turning
to ills now rjon-in-law:
"Secnis to me, l.JliiIo, that If yo ain't
goin' to tower none, twould bo as well
to onhetch them liorsos an' get ready for
mllkln : It a artcr live."
"I 'low to towor to Glcnham yet," said
tho groom, as ho aroso and vmibhed up
tho Eteps in tho direction tho bride had
Slowly tho time passod. It was al
most dark when Philury, who had out
stayed all the guests, In order to help
Mrs. uarter, returned homo to Impatient
itiiouy Ann, wnosat lnthokuohcn wait
ing for her.
"Well," sho exclaimed, "Philury,
whero did 'thoy tower to, or ain't they
"Thoy towered," said Philury; then
added: "Ye seo, it was this way 'long
'bout half past B, after Pliilo had been
'most a half hour with her, a-coaxin1, tho
parson went up, an' ho prayed with her;
an' Philo's ma went up an' exhorted her,
an' I quoted from the Biblo to her, an' at
last bUo said she'd go, as oboyin' seemed
to be tho heftiest part o tho inarryin
Then wo all went down to let hor put on
her new brown alapacky. Well, in
about ten minutes sho came down, with
tho salt collar in her hand, loaning' on
I'lulos arm a-sinmn' Ilko a basket
chips; an' he was a-griunin', too. Jest
asshopas8ed out, very majestio like, hex
purple feather a-streamin' out behind
hor, sho paused an' said, 'It's King'i
"An' it yras, too," "added Philurv.
"Well, I guess Glory Ann will set oil
them gilt hair pins, if sho ain't bo ilery
that thoy melt," murmured Ithody Ann
"Well, sho be skairful," said Philury.
"Hho bo," echoed Khody Ann. H
Hevorin In Philadelphia Saturdav Night,
It costsoverfplBO.OOOn ycarto keep the
streets of tho city of London clean, and
not a tenth of this amount comes back
by the sale of sweepings and refuse. The
rubbish amounts in tho year to 03,000
tons, about 25,000 tons of which la burnt
nt Lett s wharf, near Waterloo bridio,
yielding 4,000 loads of ashes and cinders.
Neirly 8,000,000 gallons of water a year
ore used in washing tho streets.
Another Charge.
We-wero talking about the war, when
a one armed man came up and seemed
especially interested. Tho major sized
him up for an old troopor, and finally
"My friend, perhaps you lost that arm
in the chargo at Trevilllon Station?'
"Oh, no, sir. It was another oharco,'
replied tho man.
"Down in a town in Slissourlabout
five years ago. I charged a man with
being a liar, and he cut oil my arm with
a corn mire," wow York Sun.
A Itejil Perplexity,
Prospective Father-in-law How do
you expect to get along without a salary
if you aj-o going to get married?
Young Smiley BaSker That is not the
points how am I to get along if I don t
tret, married?. Time.
Tho Chamber of Torturo
Is the apartment to which the unhappy
sufferer from Inflammatory heumatlsm Isr
confined. If, erer the crisis of pain is
reached, that fine preventive, ilostettcr's
Stomach Hitters, Is used by persona of a
rheumatic tendency, much unnecessary
suffering s avoided. Nervines, anodynes
and sedatives, .while haying norm but a
specific effect, nre vet very deslrtble at
times, Yptcan they produce no lasting
effect upon rheumatism,. because tbey have
no power to eliminate from the blood the
rheumatic virus. ITosteUer'a Stomach
Bitters does this, and checks at the outset
disease which, If allowed to gain head
way, It is next to impossible to dislodge or
to do more than relieve. Rheumatism, It
should be remembered, is a disease with a
fatal tendency hum iis.proneness to attack,
ne neart. a resort to me isittets atiould,
berefore, be prompt. Dyspepsia, kidney
....,... i i
1 uiupiaiui.. uiaiaiii uu uarvuusuca arc
h'ys4brh. I
The " Ledger -Building" tels a
simple story and relies on ils.
Clothing to make ycu a cus
tomer. We don't b ow the
"Big Horn," but tho "Best
Clothing with Lowest Prices" 1
leads the band.
ClothuU far Men, Youths aud Cflilflren,
A, (J. Yates & Co.
Sixth and Chestnut, Phila.
A' satisfies
every timo.
rny one now.
as eta.
a tor 91.00.
Bold ereirwbora, cr
mailed for prioe.
look jur tlgnatwre of Vie proprtden, Hop PLASTER Co., BOSTON, on oenuine pooeU.
Including main llnoci, branches and extensions East and Went of the
Missouri Itlvor. Tne Dlroct Routo to and from Chicago, Jollot, Ottawa,
Peoria, La Salle, Mollno, Rook Island, in ILLINOIS Davonport, Muscatine,
Ottumwa, OBkalooea, Dea Molnos.WlntorflOt, Audubon .Harlan, and Council
BlulTs. In IOWA-MlnnenpollB and Bt. Paul, in MINNESOTA Watertowa
?P,d,SSVS5rP,J,B' in S4KOTA-Camoron st- JoBeph, and Kansas City, la
MI?a5UKI,n'ilja! Fairbury, and Nolsou, In NEBRASKA Horton, Topeko,
HutchinDon, Wichita, Bollevillo, Abllone, Caldwell, In KANSAS-Pontl
Crook, KinErflshor, Port Reno, In tho INDIAN TERRITORY and Colorado
Springs, Denver, Pueblo, In COLORADO. FREE Recllnim Choir Cars to
and from Chicago, Caldwell, Hutchinson, and Dodgo City, and Palaco Sleep
ing Cars botwoen Chicago, Wichita, and Hutchinson. Traverses new and
vast areas of rich farming and grazing lands, affording tho best facilities
or Intercommunication to all towns and cities enBt and west, northwest
nnd southwest of Chicago, and Pacific and transoceanic Seaports.
Loading all competitors in splendor of equipment, cool, well ventilated, nnd
free from dust. Through Coaches, Pullman Sleepers, FREE Rocllnlng
Chair Caro, and (east of Missouri Rlvor) Dining Caro Dally between Chicago,
1)03 Mplnos, Council Bluffs, and Omaha, with Free Reclining Chair Car to
Nojy1 PJ3tta. ,NS,b., and betwoen Chicago and Colorado Springs, Denver,
nnd Puoblo, via St. Joseph, or Kansas City and Topeka. Splondld Dining
Hotsls (riirniBhlnfr meals nt seasonable noure) west of Missouri River.
California Excursions dally, with CHOICE OF ROUTES to and from Salt
L?iSSf Offden, Portland, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. Tho DIRECT
LINE to and from Pike's Peak, Manltou, Gordon of tho Qods, tho Sanitari
ums, and Sconlo Grandeurs of Colorado.
89l,nSWJSiaTTra,,n8,!lally'botwoon Chicago and Minneapolis nnd St. Paul,
with THROUGH Reclining Chair Cars (FREE) to and from those points and
Kansas City. Through Chair Car and Sleeper betwoen Peoria, Spirit Lake,
and Sioux Falls, ylallock Island. Tho Favorlto Lino to Pipestone, Wateri
town, Sioux Falls, and tho Summer Resorts and Hunting nnd Fishing
Grounds of tho Northwest.
travol betwopn Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Lafayotto, and Council Bluffs, Sfi.
Joseph, Atchison, Leavenworth, Kansas City, Minneapolis, nnd St. Paul.
FoTlke8Maps. Folders, or desired information, apply to any Tlokot
Offlco In the United States or Canada, or address
General Manaitor. OHJOAOO, IIL. Qen'l Ticket a Paao. Agent
Nenr riillnrtflphln,
School Opens Hoot
t'lDtli. 1 J
Ycnrlr Expense, SSOO
ynurlerlr Farm'!,
fctt fwi?1!" Imn T it enr time i It, them for IM-ieei. m CoIImc. IVdrt-i;e
?S:.wV..'?' '""Wilt AdTiacl dim in rhnkl. Cliemnrr. .t-i . I In tti. .. A
CWll Unrineerinfr, Claiikl. Malhenutlce. etc. Our of tk Imi mu...a .-.i n.n...i tt.... u a il
........ -mi iie i rint.iiMi, r.ciien tu men and trnvfimret of f rv--Usfl i oil Kim- KlII.ti..(r i iltrel
i'ris;:"1".'".1 W'-niHiKs
count. ,"'"ifi';"l'',b.t.irr. fjnetkal lluiilnet. Dei-ijime.t -1-ti ltertl hr -'!. i (Wrli7,
c. el-. More lullr mpplied w.b ,.,.,nn il..n tiw :hrr I r!ltc.Mn.- l.l ; . if ! irerr tftul
uVJa'1Z?','''.,"1"'',,,'.'!'m''i. l-M"li"tto'l v inuiiM,wln,.tiMtin N
rooms urcrr ronm mi in It A tfim iA tr l ;.m..t.. .-..r.i.v, r...u . .... .J - .-..iar
Pieo's Cure for Con
sumption is also tho beet
CougU Medicine.
If you havo a CougU
without disease of the
Lungs, a few dose are all
you need. But If you no
gleet this oasy means of
safety, tho slight Congo
may become a serious
matter, and several bot
tles will be required.
rWii Remedy tor Cetirrh la tbe j
"". uuicsi to uae, and Cbenpeet.
I Sold by drnuelju or aent by ratll.
www. . uwiutw, w&rxeu, i ti.
Tliou&aitili bard oeen psnnanectlr cured by-
l'lIILAUKl.rillA.l'A. Eattonca, no operation
or luu of ttuiu from buslneu. Cues prononuceit lu
curaUd by otheri wanted. bnd for i:n culir.
Eroii and Chtitnmt flti..
33rd jtur. IWt UcllIMt tar traialaf jooot mas and
vrumH in th Parma Cutomi. aud Praetic at
BUSINESS feurfiriorSUOCTBAHDCuorria. 18tfclnri.
biuaeuta tn7 ofoil al aaf ttiu. Uod for Clrcutara,
enntatDinf JdrMa by Ulthop Tltteant, Hob, Jeha
auauakar, Ki-tiur. ri'Mook. aad othi,
J7W 2!ty-'2
0? mm cod um oil
Almost os Palatablo as Mlik.
.Tt . t. .1 . .. . . .A - . -
illCrtlnml aulmlkiM 1.- . i.
krut(tve utmnarli, when the puis al
rt.nno; be tol.'rittcd; Bnd by lie eesu
btnnilon rHo o!i with the Uviwpke
pliiU li ii'liU more eiCeacloii.
r.smfci.i: as a fia prodactr,
K,niT"4VfCf.'rf7t fanr!-nnlV.
I'ljys.o.i. a to ..Hi Urn Piueat aud Jlast prep.
Who . in tu w.U to tiloroUJ' and nn m tt
O0"!i.1PTlo, scno?utA.
C 0!Sriu3. RMAOIATtnai
COU38 r.. ;i Ot?riOMIO OOUOHH.
The areat rtrntda fur
Wattlnjin CA. -..fa a.u aU' Pmaatsts.
Voe bwkadw, and all sadden, ihsrp. or
hmt Handing pains or wexow33 nf nnrr
kind. VlrtOM ot tmh hopa, bmlock and
tas txlum onsblnsd. It U wonderfully
for oh that
Sold by drug gists
SEEBHi88 nSZE PA1ST8 -0 Colen,
,liK "ownEns-.iiKi.TCoir.
Adi UB. aaiflDUe. 1 W Uth St.. Hew ToriS
'""ftl Will
HIGH ARM $25.00.
Each-Machine haj a drop leaf,
fancy cover, two large, drawen,
with nickel rings, and a full let
of Attachments, equal to' any Sta
rrer Machine sold from 44(1 la
SCO by Canvasseri. A trial in vour home be.
fore payment is asked. Buy direct of the Manu
facturers' and tare agents' profits besides getting
ccmncaics oi warrantee (or live years. Sena for
lesumoniais to UO-OperatlVO 58WIM H
Co., 269 S. nth St.. Philadelphia. I'l.
atraor that w wLil ..nil treatment on trial.
Sand far TrcatUc and fuU panlcuiart. Addreat,
flu Hall Chtmleil Co., 3860 rtlrmount Av Phila., Pa
Wa will SEND KREE b
mall a lanu TRIAL .SOTTLE t
V alio, a ircatiaa on frpdetmy. UQHT
fir . Siai and iMintit and Aft DLalnl v.
lUo Fair mount Avenue, FU!adelphia,Pa,
litd aL
I I We kin a remedy that will CURE CATARRH.
BRONCHITIS and ASTHMA. Our faith teao