The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, November 23, 1889, Image 2

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    RjrrKnuu t TitR LKntnnTOif roiT-orptcn as
L .n ,
The Carbon Advocate
Hfctas for Legal AdTcrtUliiR i
Charter ru:!"fs 1 00
Auditor'! Notlcei 4 on
Coniml 'tloiiiT'ii Netlces - - - 4 oo
Plroroe Noili ei 4 00
Admlntitifttor'sNotle - - -3 00
Kiecutur' Notices sjoo
TiA Circulation Larger th;n that of
smy'WaaUly Nawspaparln tha County,
S. B. l'mcr, cf tlio Upper Lelilgh Coal
Co., was last week elected Associate JtiJco
of Carbon county, by over 500 majority.
Mr. Frlce Is a capable man, and well de
serves tlio distinction accorded him,
White Ilttyen Journal.
"KedNose Jikk's" two accomplices
who helped him to. murder Paj master Mo
Cluro and his companion, near Wilkes
barre, hayo been tried In the Italian courts
for the crime and convicted. One was
sentenced to Imprisonment for life and the
other was given a 20 years' Imprisonment.
SLATijfQTOjf agrees to exempt the
Poughkccpsle Railroad Company fion the
payment of all taxes for ton ycais, give
them water rent free and six acres of land
on which to erect their works.
The citizens of this city can find much
to follow in tho example set by our enter
prising sister town. There is nothing like
hustling to make a town go. Everybody
get together and work,
We have it from tho genial Thomas
Arncr, pf Franklin, that ho will positively
be no candidate for the Democratic nomin
ation of County Commissioner at the next
fall convention, all reports to tbo contrary
notwithstanding. Tom, in bis capacity as
commissioner's clerk, 'has had a fair lasto
of tbe trials and tribulations of the oQlce
which Br'er Malloy would seemingly
thrust upon him and he don't want, nor
wouldn't take the nomination, if tho court
knows itself, and at this token Tom rather
thinks it does.
We clip tho following from a recent
number of Legal Miscellany of Flilladel'
phla. "lion. W. M. Rapsher, of the
Mauch Chunk bar, will coutiibuto an ar
tide for this journal in the December num
ber, .cntttlod? 'Aro Wo Drifting Tpwards
Pure Democracy?' Tho learned gentleman
takes tho position that tho government of
Great Britain, wi;li its nominal Queen and
House of Lor Jt, Is in practlco a model
Democracy, wulietlip government of the
United States, with il: u rliten constltu
tlon and. restrictions, give ui theory ani
practlco less freedom and liberty to the
.citizen, than tho English."
The recent steady increase in the mem
bership of tho Knights of Labor is certain
ly a gratifying sign of the amalgamation of
tho worklng rnasses into a common broth
erhood for tho support and protection of
their interests individually and collective
ly. Now, If they educate, organize and
agitate, as well as stimulate the organiza
tion by conservative methods of Instruction
and steer clear of boycots and strikes.thcre
Is much chance of a fulfillment of the
prophecy long predicted for this society,
namely, that it will work out much good
for tho masses who eat bread by the sweat
of their brow.
The chipper Lansford Record has this to
say of the president judgshlp, in an interest
ing article bearing on tho outlook of Demo
cratic politics in Carbon county.
For rresldent Judge the present occupant,
Mr.Drelier, Is In the Held, and a hot nclit will
bo made to give him another lease ot ten years.
TVhlle the nomination is supposed to be deckled
by the conferrees elected by Carbon and Monroe
counties, tho principal tussel will be In Carbon,
where Major Klotz will mako tlio last great
battle ot kls Ufo to glvo Judge Drchcr another
term, why ha fights so hard tor a man from
another county, when talent Is at homo, the
political novices can't comprehend. But know
ing once attribute It to an understanding, that
dates back several years, and which effects the
congressional nomination. That an under-
stading was arrived at between Klotz and
Drehcr cannot be denied, Klotz's lar-seelns
policy was partly unfolded when last year he
came out for Allen Craig for Congress. If It
was slraplya question between Craig and Con
gress on Its merits, Klotz would hardly bo for
Craig. Ho has not been In the past, and Tatrlclt
Henry said tho only way to judge the future Is
by the past.
The real Democratic rank and file of Carbon
will light under the home flag, bellovlns; It Is
time carbon stopped playing second fiddle to
Monroe county, which, by the way, has monopo
lized the Joint olnces for years. It has held tho
Judgeship for for twenty years, tho Congress'
man for eight, and holds the present Stale
Senatorshlp.' All this In face of the fact that
Carbon has double the roto ot Monroe.
On tho Judgeship tho Dreher party know they
cannot carry Carbon against a home man, but
Monroe may stand by Prulier, and In the oyent
o( two candidates being In the field Dreher's
friends hope to so manipulate the Itcpubllcan
party of Carbon as to obtain an endorsement
With that he would go Into the Held. That the
Itepubllcans will be caught In the trap, many of
the party workers outside ot Mauch Chunk ro-
fuso to believe, in tho event ot a Democratic
fight they bellero their party will fare best by
keeping hands off. At this dato that It the real
position on the Democratic Judgeship for 1890,
from the Allentowu CrUic:
The Lehlghton Advocate, a live and
sterling weekly printed in the neighboring
county of Carbon, was seventeen years old
last Saturday. Editor Slortblmer and hl3
assistants are evidently reaping the reward
of hard and clever labor and we trust they
may all sto tho end ef another seventeen
years of well-requited work, and an Advo
cate twice at u'tfr at i hut of now.
From tho Cataiauqua Dut nuh:
The Lehlghton A dvocaie. passed Its
seventeenth birthday' last Saturday, and
with age grows in popularity and useful
ness. The Morthluiers are a strong team,
and make their paper a . necessity to the
community. ..
From the Dour, N. J., Index:
The Lehlghton (Pa.) Advocate enters
upon Its eighteenth year with this week's
issue, under brighter auspices. than ever.
Uro. Morthlmer will put in a water motor
for his new power press as soon as the
water works now under way are completed.
If the motor works as well as ours he will
be more than delighted with it.
From the Lansford Btcord:
The Lehlghton Advocate has entered
upon its eighteenth year and Is In the
front rank of county Journalism, Tho
Advocate desires to give all the news,
and judging from Its success it succeeds.
Long may It Advocate.
With Its last Saturday's issue the Cab
sohAdyocate, of Lehlghton, completed.
It seventeenth volume. The Advooatk
is a conservative, independent newspaper,
. which succeeds in presenting all the sews
Jn Its particular field with vim and accur
py Phil. Prw, Nov. M.
Whenever I think of the magnificent
charities ot Now York my soul Is filled
with admiration for the ministering angels
that care for them, and yet It seems Im
possible for human foresight to shield all
tho children of misfortune In a great city
like ours. Aside from the city chanties,
which cost us millions of dollars, many of
our churches have organized bodies of re
lief, and there are many hundreds of pri
vate Individuals who scour the slums and
poorer quarters dally, and yet with all our
caro cases of suffering occur shocking to
contemplate, telling us in no uncertain
tones, that the millenium Is yet far olf.
One day last week a woman was found
in a room, almost destitute of furnltur
and everything else, In tho midst of her
starving children; tlicy had not tasted food
for nearly two days. When they were
discovered tbe mother was stark staring
mad, and endeavored to tako her life by
leaping from tho window. Ucr story is
only ono of a thousand. Young and
beautiful, she attracted tho attention of a
merchant tailor, well to do, and married
him. Matters ran smoothly with the
young couple for several years. Tho wife
was frugal and the husband industrious,
and their homo was happy as happy could
bo. Four beautiful children blessed the
union loyed by the father and adored by
the mother, so that nothing seemed want
ing to flit their cup of happiness. But in
an evil hour the father took to drink, then
ruin came swift and suro, Ho became an
outcast and a vagabond. Tho mother for
years struggled against fate, and last week
she was taken to a madhouse. Tbe chil
dren were passed over to Mr. Gerry's soci
ety, arid the wretched father was sent to
tbo penitentiary.
A newspaper correspondent tells the
story of an Interview with the girl wife
of Xfcllyaln, tho eighteen year old murder
er of the German groceryman Lucca, of
Brooklyn. Nothing moro pathetic can be
found In history or fiction than the story
of this poor waif, who will be the widow
of a murderer when she reaches fifteen.
When asked how she came to marry this
disreputable tough, she said, "Because ho
told mo that he loyed mc. No one ever
told mo so before." Did not your mother
tell you so? asked the questioner. "Oh,
no," said the poor creature. "She never
took me in her arms, though I longed to
get there, and she never kissed me In her
life that I can ' remember." Wben tho
mother was asked If this was true, with a
brutality worthy of a wild beast, she said,
"Ay coorso It Is thruc. I don't believe In
hugaln' an' klssln' an' spllln' 'em."
Speaking of her daughter, she said, "She
was headstrong an' I thrled to knock It
out av her, but I cudn't." How did you
try to knock It out of her? the Interviewer
Inquired. "Wli me fists, av coorse; and
ber brothers thrled to knock It out av her,
too, but thov cudn't." TJow? again said
the questfoncr. "Why, wid their fists, as
they had a right to. They knocked her
down an' beat her on the fluro." What a
revelation of savagery Is this! A poor,
weak, little girl of thirteen or fourteen,
who In all her life had never heard from a
mother's or a brother's Hps one word of
love or kindness; whose only remembrance
of homo was of beatings and drunkenness
and blasphemy. IKhat wonder that she
dilftcd awayl ll'ho shall be surprised if
she is lost?
But notwithstanding this there aro char
ltlcs hero tho record of which is kept In
the Lamb's Book of Life, and. whoso
stories of mercy and love will stand out
bright as tho noonday sun on tbe judgmeut
W hat can bo moro helpless than a sick
and destitute woman? Ilomeless, friend
less, penniless in a great city, she sinks by
the wayside, and the mad stream of busy
life sweeps by her, each too intent on his
own.affalrs to think of the flotsam by the
way. Yet not all; the priest and the L-
vlte, perchance, may have passed on the
other side of the way, but a good Samari
tan is also journeying along tho road.
It Is over thirty years since Dr. Marlon
Sims, of blessed memory, founded the
woman's Hospital. Strange as it may
seem, up to that time there was no similar
Institution in tho civilized world. IIos
pitals thjio were by tho thousand, and
many where men only were received, but
neither hero nor in Europe was there any
hospital devoted exclusively to tho diseases
of women. A department was set apart
for those who were able to pay, but they
received no better treatment than the
homeless wanderer that charity had gath
ered from the streets. Dr. Sims early saw
that If the Institution was to bo a perma
nent success he must enlist the aid of wo
men. The names of Jay Gould and Rus
sell Sago stand on the marts of commerce,
and there where tbe money changers (Well
as tho synonyms of all that Is despicable
ana merciless In money getting, yet here
on the list of patrons I find tne names of
their wiyes, Mrs Jay Gould and Mrs. Rus
sell Sage.
But there is one other name there bright
and golden with blessed memories, which
stands out like a shining star gleaming
inrougu a stormy sky. Mrs. JFilliain B.
Astor for twenty years has stood the un
questioned queen of our social life. She
was the one woman whoso supremacy
caused no bitterness, for she seemed to
rulo by the authority accredited to kings
the right divine. No one except a person
acquainted with tbe exacting and relentless
duties of such a station can conceive tho
neyer cding work of such a life. Yet
this dead saint, worth untold millions,
stole away from her fashionable friends and
her luxurious home, to minister wltli her
own hinds to the wants of poor helpless
creatures who In their own estate hardly
knew what shelter was. A beautiful story.
is 101a or Mrs. Astor by one who witnessed
the scene. The lady was passing by one
or tue utile rooms where a poor wrecked
soul was silently passing away, no moth
er's voice, no sister's kindly touch, no
daughter's loye cheered the pathway of
the lone wanderer as she stood on the
verge of the valley of the dark shadow.
Perhaps as the clouds began to thicken
and her eyes grew dim she floated in fancy
through long years of sorrow and tears to
the home of her childhood, and she heard
loved voices long since hushed In death,
whispering softly In hor ear bright visions,
love and hope, sweet as silver bells. The
breath of tbe sufferer came thick and fast,
the death straggle being broken by sobs
and prayer. Tho lady paused for a mo
ment at the door, a woman was on her
knees at the bedside of tlio dying girl; In a
minute all was oyer, the spirit of the
homeless wait had taken its flight, the wo
man rose from her knees while the hot
tears streamed down her cheeks like rain;
it was Mistress Astor, the great socia
quebri, the wife of tbe hundred million
aire, You goed people, who read in your
newspaper gosslD the stories of our society
life, sometimes alsBgured by crossness and
scandal, please remember that some of the
brightest examples of charity and christian
lore are found among these whose millions
, . t . . , .. j .. .
I unre pmceu luuui ucyuiiu lue reacn 01
I want, and, as far as gold can, of sorrow
i and care, j
I The medical staff of this institution has
embiaced- the very best talent that this
country has ever known, Dr. Marlon Sims,
Dr. Aanow, Dr. James B. Hunter, Dr.
Thomas, Dr. James TFood, Dr. Charles
Oarroli Lee, Dr. Bozeman and many others
equally famous. For twolye years the
Board of Suigeons temalned unchanged,
and when tho retirement of some and the
death of others rendered the change Inevi
table, thcro was a sharp competition among
tbo most distinguished surgeons In New
York for the post of honor. The gentle
men selected to fill tho vacant posts are
among tho most distinguished surgeons In
our country Dr. Iloraco Tracy Hanks, of
Madison Ayenue, Dr. Henry D. Nlcoliand
Dr. Clement Cleveland; Dr. Bacbe AfcE.
Emmett and Dr. Thomas Addis Eramett
still remaining on this staff. This splen
did charity needs a further endowment of
one hundred thousand dollars to make It
self-supporting, a home where a poor,
friendless and needy woman can secure
such medical attendance as kings could not
bavo commanded a century ago. If tho
readors of the Broadbrim Letter would put
in ten cents each, the sum could bo raised
in a week. If some good soul who has
read my letters for years feels that tho time
Is approaching when her money will not be
of much moro use to her, think of the
Woman's Hospital of New York City and
lay up a few treasures where the moth
doth not consume nor thieves break In and
Blessed be Providence the elections are
over. Tho Democratic cyclone that struck
New York bounded over Brooklyn, caught
Virginia on the fly, knocked spots out of
Ohio, and made Iowa a dark and bloody
ground, and has raised hob generally,
strewing the sea and tho shore with the
debris of Republican wrecks. Tammany
Is on top. Dick Croker, the great sachem,
is looking around with aten million power
microscope for the remains of the County
Democracy so far he has made no dis
Among tho surprises ef the week is the
breaking of Samuel J. Tllden'i will. He
desired to found a public library, and gave
his house in Grammercv Parle and his
millions for that purpose, lie was a law
yer ot great experience, and knew all
about making wills, but he failed to make
his own so that It would hold, so New
York loses the library and the heirs get hi
money. Queer world Isn't it, where a man
can't do as he llkos with his own. If this
wlso old man failed who can succeed?
Moral: Do whatever you Intend to do In
your lifetime. Don't wait for some one
else to do it after you are dead. Just for
experiment try sending a few" thousands to
tbe Women's Hospital ; if it succeeds, try
a few thousands more, then yon can see
while you are alive tbe good you are doing,
and tbo recording angel will keep tbe gold
en pago all the same.
Youns TltULT,
A Lady's Perfect Companion CiiiLnmnTii, a new book by Dr,
John II. Dye, ono of New York's most skillful
physicians, shows thatprln Is not necessary in
childbirth, but results from causes easily under
stood and overcome. It clearly proves that any
woman may become a mother without suffering
any pain whatever. It also tells how to over
come and prevent morning sickness, swelled
limbs, and all other evils attending pregnancy.
It Is reliable nnd highly endorsed by physicians
evcrywnero us the wire's true private compan
ion. Cut this out; It will save you great naln
and possibly your life. Send two-cent stamp for
aescrlptlve circulars, testimonials.and confiden
tial letter sent in sealed envelope. Address,
Frank Thomas & Co.. Publishers, Baltimore,
Carbon Advocate
All the News !
Administrator's Sale.
Of Valuable UKat. pstatp
nZ-i . " uiucr ui mo urpnftDs court or
ibnday, December 16.
. All thktrtaln Tract ?f Wece'of lnd
uuaismujwer Towamensing Township, Car
bon county, bounded and descflbed as fol ows ,
linSf "iSStV V .ne' meaeB 1&nd " ' William
i$i? hnll e'shty-seven and three-quarter de
grees, Vest ninety -three perehes foa stone
thence by land of llenjamln Wose, South nlne
teen and one-half degrees. East fortv-two and
ffi" Nif. P,c,heV a then?e,Wb0y "the
same. North eighty-six and one-quarter degrees
h!?,it,neHVtX'seveli.Percnes l stouerthence
n.M?2 Ioses .trauP; North two and one
quarter degrees. East th rty-two perches te the
place of beginning, containing
t,TA,1 " "v"f .'UD Ba,n0 premises which
Thomas Brown and wife by deed dated January
innranpld.. Tt . ...
Joslah Htraup, now deceased.
Frame Dwelling House,
a Large Bank Barn and other necessary out
bulldlues. There is a good Apple Orchard on
tho premise and a due stream of Spring Water
runs through the same. Persons desiring to
view the same will Please call on tha under.
Terms and conditions will be made known at
time and place of sale by
job printing
Lowest Prices!
When m the course of human events,
ayouiiff mail mnkia up lit mlml f' ik
the very important question, ' . flnda
Breat difficulty Incoming tot' point As
wc iro uot nt all bashful a boldly say:
Will VOU not annwrn- vra tn n i turn noli-
you to fjo to your druggist or dealer in
ioucc articios, ana purchase) a bottle of
Vail Brothors' Ideal Tooth Powdor, th,o
best mado. As an inducement for you
to trV it. WO Crivo VOU a llAnrifintnn nnm-nv.
ing with two 25 cent bottlos, 20 x 24, no
ndvortislnir on It. Tim U , flsvt
around tho neck of each bottlo.
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A marvel or purity,
strength and wholesomcness. More economical
,uu UIUIIIIII J iwiiua.iiii vumtub uo BOIO. in
competition with tho multitude of low test, short
weight, alum or phosphate powders. Hold only
In cans, itoyal Uaklng l'owder Company, 10
Prof. Loisette's
In tptU of adaltented ImiUtioufl which ralw tb
theory, and practical mulU of tha Orfrln!, In piU ot
th croiMst tnitrrepreMntttions br snTloui would-b
competitor, ftndintpitoof ' 'ba attempta to rob" him
f the f rait of hi UborM&ll of which domonstrtto tbo
undoubted superioritr nnd popuUritr of bit teaahlngK
Prof. Lotaette'iArtof Never Forgetting ia recognized
to-day in both iLtnlspherei u marking an Epoch la
Memory Ooltaro. Alt ProipectniBent post froe) giree
opinions of people In all parte of the globe who hare act
ually studied hie System by correspond enoo, showing
that hit Britera is used only uhiU beino ftudied, not
Ofterward: that any book can be leamtd in a final
readme, vnind-xranderina cured, tfrc, For Prospectus,
Terms and Testimonials address
Prof. A Z40I&tiTTl 237 Fifth Avenue, N,T
- w.J- because v?e iurnish
all the latest local news in the
best style. Sample us.
Dead Men Tell No Tales
Our Story's Short.
Wo have'nt cot tho BIGGEST STOCK of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Provis
ions, Notions, Boots and
Shoes,Tobacco, Cigars,
&c, &c, &c,
In tho Lehlsh Valley, but we have an Elesant
Auortmont just the same, and the prices are
marked way down below the great majority of
our competitors, and that's what suits you be
cause QUALITY Is the BEST and the PBIOK3
are always JUST RIGHT. Our stock Is entire
ly New, Fresh, Clean, Complete and Handsome,
so we. tako pleasure in asking the people of
welssport and tho surrounding community to
call and Inspect our assortment ot general store
Post-Offlce. Welssport, Pa
To Whom It May Concern
Iiehlshton. ra., Nov. 7th 1888.
ltecclrea ot Adam MehrKam, one nunared
and fifty dollars, to be used In tho purchase of
two Mules. It ts herebyagreedandunderstood,
that the said Adam Mehrkam, is the sole owner
ui um iuuies, uuu possesses an me riguts,
titles, and Interest therein, until I have repaid
the above mentioned onk hundhed and fifty
iwuiiAiu in mil. w uness ray nana and seal,
wo uuj nuu UUbOUUUVO wrillt'u.
T. .T. niiRTNUV.
Signed and sealed in the presenco of F. Pierce
Estate Notice.
Letters Testamentary on the estate of Abraham
iTuiiiriui late 01 uiwer lowatnensing 'jown
shlu. Carbon Countr. Dtwimcri ha-Thic hpon
granted to the undersigned Executor, all persons
Indebted to said estate are requested to make
Immediate payment, and all persons having
lust claims against said estate- will present them
for settlement, Wilson Muschlltz, Executor
Oor. I lth & Hamilton Sts. Allentown, l'a. Or to
luiDsncr o; i;assiuy Attorneys or estate.
Administrator's Sale.
Pursuant to an order of tno Orphans Court of
xsu. ijuu yuuiiiv, i uuuaj ivama, mere win uo soia
nt 11 1 hit.. U'lfa n ). ......... C,.n Tit l.l l "
Saturday, December 28th, 1889
at two o'clock p. m.. tho following described
Meal Estate of the Estate of Henry Kramer,
deceased, to witi All that Lot or l'leco of
Ground situate In Franklin Township, Carbon
county, l'a., bounded and described as follows
to wit: Ileginnlng at a stono In a nubllo road
eading from Welisport to Btroudsburg, thence
In and along said road north 78W degrees, east
3 6-10 perches to a stone In said road, thence
uuii in c uriircca. easv perencs to a stone In
said road, thence by land ot ltobert Campbell,
north 3VS degrees, west 9 perches to a pose
thence by laud ot Jacob Itlckert. south radii:
kiccb, nest percues iu a post, inenco uy tne
sjme south 3 degrees, east s 2-10 perches to
the place ot beginning, containing 75 perches,
more or less. The lmnmvpmmibi th
sisi 01 a two-story FRAME DWELLING HOUSE
with kitchen attached, and all necessary out-
bulldlnes. The bullillmrft nrA In nrt-lnaa n,.-
ditton. The said premises are located about
one mile from Welssport Uorough and persons
uk4,,JUK w wicfT ,11a buiiib win uiease cull uu
the undersigned. Terms and conditions will be
iiauu ikiiumi at iiwv duu piace ui sale uy
AUSTIN HOYElt, Administrator.
Administrator's Sale.
PitNiianf tn on h4a nf n...V.n. r
x 1 cmisjiTttiim, mere will ue
spirt at Public Sale on the premises In Kraut Un
lunusuiti, vuumr auu ouuo tuurcBaiue. on
Saturday, December Vlst, 1889,
at two o'clock P. M., the following described
Iteai Estate or GEOjtGK U. KNECHT. dee'd, to
wn: ah uiuwaii or nece ei urounu situated
vanla. bounded aud uescilbed as fallow. tiwU,
iu i-laiimiu iuwiikiiiii. i.iirunn cniiniv ivnn.vL
urKiumiiKiHatnpusi ou me xtorcu ameoiu
Sroposed alley, thence by land late of James P.
mlth, north 2t degrees, west sts feet to a post
u nw Duutii siun ui u uuuiiu ruau leauing irom
Harrity to ltlokartsvllie. thence along said road
south 85 degrees, west 160 feet to a post, thence
by laud of George Miller south 27 degrees, 338
feet to a post on the south side ot th uhi.
mentioned alley, thence along said alley north
4GU decrees, east AHA hunrirol nnd fnrtvlv
feet, more or less, is the placed beginning, coin
taimuit unc Auita; more or less, ine im
provements thereon consist of a TW0-3T0UV
l'ltAMKDWKl.l.INd IKIUHK anil nil nrae.uii-u
outbuildings, ihe buildings are In flrst-elass
condition, having bceu but recently erected.
The said premises are located about three.
3 turners of a mile from Welssport and persons
lslrlng to view the same will please call on the
undersigned. Terms ana conditions will be
made known at time and place of sale, by
AUSTIN BOYKlt Administrator,
Gi Gi Ci
For Sale by all Druggiste,
The undersigned offers his FARM, with the
I1UILDIN09 thereon erected, situate In Un
boning Valley, three miles from the Uorough ot
Lehlghton, Carbon County, I'cnna., at I'rVvuto
Bale. Tho Farm comprises
Two Tracts of Land
separated bva I'ubllo Tlnnd leading to Heaver
ltuni the tract upon which the Diiildlngs aro
erected contains 12 Acres, more or less; tho Im
provements are a
Two-Story Frame Dwelling,
24 z 30 feet, with Kitchen attached, 12 x II tect;
Dank Darn, 29 x 30 feet, with Wagon 8 lied at
tached, 10 x 28 feet: Carpenter ami Ulncksmlth
Shop, 10x21 feet; llone Mill. 20 X31 lect, nnd
otner outbuildings. The other tract contains 21
Acres, more or less, nearly all cleared and under
good cultivation. Tho property Is an eligible
one, and will be sold nt a reasonable price and
uneasy terms. Apply on tlio premises, to
octl9-m3 Mahoning Valley, Fa.
Only $1.00 ft Week.
We are now forming Clubs for tbe finest
Gold, Gold-Filled and Silver Welches manu
factured lor both Ladies and Gentleman.
We put In these watchas a movement made
by either of the following companies: ElglD,
Waltbam, Hampden, etc, to suit the purchas
A club Tor a gold watch at $40.00, consists of
forty members, and each member pays $1.00 a
week. A drawing Is made once a week, and
tho member whose name is drawn gets his
watch Immediately, he still continuing to pay
$1,00 n week until be has pafd for it, at which
time each and all forty members will have re
ceived and paid for bis watch. The last person
to receive his watch will be wade a present ol
a handsome chain,
Every article bought from us must be just as
represented, and wo are willing at any and all
tunes to make good the failure of any article
sold, to be as represented. This Is the Beet,
Cheapest and most Convenient way to buy a
watch through our Uo onerative Club System
We ctve a first-class Elzln or Waltham stem
winding and setting movement, which we
guarantee lor two years. Tbe case Is warrant
ed, by a written guarantee to wear for twenty
Tho above is why wo give you more for your
money than any ono else and why we are do.
log the largest watch business in the world.
We sell only first quality goods. Why not bo
an owner of a Gold Welch whenever vou have
tbe chance to get one. Join the club at ouce,
only M.uo down and then 1.00 a week until
tbe watch Is paid.
Please call or send me vour name and ad
dress uud I will call at your bouse and show
you simples, or If you are at a distance I will
send lull naviculars.
Agents wanted everywhere. Write for
terms and circulars.
Fboht 8t., (Opp. Bank1) Citasahcua, Ta.
announces to tho people of Le
hlghton and vicinity that he has
commenced the
Merchant Tailoring
business near the corner ot
Lehigh and Carbon Sts.,
in this borough, and that he is
prepared to exhibit to purchasers
over Three Hundred Styles of
Suitings, Pantaloonings
and Overcoatings. ,
which h(5 will furnish at from 10
to 15 per cent, lower than any
other house. Fit and workman
oil 1 n n vi rtnrl
""'I' gUUAautccu- augusUvn
Jeweler anil WatcMer,
Bank Street, Le'highton, Jfenna
Respcctfnlly invites the attention of his friends
andthe citizens generally to his Immense
now stock of
Watches Clocks,
Silverware, Jewely,
at Trices that defy competition. It will pay you
o call and Inspect my stock, before purchasing
Promptly done at lowest charge, and all work
iMt Met me Place,
Bank St. Lehightdn.
1709 Chestnut St, rhlUia.
Position!. for2radaatee
Time required 3 to4 mo.
1IEHT Mquipptd. licit
Conrso ot Ktadr. Circulars
fcrce f you name Uui paper.
from Obi. Hr U &
portrait of Mr. Urri-
inn. rf HaUm. nt.lst
,H writ mi wff tt work on a farm fur
avuimoathi 1 now ha? t to aa-eiie r
t t jaiian aui iiuum ana puuil
ai vuu uiih p v k ujr,
WlUUm Kiln, Ilarrlaburr. l'"-
wnica; ntrrr KnOWB
auriltinr to II Jlka jour album.
Vattenlajr I took ordin nougs to
mora, Dan for, Ua. writa- l
uiiusran tor jronr aibBmat
almot ovary houM I visit. Ur
proni u onn ai macbai WU
Tor a Inrl day'awoik."
Other aro doing quit at well
havo not Idoco to a-lva
I Cta Aram thrlr latlsr Fnint
liY UkM bolif Vr"4 botlMM UP (rami pro Ola.
Khali we start YOU in this business,
reid.ft Writ too and Uara all about It forvouiatlf. Wo
iuS -wbj w wui atari you ir job aou i at lay until
SmabvadofyoulajouTUtrt or tbo counlrr. Ifyoa
VOU Will bab!ta sJ.k miMl.1 fo.t. nw-kJ.:i
a account or a forced manufactur? aalo 1SA.OUO (en
I ol I ur lliutoiEruih A tb uiti arct baaoltl loth
(Nrp.,,t,r tt cn Bound lu lloyal Crlniaon Hi Ik Velvet
tMri.fanulnfldtoraUdiuldfa.llandaonit atbumiiatbt
wotW. UrjrMt ttln, Urr-im Urtcalua ovar koowu. Aetata
wanted. Liberal tenna. til ruouey for aganta. Any Oueca
bocumo a auMcaaful rent. rilia liuir Biri.ti.iti. ...
talking Doctaury. Wherever ahewn, ovary out wanta to bur.
tba-a, ArvuiatakolbwuMndaofonUrt with rapidity never
baforf kltOWM. Uroal uroltla await anrruarku A .
luakluciurtuiita. Ladlaauiaka at much a men You, reader.
au do at well aa any one. Full Information mn4 tanuo free.
lhS'.T1,,f lvr Mmf' " Uh lrt"l- and term, for our
1 amtlv UiUea, fluoha and feriodfcala. After you know alL
aaumyou aeuciuaa to f o uo further, wby bo barn la dona,
AddroM h. if. ALLhh A CO, Atrswmu U Jf
Received in Car Load Lots al
most every week at
O. J. Saeger's
East Weissport, Pa.
Store-keepers, Hucksters and all
pthers can save money by mak
ing purchases of him. Other
iruits m season, k ail or write
!i L, FREY,
03 w
lor prices.
To make some important
luture, and in order to MOVE
have commenced a
General Reduction Sale!
to continue until JANUARY 1st, 1890.
Reduced Prices on Every Article in the House.
Boots, Shoes,
Caps, Underwear, Cloth
ing, etc., etc.,
Is large and complete including
It. will be to your advantage in
and get the benefit of nrst sales.
. . - . E.
Opera House Block,
Plain Staple Dress Goods
In widely advertising the wonderlul stock o( FANCY DRESS GOODS
it has been our prlvllego this season tn placo before tho public, we havo
given less publicity than usual to that branch ot DRESS GOODS to which
we havo for vears given particular attention, viz:
Plain Staple Dress Good
CAMELS HAIR SIIOODAU.43 Inches wide, S8 cents.
DRESS CLOTHS, double widths, at 33 cents a yard.
DRESS CLOTHS, 60 Inches wide, at CS cents yard.
ALL-WOOL HENRIETTAS, double wldh, 60 cents a yard.
SILK FINISH HENRIETTAS, 46 Inches wide, 75 cents a yard.
ALL-WOOL CASHMERE, 40 Inches wide. CO cents a yard.
SILK AND WOOL HENRlETfAS, double width, St.00 a yard.
ALL-WOOL SERGE, double width, at M cents a yard.
ALL-WOOL SURAH, 40 luches wide, 83 cents a yard.
l'RENCH DRESS CLOTH, 43 inches wld.. $1.00 n yard.
FRENCH DRESS CLOTH, 60 Inches wide, SI JS0 a yard.
FRENCH I1ROAD CLOTH, GO Inches wide, 92.00 a yard.
All the NEW SHADES are Included.
634 Hamilton
Grand Pall Opening
Sit Boys, Mens
Our npw line ior Fall and
we nave ever suown.
Childrens Suits and Overcoats, over 800 Styles.
Boys Suits and Overcoats, oAer 325 Styles. ,
) Men's Suits and Overcoats, over 400 "Styles.
We make special mention of FALL OVERCOATS in
Silk Roll and Satin Lining, from
$15.00 and upwards,
Wc invite your special to our
which is filled with" a large assortment of high grade specialties
m suiting; jlrouserings and
In Gent's Furnishings
mgly tempting.
Koch & Shankweiler,
Centre Square, Hotel
Lehigh Goal
Coal, Hardware, Paints, Oils, Olass,
Agricultural Implements and Repairs,
Field and Garden Seeds,
Phosphates, &c.
We desire to call special attention to our
OftAfinrv OB n 4m
ilUU!III& didlG, Building Sand,
A full supply of which we have constantly on hand.
Orders.takeii for JLuTllber.
"General Agents for the
Imp. Anthony Wayne Washer & Ironing Boards
Seiler's Corner, North Bank Street.
Nusbaum & Cul ton's
and examine their fine stock of
Groceries and Provisions,
comprising Teas, G'onees, bpices, sugars, Jlams, Shoulders,
Cheese,' Canned and- Bottled woods, Dried Fruits, and in
fact, everything usually found in a really first-clas
Grocery and Provision Store, and at the very low
est possible Cash .Prices. Also, a full line of
During the season you will find here the Largest and the
Toaf nt7Gno served up in every style. Families
JJCO L Jy ft LCI C and parties supplied. Call and see
Us when in need of anything in our lines.
changes in my business in tho near
some of my stock QUICKLY I
JRubbers, Hats,
everything in seasonable goods.
more ways than ono to call early
Bank Street, Lehighton.
St., Allentown.
and Children's
TTintee is the finest and largest
$6.00, $8.00, $10.00, $12.00
our line of novelties are exceed'
Allen Building, Allentown
is the price of the Advo
cate for 52 weeks.
Hardware Go,
Cement, Lime and
Toys Jewelry.
"Corner Store"
Bottled Gherkins, w et Pick
les, Chow-Chow, Onions, Tablo
Sauce, Horse-radish, Cauliflow
er, Catsup, Mixed Pickles, Cel
ery Sauce, and all kinds of choice
Jellies and table necessaries. In
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Queensware &c.
IPe lead, both In low prices and quality of
Coods. Our large slock Is displayed to ad
vantage, an Item which purchaser will
certainly greatly appreciate.
Conner Store,
Competent workmen sent to any part e
the county.
Wall Facers.BorElBrs&Ilecoratios.
Lars? assortment, and the latest stjles.
Books, Stationery, Fancy Gooils
All grades. Hliailo making and putting n
promptly attended t.
Paints, Oil, Varnish, Putty,
Brushes & general Painters'
No. 61 Broaflf ay Manch Clinnfc, Pa.
Below the Broadway House.
Heydt & Seaboldt
Successors to Kemerer & nejrdt..
Oltlce: Bank street.
Prompt attention pren to eTcrjr kind ol la.
Weissport Planing Mill,
Window and Door Frames,
Doors, Shutters,
Blinds, Sashes,
Mouldings, Brackets,
All KMs of Dressed Liier
Shingles, Pailings,
Hemlock Lumber, &c, &c.
Very Lowest Prices.
ely's catarrh
Cream - Balm
Cleanses tbe
Nasal Passages,
Allays Fata ana
Heals the Bores.
Restores the
Sense of Taste and
A particle Is aDDlled Into each nostril and Is
agreeable. Price SO cents at drusclste : br matt,
registered, eocts.
T!LY nitOTIiras, M Warren St., New Terk.
Ladies, save your Carpets, Furni
lure ana rainungs irom
Destruction by using
ii I Will i
It makes absolutely no dust er
dirt when usincr. therebv saves
women's time and labor. Try it;
sample free at
' Original Cheap Cash Store,"
JXtmy dealer says be bai thm w. I.. Dong
law HVtWHI, Uitli UUWB M M B11
Beit In tho world. Kxmmlno hie
s.oo atsm
ia.oo nd i.75 feovs- scfiuSL
r, 8H
Best Material. Bast Btyla. BMi TWttaC
X set HU brroiir dealer, wrfta -W.
men and Ladles.
Adm Meikrkam &. S ob.Ach