The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, November 16, 1889, Image 1

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    a t
.ovvest Prices $ au
V SBE US. $1.00 a Year in Advance. INDEP' ENDENT-" Livr nH t Qf t ,w " S2 WEBKSl
Wrs ' " " ' , $1.26 when not paid in Advance. si oo ,
VOL. XVIIL. No 1 ! . XX
Vetaport Business -Directory.
This house oilers first-class accommodations to
the permanent boarder and .transient guest.
1'anle prices, only One Dollar per day.
augT-iy Jonir atKnrtto. Proprietor.
Oscar Cliristinair,
Livery and Exchange Stables.
tasr riding carriage! and sate driving horses
? accommodations to agents nnd '
Mall and telegraph orders promptly' attended to
Give me a trial. inavxwi
The - Wolssport - Bakery,
o. w. I.AURY. rnorniKTon.
Delivers Fresh Bread and Cakes in Vclssport,
l.ehlghtonaiid vicinities every day.
In tho store I have a Fine Line ot Con'ectlonei,
or the llollday-Tmde. Sunday schools and Jo.
vals supplied at lowest prices. deei-flm
oconsson to CnAiiLM Soiiwbitzeh,
Near the Canal lirldge, In
"Is prepared to do all kinds ot
Blacksmithing and
at very Reasonable Trices. TIItTS SETTING t
8PK0IAI.TY. Also, Agent for the .
P. P. Mast Road Cart,.
the Cheapest and Best on the market. Ieo2-y
Heaflparters for CARRIAGES !
Henry Ohristmae
Fort Allen House, "Wo'fsspnrt.
Bells tho Popular and Celebrated
Burlington O and O York
At prices that are considerably leas than compe
tltlon. I have all styles and quatltfei
which I wish you would not tail "Xa lnspecf
bofore making purchases. mayll-3ni
Retailers of FRUITS go to
He receives a car-load ofitjjsh
fruits every, week-, inqlu'uig
everything seasonable, such as
Peaches, Watermels, Cantelonp
erf, &c, &c. It will pay you to
leave your orders with him
save freight an'dyiiav&goods'fte'
livercd i'ree.
Over Gail Brite E, f eissprt.
tv Trices the veryiowesti Quality oi
Roods the best. Satisfaction guaranteed In
every particular.
Caskets. Coffins aud Shrouds.
' .
Wo have a full line -which we will f qrnlsh s
Hie lowest possible prices.
Flour, Feed, f&c.V
choicest analltv at very reasonable prices.
Dr. J. A. Mayer &Son.
ft Oraduata from tho Dental Department ot the
University or Pennaylvanla,
has opened an olllco in the same building with
his father, second floor In tho Bay Window,
and Is now prepared to receive overy ouom need
et first-class dental service. )une 8-SMI
Lehighton Business Directory.
SCHWARTZ, Bank St., tho oldest fund-
. i . ... ..aanrll.tlnn fll
furniture always on hand. Prices very low.
WA. rETERB. Saloon and Restaurant, Bank
. Street. Fresh Lageralwaysontap. Oys
n season. Drop tn and sea us. novl2-ly
Advocate Ofkick, Is headqwrters fpi
shaving and hair cutting. Cigars & tobaeoo sold
no to
FR3. RODERER. under the Exchange
fashionable hair cut. IBrr Clajed on Sunday's.
Boeder's Hair tonic, cures Dandruff.
streot. plaln and fancy Job printing a specl
ly. Advooatk one dollar per year In advance.
JAY. RAUDENBUSH, Bank street, wholesale
. dealer lu choice nrauds ot whiskies, gin,
braudles, wlqes, ftc tST IWronago solicited.
Our Ohurohea.
HrETHODIST Et'LSCOPAL. South Bank street,
M Sunday services at to a. w., and 7-00 P. in.,
Sipiday School 2 p.m, Ritv. Dusqak. 1'iutor.
1 sen Ices. 10u.m., (German), T.OOp,
I Ish), Sunday school 2 p,m. J. II. Kuui
Iron street, Sunday
7.00 p.m.. r.ns-
nEFORMKD, Lehigh stieet, Sunday servloas
Jn, nt 10 a. m.,(Gerinan),7UX) p. in., (EurIsi),
uuuday school 3 p. in. J.Ai.viMltKnHU,lUster.
EVANGELICAL, South street, Sunday service:!
at ta a. in., (German). 7.00 p. m., (English)
Sunday school 'J p. m. J.S.Nkwiiaut. pastor.
riAiitui.iv, corner roruumpion ana uosi
U. streets, suf vices every Sunday momlna and
TVatnit. Ilarv. IUumaobtr Pastor.
Joseph F
Horaoo Hoydt,
Orrioni-The Room recently occupied by W. M
May be consulted In English and German.
July 4-ly
W. M. Rapsher,
I'lrst door above the Mansion House,
Real Estate nnd Collection Agency. Will Buy
ind'Scll Real Estate. Conveyancing neatly done.
Collections promptly made. Settling Estates of
l In,. ..1 unto .i n..t.ill.. ,... K 1....I ...
May be consulted In
English and German.
nuy. zz-yi
W. G. LVI. Seiplo,
May boiconsulted In English and German.
Ipeclal attention given to Gynecology.
Omen lloona; From 12 M, to 2 V. 31., nnd
rorn o to 9 1 M, rnar.3l.yi
. S. Rahenold, D. B, S.,
'NCii OirriCB ! Over J, W. RaUdcnbush'
Liquor Store,
lentlslry In all Its branches. Teeth Extracted
vlthoutpaln. Gas admlnlsterod when requested,
Oltlce Days -WEDNESDAY of each week.
'.O.addtess, ALLENTOWN,
an s-yl Lehigh county, ra.
F. I. SMITH, D. D. S.,
Ofllco opposite tl)o Opera'llouse:
Bank Street, Zeh ijliton, Pa.
billing aud making nrtlllclal dentures a special
ty. Local anesthetics used.
Jas administered and Teeth Extracted WITH
JFl'ICE HOURS: From 8 . rrt.. to 12 m;, from
t P. in., to s p. m., from 7 p. m., to 8 p. in.
Consultations In English or German
Ofdco Hours at llazleton-Kvory Saturday.
Jet 15-87 ly
G o of Phlla. Dental College.
Pcrseryatioii of the Teeth a Specialty.
fipprfllt TinmiS. Frnnmn. m.tnr.n Hi;
?AK HALL, Market Square, MaucVChunk.
Two Doors North of Post-Omee.
OFFICE HOURS : 7 to 8 a. m. aud IS to 7 p. TO.
172Ualn.Strcct, JJath, Pa.
Vt BathWkdnrsdays AUO Satobdays.
Office tlours From o a. m. to 4 p. m. Practice
ltnlted to diseases of the
EypfEar, Nose & Throat
t2T Also, Rof ractlon of the Eyes for tho adjust
ment of glasses.
Heaters and
- In Great Variety at
Samuel Graver's
Popular Store, Bank Street.
jfi'iig -and Spouting aspeciaL
j. 'Stoye l'ft-fuimsliU:
on snort notjeei
Lleasonable! !
yjffk rractlcvil Hlacksmlth A Ilorscshoer
fQiil Is prepared to do nl work In his line
V3Mln the hest manner and at the lowest
prices. Please call. uovjc-fiG-ly,
Midway between Mauch Chunk & Lchlghton,
Z. It. C. 1I0M, l'roprictor.
PACKERTON, - - - Piha.
I'hls well-known Hotel Is admirably refitted, and
I transient boarders. Excellent Tables and the
iciy uusfc Aiiijuors. piuuies niiacnea. ano-yi
Opposite L. fc S. Depot,
I'hls house offers flrst-class nccoinmoilations for
ranslent and permanent boarders. It has been
newly rellttcdln all ltsdeiKtrtineiits.and Is lorat
:d lu one of the most nlcturesnuo lmrilnna nl th
borough. Tenna moderate, fcfThebARIs
luppueu wiui vis cnoicesi wiues, Liquors and
Respectfully announces to the Merchants ot Le
SlghUm anil others that ho is now prepared to
do all kinds of .
Matieu and Baggage "
On reasonable terms. Orders ole at Sweeny's
Corner Store or at mv
reslden ceft I'lNKKV,
For Newest Designs aud Most Fa.hlonable
Styles of
---00 TO
Bank Street, Lehighton.
Goods eusrsntoed and prices as low a. else-
wnero lor mnsamequnuy of goodi.f
Jufy J8,168-tJ ' 1
JAn" Attack of Gravel.
Tho Terrible Buffering of n Womnn nt ca -How
Bhe wm Happily Cured.
' There It nothlnd X nonr enjoy thst I do not ovre to
luring used Dr. David Kennolr's FiTorila rinmn.!
made at Itondont, N. Y. My troubles began In my
er. nm thero were pains In my back, lwas fever.
i vviuu uw. .mvi
rUcd to rise a cane, and finally got so weak that I
could not stand alone. Tho dlatreM in my back wai
terrible Iwai burolntf up with a f btct or conjtmt
ly hlverlr as If cold. My physicians Bald
kVIaK l- .11 try . . . .
- - --- i v vatv, UNR
attack of Onrct "When thla m4do Its appear.
nce my pnyaician ryg up my case, ana I reslttned
mxfleJf to die, I bad four doc tori attend me, the beal
yeara afro last JanhoTrweUIromemberlho time! X
w at, avenuoaj H xftTonio nemeay adTertUoa In
(OTir paper. After ualng ono bottle Z threw away my
jtlea cured mo. I hate nerer had a return of Gr&Tftl.
(uujc w me paorii or wcaKness in the oacit, ana Ihouga
V,-. - J VWB v A. But
Now Vigorous and Strong
SSiVH.itSJ0'!? f". "ln 't to niyjrrauilchlfdnin.
Kf0?"2?6ndAt 'whenovor I can. "What rhjraiclan.
and aUcf thovariousremedlen Iliad taken could not
.s..Kenntj'Jr'" favorite llemedr dld-lt stayed
oueaaj and rnadp m n , b tronir. vlirorona woman.
Mrs. Emellno P. Mlzner, llorg-11111, Ohio.
Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy.
Prepared by
dk. nAVy. kknnedy, uonhout.n. y.
11 pe lOlt'e BlxfortS. XJy all drUTOlata.
Horoo Doctor,
(Honorary Graduato of Ontario VeC College.)
Office: Carton House BanR St,. Leniglitou
Diseases of Horse and Cattle,
Special and Particular Attention paid to
ol:t ti 1 TT--fi i
oiJiuiuj, AuiKuuiic, nooioouna,
And all diseases prevalent among Domesticated
. - I
Ills Horso and Catllo Powdcra sold b
elf and stores generally.
Consultation Free Charges Moderate
.v.vb.u,in i.uu tcicilllUllU UlUIIIIIliyHI.-
att nded to operations Skillfully Performed
Pa la li.-.aTnin..1i nnA
Central Drug Store,
Bank-. Street. Lehirjfhton. Pa..
PuratDrugs and Medicines,
Fine Soaps;- -Br ushes,-'&c. &c. ,
Choice Wines and Liquors,
Largest Assortment of Library
Lamps !
Wall Paper and Decorations!
Spectacles !
When you buy a pair of Shoes ygu want a
good nt. But If you need SPECTACLES It Is
much more Important that tho EYE should bo
accommodated with correct lenses and a proper
ly fitting framo which will bring tho lenses di
rectly bofore tho centre of the eye. If you buy
your spectacles at Dr. Horn's you will find the
above points properly attended to.
FERSCRIPTIONS Caefiilly Compounded,
New LivervlFesd Stei
i m
,-"AT Hij rONff, rSp
I.EOrQLD 1IEYERS reepe : Jully Informs the
people ot racKerton and vicinity that Uc has Jnst
oiienef'nTESl-BTAa'ift-WJ.iyil.V.Eli p3l
"uvifljpriBuu. u.-iii no oiiiiii-ii iTuiiuiuu.oaje
Teams either for Funeral. W edding or for IlauK
tou therewith ho has also In stock the. very best
brands of KI.OUR and l'UUI), Ahlch ho will
soi' at lowcst rrices.
Attention, Builders !
The undprghmpd Tg sll.l working ihn nfT.nK
STONE QUARRY, and Is prepared to supply, at
shortest notice and at Lowest Prices, persrtn!
who desire with GOOD STONE for BUILDING
PURPOSES. Call and In. pect the Stones and
learn Prices tcfore purchasing elsewhere.
feb.S-ly Packerton, Ta.
Resectfully announce to the public that he has
onened a NEW LIVERY STAlll.H. niirt that i,i li
. ow urepared to furnish Teams for Funerals,
Wedd'ngs or Business Trips on the shortest no-
ii-c!m uiusi uucnti leruis. uraers iciuat me
mruuii iiuuse - win receive prompt aiu-ntlou.
next the Hotel, Lehighton, lauMM-
Howard Deifeuderfer
Opposite the Ponuo' SquAnr:, Dank
"- "-, ....
Nth I' i.-T I vti in nrv
Alto a Choice Line of
Toniccons, Cioaes, and Smoeers Svrru,
Mf-Don't Forget to CsllnST
Horse ana Cattle Rowfler,
Joshua Shoemaker, Proprietor
OKERRYVILLE, V, O., Nottharapton eo
DIRECTIONS-For a horae. 1 tablesnnonf ul.
or three times a weeks uhen sk'k, 2 table-
ispoonsful a day. For a Cow, l teaspooi
same for Hons. For Poultrv mix w Ith Teed
of the late Dr. U. O. Wnson.andlsthaKruln
axusl.. Owners oi above ml animals sa
tio ft
Dfi Co Ta HOfiiL
It Is tli'o hand organist
colitlnaUl crlnd.
Tho circus tumbler can hardly be said to
Hoiu ius own wuen lie's "full."
Somoono remarks, "Smilo at a loafer and
I Wl ' loUov Stout all day." After
I Anolucr suille. likely.
for ConsummioT'firrKI Hffff 7
ASMeSr cl irsS
Ve lo not hesitate to guaranteo them evprv
Pr'co If satisfactory results do not follow their
line. rilefle imiiM.I I.., .i.-l- .11".
mi..,. .,.;.. v-:r.i,":""..",'".'l."'r jreai
' "iiujuiriut'nui; ju-.uisit Drug
Tlio Ozar of all tho Itussias plays a hand
some silver cornet.
Does loin Edison belontr to the great
nnwasufld that Jho Queen should present
unn w.m the Order of the Hath?
Worth Jts Welclit In Oold.
If you feel depressBd, yonr appetite Is poor
and are lioubled with lllziin... nr th. or Dj.pepMa, lr.'s Liver llcj-
A noli. known physician In Now York advises
all his patients that suffer with Coughs nnd
CuldS to USa llir Inn Mnn.rh ft
fnt.. At t. irT..iiirvar,r"." ""uu'i,"uu
The Duke of Edlnburch
is a pcrslsteat
but poor violinist.
100 Ladies 'Wanted.
Au.llOO triH.n tn mil U.nnta,c.
-" ... uiUKKJSID. 1U1
free lini'L-firrn rT T f.J!!.
.1 a """D i-uuiiiy lliCUIL'llie,
tho great root and herb remedy, discoveord
by Dr Silas Lane while in the Kocky tnouu
iiu.ia. hut uineasos oi tno uioou, liver and
kidneys it is a positive cure. For constipa
tion nnd clearing up tho comnlexion it dun
wonders. Children like it. Everyone
"' targe-euo package, cents.
At an uriiirists'
The Prluco of Wales plays tho banjo
faIrIy weI1
Would llsn Tvemn'q Tt.-ilftntn fn ll.
mn,iirnn -nT f.
..tiu juua x iuuuics, iimu an oilier
v. iiiuiuictui una miiiitiiibUiiUT
druggist to givfl you a sample Iiottle Free to
wiuiutu ruu ui iao meni oi mis great rem
euy, jjarju liouio ouo nnd H
Tho Dnko of Ccnnaught amuses himself
with the Bute.
Gross Cruelty.
P.if-nnfs inn fwmint.1. n..m!f 1.!
ren to sufler from headache, fits, St. Vitus
C.trtt. Ml-S. P. tvna onrntl nt sinl-.l..Annl.A
dizziness, dyspepsin. nervous prostration of
oiffltlnoii f.n..iliinJln- fin. ,'..11 P -'
v.Dov.imuii ttimi lUllUrU Ul SIX
teen physicians; Jlrs. K of sick headache
for 35 ypars; Mrs. P. of oi twenty to fifty
Jits a night; others fr-m this vicinty could
be mentioned who have been cured by that
wonderful nerye food and medicine Dr.
Miles Nervine, whirlr pnnlnina
plilne, opium tir danserous dugs". Free
ample- bottles, liiay be had at Biery or
i nomas urug store.
-mo ttaol
clean ground and clean seed
Hints That nre lletter than Oold.
T Vnil linVAlttfl tll-Altll olllrvntel. Kn.lA
nnill In tffP nmnll ef Pnil. Iianir navnt.nnnan
. ,v-..n, ..v. . uiiouvaa
or giddiness, your vital organs aro sadly
out. 01 oruer. a mere "doie of physic" veil)
not help you; Your only wise conrse is to
take Dr. David Kennedy's Favorito JJemedy
iifjtondout, N. "Y., and cleanso your pys
lent of tho impurities. It reculates the
Liyerand Kidneys,
IFhen prices aro low Is Inst the tlmo to'
improve your ftrm anrag-
Uldn't Want a Olrl.
T n.l . ! C. I. 1.1
v.., Buuimci iuj iiuo ucaun was i
run down, nnd she tvnntprl mn tn htm ..tV.
to dotheworli, In alittto while I found
ono I thought would suit her, when to my
surprise sno said I peed not lure any one,
US tllA foil mili'l, lintlnr. on.l ll.nnl.
other bottle ot.SuIpliur' Itilters would cure
i... i ..j ,, ... .
ucr. Muuuiii jrcjri Worcester snuare.
If there were mprailralns on tho farm
there would be fewer drucalsls In the vll-
1 ortuimto Father and Hon.
f "I am as certain as I now live." tavs O.
If. Bartholomew, of Ka'kaskas Mich., "that
.H'it-On. .of tliat terriblo rehal.dlsmder
Bricllt'8 DiseaSO.'" T4v Soil 'i'iil;aJlev?r"inl;
on his lee;. He, lOo, used Favorito Remedy
and is now well. Hut for this medlclfio'i
am sure both father and eon would haye
been six feet under tho sod.
Cheerful work Is an Investment at com
pound interest.
'"It's only a question of time." and a short
nine, ion, as 10 wnen your riicumaiism will
yield to Hood's Sarsaparilla. Try it.
The grand cross of a Commander nf thn
Legion of Honor has been bestowed unon
Thomas A. Edison.
A patient flgurer has found that In 21
000,000 years the sun will bo as dense ai
the earth.
an oil.
relief ed and rapidly cured by Salvation OH.
x,T. TV Ul. 11. uuBiisinin, .bict ul HI. Kit
ehureh, Georetoirn, D. O- itroie ni: Having
had an opoortuntty to ttit the ezrellentqaalitlss
of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, I hesitate not to ay.
It li the belt rpin.ilv 1 h... , ,,...l in,n-
1) .1' ... . T .1 1 Ti . . . . n
family." For orvup and whooplax cough It li
ur oure.
A petrified alligator was recently fonnd
on the beach at Catler, Me.
i r. liiiuniuvi. "iirumu Hltl(Ta patient
I. orien so that he becomes an object
nf illiirn.l If, awn .lir.- ..I..... II - - I . I .
HIT L' ,11. TITII .1 1 . . 1 . .
V. utPM-v. M..W. W ..M. UI..I.IIVU .ill, 111, 111.
pongy deatroyed. A eon.tant lource
fort I. the 4rlrP'nfr .1 tha, purulent .ecrotlon. la
.u iuiu. .uii iiiu.yviu. iiiji;. ci. irj
brODclntli, which In It. turn has been thi ex.
viiiuk mui, ui iuiiuun.r7 uip.iiv. 111. urilll-
ant re.ulit which have attended Its n.e for years
I .u, imuii. HU1U1I Jl.TV KlllUi
Pa. t properly nctignaie liii'. ureain Halm
The childish miss resents a kiss and runs
tho other way, but when at last tome years
have passed, it's different they tay.
As many as 100 roses aro sometimes
massed together for an opera or bridal
Stylish girls are now wearing patent
leather tie, with a gray suede upper,
Who would take- a vacation If he could
get the after view of it first?
We are ofteu contented simply because
we do not know any, better.
The hardest habit to acquire is that of
wniklnu steadily.
Subscribe for the Oabuox Advocate
51 per year.
uiieuiiUK isiiaiiaA umaxa
,, . ..;v,n ,fn
ment be Is never known to fall,
Ulien King Tartanax makes an appoint
IMr, David Kennedy's FuyaritO-Jienicdy,
itnnnnnt. nl . v.. qiivmi mv r. l.a.. :li
lvlinaft llfn la. ! . . . '
ur-fc'a FOREST TRPFS I h
Tlw day grows brief; the arternoon Is slantlnfr
Tr-ST?. th8 wet; there Is no tlmo to waste
If you haye any seed of good for planting,
You must, you must mako haste.
Not as of old do you enjoy earth's pleasures
(The onlr 1-vo tUnt loot- i . .
b-w uu mini UVcUS IIVB.
I would bot wait for any great achievement:
You may not live to roach that far off goal.
Speak soothing words toeoma heart In bereave
ment Aid some up-struggling soul
Teao some weak life to strive for independence:
lleacn out a hand to somo one ln sore need.
Though It seem Idle, yet la their descendants
May bloasom this chance seed.
On each life path, like, costly flowers faded
A till rnfct. ainnii ...
n-lj T , ? fiuasures mat aro dead:
uwu uceaa. I Ik" A trMo i m. . .
.I,.,,..' iuuiiut:rt ieu ana
Souls yet unborn may tread.
-Ella Whuelcr Wilcox In Independent.
A Was OarlV in lr,w Dah t. r 11,
r Z, u roseo 1110 motley crowd
. u.ra opaniarus coino trooninc
to their national game.
I wns surprised nt the crowd; there
today. b"'"61uw"!
I aaked myuoighbor, "Senor, can you
Am J many people nro hero to-
WJ 1
"You do not k-nmvi Hi. .,,
kill tho bull."
"Sebastian! I know nn l,li nt.-
. "t,w ui
i.iiub uume,'
"Ho has never ltllll n l,ll i.r 7
will tell rou his storv. RBl,nt! , " il
n muleteer. Onmn CZ .1 .
his burden of fruit But ho .7: Vh
. u.uuwjjyy Lilt
mules are not his; ho only works for nn
. 1 1
other." Ho naiiaivl fm mnn..
added: "ouareastrancpr?"
"Yes,'' I said. "I arrived yesterday."
"Then vou dn nt bnn... t. n
" ' ..v., UUUllllU,
Every ono falls in love with Juanita.
Sobastian prayed and besought her to
marry him, but sho is proud, aud would
not look at tho hiimlilA mn
altera tlmo his handsome face Impressed
uti i u u wiu mm sno woulu marry
him if ho would kill n. hull In fl, ! .
today's fair. But, hush! thero she is,
standing near that column."
I turned and gazed at ono of tho most
lovely creatures it has over been my lot
to see. Her light golden hair was bound
Ul) hleh Unon her nml c,i.-n,!
, - , , . 1 '..uuiauu
ova dark crimnnn rnco l,nl,l i.n
- ...,1 ... in., man
tilla of black lace; her dress was open,
auu Biiowea n wonderfully chiseled
throat: her
tho elbow, in their exquisite whiteness
arid shape; her dress was of black lace.
But it Wns not thn rlrroa flint ct-.,,.!.
- u.. UUU
bo forcibly It was thoso great gray oyes
auu uui it lasnes, tno curved eyebrows,
tho nquilino noso, the perfect lips.
Sho took her Rent nmnmr ftinnnnn...
J " 1 v..w vviUIUUll
peoplo, whom sho entirely ignored, and
drow out n. irrnnk fnn nf,,. ,i.ii.
- O uiHwaniw, 1 111U11
sho opened and closed, leaning back with
u. vL-uijr iuoh in uer nait suuteyes.
ac was iimo tno bull llglit commenced.
lyiipil .-mi ml tl.rt n.ur.i .
h- o ...u .1.. Aiuiiiiiu una
rmtmlnuc-rra!, tho dusty-orowd.-amoiJE
wllirh nnfyanrl fl.A r.ll . ... . , . .
i, .. "w Alicia ui water wmi
their shrill crv of Amm nm.o
find tho venders of biscuits and nuts.
Delow, tho arena, witli its burning yel
low sand, a mlnlaturn
the band commenced to nlav; I turned
ntlfl . 1-.. .-- ' T : .
... .iiu. i,i0 auuu mstra tor b box
was no lonccr omntv. a coat and Bilk hat had taken his
scat there, Ono by ono tho Bpears of the
picadors tvero handed to him, and he
measured tho points to seo thntnono
wero beyond tho prescribed
Clear abovo tho musin nf n i.n.i -
- UM.iu 1 Ul 1 11
OUt thn llntps nf n. llllirln A l.u
-0.. jwav turn
ing gato was thrown open and tho pro-
uucBiuii enrereu,
Four of the matadors woro profession
- - - - ..w.w ,.u.cooiuil- I
ala; the fifth was Sobastian. Palo in his
. J I J.
scarlet and gold costumo but dignified
mm gniceiui, ne approached tho admin
istrator's box. befom whloh l,a l.nn-n.i
' ' ' - -w w. uu,
i hen ho came close to whero I was Bitting
huu, uowea to iiuanlta. Ilis face was
deadly palo, but never In my life havo I
seen a more determined look. Ho was
very handsome handsomer almost than
Juanita herself, who acknowledged his
bow with a scarcely perceptible sign of
recognition over tne top of her black lace
A cato Is onened in thnnrpnn With
a roar, and a shout from tliQ-people, the
bull rushes from his darkened cell into
tho rintr. ITo lnnlra rnnn.l him. .
moment ho paws tho ground, then, led
on uy ino moving cioalc or ono of the
. .i . i i ii . . ,-r-. , .
uii uj. mo uiuvuif; cioau. ono ot tliel
tiJ.Hncr mora KnlIdsTlinn tl.n prl.n'r,
cloak.' fa amomiM,,'toro" Btands as I
n ompciieu, uiu7,.espt( a .larger and I
safer bait, and with a fearful rush 'iiVw'i
horse and picador into tho air, hurling
them to tho ground in a heap. The
matadors aro Quick, hownvpr. nml it.
linmn nlul moiirlnt- rtt 41, A ntM 1....1: I
call off tho bull by waving their cloaks,
nnd keep his attention fixed on them
selves. Ho is a good bull. Tho people
aro delighted. "Bravo, torol" they cry.
Another horso falls dead, tho third is
wounded and led out, the fourth killed;
but the Spaniards aro not satisfied in
their lovo of blood. "Mas caballost mas
oaballosl" Then tho bugle Bounds.
Two of tho matadors Btep to the side
of tho arena, leaving their cloaks and
taking In each hand nbanderlllo. Four
times does tho bull receive tho sharp
forked points, nnd four times does ho
miss his man.
Again tho buglo blows. Sebastian
steps forward, takes tho sword and tho
flag and marches to the administrator's
box, whero ho swears to kill tho hull.
There is a deafening cheer as ho
hrows his hat among tho peoplo, to bo
held till ho returns victorious or dead.
I turn instinctively toward Juanita;
sho was leaning back in her 6eat, slowly
fanning herself, her half closed oyes
scarcely convoying ouy expression of In
terest. Sebastian faces tho bull, tho flag in lils
left hand, his eyes on tho beast's. His
hand la as steady as a rock.
Tho hull charges; I drew a quick
breath; Sobastian gracefully, with tho
case of a practiced bull lighter, escaped
tho horns, A cheer rings out from tho
crowd, bringing a sudden flush to his
Again tho bull charges, again and
again; caoh time Sebastian is unseat hod,
but as yet he lias lutd no chanco of kill
ing the bull. Ho Is facing it now; slow
ly he raises tho sword the point never
trembles. For ono second all is dust,
the next I saw his manly form laid out
full length In ttu sand of the arena,
"Ho is kUledl" cry tho people; "he is
I gazo at Juanita once more,- The ex
pression of that beautiful faco has jiot
nl. i , 11. , . j
wreicu iu iiiu leunb uegrcu.
I hated that woman!
A shout from the woDlel Bel
Una rlseu nnd Is'tacina- thn imii
,r,r. 1T. .a -..
uiwturaj n Bilencoliko death,
ARain the sword is raised, again nil is
dust, ngaln n form Ilea prostrate In tho
"ui. hub uino it is tne bull. Bebas
tian has killed it at ono utroko!
Sebastian approached tho gobernador
and bowed. lid la paler than over, but
a smilo lights up his Hps. Then, sword
in hand, ho turned, approached and
faced Juanitn. Her expression Is the
Bamons ever. Thero is no smilo of en
couragement, scarcely a sign of recog
nition: silO tllllnkn n man
tho bouquet at her breast and throws it
w iillll.
Ho fitoona nnd nlnl-o f i.i
, . n - i ' uu wiui
is eyes fixed on hers lifts it toward hla
iipa-nesitaies throws it to tho ground
""u "rtuipius 10 unuer root.
. uoaienmg cheer arises from tho
1 look for Juanitn. She has left tho
Iiro minutes later, as Sobastian passed
..T?u.sU.t.ho irehway into tho open air.
still in ins scarlet nnd gold, a dagger
" umitu utxp in ins breast.
I saw Juanita do it, and it was the
only time during the whole performance
,a iiursmue. uiaclcwood'sMap-
n tin -
Robert Itav rrumlitnn.. i..
- .m.iiui,
Next in Imo came Qcn. Schuyler Ham-
." i"wiur or Kay, who is still
au!' . " va? educated at West Point.
nnu ot au Ule HnmlUoD3 la th(j on,y oq
i"y iramett forthoarmy.
no was one or thooo .. m
lit... , . wuiuui-a u
m ""nams aI captains in their
""",us alter 'ving received
T preliminary training as inferiors
" tflI oC iQ we c-Mcd upon
Lvy uiuu imuuruinr. ivmiq in ni tt.. ...
tou was sevorolv wounof? tt -pi
. --- i ... ui) uuiuil
nut A U3,
From '47 to '51 ho snrvprl
still truo to tho Hamilton practice of bo-
When tho Civil war hrnVo ir.n
ton was not in the army; ho was livine
fr V-1- 1TT1 .. .... P
... ..ov, ivin. vnen mo "ew York
Seventh" marched off to the protection of
uouiuSMju no was ono or the privates.
He soon accepted a nnelf. inn iin Clan T)v
Butlers staff, after which he joined the
head of tho military family of which he
had been a member in Mexico, tho vet
eran Scott. Tho general needed some
uuu to iwk alter ins correspondence, and
lu wiiuj(iur xiuminon no round an ad.
mirable secretary.
rrom ocott a stair llnmilinn
St. Louis to become tho chief of stall of
uen. riaueclr. About this tlmo (in No
vember, 1801) ho was mado a brigadier
uuiiciui ui vuiunieers ana placed in com
mand of tho department of St. Louis.
Then ho joined tho army on tho Missis
sippi, and was tho first to suggest the
cutting of a canal by which to turn the
enemy's position of Island No. 10. He
commandod tho division in the army
that operated against Now Madrid, and
became a major general in tho autumn
of 1802.for this service. But Hamilton's
career in tho war was Btiddonly Intor
.rupted by falling health. Ho reslgnod
early in 1803, in the midst of the struggle.
Later ho hold Important positions in New
Yorkvcity, ono of . . which was hydro
Biupmu engineer xor tno department of
docks. Ho has identified himself and
Ills family still further in tho annals of
tho nation by writing a liistory of the
national flag of the. United" States. Ex
change. A Precious Signet Itlng.
The diamond signet -of tho ill fated
Charles I of England is of Immenso in
trinsic value. It was supposed to bo the
handiwork of tho monarch himself. He
was known as a skillful artificer in gold
and silver, and much of his leisure was
devoted to this congenial occupation.
On the seal was graven the coat of arms
of Great Britain and tho monogram oi
o- vimiou i, jjutwuu inw
posscssipn of his dethroned son. who
tne King. At his demise it passed Into
during tho tlmo of his banishment in
l'ranco, becamo in such straitened cir
oumstnnces that he was forced to part
with the precious relic. It was purchased
by tho well known French traveler Ta
vernier, who shortly afterward made a
journey to tho far Orient. Ho exhibited
tho jewel at tho Persian court, and .the
shah offered him n fabulous sum' for the
unique gem, which was preserved with
extrcmo cara In tho treasure vault of the
Oriental satrap. Jewelers'. Review,
Joes a f amily consist of tho father and
the mother and tho children, or only of
tho children?
iiun..i nMu in , .
" tfiony oiiuuron you navel said
tllu new minister, who ought to have
known better than in mnl.- punl.
mark in tho children's prosenco.
uuvooit ino o-year-owi aaugliter
between hufknees. J
'Tpll mn' rl,v ,fi
'Tell xan. my irear." nliL.m.nm
the oldest ot the family!"
"No, sir," answered t$?truthful child;
"my papa is older than mo." Youths'
'Where 11 o Stood.
At tho supreme judicial court in Au
burn tho other day a witness was being
subjected to a rigid cross examination
regarding the exaot position In which
witness was standing at the time in
Question, and the uttornnv
a great effort to havo tho witness explain
mo situation minutely. "Now," said ho,
"On Which hand Wprn Vnil Gtnnrllnrr of
this particular time?" "I wasn't stand
t .. . ' . . . i . .
mi; uu uiy iiuuu ul an, onswerou me
WltnCflH: "I wnR ctrmilfnt- ctn mv fpAt
Everybody iu the room smiled. Lewls-
IU11 UUU111U1.
Vldlo in Paris Edison received on an
average 1,200 letters a day, many of them
being offers of marriage to his daughter,
while others contained snuff, fans, gar
ters and like articles.
The son of Baron do Fava, tho Italian
minister to the United States, has been
naturalized as a citizen of tho United
States. Ho has been with his father at
Washington and is a civil engineer by
Hunlchen, tho lata deaf and dumb
landscape, painter, was a walking me
morial of the horrors of tho Russian Inva
sion of Germany in 1813. Ho was born
in 1813 at Blrkeiibusli, a village about
two hours' journey from Wittenberg.
Col. Franklin Fairbanks, president of
tho Fairbanks Scale company, will give
to St. Johnahury his entire collection of
blfds, minerals, shells .and curiosities,
and erect a suitable granite building for
a museum. His collectton,of birds Is ono
of tho finest In America,
W, II. Smith, tho leader of the British
nouso of commons, has recently built a
nou church at Portsea, at a cost of more
tins' 31 10.000. lift lliunn Intni-PuUn )
pfaco whatever, but happening to visit
for & day on croverntnent hiiRlnns. ha
noticed that H greatly needed a new
The camp fire burns with fitful glow
Mr comrades wrapt In slumber sweet
Alone my silent watch I ce(t
In measured marches to and fro.
The firefly dances with the breeze
Borne on the velvet wings of night;
Tho moonhnnlna mil... 1.1. .
And chase each other through tho trees.
Talo ghosts of memory throng my brain;
I stuun tn hmi iIm. vnlu. 1-
- . . . .uumu
What means these tears upon my cheek,
v.i.w, uuuiuietjs, nameless psiar
I thought tho past lay burled deep
Amid the scenes beyond the sea.
Behotdl It closer clings to me
And chides me that I fain must weep.
Here out upon tho Pecos plain,
Far from the mad'ning world of strife,
we reckless cowboys eke out life
Exposed to danger, toll and pain.
WlthOUt tilMA itMltn. a 1 . . .
. luiouiuuoaia
Blest ties which mako a heaven of earth,
I fear the most of us would roam.
Galveston Dally News.
My first beau was namod Lonefollow
llbbs. He had been named after the
uiauuguisnoa poet at a very early age,
;uu "uy mougnt or tho future
I scarcely think If hla
m 'uvu)lltVU XKAAJ1A
what a very short fellow ho would grow
uj. wj uo uioy wouia nave distinguished
j..iu ujr uU uupeiiauon so open to jokes.
Howover, tlioy did it.
I had known him
When I Was 17 vpnro rJA ..1 1 1
hOUSC for mv r-mnrlnnnl. Tl...
. 0 . j u wo i mi., no
i-auuu auu senc up nts Card. Ho lmrl
come to tho city to honor tho firm of
lane X iiuttnn with hi. .,, i.-i.i.i
. ... ,..vjiiv,u lyiimu
uubiuiia counter,
I was pleased to seo him, and told him
u, uuu no replied :
l scarcely expected It. I tlmno-ht
u . -n
juu. uuuiu not navo Known me. The
ravages of timn mutt l,
greatly. They have' only imnrovod vou.
auuii, uut, comoinea with care, they
i!aV8 taccd many lines upon my brow, I
... 1 i , , . . " ' '
I rcmemberful Hint 1m lmi
"v tmu Asw.KilblJ U.L.
qmretl a stepfather who was said to flog
".i iicuBuujr, bo 1 loosed sympathetic,
xou certainly had long curls and
woro irocua whan I .no. l-i- nr-
.. , """ J i.ioi, oiir,
iiuDs, i said, "and you must be 19
"Andnh.ilf." linn,!.!! n.inn.n .1
1 , & 1 iivilllllj. , illILl
a half. Howover, my heart la yo.ungyet.
You nro keeping houso for an uncle, I
uuiu, dxibs itosina."
"YPS." I R-lirl "hp 1. ... 11 1 j
so lonely. Mamma spared me to him for
"What a h.innv mnn 1a id Tr-
, , , ,. ; ---. w ulv un
viable." said Mr. Tihha ifrt l, - i
to keep his houso,"
"Perhans. Mr. Tihhu." enM t ii.
m. r , wiuU X V IlUil
you aro as olrl n TTnnift tdi,,. .
1 wmviu wwiiuu j uu may
also havo a nleco to keep houso fpr you."
ciiiuu3, no saiu, gloomily, "but I
don't seo how that can bo, as I havo
neither brothers nor sisters."
Just then a boll
called over the stairs to ma to "Ask tho
little boy to Btay to dinner., and eomn nt
Mr. Tilllm rnfunn.1 thU s-
.. , i .... .uu wiciuumuu. ui-
vitation with a little hauteur. Ho prided
himself on being ratherold, and departed
for tho time. However, he camo again,
and still again, and In the
month began to propose to me.
I sneak correctl v. CUh.r
liove, "pop tho question" oncond have
done with It.
I nevpr knpu nf tlin ninef nni.
. "ivuw yua
slon outliving three rejections; but Long
fellow Tibbs went through a course- of
them as though thoy wero lessons In
Ho always went away in despair, but
returned to tho chargo as fresh as over.
His tailor bill must havo boen greatly in
creased by his tender passion, I am auro,
for ho nlw&VR wpnr. nn hid lnna trt nA
- . -- . w Ul.1.1
himself, and was twice caught nt it
once by tho chambermaid and onco by !
TT.. 1 t 1
uuuiu uusuun.
At last ho bpcrsn tn thrantpn .pir An.
structjon, nnd ono evening left me,
Bwearinir that I should nnrup im
again alive.
I did not believe that ho was ln earn
est; but I felt a little anxious, neverthe
less, when a week passed by without
any news of him and I rather missed
him, too, I must admit. But judge of
mv horror whnn. nn. nvpnlnn. mpem....
- - 1 1 I J 1 Q , MHWCU-
gor boy put , into my hands an envelope
ciilwl ... UK 1.1 1. .
owuw. ii ,uu;iw wai auu wearing a
mourntnir boAlpr nn Inrh iWo .nA
openlbg itjt'read theso words:
"ConoNEa's Oitice.
"Miss on Miniun Tim lnolnop.1 1,
ing been found upon tho body ot a gen
tleman who has just drowned himself
in tho Hudson riTAr. T Inplno (f a
address, Imagining that It may Interest
you. Tins City Cobonek."
Trenfb'nrhiiy t tore open uu uTelope
which was Inclosed and read this:
"Deab Rosima Yes, standing on the
vcrgo of a watery grave, I may address
you thus dearest Roaina, your cruelty
has driven me to desperation. Without
you I am wretched. You will not be
mine; therefore I will no longer live.
Ere you read this I shall bo no longer
capablo either of love or of despair. Yet,
If my departed ghost can visit these ter
restrial scenes, I Bhall como to you in
those bright moonlight hours I havo so
loved becauso they brought me to your
side, and you Bhall know that I am with
you by a breath, a whisper or. a touch.
"In my death perhaps you may give
mo what In my life you have denied
your love.
"Your wretched and devoted
I read tho document to the end. and
went off into hysterics. Happily Uncle
Joshua was away on a Ashing party, and
no one came to me but tho chambermaid.
Sho was young, pretty and sympa
thetic. I felt obliged to have some confi
dante, and I told her everything. Sho
wept with me over tho "poor young
gentleman's" untimely fate, but, declared
that I was not to blame, for "nobody
could marry every one that asked thorn,"
and instanced one Patrick O'Rourke,
who threatened to dynamite himself tho
next blast whenever sho declined his
offer. "And how can I say yes," said
Nora, "when I like Pat Gorman far the
best? And it would be mo he'd murthori
if I jilted him," I
But Nora could not console. I was
utterly miserable. I cried myBelf slot
and actually took to my bed, Nora min
istering to me tenderly- And when
Uncle Joshua returned he found me
wrapped in a shawl and sitting up
amidst cushions and pillows, a very
wreck of myself.
I did not tell him what had caused my
illness, and he insistsd upon It that I
had been "stuffing myself with sweets4
in his absence. Ho brought homo with
him a very sardonic old.centleman, who
looked like tho portraits of Voltaire, and
they had a rear sociable time of it ln tho
dining room over cirds and punch, and
oviutuuy uiu not want mo.
As for the old umlltm.n hl
glance mado mo shiver. I waa nervous.
ana on the vergo of becoming a shatter
ed wreck for II In. T
wwv "U ftUUL (UU
gaa light or nolso of any kind, lived on
ut mm wupcconsianuy.
Ono evening Nora hod placed mo In a
largo arm chair on tho balcony and left
mo alopo for a whllo, and I think I had
dozed off, whon, opening my eyes, I be
camo awurothat aflguro stood before
me. It was motionless. Its arms cross
cd on its breast, its oyes rolled up, but
byUho moonlight I sbav the face of my
unhappy adorer Longfollow Tibbs, He
had declared that ho would haunt me,
and hero he was. I should dbubtless bo
tormented by his roproachful spirit for
tho rest of my days, or rather, nights.
It was slmnlv awful. T ,,itnrut 1...
. . a. 1UUK
shriek and put out my hands to ward
They wero caucht. In tn nt on.i m..i.
and blood. Thn flmii-A ,im 1..
knees beforo me. This wns no o-hnut
It was Loncrfellnvr Tthtia In
,J ... ..uim uoi-
son, very much alive Indeed.
"Forgivo mo!" ho sighed. "Angel of
my soul, forgivo me! It was all a ruse
to try your afl"octlnnn. TmnLioii. 1.1
- - ...w.v w.n icy
ters myself; I did it to put you to the
tost But now" and he mado prepara
tions to embrace mo. to whlnh y Til if a atvtn
at once "now, my angel," ho continued,
w" no longer do denial. Tour an
guish has proven that I am not Indif
ferent to you. Boneath tho thought of
my death vnu Trnvn nhlmnui iiw- . i.xxu n 1 inra
smitten by tho wlntery blasts. Cheer'
up cheer un. mr nncmll vn. T
fellow lives and still adores you."
At thoso words my Indignation got the
bettor of m.. T .ivhia i.'hu.rMi
- www . w AWH UUM
looked at him scornfully.
"Mr. Tlbbs,Bald I, "if I had been as
fond of you as you pretend you aro of
mo, I would not could not Ilka nil
after what you have done; and I care
nothing for you nothlngt"
LonsfolloW Tibbs fnlrlprl lit. mm. ..t
regarded me tragically."
mere is out one explanation of this
Insensibility." lin aatii ni 1
. jwu ivi Ull-
As hospokoasudden thonrrli
tome. I resolfArl fn tlflV htm luinl. 1m
f'-j u.u. unvi. 1U
his own coin, I bowed mv head In pi.
"YOU IITO IinrmthoVl tn nnn1... r.i '
i bowed again.
"His name? that I may wreak vmu?-
gcancourjon bin hmuli" Jm.. v- '
Tibbs. .
"You may see him if you like," Isold.-
I arose, tindlnrr m-r nh-omrth l
raculously restored to me, and crossed.
" mum nuitiy, uecKoning mm to fol
low. The houan wan nn nlH tMn,mA
- -. - w.. viu
the double .sort, and at the back of the
hall was a curious Hrtln wn,l. m.t
gae "8ht to the kltchon stairs. Beside
uns wmaow i paused. It opened into
tho larpn dlnlnn- mnm At th. t.hi. i
o " V ...u UH11V 1U
the center uf thn mi,in,M ..t tt.i
. j.... v ... wura
Joshua and his ancient "friend, whose
ueau waa as oaia as a bmiard ball, and
who had lost every tooth in his head.
Without a word, I pointed to this indl
vidual. "Hoi" gasped Longfellow.
"No ono else," said I.
"False One. VOU nft.Vn onbl rnnmalr tnm
gold!" said Mr. Tibbs.
I did nn6"ilpnv thp miuinnliMnn, ir
j H.w ""luwilUBlll, AT,
Tibbs folded his arms and stalked toward
tno ironi aoor.
"Adieu," said he.
"Good-bye, Mr. Tibbs," said I.
"I droamed." said Mr. Tlhh nh.t
woman wax tn hn wnn K ln. T
that wealth is tho only talisman. Ifo
matter. Let him beware my ven
geance 1"
I never saw him again, but shortly af
ter somo ono threw a rotten egg at our
venerable guest as he stood upon our
doomten. nn rl T aItvuvo. DnmunfiMf
1 . ... . . j v .w,ivv,Vlj HW.
so did Nora, that It was the vengeful
Longfellow. Mary Kyle Dallas hi Fire
side Companion.
Agile) Vfomeii,
Tho delegate was recently riding on
the rear platform of a Fifth streetcar
when, as the horses sped along, a pretty,
roeo-cheeked, agile young lady, with
skirts gathered neatly in' one hand,
swung gracefully aboardond took a seat.
"She's pretty active," remarked thsdele
gato. "Oh, sho does that ovary day," re
plied tho conductor. ""Wo, never stop
for her. There are a number of ladles on
this line who never sicnal tho driver ta
stop, They take pride in showing their
agility. One of these is an old lady of M
years, and she is one of our most regular
passengers. No matter how fast the car
Is going sho can swing on as easily and,
gracefully; as a man. Wo cover stop tot
her. It would mako her angry ST vre
did BUt'tt-Vis husband is aicicg "sissss
nals us to stop. He doekVc hkaWiHtve
his aged wife appear so giddy, aast' be
sides, he is troubled with gout to such bb
extent that, if he were to attempt to
board a car while in motion, he would
measure his length on tho street." Cin
cinnati Times-Star.
Very Brmxen.
"I hear you judged the brass bands at
the county fair."
"Yes. I awarded tho prize to the oae
that tried to play 'Parsifal.' "
"Why, they murdered It."
"They did, Indeed, but In trying to
play it at all they allowed the, quality of
their brass. "Harper's Basar.
It is said that a largo picture of tW
"Adoration of. the Magi," by KuJatSM, '
has been discovered at the home ef;jMt
Frederick Welde, on English baroasit, -
The London Athenaeum refers vrjei,
pride to the fact that the FrDok art.'
journals are beginning to qete Mm
prices paid for important ptefcires am,
Miss Elizabeth Strong, a young Aaser-,
lean artist of much merit, who hm beea
studying in Paris for someysamfteet,
and who has exhibited at the Bakxt, it
ln Boston.
After Rosa Bonheur, perhaps one e
the most prominent wowst sMste iu
Paris is Virginia DsmoBt-Brstow, a
daughter and pupil of Jules Btoa,
whose influence is dlsoemible ia most of
her work.
Meissonler recently add to a lady, who
remarked Upon vlaitllt his new house,
that she missed pictures of kk own from
among tho beautiful tilings -with whicW
he had adorned the rooms: "Ak, Ma
dame, they are too dear to allow me tor
keen tlvem." .
'Ihe vanderbilt family Is heglnqlng a
uuvr iuuuu ai Tigorous evolutlOB. Wtt
lam II, Vanderbilt is captain of the Yale
I !... 1 1 1 . , .
iicsuuicu (joaiiatj crew, ana may
another commodore..
i -