The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, November 09, 1889, Image 3

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leailifol, Delicious, Nutritions, HealtMul.
Yslvety fcalslns,
Meaty ("runes.
Golden Apricots,
lung Appiesi
lit Currcnt.1,
California rears,
Ieghorn Citron,
California IN
re Ml nee Mt,
nicgiuit Jellies,
annv Uveitis.
j.itra vine moiasscs.
lror Hone In Comn.l'eerless Applebutter.
r Dtirkrc's Salad'Drcssinc,
lonmo catsup,
Krench rickles,
American 1'lckles,
Olive Oil,
XXX FlaTorlug Extracts.
Osmned Apples.
t dinned rlncannles.
Inest Gained reaches.
fihcm. unnnea runs,
Fin M Canned String Reaps,
' finest Canned Lima Deans,
Finest Canned Tomatoes,
Finest Canned Com,
Finest Canned Salmon,
Fluest Canned Lobster,
finest CantietfOysters,
Finest Sardines,
Finest Totted Clilcken,
Finest 1'otted Tonxue,
Finest Honed Chicken
Choice Lemon.
Florida Oranges,
Cape Ood Uranberiieal,
Malaga drapes,
l'rcpared Cocoanut,
Fancy Cakos and Crackers,
Imported Schweitzer Cheese,
Imported Lembercer Cheese.
York State Full Cream Cheese.
When In search of anything reallv cholrfi
in the grocery line don't fall to call here.
Qsalltj always the yerf highest and
prices the very lowest.
V.S. Ideal White Soap 22c. a bar.
9n1r. Street, between South Street and Flum
Alley, Lehlghton, ra.
The Carbon Advocate
Wanted Three or four rooms. Ap
ply At this office
"-Fall line of Ingrain and Brussels car
pets at Henry Schwartz, on Rank st. o
M Prettiest designs In wedding rings at
K. II. Ilohl's jewelry 8tore,3iauch Chunk.
Andrew Bayer has artistically painted
Henry SchwarU's mammoth furniture es
tablishment on Bank street.
Four Sunday trains, two north and
two south, will be run on tho L. So S. rail
road on and after the 10th Inst.
The Germanta Sauccrbund will hold
tbelr regular monthly meeting on Monday
evening at the Mansion House.
The next meeting of Carbon Castle,
No, 111, K. O. E., promises to be of un
usual interest and a full Attendance Is de
sired. The Strohl family gave one of the al
wja interesting musical entertainments
to a. small audience In the Opera House on
Afonday evening.
Seeing Is believing; finest selection of
gold rings set with precious stones in this
section at l. II. Ilohl's jewelry store,
Jfauch Chunk.
It Is a popular sentiment that a neat
lion rail fence should be erected around
the Park. That will come, give the coun
cilman a little time.
A pavement on the north side of
Carbon street along W. S. Kuun's property
is a commendable improvement made dur
ing lh& nasi few weeks.
"A borsel" Hold on. vounc fellow.
don't bust. Go to David Ebbert's popu
lar livery on North street and hire one of
bis fancy tigs at wonderful low prices.
Thomas' ohotograph gallery on Rank
street has been leased by a Philadelphia
artist name Lormusbury who will open up
for business about the first of next month.
In the case of Hollenbach vs. Miller,
heard In the last court, and a decision
rendered against .Miller, a new trial has
been granted and the suit will be re-arguod
at tho January term of court.
Wanted Two energetic young men
and three young ladles to solicit; salary
$2.60 a day; permanent employment. Ref
erence required. Jno. L. Trexler, 524
Hamilton street, Allentown, Pa. 51-4w
1 "the criminal court at Scranton last
week, Patrick White was convicted of rob
bing Thomas Carroll of a chew of tobacco.
The question now arises, can the habitual
tobacco beggar bo punished is a "ya
grantr" -The work of laying the- water mains
and building the reservoir Is almost com
pleted. Water service connections are
now being made on RanK street and if all
goes well we will eoon have a jlmdandv
water supply. Let the old town boom
While driving up Bank strmit some
weeks ago a hore belonging to Afahlon
Cbristman of Towamensing, was precipita
ted Into an open water main and sustained
severe Injuries which the contractor settled
through the town council for the small
sum of 13.00.
The gunttlug season has now opened
In earnest and sportsmen who wander
about the country In pursuit of game will
find It advantageous to read some of the
warnings to trespassers. Although there
Is no law to compel a man to warn tics
passers, It is well to "look a leedle oudt"
before making a raid upon a farmer's
game fields.
Strenuous efforts are being made by
Frank German and others In ibis vicinity
to organize a Knlgbt of .nalta lodge. A
ready about seventy names have been put
down on the application for a charter and
the prospects for an early Institution of the
order looks very promising. At present
LehlEhton only has about a dozen secret
societies in successful running order. -
Holiday goods are comlrg In take a
look at them and the prices at Luclcen
bach's Mauch Ohunk.
''Eagle Cash Store."
" Headquarters?"
Because vou can buy all first
class Groceries and nil other
good at very greatly
Reduced Prices I
Notions. ZW&ll'"-
Dry Goods, f 8AN
Boots 1 Shoes. MI&SSKf
- Lewis Graver's new bilck residence In
South Lehlghton Is under roof.
For choice Jewtlry see now stock at
jro, ,'!i jewelry store, Mauch Chunk.
- iurn Alley, In tho vicinity of Oborts
porlc pucklmt establishment. Is being
Nino mails arrive tho Lehlgton
posi-oMce every day In the week except
Presents for big. little, old and yonng
handsome and low priced at Luckenbach's
Jlauch Chunk.
Nothing kills the cold so quick as ono
of V. S. Kuhn's heatetn or ranges. Be
fore purchasing elsewhere don't fall to see
Dr. F I. Smith, the south Bank street
deutlst, reports business, both at his office
hero and his branch at Hazleton, to be
Dr. A, S. Rabenold removed tho upper
teeth from jbIx months on Wednesday.
Gumming It will bo fashionable with them
for the next month or so;
Don't jnlss the opportunity to got a
first-class watch at prices that will pay you
big money for your trouble atIIohl's jew
elry store, Jiauch Chunk.
A correspondent from this city to the
Times endorses tho Advocate's efforts to
Iiavo Lehlghton divided Into wards. Con
versions on this question are numerous.
-The Cahbon Advocate needs monty
to meet running expenses of this office,
which is a polite pointer to persons In
debted to us to step up and pay up. Tho
sooner the better.
All members of Carbon Castle, No.
Ill, K. G. E., should attend the regular
meeting on Monday evening as a very in
teresting programme has been prepared by
the committee.
The recently organized Gennaula
Saucerbund treated the editor to an ex
cellently rendered vocal selection on Tues
day night. The members already show the
result of caieful training.
It would certainly bo appropriate to
observe the anniversary of the Gnaden
Huttcn massacre which occured on the
24th instant. H'hlch minister of tho gos
pel will movo In the matter.
We have bought the largest assortment
of WAtcbes ever purchased by any retail
jeweler In the Lehigh Valley and csn sell
you a watch at lower prices than they ate
sold elsewhere. Call and see at Ilohl's
jewelry store, ifauch Chunk.
A public Installation of the I. O, G.
T., will be held in Reber's Hall on Friday
evening at eight o'clock. An Interesting
programme of recitation, addressess, it a,
has been prepared and will be recited. A
cordial invitation Is extended to the public
to attend.
The weather wise since Wednesday
are predicting 23 snow storms for wlntel.
The reason for tho prediction Is an old le
gend that there, will be as many snows for
the winter as correspond to the date ou
which the first snow falls. The first snow
storm coming on October 23d indicates 23
storms for the winter. You needn't be
lieve this if you don't want to, Tho best
plan Is to wait and count :hem.
Jacob Shlngler, of Mahoning street,
has been granted a pension of $1700 with
a regular monthly stipend. Mr. Shlngler
was a prlyale In Company G., 132d Y. V.
and served nine months when he was dis
charged for disease contracted and from
which he is now a sufferer. He Is sixty
one years of age, a member of John D.
Berlolelte Post, 484, G. A. R., and deserv
ing of Uncle Sara's generous bounty.
A free art exhibition at the Singer
Sowing JUachlna rooms, on south Bank
street during this week has attracted hun
dreds of people thither. The exnlbition is
under the management of Mrs. M. II. Bel-.
din, of Philadelphia, a very pleasant and
greeable lady wllli large experience. Tjie
Interior of the Singer rooms are decorated
with work executed on the well-known
machine by this lady and Includes rich
drapery, pictures; dresses, fee, but you
should see It all It will bs more satisfac
0. 1'. S. O. II.
Is headquarters for men's and boys
clothing and can save you 25 cents on
eyery dollar by buying your suits and pver
coats from us; we are selling boy's over
coats at $1.60, $2.60, $4 and up; men's
overcoats and ulsters at $5, $7, (10 up;
we haye also cape overcoats for men Tou
will do well by calling at Sondhelm'sOne
Price Star Clothing Hall, Mauch Chunk,
for your winter clothing.
Public Sale Register.
On Saturday, Dec. 28, on the premises in
Franklin Twp., 75 perches of real estate,
with improvements, the properly of the
late Henry Kramer, dee'd.
On Saturday, Dec. 21, on the premises
in Franklin Twp., one acre, more or les,j.
valuable land, with Improvements,
property of the late George Knecht, dee'd
Met a Horrible Death.
Michael Curry, of Slatlngtou, met a
horrlb'e death pn Tuesday. He was
workthg with a .gang of jnen In a slate
quarry removing top ground, when the
bank caved In. burying Curry under tons
of earth and rock. Several others narrow
ly escaped a like fate. Three hours later
his body was recovered, mangled beyond
recognition. This Is the elgbth victim of
the quarry In which the accident happened.
Curry leaves a wife and two children,
Tbe YSyapirellcal Assoclatlun.
Tho statistics of the Evangelical Assocla'
tlon for 1889 shows a membership of 145,-
703, a gain the past year of 3850. The
church has 1187 Ininerant and 008 local
preachers, 1058 churches, 051 parsonages
and church property valued at $4,758,627
The contributions for missions during the
ear aggregated $713,183,43. In foreign
mission fields this church has members as
follows; Germany, 6201; Switzerland
4335 Japan, 333.
Leased hj the WV. It. It.
It now transpires that the Schuylkill
and Lettish Valley has been leased to tbt
Lehigh Valley Railroad for 009 years.
oxtends from Rowmans Station to Tre
mont, which is west of Pottsyllle, In the
heart of tho Schuylkill coal region. The
road affords the Lehigh Valley a direct
connection with anthracite fields which
the Philadelphia and Reading and the
Pennsylvania Railroads haye bad pretty
much to themselves. The Lehigh Valley
is becomtug one of the most Independent
and aggressive railroads among the groups
of trunk lines aud anthracite carriers.
How to Tell a Counterfeit Note.
Take a United States bill of any de
nomination and. bold It'up to the light, and
you will see two lines running across
lengthwise. Upon examination you will
find these to consist of silk thread, a red
one and a blue one. Every genuine bill
has this mark of genuineness. Without
these marks a bill may be put donu as
counterfeit po matter bow gooa the en
gravlng'on It. No paper mill dare mak
that sort of paper, and that Is tbe govern'
rnsnl's only protection on lis currency,
ora "stWlee."
nort mid Comiunnltr I'araKra titled
Welstport and Comiunnltj I'araura plied
l'orllie Vo(kJuit Knried
The first car lojl of bridge Iron arrived
on juonilay nlglit.
Challcs llecltf r, of Allcnlown, circled
hore during the week.
Miss Ella Lnury spent Sunday at Slat
Ington, the guest of Mrs. L. Campbell
t U. S. Krutn, employed for almost a
year past In and around I'lttston, is home
After ten weeks sickness wo are pleased
to note that Tllghman .Wilier la again
Miss Llllln-Mussclman Is spending sey
oral days with Allentown and Bethlehem
E. M. Phlfer, nflcr two years absence
In Indiana, is back "with the folks nt
Edwin Gclger and Miss Mary Gcssing
cr will be united in the holy bonds of wed'
lock at a date In the near future.
Ell Marklc moved his family to Parry-
yllle this week where he has secured em
ployment with tho Carbon Iron Works.
Miss Salllo neydt, an estimable young
lady of Ashley, wasj visiting Mrs. It. J.
Sewcll, on White street, during part of last
A series of what promises to bo very
successful protracted meetings have com
menced In tho East Weissport Evangelical
Old Mother Grundy reports a wed
ding to take placu during the latter part of
tho month. Now, who aro tho happy
Tho Reformed Missionary Society wll
meet on Saturday evening. An Interest'
lng programme has been prepared by tbe
president, A. J, Gutli.
Levi Hawk, of Llttln Gap, and Aflss
Catherine Smith, of Trucksyille, were
united In marriage by Rev. Jno J. Stauf
fer on Tuesday, Nov. 5tb.
Mrs. Henry Smawlcy while engaged
cleaning house one day recently fell
through a window frame on the first floor
and sustained severe Injuries.
Henry MerU and Bertha Voll were
married by 'Squire Chester Buck on Tues
day evening. IT'ltnesscs say that tbe
genial 'squire (fed tbe knot with the grace
of a Chesterfield,
Mrs. Owen Dean, residing In East
Weissport, on Saturday suffered a paraly
tic stroke and is now lying seriously HI,
She Is under tho medical treatment of Dr.
Delcamp, of Lehlghton.
Elsowhero In to-day's Issue see and
read A. W. Marsh's pew advertisement,
then call at his postofflce store and make
purchases of anything ypu need at his
wonderfully low prices.
A number of Btone cutters and labor
ers employed on tho new bridge hcie have
gono to Rossvllie, N. J., where Contractor
Hendler Is erecting piers and abutments
for a now Lehigh Valley Railroad bridge.
Buy .tho Galbraith patent self-center
ing carriage and sleigh pole; will fit any
carriage qr sleigh and can be attached and
iljusted In a minute. R. J. Hongen, just
oyer the canal bridge, Is the agent. Call
and see it.
Harry Fenstcrmacher, of Freeland,
Pa., lias accepted the position of "time
keeper" for Wm. IKaterbor, vice Ed.
Horn, of Lehlghton, resigned. Mr. F. has
become a K'olssporter, so Leblghton's loss
our gain.
Charles Buyer, for several years past
employed with C. W. Laury, our popular
baker, has resigned and accepted a clerk-
shin with L. J. Harleman fc Bro general
merchants, at Packertpn. In bis new
poslsh" Cbawlcs has ourgrlp forsucccss.
The following letters remain uncalled
for In the postofflce at this place: J. C.
Mulflnger, Philip Meyer, Mrs. P. F. Alack,
Ollyer Stemler, S. Silbersteln, Jefferson
Krum, Emma Hart man, Mary Esterday,
Tobias Buss. Persons calling for any of
the above letters will plpasp say "adver
tised." A. W. JAnsn. P. M.
Reys. Kuder and Strauss, of Lehlgh
ton; Kunkle, of Weatherly, and Fox, of
Slatlngton, delivered telling addresses at
the missionary meeting held In the North
IKeisspprt Lutheran c)inrch ou Wednesday
evening. The subject for the evening was
the "Work of the church in thft past and
Its present and future needs." The meet
ing was largely attended.
The services In tho Union church on
next Sunday will be conducted by the Re
formed pastor, Jno. J. Stauffer. The
subject for the morning will be, "The
Faltbrul Saying," and in tho evening tho
pastor will haye a special sermon for the
young men, having chosen for his theme,
Is the Young Man of To-day Safe?"
based on II Samuel ;29. All are wel
come, but a special invitation Is given to
the youug men.
Rev. Jno. J. Stauffer has recently or
ganlzed a class of catechumens to Instruct
during the winter tho way of salvation.
The class thus far numbers thlrty-fiys, and
a good many more are expected. The
class meets every Saturday afternoon at 2
o'clock. There will also be organized an
evening class In tho near future to accom
modato all such as would like to be In
structed and become Intelligent christians
but cannot attend the afternoon session.
Don't you dare miss itl We mean the
fair and festival under the auspices of the
Good ll'lll Hook & Ladder Company, In
the school ball to-night and to-morrow
night. It has been going all week to tb
pleasure of hundreds of people and will
wind up with great success If everybody
gives It a hearty patronage. Fancy booths,
refreshment stands, &c, presided over by
our prettiest and most accomplished ladles
lend additional attraction. Articles not
disposed of during the week will be sold at
auction on Saturday night. Onco more
the "Stroller" remarks, "don't miss it."
A typhoid- fever epidemic prevails
alarmingly In East Weissport. Thus far
about twenty cases nave been reported as
follows; Joseph Ruff, Joseph Weiss .Clara
Rhoads, Emma Beever, U'llllam Beever,
Webster Campbell, four cases in tbe fami
ly of Harry Trainer, ttree cases In the
family of Cousiamlne Henner, Mrs. Llllie
lloyer aud Mrs. Alex. Graver. All possl
ble cam should be taken to prevent
further spread of tbe disease which it Is
said prevails on account of the pond of
stagnated water between the Central rail
road and the canal bank. If this Is so,and
there seems to be no doubt of the fact, It
should be drained and filled up at once,
thus treeing the atmosphere of tbe poison
ous ellluyla which has worked out 8lici
direful results thus far. The three schools
In the east end, taught by Messrs. Quint
Arner, George Jragner and S. Snyder,
haye been closed and will not be re opened
until the fever has abated. Since the
above was put in type Wm. Beever has
800 WMers and OvercoAt
Must be. sold from now until Christmas
The best place to boy a suit or overcoat Is
at Sondhclm's One Price Star Clothing
Hall, .Jiauch Chunk.
Heaver Meadow
Hlooinlngunlo.. .......
Kant Maucli Chunk...
Kast Venn
Kidder North., ,
Kidder South
Limsford i
Lehigh i.
, 149
I .Itiln nan,
Mauch Chunk, 1st ward
Mauch Chunk, 2nd ward..
Mlllpoit 4
Penn Forest ,
Hummlt Hill ,
Towamensing os
wenmeriy 1,2
t 43
. 41S
Personal Gossip about People who Visit
and go n Visiting,
Dayld Kleintop, of Ashley, closed
digits with friends here over Sunday.
Harry Sweeny, paymaster for Coxe
Bro & Co., at Hrlfton, was in town Wed
Mrs. Thomas Sell, of Lehigh street,
pent last Sunday at Slatlngton with re
F. D. and W. G. Jflller, "gentlemen,"
residing here circled at tbe County Seat
Mrs. John Esrang, of north Bank
street, visited Catasauqua friends last
-Mrs. S. L. .Morris, of Aspen, Colorado,
Is visiting her father, Fred. Lcuckel, on
Bank street.
At. Lynn and Lcn. .Brown, genial
spirits, of Johnstown, Pa., were in town
last week.
M. O. Kuntzt of Lehigh street, did
business at Baltimore, Mi., during tbe
fore part of the week.
ais.j Rose, the cstlmablo dauguter or
Valentino Schwaitz, Is horno from a de
lightful visit to Trcntou, N. J.
Mrs. Lewis Cnrlstman aocompaned by
by Miss Trcl -bier, of Lower Towamensing,
wejo seeing frionds hero during tho week.
Miss Krum, au estimable young lady
of Harrlty, whllo In town on Monday see-
lng.frler)4s made our sanctum a pleasant
Mrs. Mary Smith and daughter
Hannah, of Allentown, were guests of Tax
Collector Schadel ou south Bank street,
this week.
-Aaron Krum and Afllt H. Hunslcker
returned Tuesday from Buffalo, N. T.,.
where tbey were for several daya buying
in live stock.
'George W. Uorthlmer, associate edi
tor of this journal, again Inhales Leblgh
ton's ethereal ozone after an Absence of
over three weeks.
W. n. Anthony And Thomas Sell were
shooting rabbits with great' success In
Lehigh county last week, baying bagged
eighteen In less than two days.
Our esteemed townsman Andrew
Bayer contemplates a visit to tbe old
Fatherland at a date in tbe near futuie.
He will be absent several u ontlu.
Engineer ThoniasiFlpk and family, of
Lehlgn street, returned home Saturday
after a pleasant sojourn with friends in
uarrlsburg, Gettysburg and other places.
Frank Hontz was called home from
Danville, where bo Is employed, lasfweek
owing to the serious Illness of bis child,
which we are pleased to say Is now much
George Brlnkman, of IWtKesbarre.was
In towp oyer Sunday. Jfonday morning
ho took charge of his new drug establish
ment on Jfaln street In the above city. He
has the best wishes of friends for succoss
In his new venture.
Prof. A.. 3, Mller has assu,med a pro
fessorship In tbe IVItchla, Kansas, Univer
sity. He Is welt-known as an educator in
this county, for. a number of years teach
ing successfully at Lansford, IKeatherly
and other places.
M. A Weiss and wife, of Wllkesbarre,
were quests of R. L. Sweeny and wife oyer
Sunday. Mr. Weiss (s a son at qur es
teemed tewnsinan Lewis Ifelss and a
great grandson of the late Jacob ll'elss.tlie
fouader of Lehlghton and tho donor of our
pretty little park. He was also for some
years connected, with the L,eblgl Wagon
Woiks hero. Resides being a business
man of pusk Milt is a first-class fellow.
Tho "J. 8. Lents" Locomotlr.
A new engine, No. 637, named "J. S.
Lentz," was completed and was tested-on
the road) this weelc. It Is a model of work
manship And beauty, The "J. S. Lentz"
Is a sixty ton locomotive with A.twentj
Inch stroke and contains Delaney's balance
slide valve, steam and air brakes and other
modern Improvements. A noticeable fea
ture on tbe "Iron horse" Is a new style
number plate on tho front of the boiler
wltn raised numbers. Tbe engine is not
as large as tbe "P. 0, Doyle" recently
built, but is one of the same plan as the
'William H. Sayre." Tha body Is of jet
black, with yellow striping, lettering and
numbering and Is put on with such taste
as to show up to good Advantage. The
engine Is named after our townsman Mr.
S. Lentz, General Superintendent of tbe
Leblgb Valley Car Works, which compli
ment Is a deserving recognition of his val
uable services to tbe company be has so
long served in many capacitle.
County Ilraeies.
A grand shooting match for tnrkeys to
wind up wtr 4 ge,pd qld fashioned hop is
tft come off at tbe popular bostlery of
Lewis J. Chrlstman In Lower Towamens
lng on Ttiusday tbe 21st Instant,
-rTbe Packwton Hotel is now heated
throughout with one of the James Ifalp
patent steam heattrs which works llku a
charm. Zach Is to be complimented on
tbo Improved condition of bis popular
It is still an unsettled question with
tue citizens of East Penn, formerly
uinicey's, whether the name of their post
ouica win ub cuangecr is Asuneld or
millet's. There are two factlops In tbe
fight, one headed by Dr. Slttler with Ash
field as Sj standard anotner led by James
uaiuet, a popular aud Influential .Republl
can with a petition calling for a baptlslrq
of Ralliet. Tbe fight waxcth hot with the
promise of more fun In the future.
Ladles ftnd. Mlss Jackal.
and NewHWkets we haye 600 long coats
for laities and misses; we 'have them in
misses sizes at $2. $3, $4 and up, and for
ladles at W, $7, $10 up; you can save 25
cents on each dollar by purchasing your
garments at Sondheim's On Pile Star
Clothing Hall, Uaneh Cbnnk,
- '
" "
Treasurer. Asso.-Ttidgc.
2 ti
tf Jf
2 S.
S 5 3
60 60 ' Sf
131 139 139
'IT 9 9
63 CT 28
231 184 SO
69 9 34
- S3 03 181
21 IT 10
19 19 14
.31 22 11
1ST 120 208
10 10 13
32.- 30 14
., 225" 223 112
GO 63 eT
184- 132 102
ST 91 80
68 CT 65
61 CO 38
'115 04 A3
63 63 12
30 30 30
20 20 61
33 33 18
223 ICR 104
68 68 20
1T1 142 1T3
39 40 33
242T 2170 178$
, 20
- CO
19 .
- 130
68 -253
' 8
' i
11 193
CT '
Ono of Voir Manr.
fHn i i-..
uu iuhuvviiii; icuer, one or very man
of tho lame tone received at this office, we
take the liberty of publishing as a means
of showing the growing popularity of this
FniitjfD Qitonau I enclose jou one
dollar for which please send thoADYO
catb for a year. I have been so acens
lomed to reading It every week, and since
coming to Wllkesbarre have not seen it.
iha- I am lost without It.
Yours truly. H. W. RjaiDEmiusir.
A Lehlghtontan Going Up,
From the Noiristown Herald of a recent
Attn n n..)n , 1, . .
i.u uma tuiik application ior a charter
for the Incorporation of the Montgomer)
uu company nas seen mad to the Slate.
ino incorporators are w. F. Sllngliiff. W.
a. Rambo, J. T. Djer. John J. Corson,
Harry H. Zimmerman and Alfred K
leuckel, and tbe object is tbe "refining
and manufacturing petroleum and other
oils Into their various products with tbe
right to buy, sell and transport' tho same.
air. ieucuei is a son of our esteemed
townsman, Frederick Leuckel, and a
former resident; he will be secretary and
general sales agent for the new comoanv.
Al. has our best wishes for continued pros
per! I y.
Mahoning Items,
A new slate roof was put on Hoppcs'
mill this week.
Stephen Miller lost a valuable
cow by
death last week.
Mrs. WHloughby Kubns moved to Le
hlghton last week,
Charles Wchr moyed .his family to
Bloomlngdale on Tuesday.
David Mershtheller and wife, of Bran
son, Florida, are visiting in tho yalUy.
iteylval meetings commenced In the
Evangelical church on Sunday evening.
-rU. II. Senile was to Philadelphia last
week purchasing a full lino of fall and
winter goods.
The Lord's Supper was celebratod In
St. John's church last Sundav. Rev. A.
liartliolomew officiating.
-Joel Boyer ha, been appointed teacher
of the New Jahonlng-school In place of
Miss Louisa Fessler. re.slr.nprf.
Miss Louisa Fessler, resigned
A. J. Ralliet, a student in Tale col
lege, and G. P. Frevman, of tho Ada, (O.)
Normal School, are at home sick.
The sacrament of the Lord's Supper
will bo administered In the Evangelical
chuich on Sunday afternoon by Rev. if.
Blxler, of WJite Haven, and Rev. C. S.
Newhart, pastor of the church.
David Miller has been appointed ad
ministrator of tho estate of the late ll'ilson
Remaley, dee'd. The personal property
of the deceased will be disposed of at pub
lic snle on the 23d Inst. DAsir.
" Tlja Comlnc Judge.
Our "saucy" contemporary, the Lans
ford .Record, says of District Attorney
Rapthcr, of Mauch Chunk, a former citU
zen of tbls city, as follows:
"In 1885 tie pemopratle county convention
nominated him for District Attorney, to which
o!!lcc lie was duly elected altera spirited con
test. He assumed tho responsible duties of bis
ofilce for the trm of three years, which expires
January 1st.
Tho office of District Attorney was never
filled with more ability than Mr. Itatisher
broiiKbt to It. Many Important cases were
tried during his term. A. noticeable one was
the Mud llun case of last spring, when L. V. It.
11. employes wero charged with criminal negll
t'enco In causing tbe accident,
mor to nis resldenco In Mauch Chunk, he
resided In Lehlghton, where he served as a
member of the Dorouch Council for 9 years, and
one term as school director, and where he was
also engaged and Interested from time to time
In a number ot Important business enterprises.
lie has attained a hlch position In his chos
en profession, solely on merit and by his own
exertions, and established a character for lion
esiy ano integritj oj purpose. Ho Is an orator
ot no mean ability, ready aud fluent In speech
on matters pertaining to outside subjects as
well as those ot the law. He, probably ottener
than any other citizen of this county, has pub
licly raised his voice In behalf ot the laboring
portion oi Humanity.
Within the last few years ho has contributed
several valuable papers upon the leading ques
tions os the day. Last year his able article in
tho Century Maeazlne, on "Trusts." was widely
quoted. He has also taken hold of the question,
tne single tax idea, and has contributed several
Interesting papers on that.
Frequently his name Is mentioned as a rood
man to succeed Judge Drelier next year, who
will then have rounded oui his score ot years as
President Judge. Judge Dreher's advancing
years, and the almost deadiure thing that It
elected be could not possibly serve his term,snd
as tbe vacancy by death would be followed by a
ltepuoncan appointment, people who have the
Interests ot the Democratic party at heart, loot
to Mr. IUpsher as the coming Judge."
Tou Must Obey.
The following resolution, adopted at a
recent meeting of tho directors of the
Vallev Company, has been reported;
Rkbplved, That the Lehigh Valley
Railrosd Company gives notice to all its
emnloyes that it disproves of any attempt
of Us officers, either dlisclly or Indirectly,
to control or influence Its employes In mak
lng tbelr purchases oi In transacting tbelr
private business with any person to the ex
clusion of others " As a penalty for vio
lating the Above the offender !s liable to
Leopold Kclby, of Pleasant Corner,
was at Summit Hill Wednesday with a two
borse team. He was "feeding" tbe anl
roals wben tbey became frightened and be
was thrown under tho wagon, the wheels
of which passed oyer his leg Inflicting
painful Injury.
Everything in the Hue of furniture at
Kemerer fcSwarts,'s, Prices always lowest
and goods the best, o
H you want a clock or watch promptly
repaired at a reasonable price go to 8
Dagaman Rank street Lehlghton. 0m
Railroaders, you can save a good day'i
wages by buying your watches from D. S.
Bock, Lehlghton. a
Call a: Kemerer & Swartz's on Rank
street, and see the largest stock ot furni
ture, carpets, stc Tou, van oat money
y voiug se,
mauch chtok clips-
Usaal Quota aftral and Pcnanal
Gal From the County Beat.
anerin j.evan cooks gruu for seven
teen prisoners.
It cost Carbon county about $2,000 to
hold tbe late general election.
Slangley, tbe self-confessed murderer
of Mrs. Wabort.of Weatherly, In Jail hero,
refuses to cat and says that he Is sick,
James T. Julhearn, on of Lansford's
staunchest Democrats, heaid election re
turns hero on Wednesday. Mr. M. Is pop
ular in the upper end as a worker for the
National Councillor W. R. Stroh was
at Shenandoah this week where be panic!
pated at the Institution ceremonies of a
Council Jr. O. U. A. if., maklngtheflf
tecnth organized In this State during 1889,
It Is Judge Samuel R. Price and Dls
(rlct Attorney Joseph Fisher, or rather It
wil'. be after January 1st, 1890. and two
hotter men for tho offices lo which they
haye been elected respectively would be
hard to find.
William Kaln, of the 2nd ward, wko
was one of the first to receive an appoint'
ment under the now regime In Cooper'
Custom House, Philadelphia, was home
Tuesday to cast his vote forBoyer and the
Republican ticket,
Frederick Winebrick, of the Ind ward,
was arrested on Monday charged with the
larceny of a wheelbarrow from the prem
ises oi tviuora Marks, ino case was
sollled by IKInebrlck paying all costs of
prosecution and returning the barrow,
lion. E. 21. Jlulhearn Is convalescing
f torn a serious illness of some weeks with
bronchitis. Eddie is perhaps one of the
most popular young Republicans In East
ern Pennsylvania and his recent "racket"
ith the bosses has not hurt him much if
appearances are a criterion.
Georga E. Williams Is in jail here
charged with tbe heinous crime of fulonl
oii3l y- assaulting Lizzie, a ten-year-old
daughter of William Connelly, Williams
culms tho charge is the result of solle
work at the hands of his wife's relatives
with whom bo has not been on very friend'
ly terms for some tlmo past. It will otI
dcutly bo a case for tbe January term of
On last Thursday night a gang of boys
as follows: Fred Brenlg, John Depue,
John Jones, John McGce, Henry Ripgee.
siding in the 2nd ward, rolled a spring
wagon belonging to Frederick Shuncfelt
,. .n. ( , . i , ,
vj.c, wuo o uuumuuj uauKs in mai i
u. j ... . . I
i"""""' "lu"l"M uu hibiu aricsiea
and after a hearing in 'Squire Royle's
court tho case was settled by tho boys pay
ing costs of prosecution and damages.
1-arrTTlUa Clips.
fSimf Ro-imon ti, nna t,a
has moved his family to this place, and of
hit f-mnnvnt frnm Tils fnrmnv ImmA tU. I
Catasauqua Dinpatch has this to say which
will interest your readers: ''Harry J. Sea-1
man. SuDerlntcndent of .the Carhnn Trnn
works, at Parryviile, has removed his
ramiiy to mat place
. Mr. Seaman came
.. after bis graduation
to the Crane Iron Co,
from Lehigh Unlverslty.South Rethlehem,
entered the labratory as chemist for a
numb,er of'irears' ?'? PrlIon to the
supcrlntendency of tho Carbon furnaces
was well bestowed and his management of I
the same has been very successful. Hav-1
ng sold bis dwelling here; he remoyed to
Pnrryyllle this week, and In leaving Cata
sauqua for higher honors, it Is the wish of
a largo circle of friends that bls-now posi
tion may do a steppmgstono to more re-1
sponsible duties and that his home in I
Parryviile may be very pleasant.
National Thanksgiving,
A highly favored peoplo, mindful of their
dependence oq the bounty of Divine Provi
dence, should seek fitting occasion to test!-
gratitude and ascribe praise to Him who
is the author of their many blessings. It
behooves us then to look back with thank
ful hearts oyer the past year and bless God
for nis meroy In vouchsafing to this land
enduring peace; to our people freedom
from pestilence and famine; to our hus
bandmen abundant harvests and to them
that labor a recompense for their toll.
Now, therefore, I, Benjamin Harrison,
President of the United States of America,
do earnestly recommend that Thursday,
the 23th day of this month of November,
bo set apart as a day of national thanks.
glylng and prayer, and that the people of
our country, ceasing from tbe cares and
labors of tbelr working day, shall assemble
In their respective places of worship ana
give thanks to God, who has prospered us
on our way and made our paths the paths
of peace, beseeching Him to bless the day
to our present and future good, make It
truly one of thanksgiving for each reunited
home circle as fsr the nation at large.
In witness whereof, I haye hereunto set
my band and caused the seal ot the United
States to be affixed,
Done At Washington this first "day of
November, in the year of our Lord one
thousand elgh't hundred and plghty-nlne,
and of the Independence of tbe United
States the one hundred and fourteenth.
Benjamin Harm son.
By the President:
James G. Blaine,
Secretary Qt State.
rlush Uoate,
wraps and jackets can be bought 29 per
cent, lower at Sondheim's One Price Star
Clothing Hall, Mauch Chunk, than tlse
where.nWe can have them made'to order
at short notice, We are selling plush
jackets, at tlO, U9, $lfi up. Plusb coats
at (20, $25, 35 up. Call and be con
vinced. There are
many white soaps,
represented to be
"just as good as the Ivory"
They are not,
but like
all counterfeits,
they lack
the peculiar
and remarkable
qualities of
the genuine.
Aslc for
Ivory Soap
insist upon having it,
'Tis sold everywhere.
U a constitutional and not a local disease,
and therefore It cannot be cured by local ap
plications. It requires a constitutional rem-
rur mo jiooa-s Bsmparlllt, which, working
""" uiooa, eradicates uie Impurity
which causes and promotes the disease, and
ellecti a permanent cure. Thousands of
people testify to the success of Hood's Sorsa
parllla as a remedy for catarrh when other
preparations hid failed, riood'a Simparilla
nlso builds up the whole system, and makos
rou feet renewed In health and strength.
Hood's Sarsaoarilla
IOO Doses One Dollar
nituo STORE.
By ths single bottle, by 1-4 And i-S dos.
quantities, and In Jobber lots at Jobbers
prices, Ifood'c SarsaparlllR ram always hm
had. lulvtso
Permanently lecated near Valley Depot, for
tjamnetji arm Family Groir. Old pictures cop
ied ind enlarged. auelO-ero
IT 1 limflTlSAI'E8MKNt06ltNurscry Stock
W ft a IMI 0oods warranted Flrsl-Cliss
positions for tne rl&ht men. riond taH.,
expenses paid weekly. Liberal Inducements to
o previous experience necossarr.
. Write for terms, giving age.
H. CHASE, Nurseryman, Rochester,
Outut tree.
X r. Mention tbls paper."
ememoer noDoay can seu cheaper than we can. See OUR
big Stock and then judge for
l. -v r .i i ."
oluuiv. uur nrinns nrn imupct
r . .
I Ivnrrnntq in nil cHrlnc ,oll
' J , - uiomi ' u, IHiULil. 11 V JlttVW
them lor boys Irom 4 years and
overcoat for men at $4.50. We
'J-"-" "o
i ivjiTrnnr. n a wo nr ctiiitritir f hm
utu in BtiUU Oi UU .UVCrooaC. OUT It HOVf. Set feflt it fWim
0llr lg StOCK. rnces the Very
S H rifOQ r-f K nWn rr Plri1r,
a. vvu t-t-i-
We nave 60 pair of Men's $3,00 Shoes, Solid Calf; reduced to"
$2.25, in Button, Bals. and Congress, Here is a chance for tow
to get a good 3.00 shoe for $2.25.
gQQ pj. JenS RUbbei,"RoniL
w . JJ , , ,
151) naiP KfiVST KllhhAl Tlsifti
' r auiwjl JOUXJ sbJ
100 pair Ladies' Rubber Boots.
See our big stock before buying elsewhere.
Adam Melirkam and Son,
Below the P. O., South Bank Street.
chwartz's Furniture Rooms,
Bed Room Suites,
Parlor Suites,
Chairs and Tables,
Louges Bedsteads,
Mirrors, Cradles,
Carpets in great as
sortment, etc.
BRX2SS ooons,
r-aT 7
Prices Lowest !
The colorings in this line
of different weaves, includes all
the new shades and effects at
prices that make them excellent
values. We have many special
things in Dress Goods, and all
departments, ,that, if you exam
ine, will be profitable to you.
Rode Dress Patterkr a
We are headquarters for
Black Goods, because we keep
the largest and bast line at pop
ular p ices.
O. A. Rex & Bxcx
I used Hood's Sorssparllla for catarrh
and received great relief and benefit from It
Tho catarrh was very disagreeable, espectaly
In the winter, causing constant discharge from
my nose, ringing noises In my ears, and palm
In tho back of my head. The effect to cleat
my head In tho morning by hawking and spit
ting was painful. Rood's Barsaparllla gavo
me relief Immediately, whlo In tlmo I was
entirely cured. 1 think Hood's R&nunnrill
Is worth Its weight In gold." Mn, a. B. Gran,
1029 Eighth Street, N. W., Washington, D. a ,
I lOO Doses One Dollar
1 dare say ll. Is to shave with a good,
sharp Razor. Razors and Pocket Knives.
Iguaranteeiorno sals. -
Full line of Straps, &onp, Ray Rues,
Pecket Cutlery, Ac.
If you do not bslleya it, try It and be
THOMAS' Golden Molar hmmj,
Bak KrnsjsT, Jjinioirroiv. Ttmttx.
Prescriptions a Speslalby.
600 ! 600 !
and Boys' Overcoats.
Yourselves who ha the biprofit
.. an
arrnrv t-m
J ll : nr. i
upward. We have a verv nnnA
never had such a good $10.00
rr.m a ii u. i i
jvai. -fin Oliuuea UUU Sizes.
JLiA-J.lAVt;.. X J-lLiCDs
Tha Fall and Winter m
on is opened here with oa of
the largest assortments ot Fur
nitusx ever shown outside of the
larger towns and cities and at
prices that will surprise jdm for
lowness, and' at the fan time,
knock competition in the shade.
We ask you to call beaus we
ars positiye that in priee, quality
nd our style of goods we wan
more than please you. Carpets
are also a line of goods we earry
in stock at low- priee. We alse
pay particular attentio to Un
dertaking and Embalming.
Quality the Best !
Broad Cloths,
Ladies Casiitere8M
Stripe Fianieli,
Stripe Dress Goods,
Plaid lirew )0di,
Trimralnr Silk,
Braids n!Trimnilnf -Hosiery
k UrtrwMrN