The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, November 02, 1889, Image 2

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    uxaioonATio state ticket.
v of Clcarfiold.
ron Assooiatr junms,
of Malicli Clinnk,
disthiot ArronsBT,
of Eatt'Jaucli Chunk.
of Wcatlierly.
ron static TnEAstniEit,
How. HENRY K. 1)0 YBH,
of Philadelphia.
ron ASSociatk judoi.
of Bcayer Meadow,
ron county auditoh,
of Lansford.
The Carbon Advocate
LKHiyilTOIf, l'ENNA.
Bms71d Circulation Larger than that o
B7 Weekly Kowspapor In the County.
Minneapolis Tribune: Tlie more we
study the result in Montana, the more we
ire convinced that tho Australian system
of voting can mix up tilings about as Jiopo
leesly as the natlvo born American sys
Where an election takes place on tlie
day preceding Ins twenty-first birthday a
man can vote on age. Tho courts have so
decided In a test case. That Is, If a man's
birthday falls this year on November Cth
he can legally deposit Ills billot at the
election on November Cth.
Let each Democrat .remember that the
only way to win a great and crowning; ylc
tory Is to bring th whole Democratic rote
tothepolls on TUESDAY NEXT. Let
each one do his share of ths vrorlc which it
necessary te Insure success.
Kawsas Cirr Timet. Wo wish to in
form our Democratic contemporaries, who
may bo inclined to draw hasty Conclusions
oyer the arrest of J. Scott Harrison, the
President's Kansas City brother, for main
talnlng a nuisance, that tho President'
Kansas City brother Is a Democrat, and
that the offence consisted merely In allow
ing water to stand In the basements
tome unoccupied houses. J. Scott Hard
son Is all right. II is tho Washington
Hanison who maintains tho serious nuls
Tuesday next, Nov. 5th will be election
day. Tho Demccratlc and Republican
Stato and County tickets will be found at
the head of our columns to-day. There
appears to be but little Interest among our
people as to the result of th,o election so
far, It belnz a foregone conclusion that the
Democratic counts ticket will bo olected.Tbe
Republicans have no candidate for District
Attorney, hence Joseph Fisher, tho Demo
cratic candidate, cannot fail of election
Samuel B. Price, Dem., as against John
TPcar, Rep., will no doubt outrun the
latter for Associate Judge by a large ma
jorlty, as ho is well and favorably known
throughout the county as an honest and
couslstant gentleman. But tho tickets are
at the head of the column. Read them
carefully. You pay tho piper, so take
jour choice!
"While traveling in 'Germany and
Bayaria during the past summer I was.
much Interested in watching Ibe pcApl
drink beer." said Ralph L. Shalnwald of
New York city. "In Bayaria there was
keg of beer on the plasform of every station
When the train slopped there was a grand
rush to get at tho keg. Each man carried
hit own glass. After drinking all ho could
before tho train started tba beer drinker
filled hit glass to the brim and carried
into the car. After the glass was emptied
it was set upon tho window till of tho car,
All along the whole length of the train on
both sides these glasses sat on the window
sills,. silent mementoes of tbo bibulous
tastes of tho passengers on tho train. At
one station I saw the train delayed for flv
minutes becaute tho keg was empty.
ful ono had to be procured before tb
passongcrs would resume their seats in tb
coaches." Mr. Shalnwald said that each
class contained, a pint and that the cost
was about the equivalent of two cents,
As an example of German beer capacity In
Jfunlch, Mr. Shalnwald said the beer was
served In glasses nearly one foot tall and
containing nearly one quart. An American
friend of tbo traveler tackled one of thete
glasses and managed to stow it away after
half an hour's hard work, A corpulent
German sitting near showed his contempt
for this feat by pointing to the half empt)
glass In front of him and exclaiming:
"Dasiitmeinachtund twanxlgttr (23th)
The Single Tax Party.
The following article on the aboye tub
ject from the pen of Hon. V. M. Rapsber,
. of Maucb Chunk, we clip from Juitkt, of
the 20th lntt. Read It.
Since tho recent Presidential election a pew
erful political force has boen brought upon the
the political stage. It Is boldly aggressive,
commanded by the best brains of the country,
and Is revolutionary in Its economic effects up
on present methods and syttems uf taxation. It
demands tho "abolition of all t .ues uion Indus-
try, and the taking, by taxation upon land
values, Irrespective f Improvements, of the ac
nu&l rental value of all Iheso various forms of
natural opportunities embraced under tho gen
ral term. Laud; and that, as a result, Involun
tary poverty will ba abolished, and tlie greed
Intemperance and vtce that spring from poverty
and ths UlllIAD OP roVEltT will ba swept
The term Single Tax doet not really express
all tint a perfect name would convey, aa)t its
leading advocate. It only suggests the fiscal
side of the question. And, In reality, the Bln
glo Tax li not tax at all. Hut It Is a tax In
form, and tho term It useful, as suggesting
method. But, Use all reform and progress
during the past, the Single Taxnisn are 'fought
ttepby step.
Asa notable illustration, I bz leave to briefly
quote Prof. T. II. Huxley, from an arilcl In tlia
Nineteenth Century, entitled "Th struggle for
existence." lie says: "One of the most essen
tial conditions, If not the chief Oiute.of the
struggle for existence la the tendency to multl
ply without limit, which man. shares with all
living things ... so long as unlimited m'ul
ils BHlt gtts u. ns sotlal oigmUalWu wkUb
has ever been devised, or I? likely to lie de
mised, uo fiddle-faddling with the distribution
of wealth, ArnxoKLivBtt Boctufv rnojruiB
TEHDKitcr to bk nnsniovrcn tiv Tun nitr-no-DUcrioN
within iTsEi.r, In Its Intense! form,
of tliat strusRle fur existence tliu limitation of
which is thexhtecl of societi."
it was In quite ntiother ago when the cele
brated Maltlms laid down a similar doctrine.
Is It a ease of the "survival of the fittest?" To
stay tho pcrslstohco of poverty, nmld advancing
wealth, labor-saving machinery and liluhost
Ucvclopment of tho arts nnd sciences, tho
Rir of the Single Tax party, Is to restore the
common nnd natural rlghtto land lo tho poople;
and so lit lo cause as little political disturbance
as possible, It proposes to do this by the simple
method of gradually placing all luxation npi n
.and VALVK9. Ths new party rightly Insists
that there Is something radically wrong In a
governmental organization that leads to such
an uuoqital distribution of wealth, with such
unequal opportunities ns everywhere stare ns
Inlhefaco. Will our statesmen and political
economists persist In tho old-tlmo theory, that
all things are ordained for the host, and that
there Is no practical remedy for our dangerous
social Ills!
Tho people are rlpo for a change. Tho great
cstdlfflculty that tho Single Tax party encotin
Mrs Is not In Its moral, economic nnd legal as
pects, but It Is in getting tho people to uudcr
stand Its theory nnd practical application, and
to make common cause to rlxht their wrongs.
Will the remedy proposed by tho new jxirty
bring about happiness nnd remove from human
which It so ably contendsfthatltwlll?
It Is a grandly sublime nnd at the same time
an Intensely practical question, nnd well worth
considering. It is a rapidly growing social and
political problem by far tho most Impoitant
political question of the age, and It Is here to
stay until It Is solved.
Who can throw any row light upon It?
Mauch Chunk, I'.v
IV. AI. i.
For tho next ten days we will have to be
excused If wc deyotc our lime to saving the
nation, for that appears to bo the present
stake. In addition to the Stato officers
New York city elects senators and mem
bers of the Legislature and Brooklyn a
mayor In addition to her Lcglslatlyo repre
sentatives. As in every fight of this kind
there are wheels within wheels, so the
present political contest is not without its
embarrassing complications. In no section
of tho Stato do the Democrats present
united front, and the peacewhtch passcth
political understanding Is not found in the
wigwam of tbe Republicans. So that as
far as unity of action Is concerned Ono Is a
complete stand-off against tho other. Tbe
mere election of a mayor and aldermen
with a few Stale representatives In any
city In the Stato of New York would seem
to bo an Insignificant affair, and so It
would bo under ordinary clicumstances,
but as I remarked a moment ago, there are
A'hecls within wheels, and on the elections
of these two municipalities may depend the
character of the United States Senate, and
three years hence the complexion of the
Presidency, henco the Importance of tbe
The present mayor of Brooklyn, Mr.
Cbapln, is In training for the Governor
ship of tho State. Governor Hill, the
present incumbent, has an eye upon the
White nonse with a not very remote possl
bility of reaching It. Ho is now making a
Jour of tho South with the object of ex
tending his political acquaintance, and
from tho flattering reports of the newspa
pcrs bas no causo to regret his journey.
New York was the factor that decided tho
Presidential election In the last campaign,
and tbo man who can certainly carry New
Yoik three years hence will distance all
other competitors in the next Democratic
National Conyentlon. To say that the
Republicans are alive to the situation Is
putting It very mildly, and looking on the
possibility of losing tho Stato in the Prcsl
dentlal fight of 1892, they wish to protect
themselves from the chance of disaster bv
securing such a majority In the United
Mates bcuate. that if the worst comes to
tbe worst they can still "Hold tho Fort."
So we drop all business for tbe time and
address ourselyos to saving the nation.
Jayor Chanln, of Brooklyn, who Is now
a candidate for re-election, has bad a
phenomenal career. Eight years ago be
was an unkDowu yonng man In one of the
most aristocratic and strongest Republican
wards iu Brooklyn. In that particular
district a Democrat stood no chanco what
ever of election, but they made their nom
(nations as a matter of forn. Mr. Cbapii
received the nomination lu tho memorable
ear of the Folger fight, when Grover
Cleveland was elected' Governor, and the
Republican patty was snowed under by
Democratic majority of 183,000. In that
peillous time a rebellion broke out In the
Twenty-third ward, the Banner Republican
ward of Brookljn. The Republicans left
their own candidate and voted for Mr,
Uhapln and sentbim U the Legislature by
a handsome majority. He was re-elected
and made speaker of the nouso, tho Dem
ocfats by a fortunate chance haying con
trol of tbe loner House for the first time in
.-jeycral years. He then received the nom
matlon for Comptroller and was elecud
ho was afterwarde forced upon the Demo
cratlc ring of Brooklyn by tho "Brooklyn
Eagle," the ablest Democratic paper In
Urooklvu or New York, and while his ad
ministration bas been, measurab y success
fill, ht bas giyen mortal offense to tbe old
party leadeis by refusing to bo led by them
and while they dare not oppose his re
nomination they will carry razors In their
boots to the polls. Coi. Balrd, the Repub
llcan nominee, Is an hvnored citizen and a
bravo soldier, and the last time he. ran
against Mr. Chapin, in a vote of oyer one
hundred thousand was only defeated by a
few hundred, to that each parfy is busy
furbishing up its anus for the tight which
takes place in November.
Our swu city so far has not been able to
reconcile the rlyal factions of Tammany
and tbe County Democracy. Maurice
Power has a chip on bis shoulder which
Dick Croker of Tammany doesn't care to
knock off, and in the meanwhile Maurice
Power Is not anxious to tread on tho tail
of .Dick broker's coal. Each party goes
loaded for ba'r aud I shall not be aston
illicd to set wigs on the greon before elec
tion day.
Tammany has the inside track. Tam
many has all the offices, and consequently
all tho giace and all the friends; while the
Counties declare that they have all the re
spectability and all the honesty and all the
Intelligence that remains in tbo Democrat
ic parly I New York, Its a niolghty pur
ty folght as It sthands; who will be tbe
undtr dog In It I can't tell, but I'm for the
under dug eyery time.
A few years ago garrotting became quite
popular with highwaymen here, and not a
day passed for months but-some victim
was picked up In tbe streets who had been
garrotted and robbed. A lew fifteen year
sentences and a pretty sound clubbing by
tba police put an end to it, and wo have
beard no more of It sinco. Theu came the
badger game aud tbo green goods games,
by which many men were duped and
fleeced, but a sharp retribution has stamped
them out, and now we are all iu a blaze of
excitement as tho city teems given over to
saudbaggers. Who are they? and how Is
it dons? Oh, very slupla, for uufwtunate-
1- .11.-. 1 .. I . -1 V 4 . . 1 '
as bag Is in ado about the size of a largo "stlnc and LaMonl, and erected a fuuudry
Bologna snusagn and is filled with sand; It j and machine shops at Ji. Cartnnl, North
is fioma foot to two feet long. A blow i utnberlatid county, who rnmliictHi a sue
from it is almost as fatal as the blow of. a ( cessful bmlitpm for si-vcra! ur, until t a
leaden billy, but It leayes no mark of Its
dreadful work, though the victim may bo
killed by tho blow. Every day this week
some ono has been found who has been
assaulted In this way, and one of them
died in tlie hospital a few hours after lie
was discovered.
The fight between the municipal author
ities and tho electric light companies
which has culminated since- tho shocking
death of lineman Fecks, nnd has resulted
in leaving a largo part of tho city in total
darkness; this has hecn'tho thieves' oppor
tunity and now after dark in several of tho
bad districts of tho city a man travels with
his life in his hand.
A noted bookmaker and gambler had a
peculiar cxpcrlenco tbo other night which
will serve hint for tho rest -of bis life. It
is an old saying, "That hawks will not
plck.ont hawks' eyes," but these night
hawks aro a yery peculiar breed; thoy had
just as soon rob each other as an outsider.
He Is In flash parlance a sporting man, In
other words n gambler, a bookmaker on
races, and the proprietor of a whiskey mill
on Grand atrcot.besldcs being Interested In
a Bowery Dime Museum. Now any rea
sonable man would say that a sporting
centlcman with a pull like that might walk
with unmeshed feet feet from tho Battery
to Klngsbrldge wlthoutoverturntn'ga hair.
Whiskey selllne, dime museums and book
making must bo good average kinds of
business, for at three o'clock on Satin clay
morning ho was seeking bis virtuous couch,
with seven thousand dollars In his pockets.
Pickpockets, sneak thlcvps, bunco stcciers,
footpads, hlghwajmep, faded harlots, and
all sorts of bad characters do much abound
here. It Is not a safe place for a stranger
In the middle of tho day and on a dark
night like that which Intervened between
Friday and Saturday morning, It is worth
aman'sllfe to walk a block; but tho captain
had been there before many a tlme;he was
used to traveling with his pockets full of
the Unlled States obligation to pay, Ac;
In addition to which he sported a gold
ticker that weighed about a half a pound,
fastened to his ample vest bj golden links,
that on occasslon might haye served for
an ox chain. Ills shirt hpsom was adorned
by a six carat and a"half diamond that in a
measure supplied tho absence of the clcc
trie lights whose suspension wo now
mourn. In addition to the aboye, be was
a fighter from away back, and he tipped
tbo scales at ono hundred and ninety-six
and a half, so that no ordinary snoozer had
any1 business to go hunting for loose ducats
when ths captain was around. But the
captain had closed bis saloon for tbe night
at tlie hour of one, like a virtuous citi
zen; he then repaired to a Bowery restaur
ant, and placed himself outside bf a porter-
bouse sleak, fried potatoes, and a bottlo of
bass, and started for borne. His line of
march lay wltbin a stones throw of the
police headquarters; he looked up at the
great marble pile, but all was silent, for
gaurdians of tho panes were all in a pro
found sleep. He" bad not gone far when
he becanio awaro that he had company
and clutching the load of greenbacks In
his coat tall pocket, he quickened tils pace
but his companions did not linger behind;
perhaps they had trained In a walking
match, at any rato they were equal to the
occasion. At last they camo to a place
where a "building was going up, so they
dodged across the street and hurried ahead,
but tlie captain was not to bo caught In
tho trap, and like tbe sensible mau that he
Is took the middle of the street. Then tho
ihleycs threw off all dlsgulso and made tho
.rush for him, and he like a bravo man
took to his heels. It was an even race for
a block, and finally ono of the thieves
caught up with him and grabbed his watch,
and tho captain shot out his left han J duke
and caught the bandit on his right side
light. Just then bandit No.' 2 caught the
captain a welt with a sandbag and sent
him to grass, but he held on to bis watch
while tho hijhwaymen lost tho opportunity
of their live? In not securing the captain's
coat-tails In which quietly reposed seyen
thousand dollars In greenbacks. After'a
a desperate struggle tbe captain reached
his own door, when tbo sound of apporch
ing footsteps frightened the robbers and
they ran away, but not before tbey had
given him two or three more good welts
with the sandbag.
With our streets In darkness we are In a
pretty bad condition, and now curse our
foil v for having dismantled all the old gas
lamps, Instead of keeping them ready for
just such an emergency as that which is
now upon us. You will get j our letters
right along, for Broadbrim will not expose
himself to a sandbag till the electric lights
aie fixed.
li e have had another fatal miscarriage
of justice here In the caso of DsctorDownle.
You whl doubtless recollect some .months
ago I reported his case when be murdered
his paramour with poison. The caso was
peculiar. Dr. Downle was a physician of
largo piactice In Edinburgh, and was
married to a lady of fortune. He, how
ever, fell In Ioyo with an Ignorant woman
by the name of Jessie Duff, and to tbe
great scandal of his family fled with her to
Now York, she bringing with her two of
her children. Before his escapade became
known here bis diplomas and letters gained
him a standing among tbo best medical
men in lirookb n where he settled. But
his Ioyo for his paramour soon, coo ed, and
he commenced a system of brutality and
abuse which finally ended In her death.
Both were of violent tempers, aud both
drank to excess to drown their sorrow. At
last on one of their drunken bouts while
the woman was in a helpless condition be
gave her a terrible beating, so that the un
fortunate creature took lo her bed. On
the tablo beside her the doctor placed a
preparation of bl-sulphate of mercury, and
urged her to take it. She look it and
died. To a neighbor who called In to see
her when she was dIng she made till
siaiemeui. ii was not inaue unuer oatn In
the belief that sho was dying nor iu the
presence of an officer, so It went for noth
ing. On tho new of Dr. Downlo's peril,
his brotbe hastened over from Scotland to
his assistance; he had plenty of money,
aud suddenly all of tlie witnesses of Dr,
Downlo's abuse of his mistress became
dumb as oysters. The District Attorney
could not get proof to frame an Indictment,
aud this week the criminal marched a free
man out of Comt.
Yours) Tituir,
DUd at Jvuneavlllu,
Howell Green, master mechanic for J,
C. Haydon & Co., Jetnesvllle, died at his
residence at that place at 0 o'clock Friday
evening. Mr. Ureeu had been 111 for sev
eral years, but the Immediate cause of bis
death was brain foyer aud Brighl's disease,
Mr. Green has been a lesldent of Jeanes
villa for a number of years, haying como
to that place from Mlnersvllle, Schuylkill
county, Iu 1809 bv formed a company
1. . I 11 . . . . . I
entire structures were mummed bv flro.
Ho was respected by all who as under his
supervision, and his place as master mech
anic will be hard to fill. A wire, two
daughters and a sou survive him, who
have the sympathy of the entire communi
ty in tho loss they have sustained. The
funeral look placo from his lute resldcnco
in Jcancsvillc, on Monday aftel noon nnd
was largely attended.
o Tramp l'isst.
Jersoy Central freight train crews have
strict orders In regard to tmmps who at.
tempt to steal rides. Friday a gang of
tramps had a difficulty with one of the
crews near North Branch, and they swore
revenge. About 3 o'clock Saturday morn
lug, when an engine was backing to
North Branch for Its train, a gun was dis
charged from behind an appln-trco by ono
of the tramps. The hall passed through
the fleshy part of tho left nnn of Fireman
August Youngblut, of Mawii Chunk, sever
ing an artery. A gang of tramps then
boarded the train attached lo tho engine
on which Youngbltit was shot and ran It
from Vanderveer's Cut to Somervlllo.
where four of them leaped oh a passenger
car, were captured, and lodged In after
a hard struggle
Absolutely Puro.
This nowdcr never varies. A marvel of nurltv
strength and wholesonicness. Jloro ec-onnmicn
than the ordinary kinds, and cannot he bold in
competition with the multitude of low test, short
weight, alum or nhosiihate powders. Sold only
in mill, jiuiai viutmi I unuci luniLiilliy, i
Wall Street N. Y.
in I It
Election Proclamation.
Pursuant to An Act of General Assembly
of Pennsylvania, entitled an Act relating
to the elections In tho Couitpouwealtli. j
IIIUICU bll11 u. U. UUIJT,. XS.,AtHJt,i.H1l
a further supplement thereto approved
January 30. A. D 1874, I, Hiram P. Lo
van, Sheriff of the County of Carbon,
Penna., do hereby make Unown and give
notice to tlio electors of tlie county afore
said Ibat on the first Tuesday after the first
Monday in November, belcg the Cth day ot
November, A. D., 1880, at wlilcu timo the
following officers are to be voted for:
Ono person for Stato Treasurer of Penn
sylvania. One person for Associate Judgo of Car
bon county.
Ono person for Distrlct.Attorney of Car
bon county.
I also make known and give notice that
the place of holding t o aforesaid elections
in the several Townships aud lloroughs of
the said County, will be respectively as the
places hereinafter designated, ylz:
Hanks Township, Audenrled District, at the
school house in Audenned, and Heaver Meadow
District at tho school house at Levlstou, lu salii
East I'enn Township, at the public house ol
Penrose Oeorge, In said Township,
LowcrTowiimenshi!: Township. Mlllnort Dis
trict, ut the public house of beoiKO D. Schlllert,
in amu ui3uii:l.
Little (lap District, at the public house of
itiiuvii. uenry, iu tmm uisirict.
Bowmiinstown District, at the public houso of
J.evi jiitriL'iiiHit 111 Siuu luwusuip.
Franklin Township, at the public house of
iioiin iieuriu, in said lownsuip.
Lehlguton Itorough, at tho public houso of
iinnaiuiin uisuer, in sam uoruuii.
Lausanne Township, at the female school
uouse, nui'E mountain, in sam Township.
Lehigh Townshlp.ln tho school house at Kock
port, In said Township.
Weatherly Borouch, t the public houso ol
Silas II. Bittnerjn said lloroutrh.
First Ward of the HoroOKh of Mauch Chunk,
at the office of County Commissioners.
SecondWard of the Borough of Mauch Chunk,
it the public .muse of l'eter sunt, Insaldllor-
East Mauch Chunk Borough, at tho public
V. V. UUI ICS UitVl, 111 !i;WU IHITUUgU.
Mahoning Township, at the publle houio ot
4IIUIU1I30U 3ii-uHiuei in sum lownsuip.
l'ackerton District, ut the public school house
lu said District,
l'enn Forest Township, at tho public houso of
K.UM1 JYUl'll, III 9UIU LimilMllll.
Towameiislint Township, at the publle house
ot F. F. belberltng, lu said Township.
l'acker Township, at the public houso known
us iiuriz s laverii, in sumiovvusnip.
Mauch'Chunk Township, Ni'siiuehonlng Dl
trlct.nt the public houso of Benjamin Oiley, In
Mauch Chunk Township, llaeklebamie Dis
trict, ui ino puouo acnooi nouse, iu tlio said Dis
trict. Bloomlmrdalo District, nt the nubile
house known us tho White IK'ar, in said Dis
Summit III11 Borough, at tho Iron Hall, in
said Borough.
Kidder Township. North DUtik t, at tho house
formerly of GeorKii jl. Stlnsoii, now known as
Stutters olllee, at Lehigh Tannery.
Kidder South District, at tho public house of
FreeiniumeW, In s ml District.
WeUsport Borough, ut the publle houso of
llenrv Chilstiuan, In said liorouvh.
Laniford Borough, at the public house of Oco.
Evans lu said Borouuh.
I make known and give notice, as In and
by the 12th eectlon of the aforesaid act 1
am directed, that "every person excepting
Justice uf the Peace, who shall hold any
ufllco or nppi'liitiwiii of profit or trust un
der the Government of the United Stales
or of I ho State or city or Incuiporaled dis
trict, whether commissioned utlleer or oth
erwise, a subordinate officer or a enfvho
Is or shall be employed under the Legisla
tive, Judiciary or exi-eutlvo department of
this Slato or the United Status, or of any
city or Incorpoiated district, ami a so thai
every member of Congiess and t o Legis
lature and the selec and common councils
of an city, eom -.issi.mer uf any Incc por
ateil district, Is bv l.iw Incapabio of holding
or exorcising at the same time the ofli -e or
aupolii'ment of Judge, Inspector or Clerk
of any election uf this Commonwealth, am!
that no Inspector or Judge, or uny oilier
officer of said election, . sbal' bo eligible lo
any ofllco then to be yotc'tl fur.
5EC. 5. At all .elections hereafter lipid
under the laiya of this Commonwealth, the
polls shall be opun at seven n'eloeW . m .
and close at seen o'clock p. in.
Given under iny hand at Mauch Chunk,
third day of "clober. Anno Domini mm
thousand eight hundred and elglilv-nine,
and ot the Independence of the United
States the one hundred and thirteenth. !
October 10-3w.
For Sale by all Drugguti
For Hale, the
Fort, Allen Mouse,
IN WKIHSPOKT, I'ni-linn oimi. I', I'rI.-.. i
Moderate: I'ynim I:. :is,,n , i.i.. in n in.
add rem, .1 i r . i .
oiiu.zhi" Mount ilnl up, 1 i ( (i.. Pa
The tmrtpmlirnfMl niTfiis hu FAttsr iuti iim
liUIUllNGrt thereon erected, situate in Ma
honing Viilley, three miles from the fSorough of
Inletttoii. (Jin fiiin rnimtv. Pminii . at iM-rvutn
Bale. Tlie Farm comprises
Two Tracts of I, nnd
Kim i
i the tract nnrni which the BHildhigs are
ted contains fit Acres, more or la: Mm lm.
erec I
provements nro a
Two-Story Frame Dwelling,
M x 30 feet, with Kitchen attached, 12 x Uteeti
lank llarit, attxao feet, with Wagon Shed at
Uched. lox 'JSti-et: Carpenter and niaeksnilth
Shop, iox H feet; hone Mill. xsi oet and
iiineruimmuuiints. me oilier tract contains 71
Acres, mole nr lpnq. nwirlv nil nmi hihIh
good cultivation. 'rii nmperty Is nu eligible
one, nnd will be sold ut u reasonable price mid
uu i.-iiaj it-Una. -ainuy nu ine iirvmises, to
Mahoning valley, I'a.
Only $1.00 a Week.
We aro now fnrminir Clubs ftir the finest
G,iM, Gold-Pilled and Silver Watches manu-
'actuicl lnr both Ladies and Gentleman.
We put in theo watclias a movrmenl mniU
ny eitiier ut the following companies: Elgin
wauuani, iianipden, etc., to suit the purchas
A club for a gold watch al$40.00, contlsts of
mrty memocrs, snit each member pays J I 00 a
week. A drawing Is made onro a week, anil
tho mmtier wlmso name Is drawn ucts his
watrh Immedtoti'lv, ho slill continuing In pay
$1.00 a week iinlil he has paid lor it, at which
tine each aud all forty membfrs will have ro
flv i-d and Hiiil for his watch. The Iwi porson
tn receive his WHtch will be made a prrtent ol
a nonusome ennui.
EverJ- article bought from us must be just of
represented, and wo ere willing at any and u II
tunes to make gmid the failure ol any article
soni, in u as representoil. Tins Is the lies!,
Cheaiejl aud most Convenient way to buy, a
watch thinngh our Go operative Club.8vtein.
Wo Rive it flrt clnes Elgin or Wallham stem
winding and setting movement, which we
nuamntee lor two years. The esse is warrant
ed, by a written guarantee to wear lor twenty
Tho above is why wo give you more for your
money man any one else nnn why we ure ilo
nig the largert watch business in tlio world
We sell only firtl ntiality goodj. Why not be
an owner ol a Gol j Watch whenever you have
the rhoDie to tot one. Join the club at once
"illy SI. 00 down and tben $1.1)0 a werk until
i he wnlali is Paid. ,
Please call nr send mo your name end ad
Iress and I will call at your house and liow
von s.mples, or ifyou are at a distance 1 will
eeml lull particulars.
Agents wanted
'erras and circular.
everywhere. WrIU for
Front St., (Opp. Bank), Pi.
TlHU!JiitJ9 .tuft Dccn permanent I) euied by
i'JULAltKl.rillA.i'A. Ka-e atones no operation
onuta w nms irom ouhuicss. ae" proitounrru ia
curabU l7 others it m ted. bend fur Ctr- ulr.
V- nOT-T-TflT'
Gtrard BuiUlDr." Erot and Chettnut fiti.. Phil.
rear. Itotk tat-Hilte for trniniDfi j'outttr oncn and
women M tni rortni Cuitomi, and STaetic of
buihe3 ouptrior LUOitTH AWIJ Cotine l.-Ueacbers
Stud-MtU mar enroll at anr tlma. Send for Clrcutrtrs.
ouUiiitSK add if ("tea -jr DUhop Ytitfcnt, Hou. Jvhn
t, ftaaoiahsr, J-.&-UOV. j-iint-K, ot omen.
Tmoj, J. raiCKETT, Principal.
J7v l!uy-:
announces to the people of. Lc
highton and vicinity that he has
commenced the
Merchant Tailoring
business near the corner oi
Lehigh and Carbon Sts.
in this borough, and that he is
preparcdjo exhibit to purchasers
over Three Hundred Styles of
Suitings, Pantaloonings
and Overcoatings.
which ho will furnish at from 10
to 15 per cent, lower than any
other house. Fit and workman
ship guaranteed. auCnSuv,.
Jeweler and Watchmaier,
Bank Street, Lehighton, Penna.
Kcspecttnlly Invites the attention ef his friends
andthe cltUcns generally to bis Immense
new stock of
Watchos, Clocks,
Silverware, Jowoly,
it Trices that defy competition. It will pay you
o cull and Inspect my stock hefore purchasing
Promptly done nt lowest charge, and all noik
Don't Forget tlis Pisco
Bank St. Lehighton.
rl)eeiuh crl7",o?71r
nrrr jioiuim for
i;o i I'fetsUat m.. rtittni.
rotilu firC-rnilnitirs.
jjC.. 'illinricntitrrduto'l ntei.
- JI..1i hfuli.pcd. IJnt
v (ure ct luilr. Orcufii''
from Ohio !Tr ft
I film r Mr '!
oa, .if hUin, ()i.
i ni uik h a miiiu f r
" tiut ttunu Bud uiiji
. ii.UAlitftMOM
Kline, llarrUlm
.r ku
M like T ur pi bum
i k ixlir r uyli to
. J. LI
jt, M , wriitt l
a univr tn j uur ntl-uiu tl
Ml crj Iioum I dUil II v
Ollll HIUrliAft'Ri'-kU
1 it ir 1 1 iln wurk. '
Oibi-rt lie d ui u-( quilt-well j
ut liol iMn lo gtvm ti
ll fr-hi Ifllir Ltrrv
9 nhu lake bvltl ofltili rranU bulu-M -iU niifiisu.l pmllit.
Slmll we start VOL' in this Inisint-sc,
rtldtr H nli tu n And lru all iLnul ll (.r juiIh If We
riirtior meiie. we will unit -u 11 juu don I delay uulil
iiulhn f-ii ih-ed otfuu tu ui fttn uf ike tuuulrv If
uke tiol.l uu will lie able in - i. k ii Bl(t tn avr-lleuil
Minuuil f furled u.aiiurat lui.i ale 1 'M40
fiollwr lhnlitirllili AIIihhi arcto be e. Ill iu tba lor Iktixl in l(al Irtmtwiu Mlk Velid
rluoli Chaniiliif u dtiiil-il itieMc. lUudauitteei e-liuui m iLe
woil.t Laiteai i- trit l-iyliw erer kuuMii Afeati
-vaated. UUrrel i run tiig mj.hui tivray-MUe. Auy one.aa
keuinf a -treriil Bjirut. eniiLi.n iu little r
MlkMa fiM4rjr. Vbuteet l" virn iti l n-
;Wt Ifvut Ufca ik'iUM'ole of -ltr wnii raj .ln tier
ilte bininn. Or el ( a m i ivm uik i ignia art
Making fMttuite. c k n-i, , u aa u n T leader,
eeaatoet well a eur use. i -ti i i re ma ft
l thwaa w ho wiiia lur um. ritk parlirvbtn and lewa fer a
ainilr Uiblt-e, llowkt and iVmnlkala Aftef Jfu kwsw mi
abwuldtu euluUe le iru u lurtlter, why dp heiau U deoa.
Ajjr.w t. t ALL UN tW , &tViTA, KXH
1 isxn
.3 &mn
(3 ivfSX UUI ii i
u -
Grand Fall Opening
1st Jloyg, Mesis anil iii!! Breast'
Our -new lino ior Fall and IFiNTEit i8 the finest nnd lamest
wc have over shown.
Childrcns Suits and Overcoats." over 800 Styles,
lioys Suits and Overcoats, oaci 325 Styles."
Men's Suits a&d Overcoats, over 4.00 Styles.
. AVn innlro Rpp.n,AT. MtwTtiw nf 17A1.1. nVl?.l!f!(lATR in
Silk Hull and Lininsr. from
SI 5.00 and upwards.
TTe invite your special to our
which is filled with a large assortment of high grade specialties
in Suiting; Tkousbkings and Overcoatings.
In Gent's Furnishi-arm
mgiy lonipung.
Centre Square, Hotel
1 1 mull
In Great Variety and at Lowest Prices.
634 Hamilton
i Vgir 18
t H uda catc
Lolilgli Co
Mi i
Coal, Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass,
Agricultural Implements and JRepairs,
Field, and Garden Seeds,
Phosphates, &c
We desire to call special attention to our
A full supply of which we have constantly on hand.
Orders taken for JLlllUber.
General Agents for the
Imp. Anthony Wayne Washer & Ironing Boards
Seilor'a Corner, North Bank Street,
hum ISlsda
anil examine their fine stock of
Groceries and Provisions,
comprising Tens, Coffees, Spices, Sugnrs, Hams, Shoulders
(Jhecse, Canned and Hot tied koods, Dried Hints, and m
fact, everything usually found in a really first-class
Grocery and Pmvisirn Store, aud at the very low
est possible Cash Prices. -Also, a full line of
Confectionery 9
During-the 'season you will find here the Largest and the
r?in f nt7Dfniti serred up in every style. Families
Jlk3l v v Oiti-i ami
us when in need of anythin in
New presses, new type and excellent facilities enable us to da
nil kinds ot Job Wqrk, in the
low prico. Mail orders rcrcive
Bank Street, Leliio'hton, Pa
i ii in fa f. i
SCISM of ail kinds ninnlv oxoontvA
V , .7 w . v,
JfllEfw at this office. Prices low.
Dill Heads
Note. Heads
Letter Heads
Price Lists.
S6.00. 88.00. SlO.OO. $12.00.
our line of novelties nro excecd-
Allen Building, Allentown.
St., Allentown.
pi'ice of the Advo
for 52 weeks.
Cement,-JLime and
BuiltJing Sand,
eiti at
fi r,alJl
& Ciilton's
Toys Jewelry.
Parties supplied. Call aud see
our lines.
best style, nnd at extarordinary
immediate attention.
Blanks of all Kinds
Wedding Stationer
Business Cards,
Shipping Tags
Sale Bills
Ball Tickets,
Circulars. &e.
"Corner Store"
Bottled Gherkins, w ct Pick
les, Chow-Chow, Onions, Tablo
Sauce, Horse-radish, Cauliflow
er, Catsup, Mixed Vickies, Cel
ery Sauce, and all kinds ofchoica
J cllias arid table necessaries. In
Dry Goods,,
Queensware &c. -
ll'e. lead, both In low prices aud quality of
goods. Our largo slock Is displayed to ad
vantage, an Item which purchasers Will
certainly greatly appreciate.
Corner Store,
Competent workmen sent to any prt at
tho county.
niunquAnTF.ns ron
Wall Papers, Borflers & Decoratioiss.
Lares Assortment, and th latest styles.
Mte, Stationery, Fancj M
All grades. Shade making una puttlne f
promptly attended I:
Paints, Oil, Varnish, Putty",
Brushes & genqral Painters'
Ho. 61 Broadway Manch CM. Pa.
flelnw tho Broadway "Tonne.
Heydt & Sqaboldt
Successors to Keracrer finejdt
Offlce : Bunk street.
rrompt jiltentlon siven to nyerr kind ot I.
Weissport Planing Mill,
Window and l5ooa Fuakbs,
Doors, Shutters,
Ulinds, Sashes,
Mouldings, Brackets,
All Kinfls of Dressefl Lumber
Shingles, Failings,
Hemlock Lumber, &c.t &c.
Very Lowest Prices.
Cleanici tht
Natal Faciaiiei,
Allajri Fain ana
Utalf tht Sori
' Rastoroi tbe
Senas of Taita and
A naitlclfi Uunnllpil lutn .ip.h nntr!l mil fa
aKreoablu. 1'rlco so cents at drugiMstii br mall, s
KI.Y llltOTllKIlS. u Warren St.. Nav T.Tfc
aiifust 17, 188
Ladies, save your Carpets, Furni
ture and Paintings from
Instruction by using
It makes absolutely no dust r
dirt when using, thereby aTe
women s time and labor. Try it;
sample free at
'Original Cheap Cash Store,"
i.EinaiiTON-.PA ujjm
ir.iw.Mi. . , .1. . 'wr "r
ha th? fT. X.. Bwaa
and prlov iIuih Mk
doirn u n tm,i.
mtm kottaai. put mm
Tlett In (be wnrld. lE-t-k-mfnat hli
OU -TlINfllMt-1. 1 1 A faT li.u i iv rT mrnai
H30 rOMCK AND rAHMEllM' ftj
tta.OO iicl 1,75 HOT' ttCIiOO
IU IttffeTM ilf'fffitlir. aiB-r-a-a
11.11 4 .1 M HIIIIK.
All UUklt Lu Cone ra, CuttOB Ud Laaa.
Bt Material. Jleit Btje. Beat afMI-iia
ll BOt told bT TOnr 7Ur if.-
Adam Mehrkam & Son. AsMti