The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, October 12, 1889, Image 3

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Our stock ot JKWKMIY till season sur
passes felt torincr slirwlnsstlii
GranftuGss, Valctr and ClicaiinBss.
Alltholatcit "PADS" mhm.
j Brail Necklace, Odd llracclct. and Hlrto
1 Combs "n Ift mode"
Tlioso wo havo In stock In many styles, at prices
... ... .1 I. - ntl
Ear Drops In Silver and Gold.
Iaoo tins In Sliver and Hold.
( Black or Mourning .lewelry In Lace Tins
l Kar Drops and Collar Buttons.
nn1,l nml ViWnA lMnc-4.
Watch Chains. Kcckiaces, Curt Buttons, Col
lar Buttons.
"Cult Buttons and SleevoTltis In Sets.
n..If nrwl Pnlliir Ttllttnil III SOlS.
fer-nrt pin. shirt Studs. Watch Charms, Sil
ver Thimbles Hair Ornaments, &c.
Remember I
v P11 JEWELltY the same as rifher met-
chandlso. No fancy prollts aro flttured on this
class ot goods.
Bank Street, between South Street ami Hum
Alley, Loiimmiiu. i
The Carbon Advocate
Mrs. Henry Graver, of south Lehlfih
ten. irf about acain after a short Illness.
- Full line of Ingrain and Brussels car
rtn at TJonrv Schwartz, on Bank st. o
Evervthlne In the lino of furniture at
Ke.morer & SwarU'a. Trices always lowest
o.i.l n.t. Mm hlst. 0
Railroaders, you can save a good day's
wages ifr buying watches from v. b.
Hock. Lehlrfiton.
The members of the Evangelical Sun
day school are making arrangements for
the purchase of a," new ort;an.
Wedding presents, nothing llko them
to bo seen elsewhere in Mauch Chunk, at
the Jewelry Store of E. II. Hohl.
Communion services will bo observed
in Zlon's Reformed church ,on Leliifil
street Sunday mornlne and eyenlne.
On Bank street Saturday a gold pin
with diamond setting was lost. The find
cr will bo rewarded by leaving It with Miss
Ida Mantz.
Call a: Kemercr & Swartz's qn Bank
street, and see tho largest stock of furni
ture. carpets, etc. You can save money
by doing so. 0
Regular services in tho rresbytrrlan
church noxt Sunday at lO.ilO a. m. and
7.00 p. m. A cordial Invitation ,1s extend
ed to the public to attend.
Ordr lief tat this office' foe butter,
eggs, llye and dressed chickens and coun
try produco generally, wholesale and re-
lull, mill hfi nromntlv tilled by ir. ir,
Tim , uerlcan Fire Insurance Com
pany, of PhlladeV.u''Ia. "as offered througl:
their representatives-. 1 OI IOW '
to take $10,000 to $2- .W" worlu
ton Water Cnmnnnv h. Vnds at six ner cent
Tho Deutsche Sien, bund will hold a
regular meeting at the MaDSlon liouse ou
Monday evening at willed H members are
wanted present. The so. Mety lias a mem
bership of forty with a c orus of twonty
flye voices.
You buy but one good . In n
life time, so to get just wlia you want see
tho largest and handsomest . ever ex"
hlbited in this County, just c 'Vcned at tlie
Mflllph ftlmnlr .Twolrw Qtnr 01 r..
Hohl. and at the very lowest nn tea possibl
for a frood watnh.
The oyster suDner for tho benefit d
tho Presbyterian church, held In t to base'
ment of that edifice for several c 'venlngs
last Wftfilr. w.i ft irrnnil nimrncn t. every
TllrtllMllnf n.l nnlliiJ .ni.nlnliln (In TMClal
results, for which tlin ladles of the co nSre
cation are to be congratulated.
Ttpmfimhor- -Mini, nrttv 1 tlm ttrnn tn
vnnr ftlAtlnnpt v fnr t tip frill trfldft. Kvv
business man should ct.ll at the Advooat
office and examine our samples for letter,
note or billheads, envelopes, cards, circu
lars, etc., and get. prices. H'o claim to
Ret out as neat stationery, as any ollico in
the State.
Expressman Jeff Bretney who had his
big toe badly mashed 'a week or more ago
raado his debut on Monday morning bright
find early driving a dandy new express and
delivery wagon and looking as happy as a
lark, with no pain to talk of and only a
llttlo swelling In the Injured member. It
takes more than a barrel of molasses to do
up Jeff Bretney.
Carbon countv sends but two students
to tho West Chester Stato Normal school
this year and they aro Miss Irene, daugh
ter of Reuben Fenstcrmacher, Lehigh
street, this borough, and U. S. son of
William ICoons, of Wclssport. In past
years Lehighton was represented In that
Institution of learning by Misses Lulu
Zehner, Emma Koons, Lll'le Itelclard and
.Mrs. S. II. Chubb.
A letter received this week from Rev.
F. K. Berndt, of Stettlersvllle. Lehigh
couhtyrannounce that he has already
taken charge of tl.o department of Latin
and Greek In the Kntztown Stato Normal
School and expects to move to that place
In a few days. Rev. Berndt was a fotmer
citizen, having at one llmo been principal
at our public schools. Ho is married
to a daughter of our cut coined townsman
Joses Ueilman.
''Eagle Cash Store."
Your intention, Please !
Dou want n pair of Hoots,
Slinps nr Rulihevs. 11 nirn suit of
- i --- ----- -
ninthea. Dress Goods, a frood.
warm Blanker, Carptts or Oil
Cloths If you do, cnll and see
my Large New Stock ai d make
vnur selection. Mv prices on
the above lines are lower than
ulRfiwlwrp. A Barcain Lot ol
Hosiery, Culico and Muslin-
will be sold away Deiow cost.
Op:Lhlgl Valley ItuuJ Bound H6uc.
1.. .uals, hi) kinds also icudnns and
famllv Bibles at Ltickenbmh's laurh
Campbell, tho jeweler, this wrek
moved Into David Kbbcu's new lauk
street b.illdltiB next door to Palp's tove
For hcatots and tanges In all styles
and prices go to W. 8. Kuhn'S north llaiik
street, ftlces always lower than com
petition. ,
You will miss It If you buy a watch
without learning tho reduced prlcos on
watches at E. 11. Holil's Jewelery Store.
Mauch Chunk.
Wc call tho attention of thoo out of
employment to the advertisement of It. G.
Chase & Co.. In another calumn of this
paper. Tho firm is responsible and has a
good reputation.
Contractor George Dichl has a forco of
men at work tearing out tho front of tho
building Vacated by Jeweler Campbell and
owned by Gcorgo Nnsbaum. , New win
dows sathes and other Improvements are
All ofllcers and members of Carbon
Castle, No. Ill, K. G. E., are earnestly re
quested to attend tho next regular meeting
on Monday evening, October 14. A pleas
ant tlnio is assured. Addresses will be
made by well, como and see.
Tho Lehighton, Ta. , Advocate last
week came to hand as an 8-pago paper,
which progressive moyo was called for by
a rush of advertising and a circulation of
2,500 copies. Wo aro glad to nolo thesuc
css that has como to our old boss and es
teemed friend, Harry V. Morthlmer. More
power to you, Harry. Dover, N. J., In
dex. Our young friend Samuel F. Jlllcr, a
nephew of Dr. Selplo was compelled to
undergo treatment for a defect in his eyes
Dr. lbach, of Mauch Chunk, treated
him two weeks, and Samuel is happy and
can see to study as well as over. Tho Dr.
has quite an extensive cyu practice and Is
yery successful.
Hairlson Christman, of Lower Towa-
inenstng, drove his team of horses Into the.
open ditch on tho corner of Bank and
South streets last Friday morning and the
animals were badly 'injured. A suit for
damages against Coon & Mooncy, con
tractors for the water company, will In all
probability follow.
A drive through our beautiful yalloys
at this time gives one a correct idea of ua
turo's lovliness. Tho hills and valleys are
tinted with bright autumnal colorings
which lerds tho appearance of fairy bowers
and glens m tho story books of childhood.
For a drive of this kind you want a good
team, and at Ebberl's livery Is the place to
get It. Terms moderate.
At tlie meeting of Lehigh Hook &
Ladder Company, No. 1, on ll'edncsday
evening a hose company was organized In
conjui cllon withthe first organization the
same to Vo known as Lehigh nose and
Hook and Ladder Company, No. 1 of
lehighton. Another meeting to perfect
organlzaiion will bo held next Wednesday
and all members aro desired present.
John Notb.Uclu lives hero and is em
ployed at Packerton by tho L. V. R. R.,
Company. lie was engaged at his duties
on Monday when an accident happened to
him Inuictlng serious bodily and Internal
Injuries. He was walking along tho tracks
when a loaded car was pushed oyer on to
him bv.tho pushing beam of the shifter,
piuuiig lim ueiHeuii two uaius uisuuuu I
manner as. to crusu mm horribly.
Joseph D&Frehn, of Aluran street, has
been tenderod a lucrative position with the
Lehigh Valley railroad company at Perth
Ainboy. Joe has been with tho aboye
company off and on for many years and
enjoys tho confidence and respect of Its
highest olllcials who unhesitatingly rccom
mend him for ability and thoroughness in
his lino of clerical work. On this now ap
polntment he has our congratulations.
Get Measured '
for a lino suit or overcoat at tho.Ono Price
Star Clothing Hall, Mauch Chunk; our
prices aro tho yery lowest and goods the
very best.
A Nice (Hitter.
While a party of ' ladles and gentlemen
from Allentownand Bethlehem were being
driven from Lehighton borough to tho fair
grounds by Mr. Kresge, of Monroe county,
thev were stopped on the public road by
Policeman Weida,of Lehighton, who with
a club in one baud and a pistol In tho other
grasped the horses and turned on tho driy-
er and occupants of the carriage, and In a
ylo ent and threatening manner, demanded
that Mr. Kresge pay his license before pro
tce.lmy a step further. Mr. Kresge replied
'that he did nol know what the borough
ws weie in regard to paling a license, and
a respectful manner asked the officer for
. fy mo arm, aim wmi ins pisi.ui in iuu
other i
ano, uraegenuira irom me i-urrwKc.
Ver did not In tho least resist the
The drl
d there was not the slightest lie
ofllcer, ai
cesslty for
Wm to use his club. Tho others
ttlnst being stopped by a police
'etol and asked for an explan
protested aa
man with a p.
ml net. Ho replied that if
atiou of his co
nce "shut up" ho would
they did not it t
also place them u
mler arrest. The occn
go were, couipeueu to
lr aro already being
pants of the carrln
Icaye the vehicle, th
' . .
paid, and were obll.
en i" secure auuinur
m to the fairground
Cited and unreason
conveyance to take tin
The otlleer was very ex
able, and the party at 1.
rst thought he was
IntATlenlnil. hut. snpli iv.
later found not
tn hn thP r.iP. Th n. U uesimi io ue
infcpn tn llin f.lpnrnnn.l. I 'rSt and the Olll
cer could then settle his din wu"y wllD lue
,tplvr. hut. hn .IppI-.p,! It.nt . W COU1Q nol
.i.n ,.i. ... fr-i.- inicers con
illlPt was most dlaprpilltnhlo o au " " 101
duty of the Town Council of Lcl ,,Rh,P 10
take prompt action ill the matter.
npPO.ll. fnr o nl.r.1,.. r 1. 1 COarSO
w vww Wk " l 4" It J J t tM'
hmtnlllt r. ll,., 1, I, ...,. n ., U0 ail
"u "ihi"".li"n Willi
nntlnnnpn llt In Unit .n. UJ.OU-
" .. .1
Inn non-residents convevlnn dpodIo to
frnm llin fair In n.-iv ft llppn Xfr Vr 'K
being the piall carrier between Brodheai
yllle and' Lehighton, and not a resident o
the latter place. Item, Allentown.
The writer of tho aboyo was evidently
suffering frurn a mind distorted by veno
mous bate or "pearcldcr" Imbecility when
he wrote tho above article. It Is a lie cut
from the nbolo cloth, a libelous reflection
on a competent otlicial and a slander on
the progressive borons n or Lehighton.
Police ITeldaw did stop a coach driver to
collect from lilm a license fee which he
mado some excuse to avoid payinc and
drove off leaving the olilcer. He toas ac
costed a second and third time, when the
olilcer, disgusted with the man who was
trjlngto "beat" tho town, called him to
time, and alter more parleying collected
from him the license which eoes to swell
the borough exchequer. The talk of htm
standing with drawn revolver and a club In
his hands Is all bosh Mid more like the
ravings of a man with the poker" than a
respectable citizen. Polico Weldaw did
right to force the driver into pa) ing a li
cense fee, but be made a mlstalo in not
pulling In the loud mouthed nlnkompoops
who would hayo dctered him In his duty.
Police Weldaw, you're a trump! Shake!
If you want a clock or watch promptly
repaired at a reasonable price go to S.
Uagaruau Bank strset Leblgbtou. Cm
M'olnKport mid Community rnrnnriiiilii'd
l or Vcek Jnt Umteit.
Charles Arner has his traction cngltio
it,. n iiro, f,l nrnmlm. on Union
jaessrs. jonn uicnson ami inwn
Rafter, of Scranton, were among the ylsl-1
tur In town over Sunday. c.rr.1.1 ..f TnwnniPns ii".
.,ll. 1,11,11,1 In lint Vi.
uui n-ii i- witui.i -.
port cemetery on lucsnay auernnon.
Aaron Snjdcr furnished W. S. Hanoy
with snvenlv feat of tho PODular Meyers'
pumping this week, which ho sunk on his
liuiuyiiift v. ,
David Oragg, of Lehighton, moved
his family Into his handsome new dwelling
!,,. lnf.ntp,1 n TTnlnn Ttlll .liirlni? the
, . ,
jiast nun. .
Ihico children in tue lamiiy oi jjiii
Walck arc suffering.wlth diphtheria, not,
however, In lis mast ylolent form, and they
,.,in ,..
v.. .
T- 1 ..
doiiuociuci was uoinu u..:i ouuoj
irom linmimrg, Jierits couniy, wucro no is
employed In a plow works. He will likely
moyo his family to that place soon.
Everything looks promising for the
Good Il'lll Hook and Ladder festival on
the Cth of next month. Bo on tlie watch
for It. There vill bo fun for everybody.
Austin Boycr, Oscar Christman, P. J.
Klstler nnd Daniel Grayer and wife, were
In attendance at the Knight Templar con
clave In session at Washlnjton, D. C, dur-
jr tho past week.
Samuel Fisher, tired of paying rent,
has contracted for tho erection of a pleas
ant home In Kast Weissport, near Phlfer's
ore. His brother recently built a liouse
in the same locality,
Jfisi Llllle Zellner, a former resident
, . . . . i n, 11 1 1
here, but for sonio tlmo past In Phlladel-
phla, was married recently In that city to
George Miller. The young lady's many
frtends hero extend best w ishes for a happy
and prosperous future.
During a recent heavy thunder storm
llgh tnlng struck In the Andrew Woiss res
idence on Union Hill, breaking a window
frame and splintering the legs of tho head
board of a white oak bedstead located on
the second floor. Further than this no
damago was than to frighten the
Inmates badly,
All the schools in Franklin, with the
exception of the ono at ll'alcksvlllo.opencd
Jfonday with tlie usual attendance. On
Union Hill Prof. A. A. Beltz bas enrolled
twenty pupils and Miss H'hitchead thirty-
lne, whllo on tho other side tho popular
Quint, Arner Is instructing between thirty
and forty boys and girls In the rudiments of
readln', wrttin and spcllln'.
Nathan Lcfuer, of Mauch Chunk, at
tempted tocross the Central railroad tracks
here on Saturday night In front of a fast
moving freight train, and was hit by the
cow-catcher of the englno and knocked
over tho steep bank, sustaining bodily and
internal Injuries, which may proyo fatal.
He was picked up and taken to the Fort
Allen House, and everything possible done
to alleviate his sufferings by Drs. Zern and
Kutz and kind friends. Monday night he
was taken to St. Luke's Hospital for furth
er treatment. Mr. Lelller had spent tho
evening with his wife who was visiting
here, and was on his way to the Valley
depot when the sad, perhaps fatal, accident
A Doutilc-lSarrelleil Ibhuo. Itlghtl
The CAituoN Advocate was published
last week doubta-barrellcd, and both bar
rels loaded, largely with advertisements of
Enterprising merchants of Lohlghtou to I
catch the ee.s and trado of visitors to tho
Fair this week. The first number of the
Advooatk appeared Nov. 23, 1872, seven
teen years ago, and it has beeji published
continuously by the Morthimcrs ever since.
The nauio of Harry V. Morthlmer, Jr.,
appears at the mast head as proprietor, but
the senior of the same name, who was the
founder of tho paper, still occupies a sit In
the establishment as of o'd and his Is no
doubt the nuldlntr mina of tho concern. 1
The reportorial and part of th'o editorial
work of the paper is done by George W.,
and th erearo but few in tlie county who
cover their field more fully. Mauch
Chunk Coal Gazette.
AOrnud Success.
Tho oyster supper glyen In tho basement
of tho Pjresbyterlan church on Thursday,
Friday and Saturday evenings of last week
by tho good ladies of that congregation was
a grand success both socially and finan
daily. They realized considerable oyer a
hundred dollars, which shows that upwards
five hundred guestj were entertained,
among whom were many of our best citl
zens and a large number of people from
Mauch Chunk and other places.
The room was beautifully and artistically
decorated with bunting, flowers and plant;,
Tbe tables were covered with tho 'finest
white linen and fairly loaded down with
costly silycrwaro and china. Each tablo
was adorned with a complete tea-service
There were four such tables and they were
In chargo of four highly accomplished
m.Vrons, namely, Afrs. Dr. Zorn, ifrs. B.
J. Kuntz, Mrs. W. K. Smith and Mrs. J.
Goinory, cacli matron baying two graceful
aids, who served the delicious things from
the cullncry department and entertained
their many guests with such grace and dig
nity that even tho most fastidious were
pleased far beyond expectation
Mrs. lUtclilT and Mrs. Hibjler looked
after affairs In the kitchen and the way
they catered to tbo appetites of tha guests
showed their thorough accompllsnmcnt tn
that lino. It is doubtful If Delmontco'S
best cook could have done half as well.
Afrs T. A. Suyder and aid had chargo of
tbo cake, lemonade and ice-cream depart-
incut. This department was so well patron -
Ized that the Icmonado cooler ran dry and
the Ice cream freezer showed bottom at
very early hour on Saturday evening. Jrs.1
Bullock and Miss Aggie It. Hauk presided
over, the exchequer, and they performed
tJlflr part with an air of courtesy and re
finernent that delighted everybody.
M"rs. T A. Snyder and Mrs. H. J. Jltch
'1, who 1 ad general supervision over the
'air, deserve great credit for their display
'act, taste and business ability, The
s qf our Presbyterian church never do
i by halves, they are Indefatigable
In the full Presbyterian sense of
and whatever they undertake to
tbo tern,
do Is bou
The Pn
nd to be a success.
sbylerian church was built in
the oldest church building In
t Unoccupied for a long time,
1873 and is
town. It wa
te It such a grand reylyal that
but of lato tht
no doubt there
u a bright future in store
Mob. 'May the good Lord
for the congrega
protect and proipi
tnercoiu.! ' "vwcont.J
ll'e have the Ian. 661 locl nleJ
bovs' and children's o ""--i
ever shown In this ret a antl al Pr'ces
25 per cent cheaper thai x lhe same E00'1,
can be bought elsewhere. oonobilm'i One
tMp Star Olothlnp Hall. 1 uoh Chuak.
i l'ernmnl
Ontslp About 1'eoplo who Visit
and en n VUHIiir.
-Our esteemed townsman John T. Vustmiim,
pronrletor of the Oihrinnl ("heap Oath Htore, Is
visiting for a tew wreki at Wllkmbnrro. Mr.
Nnslwtmn repn-scnts the self-made man.
was In linden In the old fatherland, sixty-
(1iC11 pditortcinhia HarrUhiirgi and for
Cults yoais or mine how a rlim-u ot this tnnn
nnd vlclnltv. Ill life has licen a busy ono
lllst.aDomniauoii me iiugu cnuai no passcu
UirougllllieilHninilui3c.Mi - .onui: u.-i uiiimcr
orw, ,, t.nttli-t- mill rrtjilimnlrr uml Itnvv it
llv. roi!, e,.u0 meirliiint enioylni! the conn-
deuce nnd respect of all with whom he comes
In contact cither socially or In a business, way.
" appearance be Is of medium hciEtit, rather
l.ln,,, ,lnrV mm il(.Tlntird Willi lialr whllplll'll
, tho flc,t ( ti,no. ntoro than this, John
Nusliaum Is a staunch Democrat and n citizen of
whom our town can well feel proud for the Im-
provemctits he lias lirouglit about,
Kast l'cnn's old Democratic war-horse, T.
w Htnlfferwatl. -.-i lii town on Saturdav. Mr.
s . andldatorort1B ncmocratlo nomlna
tlon of County Commissioner two yeats ago and
It I not unlikely that his many friends will urge
himtocobefore the convention for the same
!... .. 1..,.
oinee UCXl sum. It is i-my lu luiiiiiivu., mm.
. . . . . ., TOntiPII111 ,P1
safo In saying that a belter man would bo hard
to find.
D.mlil Uraver.a resident of this city prior to
his removal to Weissport about three weeks
ann; Hon. W.M. ilapsher, District Attorney of
Ciu bon county anil nn ex-member of the Legis
lature and lion. .1. 0. Zern, ef Weissport, were
visitors to tho city to-day nnd callers at tho
Le ade r oillco. Thoyjiroall good Democrats, of
the stauuchcst Jeltcrsojlan school, and genial
good fellows. Wllkesbarro Leader.
A tall familiar figure seen on Hank street
during the last days of tho fair was Oeorge
llrlnkmaii, ot 'W'llkesbarrc, another Lehlgh
tonian of whom tho boys can say many praise
worthy things, lie Is a young druggist with
Tuck & Co., In the ulune place but on or about
No ember 1st will start up for himself some
where on. Susquehanna street In tho same city.
Ho lias our best w Ishes for success.
Ki-L'lslered at tho Exchange on Sunday was
lillS r.l-iuIIHllir, til lliu 111111 uiri j vi w. wiav.uui.ii
teaf tobacco Merchants ol Fhtlaaclplita. Gusts
tt E00d looking and attractive fellow with blue
In his line ol business. He has hosts of friends
here and for an hour after his arrival he was
kept busy closing dlgets with friends.
This establishment enjoyed a pleasant visit
from Henry Kostenbader, ot Scranton, a live
nnd intelligent citizen, who was formerly a
LehlRldou boy. Henry Is getting older In jears
and ralslne an Interesting family around him so
that tlmo adds blesslngslnstead of sorrows, to
his earthly lot.
An old gentleman with curly hair of snowy
whiteness stopping at tho Exchange is Solqmon
Kemercr. fathcr-ln-law to mine host Mantz.
Ho is four score and two years and Is still
hearty and vigorous. Ho comes from Mantz-
vllle In which viclnltv ho has been a constant
Ed. Feist and wife, of White Haven, were
thoEUcstsotThos. Stocker and f.imlly several
days last week. Ed. Is still the Jolly fellow that
ho was when he managed Jonas' clothing store
In tills borough a few years ago
Jacob lAing and family, ot Allentown, were
guests of Oeorge nemanier, ruis wee, jur.
Long Is one of Allcntown'a successful and enter
prising furniture manufacturers and enjoys a
fair trade in this town.
Oilier A. Olauss and VIUlam It. Obert, two
of our most popular young men, and Free and
Accepted Masons, viewed tho Knight Templar
Conclave at Washington, D. C, during this
w celt.
fiobert neltiner with his sisters MIssesMary
ami IJzz.le. of Johnstown, were the guests of
Miss Ltalo Miller, on north Dank street, last
M. 0. Trcxler. of the firm Trexler & Kreldler,
popular carriage builders, this borough, spent
several days this week In Allentown.
Thomas Mantz and David Eubert, ol town,
and Thomas Weaver of Lehigh Oap, are at the
Mt. Holly, N. J., fair this week.
Ex-Asioclate Judge Jleendsen, of Ixiwer
Towamenslng, was a familiar figure oliscrved
on Bank street last Monday.
The cenial and popular Dr. w. I). Hughes,
of Ashley, was sljnktnar hands with Lehighton
friends last Friday.
Misses Llllle nnd Eva Eagle, ot Catasauqua,
spent Sunday with Mrs,
I O. J. Strauss, on
north Bank street.
II. L. Itelclienhacli. representing Wru. 11.
Taylor & Co., of Allentown, made us a pleasant
call on Tuesday.
S. T. Paul, ot Hokendauqua, was tlie guest
of F. E. Miller and family on north Bank street,
over Sunday.
John Stark, one ef llaun's jouy D.iKers, was
crusldtiE hearts at Easton over Sunday. Oil,
Mrs. il.iry Miller, of Allentown, spent sover-
aI d!iy!, llt the Exchange last week with friends,
Mih Emma Huuslckcr. of Bankway, is
pleasantly sojourning with Philadelphia friends,
unaries wagner. oi l.ciiikusvii;i:i, nnojmuir
Ing In tho City of Brotherly Love.
Miss Ella, daughter of Ohlot Burgess MahltV
Kclcuaru, is visiting ut wcallicrly.
The nenlal Sam. Bchlcr, of tho County Seat
circled In town Wednesday,
1 ho genial Al.fLeli, of Catasauuua, circled
hereon Wednesday.
-Samuel Seller spent Tuesday amoug friends
at liazleton.
Muliunlnc; Items.
Sherman Lentz, of Lancaster, Kansas,
was visiting his father last week.
Joo Rachman, of Florida, spent a few
days In tbe valley visiting relatives.
James Gombert bought tho old school
house at Pleasant Corner for $40.00.
A Fpeclal meeting of tho Mahoning
school board will bo held on Saturday.
-Miss Emma Hothateln, of Hazlcton
was visiting her parents during the week,
Miss Ellen Gumbcrt and John Jlfettz
and Miss Sour! Mertz and John Gumbcrt
were married last week.
-Our rchools will open next Monday,
Let the boys and girls be on hand the first
day and attend regularly throughout the
-A meeting loald the missionary cause
of tho Lutheran church was held In the
Brick church, East Penn, on Tuesday
The Lord's Supper will he administered
to tbe Lutheran congregation of St. Jonn'
church on Sunday, Oct. 27, by Rey, W. H
Strauss, and to the Roformcd congregation
on oututay, .ov. J, uy Key. A. Bartholo
lt uafh.
Our nclionl Hoard Sued.
Last year tho Lehighton school board
had four Hersh furnaces put In the school
building at a cost of about $800 with tho
1 guarantee that they were not to be paid
for until after a fair trial had been given
a them, and In the event of the heaters not
proving satisfactory tbey wore lobe re-
moved at Ihe expense of the company,
The heaters weie given a long and steady
test and failed to meet tho expected re
qulrements nnd the company was, In ac
cordance with the sphlt of tho agreement
notified to remove lliera. They failed to
do this, so they were removed by the board
of directors and strain beat substituted,
Out of this a suit has resulted, Sheriff I.
van serving tho writ. In which the school
board Is sued for tho value of tbe heaters,
Now OflU-era.
Lehigh Council, No. 101, Jr. O. U.
M., Installed the following officers for a six
months' term on Thursday evening:
Councillor Jos. Bennett.
V. Councillor Frank HelllcIInger.
Asst. h. S. Quint Arner.
Conductor W. D. Ilonlz.
Warden Elmer Remaley.
Inside Sentinel Win. Scliarfer.
Outside Sentinel Chas. Frantz.
tiiTcn Amy rreeorcimrKa
A beautiful walnut parlor clock, le
eTy purchaser of $45 worth of goods at
Sondhelm's One Price Star Clothing Hall,
. Afauch Chunk,
ITmml (Junto oflrftcnl mid l'erionRt
Goisl- From the County Meat.
Tlicvrcgular lermnf October iiiur con
venes on next Monday.
Up to da'o tho number of matrlago
licenses Issued aggregate 1057.
'Squire Boylo has In his ofllce an old-
fashioned clock with a century of service to
Its record.
On Friday and Saturday evenings the
Relianco chili, of Kast Mauch Chunk, will,
hold a grand fair and festival.
Samuel 11. Price, tho Democratic can
didate for Assoclato Judge, circled in the
lower end of the county last week.
Dr. II. B, Relnohl, our popular young
dentist, was at ITashlngton, D. C, wit
nessing tbc Knight Tcnplar parade.
John Swans, of Coalport, brakeman
on the railroad, fell off a car at
this place Monday and had an anklo dislo
cated. Keiser iV Son moved from the Broad
way Hoitso this week, and are now at tbe
Mansion, which establishment is expected
to boom under tbo new management.
Editor Mnlloy, of the Lansford Uecord
closed digits willi an Advooatk represen
tative here on Wednesday, and at the same
time svtnppad opinions on haso hall and
other matters of direct Interest,
The Mantlon House has an excursion
boolccd for October 18th, under tho aus
pices of llnv. Dell'ltt Talmago'S Tabor-
nclc congregation. It will be composed
of 300 memben and the notoJ divine him
The Borough of Lansford vs. Samuel
Brode, a caso started to test the legality of
the ordinance regulating huckstering, ct-c,
passed by the council of tho abovo named
borough, JudgoDrelicr this week banded
down an onlnlon In favor of the defendant
and against the. town.
Joseph Solemon was arrested on Sun
day for drunkenness and threats and con
fined in the county jail. He got his liquor
from Hess' drug store In Kast Mauch
Chunk, against which firm his friends bavo
now brought suit in 'Squlro Boyle's court.
The caso will bo pushed to tho courts it Is
said. .
Tho Republican candidate for State
Treasurer, tho Hon. II. .X- Boyer, was a
distinguished visitor in town on Monday,
us was also Stato Chairman Andrews, who
accompanied lit in. At tha Mansion. House
reception was tendered them. Thej
were looked upon by nil the prominent
Republicans In the county. They left the
same day for Allentown.
The appeal of the Lehigh Coal & Nav
igation Compan from the assessment levied
last Spring was heard In Argument Court
this wcekyuid Judge S. S. Drcher will hand
down a final oplulon on next Monday.
This caso along with these of Coxo Bros.,
tho Lehigh Valley Railroad Company,
New York Coal Company and the Lehigh
and Wllkesbairn Coal Company aro the
result of tho excellent full value assess
ment called for by the Commissioners.
The result Is waited for with much Interest
as deciding a lino question whether corpoia-
tlons are ono whit better than private
tfHi-kets nnd Plush ContZ.
Jackets and plush ccatsjn all the latest
tyles can bo found at the One Price Star
Clothing Hall, Jauch Chunk, at the low
est prices.
rnrrrvllle Clips,
Jacob Peters is doing business at
Huntingdon, this State.
Joseph Peters Is visiting his brother at
Reudlna, who Is said to be qnlto seriously
Miss Flora and Ella Hartman, of Phil
adelphla, are sojourning with the folks at
Mrs. C. F. Miller returned to St
Louis, Mo., this week, after a delightful
visit to relatives here.
R. W. Rlukerand Walter Anthony,
two of Farrj villa's best looking young men,
spent Sunday in the country with friends.
Dr. Haas is quite seriously ill with
typhoid fever and grave fears for his re
covery aro entertained. He is attended by
Dr. A. P. Andrews, of Weissport.
Harry .1. Seaman, superintendent oi
the Carbon Iron Works hero, will rcmovo
his family to this placo about tho 1st of
November. He Is now a respected resi
dent of Catasauqua.
The P. O. S. of A. Camp In this place
has been In cxlstcnco almost twenty years
and has not had ono beneficial member
die, and only two deaths of members who
were not beneficial.
Edward Best, of Bethlehem, was re
cently married to Miss Ella Rinker, of this
town, lour reporter extends wannest
congratulations nnd well wishes for an
abundance of the good things In life.
The oyster sdpper In the school hall
Saturday evening under tho auspices of tbe
Reformed church netted that congregation
something in the neighborhood of $23.
Music for tho evening was excellently
furnished by Profs. Klelntop, Traub and
Rev- Bowman, of Allentown. was tho
guest of Hey, Folir on Sunday. Qi'ixt.
A Tjcft-llander.
The Lehighton Advocate Issued
double sheet 6 page last week, lu honor,
of the county fair, and to show its enter
prise. While It was a creditable publics
tlon, wo noticed that our ancient enemy
kept up his reputation for eating crow. It
used to be the boast of our esteemed con
temporary tl at the Advooath was the
ouly paper In the county that was all-home
print, insinuating that sheets that were
otherwise were second-class alongside of
the advocate. However, our Brother
has our best wishes for success, whether
he uses plates or Lohlghton "devils" to get
up reading matter. If you are not a sub
scrlber of the Advooatk, be so no longer,
I.aiuto.H Jfeconr.
l'lusk Coats ana Kmvuiti.rktu,
Wo can show a finer and larger stock of
plush coats, newraarkets and jackets and
guarantee our prices to ue as row as else
where, sonaneun s tine rrrca oiar uiotn
Ihg Hall. Mauch Chunk.
Tha Luthtrnn Gtnernl Council.
The General Council of the Evangelical
Lutheran Church In North Anerlca will
oneu at I'ittsburc this morning. Tbe Luth
eran Church In the United States numbers
1,085,000 communicant members. Four
general bodies control its 6000 congrega
lions ana 4ouu members.
Tbe General Council cevers within its
jurisdiction Tmow ork, Pennsylvania, Ohio,
Minnesota. Dakota, with narts of half a
dozen other States, and contains within Us
eight synods 244,788 communicant mem
hers, i no cuier Business or in uonncii i
to look after tbe missionary operations of
the church, receive reports from the van
ous synods and settle any disputes that
mav have come up from the lower church
courts. There will be about 100 delegates
preseut, coming from all all oyer the
United btates and Canada.
Permanently located near Valley Depot, for
Cabinets and Faintly Groups. Old pictures cop-1
led and tuUrgcd. uugliHui
Local .fumble Strung Together Tor Our
The town hall, a frame building at
Lansford, was blown down Saturday.
Sheriff Levau on Thursday fold tlie
personal property of Barth, In the
borough of Lansford,
-Oak Grovo Council, Jr. O. U. A. M.,
will bo formally Instituted at Pleasant
Corner on Friday night. Following the
ceremonies of Institution a grand oyster
supper will be served.
Tho premature explosion of a blast In
mine No. 5, at Lansford, Friday afternoon,
resulted In the death of Alex Kennedy,
aged twenty llvo years nnd the serious In-
Hiry of Thomas Brogan, Robl. Painter and
several others.
IV'edneaday of last week 'Squire Hunt
er committed Michael Frlckncr, of Packer-
ton, to tha county jail on a charge of f. it
Tho chargo was made by Sjbtlla Beck
', a servant In tho house of Chas. Shafer,
resident ot Railroad street, Weather!.
The Lehigh Ceal and Navigation Com
pany baK contracted with a parly to ex
tinguish the fire that has been burning In
No. 0 colliery, at Summit Hill, for oyer 20
years. The system will ho to run water
and coal dust into the crevices where the
fire can bo reached.
lu 1E74 Austin Colo left Weathorly for
East Paw Paw, HI., where he has since re
sided. A few days ago ho returned to
Wcathcrly and will remain there. He
traveled the entlro distance, 1100 miles, by
wagon, taking 3S days for tho trip. His
caravan consisted of himself, wife, four
chlldien, mother and two two-horse teams.
Ouo tiunday recently Samuel Noll and
bis good wife, residing in tho ploasant and
fertilo valley of tlie Lizzard Creek, gath
ered around them their children sons and
daughters to tho number of ten and In a
quiet way celebrated their golden wedding
anniversary. It was a pleasant event and
was made the occasion of feasting and re
joicing by all present. Among the chil
dren are Mrs. Frank Shultz and William
Noll, of Northampton street, Lehighton;
Harry Noll, Easton; Gus. Noll, Bownians,
and Mrs. Dr. Kclser, Jfahonlng. Among
the possessions of the old homestead Is
thirty-year-old horse which Mr. Noll rode
to tbe polls to yote for Harrison in the 40' s
and which he again rode at the late elec
tion to ballot for Harrison's grandson.
VVciitherly Items.
The dime concert In the 31. E. church
on Saturday evening was a success, finan
cially nnd otherwise.
-Subscribe for the Advocate; only one
dollar a year; the cheapest paper in Car
bon county, taking into consideration the
amount of news It pub'lshes.
Potatoes are selling hero at eighty
cents per bushel. They aro brought here
from l.ehigh county. O. D. Klstler, the
new coal dealer. Is handling most of them.
-Engine No. 420 had a Blight wreck at
old Penn Ilayen last Saturday. The train
broke at different places and the wreck
could not have been avoided by the crew of
that engine.
August Siebcr, tho Carbon street mer
chant tailor, was on the sick list for the
last ten days, suffering from pleurisy. Tie
Is now recovering and will soon be able to
be at his business again as usual.
Pearl House, an estimable young lady
of irilkesbarro, died at that place on Mon
day, She Is the daughter of Ucsson Rouse,
formerly a resident of this placo, and her
remains will bi brought hero fr interment.
Most of the frionds of the deceased reside
Tho new coal engine. No. 523, Is being
broken in this week. She is the pattnerto
No. 503, burns coal dust nnd Is intended
for heavy pulling. Occaho.tai.,
Ltlilchton AVI hi.
Ill a magnificently contested game of
ball between Lansford and Lehighton on
the grounds hero on Thursday of the fair,
the homo team worr in a score of 1 to 0,
Umpire Bartholomew took care of the de
cisions with unusual coolness and extra-
dordiuai y correctness. This Is undoubted
ly the last game for this season, and It
stands to tho credit of the bou that they
won. Jennings anil O'Hara was the
battery and did things up beautifully.
Flno illustrated and miscellaneous
books for presents, at Luckenbach's
Mauch Chunk,
-Don't f.ill to seo the prettiest lot of
watches ever displayed In this section, at
Holil's Jewelry Storo Mauch Chunk.
Makes tho lives ot many people miserable,
and often leads to scltVdestructlon. Distress
after eating, sour s'tomacb, sick hcadacho,
heartburn, loss of appetite, a faint, " all gone"
feeling, bad taste, coated tonguo, and irregu-
. larlty ot tho bowels, aro
DiStrOSS some of tho more common
After symptoms. Dyspepsia docs
., not get well of Itself. It
buling requires careful, persistent
attention, and a remedy Hko Hood' Sarsa
parllla, which acts gently, yet surely and
efficiently. It tones tho stomach and other
organs, regulates tho digestion, creates a
good appetito, and by thus Sink
overcoming the local symp- 'i7,u
toms removes the sympa-eauacnO
thctla effects of tho disease, banishes tho
headache, and refreshes the tired mind.
"I havo been troubled with dyspopsla. I
had but little appetite, and what I did eat
m j, distressed me, or did mo
nearc- uttl0 g00d- In h0nr
Ulirn after eating I would expe
rience a falntness, or tired, all-gone feeling,
as though I had not eaten anything. My trou
ble, I think, was aggravated by my business,
which Is that of a painter, and from being
more or less fchut up In a Sour
room with fresh paint. Last
spring I took Hood's Sarsa- StOmaCn
rllla took three bottles. It did me an
Immense amount ot good. It gave me au
appetite, and my food relished and satisfied
the craving I had previously experienced."
OEonaE A. Facie, 'Watertown, Mass.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by sUdmggUts. 51 1 slxfor4. Prepared only
r C. I. II00D A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Man.
100 Dosos Ono Dollar
nCAttfmtinn I At REBER'S
AllUUUUU : nnuB stoiik,
ly the klncle bottle, by 1-4 and 1-3 loi
quantities, ami In Jobber lota at Jobbers
Knml'. KnrannHrllla call ulWBVB be
bait. . MlYW
1 daro say II- Is to shave with a good
sharp Razor. Rarors and Pocket Knives
L'uaranteed or no saU.
Full line of Strpi tW 1Jay Kunl
Pecket Cutlery, Ac.
If you do not belleye-lt, try It and be
THOMAS' Golden Molar Ptarmacy,
Hake Sntr.KT, Lbuiohiok, Pkvwa,
Prescriptions a Specialty.
All Styles! All Colors!
Men's Illnck Voslcd Overcoat in no
Men's Black Worsted Oiercnat 13 on
Men's Black Worsted Overcoat 12 nn
Men's Black Worsted Oien-nat in no
Men's Unlit Worsted Overcoat is on
Men's Light Worstod Overcoat 12 oo
Men'M Light Worsted Overcoat 10 oo
Men's Medium Light Worsted Oterroat 13 00
Wc hnvc the Best TEN DOLLAR Overcoat that is mndc.
all colors and iti all sizes. .
Boy's Overcoats All Kinds.
Boy's Overcoats
$ in oo
11 oo
s oo
7 oo
C oo
Boy's Overcoats
Boy s Overcoats
Boy's Overcoats
Hoy's Overcoats
Boy's Overcoats
Children' Overcoats
Children's Overcoat
ti oo
If 50
a on
i oo
Children's Overcoats
Children' Overcoats
Come and Examine out Big Stock antl learn of bargains before
making purchases elsewhere.
Adam Mehrkam and Son
Below the P. O.,
iciiwartz's Furniture Room
Bed Room Suites,
Parlor Suites,
Chairs and Tables,
Louges, Bedsteads.
Mirrors, Cradles,
Carpets in great as
sortment, etc. -
Persons who are Interested in the Management of
Will find it to their interest to have the undersi'Miod furnish them
with the
We take great pride in our
any flavor desired, and do not
best to be had in this section.
supply picnics or parties, are
we again repeat:, is me uesi.
anything in our line, we are,
Try Our Popular Drink -MILK SIIAKE.
-DOB paaTOiaa
New presseB, new type and
all kinds of Job Work, in the
ow prices. Man orders receive
Bank Street,
Prices lowest!
The colorings in this line
of different weaves, includes all
the new shades and effects at
prices that make them excellent
values. We have many special
things in Diess Goods, and all
departments, that, if you exam
ine, will be profitable to you.
ltoBE Dress Patterns a
We are headquarters for
Black Goods, because we keep
the largest and best line'at pop
ular pi ices.
0. A.
All Prices ! Ani all Sizes !
Men Medium Light Worsted Ore rot
10 00
Men's All-Wool Overcoat
Men's All-Wool Overcoat
Men' All.Wool Overcoat
Men's All-Wool Overcoat
Men's All-Wool Overcoat
Men's All-Wool Ovcreost x
Men's All-Wool Oven-oat
8 00
7 M
7 09
S 00
4 Ml
Troy's Oven-oats
Boy' Overcoat
Hoy' Overcmt
Boy's 0ctx-o;il
Boy' OvoicnaU
Boy's Overcoats
S 00
4 SO
4 DO
3 W)
3 00
i GO
Children' Overcoat
Children's Overcoat
Children's Ovim-oal
3 GO
3 no
2 CO
South Bank Street.
The Fall and Winter sea
son is opened here with one of
the largest assortments ol Fur
nituhk ever shown outside of the
larger towns and cities and at
prices that will surpriso you for
lowness, and at tlie fame time,
knock competition in the shade.
We ask you to call hecaute we
are positive that in price, quality
and our style of goods we win
more than please you. Carpets
are also a line oT goods we carry
in stock at low" prices. Wc also
pay particular attention to Un
dertaking and Embalming.
manufacture of Ice fiteamj'of
hetitate to pronounce it the very
Our wholesale prices, wkea we
always very low, and the quality,
soliciting a can wuen in ea oi
& Culton.
excellent facilities enable us to do
best style, and at extarordlnary
immediate attention.
Lehighton, Pa.
11111$ GOODS,
Quality the Best!
Ilrond Oloths,
Ladies Cassimcrcs,
Cnsli meres,
Stripe FlHHnels,
Stripe Dress Goods,
Plaid Ureas Geds,
Trimming Silk, .
Braids and Trimmings
Hosiery AUMderwear.
Rex & Bro.