The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, September 28, 1889, Image 4

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    1-1 I A J,.
I llo OdlUUII HHYUbaiO
BxinniiD ai nia i.r iiimi roji rosT-OFriOR AS
BEUONIJ III.Ann MAliiiiinii iv...
Bona ride Clrculntlou Lnrgcr thnn tlmt of 0f
nny 'Weekly NotTpiPr In tlio Comity.
deep. Well there Is some consolation In
that -It Isn't dust.
Tup. Rt.atinotoji News which ALWAYS
affords Interest and amusement on account
of Its ecuulno originality Is twenty-one In
Thn naner Is enloslng a pros- to
. .
ncrOUS OXlStailCC.
that Eddlo Mulharen was out of politics,
From this dlstanco It don't look much that
way. Wo might 6ay rather that ho Is just
gottlng In politics, or at least ho lias put
his foot in It.
Will Sam Giluam iie the ltKPuni.i'
can canaiuato lor uistnci Auorney or
won't he? that's what wo'd llko to know,
and so would a goodly number of Lower
Towamcnslng farmers who still smell the
runv.w w. -.
nmn n .nnfti.m nn t. tliltt' Vf!ir. IllPtft llftlnf?
, ,. a...ii nutriM Attnrnnv I
..4 1..JI...I-IW Vnvi.r m i. ,iiffomn Oiopn liolntr n half
dozen or more good offices to ho voted for.
Genehai, JI'ili.iAm Jahone's run-
diction that ho will be elected Governor of
Vlrclnla by a majority of 40,000 Yotes seems
to excite moro enthusiasm than confidence
In tho Kepubllcan party. Yet wo have
novcr doubted that Mahono's word was as
good as his oath.
to tho Advocate as his "Ancient enemy."
Malloy is all wrong, we aro his " friends "
and only want to keep lilra out of politics
so that ho won't mako n fool of himself
mid dlscraco the Democracy generally.
Our Interest In Jlmmr Is paternal., the Demochatio candidate
for State Treasurer, is quoted as being
highly satisfied with tho canvas he has
mado In this stato up to date. That's
alright; it. is tho canyac to he made from
now on up to election day that will be
likely to dissatisfy Mr. ltiglei.
Chiunciy F.Black who stood urron
Governor against Heaver two years ago has
announced that ho is willing to be tho
Democratic candidate far tho same office
next year. Such sclf-sacrifico Is only worthy
of a Democrat who has once been hit In
the back of the neck with tho Kepubllcan
80.000 majority. Chaunccy you aro a
noblo seeker of office
the Caiidon Advocate publishes an eight
pago special edition of 2500 copies, to-day,
to persons In tho County recolvlng sample
coplcb wo commend tho Advocate as a
Counlv newspaper In evey sense of the
word. Our columns are always replcto
with local news of tho best character and
we would bo pleased to hayo you as a sub
scriber. SI a year I
The Philadelphia Times suaaESTS
General Uartranf t for Pension Commission
er. The Times says: "Ho Is not a bab
bler; ho was a heroic fighter and never a
talker, and ho would enter tho office en-
4ntflnv tin nnftftnnn nt nwn.Tf
hones"t soldier of tho land. Ho would
doubtless administer tho laws with as liber
al fidelity to tho soldiers as fidelity to law
would justify, and ho would never em
barrass tho administration by Bhooting off
his mouth." .
IKlth a week of cyclonic storms filled
with death and disaster, the trial of tho
phenomennl thieves, Ives and Stayncr, tho
Flack trial, a daylight assassination and
any number of minor affairs of interest,
the middle of September may well be con-
sldercd a red letter week. What a week
Ithasbccnl Itain, a deluge; wind, a bur
rlcano; news of disaster everywhere,
Whllo tho heaviest of the suffering was
undoubtedly at the outsldo watering places
do not for a moment suppose that Now
York and Brooklin escaped without loss,
In fact the loss In absolute cash is greater
in tho two cities than In all the outside
watering places put together. When the
storm began on Sunday night tho wharves
all along tho river front were filled with
costly goods and the cellars along tho
North and East Itlver wero crammed with
hundreds of thousands-of dollars' worth of
merchandise. Ucforo the extent of the
calamity could bo anticipated tbo cellars
were flllcd, tho wharves submerged, and
all along both river fronts was ono sccno
of dire disaster. No such tide has been
seen for twenty years, and not many In
tho present century. Many of these eel-
lars, not used for storage, aro Inhabited by
a wretched class of human beings who
havo no other shelter; they wero driven
out like rats Into tho pitiless storm to find
shelter in tho station houses or any other
place that offered rcfugo from tho howling
wind and petting rain. Speaking of rats,
thero were millions of them all along both
river fronts, and they fouuht each other
with maddened desperation In seeking
places of safety. Sometimes a huge wharf
rat would bo seen floating on a little pleco
of stick or board just enough to hold his
weight; presently somo desporate rodent
struggling for dear life, would catch sight
of tho other rat floating on his ark of safe-
ty, then ho would attempt to get on board,
but the ship was not big enough for both
so both fell back In the water, then would
begin a desperate struggle for the ark
and it generally ended by both going
ll'hal a fearful wieck Is beautiful Coney
Island; all along the beach, where lovers
strolled under the soft beams of the early
September moon, Is one vast and fearful sho was not feeling well, requested per
sccno of wide spread desolation. H'hero mUslon to remain. Mr. Olsen and his wife
Gllmoro wielded his magic baton on Sat -
urday, holding under bis under bis spell
listening and applauding thousands, all Is ness developed typhoid foyer. Tho girl re
wreck and ruin, iriierc Seldl interpreted 'usei' to have a doctor sent for by some of
tho inspiration of Wagner, all Is -
and darkness. J'eoplo away from New
York who hayo never visited this charming
watering place, when they read of tho
wreck of Coney Island are apt to say,
What of It? To the people of New 1 ork
and vicinity it means much moro than the
loss of a few thousand dollars. It was the
i , . . ... . , i li . .... u.
lungs oi two great chics iiiu no upou us
borders, where oyer two millions of people
dwell. Here blessed charity opened 1U
Land nn.l liMrt nn.lln rnmfnrlaliln rnt-
hand ana heart, ami In comfortable cot-
tages, I reo of cost, the sick and the ailing
were tenderly cared for and riven a breath
of God's free air fresh and puro from the
ocean, uncontaw.nated by the fetid odors
of tho city. Ard here thousands of llttlo
ones wero gathered in from tho recklug
slums and Rlycn a clean wash and a short
summer outine. Then hnndrodsof thoti-
sands of poor people were enabled to on-'
joy for fifty cents or a dollar sncli a season
of pleasure as anywhere olso would have
bankrupted tho family treasury, and they
could near for comparatively nothing some
tho Qocst singers and musicians In the
world. And so we manrn the calamity
that has fallen upon us.
The result of this terrlblo storm has been,
a pei feet stagnation In all kinds of bust
I ncss except In 'tho oxprosscs and hotels,
and they havo all been over-loaded throueu
tho week with peoplo who have been driven
from the country ana wore compeuea
seek shelter wherover they could find It.
Au0 8""u ima nui. uhwiotu mm iuo
Iuusinoss oi uiu uuurw, su nu tuu wuun. iuu
trial of the phenomenal thieves, Ives and
stajner, has proceeded without Interrup'
t)oDi jt Is a wonderful thing for a robber
t0 meak int0 a bank and crack the great
lron ,a(0 in uroaa daylight, and walk off
with millions as Johnny IIopo did with thn
loot of tho Manhattan Savings Bank; but
to steal Ave or six hundred miles of rail
road, with track, engines, cars and all
their belongings whllojhe lawful owners
stood nnd looked on, has no pi.illol In tho
flf cr,m() Iycs d,d not caU tQ JlU
aw tan co anv creat numuer or nconie: no
used a tool hero and thero as ho found It
needful, but tho whole of tho villainous
plot was worked out In his own head till
Hhoscbcme almost reached a successful
The unparalleled cheek of tho rascal Is
best shown by tho fact that when he had
not a quarter to pay for his breakfast nor a
shelter for his head except by tho suffer
auco of a casual acquaintance who allowed
him to put a little shabby old desk in a
dark corner of his office, ho got out his
cards and circulars, "Henry S. Ives, bank
or," and drew small checks of fifty cents
and a dollar and a half against himself,
trusting to chance and luck to meet them
as fast as they came In. Four years from
the time when he swept out offices for
three dollars a week ho failed for twenty
millions. Just think of It, -a penniless
vagabond getting up on nothing, a credit
of twenty millions, and In Wall Street the
homo of the sharps. It must mako some
of tho old operators sick as they read the
story. But the not far off. The
delicate gentleman Instead of riding to
Court In the Black Maria or walking hand'
culled .along the streets to a deputy sheriff,
has ridden to Court In a cab, and by pay
ing for the privilege has for tho present at
least secured an immunity from handcuffs
but his conviction Is certalii, for forgery
has been added to his other crimes, and If
bo gets a full term for each indictment he
will bo about a hundred and fifty years old
when he gets out, making due allowance
for 'u commutation for good conduct
For the first time since the case became
notorious, Sheriff Flack, his wife, and tbo
son, who betrayed his mother, were all In
Court together face to faco; but they were,
far from a happy family. It is an unpleas
ant affair eyen to think of, because the
perjury and conspiracy connected with the
caso lies right among tho ministers of juts
tice. Tbo judicial ermine is smirched
high officers and men of repute hitherto,
figure as little better, If any, than common
felons; whllo the son by his treacherous
act has sunk himself so low that no man
cares to recognize him. . Sheriff Flack has
a strong political pull, but as matters look
now, If he does not resign, tho Governor
ought to suspend him from his office, for
If ho Is not deemed a fit companion for
Tammany nail that nominated him, he Is
K1 fi' or ? PeP,oof
New York whom he disgraced
The question Is often asked how it Is
that our pollco captains grow rich i
twenty five hundred dollars a year. Up to
tho time of their promotion they were all
poor men, but they aro not captains a long
time before they blossom oat like Solomon
In ell his glory. I know one captain who
takes the air on Harlem Lane eyery after
toon when ho Is not on duty, and the pal;
of trotters that he sits behind would mort
gage five years of his salary. The secret
was partially explained to me by the keep-
er of a saloon, on tho Eighth Ayenue, wh
was one of tho sufferers. "Why," said
he, "you can do nothing with the poll
without money. We saloonkeepers know
all about it. There Is not one of us could
I keep open a week If the captain of the pro-
clnct got down on us. Every month regu
lar a man comes round to me, and I know
just what he wants, and begets It every
time, and no questions asked. I just
plunk down my cash, and be takes It and
walks out, and he don't give any receipt
either, and I don't ask It. -There's a hun
dred and eighty-six of us In that precinct
and all of them have to come down. Then
there are oyer twenty gambling houses
they have to comedown big, but it's worth
It, for no one disturbs me now, and as for
the gamblers, why if there is going to be
raid on them they always get a tip from
headquarters, so that nono who do tho
square thing ever get caught." Two po
lico captains wero on trial last week for
allowing gambling hells In their precincts
but they proved to the satisfaction of some
of the Commissioners that they had never
even suspected It, and so slipped througli
The gambling houses In question wero oo
Fulton street, Ann street', near the Herald
I office, and on Barclay street, near Saint
I Peter's Catholic church. All these places
I have been gambling houses for generations,
They aro known to ovory street gamin I
the lowrr part of the city. Guards stand at
I tho door sometimes chatting with the
policeman on duty, then cappers haunt the
Astor and otber hotels looking out for prey,
Anybody that has a dollar to lose can find
his way there, but some policemen have
grown grey 6n the beat and never even
beard of such thing; in point of fact, they
aro so innocent, they wouldn't know
roulette table or a faro layout from a pitch
folk or a haymow,
A Norwegian named Olsen. was arrested
In Brooklyn for manslaucbter under very
peculiar circumstances. A week ago a girl
named Olsen, also a Norwegian but no re
latlon,-came to Mr. Olsen's house and,
, I gayo her a room and made her as comfort
able as possible, but In a few days her sick
Mfcg, M
I neltUer did Mr. Olsen: they were both faith
curlss and believed In prayer. Eyery. one
u "8 f01"8 prayeo, men tney went down
tbo mIn,ster ,,rly(,d but at lh 0fcnd of "
jay Maria Olsen was dead. A doctor
came In who had been called by the uelch
b9.rB a.nd ho. " h, 0P?nA "a'
I Kft-m m.An mlnli lin.ra Uaan I 1. 1. A
Wl ui9C uiisii unio uccu batcu l Ut3 if till
been caUc(j Jn tme and Mr 0,8,n ha,
been arrested for manslaughter because he
did not call a doctor. Mr. Olsen says that
10 CMl a UClor WOU10 DO aeiying tUO Will
. Thatlf God wantcd him to die
was wiuinE to die. and If the Lord wanted
him to live be would t&ko pare of him. It
" Que hut thejr never can conylct
I Youns Thuly.
Located on the Main tine of the Lehleh Val
ley and Jersey Central Railroads, its
Facilities for Mannfacturlnft
are Unsurpassed.
Four miles from Mauch Chunk on the main
line of tho Lehigh Valley and Jersey Central
Railroads Is located the thriving town or
Lchlghton.wlth a population of over three thous
and, pleasant homes and unsurpassed facilities
for manufacturing purposes. The town was In
corporated In the yoar 18C8,lt previously having
been a part and parcel of Mauoning townsnip.
Its growth lias been slow but steady since Its
liicorporatlon-tho population having moro
than doubled slnco 1870. Rank street, the main
business thoroughfare, Is a well kept, thorough'
faro generally speaking, and In appearance tuny
equal to any of Its size In tho state. Many ot the
buildings for mercantile business are brick, and
In desiim very handsome, whlcn bespeak iiiuy
tho character of our people.
Amoiic tlie prominent Industries now In tne
Rorough are Obert's large pork-packing estab
lishment, tho Lehigh Stove Works, Hcrsh lfurn'
aco Works. Lehigh Spring Works, two carriage
& wagon works, one tannerj, three brick yards
aud a variety 01 smaller enterprises, uicuming
to tailoring establishments whlcn give em.
ploynient to a large number of hands. These
hi addlton to tho Lehigh Valley Railroad shops
at Packerton, have provided almost Constant and
abundant employment to the residents oi this
town, aud It has enjoyed with one or two ex
ccptlons, continued prosperity slneo Its Incor
poration. Hero, also, are located tlie grounds
of tho Carbon county Industrial Society, which
aro well kent and handsomely laid out. The
society held Its first exhibition In the fall of 1S58,
Lehlghton has six churches-Catliollc, I'resuy.
terlan, Evangelical, Trinity Lutheran, Zlon's Re
formed and Mctl10dl.1t Episcopal, xue cnurcnes
havlnglarge memberships and their services are
generally well attended, which fact lu Itself U0'
speak tho morality of our people.
As an educational Institution, the public
schools of the borough, are unequalled. At
present they aro under the prlnclpalshlp of Trot.
i J. Stetter, for seventeen years principal of tho
tho schools of Slatlngton, leading educator who
Is well and favorably known all over tho state.
The High school graduating course consists of
clghteeu branches, and Is annually taken
advantage ot by pupils fro a distance. There are
twelve departments, presided over by competent
teacheis, with a scholastic attendance of nearly
or quite COO. The town Is proud ot Its schools and
teachers aud boasts of them and their wcrk
with pardonable pride.
LchlRhton has ono newspaper, the caiiiion
AuvoCAtn,.with a circulation of 1200. We also
have one National Rank, three drug stores Dr.
O. T. Horn, Dr. N. U. Rcber aud T. D. Thomas
nine doctors, Dr. Nathaniel B. Reber. Dr. U.
German, Dr. W. (1. M. Selple, Dr. C. T. Horn
Dr. ,W. A. Derhamer, Dr. W. W. Iteber, Dr. C.
W. Roner and Dr. 0. 15. Delcamp, O. W. Snyder,
D. V.S.; two lawyers T..A. Snyder, and S,
Gilliam: two dentists F. 1. Smith nnd A. S,
Raubenoldj two Justices of the peace H,
BcltzandP. l'lerco Lontz; two notaries S. R.
Ullhani and Howard Seaboldt; four large hotels
Mansion House, Carbon House, Exchange
Hotel aud Valley House; two tailoring establish
ments Clauss & Brother and II. H. l'eters
four restaurants W. A. l'eters, P. V. Clark
Fred.E.MlllerandJos.S.Webbi four shaving
saloons F. Roderer, W. V. Esrang, S,
Rhoades and Chas. Lilly, and a large number ot
general stores.
Few towns aro possessed ot better railroad
facilities than Lehlghton the Central Railroad
having a depot at ono end of town and the Le
high Valley nt the other. The former road
crosses, at this point, both the Lehigh River and
the Lehigh Valley Railroad aud continues onto
Mauch Chunk on the Western side.. Tho nunv
bcr of trains arriving and departing are numer
ous, and tho advantages offered In this respect
for tli 0 manufacturing industries, together with
the excellent scope ot land for building purposes.
make Lehlghton a place worthy of consideration
by parties contemplating entering into tho manu
facturing business. There aro but few towns hi
the Lehigh Valley that possess so fully the ele
ments so essential to success as does Lehlghton,
our citizens nnd merchants generally being
broad minded and generous.
With push and energy on the part of our peo
plo, a cordial co-operation of the business In
terests of tho town, the future greatness of the
town Is an assured fact. No town has greater
possibilities or more reason to look forward to
happy realization of greatness than have the
peoplo of this Borough. Manufacturers and all
others looking for a clean, healthy and thriving
pUce to locate In are cordially Invited to Inspect
the unexcelled facilities connected with this
Piogressive Advertisers.
There Is no millinery store outside of the
larger towusand cities that enjoys a better trade
than does the popular New York Millinery
Store ot Miss AlyenlaUraver, second doorabovo
the post office, Rank street Lehlghton. By al
ways keeping In stock the latest and best styles
of hats and bonnets, the most delicate tints
ribbons, feathers aud (Lowers the ladles ot Le
hlghton and tho surrounding towns are always
confident of having their head-wear mads up
the latest and most fashionable style at prices
that are marked way down In many cases be
yond tho reach ot competition. Jllss Graver
obliging and courteous In the treatment of her
patrons.ever willing to cater to their desires and
tastes: and this, probably, accounts In a great
measure for her marked success In tne millinery
business. The ladles who read the Advocate
should not fall to call at the New York Mlllln
ery Store and Inspect tho large lino of fashion
able millinery goods always kept in stock.
This gentleman Is a practical watchmakerand
Jen eler.l and Is thoroughly qualified to clean, re
pair aud adjust ull varieties ot fine watches and
clocks In the most workmanlike manner and
reasonable rates, He also repairs Jsnelry
ever)' description and guarantees perfect sntlg'
faction in all cases. He keeps In stock a full
lino ot foreign aud Ameilcan watches and
clocks, Jewelry and precious stones. He also
keeps a largo stock ot books, stationery, school
supplies, and Ashing tackle, The salesroom
which Is elegantly fitted up, hi 82x40fept
dimensions, and one efficient assistant Is en,
ployed. D, S. Rock is a native of Schuylkill
County, where he was bom In 1859. Ho learned
this business In Columbia County, and has
followed It ever ulliee, andins been established
In his present quarters since 1.831.
w. r. liiBitr.-DnuaaisT, weibsi'obt,
Rllglbly located on Bridge street, this popular
pharmacy occupies a well equipped salesroom
14x20 feet In dimensions. Established some
years ago, the present proprietor succeeded
A. Horn In tlie proprietorship lnlSM, The
stock kept embraces a full and complete line
fresh drugs and chemicals ot absolute purity.
patent and proprietary medicines, trusses and
surgical appliances generally, a complete aud
varied assortment of toilet articles, such
tooth, flesh and hair brushes, bone, gutta-percha
and celluloid combs, tooth picks aud nail clean
ers, soaps, toilet powders, etc. Prescriptions re
ceive prompt and careful attention at all times
The proprietor was born at Catasauqua In 1803,
He was for several years employed as a clerk by
ins predecessor.
Popular among the advertisers taking ad van t
age ot this big Issue will be found the name
Owen ltehrlg, who occupies a store room 18x30
on the coruer ot Lehigh and Iron streets for the
sale of wall papers, borders, decorations, win'
dow shading, painters supplies, school supplies,
ic., &c. His stock of paper embrace over 10,000
rolls. Including all qualities at all prices, and
will assuredly pay to give him a call before pur
chasing of any other establishment. Courteous
treatment, lowest prices aud fair dealing has
given him a large trade In this section, while his
work which Is of the very best guarantees his
mechanical skill every tune. You may need
something In his lines If you do don't fall to call
while attending Jhe fair next week, or write him
a card aud he will call ayu ;ee you,
I have now sold overelght thousand New Im
proved Western Washers, with what I whole
saled and retailed, and have never had a com
plaint yet, they are always sure to give entire
satisfaction. Parties wanting a tub washer
rau accomodate. I can furnish the Victor with
leverworklugoiitlie side for tTM and has tlie
Improved block Insldc.however I won't giiarran
tce tho Victor lo wear with the Western, forlt Is
made of white pine wood, and soda water will
sooner or later cause it to Irak, If It wears tour
years It wilt bo doing well, I can show you West
ern Washers, that hate been in uso eight years
and nro good still. Don't buy a Sewing Machine
until you see the New Goodrich, It must com
pare with tho best, has all tho improvements,
and attachments. I v nt sell tho 7 drawer ma
chine complete In walnut at $28, cash, $30, on
me. In antique oak, $27 cash $32, on time. I
III maka display at our fair In October, don't
fall to see It, tho list price ot above machines Is
teo nnd $CS dollars. Write me a card and I will
bring nmachlno around oil trial.
A. F. Snvdeh.
In looking for your Fall stock of Roots, Shoes,
Hats, Caps, Clothing, Underwear, Gloves, llosl-
ery,fi.e do not forget to stop In nt Zero's Opera
Houso Storo examine his goods nnd prices, no
keeps the largest stock of goods In his line of
business that can bo found in this section of tne
country, and guarantees his prices to be the
very lowest. If upon purchasing unj thing from
him which you do nut consider sallsractory re
turn the same to lilni he will willingly refund
you your money, but ho assures us that up to
this date he has not been called upon to do so,
which we consider good evidence of tho satis
faction people derive hi dealing with him.
imx linos, boh nunciiE, mauch chunk,
We taVo pleasure In directing your attention
to Rex's now announcement in to-day's Issue,
Cad and see them, for beyond a doubt they car
ry In stock one ot the largest assortments ot
seasonable goods to be found In tho Lehigh Val
ley, whllo the prices scare competition for.low-
ness. With a corps of pleasant nnd accommo
dating lady and gentlemen clerks, dealing with
this firm Is a pleasure. They now enjoy a trade
that extends to all parts of Carbon county and
people speak ot them In tho highest terms tor
square dealing and fair prices. They will main
tain their well-earned reputation by continuing
to do business In the same manner as In the
past Give them a call.
Fopular among the advertisers taking advan
tage of this big special edition, arc Guth & Son,
ot Allentown, to whom we kindly and with
pleasure refer our hosts ot lady readers. They
carry In stock only tho choicest- and newest
novelties In dress and dry goods, coats, Jackets,
&c., and It desiring anything In their line It
will pa&you to call on them at their large store
at C3I Hamilton street, Allentown. Already
they havo a large trade from this section nnd
their patrons speak of them In the highest
In building a fence you will exercise com
mendable economy by ordering from Howard
Seaboldt ono of tho popular Peters' Bros, ccle
brated wrought or cast Iron fences. They em
brace beamy, strength and cheapness; tlx-
will outlast audoutwaar hi every point the an
tlque palling fence while making a better ap
pearance and always look neat and clean
Hundreds of fences erected by Mr. Seaboldt I
this section attest their popularity.
For first-class Insurance, whether life, acci
dent or lire, call on J. & II. Seaboldt, Insuranco
agents, Lelilgliton. They only represent the
best companies uud guarantee full satisfaction,
Itesolutlons of Condolence.
Wiowam l'ono Pooo Tbibk.No. 171, 1.O.R.M
Wkissfobt, Sept.25, 188U,
It Is with the deepest sorrow we learn that the
grim destroyer has ontered the home of our bo-
loved brother, Wm. II. Hagenhueh, and has
taken him from the bosom ot his wife and
Reiolved. That the members of this Tribe.
feeling deeply with our sister In lior Irreparable
loss, tender her our sincere and fraternal sym
pathy In her great sorrow, with the hope that
lie who tempers the winds to the shorn lambs
win imparl to nor grace ana iirongm 10 Dear
nor grievous amicuon. jjq it iurmer
Reiolved. That these resolutions be published
In the uabbor Advooate and spread upon our
records; also a copy presented to our bereaved
W. F. lilEKV,
' O. H. MaoDaniel.
ltoBolutlona of Condolence.
At a special meeting of Washington Camp
No. 122, P. O. S. of A., of Welssport, on
the evening of the 25th Inst., the follow
ing preamble and resolutions were unani
mously adopted:
W1IEHBA8, It has pleased Almighty God to
call to his llnal rest Brother William Hagen
buck, therefore bo It
Resolvkd, That while we submissively bow
to tho Divine decree that has removed from our
midst an honored brother we uevertncless sin
cerely mourn his early daath.
Resolved. That the sincere and heartfelt
sympathy ot this Camp be extended to the wife
of our deceased brother and that In this sad af
fliction we commend her to Him whi doeth all
things well.
Resolved, That a copy of these Resolutions
be snreail on the minutes of this Damn, that a
copy bo transmitted to the family of ourdeceased
Brother ana mat tney do published 111 tne uab
uon Advocate.
L. K. ALimiaiiT, I
Giias. A. Goth, VConimlttpc.
O. II. MacDanikl, )
Worth Its Weight In Gold.
If you feel depressed, your appetite Is poor
and are troubled with Dizziness of the head.
Bllllousness or Dyspepsia, Dr. Lee's Liver Reg
ular wllloure you. Trial size bottles free.
A well-known physician In Now York advises
ail His pmieui. mi,, luuor wiim uuiigiiB anu
Colds to uso Puritan Cough and Consumption
Cure. At T. D. THOMAS' Drug Store.
I find Ideal Tooth Towdor is wlthont
exception tho best' I havo over used.
With Its aid I keep my teeth very clean
and white, which I was unablo to do
with any other powder I havo ever tried
beforo. So Bays Ferdinand Chartard,
Baltimore, Mu.
By tho way, will you Iiuy and uso Ideal
too tli powuor t wo can thoroughly rec
ommend it. B. E. Nichols, Dentist, Sa
una, Kansas, says, Ideal Tooth Powder
is in my estimation, just what its namo
indicates. Au engraving 20 x 24 is givon
with each two bottles. Price 25 cents
per bottle,
Tho greatest known depth of the ocean
is midway between tho island of Tristan
d'Acunha and the mouth of the Rio de
la Plata,. Tho bottom was thero reached
at a depth of 40,?30 feet, or eight and
three-fourths miles.
Peter Gcberich, of Mount Joy, Lancas
ter county, Pa., has picked this season
000 quarts of blackberries, 070 quarts of
raspberries and 22a quarts of elderber
ries pear I)cIairp, Lebanon county. From
the sale )o realized $107,
Judge P.Wellhouse.of Fremont, Kan.,
Is said to bo tho proprietor of the largest
orchard in the world. Ho has 1,078 acres
in fruit trees, and it is claimed that no
other grower on the faco of tho globe
can make, a slmlllar showing.
In analyzing congregational generos
ity it is found that among tho Baptists
thirty-six cents is the annual contribu
tion per head j tho Methodists, Boventy
four centsj Episcopal, $1.87i Presbyteri
ans, $3.17, and the Dutch, J5.3J.
Benjamin Franklin, of Pluo Earth
City, Minn., la the only member of the
Q. A. It. who lost both his arms and
legs in tho service. Ho served in the
Minnesota cavalry from 1801 to 18GB.
Ho attended tho national reunion at Mil
vvaukco this year.
a. child who Jiad just mastered her
catechism confessed herself tllflappojnjed
because, sho said, ''Though I obey the
fifth commandment, and honor my 'papa
nnd mamma, yet my many days are not
a bit longer in the land, because I am
still put to bed at 7 o'clock."
A well recently bored for gas at Pitts
burg delivered fresh water, Bait water
and gas at the same tuno. There are
two casings, one within the otber. Tho
outer one, 100 feet down, taps a fresh
water stratum; tho Inner pipe reaches
the salt water and gas at 200 feet down.
Just after the crowd had shaken hands
with tho president in tho stato houso at
Concord, N. 11., two old ladies were
overheard talking it over. Said one to
ho other; "Vliat 'did ypu Bay to tho
president?' "I said I bless tho JortJ
for this opportunity," was the reply,
"Well," said tho first spoakdr, "I'm real
glad, for probably he will always re
member that you said that to him."
Tho II. & . Througli lo New Yavk.
A complete service ofKait KxpreSs Talnl Is
now In lull operation between New Yor k, Phil
adelphia, lUUItn.ore and Washington, via the
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Tho Keif York
outlet Is furnltked by the Central It, R. ot New
Jersey, and panengers are landed at the station
of the latter eompany at the foot ot Liberty
street, Mew York, two blocks from the Elevated
Railroad. All the trains are equipped with
handsome eoachis aad Pullman's l'arlor and
Sleeping ears. Two of the trains are oompoaed
xelualrely of Veittbaled can, but, In accord
ance with its long-avowed policy, the B. . O.
exacts no extra fare for Improved service. Ps.
songers occupying Parlor or Sleeping Oars,mnit
of course, pay the ordinary Pullman charges,
bat no extra oharge for Limited Express service
Is Impoaedbv tke B. fc O.
The B. fc O. still continues to operate the fast
est trains ever placed In service between Phila
delphia, Baltimore aud Washington, and the
remarkable record for punctuality achieved by
these trains Indicates what tho public may ex
pect of their New York schedule-.
It Is a fact, now generally known, that tho
fastest trains In America are run on the U. Il O.
R. R, between Baltimore and Washington.
There are eight trains In the schedule of 24 each
way, that cover the dlstauce of 40 miles In 45
minutes, or at the rate ot ti miles per hoar.
Faster time has been made In spurts, but the
AO. trains do It every day, and havedonolt
every day for several years.
The lino between New York and Washington
Is double-tracked and laid with heavy steel
rails on oak ties, ballasted with broken stone.
There Is not a better constructed, better main
tained, better equipped, or better operated
road In tbo land, and with these conditions the
new line Is prepared to render efflolent service,
and thereby alms to seeuro publlo approval and
patronage. 4(-3w
SwltcliDnck Schedule
Durlnirtlie season trains willlenvH llin ITnner
Mauch Chunk and Summit IIIU station!, as
LeaYO unner Mauch Chunk station at 8:30.
10:10 and 11:37 A. St., and2:20, 3:V, and fi:3S
1. iii. ,
Leavo Summit Hill station at 0:40, 11 :10 A. M.,
and 12 :20, 3 :20, 4 :35 and 0 :15 P. M.
Leave Upper Mauch Chunk 1 -M and 2:15
Leave Summit Hill at 3:00 and 4 :0O P. sr.
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A marvel of purity,
strength and wholesomeiiess. Mote economical
than the ordinary kinds, and cannot bo sold in
competition with the m altitude of low test, short
weight, alum or phosphiito powders. Hold only
In cans. Royal Raking Powder Company, 10
Wall Street N. Y. luneis
To Whom it May Concern.
Due notice Is hereby given that 1IECKIE M.
HOltN.neoKUSSKL, having left my bed nnd
board without Just cause or provfcatlon I will
no longer be responsible for debts contracted
by her alter this date, September 28th, 1880, all
of u li Ic It you now have notice. -
Sept. 28 3t. Lehlghton, I'a.
Sheriff's Sale.
Bv order of writ of Fieri Faelas. Tfo. 12. Octo
ber Term, 1883, to mo directed, Issued out ot the
Court of Common 1'leas of Carbon County, I will
oxposo nt public vendue, on
at 1 o'clock P. M., at tho Court House, In the
Borough ot Mauch Chunk, Carbon County, l'a.,
the following described real estate, to wit:
All that certain tract or piece of land situated
In Towamcnslng Township. Carbon County,
Pennsylvania, bounded and dlscrlbcd as follows,
tnwlt: Beirlnnlnirat a stone, thence bv land
now or lata of Paul Beer, south sixty-one and
three-quarters degrees, nest ninety-sir perches
ton pine; thence aorth forty-one degrees, west
thirty-two perches to a stone; thence south 82
aegrtos, wtw- sixiy-eiguii percuee 10 a stone;
thence north thlrtv-slx and one-unrter degrees.
west twenty-six and one-half pei ches to a stone
at achestnut oak; thence north forty degrees,
p&Ht thlrtv perches to a stone: thence north flftr
and oue-halt degrees, west seventeen and one-
halt percnes 10 a siouot inence norm tmrteen
deurecs. east fortv perches U stone: thrnce
north elghty,seyen degrees, east thirty-eight
perches to a stone ; thence south eleven degrees ,
east forty-two nnd one-halt perches to a stone;
thenco south forty-three degrees, east twenty
ono perches to a stone; thence north seventy
nine aud ono halt degrees, cast forty-three
perches to a stone ; theneo south clghty-flve
degrees, east tlilrty-feven and one-quarter
perches to a stone; thence south fifty-three and
ouc-uau ui-Kreea, vast uuuy-iwu auu eigiu-
tenths perches to the place ot beginning, con
Tho Improvements thereop ponslsf qt ono
Frame Dwelling; House,
ono and one-halt stories high, 17 by 20 feet with
kitchen, 10 by 12 feet, attached, one RTAULE,
16 by37 feet; one SAW MILL, IS by 40 feet, and
other out-bultdings.
Also tbo following described tract or pleco of
land situate In Tawarnenslng Township. Carbon
County, l'enn., bounded and described as fol
lows, to wit s
Beginning at a stone, thence by land now or
luio ui .,. Licmz, suum scveucy-eium degrees,
west thirty-one perches to a corner; thence by
lauds of Thomas Beer south eight degrees, east
ono hundred aud twenty-six perches toa corner;
thence by lands of Solomon Beer north seventy
seven and one quarter degrees, cast thirty-one
perches to a corner; thence by lands of Jonas
lJeer north Fight degrees, west one hundred aud
twcnty-uiree nerenes in )ipi piace oi beginning,
Slezed nnd taken Into execution ns the proper
ty ui uuscjiu uecr, turn lu ut) Bum uj
Freyman & Heydt, Shcilff,
l'lalntill's Attys.
BimniFf' Ofkicb, mauch Chunk, I'a.,
Notice ts hereby given by the Board ot County
Oompilssloners. of the County ot Carbon, That
In accordance wtl a resolution of said Board ot
Commissioners, passed l)B ptt) day of Septem
ber, A. D, )8S8, a bopd pf Indebtedness of the
county ot Carbon, amounting to f 27000, will be
Incurred during tho present year, and that the
Board ot County Commissioners aro now pre
pared to receive bids.and Issue I percent, bonds
In denominations ot $250 and $500, respectively,
with Interest payable Seml annualy, and re
deemable as followst
$7000 one year after date of issue.
$7000 (too years after date of issue.
$7000 three y tars afer date of issue.
$0000 four years after date of issue.
Bids for said bonds will be received nt the of
fice of the County Commissioners, In the Public
Buildings In the Borough of Mauch Chunk, mull
October Uth, 1889.
Mark envelopes "Bid for Bonds," and address
all communications to County Commissioners of
Carbon County, Mauch Chunk, l'a.
llKNUVMlI.LKlt 1
County Clerk, Sept. H.
Gi Gi Gi
Sure Cure tor Coughs. Colds, Consumption,
iloarseiiesvboreThraat and 'aildlseasesoDthe
Iroiicblal Organs, Thousands cap tostify as to
ts efllcleiif y- lTlce 23 and boc.
For sale by al Druggist. feblO-yta
Administrator's Notice.
Estate of IIknhv Kramer, late of Frank
lln twp., Carbon county, I'a., deceased.
Letters of administration on tho abovn
named estato having been crauted to tho
undersigned, all parties tndobtcd to tho
said estate aro requested to mako Immedi
ate pavement and thoso claims analnst tho
said estato will present their accounts duly
authenticated for settlement to
AUSTIN BO YE It, Administrator.
Aug. 24, 'SfMJni VVolssport, l'a.
Executor's Notice.
Rstato ot ELIZABETH GIESS. deceased.
Letters testamentary on tho Estato of Eliza
beth Glcsi, latoot South Easton, Northampton
county. Pa., deceased, havo been granted to
Jacob Gloss, residing In said borough who has
deputized E. S.IIeintzclman.of East PcnnTwp.,
Carbon county. Pa., as his agent, to whom nlf
persons Indebted to the said estate nro requested
lo mako immediate payment, nnd all those hav
ing legal claims or demands against tho estate
of the said decedent will inako known the same,
without delay, to
East l'enn Twp., l'a.
August 24, 1889-WO
Only $1.00 n Wcok.
Wo are now formlnc Clubs for llio finest
Gold, Gold-Filled and Silver Watches manu
factured lor both Ladles anil Gentleman.
We put in these watches a movement made
by either of the following companies: Elgin,
waitnam, Hampden, etc, lo suit tho purcbas
A club for a cold watch at $40.00. consists of
tony memoirs, ana eacn momoepays n
week. A drawing Is mado nncoaweck, and
tho member whose name Is drawn gets his
watch Immediately, he still continuing to nav
$1.00 a weok until ho has paid for It, at which
lima each and all forty members will have re
ceived and paid for bis watch. The last person
to receive his wstch will bo tn&den nrcsont of
anannsome chain.
Every article bought from us must be just as
represented, and wo are willing at any and all
times to make good the failure of any article
sold, to bo ns represented. Tbls is tlie Best,
Cheapest and most Convenient way to buy a
watch through our Co operative Club System.
We give a first class Elgin or Walthnm stem
winding and sotting movement, which we
guarantee for two Years. The cose is warrant
ed, by a written gunrantco to wear for twenty
The above ts why wo give you more for your
money than any one else and why wo are do
ing tbo largest watch business in tho world
We sell only first quality goods. Why not be
en owner of a Gold Watch whenorer you havo
the chance to get ono. Join the club at otire,
only $1.00 down and then $1.00 a weok until
ihe watch is paid,
rieaso call or send me vour namo and nil
dress mid I will call at your Iinuso and show
you stmples, or If you are ut n dlslanco I will
send full particulars.
Agents wantcd everywhere. Writo for
terms and circulars.
Front St., (Opp. Bank), Pa.
uuia Hiram
Thousands have Dtea wsnpananl enrol by
rillLAIJELPniA.FA. Easo at once, no operation
or lose or time rrom Dusiness. cases pronounceu in
curable dt otnera wanted. bodu lor circular.
Art vim Fn.
Office lioursBto3,
Lehighton Water Co.
LEIIIGIITON, FA., July 25. 1880.
There will be a meeting of the Stocaholdcrs ot
Tub I.KiiioiiTON Watkii Cosipan v In (label's
Halt, In the Borough ot Lehlghton, l'a., at 8:00
o'clock P.M., on FBIDAY, SEPTEMIlEIt 27th,
1889, for the purpose of voting on an Incrkask
By order of the Board,
John S. I.entz. President,
IIoitAcu IlBYnT, Secretary.
alra.Td Bnndlns?." Bratd tvnd Chitnut Stl.. Thllk,
Wed Tsar. Unit f&cllitiei for tr&tnl&r toudsT men and
women la the Fonni. Coit&mi. and Practice of
BUSINESS. Superior SHOETHAND'Courie. 18teacbn.
btndeaU nay enroll al anr time. Send for Circular,
containing addreaaei by Bishop Vino at, lion. John
lYaaamaaQr, EX-UOt. rouoci, ana omen,
U'uoi. J.Thicitt, Principal,
37 W 2uy-"5
announces to the peoplo of Le
highton and vicinity tlmt he lias
commenced the
Merchant Tailoring
business near the corner ol
Lehigh and Carbon Sts.,
in this borough, and that he is
prepared to exhibit to purchasers
over Three Hundred Styles o
Suitings, Pantaloonings
and Overcoatings.
which he will furnish at from 10
to 15 per cent lower than any
other house. Fit and workman
-i. ' i ,i
01141 buuiiuhww. ai'KusPvti
Jeweler and Watchmaker,
Bank Street, Lehighton, Jfenna.
ltcspectfnllylnTltcsthe attention ot his friends
andths cltlzeas generally to bis Immense
new stock of
patches, Clocks,
Silyerv7aef Jev7elyf
at Prices that defy competition. It Will pay you
o call and inspect my slock before purchasing
Promptly dons at lowest charge, and all work
Don't Forget the Place
Bank St.
eUecmb erl7.o57W
life; scholarship
1701) Chettnnt St., PMlait.
roaitlona fbrClrndoatra.
Tlmo rcciu lr I'd 3 to-1 otok.
jiauippto. urn
01 NDM. Mlfiuar.
trim nam Unt paper,
m you
,SAI,E8MKN to sell Nursery Slock
au uouus wurruiuru nrsi-uiaSN
1'imiinnpnt nlpuiiutit iimAttl.ln
positions for tne rlxlit men. Rood salaries ami
expenses paid weeklj. Inducements to
N'o DreTious enwrlpiiPH nwrMnnrv
Oiitnttree. Write for terms, civliig ace.
OllAltLlM H. CHASE. Nurseryman. Jtocliester.
N. Y. Mention tills paper. Bent. 2l-2m
fTIV c'rcu,ltin 18 growing
V- U.X because we furnish
all the lefost Iqcal news jn the
best style.' Sample us.
Grand. Fall Opening
1 ISys, Mens
Our new lino lor Fall and TFinteh is the finest and largest
wo Jiavo ever shown.
Childrens Suits and Overcoats, over 800 Styles.
Boys Suits and Overcoats, oaci 325 Styles.
Men's Suits and Overcoats, over 400 Styles.
We make special mention of FALL OVERCOATS in
Silk Roll and Satin Lining, from
15.00 and upwards.
Wo invite your special to our '
which is "filled with a large assortment of high grade specialties
m Suiting; Irousehings and
In Gent's Furnishings
ingly tempting.
Koch & Siiankweiler,
Centre Square, Hotel
40 pieces all-woolDress Flan
nels, 37 inches wide.all the latest
shades for Fall at 33 cts. a yard.
638 Hamilton St., Allentown.
a rear
liiigh Goal &
Coal, Hardware, Paints, Oils, Olass,
Agricultural Iniplements and Repairs,
Field and Garden Seeds,
Phosphates, &Ce
We desire to call special attention to our
Gfranfinir QMn Cement, JLime and
MllUg dldltfn Building Sand,
A full supply of which we have constantly on hand.
Orders taken for Lumfoei
General Jgents for the
Imp. Anthony Wayne Washer & Ironing Boards
Seller's Corner, North Bank Street.
Kuhifs Special
l) n O v ill j-m v r
nillllllllj 1II1IIIIIIIJ illll
iivsuiuig,) wkyuuuiig uiiu
Receives our special attention at this time, and in connection
we are prepared to Repair Wash Ringers, no matter how
far gone. Wc can supply new rubbers and new cog wheels and
make, your washer as good as new at a very small cost. Our line
of House-Furnishing Goods includes everything at prices exceed
ly low, while our stock of Stoves and Itanges can't be be at in
tliis town, orrperhaps, elsewhere in the valley. Do't fail to call
and see us if you need anything in our line. Respectfully,
W. S. KUHNS, North Bank Street
New Mahoning, Carhon County, Penna.
Pure Bone Phosphates,
and Bone Meal.
Onr Bone Super-Phosphates
Aro a Complete Manure, containing all the elements required by
Grain and Grass, The mechanicol conditions are perfect. Jp
will grow Grajss as well as Wheat or Ityp,
The Price the
couMEnciir,, miokthakd, rnionou. emolisu did uiutaby defabtment.
1'rtsenU an opportunity for securlnc preparation lor the real work ol lite, whlcu thousands of
Young lieu liave found a sU'ppIut; stuuo to liouoruVJa anil cousplcuous success Tlie, Institution Is
lu ft most prosperous condition, uud Its patronage I composed ot a superior class of youua men
am women fro( all parts ot tlie continent. Hend for catalogue and illustrated circular,
tog 17-lH WILLIAMS & ItOQEltS. Itoclieiter, N. Y.
iicad Children's
$6.00, $8.00, $10.00, $12.00,
our lino of novelties aro exceed
Allen Building, Allentown.
is the price" of the Advo
cate for 52 weeks.
Hardware Go.,.
f I I Lv lnsftli
uunui ui juw iiui iv m
Very Lowest.