The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, September 28, 1889, Image 1

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    Advertising Rates.
For Legal Notiooa.
Tliq following prices fot legal
has been adopted by tbe Camion
Charter Notices - - - - U 00
Auditor's Notices - - - - 4 00
Commissioner's Notices - - 4 00
Divorce Notices - - - 4 00
Administrator's Notices - - 3 00
Kxccutor's Nollce - - - - 3 00
Otber legal advertising will bo charged for
by I bo square.
H. V. HortMmer, Jr., Publisher.
Weissport Business Directory.
This house oilers flrst-closs accommodations to
the permanent boarder and transient guest.
Tanle prices, only Ono Dollar per day.
augT-iy John RKiimo, Proprietor.
Oscar Okristman,
. WKtssroitT, PA.
Divert; and Exchange. Stables.
vl.llni. Aart-lncrHI rtnil fLlfn driving llOnCS,
liest accommodations to agents and travellers.
Midland telegraph orders promptly attended to.
mve me ajuai. ....,.-
The - Weissport - Bakery,
o. w. j.auky. ntoriiinTOi!,
Delivers Fresh Dread nnd Oakes In Weissport,
In the Morel have a Kino Line ot Confectionery
or tne iionuny iruuu. duuu..j PvWn
Iv all supplied at lowest prices. uoci-um
Near the- CaiW Bridge, In
Is prepared to do all kinds of -
Blacksmithing and
at verv Iteasnnable Prices. TIKE SETTING A
SPECIALTY. jAlso, Agent for tlie
P. P. Mast ltoad Oavt,
lh e Cheapest and Best on tho market. fel2-yl
MprteR for CATtRIArTES !
Henry Ohristman
Fort Allen House, Weissport,
Sells the Popular and Celebrated
Burlington O and O York
At prices that are considerably less than compe
tltlon. I liavo all styles and qualities
which I wish you would not fall to Inspect
bofore making purchases. mayll-3ni
Retailers of FRUITS go to
He receives a car-load of iresh
fruits every week, including
everything seasonable, such as
Peaches, Watermels. (Janteloui)
es, &c, &e. It will pay you to
leave your orders with him
save freight and
have goods do
livered free.
Over Canal Brite E. Weissiior1
Sc., &c. Prices the very lowest. Quality ot
eoods the best. Satisfaction guaranteed In
every particular.
Caskbt.s, Oofllns and ShroudB
We have a full line which we will furnish a
the lowest iossllilo prices.
Flour, Peed, ,&c.,
of the choicest quality at very reasonable prices.
Call and be convlnccJ.
Aprl4-y EAST WK.IS3V0UT.
Di J. A. Alayer & Son,
U" i t . .'.J
a Qradiiate (ran) the Dental Deiiaitmcnt of tlie
(Jiilveralty it Vcnnnyivaiilii,
hatoponeilanonioo In the same linlldlng with
11,9 t.y.iici, nckuuu iiuvi in n.u ..j ., .i.m ..,
unit Is now nrenared to receheeverv one in need
ol llrst-class dental service. lune 8-89-1 f
ifjetiitUton Business Dirootory
srTAL. SCHWAllTZ, Hank St.,
. the uldegt furnl
V lure nouse in town.
Everv uescrintlon of
urnmire always on uanu. i rirra verv low.
A. PETEltS, Saloon and Itestauraut, Hank
isoii. I)ro,i) 111 ain sco us, ' uovlst-ly
J auvooatb OfKicK, Is headquarters for
aiiaviugauu naircuuing. cigars louacco som
0 TO FKS. UODEREll, under tbe F.teliangc
U Hotel, name street, tor a smooin suave or ;i
laslilonable hair cut. is Closed on Sunday's,
lOtiijers iiair mine, cures iiuuqiuu.
,lEL,Al!LEJE;YELEK:w)(i .
)ai23 83
OFFI0U, Hank
T street, plain and fancy Juli printing a iecl
nriui nira sneci-
1). AnvmiArK one dollar Hr )ear In advance,
T W. ItAUDENIIUSII. Hank street, wholesale
J, dealer In choice nranus in uiusuies, gin,
brandies, wines, &e, lxf Patronage solicited.
Our Ohurohcs.
Sunday .ervices at 10 a. in., and T.ui n. m
SundaySchool 2 p.m. Hkv. Oumiak, Pastor.
I.UTHKltAN. Iron street. Sundav
utrvlees. 10 a. in., ((ierman). 7.00 p. III.. (Enu-
llli), HiiiKl.iysclHXjI' .1.11. Kuuku, Pastor.
T5 EFOItMKD, Ilngh street, Sunday services
iV at 10 a. m (Herman), 7.U) p. in., (EuglUli),
sundav school 2 p. in. .1., 1'nslor.
a VANtlELICAL, South street, Sunday services
Hi at luu, in., (iiermau), i.iii p. m., ii.iikusiii
humbly bohooi p, m. J.S.Nkw iiaiit, Pastor.
CATHOLIC, corner Northampton and Cual
streets, services ever)' Sunday inorulng and
evening. Hkv. Hawhackb PasUir.
Joseph F
$1.00 a Year in Advance.
VOL. XVII., No 46
Professional & Business Cards.
Horaoo Hoydt,
notahy roniiio,
Officki-TIio lioom recently occupied by W.M.
Mav be consulted In Knellih nnd (lennan.
July 4-ly
W. M. Rapsher,
First iloor atove tlio Mansion House,
Ileal listato and Collection-Agency. Will Huy I
and Hull Ileal Kstttte. Comovaneliiir neally done. I
Collections promptly made. Nettling Estates nt I
lec.-uenui u specially, jway uo vuii-miiii-h hi i nnu icrmnii. imv. ra-y i
W. Q. IVI. Seiple,
Mnv lm eniisidted tn KiigIisIi ami Herman. I
Sneclnl attention Klven to (lym-cology.
Offick Hoims! From 12 M. to 2 P. M.,and I
rom c to 9 P. M, mar. 3l-yl
. S. Rabonold,
NCil Ovrion s-Ovcr .1. W. Itaudenbiish'
l.tiiuor Htore,
entlstrv In all Its branches. Teeth Kxtracteo
without Pain. Gas administered when reimesleii.
Olllce Davs WKONESDAY of each week.
P. O. addtess, ALI.ENTOWN,
jana-yi wiiinuBiumi,.
F. I. SMITH, D. D. S
Ofilce opposite the Opera House.
Bank Street, ehhton, Pa.
mjrriTiv 1W AT.r. tTH llttANdHKH.
FIIHiik and maldnis artlllclal dentures a special-
0 ty. Local anesthetics used.
Uas administered and Teeth Kxtracted WITH-
OFFICE HOURS: From 8 . m., to 12 m., from
1 p. ill., to Dp. in., iroin i p. in., i" p. '".
Consultations In KiiKllshor (lennan
onico Hours at Hazleton -Every Saturday.
Oct 15-87-ty
Oraduate of Phlla. DenUil ColleRe.
Perseryation of tbe Teeth a Specialty.
OFFICE HOURS: From 8 a. m. to C p. m.
OAS HALL, Market Square, Mauch Chunk.
Two Doors North ol Fost-Oftlce.
OFFICE HOUliS: 7to9a. in. andBto7p.m.
Aiirll 28-3m
DB,. G. T. FOX
172 Main Street, Hatli, Pa.
Onicellours-Froin na. m. to 4 p. in. Practice
limited to diseases nttho
Eye.Ear, Nose&.Throat
fcjfl'-Also, Itefractlon ot the Eyes for the adjust
ment ot glasses.
Heaters and
Tn Great Variety at
Samuel Grater's
"opnliir Store, Street.
Roofing, and Spouting a special
ty. Stove repairs ininished
on short notice.
Ueasonable! !
AGk Practical lllaeksmltliiv; Horseshoer
Is nrenared lo do al woik in his line
aM"ln the best manner and at the lowest
prices. Please call. nov-'ii hti-ly.
Midway between Mauch Chunk & Lehigliton,
Z. II. O. HOM, Propiletor,
PACIvRUTQN', , , - 1'skna.
I.I. .-..11 !..... tlr.(nl lo n.lm,HM,, w.f1lt...l I
lias the best accommodations for permanent nnd 1
Iranslenl boarders, itxcellent lames and the
very best Liquors, hiames aiuicneu. ans-yi
Opposite L. & S. DeiHit,
rids bouse offers first-class accommodations for
transient and permanent boaiders. It has been
lewiy rentieuin an us departments, nun is
ed in one ot the most Picturesque txirtions nf the
all Its departments, and Is limit-
nostnlcturesoueixirtlonsnf the
borough. Terms moderate. ttr Tho h A it Is
(implied with he choicest Wines, Llqiuuti ami
.l.....a 1?.a.l, .,,,, ...,h
liuia. .rati . VM .t, (,lf I, -J.
ipatwctfiillvannomire'ito tho Merchant of I.
tlL'litim luitl otlitTS that ho s now irt'n;u t il tn
ua uu Kiuus m ,
Haumnq or Freight, Eximikss
On reasonable terms. OrdcrKolc nt Swee iv's
Corner Store or at my rcsiden celt 'INEtit.,
near the Demetery, will receive prompt atten
tion. Patronage solleiled.
Per Newest IWigns and Most F.utliionntdn
Btyles of
SILVERWA1U3, &c, &o.
Bank Stroot, Lohighton.
Goods guaranteed and prices as low as else
where for Umsaina qunllly of goJt
JulT J8,p8S-ly
D. D.
For Stiffness Stiff Neck.
-l 7 rs.
3 5 v
& s- I
b PI f AA
P CO S r H N
0 O c ty
K S s 1 3f So
- q- . 5
Horse Doctor,
(Honorary (iraduato of Ontario Vet. College.)
Office: Carbon House Bank SI.. LclililoH
Diseases of Horse nnd Cattle,
Special and Particular Attention paid to
Splints, Ringbone, Tloofbound,
And all diseases prevalent nmonir l)omet!oatcd
Ills ITorso anil Catllo Powders sold b lilm
elf and stores generally.
lisiiltallon Free Charges Jloderale.
Ca Is bytelcRraph nnd telephone promptly at
alt udeil to Operations Skillfully Performed
Contral Drug Store,
Bank Street, Lehigliton, Pa,
Pure Drugs and Medicines,
Fine Soaps, Brushes, &c, &,c,
Choice Wines and Liquors,
Iargest Assortment of Library
Lamps !
Wall Paper and Decorations!
Spectacles !
When you buy n pair of Shoes you want a
good nt. Hut if you need SPECTACLES it is
much more Unpen laut that tho EYE should be
accommodated with correct lenses and a proper
ly lilting frame which will bring Iho lenses di
rectly before thocenlreof the eye. II vmbuy
your spectacles at Dr. Horn's you will Jim) the
above points prnpeily attended to.
New Liverv I red Store
LEOPOLD MEYEItS repe uruliy Informs Hie
people of Packeilou and vicinity that lie JuM
opened n UVEP.Y STAI1I.E nuHEAYEIi St..
li....t itniumi, i,.it. 1... a,...ll.,.l ...1,1. H.....1 u..r.
IVams cither for Funeial. Weddlnir or fur liiinl-
ng Pill noses at verv Law est Uu.. In fnntui.
Ion therewith be Ins also In stock tho veiy best
braeds ol I'l.OlIK ami IHUI), .vliUll lie will
ser at iiwesi rriccs.
Attention, Builders !
Tho undersigned Is stl I winking the DOI.OK
STONE OUA ItltY, nnd Is prepared to supply, nl
siioilcst nonce aim at Lowest Prices, persons
who desire with (10OD SlONIt for lllULDlNIi
I'll Itl'OSEH. Call and In oect tlio Stones and
tearu rriees Lcnue puicnaMugeisevlieie.
feb.3-iy l'ackertnu, Pa.
rll 1 r..
ra d ,, K if w r if itv Yi i "J, V.V 'm
"''T'l J?.,.V.VlyM'.sLAl",.nUtliiitliols
ow prepaied to furnish
vvenu'iigs or iiiisiuasa Trips unHie shortest n
Ice and must liberal terms. Orders hit at II
Carhoi) House" vylll receive promptallentlon,
next the HoWI, Uhighton. laiMA'
Howard Deifeudcrfer,
STllKl'.r. I.Kllirillriiv
Aim h Choice Lino of
Tnnicwns, Cinins, and Smokem Snrri,lE8.
A-CPon't Porfcl to Calllrji
Horse ana Cattle Rowdcr.
Joshua Shoemaker, Proprietor
CIlEltUYYII.LE, P. O., Northampton co.,
niHEOTIONH For a horse. 1 tablesnonufiil. tw
or liirty times a weekj when sick, 2 t.ibl
siHHiusfiil a day. For a Cow. 1 leaspoonful
Iwicenwnek; when sick, twice a day. Tlio
amu inr iiokj. i-or I'ouitry mix wnn teed,
tsyrillS HOW tier llir1mr.l iiflAplltM v..Iiia
of the late Dr. 11. O. Wilson, and Is the genuine
article. . Owners ol above named animals should
D. J.
Lehigliton, Carbon County,
Blue as n farmer's nntlquo orerei'js
Tho cold day waxen to a purple husr.
Tho western cloudlets likn boiled lolxMra blush.
The Kbanglml s caper up tho button mils,
While crickets chirp along the old utous wall..
And drops or dew like perspiration gush
Upon thu tlecr lily o tawny plush:
Tbe martingale unto bis twA mate calls.
Tho ttblpioorwill Is scroecmnft In the lea.
Wbllo night in darkness an tho bccub enrolls.
Starting tho katydid uton tho liougb,
Anil now the farmer lad appears, care freo
Her red tall like unto grim death he holds
And with a bay rake agitates tho cow.
-It. K. Munklttrlck.
When Mrs. Burton received n letter
from hor sister, Mrs. Graham, asking
whether Annie Qraham could etny with
her mint nnd cousins from September
till tho following January, alio wrraniuch.
pleased. Annie was 13 years old, just
tho ngo of Tom Burton; and as tho four
other children wore much older, their
nges ranging from' 18 to 24, she thought
It would bo very pleasant for Tom to
hnvo n companion of his own ngo. The
whole family thought n bright littlo girl
would bo nn ngreenblo addition to the
household circlo; but when Annlo enmo
they wero much disappointed. Hor ap
pearonco was pleasing. Sho had a trim
littlo flguro, bright black ayes, pretty
dark curls, and, though her features
wero rather irregular, her expression
was both amiable and Intelligent; her
manners, too, wero graceful and re
fined; yet sho was painfully shy. Slx
seemed troubled if spoken to, and even
n glanco would causo her to shrink m if
trying to hide from oTery eyo. The
thought of going to school seamed so
distressing that Mrs. Burton dropped the
subject and allowed her to stay at homo.
Tom was disappointed, and oomplftiued
to his mother that ho could not get ac
quainted with Annie.
"Nover mind, dear," said Mrs. Burton.
"I think you will get o together nicely
wiicn mo ico is once urocen; out rom
feared it would nover break.
Tom was a good boy, In tho main,
though ho had a very quick temper, and
ho was a good looking bor, but his hair
was red. Now, as somo poople object to
red hair, I should liks to describe Tom
as auburn or golden or tawny; but tho
truth is, that If ever hair was red-
genuine, unmistakable, unmitigated,
Aery red that hair wns Tom's, and Tom
know it. Poor boy! he couldn't help
knowing it, for ho had been teased about
It from his earliest recollection. Ills
trials began with his elder brothers al
home, but thoy culminated at school
when tho boys found how it plagued him
to pavo any allusion mado to hU hair,
Battlo after battle did Tom flirlit to conv
pel silence on tho subject, but all in vain.
Ono day, when Annlo had boon at her
aunt's for nearly a week, Tom rushed
homo from school and burst into the sit
ting room, where the family wero assem
bled, in such n plight that his appearance
was greeted by a chorus of reproof and
"Dear mo, Tom," said fastidious Miss
Clara, "you look as though you had been
rolling In nn ash heap."
"llie sleeyo of your jacket is half torn
out nnd your collar is hanging," mild Miss
J una.
Hello, Tom, what's tho matter with
your eyes?" said Will. "Thoy don't
match; otto's bluo and tho other's black."
"Sullivan's nothing to vou, Tom," said
Bert. "You're a regular fighting phe
"Tom, dear, I hope you haven't
fighting again," said Mrs. Burton.
Yes, I have, mother," said Tom,
Tho fellows won't let mo nlono, and 1
won't stand being culled Carrot-top by
any ono."
"Nonsense!" said Miss Julia.
harjn does tho namo do you?"
- "A rose by any other name,"' quoted
literary Hen.
"The boys are only in fun," said Miss
"And your hair is red, Tom." said
Will, eying tho said hair critically, with
tho air of having, his attention called to
it for tho first time.
"You should try not to give way to
anger about suoli a tnllo, dear, said
sirs, tsurron. "xou should cultivate a
forgiving spirit."
llils lighting must stop, Mr," said
Mr. Burton, sternly. "Don't let me hoar
any moro of It."
Then, to the utter astonishment of
every one, another volco was heard, and
rnnio Uraliam spoko, voluntarily, for
tho first timo slnco tho hnd entered tho
house. She spoko in a clear, rather
Ugh pitched, sightly plaintive volco,
that gavo distinctness to every word
l know just how you feel about your
hair, lorn, tortus lust tho way I have
reit n great many times."
l'.very ono was amazed; oven Mr. Bur
ton laid down his paper when Annlo
spoko, and overy eye was fixed upon
ner. Torn was as surprised as the others,
nut ho said:
"How can you know nnvthlnc nbout
it, Annie?" with nn appreciative glance
at Annio'a dark curls. "Your hair Isn't
"No," Bald Annie, solemnly, "It's my
nose." ,
Why, that isn't red. either." said
No," said Annie, In tho samo cloar.
plaintive, voice, "hut it's bq larco. It is
dreadful to have, such a noso; it seems
to cast a shadow over my wholo exist
enco." Will opened his mouth, seeing a
chanco for another joko, but, at a sign
from his mother, ho shut u again, and
Annie continued;
l think a largo noso is oven more
trying than red hair, for you can dyo
your hair, or cut It oil and wear a wig,
or it may turn gray; but a largo nose
can uover possibly grow smaller, and as
you grow older It will 1,-iok oven larger,
1 never can forget my noso. It has lieen
laughed at ever since I was a littlo, tiny
girl, and every ono that saw ma would
say: 'What u largo, noso that child has!'
Tlio girls at school laugh nt It, and ono
of them was angry at mo, nnd nick
named mo SwortllWi." and the others
look it ui. I dread to iro lo n now plnco,
I dreaded even to come to heo you, and
go to school hure, on account of my
Annlo mused, and Tom. whine own
trials had taught him Bomething in IV
gard to porboual sonsittvenoss, said'
"I don't think your nose is bad look
ing nt nil, Annie; nnd. even If It wero a
great deal lar.-t-r than it is, it couldn't be
so bad as my ivd hair, for U diK.u't give
chance fur eo many jokus After any
ono lia iiii' i'l irge thev t aii'l fciy any
oh i.i i nut. know." ilJ Annlo,
"thu iiuiiiU'r of jokes that cau 'jo made
Live - and Let Live."
Feuna. September 28, 1889.
on n mrgo noso.
fill a volume."
bcllero tnoy wouta
"Thoso on my hair would
fill a whole
set of volumes, said Tom.
"Supposo you put tho matter to the
test," said Will. "Each of you tako n
blank book nnd writo in It all tho per
sonal remarks and jokes you .can recall.
and sco which has tho most."
"Agreed." said Tom. "I'll bet I'll cct
the uiost."
'And I feol suro that I will." said An
nie; 'but wo will try."
liy tlio timo evening came Tom and
Annlo hud each n blank book in readi
ness. Miss Clara helped to mako them.
and they wero very pretty. Tho covers
wero ol stiff, cream colored paper. On
Tom's was painted a lioy's head, crowned
by a ennot of brilliant orange, while
around tho edgo ran a fantastlo border
of oppies, torches, flamingoes, comets
and Other objects of sanguinary huo.
On tho cover of Annie's book was a
swordltsh, and tho border wm made up
of elephant's trunks, crano's bills, heads
of Mr. Punch and other 'Buggestive ob
Tom nnd Annlo wero in tho highest
spirits as thoy Bat sido by side, writing
and numbering the remarks and jokes
"missiles," as they agreed to call them,
Annio's shyness was qulto forgotten, her
black eyes bhone, nnd sua wh full of ani
mation. Bcdtimo came before tho Btock
of "missiles" was exhausted.
Tho next day Mrs. Burton again sug
gested Annie's going to school, and she
made no objection. Annie wae very mucl;
likod by teachers and pupils, and sho was
much loss shy than usual; for, if she did
not succeed in forjetinj her unfortunate
nose, she was cheered by the thought that
any remarks nxw upon it would swell
the number recorded in her blank book,
and she wae beoowing very anxious to
exool Tom in this regard. Annie thought
tlntjt her being a stranger ave Som an
unfair advantag' bwt Tom arid that was
balanced by the fact tto "the fellows
knesr he wow Id irmfc any oae that spoke
of kts hair." Tom dM no Wow that it
was Ids very rage at sck allusions that
tempted the boys to nefee them. Before
long his old enemy, Sam Whitney, re
turned to the charge.
"lieHo, Woodpecker," ha called out
to Tom. "I wish yo'd get your hair
cut. If you don't I'll have to get a pair
of green goggles to wear if you are go
ing to sit In front of me."
"(Jot them, then, said Tom, saying to
himsolf, with a feeling oc satisfaction,
Tlutt makea 10T." tfatai wm surprised
at Tom's ooolneee, and bept on with
speeches intended to be provoking,
which 'Sem quietly recorded in hi book,
bringing his number u to lit. Tom
and Annie had agreod that a joke re
peated should count fba sanaa m a new
one, Annio sagely remarking that old
jokes wero tho most provoking of all,
After a. time, so many such questions
arose that at Will's suggestion thoy drew
up a set of rules, and formed themselves
Into a secret society of two members,
each wearing a badge, on which was in
scribed tho mystio letters P. R. A. J. S.
signifying "Personal Bemarks and Jokes
Society." Thoy each carried a little note
book, in which they mado notes in akind
of "short hand of their own Invention, to
be afterward copied into the larger book.
Of course, these badges and note book
excited tho curiosity of the other pupils
but I oui and Annie could not ho per
suaded to divulge their meaning till, one
day, Annlo said:
Tom, I feel very sorry for Cornlo
Scott. Sho is a dear girl, but she is
rather stout, and aomo.of the girk make
fun of her. Cornlo never gets angry, but
I found her crying today, bcoauso Ida
Lorlng called hor a porpowe. Suppose
wo Invito her to join our society?
"Agreod," said Tom, "If you will lot
mo Invite Ned Warren. Ho s a good fel
low, but somo of the boys laugh at him.
becauso ho s cross eyed."
Iho society, thus enlarged to include
four mombers, began to hold regular
meetings, at which each member was
addressed by a namo that had been ongi
nany Dcstoweu m deriuion. Annlo was
Swordrkh; Tom, Woodpecker, Nei
was known ae lat, while Cornie cheer
fully responded to tho title of Por
poiso. Each had a book, modeled after
thoso originally mado by Tom and
Annie, and diligently collected "mls-
silee," though it was 6oon evident Cor
nie's would exceed all the others, her list
growing at a wonderful rate. Tlio so
ciety grow more and moro to be a social
club, and was soon joined by Cliarley
Gibson, a freckled boy, enrolled as
Leopard, and Emma Davis, a tall, thin
miss, who meekly bora tho title ot
The P. K. A. J. society was kopt up
during tho wholo of Annio's Btay, and it
proved moro useful than many societies
moro pretentious.
Whon it camo timo for Annlo to re
turn home there wns general regret at
her departure.
"Wo shall miss you very much, my
dear," said Mrs. Burton. "You have
been like a little sunbeam in the house.
I hardly thought that would bo so when
you first camo to us a littlo maiden all
"We had only to wait till tho ico was
broken," said Miss Clara.
"And I think," said Annio, laughing,
"It was my big noso that broke tho ice."
"Or my red hair," said Tom.
"Your hair may havo melted it," said
And Tom never-- winced, but only
thought: "Another jokel That makes
2531" Eleanor Harlow in Tho Inde
First Stranger (meeting a wanderer on the
desorti Sav. have vou come to arrest me!
Second Ditto No; I'm Charley Ross. Will
you kindly find me! Who aro you!
First Stranger I'm Tasoott. Lawreuoe
rolltlcal Note,
Our esteemed contemporary, Cabman
J ones, informs us that he cannot support our
'nominee, the mosquito, for the dignified of
fice of national bird. lie says the mosquito
.does not soar high enough. Indeed, he says
i that ho has lived In countries whore mosqul-
'toes filled tho air chock full down near tbe
earth, yet on going up fifteen feet above the
crround he alwavs escaped them. The Post
ii not on organ. It means to be fair to all
parties, and it must say that Cabman Jones,
If his testimony be accurate, has presented
I the only real argument we have heard against
the mosauita Surely this proud nation will
not accept for its bird one that never files
higher than fifteen feet iromtneeann. now.
'ever, before we forsake tbe mosquito wt
mean to obtain, if possible, the evidence ol
somebody who has slept in a second or third
story room without bars on the window.
; Washington rost.
I'urety Mechanical, or Coutm.
Wherever blcvcllsts are seen
Tia there observed that cranks abound.
Mistake me not; of course I mean
Tbe crank that make the wheels go round.
Washington Post.
$1.26 when
A Tragedy with n Corpulent Womau
Snmll Olrl for Character.
A Fnrnain street woman, vrlioso stoutness
makes her susceptible to tho heat, stayed at
homo from church last evening, and, In tho
company of her B-yoar-oid daughter and
a palm leaf fan, prepared to enjoy a quiet
evening upon tho front porch.
Unfortunately tho 8-yoar-oId was in n
talkative mood sad tho following unseason
able dialogue took placet
Ma, why don't you wear your black vel
vet drees Instead of that old white wrapper!''
Tbe stout woman fanned vigorously.
"Hush, darling; It Is too heavy for such
weather. I will wear It next winter."
"And will you buy me a little muff next
winter, with fur all around tho holes whero
you put your hands through r
Tho stout woman's angers adhered to tho
handlo of her fan.
"Be quiet, clear; I can't tell what I shall do
next winter."
"I'd like a nice white wooly hood, too."
The orimn aims out ot tho stout woman's
bangs as she soldi
"Well, do not think about It now."
"Ma, may I bring the bear skin rug out to
Tho tormented mother moved uneasily In
hor willow chair.
"Do anything you like, but don't bother
"I guess I'll bring the afghan, too."
There was n short silenco.
"Ma, do you remomber when wo had thnt
lovely grate Are hut fall, I used to lie on this
rug with . the at gbAn over me and warm my
toes by the hourf
The stout woman's feet burnod and began
to ache.
"Will you Stop talking? I will not hear
another word."
A long pauso brought temporary relief to
the suffering mother.
"Ma, a mosquito bit my ear. If I only had
my werided ear muffs that match my blue
plush cloak, they couldn't hurt me then, could
The 8-yoar-old giggled, but tho stout woman
made no remark.
"Ms, my slippers pinch so; may I put on
my crockctod bedroom shoes I"
"If yon speak fjin you shall pro to bod Im
Another short silence.
"Ma, If I go to bed so early must 1 have a
hot water bottle like I did when I had a sore
throat and you put rod flannol around U!"
Tho stout woman's oollar wilted and tbe &-
year-old was sent upstairs.
Over the bannisters there came one more
"Ua, must 1 have my pink cretonne quilt
over me to-night r
Then the stout woman sought tho water
cooler and bandaged her head with a damp
cloth. Umaha World.
It Wu Sot.
A man wue sitting on tbe third seat In a
street oar recently when a short, tat man
oMnibed aboard, and at onco began fanning
hkimU wish hia hat. "Wall, this Is a hot
day, aiat iW said be, addressing his neigh
bor. "Bog pardon I" said the first man.
"I say, It's a pretry hot day!" repeated tho
short, fat mou, raising his voice.
The other pot hie hand to his ear and an
swered: "I didn't quite catch that; ploaeo re
peat it."
The littlo man's ears grew red as ho
shouted: "It's a hot day, I UU you I" and
pooiae In the back seats began to titter.
"I'm a little deaf," responded the first man.
"II you will raise your voice"
"Confound It, sir I" howled the littlo man,
persfirtnc like a sponge. "I say it's hotl
hot! I tell you I hot day 1 D'jou hear that?"
The other sbook his bead, and tho little
man, oastinjc a look of wrath on him,
attested. Then the first man looked around
and chuckled gleefully. St. Louis Republic
Delicately Put.
There ore diplomats in some of the lesser
positions in Washington. A clerk in one of
the deportments was asked the other day If
his Immediately superior otneer was not
good deal troubled with what Is popularly
called Ms bead.
"I should dislike," said the clerk, "to speak
so disrespectfully of my superior officer as to
say ho has tbe big head, but I frankly admit
that It I were a barber and bo should come
to my shon I should feel warranted la charg
ing him two prices for a hair cut." Wash
ington Post.
Seng Birds.,
"It's a pity," said De Klque to tho summer
hotel man, "that mosquitoes aro not moro
"Because va might 'cage some of these
and haof tnem up around the hotel Instead
of canary birds." Washington Capital.
Shipwrecked but Safe.
Jack Tar Wo ain't so very far from
land, Jim. Thero's been a yacht along hero
J Ira How do you know!
Jack Tar See all them champagne corks.
Omaha World-Herald.
WlMt Ke Watited.
Bank Cashier Come, sir, what do you
want! Time Is money.
Penurious Caller I'd like to exchange
little of my time for money. Saturday
Evening Herald.
The JudsVa Trade.
'Judge Lynch is not a real judge, is he!'
asked Mrs. wangle.
"No." replied her husband; "he s usually in
the suspondcr business." Timo.
A Prayer.
Backward, turn back, oh, Time, In thy flight, l
Bend back the draft that Is labsled "on sight;"
Or turn to that not and tbe data mark eiTaos
Give one moro chance at the three days of grace.
Washington capital.
Illusive Health.
Rev. Mr. Oglethorpe (of the village church)
Well, my little son, I'm glad to see you
looking so fat and hearty. The country air
is doing you good, anyway.
Boiourner from the City Not much
ain't! I've got a reg'lar Sam Hill ot a tooth
ache on both sides. Judge.
Slow but Sure.
Fac-slmlle ot broken tile found In tbe nurs
ery ot Commodus during recent excavations
in Rome, showing the true Inwardness of the
celebrated race between the hare and the
tortoise. lite.
not paid in Advance.
Single Copies 5 Cents
HEY were galloping,
galloping, gallop
ing, ever la gayest
procession our are
nueso'er. but there
camo of a sudden A
hitch in thrll- nl
lop and they ,'Anm
down to a plain,
prosale walk, nnd
tlio riding club now
doesn't rldo nnj'
Thoy bad long tcvu
accustomed to 1 tile
In tlio morning In
earliest da vn of
the summer day bright, and tho imtliT nf
hoofs on tho hard ground resounding e.-.clti d
their hearts with tho keenest delight, but they
came to a hurdle that stopped tlio pr. coihI
inga and shut off tlio rhyme of their i.allop
galore, and they camo down with a Jul that
Jerked tho metrical feet out of their stb rups,
and the riding club now docun'trldo any inure
appearelh that nnu of tho sweet lady rider
was wondrously handsome in features and
drees, but she bad a jieculiar fashion of bead
gear her fondest acquaintances never would
guess, and an accident happened whilo under
somo branches where foliage hunfl all tho
narrow path o'er, and it pulled her bat off
and her hair all camo off with it, lenvini? her
head as bald as a pickled mummy and the
riding club now doesn't ride any moro.
Then the riders all stopped from their rhythmical
eollon. and Bat around on tueir Homos ana
gased at the bald headed woman, while her
escort went after the bat and tho hair, and
every one of tho women said they might have
known it before, and all tho men were struck
speechless and completely knocked silly, and
it took all tho poetry out of horseback riding
and brought it down to the commonest kind
of prose and tho riding club now doesn't
Tide any more.
Thoueh anon wo may hear at the dawn of morn
lng tbe hurrying boot beats ot somo gallant
steed as he accents tbe dearest ot rnytnmicai
meter whilo hurrying onward with regular
speed, yet the gathoring dosens of regular
riders who galloped and galloped in morn's
early light, and who rodo Mil the glow was on
all of their features and eyes wero all spark
ling and glimmering bright, there is not for
this club tho samo freedom of gallop, it's not
the same gallop they galloped before, for tho
woman with the bold head haunts tho whole
crowd and the lost hair takes tho poetry all
out ot a metrical gallop; so tbe riding club
now doesn t ride any more. jouet Jiews.
A crentleinan riding on horseback over tho
western prairies, met a dilapidated "pralrlo
schooner" drawn by a pair of bony and hol
low eyed oxen. A ragged, uncouth man and
a woman of equally unattractive appearance.
with a fretful and untidy baby In her arms,
occupied the front seat, while the rear part
of the wagon did not seem to contain any
thing but other ragged children of all ages
and shses.
Tho man brought the oxen to ajtandstlll
and thus accosted the traveler:
"Got any terbackor, mister!"
"No, I never use it."
"You don't! Well, I wonder how in crea
tion a feller kin git along 'thout terbaoker!
Aro you travllln', or J st coin' eomowharr
The traveler, not unwilling to havo a littlo
conversation with this (juoor specimen ox hu
manlty, had reined up his borso and said:
am going to tho next town. Whero are you
"Well, I don't zactly knows just whero wo
will settle down. Whero'd you como from!
"From Kansas."
"How's times out there!"
"Very good."
"Any chanco for a feller to mako lftvlngr1
"Oh, yes, plenty of chances."
"What atP asked tho man, eagerly.
"At hard work."
This reply evidently dampened tbo inan'i
"Somo kin stand hard work," he laid, "and
some can't. I don't b'llevo In a feller makln'
a slave of hlsself. That's why I left Ioway
and Ohio and Ullnoy."
"What do you want to do for u livingF
"Well. I don't zactly know."
"And you've no idea where you will lo
cator' "No, dunno es Ihov; but I'm willing to
stop In any piaco where times is goou, ana
kin frit alone."
He is probably wandering still, he and his
famllr. nddlmr to that great and widely
scattered army of people who never "git
along" In any country. Youth s Companion.
Farmer For the Lor1 sake, Mr. Phly,
what kind of a coat be that you bev on!
Mr. Phly Why, this li what they call
Former Wall,' It's protty well named, for
it certainly does look like blazes. Munsey's
Too Hlpo for the Occualou.
Uncle Zeb Heah, yo' boys. Did you stole
dat wattabmilllaa from Bquar Wlgginsesl
Boys Yas, we did.
Uncle Zeb Well. If er ebbab ketch yo'
itealin' fum Bquar Wlgglusos agin I'll but
die am good on' ripe. Do eo'rt's abjourned
far de 'castou. Life.
lie Drew tbe Line.
Proprietor (of cheap restaurant) Yes,
want to hire a man. Are you willing to do
any kind of work!
Applicant Oh. yes; I am perfectly will
ing to do any kind of work but eat here, sir.
The Cliarui of Luug Descent.
Amos Koeter an the Catskills) Why will
you persist, Miss Keeto, In following that
scrawny Boston girl I Surely, these Chicago
ladies are moro tempting)
Ulss Keeto Well. 1 beard the Kngllsh no
bleman say that she had the best blood of
The Carbon Advocate
Hilled every Saturday in behtghton,
Carbon County, Pennsylvania, by
Harrv V. Morthimor Jr.
$1 00 Per Year in Advanoo 1
Hestadvei tiMiig medium In the county.
Kvury deseriialon oi Plain and l'nncy
tvery low prices. We do not hesitate to say
that we are licttei -i iili.Kil than any other
printing establishment in tills section
todoflisl-elHH lull-work. lu all
its brnin-hii, nt low price.
tfAif Attack of Gravel.
The Terrible Haffcrlng of a Woman at CO.
How Hue was Hnpptly Cured. "
7 There Is nothing Jnowenjoy that I do not owe to'
having nsed Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Itomedy,
tnsdo st llondont, N. Y. My tronbles began In my
kidneys and from which I nevor expected to recov
er. Pint there were pains In my back, 1 was fever
ih, with no sppctito and Could not Bleep, I was com.
reuea to nso a cane, and anally got so weak that I
conlj not stand Mono. Tho distress in my back was
terrible, iwas burning up with a fever or constant
ly shivering ss if cold. My physicians said
which was slarmlng Information. To add to mv of;
fllcllon after I had beeu ill abont two years, I had a
Ud attack of Uravol. When this mado Its appear
anco my rbrsician pave up my caee, and I resigned
myself tn die. I bad fuur doctura attend me, the best
In tho country, yet I conat&ntly grow worse. Six
years airo last J nne, how wi ll I remcmlier the timet I
saw Dr. Kennedy's Favorite lleinody advertised In
fa paper. Af trr unlnir one bottle I threw away my
cano and wont to New York on a visit, and three bot
tles cnrul 1110. I havo never had a rot urn of Gravel.
nor of tho pains or cakuen4 In the back, and though
am over sixty years or age I am
" jNow Vigorous and Strong 1
as I. was In my-prlin". I do all mv own work, snd
.rarely know
cine In tho b
""in ib iv uo iiruu.
I kwn thn men1!.
ouse and rlvo It to my irraudchlldren.
id all nf IhnnMn,,. .11,. r . IV 1 1;. .
i t liat physlclano
jo JJ.r. Kenneilj'ii llavorito liemedy dld-lt itayod
wiuwwjBmi . iiianeiiit- a etmuir. vurorons woman.
jura, uueiino I', illraer, Durg mil. OJU9. w
Dr. Kennedy's Favorile Remedy.
Pxvvaroil by
iiperuoti'c riuror3. Uy all dnnrsiats.
Mlnlslur (lo Johnny on tils kneo)
iriiciu ilo find anj mention of cainbilns
In the Ulblc? Jolmii) In tho history of
David. Minister What! When did David
ever gamble? When ho took four kings
Mom the l'liilistliios.
Eminent mithoritiis iinnniuiotislv sirree
that the high imsMire uicMuhIh of modern
He ii lo rapidly making us i race of helpless
nvallds biiliioct lo all manners of nervous
ilTecliiins, liuadadie, iiis.initv. dizziness neu
ralgia, batknclie, livstet la. nervous troubo
of the lu'iul, ttumnclj, kidney, pain etc.
Lnilics and gviillemai'i who arc thus afflicted
orvtliu die compelled to keep laic hours do
tuiii'li menial or pliyslcnl Work, who worry
or Irel about business or domestic troubles,
should remember that no other remedy in
oild wil. so sptcthly cure these d't-
cuses, lenmvc woirv and tlio blues, induce
tranquil slcip, relieve pain, or build up tlio
lu in ii mid nmoim system, ns Dr. Miles'
rent tliii'oyery, the L'lMi.r.iliye Nervine.
it contains no opium or iniuiililne. Trial
bullied i'rte al Jiiery & TIiouiui-'h ilmirstore.
-"Tlio lyre lias resumed Us placo In
music, I see." "What do you mean?"
Wbv there Is Jnysnilth singing, 'I've
Fifteen Dollars in My inside Pocket, when
Iho fact is lie lmsn't a dime."
100 J.ndli-sAVniileil.
Ami 100 men to call nt druggists, for a
Vet1 package of Lane's Kaniily Medicine,
the great root and herb icmcily, dlscoveerd
I iv Dr Silas Lane while in tlio Kooky moun
lanins. Fur discasui of tlio blood, liver sad
kidneys it is a positive cure. Kor constipa
tion ami clcarinu up the complexion it does
wonders. Children like it. Kyeryono
praises it. Largo-sire package, 50 cents.
Al all drugxi&tb'.
-"Mauuua," said a littlo girl, you know
Iho slorv in our leader about tho king wh6
never Binillcd again2" "Yes, dear.',' "?Irell,
does lliat mean that be signed tho pledge?''
Deformity l'roui llrlglit's Dlsenso,
S. I). Yunl'uskirk, of Deniarcst, N. J".,
says Aug.20tli,18b8: -'Dr. David Kennedy's
lravorile llcniccly, ot Jionitotit, JN. i baa
cuied our daughter of liriulit's Disea9e,after
all oilier means hud failed. She was so
swollen that sho measured lo inches around
the vui&t, and IK Indict, below I lie kmc. To
sav that we luel thankful for such a 1-oon as
I'avoiile Itemed' is but a Poor exntcssion
of the fi-cliuus of grateful panels.
She (tenderly) Did tlio dog bite you,
darling? lie Yes, ho did. She (reassur-
mglyi Well, It was papa's dog, daillng,
hud vru know he Isn't mad. He Yes, but
I am.
It is the ciirient report about town that
Kemp's JlalMiui lor llie iluoat and lungs is
making tome leiuurkuble cuics with people
who arc troubled with coughs, sore throat,
Attluna Ilroncliitis and Consumption. Any
druggist will give vou a (rial bottle free of
cost, it is giuiianteed to relieve- and cure.
The laige bottles areoOoaml $1.
Thu women dress to please the men
and agnravalo tbelr own sex.
AtlOl! ATi'liTlTK
Is essential to good liialtli; but at this sea
ton it is oiliuli xt, owing to the poverty or..,
ilupuritv ot the blood, iletiiugcnieuls of 111 u
digestive urgans and llie weakening effect
of llie changing season. Ilood'sSarsaparilla
is a wondcrliil medicine for creating an ap
petite, toning thu digestion, and giving
strength pi the whole system. Now is the
time to lake il. i!e Mire to gel Hood's
Cut rates Tho surgeon's fee.
Thu papers aro full ofsudden deaths. If
you liuwi'liokiiiu sensations, lliitteriiifj.paiii
or leinlcrnis in iliei-t faint easily, take I)r.
.Miles' New Cure lor tho Heart, and so es
cape death as did Henry Drown, druggist of
Cleveland, Ohio. Sold hy UleryiS: Thomas
Flint l'ullman I'ortcr Whad's yo' ser
nervous "jout, Johns' n' Second Porter
i's a quartah out; da'a wud I's narvous
'bout. Done blacked a pah ob jny own
boots by mistake fci dat nabob's In d' fo'th
A hound I.i'gnl Opinion.
l:. Itaiiilulilite, Miiinlay blmi., County Ally.,
Clay Co.. Tex. sajs "Have ued Klectnc Hit
lers Willi 11 ost happy results. My brother also
was very low with Malarial l'everand Jaundice,
but was cured b) lluiely u-t- ot this medicine.
Am satistleil Klci-tnc Illlteis saved ills life,"
Mr. II. 1. WIIcoMion. ol iluiso Cave, Ky.. adds
a like testimony, saylnu He positively believes
that be would have Ufed. hud it not been for
Klt'clrlc Hitters.
'Ibis meat remedy will ward oil, ns well in cure
all Malarial Diseasus, ami foi all Kidney, Liver,
and Stomach Disorders stands uueiiualed. price
50 cents ami at lll-:ilKli'ri drugstore.
Mr. Hyde (of Hydo & Tallow, Chicago)
Walter, I want a dluner. Walter Will
zo gentleman haf table d'hote, or a la carta?
Mr. Hyde Bring mo a little of both and
have 'cm put lots of gravy on it.
aiY win: said
to uiu last night! How much do you sup
pose wu have paid out for doctors and medi
cine lu the last year? I told her I did not
know. To doctors I have jmid notliing.and
five dollars worth of Sulphur Bitters has
kept health in our family. L Andrews,
12 llowdoin st, Boston.
Customer How much time do you give
me? Tailor None, sir, I nover give any
crejllt. Cuttomcr How's that" Tailor
Until recently I was ediioi of a religions
anybody In tho hotel. Ufa,