I TL rMUmn A -1qq I Me OalDOn MaVOOdlW I.KIIIGHTON, M5NNA. BATUUDAY, SKPTEMBEIi 21. 1889, njimnuD at thr riiionrox roffr-on'iOK as Bono Fid Circulation lArger ttinn Hint of ny Tronkly Nowtimper In the County. Anuiion comes rnot Maine to the effect tbat Tom Itted bas spent tbo sum mer In studjlnc CushlnE's Manual and yelling "Mr. Spenkerl" at blniseU before tbo mirror. Chicago 2Vcw. Tom Reed Is evidently Rolne to the dogs. MALOV nBCItlVKD IH8 BSUAL CONVBNTION support from LclilBlitou-O-tanstorU Rtcori. Lchlchton evidently knows when to leave well enough alono. Shake ! Tins Dovun, N. J., Index, op tub 14tu fn. ni Alnlt trn tvmnr In nnlnr t.n frlvn the usual amount of spicy rcadln mnllCP alon? with tho publication . of Hie laws of New Jersey. There Is push and vim back of the Index and don't you forget It. BROADBRIM'S J. Y. LETTER. One often hears of a man being In the Insldo of tbo ring on Wall Street, and he Is supposed to have somo tallsmanlc secret by which be bas positive knowledgo of tho hour when stocks will go Up or dow. Never was there a greater fallacy or blind er error, as the wrecks that line tbo street will show, and these thoughts are suggest' edbytbo announcement tbat James It. Keene Is now figuring In tho Sugar Trust ono of the most gigantic speculations yet conceived, and at present, to all ap pearances, carried to completion, when tho profits accruing from this thrifty culld will not be lsss than twenty-live millions of dollars a year. It is now about twenty years ago since a slim, boyish, bright-looking fellow ap peared on tho Stock Board of San Francis co. Ho had not been there long before he began to be feared, for as a mad plunger the Golden City by the sea had never seen his equal. At that time the San Francisco Stock Board contained as deiperalo a set of gamblers as ever were congregated in auy body m the world; but among that reckless crew the boldest held their breath when Jim Eccne came Into tho pit. Cool as an iceberg, impassive as tbo Spbynx, losses made no more Impression on bim than winnings, and in a very short time Jim Keene was regarded as a millionaire Somo one, some day, will write the history of .the Big Bonanza, when millions were played with as boys play marbles in the street. It was a wild time, tbat mining crazo, when Consolidated Virginia sold for twenty-five dollars a share and paid two dollars a month' dividend on that. What could it mean? The Floods, the O'Briens, tho Mackays and Fairs grew rich; but thousands upon thousands were ruined. Yet In the midst of these dlaas tcrs ono man stood unshaken as a rock, and that man was James R. Keene. How much was he worth? Nobody knew. He was .a high roller, but no one had the guage of his bank account. One thing, lioweyer, Swas certain, that his check seemed good for any amount for which he saw fit to draw It. Tho field of speculation got too narrow for Mr. Keene after tho crash came; so Mr. Kcono came to New York. lie had beard there was a person named Gould living somewhere around hero, wbo occasionally did a little specu lattng, so ho thought he would come on and down bim, and it was given out by his San Francisco admirers that there was not room enough on Wall Stieet for two such magnates as Jay OQUld anil Jamos IU Keene,' and that one of tbem would have to go to the wall, and that ono would not be Jim Keene. It 'is not now necessary to go Into history of (his California plunger. lie was soon a recognized power on the street, and as If the excitement of gambling in millions of stocks was not enough to work off his extra steam, he had to get a racing stable on which he lavished count less thousands; nor was he satisfied till Foxhall, ridden by tbo English" jockey Archer, crowned bim with tho honors of the Grand Prix, when be presented the winning jockey tbo cntiro stake of twenty five thousand dollars. With that triumph his luck changed, and he bas never seen a lucky day since. Four yars ago ho engineered a mighty wheat trust, and be was going to corner all the wboat thero was In tho market and ralso the price ot the poor man's loaf. It required a bun- dred millions of dollars to back up the scheme, but a lot of nefarious rascals were found ready to speculate on the people's life-blood or anything else, so tbat they could hoard up their Ill-gotten gold. The syndicate engineered by Keene bought right and left of futures, and they thought they had the market sure.but the Almighty defeated them. Ono of the most bountiful harvests that the country bad seen for years camo to lbs aid of the people, and Keene. with his band of piratical confeder ates, went to tho wall. No one knows how much he sank, but he went out of Bight llko a stone in the sea. Several times since wo baye heard reports that Jim Keene 'was getting on his legs, but up to the time of the Sugar trust James Keene was a yery lame man. It Is not certain that he Is In any way connected with it now; It may bo only a Wall Street flyer. This week Musgraye fc Co., highflyers In the stock board went undtr. Years ago they wcte a power on the street, and It Is putting It very mild to say tbat their check was good for a million. To-day tbey are utterly and hopelessly bankrupt and ruined Yet, for twenty years they were supposed to be on the Inside of everything. It is not many years since that Henry Clews, as smart as a steel trap, went under for more than a million, and he is one of the very few men who, getting badly tripped up on Trail streot, ever get on their legs again. Of course,comblnat!on aro formed to Bull or Bear certain stocks on which the parties forming tbo pool have a corner; the Advocate, in Lcblghton and the sur but there Is no such thing as a general rounding community, many of whom are knowledge of the entire market, and there friends and acquaintances of mine, I take are tlmss when Jay Gould, Yanderbllt, Russell Sago or Addison Cammack are just as likely to get caught as a greenhorn from tho country, Wo aro now approaching another specu lative season and it is a good time to raise tbo danger signal, There Is a great deal of capital In the country seeking employ- ment; the rates of Interest aro yery low, and holders ot capital get desperate, and feel like taking a little flyer on almost anything. This Is best seen on the race- courses, of which there aro several. At Sheepshead Bay the Futurity Stakes were run for last week, and the purse was sixty thousand dollars; but this sum, large as It seems, !s all paid for by the people. There were twenty thousand people to tee the race, and the admission fees with grand stana ana pauuocK privileges were over thirty thousand dollars. A hundred book- makers paid a hundred dollars each for the privilege of makltiR beta i then tliero was tho restaurant prlYlleco and Uio beer ptlr- Hcrc and the tlgar privilege and lots of other privileges, and tbo entries of the horses, so tbat tbo bli? purso was all paid for by the people, and a round million chanced bands on tbo raco. Now, while there Is no doubt that there Is a Rood deal of jockeying, pulling and dishonest driving, there Is a preat deal less than Is commonly supposed, and the best proof of this is that in one-half of the races this year It was the bookmakers ana tho gamblers who lost tho tnonoy, and Jt was tho outsiders who won. Therefore I say, look out for tbo stock market, and no matter how alluring too bait, don't bite; If you ,do too will surely come to grief. Remember, slow and sure is the best lu the long run. Tho amusement season Is fairly upon us and It opens well. Tho plays presented for popular support are above the average of former years, and those presented by tbo Madison Squaro and other first-class companies are unexceptionable In charao let and tone. Tho amusements of a peo- plo are a matter of very grayo concern and It Is in the Interest of everybody, church-goers or non church-goers, that the amusements afforded at our theatres shall bo of tho highest moral character. No estimate can bo formed of tbo effect tbat tho Afadlson Squaro Company has bad upon tho theatre-going public. It may be Said to have begun with Hazel Klrke, as produced by the Mallorlcs years ago, During the phenomenal run of that won derful piece it was no uncommon thing to see dozens of clergymen with their families In tho boxes Mr. Bedchcr and Doctor Collycr being very frequent visitors, At last tbo Madison Square Theatre became recognized as the family theatre par ex cellence of tho metropolis, and tbat char acter Jt bas maintained from that day to this. The absolute necessity of an estab lishment of this kind has not failed to lui press Itself on' our neighbors on the other side of tho river, the tiro houses there have already adopted tho Madison Squaro stan dard the Amphion Theatre and the Grand Opera House, conducted by two of the most enterprising managers to bo found In either city, Messrs. Knowles and Jforrls. As a test of tbo Improvement In public taste, the Grand Opera opened this week with the great Jladlson Squaro success of Captain Swift, played by the Madison Squaro Company. Tho play Is clean all through and powerful In every act; there Is nono of tho mawkish twaddle of the so called Society play; virtue is rewarded and sin punished, and the moral Is boyond all praise. Tbat this Is what tho public want Is evidenced by the fact that the houses have' been crowded all tho week, while at tho Amphion, tbo late Bartley Campbell' play of Siberia has been tho leading attraction, receiving the most flattering support. GUmore's jubilee at Manhattan Beach Is always a great event and thousands of people have crowded Coney Island to do honor to the great leader. We all loye Patrick Sarsfield GUmoro, and It goes without saying that the women adoro him. and no wonder, for lie is not only a great musician but an Irish gentleman from the crown of his head to tho sole of his foot and he has under his baton one of tho fin est bands on the planet. You can't con sider GUmore and his band In two parts thcro Is only one bis band Is Gilmorc,and GUmoro is bis band. Long may ho be spared to us to render sweet music and give Innocent and exquisite enjoyment to thousands wbo bless his -name. But as I mentioned a week ago, there Is another mufllclandnwalbe boacU-at Brigh ton who cannot bo Ignored, and that is Anton Seldl, tho leader of the German Opera. Seldl is a great leader too, and is a favorite of tbo ladles, Who baye named the Seldl Club after bim. Seldl Is a ffag- ncrlte and deals largely In classic music, much of which Is so highly keyed that one has to be away, away up, to appreciate it to tboso who can, It is yery fine, no doubt but when I want to onjoy myself I gener ally go to Manhattan where GUmoro and his band are quite good enough for me. By the way, speaking of music, the re port comes to us In tangible shape that Colonel Mapleson, of Her-Majesty's Opera, Is going togiyeus another season of Italian Opera. "Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad," and this would seem to bo tho case with Mapleson. His last break was when ho came hero with Pattl four years ago, guaranteeing her five thousand dollars a night to run against Abbey, who had just opened the Metropol Itau Opera House. Abbey had an 1m mense company, and his expenses could not have been much short of eight or ten thousand dollars a performance. Maple- sen's expenses were nearly the same. The opcra-colng people, divided between tho two bouses, did not pay the 'expenses. Abbey lost a hundred thousand dollars aud paid all his bills, wbllo Mapleson dodged the sheriff and got out of town owing everybody, and loaded with the curses of actors, slugcrs, ballot cltls, scene shifters and musicians. It was a complete and disgraceful collapse, and I was In hopes that wo were finally rid of tho manager of Her Majesty's Opera. When ho lands no doubt the sheriff will bo waiting to creet Dim. It was a delightful surprise on Saturday night at the Academy when John L. Sulli van announced himself as a candidate for Congress from the wsthetlc city of Boston, IKhat made It particularly unique, John had his boxing gloves on at the time, and a term of twelve months In the peniten tlary in front of bim, John might make first-rate Congressman for all that. Youits Tnuir, BROADBRIM. SPECIAL FROM JOHNSTOWN. Johnstown, Sept. 17, '80. Editor of Advocate: For the benefit of the many readers of pleasure in handing you a few lines of news regarding our unfortunato town Johnstown regarding which you all have read so much since the great calamity that has befallen the once prosperous and enter prising little city. During my recent short visit to your growing little town, I haye been entirely unable to answer tte multitudinous ques tlons or my many inquiring friends, to their satisfaction, and It may Interest them, to read through your columns, an item re gardlng the present condition of Johns- towp, etc., etc It affords me great pleasure to be able to say that the town has considerably Improved In many ways since the great disaster. The work of cleaning up the debris, etc., which bas been In the bands ot the state since Its commencement after the flood, has made decided progress, and is still being pushed with the usual vigor, This can continue for somo tlmo to come beforo reaching the point of complcxtion. Tho streets, and principal parts of town aro cleaned, and travel and business Is going on In tho old tlmo style. Tho work of cleaning tho cel lars is a predominant object In this work at present, and this Is being pushed with all possible vigor. Tho next great necessity Is tbo cleaning of tbo Stony Creek and Conemaugh River bordering on the town. Tho advisability f having this work done promptly Is now bolng Investigated by the State Board of Health, ana wo oro alt hopeful of an early movement in this matter by tho state. This is not only a great task, but an important measure In tho sanitary condition of the town. It will also guard against overflows rainy seasons where tbo banks of the rlyers aro ycry low. New wooden buildings, many of them temporary houses, or shanties of an Iin proved kind, as you would call them, are rapidly spotting tho flooded district, and this creates a hopeful spirit such as is nec essary to assuro tho rebuilding of Johns town. About three hundred of these buildings are now scattered hero and there, Many permanent houses, however, are also on foot, and the doubt as to whether tho town will ever be robnllt, Is entirely dis carded. Business is opening up in all lines, and there Is an upward tendeney In oyery direction. Even thoso who have lost tbelr all, and rcallzo that they can never reach their, former level again, are going right ahead, and are, seemingly, trying to at least make the world all tho better for bay. Ing lived In It. Tet, with all this life In a business way, the great flood bas left Its never-to-be-forgotten marks. Many of our people aro apparently 15 yoars In advance of their real ago Incident to the Ineffable agony they suffered on the fatal Friday nlgbt,and the Irreplaceable losses sustained through this flood. The writer included. Tho town Is In a yery healthy condition at the present time, and nothing serious In the way of epidemics Is now looked for by our medical experts, who ha ne good work In preserving tbo -sanitary condition of tho town ever since' tho flood. For tbo benefit of tboso people who are anxious to build on higher grounds, and thereby secure themselves against any fur ther trouble by water, which trouble, how ever, Is not likely to molest Johnstown again, a site for a new to has been laid out, northwest of Johnstown proper,which is to be called "Westmont." This town wlll.be reached by an Inclined Plane,belng situated 000 feet higher than Johnstown and will have all the conveniences that Johnstown will enjoy. As thfs will be placo of homes, everything has been done toward selecting a very agreeable, location, While this may diminish the future popu lation of Johnstown proper, or old Johns town, yet the business houses will remain In the old locations, henco It will bo no detriment to the rebuilding of the old town. Lots on this new sito will be ready for sale within a few days, when all those wbo desire to build a new home can secure building lot at a low cost. Few dead bodies aro being found at present, yet many, no doubt, remain im bedded In the sand. Yours Truly, Wallace Mantz Resolutions of Condolonco. At a regular meeting of Washington Camp, No. 127, P. O. S. of A., the follow ing preamble and resolutions were unani mously adopted: WiiKitiAS. It has pleased tho Great Architect ot tho Universe to remove Irotn our midst our Iato Brother Samuel liurcliart. and whereas. It is but Just that a fitting recognition ot his many virtues should tie had, therefore be It Kksolvkd, That while we bow with humble submission to the will ot the Most High, we do not the less mourn lor our Brother who has been taken from us. Kesolved. That Intlio death of Samuel Burc hart this Camp lament the loss of a Brother who was ever ready to proffer aid aad sympathy to the needy and distressed ot the fraternity! an active member of the Camp, whose utmost en deavors were exerted for Its welfare aud pros perity; a friend and companion who was dear to us nil; a citizen who was upright and noble and whtse life was a standard of emulation for his fellow men. Kksoi.vkd, That a copy of these resolutions bo spread upon the minutes of this Camp and a copy be transmitted to the family of ourdeceascd Brother and published In the Cahuon Advo cath. Ciiab. A. Goth, I Ciias. Whitehead, Committee. Cuab. V. Lauhv, ) rail Suits and Overcoats. Order your Fall suit and overcoat now at the One l'rlco Star Clothing Hall, Maucb Chunk, whero you will And all the latest styles of suitings and overcoatings which will bo made to order at $12, $15, $18, $20, $25 and on up to $40. We guarantee work manship to be the best and prices the very lowest. , The 11. A O. Through to New York. A complete service of Fast Express Trains Is now In tall operation between Ken York, Phil adelphia, Baltimore and Washington, via tho Baltimore end Ohio ltallrood. The Tien York outlet li furnished by the Central It. It. ot New Jersey, and paiMngers are landed at the station ot the latter company at the foot ot Liberty street, flew York, two blocks from the Elevated Railroad. All the trains are equipped with handsome coaches and Pullman's I'arlor and Sleeping cars. Two of the trains are composed exclusively ef YeMlbnled cars, but, In accord ance with Its long-avowed policy, tho B. k O. exaete do extro fare for Improved service. Pas sengers occupying I'nrlor or Sleeping Oars.muit of course, pay the ordinary Pullman charges, but no extra charge for Limited Expren service la Imposed bv the II. Ct O. (Th B. k O. still continues to operate the rait eit trains ever placed la service betreen Phila delphia, Baltimore aud Washington, and the remarkable record for punctuality aehleved by these trains Indicates what the public may ox. pect of their New York schedule. It Is a fact, now generally known, that the fastest trains In America are run on the U. O. It. K, betweon Baltimore and Washington. There are eight trains In the schedule of 21 each way, that corer the dlstaaee or 40 miles In It minutes, or at the rate ot u miles per hour. Faster time has been made In ipurts, but the B. fc O. trains do It every day, and have done it every day for i evoral years. Tho line between New York and Washington Is double-tracked and laid with heavy steel rails on oak ties, ballasted with broken stone. There Is not a better onstruoted, better main tained, better equipped, er better operated road In the land, and with these conditions the new line Is prepared to render efficient service, and thereby alms to secure public approval and patronage. 45-3W I find Idoal Tooth I'owder is without exception tho best I have over used. With its aid I keep my teeth very clean and whlto, which I was unable to do with any other powder I Iiyo over tried before. So says Ferdinand E. Chartard, Baltimore, Mil. By tho way, wlllyou tmy and uso Ideal Tooth I'owder ? Wo can thoroughly reo ommend it. B. E. Nichols, Dontist, Sa lina, Kansas, says, Ideal Tooth Powder is in my estimation, just what its namo indicates. An engraving 20x21 is given with each two bottles. Trice 23 cents per bottle. 'If I limnriSAr.ESMENto sellNursery Stock. WAN rl All Goods warranted rirst-Class. " TT. ' . 1 ermanent pleasant, profitable positions for tne rlRht men. Good salaries and expenses paid weekly. Liberal Inducements to beginners. Jo previous experience necessary. Outfit free. Write for terms, giving ace. OIIAltLKS it. C1IA8K, Nurseryman. itochester. N. Y. Mention this paper. Sept. 2t-sm Oil! circulation is growing w because we furnish all the lutost local nows in the best style, Sample us. Snltclibnck Schedule. Dnrliiff tlin ftfAnn train wllllcnvt thn Unner Mauch Chunk and Summit 11111 stations as follows i . Lrnvo UiiDer siaucn cntink stat on at sao. 10:10 and 11:37 A. M., and2:20, 3-., and 8:35 Leavo Summit mil station at (1 :10. 11 :10 A. M.. and 12 :20, 3 :20, 4 i3S ntid 0 :1B 1. M. Olf SUNDAY. Leave Upper Maucli Chunk) liso and 2:15 . M. Leave Summit 11111 at 3:00 and 4 kx) r. si. Absolutely Puro. Tins powder never varies. A marvel of purity. Irrnirtii ami wholesonicncss. More (winnmtcn than Filn ordinnrv kind', and ennnnt be sold In competition with tho multitude ot low test, short welRht, alum or phosphate powders. Bold only in cans, uoviw uukiuk lunucr uimpauy, iu Wall Street N. Y. (unoli Sheriff's Sale. ber Tef m, m, to mo directed. Isiued out ot tho Court ot Common Fleas ot Carbon County, I will OXPOSO ttl PUUMU VCI1UUC, Ull I01MY, OCTOBER 14, 1! at 1 o'cloch r. III., at the Court House, In tho Iloroiixh of Jlaucli uminK, uarbon county, l a, the following described real cstato, to wit: All that certain tract or piece ot land situated in Towamcnsinz lownsnip. maroon uoumy, to wit: Beginning at a stone, thence by land noo or late ot Taul Beer, south sixty-one and thrro-qa&ricrs degrees, wess mneiT-six percnes t a plnoi thence north torty-ono decrees, west tturty-tno perches to n Monet thenco south 82 thi.nr.o Borth thlrtv-slx nnd one-ouarter decrees, west twenty-six and one-halt perches ton otono at a chestnut oaft t thence north forty degreen, east tnirxy percnea io n nione ; inence nonn nuy and one-halt degrees, cest seventeen And ono- half perches to a stonoj thence north thirteen fipprnri. past fortv oerehos to stone: thrnco north elghty-seren degrece, east thlrt7-e!ghi perches to a stone; tnence souiu eisven aegreoi .it fnrw-two and one-half eerehos to n slooi thence south forty throo degrees, easttnenty ono perches to a stone; thence north seventy nine and ono halt degrees, east forty three perches to a stone; thenoo soath elshty-ftre degrees, east thlrty-floven and one-quarter perches to a stone; thence south fifty-three and one-nail ucgrera, vnsb kimif-mu buu uikmi,- tenths perches to the place ot beginning, con taining SIXTY-FOUlt ACRES AND TEN PERCHES. Ths Improvements thoreon consist ot one Frame Dwelliiiii House, ono and one-half stories high, 17 by K feet with kitchen, 10 by 12 feet, attached, ene STABLE, 15 by37 feet; one SAW MILL, is by 10 feet, and other out-butldlngs. Also the following described tract or piece ot land situate in Towamenslne Township. Carbon County, Penn., bounded and described ao fol lows, to wit s. . . Beginning at n stone, thence by land nut? or late of J. Lenlz, south seventy-eight degrees, wost thirty-one perches to a corner; thence by lands of Thomas Beer south eight deerecn. east one hundred and twenty-six perches to o corner; thenoo by lands ot Solomon Beer north aoventj sever. and one Quarter degrees, cast thirty-one Belches to a corner; thence by lands ot Jonas eer north eight degrees, west one hundred aud twenty-three perches to alio place ot beginning, containing TWENTY-FOUR ACIt ES. Slezed and taken Into execution as the proper ty of Joseph Boer, aud to be sold by HIUAMr. LEVAN. Freyman & Hoydt, I'laliitllf's Attys. Sheriff. SHKnirr'a Offich, September icth, 1883. Mauch Chunk, Pa., SALE OF COUNTY BOPS. Notloe Is hereby given by tho Board of County Commissioners, of tho County ot Carbon, That In accordance with a resolution ot said Board of Commissioners, passed the 0th day of Septem ber, A. D. 1889, a bond of indebtedness of the county of Carbon, amounting to ?S7000, will be Incurred during the present year, and that the Board of County Commissioners are now pre pared to receive bids, and issue i per cent, bonds In denominations of 3250 and $000, respectively, with Interest payable Semi annualy, and re deemable as follows; $7000 ono year after date of issue. f 7000 two years after date of issue. $7000 three years after date of issue. $0000 four years after date of issue. Bids for said bonds will bo received at the or nee ot tho County Commissioners, In tho Public Buildings in the Borough of Mauch Chunk, uuill October 11th, 1889. Mark envelopes "Bid for Bonds," and address all communications to County Commissioners of Carbon County, Mauch Chunk, Pa. IIeniit Mir.Lnn 1 Domikick J. O'DONNBLI. Co. Cora. Jacou S. HAWK ) Tuos. F. AitNun, Oouuty Clerk. Sept. 11, '89-4t. QURTES' DOUGH COMPOUND. Sure Cure lor Coughs. Colds, Consumption, Hoarseness, Sore Throat and ulldlseases of tho Bronchial Organs. Thousands can testify as to Its efficiency. Price 25 and We. For sale by al Druggist. febl6-yc8 of all pmm.fi JH New Mahoning, Carbon County, Penna. MANUFACTURERS Pure Bone Phosphates, and Bone Meal, Our Bone S Aro a Complete Manure, containing all the elements required by Grain and Grass. The mechanicol conditions are perfect. It will grow Grass as well as Wheat or Rye. The Price the WILLIAMS AND on fa-sire e A LEADING. rorSLAIt, PBACTIOAIi COMMERCIAL SUHOOL. COMMEECIiL, SUOBTOJUO), PBUrTIClX. ENOLIsn AVO UIUT1ST DEPABTMENT. Presents an opportunity lor seem Ing preparation for tho real work ot life, wlilcb thousands of young Men have louuil a stepplug atrne to honorable anil conspicuous success. The Institution Is la a most prosperous condition, awl Its pulroosge It composed of a superior class of young men aud women from all parti of the continent. Bend for catalogue and Illustrated circular. uB 17-6t WILLIAMS IlOOUa. Itoonester, H. Y. Administrator's Notice. Estate of Hknky KitAMitn, late of Frank lin twp., Carbon county, Pa., deceased. Letters of administration on tho abovo named cstato baying been granted to tho undersigned, all parties indebted to tho Bald cstato aro requested to make Immedi ate pavement and tboso claims against tho said cstato will present their accounts duly authenticated for settlement to AUSTIN BOYEIl, Administrator, Aug. 24, 8!M3m Welssport, Pa. Executor's Notice. Estate ot ELIZABETH OIEHS. deceased, Letters testamentary on the Estate of Eliza beth die", late of South Easton, Northampton county. Pa., deceased, liavo been granted to Jacob (ilcsi, residing In said borough who ha deputized E. S.IIeintzelman.ot Eastrcnn Twp.. uarnou couniy, rn., ns ins agcni, to wnom nu icrsons inacuien loine saiuesmionre requosipo o make Immediate payment, and nil tboso bav of the said decedent will mako known the same, in? icirai c anna or uemnnus azninst mo estate wltlinttt fiplnv. tn . i. imi.Tvnm it i if . Kast Venn Twp., l'a, JACOB (III'.SS, Executor. August 21, 1839-WG AN EASY WAY GET A (SOLD WATCiL Only $1.00 n Week. We are now forming Clubs for the finest Gold, Qold-illled and Silver Watches manu facturcd lor both Liadlcs and uentleman. AVo put In these watclios a movement made by either of tbo following companios: Elgin, Waltbam, Hampden, etc, to suit the purcbas cr. A club for a gold watch ot $10.00, Consists of lorty members, ana eaeu member pays i.uu a week. A drawiuz Is made onco a week, and the member whose namo is drawn gets his watch immediately) he still continuing In pa' $1.00 a week until he has paid for it, at whlcl time each and all forty members will have re ceived and paid for bis watch. Tho last person to receive his watch will be made a present of a handsome chain. OUR GUARANTEE. Every article bought from us must bo just as represented, and wo aro willing at any aud all times to make good the fatluro of any article sold, to bo as represented. This is the Best, Cheapest and most Convenient way to buy a watch through our Co operative Club System. Wo clva a first-class Elgin or Waltham stem winding and Bolting movement, which we guarantee for two rears. -The case Is warrant, ed, by a written guaranlco to wear for twenty years. The above is why wo give you more for your money than any one else and why wo are do mi the largest watch business in the world We cell only first quality goods. Why not bo an owner of a Gold Watch whenever you have the ebance to gel ono. Join the club at once. only $1.00 down and then $1.00 a week until the watch isiiaid. Please call or send me vourname and ad druoaud I will call nt your house and show you Dimples, or If you aro ut a distance I will send full particulars. Agents wonted everywhere. Write for terms and circulars. C1UKLES M. KEHBia, Froxt St., (Opp. Bank) Cat ASAitqiu , Pa. I'lItLADEI.rHIA.rA. Eftsei-tonce,nooperttloq or loss or time rrom Dtisineii. i;seB pronounct'u iu curabia P7 otmtri Wftntea, oena lor uircutur. CURE GUARANTEED omSliSLhTths. Lehighton Water Co. LEHIGHTON, FA., July 23. 1880, There will he a meeting of the Stocaholders of The Leuiohton Watkii Companv In Oabei' Hall, In tho Borough ot Lehighton, Fa,, at 8:00 o'clock F. M.. on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27th 1880, for tho purpose of voting on an taxnKASE OF INDEnTEnNKSS. By order of tho Board, JOHN S. Lkntz, President, Horace IIeydt, Secretary. COLLEGE OF Ml COMMERCE "AtrkM nalldln Brokd uid Cluitnat Etl.. PMIt. 33rd year. Hit facilities for training joung men and women in ino conns, wunwun, auu " BUSINESS. Superior SHORTHAND Courie. 18teachern, KtiirlFnt mn.v unroll t tlma. Scud for Circular. containing addreisei by Bishop Ylooent, lion. John Wanamaner, XUOV. ronoca, ana outers. Tuos. J Fkickett, Principal J7w 2uy-J L FREY, announces to the people of Le highton and vicinity tbat he has commenced the Merchant Tailoring business near the corner ol Lehigh and Carbon Sts. in this borough, and that he is prepared to exhibit to purchasers over Three Hundred Styles Suitings. Pantaloonings and Overcoatings. which he will furnish at from 10 to 15 per cent, lower than any other house. Fit and workman t .1 mull yuuiuutceu. augustsvil kinds nicely execute.: at this office. Prices low. lb SON, OF uper-Phosphat Vely Lowest. -GO TO- SWEENY'S "Corner Store" Bottled Gherkins. w ct Pick- es, (Jnow-Uliow, Unions, lablc Sauce, Horse-radish, Cauliflow er, Catsup, Mixed Pickles, Cel ery Sauce, and all kinds of choice Jellies and table necessaries. In Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, &c, IPe lead, both In low prices ami quality of goods. Our largo stock Is displayed to ad vantage, an Item which purchasers will certainly greatly appreciate. REMEMBER THE Corner Store, LEHIGHTON PA. E. F. LUGKENBACn, fljAIN AND DKCOltATlVE PA mil HANG 1NO, HOUSE AND 8K1N PAINTING AND GltAlNINO. Competent workmen sent to any part of the county. HEADQUARTERS FOR Wall PaDers.Boraers&Decoratioiis. Larg3 assortment, and the latest styles. Boofe Stationery, Fancy Goods WINDOW SHADES. All grades, Shade making and promptly attended to. putting up Paints, Oil, Varnish, Putty, Brushes & genernl Painters Supplies. No, 61 Broadway Mancli Chunk. Fa. Itelow the Broadway House. U011AC1S llEVDT. JOHN SEABOl.DT, Jll Heydt & Seaboldt Successors to Kemcrer & IIeydt INSURANCE. AGENTS Oftlce: Dank .street. Prompt attention given to every kind ot In surance. Weissport Planing MANUFAOTUltEU 01' Window and Door Frames, Doors, Shutters, Blinds, Sashes, Mouldings, Brackets AND DEALER IN All KMs of Shingles, Pailings, Hemlock Lumber, &c, &c, Yery Lowest Prices. ELY'S .CTatarb Cream Cleanses the Nasal Passages, Alius Pain ana Inflammation. Heals the Bores. Eestores the Sense of Taste and Smell. THY THE CUEE.&8AY-EEVER A nartlcle Is aunlled Into each nostril and Is agrecuuie. i rice w ccuis ai aruggisis; oy inuu, registered, corts. fiLY MtOTllEItS, 60 Warren St., Now York, august 17, 1889 Ladies, save your Carpets, Furni ture and Fain tings from Destruction by using It makes absolutely no dust or dirt when using, thereby saves woVnen's time and labor. Try it; sample free at J. T. NUSBAUM'S "Original Cheap 7ash Store," I.KIHGIITON.I'A 12J)3m irany denier Bars Jao bas Uio W. I.. Sonsiaa Elioeg without namo and price Mum pea oa (he bottom, not him down a fraud. W. L DOUGLAS $3 SHOE FOR GENTLEMEN. not In th worM, Eiamlnn Ills tent In thn wor r lvurrTn IV BK IUI flW WITT mW. If M4.0O SJS.60 in-ntw r.u uri.t niiuri. ini FAHHIEKS'SIIUIS. 3.2K WORKmnilAS'H HIIOK. Hi.OO and St.75 BOYS' SIUIOOT, 8IIOE3 AU made in ConKreu, llutton and Lace. W. L. DOUGLAS 3 -SHOE L A EHE S. . Best Material. Rest Style. Best Flttlna. U not sold br your dealer, write . W Xm DOUGLAS. lillOCKTON. MASS Eiamlne V I Douslas' (2.00 shoes for gentle men and ladles. Adam Mehrkam & Son. Agents IJ2H1QIITON, School will opon soon and need an outfit. ' will heed BOOTS, HATS or SUSPENDERS, etc., &c, while will need SHOES, besides other necessary artices. Both boys and girls will need: a BOOK-BAG, and we propose to give to each purchaser oi One Dollar's Worth of Goods or over, a Handsome Book-Bag. This is an item of expense to By purchasing of us this pose to sell our goods at the and give, as a present, the Book-Bag. Wg have m stock most everything needful to fit out boys from top to toe, and at prices that will bear comparison. CLOTHTOi Opera Stase i Grand Fail Opening lu Sioyg, Mms CLOTHING ! Our new line lor Fall and IFinter is the finest and largest wc have ever shown. Childrens Suits and Overcoats, over 300 Styles. Boys Suits and Overcoats, oAer 325 Styles. Men'd Suits and Overcoats, over -100 Styles. We make special mention of PALL OVERCOATS in Silk Roll and an Lining, from $0.00, $8.00, $10.00, $12.00, $15.00 and upwards. TFe invite your special to our MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT, which is filled with a large assortment of high grade specialties in Suiting; Trouserings and Overcoatings. In Gent's Furnishings our line of novelties are exceed ingly tempting. Centre Square, Hotel ALLWOOLDRESS FLANNELS. 40 pieces all-wool Dress Flan nels, 37 inches wide.all the latest shades for Fall at 33 cts. a yard. H. GUTH & SON, . G38 Hamilton St., Allentown. Js 8 YOcI Lehigh Goal & H Coal, Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass, Agricultural Implements and Repairs, Mold and Garden Seeds, Phosphates, &c We desire to call special attention to our ROOlltl SlitBj BuildingCSanime A full supply of which wo have constantly on hand. Orders taken for Luilibei General Jgpnts for tho Imp. Anthony Wayne Washer & Ironing Boards Seiler's Corner, North Bank Street. Klllffl'S Roofing, Spouting and General Job Work Receives our special attention nt this time, and in connection wc aro prepnred to Repair Wash Ringers, no matter how far gone. IPe can supply new rubbers nnunew cog wheels and make your washer as good as new at a very small cost. Our liuo of House-Furnishing Goods includes everything at prices-exceed -ly low, while our stock of Stoves and Ranges can't be be at in this town, or perhaps, elsewhere in the valley. DoVt fail to call and see us if you need anything in our line. Respectfully, W. S. KUHNS, North Bank Street. all who propose to attend will CAPS, PANTS, . JACKETS amount will be saved as we pro lowest margin of profit consistent, Come and secure the Boow-Uag. Sosk, Sag siirsjS Children's Allen Building, Allentown. 1L IK JlffeHiij Eft mr is the price of the Advo cate for 52 weeks. aroware w Special Announcement.