tVW WmiMfm riri n mini i The Carbon Advocate USniOIITOX, FKKSA, SATUKDAY. jTEMBER 7. 1880. RKXSHED AT TUB I.EIIIOHTON lURT-OFFICB AS SKOOND rtf-ASS MAIL MATTElt. Bonn- I'M Clrcnlntlon Larger tlinn that of Buy Weekly Nowspnper In tho County. It is somewhat sicwincAMT that im rucdlatcly on tlio announcement, of n fall uto of tlie attempt to form a salt trust came o general depression of the shares of tlio leading raonopollus of. this naturo that wo haye already got Into successful operation. Sugar Trust certlficats fell from $125 to 100, Cottonseed Oil Trust certificates from f GO to $53, Distillers' Trust shares from ?48 to $43 and Lead Trust shares from $35 to $23. This general decline, however, was not erring to the collapse of the Salt Trust negotiations, but both were natural conse quences of the growing strength of the popular hostility against trusts of all kinds. The force of this adverse public opinion Is making Itself felt in many ways. The action of legislature, tho decisions of courts and the many expressions of popular impatience all conspire to Impair confidenco In theso forms of trade organization. It is felt that their vory existence Is precarious; that the people at one moment may rise up against them, and consequently tbero Is a natural hesitation to invest In their certificates. That is why subscriptions to the Salt Trust .did not come in as abundantly as had been hoped and that is why the market values of other trust certificates decline, though in tho latter case thore Is, .of course, the further reason that recent disclosures as to capitalization have shown tho Insecurity of these certificates as legitimate investment. Providence Journal. The Hazletow Plain Speaker, of a few days ago says: S. B. Price, of Mauch Chunk. Is a candidate for tho nomination for Assoclato Judge on tho Democratic ticket in Carbon county. The convention will meet in .Afauch Chunk on Sept. 0th and it is a foregone conclusion that jUr. l'rlce will be nominated. He lias been a Democrat all his life. This much cannot be said of ono of the other candidates who is annoying his friends and making trouble for himself in his frantic and futile efforts to secure delegates to the convention in his behalf. Mr, Price will be nominated and elected without a doubt, and we con gratulate tno Democratic party of our neighboring county of Carbon In having so available- a man as Mr. Price for such an Important ofllco as Assoclato Judge. Men of like Integrity always win. They com mand the respect of not only their party but also of the fair-minded Intelligent vot crs of their political adversaries. This is important, for if you secure the respect of men you will stand a good chance to se cure their votes. A whiter, to the Allkntoiyn Dally Grtttc from tho county scat says: "Though Stroh is the only one spoken of for Assoc! ato Judgo there are a hall dozen others of the same faith Republican who would grace the position with ability, dignity and credit to Carbon county, and among the number I may mention John Seaboldt, of Lehlghton, one of the foremost Bepubli cans in tho old tenth legion. But, of course, his nomination is not to be thought of, though a better man would bo hard to find." This compliment to our townsman is not an empty one, but a deserving expression of the meritorious service rendered to his party In moro than ono hotly contested campaign.. The Advocate agrees with tho Critic writer, John Seaboldt would make an excellent judge, and in saying this there Is nothing more to say. The following; uaiid hitter we clip from an exchange, and no truer words were ever written: If you are a kicker and see the shadow of a failuro in everything that is proposed to help tbo town, for heaven'E sake go out into some secluded canyon and kick "your own shadow upon the banks; and thus glye the men who are working to build up the town a chance. Ono long, faced, hollow-eyed, whining, creeping, chronic kicker can do moro to keep away buslness.and capital from town than all the drouths, short crops, chintz bugs, cyclones and blizzards combined. Don't be a bug, but get to work. XjEniQUTON IIUBINESS AND MONIED men should squint their eyes on the para. graph appended below and then take a big tumble to themselves . , Waynesboro, now lit byKasollne, will soon have too electric lights sliliilni; tuo whole night WUfji t - BROADBRIM'S I Y. LETTER. On Wednesday of tho past week three vessels steamed out of tho harbor of New York that II would bo difficult to match ia the world. A complete and wonderful revolution has taken place in our ocean travel, and the new generation of ocean greyhounds realize all tho wonderful stories of Aladdin. It Is not alone their speed and size, which aro' almost beyond belief, but the lavish luxury and beauty "of everything, combined with strength and power unparalleled, leave you almost stunned and overpowered as you contem plate them. Armed with a very flattering letter of introduction to Captain Parsell I visited the Teutonic on Tuesday, and though she has not yet broken tho record, still her trial trip glyes evidence of latent power not yet called out that may place the broom at her masthead as she sweeps the seas. On arriving at tho wharf I looked up at the mighty giant, dark and grim, whoso length taxed tho capacity of one- of the longest wharyes In New York, where she stretched away over six hundred feet. The outside Is not attractive or inviting; there is no gew-gaw gliding to catch the eye, no ginger-bread work, no carving, nothing ornamental all is hard, cold, stem and strong. Closo to, as she lay alongsldo of tho dock, you never catch tho beautiful easy carves of her mighty hull that cleave tho waves as the sharp scythe sweeps the grass front the Held. But however unin viting tho outside may bo, the interior is such a yislon of beauty as never before floated on any sea. I stood a moment in amazement contemplating her mighty bulk and then slowly mounting the gang-plank, rsached the deck to find all admission de nled. It was in vain that I expostulated to tho Individual in charge that I held a letter of Introdnctton to tho Captain. "I don't know nothlnk about that," said Csrebus, "If you've got hanny letters for tho Cap'n jest leave um wl me and lule glv um to 'Itn wen he comes hln." But I want to present them myself, 6ald I. 'H'ell, youkan't,"he replied, "fur you kan't get hln, and thems my borders." Just at that moment a bright, cheery lit tle sailor man passed by, and a man at my Ibow said "that is Captain Parsell." I immediately cried out "Captain," and held up my letter of introduction. lie took It, looked at It a moment, and then grasping ray hand as ha recognized tho signature of an old and valued friend, said, Now my dear Sir, how can I serve you what can I do for you?" I replied that I wanted to sec tho Teutonic. "And so you shall," replied the chctry Captain. "Hero, somo of you," and at the word twenty men lumped forward, "Here, Tom," said the Captain, "show this gentleman every thing; do you hear, everything from stem to stern; -this Is a busy day, sir, or I'd go with you myself," While ho spoke I looked at him In amazement; he was rath er below the medium height, of a flguro firmly but not powerfully knit, with a face so kind and good and tiuo that no one was needed to assuro you that Captain Parsell was an honest man and every Inch a sailor. Still, as I looked in his clear, mild blue eyes and on that kindly face, I could not help asking myself, Is this really the com mander of this mighty ship? I expected, when I looked at the size of the vessel, to see a giant with mutton-chop whiskers and a voice like a bassoon, who would turn the scalo at least at a quarter of a ton. Thank ing the Captain for ills kindness, I turned and followed my guide. For a person to fully appreciate what has been done on these human racers, he must be familiar with the first-class ocean steam ships of tho past, AH previous arrange- monts have been cast to tho winds, and all tho contrivances and appliances aro new. There is no longer tho little, stuffy 111- ventllated state rooms, the very atmos phere of which made a man feel exceed ingly uncomfortable, oyen beforo the ship began to pitch in tho trough of the sea. Tho rooms aro large, beautifully furnished, well ventilated and brilliantly lighted at night by electricity, of which light every passenger has full command. On each side are ,soycral largo rooms liko those In a first-class hotel, haying boautiful rugs on the floor, bright polished brass bedsteads, and scattered ainund every luxury that tho heart could desire; tho. hangings aro gorgeous, and all tho palatial arrange ments in perfect keeping. Attached to cachof these fairy palaces are splendid bath rooms, with hot and cold salt water baths; in fact nothing Is wanting to make them' as complete as human ingenuity could devise. The grand saloon or dining- room excels for costly luxury .anything of the kind that ever floated on the sea. It has not tho betwecn-decks look of the ordinary steamer saloon; the celling Is grand and lofty, and In the center rises an exquisitely beautiful dome of light stained glass, while the furnlturo is of tbo richest and most substantial kind. Tho china and the silver of the table service aro of rare beauty, and' tho tablecloths and napklus of tho finest and best that can be made. A remarkable feature Is tho flooring, which Is laid in beautiful mosaic. It looks llko tho finest of encrusted tiling, but It is nib. ber, and adjusted that the foot will not slip when tbo vessel pitches and rolls. All the closets and other conveniences could not be surpassed, and tho passenger carries with him across the sea all the comforts of a home. But let us descend and tako a look at tho mighty engine that drives this ponder ous mass through the fierce waves at the rate of twenty-five miles an hour, I can only look at it; I cannot describe those mammoth shafts, levers, wheels, cranks, pistons and cylinders all shining like polished steel.- You young ladles who find It difficult to keep a pair of scissors or a bodkin bright, look at this ponderous en gine. jmo lauys worlc basset was ever half so clean. That grimy savage; all covered with soot and smoke, wipes every portion of the engino as tenderly and affec tionately as If it were his own child. Away down fn tho fireroom one hundred and seventy men are employed to feed the capacious maw of tho monster with hun dreds of tons of coal that she requires In her trip across the sea. Look at those fires as she rushes through the wayes, hear the hoarse roar of the flames, and look at tho grimy monsters that feed them, and from whose baro backs the sweat pours down like rain. Ah, here wo are In the kitchen, a most Important place, whero there are hundreds to feed. Oh, the ranges, tho ovens, the pots aud all tho cooking utensils of copper, shining like burnished silver. There Is small army of cooks and waiters, and everybody finds enough to do. Tbo ar rangement for first and second 'cabin aro entirely distinct, but the second is olegant enough and comfortablo enough for any reasonable man. The smoking-room for gentlemen is one of tho most superb apart ments in the ship, and all around It are card tables for those who llko whlst.euchre or poker, and so(t lounges and easy chairs for lookers-on. The ttrrors of sea travel have entirely disappeared, and under favorable circumstances, without any further Improvement In these ocean racers, I shall expect to see tho passage mado be tween Liverpool and Now York In Ave days. This week will be remarkable In New York for somo years to come. For the first time In the history of the State, and i uope me last, lour murderers wero launched into eternity together, and that thero wero not five was owing to the clem ency of tho Governor,, who at the last mo mcnt respited one of tho condemned for sixty days. Thero is a terrible significance about this wholesome slaughter which ap peals to every man and woman in the community and the question is forced upon us: Are we all doing our full duty where such a state of affairs can by any possibili ty exist? Should we spend millions to Christianize the Hindoo In India, the Idol ator in China, the wild savages on the Congo or Zambesi, while in New York and other great cities these red fields lie ready for tho sickle of the reaper. It was announced on the day of the execution that all these murderers wero reared and died in tho Catholic faith, and Immediately after their death two of them wero interred In consecrated ground In Calyary Ceme tery. That fact caused quite a commotion in another Quarter, buithe incident seems to haye boen kept out of all the papers. Two weeks ago a gentleman died in Brooklyn, who for forty years had been the trustee servant of one. of the wealthiest corporations in that city, and after long years of honorable service he became its superintendent, loved and honored by every one who knew him. In early life he married a pious young Catholic lady and his children were reared in the Catholic faith, and all their Jives havo been pious and regular communicants. JKhen Cal vary Cemetery was purchased this gentle man was called on for assistance, which he cheerfully gave, purchasing a handsome plot and inducing several of his friends to do the same. When his wife died he laid her there, And he expected when his final hour came to lie beside her. That time came two weeks ago, but when his chil dren applied for a burial permit they were quletly lnformed that as their father had not died in tho Catholic faith he could not be burled In consecrated ground. After a time, however, on an appeal to the Arch- bishop by tho son, lie was informed that if I ho wonld haye tho grave bricked nip they j might allow him to be burled thore; this he refused to do, so tho body was taken to Greenwood, and tbo remains of hlswlfo will bo taken up from Calvary and laid be sldo him In tho ground where murderers aro not admitted. A similar case occurred a short timo ago when an aged man, who had been a life long Catholic, fell dead In ono of Doctor Mcuivnn's meetings, u lie laci oi ins Do ing thero put him under tho ban, and al though ho had a lot bought and paid for In Calvary Cemetery, ho too was denied In terment, and his friends had to. bury him in Greenwood. Tho affair has caused quite a lively sensation, and tho question Is, docs tho church believe that attending a McGlynn meeting is worso than mur der I These executions sppear to havo very little effect on tho criminal classes. The night beforo the execution three young thieves assassinated a German grocer in his own house In tho presence of his wife anil children. Wo have now In tho Tombs sixteen homicides awaiting trial, and Brooklyn has seven. This Is a terrible showing. Will not the churches and Young Hen's Christian Associations throughout tlie land make somo special effort In this direction? Save the children: go Into the recking slums and rescue them; don't wait until they are scarred and seamed with crime and sin; don't wait till they stand beneath the sbadow of the gal lows beforo you offer them religious saving cracel Save the children. Call homo your missionaries from foreign lands and spend your millions among our local licatucn. Go into tho poisonous swamps whero sin and crime and murder bloom and blossom, whero disease taints tno air ana blasphemy shocks the ear. Good brother missionary, hero Is a harvest at your hand with an im mortal reward If you win. Opnio right to New York and Brooklyn, yb Christian workers who aro lonklnn for work to do, Tho labor is fearful, but the roward is an immortal crown. Youns Tnui-Y, BKOADBRIM. The, "World's Fair of 1803. Riiwurrt Atklnion. the well.knswn wrltor on political economy, writing on the subject of tho the nlnn of tho Fair, sets: mMt ircnoral Idea Is that either byway of example, of picture, of grannie niuatrations ana injures, ono nnu an combined, to far as mav bo.the exhibition should snow tno nroorrcss oi moaern an ana lntiusirr from the prehistoric type, or from the typo of J IV. aowu io ine present uav, j:ur ineiaocu. what a wonderful exhibit could bemade ofthe progrens In the art of clothing!" Yates & Co., the popular clotblers In the Ledger nneaKiniroi jur. aikiusou b bukkcbuuq. ji. w. liullding, I'nuaneipnia. saia inai lucn an ex hibit would bo highly Interesting, and would afford an opportunity to put American clothing In comparison with that of tho world. The American, no doubt, wears better and cheaper clotblnit than any other people. No matter how little the Amorlcan navs tor his clothes. he wants some style to them, and that Is whero our clotlling excels the forolgn. A nun who buys a iweiveuouar suit win spenu ai maeii nine in front of a mirror as tho man who pays twenty- five. We welcome such customers, whether they be man'wo make all our cloth ing to meet this popular demand for tasty and good-fitting clothing at a moderate cost. From the Philadelphia Item. Valualilo Information. The August number of 'ihe Weil Shore Maga zine contains a great storo of information about various portions of Oregon and Idaho, with many Illustrations of prominent buildings and residences In Salem, Joseph, Enterprise and Baker Ulty, Oregon, which places are specially described, as wollas.Welser, Caldwell, llolte and I'ocatello, Idaho. A most Interesting article fully Illustrated, Is that on the manufacture of the celebrated Ban Juan lioohe llnrbor. Wash. Accompanying the number Is a largo tinted supplement containing numerous en gravings or scenes in and about Yaqulna bay, one of Oregon's favorite sea coast summer re sorts, and of speetal Interest as tho ocean term inus or the Oregon PaclQo railroad, which will soon become the Faclfla ond of anew tranScon rlnental route. An Interesting article descrip tive of that region appears In the magazine. In this number The Weil Shore fully sustains Its reputation or being the best and only reliable means of making known tbo resources, beauties and advantages of tho great northwest to tho thousands who aro anxiously seeking such In formation. Each number contains special des criptions and Illustrations of several localities, besides a groat amount of Information abont the now enterprises on foot throughout tho entlro northwest. Bend 25 cents for n sample oopy to the publisher, I Samael, Portland, Oregon. Subscription, '2.60 a year, Including a large supplement each month. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wuolesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be bold in competition with tho multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate jiowders. Sold only in cans, lioyai uuKing ruwuer uompauy, iu Wall Street 'ft. Y. June 15 To Whom it May Concern, All nersons aro herebvforlitd selllnirto orbnv. tngfromnuy of liiy family without my concent. no cieui-s coiiiniL-icu uy mem win no pam oy mc mid no sales will bo sanctioned without my or der. Wm. 1'. JOHN, Aug, 10-3W Ixihlgliton, l'a. AN EASY WAY GET A G0LDWATC1L Only 81.00 n Week. We are now forming Clubs for the finest Gold, Gold-Filled and Silver Watches manu factured for both Ladles and Gentleman. We put In these watches a movement made by either of the following companies: Klgin, Wallbam, Hampden, etc, tp suit the puichas er. A club for a gold watch at $40.00, consists of lorty members, ana cacn member pays i.uu a week. A drawing is mado nnco a week, and the member whose name iMlrawn gets Ills watch immediately, hn still continuing to pay $1,00 a week until lw has paid for it, at which timo each and all forty members will have re ceived and paid for bit watch. The last person to receive Ms watcb will be mado a present of anandsome chain. OUR GUARANTEE. Every article bought from us must be just as represented, and we aro willing at any und all times to make good the failuro of any article sold, to be as represented. This is the Best, Cheapest and most Convenient way to buy a watch through our Co operative ClubSystera. We give a first class Elgin or Waltbam stem winding and setting movement, which we guarantee for two years. Tho case ia warrant ed, by a written guarantee to wear for twenty years. The above is why we give you mors for your money than any one else and why wo aro do ing tho largest watch business iu the world. We sell only first quality goods. Why not be an owner of a Gold Watch whenever you have the chance to get one. Join tho club at once, only $1.00 down and then $1.00 a week until the watch is paid. Flease call or send me vour name and ad dress aud I will call at your house and show. you samples, or ii you are ui a uisiance I will send full particulars. Agents wanted everywhere. Writo for terms and circulars. C1UKLES M. RE1IRIG, Front St., (Opp. Bank) Catasicqua, Pa. Gi Gi Ci 0OUGH 0OMPOUNI). Sure Cure lor Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Hoarseness, Sore Throat and tilldlseases of the lirouchlal Organs. Thousands can testify as to Its efficiency. Price 15 aud ooc. For sale by al IDrugglst. tebiO-69-y POWDER BEWARE I I know of soaps quite fair to sec, Take care I They can both white and spurious be, Beware I Beware I Trust them not, They are fooling thee! They claim to be the purest made, Take care 1 . . They arc of an inferior grade, Beware I Beware 1 Trust them not, Buy the Ivory 1 Hold on to that and shun the rest, . Take care! It is the cheapest and the best; Of frauds beware I Trust them not, Trust pure Ivory. A WORD OF WARNING. There are many whito soaps, each represented to be " just as good as the ' Ivory ' i " they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of the genuine. Ask for " Ivory " Soap and insist upon getting it. Copyright 1885, by Procter t Gamble. JOBWORK A. AMR New-Mahoning, Carbon County, Penna. MANUFACTURERS' OF Pure Bone Phosphates, Our Bone S Are a Complete Manure, containing all the elements required by Grain and Grass. The mechanicol conditions are perfect. Il will grow Grass as well as Wheat or Rye. The Price ihe WILLIAMS AND ROGERS' A LEADING, TOPSLAlt, FBAOTIOAIi COMMERCIAL SUHOOL. COMMEltCIAI,, 6II011TI1AND, FIUCTICAIj ENGLISH AND MILITARY DEPARTMENTS. L'resenU an opportunity for securing preparation lor the real work of lite, wlilch thousands of luting juL-u jmve iiimm usn-pp!ii sionu iu nuuuruuie mm t-uiiapicuuus suci'i'si. llio insimutou is hi a most prosperous condition, audits pal rpnago Is composed of a superior class of joimt; men unu women truin un iiris oi ino cominem. emi uir i-uuliukuo aim imisiraieu circular. bur VJ 0t WILLIAMS & ltOGEKS, ltoouester, N. Y. rjIILADKLl'IIIA.l'A. Kate at once, no operation or loss oi urns iroiu uumuess. vascn prunouueeu m curauits uj uuiera wauiou. doiiu lur v ircmar. .CURE GUARANTEED. omSfUoSnKi Lehighton Water Co. LEHIGHTON, l'A.. July 25. 18S9. Thero will bo n'mectlng of tho StocKholdcrs of Tin: I.i'.imniTO.v Watf.k Company In (label's Hall, hi tho liornueli ot Lehlghton, Pa..at8;00 o'clock I. M.. on l'i:il)AY,ril!rrKXIHHlt 27th, 1680, for tho purposo ot voting on an Inch cash Or lNHK.nTKDNEhHw Ily order of tbo Hoard, John S. I.bntz, President HoitAoi'. Heydt, Secretary. COLLEGE OF COMMERCE "Glrird BatldlDff," Broad and CbMtnui Bti., Hill. Xlnl year, Bust Uctliticf for training young men as l women fn tho Formi. Ctutoms, and Practlto cf BUSINESS. Superior BHOETHAND Courao. l(ttavhcn. StudtnU may carol) at any time. Send fur Ciroulare, coaUialD addrMl ty uiahop Yinecnt, Itua. Jiba aaaiuakvr ExUvV. I'utluck, and others. TUtt. J. TiUCKMT, frfoHjtaU J7W 2uy-S announces to the people of Le highton and vicinity that he has commenced tho Morcluiiit Tailoring business near the corner ot Lehigh and Carbon Sts., in this borough, and that ho is prepared to exhibit to purchasers over Three Hundred Styles of Suitings, Pantaloonings and Overcoatings.' which ho will furnish at from 10. to 15 per cent, lower than any other house. Fit and workman ship guaranteed. auswu.Yiv I L FRET, If they are recommended you, Take care I The grocer speaks not always true, ' Beware I Beware I Like as not He is fooling thee I Some counterfeits arc white as snow, Take care I Almost like Ivory Soap they show, Beware I Beware 1 Trust them not, They are fooling thee ' of all kinds nicely executed at this office. Prices low. & SON, and Bone Meal. uper-PJiosphates Very Lowest. Administrator's Notice. Estate of Gkorqk B. KNECHT.Iateof Franklin iwp., iMruou county, i a,, ueccaseu. Letters of artmmstratlon ontheauoto named estate having been granted to the undersigned, ai i parties inueuicii 10 1110 sam esiaie aro request ed to inako Immctllatu nawnent and tliiwn Ii.-lv. lull claims against the said estate will present their accounts duly authenticated for settlement 10 Avaiw liuiiin. Administrator, Aug. 10-Cw Welsspoit, Tenna. Administrator's Notice. Letters of Administration on the Kstate of Mrs. Henry ltemuly, lato of Lower Towameiislng Township, Oai bon enmity, deceased, having been giantedtu the undersigned Administrator, all person indented to said estate are requested to inako Immediate payment, and all persons hav ing claims or demands against the Kstate (it the said decedent will make known tho same to 1110 wiiuoui ueiav J. a KItl'AJIKIt, Administrator, Itesldeneo at Millport, Aquashtcola l'ostufllcv, CaiOon County, l'a. IUrsilEit & Cassiuy, Attorneys. July 20, 1879-W1. Administrator's Notice. Estate of Okoiiok V. Walck, lato of Jfauch Chunk. Carbon Co,-, l'a.. deceased, Letters or administration on the above named estatu having been granted to the iinitprsii'iicl all parties Indebted to tho said estateai o request- cu ... niuna iiiiiuruKiiu J).. mem mill 11IUSO liav- Ing claims against the said estate will present llielr accounts duly authenticated for settlement to MSWltT WALCK, Administrator. T. A, a.vvpKit, Atty, Lelilghton, l'a. " PRIVATE SALE. The undersigned 1ms n Valuable Knnn nf 74 aci es, a) acres nf widen nrcuuder-ii good state of cultivation and tho balance (Jood Wood Laud, sit uated Iu Towameiislng townshlp.nbout six miles U'ul.aiut.. .1... ,11.... V. . .... splendid chalice for a person desiring to buy a nluable Tract uf Uind at reasonable ilgure und on easy terms. The following Improvements are iu the propel ty, one 11AUN 1.1x35 tet, and 18ft. high walls, -a lib stabling, (11)111) FirASIK DVVKLLIKJl HOUSE, -2 story high built In I. shape, containing? looms and all Imiuoyements. All buildings have slate roofs and are In good condition. A good water power runs through the faun. J'oi- further par ticulars apply at this ulttce. or on the premises, or address Mkiniiaht. Hp Welssport, l'a. Administrator's Notice. Kstate of IIknuv Khamkii, late of Frank llu twp., Carbon county, Pa., deceased. Letters of administration on the abovo named estate haying been eranted to tlio undersigned, all Darllos Indebted to Urn said estato aro requested to make Immedi ate paverueut and those claim against the said estato will presoiit their accounts duly authenticated for settlement to AUSTIN UOVEIt, Administrator. Atis. 24, e9-0m Welssport, Ta. Executor's Notice. Etatc of EMZAUBTII GIESS. deceased. LetterH tentiuneiiliirv ni thn Rtt.itft .r film. lieth (lien, late ot South Kiiston. Nortlianinton county. Pa., Uermuetl, toe been cranW to Joeob (lieu, fwldiiii; Iu said borough who has Carbon county, l'a., as his auent, to whom ill iier&uiis iitucuiuu uiiiitt saiucsiaionio request'q tomakHtmniedlarejiAjnient.and uil tholohav- llll leiml cluluis or lfi'lil.-iml mrini.r Iia u.t-ita of the said decedent will make kuown the same. c. o. jicifl liiu.MAiv Agent, East l'enn Twp., l'a, .1 A ruin iiii-Hs ki.i.. ' Aui;ust2(,16-W8 -GO TO- SWEENY'S "Corner Store" Bottled Gherkins, w ot Pick les, Uhow-Chow, Onions, Tablo Sauce, Horse-radish, Cauliflow er, Catsup, Mixed Pickles, Cel ery Sauce, and all kinds of choice Jellies and table necessaries. In Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, &c, IPo lead, both In low prices and quality of goods. Our largo stock Is displayed to ad Vantage, an Item which purchasers will certainly greatly appreciate REMEMBER THE Corner Store, LEHIGHT0N PA. E. F. Lttckenbach, PLAIN AND DECORATIVE PATER HAND ING, HOUSE AND 8ION TA1NTINO awii riiiATKtwn. Competent workmen sent to any part of the county. lrBADQUArtTcna ron WallPaDersJorteyecoratioBS. Largo assortment, and the latest styles. Books, Stationery, Fancy (Ms WINDOW SHADES. All grades. Shade making and putting up promptly nuenuea 10. Paints, Oil, Varnish, Putty, Brushes & general Painters Supplies. Ho. 61 Broadway Hancb Chunk Fa. Helow the Broadway House. HORACE HEYDT. JOHN SEABOLDT, Jn Heydt & Seaboldt Successors to Kcmerer & Heydt INSURANCE AGENTS onico: Hank street. Trompt attention given to every kind ot In surance. Weissport Planing MAN Ul'ACTUEER OP Window and Door Frames, DoorsShutters, Blinds, Sashes, Mouldings, Brackets AND DEALER IN All RMs of Shingles, Failings, Hemlock Lumher, Sec, &c Very Lowest Prices. ELY'S Cream Balm CURES HAY FEyER AND Cold in HeaiAY-EEVER A imrtlclo IsiimdIIpiI Into nnrh nmtril nml U TfiLY mtOTHISItS, 66 Warren St., New York. UMUUSl l(t low Ladies, save your Carpets, Furni ture and Paintings from Destruction by using It makes absolutely no dust or curt wnen usinc, tiiereby saves women s lime and labor. Try it: sample free at J. ,T. NUSBAUM'S ' Original Cheap Cash Store," i.i.iuuiuu.vrA isjysm Birany dealer says lis has tho W, I,. Bougl hoes wltliuut name and price tunipea c 10 bottom, put ulin dowu as a fraud. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE GENTLEMEN. ltelt In the world. TCxamlna his ir.NIIINi: ll,Nl-MrVKI KIIOH. H4.CO llANIl-HKU I'.l) WKI.T NIIOK. M3JIO l'OI.ICi: ANI IMHMUItH' WIIOK. M-4.0O ICXTItA VA1.UH CAI.F Ml OK. St.-iH WOKICTNUMAN'g NIIOIC. 3.0O and DOYtj' SCHOOf, S1IOI2J aii uuuiy m uoDjcreu, uuuoii ima I nAIII AO 1 W Imm UUULl LAO S3 SHOE FOR LADIES. Ct Material. IlMt Style. Holt Flttloc. If tmt taUi Lv Your dvilpr. writ W. U JOUaiA. imOCKTOH. MASS lixamine V. 1.. Douglas' fl.00 shoes for ueUtle men and Ladles. Adam Mehrkam & Son, Agents LKUIOIITON. 1 A Handsome School-Bag Free ATTENTION! School will open soon and need an outfit. BOYS will need BOOTS, II ATS or SUSPENDERS, (c, &c., while GIRLS will need SHOES, besides other necessary artices. Both boys and girls will need a BOOK-BAG, and we propose to give to each purchaser ot One Dollar's Worth of Goods or over, a Handsome Book-Bag. This is an item of expense to PARENTS. By purchasing of us this amount will be saved as we pro pose to sell our goods at the lowest margin of profit consistent, and give, as a present, the Book-Bag. We have in stock most everything needful to fit out boys from top to toe, and at prices (.hat will bear comparison. Come and secure the BooZ-vBag. Opera House ALLWOOLDRESS FLANNELS. 40 pieces all-wool Dress Flan nels, 37 inches wide.all the latest shades for Fall at 33 cts. a yard. H.-GUTH & SON, 638 Hamilton St., Allentown. $1. a Year Lehigh Coal & Hardware Co., Coal, Hardware, Paints, Oils,, Glass, . Agricultural Implements and Repairs, Field and Garden Seeds, Phosphates, &c. We desire to call speciaj attention to our oofing Slate, vJS&F"" A full supply of which we have constantly on hand. Orders taken for Llllllber. General Agents for the Imp. Anthony Wayne Washer & Ironing Boards Sciler's Corner, North Bank Street. . Kin's Spe cial Roofing, Spouting and Hoc( ives our special attention nt this time, and in connection we are prepared to Repair Wash Ringers, no matter how fur gone. H'o can supply new rubbers andnew cocr wheels and make your washer as good as new at a very small cost. Our line of House-Furnishing Goods includes everything at prices exceed. ly low, w liilo our slock oi btoves and Kanges can t be be at in this town, or perhaps, elsewhere in the valley. Don't fail to call aud see us if yon need anything W. S. KUHNS, North Bank Street. all who propose to attend will CAPS, PANTS, JACKETS Block, Bank St. 1. &. MM, is the price of the Advo cate for 52 weeks. Announcement. General Job Work . in our line. Respectfully,