The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, August 24, 1889, Image 4

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"Persons who inspect the very largo stock and fashionable assort
ment of Roods wo always carry candidly admit that'in
"Worsteds, Cassimeres, Corkscrews,
Cheviots, &c, &e.,
of seasonable weights and styles we lead all competition, while at
the same time it is an acknowledged fact that in workman
ship, style, quality and price Clauss (0 Bro., stand at the
head. " It can't be helped !" As the leading merchant
tailors of this section we have earned a reputation which we
will sustain during the season now advancing by making up
suits 6r parts of suits in the latest styles, most substantial
manner and at prices that will astonish buyers. We want
you to call and inspect the largestock of Spring Suitings
and Pantaloonings just received, before you purchase else
where. You will be pleased with styles and prices,
BTOtto. fi&e, Slipped Miesi
For Gents', Ladies, Youths and
at the lowest prices. You are bound to be pleased.
Is complete in every particular.
Clauss Br os., rfTlie Tailors,
'aints, Varnishes. Glass.
Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa
Note Heads
Letter Heads
Price' Lists,
New presses, new type and excellent facilities enable us to do
all kinds of Job "Work, in the best style, ant cxd taraordinary
ow prices. Mail orders receive immediate attention.
Bank Street, Lekigkton, Pa.
Globing ut
On account of rapidly failing health the undersigned will close
out at sacrifice prices his large stock of
Gents.Ladies&Ghildrens Shoes
The goods are new, no shoddies or seconds, and people who
rvisely take advantage of this great closing out sale will secure
wonderful bargains in the shape of good goods at low prices.
Don't Fail to Call.
. Has just opened an entire new line of
Comprising all the very latest styles in White Goods, Sa
teens, Prints, Ginghams, MarSGiUfS, Seersuckers and
Fancy Dress Patterns of (he very best qualities at exceed
ing low prices.
Groceries, Provisions, Crockery ware,Glassware,
Wood and Willowware of tho best makes at low figures.'
Cloths Cassimers, Hats, Boots, Shoes and Ready
made Clothing in great variety and at prices within the reach
of all purchasers prices fully as low as the same goods can be
bought for at any other general store in this vicinity.
Carpets, Oil-cloths. Lamps and Fixtures in great
variety and of best quality At Iiqpk Bottom Prices.
Best quality of Flour and Feed at prices fully as low as the
eame articles can be purchased elsewhere.
A car load of coarse salt has just been received the price
a ibeen marked down to the very lowest notch.
All goods of the very best quality and are being sold at prices
II.. 1 A 1 "1 , 1 . . '
quuuy ua iuw s me same goous can uougm at any general store
in this section. Call and bo convinced. liespectiully,
July23-871y AMOS REIGEL.
Children. Only the best makes
Blanks of all Kinds
Wedding Stationery
Business Cards,
Shipping Tags
Sale Bills
Ball Tickets,
Circulars. &c.
et Cost. Bi
for You.
Alleged American Fun,
The first chapter In tho history of ft
J ouDg v6man's lovo Is chap. won.
No wonder hats begin to look played
out at an early period of their mortal exis
tence They are on thq rack about half
the lime.
UnckUn'i Arnica Salve.
Thn IlI'ST Salvo In tho world for cuts, bruises.
sores. Ulcers, salt rheum, fover sores, tetter,
chapped hands, chilblains corns and all skin
crupiions, nua positively cures pucs, or no pay
required. It Is jruaranteed to give perfect satis
faction, or money refunded, l'rlce 25 cents per
box. For sale by IIKBKU drugulst.
Tho base-ball player has no fear of his
check, That Is hard and durable. He
puts on tho muzzle to savo his nose and
front teeth.
The engraving on a ton dollar bill Is X
ToTiiKEntTon Please inform yourread-
ers that I have n positiye remedy for the
ahovo named disease. By its timely use
thousands of hopeless cases have been per
manently cured. I shall be glad to send
two bottles of mv remedv free to any of
your readers who have consumption If they
win sentl mo their express anu postoince
address. Respectfully, T. A. Slocum, M. D.,
181 Pearl St., Hew York.
Splccd'plums One gallon?plums, ono
pint vinegar, ono quart sugar, cinnamon
and cloves whole, lioil several hours and
forced to Leavo Home.
Over GO people were forced to leave their
homes yesterday to call for a freo trial pack
age of Lane'a Family Medicine. If vour
blood Is bad, your liyer and kidneys out of
order, it you nre constipated nna unyo head
ache and an unsightly complexion, don't fail
to call on nny druggist to-day for a free
sample of this grand remedy. The ladies
praise it. Everyone likes it. Large sized
package CO cents.
Applying kerosene with a rag when
you are about to put your stoves away for
the summer will help to prevent them from
Cure Yourself.
Don't pay largo doctor's bills. The best
medical nook published, 1UU pages, elegant
tolored elates, will be sent vou on receipt
of three 2-cent stamps to pay postage. Ad
dress a. i: urdway is uo., JJoston, Mass.
To clean vinegar bottles and cruets
crushed egg shells in a little water are as
good shot, besides being healthier and
IJrlRht's Illsenso Lost Its Victim,
Under date of July 18th, 1888. Mrs. Laura
Kcnipton, of West Rutland, Vermont, writes;
"We are certain that only for Dr. David
Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, of Rondout,
a. i., our little ten-year-old daughter
would have been dead from Bricht's Disease.
Wo had tried In vain other means, but the
Favorite Remedy came just in time to saye
tier me.
Whcnbutter is" put Tn the ice chest or
refrigerator, cover It tight, and It will not
absorb odors from the other contents.
Interested People.
Advertising a patent medicine in the pe
culiar way in which the proprietor of
jvemp s .uaisam tor uougns and Uolds does
is indeed wonderful. lie authorizes all
dnigt-ists to give all those who call for it a
fininnlp lintlln ffWJ flint tUart rvynxr - it U
fore purchasing. The large bottles are 60c
and $1.00. Wo certainly would advise a
trial. It may save you from consumption.
Strong.brine maybe used to advantage
in washing bedsteads. Hot alum water Is
also recommended for this purpose.
liny Fever ami Itoso Cold
Are attended by an lntlamed condition of the
llnliiE membrane of the nostrils, tearducts and
throat, affecting tlio lungs. An acrid mucus Is
secreted, the discharge Is accompanied with a
burning sensation. There are severe spasms ol
sneezing, frevuent attacks of headaco, watery
and Inflamed eyes, lily's Cream Dalni Is a rem
edy that can ho depended upon.. 60 cents a,
(IrugKlsts; by mall, registered, CO cents. Ely
Brothers, Druggists, 60 Warren St., New York.
To haye a good cup of tea, fresh water
is essential; otherwlso the best tea will be
"off flavor."
Would use Kemp's Balsam for the throat
and lungs. It is curing more casesof Coughs,
Colds. Astlinln. Ttrnnnliltt. O.rn.m nA t.
Throat and Lungs Troubles, than anyothei
tnmlii-tnn Tl.o Kn,:.i.. 1. ....1 1
druggist to give you a sample Bottle Freo to
COlWincn VOU nf thn moi-it nf tlila nrant
edy. Largo Bottle 50c and $1.
Mosquitoes, flies and gnats may 1 o
mpi away oy sponging the faco and hands
with elder flower water.
A strong solution of alum, to which
has been added a little glycerine and vine
car, Is a euro for mosquito biles.
A .Saf Investment,
Is ono which Is guaranteed to brlug you satis
nurehas , i,rl,-., n,. .hi. '.".""" " '"ur"
I?!?! f!?S ",lr,?,,lvei lised Druggist a bottle of
king s A ew Discovery for Consumption. I
t Is
ii, ,w uiniK rrnei m every case, when
"! ? w " airectkm of Throat, Lungs or Chest.
etc. eS. -it. u nv;i.,;v " p""?.
perfectly safe, and can always bo depended uu.
on. Trial bottles freo at lti:UEK'8 Dg store.
Set a small box of lime In tho pantry
and It will help keen It drv and thn sir riiirtv
Ivory black stirred ,ln ordinary shellac
vanish makes a brilliant black varnish for
Iron stoves and flro-places.
Pimples, boils and other humors are
liable to appear when tho blood gets healed.
To cure them, take Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Ono pint of best brown sugar weighs
thirteen ounces.
Stains on ivory knife bandies may be
remoyed with salts of lemon.
Jlddlo of the day dinners are recom
mended in summer by medical men.
31. 1- A SbiT Principle.
A great physician has discovered that the
true way tbact on liver,slomach,bowels,etc
is through their nerves. MiW Pills (M. P.)
tho safest and surest of pills. Samples free
at Biery & Tiromas' drug store.
Electric lighting in Norway is being
rapidly extonded to the steamers owned In
that country.
Tho new bureau of public lighting,
which began work in Philadelphia on the
1st of July, has control of all the electric
lights in tho city
Mrs. C. A. Johnson, of Toledo, had every
symptom of heart disease, shortness of
breath, could not lie on left side, cobghs,
pains in chest, Ac, yet after being giyen up
to die, was cured by Dr. Miles' New Cure.
Sold by druggists. Biery & Thomas.
To be fashionable your parasol should
match your dress.
Dresses mado entirely of crape ara
worn only by widows.
Electricity In all its branches is mak
ing progress In Sweden.
Tho graphite brush Is now being quite
generally used for Btrcet car work.
An electrical exhibition on a ran,ij
scalo Is proposed to bo held next year In
England is complaining of tho arrival
M pauper labor.
Will do til your
own i-nnong or
etrn money print
lag for others.
Your boy csn
run It. Outflu,
with Fress cost 5.
tto, 120, ta, or more,
acoordlnx to slw-ona
u good u another.
In um ill ortr the
Full Information In
a book called Mow
to Print. Free with
simple! of Modil;
preM work, upon ap-
M2 Areh trtt, PMMtlpUr..:
Sco what Is said about
The Model Press.
My Model l'ress netted me In three month over
$200.00 I never had Instructions In printing be
fore, yet I set up and printed 10,000 deposit tickets
on my Model Tress tho day after I received It. 1
have made more than double what my jriodel
Press cost me the first two months. -Have done
about f W0.00 worth of work on my No, 1 Model
rress. it beats an. Alter three years' use i
and my Model tress as eood as new. The
Model Tress Is well built ni)d ought to last nai
a century.
The Model Press
Is fully equal to the largest and costliest ioa
chines for fine Card and OENEltAh BUSINESS
nrlntlne. Any smart boy can turn out hundred
of dollars worth of work every year, even with
one ox mo smaller sues. Auuress.
The Model Press Co., Ltd.,
012 Arch Street,
mayl2-jl Philadelphia , Pa.
When I say Ccna I d not mean merely to
stop them for a time, and then hare them re
I have made the dlstais of
A life-long study. I WAiramx my remedy to
Ctrnit the worst eases. .Because others bare
tailed Is no reaaonXor not now receiving a enre.
Send at once for a Grettli and a Fnss Isottui
ot my lMj-ALLinLB kimbdt. Qlve Express
and l'oit Office. It eotta you nothing for a
trial, and It will cure you. Address
H.Q.ROOT.M.C, 83PEUL$T,HnrYltl(
Almost as Palatable as Milk.
6) i
Bo dliguUrd that it can be taken,
llgsxed, and assimilated by the moil
.enlltlve etomacli, when the plain ol
eannut lie tolernted t and br the oom.
blnatinn of,tSie oil with the hjrpopbost
piuyea ih dbcd man emcncioiae,
BeBiarkahle u flub prodncer.
Persona gain rapidly trhlla Uldng It,
SCOTT'S EMULSION ia acknowledged by
Phyoiciai.B to be4ho Finest and Best prepa
ration in tho world for thorelltf and cure ol
Tht great remedy fur Consumption, and
Scwlna Machine.
HIGH ARM $25.00.
Each Machine has a drop leaf,
fancy cover, two large drawers,
with nickel rings, and a full set
.of Attachments, equal to any Sin
per Machine sold from $40 to
$60 by Canvassers. Atrial in your home be
fore payment is asked. Buy direct of the Manu
facturers and save agents' profits besides getting
certificates of warrantee for fire years. Send for
testimonials to Co-operative Sewing MsohliiB
HO.. ZbU S. nth stl'hiladeiphia.l'a.
Wehare a remedy Out wiU CURE CATARRH.
RRONntllTIS cnf ASTHUA. Our filth is IQ
ttronff that re will lend treatment oa trial.
Send for TrtitlJe and full particular. Address,
rhe Hall Chemical Co., 3860 Ftlrmount AvPMIa.,Pa
We will SEND FREE bv
mall a larze TRIAL BOTTLE :
- . v.ti. nnu'T'
ANY LONGER 1 Gl ve Poet Of-
6ce. Stite and County, aad Ace plainly.
. 2S60 Falrmount Avenue, Fhlladelp hia. Fa.
PIso'a Cure for Con
sumption U also the beat
If you have a Cough
without disease of tio
Jjonga, a few doses are all
you need. But IT you ne
glect this easy means of
safety, the slight Cough
may become a serious
matter, and several bot
tles will be required.
PIso'a Ilemedy for Catarrh la the M
Beat, Easiest to Use, and Cheapest.
Sold by druggtou or sent by mtSLMMI
SCO. E. T. HaielUae, Warren, Pa.
B03 Rewlnc.Uacklne'
trad U all pam, by
UlaUlBaT Bur a&acLjnu
wmh b popi can H
proa is mcK locUtj,tti vtrj
bwl twlif-iciln mail la
WMld. With ftll th
Wo wtllftlM ndf a eoainlela
Un of ov eoily ajid valuiblt art
tan pi M- 1b ratum m axk thai jom
wBif wiui wa acoa, 10 ioa wa
soar call at yooi homa, and atcr Si
Monica auimau caroma jour own
tppartr. thla rraadi nuthlna U
taadoaftar tao nlucer Dairaia,
'bleb ha ra Nl 1 bafoca pauaia
run out It aold for with iba
atlarknaamla. auil hh alla fo
8AO. Sait, atroaiat,mot tia
rultaachta la tka world. Alt U
fraa. Ka canlLat rnulr.i riaJsL.
briaf iBUructlaaa rirtm. IboN wh writ to at ai oaco caa
eora frea tha baal aawiaauaBifia in tha war) it an.) tha
nBtfttlinaofwefkBorbtvliariarar aatwa toMlbtt Im Anarka
Only nenulne Sraterd afMesorr Tralalac.
l'our B.ok. Learned la ene readlnf.
Mind wcnderl. cores.
Brtry child and adnU creatlr beaeatted.
jj . u.M iHwiMiBuw m uorreaponaaac. I'liniil.
Ut In Mina
n . tha mil Pavnhnl.
!. J, ft
... -run.
diurollh. ChnttUm
'eiar. um etatrauat,
BfiUamln, aaih kuiTpo.t trZbi' T " ;
i-rorTA.l.OlMlSTl'i:, BI Iflnh At... N, X.
1 nufi
It is rumored that William Black, tho
novelist, has become nti adept at poker.
Dr. Jayno, tho new bishop of Chester,
persistently takes exerciso 011 n trioyclo.
Lucas Sllva, who was a doctor in tho
independence army of Bolivia, has
reached his I29tn year.
Emperor William has bocomo n mem
ber of tho Goethe society, which has its
headquarters at Weimar.
Governor Dillingham, of Vermont, re
cently earned $3.25 by appearing as a
witness in a local lawsuit.
Nairy Foreuz, of Dares, Hungary, Is be
lieved to be the oldest man In the world.
lie was born 131 years ago.
The tender, deferential and affectionate
manner of the Prince of Wales with the
queen, his mother, Is described as charm
Jay Gould, Alonzo Reed and Mrs.
George Westlnghouse wont to school to
gether. They wore nil comparatively
poor in those days.
In the portrait whloh Sir John Millals
Is now painting Mr. Gladstono is repre
sented sitting, with his llttlo grandson
standing by his knee. '
John Hart, a great-grandson of the
John Hart who signed tho Declaration
ot Independence, drives a baker's wagon
at West Chester, Pa.
The abah will probably not visit Con
stantinople on his return to Persia, be
cause bo Is unablo to settlo about his re
ception by tho sultan.
King Menilok, tho new ruler of Abys
sinia, Is a fierce looking man, dark, tali,
thin and active, with piercing black eyes
and a long dark beard.
M. Emmanuel Louis Cartigny, of
Hyeres, France, Is a veteran of Trafal
gar, 08 years old; probably nbo tho doyen
of the Legion of Honor since Chevreul's
Professor E. N. Horsford's tower in
memory of the Norsemen, at-Waltham,
Mass., will be of stone, fifty feet high,
and will bo on the eight of old Fort
Slgnor Bottesinl, the illustrious vio
loncello player, whoso death liaB been
recorded, reaohed the ago of C8 years
with no perceptiblo diminution of his
marvelous powers.
Dinah Sallferl, king of Senegal, visited
die Wild West show in Paris tho other
day. "How many poople in your coun
try?" he asked Col. Cody. "About 05,
000,000." "Whew! A big country, full
of big poople I
Liberty, the well known London dealer
m Oriental goods, gave the Japanese a
serious lecture recently at Sakuragaoka,
Tokio. He told tho natives that they
wore permitting their art to bo vitiated
by that of Europe.
Neither Bishop Vincent nor Mr. Miller,
who founded tho summer school at
Chautauqua sixteen years ago, and who
ore there leading it, is a college man.
Mr. Miller's daughter is tho wife of
Thomas A. Edison, the electrician.
Simon Cameron In his will bequeathed
his fine collection of books to tho Young
Men's Christian association of Harris
burg. Tills has excited a thought among
the citizens, of that city of establishing n
free library and using Mr. Cameron's col
lection as its nucleus.
Professor H. H. Boyeson, of Columbia
college, is remarkablo among literary
men by reason of the fact that he writes
with conspicuous elegance in at least
three languages. Ho is fortunate, too,
in being on terms of Intimacy with dis
tinguished men in America, England
and tho Continent.
Don Jose Zorrilla, who was recently
crowned poet laureate of Spain, is a
short, slender old man 73 years of ago.
Ho has a fine head, with white hair
brushed baok from his forehead. His
eyes ore large and dreamy, and his mouth
is handsome. His mustache and goatee
give him a military appearance.
At Samaden, a hotel proprietor util
izes his electrio light plant in tho day
timo for cooking purposes.
Saws have been discovered in Ger
many and Denmark which belonged to
the bronze age. The metal of which they
were composed was cast into a tldiii
sheet and serrated by breaking the edge.
A very notable point in tho economics
of electricity as employed for purposes
of light and power Is tho fact that none
or the improvements lias rendered nny
of the original electrical apparatus less
The experience of tho electrio light
committee in Leeds, England, has boos
that incandescent. lamps become useless
after a life of 850 to 000 hours, though
the filaments have a nominal life of
1,000 hours.
Mr. Gray, in a recent paper road bo-
toro tne institute or Naval Architects.
shows that the ether pressure at tho
(earth's surface at the equator must bo
at least 11K) tons on tho square Inch
greater at midnight than it is at mid
In engraving on glass by electricity
the plate to be engraved is covered with
a concentrated solution of nitrate of
potash, and put in connection with one
of the poles of the battery, and tho do
sign is traced out witli a flno platinum
point connected with the other pole.
A 5-year-old child in Monson, Mo., Is
said to speak three languages.
A Bombay newspaper announces two
marriages, in one case the bridu being
aged ' years and In the other 15 months,
while tho bridegroom was 80. This is
tho system which Pundlta Ramabai is
struggling against.
A short wlillo since a npgro woman
near Uentervillo, Wilkes county, Qa..
named Harriet Evans, having her young
haby in her lap at church, got to shout-
lug and pounding her child. Sho beat it
so severely that several of its ribs wore
broken and the child died in a few days
tram tne injuries.
Large bonnet? are filings of tho past.
Eel green, a lovely bluish shade, js the
The brims of sailor hats uro very
Tho newest red is a dull shade called
Eiffel rouge.
Toques grow smnller, anil nro more
worn than ever.
Black silk stockings are in good taste
with any kind of a dress.
Ribbon bandeaux and metal fillets for
the .coiffure aro much worn.
The Sir Joshua fichu grows in popu
larity and in fashionable favor.
Large, loose bishop sleeves of lace are
frequently seen on sUk bodices.
"Capetlne" is thenamelhatthe French
give to all large low crowned hats'.
Shoes are worn both pointed and
square, but pointed ones are the more in
Pale blue is fashionably combined with
dark green, and pale green with dark
Epaulettes and shoulder knots grow
more and more fashionable as the season
A. Stranger 'Who Came Alone in Time to
Help the Drnenllt Oat-
About twonty miles inland I stopped
at a general store to rest and get a bite
to eat. Besides keeping hardware,
woodonware, dry goods, groceries, sad
dlery, notions, boots and shoes, smoked
and salt meats, there was a Mock ot
drugs In the rear, I got somo crackers
and cheese, and while eating thero oame
in a colored man. He complained 01
pains in the chest and wanted a remedy.
The merchant scratched his nose 10-
flcctively, looked along tho shelves and
Anally took down a bottle, poured a
two-ounco vial full and corked It up,
and handed itxver with the remark:
"Take five drops of that in water
every four hours. Fifty cents."
Tho negro paid and wont owoy, and In
a few minutes a woman oamo in for
something for dyspepsia. He took down
a chance bottle, poured soma of the con
tents into a vial, and charged her sixty
cents. Then I inquired It ho was a doc
tor. "Well, sorter," ho replied.
"And you know drugs?'
"Yes, tolerably fair."
"You put up queer remedies for those
two complaints."
"Did I? Do you know drugs?"
"I havo sorvod five years as prescrip
tion clerk."
"Just tho man I've been aching to see
for a month! I took this stock on a debt.
The fellow agreed to write on each bottle
what the contents woro good for, but he
missed over half of 'em. rvo been deal
ing out sorter on my own Judgment, and
I'vo had mighty good luok so far."
"Haven't you killed any one?"
" 'Bout a dozen, I reckon; but all but
ono have been niggers, and the one white
man was no 'count anyhow. Now you
just put In tho afternoon marking up
them bottles, and I'll keep ye over night
and hand ye two big dollars in the morn
ing." Now York Hun.
ilnek from the Country.
Policeman What, returned to tho city
so early In the season?
Tramp Yea, boss, tho city's good
enough for me.
P. Why so? I supposed tho country
was a paradise in summer to those of
your kind.
T. So it was once, boss, but the farm
ers are now all taking summer boarders,
and work off their cold wittles on 'em.
Boston Budget.
The Itoail to Wealth.
"Mr. Jones," said the old millionaire.
"Yes, sir," answered his private secre
"Hera are fifty begging letters. An
swer tnein an witn a reiusai.
"Yes, sir.-
"And you will observe that every one
has a two cent stamp inclosed for reply.
"Yes, sir."
"Well, answer them all on o postal."
Kveiyllilnc; in Season.
Able Editor See here, Mr. Phunny-
man, you have used this ice cream joke
about forty times within a month, this
hammook Joke about twenty times, and
this soda water joko at least a hundred
Newspaper Humorist (Indignantly)
Well, sir, you don't expect me to write
stovepipo and plumber jokes in the sum
mer timo, do you? New York Weekly.
The Other Side.
Fauntleroy Mother Cedrio, why do
you speak to that ragged little boy? He
will contaminate you.
Cedrio Just a moment, dearest.
wish to tell him what a happy boy I am
with you. (To ragged urchin) Say, cull
I'll meet you an' de gang down on de cor
ner when de old lady goes ter bed. Get
plenty of bricks an' we'll bust every lamp
on de street. Lawrence American
Tho Advanced Method.
First Omaha Miss I'm so glad you
like tho story of tho "Phantom Mist, or
the Shadow of a Sound," How far have
you gotten with it?
Second Omaha Miss I've read the last
three chapters and a llttlo in tho middle
of tho book.
First Omaha Miss Well, you'll, be
charmed when you read the opening of
the story, Omaha World-Herald.
He Called on Miss Lexington.
"Did you call on tho chawming Miss
Ixswxington lawst night, Chappie, as you
said you would? '
"Bah jove, I did."
"Naw, bah jove!"
x "Fact, my deah boy."
"Bah jove, you're gettlncr to bo a reg
ular terwar. When do you call again?"
. "it isn't llxed. Miss Lowxington wasn'
at home." New York World.
A drills in Spain.
Queen of Spain Mol gracial Tho baby
king has tho stomach ache.
Lord Chamberlain (excitedly) Woo-ol
Call tho secretary of tho interior. New
xori: weemy.
Doe DT8.
Kind Lady (to tramp) That coat you
have on is pretty well worn out, isn't it?'
Tramp Yes, madam, I fear that it has
gone to tho ttogs. Clothier and Fur
nisher. Idleness Is A Dangerous Fault
In the kidneys. Illien inactive they speed
Uy fall Into disrepair. Those obstinate and
fatal nialaaies, Brlght's disease and diabe
tes, ensue with terrible certainty UDon the
inaction of the organs affected. Catarrh of
the bladder, enuresis, travel and strangury
are also to be apprehended from a partial
paralysis of the bladder, of which weakness
and sluggishness are the causes. Hoatet
tcr's Stomach Bitter's Is a fine tonic and
promoter of activity for the renal organs,
and one which can be relied upon to afford
them the requisite stimulus without excit
ing them an effect to be feared from the
unmedlcaled alcoholic excitant of com
merce. A further beneficent effect of the
Hitters, by renewing activity of the kid
neys, is to enable them to drain from the
blood In Us passage tlirouch them, impuri
ties productive of rheumatism and dropsy.
Nervousness, fever and ague, constipation
and dyspepsia are conquered by the Bitters.
James O. Blain.. Jr., son of the Secre
rj nf State, Is now a fireman on a Maine
Central locomotive.
A movement Is on foot for the forma
tion of a national organization of tie ale
port; andbrewerer employes.
25 CTS.
G FOR $1.00
or mailed for price.
Nenr Philadelphia.
School Opens Scpl.lOlh
Ycnrlr Expense. $500.
Quarterly lirin'tB,)L25.
Admits nd classifies youriff men and hort it any time t ftvjliem for rtustnew, Itiv Cflleir ri-lytftnnie
School, fat West Point or Annapolis. Advanced clashes In Physks, Chemistry burvevlt'if , I'leit l r
CMl HnrineeHnff. ClaUt. M At hematic. te Clnm nt th tit -miinti,1 ami ft, n.jttim-ii f. All
Itudentsnoird with the Principal. Teachers all men and fmduate ft first-chm ollce Tine )(iihlitkH , slnuta tot rioub.t
rooms. Eery room has In It a steam radiator nd i comptetety furttkhett. Ground (ten i tcs A- 1 1 on I a -tali,
athletics, etc. Gymnasium Special opportunities fr aptstiKknntoada'i rapidly rrlTotrttii.ttititrn'Tl-t"' 4i'r,1 it ba i
ward boys. Patrons or student miy elect any sludiM, rr n Riilres. t"ol)ep-Prcpart. . Metri-iil, t h I fn- mtftn..
course. Physical and Chemical ..njxiratory I tactical Hnslnes Drpar-mr-tit wilh lelevf-'l-hy htn iml i v ttiui-t!,
etc.. etc. More fully supplied vtih apparatus than anv other "Hck e ftttiiK ho I Mc.1l. Akn t ruj, .iT. l -ver It. mi
comfort, the best education, and the besttrainlittt F ed t ces -vri cicn r in NoexHitin it - M i.tli-i -Um iSetr
Illustrated caulneue sent free to any address. K'.VWll.Nl SJIIOR l Ulh.L. a It AM .r. ... m ; Hitutpal
d Proprietor, Media, Pa, Circulars at thK oilka
Including main llnoe, branches and extensions East and West of tbo
- VUU1 V (.. WDttUlUUUU., UU AUUtMWOa i 1 UU1 OO II, ilUUUkJUlil 111 1U11, UUU VUUUvll
Bluffs. In IOWA-Mlnneapolls and St. Paul, In MINNESOTA-Watertown
and Bloux Falls, In DAKOTA Cameron, St. Joseph, and Kansas City. In
MISSOURI Omaba, Falrbury, and Nolson.ln NEBRASKA Horton, Topoka,
Hutchinson, Wichita, Belleville, Abilene, Caldwoll, In KANSAS Pond
Creek, Kingfisher, Fort Reno, In tho INDIAN TERRITORY and Colorado
Springs, Denver, Pueblo, in COLORADO. FREE Reclining Chair Cars to
and from Chicago, Caldwell, Hutchinson, and Dodgo City, and Palaco Stoop
ing Cars between Chicago, Wichita, and Hutchinson. Traverses new and
vast areas of rich farming and grazing lands, affording tho best facilities
of Intercommunication to all towns and cities east and west, nprtbwoBt
and southwest of Chicago, and Pacific and transoceanic Seaports,
Leading all competitors in splendor of oquipmont, cool, well ventilated, and
freo from dust. Through Coaches, Pullman Sleepers, FREE Reclining
Chair Cars, and (east of Missouri River) Dining Cars Daily between Chicago,
Dos Moines, Council Bluffs, and Omaha, with Free Reclining Chair Car to
North Platte, Nob,, and between Chicago and Colorado Springs, Denver,
and Pueblo, via St. Josopb, or Kansas City and Topeka. Splendid Dlnlng
Hotels (furnishing meals at seasonable hours) west of Missouri River.
California Excursions dally, with CHOICE OF ROUTES to and from Salt
Lake, Ogden, Portland. Los Angeles, and San Francisco. -The DIRECT
LINE to and frqm Pike's Peak, Manitou, Oarden of tho Gods, tho Sanitari
ums, and Scenlo Grandeurs of Colorado,
Solid Express Trains dally between Chicago and Minneapolis and St. Paul,
with THROUGH Reclining Chair Cars (FREE) to and from those points ana
Kansas City. Through Chair Car and Sleeper between Peoria, Spirit Lake,
and Sioux Falls, via Rock Island. Tho Favorite Lino to' Pipestone, Water
town, Sioux Falls, and tbo Summer Rosorta and Hunting and Fishing
Grounds of the Northwest'.
travel between Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Lafayette, and Council Bluffs, St,
Joseph, Atchison, Leavenworth, Kansas City, Minneapolis, and St. Paul.
For Tickets, Maps, Folders, or desired information, apply to any Ticket
General Kanagcr.
ryrmont, Ohio, writes:
11 1 feel that I can not rec
ommend Pr. SetU Arnold's Conch
too highly. Would uol bo
without It.
Druggists, 250., 60o., and 41.00.,
Best and Purest MedicineS
,XU. HWlliariVUUlu uuuwiiiuuijuui
AJ.-A. nn.l mnLn vnni cLIn
flonn nml Rmnotli. Those
or ' o rr J
pfe llmil(M ami nlott-hes
ion roar your
V a " e,7e NKsvrcmovedlnaBhort
, , V ivSLunio. If you aro
yA?r 7L A30Vl9 and use
Thn Tin an
email nnlvl
Vutaf nil il rh pane it
raemcinu. -ry n.
,.,111 l,n anffltA1
11 UU U1U OHU-trt
Sid imrSS Suumito Birajfjfa
Itl nn,l l t 111'
They never ion vo curu
Boston, Mass., for hbt medical vork iuulihcdr
Blood PoIsozuDImmm of Klfinf.Bladdrsrn3otherop
gang, Woakneuea, NrvoQ Ltoblltir, Lot Manhood, r
alUof Krroraln Voatb ArarpeedllrsDd rermaaentlr
oared. Oonqltntlon nnd treat fnaAlMi trs by ma I L
1 to sojr ooa who win oontndiol
I blDrootoDrcUJmfh.,.
Acmo Blacking
Woxrr Jt lUHiJOLrn.
To idjbuI fntelUerot totk ol this, try Iba follow
bi method: Uang ptrip of leather la a botUo of
Aome BUoUiur, and Imto it thenjfor m day or
U0 lb
wdum a cuuuar teat with FrencH lrxMtdnj, a&d
venOomeii witn any lipoid aaTation of Parte Black
ut w wiu4 uuiuu wacaing uut coo
In atone Iqjtc
fbkss tu Una p Istthtr
IU UuitlM, rich, GI.08SV l'OUHn U tm
, eqaUL BH4 labor amd anmoynuet. - I
A Polish roasts n Month for Women, sal
A Week forMe n.tpdonlliLnitis Leather
raa Four Months wlthiwt muTsUnf.
tVILFF & RANMIPH. phiudeiphiji
if ill
FrtEBH Hops, hemlock oum
Kmvarl on white muuln.
Thc popular b
Apply one new fsr
Bacfenehe, Bldeaobe, BheuMfttlau.,
Kidney Weakness, Tender LunuB,
core cheat. Stiff Jiaaoles, rentals
Jfains, L.T10K, oprauw, etu.
Itcurcievery aortof Pain, Ache, or Weakness,
ana quiauy, too.
Cl JTI J? , as
IjetAJortlgmlate fif HOP PLASTER, CO.,
Proprietors, BOSTON, en the genuine gooilt.
or address
OHIOAQO, IIL. Gen'l Ticket ts Pass. Agent
?"i7WASH out
. T.U,k
....ijr.r.r, jjAU.1irl Ill.Uinii.
I'liEKLESS EUO 1)VES-S Colors.
Successful Trealmsnt of Disease
AIIL'IKIUHS tbo t'uuso or nil Iilseases.
, Kills the Microbes.
Suocessful Treatraenf.
k&.ar.MAi(d Wonderful Tnnl nml
JTT lllood l'urlfler.
The i eOowTof tho Microbe Killer lo eues of con-
re justllled In clilmlns- tor it c.n.llv. poirera baiond
thosa of o.y mtxlie i known. We do Sot cl.lru for It
jnirieulou. iwvrer In enrinc cun so fir oooe tlut core
ui impofeible, but we .'- cl.irn tlist it irillcnte an cue
whera the lunjni ere not mora than half gone. lVraon.
wiUipoorspneUto. eak and debilitated. wUI find it the
best lonio. Kferr one should nae It. partlcolarlj thoae
jhohare anffered for yean with incurable chronloillM
"Nl0Jlr"Pf)fP,!u,.M(:Mofdjae.' Tho
medh-lne that will Ifll tho wrrna iHbiSJi ttn3
cure the patient Is tho one to use w"
Soli onlr In one gllon atone Joes. 1rlee si 3 (Ml
snfflolent to laj.t about pne moothT Chelpi withii Tthe
Wjn. Radam's Microbe KUIer, r.tV.JS-y.k:
se.t Solid cioiii Wticb.i
Hold lorwiuu, ituuilaUiir.l
liU tt wtleli In lh world. I
1'MfKt tionkMMr. Wef-l
natM. iitarjr 0114 uoid
mi jtBlYnlto.wtU. troiluf
One I'erao n la tch i.
caltlr ua aetr on irate
tOMtaar wtiii oar Urft , Til
cula Ub of Household
Ham plea. Tbaia Hput, o
rall a lb wttah, '
aVra. and after ro t
w bo but bar call J, thtr beomi yoor pra proMrtj. fbota
who writ Bt Bt caa b iun of rtpalrtBk ra fVatels
and fi am pies. VTMy all tpttU, fttht,t addxaai
ttUaioatls Co. Max HliaJi'orUond.pflalttP
Ihtm la joat hone for B nootaa and ahevra tbm te taoaa
- $1
The POLICE QAZKTTE will b, mallej,
tuurelv wrar.twil. to nv miilriti in ik. Tti.
)J Btatei for I h re 0 mouths op receipt of
One Dollar.
Llberitl diacnillit hIIawaiI t iain,..!.
conla a n.I clubs Sample oopiea roaiJeJ free!
IUt SO.leeS-Jy tEjcFi)iinc