The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, August 03, 1889, Image 4

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Persons who inspect the very lrifgo stock and fashionable assort
ment of Roods we always carry candidly admit that in
"Worsteds, CassiinQi;es, Corkscrews,
CheyiotSj fe., &c.,
of seasonable weights and st)'lea
tho same time it is an acknpMogged fact that in workman
ship, style, quality and nficc Clauss & Bro., stand at the
..head. " It can't be hclpcdTJ ' As the leading merchant
. tailors of this section we hayoarned a reputation which wo
will sustain during the scasoiTrfow advancing by making up
suits or parts of suits in tii West styles, most substantial
manner and at prices that .fifllastonish buyers. Wo want
you to call and inspect thcjjcgjb'stticlcj of Spring Suitings
amrrantaloonings just revived, belore you purchase else
where. You will be pleaseilnt'ith styles and prices.
For Gents', Ladies, Youths and
at the lowest prices. You ma gpund to be pleased.
Is complete in e ,'cry particular.
Clauss Bros., The Tailors
Bams. rJS IDmcoiTOHU
'aims. varnisnis. mas
m wa, m m i tor j h w m mm
Bank Street, lehigliton, Pa
Bill Heads
Note Heads
Letter Heads
Price Lists,
New presses, new type and excellent facilities enable us to do
all kinds of Job Work, in theibest style, ant exd taraordinary
nr i -i . J ; ii Li
ow prices, luau oraers receive
JOB eooms,
Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa.
, '
Closing Out &t Cost.
Bargains! for You.
On account of rapidly failing health the undersigned will close
out at sacrifice prfiJfcs his large stock of
Gents,Ladies&Ghildrens Shoes
The goods are new, no shoddies or seconds, and people who
Wisely take advantage of this $:eat closing out sale will secure
wonderful bargains in the shape of good goods at low prices.
Don't Efil to Call.
mm sea a &
teens, Prints, Ginghams",
Has just opened an entire new line of
Comprising all the very latest sMes in White Goods, Sa'
Fancy Dress Patterns of I he very best qualities at exceed
ing low prices.
Groceries, Provisions, yrockeryware,Glassware,
Wood and Willowware tof the best makes at low figures.
- Cloths Cassimers.-Hat, Boots, Shoes and Keadv-
made Clothing in great variety and at prices within the reach
of all purchasers prices fully as
bought for at any other generaltore in this vicinity.
Carpets, Oil-cloths, Iitimps and Frxttires in great
variety and ol best quality at
Best quality of Flour andf'eed at prices lully as low as the
6ame articles can be purcliaseajpsewhere.
A car load of coarse salt;
wis been marked down to the
All goods of the very best quality and aro being sold at prices
equally as low as the same goods
in this section. Call arid be convinced, Kespectlully,
July23-871y AMOS REIGEL.
wfnlend all competition, while at
(Jhildrcn. Only tho best makes
mmv m m w w J w v w j
Blanks of all Kinds
Wedding Stationers
f Business Cards,
I snipping Tags
Sale Bills
Ball. Tickets,
Circulars. &c.
unmeuiuie tiueiiuun
& B. DEPOT,S3fir
MarSBlllBS- Seersuckers and
low as the same goods can be
ock Uottom Trices.
lias just been received the price
very lowest notch.
can bought at any general store
Alleged American Fun.
Frosts aro generally dew before Uiey
Mrs. Harrison Is friendly to afternoon
IIusli money Tho wages of t'joba'by'a
Rlcbanl 12. King tlic first colored law
yer of tho Court of Appeals of Maryland,
has been admitted to tho bar of that tri
bunal. Lclf Erlkson, n Scamlanavatn sailor, Is
said to hayo discovered America In the year
of our Lord 1000. Historians aro now pret
ty well agreed that this dlscoycry Is auth
entic. - Bncfclen'i Arnica Salve.
The BEST Salve In tlio world for cuts, bruises.
sores, ulcers, salt rlieum, fever sores, tetter,
chapped liamts, chilblains corns mid all skin
eruption?, nml positively cures iIIes, or no pay
rcriulrcd. It Is cuaraiitccd to clve perfect satis
faction, or money refunded, l'rlco 25 cents per
uu&. rur emu vy jtuuriii urtixuisi.
A lawyer Is never so bad but ho
cite authorities.
Among uower pms tlio pansy Is still a
first faTorltc.
Consumption Barely Cared.
To Tin: Editor 1'lcaso Inform
ers that 1 linvo a positive remedy for the
above named disease. Hy Its timely use
tiiousands of hopeless cases have been per
manently cured. I shall be glad lb send
two bottles of my remedy free to any ol
your readers who have consumption if they
will send me their express and postofliioe
address. Respectfully,-!1. A. Slocrnn, M. D.,
i3i i'eari st., jncw YorK.
None but a thorough bass vocalist will
utter forged notes.
Klbbons aro more used this yeai than
over before.
Forced tol.envo Home.
Over CO people were forced to leave their
homes yesterday to call for a frco trial pack
age of Lane's Family Medicine. If your
blood Is bad, your liyor and kidneys out of
order, If you are constlnated and have head
ache and an unsightly complexion, don't fall
to call on any druggist to-day for a free
sample of this grand remedy. Tho ladies
praise it. Everyone likes it. Largo sized
jiacicngo ou cents.
There Is now no bustle about the girl
of the period, and yet she is as noisy .as
oyer. v
Makes (he lives of many people miserable
and often leads to sclf-ilestruct'on. Wc
know of no other remedy for dyspepsia more
successful tl an Hood's Safpaparilla. It
acts gcr.lft yet surely and efficiently, toncf
the stomach and other organs, rciuwpa V i
faint feeling, creates g ood. appetite, cir.ct
headache and rcfroshesj tl-o burdened
mind. Give Hood's Sarsaparilla a fair
trial. It will do you good.
Hi nunuay scnooi Teacuer H'ho were
Ananias and Sapphira? Littlo Scholar
Dey was editors. Teacher Kdltors? Lit
tle Scholar Yes'm; dey was struck dead
for being liars!
lloart Disease.
If you cet short of breath, liavo fl llltpr.
Ing, pain in side, faint or hungry spells,
swollen ankles, etc., you have heart disease.
aim uon-i iau 10 taKO ur. Wiles' JNew Cure.
sold at Uiery !n Thomas' Drugstore,
-.mi. iouneousuana uarllne. you
1 r it . . ..
liavo been weeping. IHiat is it, my sweet
est love? Mrs. Youngtmsband Horse
Tho Great jr. 1.
15 r M. V. is meant Miles' Nervn nnrl T.ii.
er Tills which rcgnlato the liver,, stomach,
bowels, etc. through their nerves. Smallest
and mildest. A now principal! A rovolu-
tionizerl Samples free at liierv & Tlmmn'
Mrs. Cums What made Mr. Day-
brook run away? Mrs. Fanglo Well, I
heard ho had an oxcrescenca In his ac
counts. HI.OOU v. NUVIllSS.
Ureat mistakes have been mailn in il.o
world, by supposing many nervous troubles
were duo to bad blood. Tlni he.nlni-.lio r,i
dizziness; sleeplessness, etc., are always due
... .TK.uvui.-as ur jrruauon oi me nerves of
the brain; dyspepsia, pain, wind, etc. of
the stomach: weak lungs is caused bvweak
ness of the parts: billiousness. constipation,
etc. to weakness of the nerves of the liver of
bowels: pains, irregularity, sterility to dc
arngement of the outcrlncnerves. For all
weakness. Dr. Miles' Great nerve and brain
food surpasses all other remedies. Trial
bottles free at Bicry & Thomas's drugstore.
-Jack (excitedly) Mamma, you know
that lemon pit I planted last year that
came up a pea vino? H'ell, it's got string
beans on itl"
Cure Yourself.
Don't pay largo doctor's bills. Tho best
idical book published. 100 linirnu. nlnirnnt
colored plates, will bo sent you on receipt
of three 2-eent stamps to pay postage. Ad
dress A. P. Ordway & Co., Boston, Mass.
aucamiiK oi oeieciives, isn't tlio sun a
C 1.1 . I . - . .
great shadower.
Hayo we read "How sho manazed
liltm"' flo-ouse. Don't we know how
twas done?
.Nobody was over as much attached to
the old farm as tho mortgage.
ltrleht'a UUeuse Lost Its Victim.
uuuer uuie 01 diuy low, IUB8, Mrs. i.aura
Jvempton, oi west lltitlaml, Vermont, writes:
.i v u.u vA.ui.i iiiab uiujr iur ur. iaviu
Kennedy's Favorite Kemedy, of Kondout,
N. Y., our littlo ten-year-old daughter
would have been dead from Ilriglit's Disease.
Wo had tried In vain other means, but tho
Favorite Itemedy came ust in time to saye
her life."
"Those who use our goods aro very
mncli attached to them," Is what a porous
plaster company advertises.
Street Loafer Hello, bov! what's
rew In the paper to-day? Smart Newsboy
The date.
Interested People.
Advertising a patent medicine in the pe
culiar way in which the proprietor of
Kemp's Balsam for Coughs and Colds does
is indeed wonderful. Ho authorizes nil
drugiilsts to give all those who call forit a
sample bottle free, that they may try it bo
fore purchasing. Tho largo bottles nro 50c
and $1.00. We certainly would ndviso a
trial. It may save you from consumption.
-A thoroughbred gentleman Tho bak
Annlo-ma.Ion suspended When In a
Something new under tho sun The
horned iforse.
A Scrap of Paper Bftvrs Her Life.
It was lust an ordinary scrap of wrapping
paper, butlt saved tier life. Mio was In the last
stages of consumption, told by physicians that
she was incurable and could live only t short
times the weighed Jess than seventy iwunda.
Una piece of, wrapping paper she read of Ur.
King's Ijew Discovery, and got a sample bottle,
It helwd her, helped
her more, bovght another and grew better fiat,
cont luued Its me and Is now stronger, healthy
rosy, plump, weighing 140 pounds. por fuller
particulars send stamp to II, Cole. nriUEirlst
tort Smith. Trial hnftlej of It U wonderful dtf
coveiy free at KKUKU'S drug store. uue"ul
Iu tho Paris clreus a trained Hon Is at
present being exhibited who rides on horse
back, Jnmps through hoops and oyer bars,
fires oil pistols and performs a Dumber of
similar tricks,
Will 3o 11 yemr
own rrtnting or
run money print
lux for otbers.
l'our boy csjj
ran It Outfits,
iu, wm, or mnro,
scoordlng to tlic - ona
M good as another.
In uia til OTer the
Full lnfomifttlon in
ft book cllfd Hotv
tol'rlnt. Frcowlth
samples of Monti,
prees work, upon ap-l
pucauon. Jiaarnii
rnufiiuv l iM
. l.wmi mi I , kliil u i g.
t!2 Arch Street, Philadelphia;
Seo what Is said abouV
The Model Press.
My Model l'rc'-s netted me In three month over
J200.00 1 never had Instructions In printing be
Mrs. yot 1 set up and printed lO.ftOOdcpoaltllckcts
onmy Mode'. Press tlio day after 1 received It. 1
liavo made moro Hum double wiiat my niodel
Press cos', me tlio first two months, -Have done
about fS'jo.OO worth of woikon my No, 1 Model
Press. It beats nil. After three years' use I
find rr.y Model I ross as good ns new. The
Model Press Is w ell built p.nd ought to last "nai
a century. -
The Model Press
Is fully equal to tho largest and costliest ma
chines for fine Card and UttKtiUAI. 11US1NK8S
prlntlnif. Any smart boy can turn out hundred
Mf dollars '.Mirth of work every year, eviin with
one of the smaller sizes. Address.
Tiis Model Pkess Co., Ltd.,
012 Arch Street,
mayl2-jl Pmi,Ai)nr.i'niA, Ta.
When I say Cure I do not mean merely to
stop them for o time, and then have them ro
turn again, I mean A ItADICAL CUKE.
I have mado the discaso ol
A life-long study. I WAmtANT my remedy to
Conn the worst ensos. Ilccauso others havo
failed Is no reasonor not nowrccciving a euro.
Send at onco for a treatise and a Free iiottld
of my iNFAi.r.mLi: Kkmedv. Give Express
and Post Ofllco.. It cots you nothing for a
trials and It will euro you. Address
H.O. ROOT, M.C., 1 83 Peam. St., New York
K-flS Bl Si W
U3 i5S3
gf pans coo Lira oil
Almost as Pniatablo as Milk!
So tlls&utstd tunl It can bo tufren
llgestcd, ood ost.mllata by tlio mosr
lonilllve klnmnrti, irlion tlte plain oil
:tinut bo loJerciri!; nm! by tho com
blnatlnn or tho alt wltli llio liypoIhos-
piutctt im uiBCA snore cutcacious.
Rc.irksii'o as a fifth prcdnccr.
Persans gdn rapidly liite taking it.
SCOTT'S E3IDL3IOK is acknowledged bj
myBiciai.s to no tao i inost and llcst prepa
ration in tho world for tho relief nnd euro ol
Tlie greet remedy for Consumptian, and
Wasting in Children. S1 by all Druggists.
All Kind of
Job Work;
Neat and Cheap at tint
FIso's Curo for Con
Buniption is also tho host
Cough Medicine.
If you bavo a Cough
without dlsoaso of tlla
Luugs, a few doses aro all
youuood. Uutlfyouno
gloct this oasy moans of
safety, tho slight Cough
may become a serious
matter, and sovoral bot
tles mu uo required.
Pieo'a Hemedy fbr Catarrh is toe
Best, Easiest to Use, and Cheapest.
Sold by drusslsts or sent by mni,
I 60c 12. T. lloxeltlne, Warren, Fa.
BO.'I fiewlncTirBrliliip'
n la all pvt., byt
j. iiiuioi our lu.cuiu
-'.nrl onaA. wkM ,h n
llitm. w. nillMuJ
tr.n iu tftcb localiir.ibc
bttt n,(li- in
crld.wlth all tha .ti.i'Ln..tL
Wo wlllalM ..ndl rrei tomi Uta
lma of our; and taluabl. art
itamrUea. lo tcturatva aak lhal you
bow wbal l .riwl, la Uioaa ttba
may rau ai your uoiua.ana alter S3
ntoaiu. ail .n.u varum, your own
oprny. iiiia rraaa ruaiiiin. u
a. alter lb. NhilM-r pal.nta,
hlch bavr run out . L fere .lenta
run unt II aoltl ff.r mil II, wllb Iba
.ll.rhm.nt.. .nd new ..11.
'a.tO, lle.l.atrunae.t muluu.
rulmetbinu In Iba taorld. All la
ifrea No canltal reoulred. I'UIb.
brief InatrucUooa rlr.n. ibaao Mbo write to u. al onca eaa ..
car. frt Iba ban aewlnt-macbma la Iba world, and Iba
floMtlln.afwork.of blab an arar .bown loaelb.rln Amarka
TUUJB C'U., llox 7 JO, Auguatu, Mulao.
Only Genuine Hystem afDIcinory Training,
l'our Jlsoka J.earno.l la ono reaiUna.
Mind wantlerlns cured.
Erery child nnd adult crenlly benefitted.
ut-v luuuvwoauw ro uurreapouaoucoUtusus,
pectaa, with opinion of llr. Win. A. Ila
d. tha world-fsutnd UpooUlut lo Mud Diana
TlSSLTJ "VAncT,,FV a"0'01 tho Christian
Attcocal'iylf. J'.. It I All rd I'rurlor, tho it"
Hon.. V. W. Aior, JuiIro Cibson, Jutluli V.
UeuIawlu.&Ddotbera, neat post f re by
'Vfof. A. 1.0IS11T IS. Sbl I'lniAve.. N. Y.
rI"V V;v,,,v,!, "uinnaiin,inirrar. I'.ychol.
"Him Pnrki r t!u:i V
Bwapner (trnuor).
"Tnen lio'un dun
Baruh lilsself. .
l..d . yi .1 to gU
"Wall, thuf till Ivo ;..l
Bary's llkoly and sho orur lt
lnati. If Bho'uti loves nml i
to say.
v i (,uO(l
.ilisflwl I
reckon I Bhan't growl."
"How Is ft -with youl" 1 qtierietl of tlio
''Thorn craps orlor bo liocd out," lie
nnswerod, waving his hand toward tho
corn nnd potatoes.
"I'll liiro two niggers toniorrcr," said
"Will yo? Wall, that's powerful hind
of yo. I alius did think yo was fitten."
"And now when docs this nlfair como
off?" I asked.
Bnrah blushed, Tom fussed with his
lint, Mrs. Tanner began to wlpo her eyes,
nnd tho deacon looked ns solemn ns v
"As fur that," lie flnnlly said, " 'tain't
no uso to lilm-haw around. If it's lit ten,
why, it's fitten. When you aro got
to go?"
"Bv dav nfter to-morrow
"If you stand ior'em you'utl must bo
nt tho Jiiarry, you know."
'Of course and buy tho first salt and
sugar. Tom, will you bo ready to-mor
"And Sarah?"
"If mam abides
"It's powerful soon," answered tho old
lady, as sho -went back lo lier pipe, "but
as pap says, if it's fitten, why, it's iltton,
Wo'uns Is poro and shucklcss, and )
reckon wo's as ready as kin bo all tho
time fur cither funeral or marriage.
Sary's dun got ono better dress, nnd she
kin wash hor faco and comb her hair.
"Who's gwino to do the hitching?"
asked tho deacon
"Squar' Shadford, I reckon," replied
"Wall, I'vo met up with wuss. Hotter
skelter and as In tho nnyburs, Tom,
Wo's poro but proud. Wo hain't got no
uno fixings, but thar s a gallon of moon
shino under tho ladder and we'll do the
best wo kin." M. Quad in Krco Press.
. Expectorittloti
Asido from' Its being nn exceedingly
flltliNvIiabit. tho custom of frco and care
less expectoration "involves dangers to
health which nro not generally under
stood, but which nro nevertheless ill no
senso fanciful.
It Is well established that tho poison of
certain diseases appears In tho expecto
ration. Tlio germs of consumption aro
known to be minute, rod like, Cetablo
bodies, visible only by tho aid of" tho
most powerful tuicrobcopo. In tho mat
ter expectorated by thoso afflicted with
thu diseaso thoso gernm nro met with in
largo numbers. By experiment it has
been determined that thoy aro very tena
cious of lifo, and can bo destroyed only
by.certain fluids or by exposure to a high
tomperaturo for a considerable lengtii of
It 13 easy to seo, therefore, that If the
expectoration from tho lungs i? allowed
to lio exposed till it becomes dry, the
germs will bo taken up and scattered
abroad by tho air currents, and in this
way a fruitful sourco of contagion will
bo provided.
Fortunately most peoplo in good health
remain unaffected by tho gorin3 which
havo found entranco into the body. It
is only when tho powers of i-esistance
aro weakened by some defect oi tlio con
stltution, or when somo unusually favor
able opportunity for Infection has been
given, tliat the poison gains a mastery
and produces disease,
When wo consider that in a hall of
modcrato size, which has been occupied
by an audienco for an hour or moro
thero aro millions of germs of various
kinds, bouio of which, under favorable
conditions, aro capablo of producing dis
easo, then tho wisdom of such ft provi
sion of naturo becomes apparent.
No doubt every ono has felt a certain
discrust at tho hawking and spitting
which Is met with to a greater or less
extent in all publio places, nnd it is well
for every ono to know that thero aro ex
cellent sanitary reasons for tho obscrv
anco of a rulo which good breeding and
a care for tlio feelings.of others ought to
bo sullicient to enforce
It is in tho discovery of tho real cause
of disease that we shall most surely find
tho valuable ounco of prevention. If
wo must oxpectora'to, let U3 at least re
frain from doing ho in publio places.
Vouth-s Companion.
Rapid Tanning.
Tliis talk about tanning leather In
fow hours by electricity is ail rubbish,
You might as well try to fatten pigs by
electricity. But leather can bo tanned
in n very short timo, although a perfect
artlclo cannot bo produced in less than
hvoor six months. Borne timo ago
Buffalo man asked mo how long it would
take mo to tan a goat skin and mako a
pair of boots. I told him it could bo
dono in twelve hours. He bet mo $100
It couldn't bo done. That night I went
to a butcher and bought a goat. At
tho next morning tlio goat was skinned
twenty minutes later I had tho hair off
tho hide, colored and in tho liquid. By
noon it was dried, dressed, and dried
again nnd glaibd and ready for the boot
maker, who unished tho boots by
o'clock in tho evening. It cost tho Buf
falo man nearly $200 after tho wino and
extras were paid for. It was leather, but
it -wouldn't do to risk a reputation on its
wearing qualities. Shoo Man in Globe-
A Murine Hero.
Among tho inmates of the National
Soldiers' homo at Togus, Mo., Is Richard
Rowley, who was captain of tho guns on
tho Kearsargo when she sunk tlio Ala
bama oil tho harbor of Cherbourtr,
France, and performed nn act of bravery
which probably saved his ship and her
crow, 'ine battle had raged for over an
hour nnd a. half, when a 100 pound rifle
shell from tho Alabama struck tlio xua
which Rowley was sighting and fell on
tho deck, with tho fuse still burning. In
an Install t Rowley picked it up and throw
it Into tho sea, where it oxploded just as
it touched tho water. The sailor's beard
and niustache wero burned off by the
fuse, but ho Bteppod back to his gun and
scut a shot into the sinking Alabama.
Capt. "Winslow at onco gavo the order
to man the rigging and give three cheers
for Quartermaster Rowley, Tho latter
was greatly lionized after his return to
this country. Congress voted him a gold
medal; he received other valuable gifts,
and President Lincoln personally thanked
ulm. Forovoral days before his inter
view with the president, Rowley had ac
cepted frequent invitations to drink
champagne, and probably showed the
effects. As ho arose to go Mr, Lincoln
gavo him a hundred dollars, Baying;
"Now dont drink too much liquor;
drink just a littlo, but not too much. I
know you old sailors all like a little grog,
but bo careful and not drink too much,"
An Iiitnieuae Globe.
Tho Immenso globo for tho Tarls exhi
bition represents tho earth on the scale
of one millionth, and is nearly ono hun
dred feet in diameter. Details aro given
true proportions, Paris occupying about
o third of an Inch. All the great lines
of communication by laud and sea aro
shown In detail. The earth's dally rota
tion may be precisely imitated by clock
work, a point on the giobo's equator
moving an eightieth of an inch per sec
ond. Now York Home Journal.
Fncts Aunnt tlio Drllllnnt direct- of Thin
Umnltlpttcil Nuisance Tlio Tentnlcs
Widowed Knrljr,. Don't rino Awn-,
but Oct Illclit Down to IluslncM.
Tlio seventeen year locusts pass bovoii-
tccn years underground, and then, as if
by preconcerted arrangomcnt, mako
their appenrnneo out of littlo holes al
most siniultancously, nnd In numbers
that run far up into tho millions. Tins
Is always dono after sunset, nnd by 0
o'clock the samo night tho hordes havo
appeared. They nro not very actlvo
when thoy first appear out of thoir sub
terranean homes, but thoy mako what
speed thoy can toward tho nearest trees,
and climb tliom to the lower leaves,
whero thoy fairly swarm, sometimes as
many as thirteen pupro clinging to ono
oak leaf. Thoso which aro belated either
cling to tho bark of tho treo or If too
late to get that far fasten their claws to
tho first convenient object, and wott for
tho grand transformation which is to
convert them from ugly crawling things
of sllcnco and gloom into gorgeous things
of tho air and tho sunlight, the males
endowed with musical powers, and both
sexes olad In gny suits of oraligo and
black, with gossamer wings of Iridescent
hues. But ft fow minutes elapso after
tho pupa) havo secured a resting placo
bof oro tho dull skins begin to crack along
tho back.
Then tho imprisoned cicada works his
way to freedom, at tho first a soft, white
thing, but quickly developing wings and
becoming hard and active. For tlio most
part it does not roquiro moro than twen
ty minutes for tho soft prisoner to be
como a perfect cicada, though sometimes
an'hour or moro is consumed In the pro
cess, and several hours aro required to
produce tho final color. Tho males are
tho first by several days to appear, and
thoy herald tho first dawn of their now
oxlsfenco by trying their drums; for
their apparatus is in effect drum
like. At first their muBlo is rather feeble,
but In a littlo while It secures the propor
tono and force, and then it scarcely
knows any rest. Nor do they drum at
haphazard, but rather in unison, and so
it is that tho noiso of tho swarms can bo
heard fully njnilo away, and is positive
ly deafening when closo nt hand.
Hie male cicada eats very littlo while
waiting for the female to appeal", and
that littlo is in the form of sap from the
trees, tho bark of which is slightly
punctured for tile julco to exude. Tho
coming of tho females is hailed by the
waiting lords witli an increased noiso
and for a fow days the air is thick with
the Hying insects, so much so that tho
sun is obscured f or smal 1 areas. In a fow
days after this the males dlo gradually,
and tho females busy themselves with
the task of egg laying. Each female
will lay In tho neighborhood of GOO eggs,
and the manner in which sho lays them
is roally remarkable She selects young
twigs only, and, with a singular appa
ratus, called an ovipositor, bores holes in
regular order along the under side of tho
twigs, into which tho eggs are regularly
and carefully placed. Each nest con
tains about twenty eggs. Tho ovipositor
is a most ingenious contrivanco, and is
composed of three parts, ono part being
an awl with which to pierce, and two
parts being opposing saws with which to
cut. And after tho nest has been cut
out of the twig tho ovipositor acts ns a
tube, down which the egg is propelled
into its placo in tho nest.
After tho cicada has laid author eggs
sho loses her strength and dies. Sho has
lived a dreary underground oxistenco of
seventeen years, to enjoy a brief llfo of
a fow weeks In tho air and sunshine.
And now the new brood is Btarted on a
seventeen years of life. Tlio eggs hatch
In about six weeks, and the baby cicada
is about one-sixteenth of an inch long and
very active, though so light that it falls
to the ground from a height sometimes
of 100 feet without tho least Injury. It
has a pair of strong claws with which to
dig a holo in tho ground, and it uts
them into uso Immediately. Down It
goes Into tho earth, nnd for seventeen
years burrows and burrows, sometimes
going ns deep as twenty feet, nnd somo
times not one-quarter of that, but chang
ing its skin twenty-flvo or thirty times
during its underground travels. It lives
on tho juices extracted from roots, and
sometimes, but not often, Injures trees.
When tho time for its reappearance
on earth conie3 near again it gradually
works Its way toward tho surface, it
finally digs a tunnel upward to tho stir-
faco, going up occasionally to peer about
and discover by signs known to itself
when the 20th of May has como. If tho
soil Is marshy where it has elected to
appear, or if heavy rains aro prevailing
at tlio time, it has been Known to buna
a turret six inches abovo ground, with a
roofed cap, so curved that it can go up
into it and be In safety from drowning
in case of flood. It is at tho time when
it emerges from tho earth, after its long
sojourn there, that It Is in most danger
from enemies; for then tho hog and
other nuimals find it a toothsome mor
bcI, and devour it in great numbers. At
a later period, when It lias gained tho
power of flight, it becomes tho prey of
somo birds, though It was reserved for
tho littlo English sparrow to make tho
most determined and destructive war
upon it. So ravenously have tho spar
rows been known to devour tho insects,
that in the height of the cicada season a
fow years ago the air would frequently
be full of the floating gossamer wings
of the devoured insoct. Cor. Harper's
felaybe He Knows Where AU the rin Go.
, A man was arrested in Cincinnati who,
Curing a busy llfo on tho street for eight
lyears, had stolon over a thousand um
brellas. No wonder It lias been so fear
fully hard for a fellow to borrow one
when ho needed it. This beggar had them
all. Burdetto In Brooklyn Eagle.
That CniitnnkcrouH Old AVoiuen
Described In the nursery ballad,
"lived upon nothing but victuals
drink," and yet "would noycr be quiet,"
was undoubtedly troubled with chronic In
digestion. Her vlclvals like thoso of many
other elderly persons whose digestive pow
ers have become hupahed, didn't asree
with her. This was befoio the era of Hos
teller's Stomach Bitters, omomeoncof her
numerous friends and relatives would un
doubtedly have persuaded her to try the
great snecillc for dyspepsia, constipation
and billiousness. This would have been a
measuro of tself- protection on their part, for
she soon would havo been cured and ceased
to disturb Ih'em with her clamor. The most
obstlnato cases of indigestion, with lis at
tendant heartburn, ilatulenco, constant un
easiness of tho stomach and of the nerves,
are completely overcoino by this sovereign
remedy. Chills and fever and billions re
mittent, rheumatism and kidney troubles
are also relieved by It.
Make hay while the sunshines.
During tho last century thero havo
been 27 cases of insanity in the Bavarian
royal family. Tho present king is a lunatic
and several of his relatives liavo been at
tacked by the samo disease.
A bad workman quarrels " with his
HiAm imm -?. riMr -' . u ft? a
25 CTS.
G for $1.00
or mailed for price.
Nrnr riillndclplilrw
Hcliool Open Hopt. tfltln
Yrnrlr Kxpcnue, 8300.
qmirterlr l'arui'.ntS133.
Admits ftndclanirV yemner men fcnd boys at tny time, fin
h?TVV r3" w?' l'?lnl Annspolit. AArtncert classes K
n EvcRYWHtnc H"" UK 8
tu.tnu board with tha Prlnclu). 1 eacher at! men nnd .tc of first-rUw Colleirei. Tine bulldlnei I neU dwtblt
rooms, lltety room has la It a iteim radiator and la completely ftimUhM. Grounds (ten teres) tor foot-bill. lse-biU.
Itthletlcs.etc. Gymnasium. Sj-pchlcrpponiinltlesforaptstiidentwactrancernpldly. dlTatiutorineandlpUMfUlforbaik.
ward boy. Patrons or stiidints may select any stiidh-s, or a Unt I new. College-Prrpamorr, hlrtrlcal, or Clvll-Lnctneerfn
course. Physical and ChentUal Laboratory. Practical Business Department, will. Telegraphy, Short-hand, Type-writ Inc.
etc., etc. More fully sun-llcd with apiritiis than nny mother Collcge-fitttnir school. Media Arademy alTordr every hojnj
Comfort, the Ircst'cducatlon. and tho bet training. VixrA prices
Illustrated cAtalomia sent free to any address. SWITIUN C.
d Proprietor, Media, Pa. Circulars at IhU
Including main linos, branches and
Fooria, La
Blulfs, In IOWA-Mlnneapolls and
tuiu Diuui. runs, m UAiiuiA-uiiiiiarDii, at, doatjpo.unu uity, in
MISSOURI Omaha, Falrbury, and Nolson.ln NEBRASKA Horton, Topoka.
Hutchinson, Wichita, Bollovlllo, Abilono, CaldwoU. In KANSAS Pond
Crook, Klnrrusher, Fort Rono, In tho INDIAN TERRITORY and Colorado
Springs, Donvor, Puoblo, In COLORADO. FREE Reclining Chair Cars to
and from Chicago, CaldwoU, Hutchinson, and Dodgo City, and Palaco Stoop
ing Cars betwoon Chicago, Wichita, ana Hutchinson. Travorsos now and
vast aroas of rich farming and rrrazing lands, affording tho best facilities
of Intercommunication to all towns and cities oast and wost, northwoBt
and southwost of Chicago, and Pacific and transoceanic Seaports.
Loading all competitors In splendor of oqulpment, cool, well ventilated, and
froo from dust. Through Coaches, Pullman Sleepers, FREE Reclining
Chair Cars, and (east of Missouri River) Dining Cars Dally between Chicago,
Des Moines, Council Bluffs, and Omaha, with Free Reclining Chair Car to
North Platte, Nob., and between Chicago and Colorado Springs, Denver,
and Puoblo, via St. Josepb, or Kansas City and Topeka. Splendid Dining
Hotels (furnishing meals at seasonable hours) west of Missouri River.
California Excursions daily, with CHOICE OF ROUTES to and from Salt
Lake. Ogdon, Portland, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. The DIRECT
LINE to and from Pike's Peak, Manitou, Qarden of tho Gods, tho Sanitari
ums, and Sconio Grandeurs of Colorado.
Solid Express Trains dally between Chicago and Minneapolis and St. Paul,
with THROUGH Reclining Chair Cars (FREE) to and from thoso points and
Kansas City. Through Chair Car and Sleeper botwoon Peoria, Spirit Lake,
and Sioux Falls, via Rock iBland. Tho Favorite Lino to Plpestono, Water
town, Sioux Falls, and tho Summor Resorts and Hunting and Fishing
Grounds of tho Northwest.
travel between Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Lafayette, and Council Bluffs, St.
Joseph, Atchison, Leavenworth, Kansas City, Minneapolis, and St. Paul,
For Tickets, Maps, Folders, or desired information, apply to any Tickot
Ofllco in tho Unitoa States or Canada, or address
General Manager,
ryrraont, Oliio, writes:
" I feel that I can not rec
ommend Dr. Sctlt Arnold' Cough
too lilRhly. Would uot to
without It,
Druggists, :;,, COe-, and $1,00.
i Best and Purest MedicineS
l ilrlrn tlio Humor from vour
vAtpnt. nnd mtilwO your skin
Mclean nml smooth. Tlumrj
. ilmiilill lllltl JHOIl-lieB
which mar your wnuiyra
iromusctl iiviiiiiiitrc'tj
loot) nnti can uc
.removed lnft short
yfr. timo. it you are
v. o 'j . ..., -.1 .
. . . rV 'f. . S rf-t-VBL " "
Tho Poeo
am a 11 oulvi
Hpoonf uU It la
boat and rlieanc
i,if,llr1nrt- Tl-V ft.
you will ho fallstled.
Get It of your Druggist.
DonTWait. Getitatoncis
it T-rni nrn RntTnrlnir from 1
nm Tiloatnai. nml u liv
out age, uso bui-i'iiui uiuliw, -
xuvy ucYcr mil w tuiv.
Jloptou,llu6a.. for boot medical vork publUhod?
nans. S eakoesw, Nvrraui Dbllit , Lent ManbooJ. re
salU ot I'rrors In Youth aro ppoedllr and irmauani 1
enrod. Onnoultnttnn nnd tratl"ollMi ir br mnlL
Addreu DE, OE1NDLE. 171 W J2tt.SUXewTuk.
expected of the
old fashioned way
of bUcUng the
hoejf Try the
new way by using
Acme Blacking
and the dirty task
becomes a cleanly
in ctm
III . . 'o .V
o. v cv -o . p.. . y. . -vr. ?am
m t m mm. ai
Sheds Water or Snow. Shoes can be washed
clean, requiring dressing only onco a Week
for men, once a Month for women.
It is also aa Elegant Harnett Dressing,
fresh Hops, Hemlock gum an.
spread en white muslin,
The Popular
Arply ono now for
Bnekacho, Bldeaolie, RtaenxnaUer.
Kidney Weakness, Tender Lunfrft,
Boro Obost, Btlff Maeoles, Female
It cures svery sort of Tain, Ache, er Weaknets,
and quIcVly, too.
Isnifaritgnntnrc of HOP PLASTER, CO.,
Pnonirrton, BOSTON, mthe genuine goodt.
them for riuttneM, nyCol.,ro.ytectm,e
Physics, Cheratmy, Surreylni?. Flectrte. of
ntrcs Lover every expense. n eiamininons iot an miss ton, qew
oiiUK 1 i-iiJuii, A.u.t a.m. (Harvard uraduatt). rooctpai
extensions East and West of tho
St. Paul, In MINNESOTA Watortown
OHIO AGO, IXilu. Oen'l Ticket t Buss. Agent
Of? ttlhr.
Sold bydruggists
rrKBLEss niioxzn pai.nts-o colon,
I'EKltl.KSS I.AU.M)UV 111.(11X0.
1'KEIIMXS INK l'OHimitS-SKIndaJColorc.
I'EEKLESS ECO UL)j-3 Colon. "MBlnK'
Successful Treatment of Disease
.mi jktjir..-3 auu taiu oi uii uiaeaaea.
, llllIatlieAllcrobea.
Su&cessful Treatment,
Wonderful Tonic and
r,.?.! - k7, ' tM """""..Killer In cum of eon- '
"f ai"i tt"'llj demon.tratad that
are juatuied in claiminit for it rntati.o powcra barond
thoao of a, .! known. W do Kri clim fWtt
miramdoua power In ottrina cama ao far roua that cur
la tmpnaaibla, bat .(.. claim I hat It UIco anicljli
whfra thalunimani nnt mm. Ih.n l..l .1 .,T.!TT?
, 4..UUU i unu tr.
O0"?- Al'c.rttf jrraa, an, cauaee of diaeajsa. Ihe
uioui.-ina tuna win aui ina jrerras and at the lama lino
core tho patient la the one to uao.
Hold onlj in ona gallon stoua lujra. lrli-at R!t fin
anffictont ft. ivit about tnu monlb, Chaipi" fthlo Tthi
raacb. of all. Phratclan of 17 MairJffiSnS
chantoof tha offlc. Hand forciAulndfitX.UoS
Wo. Radam's Microbe Killer, r-fflAcuKa
HMtil flnl.l W.tttvT
r lor o uv. ptmi Ultiy. i
Ilttt $Si W4lctt in tl worlil.
fit ci unfcffpr, vftfl
ria. iirarr
u4 cim f c4) taJa.
UnelersonljiAci. lo.
I tie wua wim lavini ana nia
nabl Una f Huuarhold
Nnuplets Th'MMiupUt,
wll tk witch, wa Mod
Vre. and after m hare kant
than l jonr boint for 8 taootbt muX iktwilhia U lkoj
wbo majr b calUd, tbtjr bacon jwt twa pnfttr. Tho)
who writ at nc cm m mri af malvlar U Wt
ad SamplOat. Yl9Pf ll ipnaa, IMaiit, alt, aiddraa
bliD4at: Co., Jttax 81.AorUndMia
The FOMCE OAZCTTE win be mellfj,
ecurely wrspiirtl, to any aJdraw in Ihe Unl
States for three months on receict of
One Dollar.
Liberal discount allowed to noatmaaUra.
agents and clubs Sample copies mailed free.
Address all orders to
r i rinri mm n ' tw
I tmW ii WW
May J0,188S-ly Fs a 1 1 1. . y jii &
i.f tifUHh tf .jti -tm" iit