The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, July 27, 1889, Image 2

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    yi'mMitiimj mimifiiiHimn
The Carbon Adv5cate
it.rrr nta at Tirr. MtiuoiiTON i-ost-officb as
Bona 1'lda Circulation turgor tlinn Hint of
nny "Weekly Nowapnpcr In tho County.
Tlicro is some talk going on, sugccstlng
Hon. J. 0, Zern as a strong and ncceptable
candidate for Associate) Judge this fall.
His practical and lioncst bent of mind,
combined with bis large business acquaint
anco with the pcoplo, his experience of two
terms as a law-maker at Harrlsburg, do
most assuredly giro him a first-class certifi
cate of qualifications. Ills residence Is so
closo and convenient to the County Seat,
that'lt will as fully incot tho public wants
as If he lived there. Judge Zern will no
doubt bo more readily found when wanted,
and more easily get-at-ablo than tho resi
dent Afauch Chunk Judges ovur haye been
as tboy have generally been a class of men
that are very much out of town. Wo pre
dict that ho will distance all competitors
; for tho nomination, if ho is n candidate,
' and will bo easily elected In Noyember by
' tho" strong voice of tho people.
Persistency Is one of the main attrfbules
that lead to success and Is tho prlmo factor
to which Lehlghton can lav tho organiza
tion ond success of tho Lehlghton Water
Company. All the various forces haye
' been amicably united and on Saturday and
Monday there was a rush for water stock
which resulted in tho clostn of tho sub
scription books, the full amount necessary
being subscribed to complete the project
commcuced a year ago, It Is a settled fact
now, and work will no doubt soon bo com'
menccd on building a reservoir and laying.
tho pipes on the several streets. This is an
important period for Iichighton, it marks
tho commencement of anew era in oar his
toryj it is the beginning of a period of ad
vancement that will soon placo us on an
equality with any town In the Keystone
State. With facilities for manufacturing
purposes unexcelled and a Jirst-cla$i water
supply, only a dormant, careless disregard
on' the part of our pcoplo for tho advance
ment of the town will keept It In the old
rut. Wo are getting out of tho nilro on to
a cood. solid bottom: let a determined am
bition keep pushing us along. All move
togothcr iu a body and LehUhton will soon
drop off her swaddling clothes and shlno
forth In the light of a pushing, livo and
ambitious Inland city. Push, now, and all
push together.
The Haziveton Senttnal in concludiko
an article on tho arrival of a car load of
dirty, uneducated and hardly civilized Hun
Harians in that place, has this to say:
i'HTiero are thoso loudly praised laws
that were to frco tho country of such pco'
pie? Why aro they not enforced? Is the
United States compelled to turn itself into
an immense poor houso for tho benefit of
countries on the other side, whose Kings,
Emperors and rulers susk the life blood
from the people aud grind them down to
tho lowest level of poverty. Thoso aro the
grand old countries, about whlchsomo men
insist on making people tired singing their
This coming from the organ of what is
generally supposed to be the mouth-plcco of
tho ' coal baron" Is decidely refreshing
reading, though truth to tell it sounds more
like one of Brother Mauc's wicked scarcas-
- Ims. Where are those loudly praised laws,
why -are they not enforced? Well, firstly It
would not bo convenient to tho corpora
tions to have them enforced, and secondly,
thcro is something decidely rotten at tho
core of our political Institutions which al
lows this wholesale disregard of the laws
and the flooding of our country with pau'
per labor to tho detriment of her funda
mental Institutions aud the condition of the
American workman. Tho contract labor law
is a farce so long as It prevents the landing
respectable mechanics and then welcomes
with open arms the scum of over populated
Europe. Thcro is something wrong, de
cidely wrong and tho law should be thor
oughly enforced or else repealed.
tho Allcntown Sunday Critic, will, in the
course of a few weeks, commence the pub
lication of an every morning edition. Judg
ing from tho spirited enterprise, the push
and snap'of tho Sunday edition It will be a
success. Th6 proprietor has tho Advo
cate's best wishes, from the fact that we
admire pluck and spirit, as against tbo low
insidious methods pursued by many news
paper proprietors to eke out an existence
by cutting prices and lowering themselves
In other business ways, thus debasing tho
profession by making a farce of journalism.
Tub attention of the towx council
Is respectfully referred to the condition of
the old ilckerty fence enclosing tho Park.
In honor to the memory of tho late Colonel
Jacob WeUs.through whose generosity and
forethought we have such a rHco as a pub
lie park, it should be removed o. decently
repaired. Kcmoyo the fence, or fix it up.
Easton'b mew hoot ajjd shoe fac-
tory was put In operation on .Monday, with
lorty nanus.
Lehlghtpn take a tumble to yourself and
join the progressive procession.
Oh Thursday the papers announced tho
death of Maurice 15. Flynn. The death of
any man, however prominent, causes but
Jlltle commotion In a community of a mil
lion and a half of people; but there is some
thing In tho death of this roan that calls for
more than a passing notice The struggle
for political position and political power In
a city llko New York, Is constant, bitter
and unrelenting, and the man who succeeds
In distancing all of his fellows and rising to
superlatlvo command and wealth, must be
possessed' of that supreme quality which
marks the ruler among men.
no .had no especial advantages for his
start in life. The sou of a poor Irish farm
cr, he came to New York City quite friend'
less, a llttlo over twenty years ago. and he
died this week aged forty, a millionaire
The story of Aladdin Is ro-enacted hero
everyday, and tho wonderful Lamp Is but
-nn Eastern symbol of that indomitable
- energy which can be rubbed to tho bright'
ncs3 of the sun, and when properly used
lays bare all tbcLgold of Ophlr aud tho gilt
terlng jowels of Golconda. All groat cities
aro full of footfalls for unwary youth, and
New York is no exception. Fortunate Is he
who passos them with unmeshed feet. The
poor Irish-American boy had stellng quail'
ties which oarly secured him promotion and
gained him tho confidence of his employers
Whon he left home he had no education.
and ho set himself down to tho fight against
Fate. In tho munificent Instltuto founded
by the good Fetor Cooper Is a free night
school for poor boys, and hr young Flyan
could bfi found night if'er night foi years.
until he had not only laid the foundation
of a solid education but had becomo an ex
cellent linguist, speaking French, German
and Spanish with fluency. It Is only ten
years since ho entered Into politics, and fivo
years aftor his advent he was was ono of
the most powerful politicians In tho State.
The county or Ilcform Democracy had all
the patronago and all the power. TamJ
many Hall, with Its hundred years of Dem
ocratic traditions and triumphs, was driven
to tho wall--a shattcrcrcd wreck, and many
thought that there It would He forever.
Hubert O. Thompson occupied the posi
tion formerly held by William M. Tweed,
and -Maurice D. Flynn was tho power behind
the throno. Mayor Edson was about going
out, and ho was anxious to appoint a Com
missioner of Public Works to rob tho in
coming Mayor of tho power of appointment
of the best ofllco In tho gift of tho city,
nubcrt O. Thompson had glyon mortal of-
fenco to several members of the Board of
Aldermen, and they would not listen to his
rc-appolntment. In tho nick of time Mr.
Flynn put in his fine work by nominating
Rollln II. Squire, a political tramp, whoso
name was uttctly unknown to Now York
politicians, and was unknown to tho Mayor
who appointed him. By one of the most
shameful and humiliating bargains Mr.
Squlro was appointed Commissioner of
Public ll'orks, and Mr. Flynn and Hubert
O. Thompson proceeded to.dlvide the fifty
millions of plunder that lay in tho new
aqueduct job. Then Rollln B. Squire, find
ing himself firm In tho saddle, turned upon
tho men who made him. Tho ingratitude
broke Thompson's heart and sent him to a
suicide's gravo; but Flynn was mado of
sterner stuff ho turned upon Squire; the
scandal became public property. Mayor
Grace who had been robbed of the appoint
ment, got Squlro's letter from Hubort O.
Thompson died, wherein in consideration
for the ofllce ho abjectly promised to become
the henchman of Flynn aud Thompson.
Tho integrity of tho party was in deadly
peril when the Governor camo to rescue
Squire was knocked out of his ofllce and
Flynn was particularly driyen from public
Highly sensitive, and proud of hli great
achievements, he had neyer up to this tlmol
met serious defeat. Ho held his rulo with
"an Iron hand that brooked no opposition.
At last It becamo a llfo and death struggle
between tho powerful Democratic organiz
ations, Tammany and the County Demo
cracy. Flynn's Iron rule cost him many of
the County Democracy's most able chief
tains, and they went over to the Tammany
camp. In tho last election Tammany won
everything, and the sceptre passed from
Mr. I'Jyun's hands, never to como back.
From that moment he was a changed man;
his health broke, and ablest medical skill
was only able to postpono the day which
was bound to end In death. Up to tho last
moment he was full of far-reaching plans
In which fabulous millions were involved.
Pallid, worn, and racked with pain, a vul
ture constantly gnawing at his yltals hard
ly able to stand on his feet, he still thought
death far off and so ho died. His llfo may
be taken as a warning and an example,
His natural Instincts were those of agen
leman, and his llfo all through tar above
tho average of men. Ho had sound princl'
pies and sterling character, which preserved
him from falling amid temptations where
weaker men perish.
Stripped .of power, suddenly hurled
from imperial position, tho heart of the
proud man broke. Deserted by thoso for
tunes ho had made, their ingratitude
stung him to the quick, and his constitu
tion, never strong, sank under his accumu'
latcd misfortunes. His obituary may be
brlofly summed up thus: Poor lguorant
and friendless, he camo to New York at
eighteen years of age; by his own industry
and self-denial he was an accomplished
scholar at twenty-five; he was a prosperous
manufacturer on the high road to fortune
atjhlrty; at thlrty-fivo he was thonieat
est political leader In tho Emplro State;
ana Ho aied at forty a millionaire, but with
all his wealth, a broken-hearted bankrupt.
Tho fatal step of his llfo was when he was
lured into politics. Up to that time his
life had been a success; but from that
moment he trod tho pathway of certain
Let the young men who aro working ror
political advancement measuro their
chances not by those called political failures
but by the successes, and then ponder on
the result. Webster, Clay aud Douglas
sank disappointed to their graves. Lincoln
and Garfield were assassinated. Andrew
Johnson was driven lc dlsgraco from
Washington. Itoscoe Conkhn and Reubon
E. Fenton were hounded out of public life,
Tweed, John Kelly, Hubert O. Thompson
all proclaimed life a failure, and now the
great leader Maurice B. Flynn sinks broken
hearted to his gravo utterly wrecked at
Another death that caused a profound
sensation was that of S. L. M. Barlow, who
stood at the head of the Now York bar as
a corporation lawyer. Mr. Barlow will be
remembered as a member of the law firm
that was robbed by their chief clerk Bedell
of Four hundred thousand dollars, the
great bulk of which he nlleseil he lost
playing policy. Tho blow fell with crush
ing weight on Jr. Barlow, for ho had
made the guilty man a friend a companion
for twenty years. In fact ho never re
covered from tho shock. No attorney In
Now York lived in moro liberal style. He
had a fine honse up town aud a magnificent
country seat at Glen Cove, whero ho died.
He was a royal cntertaluer soma of tho
very best company Iu tho State being
found at his table, and his Judgment on
art matters was of the very best. He Is
another Illustration of tho possibilities of
our American life. He, llko Maurice B,
Flynn, came to New York a country boy,
poor and friendless, but by his own In
domitable energy .be worked his way up
patiently to the foiemost place among tho
great lawyers of tho land, and in the full
ness of years dlos, Is supposed, worth a
couple of millions of dollars.
I received a confidential letter the other
day, saying: "My Dear Broadbrim Why
don't you give us a little more about sport
ing matters? JCo would like to havo your
opinion about Sulllyan and Kilraln," Ac.
I may as well onco and for all gtvo a gener
al reply to all such inquiries. I nui'uot
thin skinned about anything, I try as
I know how to have no particular preju
dices nolsms, no idiosyucrasjes on any
subject. I don't set up for a saint, or
high moralist, nor am I such a sinner but
on duo repentanco of my many short
cpmlngs I look hopefully forward to pardon.
But those who have followed these letters
for years past must certainly know by' this
time that I despise aud abhor prize fighters,
professional gamblers, bunco steerors and
all such vermin. My private opinion of the
brutes who disturbed the peace of tho
State of -Mississippi, on tho 8th Inst., Is
that the pair of them should break stone
for the next ten years with a ball and
chain attached to their legs, and that all
their alders aud fellows should keep them
If rtlhor of them ventures within tho
limits of the State of Now York, I bono
Governor Hill will answer the requisition
of tho Governor of Mississippi. .1 bcllcvo
In all kinds of manly and athletic exercises.
I would toach a boy to box and fenco just
as I would teach him English grammar or
arithmetic, but I would train him to hato
sluggers and all such criminals. Thcro Is
a class and a very largo class, that looks
upon success In tho prize ring as tho
height of earthly ambition. It was this
claw that mado Fitzgerald an alderman of
Long Island City after his great walking
match, and sent John Morrissey to Con
gress, It would bo a wholcsomo lesson to
this community, If all the principals wcro
caught and jailed, but I have no hopo that
tho requisition of Mississippi's Governor
will over bo answered by tho Governor of
NowYoilc Tho drunken bruto who now
figures as a champion has hosts of friends,
aud some loophole of tho law will bo
found to save htm.
Govcrnoi nill know when tho fighters
wero training for weeks. He know when
they left In a special car; he knew that to
leave tho State for tho purposo of witness
ing or participating In a prlzo flcht was
punishable by law, but ha let the fighters go.
For tho last ten years tho public and the
press haye sanctioned It. tho pollco have
guarded It, and magistrates havo strained
the law to the uttermost to decide In Its
favor. If tho participators In this last out
rage shall cscapo unwhlpped oi justice,
then Indeed there is ltttlo hqpo for the
future. A newspaper hero that bosts its
circulation by hundreds of thousands, has
for several weeks past dished up tho pre
parations and tho fight "with all of tbclr
disgusting details. Whoever likes that
kind of literature will find It In full tliero;
but not iu tho letters of
Youus Tnui.T,
Iterna of Interst "Dialled Cp " fur Our
Northampton county has 185 registered
Tho Lehigh Valley Railroad Company Is
at present having an oi' storage houso erect
ed at Slatlngton. It will bo 10 by 32 feet In
Tho Lehigh Valley Temperance Carap
mecttng opened Afonday evening at Free
mansburc, It is under tho direction of Rey.
G. W. Gross, of Allentown.
A cabbage leaf In tho garden of Francis
Eycrott, at Afacunglo, was measured the
other day and found to bo 22 by 21 inches
in size. It looked llko a big elephant's car.
Patrick Langan, an old resident of Cork
Lane, a suburb of Pittston, committed sui
cide by hanging, on Monday. Ho was about
CO years of ago and Is survived by a wlfo
but no children. Thcro Is no causa known
for his act.
Ilonry Haines, 41 years of age, an 1m
mate of the Lehigh county almshouse, was
found dead on a road near that institution,
on Monday. Ho had been granted permis
sion to go to pick berries and on the way
suffered a sunstroke.
A truthful (?) exchange says: A farmer
while cutting oats near. this place, mado a
mtslick, and tho sharp blado took off his
right car, Ho coolly picked up the de
tached member, wrapped it In his handker
chief and carried it borne. Illa-vclfe sewed
It back into position, and It has knitted
nicely and is doing business at the old
Switchback Schedule-.
During tho season trains will leave the Upper
Mauch Chunk and Summit Hill stations as
Leave Upper Mauch Chunk station at 8:30,
10:10 and 11:37 A. II., und2:20, 3:45, and 6:35
Leavo Summit Hill station at 0 :10, 11 :10 A. M.
and 12 :20, 3 :20, 4 ;S5 and 0 :1B P. M.
Leave Upper Mauch Chunk at 1:60 and 2:15
Leave Summit mil at S:00 aud 4;00 P. M.
An encouraging ilsuottho times Is tho re
markable growth of thoso schools Imparting
teehntal knowledge, qualifying for the practical
duties of life. An Instance of tills unprecedented
success is the frickett Collego of Commerce
(formeily Bryant and Stratton), Philadelphia.
which has just removed to the bandsomo new
"Girard liulldlng," llroad and Chestnut Streets.
WnUotho value ot tho building is ono million
dollars, tho (raining iu business and shorthand
given by this college Is wortli jnoro than dollars
to any young man or woman desiring to raako a
successful start in business life.
Hire your teams of the popular North
streot llyeryman. Of courso wo mean
David Ebbert who has the best teams in
the county.
Absolutely Pure.
Tilt. Avvi1.r iivf.i A mii'i.l n,
strength and wholeiomeness. More economical
tlmnlhe ordinary kinds, mid cannot b sold in
competition with the multitude of low test, short
weight, alum or phosphato powders. Sold only
In cans. Itosal Bakliu; Powder Company, 100
Wall Street ft. T. Jutiels to
Orphans' Court Sale
Pursuant to an order of the Orphans' Court of
Carbon County, Pa., there will bo exposed to
Pudlle Sale on
Wednesday, August ?lst, 1889,
lit TWO o'clock, on tho premlses.on Fire Line St.,
in the llurouguof Parnvllle, Carbon eounty.Pa.,
tho following described Iionl Estate, tato oilieo,
W. Walek. deceased, to-wtt: All that certain
Tract or llece ot around situate In tho Borough
ot Parryvillo, County of Carbon nud state of
Pennsylvania, bounded nnd described as follows,
to-nit- lleplnnlng in n public road leading from
ParryUUo to Beltivllle, thence North twenty
eight degrees.Kast six perchosandtwehelnehes
to a post; thence by laud of Maria Iloyland
South sixty-three degrees, Bast sixteen perches
to a stone; thence lir land of Catharine and
Peter Schaefer South fourteen degrees. West six
nert'hes nud twelve incline In ji Rtnnn. tlim,n i.u
land lato of John Baumau, now Jacob Bheckler
norm nixij-inrue uegrees, wen Mxleell perches
to the place ot beginning, containing NINKVV
SIX PliHCIlES, bo tho samo moro Or less. It
being the samo premises which P. J. Klstleraml
wile by deed dated August is, ISM, granted nnd
Tho Improvements thereon, aro a
Two-story Frame House,
20x30 feet, with Cellar Kltclieu uuder the same,
a Frame stable mil feet and a ncer falling
Hiring of water on the premises.
Teums or Sale The property will be sold
for cash, sublect to a inortg.ige of the Unterprixo
Building A I.oan Association nf onn nn wiit.o.
there is a credit ot monthly payments for 4 years
.., " o. j..o ,u,u,a.i-i i hiulb mo priv
ilege of paying otf the balance of said mortgage
In monthly luymcuts t so each, after paying up
said shares, iu full, to date of purchase. Ou
half otllie cash bid to bo paid on day of sale, the
balanuron confirmation of sale and execution
of Deed. The deed and all necessary papers to
uc iiiccuicu ul iuc j,f-uo ui luu purciiaser.
LEWIS WALC'K, Administrator.
T. A. Bxtpec. Attorney.
While seated in his palanquin,
Rode Ling Gum Foo, a mandarin;
Some laundry pcoplo working nigh,
Were hanging garments out to dry,
He beckoned with his golden fan,
And thus addressed the nearest man :
"Why do tlTc robes upon your line
Like glaciers of Alaska shine?
Since we set out from Ning Po Keen,
There are many white soaps, each represented to be "Just as good as the 'Ivory ' "
they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities
of the genuine. Ask for "Ivory" Soap and insist upon getting It.
Copyright ISSfl, by Procter & Gamble.
Sure Cure lor Coughs. 'Colds, Consumption,
Hoarseness, Soro Throat and nlldlscases of the
liionclilal Organs. Thousands can testify as to
Its enicleney. PricoffiSandOOo.
For sale by nl IDrugglst, feUto-AO-y
' Lehighton Water Co,
LEIIIQHTON, PA., July 25. 18S9.
Thero will bo a meeting of tho KtocKholders of
Thr LiattuiiTON Watku CostrANY In (label's
Hall, In tho PormiKh of Lehlghton, P.t.,atR:00
o'clock P. M.. on FJUDAY, SIJPTUJIliEIt L'7th,
is!), for the purpose of voting on an Incukask
By order of tho Hoard,
John S. Lentz, President.
HonAOK IIeydt, Secretary.
Administrator's Notice,
Letters of Administration on tho Estate of Jt rs.
Henry licmaly, late of I,ower Towamenslng
Township, Cai bon county, deceased, having been
granted 10 the undersigned Administrator, all
persons Indebted to said est.ito aro requested 1w
mako Immediate payment, and all poisons hav
ing claims or demands against tho Estate of the
said decedent will make known tho same to mo
without delav
J. C. KHEAJtEIt, Administrator,
Residence, nt Allllnort.
Aqnashlcola Post onice. Carbon County, Pa.
HAi'siimi & Oassidv, Attorneys.
- July 20, 1870-wO.
'Olrjrd Snllilij," ErciA tn4 Ck.iliot CU , FM1.
3.1ii stir. lJtjgt, Uollltfcs for traiuinz jouog it vp .iui
M4U,, Id tl.H 7orl CKto&l, and ot
r.USlKESS-tiuporlorHnOSTHAHD Course. l.Ht'nd,iTI.
luuouts Uiujr ouroll At any time. ScnJ for Cliculsrs,
ftni'iilur addresses ty lllshop Vincent, Uiu. Joan
Vi.uAuiul.Qr, lix-Uov. follook, and others.
Tuus. J. Tuicae-ir, Pi Indent.
i July2T.-wl3
Truthful men, Nollars wanted. New blood
no old sealy agents, that can't maintain a place
nun a rename urm. i.xr'erienco not requireu,
We can make a uood salesman of any pushliiR,
actlvoman. Salary and expenses, (or commis
sion), stock guaranteed true. ,.
H, W. FOSTER & CO. WiflW.'
circulation is growing
because yvg furnish
all the atost local news in the
best style. Sample us.
Favorite Singer
Sewing Machine.
HIGH AM $25.00.
Each Machine has a drop leaf,
fanc cover, two large drawers,
with nickel rings, and a full set
of Attachments, equal to any Sin
ner Machine sold from 40 to
$60 by Canvassers. A trial lu your home be
fore payment is asked. Buy direct of the Manu
facturers and save agents' profits besides getting
certificates of warrantee for five years. Send for
testimonials to Co-operative Sawing Machine
Co., 269 S. nth St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Wc hive a remedy that will CURE CATARRH.
BRONCHITIS auct ASTHMA. Our faith is 50
atronor that wa will tend treatment on trial.
Send for Treatise and full particulars. Address.
The Hall Chemical Co., 3860 Falrmount Ay., PHIa., Pa
We will SEND FREE bv
man a lam TRIAL BOTTLE 1
.tn. a treatise on KoileDSV. DON'T
fice. State and County, and Ace plainly.
3S60 t'aitmount Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa.
Administrator's Notice.
UsUitoof (iK.oitciK W. Wai-ck, lato of Mauch
Chunk, Carbon Co., I 'a., deceased.
Letters of administration onthcabovo named
estate liavliiK been granted to the undersigned,
all parties Indebted to the said estate ure request
ed to make Immediate payment ami those lim
ine claims against tho wild estate will present
their accounts duly authenticated for settlement
to LliWIS WALCK, Administrator,
T. A. Sxvunit, Atly. Lehlahtou, l'a.
Ladies, save your Carpets, Furni
ture and Paintings from
Destruction by using
It makes absoluMy no dust or
dirt when using, thereby saves
women's time and labor. Try it;
sample free at
Original Cheap Cash Store,"
LEUICUTON, l-A. Jyl2-3ut
KSJI H sal
K m CS
A finer sight I have not seen I"
" Wc washed those garments," answered he,
"With soap that's made beyond the sea,
The Ivory Soap they call it there,
Wc find it good beyond compare." , '
Then said tho mandarin profound:
"Go, order me a thousand pound,
And they who use another kind,
Shall prison cell and scaffold find I "
of all lands nicely executed
at this office. Prices low.
If any dealer aayi ho has tho TV. X.. DoucTai
fios without nfttue rtntl prios atasapoa on
uo Mouoin. iiui uiiu uovvu sia m inua,
Ttoae In thn TOnrlil. TWnmtiia hln
3.mi iiKnuinn iia:? ji-mkwj!;i mi
S4.00 nAtl)-SEWKI WELT KIIOI'I, MioE."
83J-.0 roMcplmi FAnniisiiw hiioe.
-2.2K Wf llKTKfl!VrAWM SHfll,:.
Alt maue- in congress, iiutioa ftnu i.ace.
Tint nr.iWtnl. Ttocf Rfln. Tlflt TTlt tint".
II not Hold tiv vonr ilmtrr. itrttn
Examine W. L. Douglas 4.00 shoos forgentlo-
lucii mm ijiunes.
Adam Mohrkam & Son, Agents
Wall Paper, WimlowSliadcs
' and Fringes, Curtain
Poles and Chains,
See our Elegant GILT PAPER
at 5o. Per Roll.
Call and ico us. No trouhlo to show goods,
whethor you buy or not. Our time Is your time.
Taper Hanglnft, IToino nnd Sign Tainting.
Oralnlng and all kind of (Hiding Work executed
lu the very best maimer and at the lowest rates.
Central Drug Store,
Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa.,
"Pure Drugs and Medicines,
Fine Soaps, Brushes, &c, &c.,
Choice "Wines and Liquors,
Largest Assortment of Library
Lamps !
Wall Paper and Decorations!
Spectacles !
Vhen you buy a pair of Shoes you want a
good fit. Dut If vou'need SPECTACLES It Is
much moro Important that tho EYE should bo
accommodated with correct lenses and a prorier
ly (Wins frame which will bring tho lenses di
rectly beforo thocentroof thooye, If joubuy
your spectacles nt Dr. Horn's you will find the
above points properly attended to.
PERSGRIPTIONS Caeftilly Comuoniitied.
New Livery I Feed Store
LEOPOLD MEYERS rep ttuliy informs tho
pcoplo ot l'ackerton aud vicinity that ho has lust
opened a LIVEItY 8TAI1LIH 011 11UAVER St
whero persons can be supplied with flood. Safe
Teiims either fur Funeral, Wedding or for lluul
ng 1'uriMnt't nt very Lowest ltittes. In eonnec
ton therewith he has also In alack the very bent
brands of I'LOUlt unit l'isiso, Ahlelt heulll
eel at Lowest Vrlcos.
Attention, Builders !
The undersigned is still working tho IKILON
STONE HUAltltY, and Is proiwrod to supply, at
(hottest notleeaiid at Loweat Price, iwraons
who (tealte wttlt flOOI) STONE for IIUILniM.
I'UltrOSKS. Call aud Irunect the Stones and
leant Trice's before purchasing elsewhere
Ieb.a-ly Tuckcrtou, l'a.
"Corner Store"
hf o itjgn
Bottled Gherkins, Sweet Pick
les, Uhow-Chow, Onions, Tabic
Sauce, Horse-radish, Cauliflow
er, Catsup, Mixed Pickles, Cel
ery Sauce, and all kinds of choice
Jellies and table necessaries. In
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Queensware, &c.,
H'o lead, both in low ytrlcos and quality of
goods. Our largo slock U displayed to ad
vantage, an Item which purchasers will
certainly greatly appreciate.
Corner Store,
Competent workmen sent to any part of
tho county.
Wall PaDers.Borfters&DeGorations.
Largo nssottinent, and tho latest styles.
Books; Stationery, Fancy Goods
AH grades. Shade making and pnttlnR-'up
promptly attended to.
Paints, Oil, Varnish, Pntty,
Brushes & general Painters'
No.'61 Broadway Mauch Clmiik Pa-
Jiolow the llroadwny Home.
Howard Deifenderfer, '
OPt'OSlTH T1IF. rtnit.lO StJUAitU, HANK
' SritUHT, I.l'.IIIOllTON,
Also a Choice Lino of
se-Dun't Forget to Call-Oj
Resectfnllv announces to the nubile Hint, lin 1mm
opened aNHWLIVKUY.STAllLU, and that ho Is
ow prepared to furnish Teams for Funerals,
Weddings or IliisinesJ Trips on the shortest 110
Ico and mo3t liberal terms. Orders left nt tho
uaruou uouso - win receive prompt attention.
next tho Hotel, Lchlzhton. an22lA-
Accident Life 8c Fire
Bank Street, Lehighton,
Has secured tho agency for tho followiiiR
I'ANIib wliicli can bo recommended to
tuq public as I'ertcctly bafo and Iteliable
ional Life Innce Co.,
Manors' Accident lMemnitj Co.,
Harrisiini Mutual Live Stock
Heydt & Seaboldt
Successors to Kcnierer & neydt
Odlee: street.
Prompt attention given to nvery kind of In
surance. WAiQQnnrt Planinor
iiwtwwrjisii s lulling III III,
"Window and J?oon Frames,
Doors, Shutters,
Blinds, Sashes,
Mouldings, Brackets,
All KMs of Dressed Mer
Shingles, Pailings,
Hemlock Lumhor, c.,&c.
Very Lowest Prices.
Horse aiCgttle Ro.
Joshua Shoemaker, Proprietor
CHEltltYVILLE, I O., Northampton CO..
DIltKCTION8-For a horse, l taultttnnonrul, two
u miw urn i, , , wuen hex, s uiuie
spnonsful a day. l'or a Cow, 1 teiupoonful
l.,o it .H'k , ttht n sl' k, twn e niliy. The
sitm.- ,t rui luuury mix tut" teeo
ti us powder Is prepared iitterthe re, ipo
oftb. late Mi II u. WlKtm, mid is Hi,- pnnui,,
urtu ! owners oi aUovo named auuiMls almuia
liOlttrhial apr7,89
nil "Wra -c
-CW'; If
The weather is hot ; and oil, dear me !
TIow many sweltering men wc see
Covered with cldthes from heels to chin,
That to say the least thoy shoild he thin.
Now hearken to me, ye sweltering friends ;
Something you must rio to make amends
For that weary air and that look forlorn,
Or else you'll rue it surc's you're horn.
There's a place in town ; quite handy too :
Where people who enter looking ever so hlue,
Come out so smiling, so glad, so "fresh
. TFith the purchase made for sweltering flesh.
So come with your dear ones, friends and all ;
- And call at the store 'ncath Opera EalL ,
They'll show you their goods ; and you nccd'nt huy
Unless you're satisfied. Just come and try.
A hat or cap, a coat or vest,
At city prices ; goods of the hest.
A hoot or shoe for lady or gent,
And little iolks ; sure they too are meant.
A shirt, a collar, a tie, a cuff.
A storm coat too, when the weather is rough.
A pair of gloves ; a handkerchief nice ;
A fine pocket-comb, if you think you have
And underwear ! why como and see
If we can't suit then we'll agree
" On something else that's just the thing ,
A silk, or may be a "porpoise" shoe string.
For weather wet, or weather dry;
Temperature low or very high ;
For tfuuday, holiday, everyday wear
Just go to Zern's : the goods are there.
Opera House Block, Bank St
Best Cplored French Satines at 25 cents per yard.
Best Colored jdmerican Satines at .10 cents per yard.
French and Scotch Ginhams, 25 and 50 cents per, yard.
American Ginghams, 6 J and 12 cents per yard.
Cotton Challies, G.j cents per yard.
Wool Challies, 20 to 60 cents per yard,
fenlope suitings, 6 cents per yard.
638 Hamilton
ell &
Coal, Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass,
Agricultural Implements and Repairs,
Field and Garden Seeds,
Phosphates, &c
"We desire to call special attention to our
nfiiw Slafp
UlBBSg OiOlOi;
A full supply of which we
Orders taken for
General Jgents for the
Imp. Anthony Wayne Washer & Ironing Boards
Seiler's.Oorner, North Bank Street.
Roofing, Spouting and
Receives our snecial nf tnnti
(uhifs Spec
- - vtlttvj VI 14 14 Alt VJllllt,VUUIl
we are prepared to Repair Wash Ringers, no matter how
far COlIC. HrC Can SUimlv new rilllliers nml nmv virr wlinnln nnrl
make your washer as good as new at a very small cost. Our lino
ui -Liuubu-runiiBiimg uooas. memoes everything at prices exceed-
lV low. while OUr BtOck of Rrnvrs nnA Wnnfrn pnn'r li Vmnf ?
this town, or perhaps, elsewhero in the valley. Don't fail to call
and see us if you need anything in our line. Respectfully,
W. S. KUHNS, North Bank Street,
Street, Allentown.
is the price of the Advo
cate for 52 weeks.
If ct T if ffel!" 6 Cli
.emltj Vime and
Building Sand,
have constantly on hand.
General Job Work
DTI fit til 1 Q fimn nn" ?n -i nnnfJnti