" Original Ohoap Cash Store." AGREEABLY SURPRISED are the seekers of bargains who visit , our store, at the great values that can bo obtained for a comparative little outlay. Dayton Dress Shirts I Without exception the dust fitting and bust wkaiuno Shirts in the market. Wo have them In all fclics from lSVi to 18, with 23 and 24!4 Inch sleeves, Unlaundrled, $1.10; $0.00 per half dozen. Lauudrled, $1 25; $7.00 per lialf dozed. The fact that our sale9 of this popular shirt are steadily increasing, Is proof of the satisfaction they Rive to the wearer, The funeral of John Wcnsl ftt Krcsfte vllle on Sunday Is reported as having bceu tbe largest funeral corirfto ever seen In that section. libertinism! thai ovi-ron thousand peoplo wero prosi-iii. I ho "TC monies weroconuucien i). i.i-v .un" Knder, of Trlnltv Mil mn Hnin . " who was formerly a ci. i l.i --ei-and Is tunch esteemed 'iy Hi.- i who was present says that the sermon on the occasion was an eloquent one, convinc ing, earnest and able, tinhpri.. ontv son of Thomas Weaver, late of l'ackerton, was happllv married on Thursday to Miss Minnie Mny Uoyei, of Allentown, In the presence of numerous relatives and friends. The contracting parties, are well-known here and have tho limit wishes of many friends for a safe lotirney ti er matrimony's sea. lliey win lake up their residence at Lehigh Gap where Mr. Weaver has extensive business Interests. In several months past the membership of Lehlish Council. No. 101, Jr. O. U. A. M., has Increased from eighty to one tiunu red and seventeen. This Is a bright com ment on the push and enterprise of tho members and officers. At a recent meet ing eight proposition were read, and the boys want to know whether there Is another lodge In town that can beat tho record. Let us hear from one and all. Af.nr nidi I nml nsalslnnts. Trainer TriorinrKnn AHnr!atfi and Olauss are to bo congratulated on the 1 Me UdlDOtl HUVUUmC mmnamtlvi. nnamlnous satisfaction which their assessment under the now rulo of GARBON'S CAPITAL. , Wlmt Be quick If you wish to take advantage of the OllBAT oOTlntheprlcesofOAKl'ETB. Highest Uradcs at Lowest 1'rlces Is about tho right way to put It. Remember, genuine uAnaAiNS aro al ways to bo found here. J. T. NUSBAU1YI, Bank Street, Leliighton, Pa. Juno T. 18M-1 SATURDAY. MAY 18, 1889 LOCAL EVENTS OUT UP. The Allentown Democrat refers In the following conipllmentar tenns to the ap pointment of John T. Semmel as cashier of Ibe First National Bank; "Mr. Semmel Is a gentleman of sterling wonh. capable, prompt and reliable, In short, faithful In the discharge of every duty, and will doubt less perform the requirements of his new and highly responsible position with emi nent satisfaction." The Democrat feels a degree of pride In the appointment because Mr. Semmel was a "Leblgh county boy." John Arner, of Arner & Son, Mahon ing, manufacturers of the celebrated pure bone supei-phosphates, In conversation with a reporter this week remarked that this brand of fertilizers was having a larger sale that' ever this year. In this connec tion we would refer you to their advertise ment appealing elsewhere. The fertilizers are made ud of pure Ingredients and farm crms who have used them speak in the highest terms of their purity and strength. The examination of the graduating class of our high echool will be conducted on the 24th and 25th Instants by County Superintendent Sntdor, of town, and Prof. George Ilemmlnger, of the East Mauch Chunk schools. Tbe commencement ex ercises will be held on Saturday evening, June 15th, In the Opera House. A pro gram of much Interest will be arranged for the occasion. IKhlle playing with the contents of a bureau on Saturday morning Florence, a young daughter of conductor Lewis Geg Eus. of Northampton street, got hold of a bottle containing carbolic acid, which liquid she drank. The combined efforts ot two able physicians saved the little one's life and she Is convalescing to tho great joy of the family. Thn A nvnnATit acknowledges the re ceipt of a complimentary season ticket for new milich wagon and is happy thereat, so steamer transportation from Bethlehem to are the builders, 'Ircxler & Kreiuior, full value has been received. On appeal dav. last Friday, scarcely a dozen property owners were nresenl and the Commissioners had a "snap" lu adjusting trivial difficul ties, Contrary to rumor off and on during the past six mouths or raoro the Assembly of tho Knights of Labor In this place Is not dead, neither Is It sleeping. True, the larcn mpmbershln has dwindled dowu con slderab'.y, but the life and lire still burnetii Willi a vigor mat porteuas luture success, People In tho lower end of the county arc louil In 1 he r Dralso of Dr. O. II . buy dcr, our popular veterinary surgeon, who last Suntlai performed a delicate operation on a cow belonging to a prosperous farmer In that locality. In the absence of Rev. J. II. Kndcr, Rev. George W. Sandt.'of Welssport, filled the nulplt In Trlnltv Lutheran church on SiinclnY evening. The text of his Interes tlngdiscuurse was based on Luke X XVIII. Tlin Inefficiency of our police force Is verv anoarent when a prisoner Is allowed to escape from an officer In broad day light, Let us have a change that will afford pio tcctlon alike to pedestrian and property Nathan Stemlcr, the popular landlord of the Stcmlcrsville hostlery. has had erect ed around his home a handsome Iron picket fence which makes his place the mos; at' tractive In that locality. Tho rapidly growing circulation of this paper convinces lis that our efforts to give the nevs Is appreciated. New names are added every week, won't you be one of them? $1 a year. John Esch, of Bankway, manipulates tho spigot In Young & George's lestaurant, Hamilton street, Allentown, lo which city he contemplates moving in me near iuuue, The Leclslaturo has passed a law cranl Ing premiums for the capturo of the follow ing destructive animais, viz: woives, siu wild cats, $2: foxes, SI; minks, 25 cents. Milkman George Rex sporteth a dandy for CalvDso Island. Tho Island Is situated In the Lehigh Rivet at Bethlehem, contains thirteen acres of ground, and Is one of the loveliest spots In summer to bo found In the Slate. Alex Scldle, of Pleasant Corner, has re reived the contract to put up one of his patent wire picket fences In the rear of the it Is a handsome piece of workmanship. Persons desiring arbor posts, fence posts, lire wood or the service of a ngu team for hauling purposes can save money by calling on Moses Rehrlg, Leblgh street, The best looklnc turnouts come fiom David Ebbcrts. North street livery. You want to bear this fact in mind wnen laic- Lehlghton cemetery. Alex is kept hump- ng y0Ur best girl fdr a pleasure drlyo. Ing in supplying the demand for this cheap Th,s week QUr M frl(jni, JoUn n Wclj3 but serviceable fencelng. becomes the genial landlord of the well A man in Carbon county Is trying to known Trachsville Hotel foimerly run by prove that Job was not much of a patient the jate James Decker, of Pitlston. fellow after all. .Tho Carbonlte has had vi,(,p Bowman will commence on his 184 bolls the past few months and is still . . ,. alatlnclon Ratine june'8 good natured. Bangor Observer. Vi e don t Know, out li is jusi possiuie mac me above paragraph is a lie, Collector Wm. Schadte Informs us that the taxes for 1888 have been collected very near in full. The duplicate for 1889 will not be received until the first week In Julv. Mr. Schadte Is to be congratulated on the success of hts first year's service as collector. Che borough council have decided that they will take flie plugs. CorrectI Now let our private citizens give the water ques tion a boom that will make of It a grand success. Don't be backward, step up aud contribute in accordance with progresslve ness Henry A. Schwartz, foreman of the Hersh Heater Works for a ear or more past moved with his family to Philadelphia on Saturday, at v hlch place ho assumes the responsibilities of a moro lucrative position. Flannel shirts at 50 cents; boys flannel waists at 35 cents; boys pants at 25 cents, and a great many other bargains In the line first week, but will not move thither until sometime In the month of July. Preaching in tha 1st Presbyterian church on Northampton street overy Sun daj morning and evening. Everybody Is Invited to attend these services. 3v. Leain the reduced prices on first class American watches sold at E. II. Hohl's, Mauch Chunk. You can make a big day's pay by purchasing here. Learn the reduced prices on first-class American watches sold at E. II. Hohl's, Mauch Chunk. You can make a big day's pay by purchasing here. Learn the reduced prices on first-class American watches sold at E. II. Hold's, Mauch Chunk. You can sayoa big da's pay by purchasing heie. New summer millinery has just been received at Miss Alvenla Graver's popular New York Millinery Store all the latest styles at lowest prices. 2w. A joung son of Alvln Frey fell and sustained a fracture of the left collar bono Friday afternoon last. Tho boy stood the of clothing can bo had at the One Price pain like a little soldier. Star Clothing Hall, Mauch Chunk. At the reeular monthly meeting of the A nartv of cvnsles are camped on the flown council on "Tuesday evening, Ezia hillsides in Mackcrlville. During the week, Newhard was elected treasurer vice William they have done some horse trading, a little I Miller, deceased. fortune lelllne and conducted themselves T .i. K-lbv Aneessnersult. mention- as gypsies generally do. ej 0f which was made last week, Judgment In falling from step ladder one day for $25 and costs has oeen rendered against recently ex-bureess Samuel Grayer sus- Angessuer. All tbe latest styles of lawn tennis coats and caps can be had at tho lowest prices at the One Pilce Star Ciolhlng Hall, Mauch Chunk. Carpenters are at work putting up the new fence around ihe grounds of the Carbon County Agricultural Society In this place. As per call of the president the stock holders of the Lehlghion Water Company will meet In Gabel's Hall on Friday even. lug. Supervisor Meyers, bf Mahoning dls. HpeclRl Jteporter Sees tlint I Worthy of Notn. - Miss F.lla Mack visited her IIa.letn fii a Is during I ho week. Jrs. Jerro Dlmtnlck lcfl for tho wuat ou Wednesday whcio sbo will visit rela tives. Shei Iff Levan was at Summit Hill on Afonday selling the clothing stock of Thomas McCready's store. j II. C. Frlell and Fred Wilson repre sented tho Lehigh Stovo Foundry, Lehlgh ton, In this city iceanesnay. An arch will be built over the creek on Quarry street by tho borough uaus. An Improvement commendable and timely. Passenger trains ou tho Jersey cen tral railroad do not stop at tho Mansion House. People will govern memseives ac cordingly If they don't wanttn be left. Mauch Chunk parties aro distilling oil of birch on the Blno Mouulaln, uear tho Wind Gap. The oil sells at $1 00 a pound and they distill from 8 to 10 pounds dally, E. F. Drelsbach.of East Mauch Chunk, railway postal clerk on tho route between Klmlra N. Y and Wllkcsbarre, Pa., has been removed. W. r. btowatt, oi vision, succeeds him. dalsv." Is the expression of evcrjbody who loves me ueauuiui in me hiaclialilcal wuen tney guzo at vwiuucj Lobein's dandy new milk wagon built by Troxler & Kreldler Lehlghton. Concert Hall will ba crowded tin FrI dav i vHilns when Mt. Pisgali Council, fro. 123, Jr. O. U. A. J., publicly present iwen-ty-Uo handsome bibles to the two Chunks. The occasion will also be tho celebration of the SOth anniversary of the order, founded fot the perpetuation of the American home at a time when civil conflict was beginning to wage. Hon. Ed Mulhearn is back from tbe Statu r.ecls aturo al Harr sburg. tie is looking well and appearentlv enjojlng ex cellent healtu. Tlie Jiecora remarKcu some time since that Eddie would not likely bo a candidate for ro-electlon, but Judging fiom this that and the other we opine o the belief that when the time comes be will be In tbe hands of bis friends. The famous Switchback railroad has been thoroughly repaired and Improved and Is now readv for tho summer's busl ness The Messrs. Mumford's Have spared no effort or expense In equipping tin road with all the couvleuces anu saieiy ap pliances known. The traffic promises to be larger this year than ever liereioiore, The St. Aloisious temperance society will celebrate their fifth anniversary in Concert Hall on June 22 For the occa sion a verv Interesting programme Is In course of preparation. Prominent tern ucrancc workers from Wllkeabarrc, Scran ton, Philadelphia and other points will be present by Invitation. Like ever thing the society does this event promises to be a grand one. At a recent meeting of District Lodge, Xn. n. I. O. (1. T.. held here, tho following officers elected hayc just been made public: District Chief Templar, a. u. uuase, Gas ton; District Counsellor, H. F. Schlegel, Mauch Chunk; D. V. T., Sadio C. Ross, Mauch Chunk: S. J. T.. Mrs. M. M. Rauch, Hazleton; D. T. J.. 3artln Ross, Afauch Chunk; D. Chap., J. H. Keenly, Mauch Chunk; D. M., W. D. Reed, Summit Hill; D. S., Hev. U. IK. uross, iYiiemown, u. G., F. w. liockine, tiazieton; u. a., a. W. A. Siegfried. East Jlauch Chunk. After a lone Illness of cancer, Mrs. Simon Reichard. aged about sixty years died ou Frldav. Deceased was an old and respected resident of this place and the funeral on Monday was largely attended Mr lie chard lias also been sick lor some weeks past, and on Monday was so weak that kind hands had to carry him to the funeral bier to look for the last time- on the wife who had been a willing helpmate to him. It was a sad scene and more man one eye was blinded by hot tears. To the bereaved tamuy your reporter cxienus heartfelt svmnathy. Rev )V. P. Steven sou, of the M. E. church, conducted the services. fliOI'LE WHO COSlK AND GO. Personal floislp about People wlio Visit and ion TUItlnr. in.. l.U Tit mi tz has returned home fiom a pleasant visit to Allentown friends, Secretary of the Carbon County In dustrial Society, Klwcn Bauer, 'clti led in town ou Wcdticsdaj . Mr. Staples of White Haven, was the guest of C. A. Harding, on Iron street, several days recently. nharlns Anthonv. of Bethlehem, a former resident of Parryyllle, closed digits with old time fi lends hero on weuncsoay. mimm Nora Clark and Katie Mc- fWrv. (successful teachers In the Nesnue- honing district and cstlmablo young ladies, spent sunuay wim i . . anu jhiss iuuiu Clark on Bank street. Daniel Hollcnbach, treasurer of tho noblo county of Lohlgh, was seeing LehiEhton friends this week. Previous lo returning home ho will visit Stroudsburg, Kresgcville aud Bangor. Jacob Mosser and family, of Boston, and Mrs. Peter Seibctl Ing and daughter, nml nnrirrt Hrlrprf. and fnmllv. of Allen town. arc enlov nc tue nospiiaiiiy oi Frank Seiberllnii's hostlery in the lower end of the county. Amontr the nrominem visitors In town on Saturday wc noticed tho familiar figure of our former townsman uaniei uraver, oi Wllkesbarre. Dan Is a staunch Democrat and has several times been mentioned for responlb.e positions of public trust. Uv. R. E. Bartholomew and wife, of ICressonla, Schuylkill couuty, are guests of tho folks at home. Mr. IJ, WEISSPORT AFFAIRS. tnlnpil severe bodllv Injuries. His condl Hon Is much Improved at this writing, how ever. PHOTOGRAPHS of family groups, cabinets all styles, and old pictures copied and enlarged at Rishel'a Gallery, near Le high Valley Depot, Lehlghton, Pa. Wilson Shoenenberser has disposed of his double team of horses lo one Lewis Kemerer. who resides IntheTowamenslngs. Consideration. $475. Read Zern's new advertisement to day. It nnlnts the wav to an emporium of bar gains nuch as this town has never known trlcti lias instituted a number of first class before. Read lu Improvements since entering on his duties finnatahle Walker, of Paryvllle, on . Iirlrtlit anil liniinrin(7 ftftppn nmillri Tuesday jailed IFIIIiam Strohl, of the same baby glrl accounl8 for tbe smile that llluml- piace, in ueiaun oi uau, vu wc w. nales tue face ot unniei wieana, 'oaD- Evcrvthlne In the line of furniture at A new and handsome line of lawn ten- uemerr & swartz'a. Prices always lowest nil anu Dase oaii coais, nw u "i" ana goods the best, Chunk, l'ut Both feet In It. It's our orivateopinlonthal the moulders who allowed their zeal to get the better of their judgement In bombarding with stones tho residence on Lehigh street, occupied by Messrs. 11. C. Frlrll and Fred Wilson em ploycs of the Lehlch Stove Foundry, n the language of tue vnigar, put bom leel in it. I.' Is just such hot heads as committed Tuesday night's outrage that bring honest labor and labor organization Into ill repute. They do not belter the cause; they bring It Into contempt wnen an angry mob assemb les ou street corners, In saloons and else where for the purpose of schemeing and pUmilng Injury lo persons and property of corporation or company against wuom mcy are sinning, l lie advocate nas retrain ed from saving aught In the matter of the Lehigh difficulty, anticipating that matterr would be adju&l id amlcablv at an early day unfortunately things nave taken such turn as to put life and property In jcpordy and the borougu must needs rell me ueces stiv of taking some action In the appoint ment of a police or police force to prevent a repetition of the disgraceful outrage of Tuesday nlcnt luo men wno committed i tho depredation will be, or probably hav been arrested, what benelit are thoy to lab or? None, candor will compel the Intelligent to admit mis, while mo not-neads will rea lize that the laws of tho commonwealth are not to be broken bv union men. "scabs' or ant body else without just punishment to the offenders. No on win condone sucli an offense but the unscrupulous and Ignor ant. Honest, intelligent organized labor roust purge its ranks of such men if they expect to retain the simpatny and good will of a community, 'me sooner they do this the better oil ihey will bo. The Ad, vocatk does not waut lo be understood as dictating mis, mat or me other, we simply and unequivocally condemn riotous actions of any kind, anrf peace, prosperity, welfare and reputation of town and citizens calls a hall. Think calmly ever me spirit of this article, and then Judge the condition of af. fairs in a spirit of nonesi, intelligent cir cumspection and you will say the Advo PATE argues correcMy, If you don't say so. you don't judge fairly and you should read me article oyer again. Meln host McDaulel, of the Eagle Hotel, Pleasant Corner, Is Improving from a severe attack of ten weeks old rheu matics. A Son. at the ' Corner Slore, will rece'.ve a fine lot of fruit and garden truck on Friday and Saturday mornings. The street scraper Is reducing the tgrado on south Northampton street to the depth of eighteen Inches or more. Seersucker coats and vests for men and bovs at 75 cents at tbe One Price Star Clothing Hall, .Mauch Chunk. Picture rod and coving. No nice room complete without It; very low, at Lucken bach's, Maucb Chunk. Full line of Incraln and Brussels car pets at Henry Schwartz, on Bank street. Children's toys, books and games, at Luekenbach's, Mauch Chunk. ''Eagle Cash Store." For Sale Cheap. I havs on hand three nice Baby Carriages that I will sell at or below cost. J. L. Gauki., Go to Henry Schwartz's for all kinds of furniture. Prices the lowest. I'alatlnate College. The annual Jlav concert given at Pala tluate College on Saturday evening was bv far the best entertainment ever given In the history of the Institution, and reflected greal credit on the teachers of music and elocution, Miss Lyda Watson and Jiss Sadie Barber, who had it In charge. A large audience with many -visitors from' Richland, Hummelstown, Lebanon, Read loir aud Allentown were present. Tho performance of the piano pupils showed a high standard of excellence In technique and expressIon.The College Glee club added verv tiucli to the enjotment of the occasion with some cf the Yale and Harvard Annlversltv songs. The novel feature of the evening was an exhibition of Delsarte Gymnastics led by Miss Barber, and given lu ureeic costum by several vounz ladies. No ono who saw them can fall to feel the grace and beauty lo be gained by a study of this system of pbyslclal expression. Miss Barber after ward recited "The Bells" with musical ac companiments, her costume adding much to its fine effect. Miss Lda E, Watson's high sopraud The larcfest assortment of goods r0'0,6 1"" hfaLd t?dTanla1a ln .an. arllstl,c j.jio ""b1 b rendering of the "Castauct Song" by Shel- first-class store wil al- craduatoof the Reformed Seminary at Lancaster and fills the pulpit of alleformed church at the former place with much ability. John Arner. of Arner & Son, manu facturers of nuro bone sucer-nhosphales, was In town on .Monday. Air. Arner is in terested ln a manufacturing Industry at Allentown In connection with pushing the sale of tho popular phosphates manufac tured by the firm. 1.1st of letters. Remaining uncalled forin the Lehlgh ton, Pa., Post-Office, for tha week ending May ll, lttt'J. Kressly, Chas. It., I Itehrig, Mrs. K., Hummer, Y. 11., I Thomas, Win., weur, Aiiss, AiYi-ua., Persons calling for any of tho aboye letters will pleaso say "advertised." Jamks P. Smith, V. M. The Old Town and Community Surround Ing Itmnlircl by the Htroller. Mrs. Dctcrlltie. of Ashlcv. was vlsilinir relatives here tlui week. Cornelius Snyder, of Allentown, circled here on Tuesday. Joseph Foulk, of the east end, Is the proud "pop" of a baby girl. Mrs. S. B. Brown was reported as quite III during tho past week. George Laury and family, of Mauch Chunk, were the guests of R. J. So'wcll over Sunday. Miss Luclnda Smith, of Middle, Creek, Monroe county, Is vltltlng her sister, Mrs. David Drelsbach. Mrs. Thomas Atror and Mrs. Owen Boycr liavo returned from a pleasant visit to Philadelphia friends. Tfie employees In Snyder's planing mill received their regular monthly boodle on Monday and Tuesday. Paper hanger and painter Goth Is exe cuting somo very handsome work for W. AV. Blakslel at Wealherly. Peter Bell and wife, aud Mrs. Ruch and children, of Slemton, spent Sunday with the genial C. Ilr. Laury. A fourteen month! old child of John Frltzlnger was burled on Sunday. Funeral services wero held In tha Chapel. Miss Emma Boyer does post-offlco duties with courtcsv and correctness since Is a recent ,he r'8nation of II.' J. Shoemaker. bwCi An II 1H CELEBRATED- can set them. The Chief Renaon for tho great suc cess of Hood's Sarsaparllla Is found In tho article Itself. It Is merit that wins, and tho (act that Hood's Sarsaparllla actually ac complishes what Is claimed tor It, Is what has given to-, this medicine a popularity and sale greater than that of any other Barsapa- Mrl Wines tlUa or Wooa nurl" meill VVIII& flerbeforo the public. Hood's Sarsaparllla cures Scrofnia, Salt Itheum and all Humors, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Biliousness, overcomes That Tired Feeling, creates an Appetite, strength ens the Nerves, builds up the Whole System. Ilood'e ftannpnrllta Is sold by all drug gists. $l six for ?5. Prepared by 0. 1. Hood & Co., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, Bur Mort- raclterton nml Long Hun Foot Bridge. The cables for the foot bridge across the Leblgh at Packerton wero successfully stretched and anchored early Sunday morning as a large force of tho workman had volunteered lo have everything ln readiness bv Saturday evening. About six o clock the force under tbe Immediate dliectlon of John Farren, ably assisted by Thomas J. Harleman on the J'ackcrton side and Wm. Harleman on the canal side. Work was continued the whole night. Dospatcher Thomas Harleman, rendered valuable service. Tho entire force were interested and efficient by day light the tnM-li- was flrlalinH tvltlinill.anapMllf.nl. The main cables are steel wire one and ""'"'"J. . .. -nl hnno tni lint crtr mrco quarter incites in ipicuness ana nve hundred and sixty-three feet In length. The guy cables aro three quatter Inch; elevation above the rlvertweuty feet; they were made at tbe Uazzard IKorks ll'ilkcs- barre and cost about five hundred and fifty dollars. Tho enterprise Is the work of George Enzaln. Esq., a well-known resi dent of North Welssport, It is a much needed improvement, as residents of Long Run and that section had to go around by Welssport to reach this point. A very largo number of the em ployees of tha L. V. road and shops llvo on the other side of tho rlyer, and the only John Rehrlg. Jr.. East Welssport. Is the agent for the Improved Victor Washer. Best In tho world. Try It before purchas- ng anv other. Apr. 3m. Tho temperance lecture announced from the pulpits to come off In tho Evan gelical church on Saturday evening has been postponed Indefinitely. Henry J. Shoemaker,, for a year past me courteous ana oouging assistant posi- gngn No. 7. Juno Term. 1889. to mo directed, master here, has accepted a more lucrative Issued out of the Court of Common Pleas ot t'ar- posltlbn with E. M. Williams lu tho Pack- uonuoumy, i win sen at puunc venuue on ertOU Office). MOKIIIV tltwu , m.d Nusbaum cfo Cnltnn will niantifar.lurA I Icecream In lnrpo nuantltlps for nrlvatp or I nt 1 0 p. m., at the Court House, In the ,.. iV. ,io ki. .,,...riii UoronfH of rtauch Chunk, Corbon County, renn plcnlc purposes. To do this successfully sylvanla, the following described Kenl kstate, thev have nut In a steam eneine tofto-wlt: ah uiai cerium iui or jiipco oi ground, situate on the Westwardly side of North street. In the Itoroueh of East Mauch Chunk, cnuntv nnrt stjitn aforesaid, and numbered ln tho plan or plot uiorcui noijj, coniiuninK in iromor nreailtll on said North street fifty (CO) feet, and extend lne thence Westerly of that width between par allel lines at right angles with said street, In lenctli or denth. two hundred (2001 feet. liomid- ed westwardly by a thirty feet wide alley. South ward by Second street, Kastward by said North sireci anu i on invar u oy Lot .Numiier l-our. The Improvements thercoir consist ot a two- siury FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, 22 feet by 30 feet, and a two-story frame kitchen, 16 feet by 13 feet, thereto attached, with a stone uaseineni ceiiar unuer i ne nouso aim Kiicncn. Also, a frame stable. 14 feet lir in fpm. nn thn ICill L'lIU Ui uiu JUl, Seized and fatten Into execution in tin. ninn- vu ui itiaiKtiu -i jHuuciiuy, II III AM 1". I.EVAN, .Sheriff. Mauch Chunk, Pa., May 18, lfwu. "We have the full control of thorn here. No other store We Open 3000 Pairs To-Day ! W. Li. Douglas' 4.00 Fine Calf Shoe. W. L. Douglas' $8.50 Police Shoe. W. L. Douglas' $3.00 ChulleiiKo Shoo. TP". L. Douglas' $2.50 Planet Shoo. IP. L. Douglas' $2 Best shoe for the money. We have the Police and Planet shoos with extension soles. W. D. .Douglas' $3.00 Xadics Shoos in C and D width. Please examine our snoes hefore buying elsewhere. ADAM MEHKK AM & SON, First door above tho Opera House, South Bank Street, Lehlghton, Pa. Wjj ARE READY, run the machinery. Supervisor Solomon Ycakel Is dolne commendable service with the street scrap er In putting the streets In cood condition. Correct, let tho good work go on; Sol.- can do It if anybody can. The underslened has for salo a larce lot of Fence tosts. FirtEvrooD. and Altntin Posts In largo quantities, which he is prepared to furnisu at lowest prices, Call on or address, Geohoe II. Enzian Welssport, J'a. marisi-am" Tha MItc Society of the Evangelical congregation have nicely carpeted the larce auditorium In their church edifice. The improvement Is a commendable one and the members of the -mite society deserve praise therefor. V. J. Klstlcr and wife wpre called to Moyerstown this week owing to the severe Illness of their estimable daughter, Miss Magma, wjio is a promising pupil In the .Numerous 11 lends ncre SHERIFF'S SALE way across was by small boats and high water, ice etc., olten rendered the passage Impossible. The foot bridge Is just what Is needed, it win also ue a source ot revenue to the li. V. K. R. people from that sec- lion will l)4ve a much shorter route lo railroad station. The bridge is a free one. Air. enzaln assumed the cost of tho whole thing, but quite a number have contributed. Though Ueueral (Jar bunt, jobn S. Lentz and Supt. II, S. Goodwin, the L. Y. Co., have contributed material fr abuntmcnts, Ac Mr. Enzaln is under obligations for Ibis as well as to Foremen Weiss, Long and Montz, for aid rendered. The cost of tno bridge will be abnuiieign- tcen hundred dollars, about Dye hundred is yet to bo raised. There Is no doubt that all who are benefitted by tho bridge will contribute as much as possible. -The bridge will be opened to tho general public Saturday, June 8th, between the hours of six and nine. It Is expected mat tue Luhighton and Welssport bands will bo in alteudcnce. addresses will be made and a general Invitation Is extended to all who arc Interested to be present on the occasion. Tbe bridge win be called tno Jjong Jtun ana racucrton root bridge. hope for her speedy recovery, Elmer Gilliam, of Franklin, aged twenty-two years, Is lying seriously 111 from the effects of a severe cut ln tho leg In flicted while las Ing a pavement recently, The limb has become Inflamed and his blood poisoned so that chances for his recovery aro doubtful. Presiding Elder D. A. Meddler, preached his first sermons to large and appreciative audences in tho Evangelical church on Sunday morning and evening. The reverend gentleman is a convincing anu earnest discourses wuu a gooa com- jlSi,aned. cottace stvle. the slzoand dimension mand of language, whctlior English or of the main building bclns 14 x2t feet, and of the llv Ayilni- nf n tvi-lf rt Intmrl Vnnln. 1'n 14 Immiio Acini, icoi. m nid uiirricti, isaucu Ulll. fjl tho Court of Common l'leas of Carbon County, 1 win c.hjio ui iuuuc Teuum, uu MONDAY, JUNE 10T11, 18SD, I at 1 o'clock In the afternoon, at the Court House, In the liorough of Mauch Chunk, Carbon County. lciiusyivauia, me loiiowing uescrineu ileal Estate, to-wlt: A two-story, part log and part frame, DWELLING IIOHSK, TO supply 'housekeepers with tho hestnunlitv Groceries, in cluding everything in that lino, at prices, not "out" to mislead purchasers, but nevertheless verv low. TO show customers a large and fine assortment of the latest novelties in Jewelry at prices very low considerining quality oi goods. A special invitation is extended to persons desiring any thing in this line to see our stock before purchasing elsewhere. TO wait on customers desiring anythiner in the lino of Toyb for children. Our stock includes the latest novelties. TO sell the finest Confectionery in Lehichton, in large or smali quantities, at lowest prices. Try Our Popular Drink MILK SIIAKE. Our Ice Cream Parlor B ?i33 the week. Private parties, picnics and festivals supplied. Nusbaum fe Culton. GABEL'S BLOCK, BANK STREET, Lehighton. German. Jeremiah Koch Is back folks at homo " after an absence of mote than thirteen years, during which time he has married and become a prosperous farmer In tbe state of Jissourl. lie has changed considerable In general appearance but not sutllclently to be a stranger to old time mends, I annex or addition 15 x in fact, totrpthpr with tlin . ... , I lot of land or curtilage appurtenant thereto, slt 'wlth tno old uato In Bloomlngdalo Valley, Mauch Chunk iiiwuiuiu, v;uruuu uoumy, l-ennsyivania, anu nouniicu auu uescriDea as iouows: iieginmng at or In the middle of Mauch Chunk creek, lu me centre oi ino puuuc rpuu crossing saut creeK : theuco North six (0) degrees, Ve9t two hundred ami iwcniy-six i-jjujieet, luenco ivonu seventy (70) decree?. West one hundred and seventy. iiii-iiL ii ui leei. ineiii'H Aonn (inn niiiiiiren mill ninety (iwi ueerccs, wesi nve multireel ami tiny Wall Paper and Decorations The pe..lon presented to tho borough A'Sfj "e" council calling for tha enforcement of the lanils late ot Peter Wi Neigh, deceased, to ccn- ways be found in great profu sion at tho Eagle - Store. ley. Two vocal duets "Through Valley and Forest." and "Time of Youth'1 were rendeted by Misses l.yda and Fennle Yat. son. It was a rare treat for tbe audience to here the artistic vocal music given by these ladies. Merchant Tailoring! We lead tbe trade In our Merchant Tail oring Uepaitment In regard to style fit, workmanship and prices. We are making all-wool bulls to order at $15, $18, $25 up to $40; all-wool pants, to order, at $3.75. Wp roll thp fitipntion of the 5'.7 "P.10 10, CaU. aBd "amine our we call ing aitenium "i ,prir(t and summer stock of fancy suitings ladies to a larce assortment Ol and you cannot miss it by calling at tut, Prints, in blue, black and the o. p. s. ciojhii chunk. fashionable shades iust received. Call at Kemerer i SwarU'a on Hank . street, and see the largest stock of furnl tiuxtKiivx wAJLix-. ture. carpets, etc. i ou can save money Ntrth Bank Btrstt, opp. Valloy Roiud bouis- uy coing so. Arouud the llags. Allentown and Slatlngton will play a series of games. Macuncle did up Allentown 12 to 11. Not so bad, for country boys, ch Crfffc ? It Is Captain W. D. Jones of the Slat- ington club, and assistant captain S. Ij, stecuei. Even body should go to tho ball game Saturda) afternoon. The contest will be a spirited one. Normal Square and Pleasnt Corner will uiako arrangements to play an exhibition game In tbe ball park on tbe 25th. Our people should liberally patronize tho ball game baturday afternoon. Jt will be an encouragement to tbe ''boys" to play a "stiff game." wcatnerly is getting in neutlnc trim for Ihe season's battles. The club will be as follows: Lewis Kuss, George Kline. Jacob l'resser, Oscar Dayls, Dan Haes, will n arg, unas. ivueuner, joun Mussel man. Chas Hinkle. When Allentown plara Lohlgbton on Saturda. next, the new B. 11. park will be formally dedicated. As Its share of the souvenirs. Lehlghton Iwtll get a goose egg. Allentown Crufe. If wo only get one, brother, why, we'll be satisfied. - Look Here, Bullderat The undersigned Is prepared tosupply, building stone, firewood, posts, etc. at reasonable prices. Address, 17. J. DANZF.n. April 2T-Sm. LEnioiiTON, P. O. At the Corner Store. The Summer season is at hand and bot tied goods are timely. You will Bud at Sweeny's Corner Store a full line, lnclud Ing pickles, chow-chow, catsup, mixed Dickies, celery sauce, sweet pickles, chill sauce, onions, horse-radish, olives, plcquaot dressing and a fun line of jellies. From the Upper End, Patrick ltoc'gers. died suddenly at Coal aaie aamraay morning. A excavation has been made for tha election of a large dwelling for J. II Andrews at Deaver Meadow. A new Camp of the P. O. S. of A., is to ba organized In Hazleton. District presi dent J. M. Staufxer. of Deaver Meodow. I . taking great interest in tno matter. MKMOKIAI. DAY, 1889. PROGRAMME. The follow ing Is the programme arranged by the Commllteo for tho observance of Memorial Day lu this liorough and Weiss, port: OrtDKIl Ol' PARADK. Tho line will form at 1 o'clock, sharp, right resting on Iron street, In tho follow. Ing order: Plilef Marshal and Assistants, 0. A. It.. Drum Corps. Firing Squad. John 1). Ilertulette- Post, No. 4SI. G. A. It. l-elilch Council, Jr. O. U. A. M 101. Ijuly Washington Cornell, I), of L., SO. Ariou Comet Hand ot Lehlghtan. I. o. ii. v.,tm. Daughters of Itehecca, 124. West I'eim Cornet Hand. I'oho I'ocoTilbe. Ited Men, 171. Washington Camp, 122, P, O. 8. of A. ValilnKton Camp, m, P. 0. 8. of A. Washington Camp, 29, p. o. H. of A, M lnlllllL'tllll ennui. 308. P. O. B. (if A. Washington Camp, 311, P.O. B. otA. Clilbmi Castle, 111, K. 0. K, Teutonla Boelety. l.otilRti Hook Ladder Co., No. 1, Mil I. lvlnlz (!(tnniniiili-ri'. Nn. K. (1. II. Speakers and disabled Comrades, .Soldiers and milium in i;nrnnget. Mounted Aids. Organizations and Clto-ens In 'Bmscs or Carri ages hiii pit-use likq me leu oi inc line. ROUTE OF PARADE. Up Hank street to Qchre, out Ochre to Second, down Second to Iron, out Iron to Third, down Third lo Kim, out Elm to the uemetcry. Thn tteholiim nf lhfi fievtral Kundav Hehools will form Id open order outside of the gates of meuenieiery ann uanu nowcrsio tue uecorni tng Committee of the (!. A. It., singing Memorial nyiqus 10 me nine "uiu nunureu. Pecoratlon ot (1 raves. Ilitgle Recall. Prayer by Itev. J. Alvln Heber. Orallou by lion. I'.. M, Mulhearn. Closing Hxerclses by ltev. J. B. Newhart. Denedlctlou. 0"A collection n 111 be taken at the nates, to aeiray expenses. lue paiaae win men proceed 10 neisspori. Memobui, Services in ruuuq Square. Prayer by Jtor. Stauffcr. Address bv ltev. Dungan. Closlpg Kxercisea by Rev. Sandt. benediction. ordinances regarding the closing of nil places of business on Sunday has been acted UDon, and the proprietors of stores, ii-c, have been notified to obscrvo the law In the matter. They will be closed here after. It may not suit a cood many, but It's law, you know, and tho law must be enforced. Dy'e see? The Old Story Over Again. A double accident, resulting in the death of one young man and the sciIoub Injury of another, occurred on the Leuigu v alley Kailroad. below blatlngton. 'Sunday. wunam ,11. ijioyu, aged zi, ana uuanes Mobry. lo years of age, both ot uanlels- ylllo, spent Sunday morning with friends In alatlngton, and at noon attempted to board u moving coal train. Mohry missed bis foothold and was thrown alongsldo the track and received severe Injuries. Lloyd succeeded in boarding tho train, but see ing bis companion hurt attempted to lump off. Ho was tbtown violently to the ground anu almost instantly Klilod. tro of Mauch Chunk creek, aforesaid, tbence norm luny-uiue (wi accrues, iuisi one-iiuilureu and seventy-six (170) feet aud (wo (2) Inches, and llienco South eliihtv-flve and ouo-nuarter nam degrees, East three hundred and slxty-slx (3C6I teei io mo piaco oi ueginiuug, comainmg auoiit I'lve (5) Acres, more or less. Seized and taken Into oxecntlon as tho prop erty of Angelina Creltz and George Creitz. her nusuauu. HIJtAM T. UiVAX, Sheriff Sheriff's Office, Mauch Chunk, !'., May H' '89. E. Mi Mulhearn, Attorney, May is, 1880, Howard Deifeuderfer, Opposite the Pdrlic Squark, Dank STREET, liKIIIOIITON, alANUFAOTURER. OF - FINE . CIGARS Alto a Choice Lino of TOBACCOES, ClCUItS, AND SltOUEllS SlIPPLir.4. Don't Forget to Call-? MP for CARRIA&ES ! Ulalces the Weak Strong. 'rue season wnen tnai tircu leeung is ex- -r-r -t perlenced by almost overy one, Is here once JlLJ3NlvX OHIilSTMAN uiuru, miu aicaia iiiauj peupio rcburb io Hood's SarsaDarllla to drive away the lan guor and exhaustion. The blood, laden KW Allrni TTniisv Wnisonnrf with Impurities which have been accumula- ,, w..,..., Sells the Popular and Celebrated ting for mouths, moves sluggishly th.ough 1... ..rtt. 4l.A n tl.lnlr "..I-.1-I.T . 1 ' u GU,, .11 U 1 11 1 1 1 11 111)11 wJ .11111 )v if 1111.11 1 J , I - a anil me -body is still slower io respond, xjut liuizbuil J ana SJ X orit IT II- 1. Ml I. S i .... I- , 1 I - iioou s oarsapariua is just wuai. is ueeueu. It purifies, vitalizes and enriches the blood, makes the bead clear, creates an appetite. over comes that tired feeling, and Imparts new strength and vigor to tbe whole body. Sonilheliii's Is the place to buv your ready-made suits for men, boys and children. Vou will al ways find there a large assortment at the following low prices: Mens good suits at $5. $7, $8, $10, $1R aud upward; boys good duim u, vi, ,u, f-u, 1, v", vu aim uiJiiaiua. All our goods are marked In plain figures. at a saving of SO percent on each dpllar, at theOnePilco Star Clothing IlaUT Mauch Chunk. SINGLE AND IOUBLE CARRIAOES At prices that are considerably less than coinne- iiiion. i nave an siyies aim qualities which I wish vou would not fall to Inspect ui-iuru iiuiKiRK purcuases, mayu3iu Miss Alvenla Graver has icturucd from tbe city with now summer millinery. Ladles, von will miss It If you fan to see tbe new goods aw. OPEN TO EVERYBODY. We do not hold ourselves responsible for opin ions expressed under tuts Head, rersous contributing articles must write on nut one sldo of paper, and sign their name legibly. me latter noi lor puuncaiion uut as u muiier oi goou iaim. uuituo. Please Chew Thl. Daniel Baltzer, BANK STREET, LEIIIOIITON. PA., next to Trexler ilc Kreldler's Carriage Work Is Headquarters for Notions and Fancy Goods, Including a lull and complete hue ol All Kind ot Laces and Ladies' Underwear White 67oods a Specialty ! Fricea very lowest. Call and be convinced that we have a full line of everything usually found in a first class Notion. Store. Have Feathers Cleaned Editor Advocate: I had fully Intended to trouble vou no more, but the "mighty moral agitation" carried on by Brother William Cralc of Nebraska, and Clarence The Marshals appointed by the different or- soulful Weiss, of Lehlghton. caused me to uconsiaer my decision, rsow, win ine Is located In Seller's Putcher Shop In the rear ot the Lehigh Coat and Hardware Company and Is prepared to Renovate Feathers According to the latest discovered scientific pro- cess ui ine iuiiuviiuk ww priues: Less than is pounds, lo.cents per pound. Between IS and 30 pounds, 9 cents per ioiind. Between 30 and 100 pounds, 8 cents per pound. 100 pounds and over, T tents per pound. For reference call on or address James Wain, Jonathan Klstler at Carbop llou-se, Columbus Hlttlnc on the Safetr Valve. "lolnts" and boot-leu dlsDensatorles. and Horn, at Mansion House. T.D.Clauss and others. Ma,py are they who have laughed at the making perjurers out of otherwise truthful orders left with T. J. liretney or at the works will icwno iiuiui'iaiicuuuu i cniiioil nm called for in town and at Welssport aud returned free of charge. mayll-lm ganlzatlnns w 111 parade mounted and report to the Chief M irshal, Solomon Yeakel. Organizations desiring to participate In the exercises at 'Parrwllle. w 111 reDOrt at G. A It. lieaanuaneis m osuu o ciock u. hi., snarp, on Mnvsnth. On Sunday morning, May 26th, the Post will decorate the graves la the Malionlug, East Pcnn aud Westl'enn Cemeteries. 'J hose desiring to participate snouia report to 111c commute Wra. C. McCorrnlck, John Seaboldt. Jr., Lewis rr I t 1 1 xA.k..Al . . .. .1 . .. 1. DnK A 1111UC1 , MJ. . UlllSlllI UIU U Villi IIUIlll. gentlemen mentioned please put this para graph, No. 1, In their hats for reference. .13. Illdaman. 1'robale judge of wm- manche county, Kansas, glvss the follow ing answer to a pertinent question: (II How successfully has Prohibition closed tbe saloons In vourpartof theStatef Atutioer It has closed tbe ea. 0011s by creatine double the number of "dives." "Joints" and boot-leg dispensatories, ana Yours truly, Yidex, No. 2 next week, watch for It. RETAIL-MERCHANTS' Before purchasing elsewhere will do well to call uit ui nuurcss, storv of the green steamboat fireman who I men. Kit. nn the safetv-valve to nrevent It "leak ing." Yet thousands are repeating bis tveisspon, i-a. folly every dav. They are troubled with blotches, pimples, eruptions, sait-rneum bolls, carbuncles, ulcers and old sores, and are contenting themselves with suppressing tbe symptoms without removing the cause. They sit on these safety valves by which nature is driving out blood Impurities, In aiparl nf Mftinr T)r. Pierre's ftnlrien Medical Discovery, which cures by removing the ADfl A T T Q A' TrfJ-T?.!? cause, which is in the blood. It Is a won. Ui3 Vii.lV O OiSlJljWJClitj acriui uiouu puriucrHiiuiuviguraiiui; luuiu, Do sou tblnk the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy would offer, as they have done for many years, a standing re ward it $500 for a case of catarrh which they cannot cure, if the; did not positively know that the remedy will absolutely ana permanently cure catarrh. Sold by drug gists, at only 50 cents. A full line of G. A. It- suits and caps, at tba One Trice Star Clothing Hall, ,Vauch Chunk, for IT, (6, f 10 and upwards. Auditors' Notice. In the Orphans' Court ot Carbon County In the matter ot the first and final account of Abraham Smith, Administrator ot Jacob Smith, late ot Towameaslng Township, Carbon County, Pa deceased. KhMi-h is berebr clteu that at an Orphans' Court deld at Mauch Chunk lo and for said Coun- tv, lne unarrsigDru was appoiuieu Auuuor audit, re-btale and settle said account and make fiiftiriDuuon oi ine imiaa ill me nanus said accountant lo the parties entitled thereto according 10 law. ....... -i mifln Mu.iiiAy. maxim uivoi aiai.Ai D. 1889, at 9 00 o'clock A. M.at the Publlo House nr .innAinan nisuer. in me uorouuii ui ijcuikii loo, Pa., he will meet all parties havms claims a sain xunus or accounis wua arp iciiiuivu iu resent them before said Auditor or be debarred W. M. RAPSHKlt, Auditor. IVERTISI s HOES SPRING OPENING- -OF- AT- W.F.Bie rv's Popular w WEISSPORT, PA. Drugstore, OUIt stock Is largo and complete and includes all the very latest styles and shades in the above coods. and the prices knock competition bky high. A special invitation Is extended to tho peoplo to call and sec our immense stock before purchasing elsewhere. We feel cofident that wo cau pleaso you and savo you money. In 'lire Drugs, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Wines, Liquors and Cigars, OUK stock equals, if not surpasses, in quality anil freshness that of any other establish ment in this section. Respectfully, AV. F. 11II2UT, Druggist. - Andrew Bayer, HANK HTltEKT, LEHIGHTON, IlKALElt IN Wall Paper, WiiidowSliadcs and Fringes, Curtain Poles and Chains, WOOD AND BHAB8 BTAIB EODB, OILS, PAINTS, VAENISHE3, AND PA1N1EHS BUPPUES 3 our EH GILT PAPER at 5o. Per Roll. Call and ;ee us. No trouble to show goodi. whether you buy or not. Our time Is your time. Paper Hanging, House and Sign Painting, draining aud all kind of (Hiding Work executed In the very best manner and at the Ion est rates. 3iu-marchU. A GOOD LIVING GOOD PAY! Write to W. & T. Smith. Nurserymen. Oknkva. N. Y., for terms. Uncuualed facilities. Many: valuable specialties. One ot the largest and best known Nurseries in the country Kstabllshed 1816, IIIVU tV t Ml HIH4J b of the largest and best GENEVA Nursery. Tranvdealer aavi lie Iioa the W. I.. Drndu Shoe -irlthout n&mo and lirto itiimnM tho bottom, put lilm doim as a fraud. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE FOR GENTLEMEN. it o. f In 1 li n vn.M. Ft. m In. lila OS.OO (iRNUINI! IIAKD-SKlVKn IjIIOX, 1IANIM s.ijo iir.im H3.BO KXTKA VAI.UK OAL.K SHOE. UK. nor. ( All miAo in Conftrsif, Button MidLsi Tfffl? l'Ot.ICU ANI PAKM Kits' SHOK. Ha. 011 j;xi KA VAl.ui; un,r bi lVllltll TKflKf A TfH HllOll 14.00 ami si.7s uuYS' sclioor, snowt, FOR LADIES. 1. ButFltUaS. W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE , lltt Material. Heat fityl If nnt inM hv wnur r)ptlr. ami XV. L. DOUOLAS, llltOOKTON. MJUM Examine W. L. Uouclas (2.00 slinea for centle- and ladles, Adam Mohrkam & Son.Agents LIIEIOIITON - - PA.- 01 MM! MAUCH CHUNK, PA. Seasonable Goods at Greatly Reduced Prices, THAT WILL MAKE THEM GO QUICK! A Oil I! AT TOW HI. TIAltOAIN M li.ivw ,,U,1 l w..,,.l ,, li.-.,.. 1.. 1. .. In huck and damask, all white and colored boaders, larne size, flue Muck : any of tl.eni would bm cood value at 35 rents each our price Is ! rents earh. Another baripilu Is a cood sized huek ..nmnni-niivf-iv linn, iiipv i'n mr wit nr. ... mm . nt,tin.....t. TAUI.K I.INKN- Extra value In Table Unec. call your particular attention to tha no itnuiv iimy arn irom 8 to 12U eti.. numbers that we are offering at 37'. and 60 cents ner vant. per yard cheaier than you can buy the same goods cl where, afford to miss this ottering. . Srii?.? .l:?,,iSLVi "?.e.V.nft ,!e'Pe- tlned and flird,the; K.:.rri,v.VMrAr.v.a,si,r " ' . ."? 'otoi ugbtcui! DRESS GOODS A Una of shades never a lot ot double fold, small n 1 TTT 1 TJ .1 n XiUBli (VDlllDUUik, X ouuu., WHOLESALE DBALER IN Oreniei, Sweet Potatoes, UmoDi, Cranberries, ISauanas, Cocoanuts, and all other Fruits and Vegetables In sea Bin mwi "'-- - - luu, Aro.. ud nut hi. .'-"-- "-" -" . - ... nn uiu funds or accounts who are reiulre4 to T ETAILEItS In tbe community .can save present them Dttore saw Auauor or ueai freight and have the goods aeiiverea at from cemlng In for a share oi saia runa ineir aoors ey a lew noun nuuer. uini. trial, satisfaction gturantesd and prices the very lowest. May t.ists.-wi. ,,..w ..... (lumu ,VUnCa If ou need f.lneus, jou o.nn atsu cents. About one case .of plain and strlpi-d Beersuekers-iou would'thluk they were che at8centsperyind-theyROfor6!rents. ' ' 'ey were catsp -Dress Ooods Bargain, all wool filled, cable rord dress goods, double fold, show n for leas than mi cenU per yard-our price Is 10 cents per yard, Ali lall plaid, reduced from 124 cents to 10 cents. ' OOR SEVENTY-FIVE CENT QUILT will compare ery faorably with amthlngyou can purchase elsewhere at ILOO. All other price In proportion. Miwiiijfoutis Several Boxes of Arnold's STANDARD ULUr. CALICOES, best made, new patterns, fresh goods, tbey go for 7 cents per yard, Regular pilce 8 cents. rnerns, irtar cents b?TheytrCdEr pi" e8UN BARaA,Nl one,hat nlM ue bV ' I't 'ents. our price Is tU BLACK GOODS BAROAIK. We are showing a certain number of Illack Cashusre (that could be called a Henrietta) which we guarautee Qbe n sundaid tiiaks ail wool aud is , i si ,11 anything you can buy for KM eents-our price, W cents per yard? ' Bne as n... fXtZXVSllX?'" W22 S.VSPSffllJK.H!te.E'1' oiirtumn, eur ,urt- O. A. Rex & Bro., Opposite American Hotel, MAUCH CHUNK, Femmv