T- " Original Ohoap Cash Store" Extremely Low Prices lit) US AT THIS STORE I TtBAD THE FOLLOWINO LIST OF XJnoqualed bargains and sco how tnr a dollar will cohere. Fruit o( tli a Loom Mutlin, 7'4 cents per ynrd. Hill Musiln, 7S cenu per-yard. l'aucy mrlpetl Seersuckers, new styles, 7 cetits Aprun tiliiKlinns. bsit styles. 5 conls tier yard. Standard Apron Oiuglmins, best styles, 6 cents per yard. Llncasterand Amoskeag ()lncliain; lest Roods In the market, eA ccuts per ynrd. 23 cent 'labia Until at 18 cents per yard. . A lot ol Heavy TowcIIiik, 4 cents per yard. One case of Calicoes, new apt Ins styles, ii cents per yard. 10,000 yards New Style Brocatel Rultlnirj, 4 cents per yard. New Fine Ghallles, o cents per ynrd. . OneitielSHcenCDress (unsliaiiis, handsome styles, 9 cents per yard. One case 12V4 cent Satlncs, elegant styles 10 cents per yard. Two cases Striped Itoyon, In beautiful new colors a.id shades, CO and 03 cents per yard. These are the mo.it noDular coods of the season. and are rstallfni; elscwhcro at 80 and 90 cents nnr vnril. An Immense lot of Marseilles, Crochet, Tlqno and Honeycomb Ued Spreads, 40 per cent lower than elsewhere. Uents so cent Kancy Light Silk Scarfs, at 22c. Our CO cent Whlto Dress Shuts, at 3a cents, nil sizes, Reinforced Front and Hack, Linen Cull nnd Bosoms. Our M cent Whlto Dress Shirts at co cents, nil sizes. Hetnrorccd Front and Hack, best Mus lin, best Linen Culls nnd Bosoms. These are the Greatest Shirt Bargains to be found Ucnt'sFine Calf Congress Shoes S1.98, worth (2.50, Ladles Fine Dongola Kid Button Shoes, $1.05, worth IIEO, A lot of Infants Lace Shoos at 23 cents a pair; n lot of Inrants Fine Kid Button Shoes at 45 cents n pair. Choice I'runes pounds for 25 rents. Best Canned Corn 8 cans for 25 cents. 2a cent loose ItoastedColf ee nt 23 cents per pound. Best Tomatoes s cans for 25 cents. ,,, and so on throughout our van stock. BARGAINS In the same proportion may ho had, Respectfully, J. T. NUSBAUM. Eank Street, Lehighton, Pa. June 7. 1884-1 The Carbon Advocate SATURDAY, MAKCJt 30, 1880 LOCAL EVENTS OUT UP. Sprint advertising is now In order, and tho. careful, enterprising merchant who deals In coods of wlilcU new supplies arc needed as the.seasons change knows bow necessary It is to ketD the public and bis patrons advised of whatlie has for sale. All the weather prophets agree in forecasting an early Sprlnjr, which admonishes dealers In coods far that reason to do their ndvcr Uslne In time to catch the first run of buy. eri.for tills purposes the advocate will be found to lead all papers In the county. Ap ply for rates. The Independend Order of Good Templar's reeclved and initiated eight new members in the lodge, at its last regular meeting In Iteber's Hall. On Tuesday evening the members will hold a Temper ance meeting in the M. E. Meeting House, in Jamestown to which all the people of Jamestown, Fackerton and Lehlgbton are Invited wlio feel an interest in the cause of righteousness and morality. It is said that a great many English men are visiting this country this season. I asked Jinks what they came for. He said ho supposed "to marry soft-pated millionaire women, to talk the fellows but of their money, who want to be fooled, ana to lay In a supply of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup." "Tbe greatest cure on earth for pain, Salvation Oil; take up the strain. Israel Arner, a son of Amnion Arner, of New Mohonlng, died on Sunday morn Ing, aged about 88 years, of hasty con sumption. He had only re tinned from a four months residence In the Danville Asy lum about two weeks previous to his death. He was buried on Thursday. Miss Alveola Grayer, ot tno popular New York Millenery Store, Bank street. has just returned from the city with a full and complete line of spring and summer millinery coods. Ladles, uOuVT:il to call before purchasing elsewhere. 2w. The cenial ex-sheriff J. W. Rauden bush and wife, of Bank street, pleasantly' entertained B. J. Kuntz and wife, of Lehigh street, and Daniel Graverand wife, of Wilkesbarre, at a sumptuous supper on Wednesday evening. Rer. Dr. J. A. Little, of Hokendauqua, preached his twentieth anniversary sermon last Sunday evening as pastor of that pros perous congregation, and heartily thanked hit people for the numerous kindnesses re ceived. Do not buy a washing machine until you bays examined the Improved Anthony Yayne Washer.tor sale by the Lehigh Coal & Hardware Co. See their advertisement in another column. tf. Call at Kemerer & Swartz's on Bank street, and see tbe largest stock of furni ture, carpets, etc. You an save money by doing so. The Hersh neater Works are being put in order preparatory to resuming opera tion after a three months shut down. With sprlue house cleaning comes the demand for new carpets. See the large Una at Kemerer & Swarsz's on Bank St. It is said that between thirty and forty new dwellings will be erected during this spring and summer. Mrs. Andrew Beyer, of South Bank street Is reported as being seriously ill A good second hand Square Tlano for sale, cheap. Apply at Advocate office. - Full line of Ingrain and Brussels car' pets at T. Schwartz, on Bank street, ii Go to Val. Schwartz's for all kinds 0f furniture. Frices-the lowest. Spring Announcement. You can buy $25.00 worth of ready-made clothing for $10.75 at Sondheltn's One Price Star Clothing Hall, Mauch Chunk. Our -stock of men's boys and children's suits Is larger now than eyer before. Grand Army suits, warranted fast color, from $0 up to $12. Our line of clothing Is sold attuch low prices as to defy competition. Call and be convinced. Eagle Cash Store." HEMETTACLOTHiBoolMil IN COLORS: Peacock Blue, Mode, Scarlet, Terra Cotta .Medium urown, sold uneap. CASHMERES IN ASOTED CCLORS. Gents Clothing Measured to Order. Handkerchiefs In Cotton for 3c. up to Silk Mufflers ut si.75. Wd are headquarters for coods of all kinls. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere EAGLE STORE, North Ilank-Street, opp. L. V. Hound House. Beautify your homes. Repair your side walks. Read the advertisements. Easter Sunday April 21. Ejgs are 12 cents per dozen. Two months more of school. Good Friday Is the next holiday. Joseph Obert sports a span ot new horses. Wanted. $000 on first mortgage. Ap ply at this office. Children's toys, books aud games, at Luckcnbach's, Mauch Chunk. Everything in the line of furniture nt Kemerer & Swartz's. Prices always lowest and goods the best. Picture rod and coving. No nico room completo without It; very low, at Lucken- bach's, Mauch Chunk. Ten per cent discount atDelfenderfer's on musical Instruments, ou account of re moval to new room. Major Klotz Cotnmandery, K. O.K., of town will participate in the anniversary celebration of the Allentown Commander;, on April 22nd. Weaver, JUantz & Dick will have ton or fifteen head of mules, from their works In Luzerne county, shipped to Mantz's stock yards here. Hats - and bonnets the latest and mostfashlonabln spring and summer styles, at Miss Alvunia Graver's New York Millin ery store, on Bank street. 2w. -H. A. Delfenderfer, the North Bank street tobacconist, will occupy the store room on Bank street now used by D. S. Bock, the jeweler, after April 1st. -A!. Miller has returned from a two week's absence with four head of fine horses, among tho number being the fa mous trotting horse, Tom Murphy. -The bulldlnc on the corner of Ochre street ts to bo a double frame dwelling and storo room, and to be built by George W. Nusbanm Instead of by James Long as stated last week. .Mr. Nusbaum will occupy ono portion of tbe dwelling and the store room. -Dr. J. C. Kreamer and wife, of Mill port, will celebrate the thirtieth anniver sary of their marriage on Tuesday, April 2nd, The doctor lias been generous in ex tending Invitations to hosts of friends, so In advance the oc aslon may be counted on as a pleasant success. Our neighbor John Peter has been suf. ferlng during the past week with a badly inflamed digit, caused by a piece of hot steel which lodged In tho flesh of his hand while at work In tho blacksmith shop at Fackerton, The steel was removed on Tuesday and Mr. Fetcr is doing quite well again. Attorney Horace Heydt, who lias en tered a co-partnership with W.G.Freyuian of Mauch Chfink, will not move to the County Seat as is currently reported, but will contlnuo to reside at this place. He will be at Mauch Chunk during the day on aud after the 1st prox., aud In the evening he can be found at the office of Heydt & Scaboldt, on Bank street If a woman would maintain her fine complextlon, she must anticipate all pirn pics and bolls, the outcome of bad blood, by tbe early and frequent use of Laxador, the great blood purifier. There is nothing mbre harrowing to the sympathetic mind than to bear a crying baby. Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup will give In slant relief to the little sufferer. For sale at all drug stores. Price 25 cents. A great deal can be done by property' holders in advancing the healthfulness of the town, by early attention to removal of ashes nnd thorough cleansing about tbe premises. A local pride should determine eyer resident to place the streets and alleys In bis neighborhood in creditable condition. The accumulation of ashes and rubbish in some altevs has remained far years,' and, as a consequence, the grade of the same has been destroyed. To Delinquent! Only. We liavo a number of subscribers on our ists, to many of whom we have sent bills for two, three or more years, we now again call their attention to tho matter by mark Ing a blue 2 opposite the direction tab, and earnestly request that they make an immediate response. Tbe date on the tab will show them just how much they owe, thus: Jos. Fayquick mar7 65 shows that ho owes from March 7, 1885, would be $4.00 up to .March 7, 1889. Other dates can be computed In the same man cer. Let us beat from you'atonce by Pos tal Note or Money Order payable at th I.ehlghton Post-office. II. V. MoRTniMEB, Jn., Publisher, December 1. 1888. An lmpoftant bill, authorizing connty commissioners to pay for tbe arrest of horse thieves, has just passed the State Assembly. A Bethlehem weather prophet says we are to have tr,o more snows and many days sleighinuoeforo spring sets in. W. H. Klotz, is now prepared to manufacture wheelbarrows or wagons at his new factory near Buck's sawmill, Pine Run Repairing done cheaply. tf, Now W tbe time to get out tho garden spade, hoe and rake. The fund to erect a Young Men1 Christian Association building In Allen town now amounts' to $7,500, of which Postmaster Genera! John Wanamaker, ha pledged $1,000. The purpose Is to raise $15,003. Previous to removal you can buv Jew elrv, watches, clocks, etc., from D. S. Bock at a reduction of 20 per cent. You should mbrace tills opportunity. The "bay fork" swindle Is the latest. A farmer ts solicited t purchase or act as agent for a cheap hay fork. He is deluded into signing a long document "Just a matter of form," and It gets him in debt from $200 to $300. Moral Look out. Don't sign anything for strangers. This Year two holidays will be celebrat ed on tbe same day Assenslon and Me morial days, on May 30. Persons desiring arbor posts, fence posts, fire wood or the servico of a light team for hauling purposes can save money by calling on Moses Rehrig, Lehigh street. Now is the time to trim and tie up your grape vines. Never skip the advertisements when rcrdlng a newrpaper. They show just what live business men are about, and it pays to trade with those who advertise. Leuckel's store room Is undergoing numerous realrs and will soon be occupied by D. S. Bock, the popular jeweler. His old stand will be headquarters for unusual bargains until his removal. tw. Sfieak thieves have made their appear ance In and aronnd this borough. Our authorities should offer some protection against tbe depredatlous of these fellows. PHOTOGRAPHS of family groups, cabinets all styles, and old pictures copied and enlarged at Rlsliel'a Gallery, near Le high Valley Depot, Lehlgbton, Pa. Some Mercer county farmers have been swindled hj a party who bought their hav and promised payment after his Pittsburg agent uau sow it on commission. Carbon couuty faimers keep jour eye peeled for thiiu. COUNTY SEAT ITEMS Advo- I Local nipple Caught by n Special cato" Scribbler. An Infant aonf Recorder Haiulwerk'a seriously III. Thomas Mumford will erect a hand some residence In Upper Mauch. Harry Craig has received the appoint ment of a cadetihlp to ll'est Point. Tho Switchback railroad will open for travel during the tore part of May, Up to date tho "new landlord" for 'abnetah nolel, at Glen Onoko, Is un known. Armbrucstcr's Hotel Is being repainted and renovated preparatory to the opening t the summer trade. The Second li'ard will experience a building boom if the numerous excavations can be taken as a criterion. Fi'vo shares of the now Home Building and Loan Association were sold lasv week at a premium of $42.50 per share. P. F. Mulhearn, brolherof Hon. E. M. Afulhearn, who has been in Washington Terrltoryfor some month past has returned. Carbon county paid out nearlv $2,000 for trying the Mud Run cases. These little things come high, but we must have 'cm. The necessary machinery Is being erectod in Ncast's sash factory In Upper Mauch Chunk, and tho same will soon be ready for business. Harry Albertson, an old familiar figure here, employed for many years in doing odd jobs, was stricken with paralysis on Tues day, and, at his request, removed to the Laurytonn poor-house. The Commissioners of Carbon county, true to their old love, voted on Tuesday at special meeting convened for tbe pnrpnse that the Lansford Record and the Uaiette zndDcinocrat should publish the mercantile appraisement. Probably the most familiar figure around tbe county offices at this time ts Jacob Ginter, who came to Mauch Chunk forty years ago, about tbe time Sunday was first making its appearance over the Blue Mountain. He will be seventy-six jears old In June, and is still bale and hearty for man of his age. The twenty-six assessors nnd fifty-two assisstant assessors of Carbon county, as per call of County Commissioners, assem bled In the court house on Tuesday anil were sworn Into service by 'Squire James J. Boyle, at the same time they w ere instructed how to proceed In levying assessments, &c. Property is" to be assessed at full value and not at one-third as heretofore, while the occupation assessment has been raised to almost double tho usual amount. The fight of the Kilkenny cats will be no com parision to the racket this new reform will bring on. The grand rush of people who are taking advantage of tho wonderful bargains offered at Rex's Bon Marche continues each day In largely Increasing numbers. Prices have been marked down because the proprietors must haye money, and the people, for miles around, are not slow to take advantage of a genuine goodjlilng when thev see it. It was almost impossible for jour reporter to fort's a'passage through the throng that lined the counters on Wednesday, and so it and his been, each day since the big reduction took place. We refer you to the advertisement appearing elsewhere; read it and profit thereby. The goods are the best, and the cut is a genuine one. Mahontnc JMpplea. Milton Ebertr left for Ohio last week. A. S. Mller,' o'f Lansford, spent Sun day In the Valley. Josiah Musselnian was on a business trip to Philadelphia last week. James Slnyard has purchased the farm ot aid ate William Miller, decld, for $1.015.. The Mahoning school board -vlll meet in Horn's school house on Saturday. C. F. Roth, who moved to StelnvKle, last spring, will move into the Valley again next Jlonday. W. O. Xander has resigned his position as teacher of the Oak Grove school. James E. McDanlel wi'l finish tbe term. A. Arner & Son expect to do a brisk trade in their celebrated phosphates this spring. Their prices are lower than ever. Israel Arner, aged about 37 years, died on Sunday of consumption. Interment took place Thursday at St. John's church. Dash. Wootherly Wolfs. Rev. A. M. Masonbelmer, of the Re formed church of town, and RbV. P. A, Koliier, ot .lock Haven, are on u trip to tncir nomes in Lienign count)-, ra. A musical performance of rare merit is to be giyen in the Presbyterian church on Monday evening, April 1st under the auspices of that church. Rev. J. P. Mof fat, pastor. The Weatherlv Locomotive IPbrks are busy constructing consolidation engines of the H'ootcn pattern, commonly known as peacoal burners, engines Wos. 427. 42s. 420, 189, 100 were lately in the stops for general repairs. The wide-awake horticulturist is already busy in his garden prepaiing the giounu for the planting and raising of bis earl vegetables. The season promises to be yer early compared with last year, and main of our citizens have alreadi planted some oi tueir vegetables. Tho store room in Oak Hall lately occupied by M. Stewart, is vacant at pre sent, and would be an excellent room for some live business man to open up In some business. Our town is growing, and it certainly now has less business places than most towns nave of the same size. We think it would be more wiie than ofAer-ioiae if some gentleman of a generous disposition and some calibre would inform tuu verdant son of Lehtghton who Is the author of articles on prohibition and cyan gelical revivals that the most advanced thinkers ou Prohibition do nut at'empl to defend It from a biblical standpoint. The Methodist church of town is to ex periencn a change of pastors. We under stand ibis shifting around of pastors as en gaged in almost annually and must be a tource of much gratification to those ltin erant preachers. Key. Beyer of town will go to Salona, Clinton, Co., Pa., and a Rev Mr. Ash of MilUinburg, Union Co., Pa. uas ueen appointed to serve the charge this placo. Much talk is indulged in at present by a number of our citizens about the annual slaiemeut of the Middle Coal Field Tour District which was made nubile two week ago. This statement shows an Inciease In the expenditures of tnat mysterious lnstiiii Hon. Many of our peopln think, that with a mope seystematic management and a due regard lor economy, the expenses of that public institution could be lessened con siderably. The Indications are that quite a num ber of new dwellings will be erected at this place during lite coming summer. ICere it nut for the high price at which shares are told In uui Building Assocalion, man. more would be erected. Cornelius. Wcaaii of Words. There is a shade of difference even iu synonymous words; If not In their meaning, surely in llit-Ir weight-ami Impression. H'o spvak of a thing as a "relief," a 'remedy," "an alleviation" when wedeslre to express something monger. Those who employ bl. Jacob's Oil for aches and pains of all kinds tlud that if'cures;" that's tho word. It penetrates, finds the palii-spotand cures; cures promptly, cures permanently; no re' turti of pain, and this Is testified to bv hundreds, bee published testimony where' In It Is shown how It cures and stays cured. WEItfSPOUT MELANGE Gossiping Items Chroulcled In Live AVer by a Live Heporter, Josiah Ruclr lias built an addition to the rear of his residence In Franklin. Nathan Snyiler was to Allentown Tues day doing business for the planing mill. District Attorney Rapsher, of the County Seat, was seeing friends hero on Sunday. Robert App and wife, of Mauch Chunk, spent Sunday with J. D. Benulnger on White street. Our genial assistant postmaster, H. J. Shoemaker circulated In Northampton county on Sunday. Mrs. Allco Hawk and Miss Annie Zimmerman spentSunday with numerous Foxclsvillo friends Mis.! MuginaKlstiorwlll leivoon Mon day for Myerstown, where she will attend the State Normal School. Recorder Handwerk, of llnuch Chunk, and Ed Ytindt and wife, of Whlto Haven, were In town oyer Sunday. Daniel Graver, of Wllkesbarro, was In town this week and moved the balance of his household goods to tho above place. Dan looks nnd feels well. Solomon Yeaklo rcturnrd on Saturday from a three day visit to Berks coun'y, where lie was shaking bands and enjoying the hospitality of old-time friends. The Interior of Jacob Straussbergcr's restaurant and residence on White street has been beautified and improved during tbe week by Knight of the Brush Goth. School teacher William Flilfer, of Franklin, was confined to the house through stckness last week. During his illness Georgo Wagner "taught tho young ideas how to shoot." Bt an older of the School Board a high board fence now divides the school property from adjoining lots. 1 bo fence prevents the youngsters from committing numerous depredations. The frame building occupied as a resi dence ami store by Charles Nusbaum will be moved to the lot adjoining and remodel ed and I m roved to meet the growing de mands of his business. Stieak thieves forced an entrance through a window into William Koons' residence on River street, Monday night and as a result of their efforts secured con siderable wearing apparel. After meeting all obligations the Poor Board has In the treasury $104.00. The two or three written statements potcd up are quite interesting, and in this age of pro gression should be published. The undersigned has for sale a large lot of Fknce Posts, FmmvooD, and Ghape Vines of choice varieties, which he Is prepared to furnish at lowest pries. Call on or address, GnoiiQK IT. E.nzian, Weissport, Pa. mai23-3m Considerable excitement has prevailed her during the past week owing to the poisoning and deaths of valuablo dogs be longing to Henry Christman, William Koons, Chas. MacDaniel and Eli Schaffer, suspicions rest heavily on several parlies. The poisoning method was quite unique, but the homo genius will find It "comes high" to practise li!s arts in this commun ity if once lie is apprehended. Last Tuesday while George Knecht, of Franklin, was engaged moving a water closet on rollers the building tipped over and the corner of the roof sti Iking hlssldr, inflicted Injuries from which handled fifteen minutes later. Deceased leaves a wife and two children. He was employed as a file- men on engine 00, L. V. R. R. Reuben Zimmerman has had a gang of men at work this week opening up an alley way through his Union Hill ots. This was not oniv necessary out it greatly en hances the value of the property. During the present spring and summer quite a number of dwellings willbecrccted on the Hill by individuals who appreciate the pure and healthful atmosphere of the moun tain. .bi Hie Creok Items. Farmers are busily engaged plowing their gilds. Mrs. Boycr, who was on the sick list for the past few weeks is slowly recovering. If this weather continues oats will be sown In March, somethhig very unusual. William Bojer was visiting friends at Wllkesbarre a few dars last week; Frank Shoenberger, of Weissport, was the guest of his father Wm. Shoenberger on Sunday; Shoenberger was sojourning among friends at IKalnutporta few days last week; P. Boyer, of Ashley, was In this vicinity on Sunday; Mr. Ebberts and wife, of New Mahoning, were visiting their relatives and friends In this vicinity on Sunday; Mr Moore and wife, of Lehlghton, Amandes Held and wife and Mr. Smith, of Foge.s vllle, wero the guests of F. J. Held, on Wednesday. Young A Treat for LehlRhton. nith the thermometer climbing up to the nineties, it was certainly a compliment to Al G. Field & Co.'s Operatic Minstrels to have such a house as greeted their first appearance here. From first to last tbe show Is good, and tbe music particularly so. The features presented were all of an enjoyable kind, and they were applauded to the erho. A notlcable feature of tbe entertainment was the entire absence of coarseness, or a suspicion of vulgarity This will eventually put this company f.1 the head of the list in their line. Catchy music, beautiful costumes, plenty of fun, and several meritorious acrobatic features go to make up an evening's enjoyment that few amusement goers in the city will miss. The engagement of the company Is for thice nights and Wednesday matinee. Toledo Blade. The above company will appear In the Opera House here on the 3rd. Don't miss It. Great Iteductlom in our Merchant Tailoring Department Genuine Scotch all-wool pants made to order for only $3.75. Genuine Scotch all wool suits made to order at only $15.00, the likes of which you never saw offered In this section. You will do well by calling now and getting measured by our pew cut' ter. Soiidhelm, The Merchant Tailor, Mauch Chunk. For Sale or Kent. The undersigned offers hi) farm of 30 acres and 70 perches, 20 acres of which is under a good slate of cultivation, for sale or rent. The farm is located one mile from Pleasant Corner. This Is a ram chance. Call on or write. William Thompson, Feb. 23-tf. Mauch Chunk.Pa. Public Sale lteglitcr. On the premises In West Penn twp., on Saturday, March 30, Austin Boyer, for the heirs of Thomas Hunsicker, will sel! valuable real estate and dwelling. Ladles, you should not fall to see the large stock of new spring and summer millinery goods just received at MIssAhenia Grarer's New Yoik Millenery Store, before making purchases elsewhere. Sw, ritOPLE WHO COME AND OO. l'eraonal Gossip about l'eoplo who Visit and eo a VUlllns. Mrs. H. V. Mortbimer, Jr., Is visiting Her parents at Bethlehem, this week. Tho genial Thomas Fagan, of Easton, was In town for a few hours ou Sunday. Ubarlss Maurer, of Wllkesbavre, was closing digits with friends hete on Sunday. James Crater, of Willlamsport, Md., Is Visiting his sister, Mrs. Robert L. Sweeny, on Bank f treet. David Ebbert and family, of North street, spent several days last week with Lehigh county friends. Dr. F. I. Smith, tho dentist, was on n business trip to Great Bend, Pa., his former home, during the past week. Paul Wagner, of North street, returned Friday from a business trip to his prospect ive home In Montgomery county "Mrs. MichoclClark and daughter Nora, of Nesquohonlng, spent Sunday with F. F. and Miss Annie Clark on Bank street. Rev. C. Burns, of the Fackerton M. E. church for two yoars past will remove to Ills new- charge nt Columbia, Schuylkill county, on Saturday. Mrs. H. C. Frlcll. wife of the new superintendent of the Lehigh Stove Foun dry, arrived from Birmingham, Ala., on .Uonday evening, and is now pleasantly domiciled at the Mansion House. l'roaclilng In tho rrcibyterlan Church. Rev. Charles J. Allen, of Lafayette Col lego, will pleach in the Picsbyterlan church, of Lehlghton, on Sunday next, March 31. Services at 10 a. m. and 7 p. m. All arc cordially Invited attend. Frank P. Soramol Dissolves Business with Uncle Sinn. Frank P. Semmel, of Lehigh street, who was about two years ago appointed a mall route agent between Easton and Hazletoit. b Grovcr Cleveland, then President of the United States, has sent In his resignation to take effect on April 8th, 18S9. Frank stood the test of civil service and other ex aminations, and is recognized as ono of the ablest agents ou the route, buthe is a Dem ocrat, and understanding fully the Immut able fate of politics on the loosing side he has taken time bv the forelock and resigned. Ho has accepted a responsible position In 'ho offices at Fackerton under his brother John T. Semmel, and will commenco on his new duties soma time next mouth. To the Public. The committee on Receptions and En tcrtalnmonts of tho Y. M. C. A. have on gaged Miss Ella Juno Meade,to give one of hcrnovel entertainments In Wieand'sOpcta House, Saturday evening, April 6tb, for tho benefit of the Y. M. O. A. Miss Mead comes highly recommended, both by the press and clergy, and wo are confident that those who fall to hear her will miss a treat. The price of admission is low and as the object Is a worthy one, we hope our people will give us a full' house. Diagrams, for the sale of reserved seats will be opened at the usual places iu Lehlghton and Weiss port early next week. For further particu lars see small bills. M. O. Bryan, Chairman. List of Letters. Remaining uncalled for in tho Lehigh' ton ,Pa., Post-office, for the week ending March, 23, 1880. Duck, Obadlah Klelntv. .1. W.. IBenner, E. J., Nothstetn Joe. Jr., Yobcnc, Mat., Snyder, David Persons calling for any of the above letters will please say "advertised." James P. Smith, P. M. Wanted Two good coat makers are wanted Im mediately. Apply to C. E SMITH, White Haven, Fenn'a, List of Jurors Drawn to serve at the April term of Court. Beatty, James, machinist, Wcatherly Cradle, TlKlman, fanner, Tucker Davis, Gideon, shoemaker, Audenrled Frantz, Levi, farmer, Kast I'enu Filtz. Kdward, laborer, Lehigh (langwcr, Ben, butcher, Weatherlv Oumhert, J. II., farmer, Mahoning tieiueii, iierucri, uuuer, jinsiuru Herron, J, L., loreinan, Audeuried Kueliner, August, larnier, Towamenslng Koons, (feorge. moulder, Ve::theily i.vnuart, Martin, rniiroauer, i.eingiiion .(clu.(1. 1). (!.. L'cnlleina.i. Kidder Merlz, Allred, fanner, l'aekerlou .Miller, Albert, horse dealer, Lehlghton .Mi'i'auueii. l'raiiK, lanorer, nanus r r rulzmau, Charles, farmer, Millport oters, W. A hotel-keeper, Lehlghton IVIit. (ieorire. laborer. Milhiort lilegel, Amos, gentleman, I'ackertnn Htraub. Wesluv. Superintendent. MUlnort Swartz.Charles, L. pattern maker.Mauch Chunk, zuu warn Ti cslze, ltobcrt, laborer. Beaver Meadow waiCK, Diinuu, genueman, j.euiguioa petit juunits. Andreas. Levi, laborer, Weatherly Ciirlsintan, Joseph, fanner. Franklin Cramnsle, Kchwud. miner, Summit 1 1111 Duuuigun, jamcs, laborer, weaineriy Druiiihellcr, William, merchant, Lansford Dalct, james, brakeiuan, I!. M, Chunk liaches, A. W carpenter, Lebluhton Kensteniiaclier, Iteubeu, merchant. Lehlghton lrai row, S. 15., shoemaker, Heaver Meadow ricraniing, siiiuu, laucrer, nuuiinu uui Kanel. Frank, bmkeman. E. M. Chunk Cinder, Jacob, Jr., porter, Mauch chunk, 1st waiu riem-L'A. Lnvl. liibnrcr. LIILlfi Gan lirlmn, Mlcliael.rall luader, Mauch cnunK, 2nd WHIU Gallagher, Joseph, laborer, Summit Hill nun, .mines, ii., curnciuur, jmimuiu lliiteulusoii, IS. II., carpenter, Coalport llitliiigcr, Godfrey, farmer, Lehluli llagaiuen,titlnsou, jeweler, Lclugnton Hums, J. H., confectioner. Summit 11111 lleeuev. James, laborer. Lehigh Johnson, J, J., engineer, Heaver Meadow ii.... . .1. , lCuehner, 'Ihonias, laborer, Mauch Chunk, 2nd uaru Kelly, Charles, gentleman, Humralt mil l.eniz, Stephen, farmer, Millport Miller, Aaron, laborer, K. M. Chunk Miller, ti. 11., laborer, Mahoning Mcliurry, Utigeue.-niluer, Kcsquebonlng .ue.iizicr, josi.in, ninroaueri Liuiiiimi MiuLlt-v. TiiliiiMii. hfWm:tk-i-. Kranltlfn McUoiilinil, Matthew, laborer. Summit Hill .Mcnoisnn, w. s larmer, muner ltchrlg, Junas, tarmer, Mahoning Kiekert. Solomon, engineer, Summit Hill llinker. II. tv. editor. Weatherlv Mhultz, John, laboier, Mauch Chunk, 2nd ward aemiuei, v . i'.. Clerk, iiiiiKnion. -Clineil, Aaron, mason, i rauKiin Seidle. A. 11., miller, Mahomet: l nomas, Joim, miner, Auuenneu Tanner. Nathan plasterer, lansford Woodilng, George, hotel-keeper, Mauch Chunk, vnu wuru Thomas, Albert, J., merchant, Lansford vvunains, James, niuorer, weisipon Zeru, J. lf clerk, Franklin traveubr junorts. Ackcrman, John, blacksmith, Mauch Chunk, 1st wara. Urlggs, William, clerk, Mauch Chuuk,2nd ward, uoniu, dailies, smmiienucr, jnit;ii. Ialtzer, Daniel, machinist, Lehlgbton. Uerkhardt. Wessel.carpetHOiver.Mauch Chunk ZtlU MUIU. Roile, John, C miner. Heaver Meadow, Belli ci:b, Francis, fanner, I'enu Foiest. Hemiet, William, miner, Weaver Meadow. Corby, Thomas. A., merchant. Nesquehoninj;, I'lirMniaii, Allied, carpenter. Franklin, lliinhip, Itobeit, laborer, Wenilierly. I....... ..... .. ll.....nH 1I.....IAU Kubody, K. It., Superintendent, Mauch Chunk, Kvaus, Evan, miner, Beaver Meadow. Fritz, ll.nilel, laborer, I'Msi I'euii. !?tiut. Pilwuril. lilHrl.ltiltli. WpRtliprll. Freuiidt, Johu, laborer, Mauch Chunk 2nd ward. tiutluiau, A. J., blacksmith, Mauch Chunk, 1st warn. IlelntzlHinnn. E. K.. Justice. Kast Penn. HebeiliUK, Daniel, iiieichant, Mauch Cl.nnk, 1st ward. Ibach. F. O., physician, Mauch Chunk, 2nd wuru. Kuutz. B. J., tanner, LehlKhtnn. Ktions. William. II. fnrinan. Weatherlv. i-iw. Arthur, railroader, Maucli Chunk, 2nd waru Muser. A. W., carpenter. Summit Hill. Maury. Edward, blacksmith. Lansford, Morirau, llioiuas, miner, Audemied, Mendst'ii. Allen, iulmrpr. Mllliinrt. McGlnley, Fatrick. laborer, Kast Mauch Chunk. mvnnue. u.. lauurer. ueavcr Bieauuw. l'eier, F.ilwlu, larmer. Bust Venn., lteed, W. 11., farmer, l'acker. Krese, Thomas, I)., tailor, Lansford. Sworuey, James, Jr , clerk, Summit Hill. Sillies. Jaenli. em-lnncr. lurrvvllle. Staid, Fred., hotel keeper, Mauch Chunk 2nd w.uu. Thomas, W, J engineer. Beaver Meadow. Weldaw, feter, laborer, Welupcrk STATE DRIBBLINGS. News of the Keystono Dished p In Great Style. Tho first of April-settling up time nigh at hand. Don't forget tint. - A mispension of six weeks was ordered n the Lehigh coal region on Monday, It is calculated that at least one hundred new buildings will be erected in Bangor this year. There are 223 applications for ltquoi li censes in Lehigh County, only four less than last year. Luzerne county lias 68 prisoners in tho ftvtirn Penitentiary which it costs $2,815, (0 to loard. It is believed that Berks county will glyo 15,000 majority against the Prohibition mmdinent. Liquor men throughout tho Slate are forming organizations to oppose tho Pro hibition Amendment. SinceFeh. 1st the debt of Muhlenberg College has been decreased $18,500, and the endowment increased ly $10,000. Notices wero posted at the Glcndon Iron Company on Friday that sevrnty-five more employes will be discharged April 1st. The artesian well in the county jail yard at Easton has reached a depth of 210 feel, and the necessary flow of water has not yet been secured. The Schuylkill county com'nissioners re ceived from the state treasurer back bounty, that tho county had paid during tho war, amounting to $00,000. The Legislature of this State will adjourn on the 25th of April, making the present ession the shortest since the adoption of the new Constitution in 1874. Tiie Lehigh Valley Railroad Company has given orders for 100 cars to bo built nt its shops at Wuverly, which have been idle for a year. Tho number of men given em ployment will be over 300. David Yeakel, a bachelor, who died a short time ago in Lower Milford toifnsliip, Lehigh county,bequeathed his estate, valued at $5,000, to the Missionary Fund of the Evangelical Associatbn, with headquarters at Cleveland Ohio. Bryson Post, No. 225, Q. A. R., of Wat- i-ontown, has adopted resolutions in favor of closing the soldiers' orphans' schools; that the children now in the' schools who have parents able to care for them bo returned to their homes and those without homes to be placed in the State normal schools. John Norris, an industrious Austrian, re- lding in the eastern part of Wilkesbarre, lamenting the loss of $1,255 which was stolen from his house Satunlay night. It was sewed in his wife's petticoat and while e was .absent three masked men entered the house, gagged his wife and took the money. After a prolonged judiciil investigation by the Judges and Juries of Carbon county, lias been decided that nobody was to blame for the terrible accident at Mud Run last October. The accquittal of Engi neers Cook and Major, and of flagman Han nigan, throws the responsibility upon"irovi- encc," aud human error, neglect and care lessness go unpunished. White Haven Journal. German Singing Itlrds. In Germany nnd other countries of Europe there are many singing birds, beautiful In plum ago nnd musical In song, that are not native to America. Among these are the nightingale, sonji thrush, bullfinch, skvlark and others. A year ago n moment was made by citizens of I'ort tandtu Import a thousand of these birds Into Oregon, with the expectation that they would rapidly increase m numbers and soon become its plentiful as the native birds. They will arrlie In Ma)', and will be turned loose In and near tho cltv. The mocklnc bird, bob-o-lldk and red bird aro also bo laken to Oregon from the southern state, i i,e nuia cumaie or uregon win no unuooE be appreciated by what The fVetl Shore Mtfattnt calls "Our Kcathered Immigrants," which Is Un title of a large art supplement accompanying II, e magazine for March. This Is an elegant linear! artistic printing In colors, and shows these birds, sixteen distinct kinds, In their natural colors. Kverv lover of birds will bo charmed with this beautiful engraving. The number also contains a description of them, an well as engravings aud descriptions ot North Yaklnin, Wash., and 11 iln- lflr nnd Mr. Helens, ureiron. anu n men niner in teresting and valuable information about the racinc noniiwesr, rnce, itoa year, zo cenr a coi.v. Address L. Samuel, publisher. Portland Oregon. On the 15th Inst., bj Rev. A. Bartholomew, Mr. Frant Mertz and Miss Clara Drumbore, both of Mahoning, Carbon Co. On the ICth Inst,, hy the same, Mr. William Gombert and Miss Kate Mertz, both of Mahon ing, Carbon Co. On the 23rd Inst., by the same, Mr. Elmer II 1'ryor, of Mountain Top, Luzerne county, and Miss Minnie A. Grayer, ot Weissport, Carbon county. On February 26th, at weissport, by the Rev. , A. H liber. John Frantz and Miss Sarah Ser- fass, both of Kresgeville, Monroe county. On March 9th, at the Towainenslngchurch, by the same, Adam C ruber and Miss Taullna Caus. ler, both ot Millport, Carbon county. DIED. rr. ntu inn4 i trtinniH TrlU tTm. MI bil lllAlet 111 mmii'UIHKf l ltimtu sium- nrd, son of Alvln and Kate Frantz, used 3 years, s mom ii s ana zs aavs. New Roller Mill. The undersigned has changed his MILL to the ROLLER PROCESS, and is now prepared to do CUSTOM WORK either by GRINDING EVEHY CUSTOMER'S O VN WHEAT or by EXCHANGING with those who come from a distance. AH Work Guaranteed. The patroaace ot tbe public Is very respectful ly solicited. The Mill will be Started up by about January 21st, 1889. Girt ui atrial. M. HEILMAN, Jan.l-ms LEHIGHTON, PA. To Whom it Slay Concern. All persons are hereby forbid meddllni; with Two Horses, one black seven years old, aud one bay twelve years old, Oue Selt of Double llnr- nc&sauuuiie imi iiursn tvuuuu, nuw ill nus sesslon of REUBEN REHRIG, of Towiimenlng township. Carbon couuty, l'a., as the same Is my preperty aud loaned to him durlnir my pleas ure. JOHN ltHIfltlG, Marcn,-3w cranium ip., x-a. To Whom it May Concern. All nersnns aro hereby fnrblrt meddllni: with a iiAi iiuxioc, dj iiimt mm nra wr HARNESS lminpd bv the underslimed to JOHN W. KOONH.of Jackertan. durlmc mypleusure. as me samo is my properly. ti. u, New Liveryl Feed Store AT PAOKBRTON. LEOPOLD MKYEUS reanectlullv Informs the neonle ot 1'ackerton and vicinity that lie has lust openeu n. i.ui.i DiAPi.n,uni)&Atnu di., where persons ran be supplied Willi (iooil. Safe Teams either for l'uhenil. Wedding or for lliiul- Intt mrposes hi very ixiwesi lutes, ui connec tion therewith he lias also In mock the very bekt brands ol FLOUR and FBliD, which he will sell at Lowest l'rlces. " Attention, Builders ! The nndersltned Is Mill woiklng the POI.ON STONE C1U AltltV, and Is prepared to supply, at shortest notice slid at Lowest I'ricea, persons who desire with (1001) HTONK for ilUILDINO l'UIH'OSES. Call and Inspect the htones and team l'rlces telore uurnuasluc elsewhere. LEOPOLD MEYERS, UbJUT Vaoktrtaa, M. Bo Suro to Cot Hood's Sarsaparllla, my child. Sco that thoy do not Elvo you anything elso. You remember It Is tho mcdlclue which did mama so much good a year ago so reliable, beneficial, pleasant to take my favorite spring msdlolno. Hood's Sarsaparllla BoldbydnigtrtiU. pit ilzforfJ. prepared only by C. I. HOOD A CO.. Apothecarlej.LowotI, Mui. IOO Dosos Ono Dollar ONE CAR Price: $27. This positively eclipses zer lino ever manufactured, both Quality and Price. Done up in small quantities for Garden and Limn Adam Mehrkam & Son, 'Flint door above tho Opera House, South Bank Street, Lehlghton, Pa. -We are Offering Positively the Fullest Money's Worth ever ahonn hare or anywhere. cjkitiihas, - 40 Inches wide, all the most stylish and newest colorings Blue Steel, Grays, 8rtaU uuves, itusstan uray, uemtarmes, Uolden and other Drowns, Mahojaar and Terra Cottas, Old Hose, Gobelin, Garnets, Ao. Our Price, 50 Cents a Yard. e mm & soi. 638 Hamilton OopbcrSO 1888 WASHES IN A inc. limb i rut, 'j IMPR8VED Ii a health eivtrtiN oaiiit machine to work vr mad, w'l notlnjura th tnoit dtiicaiTatici,taiyi9CiMn, n waihboard nded to complete wtihlnf Can is oitialsl 1)7 a cMM 12 rs oil GUARANTEED STffsa irnrk if urf arcoriing to diruthm, or money will be refuudtxL SEND FOR CIRCULAR. ANTHONY WAYNE M'F'O CO FORT WAYNE, IND. Or to our General Agent Lehigh Goal & H LEHIGHTON, PA. Local agents wanted everywhere. Our Public Sale Register. Persons having Sale Bills printed at thl office secure a Free Notice in our Sale Registry which alone is wortk the price of the bills. BIG REDUCTIONS Made to Raise Money. A Biff Stock has teen Bought, Business Is get ll oy sailing usqos at Prices IsTeyer Before Named In Jfauch Cliuuk for a Regular Lino of S'.aple Gocodt. This is no Bluff, but we mean all we say and more. C&sae be conyincerl. Commencing Tuesday, March. 19th, 1889, And to continue until -A.pl!! 1st. nie Lot of Tlald Dress Olnshams. were 10c now e. Fruit ol the Loom Muslin. cents per yard. Uepilar price. 10 cents. mil Mulln. Brentsperjard. Kegular price 10 cents. une. larae lot Silk illorla Uinbrellas, cold tips, good coods, M Inch.wt will offer t $14 sat. Inch we will offer at l.as each. One lot l'uucy stripe Seersuckers, new Eoodsf.lesant styles, will go lor I Mots ja4. Lancaster mid Amoskeas Olnuhains, best goods. G cents per yard. One lot Challles at U cents per yard. Oneoddlotpf LlKhtl'hlntz, worth to cents, will go for 6!4 cents per yard. The Oreatait Shirt ISargalp over Offered. Our ltegular 60 cent Slnrt. all sins, Ires Ut W. relnlorccd limit nuiTback, linen enfls and bosoms, they ko lor 38 cents. One lot flenfs " JIo"-" ,P!?rnI'rh'.n'1' ,oe5, 1 We offer both lots, two pair for so mta. A lew hundred yards short leiistlis ol Uenfs and Boy's Casslmeres, worth to 60 eats per nrt They ko lor 3 cents per yard. .... . . . , . Our Slock ail through the store Is lull of new and complete lines of seasonable and staple snsU kt Guaranteed l'rlces. Everybody should avail UiemelT of Hill Opimrtnltst O. A. Rex & Bro., Opposite Amerioan Hotel, MAUCH CHUNK, Penna. ncsSwsatvaS' )aUtheae(te lar andiiMfsl Spring H4UtiM. Nearly I erory I Medicine body I needs a reliable spring mcdJcmo Ilka nr Sarsaparllla to expel the Impurities whleh fcftvt accumulated In tho blood during tbe wtattr, t keep up strength as tho warm weather tea on, create an appetite and promote healtfcf digestion. Try Hood's Sarsaparllla this f1C and you will bo convinced that tt does yetgeci superior and peculiar merit A Good Appotlte "When I began taking flood's Sanapansla t was dizzy In tho morning, had a headache, im no appetite ; but now I can 'hardly get eaecfA cooked to cat." Emma Subpajid, l 9ecsA Street, Worcester, Mass. "Lait f pi Ing my whole family took Keefi Sarsaparllla. Tho result Is that all bavo keen cured of scrofula, my little boy being entire! Iroo from sores, and all four of my cbilwe look bright and healthy as possibly cast h. Iliarnfound Hood's Sarsaparllla good foroa tarrh." Wm. II. ATiinuto.f , raisaloCU.rl. I. Sold ly all itrainrUU. f 1; ttxforfJ. rrepar4oatr by C. I. HOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mm. IOO Dosos Ono Dollar LOAD OP any and everything ia the fertili in Wonderful Values in- FABRICS AND - Spring: PHOSPHATE! Per Ton. Street, AJLLENTOWiT. Arthoot Wayne WASHER. MOST PERFECT OBM EARTH. mwm t A sl r. t lHF" .. QUARTET! OF gSJh Hw" ut nmiu. ardware Co., dull, and vra nsel Ujs CASH, ant w U