OMK3 IT CANT Persons who inspect the Yery large stock and fashionable assort . mcnt of goods ye alwiiys carry candidly admit that in Worsteds, Cassimeres, Corkscrews, Cheviots, &c, &c, ef scasonable'weights and styles we lead all competition, while at tlm snm( time it is an acknowledged fact that in workman- ehip, style, quality and price Clnusa c Bro., stand at the head. " It can't be helped !" As the leading merchant " tailors of this section we have earned a reputation which we A will sustain during the season now advancing by making up suits or parts of suits in the latest styles, most substantial manner and at prices that you to call and inspect the large stock of Spring Suiting, and Pantaloonings just received, before you purchase else where. You will be pleased with styles and prices. For Gents', Ladies, Youths and Children. Only the best makes at the lowest prices. You are bound to be pleased. OUR GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT Is complete in every particular. Clauss Bros., The Tailors, KSOPPOSITE L. & 8. DEPOT,5gf BANK STREET, - - LEHIGHTON, Pa. Has just opened an entire new line of LADIES' FINE DRESS GOODS! Comprising all the very latest styles in White Geoda, Sa teens, Prints, Ginghams, AMlleS, Seersuckers and Fancy Dress Patterns of the very best qualities at exceed trig low prices. Groceries, Provisions, Crockeryware,Glassware, Wood and Willowwara of the best makes at low figures. Cloths Cassimera, Hats, Boots, Shoes and Ready made Clothing in great variety and at prices within the reach of all purchasers prices fully as low as the same goods can be bought for at any other general store in this vicinity. Carpets, Oil-cloths, Lamps and Fixture in great variety and of best quality at Kock Bottom Prices. "Best quality of Flour and Feed at prices lully as low as tlit same articles can be purchased elsewhere. A car load of coarse salt has just been received the price uxb been marked down to the very lowest notch. All goods of the very best quality and are being sold at price equally as low as the same goods can bought at any general siote in this section. Call and be convinced. Hespectlully, July23-871y &M0S REIGEL. NEW FIRM ! NEW GOODS ! NE W METHODS ! Having purchased the entire Stock, good-wjll and fixtures 01 Samuel Seller, we are prepared to supply his old customers pik! all who wish to avail themselves shape of Low Prices, First-class etc., with a complete line of Oils, Hardware, Cako Meal, Cement, Lime, . Sand, Plaster of Paris, Ifoofing Slate, Coal, Agricultural Implements ? and Eepairs. We proposeto re-shelve our rooms at once, and then will largsly increase 01 stMts. A eoraial invitation is extended to all Lehigh Coal and Hardware Co. .AI " kfl. EL Closing uut Bargains On account of rapidly failing health the undersigned will clos out at sacrifice priceo his large stock of GentsiatiieslbCf! The goods are new, no shoddies or seconds, and people who rtrely take advantage of this great closing out sale will 3ecure imideriul bargains in the shape of good goods at low prices. Don't Fail to Call. BTREET, LEHIGHTON. PA. 111 IS HEADQUARTERS FOR- GENERAL HARDWARE. 9 ofiyg 9 Huiiaioutgd. USCaOO? 4LL KINDS OF COAL, OPS. PUBLIC SQUARE, Bank Street, Leliigliton, Ea. IE HELPED! will astonish buyers. We want St., Lkiiiohtox. of the advantages we offer in tin Goods, Good Accommodations, JJ aft B IF." ai uosi. Big for You. iioren s Shoes LEWIS WEI& .1 yip A Column for Farmers.! 3 A Terrible Misfortune. It is a calamity of tlm direst kind to feel that ona's physical energies aro falling In the rjrlmn of life to feel more nerveless, more dispirited, weaker ever1 day. Yet .Ills 9 tlie unhappy lot of hundreds who surround us. A ourco.of renewed strength which science approves, in behalf of which multitudes of the debilitated have nnd arc ever? day testifying, and vhich, In count less instances, has mint up constitution sapped by weakness and Infirmity and lonjc uimenetlteii oy oilier means, surely coin mends Itself to all who need a tonic Hos teller's htomaeh Hitters Is such a inedlcini pure, botanic, sootblne to the nerves. promotive of digestion and a ertillzer of the blood. Dvsnensia and nervousness - Ihe (list a came, the second a consequence of lack of stamina depart when a course of the Hitters Is tried. All forms of mala rial disease, rheumatism, kidney and blad dcr trouble, constipation aud biliousness arc annihilated by this standard family medicine. Sluttnu Suet ae Houaeliolil ltemody. It Is very vexing and annoying, Indeed, to have one's lips break out with cold sores, but, like the measles, It Is far better to strike out then to strike In. A drop of warm mutton suet applied to the sores at nlnht, just before retiring, will soon cause them to disappear. This Is also an ex cellent remedy for parched Hps and chapped hands. It should be appllod at nlgbt In the liquid state, and be well rubbed and heated In before a brisk lire, which often causes a smarting sensation, but the roughest of hands, by this treatment, will often be restored to their natural condition by one apullc.Ulon If every one could bu know the healing properties of so slniDle thine as a little uiuttou suet, no house keeper would ever be without It. Get little from your butcher, fry It out your1 sett, run into small cakes, and put away ready for use. For cuts and bruises it almost inaisoenslble, and where there arc children there always plenty of cuts and bruises. Many a deep gash that would liayo frightened most women Into sending for a physician at once, I have healed with no other, remedies than a little mutton suet and plenty of good castlle soap. wound should always bo kept clean, and the bandages changed every day or every other day. A drenching of warm soar suds from the purest soap that can bo obtained Is not only cleansing but healing then cover the surface of the wound with a bit of old white muslin dipped Into melted mutton suet. Renew the drenching and lha suet every time the bandages ai changed, and you will be astonished to see bow rapidly the ugliest wound will heal. A Safe Invoitmont. Is one which is guaranteed to bring you satisfactory results, or iu case of failure n return of purchase price. On this safe plan jvu uiu "i.j iiu.u out auveruseu uruggisi 11 bottlo of Dr. King's New Discovery for Cuiv sumption. It is guaranteed to bring relic in every case, wnen uscil lor any aliectioi r . . ii .1 . t iii tiiruat, ningH or cne&i, sueii as consmnp. lion, lniianimjiiion oi lunge, uronchilit. astlinm, whooping cough, croup, etc., etc. i is pleabaut and agreeable to taste, nerfectl sale, and can ulwjyb bo depended unui 1 rial bottles free at T. D. 1 nomas Dr.. Store. To Cook an Old Fowl. Braising Is one of tlie ulcest ways in which to serve an old hen. If It is cold weaiher let It hang for at least five dai after It Is dressed. Then stuff as for roast ing. If you have a pair of fowls, cut -juarler of a pound of suit pork in thin slices", lay half of this iir abroad taucepai, tue ctilcltens-on top. and the rest of . ill pork skewer oyer tlwir breasts, just lukui up the skin, and not running the skewei through the flesh. Season with salt am pepper, and pour over a pint of boillu waipr, cover mo saucepan closely and simmer for two hours and-a half, or unti they are ver. tender, but cook slowly This Is the secret of cooking all meats over the fire; they must ouly be simmered 1171. l.t-l .1 . muvu uic i;iui:kcii uuue, lay tuem ou a hot dish In the" warming oven, and strain the gravy. Put half of It In a saucepan and boll rapid. t to a bright brown glaze, first adding a teaspoonful of flour wet with cold water. Itemoye the pork from, the chickens, brush them over with the blaze, and brown In a quick oven. Skim the fat from the rest of the irravy, add the gible's chopped fine, and the water In which they were cooked; thicken with browned flour, and season to taste. narrow the wheat lands as long as pos slb e; this makes firm seed-beds, which are abominated by chinch bugs. Large breeds of sheep roqure good pas tnrase. They wl'l pay only when the con li Ions are favorable. Uiiewn paMuies, uarse grass and "picking" w III not do for them. They must be supplied with all they may require The cost of milk depends upon the cost f tbe food, hence the more milk received from a cow in proportion to food given tbe cheaper the cost. But unlees warm quar ters be given a larqe quantity of the food must be inverted to erecting warmth for the body, end it would therefore be eco nomical to keep the cowa comfortable in order to cheapen the cost by lesoenlne the amount of food required for bodily warmth. tn otner worus shelter Is food, ai It lects tbe animals against cold. pro- There are some crosces that do not re sult to the best advantage. With dogs It is claimed that the uulon of a hairy with a uioolh-coated dog will produce worthless offspring, and with poultry the crossing of uirus witu rose combs and single combs has not been as productive of such good results as when a single comb breeds have been bred together at crosses. Experiments in this direction are worthy of attention. A secretion of puss often takes place un ler the corner of a cow's eye as a result of inflammation, that often causes temporary llndness. Mills may h caused variously: chaff In the eye; a blow; cold, or constitii- ilonal lendency may all produce It, It may be removed possibly by the application of i pinch of burned alum blown Into the eye hrougli a quill once a day for a few days. This will cause an abscorotlve action whlii may remove the white cloud. Fowls In wtnterare mostly fed an craln, md this presumably make a richer fertil izer than the droppings of animals that eat i-oarser fare hay, cornstalks and straw, U fowls are fed on oats, wheat bran, with scrap of meat toyary their diet, their drop- mngs, Kepi ory anu suteit. ara excellent to mix with commercial fertilizers deficient In nitrogen. Uut to drill easilv. this manure mutt bn dried and finely sifted. Kven then it will lnt weight and be very litlicult to distribute evenly. But It has nch a vood result In making the phosphate nore effective that farmers who once begin his method of mixing tha manure before atlug ax apt U kttp. up this pjnU. SPRING '89 OUli ItEl'UTATION FOR Fllif.l ' 1... CLOTHING AT ItEAhONARI I- ; ' A IH WELL, ESTABLISHED. Ill llll 915ASON WKi MEAN TO KM JL All FOltMRtt EFFOHl M. . A. C. Yates & Clothing'forMwi and Hoya, Sixth and Chestnut, MiDOKll BUIUfiNU, Clllltld. WE SPRING MEDICINE YGU WANT m n 5 Purifies the Blood, Strengthens the Nerves, Stimulates the Liver, Regulates the Kidneys and Bowels, Gives Life and Vigor to every organ. There's nothing like it " La9t spring, being very much ran down and dehllltnted, I jirocurcd nomo of Patno's celery Compound. The use of twobottlea made ma teel like a new man. As a general tonic and spring medicine, I do not know Its equal." W. L. OBKEJILKjir, Brigadier General V. N Q., Burlington, Vt ,eo. Six tor 15.00. At Druggists. DIAMOND DYES Color r-mlhn ard lUbbon; PLAIN AND FANCY m3 Bill Heads 17ote Heads Letter Heads Statements Envelopes, Programmer Price Lists, New presses, new type and all kinds of Job Work, in tbe low prices. Mail orders receive MBOI ADYOCA JOB ROOMS, Bank Street, Lehigh ton QUICKEST REMEDY KNOWN For backaohe, and all ndddo, elurp. or Iccg-Mnndlnff pains or wfl&kneseea of erenr ftlad. Vtrtasa of froth hope, hemlock and ptu bslwM ooobicxS. It h irondarfullr SiOTHIHO, PAIU-KILLMO, CURATIVE anil STHEUG THEMtiG. It safsl7o every time. TRY OSK NOW, SS Cta. O tor SI. OO. Gold errrwhora, or mailed for price. Lnnk for t'gnalun o the preprkleri, HOP PlAOTEH Co., BoOTON, m the genuine tjoodt. MARVELOUS DISCOVERY. Only fltnulne Sratem efMemory TrmJnlnc. Four Seoka Learnad tn ne reading. Mlud wandering; cured. Every child nnd ndnlt greatly benefitted. Graat inducements to Correspondence UlajBea. Pronnectm, with oplnlona of Ilr. Wm. A. Ilntn- Jnond, the wortd-famnd Specialist In Mind Diseases, lanlrl tirrrnleaf Thompson, the irreat l'srchof. oatst, J.AI. lliickley, !... editorot the ChrUticm Aivocatt, H. v., Klchurd l'riii-tnr, the Scientist, liana. V. V. Antor, Judjto (Stbaon, Juduhi'. xsrnjnintn. and others, sent post free by 1oI. A. XUIaiKTTli. 227 Vlltk Ave., K. T. SS3BCEJrX tTNAOQUAlITTED WITH THE OBOSItiTUT O? TJT3 COUHTKT, WILL OBTAIH muuu. VA1.UABI.B arrORMATIOIT THE Gfim&T RQQK ROUTE. (Cliicngo, llock Ialand & Pacific aud Ohisagro, KaneitB & Mobraska Ilys.) if.'.PJ11! "no", rjranohea nnd oxtonelons -west, northwest emd ooutliwost ??T1TMAiSlllr?asr0! Jilsi' , Ottawa, Poorla, LaSnllo, Mollno, Kock Iedand In nyH0.1.8??7011??1' MK?ca,U53i Ottumwa, Oskalooea, West ttborty, l5w5 Oity, Dob Moines, Ifnoxvlllo. Wlnf oraet, Atlantic, Audubon, Harlan, Guthrlo nAa 'inrnJ cun0'l Bluffa In lOWA-iillnnenpoHa and St.Paul InMINNE-SpTA-Vatortowii and Sioux Falls In DAJCOTA-aeJlattn, Trenton, Cameron. & "tfg'a6?? c&y ln MIHSOUftT-Boatrice, Folrbui-y, and Nolaoil JI,i1SBIlAAT.H.ort.0?i. Topoka, Hutchinson, Wichita, Belleville. NorSjri. r5!rvno'dwoU' ln KABAS-Oolorodo SpriiiurB, Denver, Pueblo ,in COLOi ft?,.,e?f5,IS.rf 08,nS?ft?nd yQSt ftroaB r ;icli tonninsr and sTazins lands, atfordiutf tho best fadlltloa or Intercommunication to older States and to alt towns and cities ln Southern Nobraelia, Kansas, Colorado. Utak, New Moxloo, Indian TerrltprT, Tosas, Arizona, Idaho,' CaUfornla,' and Poiclflo coast and trano-oceanlo Seaports. u SOLID FAST VESTIBULE EXPFlESS TRAINS Of Palacp Coaches-leading ell competitors ln splendor of eauinrnent nntl luxury or accommodations-run through dolly between Chlco and Colo Sird?ip?.nSf,TSSnJe,r a5d. Puoblo. Similar 'siAQfriPlcfeNT VESTinULI? SSil1 SBBVIOK dauy between Chlcpjro ondouncll Blufth (Omaha), iin(l between cElcaeo and Kgnsas Cltv-. fisennt Day Coaches. Dlnlrie Cars. XleellnlnB; Choir Cars (FKEB), und Paloco lleeplnff. Cars. Cafiforniacur.1 sions dully, Cnolco of routoo to end from Salt Xako City, Portland? Loa Sll3' Saa Di?tf. 8an, rrncisoo. and interyenins- ToctUtlos. Quick Umo! , prompt connections and transfors in Union Dopota. muu, THE FAMOUC ALBERT LEA ROUTE Ttuns suporblr equipped Bxpreao Trains da!ly each way bstwoon Chlcnco S?1810??0116- Rli. 1 eavenworthVKansaa City and Ulnno apolls and St. Paul, tho FavoHt? Tourist Lin to tho Bcenio roBortc. and hunting and flohJntr grounds of t.i NoHhnvosi. Ita Wstgrtown Branch courses throuphjho most prodspUT o liwd of Northern Iowa, CouUiwo Jtern Minnesota, and East Oouthern Dakota. ' TlcSefoSOTrSSfec E. ST. JOHN, I Co. iptllft. Use It Now! "narltn uwd your ftlne's Celery Compound this spring, I can safely recommend It as tho most powerful and st tlie same time most gentle regulator. It is a splendid nervo tonlo, and klaco taking It I have felt llkea new man.' Ik E. X.X0KR, Yt'alertown, Dakota. f Wells, IUchaupbon t Co. Props. Burlington. Vt. I APT ATE fl Cittitt JkMt uitrp it iterp trtll X1Q Blanks ef all Kinds We&diny Stationer Busiaess Cards, Shippina, Tags Sale Bills Ball Tickets, Circulars. &c. excellent facilities enable us to dt best style, ant exd taraordinan immediate attention. MY BACK! OHl far one of thou BOP Faster' 1 13 W JfiJEKS :o: Tno POLICE UAZETfR will be mailed eurely wra(.it, to iiuy u.lilreei in the Uni ri auiei lor three ranutha nn receint of One Dollar. ijiueral diainuui allowed tu Jmntinastdrr iinu ciuus oatnpm copies mailed Ire kiureu all orders ui iUCUAltl) K. FOX, Ma. 30, FiuNKLis StuAae, N rilOM A STUDY OT THIS MAP OP to CUpCa E. A. HOLDROOK, Alleged American Fun. ; If you want to klndln iho rlama of lovo j In a lady's breast, voti mint spark her till i ilio is eager for a match. ! Baclditi'n Arnlon tnlvo. The best aalvii In tho world tin i'ivi bruises, torcs.uleurs.Milt rhiifiii.fpvn on c tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, coma, and ail skin eiuptlons, and positively ouii" piles, or no pay rpmtircd. It In imrnnteid to give perfect nutlsfactloii, or money re- uniieu, rnco z-ic. per box, at l lmninp. -"Tbf male Is late to night," as thr woman said when ho got up at 2 n. in. in let her husband In. Ehlloh'i uonsnmntlon Cure. No. 1. This is beviind uutsin n the ti.i n urccssful (lough Medicine wi' have t-t ii ild, a few doses invariably cures tho worc a.ies of (JourIi, Croup, and Itronclntis.wliil. C wonderful success in the i u(a of Chi iiimpliim is without a inirallel in thuhictcir 1 medicine. Mnce It's lirst ihscmery i ihs been sold on a guarantee, a tfst whin i oilier medicine cull slmiil. II ynii hav 0'iilgli wo earnestly nsk mhi to Irv i. Vii e 10 cenls, 50 cenls, and $1, If yom iings are mnv, Chest or liiuk lame, us dlilob's I'oroui Plasters. Hold liv T. 1. rtiipinas, Lehit'litnii. A VV. Iliery Veisspori Irate F.itiier (m jtmiig Ultiki) ,-Sfi here, onng man, didn't 1 tell yon never 1 1 liter my gate again?" Young Dinks 'Ycs.slr.nnd I didn't; Igotoverthel'ence." Consumption Bnrel) Cared. TothbUditou I'lenne inform vourreml ers that I have n posititu remcily for tb" novo name uifcase. ay, its timely nsi honsanils (if boneless discs have been Her- nanently cured. I nlmll hu ulad to tenil wo unities nl my rcnioilv free to iinv . nur readers will) have iiinsiiniiiliiin il'ilir-v will send me their exnrcss and ncistnflict uldrcts. Kcsiecll'ully, T. A. Hlocuni, M. D. 181 I'carlit., Sew York. Miss Clara (cnterlalnlnir a callcr)- "Bobby, you mustn't olav with Mr. Fcatli rly's hatl" Bobby-"Wiy not?" Mis! Clara- -"You might Injure It; and, besides, hu will want it shortl. 1" Uh, What a Coach. ill yon heed the warniiiL'. The signal pcrnaps oi tue sure aniuoacli oi more lerrihle disease, Consumption. Ask your selves if you can alliird for the sake of sav injr 50 cents, to run the risk and do nothing for it. We know from experience that Sliiloh's Cure will cure your cough. never fails. This explains why more than i Mill ton Bottles were8old the past year u relieves croup, anu whooping congti a once. .Mothers do not be without it. For lame back, side or chest, use Shiloh's i'or mis Plaster. Sold bv T. D. Thomas. Le hiRlitoii. W. Biery Veissiort. Husband on his wedding tour)" want rooms for myself anil wife." Hotr Clerk Suite?" Iliub.ind "Of coUN-eaht- is perfectly loyely; the sweetest girl in the world!" Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. Is it nut worth tlie small price of 75 cent; to free yourself of evcrv symptum of tbest iioiiewiij tuuipiainis, n you in in K so call it our store and net a bottle of Slilloh' Vltalizer. Even bottle has a printed euar aoiee ou it. use accordingly, mill it it iloei on no coiki it win cost von nothing. Soli v T. L). Thomas. Leluglitou, W. Bier' ivciisport. He '"Yes, I'see It's to be tbe same ol lory with in 'marry in haste and repen' it Ictltue.' " She "I don't see howioi .in say that, lienr;; I'm sine it look in early two years to bring you to the point!" ITews About Town- Ii is the current report ub.n.t I'.wi tlm wiip's Ilalbiim lor the T mid 1. net . making lomo re will e-iple who tiro troubled with ci ugh, sore.K, asthma, bronchitis un.lciinsuinpt in Vny druygist will givo jou a tr.ul b tt i ce of cost It i unri'.antccil l-i rt-lii'vp a i ue. Tho Large Bottles areoOc aud $1. "I am very nia.-li a tmiieil to on 'harlos," said Ami. "Then tou are ver unci) like a fog-bell.-' "A foa bell? How i?" "Why, don't you sec, you aie at ached to a buoy!" Don't Clot CauRlit fliis spring with your blond full of impuri ties, yoiirdigesrion impaired, your appetite poor, kidneys and liver torpid, and whole system liable to bo protlratud I y ilisoubc out get yourself intogood condition, ami ready for tlieclianging anil warmer weather, oy taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. It stands unequalled for purifying tho blood, giving an appetite, and for a general spring medi eine. Jack (backward in his grammar) "Papa, what part of speech Is woman? Papa (fresh from a Verbal engagement with mamma, in which, of course, he has beet badly worsted) "She isn't any part of speech at ll, Jack; she is the whole ot it!" In purchasing medicines, don't try of- porimcnts; the first aud only consideration should be genuineness. Ayer's Sarsaparilla has stood the test of forty years, md .to-day i is in greater demand tlian over a triumphant proof of popular approyal. In speaking of tho girl to whom he was engaced, he referred to her as his 'nnancee.' "You mean yourjiancee, 1 suppose? It Is pronounced fee-ahu-say." "I don't care how It Ii pronounced, this gill Is my flnaucee. She Is worth $40,000. Three of the admirers of a pretty New York girl called on her the same evening, and as she answered the bell In person for the fourth call, she took the opportunity if hanglne a placard on the door bell: "Th a It mv'JiusT nlehU" Deformity lTroui itrtslit1? Dlauuae. S, D. Vanllnskirk, of Bvmarcst, X. J., says Aug., 20, lfaSS: "Dr. David Kwiiienj FiuoritB lttiuedj-, of ltuiidoiii, N. Y., b. s :nrid our daughter of Ilriglit's Dea.e, after all oilier mcms failed. She warn.., .Hiiiili-u ilu.t t-l.o nicisnrcil 4r inches nrumi tl. wulfct, and Jr! uii'hfH below the kner. To say llo.l we feel thankJul for sliih a biinn at Fuirite Itemed is bi.t a poor express ion of the feelings of grateful parents. Some olil ilinner ctiitoim atill prevail. The Itomans used to recline at their ban quets, anil t!in habit of lying at public illnners still prevails. Aggie "How tlld George proposu to jou?" Nellie "He rualied into the parlor tbe day after we bad been introduced, ilium $20,000 worth of bonds in in.t Up, kissed me eagerly seventeen times and cried out: 'Dai line, you must be mine!' So I be came his. A married lady has been In a trauce state for six weeks, ana In r husband win t have a doctor. He ras It seems so novel. Everybody Llkea to ko called luuidwine, espprluilv I lie on 'g Utllee. Hut l hut in (.Imply ln- nible as lonjj as llieir face is covered null pimile-, lilolcliea nnd Mires. Mill wait, there la no ncctl of llilt; line or two bottlua of. fjulph r Ilitttra will remove all 6iich diaficuriili-iis and make your face fair and rosy. Fxxmr , lizu., Afliriiru, QreSS the Hah With Ayer's Hair Vigor. It alt-null noss, beneflolal elf acta on tho scalp, and lasting perfume commend It for uni versal toilet use. It keeps tho hair soft and silken, preserves its color, pi events It from falling, and, If the hair bus dpi utim wcakor thin, promotes a new growth. "To restore tho original color of my hair, which had turiie.l proinatuit-.y gray, I used Ayer's Hair Vigor with -tire success. 1 cheerfully testify to the Efficacy ef this preparation." Mrs. P. II. David aorf, Alexandria, La. ) "I was aflllcted some threo years with scalp dlsuaso. My hair was falling out and what romainod turned gray. I was Induced to try Ayor's Hair Vigor, nnd In a few weeks tho dlseni in my scalp disappeared and my hair lestiiupil Its original color." (ltev.) H. 8. Sims, l'attor O. U. Church, St. Bernlce, Ind. " A few yoars aio I aulTerpil the ontlro lo ot mv'lmlr from the elfl-cts of tetter. I hoped that after a tlnm nature would repair tho loss, but I waited In viilu. Many romudles voro sugcostod, nono, howevor, vlth such proof of merit as Ayor's Ilftlr Vigor, anil I began tottso It. The result was a'l I could bavn desired. A growth of hair booh canm out nil over my head, and grew to lm as soft and heavy as I ever had, und ot n natural color, and firmly let." J. II. Pratt, Spollord, Texas. Ayer's Hair Vigor, raitrAREn bt Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowoll, Man, Bald by Drogtlita and Farfnmeri. lW V 'H?ilv J. Sold bydrmggistS rr.rmtss nuftsw. v ! : nrs -1 Ctiors, l'KGUI.KSR,Al'Xnili in mo. PKWtLESS INK I'ttv !ii:r. -f KInSf I Oolars. I'r.EUW.SSSMOK AN1 IIAltM.S.-i UHESSLNU. l-KEULKji I.tHI UiL-s Colara. SucceA(ul Trualmaut of Disease A S6.ENT.F.0 SISOSVERY ! AllCUOlliS the V.auso ol nil DUctiuc-i. ' Suacessfiil Treatment. cures: Catsfrh, DroiichUfs, on. Rheumatism. WomlcrOil Tonic and IMitod rurlltpr. The e&oaoy of the Microbe Killer in ctves of ron Kumption hi been no elf ''ctunlly demon tt rated .hat we are justidedlnclalniiiurf r it cmt.vo powfn Uiyond tli'iso of nntme timt known. We do no claim for It miraculous power in cnrinji c-s to far gone that cure i imptn-fiibla, bat wo do claim It will cure inj case Ahure the Um& are not more thun hnlf gono. Ttrwcs Hitli poorapnitite, weak and .feUUt&ttxl, will fi nd it tbe best tonio. err one fthould ttm (t, ptrticularlr thoe who hTo ftuffrtrt'd for yeara with incural-lo cIirotilprH Baaei. Microbe) or eennt, are oauieof dlaeasa. The medl'ine that will kill the wrrma uid st the same tiino curt the patient la tbe one to ute. - Sold onl in one gMm stone Jugs. Price f)3.0p. iraolofant to luat attont one month, Ohoap t within the reach of all. Physician of 17 years experience in charge of the oHoe. tSond for circular and Information, Wm. Radan's Microbe Killer, UttlAES J. IV. CUSICTC, Pyrmont, Ohio, writes "I feel that I can nut 1 otniiicntl Dr. Seth Aruoltl'a Cough Killer tun highly, Would not ho without it. Druggists, 25c., SQc, and 1.09. Tho Best and Purest Medicine fcL EVER MADE. Xte-Ttwlll drive tho Humor from your ksyetem, anil mnko your akin i cvclean nml Binooth. Those v. P iv iM.Moloa nnd lilolihea iaj '',.wliUh mar your licnuty " o et 4 VS.aro causol by lniiun ill -.t.r'i .,-J,.'rfivUioou, ami blood, niuf can ho ), If you aru nuu use irroat m , i k Diooupu- A. - f "1K. " r, "fl U. -ft Ct - U Tho Tloso IO80 iS.?! A enmll ouly enoonful. 1 t.caf mikI f-liaie meUlclno. Try ft, and n ..-III lm Knfislleu. Get It ot your Druggist. DoxTWait. Gbtitatokcb If you aro eutrerlni? from Kld., nav lllcnftn. Hll.l U Uh tO ltVO t old age, use SUM'IIUn Bl'lTEltS. ruoy uover iau w t;u.u. oenil 1 zoom Butiupa w a. i . uiuivuy x iu-. Boston, Mass., tor beat medical work published? ijajr Mother, fince I baro been nlrg TTc (if. A r BlaekiHj mj aboca ivc-r tjascr than cur fccf oro and I cerer pet at f act net, but Ida not tlilnV dcy look as emooui aa when I first used it. If of A er ladoed, my boo, I am sorry yoa are eo care less. Yoa forsct Utat even a cxl tMnj is ct-!t eooA when properly used. You bsro not even looked at the directions, for they are jet around the neck of the bottle. Now yoa matt read them, and they trill get ronontof roar trouble. Yoar father and! keep car chocs ln clossnt order by ita use. J use it about osco a month and pap about once a week. WolffsACEVlEBIacking la wondorfoli prosorvlnfj ana WatcrurooflnR any leathcri ctrlna it a deep, rich black lustra aicu lasto a week. Wi u ctmr. Do not conf.tand AOUE UUcklagtrith any other. Sold ty Baoo Btcrea Gnxera. Oroscltta, io. Try it on jour llarnces. WOLFF & RANDOLPH, phiudelfhia. S abtetxibo lor tb A A vncuto. rati 111 I 1 f wlw '-r& ? --wash out A MODEL PRESS Will do Ml Tour own rrlnUiig or earn money print. In; for othera. Your boy can mn It, Outfit, wmi iTeticoaijj, (10, t!0. Kb, or more, according to slse -one at good as another. In usa til over the world. Full Information In a book called How tol'rlnt. Frcewlth amplca of Model. prcai wore, upon p- picauon. A.aanu; THE MODEL PRESS COMPANY, Llfli'd, l Arth Jlrttt. PWjleM'- aeo what is. said auuu' The -Model Press. M Model Pre netted main three month orer ..m.iw -i iievt linil iniirii.-tluiis in piliitlng be t n-e.yet 1 set ,ip ami prluttd lo.ooudeposlttlcUcts in niv Mihlf1 IVi si tin- di after tri'celoU If - I a.1 iniMlf more than fluublu what my ilmlel 'rcss cos', nib tlie (lrst two nionths -Have none t.i.itsj0.ooxuith of uork on m Ho, 1 Model rtiss. It heats nil. Afttr thrte years' use I .lid n y Model I ress as Komi as new. Hie. tiiili I Press Is well built mid oimlitta last naif a eeatiiry. The Model Tress fully cuual tr the largeit and rolllest Ma mies for llu- Crd and OliNKltAI, nCMKIta Tliitliu;. Anv Miiait. hcj1 can turn oat unrl rilollars wiiil h of win k ererv venr. evei Tflm one of th! smaller sizes. A d drew. rr: MoDEIj 1'RESS Ctt., LrJ , 012 Arch Street. mvl2-j1 rtHt.AriKM'WA. Pa. FITSI When I say Cons I do sot mean merely to stop them tor a time, and than havo them r turn again. I MEAN A ItADIUAi CUM 1 havo mado tho dlieaso ot FITS, EPILEPSY" oy FALLING SICKIOEWI, A lite-long study. I warhaut my remedy t Ctntic the worst Iteeaa.o ether, fear tailed is no reaeorutrir not now reeslTini a are. Semi ut onco for a vearttse and a Mtaa HorrUl ol my 1NFALI.IUI.B ItKMEDT. 6ive Exprees and Iost Office. It eoara yen aothteg ftr trial, and It will sure yoa. Aifcrreee H. G. ROOT, M.C., I M PtAm St.. fUmfteK ci of purs m mm m, Almost as Pa!atflo sa K3l.k. .I. I. .1 Sn fltsnlaril tno ;s nan he rnh'en, dlpe'lnl, mid RHlmllfrteiS Jly tr ini ( eenatttve atomrtcli, rjjiift M Ttt-vln oil cannut bo tolerated) ajtti hj- ilio and. phltca la math more oacKetona. liemirgaiio m a uvm jnttaeiv. Pcrscaa gain replay frft7!a toMsrj H. SCOTT'S EMrMIOTT Ja r.&Xnowtodffja by Physicians to ho Sho Tincsb rati Best prj ration in tho world for tb. i eud ora ai cor.auKJPTH-a. zGf -n.b, GENRRAL fJEfHWTv, oTrKe v D13EAGH3, 555f.JATl, coLua and ,rnio dtasw. The great r.metly ft.r CbrrKmpfiftn, ttnA Wasting in ChUdrni. ly ell lnwtt. " Fiao's Cure for Con sumption Is also tho best Cough Medicine. If you havo a Cough without disease of tno Lungs, n. few ilosos are all yon noetl. But if you ne glect this cniy tnenns of ualety. tho alight, Coup may bauotno a serlouu matter, and several bot tlas Trill be required. Plsa'i Burned Sir Catarrh is tht Beat, Xaaleat to Use, and Cheapett. Sold tv dniffffbti cr Mnt bv mell. ova; jsm a, jjtuviusf. urisB, a. l-lc;dPoiion,DlaoeofKi'1nTi,Blalder'inW,J-7j. SjnflnHkDeiidiitNerTob Do ali r L,ot iSwnJv ol fw JUlUot Irrorain Youth nrerpMdil' and par 'uro.1. Oon u'tntton nniitro.t uttn-al l lr"Ahrra it roa Pcuiiic-SIiiclilncT Iktl ruuiil Mhlt til IMIaAUal. tlitiDa vrt win nd free e 'MiMn in ctcu lOfPiny.ta. ttty tcit fwlinr-ii.tltla nirl Iii tMld.ttltll 1I Iba HUlAllltDta. We wiUlwfniliSacemplrl4 .llevefbor oH apd vilDbl trrt MinplM. In rtiant tr U lhal yoa may ran t ytwr nouif.aua anir j imulllDI'll ill! II pnr;ui ywar own property, ?lla rrand mmliiot (I 'madaanar tht Hlnpfr paltanv i run euf I rton peyrnis Id lurlVU.l.itLdilhn atiact.ii.nia. nl nw fctlia foe HTt ( . tin t. Mronreat. watt uil ril tnarhine In ihf world. All la fraa. raitital rconlrad. rials. brief Inarractloai r-Taa. tfaoaa wbo writ to na at enta can u cur IV tha bait awtiir-m4chlna In tha ortd, and tt TAVJ. V IU.. Jiux ?aU AUgUktU, i JFfFaHII flTHFRS FHII TitrViHi IIIISIII .tiX luuun. ersawa TUUTuar. 329 N. 10th Bt.. below CallowhiU, PirUa., fa. iu ytara' experience in all Special diseases. Fr2 nianemly restores those weuVened by earty lad$ crrlionAc Call or write. Adrloe free and ntrlouy conllilentlal. till .s I'.lt.. nnd 7 to 18 eventiiEa. jftj- Send 3 cLUtomp for Boole Alc.MllUl- fail partleuUra wlta Ifaps CHAS. L.COLBY L jdtt t-em'r ir. c, jt. je. for; MILWAUKEE. 1VJL Stoves, Tinware, Heaters and Ranges, In Great Variety at S AIM UEL G Ii A VBlt'S Popular Store, Bank Strcot. Hoofing nnd tipuutinga special ty. Stove repairs furnished on slort notice. Utasonablel ! 1 - ' " ii ii i mmm i lifMufpl aiUaUBWaaVCe 'mil FKtC &