The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, March 23, 1889, Image 2

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    IT -'"'Hi
TUa Pni-Urtn Arlrr.Qa
i no odruuii Muvuud
dhtkriid at ran LEiiioHToi 1-osT-orrJOB as
Hero Is an Interesting summary of Ilnr
tlson's cabinet: Mr, Wlndom Is tho oldest
rhomber of the cabinet belni 02, while Mr
Miller Is the youngest, being only 43. Of
tho others Tracy Is 00, Blane nd Itusk are ti,0 Fifth ayenue, and :he brldo and brlde
09, Tro'ctor and Noble are B8, and Wana groom were given the best room In the
maker Is 2. The average age of the cabl-
not Is 67, while Prosldent Harrison himself
will not be CO until next August. Ohio car-
lies off the prlzo, as usual, In the noint of
nativity, Wlndom, Noble and Itusk having
been horn In that State, as well as the
President himself. Pennsylvania claims
Hlalnoand Wanamakcr as lier sons, wlille
Kow York gayo birth to Tracy and Miller,
and Proctor first saw tho light In Vermont. I
Flvo of tho eight have left the States ot I
their birth, only Proctor, Tracv and Wana
makcr being residents of the States In
which they were lorn. Only four of the
eight were In the army durbg tho war-
Proctor, Tracy, JSobloand Rush and none
Of these attained a higher actual gradp
than colonel, although the three last named
were brcyeted brigadier general for gallant
and meritorious services In the field, mains
and , Wlndom have held seats in both
Houses of Congress, while Rusk has been a
member of the lower House, Blalno and
Wlndom also held the same portfolio In the
Garfield administration. Proctor and
Rusk haye been Goycrnors of their States.
Tracy has been on the bench, and has
served as United States District Attorney;
while Noble has held the. last-named oflke,
lcaylng Wanamakcr and Miller tho onlt
tTO who now hold office for tho first time
in their lives. Fourof tho eight Wlndom,
Tracy. Noble and Miller are lawyers, but
only the three last-named have acquired
distinction In their profession. Proctorbe-
can the study of law in his youth, but was
diverted from it by tho war, and then de
Toted himself exclusively to business.
Blaine is the only one on tho list who has
eyer been a working newspaper editor.
Tukiie is too a beat haste in occurr
ing a house after its completion. Says:
tho Scientific J.merican. In many places
there Is such demand for dwelling, anil
often business apartments, that, as soon as
finished, they are occupied. This is es
pecially true of small dwellings. There Is
more danger in this than Is supposed.
There is no health in dampness and mould
under any circumstances, and in llyinj
apartments, where the tendency is toward
poor ventilation, the dampness of newly
finished houses contribute: largely to ill
health. In the town of Basle, Switzerland,
a regulation has been adopted which pre-
Tents newly built houses from being oc
cupied until four months utter completion,
Under many circumstances, so long a time
as aboyo specified is not necessary, but it Is
often wellto err on the side of safty. The
Blze of the house, its location, surroundings,
the material used, and tho state of the
weather enter into the consideration of the
tlmo necessary in which a building should
become sufficiently dry for occupancy.
The Tnusr idea qrows apace by
what It feeds on. The reasoning of Mon
opoly In regard to the metals, for example,
is simple enough. If an iuternational Cop
per Trust can stand, why not a Tin Trust?
Why not, indeed? In those days of huge
combinations of capital to control the
prices of articles of prime necessity the
pcoele have constantly suffered from the
encroachments of syndicates aud comblna
Hons, without finding at hand any ready
means of resistance! But any attempt to
absorb the tin-plate works of Wales In
hostility to the Interests of American con
eumers would probably awaken a public
sentiment on this subject that would
astonish and startle the projectors
scheme. Itecorii.
of the
Sevkuai, moue communications have
found a place In our waste basket durinc
the past week owing to the fact that the
writers, while reputable and Intelligent
citizens, haye failed to comply with the
rule established by this office to allow
nothing whatsoever of an abusive or ex-
tremely personal nature to appear lu our
columns unless warranted by circumstances
of an important nature. Hereafter persons
who avail themselves of Iho advantages of
talking to the cleyen hundred Intelligent
subscribers of the Caiiuon Advocate will
please bear In mind the fact that all com-
munlcatlons of an abusive nature co into
the waste basket. '
FiAne, Austiua and Geumanyhave
adopted smokeless gunpowder for their
armies, and are conducting experiments to
get an explosive also as nearly noiseless as
possible. A fair degree of success has been
reached, and experts have no doubt that by
the time the next European war begins,
the smoke and noise of tho battle will have
been done away with. It Is alleged that
the French wi,l suffer most by this, as the
men of that nation aro least able to with-
itaud the terrorizing effect of being mowed
down by silent missiles from unseen
TncnE has jieen inscovEituD, rooit
miles south of Rattlcsnako Springs, Wash
lngton Territory, an extensive ledge of
marble, in which beautiful trees or plants
of moss are as frequent and as clearly de
flnsd as in the moss agate, though the
marble Is not trauslucent. The body of
the stone Is mostly white, with splotches of
pine ana oiue ueiweea me uuueues oi
Among other titles to consideration, New
York has been called the paradise of thieves
and swindlers. Certain it is that in no city
In the world can the cheeky adventurer get
such a ready endorsement on such very
light credentials. We may boact as we
please of our Democracy, of our Republican
bloed and ur glorious forefathers; our
Eagle and our Starry Flag, and I haye no
doubt, but scattered among our sixvy or
sixty-five millions of people, we have some
pretty good Democrats or Republicans; call
them which you please, but there nrc thou
sands, yea hundreds of thousauds, in tho
United States who at heart are as much
aristocrats as any you can find within the
sound of Bow Bells or lu sight of the Kais
erhoff at Berlin. They love a count, they
adore alord, they worship a duke. A forelen
title in the eyes of these monomaniacs Is a
treasure richer than gold, and the wretched
experience of dozens aud dozens of beauti
ful and wealthy American girls Is of no
service as a warning, and any titled blank
guard to-day can get a better reception from
scores of rich American families than a
young American who has nothing but char
acter and honesty te recommend him.
Thtst thoughts are suggested by the re
Urn ot Lady UaadivllU nil Mill Yznaga,
who ws mwrlcd here at Q wee Church only
aw SMJon, B0 toIi0rt MMjdeTil)e. Tui.
titled vagabond camo bv his tltlo honcAllr
enough, for hi father was a genuine duke,
though a poor one. His marriage was one
of ttie groat ovenis of New York socloly.for
one of her sitters was married to a v anuer
hllt, and of course that was the "open
sesame" to the Insldo clrclo ' of Ward Mc
Allister's exclusive four hundred. The
noble lord was,.tnvlted everywhere. The
late Wm. II. Vanderbllt entertained him
and his brldo at his magnificent palace on
house. All Now York ran alter them,
TLe lacky American girl was congratulated
on her catch, and all the girls said, "Oh,
vou darling j don't I wish I was you,"
As a reporter of a.sportlng paper said to
me. Why, blow me, If ho didn't promise
h,cr royal nlbbs a palace by tho Lake of
rjottio. It was a dead swlndlo on botl;
sijes. sho thought that being a eon of a
Juke, that he had a half dozen castles at
lean, and that Queen Victoria and Prince
Albert would call on her as soon as she got
to London. Lord Mandevllle had been a
howling swell In his day, a captain of the
Guards, etc., etc., and he had been many
other things not set down In the books, but
ile had no cash ond she had little, and fur-
thermore, ho had no castles and he had no
credit Do had spent hundreds of thou-
sands of pounds of other people's money.
and what little he had of Ills own he had
camblcd away on the turt, or In other dls
reputablo places. A wretched bankrupt
who swindled bootmakers, hatters and tail
ors, who had no character when he came
here, is admitted into the best of our Amer
ican homes and bears away from our shores
one of our most beautiful girls.
A few weeks ago another girl returned
trom Europe where she had been luvelgled
Into marriage with a beggarly Italian whose
solo 'capltil was an empty valise and a
bankrupt tltlo of count. The rascal bad
not money esough to pay for his breakfast,
and now he Is trying to blackmail the
bride's family, as tho price of his riddence.
Tho fato of Mrs. Hammcrslr, who mar
ried the notorious Duke of Marlboro, Is too
fresh in tho memory tn need repetition.
The fellow's brutality to his first wife was
not sufficient warning to her, so when her
own bitter lesson and humiliation came she
failed to receive that sympathy and con
sideration which she might otherwise have
hoped for had) she not against all remon
strance put her head in tho lion's mouth.
Marlboro's bad' character had closed the
3est humes lu England against him The
Queen would not allow him In her pres
ence, and yet on his arrival at New York
last summer an unmarried woman Invited
him to her house, gave parties in his honor,
entertained him for a week and she is one
of tho society leaders.
Speaking of society leaders wc are now
all of a twitter over our coming centennial
celebration of Washington's Inauguration,
April 30th, 1780. Now people live In the
country may think It is a very easy thing to
arrange an old fashioned quadrille, and so
It is; all you have to do is to roar out, "Take
yonr partners for a quadrille." when every
body makes a rush, seizes the first girl he
can lay his hands on; fat or lean, old or
young, ugly or pretty, and makes a dash, to
get tho head, and the d 1 take the hind
most. That's tho way wo used to do It
when Broadbrim used to put in his fancy
steps with a style and vigor that made
many of the good old hard shells prognos
ticate "that that young man would come
to no good." That was all well enough
then, but It Is a very different affair now.
One of the most bitter and heartscaldlug
bits of business that lias occurred for a
dog's age has been tho arrangement of this
centennial-quadrille. One thing, however,
was settled beyond all question, and that
was that the dancers in the first set must
all be descended from Washington himself
or Martha his wife: or falling that thev
they must be In direct descent from some
01 tue ulstmgulslied revolutionary families
the Hamlltons, Knoxs, Jeffersons, De
Peysters, Jays aud many others known to
revolutionary fame; and rluht hero came
the hitch. Mrs. William Astor is now our
sociil queen. Nobody disputes that, but
her ancestors never fit In the Revolution;
111 Piut of, fact It is now two to one that
s"e of her female relations were dragging
a hand cart about the streets of some of the
fine old German towns at that lime; for we
all know that John Jacob had no surplus
cash in his pouch when be, first came ashore
In New 1 ork. But that's neither here nor
there. John Jacob is dead and buried and
Mrs. William Astor is queen of New York,
just as much as Queen Victoria Is Queen of
England, and to put her out of the prlncl
pal quadrille at the coming celebiatlon,
just because her great grandfather didn't
drive a bpggage wagon In the Revolution,
was tho question; and I tell you what, It
was a puzzler. Talk of hard nuts to crack,
Have you ever tried to crack hickory nuts
with a tack hammer? well, It was worse
than that, Thoy wanted to squeeze Mrs,
ex-rresioeniess uayes in and also Mrs. ex-
Presidentess Cleveland, but neither pf their
ancestors were distinguished In the Revo
lution, consequently like lots of othei
plebs., myself Included, they had the bar
sinister across their coat of arms. When
it was known that Mrs. Astor was goinr to
be ruled out, the storm began to brew. You
can make Presidents like Cleveland ;.Mil
IIaes every Jay in tho week, the woods are
full of 'cm, but It takes about a huudrcd
years to make a Mrs. William Astor,
Women like her are slow of growth, like
the century plant, but n hen they do buist
,... ull bloom lllcv aro wor.,. lDokll. ,
u ,, not moncy alone luat makes llpr what
kho is though she has lots of it, but it Is
i u, breeding,
One day last week a two-year-old colt
sold here for twenty-six thousand dollars
aud only a short time beforo one f the
samestralc of blood brought fifty-thousand
well Mrs. William Astor to-day represents
tho best strain of our American blood, not
because she is rich, but because in all good
works she represents whatever is best in
American womanhood. She is a woman
whom riches has no, spoiled and whoso
charities, like those of her distinguished
Ipredecessoi, have made her name blessed
so they could not keep her out and let the
wife of her nephew, William Waldorf Astor
In. Every distinguished person In New
York would like to dance In that luadrille,
- j I confess I should like to shake a les there
myself; I think I could show them some
fancy steps that would make their heads
swim. I should like to tazza corlza to Mrs.
Cleveland, swim; partners n ith Mrs, Uayes,
balance A to Mrs. Astor, and right hand
across aud down tho middle with Mrs.
Harrison. Uut as I sadli remarked before,
I supposo I am ruled out. Society is torn
In pieces tn regard to the coming celebra
tion, and I will keep you advised as to the
final result.
At last we have reached the Kerr trial.
Now mark the prophecy. No more boodle
Alderman will ever be convicted lu New
York! District Attorney Fellows asked to
be excused from the prosecution as ha was
tViMaUasd wiib an UcipUit attack el pau
monlft; be was afraid he would be a subject
for a coroner's Inquest. The Court ex
cused him and the next day the dying man
was seen on Harlem Lane behind a pair of
2.21 1-2 trotters taking n little brush with
Jack Smith's Blue Blazes. Oh, no; tho
boodlers are all right, aud don't you for-
1)1 It.
With the death of Captain John Ericsson
closes the career of one Intellectual giants
of the nineteenth century. It is not my
purpose to refer to his great inventions of
the Monitor or tho Propeller and the caloric
engine which has revolutionized tho world,
but to a circumstance which embittered the
last years of his llfo, and almost closed his
association with his fellow-man. For near
ly twenty years Captain Ericsson has been
almost a hermit, denying himself to all but
a small circle of Immediate friends. The
cause of thjs Is not generally known, but It
occurred In this way. Nearly twenty years
ago Capcaln Ericsson Invented an engine
for ocean steamers which was calculated
to create OTon a greater revolution In ocean
carriage than his propeller. Capital did
not come forward readily to help him, for
ho was a high spirited, diffident man who
could not beg for favors. In the under
taking ho Invested all of his private for
tune, so confident was ho of success. After
years of trial and disappointment at last
the vessel was ready for sea. Everj thing
was prepared for her first trial trip. .Sho
lay at anchor In tho North River when a
ylont storm arose. Some of the lower
side ports had been left open and the vessel
careened by the wind, filled and sunk.
For tills great calamity there was scarcely
a word of sympathy on tho contrary thou
sands laughed and seemed to rejoice at his
misfortune. It nearly broke his heart and
ruined him financially. He never recovered
from tho shock till they laid him in his
grave last week.
Truly yours,
Wc do not hold ourselves responsible for opin
ions expressed under tills Iiead. Persons
contributing articles must write on but one
side of paper, and sign tliclr name legibly,
the latter not for publication butas a matter
01 gooa lailll. EUITOB.
Objections to Prohibition."
The author of tho article with the abovo
title, In the Cakbon Advocate of last
week, files objections to prohibition which
do not object. I will reply briefly.
1, He says, "It is antl-christian. It is
based upon a theory which contradicts and
perverts Holy .Scripture; a theory which
would brand as criminal acts, miracles and
commands of the Son of God." Nothing
can bo more nonsensical than tho above;
and he fails to attempt to show how. It docs
this, If ho can. Did our dear Saviour ever
contradict his word as given .by Inspiration
of God? To the drinker of intoxicants he
says, ''Look not thou upon thn wine when
it is red, when it giveth its color in the cup,
when it uioveth itself aright, at last It bit
cth like a scrpent'and stlhgetb like an ad,
e'er." To tho drunkard maker he says,
"Woe to htm that puttctti tho bottle to his
neighbor's lips, that makcth him drunken
also." Now, show mo how prohibition
contradicts or perverts the Scripture; or in
what docs the criminality of prohibition
consist? If it is christian to prevent crime,
why is it not christian to prohibit the cause
and most prolific sourco of crime? A police
justice says. "Out of seven years experi
ence on the bench, I am convinced that
rum is the root of all evil. For every
case of assault and battery, every rape, and
every murder, the stereotjped excuse is
I was drunk.' " Tho law of Kansas labels
all saloons "common nuisances," nnd be
cause they are such is one reason why it Is
the duty of tho christian people to refuse
to tolerate this breeder of crime tho liquor
He says"In spirit It Is anti-American."
Gladstone, the greatest living statesman,
says, "It Is the duty of government to make
it easy to do right, and hard to do wrong."
Is this axiom .mil-American? If not, then
how is Prohibition anti-American when
the liquor traffic Is, In tho words of Hon,
Lot M. Morred, "Tho gicantlc cause of
crimes;" of Hon. John D. Long, "The
dynamite of civilization;" of Hon. Judge
Noah Davis, "Among all causes of crime
the unapproachable chief.
3. Ho says, "It is unnecessary." What,
prohibition unnecessary while 530,000 con
firmed drunkards, 100.000 criminals, and
200,000 orphans are made such by tho liquor
traffic every veir, besides causing tho death
of 100,000 who fill a drunkard's ur.ive an
go to a drunkard's bell annually, from this
traffic? -
4. He says, "It Is an Impracticable rem
edy for the evil of inlemperanco." The
license svslem, whether high or low, Is a
failure, uut not prohibition, un the con.
trar , prohibition lias been a success wlier
ever It has been thoroughly tried, why do
men not tr. to regulate other crimes by a
license si stem, and see how thev won
regulate. The liquor question will never
bo sett ed until it is settled right, i. e , not
until the manufacture, exportation, trans
portation and sale of alcoholic beverages
are made public crimes, and prohibited a
6. He says. "Prohibition tends to make
law-breakers and hypocrites." This oh
jectlon reminds me of the little school boy
who said, "bait is the slut! that makes Your
potatoes taste bad." When hsked how. he
replied, Irliy.wlien you uon t put any on.
Th Iron Tmdo.
A special despatch of the 10th Inst, from
New Yoik, says: President B. G. Clark, of
the Thomas Iron Company, does not thin
the outlook for Iron is as favorable as It was
a month ago. At that time he thought
bottom had been reached and that they
would have a better demand and higher
prices. He said:
"It looks now as if the production of pig
Iron would have to fall off or prires go
lower, lhe falluro of the Heading Iron
Works Has hail a bad effect on the trade,
and all kinds of manufactured Irons arc at
a very low pries and the demand is slack
Notwithstanding this, production increased
In .February. IjCss iron must be made."
"How about steel rails."
"Steel rails are looking up a little. The
rrlce Is about a dollar higher at the mill
than the lowest In January, or sav $27,
Wo havo been getting some orders and the
general feeling In the trade is more hopo-
The Lackawanna, Iron and Slcel Com
panv has bought tho steel rail allotment to
the amount ol 35,000 tons from tho Ren
saelor Iron and Slcel Works, Troy, and the
Vulcan Steel Works, at St. Louis.
To DolliKiuonti Only,
We have a number of subscribers on our
lists, to -many of whom we have sent bills,
for two, three or more years, we now again
call their attention to the matter hy mark
ing a blue 2 opposite the direction tab,
and earnestly request that they make an
immediate response. The date on the tab
will show them just how much they owe,
Jos. Payquick mart 85
shows that lie owes from March 7, 18S5,
would be fl.00 up to Jfarch 7, 1880. Other
dates can be computed in the same man
ner. Let us beat from you at once by Pos
tal Xote or Money Order payable at the
Lehighton Post-office.
n. V. Mohtuimjeb, Jr., Publisher,
Swiiu 1, 18S9,
Spring it llsro
and your first care win bo clothing. Send
helm, of tho One Price Star Clothing nail,
Mauch Chunk, has the largest lino of
ready-made men's, boy's and children's.)
suits, Grand Army and Confirmation suits.
all of which tiave been rcducod 23 per cent
below cost. Call earlynnd secure bargains.
Loim Townmenslng Items.
T. B. Bowers, of Bowmanstown, was
made happy by tho arrival of a baby boy
In the family one day recently.
John Gruber is on tho sick list. His
illness was caused by Inhaling paint dust
while working In Rutherford's paint mill.
Jacob Kuntzman has received an in
crease of $11 per month on his pension.
He now. receives per mouth,
-Mrs. Harilct Blose has returned home
after spending twentt years in the west and
desires to take up her abodo in Caibon
county, Sbo Is anxious to hire herself to
nyhody In npedof a housekeeper or nurse.
Address, Postoffico Box 310, Catasauqua.
-A large number of persons assembled
at Ihe house of William Gruber on Satur
day, lust to cplebrato tho birthday of Mrs.
Gruber. A sumptuous repast was served
Tind all enjoyed themselves Immensely.
Miss I.lllie Stenner spent a tow days
the past week with friends at Fire Line
Now nnd Popular Music.
Sir. John 1'ord, who is known In every home-
hold as the author of tho famous some, " Will
You Love Me When I'm Old," lias written another
entitled "Mweet Itosntie," which is so charming
Unit we nreillet lor It Instantiineoiit and unlvcr
il nonularltv. It is ono of those exnuls to somrs
in which sympathetic words, combined with an
expressive im-iouy, reucii me veiy uenris 01 me
people. Price, 40 cents. 'We have also received
('ill iiiu mum- iuMiisiii-in, i, iv
1308 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, n copy of
"Dance of thesprltev a very bright andchnrm
Im? Instrumental eomoosltlou which will be an-
nreelnted bv all cood nlamsls. It Is bv Thomas
O'NVtli. a well kiimvn eomnoser. and the urlce
60 cents. Messrs. Noith & to. will send tho two
compositions mid a specimen copy of their Mu-
lira, jonrna couuuuiuk luur uuier popular com
positions, to one address, for only 00 cents, for
I li c purpose of Introduction. This Is a most gen
erous offer, and all our music loving public
snoum laae navaniai;n 01 11.
A Hundred Tons of Money,
It hardly seems possible that the money paid
In one month for a ten cent article, could, If pen
nies were used In payment, weigh one hundred
tons. Yet one of our bright schoolboys has fit:
ured that this Is true of Diamond Dyes. To Judge
from ihe stocKS of our dealers in dyo stuffs, Dla-
monu uyes own lue nciu oi pucKuga uyes. ana
in e a complete succes. Of course they liave imi
tators. "iN'ollillic Is a success until Imitated."
Uut no ono wants to rlsk.a counterfeit, when the
L'cnulne Can be obtained at tho same price.
I In-pp new co ors have lately been n neu to the
I st of Diamond Dvess Vast Stock tie lilack.Tup
kej Hed for Cotton, and Brown for Cotton. The
manufacturers. Wells. Ulcliardson K to.. Hur
llnglon, Vt.. will send colored samples of these
new uyes.wiin uook oi any auaress
free of charge. These, additions seem to have
maue me line so complete mat any snauc can
lw matched with some color of Diamond T)ves.
The beautiful sample bookof shaded colors.ialely
sent to all dealers in dyes, will delight the eye of
mivliiflv. ,Tt'p!ievfnflv with Illnmnnrl lives "
isbo awsmuiciy internal uoiuo uycitig is no lunger
a tumcuii ami uisagreeaoio tasii. Aimaiiacs.wiin
their hints as to proper times for different work,
trll ns thnf. tinw Is thn time for snrlni? dvelntr.
This, toccthcr with the thought of that hundred
ions oi money, icaus us 10 usk wuat scuum uov
can ngure now mtliiv muusiuius ui lauies nre uuw
saying'that this Is the time to use Diamond Dyes.
CROSTLY II AD Kit. On Feb. 24. at tho Evan-
e-elleal l,.ar.sona(?p. liv Itev. M. 11. urown. vim.
w. Crostly and Miss Laura Bauer, both of East
M.iiieli llhimk.
KAST MII.M5K. On March 16th, at tho same
Place, uyinesame. ueorco i. nasi, oi vteiss
port and Jliss Bailie S. Miller, of I.ehlghtou.
ItF.KD ANDItKAS. On March 17th, at the
bride's Homo in East wcissporr, uvino same.
John w. need aim Airs, uato Aiiarcas.
New Advertisements,
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A marvel of purity,
ttrcngtli and wholesomeness. More economical
than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In
competition with the multitude of low test, short
weisni, aitim or nnos mate pnwuers. Horn only
In cans, ltnyal llaklng Powder Company, too
Wall Street N, Y. auc 24-inl I
Sure Cure lor Coughs. Colds, Consumption,
Hoarseness. Sore 1 hroat and all diseases of the
Bronchial Organs. Thousands can testify as to
us eiuciency. 1'rice aim oue.
For sale by all Druggists. feblG-SO-yl
To Whom it Slay Concern.
All nersons are hereby forbid meddllnc with
Two Horses, one black seven years old, and one
bay twelve years old. One Sett of Double Har
ness and line Two Horse wagon, now In pos
session ot It El' 111'.:
iimiiuu, ui j
township. Carbon county, 1'a., us the same is
my property uuu luuueu 10 nun uuriiiu mv pleas
ure. JOHN ltlilfltIO,
aiarcn J,-3W rmiiKiiit inp,, ru.
to canvass for the sale of Nursery Stock, ON
steady i:mtiovment. APPiyaionre, staling age.
J.B.Nellis & Cc..I'W
- nuiii aji y a
March 23,-Sm
JJ8.1 Holl.l Holi! Wilrh.
buu uraiuu. uuutiaiiir,
(3 watch tu tb world,
l'aifact lliukHMr. War.
rauitu. uearjr nauo uou
iiua.inr. ioia laaiM
'ad f entt' airea, Willi work!
and ciwl of equal valua
Unel'crsouloaacb !
ealrlr can aecura en free.
toeeUier wilb our large and eel
cable Une cf llouaeholil
Sumplei. Thate aauplea, ee
vretl Itie WBteh, wa etnd
i- ,. and afltr yeu ha,e kept
tfcam la rear heme for S monibe end ebewn lbm te thee
vrbe way bare called, ther become your own properly. Tho,e
tnd f
who write at ftuce can bo aura or recolvlnt the nvnlcu
nd Samples- Vipr il !. ft(rht, eta, Aidra
Graduate of I'hlla. Dental College.
Personation of the Teeth a Specialty,
OFFICE HOUltS: From 8 a. ra. to e p, m.
OAS HALL, Market So,nar9, Hanch Chunk.
Two Doors North of Post-Omce.
OFHrK IIQUHUi Tto a. JU. aud. to TP. a.
Said Lill to Belle:
"Oh! will you tell
' 'What makes your hands so white,
"Sd smooth and soft?
"I've wondered oft,
"For mine are such a sight!
Thero are many white soaps, each represented to be "Just as good as-the 1 Ivory' "
they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack ihe peculiar and remarkable qualities oi
the genuine. Ask for " Ivory " Soap and Insist upon retting It.
Copvrlffht ISSfl, hy Procter .t- Gnmblc.
With New Methods and New Goods.
On or about, the first week in Anril we will open in the room
in Gable's Block, formerly occupied by the Original Cheap Cash
btore, on .bank btreet, a
wiStr Ice Cream Parlor.
We propose carrying in stock everything
mills, arc, wnr.e tue ico urcatn and Confectionery departments will receive our care
ful and close attention. In this line wo oronose to eclliiso evert thins In this section.
Tho Trices, on everything we sell, will be marked low, while tho quality Invariably
will bo par excellent. With fair deallni; and low prices we expect and ktudly solicit a
share of the patronage of the pcoplo of Lehtghton and tho community surrounding.
Trusting that jou will attond our opening of which we will notify jou later, we are
lours iiespecttqtiy,
Executor's Notice.
Estate of NATHAN ZE1GI.EK, Deceased.
Letters testamentary on the Estate of Nathan
Zlegler, late of the Borough of LehlRliton, Car
bon countv, Ta., deceased, havo been granted
to Thomas Zclfiler, rcsldihc In said borough, to
wnom all persons indebted to the said estato are
requested to make immediate payment, and all
those liavlnir Iciral claims or demands aiMlnst
tlio estato ot the said decedentwlll make known
tlio same, without delay, to
uiUiUAa e.iui,, uxecuior.
Lelilfiliton, l'a., Jan. 31, 1889-W6
Dissolution of PartesMi).
Notico is hereby given that the partnership
heretofore cxistins between li. G. ZEIIN and A.
F. SNYDEIt, doing business unoer the firm
name of ZEIIN & SNYDEIt, in the borough of
Lelilgbton, Carbon county, Vn., Is this day
(March 1st, 1889,) dissolved by mutual consent.
Person, liavlnir claims and those owlnir salu
firm will settle the same with E. (1. ZI5UN. who
will continue the business at the old stand
Opera House Block In said borough of Lehigh
ton, 1!. Q. ZEUN,
March i, 18S9 iw
Tlio iindcrs'lirned offers his Farm, situate on
the public road leading from Lehighton to Ta Id Mahoning Township. Carbon
eounty. l'a.. at private sale. The Farm contains
TEN ACItKH. all cleared and under a high slatp
or cuuivdiinn. me improvement are a in
and a Half Story 1'lauk Unfiling House. 20x21
feet with Frame Kitchen and porch attached.
Ilarn 2-2x36 feet with all necessary outbuildings,
all new. Apnly in
NATHAN ItEINSMITH on Tremlses, Or at this Utile.
To Whom it May Concern.
All persons are hereby forbid meddling with
any of the household furniture now in posses
sion of Jonathan Klstler, Lehlghtou, as the s iino
is my property aud is loaned to him during my
pleasure, Jacoh MANTZ,
Marck IS, 8 Ytt I'n,
Competent workmen sent to any pa'rt of
the county.
Wall Faners, Borders & Decorations.
Largo assortment, and the latest styles.
Boots, Stationery, Fancy Goods
All grades. Shade making and putting up
promptly attended to.
Paints, Oil, Varnish, Putty,
tfru8hes"& general Painters'
No. 61 Broadway Mauch Cntuik Pa.
Below the Broadway House.
oiler for sale a large quantity ol sawed Lumber
at extraordinary low prices,
25,000 feet Yellow Pine Flooring.
60,000 feet White I'lno Hoards.
60.000 feet Hemlock Boards.
10,000 feet Hemlock Scantling.
A laree lot of 2 Inch Yellow- Tlno Plank,
suitable for pavements or sidewalks.
A lot of first-class 2) Inch Yellow Pine
PIank, for threshing floors or bridges.
A lot of Oak Plank, &c. Ac.
This Lumber will be sold fully 25 per
cent cheaper than It can be obtained vise
where. Call on or address
Weissport, ... Jbun'a.
P II Pi Pi (J b a B'Vft wimw fi BlgmfoAP
Said Belle to Lill:
"Of course I will!
' Tis Ivoky oap, my dear,
"Use it, and your
"Hands top, I'm sure,
"Like mine will soon appear."
in the grocery line, Including canned goods,
N & Culton.
Kesocctfully announces to tho public that he has
opened a NEW L1VEIIY STABLE, and that ho Is
now prepared to furnish Teams for Funerals,
Wedd'ngs or Business Trips on the shortest no
tice und most liberal terms. Orders left at the
"Carbon House" will receive prompt attention.
next the Hotel, Lelil jhton. an22U-
The undeislcned announces to the
citizens of Lehlghtoti and tho surrounding
country that he has opened a shop for tho
Repair of
Machinery !
Such as Agricultural Imnlements. Sharpen
ing Lawn Mowers, Grinding I'Uner Knives,
raper 1 liner univcs, scissors, sc.; mean) ru
ling and rump Work, and mauufnetuiing Grain
runs, varin icoiicis, uoot uuuei s, kc.
All work guaranteed at the lowest prices.
In Rear of Gabel's
Aprii;ii8. ly
Insolvent Debtors Notice
Notice IshereoyKlven UiatCIIAItLKS SOI.DT.
of HLATINOTON, Uhlgh county, Pennsiyvanla,
has applied to the Court of Common Pleas for
tho County of Carbon, for the benefit of the In
solvent Laws of tho Commonwealth ot l'eiinsyl
vanla, and that the said Court has appointed
theSliCOND MONDAY OF AI'ltlL, A I). 1R80,
at TWO O'CLOCK 1'. M., for the llual heurlni!
on said petition, at tho Court House, mt.,e Ilor
oueIi of Mauch Chunk, in said Comity ot Carbon,
when and where the creditors ot tlio said Charles
Soldt may attend if they think proper, and show
cause. If any they have, why he the said Charles
tsoiai snail not ue uiscnarireu.
Geo. W. Ks4kr, I'rothouotary.
March 6, 18S9.
irany duller says ho lu tlio VT. li. Dousloa
Shoes without name and prico (tamped on
mo uououi, put aiim uown un n u mu u.
licit In thn world. Kxomlnn IiU
S3JSO 1-Ol.lCi: AND FA ItM Hits' SHOE.
U2.00 und B1.75 liOVS' SCHOOL SIIOE3
All mad i- Congress, Buttou and Lncc.
$3 SHOE lafdTe8.
Best Material. Bent Style. Host Fitting,
if not sold by your denier, write . .
1 MEHRKAM & SON, Apts,
Machine Shop
Opera House Block,
In order to make some important
changes in our business, we have decided
to move a portion of
continue until iarch
Carpets, Rugs,
'.Floor Oil Cloths, Win
dow Shades,
and everything belonging to the above line
oi goods at and below cost prices. This
makes the price now
On Rody Brussels 90 cents, wns $1.15.
On Body Brussels 80 cents, wns $1 00.
On Tapestry Brussels 75 cents, was 90 cents.
On Tapestry Brussels 50 cents, was G5 cents.
On Ingrain Brussels 50 cents, wos 65 cents.
On Inprain 40 cents, was 50 cents.
On Ingrain 30 cents, was 40 cents.
On ling 50 cents, was 65 cents.
On Hag 30 cents, was 40 cents.
On Jute 18 cents, was 25 cents.
Floor Oil Cloths and Window
We also offer special prices on
and Men's Wear of Every Discription.
We do this in order to make room for our Spring Stock
Of Goods for which we are now placing our orders.
Call, examine goods and prices, you will save money if in
need of anything m our line of goods, by doing so.
Opera House
You will certainly find it to your advantage to buy where you
have the largest, cheapest, best and newest stock of
to select from. That plncc will
certainly be at
' Op-osite Mie Valley Hound House, North Bank Street.
Make it a point to sec tho celebrated Irving Range" before pur
chasing any other. All makes and grades of heaters on hand
and iurnished at short notice and at exceedingly low prices,
New Rqllei Mill.
Tlie undersigned lias changed tils .Mil. I. to tlio
ItOl.LKIt HtOCIiSS, and Is now ireured to do
O tVN WIIKAT or ly UXCIIANdING with those
who conio from a dUtance.
All Work Guaranteed.
Tho patronage ol tlia-tmblle Is very rcspectlul
ly solicited.
The Mill wilr be Started up by
about January 21st, 1889.
aire us a trial.
Jan. lff-ml LKIUOIITON, TA.
To fflioia It May Concern.
All persons art ht rtby forbid meddling with a
BAY llOltSK. Sl'ltlN'O WAOON and 8KT OK
IIAIINKSInaned by the uiidmlsoed toJOlIN
W. KOOXS, ol Tuckt-rton. durlim my pleasure,
as the uim Is my pioueity. .1. (i. illlt.N',
Veb20. 1813-3W Weissport, l'a.
New Livery 1 heed Store
I.EOr-OI.n MEYHItS respectfully Informs the
people ot 1'ai'kerlon and vleintty (hut he has Just
opened a l.IVI'.HY STAIII.H, on IIKAVKIt St.,
whrro persuns can lie supplied wlih (Inod.Hufe
teams either for Funeral. Wedding or for Haul
ing l'tiruoies at very lowest Hales. In connec
tion therenlih he has also In tn.' the lery best
brands of 1'IOUK and YiZED, which he will
sell ?it Ixmest Trices.
Attention, Builders !
The undersigned Is still working tho POI.ON
STONE QUAllllY, and Is prepare I to supply, at
shortest notice and at Inrrst Prices, person!
who desire nltli (1001) MTONE for IIUII.U1NU
l'Ultl'OiSl'.S. Call and In.i.ect the stones and
learn 1'rlces telore purchasing elsewhere.
nrteMy facktrtiBD'l'B,
our stock quickly by
general reduction sale to
15th, 1889.
Mats, Matting,
Slindes at corresponding low prices.
a great many goods in our lines of
Late Zern & Snyder,
m iittii TBiimi
m i in
a year. More local
than any other paper.
Andrew Bayer,
Wall Paper, WindowShadcs
nnd Fringes, Curtain
Pules and Chains,
See our Elegant GILT PAPER
at 5o. Per Roll.
Call and seo us. No trouble to show goods,
whether you buy or not. Our tlmo Is your time .
Taper Hanging, House ami Sign Painting.
Graining ami all kind of (Hiding Work executed
in the very best manner and at the lowest rates.
Raworth's Gallery,
Under Exchange Hotel, Lehlgbton.
Is the place to spend an hour or
two pleasantly shooting mark.
Persons will be instructed in the
art of markmanship.
Sd, Rawoi
RS, Look