The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, March 16, 1889, Image 2

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    The Carbon Advocate
SA.TUKDAY. MAItCtI 10, 1880.
Brecon 1) CLASH MAIL MATT Kit.
ble thing If thcv either tear down or recon
struct the fencw that encloses the public
square. As It Is, It is an eye-Sore anil a ills
grace to the spirit of proetosslvcncss that
controls Individual action In our lively town.
The PiiiXADKLi'iifA Times ccleihiat
ed Its twelfth anniversary on ll'ednesilav
by- Issuing a sixteen pago edition. The
Times Is the leslllmato product of true and
fearless journalism, and as an exposition of
push, pluck and perseverance the news
paper world has no superiors and but very
few equals.
The Democrats op Lehioiiton skicm
Ingly are sadly torn up over the result of
their spring election. As Is usual In all
such cases, made and provided, the sore and
dissatisfied are pitching terribly Into the
leaders. The leaders of the party In Le
hlghlon may bo a had set of fellows, hut It
is noticeable that they usually roll up some
big mnjoilties In Lehlghton under some,
times trying difficulties. Herald, Weath
prosperity to the Building and Loan Asso
ciations of the past and present. The large
number of pleasant homes throughout the
town attest the.lrulh of this fact By Hie
monthly payment of a few dollars for a
specified number of years, a poor mau who
takes advantage of the benefits of Hie Ii
and L. A., becomes a house owner instead
of a house renter. When this fact la con
sidered, the advantages can be better under
stood than written of.
A Washington correspondent says:
Most of the mero sight-seers and celebrants
have gone borne. The men who crowd the
hotel lobbies the departments and the White
Ilouse now are here for business. Tliej
want the offices, and If being persistent and
always present'eounts for anything the
uifan to have them. They want t lie for
elgn missions, consulates, assistant secreta
ryships, qommlssionerslilos and the chief
Dlaces In the various bureaus. They have
traded oft the term "office seeker" for thai
of candidate.
Ut ovut Mauch Chunk coniiEsroNt).
ence we observe that new viewers have
been appointed in the matter of the pio
posed new bridge across the Lchlgli river
at this place. Wo trust the gentlemen in
question will be specific in presenting this
report to the Grand Jury for approval so
that no unnecessary delay may be occas
Ioned before the matter reaches the hands
of the County Commissioners. IPe sug.
gested.heretofore the advisability of gettlnj;
up a petition for presentation to the Com
missloners upon the report reaching them,
between now and April Tould be a good
time to do this.
There was joy in the heart of the
progressIveLehlghtonian on Thursdaywlien
it became known that a current of water
which promises to yield a sufficiency for all
purposes, was struck at the artesian well.
Everybody was happy from the small bo)
up iu anticipation of the benefits and ad
vantages to be derived from a first-class
water supply with which we expect out
town soon to bo furnished. The stock
holders and monled men should not lag In
their efforts to push the work so that loi'g
before autumlnal tints give place to sum
mer's brightness we will have what a 1
along we have "pra cd" for, viz: a BrM
class water supply.
It was- talked of sometime aoo
that the borough fatiers contemplated
revising, remodelling or reconstructing, th
borough ordinances so that they would fit
Lehlghton of to-day. Upon hearing tin
rumor the Advocate; advised tin
council to proceed at once with the com
mendabie project. Whether the council
mai'lc body have done aught as yet in the
the matter we nave not heard, so we once
more urge upon that progressive body to
proceed, in order thai Lehlghton need ntl
jugglt itself In order to conform with the
antique ordinances that governed us as a
vllllage d score of years ago. We air
growing, booming, and five years from now
with a good water suuply, proper street
illumination and good roads l.ehlghiun
will lead ali towns In the Lehigh Valley,
not only in population but In all the attri
butes essential to a first-class town. Theie
are a good many who won't bllev this,
and there are quite a number who will, nfl
let us all join In the work of booain thai
the leward may be equally divided.
It is with regret that we learn of
the retirement from the field of journalism
of John Dershuck of the Hazleton 1'lctin
Speaker, who has been failing In health for
tome months past. For many years It has
been our pleasure to know personally John
Dershuck, whose ccnUl nature, generous J
attributes and charitable qualities made
him ths friend of everybody. Positive in
action, with Indomitable p'sh, pluck and
coaheadltiveness he originated tlio Hazleton
Plain Speaker almost a decade ago, and
" Through paths where dark disaster lurks,
And disappointment (.ore beset,"
he struggled bravel, manfully until dark
ness gave way to sunshine ami the Plain
Speaker stood upon a foundation of solidit)
that found a basis impregnable on its
Strang qualities of independence, pluek and
spirit with which It protected the Interest
of the common masses against the powers
of the classes. Let us trust that he is not
entirely lost to tlio newspaper world and
higher Journalism, and that a few months
of quiet will .restore. Jiim to his usual healil
and re-place him at the.helm of the first
inland dally In the Keystone State.
The Corslcan and Sicilian vendettas are
matters of history; running through count
less generations and frequently not stop
ping till one side or the oilier had not
material to vende.ta upon. Keniueky In
tunes past lias furnished tu with some ex
cedent specimens. Tennessee nnd West
Virginia have put in some very flue work
in the wa of roadside aasliiailoirs, but
we would hardly look foi a first cUa ten
aatiou of (hat Mini in the stxld e.ty of
Brooklyn. Yet, so It is On the oiiiskut
of the town lived luo well lo-dn (lerinan
families who had almost gioun up to
gether, and weie fmnllar, and happy as
happy coud be. They diauk the same
bock bier, munche.l 'he same llologua
sausage, seasoned the .repast with Schwlt.
r Kase and sour krout, anil frequently
wound up the even ng with coidous hha
tlons of schnapps straight from the Zuvder
Zee. Iu short, it was linpossblJor ai y
two families to be on more fiuiiliar terms
than tbe Shullzs and the Sclilucliners: nor
.wers Uses pepU ycung and fellia, for
Mrs. Shultz had been married twenty-five
years, anWIrs. Schtuchuer over thirty; both
had families grown up, and somo of tbeii
children were married. Business had
prospered with the Shullzs and fortuno
had not been unkind to the Schuchners.
Kacli lived in his own home nnd had a nice
little sum laid anay In a stocking for a
rainy day, Hut there Is no such thing as
perfect bliss in this miserable world ol ours,
and that these two families soon fotind out.
Schluchuer was a gay old boy,x verging
towards sixty, it Is true, but as lively as a
two-year-old colt. Mrs. iichluchner was
not uncomely to look upon, but old
Schlitchner found something very much
more attractive over at Shultz's mansion
than hi) found at his own pretty Utile
cottage. It was not very long fiefore
Shultz began to smell an exceedingly large
sized mice, and Mrs. Scliluchner's ees
would snap like a first class d namo every
time her haudsome neighbor came In
In a ycry short .time war was declarod,
and Mrs. Sclilucliner made it exceedingly
warm for Mr. Sehluchner and Mrs. Shultz.
Mr. Shultz, scandalized by his wife's be-
havlo. , left her and setup a seperale es
tablishment for himself, and Mr. Sehluch
ner all alone In her glory. The war waged
hot, and one day last week Shultz went
home; he had been some time getting bis
courage up to the sticking point, but he
did gel It up at last, and on Mrs. Shultz re
monstrating with him for his com! net. he
made a rush for her and gave her a terrible
beating. She fled to the barn for safety
and Shultz went to bed. The next morn
ing Mrs Shultz got up, went to her bureau
and tikhm a small Smith it Wesson re-
volver blew her brains out. The news
dew like wildfire through the neighborhood,
and one of Che first to hear the joyful in
lelligence was Mrs. Sehluchner. IHien the
messenger told hei that her enemy was
dead, she fairly danced for jo. She sent
down to the drvgoods store and got a lot of
crape, and getting a large American flat:
she embroidered it aji around with black,
and when the job was finished she flung it
to the breeze out' of her front window
-lie took no pains to conceal from Iter
neighbors the fact that she was cclebratinu
the dealt) of Mrs. Shultz. Then the neigh
bors became Indignant and vowed yenge-
.mee on the Schulchiiers. Uer sons kept a
grocery store and iliev backed their.uiothei
up in what she had done, b'lt they soon lie-
jan to tiiiil that nobody would huv any
thing of them,, so as financial ruin wit
staring them in the face, at the cud of three
da.vs Mrs. Sehluchner hauled down hei
The week has been an,exceedlngly llveh
one among the Republican politicians who
were preparing to take a hand in the In
auguration. It is marvelous where all tin'
money comes from, but it conies. The
clans turned out by hnudreds.and a swellei
looklug lot It would he hard to find. The
uniforms were unique, and there were high
white hats and white top-coats, patent
leather shoes, and buttonhole bouquets
There were dark Prince Albert coats and
fawn colored pants, white chokers and
high collars that almost cut off thelHieails
otoe wore ulsters with massive capes,
while others displayed their manly forms
m swallow tailed coates and lov cut vests
It was a very Democratic crowd; while
every one was as swell as swell could he
ili'ie was no putting on airs. The five
hundred heelers from Johnny O'Brien s-
Elahlh Assembly District cracked jokt s
Willi the silk slocking brigade led by Col
Ctugar, and made themselves eutirelx com
fortable and happy as happy could be;
and the Mike Daily lesion from Brookht
flanked bv the John Y ilelCuie battalion,
slmied Ihegloiy of the day, especially as It
wan knoun that it was John Y. MeKam
Alio pulled dow n the majority of Kings
Jounty, and by doing so rendered the elec
tion of Mr. Harrison possible.
I well recollect the departure of the elan
to Washington four years ago. Thcuuni
Democracy was then on top and Tauimaiit
was only a lemyle contingent. The Miki
ilurphy legion filled sixteen cars, and tin
eoimnlslar department alone had proven
der ami drink for an arm twice the size
I saw them depart gallant and cay, and at
the end of three da s I saw the return of
the shattered remnant, for one-half of
them came back upon their uppers. The-
Republicans goiback In much better shape.
Satuiday and Sunday were eventful day
for tlio rail mad people. Train afler train
rolled out but seemed to make very little
Impression on the crowd. At last the
were all provided for and got off, tliei
s iw the, great pageant and uot back. All
agreed t' It was a great show, but the
said liny had had all the inauguration the)
wanted and were well satisfied to get back
HaSrv Genet is slowly d Ing of a painful
llseaso which only makes his death a ques
lion of a few weeks. Many who luve en
teied on public life within the last ten yean.
may ask who Is Harrv Genet? You would
not have had to ask that question fourteei
or tilieen years ago. when Win. M. Tweed
as a power In the city and Prince Han
(ienet wore the largest of tlio tiger badges
on his coal and the costliest of diamonds on
hln maslve shirt front. The diamend ring
on his finger proclaimed lilin a prince of the
blood, and noonedlsputed his right to reign
(ia times were those for Prince Hal. If
he wanted money he had only to draw- his
check on the city treasury anil the money
came just the same as it- would fur the
autograph of a Vandrrbilt or a Gould
With the collapse of the Tweed ring Harrv
Genet became a fugitive from justice, and,
escaping the officers who arrested linn, lav
in nlillng for man weeks. He might have
escaped to Canada, as many other booiilers
have done, but life out of New York -for
him was only a living death, so at last he
surrendered himself and stood his trial; he
was convicted, but a merciful Judge.liistead
of sending him to Stale pi Ison committed
him to the penitentiaay.where all the keeji
ers and otlieers were his old-time friends
lhe cropped his head and shaved off ids
luxuriant mustache and compelled him to
don a convict l. striped suit, and lie matched
In the loekstep with thieves and murderers.
At last his time o.' Imprisonment ended and
ho had scaicely cast his convict's stripes
when some Indiscieet friends nominate!!
him foi the Legiilaiuie. He failed of elec
tion and opened a saloon; there was a rush
for a few days ami then the saloon became
bankrupt. Old friends whom he had a-,
shied in the day of ills power pas.'cd him
In unnoticed in (lie street and the InuMi-
lude bloke liW heart. Unfortunate specu
lations and false friend swept away the
hulk of Ids ill gotten gains and ho fell the
day of doom and retribution had come.
The ten iblu disease, cancer In the mouth,
attacked htm, and now, in suffering inde
scribable, ends a life that twenty vears ao
jiiomiieil lo be one of the ga-esl and mist
promising In this cav ami hus capital, iiis
fate should Ilea warning to all oiimj men.
Nature, did everyililu for him. Fortune
reached out her hand to aid hi in, hut ha
bartered ho(,e, lame and honor for the com-
ji&uloBihlp of sninsltrs ami lVl. B.
threw the chances uf life upon a single cast
for Ill-gotten gold and lost.
Another sad sight Is Henry S. Ives ahd
his partner Stayner In Ludlow street Jail.
A year ago Henry S. Ives had his town
house, his conn try hrnue, his yacht; ret Hi
ttes of fcrvants who waited his bidding; his
check was good for millions. Old-men rep
le.'cntlng the wealth and lionnr of tlio ell v
stood uncovered In the presence of this
stripling who In two short years had ilsen
from an humble clerkship to the Control of
thousands of miles of railroad, till all Wall
street ooked upon this oung Napoleon os
the only man who cotilil possibly down Jay
Gould. Ho had already effected a combi
nation that made the Little Wltzsrd trem
ble,"and the future seemed big with fate.
Wall street had Ferdinand Ward fast In
State prison, and hpre was another case
almost parallel to Ward's, lioth had started
on tlio same capllal cheek and both
created millions out of the same capita
tomcZ. And for wind and cheek Wall stieet,
Cincinnati, Ualtimorc,Ulileag'ojind St. Louis
laid down nearly twenty millions In solid
gnld. Just think of il! Hard fisted old
curmudgeons vho would pinch a p'llvcr dol
lar till thsy made the eagle squeal, unlocked
their strong boxes to this windy financier
and bade him help himself to all he wanted,
and he did. In two years the bubble burst
and now Henry S. Ives and his partner
Stayner aro lodged In Ludlow street jail
Willi the almost certain prospect of State
pilson before them.
And as if this was not enough for one
week, the town was startled with the Intel
ligence that Gen. Franz Slgel's son had
swindled the pension office, of which he
had charge, to the amount of thousands of
dollars. While there is no svmpath fell
for the swindler himself, the deepest and
most profound sympathy Is felt for Ills hon
ored father, who placed in him the utmost
confidence. For the past two or three vears
It appears that he has systematically vlolal ed
the law b extorting fees and forging names.
Should he be convicted on the counts now.
against him he would not get out of pilson
for a bundled and fifty years.
Truly jours,
r. o. s. of a.
Its Wonderful GuowTfi in Pernsyl
vania. The marvellous progress made b
this patriotic organization has no parallel
in the history of any other organization in
the Statu. During the year 18S8 one hun
dred and five (105) new camps were char
tered by the State Camp of Pcnns Ivania,
and during the months of .January and
February of the present year thirty more
have been chartered, located respectively as
follows: Camp No. 3S0 at Llttestown; No.
US7at Schwcnksvillc; No. 8S8 at Allegheny,
No. 380 at lirookville: No. 273 at Hatborn;
JsTi 800 at Millersbii.ig; No. 301 at Saegers
vllle; No. 302 at Luzerpe; No 393 at Dallas;
No. 304 at St. Cialrsville; No 305 at Clear
ville; No. 300 at Port Trevorton; No. 373
at Liverpool; Nd. 307 at Llmo Ilidge; No.
No. 308 at Emaus; No. 309 at, Brockport;
No. 400 at Gibson; No 401 at Hastings;
No. 402 at Bellevlew; Np. 403 at Kersey;
No. 401 at Everett; Nu 403 at Philadelphia;"
No. 40ti at Allentown; No 407 at Easton;
No. 408 at Wilkesbane: No. 409 at Coplay;
No. 410 at lowavllle; No. 411 at Dunbar;
No. 412 at ltaiusburg: No. 413 at Newville.
rim annual tabulated teport of State Sec
retary Win.Weand for the year ending Dec.
It. 18S8, uives lite following very llalleiing
exhibit of the progress of the order during
the year and its numerical and financial
condition up to that date. Propositions
luring the ear, 11,810; elect Ions, 11.2S7;
number of members Initiated, 10.054; ad
milled b card, 125; reinstated. 181 ; miiii
her of member Dec. 31. 1SSS, 31,507; hen
eiits paid during the year. 437,004.59; loml
receipts, 8218,14(1 51: exp-liditliles, $1&U,-
114.71 ; cash in treas'iiy, $84,240 77; Inves .
ed iu bonds, leal eslalo etc.. 210.2.Y? 17;
value of paraphernalia. $07,039 07; Iota
valuation, $302,140 01.
State Items.
In Berks county I lie hucksters at th
country vendues give a ill Ink of whUkey to
very man who buys a ten-cent oyster-soup.
Trinity Lutheran church, the oldest
difiee, in Reading, will be supplied with a
new bell weighing 3,500 pounds which will
lie the largest In that city.
Glmulon lion Works employees have
leinanded semi-monthly payments.
Flty emplojees of llie bildge deprl
merit of the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Eas-
ion have been discharged at:d fifty mom
rtill follow.
Allentown's city debt is $133,128 03.
Chas. Neff, of Philadelphia, has also
uhscrlbed $1,000 for Muhlenberg Col'ege
Hazleton ami Tainaqua are troubled
rt illi women chasers..
Daniel D.Wertman, residing near Lynn
poit, committed suicide b. hanging himself
to a tree near his home on Monday. Wen-
man was a farinrr and was highly respected
by all who knew him. The act Is attrihut
to financial embarrassment. Deceased was
45 years of age and leaves a widow and four
I'eter uaranovsltl, who Is to be bung
on lhe20lh iusl. at Pollsvllle, has addressed
iu the court an incoherent letter, In which
lie persists that he Is innocent of -'that hor
riblo deed" and asks the judge to send to
Galisla for his father.
William Hlgglns, alias Reilly, who shot
Edward Brown at St. Clair on March 2,
was sentenced to nine months' Imprison
nienl Tuesday at Poltsville.
John Greigar, who has been on trial at
Pottsville fur the homicide of Mike Katzen
baum, of Gradv's patch, on Januar.- 25,
was acquitted Tuesda ,
Peter Ecroth, a widely-known horse
man and owner of fast trotters, died Tues
day at Bethlehem, of parallels, aged 61
ears.. For tlie past fifteen yeais he has
trottei at state and county' fairs In Penn
s Ivania and New Jersey.
Our Western Magazine
The last number of the IPtif Short Magaitne
is one of much interest, Its nieilal engravings
and descriptions embracing the cities of Van
couver and romeioy, both In the new State ol
Washington, and Albany, one of the Ilntirlslihi
cities ot the Willamette valley. Vuneoiiver, on
the Lower Columbia, and roiiiei ov.ln tlio ratah.
reyioii. kouUi nt Huake river, arc typical roere-
seutatlves of those two w Idely diverse nt sectloi,
ot Washington, the heavily thnbeied and Mid
treeless pi-alrle, both of them extreme!) fertO
and attrai lliK many xitllerK. The number also
contains descriptive articles ot the Tillamook
region, Oregon, the Hkaiiit valley, Washington.
and the Salmon river iikIoii, Idahn.andaitlclt's
on the subject of uniln elevators, flsli nropag.
tlou, .-to. Ol special Interest Is the first hall of
a strong story or Mnrnioufiiii, entllli-d "Out of
Zlon," and tlit? flrt part of "A btory or the.
Klamath fii pioneer days. Accompanying the
number ts a large art supplement of Hotel Deunv,
made from the plans o the new hotil lo b
erected at heattle, the most striking piece ot
architecture on the P.ielfle roast Pulilklml hv
I. Siuiuel. Portland, Oregon, ut 2.w per year,
It you until to see a magazine tlut Is brim full
0( valuable Information about Oregon. Washing
ton, Idaho and Montana, nend ttntj-flve ceuts
fjr a sani.i.e copy.
The bowler takes naturally to a rolliaj
To Delinquents Only.
We have a number of subscribers on our
lists, to many of Whom we have sent bills,
for two, three or more years, we now again
rait their attention to the matter by mark
ing a blue 2C opposite tlio direction tab,
and earnestly request that they make an
Immediate response. The date on tlio tab
will show them just how mueh they one,
Jos, Pajquick mar7 85
shows that he ones from March 7, 18S5,
would be $4 00 up to Mm eh 7, 1880. Ollii.r
dates can be eompiuod In tlio same mail
er. Let us Ileal fi'dm you at. once by Pos
tal Xote or Mouev Order psjablo at the
Lehlghtun Post-olfiee.
H. V. MoitTitiMEit, Jr., Publisher,
December 1, 1883.
Tlio Soldiers' Orphnns' Schools.
The report of Inspector J nun M. Greer
on the. Suldleis' Orphans' School at McAl-
llstervllle, has been received at the Depart
ment of Public Instruction. After stalltip
hat the school "is in (irel-class condition,
with respect to food, clothing mid similar
arrangements, the Inspector savs:
"If this school must fall by reason of b id
management and bv Improper care and
reatment of the children, then not another-
Soldiers' Orphans' School In the State can
justly stand. To dlshar.d the school oil
account of the management "Would be tin
fairly discriminating again t It."
X'ucker lSidhto Uouils.
Before the loan which will fund the float
ing indcbtedteilness of Hie estate of Ass
Packer Is offered to the public a case tu lest
Its validity will lie prosecuted in the Sn
preme Court. If the Court determines ha'
the load Is legal about $4,000,000 of bond'
will be Hooted. As the debt is now carried
the notes are renewed quartern-, alTonHm;
note brokers a handsome commission. Tlib
will deprive the baolters of a considerable
Ituvollltloiuiry lilts.
John K. Kobeson, an old soldier, ol
Belyldere, N. J,, has in hts possessiui
what is said to be the ordinance of secess
ion passed bv the South Carolina. Conven
tion, with the autograph nlgnatures of all
the members. It is written on a largi
parchment roll.
file rock to which a chain was attached
during tlia war of the Revolution- to pre
vent vessels going up the Hudson rlyer.
will have to bo lemoyed In making excava
tlons for the Pceksklll In Idee iu tlio High
lands. It will be taken out entire ami pn -
served at either ll'i t Point, Newbuig, ir
In rooms of the Historica. Scclcty in New
A proposition has been made to tin
citizens of Allentown by the proprietors of
the Iowa Barb Wire works lo erect a steel
rod mill to be operated in connection with
their wire mill. They would thus bo en
abled to i oil ihelr own rods, Instead of in .
porting them from Germany. It UJptopoM d
to raise $50,000, for which a first moHgam ,
bearing 0 per cent luleiest, will be given.
Lewis JoimB iu, a dunkv-fiued hon of tie
air und tmuny south, who for three yea-
st has lireu n ooaeMiian Tor one Alb
FerxtiKon of Renditii. o i WedtitMlny lnpi
uli .Iih .Lizzie JtlrUuvr, u beautiful He'
C'lUipllshcd while girl Jnhnwin ii
i-i '- I m -ii. ."(I liviliu vith ll wi.
and family at N'o. 2) 1 Grienw uvi street
it .ii.., ovmuijj. when tm induced lo-r i
i-it u lieu idior. While Hho w, h gone h
m v. -i -l Ida elo.hing fr- iu the t.mih.
izzie Hnlliier b loi g in .a well to do l.m
is in ner hte.oud i-cp de. Job
hon is very nil. pook-niiirk d and dirk ,
i... 11 It'll without a C'lit. iinil te.
dren erunu for loon. il- the out
family are mri-bVi keu Ever tffirt in
,r ! o. inn tu nte t - cap'ure tin pair, w
mi i - tn leiVH 'Mid nt l-.-i
New Advertisements,
Absolutely Pure.
Tills powder never varies. A marvel of purity.
sticngth ana wliolesoineness. Move economical
than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold hi
eontnetlllnn u-ltli the tnnttiliiiln i,r inw .i.n. .
"i-iKiii. uiiiui or ouosiuiaie powoers. tiold only
Wall Street K. Y.
. .......i tunuci V Ull IiailV. lIKi
auit I
Sure Cure tor Couzlis. Colds. Consumption,
lloaiseness. Sore 1 bloat and all dlsrases of the
llrouclilal Orgtin. Thousand can lestiry as lo
Its etllcleucv. l'rlco-25 and ouu.
For sale by all Druggists. febts-so-yi
CarlM Advocate
Ami get all the latest news,
including interesting New
York und Washington let
'ers. You bitter join me.
It Is the cheapest, largest
ami UKST weekly paper In
the Lehluii Valley. Try it.
Only $1 a Vear.
1,100 !
, "
A kinr; once summoned his three sons,
And thus addressed the anxious ones :
"Go forth, my sons, through all the earth
And search for articles of worth ;
Then he who brings the choicest thing,
Shall in my stead be crowned as king."
In one year's time again they meet,
And kneel before the so'vereign's fect :
And as with gracious outstretched hand,
He welcomed home the youthful band,
He natural eagerness expressed,
To see the objects of their quest.
The first such lustrous pearls displays,
That every tongue is loud in praise.
So white, the snow-flakes on their way
Compared to them arc dull and gray.
The next a diamond more pure,
And larger than the Koh-i-noor,
That shone with such a brilliant light,
The sunbeams, shamed, withdrew from
There are many white soapsi each represented to be "Just as good as the' Ivory' j"
they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities
of the genuine,' Ask tor "Ivory" Soap and insist upon getting it.
Copyright, 1SSG, by Procter iSt Gamble.
ider for sale a large quantity of Sawed Lumber
it extraordinary low prices.
.-,000 feet Yellow Pine Flooring.
.0,000 feet White I'lim Hoards.
0.000 feet Hemlock Hoards.
10,000 feet Hemlock Scantling.
v large lot of 2 Inch Yellow Plnj&P.lank.
suitable- for pavements or sidewalks.
lot of first-class 2 inch Yellow Pine
Plank, for threshing floors.or bridges.
lot of Oak Plank, &c. &c.
This Lumber will be sold fully 2." pei
cut cheaper than it can be obtained else-
here. Call on or address
ON, I'cnlia., at the close ol business, Fibru
ry 20, 18M.
o.iiis and Discounts Sllfi.Rfs It
.cidrafts Secured and Uuseeiiud.... - JS.6
. S. lionds tosecuie clrculallnn 20,0ou in
iher storks, bunds and mortgages. . . . 3l,tw o
me from approved reserve agculs 1 l,(W8
ue nun other National Hanks , 3,yi v
in; from Stale and Itaukeis..., 71.1 7
fill estate, iirinturoslud fixtures 8,dV7 s.
iiri enl-xpenses and taxes paid ,. BUS l-
'euihmis paid 77,;m'
iceks and other cash Hems ISO 1
il.s of other Hanks P.lal
actional paper currency, nickel?, and
cents ti c
icele... , , 0,417 Ol
-iral leudei notes ,. fl.lto (H)
"leiiiplion fund with U. H. Treasurer
(5 per cent, circulation) aoo 00
Total 5224,0(14 51
"aiiltal stock paid iu 75.000 00
ui-iilu- fund.,. , 7,4(io oo
udivldcd profits t .(a 34
allomt! liunk notes outstanding 18,000 no
mideiulsitnpdd ess oo
IndlvldiialdeposltssiiUjectlochcck ... 117,000 ni
ertitled checks 7404
.'ashlers cheeks outstanding 7011 o
ue to other National Hanks 3,270 3.
;ue to State Banks und Hunkers ICO 32
Total S221.001 51
Count v ok Cauho.v, f"3,
T, W.W. Ilowniaii, Cashier ot the above-named
It ink, do solemnly swear that the above slmenienl
Is truo to the best of my knowledge and belief.
V. W. Howman, Cashier,
Subscribed and sworn lo before me thls4th day
of March, 1889.
' IIOUACR llHVDT, N. 1".
ComiKUT Attfst :
il. F. IIOFFOUO, 1
J. G. Zkkn, S-Dlrectors.
A. J. Duiimno, I
March 0. tSS9.
Dissolution of FartnersblD.
Notice li hereby Riven that the partnership
heretofore exisdhiK Iniween H. G. ZlJItX nnd A.
F. SNYDRIt, cluing business miner the firm
name of ZKJtK & MNYDKIt, In the borough or
1-hlKlitnn, Carbon county, l'a., Is tills day
(March 1st, !&,9,) dissolved bv mutual rntisciif.
i'cI'soiih hnvlnir claims and those owhn; said
firm will settle the same with 1!. (i. ZliltN, who
ivlllconthuie the business at the eld stand
Opera House l)loeU-ln said borough of l.clilnh
toit. K. G. ZHUN.
, A. F. SNYDl!!;.
March i,tsso-t w
The unilerslaned offers his Farm, situate on
the public mad leading from U'hlgnliin to Tn
iuaiiia. In Miihouliig Township, Cailiiui
eoiinty, l'a., pi Ivatu sM. The Fin in cont.inii,
TUN ACIIKS, all cleared and under a high s'ali
of cultivation, llie iuipinienicnts me a Two
im.l n lltiir Sllrtrv Plai.V l,.ullt,... II..... A MA..,i
feet with Frame Klti ln-n nnd poieh alliiched
iiJiiu awi ieei uiiiiiiii iiei-esary ouiiuiuiiiug.
ull new. Applvio
NA UAS KUINSMITH nil Frenilses,
fei.ta. iw Or at lhla UfDiM.
11 I.Kit lf
ami Fringes, Curtain
Polos and ( Inti its,
See 'our Elegant GUT PAPEh
at .5c. Per Roll
Call 'aiid ti e us. No trouble to show i o tin.
whether you buy or not. Our lime U jour .1 ue.
Paper II. uiKlnir, House ami Hign l'alniint'.
Graining and nil kind of (Hiding Uorkexeruti-il
111 the vei y best maimer ai.d at the lowskt rates
III! 111.11 rllll.
To Whom it May Concern.
AH persons are hcri bi torhid nicdulhig with
any Of tlio lu-ilielinlil rurnlture now in uiuwes- uf .'nnatll.1l, KI.Mur 1 utllf.!,,.... nallia. ma
Is my prouertyaud is loaned to Lliu during roy
Jacoii (,'ANrz.
JJr 14, ts
Wkt f aa.
'Twas hard to choose between the two,
The monarch knew not what to do.
The third is standing calmly there;
Now, with a half triumphant air
And smile of confidence and hope,
He shows a cake of Ivory Soap,
So peerless in its purity,
That dirt, alarmed, takes wings to fly.
The old king, asit meets his sight,
Grasps it, and cries in wild delight:
" No more confusion or dismay,
No more cold meals on washing day.
Subjects ! my youngest son obey,
The Ivory Soap has won the day."
SJP.TflnlM Ool1 V4lch.TTTlTl
iM fur Qt&w. L Il 11
fit 145 wit Hi tn tut world, pn in
ii feet timekeeper. V r-JL XLUL1
v rimeJ. Ilearjr Soliil Uol4
tllunilngCaftCK. Bcih UdleV
Jind gtnti' lilt , with works
tnd cf ot mail Vila,
i One I'crmn foch 1
Mltlr can aecurt ona (Yea.
(father with our Urpeandval
Lhla Una of Xlnuielioltl
Bfimplc. Thraataoiplat,
eil IIW WWn, Tf Kill
r - and after vou faara ken I
(ham In yeor hTne for 3 months and ah own ihem lo lkoi
vrbo may htvt cilltd, ihejr be eoma rour own proparty. Tho
Tfbo writ at one can bo tura of recelvlna; lha ntcH
Md Samples. Weray HI epM. fWlrtt.eta Addrea
tit!usonfe Co., lux 81CJLurllaudiMiUno.
Competent workmen sent to any part of
the count). -
HEADquAirmis Fort
Wail Papers. Borders ft Decorations
lirgc assortment, and the latest styles.
Books, Stationery, Fancy Goods
All grades. shade mnkhur nun ruittliijt up
piuiiiptly attended to.
Paints, Oil, Vnrnisli, Putty
Brushes '& general Painters'
No. 61 Broadway Mancb ClimiL Pa-
Itelow the Ilroarl aj Houih,
The unrleisleneil announces lo the
citizens of Lfliightoh and tlio suiroundlni:
country that lie lias opened a shop for the
Repair of
Machinery !
Such as Agricultural Implements, Sharpen
ing l.nun Mowers, Grinding Planer Knives,
Paper Cutter Knives, Scissors, &c. ; Steam Fit
ling and Pinup Worlc.amt lnauufiictHiIug Grain
Fans, Farm Hollers, Hoot Cutters, &c.
All work guaranteed at the lowest prices.
In Rear of Gahel's Hardware
Aprils. ly
Insolvent Debtors Notice
Notice Is hereby given that CUAIILES SOI.DT.
of SI,ATIXGTON,l.chlgh county, I'ennslyvanla.
has applied to.tho Court of Common Pleas for
tlio County of Carbon, for the benefit of the In
solvent of the Commonwealth ot Pennsyl
vania, and that, the said Court lias appointed
thcSi:cXI) MONDAY OF Al'Iilf,. A I). 1830.
at TWO O'CLOCK 1 M., for the final hearing
on sahl petition, at.tlie Court House, m toe Ilor
nugh uf Mauch Chunk, In said Counlyol Cubon,
when and where the creditors of the said Chailes
Soldt may attend It they think proper, and show
e insi-. If any lliey have, why he the said Charles
Si ldt shall not be discharged.
aitust: CIIAI!f.i:3 S LDT.
Uko. W. Fshki!, Prolhonutary.
Muich 0, 188).
lrany dealer says lio has the Y. I.. Jlonffla
Shoos without uume. and prleo stauipedT oi
tho bottom, put him down as a fraud.
Tteat In the svorld. Einmlnn hi
S5.oo ii:nuini: lIAfl-sml!:n mioe.
H.I..10 l'Or.K.i; AND I'A KM lilth' 8UOB.
WOltltlNOJIAN'S hllOH.
B.OO and llOVb SCllOOT. S 110X3
Ail nuue - l ODjrrcss, A,uuoa Uq iac.
rt nrniorlal. IIt Strle. Best PlUiaR.
it not wiU by yonr dealer, write .
.1 MEHRKAM & SON, Apts,
WJS Niel
Opera House Block,
In order to inakc some importaint
ehanges iu our business, we have decided
to move a portion of our stock quickly by
commencing a geaeral reduction sale to
continue until . urch 15th, 1889.
Carpets, Rugs, Mats, Matting,
Floor Oil Cloths, Win
dow Shades,
and everything belonjriRS to the above line
of goods at and below cost prices. Thi
makes the price now
On Hody Brussels 90 cents, yps
On Body Brussels 80 cents, was $1 00,
On Tapestry Brussels 75 cents, was 90 cents.
On Tapestry Brussels 50 cents, was 65 cents.
On Ingrain Brusseli 50 cents, was -65 cents.
On hipruin 40 cents, was 50 cents.
On Ingrain 30 cents, was 40 cents.
On Rug 50 cents, was 65 cents.
On Rag 30 cents, was 40 cents.
On Jute 18 cents, was 25 cents.
Floor Oil Cloths and Window Shades at corresponding low prices.
We also offer special prices on a great many goods in our lines f
and Men's Wear of Every Discription.
We do this in order to make room for our Spring Stock
of Goods for which we are now placing our orders.
Call examine goods and prices, you will save money if ia
need of anything in our line of goods, by doing so.
Opera House
You will rertainfy find it to your advantage to buy where yw
have the largest, cheapest, beat and newest stock of
to select from. That place will
certainly be at
Opposite the Valley Round House, North Bank Street.
Make it a point to see the celebrated uIrving Range" before par
chasing any other. All makes and grades of heaters oa ha4
and furnished at short notice and at exceedingly low prices,
New Roller Mill.
The underftlsnetl liaj charmed his MILL t the
HOI.I.Eit l'KOCKSS, und U noir prepared K do
either by OIUNniNO EVEllY CUKTOMKR'8
O iVN WIIKAT or by 15XCIIANOING villi those
who come from a distance.
All Work Guaranteed.
The patronage ot the public Is rery reipecttul
ly solicited.
The Mill will be Started up by
about January 21st, 1889.
Glre us a trial.
Jan. 10-ni3
To fflioin it May Concern.
All psnons aro In r.-hy furbtd meddling ivlth a
BAY HOItHK, srillNtl WAliON and bCT OK
II VHNKS.S by tho iiiidcrxlKnod to JOHN
W. KOONH, ot I'-ackeiton. duilni: my lilcasurc,
ns the Mine U my liroiieit!'. J. ti. zISUN,
Fcbio, iMj-siv Welsspui t, l'a.
New Liveryl Feed Store
1 I.EOrOI.D MRVKltH reiiH-ctlully liifoiim the
people of rarkertnn mid lctnll Diut he lia Just
opened a I.IVUHV 8TAIII.H. on niiAVKIt St.,
where prisma can be supplied with (iood, Hafe
, Tennis either tor l inienif. Weddliii; or fur llaid
Ior rnniows nt very lnet lt.ue. Ini'oniiec
llou tlierenlih he has hNo In tn k the very let
bruiiU of 1'I.OUK and TKCU, ivhlch he will
I sell at Ixjuest l'rices.
I Attention, Builders!
1 The nndersljrned is ulill wuiklnj tho DOLON
RTO.NT. QUAICItY, und Is tn U.ply, nt
&hoilust iiotlceiuiil at lowest 1'rkva, ik-isou
Mliodeslro llh (!OOI) STOXK for I1UILDIM1
1'Ulil'OSIi.S. Call unit lncct the ritneos and
learn 1'rtces triors iiurchaslng eUewheie.
Wri anl i dtvM
.Late Zern & Snyder,
ook Here I
a year. More local
than any other paper.
ftespfctlully announces to Iht public that hs kM
opened a NKW L1VKRY 8TA11I.K, and that k to
nw prepared to furnish Teams fer Fanerali,
Wedd'nci or Dullness Trips en the iharUst
tlce anil most liberal terms. Orders left at tUc
"Cartel; Horns" nlll rncelfe prompt atUnM.
bk rho ntel, Lthlghton. lirfti-
Esocutor's Notice.
Estate of NATHAN ZElOI.EIt, Deceased.
Letters teslnmentary on the liitata ot Nathan
Zlcglcr, late ot the norough of Lehlghton, Car
bon county, Ta., deceased, bar been granted
to Thomas Zeluler, residing iu said bornusli, te
whom all persons Indebted to the said estate ar
requested to make Immediate payment, and all
those having legal claims or demands against
the estate ot the said decedent will make knona
tho name, without delas, to
Lehlghton, l'a., Jan. 31, IB&8-w
B a worth's Gallery,
Under Exchange Hotel, Lehlgliton.
Is the place to spend an hour or
two pleasantly shooting mark.
Persons will be instructed in the
art of markmanship.
Ed. Raworth, Manage?,