" Original Ohoap Cash Store.1' WE ARE KEEPING ABREAST With the Times ! yfe realize that tl6 horsugh f tahlghUn leodsd Inrge, Irst-clnia stoie, wheroa stock of iroslls would ho kept that would meet the want ot all. Desiring t keep abreast with the times, we kar built a store and put In It a stock ot goods nhtcn answer eery purpose. We brllere the time Is near at hand when "shots," (so-called stores.) with meagre stocks, ranging from f2,aco to (l.ooo in ralue, with CUEUIT riUCKS marked upon their goods, will net be patronize!. ' Notion Department. ' We are shswlig a stock ot BUTTONS In an almost endless assortment ot styles. Dress Ilattons range In prices from a oo.its up to 0 cents per dozen. Dry Goods Department. Our stock otHHEKTlNUS Is very largo and the prices are considerably lewer than at any prerlous time. Bleached and Unbleached in the. following widths i 42 Inch, (A Inch, 43 Inch, 64 Inch and St Inch. J. T. NUSBAUM, lank Street, Lchighton, Pa. JnnoT. 18M-J The Carbon Advocate SATURDAY. "TEBnUAIty 23. 1889 I.OOAL EVENTS OUT UP. Tha till at Jaim S. Lentz, Waster Car Bnlldsr of tb h. V, R. B., has been chanced ta that ef Superintendent of the Car Department. Mr. LnU has entire chars ef all tha cars and car (bops except the passes or ear shops at Seuth Easton and Delan. Far rolls and requisitions of the department will be mad by blm, and he will rtpert t Itobt. H. Sa re, the econd Ylce President. Joha S. Laats Is a resident af Lthighten and wa congratulate hlru hit elamlaa U responsible a sotltloa of trust and credit. rr tip our hat to Burgess Dlldlne SnTder. ef Parryrlllo boranjh. Theroters f that tewn were wis in electing ta so Ira partant a office a nan ef Mr. Snyder's ability, rarryvill owes aiuch to th go ahadattren, pnsta, pluck and enterprise of br asw burgess. May th littl burs threw ff th Istbargic spU that now holds her and raer forward prosperously under the w rule. OlT your nalghbsr a haloing hand bv recoraBeadiag hisa to keep Dr. Bull's UaT Strap la his family fr all tha Ills ! are subject to. Lazador, tha "relden" remedy for bowel wtansaeh eraplatat has achlartd a most hritllant success. It limlnatet the poison froas th bleed, searching, cleansing and purifying th whele tjstasa. It casts only 25 ceirt. At all druggists. Got. Beayer having on Friday signed th bill passed by th Legislature proyldlne for lb election ef constables aad asssssois in boronghs and townships for three years Instead of one year, as heretofore, candl date elected ta said offices n Tuesday, 18th will rye for said leagth of time. This act dots nat apply t ellies, aaly ta town hips and boroughs. If yau hay sal bills printed at this flic, yoa will not only says 10 to 20 per ceat, on th cost of th same, but also so car a notice af the time and place of sale aa oar 'TuHic Sal Register." The bene- ilt f this is incalcuabl becausJ.he Anvo a.tb has th largest circulation of any japer la th county. Don't forget this! Uessrs. B. J. Kaaat, J. W. ltaude lush aad Jeha Seabeldt, of tewn; Frank Young, Frank Ue.ter, Warren Beers, John Xrasslsr, George Dssh and A. C. Allam, ot 'Xartiumsptoa, will comprise a select party to attend tha Inauguration of Bresldent Harrison at Ifaihlngton on Jarch 4. Prof, Thomas U. Balllst, formtrly SaprintndBt af tha Schools of Carbon lactared before th Hartford county (Uast.,) Bducatioaal Association last Saturday as "What shall tha public sehaols UachT" Da set buy a washing machine until joa bay examined the Iaprared Anthony "Wajae Washer.tar sale by the Lehigh Coal A Hardware C. Sea their adTtrtlsameul In another colamn. If. PartOBS wishlag ta lmproye tbel Memories er stteagthea their power of attention should sead to Prof. Lolsette, 337 Fifth Aye., X. Y., for his prospectus post free, at adyertlsed in anthr cohtmu Fr Rent A coatforuble dwelling house aad str rocsa, new occupied by Joseph Webb, an' Bankway. Inquire of Dr. Delcamp, next doer. Alf. Kehrig, af Welssport, Is prepared to UaB cesspasls at Try reasonable prices, If yon need his services, address a postal to him at Wlssptt. tw Owing to a prest af advertising tnueh original aad iaUrettlag leeal news Is nn Ayoldably crowded out of this issae. Tha employes la I. S. Koch's clgai manufactory wsra treated to a la-key din' ntr n Tuesday by the genial proprietor, nir vaur teams fr funeral, business r plaasur trips frem Sbbsrt's popular livery on Nertk ttrt. Terms low Paper BTaagtrs, Painters and Dscara tor seat t any part of tha county by E. F. Xuckenbacb, Mauch Chunk, L. J. Halt will srect a double brick dwelling hous n his lot abeve th Semniel Tsldtnc en Lehigh street. Sheriff Rabenold has dlspottd of his valuable farm la Eldred township to Mrs. Alrln Hansmaa. Mrs. August ntakl, af Lehigh meet, It slowly convalescing from a long and tarloss Illness. Th new advertisement of Guth fc Sen, Allentown, offers attractive bargains. lea twelve inches in thickness Is being removed from Hcilman's dam. Councilman Ed. Schmidt of Leblgh street. Is yeri striously 111, - Full line of Ingrain and Brussels car pets at Y, Schwartz, on Bank street, tf Go to Yal. Schwartz's for all kinds ot furniture. Prices the lowest. D. S. Bock, the jeweler, will probably mot into JLieuckel s store loom. 1.1st of Letters. Bemalning uncalled for In the Lehigh ton, Pa., Post-Olllce, for tha week ending Feb, 10, 1889. Hollman, G, L. fehoch, Daniel, Thomas, T, It'. Zimmerman, Eltavesta Persons calling for any of the above latter will please say "advertised." James p. rjumr, P. M, Prohibition Convention. Th axecullve committee of the several organization! represented la the Stat Pro hibition Convention at Barrlsbcrg Monday grted that Jonn Fulton, of Johnstown, President of the Constitutional Amendment Association, call the eonventloh ta order. nd Jeihua L. Bally, of Philadelphia, was otnlnatsd for temporary president John Oetina will londuct tb eampalgn and it dlrsadr lacked nn ta a lh aaaa a ft VEISSPORT LETTER. Breosy Bitch of Kewi Itsms thai will Interest '' Advocate " Ileadeis All Atonnd, Miss Alda Marsh Is visiting friends at Rockdale. If you have Welstport, newt please send it In. A. B. Kast and famllr moved to lehlqhlon on Tuesday. Dr. A. P. Andreas' new dwelling house nearlng completion. Miss Lllile Laury, ot Maucli Chunk, spent Sundaj In town. Oliver Smojer Is convalescing from a severe pneumonic attack. -Jonas ilarkley, of the Philadelphia Mint, was at home over Sunday. Joslah Laury and wife, of Bethlehem, were nuests of C. W. Laury last week. Miss Annie Sewell, of Packerton, was visiting Mrs. R. J. Sowcll on Sunday. Miss Kate Barr has returned home to Ilazleton from a pleasant visit to Rev. S. U. Brown. Miss Etta Trainer, of Welssport, Is the nest of Miss Etta Kaiser. White llayeu Journal. Miss Llllla Koons lctl for Bethlehem on Tursda) where she Is the guest of Mrs. Eliza Weiss. Missionary services will be held In the Evangelical church on Sutldav. AH are cordially Invited to attend. We are sorry to note that the jovial Levi Horn Is confined to the houso with a severe attack of rheumatism. Chas. II. MacDaniel will go to Bethle hem and lake chatge of a bakery, and not to Wealherly as heretofore stated. Jacob Straussberger, the jolly res tauranter of While street, spent suverai lays with Daniel Graver at Wilke&barre last week. Messrs. Nusbaum & Culton, will open about April 1st In the room foruicrl oecuuled bv the "Orlalnal Cheap Cast Store." In Lehlihton, a confectionary store. A. A. natch and family moved to Eastoo on Monday, where they will make their future home. The "Stroller" echoes the wish of a large circle of friends in ex tending sincere wishes for health and pros perlty In the new place of residence. Soma time ago George Enzlcn's milk slslsli was tumbled over the bank near Georce Piatt's residence in Packerton township, and badly' broken. A bill for lamagss was presented to the Packerton District and recently he received a check for $15.80. Mrs. Zelgenfuss. of Union mil, who suffered a paralytic stroke several weeks ago, died Friday and was interred at Sny der's church in Towaniensing on Sunday. Deceased was aged about niiwty-two years and was a kind and effecllonata mother and wife. Her direct deacendeuts number one hundred and eight. Present Indications convince us that ltev. Brown, of our congregation and Rev. Ncwhart, ot Lebanon will be returned to thelrretpectlve congregations by conference it being the unanimous wish of all. Both geutlemen have made hosts of friends dur ing the past year and their reaopolnimeul will be to the satisfaction not only of the church but the people generally. The names of pupils who attended the public school every day for the month end ing Jan 30, are below appended: 11 lull School, J. M. Smith, principal Win. Mac- Daniel, W. Whlttlngham, Geo. Yundt. Willie Marsh, Frank MacDaniel, Rebecca Koons. Primary school, Miss A. Keer, teacher. Katie Zern, Lee Kuntz. Scott Ilelss, Ira Koons, Charles Albright, Charley Serfasa The Ladles Aid Society consisting of members of the Lutheran and Reformed church, organised some months ago, was was In session at the home of one of the members Wednesday, working away butilj converting Ieitghths of dress scuffs Into garments. Money coming In from this source Is used for church purpo es. It Is the intention of the society to hold a grand fair and festival sometime next month. We make this timely mention now so that our people can prepare themselves for the grand event. The following are the newly elected olBcers for the borough of Welssport: Con stable, Alfred Wbtttlnehatu; Judge of Election, W m. Hollinger; Inspector of Election, Wra. Reed; Councllmen, Joseph F. Fenner, Oliver F. Mojer; School 1)1 ree tors, Henry C. Trapp, 3 years, Solomon Dust, 1 tear; Assessor, Austin Bnyet; Assistant Assessors Milton Florv, Wm. Heed; Auditors, Milton Florv, 3 jears, V J. Klstler, 2 years; Overseer ot the Poor, George Moyer; Collector of Taxes, Samuel Welsh. The following are the newly elected officers for Franklin township: Judge of Election, L. B. Wagner; Inspector of Elec lion, Wm.F. Beaver; Justice of the Peace, C. A. Buck, Francis Kresce; Constable, Milton Setzer; Supervisors, Kit I an Blose, Jacob Uaydt; Oveiseeis of the Poor, Lewis Dreisbach, Daniel Krum; School Directors, T. F, Arner, Georg I.euckel; Tax Collec tor, MlllonSetzer; Assessor, W. II. Rrber Assistant Assessor, Georga Enzlan, Lewis Dreisbach; Auditors, Tilghman Drslsbach, Edward Dreisbach. Big Creek Items, Joseph Schwelblnz was tha guest of Mr. Albright on Sunday, Robert Bauchsptes was vlsting Mabon lug friends on Sunday. -George Buck, of North IFeluport, was in this viclnln nn r-aturdav. Henry Bauchspies was tha gaejt of F, Held, on Sunday. A fight came off between two young men at the Harrlty Hotel on Thursda; eve' nlng. Rev. J. S. Nwhart delivered hit fare well sermon on Sunday, in the Eveugelical church, to a large audience. Rev. Sleppicb filled the pulpit of Rev, riuber on Sunday in the St. Pauls church, He delivered a very Interesting serrnou It Is the talk that L. O. Boyer and Milton Kemerer, both received notices from tbe II hite Caps. ''Let them come,' says Milt, "I am ready." One of inillam Shoenberger'a black hrrses fell on tbe Ice last week and broke Its leg. Ue was relieved of his sufferlngi by a well directed gun shot. Two ot our girls bad a dispute the other day concerning a certain young fel low, and but for the timely interference of JB. a hair pulling match would have been lbs result. Yqtoo To Oar Many Customers wnd Friends, Wa with to denounce tbe base lie, clrcu Isted by torn; rival la business, that we have discontinued the manufacture of Fer tlllters. Wa wish it distinctly understood that we are here to stay and manufacture Our celebrated Pure Bon Fertilizer as heretofore. With increased facilities and long experience wa shall b able td glva yn still bttr goods at lower prices. a. abmu tav. LABOR'S BUSY HIVE. Intertttlns It-ms Gleaned for th) Ever Ens wcrli ct X.aB:r. The Ilcrsh Furnace will likely start up during March. The Lehigh Valley Railroad Company hat put In operation at the tunnel at ratten burg a stone crusliur, which docs tl.o work of twenty Dvo men. The Lehlgluv alley olTiclnls havo issued an order that no passenger can bo carried over the robd on freight trains except on special permit from' the superintendent's office. TheGlcndon Iron Company ordered all of its oro mines in Williams Township, Lehigh county, closed and the pumps und buildings removed, throwing fifty men out of employment. Vrcasurcr unit Purchasing AgentW. C. Alderson, of the Lehigh Valley Railroad, says the company's steel rail order for 188'J Is ut least us largo as for last year. I ho Beth lehem iron works gut the contract. Kaiton is booming, having secured a clock manufactory, n wood-turningestaLlish-ment, a boot mid sho factory, nn increased organ works, and now a party willies help in starting a into thread mill. Good fur Easton. Notice has been issued by the Pennsyi vunia ruilroud (hat hereafter any corpse shipped over its lines sliull ho accompanied by h health permit showing it to ha free from contagion, and that one first class ticket lull fair, will he required for a corpse, no matter what the age of deceased may be. While the railroad truck is a nice level place to walk upon and many people cIioohv it in preference to roads and palhwuyp nevertheless it is against the rules of the railroad company. Any person not In the employ of the railroad walking on the track is liable to prosecution for trespass, a rule that should he rigdly enforced ani many lives would be saved in consequence. A notice posted in the Glendon Iron Company's yards states that a general re duction of 12 per cent in wages will go in. to effect March 1st, and foundries and run chine shops in South Easton will be closed, It Is said that Hungarians will be employed, though this 1s not warranted )y what hat. open said by some of the bosses' who inti mate that overproduction In the iron market is thu cause. Cheap Carpets. Persons contemplating the purchase of carpets will act wisely if they first call on Keinerer & Schwartz, north Bank street, nd Inspect their large stock and learn tlir very low prices at which they are soiling the same all grades ami styles you are sura to be pleased. To Delinquents Only, We have a number of subscribers on our lists, to many of whom we have sent bills, fur two, three or morn years, we now again call their attention to the matter by mark In'g a blue 2C opposite the direction tali, aud earnestly request that they make ai Immediate response. The date on the tab will show them just bow much they owe, thus: Jos, Payquick mar7 83 shows that be owes from March 7, 18S5, would be $4.00 up to Jaich 7, 1839. Other dates can be computed in the same man ner. Let us heat from you at once by Pos tal Xote or Money Order payable at the Lehlghton Post-office. II. V. MoiiTiiiMEU, J rt., Publisher. December 1, 1888. Y. M. C. A. Convention. Lehigh District of the X. M. C. A met In convention at this place Saturday ami S'unlay. The following programme was carried out: Saturday at 10 A. M. In tbe Reformed burcli, the convention was opened by Mr. McGouan, of Reading, followed by tht election of picsident and secretary, whlcl tikes were rilled by Desh, of Macungie, and Mitzler, of Allentown, "What should bo the equipment of an Association in a small town," was the next topic which was rendered by Mr. Guman, of Macungie, in an able manner. "Tbe duties of an executive tecrctary,' and " How con the Association benefit railroad u en as u class," were the succeed tng topics dhcussed bv Rankin, of Allen lawn, and bchlt-gel, of Maucli Chunk. The second session was opeued at 1:30 P. M. In McGowan, with a "Bible Stud Work for Boys," "How ma- It be carried on to be made most effective," "Can ladles assist in the Association orU," and "llovt may we Increase the efficiency of our DIs trlct Organization," were produced b, Wells, of Readluc, Rankin, of Allentown aud Greaves of Lafayette College. The evening session was hold in the Lit therau church. The meeting was opened with song service, conducted by Mr. Allen of Lafayette College. The follow lug topics were thoroughly discussed by Bast, of Beth' lehetn, and James, of Adeulown: "Wlij should the Association meetings be formed only instead of for all classes." and "Why should the business men of the community support tbe Young Meu's Christian Asso ciation. " Sunday at U A. M, an interesting con secrutlon meeting was Held In the M. E, church which was led by the Stale Aseut of Ihe Y. M. C. A., Mr. Hans. After tbe consecration meeting delegates spoke in the Reformed, Evancellcal s,nd M E. churches of Lehlghton and tbe Evaugei leal vhurch of Welsaport. Sunday evening after the regular services of all the churches were oyer, a mass fare well meeting was held in the Reformed church. The church wat crowded to over flowing, many people having been turned from the doors. Many spicy speeches were made by tbe delegates on their experience of the convention. The meeting was closed by a farewell song, during which all th delegates and members of this Assoclttlon joined hands bidding their christian friends good-bye and tending theni home better prepared to aetve their Master.wbote spirit shone down upon them during the conven tlon. . W. D. C. Fublio Sal Itoglster, On Thursday March 7, at 1 o'clock, on the prepiles In North ICelssport, George Buck will sell valuable personal property viz, norm, carriages, farm Implements, etc. On the premies in Franklin twp., tbe ad mlnlstrators will sell real estate of Peter Krum, dee'd consisting of 31 acres. Sale commences at 1 o'clock, Saturday, March a, On March H and IS, on the premises In TwerTowameutlng, the administrators of lh lata Reuben Green, deceased, will tell valuable personal property, to-wlti liotses cows, pigs, tc On March 10, at ten o'clock a. v.. on th premises of the lata Jesse Krum. In M honing twp, tbe heirs will tell valuable personal propert y via. horses, cows, farm itois, giain, luruuure, ate. ifondar March 11, on premtiM near Kunaieiown, vatuaoia personal property, vu, cones, cows, ana wagon. m wvr j tlitmeat la aaathw aaltusat OPEN TO EVERYBODY". We do not hold ouiseHVs responsible for opin ions exiilrsseu iiuatr mis iieau. iciiu contributing articles mtist wilteon but one side ofpaprr, and sli 'n their name legibly, the latter not tor pulA Icatlon but as a matter otgood faith. Kunos. IVliHt Liberty will It AbollshT One of the pueuiuatlo dynamite Buns of tb pattern designed for th crulsorVesuvms as recently tried at Fart La Fayette and the result was eminent'., successful. The problem Is quit well solved In relation to coast aud harbor defences, judging from the opinions of some of our scientists as ell as from one of Uncle Jonathan a edit ors, the London Engineer, who comes out language as follows: "We may allow something for pardonable exaggeration anil till we have enough left to induce the be lief that Uncle Sam has got hold of a craft which an Iron clad would not care to fljht for the tun of the thing." We areevldenl making great strides in the Improvements of the day. Look for instance at our rail roads, steamboats, tcilegraph, telephone, the use of electricity, with many of our lesser Inventions adopted by the people and have proven beneficial to the community at large. But In the midst of all this we have a great cancer upon our body politic, me liquor licensing system, upon which there littl or no improvement, unless it should be high license, which wo think only makes the liquor traffic more powerful, degrading nd debasing In Its consequences and more Injurious to the community. Now whilst there, is so much of our treasure expended for Intoxicants every year, so many families ruined, so many heart-broken mothers eeping over their fallen sons who have become lnebreates through the use of alco holic drinks engendered by rum shops and ebasing lager beer saloons. Why do we uffer all this ? It it simply because we give people the power by law to llye at the expense of the morals of the public. Yes, e sign petitions for license, go bail for ruinsellers, become partners in their noto rious, and debasing practices. Now tbe question arises how aro we goicg to stop It? The remedy Is yery simple. Abolish our present ridiculous license laws, rote for the constitutional amendment on the 18th of June next. Some say that will bo throw ing away our liberty. Of course It will be tho means of abolishing the liberty that some people take, namely, of virtually taking the bread frm poor people's chll- Iran, clothing them in rags, compelling their moihem to toll at the wash tub to earn something to purchase coarse food to" sustain themselves and offspring. But what liberty will It abolish that Is beneficial to the communlnf 1 know of none. Are not all laws Intended to prohibit evil? Cer tainly they should bo. Oiheuvkb. Retrospect. Th borough election is over and a glance at the outcome brings te view some very stern facts. The Democrats were lenient nough and disinterested enough to sacri dee the best otHces for the sake of the Mugwumps. The Republicans certainly have reason to rejoice oyer the result. By upportlng the side show they had nothing o lose but all to gain, aud It's no marvel that the Republicans alwa'S know and regard tbe Democrats as being not "up to lime." A few hundred majority an'd tho best offices In the bands of the minority means Ireacuerv and lack of duty. The parly promoters are either treacherous nemselves or are loathe In tha trust Im posed. It's a pity that not ever, one who Is fc Democrat feels It Ills duty to suppott his party's ticket. Tbe Republicans always lo it. Why should not the Democrats ? 1'liey have the greater number to choose from aud consequently should hav as efficient nominees But tills coolness and Indifference must have lis cause. Some body is to blame. The organization seems lo be rotten at the core and at the tueicy ol those who belong to it for the sake of avarice. We cannot expect harmony and good results until treachery Is eradicated and the treacherous are deposed. A Democrat. Lehlghton, Feb. 22, 1889. Y. 31. C. A. Ito-organlzatUn. One result of the convention of trie Y. M. C. A., held in this place on Saturday and Sunday was the re-organization of the Association In this borough. On Monday evening a meeting was held in the Presby terlan church for this purpose, and after the adoption of a new constitution and by. laws, the names of some of the most prom neut business men of the town wer pre sented for nomination for a board of direc tors to serve during the year; the following gentlt men haying signified their willingness to serve were duly elected; F P. Lentz. from the Methodist church; W. E. Ash, from the Lutheran church; George Kemer er, from the Keformed church; Phllii Miller, from tbe Presbyterian church; W. W Bowmau, from the Evangelical church; M. O. Bryan, from- th Episcopal church, and Dr. W. G. M. Selple, from the Re formed church. One hundred and twelve dollars were raised In cash and subscrip tions for Association purposes. A ladles auxiliary will likely be organized on Tue&. (I a-. Mr. Rankin, secretary of th work In Allentown, has promised to ba preseut aud assist in effecting this work. c.s.tv, Don't Miss It. "Hearts of Oak" Is a play that is bound to please the masses. It has an abundance of comedy and ptthos, In fact there Is some tiling to suit all kinds of plat coers. It is well stated li Air. Heme s Cumrjanv. the special scenery being worth of special no tice, in ma lourtli act a baby Is the uroui inent cnaraeter and it truly is a wonderful Youngster. Although it had to undergo mucn rougii Handling it never uttered i souud, but through It alt looked dclhthted miss tvice who pla ed in part of Crystal is a pieasing aciress aim niaae a verv lavor able impression. Mr. Keenan was ver successful as Terry, and Phlueas Leach and . i. naric. as uwen uarroway and Uncle Dav respectively, are to be commended for careful Impersonations. The others in the cast did jusiitu to tbe characters assigned tntim. "tiearia or uak ' will ba repeated again tins evening. Lowell t imet. Don't miss seeing this play In the Opera House on Monday evening, for tha benefit of Polio I'oco Tribe of Red Men. Admis sion 60 and 73 cents. Vyanlba Taxpayers, Take Notice. Taxpayers of Franklin lownshlplnarrears for taxes for 1887-88 are respectful!' re queued :o liquidate the same on or before March 1, 1S80, or tbe various amounts will be placed In I be hands of a Justice of tbe I'eat lor collection. U. P. Levan, Tax Collector. W. U Klotz, Is now prepared to manufacture wheelbarrows or wagons at bis new factory near Buck's sawmill, Fine Run. Repairing dona cheaply. tf. Estimates furnlhed far all classes of work In my line E. F. Luckenbich, Maucb Chunk. "Othello" occupation' gon." II used to spend days aud nights cursing th fates and the rheumatism. Now be only lies down and laughs to think how eully he was cured by salvation Ull, at nets. Wm. H. Vaudfrford, Esq , Edltor-of the Democratic Advocate, Westminister, Md., writes, that be has used Dr. Bull's Congo svrup ana Know it to be poai rsediana, juty it. iTyis. ?tenist MAUCH CHUNK NEWS. Tlmelj Farasiaihi Picked tp an! Chroni cled by cor Eep:rter. Judge Strok was In Philadelphia this week. HHIIatu Thompson Is desirous of sell ing his Pleasant Corner farm. John Rader, of the second ward, is recovering from a serious Illness. -C. M. Kbrrt has disposed of his drug store to Belghe & Hess, of East Maucb Chunk. Jacob Richard, of East Maucli Chunk, is undergoing treatment at St. Luke's hos pital, South Bethlehem. It took Summit Hill until noon on Wednesday to return election results. As the new borough grows older the work will grow easier. The members of Washington Camp, 103, P. O. S.of A., appropriately celebrated the bit thday anniversary of George Wash ington Friday evening. -Miss Laura Hooycn, of Kast Mauch Chunk, will be married to Elmer Uassen, f Ashland, on February 28. Although a little early we extend congratulations. As wo predicted, the new law firm of Rapsher A Casstdy Is doing a large business, If the number of peoplo that go In and out of their office Is a fair criterion to judae by. At a meeting of tbe Crane Iron Com pany, held recently, fteauveau Borle, of Philadelphia, was elected to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Fisher Hazard, late of town. Tho Young Men's Christian Associa tion Is laid to be negotiating for th pur chase of R. Q. Butler's residence, the tame to be converted Into a reading room and library. -The Republicans of East Mauch Chunk had tbolr borough tickets printed on red paper. If this Is not prostituting the sacred rights of the ballot, will you pieaso tell us what Is? , An Investigation shows that the wife of Rev. Mr.Llndenstruth. of Mauch Chunk, who wa found dead in Philadelphia, com mitted suicide by taking poison. This was her second attempt. Ilazleton Speaker. -Jerry Dlmmick, of the second ward. was nominated by the Democrats for the office of constable. We mention this be cause as a county detective and court crier he is well known all over the county. Jerry was offered as a sacrifice, however, only receiving 07 votes. -The stockholders of the now, steam heating and light company assembled In meeting on Friday evening and elected tbe following directors: George Ruddle, Geo. Twining, A. W. Lelsenrlng, E. B. Lelsen- ring, Lafayette Lentz, Daniel Bertsch, Jonas Sondhelm, David Ross, Samuel II. Price, W. H. Stroh, Edgar Twining, C, A. Hex aud Leonard Yeager. Thus far $35,- 000 worth of stock has been taken towards the $40,000. It Is expected that the town will be illuminated during the early spring. The charter was granted by the Stat de partment last week. A Washington correspondent to tbe New York Sun, of Wednesday says in his report of congressional matters: The mst picturesque figure at prayers his morning was the Hon. Robert-Klotzof Pennsylvania. Mr. Klotz Is a well known brick manufacturer and an ex-member of Congress. He weighs mor than Judge Barnes of Georgia, and has a girth that ro- ca'.is the girth of the big trees of Calaveras. Some time after tbe prayer he tried to force his passage through an alslo on the Dem ocratic side of the House and got wedged In, to the great amusement of tbe ladies In the galleties. Afterward he spread sail in the Speaker's arena and held a confab with Chief Stenographer McElbon. Card of Thanks. George TF. Dlehl desires tho Carbon Advocate to extend hearty thanks to his numerous ft lends for the generous support tendered him In his election to tbe office of Assessor. For Sale or Kent. The undersigned offers his farm of 30 acres and 70 perches, 20 acres of which Is under a good state of cultivation, for sate or rent. The farm Is located one mile from Pleasant Corner. This is a rare chance. Call on or write, WILLIAM THOMPSON, Feb. 23 tf. Mauch Chunk, Pa. Urang. Conference Notes. Parryvllle and Mauch Chunk will re ceive new pastors. The E ist. Pa. Conference of the Evan gelical Association will meet at Potlsvllle on the 28th. lilshop Bowman, so well known here and a brother of W. W. Bow man, will be In attendance. -There are about one hundred and twenty ministers In the conference district. Many changes will be madd In the positions of tbe ministry. Rev. Brown, of Welssport, will be returned, It baying been so decided by the bead of conference. Tb Erangerlcat Association, This church originated In Pennsylvania A. D. 1800, tli rough the labors of Jacob Albright. From Its existence it has been orogresslve in Its missionary operations and has spread itself clear across tbe continent from shore to shore, and from beyond tbe great lakes on the noith to the Gulf of Mexico on tbe south. It has at present twenty-six conferences, of which twenty two are In tbe United States, one In the Dominion of Canada, one In Germany, one InSwilzerland and one in thu Sunrise King' dom (of Japan), two thousand five bun. died and sixtv-lbree ministers, upwards of one hundrsd and fitly thousand communi cants. Its episcopacy, publishers, editors, corresponding secretary ot tbe missionary society and presiding elders are quadrennl ally elective officers. The publishing bouse In the city of Cleveland, Ohio, is an Influ entlal auxiliary and from which emanates their religious publications. Two weeklv official papers, tbe CArtitKeAe Bot$chqfter. thu German organ, and has a circulation of about twenty-five thousand copies, and tbe Evangelical Menengtr that circulates over fifteen thousand copies are published there, Tbe annual session of tbe East Peonsyl vanla Conference, of which Rev, S. B. Brown, of Welssport, and Rev, J. S. New bart, of Lehlghton, are members, will con vene In tbe city of Pottsvllla on Thutsda) next, 28th Inst. To this conference belong one hundred aud twenty Itinerant and seventy-eight local preachers. Tbe examina tlons of applicants for llcenseand the junior preachers will commence on tbe Tuesday previous. BlthopThomaa Bowman, brother of W. W. Bowman, cashier of tb First Na tional Bank of Lehlghton, will preside tblt year. One presiding elder will ba elected to fill tbe vacancy occasioned by O. K. Fehr ot this (the Potlsvllle) district, who has been called away and promoted to the tnp crlntendsncy of the Orphans' Home at Flat Rock, Ohio, and many ministers of circuits missions and stations upon which tbey baye served for three years (which it tbelr long et limit) must pull up stakes and be sta tioned, altewber, wblch will raw & gmt :snjfaA.uet V PEOPLE TTIfOCOMB AND 0. Personal Oosttp about Fooplo wUo TU1I nd g-o b TlslUng. J, A. Smith, of Mauch Chunk, was In town oyer Sunday. IFIIIIam B. Romlg, of Bethlehem, was In town over Sunday. Miss Jennie Hughes, of South street, spent Sunday at Mauch Chunk, Frank Stuckley, of Mauch Chunk, was the guest of Harry Gerber over Sunday. Harry Hunslcker, of Reading, spent Sunday with relatives and friends In town Miss Carrie Tortx. of North Bank street, ssout Sunday with her parents at Lansford, Mrs. W. A. Peters and dauhter Gertie, spent Tuesday very pleasantly with friends at Allentown. P. F. Clark was in attendance at a bal maique of the Jolly Ten Club, Wilkes barre, on Thursday evening. Miss Hauls Graver retutned home on Tuesday evening from a pleasant visit to AI entown friends. Mr. Beans, of the United States Hotel, Slatlngton, was in town Tuesday and In spected the Carbon Houso stand. J. F. Werner, of Lansford, was In town on oustness Monday. While He was th guest of hts son L. A. Werner. Tbe genial Frank Rabenold, sheriff of Leblgh, circulated among hit many friends In town, on Wednesday, Frank Is looking well and Is a jolly as ever. Our old friend IPm. D. Blose.of Bow manstown, while In town on Thursday made us a pleasant call. Mr. Bloso is one of the Advocate's best paying subscribers. Frank Selberllnc, of the old John Weiss hostlery, Towaniensing, was In Philadelphia this weak attending the Eastern Pa., district court as a petit juror. Tuesday's Election. The borough election passed off very quietly with tho below appended result: BURQEB9, Minion Brichsrd, D M 3J3 O Ifsrry Bnwer, B Jij COUNCILMEN, William Zohner, D 203 William Waterbnr, D ; 307 If. It. KrelJler, It 17B Wm. 0. McCormlck, B 2gj SCHOOL DIRECTORS, Richard h. Koons. D sis O T. Horn, B- 308 B. J. Kunts, B....r. J2I William Belo!dt,.rt 232 JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Ii. M, Bsldler, D 240 F. Pierce Lents, Iud 25 CONSTABLE, Ed. B. Rtworth, D 343 L. A. Werner, R , 202 ASSESSOR, E II. Snyder, D 268 George- Diehl, R X ASSISTANT ASSESSORS, Charles Trainer, D A. P. Clau-i, D F. I. Smllh, K J. M.Fritsinger, R 309 292 241 221 COLLECTOR OF TAXES, M. C. Trexler, D 20 William Bcbtilel, R 283 OVER EER OF THE POOR, Prist Helm.D 308 Aaron Krum, It 238 JUDGE OF ELECTION, John Geggus, D , 300 r, A. uerman, l( 217 INSPECTOR OF ELECTION, James II. Esch.D 318 Frsnk Acker, R 223 AUDITOR, J. J- Kutj, D 324 Nothing In tbe AVlda World so Good. I was afflicted, with Kidney disease. Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, of Rondout, N. Y., I say it with a perfect recollection of all that was done for me besides, is the only thing that gave me permanent relief. I have recommended this medicine to many people for Kidney disease and they all agree in saying that It has not Its equal in the wide world for this complaint. Lyman Crawford, Druggist, Springfield, Mass. There are 32 cases of ecarlet fever at Shccnersville. A Reading hotel advertises "a (fraud sauerkraut luuch by request." J. F. Rupp, ot Reading, grows a new Japanese vegetable that Is yery much like egg plant. Two more of the gang of young girl pickpockets were arrested by the Reading police on Tuesday. Home Evidence No other preparation has won success at home equal to Hood's Sarsaparllla. In Lowell, Mass., where It Is made, It Is now, as It has been for years, tho leading medicine for purifying the blood, and toning and strengthening the system. This " good name at home" Is "a tower of strength abroad." It would require a volume to print all Lowell people have said In favor of Hood's Barsaparllla. Mr. Albert Estcs, living at 23 East Pine Street, Lowell, for 15 years Pooplo of Lowoll employed as boss carpenter by J. W. Bennett, president of the Erie Telephono Company, had a large running toro come on hit leg, which troubled blm a year, when ho began to take Hood's Sarsaparina, Tho sore soon grew less In slie, and In a short time disappeared. Jos. Dunphy,2l4Cen tral Street, Lowell, had PralSO swellings and lamps on bis face and neck, Hood's which nood's sarsapa- sarsaparilla rllla completely cured. 1 Mrs. C. W. Marriott, wife of the First As sistant Fire Engineer ot Lowell, says that for is years sho was troubled with stomach disorder and sick headache, which nothing relieved. The attacks came on every fort night, when she was obliged to take her bed, and was unable to endure any noise. She took Hood's Sarsaparilla, and after a tune tho attacks ceased entirely. Many more might be given had we room. On tbe recommendation ot people ot Lowell, who know us, ws ask you to try Hood's Sarsaparilla SotdbxtlldnigBUta. 81 1 tlx tor fJ. rnpwsdonly y a X. IIOOD CO., ApothtcuiM, LowyU, Mua. IOO Doses Ono Dollar Raworth's Gallery, Under Exchange Hotel, Lehlghton. Is the place to spend an hour or two pleasantly shooting mark Persons will be instructed in the art of markraanship. Ed, Ra worth, Manager. aSAHA.Id CZId Wtttk.' Km i im tf vrwltL rnc ?. ntu. i llatiuiaaT fa a Both AM ftm- sVMsH Witt WM1 Ud mt tMJMl ttM, mlj mm mmn tr. SO. IWI sMllist, M ft mis m iW pm. a4 4Asw m km ken mm ta yma kawM IV mim -o4 mwb tkM II 1 -ttjaasfsxam itWTIasBsBsVr--H IsiW sHMHssasaEL SBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBsT M II Willi SSBSBSBSBSBSBrSSBSBSBSB hi My Laura's hands are smooth and soft, I love to feel their touch; Yet how she keeps them so I oft . ; Have wondered very much. "Tis Ivory Soap," she archly cried, "I use no other spell, And as I clean all else beside, My hands improved as well." A WORD OF WARNING, rhere are many white soapj, each represented to be "Just as good at tho 'Ivory'i " they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of the genuine. Ask for " Ivory Soap and Insist upon getting It Oopyrlght, Use, by Proctir A Gamble. TOTE We .hare received a large and The very Latest Novelties in Stripes and Plaids. THE LINES Cambrics, American and Victoria Lawns, Linen de Swiss Lawns, Linen Lawns and Mulls Tf MTU & Sftlf 638 Hamilton Street, ALLENTOWN. OojobcrW 188S Anthony IMPROVED THOUSANDS IN USE. WASHES IN A QUARTER OF THE TIME THAI BY HAND. Is t ht.lth avr,th 10 wont vr m.o( will not Injur tht most dtllctta f.b'ic. t.iv to cl.in. nm washbotrd nt.d.d to compl.t washing can M cptratsa tr a cull OH D flUTCCn uunnnn 1 btuud t aa work if turd aeecrding to dirtctiotu, or money will bo rctuuded. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. ANTHONY WAYNE M'F'Q CO FORT WAYNE, 1ND. Or to our General Agents, Lehigh Goal & Hardware Go, LEHIGHTON, PA. Local agents wanted everywhere. We make a Specialty of Printing The Most Attractive Sale Bills at the lowest prices low competion, no matter how low. Our Public Sale Register. Persons having Sale y - oince secure a rree once. in our Sale Registry which alone is worth the price of the bills. Grand Remnant Sale! In view of an accumulation ot Remnants, and following sut our rigid policy of clearing out stock in order to keep fresh thiagt on ourcounters, and try if possible to carry no goods frqm seascn to another, we will offer for Rale a very large lot of Jfon nanta at prices that will make them go quick. Remnants ol Henriettas, Ladies' Casimers, Serges, Broad Cloths, Tricots, Cashmeres, Cheap Dress Goods, Shirtings, Ginghams, Also a lot of Dress Goods nsd reduced prices to close out. C. A. REX & BRO., Opposite Amorioan Hotel, MAUDE OHUNB; Pwaa. K001. choice line of White Goods. OF PLAIN English,- Inde, Nainsooks, are now Complete. Wayne WASHER. MOST PERFECT ON EARTH. vrm ult.t miehlns- 12 rears til. b'wllm. 5 tp 25 per cent, be Bills printed at this "sm -sax j Calicoes, Underwear, Muslins, Tickings, Buttons, Trimmings, Hoods, Ribbons, Hosiery, Trisot in the piece at gro&tly MIME.