The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, February 16, 1889, Image 3

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    " Original Ohoap Cash Storo."
Dedicatory Bargains.
This Is a good time to buy. Every de
partment Is filled with bargains. Head
these low prices:
Dnu Goods Department.
10 Inch fine Moire Silks at $1.20 per Yard.
Selling elsewhere at $1.05 and $1.75.
84 Inch Heay BelRes at 25 cents per
yard. Selling elsewhere at 35c. and 37c
38 Inch nll-wool Fancy Checked Dress
Cloths at 68c. per yard. Sellloz elsewhere
at 75c. per Yard.
Boot and Shoe Department.
Men's heavy choice Kip Boots, Sadie
Seamed at $1.85 per pair. Worth $2.40.
Men's heavy selected Kip Hoots, Sadie
seamed and tap soled, at $2.50 per pair.
Worth $3.25.
Men's extra heavy Kip Boots, Sadie
seamed and tap soled, at $2.05 per pair.
Worth $3 75.
Men's medium welcht. choice selected
Kip Boots, Sadie seamed and tap soled, at
ja.w. worm i.ou.
Opposite rublle Square, Bank Street, Lelilahton
The large and commodious store room
In Kusbaum's new building on Bank street
was uncomfortably crowded at periods dur
ing tho grand opening on Thursday evening
The Interior was nicely Illuminated, and
festooned with '.be American (lag. Tho
Arlon Hornet Baud occupied seats In the
rear of the lone storo room aud discoursed
beautiful selections while the fiftoeti hun
dred or more people partook of an appetiz
ing lunch and Inspected tho stupendous
dlsiilav of slanle goods and novelties. Vis-
Tltaely Paragiarhs ticked up and Chroni
cled fcy cur Eepsrter.
Coruinble Williams was at Weathcrlv
Thursday attending to ofllclal business.
Jonathan Kistler, of Lchlghton, shook
hands with Mauch Chttnkers on Monday
The nominating convention of tho Ke
publican party will be held Friday evening.
County Detective J. II. Dlmmlck was
itors. before dcnartlneTwero oreseuled with circulating 'round tho county on Saturday.
a beautiful souvenir. Tun Advocate ox- The Commissioners paid out during
i.....t. o,,nr.iiiUf Inn. m lb p. nrnnrlclor of 1888. $104.10 bounty for fox and wildcat
tho "Orlulnai Cheap Cash Store," and to scalps.
The Carbon Advocate
A Breezy Sntch of News Items that will
Intere tt " Advocate " Readeis All
Mrs. Male JJarr, of Ilazletoti, Is visit
ing the fanlly of Key. S. 11. Brown.
County Supt. Snyder, of Lehlghtou,
visited the poblir schools on Monday.
Charles Oouibcr, a litthtulncsllngcr of
Furnncs.was seeing f i lend her" on Sunday.
Sirs. 1'. T. Mack, of llinglmiiiirtoii, N.
T., Is visiting Sirs, Jacob Straussberger on
White street.
Letters still remain In the post office
half dozen clerks who did
gracefully wa tip our tile.
the honors so The large building In course of erection for Amanda Hover, U.
In Upper Mauch Chunk will be used as a Uriah stonier.
Sj. ITiiImnn, and
r-. rt.ntol iTnhni-llnv. re l et of the asu laciorv,
.... T.,.l nl..rllnn. n fw .l.v. since was uanici vtieruon, uosepn iibwk, iuiui
u,u """ft" """"""ft' r, .. rui 1 If a tLVIu.
...tlror, !.!, r,rnlv! nml now 1 es In a uarniy, oumi i ...., "..,.UJ
Forty persons wero received Into
membership at the Evangelical church on
Sunday evening, making a grand total of
sixty since the commencement of the re
yital services on New Year's night. The
protracted meetings still continue with
unabated interest, but are likely to close
during the coming week as the pastor.
ltev. J. S. Nowbart, will leave for confer
ence. At no time in the history of the
church In this town have the audiences
been so large and the seekers after faith so
numerous as daring the vast month.
Much of the success Is due to the strenuous
efforts of Rev. Kewhart to awaken sinners
to their true condition.
It Is talked of that John Arncr, of Now
Mahoning, is likely to go Into the nianu
fieuirlnir business at Allentown. He has
already completed negotiations fur the pur
chase of extensive buildings at that place
report says. Mr. Arner is the junior mem
ber of the Arm of A. Arnsr & Son, nianu
facturcrers of pure bone super-phosphate,
and should the report of his contemplated
removal prove true, New Mahoning and
Carbon county will loose a live business
man and a first-class Democrat.
The artesian well nas reached a depth
of oyer seven hundred feet. At six hnn
dred feet the well bad a supply of about
thirty barrels psr day. The increased
depth Increases the supply of water pro-
nortlonatelr. but does not come up to the
expectation of some of the stockholders and
citizens, who baye an Idea'that a steady
flow should result at the above depth. It
Is unnecessary for us to add that flowing
wells are not "struck' every day, however,
hope for the best, i
He was selettlng.profents for his girl
before Christmas. lie bought a- amber
comb, a box of caramels and a bottle of
Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, and showed him
self thereby a right sensible dude.
"Enterprises of great pith and mo
ment" are so engrossing the minds of men
that they neglect their own affairs and grow
old with pain, forgetting that a bottle of
Salvation Oil will cure all.
The Assessor of Lehigh ton has reported
four hundred and forty-six persons, resi
dents of the borough, as capable, of military
duty. And the Weatherly Ilerali says that
1b the whole "campoodle only one man Isn't
afraid of a bullet or a shot from the mouth
of a cannon." It strikes us painfully that
our brother pencil-shover handles the truth
very carelessly.
If you haye sale bills printed at this
olTflcs, you will not only save 10 to 20 vet
cent, on the cost of the same, but also se
cure a notice of the time and place of sale
in our "Public Sale Register." Tne bene
fit of this Is Incalculable because tho Advo
atk has the largest circulation of any
paper In the county. Don't forget this!
The Pennsylvania German lecture by
Rev. Schantz In the Lutheran church on
Thursday evening last was not a success
financially. The lecture was, however,
replete with Interest and Instruction and
lilghly appeclated by tho intelligent audi
ence present.
A very pleasant private social hop
came off at the Valley House, on Bankway,
Friday evening. The light fantastic toe
was skipped until the we sina' hours
aner.t the twal. ' Mine host Esch made
things yery agreeable for all present.
Aflss Lizzie Clymer, of the Clymer
Family, who on several occasions appeared
)o largo audiences In School Hall, died re
cently of consumption in South Carolina,
wblther she had gone for ber health.
Persons contemplating a pleasure or
business drive should not forget that
David Ebbert hires oat the best teams at
the lowest rates. Call at his livery on
North street.
A select party of IMssport and Le-
blghton young ladles and gents enjoyed
themselves In bat matque at' McDaniel's
hnjtlery, Pleasant Corner, on Tuesday
e ing.
The genial freigh despatchcr at Afalion.
ing siding, Com ad Walters Is the happy
dad of a bright and bouncing daughter.
May the little one live long and happily.
W. n. Klotz, Is now prepared to
manufacture wheelbarrows or wagons at
his new factory near Buck's sawmill, Pine
Run Repairing done cheaply. tf.
Alf. Rehrlg, of Weissport, Is prepared
to eleae cesspnels at very reaionable prices.
If you need his services, addruss a postal to
Taint at Wetsspoit. tw
Guth & Son, the popular Allentow n
merchants, make their advertisement at
tractive this week by offering unhoard if
bargains lr quilts.
Tl e public school property of this bor
ougb, according to the valuation of 1633, is
estimated at 33,wu. comment Is un
.Messrs. J, L. Oabel and Ed. Schmidt
are the retiring councilman. Both have
made good public servants.
All classes of shade goods, Hollands,
double faced and trimmings at Luckenbach'
Mauch Chunk.
The wife of Leopld Meyers, of Packer
ton, is reported as being seriously 111 with
For carpets, and eyerythlneln the fur
niture line call on Keuieror tfc Swartz, North
Bank street.
See Kemerer it Swartz's fine assort-
mint of oil paintings. Prices the lowest,
- Full line of Ingrain and Brussels car
pets at V, Schwartz, on Bank street, tf
Go to Val. Schwartz's for all kinds ot
furniture. Prices the lowest.
IPinter begins Dm. 21, and lasts 03
Washington's birthday next Friday,
tipilog bsglns March 21st,
precarious condition at the homo of her
daughter, Jrs. J. L. Gabcl, on South
Bank street. Mrs. Heberllng has reached
the ripe old age of four score years, tue
greater number of which have been spent
In this Immediate vicinity. She Is a faith
ful disciple of tho Allwlse Ruler and a con
sistent cominulcant. She Is tho mother of
Mrs. Frank P. temme), of town, Mrs. Dr.
Balllet, of Lehigh county, Mrs. Benj.
Bertolelto, of Philadelphia, and James,
Daniel and Thomas Heberllng, of Mauch
Thu Wm. n. J. Wilson Concert Co.,
gayo one of their musical entertainments
In the Opera House on Monday evening to
a fair sized audience. Mr. Wilson, the
great whistling wonder, won the hearts of
all by ihe charming manner In which he
whistled several of the popular melodies of
the day, notably among which was "Then
You'll Remember Me," and the audience
certainly will white the entrancing strains
linger with them.
Whatever tends to diminish etieugth
should bo removed from the system. For
those weakening diseases of babjbood
colic, diarrhoea, etc,, use Dr. Bull's Baby
Syrup, which always cures.
For functional disorders of the stomi
ach, liver or bowels uso Laxador, the safest
and surest reined. that can be employed.
Price bnly 25 cents.
The political parly that nominates a good
man for constable at the conventions to
nlgbt and to-morrow night will be serving
the Interests of the peoplo and not party
alone. Of the two men nominated the best
one should be elected. It will be to the
credit of the town In the end.
Three Packerton young fellows hired a
team at Meyers' Hvcrv a few davs ago for a
drive out Into the country. On their return
home the carriage accidentally (?) upset.
Expenses incurred,$25; divided up amongst
the genial Leopold, tho horse, doctor and
the harness maker.
Jones & Suioyer, tho Bethlehem hone-
men, have been located at the Exchange
Hotel stables during the past few weeks
with a number of "blooded" horses. Thus
far they have made a number of "deals'
satisfactory to themselves and the second
Clauss s Bro., the popular tailors, are
showing an extensive line of seasonable
goods forsprlng'wear. Counters and shelves
are loaded down with fashionable textures
which, It strikes us, It will pay you to In
Do not buy a washing machine until
you hava examined the Improved Anthony
Wayne Washer.tor sale by the Lehigh Coal
& nardwaro Co. See their advertisement
In another column. tf.
The "Buzzards" of Carbon Castle. K.
G. E., of town, expect shortly to go to
Tamaqua, where they will initiate Golden
Eagles of that place into the mysteries ot
tho dearee..,
The nominating convention of the
Republican party will be held at the Ex
change Hotel on Saturday evening. All
Republicans are expected to ba present
The fiiictselecllon of weddlngpresents
over exhibited In Carbon county can be
seen displayed in the jewelry store of E. U,
Hohl, Mauch Chunk.
For a handsome line of wall papers
and decoration; at low prices, go to Luck
enbich's, Mauch Chunk
All the latest designs in wedding rings
at E. II. nolil's Popular Jewelry Store,
Mauch Chunk.
D. S. Bock, the jeweler, will probably
move Into Leuckcl's storo room
are the only prisoners eonnneu in tne
county jail.
W. R. Blackman Division Order of
Railroad Telegraphers was organized In
Concert nail on Sunday afternoon with
about fifty charter members.
John Welsh, a brakeman on tho Cen
tral Railroad, residing here, was killed at
Bergen Point while coupling cars on Thurs
day afternoon of last week.
Mrs. Harry Packer, relict of the late
Judge Packer, left for New York on Wed
nesday, from whero sbo will sail Monday
for Liverpool. She will be absent two years,
During the year 1888 Carbon county
paid $103.31 for boarding prisoners In the
Eastern penitentiary; for the same year
$012.00 was paid to the Danville Inauo
Asylum for treating our insane.'
It Is given out among hotel men hero
that Jonathan Kistler, of Lehlghton, will
have charge of the Wahnetah Hotel at Glen
Onoko during the coming season. Mr.
Kistler Is an expenenced hotel man and
would no doubt run the resort with profit.
The voters of Mauch Chunk do not
elect a mayor, but like Weissport, throw
the selection of so Important an official into
the hands of the town council. The county
seat Is progressive, but until the method of
electing our high lord major is changed,
there will be a sprag In the whoel ot go-aheadativeness.
St. Patrick's day will be appropriately
observed by the holding of a big parade
under the auspices of the St. Alvsious
Temperance Society on Saturday afternoon,
March 10. In the evening the Catholic
Lyceum will hold a public meeting at which
leading members of the Carbon County Bar
and prominent speakers from abroad will
bo present.
In 1873 Carbon county voted 2314 for
license against 0G3 for local option. The
vote of the county has doubled several
limes since 1873, but It Is very likely that
the vote, will stand proportionately similar,
The several Catholic total abstinence socle
ties may have some effect ontbeieault, but
the fact that their newspaper organ opposes
the measure, makes the position they will
lake uncertain.
George Miller, of Weatherly, the Dcm
ocratic candidate for Poor Director, circu
lated In town this week. Of him the Ha-
zleton Plain Speaker recently remarked
'He Is liberal in mind, liberal In character
and liberal In all his business dealings, just
the right kind of a man to placo Into the
position of providing for the wants of the
unfortunate poor of our region and at the
same time safely and economically manage
the business affairs connected with the in
stitution in Laurjtown.1'
The County Commissioners have called
In all the old assessment books and will
compel all the assessors to make the new
triennial assessments on persoual Inspec
tion of property. For a number of years
past the assessed valuation of properties
has been copied from one book to another,
regardless of Increased or depreciated value.
and the assessors would put in charges fo;
work which, In reality, they never did
Under the new order of things this will be
done away with, and when assessors receive
pay for twenty, thirty or forty days' work,
thoy will be more legitimately entitled to It
Election Tickets printed at this office
while ou wait. Wo have two presses es
pecially for this purpose, and good, active
boys to run.lhem. We want to print more
tickets than ever before, so we will bring
prices down to tho lowest figures. Com
mlttees will do well to leave their orders
with us. Low prices, good woik and sat
isfaction guaranteed.
Y. 91. C. A. C.nyentlon.
The Convention of the Young Men's
Christian Association, to commence to-day
(Saturday), will hold Its business sessions
in the Reformed church. Tho morning
session will commence at 10 o'clock, Rev,
Reber, pastor of the Reformed church, de
livering the address of welcome to the del
egates assembled from Schuylkill, Berks,
Northampton. Lehigh and Carbon counties.
The afternoon session will commence at
1 : SO o'clock. In the evening at 7: 30 o'clock
meeting will be held In the Lutheran
church. Everybody is Invited to attend
these meetings. On Sabbath moruinc about
0 o'clock a cousecration service will be held
In the Methodist Episcopal Church, and in
the afternoon about 3: 30 o'clock a grand
Gospel mass meeting for men (young and
old) will bo held In the Evangelical chuich;
for boys from ten to fourteen years of age
in the Lutheran church; and fcr mothers
and sisters In the Reformed church. It is
hoped to hays a very larca attendance at
these, three meetings held at the same hour
by the classes named. On Sabbath even
ing, by request, several delegates will speak
from the pulpit of some of tho churches,
and a meeting will also be held'in the Evan
gelieal church of Weissport, to be addressed
by delegates. About 6:30 o'clock, aflerthe
evening services In tho different churches
ate closed, a farewell meeting will be held
In the Reformed church. While young
men are urged to attend all lb4cetlngs
held for their benefit, the ladles are cor
dlally Invited to come out and give the con
vention their encouragement. The people
oi weissport an i surrounding towns are
also heartllv invited. Gospel songs (com
blned edition) will be used, and a profess
lonal musician from Reading will furnish
the music at most of the meetiugs of the
convention. Aside from the moral and ra
llgtoua benefit to accrue from this conven
tlon, It is hoped that It will also result In
placing the Association of Lehlzhton on a
good basis, with an Executive Committee
composed of some of tho best and most en
terprising men in town. O. S. W.
Mahoning Items
George Slglln is visiting at Lewisberg,
Miss Souri E. Kelscr, of Catasauqua, Is
at home on a visit.
Jllton Ebert has started the butchering
business at Bloomlugdale.
Wilson Itemelny is hauling lumber to
build a bouse in the spring.
E. G. Xander, of Rockport, spent a
few days in the Valley during the week,
Mr, and Mis. E. S. Hoppos, of Stelns-
yllle, were visiting relatives In the Valley
oyer Sunday.
John. II. Arner Intends, in the spring,
to move to Allentown, where ho will en
gage in business.
The sacrament of the Lord's Supper
will be administered in the Evangelical
church on Sunday afternoon.
The fourth month of our school term
ended this week. Tbe Board of Directors
will meet on tbe last Saturday of the
nercs and ualvln bluer, who are
working In the shops at Lansiord, were
slightly hurt recently by bars of iron fall
Ing on their toei.
The proposed Prohlbltln Amendment
to the Constltlon Is being lively discussed
here. The indications are that Mahoning
will gtye a large majority against the
On Saturday evening a meeting will
be held at the Pleasant Corner Hotel, for
the purpose of nominating candidates for
the different township offices to be filled at
tbe election next Tuesday.
Every voter should go to the polls next
Tuesday. Elect the best men available.
It Is of more importance to ui directly to
have good township officers than It is to
have good, state officer. If a man has
made a good, efficient . officer and Is
candidate for re-election, re-elect him
rather than elect a new and unexperienced
man. Daih.
On next Snndnr evening the pulpit In
tho Evangelical churrh will be filled by a
Y. 3. C. A. delegate.
Thomas Arncr, of Franklin, Is spoken
of as a candidate, for school director. Mr.
Arncr would make an efHcIent official.
Tbe Lchlghton Y. M. C. A. held a suc
cessful and Interesting meeting In the
Evangelical church on Sunday afternoon.
The voters of town will meet at the
Fort Allen Homo on Saturday evening
and nominate a ticket to be voted for at
the election on Tuesday.
It Is said that some of our young men
have tho "Go West" fever pretty bard,
and as a consequence a migration lu that
dlrec'ion may be looked for.
Overseer of the Poor, Salomon Buss,
on Saturday convejed Miss Betsey Harp,
to Danville, Pa., where she is now con
fined In the asylum for the Insane, under
going treatment for a mental difficulty,
The annual conference of the Evangeli
cal association will convene at l'ottsvllle on
the 29th Instant. Rev. Brown wilt be in
attendance. The reverend gentleman has
spent one J ear with us and It Is the earnest
wish of his congregation that he may be
Daniel Graver and family after a short
residence here, on Thursday removed to
Wllkesbarro where Mr. Graver has launch
ed Into tho general store business. A
large circle of friends extend warm wishes
for the happiness aud prosperity of Mr. G.
and lamily.
Joseph Boyer, of East B'elsspoit, died
on Friday night after suffeilng for over a
year from cancer. He whs a brother of the
late 'Squlro Henry Bojer, dee'd, and was
aged about sixty-five years. Interment
took place on Tuesday, Rev. I. K. Loos, of
Bethlehem, officiating.
John W. Heller gave a sumptuous sup
per to the membsrs of his Evangelical Sun
day school class on Saturday ovcnlng. The
occasion was one of the social events of the
season. The table was loaded with all that
which pleases the inner man and finds free
expression in smiles of satisfaction.
Rev. George W. Sandt and wife wero
pleasantly surprised last Thursday evening
by a large number of tho members of the
Lutheran congregation storming their hap
py home and taking possession of tho same,
Mr. Sandt and wife were tho recipients of
many gifts of esteem. Tbe evening was
agreeably spent by all.
Calvin Arner has a force of men at
work cutting and hauling Ice from the
canal, for tho Valley Railroad Co. On
Tuesday morning the drivers struck for an
increase in wages and Cal bounced the
whole campoodlo and employed now men
in the afternoon the cutters, catching the
fever, did the same act. with the first re
sult. All moves along merrily now.
Frank Hontz, of Union Hill, brakeman
on fast freight 281, Lehigh Valley railroad,
had his left hand caught between tbe
bumpers of two freight cars at bontu
Bethlehem, one night recently, and so
severely Injured that the member was
am nutated bv surgeons at St. Luke s Hos
pltal. lie uas tne sympatuy oi numerous
friends in bis allllctlon.
The meellnir held by the Young Men's
Christian Association of Lehlghton, at
Weissport on Sunday was very successful
In all respects. A large audience had
gathered in the Evangelical church, many
heme voung people. A well selected pro
gramme consisting of sinnine aud craye'
was rendeied with much ability. Mr. 11,
Franklin Schlegel, of the Afauch Chunk Y.
M. C. A., delivered an eloquent address.
Mr. U. Longkenierer, of Lehlghton, also
made a few remarks on religious topics
which broucht to mind many conflicts and
troubles of past, then followed the closing
address by by J. F. Stark, formerly of
Easton. but now of Lehlghton. and who Is
also connected with the Association. His
romaiks wero brief, substantial and full of
encouragement to the oung rnen who
lately gaye themselves to tho Migh ty
Personal Qosslp about r.opla who Visit
anil ko s Visiting.
Afllton Werner, of Lansford, was doing
business lu town this week.
John Schaeffer and wife, of Kaston,
visited Jeff Jiretney over Sunday.
Mr. Rchilg, of Weatherly, made our
sanctum a pleasant call on Afonday.
Wallace Nuss and wife, of Weatherly,
are visiting Mrs. E. Rebrlg and friends.
W, W, Weston was In town Tuesday
booming the celebrated C. C. O. medicines.
Misses Eva aud Llzzlo Scndel, of
Mauch Chunk, visited ?rlonds In town this
Great Bend's popular and successful
tailor, Frank D. Clauss, was visiting the
folks at home during tbe week.
Miss Lizzie Otto aud sister, of Allen
town, aro the guests of their sister Mrs.
Robert Rupp, on North Bank street
trilllam Maurer, the jolliest of the
Jolly Ten Club," of Wllkesbarro, spent
several days this woek with P. F. Clark, on
Bank street.
Mm. Levi Minor ahd Miss Jfary
Montz. of Wcatberlv. were cuests of
Joseph Sella oc Lehigh street for a few
days this week.
-Mrs. Dr. Balllet. of Lchlch couutv.
and Mrs. Benj. Bertolettc. of Philadelphia,
aro visiting their sister, Mrs. J. L. Gabel,
on Bank street.'
J. Ij. Gabcl. of Bank street, will be at
Philadelphia next week doing sorvlco as a
petit juror at the Circuit Court of thu East
ern District of Pennsylvania.
Packerton Budget.
Thomas J. Ilarleman. assistant des
patches Is confined to house with a severe
Miss Anabel McDanlel. our efficient
post-mistress, Is now ticket agent foi the
. v. n. it. at tbls point.
The coal trade Is not exasoeratinclv
active just now. Whether Greely or the
tarur is tne cause deponetu salih not.
The prohibition amendment may Ira-
prove or destroy tho chances of the present
talked of candidates for Associate Judge.
Tbe fact is, the average politician has got
to do some shifting.
Master Mechanic Kinnev. of South
Easton, had his new passenger enclne. No.
480, "Calvin Pardee," at Packerton Thurs
day to bo weighed. It weighs 44 tons, 700
pounds and is expected to meet the wants
of the passenger service.
-Saturdav evening the voters of Pack
erton will meet In the school house to nom
inate a tlckot. Thus far party politics has
not entered Into our local contests.' This
ought to, as In the past, secure good nom
inees. There will be oulte a scramble for
supervisor and a spirited race for school
director. The other offices will command
attention, and altogothsr we expect the
usual lively election. Anon.
Lower Townmenilns Items.
L. F. Kern Is taklnc orders for
and coffee.
-County Supt. Snyder visited our public
schools this week.
A cood manv Icehouses were filled dur-
the week with 6-Inch ice.
Solomon Snyder. Jr.. has a lot of nlcs
which he wants to sell, cheap.
Tne teachers of Fire Line school raid
a visit to O. Or Bloso's one day this week.
Henry DeLong moved last week to
Hcldelburg, Lehigh county. Ho has an
organ for salo that Is over 100 yean old.
Mall route No. 8,411, between New
Rlneeold and Bowmanstown has been
awcrdad to W. A. Stoddard, of Camden,N. J.
The executors of the estate of Thomas
Stroup. deceased, will sell the premises
rormerly owned by mm in tbe near future.
Dallas Blose. of Lehigh Gap. is over
whelmed with joy owing to twin girls that
uls wllo presented to mm the oilier week
Mr. Blttenbender, an old and respectd.
citizen of East Pcnn township, this county,
died of heart disease last week. He was
buried at East Penn.
Franfclln Taxpayers, Take Notice.
Taxpayers of Franklin township In arrears
for taxes for 1887-88 are respectfully re
quested to liquidate the same on or before
March 1, 18S0, or the various amounts will
be placed In tbe hands of a Justice of tbe
Peace for collection.
H. P. Lbvan, Tax Colleator.
Attention. Democrats I
A Borough Democratic Nominating Con
vcntlon will be' held at tho Valley House.
(Eseh's).on Friday Evening, Febhuaby
IDlh. lbS'J, at 7:3U o clock, for tue purpose
of placing In nomination candidates for the
several borough oluces.
US order or
The Committee.
Local Institute.
The next of the series of local Institutes
for Carbon county will be held at Auden-
rled, on Friday evening abd Saturday, Feb.
22 and 23. Hon. W. H. S. Aubrey.of Lon
don, England, will lecture on Friday even
ing on "Gladstone." Dr. Aubrey Is one of
the great English champions of Home
Rule, aud Is an Intimate friend and associ
ate of tbe "Grand Old Mau." It certainly
will be a treat to bear so able a man on so
grand a subject.
Dr. E. O. Lite, principal of the Millers
yille State Normal School, has been en,
gaged as an Instructor for the sessions on
Saturday. Supt. D. A. Harinan, of Hazle
ton, and f. tr. ifanow, or llazie townsuip,
will be present and take part in the exer
cises on Saturday. Tbe teachers of llazie-
ion. Hazle Township, Luzerne Co., and of
Klino Tawnshlp, Schuylkill county are
most cordially Invited to attend and take
part in tbe exercises. The programme for
Saturday Is a very strong one, and it is
Hoped there will be a larce attendance of
teachers tram Carbon as well as from the
adjoining districts of Luzerue and bchuil-
kill counties, i. A. Snydeb, L'o. supt.
AVeatherly Locals.
.Our Knlchts of Pythias will ccleb-ate
the 25th or sliver anniversary of their order
on the 20th Instant by a grand banquet at
the Hotel Ds Bllner.
Dr. Tw'cedle. of tbe firm of Tweedle &
Hoffman. Is at present confined to hfe room
by an attack of rheumatism. The doijpr
13 suuject io uiab paimm uiscasu.
Dr. Meyer, of Mauch Chunk, one of
the oldest dentists In the county, paid
Weatberlv his monthly visit last- Tuesday.
The doctor does considerable work for our
-Rev. Kunkel. of the Lutheran church,
was appointed by the school board as a
super nunaary teacher. He occupied Miss
Bvaus- room last wesic, sue Deiug on me
sick list for some time.
A free lecture on tho proposed Prohlb
itory Amendment to our Constitution was
lellvered on Monday evemne In the 11. ,
church. Tbo speaker had a respectable
audience though composed laiceiy of wo,
men, whose votes will not count at the com
ing election.
George W. Miller, candidate for Poor
Director of the Middle uoal Field l'oor .Dis
trict, is out seeing his friends and working
up his chances for election. Mr. M., If
elected, would make ati sxcellent director.
As Mr. Harleman, the Republican candi
date, also lives in tbls town, we are bound
to get tbe director this time.
The Democratic Nominating; Conven
tion met is Miller's Hall on Tuesday even
Ing and placed In nomination the following
named persons for the respective otnees to
be filled at tbe coming election: Chief Bur
gess .Levi Wagner; Councllmeu, Ed. War
ner, Jerry Young; School Directors, Jacob
Miner, l'eter Kline; Auditor, Alfred no-
mlch; Assessor, J. G. Streeter; Assistant
Assessors, bam. Arner, II. is. bwartz, lax
Collector. Win. Beck: Constable. Wilson
Druckenmlller; Judge of Election. James
Dunn: inspector of Election. M. J. Kroinei
The meeting was an exceptionally large
one for a nominating convention and was
characterized throughout by much unanim
ity and Democratic zeal. Romeo.
Racket alarm clocks, the best In the
world for railroad men are sold by E. H,
Hohl, tho Afaueb Chunk jeweler.
To see a magnificent stock of fine gold
watches look at tbe big assortment In E.
H. Hohl's Jewelry Store, Afauch Chunk.
Big Creek Items.
Ice houses are now being-filled.
Llzzlo Neeb. of Mauch Chunk. Is visit-
ing her parents.
Wm. Gosser Intends to move to East
Mauch Chunk In the spring.
Charles Hongen and family moved to
Kail w eissport last i riursua .
Benjamin Bover and wife were visiting
bis brother William on Sunday.
Francis Solt. of East Welssnort. was
visiting nis mother, Mrs. (sou, last Sunday,
Wilson Kopn and wife, of Williams
port, and Miss Minerva Held were visiting
r. J, Held on baturday,
Ust of Letters.
Remaining uncalled for in the Lehigh
ton, Pa., Post-Office, for the week ending
Clewell, Mrs. Sarah nawk, Miss F.
uoyer, .Hainan, or Unas. r. urelier.
Persons calling for any of tbo above
letters will please say "advertised."
J Aims P, Surrn.'P, m
Interesting Items Gleaned for the Ever
Busy world of Later.
A number of tho Lehigh Valley nn-
panys mines In the Mahuuoy region are Ulo.
The Lehigh Vallov offlcials have Is
sued an order that no passenger can be car
ried oyer the road on freight trains except
on special permit from the superintendent's
Tho Lehigh Villoy Railroad lias re
ceived two additional powerful freight lo-
comotlycs from tho Baldwin works. They
nro tho "Newark," No. 481, and tho Mersey
City," No. 435.
Tho existence of a big surplus Mock of
coal unfortunately causes no reduction in
the retail prico of the needful commodity.
Tne law of supply and demand in its rela
tion to price has been nindo a dead-letter
in coal business."
Among tho heaviest liioomotlvea ever
built aro those recently put on its moun
tain division by tbel'hiladelphlannd Read
ing railroad. The actual weight in work
ing order is 123,818 pounds, and 148,340
pounds is on the drivers.
Superintendent Twining, of the Ii. & S,
Division, lias caused to be posed the follow
ing notice: ' I he practice or leaving your
trains while on tho road to visit your home
or to attend to any other thantlic company's
business must bo discontinued." The netjr
rule is being vigorously enforced. There
have beeu several lay-offs already.
A new engine, tho counterpart of the
Espy Run, No. 454, is being built in tho
Wcatberlv shops. The boilers are nearly
completed and the machinery well under
way. It is a dirt burner, tho first of its
class ever tackled by Master Mechanic
Ilofl'ecker. The boys think her record will
equal that of the "Drinker." Herald.
The Lehigh Vallev lias commenced ap
plying the American steam-brake to all its
I .1 I.. 1 .! m ,
ucavy uraugui luuuniuuvca. xnu wo.k ib
being dono at tbe South Easton shops and
tho first engine to receive the improvement iu
the "Rockport." The brake is opeiatcd the'
same as the air brake and a high or low
pressure of steam can bo used. A biake
shoe is attached to the front of each driving
To tbe Voters of Lclilghtou.
The undersigned respectfully announces
himself a candidate for the office of Tax
Collector for the Borough of Lehlghton,
subject to tbo rules of the Borough Demo
cratic Nominating Convention. If nom
inated and elected I will perform the duties
of the office faithfully and to the best of my
ability. M. U. TKttXLEIl
Lchlghton, Feb. 8, 18S9.
To the Voters of Lehlghton.
The undersigned announces to the voters
of this borough that he will be a candidate
for tbe office of Justice of the Peace,
Subject to tbe Rules ot the Borough Demo
cratic Nominating Convention and pledges
nimseii to latiiitnuv perioral tno duties of
said office If nominated and elected.
Jan. 18, 1880-te.
To tho Voters of Lehlghton.
The undersigned respectfully announces
to the voters of the Borough of Lehlghton,
that bo will be a candidate for Constable.
Subject to the Rules of the Borough Re
publican dominating convention, and
pledges himself to faithfully perform the
duties of said office if nominated and
Jan. 30, 1819-tc
To the Voters of Lohtghtori.
I herewith announce myself a candidate
for tbe office of Justice of the Peace, sub
ject to tbe decision of the Borough Demo
cratic convention, if nominated and
elected I will perform the duties of said
office faithfully and to tbe best of my
Lehlghton, Feb. 1, 1889
To the Voters of Lehlghton.
The undersigned will bo a candldato for
the ofllco of Tax Collector. Subject to the
Rules of the Borough Democratic Hominat
lug Convention. If nominated and olected
I pledge myself to perform the duties of
aid office with Odelilv.
Lehlghton, Feb. 8, 1SS0
rubllo Sale Iteglster.
On Thursday March 7. at 1 o'clock, on
the premies In North Weissport, George
liuck will sell valuable personal property.
viz, horses, carriages, farm Implements,
On the premies in Franklin twp., the ad
ministrators will sell real estate of Peter
Krum.tlec'd consisting of 31 acres. Sale
commences at 1 o'clock, Saturday, March
a, 1BHU. -
On March 14 and 15, on the premises In
Lower Towamcnslng, tho administrators of
the lato Reuben Green, deceased, will sell
Valuable personal property, to-wlt: Horses,
cows, pigs, Ac.
On March 10, at ten o'clock a. it., on the
premises of the late Jesse Krum, In Ma
honing twp, the heirs will sell valuable
personal property, viz, horses, cows, farm
tools, grain, furniture, etc.
Red-Nosed Mlk Cenvlcted.
Wilkes.Baiuie, Feb. 11. Tho case of
Miabael Rlzzolo, alias "Red Nosed Mike,"
one of the murderers of Paymaster McClure,
was given to the jury at 12:15 1. 11. Tues
day. At 1:15 the jury returned into I he
court room, having agreed upon a verdict.
Tbe prisoner retained bis seat In the defen
dant's corner, apparently unmoved. A
brief Interval elapsed while counsel for the
prisoner was being summoned into court.
Upon their arrival the jurr was polled. In
tbe midst of a breathless silence the verdict
was bauded up to the court and was publicly
announced by the clerk. The jury found
the prisoner guilty of murder In tbe fiist
degree. After the public announcement
the jurymen were called one by one, and
each in his turn arose In his seat and an
nounced his verdict of guilty of murder in
tbe first degree. Tbe prisoner was reman
ded and sentence was defsrred till Saturday.
We do not hold ourselves responsible far opin
ions expressed unuer ims neau. rersons
contributing articles must write on but one
side of paper, and sign their name legibly,
the latter not for publication but as a matter
otgood fatth. KrjiTOR.
What Is to lie Dona -with UT
What is to be done with the Prohibition
amendment? Shall I vote for or against?
is the question asked bv each Individual;
and It will bo decided by individual action.
The Republican leaders of this State prom
ised the temperance people to submit tbe
question of Prohibition to the voters, and
tboy have been true to their promlso.
Whether they want the amendment carried
or not Is an open question. Tbe Republi
can nartr, with elguty thousand "high
tariff" majority, claim to be the friends of
temperance and tire roe of the liquor ele
ment: and they charge tho Democratic party
with opposition to temperance and as allies
of tho llnuor power This belnc so. what
ought the result to be? We shall hear
much of personal liberty, sumptuary laws,
revenue loss.bankruptcy.unemployed labor.
decrease of crime, empty jails, abandoned
workhouses, prosperity, happiness, Demo
cratic resurrection and Republican "soud"
plunco any amount of argument pro and
con, It is claimed by many that Prohibi
tion it not a party issue; out u win ue.
Tariff ought not to bo, but Is all the same.
The liquor interests of tbls State have
"boodle" and voted the Republican ticket
no mistake about this, The temperance
people never mourn over Democratic de
feat. It is early jet tu predict the final
result oi tne struggle. The political lead
ars of both parties are waiting and watch
ing, Tho fight will ba desperate. The
vanquished will get just wlist tbey deserve,
Is a peculiar medicine, and Is carefully pre
pared by competent pharmacists. Tbe com
blnatlcn and proportion ot Sarsaparllla, Pan
dellon, Mandrake, Yellow Dock, and other
remedial agents Is exclusively pocullar to
Hood's Sarsaparllla, giving It strength and
curative power superior to other prepa
rations. A trial will convince you of Its
great medicinal value. Hood's Sarsaparllla
Purifies tho Blood
creates and sharpens the appetite, stimulates
the digestion, and gives strength to every
organ of the body. It cures the most severe
cases ot Scrofula, Salt TUieum, Bolls, Pimples,
and all other affections caused by Impure
blood, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Headache,
Kidney and Liver Complaints, Catarrh, Rheu
matism, and that extreme tired feeling.
" Hood's Sarsaparllla has helped mo more
for catarrh and Impure blood than anything
else I ever used." A. Ball, Syracuse, N. V.
Creates an Appetite
" I used Rood's Sarsaparllla to cleanse my
blood and tone up my system. It gave tne a
good appetite and seemed to build me over."
E. M. IIale, Lima, Ohio.
"I took Hood's Sarsaparllla for cancerous
humor, and it began to act unlike anything
else. It cured tbe humor, and seemed to
tone up tbe whole body and give me new
life." J. F. Nixotf, Cambrldgeport, Mass.
Send for book giving statements ot cures.
Hood's Sarsaparllla
BoldbrtUdrugElits. FlislxforfS. Prepared only
ty O. I. HOOD t CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mats.
IOO Doses One Dollar
.... .1 .-..... n .t AfA- ,,fa ....
AI.O ItllUpiUKIItU UU(I. ItlQ . mil,, 91, MA tO llll
the public road leading from Lehlcliton to 1a
inaqua. In Mahoning Township, Carbon
county, l'a.,at private side. The Farm contains
TI2N A (J HUH, all cleared and under a high state
ot cultivation. The Improvements are a Two
and a Half Story I'lank Dwelling House, 20x24
reel wirn rraiao micnrn ana porcn auacriea.
icirn ..'io leet wiinan necessary ouiouuaiugs
all new. Apply to
NATHAN KEIN8MITH on rrfmles. Or at this Office.
88f. Holl.1 Geld TTtth.
float $34 wtolt In lh world.
rtiMci umiiMPtr. ivr-
liaaiiDr Lull, ud n laisV
!(vit4 tuu' tliM, wltli wortl
a4 f equal value
Oualcraoulouts lo
eltlr nan Mcnra ens frva.
toffttbtr wilts ear trr nd nU
nabl Um of Houtfbald
Sample. Tbe MmplM,
wU th wMah, MBd
ad After oa turtle cl
hra ! roar fam for 9 notfat and attowa Um ioT&
vrbo tuay h4? c!Ud, tbajf bacon your ew proprtr. Tho.
wb writ t ouoe cm t tor of notutar lb Wnteb
d Sample- Wrr 41 rpw, nxUhf.tta Addra
Art needle-work and valuable embroideries are frequently ruined,
or their beauty much impaired by washing them with ordinary
soap, which is too rank for such delicate articles. A simple, and
the proper method is to make suds of hot water and Ivory Soap,
and allow to cool till lukewarm. This solution, while very effective,
is perfectly harmless.
There are many whito soaps, each represented to be "just as good as the ' Ivory' u
they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of
the genuine. Ask for "Ivory " Soap and insist upon getting it.
Copyright 1880 by Procter t tlambls.
We are showing a very large and choice lino of
Marseilles and 0
rochet Quilts.
11-4 Crochet Quilts,
Choice Patterns at 85 cents and $1.00.
11-4 Undressed Marseilles,
Choice Patterns at 1.25.
i. mm & m,
638 Hamilton Street, ALLENTOWN.
OopberM 1B8S
U a health &vcr,th ttilcit michln
to work evor rrud, will net Injur t,t
most dallctto fabrics, ay to cUan, no
Can lis operated 1)7 a cMld 12 years clL
work urd according to direction,
or money will bo tot mdul.
Or to our General Agents,
Local agents wanted everywhere.
rdware Go,
We make a Specialty of Printing
iale Bills
The Most Attractive S
at the lowest prices 5 to 25 per cent, be
low competion, no matter how low.
Our Public Sale Register,
Persons having Sale Bills printed at this
office secure a Free Notice in our
Sale Registry which alone is worth
the price of the bills.
ant Sale!
Notice of Application for Charter.
Notice Is hereby clyrn that an application will
be made to tbe Governor of Pennsylvania o
Tuesday, March S, If so, under an Act ot Assem
bly entitled "An Act to provide tor the Incorpo
ration and recuiatlon oi coriratlons,"npprovod
.pru zv, iar, rum uie suppiemeiiia uieruio, uy
fillip Miller, W. II. .Monti, T. A. Hnyder. W, P.
Lone and II. 'j. Ilretnev tor'tbe charter ot" an'ln'
tended corporation to be called " The Enterprise
Bulldlnieand Loan Association. Ko. 2. to he lorn.
ted at U'hiyhton, I'a..the character aud object
wbereol Is tor the purpose ot accumulailnic n
fund by the moullily crntrlbutlons ot Its mem.
bers, which fund snail be used to enablement
to purchase real estate or borrow money for In
vestment In any lawful manner and to enjoy all
tbe debts and privllecesot&ald Actol Aascmblr
ana suppieineuis inereio.
T- A SNVIipn, Solicitor,
Lhl;htou' Jan. i,It.
In view of an accumulation oi Remnants, and following eat
our rigid policy of clearing out stock in order to keep fresh thiagi
on our counters, and try if possible to carry no goods from
seascn to another, we will offer for eale a very large lot of Jfw
nante at prices tliafc will make them go quick. Remnants oi
Ladies' Casimers,
Broad Cloths,
Cheap Dress Goods,
Also a lot of Dress Goods and
reduced prices to close out.
C. A. REX & BRO.,
Opposite American Hotel,
Tripols in the piec at greatly