The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, February 16, 1889, Image 2

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    Tko Ooi-knn A rl-rco
I He 0010011 AUVOCaie
mrr kird at tup. lkhiohton ronT-omcn as
Tlis artesian well has been sunk over
wen hundred feet and many of the stock
holders are reported to be disgusted with
the "old hole," and rsfuse to risk another
dollar in the enterprise.
vohy t I
.,, , . ... . -- t. I
blmply because at tnis acpm mo wen is
an app.ront failure, us capacity is not
what many think It should be. These are
the only reasons, and common candor miui
compel the most obstinate to admit that
they are not, In fact, substantial reason
for discontinuing an enterprise on the sue
cess of which so much depends. A few
hundred feet more, or probably consider-
blv less, and the slate strata. through which
the drill Is now being forced.will give place
to a water flow that will meet all require
mcnts and far surpass the most sanguine
expectations. We feel confident that there
are enough live and progressive citizens In
this placo who will keep pushing the projcci
until they either have sufficient cause foi
doubting the practicability of the artesian I
ii . ... .,.,... ri i ni.inir ilm nonnlr
well or are successful In giving tue people
a lirst-class supply oi water.
Constitutional Amendment Convention to
convene at Harrlsburg on Tuesday, 10th
Inst. Delegates from churches, Sunda
schools, labor organizations and temperance
societies throughout the State are requested
to be present. The purpose of the conven
tion Is to perfect State organization am.
prepare for a gleantic battle against the so
called saloon power on tho 18th of June.
The ciiippeh Lansfohi) i?ccor2 come
to hand this week several days late but s
Improved and beautified In appearand
that It fully compensated for the delay
The .Record Is now the same size as the
Carbon Advocate and Is printed on a
new Campbell cylinder press. We con
gratulate Br'er Jimmy on his success and
trust prosperity may continue to shine up
on him with resplendent bounllfulncss.
The 10th ihstant will de an impoh
tant event In tho history of Summit Hill
They will elect a full set of borough official
on that dav. If tho, the citizens, aci
wisely In their choice It will be fortunate
for tha new borough, but should partisan
bigotry hold away, they can expect to Mini
along like many other towns of shackled
possibilities. Elect good, live, intelligent
men, no matter what their politics raa be.
Whew wonKiSGMEN become more kh
lightened, till they are controlled altogether
by principles, the leaders who prove un
faithful to the great ideas of labors' Inter-.
asts and rights will not be tho stumbling
blocks they are today. Tha people will
look beyond them to principle and while
that remains infact the shortcomings of
delinquent leaders will have little or no In
fluenca on tho movements In operation for
labor's good. Record, Mahanoy City.
If bomb of those brash European
powers don't stop their arrogant Insults to
America, Uncle Sam will wake up some
fine morning, throw off that old brass-but'
toned, bine jean swallow-tailed cojt, take
a hitch at his suspenders and say: "By
jingo! there Isn't room for us both on this
here planet." Biff I And then there will
be another first-class national funeral In
EuroDe, and the American Eagle will flap
Itbwings and rejoice.
Those people who incline to think
that the Advocate acts Injudiciously In
allowing persons to discuss 'ho prohibition
amendment question In Its columns, are
either too ignorant too fully undersand the
benefits of a free and unmortgaged press, m
are too bigoted to party and principle lo
appreciate a free and fair discussion of an
all-Important Issue. However, regardless
of what this class of people may think the
Advocate will continue to keep It'
columns open for the discussion of all
matters of public Importance.
A Washington correspondent says
"It Is only natural that President Uleve
land should return promptly to the practice
of the profession In which he was actively
and succtssfully engaged before emetine
public life. His career in politics has,there
fore, been so short that office seeking and
office holding haye not become habits of
lifs to htm. lie is a man of active mind,
with great capacltt for work, and he has
Indulged himself It this faculty since enter
lng public life In 1882. He will, therefore,
take quite naturally again to the routine ol
a lawyer'i office, In which he wil
deal with the largest and most linpotlau
Issues to be found outside the field of politics.
No doubt as you read the papers and dls
patches from New York ysu pitied us when
you considered the desperate condition in
which w were placed. Of course, you
thought all business was suspended and
that everybody barricaded their doors and
windows against the murderous riders. 1
confess It did look a good deal like It when 1
read the newspapers
Now, don't understand me to say that we
haye bad no serious disturbance during the
past week, for we have and very serious
disturbance. For several hours In New
York travel was suspended on a Dumber of
car routes, and In Brooklyn on the. lines
carried on by Deacon Itlcbardson not a car
moyed for six days. Ono man was mur
dered by the strikers; be was In the Dea
con's employ; and, by the way, the reason
thsy call him Deacon Is because be never
was a deacon, and from present revelations
is not likely to be one.
The Deacon is very well known in Brook
lyn, and is one af those pig-headed men
who is Very fond of having his own way
and very averse to letting any other person
haye his way. The Deacon's men. lo the
number of several hundred, chose a com
mltte of the Knights of Labor to arrange
their contracts this year. This the Deacon
utterly refused to do. He said he would
treat with bis own bands individual!), but
with no outsiders under any circumstances.
This brought matters to a climax, and his
whole system of five city routes were placed
under the ban. The men, a howling mob.
surrounded the stables and threatened the
lives of those who even attempted to feed
the horses. For six days the rioters held a
portion of the town, arrested men In the
streets, beat and maltreated them, till at
last the example of the New York police
was so Infectious that the Brooklyn finest
aalled in, and after some livel clubbing the
rioters were beaten and the strike squashed.
In New York the rioters massed their
forces at various points and made a desper
ate resistance. The east and west side of
the city contain In certain pans as lle a
population as can be found in any city of
tue world, and several ol the rrosstnwn
routes pass through localities where a man's
life after dark would hardly be safe if be
were known to have five dollars in bis pock
et. One of the favorlt modes of resistance
WM to bloclado the tracks with trucks,
R1hes. Mones, or wbstBter was bandlest.
The 1 1 o igi st part of this Is that tha offense
01 oimructliiK a rauroaa car, or 01 laying
anything on the rails Is a fclony.aml though
thi crimp has lieon commlitcd repeatedly
In New York, Brooklyn, Chicago and other
cities, noun of the criminals liavo been sent
to stale, rrison, inoimn me crime was com-
mltted In full sight of the police. De It un
lh . nnllrA or either Now inric nr lironk vn. I "
. ... ..... I
A hrnvAr nr l,fttfr fl ninllnp(l unt nr mpll '
nno. nm . l.t nn 1 1. a f hp nf i l,n ..rtli. Tim
braverv exhibited by hundreds of them was
flliy oqua l0 tj,Rt f Horatlus at the Tiber
orNapoleon at the bridge or bodl. it 'vai
no uncommon thlnit to see a pollceman,sln
.1... , 1 ... ..1. ..... I ..
(le - liauilieu ailU HIONU uasn llliu H II1HIUU1- I
UJ CT0VlA of slriKpri an( 8tzt, n prisoner
and again?! the most desperate odd bear
nlm oil. Ii most of the encounters the
ouus nero iiuit ten vo una nun irtqucnuy i
twenty to ono; paving atones, Knives ami
pistols were used, but In every Instance the
police were victorious and thestr kers were iu ni iuu iiiuui. yi man ..uiiiiwi.
De awarded to me nrave men who lor sev
eral days have stood between lis and an
archy. All the rebellious and destructive
elements came to the surface ready for tire
ana munier. ami 11 ese were lainy ocaien
uuwii aim tiaiwuicu uuuci iuu. auu n vj i
neace and security is restored to our cltv
fills is a desperate alternative, but it Is all
liat is !eft us if we would have an thing I
reuiaiu that looks like order or law. The
strikers appear to think that nobodv ha
any rights or wrongs except themseUes. If I
any ponr fellow out oi a joo uares 10 appiv
for the situations which they have abau
doned they beat him to death. That this
. . .,,,. . ,.,,, , . trM
country Is Incredib e, and the liu e power
of the Stale and nation should be Invoked
to protect the humblest laboring man In
the right to freely walk the si reels without
the slightest diead or hindrance from labor
picket guards and to defend Ills rlirtiL to
dispose of his labor wherever he can find a
market tor it.
The auesiion is no longer one of labor
and capital; that Is coinnlclelv driven out
if sight in the rar more important mailer
)f the power of lauor oyer lalioi : w nether
neclaes of laboring men shall have the
itlit to i ill and malm any other class of
aburing men who un not agree nlth them.
and who do not desire to belong to tin I
assiuciatluiis; whether they shall be allowed
to Picket our streets to prevent anv man
iroiu earning nis mean except uy ineir per-
.nlisidii; in short, whether the people of
hu ll nlted states are to De governed o me
Knights of Labor or similar associations. or
whether we are to live under a government
of the people and for the people and by the
people. There is not the slightest opjec
lion to the Knights of Labor who desire It
and are willing to submit io them, being their own laws when the do
not come to conuict Willi the laws ot th"
the land. According to the last reports
their organization an only show a mem
bership of L'iO.OOO men. In the United
States at the present time there are over
Ixtv-tlve millions of people, or a ratio ot
one to 250. Now. .he 250 utterly repudiate
the rule of that one: he hall have bis nisi
niihts as they haye no more, no less; and
.it any cost or any sacrifice tne right of
man to dispose or his own lauor wnerever
he sees fit and for whatever price he may
choose to fix upon it without Interference
from an other man sbould be maintained
If it took the last man in our police and
militia and the last dollar In the State
and National treasury to do It. The ruffian
ism and brutality of the mobs last week
have awakened New York and Brooklyn to
the fact that, magnificently as the police
have done their allotted work, we have not
police enough. New York needs five hun-
dred more and Brooklyn an equal number.
With this body ot well drilled, rallbful etll
cers, both cities can rely on absolute peace
and security. The cost will be considera
ble, but tho safety of Ufa and property will
be worth it all.
It Is a little singular that in the midst of
this social revolution business has gone on
right ahead and al. tho theatres have been
lolnc a rushing business. While tho thea
tres have been doing well It Is gratifying to
record that Shakespeare has been the prin
cipal feature of the week. Antony and
uleopatra at Palmer 's with Mrs. rotter and
K rle U.'llew In the leading parts, and Mac
beth at the Fifth Avenno, with Mrs. Lang
try and Charles Coughlan as Lady Macbeth
and Macbeth. Ills not my purpose to ci it
iclse either of these performances; there is
a square, honest endeavor to do the best
thev posslblv know how. One's Ideas of
L idt Macbeth haye been bullded lip on cer
tain lines and we cannot help it. The gen
eratlon that rem tubers Charlotte Cushniaii
as .he wife of the Thane of Cawdor will be
scarcely able lo accept the handsome
llsli woman whose very ueaut is almost
fatal to the part. Grand In scenery, lavish
in proper lies, startling In effects, gorgeous
in costume. It still fails to rise to the height
of artistic and Intellect ual excellence which
marked some of the performances given 40
jears ago. who can ever iorget, who saw
It. the wonderful performance given bv
Macreaciy and Charlotte (Juihmanr James
allack, Jr.. and his wife gave a magnlfi
cent rendering of these parts and many
others that I could name. Those who re
member them will not be satisfied 1)) the
performance of Charles Coimlil.ui as Mac
belli, io those who nave not seen .Mai-
ueth before, the play will be a gratifying
xnrprise and a great relief from those artiti
cial abominations, tne so called society
As a rival to yiy Langtr oir. ( ora rot.
ter holds high carnival at Palmer's, which
was formerly known as Wal ack's. Alas
poor IVallackl not exactly Shakesieaie,
but near It As l remarked Mrs. roller
holds her own at Palmer's, and ever thing
that careful, conscientious staging could do
has been done. Money has not been snated
tn make It a success. The reputation of
Mr. Palmer himself was at Make fully as
much as that ol Mrs. Potter and kjile Del
lew, an that th" spectacular pari wan full)
insured, and the acting, a far as the ma
erlal on hand will allow II is linpislhlc
o make a good act ess out of Mrs. l'ot.ei
the timber Is n jl there. There Is the dif
ference between her and a great actoi. that
'here Is between a fiist-class ocean steamer
and a little- pleasuie jachi. The jne looks
t'rellv. sails well In smooth water, but slid
n not built for heavy weather. The dlf
lerence between reciting "Ostler Joe'' In a
ladles' parlor and act lng Shakespeare's Cle
opatia Is considerable. Notwithstanding
these drawbacks 1 am happy to record thai
the pla Is a financial success.
The Eauies divorce case, of which I spoke
a few weeks ago, where the co-respondent
was tue lady s jwii young; Pro tier, has nn
ally brought all the parties to the accursed
conspiracy to grief and promises to Isnd
every one of them In btates Prison. A
fouler and more d,mnab!n piece of villainy
io blast ihe reputalion of an innocent girl
and to ruin the reputallou of a worthy
young man for life, lias seldom beeu beard
of In out criminal courts. The man wanted
to gel rid of his wife, and two servants
were suborned to swear that she was seen
in a compromising position with a volute
gentleman who visited the family. The
application was made secretly, and on the
testimony ol these perjured witnesses the
decree was granted, the man all the time
living with his wife, and the first she knew
of It was while silting at breakfast with
htm one Sunday morning she took up the
paper and lead the decree that bad been
granted the day before. At first she f lied
to understand It, but ner husband qulell
looked across the table and assuied her
that It was all correct When the attention
of the Judge was called lo the fact that It
was her younger brother, whom she had
nursed from a baby, lie was shocked. The
case was promptly opened and the lad.' was
instanll acquitted, the jury not leaving
. U I lri.n n.l...l.i .1 .wt ...t,
lijcii Brait, un ifii.ivip... auu micsi-ci,
have been arrested for conspiracy and per
jury, and it Is hoped that the whole of the
Infamous gang will soon be landed In States
It Is witli grief that I record that trouble
is brewing In the "Sorosis." A part has
been formed antagonistic In sweet Jennt
June (Mrs. Croh), and while there hat
been no hair pulling for they are all nice
Udles there has been a uios' pronounced
rebellion, which may etentually lead lo the
disruption of the best woman's club in the
United States If not In Hie woild. Ii is but
justice to Mis. Cro) to say that she per-
sonallv would make an sacilfiee rather
than have discontent ot hard feelings euter
a circle which for many yeais has been the
centre of the most blissful liarmon , It Is
II e earnest desire of all who wish well for
women that Ihe Soiosis uiav continue to
be in the future, as It has been In the past,
the home of liaiiuony. That it Is what it
is to day lias been through the untiring
labors of Mrs. Crol and a few oilier esti
mable women who are a blessing and an
honor to their sex. Settle your difficulties,
ladies, behind cloed doors; keep out thft
wicked reporters; and In New York lot ua
Iiaya only one Sorcsls.
Truly yours,
Oregon's Public Buildings.
The last number of The Ifeil Short Magati
contains engravings of the public buildings of
" v." ....... ... ..... ... ......
.,n,.ll,tt nltw AnAAmim htdil hu a 1.... innnlam.n
' v..,, -v -ft,'-- a..,,,..... ......
tal slieet Willi portraits ol members ot the if gls-
Mature now in session, a Description 01 oaiem
nd 't portion of the great Willamette valley
In Which It Is situated Is a valuable feature of
the number. The very readable and Instructive
....,.. .1... ,, M ....... 1 f n .,...11 . I, r.t.1 ,1 ...
oiuwr V" luc uciicmuKj ' wtrttfii oi.vuiu wo
perused by every one who would like to become
Informed on tlio subject of the creation of a
great State of the American union on tho tar
western ooruer oi ino nation, so long ueiore tne
intermediate country was redeemed from a wit
dcrnc,Si n, rrt, short Mceatlnt Is filled
m01lthy llh valuable Information about the
entire northwest. llymnll,25 cents a copy, to
any nddrcss. L. Samukl, Publlsner, Portland,
New Advertisements.
Absolutely Pure.
This Dowtter never varies. A marvel of nurltyi
itrenmii :ind nholesoineness. More economical
than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In
emimetlttnn with the multitude of low test, short
wcigm, aium or pnnsmiaie iiowucnf. nuiu oniy
in cans. Itovai mixing rowacr uoinpnny, inn
wan street n. i. auK--mu
New Rollei Mill.
The undersigned lias changed his MILL to the
HOLLER 1'KOCliSS, and is now prepared to do
O VN WHEAT or by EXCHANOINO with those
who come from a distance.
All Work Guaranteed.
The patronage of the public Is very raipecif id
ly solicited.
mv jm . cnr4.p(l ,ln uv
lne J1111 wlu De Otariea up oy
about January 21st, 1889.
QIts ui a trial.
.Tan. Iti-m3
Personal Notice.
The undersltrned has purchased two properties
in Malionlnir Township. Carbon countv. Pa., and
all persons are hereby forbid Interfering with
MIR same, ns muy umuui; uj int. mmersiiiru.
No person Is authorized to contract bills for me,
matin v r (i-vr i visi ami i tin
February 9, 1889 -3w,
I most J
Hnre rinre tor Rmi'rlis. Colds. Consumption
Hoarseness, Soro 'Ihroat and all diseases of the
llronehlal Organs. Thousands can testily as to
its cmciency. rrice ZD ana sue.
mr saw uy an Druggists. ieui!wa-ji
New Livery! heed Store
LEOPOLD MKYEUS respectfully Informs the
people of Paekerton nnd vicinity Unit he lias just
opened h i.ivkky H l Alll.K. on llliA v lilt rtl..
where persons can bo supplied wllh Good, Safe
Tf urns either for Funeral. Weddlne or for Haul
ing Purposes at very Lowest lutes. In connec
tion therewith he has also In stock the very best
brands of FLOUR and FKED, which be will
sen at Lowest rrices.
Attention, Builders!
The undersigned Is still worklnz the DOt.ON
S'lONK QUA ItltV, and Is prepared In supply, at
suoii-'st notice auu at t.owesi rrices, persons
w iniesrew ti (HIOll HI UNK ror IIUll.UI.Mi
PI' rilSDH. full and Inspect the Stones and
learn Pi Ices lelore purchasing elsewhere.
feb.S-ly Paekerton, Pa.
Executor's Notice.
Estate of NATHAN ZEKH.EIt. Deceased.
Letters testamentary on the Estate of Nathan
Zlegler, late or Ihe lloroiigh of IrfhUhton, Car
bon countv. Pa., deceased, have been granted
to Thomas Zeleler. residing in said borough, to
whom all persons ludi Men to the sum estate are
lequestvd to make Immediate payment, and all
loose having legal claims or demands against
the estate ol tne said ueceuctuwiii maxe Know
the same, without delay, lo
THOMAS ZIUGI.P.It, Executor.
Leniitnton, ru., Jan. at, it wu-
Court Proclamation.
WHEREAS, The Hon. Samuel H. Drehar,
President ot Ihe Xl.l II. Judicial'
posed of Monroe and Carbon Counties, and Chas
II. Bridle and Wm. II. Btroh. Esunlres. Judces
of the Common Pleas ot Carbon Comity, and by
vntue ot their offices Justices of the Orphans'
Couit, of Oyer and Terminer andOeneral Jail
Delivery, and the Court of Quarter Sessions nf
the Peace ot said County ot Carbon, have Issued
their Precept to me, bearing date of January 24,
16S9, (or holding a Special Court of Quarter Ses
sions of the reace.forthe purpose of tying Issues
lu criminal cases, and the transaction of other
business ot said Courts, at the COUIIT HOUSE,
In the Borough of Mauch Chunk, on MONDAY,
11th day of MARCH, 18S9, tn continue two weeks,
Given under my hand at Mauch Chunk, In said
county, January 2Uh, 1889,
God save the Commonwealth,
Maueh Chunk. January 21, 1889.-feu2-te
TJo wni't ll'u
Under Exchange Ilotel, Lehighlon,
Is the place to spend an hour or
two pleufrantiy shooting mark
Pv-rsons will be in.-tructed in the
art of markmansliip.
Ed. Raworth, Manager.
There will be exposed to Public Bate, on the
premises in Franklin township. Carbon county,
SATURDAY. March 2, '89,
atONR O'CLOCK In the afternoon, the follow
ing valuable real estate of the late Peter Krum,
deceased, containing
31 Acres, More or Less,
under a uood state of cultivation, bounded and
(leserlbetl as follows i On the north by lands of
C. D. Miner & Co., on the south by lands of lieu
ben Holt, on the east by lauds of Nathan Kolt
and Lewis Hartman, on the west by lands of
Win. Bcliwelhcnz and Itnhnrf Antlinnv. Ilip
Improvements thereon nre A FINK AI'PI.K
oitcilAUi), Hprlncnml Well of Pure Water, a
Frame Dwelling Houses
Ith Kitchen attached, a Larce Barn nn.l other
necessary oi.tbinldlngs. On the property Is lo
cated the well-Known uuluaup a I, VI is
Terms and conditions will bo made known at
time ana place oi saie, oy u ,
January ss-ts
The undeislsned announces to the
citizens of Lehlgliton and the surrounding
country that he has opened a shop for the
Repair of
Machinery !
fiuchas Acrlcultural Implements. Sharpen
lng Ijiwii Mowers, (liindlug 1'l.iner Knives
...r n j.t..n.: . . U...t.n ..'It.
ting and Pump Work, and manufacturing Grain
ans, irarm tinners, uooi vuuers.Kc.
All work gi aranteed at the lowest prices.
n Rear of (label's Hardware'
Aprils. ly
Competent workmen sent to any part of
tne county.
Wall PaBBrs. Borflers & Decorations
Large assortment, and the latest styles.
Books, Stationery, Fancy Goods
All gradis. Shade making and putting up
promptly auenuea io
Paints, Oil, Varnish, Putty
Brushes & general Painters
No. 61 Broadway Mauch CoM, Pi
Jtelnw the Broadway Honse.
offer for sale a large quantity of Sawed Lumber
at extraordinary loyv prices.
25.000 feet Yellow Pine Floorinc.
50,000 feet White Pine Boards.
50.000 feet Hemlock Boards.
10,000 feet Hemlock Seantllng.
Aiareolotof 2 inch Yellow Pino Plank,
suitable for pavements or sidewalks.
A lot of first-class 2) inch Yellow Pine
Plank, for threshinc floors or bridges.
A lot of Oak Plank, ic, &c.
This Lumber will be sold full? 25 per
cent cheaper than It can be obtained else
where. Uall on or address
Weissport, ... Peiin'a.
Receipts and Expenditures
Of Carbon bounty, for the Year
Ending Dec 31, 1888.
To balance on hand, January 1,18ts....i 5,402 U
ltecelved from Tux Collectors
W. L. Stiles, Paekerton, for 1885 1 S 00
J. F.Ohrlstman, Penn Forest.'86 In full.. 97 6"
Harrison Kuukle.TowiimenjliiL','87 in full 279 65
I). 1). (lerhard, Packer, 1887, in full 308 85
llll. Snyder, Pnnyvllie. 1887, In full 139 77
.1. F, Christman, Penn Forest, 1887 250 00
II. P. Levaii, Franklin, 1887. In full 368 10
John Palutei. Munch ( hunk. Ml, lu full 314 78
('. R. Hoover, Weatherl. 1887, in full.... 490 40
C. O'Dnnnell, !.. Jl. Chunk, 1887. lu lull.. 652 35
T. W. Williams, ljn.sloicl. I87, III lull.. 13 54
(i. W. Nusbaum, I elniihtuii. 1887, in full, 318 67
.las. Collins. M. C. Township, 1M.7. In lull. 653 67
II. VoKht, Weissport, I3S7, In lull 147 fO
J hn btrohl, I.TnwaineiisliiK,iasT, lu full. 22 64
(iodfrey lllttlnuer, LcIiIl'Ii, I'fS, In full.. 281 87
Wm Kpiitii-ilv. Iusannc. I8S8 infoll un M
O. If. (Ireen, Tovamcnsini;, 1888 mo oo
II. Voulit, Weissport. 1888 388 nr.
It. H. Ttelkman. Hast Mauch Chunk, 188. 00
.innnMroin, iiowameusini;, I8SS.1U iuii 1.217
Wm. Shadle. Ihlchtou
J. F. Christman. I'eun 1
1 z,uit 1a
Forest, 1888 50 10
II. P. Levan, Fr.inkllu, 1888...
D uo
2.144 51
680 65
698 113
r. 11. MCflens, uaiiKS, lHss
O.O. Mcleod, Kidder, 1888. In full...
Jos L. Field, hirrjvllle,18S8
N, Kelusmith, MalmnlnK. 1888. In full.
E. F. Warner. Weatherly, liw8
John Painter, Mauch Chunk, 1888
H.J. Jlelnzleman, Fast Penn. 1888.,,.
(1. W. Kvans. Ijinsford. 1888. In full ..
1.917 21
1.603 25
6,54S 64
COO 00
2.292 22
Kd. Ilnle, Maueh Chunk Township, 1S88. 4,000 00
J, J. Oerhard, Pucker, 1884 451 65
Total e30,103 14
Vnseated xands Redeemed.
Joseph S. Ford, Ex
W 0. &M. Uetweller....,
W. O. Freyman.... ,
J. K. Wannamaker, Est
Holomon lloyer ,
Penn Rrown Stone Co. .
W. P. Streeter ,
17 36
21 78
37 87
34 05
2 91
12 16
94 04
Total , S 244 77
Received Taxes on Tax Lien Record
W. II. Sites. Est., taxes '18 and '87 a 10 65
James Wilsou, taxes '82 14
Isaac uinuer vj
Totol..... f 11 73
Received for Rents.
Kcvstone League Club $ 117 60
Paul Howard, Court House one night.... t 00
Robert Klotz t 00
Total , $ 120 60
Received for Unseated Laud Taxes
Banks, taxes for 1886 $ 2C3 63
Hanks, tuxes tor 18S7 (lu part) 8 60
East I'eun, taxes for '86 and '87 60 15
Franklin, taxes for '86 ttid '67 24 63
I ausanne, taxes fur '86 and '87 64 00
LehlKh, taxes lor '86 and '87 CM US
L. Touanienslnn. taxes for '86 and '87.,., 66 18
1- TowamenshiK, '88 (in part) 1 25
Mauch Chunk Township, ''6 and '87 167 74
Mauch Chunk Township, '68 (in iiait).... 14 76
Packer, 86 ami '87
Penn Forest, '86 and '87.
Penn Forest, '88 (in part)
ToHamcnslliK. '86 and '87
East Mauch Chunk, '86 und '87 ,
Parnvllle, '86 und '8 ,
Weatherly, '86 uud '87
1.029 41
.... 654 30
.... 3100
225 20
.... 34 72
4 24!
13 65 I
. 3,361 53
Old lumber sold, Philip Ruder....
Tax Receipt booas
Jas. tlallaglier.blierlH, Jury fee.,
, 1 60
4 20
4 oo
Couuty's Fortlon of Liquor Ucentea.
One-tirtli of fiO licenses In llor.
at 150 each Jl.Cfo c
One-fourth of II licenses lu
townships st TJ cich TU TS
..)2,413 T
Less Treasurer' eoiuiulsslon.
e Shop
J, u.e m
S1.000 1 MM
1 per cent, on the next
i,uw II OS
H per cent, on balance,
t 25-411 3S CO
Total Receipts and Dalaiice $t,C41 to
Ily orders paid as per vouchers exhtbltod to the 1
For Court Expenses. I
Jury Commissioners and clerks ..) 103 60
jurors lor.iauuary session, ibsi iws us
Mirors ror April session, ltws sw as
Jurors for June session. IMS.... 67A 04
Jurors for Adiourncd June session, isss. 230 i'2
Jurors for October session, Igss 013 80
Couit Crier and Janitor, J. it Dlmmlck. 330 oo
iouu mi-uoicnipuer no ju
Constable mums itn H
Tipstaves 228 00
Constables and witness Ices lu Common
wealth cases K4Q 41
Hherlll, James Gallagher 1,70(1 70
rroinonoiary s lees, u. w. Ksscr 477 02
District Attorney, Win. M. Ibipsher 318 00
Total Court expenses ?7I12 89
Assessment and Iteglstrntlon.
Neal Mcllrlde, Assessor, 8!l, 10 davs....$
Military entolment, 4S2 names
lleruard Kerry.reKlstry.Audeni lcd,21 d'.s
132 00
1.1 tB
42 00
101 00
,i.i' woniicii,rei;isiry,irver.ieuoow,02u 5
RANT ITAimif fMflTMtr.
Clias. O'Donncll, Assessor, 30 days
Chas. O'Donncll, registry, 15 days
on 00
30 00
8 K
39 00
12 00
3 39
auuuu y i-iiruiiiii-iii, vro paints
Isaac (Under, Assessor, 10H days
Registry, 6 days
Military enrolment, 113 names
Unseated land assessment, 1 day.
2 00
W. II. Reber. Assessor, 12 days
24 00
Iteclstrv. (ldas
12 0"
Military enr 'Iment. 212 names
0 30
4 00
3 01
20 IX)
K 110
Uuseated land tax, adajs
KiuuEit lowssrur, noiitji
Ii. O. Mcljiud. unseated hiudussiut. 1SS7
Chas. Albert, Assessor, J808, 10 dajs
iteaisiry, nays
Military enrolment, 8i names
2 IT
K1IJI1KK TUIVShHir, aotTii.
Emory Oeti, Assessor, 7 das
Keplstry, 4 Jays
Military enrolment GO names
Unseated land assessment, 2 days. ......
14 no
8 00
1 21)
4 00
John Potter, Assessor, 13 da)s
at on
6 00
iteiusiry auuys
Military enrolment, 25 names
W, G Miller, Assessor, 36 days
lteplstry, 13 days
Military enrolment, 410 names
Gabriel Miller, Assessor, 17 days..
Military enrolments" names.. .. .-.
70 nil
M 00
13 38
31 00
10 00
1 41
Wash. Snyder, Assessor, 34 nays...... .
licclstry, 17 days
Military enrolment, v!39 names
Uuseated laud assessment, 4 days
(1. M. Henry, registry, Mi days
es 00
34 00
7 17
8 Oil
11 00
AG 00
ss on
V. S, Boyd, Assessor, 33 days
Keulstry, ltdas
Military cxrolment, 390 names
M. A. Doner, Assessor, 37 days
Iteelslry. Summit lllll.'JC days
Military enrolment, WO names
Geo. Hughes, registry, Kosquehoiilut;,
17 days
("has. Ncast. Assessor. 1887. 35 days. ...
71 00
r,2 00
18 80
34 00
70 00
Wt 00
J. P. Pacy, Assessor, 1888, 4t days
Miliiaiv enrolment, va names
Jos. Madara. rixlatry, 1st W. HH days..
J. P. Kuebler, renlstry, 2d W. 23 days.. .
A. II. Humbert, Assessor, 39 days
Keulstry, 12 days
Military enrolment. 251 nemos
A. II. Leugkanimer, registry, 4 days.... TOWNHIIU"
29 00
ili 00
78 CO
24 Oil
7 (A
8 Ot
S. D, Gerhard, Assessor, IS days
to 00
10 00
1 80
B to
10 00
2 25
to on
10 on
Jtemstry. 5 days
aiunaiy eiironueui, wimiiirn,.,,
Harrison Ilenrltzy, A.-aessor, 13 days...
Hepistry, 6 days
Military enrolment, 75 names
Levi Kuehner, Assessor, 18 days
Registry, 5 days
Military enrolment, 87 names
Nathan Stemler, Assessor, 20 days
Military enrolment, 132 names
P. T. Cheesman, Assessor, 35K days ... .
Registry, 11 days
Military enrolment, 291 names
J. G. Zern, Assessor, 1887, 5 days
Hegistrv. 1887, 1 day
Austin lloyer. Assessor, 1888.6 days
Registry, 0 days
Military enrolment, 81 names
Harry Ii. Schwartz, assistance In making
2 61
52 mi
3 DC
71 m
22 00
8 73
0 00
1 00
12 00
10 00
2 43
25 00
duplicates in 1888,
Total Assessment and Registration, S 1,824 67
Unseated Land Taxes.
Returned to J. O. Zern for tract erro
neously sold at Treasurer s sale
f C 22
Lew Ilrltsbacli. poor tax for '84 and '85.
6 73
17 31
C. Kehrlff, school tax for '84 and '85....
Ed. lloyer, ro;ul tax for '84 and '85
Returned to J. M. Christman for tract
16 67
7 11
erroneously sold at treasurer s saie.
Total Unseated Kind Taxes f
Road Damages.
David L. Fritz, road In East Penn '
llaiitcl I- Fritz, road In East Penn .
45 00
33 00
20 0
20 30
(J. W. Maurer. road In East Penn
Jacob Ciinfer, road tn Mahoning.......
Total Itoad Damages I 120 00
County Bridges,
TANNKEV II 11 1 Da It.
W. F. Streeter, for labor and material., a 11 72
laviu nwanK. " aij -lit
Ellas Huff. '. " " " 175 25
Ellas Huff, " " " U 7s
David Swank, lalor and material c 10
Mt. Vernon Urldge Co., new iron bridge
and lahor on same . 672 25
David Swank, labor 87 28
David Wetzel, labor ond material 13 00
Elwin Rauer, material 4 60
Miller & Derrick, material 13 44
Philip Rader, labor and material 23 61
L. V. R. R. Co., IreiKht 25
Marsh ti Zero, mateilal , 64 15
Obert Si llollord, niateilal 3 87
WlllTK 1IAVKN UltlDdK.
David Syvrnk, labor and malriial. ...... 70 00
E. W. Tultle. two sl'U boards 18 50
II. O. I!emmliig,ni..sonr 30 :-r.
Jacob Ulakesleu. conveying commission
ers nnd viewers from White Hayen to
Tohihaima 15 00
Six bildge viewers, each one day ai.d
mileage Si 10
Soniuel Welch, labor 1 80
Moses Halliuan, ' 2 63
Henry Miller, car.luic snow on budge
during January ami Februaiy 4 00
Samuel Welch, lahor ,. 2 17 4 26
llOWMA.NSVll.LK IlltltlOR.
Jacob S. I1.1MK, llialellal 244 !
Henry Rowuiau, lahor and material 114 3.-
MOVKit.a r.HiMiK.
Paul Smith, labor and material 0 4
Paul Smith. 13
OltllKlTH'S BniOUK.
Paul Smith, labor and mateilal 1 ts
bTltOlll.'e 11UIMUK.
Joel Si N.T.Strohl. labor and materia'.. . it 2.
Ed. Reber, labor and mateilal II in
LKII1UH OAl- 11 It I HO K.
John Craig, labor and uuteiial 120 .
Wearer t'lauss, labor anil material.... 80 c.
LI1T1.K (1AI- liltlOOr..
Ed. Uoyer and Peter N elda, AipioprIa
tlon to laiwer Tow .111611)1111; by icsolii
Hon of Coiumtssloiieis. Alik. 10 187... 405
Total County Rridces 2,w
Count Commissioners (as pur individual
account) 1,174 ..
Coiiiliilssloliers'Clerk, salai y, 1888
oou u
150 0
7J o-
131 .
112 4.
1,223' Vi
l.S.-J U'
74 77
y;ouui oouciuir, - -
' treasurer's " 9 months.
" ' for making 31 (kim-
mtssloiiers' deeds for uuseaiid lauds.
Count Auditors and elerk tor 1888
Court llnuso and Jail expenses aud rep.
Election Expenses
rriutliu; aud stationery
Pox nil wild cat scalps
Redemption of unseated lands
Rurlalnl soldieis .,...
J. S. Fisher, auditing accounts 01 iro-
thouotary and Recorder
Eastern Penitentiary, boarding prison'rs
Danville Mato Asylum, care ol insane..
County Institute. T. A. binder
ltecordliig Ireasurer'suudCoiiuiilssioii-
ers1 lionds
1,354 iit
IU4 10
80 -J
50 Oi,
108 31
612 00
. 0
19 IS
Ovt-rnaid taxes refuuded ui 42
Hjeo. .uian, ncrpniK wuici uij; iruuus
on public roau in renu roresi
Commission on Lunacy
Clerical service at Naturalization Court.
L, II. Rarber, Notary Public, 7 acknow
ledgements Anthony Coll and Joint Arner, old Com
missioners, one day's service each....
10 00
6 00
7 60
3 50
Total Miscellaneous 8,841 69
State Taxes.
The total amount ui State Tuxes was
3,959 75 : 01 tills alllOIUlt $363 60 was
allowed for abatements, commissions,
&c, leaving 3.696 15 due the State.,..
Of this amount there was paid for cleri
cal services lu transcribing Judgments
mortgages. &c, for the cars '&V$0.'87,
as allowed bv the .statu lu accordance
with the revenue act of 1886 375 00 paid to slate treasurer,.. ...... 3,221 15
Total on account of State Taxes.... $ tfiuv 15
Tatal amount of expenditures t 2t,(il5 ..
Ualaucelu irea.ui) I)cceinber31,16a8 17,(CU o;
S 41,641 40
Individual Account of Co. Commissioners.
bkut ulLLta.
Cr. by 100 days' aei vices at J oo
soo oo
M 00
" 2a " aoo
'By bill lor travellne expenses..
M 35
416 -
Dr, to orders paid by Trc amircr
D. i. o'dokxill.
Dr. by 100 days' services at 30....,.,
25 " 2 00
- Continued on Fourth l'tf.
By bill for trurolUK zpvts...
&UO uo
SO 00
72 ri
422 0
422 Oi
Dr. to ordsrt paid by Tmaott.:
icon S. HAWK.
Cr. by loo days' services at H to .
so " aw..
Oy bill far traveling expenses.. .
... SOO 00
... IC3 K
Dr. to orders paid by Treasurer CM 80
Note, The thaiL-es for (raveling expenses
ale lo reimburse the Commissioners for money
thvy paid out of their own pockets for the lollow
lng Items: l or fine and team idle In Inspect the
seteral county bridges, Joint meetings with the
Commissioners of Monroe county 011 account of
the new 'lohyhanua hiidgc, mid expenses to at
tend the Oouuty Cominlsi.ioncrs' Convention at
brie Pa. Mr. Hank's lull Is lsrccr. because In
a number ni Instances he paid the exp, uses of
the whole bo.tid on that tili.uud henlso attend
ed tho meeting ot tile Memorial Committee at
JTIuanclal Condition of Carbon County,
January 1, 1H80. ,
nine nv tax t:uLi.k(rroiti.
Richard Horn. Hast Mauch CJiuuk. 1882.. S IS 75
Samuel P. Pealer. Lansford. 1883. 89 51
v. U'e stiles, PacKertou, lsu 25 5(1
l'. r. lloyer. ramy c.isxG.... ta 10
It. J. livaiis. Hanks, lmtu..... 570 81
Kmorv tii-tz. Kidder. 1887 413 11
J. It. Sletguruult, Last Petiu, 1887 178 46
rairiCK Keiiey, imuhs " .... 150 bj
J. P. Uhlistmxn, Penn Forest, " .... 59 10
O. II. (Heeii, Towameiislng, less.,,... 238 80
11. Voght. Welsslioit. " 1IO00
11. o. JU'lKlliail, r.. JM. UJUIIK, " W 00
Win. Shadle .Lehlaldon. " 3!9 38
J. P. (.'hilstman, Penn Purest, " 268 wi
II. P. Levaii, Prankllu, " COS 81
P. II. .Mc.Ma is. Ranks. " 235 20
Joseph L. Field, Puriyvllle, " 2114
.ionn rainier, tviuueu viiook, " 3u tu
K. II. lleintzlemaii, East Penn, " 387 CI
hd. lloyle. Mauch Chunk lwsn. " 727 Gl
J. J. lierkartl, Pucker, " Hi 19
i'.. r. yvurner, yveaineiiy. - sou
FOlt hunt.
Ii. M. Mulhear 30 00
First National Rank 12 00
Note. The following amounts have been
paid since January 1st:
John Painter, In part 200 00
Win. shadle, lu part 237 01
.1. F ChrUimaii, 111 full 4J lis
I. M. Alulhi ai n, lent 30 00
Iv ystoue League, lent 22 to
J. J. ilatlagi el', iv.laucc 67
For School, Ito.iu una Pom luxes on uuseated
. I Us ,,s iilmW',:
BAr-lcs 'rows snip,
School tax lui ,tu 141 ;l
" " 18jm till "llt; 4 18
Itoad " 1881! 44 53
" " 1887 (in part(.... I 6J
Poor " 1886 33 Wi
" " 18s7 (ill pAII) 1 14
llorotigh tax lor s4 111,0 n" 5 32
" '86 and '87 5 3.'
School 14 IX)
Poor ' 6 3f
Schno' tax for tsia.iU '8i 1682
Road 19. a
TRANKMN township.
School tax for Nj.ioO'hJ , 0(0
Itoad 5 ill
Poor " , " " 3 91
Poor tax for 1115
lai'sak Towssiiir
Atliool lax lor bO,.nu m 15 17
Itoad " " " 19Ui
Poor " " " 12 W
Schol tax fr M aim 8j lit
Itorough " ' " 71
Poor 22
School tax for '8u aim '87 271 30
Road " " " 2.UC3
Poor " " " 1)0 44
SCilOol tilX lor 8U.IOU Si 20 41
" " '88 (in pail) 48
Road " '8iiiiiiu'8I r 15 08
" '88UUiull( 34
Poor " '86 unci S7 7 87
" " '88(111 pint U
School tax 101 N...IW e 83 07
" " '88 On pail) 7 41
Road " '86 and '87 S6 ta
'88 (in iiat t) 1 54
'88(in part) , 233
School tax for '86 and '81 372 21
Koad " " ' 288 70
Peor ' " ' 144 47
School tax lor 86 and '! 213 3d
" " 8S (In part) 1105
Road " HUaiiu 87 2139
" " "kSiln patt)., 10 79
Poor " '86 35 00
School tax for '81 unci 83.,.,..., 133
' ' '86 and '87 1 46
Road " '84 uud '83 68
." ' 'Mand's7 08
Poor " '81 and '85 78
" " '86 II lid 'K7 106
School tax for boaliU 7 , 58 15
Itoad " " " 64 uo
Poor " " " ... 02 39
School tax for '86 uud sf 0 70
Koad " ' " . 2 85
Poor " " " 171
Ollirlel Mlilrr, m.iuini; iiiucated laud
HMte&tiiL'iit 2 00
Elwin llatti-r, material lor h.-M. o. bridge 8 72
II. fi. Humify, Klious lor pihoin'ra. 2 75.
I). C. Miilliearn, supjillrs lor jail 045
Solomon stemler, labor and material lor
Sleniler'a bitdco llll
Oeorgo Dolon. one (iinrtcru a.ii.ny 2SOO0
I'lioa. Konns, Sliurllt, unadjusted bill lor
IIxIhh Hi i-h nl the prison and coal lui-
nislit'd at Jail duriiiK 1882 21(100
I.eb'3 Jury lees In 'to, 81 and '82 oooo
Balance duo liim t ltd to
James Gallag;lier, SherlflT. In Account wltlt
Carbon County.
To orders drawn on County Treasurer. .$ 1,730 00
It) boarding prisoners.. 1,08003
Ily building tires In jail 274 00
lty serving Juror notices 117 Co
Ily removing prisoners to linst'n 1'en'rv 122 BO
Ily removing Insane to Danville CO 00
Uy tees lu Commonwealth cases 40 75
S1.7J0 1X1
We, the undersigned Auditors of tlicCotintv ot
Carbon, Kiato of lvnnjlvaiila, elected and did)
sworn accenting to law do report that we met lu
tin; ofllce of the County I'omiolsiloiieis, audited,
adjusted, and settled according to law, the
accounts of (ieorge Point;, Ireasurer, llenry
Miller, D. J O'JJonuell, ami Jacob W. Hawk,
G"iimiiioners, and James (lallagher, Sheriff oi
s.ii.1 C" lor Ihe year ending l)cc. 31st lfsn,
i-omnieiiilui; li e woik on the 1st Monday ol
Humi v, i!4i, and I'ompletliig It on the 23rd dav
t.lnnnar, IK . And ill t said accounts .settled
as iibove Mated n o' r. cold in the oinci
I'r. tliouoUiy. r sc. V, m ilml i
(mm the anovc o t.i.c. ... ,y col ilm tors u e
lereent"Ki' tot coll' Hoi. . n li nine li-sla..- r
exonerations in-' K. I i!".i eied
We also les e tudl an i.iulie a li i.tK ll t
the fact that in om op.uion, in some ol tue
several tow uiliips and boroughs, assessors mi I
registers have charged ti irbllantlv fur their
services Notahlo Instaiices are the assessors
of U.inks; the registry ol Denver ,l alow; I lie
assessors of lA'lughloii, Weatli' rlv. Ui.ter low.i
ineuslng, l.insroi d and Mauch ( hunk Townsli p;
and Hie icgUtery oI2tid Wind .Mauch cliui.k
We also reronimcnd to the Hoard of Commiss
ioners, that they lis much s possible earr.v
sy.stem of hnok-t eeplng into the ofllc t ol Got
Onimissimiersj also Unit an account be opci e I
villi llio several parties who tent fiom the ci un-
In the matter of the several Items credited Ii
lie t'oniniUsloncrs in theli Individual Aecoin
(or expeiiAes Incnned In visiting Hie lindgi.oi
rile I'ouutv, alteiidllig the lommlxMoneR.' I on
veiillon lit Krle, l'a. ,.(.. It Is Hie opinion ol lb
AIMlloin tlutt as nnitier (if r'ght and equb
tii t'i m nlss'oiiers stiould lie relmnurseii fc
lejr to .'ah I in 1 1 ii v, lide lo tne
.lees of tin1 t'oinitv, hut we c.iiii.ot Bii-i any I
tllowlnir the satin , llieiefoiu tilrei 1 ilml Im ,
charged back to ln(' I'ouiml.ssloiier.s u folin '.
lenry Miller, I'r., lo bib disallowed $ in,
I. .1. 0'llouuell ' " ,2,i
laisibH. Ilauk " " " " lu.
In testlmonv wl eicof e liavo
our hands and sens it lie oltl e ioresld U.I
23ril day of Jan. A. 1). Is:i,
A.i. I'lTTKItS. Sei"
I'M I. WA'INlUt, (M' 11
It. It. JllCAIIM. '. 1
ltmmr aealor un bo ns Ihe W. X.. Dooelu
Ahos irltnout uamo nnd price stampea on
9km baUom, pat him down M s. fraud
Best In the world.
Bxamlne hi.
tM.nn ii asjii-i'vi-i wki.t sunt'.
Saso l'or.iCK and FAitMKitt,' suor. icx ritA vai.ui: calf kiiok.
a.oo and Mi.Tfs uuvs' sellout, snoca
All liaoi. iMogrest, itoiioa ana uca
S3 SHOE lafdTe8.
' licit Material. Best Stria. Bast Fitting.
w SW. oiu ttj your oeaier, wnio
. write
Mi-HKKAM & SOU, Agents,
Opera House Block,
In order to make some important
changes in our business, we iiave decided
to move a portion of our stock quickly by
commencing a general reduction sale to
continue until February 15th, 1889.
Carpets, Eugs, Mats, Matting,
Floor Oil Cloths, Win-
clow Shades,
and everything belonging to the above line
of goods at and below cost prices. This
makes the price now
On Kody Krussols 90 cents, w-ir $1.15.
On Body Brussels 80 cents, was $1 00.
On Tiipestiy Hruf-scls 7 cents, wns 90 cents.
On Tapestry Iiiussels 50 cents, was 65 cents.
On lugiain Hi - ssels 50 cciits, wts 65 cents.
On liifintin 40 c nts. vat 50 cents.
On Ingrain 30 cents, was 40 cents.
On Riik 50 cents, was 65 cents.
On iirtg 30 cents, was 40 cents.
On Jute 18 cents, was 25 cents.
Floov Oil Cloths and Window Shades at corresponding low prices.
AVe also offer special prices on a great many goods in our linespf
and Men's Wear of Ev ry Discription.
We do this in order to make room for our Spring Stock
of Goods for which we are now placing our orders.
CalJ examine goods and prices, you will save money if in
need of anything in our line of goods, by doing so.
Opera House
You will certninly find it to your advantage to buy where you
have the largest, cheapest, best and newest stock of
to select from. That wj&ce will
certainly be at
f'p-osito fhe Valley Round House, North Bank Street.
Make it a point to see the celebrated ''Irving Range" before pur
fhaMng any other. All makes and grades of heaters on hand
and furnished at short notice and at exceedingly low prices,
JMifnn $1.00
Mii U bu W news
Will do all Tirnr
oxrn frlntinc or
earn money print
ing for others.
Your boy caa
mn it. OuUlti,
u Ith Preu cost SS.
10. t. t, or mnrt,
according to alu -one
u irocfcl as another.
In uv all ovar the
Poll Urormttlnnln
a book railed linn
tol'rlnt, Frtowlth
samplea of Model
presi wort, upon ap-
pocauon. Auoreu:
MS Arab Strttt, PklUislsU'.
Set tviiai u aaiu abou'
The Model Press.
My Model i'le aneited mo III three mouth over
iJOO.uo 1 neve: lutil In.uuriioi.i, iu printing be
f irc.jcllkcl -jpiyid printed o,ooOdeuoslttlekeU
oniny.Modc' Prcwthoibiy After I received It. t
have iniidr more than double what my Model
Tress cos, me tho first tuo months. -I'ave done
nliotit:j0.00noitli otuoiltoii mv'vo, 1 Model
fliss. It beAts nil. Alter tlir-.c years' use I
Uud iry Model I rest as good ns new, The
Modi I Tress Is V illbult end oustt to last naif
a century.
The Model Tress
If fully equal tr tho :irget and costliest mv
Cji!ieg for tlno Curd and GENUHAI. 1IUSINKSS
Printline, Any smnit boy can turn out hundred
of ilollaiswoilli nf noik every year, eveu with
ono ol ma suniller size;. Address.
Thz Model Pkeks Co., Ltd.,
012 Arch Street.
myl2.j! riui.ADEt.rniA, Pa.
Personal Notice.
To whom it may concern, allpemomnre here
bv lorbld inrddlmi! vvltlia iUY llOKSK. rUinc
three yeais old, now In possession of HKUIIKN
t NMCKl'lt. of the llorouch of Lehlchton.
Carbon county, Tn., as the same Is iny propel ty,
aud loaned to dim during mv pleasure.
I Jmi. IV. Lafclghtoo, Ca.
S, Look Here!
a year.
More local
than any other paper.
The Sun for 1889,
TllR Sun believes that the campaign lor tba
election ol a Deinociatie Congress in lM and a
Deuiocratlc President lu ISVJ should bemn on or
about tliu touilli ot next .March, Tiik Sun will
be on luiiid at tbo bcntiinineana until the end ot
the most luterestliiB und Important political eon
llict since the war, doluu lis honest utmost, as
ever, to secure the triumph of the Democratic
partyund tne periiiauent supremacy nf the priu
dp en held by Jeflerson, Jackson uud Tllden.
The great (act of the year Is tho return to abso
Into power ot the common enemy of all good
DcJiiociats the political rganizatlou for whose
overthrow Tiik bun fought at the front for U
vears, the niemorable years of liraut aud tba
Vruud Hayes, aud (larflcld aud Arthur.
It Is Ihe same old exiemy that Democrats now
confront, and he will Tie Intrenched lu the sam
strong position. It has been carried ouce by
brave and hopeful lighting. Do you not bebere
with Tue Sun that the thing can b done again?
Wait and seel ....
Tha hope of thfi Democracy Is In the loyal ef.
fort of a united press, cherishing no memories
of past dllfercnces In non-esseutlals, foigettlnx
over) tiling but the lessous of experience, aud
thai victory Is a duty.
Probably you know Tiik Bun already at a
newspaper which gets all the uews and prints It
lu Incomparably tiiierestiiiK shape: whlbliclirou.
icles facts as they occur ami tells the truth about
men and events with absolute fearlessness, mak
ing the completes! and most eiitertaloltni Journal
published nuywhere nil earth; and which seils
its opinions only lo its subscribers and purchas
ers at two cents u copy on (Sundays four cents.
11 joudonut know Tiik .Suk, scud for It and
leaiu what a wonderful thlugltlsto bo lu lb
Dallv, per month , (4 M
Dally, per year too
Mihday, per year .. SCO
Daily and Holiday, per J ear 1 00
Dally aud Huuday.per liiouth 0 TO
Weekly Huu, one year I 00
Dec as. Tan SOU. New Yartc
Respectfully announces to the public that ho hs
)lLed a ,NKW I.lVKItY 81 AllLl'andttiat ho Is
ouw urenated tn furnish Teams for Funerals,
U'cdd'ng s or llnsluess Trips on the shortest no
lresu.1 most liberal terms. Orders left at tha
"CarboL Hoiue" will receive prompt attention.
aaitVie Hctal, Uhlgiiton. ymiaii-
1. .... ' '"--'i ,