The Carbon Advocate LEmUHTON. PA.. SATURDAY, JANUAHY 23, 18SB. RNTKRKD AT TIIR LKI1IOHT0M PO8T-orFI0B AB SECOND CLASS MAIL MATTKlt. MKIOUnUR, IIAV12 KO FKAIt. Tho Carbon County Court quashed tbe flrt Indictment against tbo Lehigh Valley employes charged with responsibility for the Mud Run disaster. Tbe grand jury presented a new bill Friday, which stood tbe teat ot tbe Court's scrutiny, but the trial was postponed until March. It Is to be hoped that this does not (oreshadovr an abandonment of the prosecutions, as Is charged In some quarters. While no one desires a vindictive prosecution of tbe ac cuscd, it Is but just that tbo responsibility for tho death of more than sixty persons should bo legally fixed and the guilty par ties punished. Needless accidents of tills kind will never ceaso until thots whose carelessness or Inefficiency cause them are hold to a strict account. rblla. Times. The positive character of District At torney Rapsber assures an early trial nf tbe negligent employes charged with being re sponsible for the Mud Hun holacost of ()- tobcr 10, and on our knowleitgo of the gentleman we can assure our cstrrmod con temporary that the prosecution will handle tbelr case In such a manner as to place ttitt guilt where It rightfully belon.j. Tin prosecution will not bo made In a ylni'.lc tlve sulrlt, tbe ends of justlco and tbe dv mands of common humanity will be satis fled, and in this the prosecution wl'l have done tbelr duty. What more is wanted? A GItEAT ISSUE. The most vital issue now before tbe peo ple of Pensylvanla is, be oud question, tho Prohibition amendment. It is gigantic in proportions, inasmuch as it directly or in directly concerns every man,- woman nml child In this great commonwealth; in moral sense it might truly bo said to over shadaw tbe slavery question of over a quar ter of a century ago. On account ot tbe Importance and magnitude- of this great lssuo the Cakdox Advocate opens It columns to the use of Its readers in dls cussing this question that Is of paramount import to all. All communications musi be plainly written, on but ono side of tin paper, and must be short and to the point We don't waut yard-long sentiments 01 personal abuse, but facts and arguments that will Interest tho christian and the saloon-keeper alike J5V A VOTE OF THIItTY-TWO TO THIRTY the Republican tariff bill, after nine hours continuous discussion, passed the Senate on Tuesday. The measure differs essentially from tbe tariff bill proposed by tbe Demo crats, but on the whole It Is perhaps, as fair a document of the kind .as a Republican Senate would be likely to pass. What the common people of this country want Is pro tection from the despotism of munoply 01 corporative greed, if the Senate tariff bill was framed for and will effect this end tbe people and the party can feel justly proud of tbe labors of their Senators, If not well, It wont be tbe first time "the peopli have been hoodwinked. There is oxit way to have a towk progress and that is for every citizen to get up and bump himself, support his borne paper and encourage tho efforts of his friends. Don't put a damper on every thing by breathing of possible failure, etc, but help tbo town to move along by pat ting jour shoulder to the wheel and push Ing with pluck and determination. ThU Is the only way to gel out of the mire, and when once out 3 ou ought to have sense enough to stay out. BltOTHEUS RaUCH AND M ALLOY ARE at logger-heads just now because tbey can not agree as to a proper distribution of the political offices. In a nut-shell, however. Jimmy wants to be Associate Judge and is working himself into a fever beat because "Old Rauch" divines bis secret. Be easy, boys; the people of Carbon county will elect Its officials regardless of the place ol residence and contrary to tbe personal de sires, perhaps, of either or both of jou. The installment m an with his usual large supply of mats, rugs, clocks, etc., lias been "working" our town Ibis week pock eting shekels that belong in tbe tills of oui borne merchants. Still the merchants fail to moye In the matter,' aud If tbey don't why should tbe town council. The fall of 'feathery flakes of beautiful snow" on Sunday put a sudden stop to farmers continuing their plowing, The weather changed in less than twenty four hours trom elberal mildness to blus tery winter. THE VOTE ON THE AMENDMENT. The joint resolution to submit to a vote of "the people a constitutional amendment prohibiting tbe manufacture or sale of intoxicating liquors finally parsed the House Tuesday. Only 18 of the 204 mem bers were absent on roll call, all tbe othert putting themselves on record on one side or tbe other. Tbe resolution now goes to tbe Senate for concurrence, and the vote taken In the House may be regarded as significant of what that of the Semite will be. After caucusing on the amendment the Democrats of the House resolved to take no action to bind tbe vote of the members. They certainly displayed good sense in rejecting Representative Ritter's proposi tion that tbey should sit quietly In tbelr seats aud not vote at all while tbe roll was being called. What tbey did when the question came up In tbe House ou tbe final passage ot the joint resolution sub mitting tbe amendment was to vote almost in a body agklnst it 48 of tbe 60 Democrats being so recorded, while 8 were absent and e voted with tbe Republicans In favor of submission. Those Democrats voting for submission were Weber aud Farrell, of Clearfield; Skinner, of Fulton; JKherry, of Cumberland; Wood, of Lycoming, and Holti' of Centre. Of the 144 Republican members of tbe House 125 voted for the amendment, 0 voted against it and 10 were absent. Of tho 0 opposition votes 8 were from Alle gheny, as. follows: Chalfant, Lafferty, Le mon, Richards, Roblson, Sblras, Weaver and White, tbe other opposltlan Republi can being Flickinger, of Kile. Tbe 18 ab sentees Included 10 Republicans and 8Dem crats. Tbe result is such as to show a pretty straight party division on tbe ques tion, the opposition of the eight Allegheny Republicans having more personal signifi cance than auytblng else. When the question was before the Sen ate at the last session tbe Democrats gen erally refuted to be recorded either way. Tbe House Democrats have this time set tbem an example for courage, at least, and they will gain nothing by again refuting to face the music. Those who do not record ' themselves In fayor of allowing tbe people to tots on this question will bs put down at against llPhlla. Timu. THE SPECIAL ELECTION. Tbe bill lnttoduced by Mr. Draro In the House of Representatives providing for tbe holding ot the election at which the proposed Prohibition amendment to the Constitution shall be submitted Is In threo sections. Section 1 provides for the advertisement of the election according to the constitution al provision, which Is to be held on Tues day, June 18. Section 2 provides that the election shall bt in all respects conducted as tho general State elections are conducted. Section 3 provide that the Governor, the Secretary of the Commonwealth, the Audi tor General, tbe State Treasurer, the Lieu tenant Governor and the Secretary of In ternal Affairs shall be constituted a board to open, canvass and compile the returns of said election on tbe second Tuesday In August, and the Governor shall forthwith Issue a proc amatlon declaring whether the said amendment has been ratified or reject ed by a majority of the quallfled voters of the State. BROADBRIM'S 1 Y. LETTER. Once each year fashionable Now York breaks its charmed circle, steps down from Its elided throne, and mingles with the common herd In the name of sweet Charily, I don't mean to say that Mr. Arthur p. Leary will lead the German with his wife's mantua-maker, or that Mr. Hall McAlister will dance the Landers with tbe wife of the gentleman who does up his Worship's linen. No, no, blood is blood, and blood will tell. You can pay your ten dollars, and you can go to the Charity Rail, and If you have luck, and know them, jou can see all the people in New York society. Ostensibly P'c Iron touches elbows willi tenpenny nails; but in reality It does noth ing of the sort. Pig iron is still pig Iron apt tenpency nails are still tenpenny nails Uul all'Ncw York turns out, nevertheless, because It is the proper thing to do, and -tweet Charity profits thereby, scattering untold blessings to the poor. Among these tided aristocrats are many blessed angels, whose appeals for help are ever heeded, be cause they give freely of tbelr own. No; the least among these is Jrs. Astor and Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbllt, ladles who are Hver foremost In every good and charitable work. January tbe eighth was the day chosen for Charity's ball, and, as I said, it brought out all New York. The sale of the boxes brought several thousand dollars, and the entire profits will not be known for several weeks to come. As no one is barred who has ten dollars to spare, and as everybody wants to see our society leaders, with the exception of tbe two great Ger man balls, the Anon and the Llederkrantz, and ball of the Cercle Francalse, there Is no such crush to be seen at any ball in New York. Tbe list of patrons, beaded by Mrs Astor, embraced every society leader in the city, and President Grovcr Cleveland was given a conspicuous place among the gentlemen; the name of his lovel ir wife, however, was notably absent from the list, the only con celvable reason being that the first lady of .be land would, ou this occasion have had to take a second place, as the head of the house of Astor Is our acknowledged Society Queen, and she abdicates her throne for no one not even for the wife of the President. The Metropolitan Theatre is the largest ball-room in the dt, but, large as It Is, it was scarcely large enough to contain the thousands that rushed in to the Charlt. Uall. It was a good-natured crowd, how ever, and the show of diamonds and im ported dresses was something uiarve ous. Our creme de la creme got away early In the actiou, but tbe crowd was great tha their absence was scarcely noticed, and the early hours on Wednesday were ringing from the great church clock when the band struck up "Home, Sweet Home." Speaking of tbe Metropolitan Opera House puts me in mind that we have just produced at this magnificent theatre IKagner's Rheingold; and for the benefit of my out-of-town friends, If you want to prououce the name of the great composrr like a tip-top sawyer, call It Yogner, not ll'agner. All musical New York has been on tbe ttp-toe for months In expectation of this wonderful production. Well, we have seen It, and now, what? IKell, if a man declares his honest conviction, what does lie get? Numbskill, brute, savage, Ignora mus, barbarian, sans-culotte, and every other choice name in tbe vocabulary. Tbt production of this piece has cost no end of trouble and money. It Is a sort of mj tbo logical hodge-podge, made up of dwarfs, brownies, gnomes, mermaids, mermen, Khein gods and Rbeln devils, and all sorts of impossible and improbable monstrosities. A more dissolute set of vagabonds than these Rbeln gods It would be impossible to conceive, and, as a matter of public safely, tbe ver best place to keen such fellows would bo in the bjttnm of the Rhine, al belt these jolly gods were no great lovers of cold water. Tte goddesses are prett) enough, but are not safe persons to let run loose around o' nights, and if tbey lived in New York Instead of the bottom of the Rhine, tbe chances are ten to one thai they would be picked up by tbe police aud sent to Blacknell's Island as disorderly persons, wulle the principal character would stand a good chance of going to Stale's Pil.on for bigamy. There is a dash of insanity about every thing that Wagner ever wiote which gives evidence of a distempered brain. All of his later operas were produced for the delectations of the mad King of Bavaria, who eventually went bunting mermaids at the bottom of the lake adjoining his palace. It may be that Bishop Berkeley was right, and that we are all as mad as March bares; If we are not, It would not take many doses ot Yogner to make us as crazy as loons. In the production of the effects of the Rbetngold, no attention appears to have been paid to tbe comfort of any one except the composer himself and his royal patron. To produce the effect of swimming on the water wonderful machines have been In vented, fifteen aud sixteen feet blgb; these rock and float and dive and sink In the most illusive manner on tbe waters ot the Rhine. Mounted on the top of these are Rhine daughters, and the feeling that some or tnete spirits experience Is verv much like being tossed about In a cockle shell In a high sea. Now a German fairy Is a very different thing from an English, on Irish, or a French fairy. A very moder ate Gerniau fairy weighs anywhere from two hundred to two hundred and fiftj pounds, solla beef, and a waist-band of fiftj-lx inches Is not uncommon. It took five men to move every fair, so that tbe expenses ot tbe opera were enormous; but New York footed the bill, and the bouse was crowded eyery night, I am Indebted to tbe New Yerk World far tbe following lucid explanation of the motive, which I know will lay my musical readers under. lasting obligation: "This uanteojary, and as yt by IKokUegta un recorded motive, they call the Volapunk motive, because It occurs every time In H'agner's wonderful poetry ot primitive time, has to be sung, and which translated Into English reads Usla ahela, Uellajohels, Wallalalaha, Ylhca, Wallalela, Yuhel," It Is an especial satisfaction to me to lay tbe clear exposition of the Wagner motive before my readers by tho aid of the IFortd's musical young man. Is It a success? 1 should say so. At tbe opening ot the Rhine scone, the honse went wild, men poundrd on tbe seats, women screamed, boys threw up their hats and girls danced. Washington Connor waved bis handker chief frantically, and another grave broker clapped his hands, a thing he seldom docs, except when ho has caught the market short on Western Union or Missouri Pacific. I came ana, feeling like Cleve land when ho received tho election mows. Tbe enthusiasm never touched me; I know I looked like a Mugwump; I felt guilty, but I can't help It, You way bang me, cruclfj me, If you please, but I can't and don't llko Vogner. Tbo critic of the "Musical Times" In forms me that the music of IVoden Is written In thirty-two sharps, with occasion al deml, semi, quavers and flats thrown In between. Soldi and bis orchestra struggl ed manfully up to tbe fall ot tho curtain, which descended amid a storm of Cheers in every Hying language: "Zare good," "Tres bon," "Bully for you," etc., etc. etc. I'm musically squelched, but I sup, pose I'll have to stand It. 1 don't like Vogner. A decided sensation of the week was the commutation of tho sentence of Anion Helch, aha brutal wife murderer. Relcb was a Jew, and eyen after bis sentence maintained that ha would never be ex ecuted. Many Jews In New York teemed to think It was an especial disgrace to tbe raco that a Jew should suffer on the gal Ions, thougti guilty. Rich merchants, r.tbbls, law., era and thousands of others signed a petition to the Governor for commutation of sentence; and the Goyei nor, remembering that a Presidential elec tion occurs in 1802, no doubt thought it might not be a bad Idea to cast an anchor to windward; at any rate Reich got hi commutation. Tbe departure of Verestchagln, the Russian ar'lst, has given rise to a very funny story. I don't vouch for Its truth but give It to you as I got It. When Mr, Y"prestcha,tln started for this country, he, although a gentleman of extensive travel evidently had an Idea that he was going to have some fine buffalo shooting In the vast forests that surround the cities of Brooklyn ;g1 New York. He thought a deer or au elk might be picked off from the Brooklyn Bridge, as they were swimming tbe East River, wbllo bis chances for bear were not bad in tho regions of Central Park or along tho shores of Coney Island. Mr, Verestchagln Is an exceedingly good look- Id man and be knows It, and his stand Ing In the art world Is assured by the fact that he himself has discovered tbe onlt true principles of art on which a solid foundation can be built and that Vandyke, Correglo, Raphael. Rubens, Claude Lorra Ine, ad homme genns were a lot of old fogies, who know no more ot tbe true principles of art than a cow does of a musket. He expected to Interview Sioux aad Pawnees on tbe Battel y, and to secure the relics of barbarous Indian massacres in front of the City Hall. He left hero a few days ago a ycry rauch disappointed man Is assumption made blra a laughing-stock among artists, and bis intolerable vanity shut the doors of society against him which if be had come less offensively might possibly have given him a hearing. A few small shopkeepers and Russian traders Invited him to dinner or lea, but our society people took no notice of him, and tbe great body of artists, gave him the go by. This nettled him so that when he left us ho considered u greater savages than when he arrived. He was thoroughly illogusted, and shook the dust of New Yoik from his feet as he stepped on tbe steamer. There were not many to see the renowned Russian artist off, but there were a tew, and amoug them an American gentleman who was a slucere admirer of his works, Tbe gentleman, as tbe steamer was starting, wished him Bon towage, and nan-led him a box of very Que cigars, Verestchagln took them, bowed In compll mem, and looking tbe donor squarely In tbe eye, stepped to the side of the steam ship and dropped them overboard Into the water. I hoie the story is not true, thought Verestchagln a gentleman. If It Is true, It Is evident that I have made a gross mistake. We have frequently read of tornadoes In lb ICest, and natural!; supposed that they were entirely a Western product; but the other day we had a rude awakening. The toruado that left sucii ruin in its track Ir Pennsylvania passed us with little damage in New York, but It gave Brooklyn a sbaklugup that It will not be likely to forget. By a singular coincidence two great gasometers of the .Municipal Gas Company blew np just as tbe tornado struck tbe city, and what with tbe dreadful war ot tbe elements and the terrific gas ex plosion, many thought that the end of the world bad come. Since then the weather has been lovely the air balmy, and tbe parks as green as In spring. BROADBRIM. Small-pox, one ot tha most dreaded and fatal scourges of bygone times, Is now pre valent to a small extend In the vicinity of wanucokf. l'a. There seems to be no im- raedlaler danger of Its spreading tbrougb the community as the au horltles are take ing all possible care to Isolate those not at tacked. Edward Richter, aged 65 a carpet weaver. who has been melancholy for soma time, committed suicide at his home near Natarth by hanging. Mary Stauffer, a girl of 13. visltsd Rider's grist mill, Terre Hill, Tuesday and wander ed to tbe third floor. Her clothing caught In tbe machinery and she was whirled around by the shafting. Tier head vas al most crushed to a pulp. An explosion occurred In No. 1 slope of tbe Susquehanna Coal Company at Nantl coke Wednesday evening. Five mine en gineers were surveying, when the cas caught from one ot their lamps. Two were kilted, tbree fatally and two seriously In jured. The killed are William Sharplets and Chet Owen, both married. One of the fatally Injnred Is James Riley. Thomas Morgan, the lira boss, who acted as guide for tbe engineers, Is alto fatally injured. John S. RIgbtmeyer, for many years clerk nf tha Court of tbe Quarter Sessions of Berks county and a member of the Pennsylvania Legislature mora than fifty yeareago, dropped dead at his desk In Reading on Tuesday, aged tlghty-ona years. What several veterinary surgeons pro nounced spinal melngltls Is doing 'deadly work among horses In some parts of Chester caunty, Pa. In Westtown township, that county, tha past week Mr, Frederick BrinWn lest three valuable horiss turn this disease nnd others In tha tame locally are similarly affected. The throat acd neckoflba animal becomes swollen to double Its site and death results from starva tion. The visitation la ellclti-g much at tention from stock dealers throughout this action. William Fordney Lockard, one of the oldest officials In the emolyof tbe Pennsyl vanla Railroad, having been train agent, despatcher, superintendent of the Phila delphia division of the Junction Railroad, died In Philadelphia on Tuesday at The age of 07 e.n. Ho wont to work for tha Penna. Railroad when It belonged to tbe I Btate and extended only from Philadelphia to Uolumbla and the cars were pulled by horses. Assaulting Young Girls. Patrick Bradley, who had been hunted by the entire police force of Philadelphia for weeks, was put on trial Tuesday on the charge of entrapping joung girls on the pretense of employing them as domestics, and luring them to Isolated parts of tbe cltv and park and assaulting them. First he was tried an the charge of assaulting Jfattlc Jtfeare, aged 13 years, and was convicted In three-quarters of an haur. Twenty minutes later he was convicted of assaulting Alice Blalnr, aged 10 year , Tha detectives testiBed that he bad planed numerous other crimes, ant htd been foiled. Judge Gordon sentenced bim to solitary confinement for twenty-nine years and eight months. A great mob hut g about the court and Jeered tbe prisoner. New Advertisements, Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A mflml nf .,i,lfr strength and wholesomeness. More economical competition with the multitude of low test, snort .icikmi-, aiuiu ur pfitisuuuie pomiers. soiu only & ??S?' Royal Baking I'owder Company, ion Wall Street N. T. luit 24-mi ADMINISTRATORS' SALS OT VALUABLE REAL ESTATE ! There will be exposed to Public Sale, on the premises m Franklin township. Carbon county, renn.i., on SATURDAY. March 2, '89. at ONE O'CLOCK la the afternoon, the follow ing valuable real estate of the late I'eter Krum, deceased, containing ' 31 Acres, Mora or Less. Hn,lcI.a 5od state of cultivation, bounded and described as follows: On tlic north by lands of u A,,'I,er t-o-. on the south by lands ot lteu ben Solt. on tha putt i,v inn,, Xt u..,. ?i'.d Ln,19 ""rtman. on the west by lands of Wm. Schwelbeni and Itobert Anthony. The Improvements thereon are A fink Sv' WWirfi'i 01 1ure WiKer'tt Frame Dwelling House, with Kitchen attache d. a 1 ,,vi.m j iMiiuuiiuuijrs. wn 11: On tho propel ty Is lo- cated the nell-Knuwii UK UKUJAUf SLtTIE gUAKKl. Terms and conditions Hill hn ninrielrtiftivn nt tune ana piace 01 saie, or JUlin . Mil, LEU, JOSEPH KKUM. January 2t-ts Administrators New Roller Mill. The undersigned has changed his MILL to the ROLLEK PROCESS, and is now prepared to do CUSTOM WORK either by GRINDING EVE It Y CUSTOMER'S O iV N WHEAT or by EXCIIANUIJiO with those who come from a distance. All Work Guaranteed. The patronage of the public Is very respectful ly solicited. The Mill will be Started up bv abput January 21st, 1889. Give us a trial. M. HEILMAN, Jan.lMnS LKHKIIITON, PA. Personal Notice. To whom It tmv concern, nil nersnn nr htrn b forbid meddling with a BAY HOIWK. rUinp three years old, now In possession of UICUHEN ' tlXriirKKIT. nf thn ltnrmnrh nf Carbon county. la., us the anma 1 ray property, and loaned to him during my pleasure. Jan. 10, 1830-wj Lehlthfon. Pa. 80 flollil Gold VTttX. c)h iMr diuu, utu uuir. Dm $41 matrbla U world. uuuwBr uin. sum MOtea' and ruia'titt, with Warts UntPmoaloiukU. MltlT aata aacura eoa tr. eabl Urn cf Household sample MBipiaa, a wall lb wauh, w at4 Wot. al a flat mi hara kant thus t jvar bmt to 8 ntnitia end attawn Utm ta tttoaa whs tsar bar aallad, the t bcstmM your own propeyrtT. Thota end fieatu pitta. Yf f all ttmti, frrlabt.t'ta, Addraas Kftiosoali Co., Sox ft tit Portiaad. Maine, wwwnii a I afa m aurt nMirtav i&a unico The Sun for 1889, AND FOR TI1E DEMOOIUOY. The Su.v believes that the camnxlim tnr ih. election of a Democratic Congress 111 isoo and a Democratic President Id 1874 should begin on or about the fourth of next March. Tiik sun will be on nana at me Degiuningano until the end o( the most Interesting and lmnortnt txilltlrai on... flict since tbe war, doluit Its honest utmost, us ever, to secure the triumph of the Democratic party nnd the permanent supremacy nf the prin ciples held by JeQVrson. Jacksou and Ttlden. The treat fact ot the year is the return to abso- 7 oi an good on for whuse 1 front fnr is ears, the memorable years of Urant and the 'rand Hayes, and (iarfleld and Arthur. It Is the same old enemy that Democrat, nnw confront, and he will be Intrenched In tbe a tme strons position. It has been carried one- by brareaud hopeful flehtine. Do you not believe wtthTiiE Sum tnat the thins: can ne doneazaln? wait aim see l The hone of thfl DemoAraev U In thn Iav-.i at. fort of a united nress. cherlshlnir nnmpmn.1.. of past differences In nonessentials. loiceitlnK everything but the lessons of experience, and that victory Is a duty. newspaper which gets all the news and prints It In IncoinparablyliiteresliuK shape: wlilbli chron icles facts as they occur and tells the truth about rrouauiy you miow iiik dun already as a men and events with absolute fearlessnpu. m .ir. hk Mia uuiuiueieabaim uiuibruicriuiuiniriuurtial mbllahed anywhere rn eartlu anri which its opinions only to its subkcrlbers and purchas ers at two cents a copy on tsund.tys four cents. larn what a wonderful thing It Is to bs In the sunshine. f)allv, per month so w ally, per year goo Sunday, per year j co Dally and Bunday, per year....t s 00 Drllv and Bundav. ir mnnfh n n ti juuuQuu, kuomt x ij c nu. Sena ior it and jr ftOYAl POWDER Wf, X nr Twit j Administrator's Notice. Estate of l'1'.TKlt KBUM, latent Fianklln Town ship, ruition county, Pn., deceased. T,etternof administration having been granted to the underpinned In Ihe nbnvu recited i.uto. all persons Imli-Med to! estate nre requested to lmne Immediate payment, nnd those luting legal claims will present the same wltnout delay ... uivfci ,f,,m-, ni-iiicnii'ui IO SiE! fAdmm.strators. JSMj W, SSq..1i,i!d0Bh,tol0,r Atton,OJ to Housewives. Xh former and working mn who bare b&n out In tha rami Ml dw cn irtih their booU clean bef or nturinjrthohtnuo.Thejttlllbe Soft. Polished ad Dry, U dressed villi WoiirsAGMEBIacking Milct honte-eeplng suler. Saves Sivcc)hi( and Scrubbing. the boots Bill weir a snit dtil lonctr, will not get lilt and hard In mow mtn cr rain, nd wiU to WATERPrtOOF. Iddlos, trr It. end Inilit th&t your husband and eons bo It Oncoatro&k for OenU1 Shoes end onc month Set LltliocV Uneq-led-s Harness Drtstn2ndPn-i:-rr -Sold bj Shoo Stores, Crocon, IlrorsWs, ft i. WOLFF & RAKBOLPH, ph:? w A MODEL PRESS Will do all your vwu rriuuHg or earn money print hie for others. vour boy can nm it, Outflu, with Press cost $5. 110. 20. ta. or more. according to size -one m good as another. In uo ail over the world. Fall Information In a book called lloir to Print. Free with samples of Model press work, upon ap plication. Aaurcu: THE MODEL PRESS COMPANY, Llm'd, 912 Arch Street, Phlladelphf, See what Is said about The Model Press. My Model 1'rer.s netted inelntbree month over $200.001 neve! had Instructions lu printing be f ire, yet I set up and printed 10,000 deposit tickets on my Mode' t'ress the day aftor I received ll, 1 have mudr more than double what my jlodel Press cos', mo tho first two months. Jtnve done about Ss.00 uouli of woik on mv Mo 1 Model l'ress. It beats all. After thrce years' use I find iry Model I ress as pjod as new. The Modf.l Press Is well built nud ouht to last bail a century. The Model Press I; fully equal tr the largest and costliest ma chines for tluo Card and GENERAL BUSINESS printing. Any smart boy can turn out hundred of dollars worth of work every year, even with one of tha sm.iller sizes. Address. Tins Model Press Co., Ltd., 012 Arch Street, rosylt-jl PuiLADRLpniA, Pa. D, J. K1STLER Uesoeetfully announces to the public that he ha Dpei.ed nMCW MVKHYSTAlil.E.nndthathelf now prepared In furnish Teams for Funerals. Wcdd'nes or Business Trips on the shortest no lcpnn.1 most liberal terms. Orders left at the uruoi. iinuse win receive prompt attention. RTAIW.Kfl ON NOimi STltEET. next the HUel, Kehlshton. jan22-vi 0:i mewlnc.Mnrhliif .uratle in all narta. L IV ai blKt (f a I tl O I klt ami ptHttla w litre tha ieuila ran mm, ne win tena i I'ft! laoiia wiaon lu each localujr,iha wry jtI aculitr.maLbliia ttia.l. tit Mbrld.tAtili all tlta, I M;iatlurndrt'iarftiim1. i linaoffur toiilv and valuable art ;aamlca. In muni we ak that ou ltm what Mr tA. 1u lliuaa nho mar ran at j our iiciair, auu eliri 'J nioiiibftaHHinlt ItcifTrie Tt-tir own )iroirtr ll.U rrand ma litnt la .nude bOit tin- Mttrrr pat run. htrh hare run c ut . Irfirf at mi a mn it auitl tU:t w 1th lha aiiai liutrnia, and mom (till for ritf . llrcl.aimitart'at. aimai fill merhlnr In lha world. All ii ,frra. Xe rarlial ranntesul l'Ial Dntr instruction rtreit. mome MbtrUa o tiaal once ran cure ti tha beat awinrmachine in ilit wurlri, and tha tWt hue ofworka of htrh arttrcr ibown ta-tihrln Ann rlca, XI U J: At i:o IX ox 740,, Mulno. A Model Newspaper THE NEW YORK MAIL AND EIPRESS The Advocate ot the Best Interests of the Homo Tho' Enemy of tha Saloon. The Friend of American Labor, The Favorite Newspaper et People ur Refined Tastes llverynrhere. The Keif York MAIL AND EXPRESS, the favorlto American newspaper of many people of Intelligent aud cultivated tastes. Las recent. lymado some noteworthy improvements, ma terlally Increasing Its cineral excellence. It la In the broadest eeuss A National Newspaper, moat carefully edltod. and adapted to the vrants nnd tastes of Intelllgeiitrcaders through, out tho entlro country Xprth. South, East and West It Is a thoroughly clean paper, f roe from tho corrupting, sensational and demoral. iilng trash, miscalled news, which denies the pages of too many olty papers. OUR POLITICS. Wobellevo the Republican party to be tlio true Instrument of tho POLITICAL. I'ltOG. ncss of tho American people; and holding that tho honest eufon oment of Its pnnolples Is the best guarantco of tho national welfare, wo shall support theni with all our mights but we shall always trait opposing parties with con sideration and fair play. AGAINST THE SALOON. Tho MAIL AND EXPRESS is the recognized National organ of tho prcat Anti-Saloon lie. puoucan movement. It believes that the liquor trafllo as It exists to-day la tho United States is the enemy of society, a fruitful source of corrnptlon in politics, the ally of an archy, a school of crime, and, with its avowed purposo of ocoUIdk to corruptly control elections and legislation, is a menace to tho publlu wolfaro nnd deserves the condemna tion ot all good men. Send or Sample Copy Theu aro sent freo to all tclio apply, SUBSCRIPTION KATES.-'VYrEKLT. rer year, 61.00 six months, 00 cents: three months, 30 cents. Daxlt, per year, O0.ooj six mouths, C3.00 three months, OL80 one month, SO cents. valc.uii! I'REjtiCM.i are given to all subscribers and agents. TVo want a good agent in every town and Tillage where we have not one now at work. Bend for oar Epreial Circular to Agent and see cor liberal offers. ABSOli VBIUIi.U DT U Om H, ix.a.H nia-H. You Can Make Monev'WM" B..ttti To ClfT- Lumber,Lumber - MARSH & ZBRN, WEISSPORT, - - PSNN'A, offer for sale & large quantity ot Hawed Lumber nt extraordinary low prices. 23,000 feet Yellow Tine Flooring. fiO.000 feet Wliltp 1'lno Hoards. C0.O0O feet Hemlock Hoards. 10,000 fi-ot Hemlock Seanlllne. A largo lot of 2 Inch Yellow Pine Plank, suitable for pavements or sidewalks. a lot of first-class 2 Inch Yellow Pine 1'ianx. for threshing lloors or bridges, A lot of Oak Plank, 4c, tc. mis i.uinner win no sold fully 25 per vcii. i:ueaM-r man it can oe ouiainecl else wl.ere. Call on or address MARSH & ZEIIN, Weissport, - - - i'onn'n. oct.27-cm. Dr. H. B. REINOHL, (iraduate ol I'hlla. Dental College. DEJVTISTttri IN AU, ITS IlltANClIES. Persemtion of tho Teeib a Spcrially. OFKICH HOURS! From 8 a. m. to 8 n. m. OAK HALL, Ihrkot Square, llauch Chunk. UKANOtl OIT1CU: EAST - MAUCH - CHUNK, Tlllft Tnn.. V', ..a n a sm. (WICK 1I0UK3: 7 to o. m. aud ft to 7 p. m Aprli23-3m E. F. Ltjckenbach, 1HAIN AND DICCOnATIVK rAPKIt HANO INO, 110USI! AND S10N rAlNTINd AND G11A1NINO. Competent workmen sent to any part of vne countv. IIEADCiUARTEnS FOn Wall Farsrs, Borders & Becorations Large assortment, and the latest styles. tools, Stationery, Fancy WINDOW SHADES. ah grades. Shade making ana puttlnn up I'.viiijjuj m.i-uucu lu Paints, Oil, Varnish, Puttv, lirushcs & general Painters' Supplies. No, 61 BrtaflWay Manch M. Pa. Pflnw the Rroadny Home. llie uiuleislencd announces to the citizens of Lelilglitou and tlio surrounding country that he has opened a shop for tbo Repair of Machinery ! Such an Agricultural Implements, Sharpen ing lawn Mowers, (Irtiulliig 1'l.iner Knives. I'll nr f-llt,it If nli.a. Unlonn. . ... ' tlng and rump Work, nnd manufacturing Grain lans. Farm Hollers. Root Cutters. &c. All work guaranteed at the lowest prices. W. G. MITCHELL In Rear of Gabel's Hardware Gabel's -Store. LEHIGHTON, Penna. Aprll.28. ly Accident Life & Fire INSURANCE ! A. W. RAUDENBUSH, Bank Street, Lehighton, Has secured the agency for I lie following SUBSTANTIAL INSURANCE COM PANIES which can be recommended to the public as Perfectly Safe and Sellable. The National Life Insnrance Co., OF MONTPELIER, VT., Accident Indemnity Co., OP UNITED STATES, Harrison Mutual Live Stool INSURANCE AllKl8,ll3-IV COMPANY. .JEenry Nolf, AT THE CAKBON HOUSE IS NOW toning an Accomniodation 'Bus,- -BETWEEN THE- Hotels and L. V. Depot rartlcs called for at their ITomes by Leaning or ders at any ol the hotels. VprlI2.1887 HOUACE IIEVDT. JOHN BEABOLDT. Ju Heydt & Seaboldt Successors to ICemerer & Ilejdt INSURANCE AGENTS Office iBank strret. rrompt nttenllon eireu to evury Una of In surance. , irsny ctrsler ur lie Ium tha W. X., Doneli admi xvltliout ti iyih P n il nrloo itoniiMir r the trattoia, put him down na n trauii. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE GENTLEMEN. BS.OO (IKNIIINK lli Tl . f In ttiA irnrli est In the world. Examine bio l ilKNUINK IIANP-SKU'KD BlIOC I HAND-SEWKU VKL,T SMOI!. H4.UU IIAND-SEWKI) WKI.1 2310 I'OI.IOl! AND PAHMUll! 2.BO HXTHA f' kl IIS' SHOE. H2.2S WIlIMCINDItrAN'S hllOlC MlUfi. a.oo nna ai.Tis ltovs-sciiooi, snoca Alinull Coiurrtu, Button sod Lace. W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE LAFo.nP,. Maoliine Shop w. MBWTIOi 1 PRICES Opera House Block, JLEHIGHTON, PA. In order to make some important changes in our business, we have decided to move a portion of our stock quickly by commencing a general reduction sale to continue until February 15th, 1889. WE OFFER OUR FU! L LINE OF Carpets, Rugs, Mats, Matting, Floor Oil Cloths, Win- ' clow Shades, and everything belonging to the above line of goods at and below cost prices. This makes the price now On Rody Brussels 90 cents, wns $1.15. .On Body Hrusfds 80 cents, wns $1 00. On Tapestry Brussels 75 cents, was 90 cents. On Tapestry Brussels 50 cents, was 65 cents.' On Jngiain Brussels 50 ceiits, wos 65 cents. On lujiriiin 40 c nts. was 50 cents. On Ingrain 30 cents, was 40 cents. On ling 50 cents, was 65 cents. On Kag 30 cents, was 40 cents. On J ute 18 cents, was 25 cents. Floor Oil Cloths and Window v t. ui.o oner special prices on a great many goods m our lines Otj BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, CLOTHING and Men's Wear of Every Discription. We do this in order to make room for our Spring Stock Of Goods for which we are now placing our orders. Call examine goods and prices, vou will save monev if in need of anything in our line of Kespectlully, Opera House LEHIGHTQjy, You will certainly find it to nave ine wrgesi, cneapest, HEATEKS, -AND- ZERN HOUSEKEEPERS, TTnnm?rPinTirinn onnniTtin ---uuoi!,fiMrMi ourrLiiii. xi to select from. That nlace from. That place certainly be at WM. S. KUHN'S, Op-osite the Valley Round House. North Bank Strpt Make it a point to see the celebrated '-Irving Itange" before pur chasing any other. All makes and grades of heaters on hand and lurni.hed at short notice and at exceedingly low prices, AHvnpQto $1,00 nUVUwQW news SbIo B ills at Very low Prices. PLAIN AND FANCY Bill Heads Note Heads Letter Heads Statements Envelopes, Programmes, Price Lists,. New presses, new type and excellent facilities enable us to do all kinds of Job Work, in tho best style, ant exd taraordinnry low prices. Mail orders receive immediate attention. EMBOI ADY0CAT1 JOB ROOMS, Street, Lehighton, Pa. ShnrlpR nf pnirnnnnrlmt In nt-Joo, Ul.Ull IUI goods, bj doing so. Block, PA. Look Here! your advantage to buy where you nest and newest stock of L will 1 a ear- More local than any other paper. Blanks of all Kinds Wedding Stationer, Business Cards?, Shipping Tags Sale Bills Ball Tickets, Circulars. &c. & SNYDER, - Kir