The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, January 05, 1889, Image 4

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    B7, iii I i m
Unsurpassed and Unequalled
'In Price, Quality and Workmanship, L
Are the suits, parts of suits and overcoats made out of fashionable
"Worsteds, Cassimeres, Corkscrews,
Oheyiots, &c, &e.,
Merchant Tailorng Emporium,
Bank. St., ILiEHiGirroar,
, Shoes, $ligpi? MmWksm
For Gents', Ladies, Youths and Children. Only the best mnlces
t the lowest prices. You are bound to be pleased.
Is complete in every particular. The very latest novelties in
Hats, Gaps, Neckwear, &c,
Ar Diamond Dyes. Thoy excel nil others
In Strength, I"urity and Fastness, Nonctthers
arc )ut n rooiI. Itewnre of irdlttitlonj they
M&m sea
Has just opened an entire new line of
Comprising all the very latest styles in White Goods, Sa.
teens, Prints, Ginghams, MarSBlllGS. Seersuckers and
Fancy Dress Patterns of the very best qualities at exceed
ing low prices.
Groceries, Provisions, Crockery ware, Glasswaie,
Wood and Willowwaro of the best makes at low figures.
Cloths Cassimers, Hats, Boots, Shoes and ready
made Clothing in great variety and at prices within the read,
of all purchasers prices fully as low as the same goods can be
bought for at any other general store in this vicinity.
Carpets, Oil-cloths, Lamps and Fixtures in great
variety and of best quality at llock Bottom Prices.
Beat quality of Flour and Feed at prices hilly as low as the
same articlea.jcan be purchased elsewhere.
' A car load of coarse, sjalt has just been received the pride
has been marked down to the very lowest notch.
All goods of the very best quality and are being sold at price
equally as low as the same goods can bought at any general stoie
in this Bection. Call and be convinced. Kespoctfully,
July23-871y . A.M0S EEIGEL.
Winter Feeding of HHch Cowi.
Milch cows requlro extra feeding In win
ter tlrao to keep upaccncroitsflow of mllkt
During this season, oven with the most
careful feeding, the quantity of milk li
most suro lo diminish, but tho milk Is rich
er. And so wo see the wlntcr-huttcr dairies
run without loss, whllo thoso which supoly
milk to their customers fall short In their
supplies andlloso money, although the cus
tomers are bencQltcd by tho better quality
of tho milk. And just here Is where the
dishonest milk producers would equalize
matters by diluting with water. There Is
better help for this loss, however, than this
dishonest dilution selling water at good
milk prices, 'fills Is dono by judicious
feeding. The following dally rations will
keep up both tho quantity nnd quality of
the milk, Wc giro not qulto maximum
figurcsftho quantity maj bo slightly In
creased or diminished, according to circum
stances; Corn fodder, fifteen pounds, or
twelve ponuds of hay, to which may bo
added five or six pounds of good straw;
corn meal, four pounus,nnd to this it would
bo well to add four pounds of wheat or rje
bran. Hlien tho fodder, hav or other
forago Is of Indifferent quality, ubout two
pounds of cotton-seed meal should be used,
which will mako up for the deficiency hi
the fodder.
The milk produced by such fecdlnt is
rich In cream, and the skimmed milk has
great density, and Is rich in color and
flavor. Where It is not convenient to pro
euro cottonseed meal, corn meal and mill
feeds may be used with advantage. Three
pouuds of corn-meal and llie same of
coa r 60 bran or middlings wilt mako a rich
food for a cow, given with liny, corn fodder
or even with good straw.
But for the winter tho resource of the
dairyman Is tho toot crop. A few hundred
bushels of mangels or sugar beets are ot
remarkable value, and If half a bushel
dally be given, chopped up finely, or
pulped up in a machine made for tho pur
pose, with hay or fodder cut line and all
well mixed together, the yield of milk will
not only be greatly increased, but the
health and digestion of tho animal will be
are mid.' 'if heap and inferior materials and
give ! i. w ak, ciocky colors.
3 j (.-lors ; to cents each,
t - ' H&k, Sample Card, dJrcllona
tot c-ii ii i i u"i- m iking lh finest Inkorillulng
li-.n. i i. ii ' Fold ty Druggists of by
IVm" ni::mSON H CO.. Burlington, I't.
Fc- '.d''(r.e nr Urontlne Faney Articles, USE
Go d --te. Cc"!r. Only !0 Genu
CUHKJ T proofs"
riOUralgla Pind wd my m-nr.
out lck head' he,
i . j. in i ri Mil Mr. L. A. HnafiTNRK,
Norvous rlc""'Ctl
Proslrat!cn tCTvZVc!y
tnupiiuLi m mi ! Compound, 1 mm cured
; ot rhcufn.itWm."
n houmatli n "1'
s iiiiiih imhuH ! m mwm iHsiinri
, " It hif done me more
KlUnOy coot! for kidney disease
I f than any other medl-
B DjGOHSOO Hne " Grto. Abbott.
E Sioux (My, Iowa.
I AND "Win ' Celery Com-
C tiound lim been of peat
I All Ltlnr benefit for torpid liver,
H" lndi(EesttonndbiliouB-
S DESOrdOC'S new" Elizabeth C.
p wuwiMJko UuAtt.Quechee.Vt.
um sni iwmai jh. i 1 1 is mm
Btteklen'i Arntoa Salve.
Tha host salve In thn world tor cuts.
bruises, sorcs,ulccrs,salt rhuem.f over sores
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns,
and all skin eruptions, and positively cures
piles, or no pay required, it Is guaranteed
to glvo perfect satisfaction, or money ro
unded, l'rlco Sue. per box, at Thomas.'
bFonai.uu Fssr
for price. fr p
FnesH Hops, Hemlock gum anv
Spread on white muslin.
: Popular
1 w
r mailed
Apply one now for
Bftcfcaoho, Dldoaob, Rhotunatlsm,
Kidney Weaknoaa, Tender Lunffo.
Soro Cheot. BtltT Muscles retnolo
curcj every tort of Pain. Ache, or Weakness,
and quickly, too.
Look for ttgnottire of HOP PLASTEH.CO.,
0PR1CT0R9 BOSTON 1 wrtc genuine good.
,; Having purchased the entire stock, good-will and fixtures 01
Samuel Seiler, we are prepared to supply his ohi customers pnd
all who wish to avail themselves of the advantages we offer in the
shape of Low Prices, First-class Goods, Good Accommodations,
etcM with a complete line of
Oils, Hardware, Cake Meal, Cement, Lime,
!t, Sand, Plaster of Paris, Roofing- Slate,
Coal, Agricultural Implements
and Repairs.
We propose to re-shelve our rooms at once, and then will lnrgelv increase on
stock. A cordial invitation is extended to all
Lehigh Coal and Hardware Co.
Aro We To Have, Another War"
Some political piophets aver that wt
shall, lie that as it may, the battle waged
by medical science against diseaie will
never cease until we arrivo at that Utopian
epoch when the human family shall cease
to be aflllcted with bodily ailments. One
of tile potent weapors which the armorj
of medicine furnishes, is llosteltcr's
Stomach Bitters, which Is of special utility
as a family remedy, as It Is adapted to the
Immediate lclief nnd ultlmato cur; of those
disorders of the stomach, liver and bowels
which nre of commonest occurrence. In
digestion, billiousncss and constipation are
inseparable companions, and these ailments
are completely eradicated by tho Bitters.
But tuo remedial scope of this superlative
I) wholesome and zetital medicine takes in
also nervous ailments, rheumatism and
kidney troubles; its action In these, as In
the other complaints, being characterized
oy uuequaieu iiioroupiiness.
ing Out
at Cost
for You
On account of rapidly failing health the undersigned will close
out at sacrifice prices his large stock of
Ins Shoes
The goods are new, no shoddies or seconds, and people who
wisely take advantage of this great closing out sale will secure
wonderful bargains in the shape of good goods at low prices.
Don't Fail to Call.
J. L. GA
Paints, Varnishes, glass,
Bank Street, Leliigkton, Pa.
Bill Heads
. Note Heads
Letter Heads
' Envelopes,
Price ListSj.
Blanks of all Kinds
Wedding Stationery
Business Cards,
- Shipping Tags
Sale Bills
- Ball' Tickets,
Circulars. &c.
New presses, new type and excellent facilities enable us to dt
ull kinds of Job Work, in. the best style, ant exd taraordinan
low prices. Mail orders receive immediate atlention.
Small talk Is tho small cliango of life;
here Is no getting on without it. There
retimes when a lit tin nonsense Is very
imlatablc, and eraylty and sedateness .ought
o bo kicked down stairs. A philosopher
uts a poor figure In tho ball-room, utiles
ih leaves his wisdom at home. Wa have
net with men who were too lofty for small
alk. They were above such trifling; In
ithcr words they wcro above making them
selves agreeable, above pleasing, and above
uelng pleased. Tho world Is made up of
rifles; nd ho who can trifle elegantly and
gracefully is a valuablo acqulslion lo mail-
Kind. Ho is a Corinthian column in the
fabric of society.
Uh, Wtat a Cough.
Will you heed the warning. Tho slsnal
icrhaps (if the sure approach of that mot
errible disease, Conuniition. Ask yum-
elves' if you can aliiird lor the miko of sav
ng 00 cents, to run the rik and do nolliinj.
r it. o know Iriiin experience tint
lilloli's Cure will cure your cough, ii
lever lulls. 1 ins expluins w!iy more lliui
Million Dottles wcro sold the past year,
t relieves croup, and whooping cough
nee. Mothers do not bo without it. Foi
nine biicft, side Oi elicit, uso bhiloh's I'oi
us Piaster. Sold by T. D. Thomas, Le
lijihton. W. Iliery WHssport.
All editor who does not mind a joke at
his own expense, sa.ts he went into a druu
tore recently and asked for soma morphine
t'he assistant objected to giving It without
,t prescription "Why," asked the editor,
'do I look like n man who would kill him
elf?" "I don't know," said the asslstani
'If I looked llko ou I should ho tempted.'
We are wanting the strength j T.. AtpiC Pillc"
we need for the discovery of! U b
truth as yet unknown, because I
jfce do not rest enough in truth
that ice know. Host in the I
Zord." Tho ge
known already.
At whatever period of life
test things n.c
Eytpopsia and liver Complaint.
Is it not wot tli the small prico of 75cent
.0 iree yourpeii 01 every symptom 01 tnix
listrcbsini; compliant, if you tlilnK so cal
.tt our M'jro iui.1 uel 11 bottle of Sliiloli'
vitali7cr. Kvcrj bottle luis a printed gtiui
ntee on it. Use acei'niinjjly, and il It doi
on no guild it will rust ven nothing, i-uli
T. 1). Thomas, l.ciiigliton, W. Ih'cr
Many men can easily become propbeu
is to the curses that will fall upon tin
leads of others for their sins, whllo the
ecui almost totally blind as to what will b
lie cud ot their own hlns. Somehow tbev
10 not reason In rci;ail to themselves ar
hey do in regard to ollieis. Here ado
elyed heart hath turned them aside.
Bank Street, Lehighton,
Farm and Home.
A teaspoonfttl of salt in each kerosene
lamp makes tho oil glvo n much clearer and
better light,
Experience proves that cows which
have a due allowance of salt give milk
richer than those which are not supplied
with salt.
For cholera, take a fowl as soon as
noticed, coop it up, feed tt soaked bread
and plenty of black pepper; don't wait for
It to eat, but feed It with a spoon. Jlfake
It cat or It will starve. If taken in time
this will usually effect a cure.
.Volasses Apple Pie: A very palltable
dish is made by fllllns a deep pie dish with
sliced sour apples," oyer which Is poured a
generous supply of molasses; cover with a
crust and bake until the apples are soft,
Eat hot, and pour cream on each niece as
A certain means of stoppln? a dog
light, or loosening a vicious dog's hold up
on anything. Is showering something over
the animals that will produce sneezing
Be his will power ever so stroue, tb'
motion of sneezing Involuntarily opens a
dos's jaws, rcpoer answers vary well, but
snuff is tho best, as It can bo used without
Paint used in the fall retains its color
and otherwlso lasts longer aud better than
If put on In the heat of summer. P.ooms
not papered may be made more cheery all
winter If whitewashed now. The roofs
and clapboardlnc can be examined and
repaired to advantage. Cellars need lo be
cleaned out and the doors and windows
looked to.
There Is little difficulty In retaining
potatoes In nearly as good a condition as
thoso freBhly dug, provided tho tempera
ture Is keot so iow that they will nut sprout
or grow, tho skin belntt nearly impervious
to moisture so that they will not wilt.
Beets, turnips, and especially parsnips, In
come withered and dry In a comparative!
short time, and it is essential to Imbed
them in a suitable packing substance to
proeul the escape of moisture.
One of the best mlxtuies for sprink
ling around fruit trees, both as a fertilizer
and to keep away and destroy Insects or
other pests, li to take one part salt, one
part lime and two parts wood ashes, mix
thoroughly together and scatter arouud the
steins of tho frees. Only a small quantity
should bo applirtl ,t a time.
It Is certainly much to be regretted
that so few farmers keep accurate records
of thejr operations, A double loss results
to themselves and to the public- It Is an
aosolute loss to any man to have no actutl
knowledge of his business affairs, based
upon recorded facts. And it is a public
loss to have accurate record of the results '
of the most Important Industry of the 1
country, being that upon which the pros
perity of all others is found to depend.
Is Consumption InourabU"
Itcad the following: Mr. C, IT. -Morris,
Newark, Ark., says; "Was down with 1
Abscess of Lungs, and friends and phybi-1
clans pronounced me an Inculeable Con
sumptive. Began taking Dr. King's Newi
Discovery fur Consumption, am now on my '
third bottle, and able to oversee tne work.l
nn niv farm. It U the finest medietas ever
mido." 1
Juhsc Middlen-art, Decatur, Ohio, says:1
"Had it not been for Dr. King's Now Dis-,
covory for Consumption I would hava diwl 1
of lung troubleb. Was civen up by doctors. !
Am now in best of health." Try it. Sample
bottles free at T. D. ThomsV Drng Store. ;
Successful Troalmont of Disease
MICltOHliS tho C'utlsu ot oil DUeoacs.
lulls tlie Microbes.
Su&cessfiil Treatment.
Womlcrful Tonle and
llloud l'nrlfler.
Th eercicy of th Microbe Killer In ce of con.
amptlon hi j bwii so effootoallj demonatrated 1 hat wh
are jaatmed in claiming f..r It cmatlre nowera besoncl
thoee of any tnAjtcine known. We do iiof claim lor it
miraculou power In curing cacea bo far (tone tbat enro
Him povaibla. but we rto claim that it willcure any cace
where the lunjra are not more than halt gone. Tenon
with poor appetite, weak and debilitated, mil And it the
best tonlo. .Terr one ahonld me it. particularly thoae
u.i. ouuwni .ur jtvita wim mcuraDio cnronioms-
Microboi, or g?rrai, are causes bt disoaBo. Yhti
ill tna germs and at the B&me time
medl'-lna thatwl1!! it
cure the patient is the one to use.
oMu uuij in ana ffaiion Bitjno joga.
iiin art nn
safflolent to last about one month. Cheap, within the
reach of all. PhyfcicUn of 1 1 rears expnrieuoe in
charge of the office. Send fur circular a.nd information.
Win. Radam's Microbe Killer. MBAiStS:
Cleanses the Nasal
Passages, Allays
rain and Inflam
mation, Uaals the
Sores. Itestoies the
Sensa1? o f Taste
aud Smell.
A cartlrlo applied Into uacli nostril and Is agree
able. Price CO cents at dmirnistS: bv inail.reuts-
tered, SO cents. ELY 1! UOS.,60 Warren street,
New York. apt33-WIB
Druggists, 25c., DOc., and $1.00.
I had a very Bail Cold,
and got a bottlo ot
Dr. Soth Arnold's Cuuglt
and It lielped me at onco.
It will do all It Is recom
mended to do.
Win. 1. Alverson.Brancli,
TTt..n rn. ...... x
1,3 WEEKS.
The POLfCK GAZETTE will bo mailed
tctirely wrn.ppil, to any mlclras) In the Uni-
ril states lortnree mnnlhson rnoint ot
One X)ollar.
Liberal discount allowed to postmasters
agents and clubs Sample cipics mailed free
Address all orders lo
'Ma? 30,1885-ly Fbaskux Squark, N. Y.
Ehllob.'i Consumption Care.
No. 1. This is beyond question tho mo:
tteiessl'til Cough Medicine we liave ovti
told, a low iiosea unariuuly cures the won,
uses of Cough, C'iouij, und llronchltls,whil
t s wonderlul success in tne litre ot Loi
umiit ion is without a pr.rallci in the bistort
1 medicine atneo 11 s lirsl (liscocry
ius been sold on a guarantee, a test whit
in other medicine van stand. If you hav
i Cough we earnestly ask you to try
.'rice 10 cents, ou cents, anil tjl, 11 you
tingH are sure, Chest or Hack lame, tis
ibiluh s Porous Plasters. Bold by T.
Thomas, Lchighton, & V. Iliery Weisxuori
. I tie only treat combination we can
confidently approves Is tho Matrimonial
Trust, an agreement by which the gooi
Ufe trua'.s to the husband the work
earnlne mone., aud he trusts to her good
judgment in expending It.
Extraordinary stories nro told of the
dealing properties of a new oil, which
aslly made from the yelks of hen's eggs
The eggs nre. first boiled hard, and tin
elks arc then removed, crushed and placed
vei a lire, where they aro stirred until tin
ho substance Is just ou the point of catch
nig fire when, the'otl separates and may b
poured off. Ono yelk will yield nearly tw
teaspoon fuls of oil. It is in General use 1
South Itttssia as a means of curing cuts,
bruises and scratches.
To thk Edito n Pleaso inform yourreai
rs that I have n positive remedy for th
tiuvo name diseaso. By its.timely ut
liousands of hopeless cases have been pgi
nanently cured. I shall be glad to ten
wo bottles of my remedy free to anv
our readers who have consumption If the1
.viU send mo their express and postoflic
Id rest. Ilespcctliilly, T. A. Slocum, M. 1).
SI l'earl st.; New York.
(Chicago, Hock Island & Pacific and Chicago, Kansas & Nebraska Ilyo.)
It3 main linos, branches and extenclona west, northwest and southweab
Includo Clilcooro, Jollet. Ottawa, Poorla, La Salle, llolino, Rock Iolaud In
ILLINOIS Davonport, MU3oatlno, Ottumwa, Oskaloosa, West Liberty, Iowa
City, Dea Moines, Knoxville, Wlntorsot, Atlantic, Audubon, Harlan, Guthrie
Contra, aud CotincU BluttS in IOWA Uinnr-npolls and 8t. Paul In MINNE
SOTA Watertown and Sioux Palla In DAKOTA Gallatin, Trenton. Cameron.
? AllO TrfVvnrAftfa nnw nnrl wflqf nwnn of T-i nil f r rYi i n rr nni! erwrfrr Innila
r.ffordlnrr tho best facllttioB of Intercommunication tq older States and to alt
towns and cities In Southern Nebraska, Kaneas, Colorado. Utah. Now
Moxlco, Indian Territory. Tozas, Arizona, Idaho, California, and Pacific
coust and trans-ocoanio Hoaporta.
Of Polaco Coachos leacflnff all competitors !
luxury or accommoaations run inroue
mdo Bnrintrfl. Denver nnd Puoblo. Kl:
riuis aatty between unicacro ana uouncu tiiuiia (Ornaha). and
iB una liancua uicy. ciicRani uuy uoucnos. uinmrr cars.
Ir Gars tPREE), and Palaco Slseplnff Cora. California llxcur
:holco of routes to and nom Salt Tialto City, Portland, Los
finfreiea, can uiorro, can Francisco, una lniervenins locauties. Ltuici: time,
prompt conneotlona and tronsfora in Union Depots.
A flippant, frivolous man may ridlcul.
dheis, may controvert them, scorn them
tut he who has any respect fqr hlmsel.
.wins to have rei.ounced the right of think
Ing meanly of oiheis.
My boy (iiiieo una old) was recently
aken with cold in the head. It secme
dually to Kettle in his nose, which was slop
petl for days and nights to that it wu.
'ifficult lor him to breiilhe and bleep, j
ailed a physician, who prescribed, but du
lim no good. Finally I went to the druj
store andgot a bottlo nf Ely's Cream liidu
t teemed to work like magic. The hoy
into was clear in two djyg, an. I ho iia beci
ill riiiht ever since. li, J. iluzzurd, JJtv
"It's a despDta'ie thing," said old .foe,
"a desperatu lli'ng. Thatnr' young coupli
who've been blSIln' an' makin' ejes at out
another for, amonlh, have now gomt to the
minister anil got- a permit to sec If the)
can keep Jt up for life.
All the local news. Got this paper
and read It.
Not erery wo u in ,who arrives fit in KM In
uge, retains tho color of her hair, but even
woman un.y .q mi by tbo occasional appl
ation of Ayer's Hair Vigor. It prevent!
oaldnes"). removes dandruff, snd cures al
botwoen Chicago and'
Runs superbly equipped Express Trains daily each way between Ghlcaso. '
jnison. ou. ooaepn, tiejivenworTn, itanras uity and Mlnno-
Tno Favorite Tourist Lino to tho scento resorts, and
pjoimwoat. in vutertown Branoli
A country paper says that during a
trial In court a young lad, who was called
as one of the witnesses, wa) asked If he
knew the obligation of an oath, and where
he would go If he told fl li. Ho said he
supposed he would go whers all lawyers
Rook Island', Atchison
nnolia and St. Paul.
huntlncf and flahlnsr crrounda of T.h,-.
courses tnrousn tno moat proauctivo lanas or Nortnent lowu, Soutnwostem
Minnesota, and East Southern Dakota.
travel botwoen Cincinnati. Indlananolls. Laravette. and Council Hiutra. Kt.
Joseph, Atomson, Leavenworth, Kansas City, Minneapolis, and St. Paul.
For Tickets, Maps, Folders, or dealrad Information, upply to any Coupon
Tlekot Office in the Uoitod States or Canada, or Address
QmeralXuuzvr. KfltAr, JUUL. Osa'JTkkot 4Itaj.Ag6nt,
Such Is tho Infatuation of self-love,
that, though in the general doctrine of t he
vanity of the world all men agree, yet al:
most every one flatters himtelf that bis
own case is lobo an oxci-ption front thi
common rule.
' Jefferson's Island,. )n Iioulslana-the
sometime winter home of the genial acUr
of Elp Van Winkle, is a superb hill crown
ed with great forest trees, lying on a tremb
ling oralrle on genii-marsh, and with a fine
lake, cajlcd Lako Poynier, for Its outer
margin. On this islauil, which contains
2,000 acres of land, was formely an orchard
of flna oranges. .Hero Mr. Jefferson plays
at laising tine cattle. lie has something
oyer two thousand bead and n few blooded
In splto of all ihit cynics say, a
good many people do marry for love
though very often the love that influences
thcui is tha lovonf money.
The proprietor of a bqne mill an
nounces that "parties scjidlng t heir own
bones to be ground will find their orders
attended to with punctuality, and dispatch
An exasperating editor being threat
ened with a.coi; ot tar and feathers said
in his next Issue : -Tha people of this tow a
may break Into somebody's lien roost and
steal the feathers, but wo. know they ar
too mean to buy the tar.
When a woman proroenauYs the street
1 leading a dog, it looks as If she couldn't
' get anything oa a striig.
friendships nro formed, so long
as tliey continue sincere aud
affectionate, they form tindoubt-
uaiy one ot uic irtenieRt bless
ings wo can enjoy.
ft is said that the bead of a
arge linendraper's establishment
ins forbidden his saleswomen to
wear dress-improvers. On be
ing interviewed on the subject,
le explained, his action as follows
Every woman wearing a dress-
improver adjusts it at least five
times n day. It tpkes her n
minute each tim and she thud
uses five minutes a day. One
hundred and twenty-five women
will consequently loso six . hun
dred and twenty-five minutes,
which i8over te i liouis. These
ten hours 1 have to pay lor, and
we are consequently out ol pec.
c. to that amount.
A wcU-i:tiown proles.or of
natural science married recently
ana took his young; wife to it
meeting of a learned society
Another eminent professor of the
same brancu ot learmnc took
pity on the evident shjncss ol
the bride, came up to her ;
whereupon she fishing, per
haps for a little compliment
said, "I feel so out of place
imong all these clever people
and he answered, gallantly, as
he thought : " Jvell, you know
cientihc men never do murn
cleyer wives !
Parents mothers especially,
often mako the great mistake ol
regarding innocence and ignor
ance as synonymous terms, and
lorget that, as their children
jrow up, curiosity and passion
will develop It is for fathers
to watch over and deal with thei
hoys, point out to them the wont
itig of the eternal law of conse
quences, and help them to with
stand temptation and wear the
white flower of u stainless life.
The moral future of the girls lies
in. tho hand of their mother or
autlt, or any woman, who stands
to them ip. tho place of a parent
ft is for her to see and seize the
right moment for explaining; to
them tho mysteries of their own
being; as matter of duty, not
of indulgence; and they wil
never be the less modest for it
Forewarned will be forearmed
tnd girls who have to go out in
to the world shielded by the
knowledge of its pitfalls are far
less likely to stumble into them
than those whose eyes hav
never been opened.
There are persons who criti
cise in a cold and unfeeling' man
ner those who nre trying; to do
the very things-which tiicy them
selves relused to attempt. 1 he
-eem to imagine tht, because
they will not touch a burden thai
is tt) be borne, tbev are absolved
from nil obligation coiicernin
it, nnd that those who do try
manfully to carry it are expected
neither to laint nor lalter. They
will lootc on coolly w hue some
brave reformer or generous phi
uiilhropist is struggling to hel
his fellow-men, and criticise his
methods or his manner, and de
dure how differently they would
i-onauct tho affmr if they attempt
d it. They do not see thnt
with all th.; bh.n lcrsand fail n
he can make, he is tar l.obl
than ttiev. who, assuming; to
Know better, yet refuse, throng
ndolence or pride, to put foiti
11 single effort in tho matter
His feeblest attempts ought rath
er to till Uicm with shame and
humiliation that thev have fu
fen so far behind him
As industry is habitual activ
ity m some useful pursuit, so not
only inactivity, but also nil offort
without tho design ofustiulness
are of the nature of idleness'.
The supine sluggrnid is no more
indolent than the bustling do
nothing. Men may walk much
and read much and talk much,
and pass the day'without an un
occupied momenr, and yet be
substantially idle, because indus
try requires at least tho inten
tion of usefulness. lut gadding,
gczing, lounging, mere pleasurt
mongering, reading lor the re
lief of cnnitc these are as useless
ns sleeping or dozing.
For Itheumt.llstn, Neuralgia, aud Gout,
Stephen l-iunintr. of Yonkcrs, N.
iwyx : ' Iir riimoiulcu as a cure lop
chronic t osihoiiess, Ayor's Fills have
rollorcit mo from that trouble anil ahp
from Ooi If every victim of thin dlf
ftMi wc'ii.l In-'! fily thrro words ot
tulnc, I otiM bnnlth Oi 'it from tho ImuL
Thtue worln .'!!. I l -'Try Ayor'a
nils.' "
" lly the tin of Aycr'a Fills alone, I
cured myself pennimi'iitly of rhcums
tlsm wliluh had tumbled ulo oevetal
months. Tlinec Fills are at onrc harmless
and cfTcrsttinl, and, 1 bellove, would
prove a specific In all cases of Incipient
No medicine could have served me In
better stead." C. C. Rock, Corn r,
Avoyolh" Pnrlah, I.n.
C. F. Hopkins, Noradn City, writ felt
"I havo used Aycr'a Pllln for BlxIntB
cars, nnu l llilnit tuny nrntue oesi -n
tho woild. Wo keen a box pf thr .
In the lniii. all thn time. They lm 6
cured merf sh j; headache ami nemnlj; u
Slneo taking Ayor's Fills, I han hi a
freu from tiieMici liiplahits." -
I have tloilved aieat b.-'nellt fn m
Aver's I'illa. FIvo tears auo I V ui
tnko.u sn ill with rheutiuMtrm that t IS
linabie to do nnv wrrlt. I tool: lime
lilies i f Ayer's Plus ami was rrilin ly
cure I. Since that lime I am iii' t
witlmut a box ot thf p!!U." 1' it
''irlsMiien, Shorwcoil, A U.
Ayor'a Cafisartic PHIs,
rnBrARitn nv
0. I. C. r-zr it Co., Lowell, M. 7
SoM tir nil Oenlern lu lllcillelne.
ilnr-le, jala.roliahlaandatwtfectretnlmt. I. m
iot 1 Truss. Wirn lJar n Nlsht nnu .3
,'iw.nca rorKotten. Bnil tor circular nllbtiaT
v...m. iroiii Kiuic.ui tuupren, cnron rriia.
W.'.'.S lP 020 LOCUM St. Ot Laulr. Mo.
SJIHfii trratment lrin all kinil. ot mndf ,t
! uiMlulrawn , Wonkmtnp dlmuwi and p-
Miflfroullfsln toalA Ami hni.r.n,,Pw.i,Fr. 1
ro to. Wl lie ot tifjloro l&klne traatmLjt BlMnlmr
dauliatlou free and iDVltwt.
IV hon t rnv (The I do not mean merlr ta
stop them fur n lime, and then have litem re
turn again. I mban A UAUICAL CUKK.
1 nave maao ina uisunee oi
A life-long study. I WAnrtAST my remedy to
Curb tho worxt cnce, llrcnusa others htra
tailed li no reason Icir not nowrocciving atara.
Senilatonee nr a treatise and a FrekTiottw
ot my iNFALi.inLE Kcmedv. Glvo ExprtM
and 1'o.t OWoo. It Cutis you nothing for .
trial, nnd It "111 euro you. .ddrcss
Almost as Palatable a3 EV3II
So dlsrfnllrtl (tint ft win Ita t lu
ill(;otcd, n nil nstlmllatra hj tt.a moil
eniltlve Hoinncli, tvlien the nlafu oil
cannui do aoirvatciit ana uy tne
btnatlon of tlt oil with ttio livno'iliMa
pliltes is mnoU nioro efitraclous.
RcmarB.i&Io 33 a flesh prodr.tcr.
Persons gain rapidly ttMIc tsilcg lf
SCOTT'SEJn?LSIONincltno'.Tledcjdbr .
PhysicinnH to bo tho Finest and Best prpi.
nuios la uiu wc m ior tno reuci aim cjo ac
Tht great rtrr.'dy fir (bnnmptian, and
WasUntin Children. SjU 6y nil l)ntg.iit.
Piso's Cure for Con
sumption is also the best
Cough Medicine.
If you havo a Courrh
without disease of tha
Lungs, a few dosos are all
you need. But If you no
glect this easy means of
safety, the slight Cough,
may become a serious
matter, and soveral bot
tles will be required
Pisa's Itcmody for Catarrh Is the
ileal, jsosieet 10 uso, ana ineape".
Sold by drurclau or sent by mall.
ttltloe, Warren, Va.
laas, Wekoete.NrTou Da illi' iManUi !.
ultaof Hrroram Youtb arafpaxlllrand rrmaaanll
ared. Don ottloRndret'il-l diirjab'mnlt.
laich i
Heaters and
In Grent Variety nt
Samuel G r avjaii 's
r opnjar Store, Bnnk Street.
b Erf rc flSMUi
839 N. 18th Bt.. below CallowblU.
!ifk voara exnerienee in ull Mnii!likt ituKlUi
xoanontly r Of tores Ibrise weakened by earl,
crrtlons, &c CaU or writ. Advlee freo awt
ooo8dntlal. IIoura.10 A.H. till HP.M..nud
HTSOlbgs. siend:ct.bUaiprDrlloolL
' lift UK&
All Kind
ob Work
NTent nnd Cheap
Roofing nnd fc pouting a special
ty. sitovo repiurs furnished
on short notice. Prices
Iteasflnable ! !