The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, January 05, 1889, Image 2

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    The Carbon Advocate
mrnnuto attiik i.kiiiomton rosT-orriOK as
An kffokt should nit made tiiis
year to biivo manufacturing Industries lo
cate here, li&vo our streets better Illumin
ated and Bank street piked or macadamized
Tbcso are thin us vory Important to the
growth and welfare of our town and eyery
thing possible should bo done In this di
rection. TnE Bonouon EMtcrioN ta but wrri.ii
more than six weoks off , and patriotic voters
should bo considering tbo names of men
sultablo to flit the offices. Great cart
should bo taken that safe, tollablo men are
elected; especially for tho office of constable
do we need a man who will look after our
Interests as a community
When Un'En Mai.loy of the ItEconn
figures ud the fact that tbo vicinity ol
Franklin and Towamenslng furnishes
county commissioner, jury commissioner,
sheriff and clerk, to the official forco ol
Carbon county, he will roll up his sleevci,
spit on his bands and yell: Ulvetisafati
division I The officials are all right, but
what's the matter with J I mm ?
of East Weissport, on his election to th
Commissioner clerkship, ll'e liaveenjoye:.
acquaintance with Mr. Arncr for some feait
and feel safe In saving that ho will prove
careful and efficient official In every partic
ular. Lone business experience comblnrd
with practical ability make him a valuable
acquisition to the Commissioners office.
The Hazleton Plain Speakeb notj
ties Its thousands of readers that comment
lng with the New Year tbe price of tba
journal will be Increased from one to tw
conts per copy. The Plain Speaker Is
model of Inland dally newspaperenterprise.
and as a 'treat Improvement Is promised.
Us readers will no doubt willingly pay llit
Increased price. Tho paper Is well worll
two cents.
ton to bs with us during 1889. Our prim
are as low as Is consistent with good wort
and'mateilal, wblletbe advertlslngadvanl
aees of the AnvecATK arc equal, no believe,
to any other medium in the county. Then
are many things to be done this year, viz.
the driving out of pack peddlers, cxposliu
of frauds and tba building up of hou
trado, etc. All these wllT receive our hcaif
support, but we must live, so we want om
merchants to remember .that their favni
will be thankfully received. Let us all wot)
THe Pennsylvania Lhoislatcri
convened on Tuesday for Its hundred da
session, at the sane time the annual row
sage of Governor Beaver n as. presented
The Governor, generally, rcvi jws leglslatlx
work and offers some excellent recommei
datlons for approval. He advises less In
tcrference with tmr revenue hw, except li
cases to establish clearness of fact. Tin
Governor does not specially enthuse ovei
the recommendation and passago of a rev
enue bill suggested by such men as Palmer,
nlles and Kendrlck. Tho question of vol
Ing on the constltutioual amendment foi
the suppression of tbe liquor traffic tin
Governor believes should be left to tin
people at a time when no other Interest?
are before tbe people. The entire message
is a resume of State matters and quite In
terestlng reading.
Tbe Christmas Chimes are rinsing. a;,v
as I sit hero listening and writing, the
notes, loud, and clear and swpet, sound to,
much like & requiem as a jubilee. Neai
me are a couple of little sleepers; perhaps
drtamlng of the golden visions of tbo com
ing morrow if in slumbers so profound the
happy sleepers ever dream. The belli,
ring out, I drop my pen and close my eyes,
and float awav In memory through the
sweep of years, long since dead, and tin
brightest hopes of which are dust and ashes.
How long; ah, how long It seems since 1
lay like these happy sleepers, waiting fnr
Christmas room. I have often wished
that tbe spell bad never been broken, and
that Santa Claus in his furry coat, all
covered with snow and soot, could as llin:
a reality to me to-night as hu was in tin
long ago. I have eaten of the fruit of the
tree of knowledge, nut It has brought me
no happiness; It has turned to ashes on m
lips. In pursult.of the earth, ever to find
the fickle goddess fleeing and beonduj)
reach. I have struggled a lifetlmo foi
the bubble reputation, only to realize ulih
the psalmist, "that all Is vanity," and now
those midnight chimes remind not n1il ol
tbe birth of Christ, hut that anolner jeai
will soon be numbered with the dead.
Watchman I what of the night? What
hath occured since the ringing of the lust
Christmas chimes? A change in the nation
al di nasty a fierce political battle fought,
In which armies aggregating ejeyen millions
of men were engaged, and when the result
was announced, tbe defeated army laid
down its arms and surrendered the govern
ment, to tho victors, for which Uod be
thanked at theChristmas time. Marvelous
has been tbe growth of these two great
cities of New York and Brooklyn; 6luee
these Christmas chimes were ringing
year ago over one hundred thousand have
been added to their population, and In a
recent address, by tbe Mayor of Brooklyn
to tbe municipality, he uttered the pro
phecy, which will no doubt be fulfilled,
that within a decade, Biooklyu In point ol
population will be the first cltj In the Union
In tbe past year between thiity ana fort)
millions of people have crossed its might)
bridge, and so sdmlrable liaye been It
arrangements .for transooratlon, thai not
one In a million has been injured.
Notwithstanding the mad struggle for
fortune ou Wall street, with all of Its maul
fold faults and transgressions, good )m
come out of Nazareth. Croesus has not
closed his heart to the pitiful appeal of
charity, grand, beneficent, holy, which
these children of fortune have generously
endowed; where tbe destitute and ailing
poor can receive better treatment and bet
ter care, than England's King could hav
commanded for untold gold a century ago,
Tbe hearts of the rich respond to tbe cry
of charity; for this God be thanked at
this Christmas time.
Should the belief In Illm be shaken
whose name Is now supreme on this sacred
holiday, no greater calamity hath befallen
mankind In-all ages. It Is the poor who
would miss blm tbe sick, (he botneltts
the forsaken, the dying. Wherever the sun
rises to-morrow on tbe haunts of men and
civilization asset Is her sway, there will
rise the "Ilosanna" and "Gloria. In Ex
celsts Deo" that tbe child Is born and that
Christ has come. That he has come and
Is bsrt, Is not a fairy tale. Come with me
nt UU tk strtsti, and we it kit
work active and living In this very hour,
We are In Park Row; who arc tbcso little
waifs that crowd around tbe newspaper
offlcos In tbo raw and frosty air of this
Christmas morning. These are the distri
butors of news the street Arabs of whom
you hayo heard so much and know so little.
Many of them have no father, no mother,
no home ', tho flotsam and jetsam of the
streets. Are they then forgotten? Oh, no;
In Christ's name they have been cared for
they have been taken from the streets,
lodged, clothed and fed In bis name, and
on this, his special holiday thor will enjo
a feast which will make their hearts re
The homes of the poor will be mado
triad, and even the prisoner looking out
hrotigh tho hard bars of his cell will havo
a respite from his punishment, and thank
God even fiom the dopth of his sln-scarrcd
soul that Christ was born among men.
Then bow maav millions of homes will be
brighter and happier as tbe children rush
down stairs on this Christmas morning to
see what the good of old St. Nick has done
for the good little boys and girls. Looking
at these things, who would sweep away
this holiday? If,- Indeed, these glorious
and holy memories which are all that now
remain to me of life, be but a myth and a
shadow, he docs me no service who destroys
in golden idols. No, let roe dream on to
. lie end which, for me, is not now so far
ulf, and with my head on the pillow near
the litt e sleepers let mo listen to tbo Christ
inas chimes.
The streets have been crowded and tbe
stores were full. The riches of tbe world
ire In these windows and on these shelves.
Marvelous, most marvelous tho dlsplav 1
The gorgeous products of India and Per
ilan looms aro everywhere. Soft robes
from Cashmere, silks from Lyons, costly
atln brocatcllcs from English looms; dla
uonds from Africa, Golconda and Brazil;
matchless pottery, In the creation in which
i he gnlusof the world seems to have been
exhausted. What marvels of art and
neauty are these, and they tell of an age
( luxur.v and magnificence unknown and
iindrcamtof In tbe Republic before. Noth
ing shows more effectively our advance In
aslbetlcs than tbe eostly playthings and
beautifully Illustrated books for children to
tie seen In this holiday time. Some of the
hooks are got up lu Germany, and the ill
ustrations are worthy of the finest album
In the world. Jany wealthy people hav
single books prepared for Christmas card
at a cost of a hundred and fifty and two
Hundred dollars, and considering thai the
illustrations are all executed by hand, and
hat the poetry Is frequently the compos I
ion of the artist, and the work may be
considered very cheap.
As I intimated above, Christmas Is a
inllday ol rejoicing In all of our prison
ind public Institutions, and aside from the
'Ity's bounty, tbe benefactions of palvatc
ndivlduals help to swell tbe bill of fare to
be proportion of an Alderman's feast. It
s a gladsome day for the newsboys; they
ire never forgotten at Christmas. On that
'ay all tbe newsbo s ate collected in the
ilfferent lodging houses and in addition to
i turkey dinner they have cake pic, coffee
4iid Ice cream and a royal entertainment in
he evening.
The Metropolitan Art JAiseum opened
In a blase ot glory. In tho new wing the
Catherine N. H'olfe collection has been
placed, and there are many other pictures,
art treastues and curious beside, nans
Markart's grand, picture of "Dlna's Hunt
ng Party." which was so long on exhl'bl
Ion at tho Twcnt, -third street art galleries,
Occupies a splendid position In the main
all and was tbe gift of a wealthy lady,
''nnnat's large painting of "Tno Spanish
Quartette," which was for mail months on
xblbltlon at Scbatis', haB also been pro
moted to the Jfuseum by Madame II. Dan-
mt. An attratctlve exhibit to tbe ladles
9 the collection of rare laces left by will to
be Museum by the late Mrs. Jacob Astor,
who was known as the newsbots friend. It
is a wouderful collection. Gathered from
very portion of the world and represent
ing In each value not fw from one bun-
Ired thousand dollars. The, Cyprian col
lection, purchased at great cost from Gen-
ral Cessnola, of gold and silver ornament ,
ureclous jewels and rare articles ofveitu
itnd art from the Isle of Cvorus. have
plendld quarters on the upper and lower
tloor of the new wing. The new additions
n almost ever., departmeni are of priceless
value in the sludei.t of history or art. The
ollectlou of Egyptian mummies is yeij
Jlue, and all ot them are In an admirable
tale of preservation. There has been an
entire rearrangement lu. all the depart
ments, and tbe classficatlon Is most excel
lent. At the end ot tbe gallery devoted to
.Miss Wolfe's collection of paintings is a
noble portrait of her father and a full
length portrait of herself by Cabiual
Xever beautiful, not even pretty, there I:
something tiitxpresslbly lovely about the
expression of her face that marks uer oui
as one of nature's queens. Through all
her life she scatteied along bur palhwa)
the golden sheaves of charity and blessing,
and now, though the gentle heart is still
aud her tongue Is silent, Jet each da , In a
language uijre eloquent than wolds, she
speaks iO the thousands who, visiting this
splendid collection, have cause to bless her
memory and her bount.
At tbe opentntr the bluest of our blue
blood turned out en matte and Ward JVc
Alllster's four hundred elite were there In
force, with hundreds of other notables he
side. I saw twenty men In the crowd
whose aggregated wealth is not far from a
thousand millions of collars, and a score of
women widows and maidens, old and
young, pretty and and and nut quite so
pretty, who would have been a good catch
fur a king. It was a notable assembly; ex
cessively polite ana exceedingly gooc
Matured. The company das been selected
with care and the result was eminent!
satltfactuiy to everybody ana and mi) bod
Tbe effect of tbe meeting was almost in
ktantly visible. Jones thought If Smith
could afford to make such a gift to the
museum that he would see to il that li
uch a grand Institution, the Jones' were
not surpassed by the bmlilis, who were
nothing a few jears ago but but never
mind. Jane, my dear, tell Mr. CVanola
that we will send him up grandfather'
clock and Uncle John's cabinet that be
longed to Charles tbe Second; tbe chal
that General Washington sat In when be
wrote bis tarowel! address, and my check
ior a tnousaud dollars. There, l guess
when they see that It will make tbe Smith1
feel sick. Donations are coming In dally.
of ancient fnrniture and bric-a-brac, and In
addition to these are some costly and mag'
nlfieent Gobelins. And so, on the topmost
wave of prosperity, this excellent Instltu
tlon enters on tbe twentieth )ear of Its ex
IsUnce, a boon to the present generation
as I trust II will be to the future.
The Christmas bells ring out loud an
clear on the frosty air, Gloria, Gloria,
Gloria. To us this day a child of hope Is
born, to us a son is given. A son whose
beatflcence, whose powtr and wbos glory
swell through tk earth, and rolling dewn
tho ages fills the hearts of men witliiiopo
love and charity as no namo eyerdld before
since Creation's dan n. The cares of life,
Its sorrows, Its disappointments and Its
jrlefs may render thankless tho hearts of
those- who have breasted In Its storms and
blights for fifty years. But with this com
ing dawn untold millions of blessings wll,
rlso from ll.'lle hearts and tongues, as yet sorrow, on Ills head who said,
"Suffer llttlo children to come unto mo
and forbid them not, for of such Is tho
kingdom of heaven." Hall, then, most
glorious holiday of tho year. Fling out, oh
beilsl oh Anthem swell out a merrj Christ
mas to all!
Truly yours,
The Coal Gazette Issued a neat almanac
for 1889.
The Semi-Weekly Standard, Hazlcton,
presented Its readers with a New Year's
Greeting, worked In colors.
Ayer's Almanac for' 1880, pupllsbcd by
Dr. J. C. Ayer& Co., Lowell, Mass , comes
to us In tbe shape of a neat presentation
book of about five hundred pages, being
made up of numerous editions calculated
for tbe latitudes of many lands. A score
or moro of nationalities are addressed In
their own languages In the volume, aud
could they all be heard clamoring together
for Avcr's Sarsaparllla and Ajer's Pills
what a Babel would break forth I Ayer's
Almanac, In tho familiar jellow cover, has
long been known as tbo most accurate
and reliablo of Its kind; and If any one Is
Ignorant of the superior merits of Ayer's
medicines, and suffers In consequence, It
is not tbo fault of this enterprising firm,
who scatt t their "leaves" by tbo million,
"for the h::!!ng of the nations." Ask
your druggist for Aer's Almanac.
General News Items.
A daring robbery was perpetrated at
Alburtls, this Slate, Saturday forenoon. A
stranger appeared in tho post-office and re
presented himself as a pension agent who
wished a personal Interview with some of
the pensioners and applicants. lie asked
the Postmaster to Introduco him to the
proper persons, and while the Postmaster
absented himself lor a few minutes to se
cure some one to take his place, the stranger
absoncd with $70 worth of stamps and
money. No arrests were made.
The Philadelphia merchants arrested
on tho charge of selliugoleomargerine were
given a be.iring Saturda afternoon before
Magistrate Leiinon, William Shollenbeiger.
uf Mascher and Putmau streels, was con
victed of tho offence and fined $100. The
lemainlng offenders waived a hearing and
vlll Imye their cases tiled in court. They
were each held in $1000 bail.
Miles Johson, a wealthy widower of
Princeton, Ohio, was married on Christinas
uav and hanged himself on Thursday night,
lie left a note saying he had broken his
promise not to marry asraln, given to his
first wife on her dealh bed, and that he
could not endure the reproaches of his con
Joseph Solomon, a jobber In laces and
linen goods in New York, shot and fatall
wo-'nded his wife Sunday night, and then
commuted suicide. Solomon was 40 years
old and his wife 20 The couple have five
mall children. Jealousy prompted the
A Profitable Badness.
Those who t.iUe an agency for a reliable
enterprising house, learn their .buslues
and stick to it, "get on" In the world
People who have any Idea of engaging in
any canvassing business will do well to
write George Sllnson & Co., Portland,
atn the largest art and general publish
ers. They offer the most exceptional ad
vantages :o those who are sufficiently en
terprising to be willing to make a push in
order to better their condition. It cost
nothing to tr , Women make successful
canvassers, as well as men. Full parttcu
lars will be sent to those who mdteiyiav
firm ; their full address Is given above.
- IN
Leuckel'sStore Room
Commencing Monday, Jan. 7th.
Bohemian Glass Blow'rs
'Ma's Japanese ExlitioQ,
rUESDA.Y Voting for the most popular lady-
i rues viiiui-u ui ?za.
iVUDNISMJAY Voting for the handsomest
imsg unuer m years oi age i reseni vaiuea ui
rilUKSDAY-VothiB for the homllest man
rreseut larire Turkish snioklrur ulna.
"ItlUAi tirand Haby show Ileaullful present
i uauusoiuesi ui.u uesi ueuaveu uauy, Doy ui
ulrll Urine lour babies
SATUItD VY ticliooll'lilldren's Day every boy
and glil gets ii ucuutltul present and one vote
free lor their favorlttt teacher Teacher's Dres-
ent, beautiful -fleet ot irlass ships InmaKUlfl-
ccm g'Bss Kuue, vuuieu ui 3Sftj
Including your present free.
Open from lO o'clock A. M to lO P. M.
J. D. NEVAUO, Manager.
Grand Shooting Contests for
Money Prizes, at
Marsdorf s Gallery
Under Exchange Hotel, Lehighton.
Gallery will be open at all hourx. Don't
fall to participate in this delightful
sport. II. MAIiSDOltF,
Iec22 '.ate of 1st Maryland Cavalry
rON. l' the close ol business. Decemlier
12UJ, 1608 t
Loans and Discounts fi?o.4U 41
Ovei drafts ISO 00
U. S. liouds to secure circulation 76.0UCL 00
Other stocks, bonds and mortgages. ... S'J.f.m oj
uue irom approved reserve agents. .... ,133 us
uur iioiu uuier .uuouai iaiihs, ....... a.uv ,1
Due from State liauk and Hankers.... 270 81
Ileal estate, furniture and fixtures 8,627 8t
Current exnenseH and taxes nald 1.494 07
1'rcmlunis paid B.4C0 00
nuts 01 uuier liatiKS 0,w0 OS
Fractional paper currency, nlckelg.aud
cents , 80 63
Specie 1,731)00
Legal tendei notes 4,100 00
Itedrmption fund with U, S. Treasurer
(S per cent, circulation) 3,375 00
Total .....5231,108 00
Capital stock paid in 78.000 00
Surplus fund 7,010 00
National Bank notes outstanding, . .
Dividends unpaid
Individual deposits subject to check
uuuiviueu pruau.
3.030 SI
87,600 00
333 80
1 22.687 M
Certified checks ,., 14 8s
uasnier s cnecks outstanding 823 82
Due 10 otner nauouai lianas 8.399 01
Due to State Banks and Bankers M3 07
Total 1281.188 08
State of Pennsylvania, i.
County or Carbon,
I. W. W. Bowman. Cashier of the abovenaroed
Bank, do solemnly i ear that the above statement
is true u wc uesi 01 my Kuowieoge ana ueuei.
W. W. Bowman, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this loth day
01 ueceiuuer, iw,
H0B1CB riBYDT, N. I.
COBBEOT Attest: .
Jt. F. JIorroKD, I
a, J, Dukuno, VDlrtcrori
U, U. UWUt, i
n, mi
New Advertisements,
Absolutely Pure.
This imwiler never varies. A marvel of purity,
strength unit wholcsonicness. .More economical
than tho ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In
competition xvltli the multitude or low test, short
weight, ilium or nhosnlinte pnwdert. Sold only
In cans, ltoyal Uaklng Powder Company, loo
Vall street N. Y. auc; 24-ml I
Dividend Notice.
....Atn regular meeting of the Directors ot the
FIKST NATIONAL BANK, of Lclilglilon. Ph.,
aSeml-Amnml Dividend of Til Itlilc PEK CENT,
on the Cap! al Slock was declared, payable on
.aii.l after January is, isso.
W. W. IJOWMAN, Cashier.
Jan. 5 1889. 3w
To canvass for one of the largest, oldest
established, 11EST KNOWN NUltSEK-
ir.niniue couiury. mini iiueriu terms.
Unequalled facilities. flENEVA NU1WKIIY.
Established 1810, W. & T. SMITH, GENEVA,
N. Y. lecl-t2.
The Sun for 1889,
Tim Sun believes that the campaign tor the
election of a Democratic Congress in I80O and a
Democratic President In 1SX! .should begin on or
about the fouith of next March. TlIK Hu.N will
be on hand at the beginning unn uittll the end of
inetnosi interesting nun mi H mm political con
llict since the war, doing Its honest utmost, as
ever, to secure the triumph of the Democratic
party and the permanent supremacy of the prin-
ll I S Item liv uriirisun, .iiu'HStlll mill JIIUCU.
The great fact of the rear Is the return timlum-
lute power of the common enemy of all good
iieiuociais toe political organization ior whose
ivertnrow inn sun inugiituc inurinnt Tor IS
tears, the memorable veara of (Irani miri the
Fraud Hayes, and Garfield and Arthur.
ir is ine same oiu enemy tnai ueinorrats liow
onfront. and he will he Intrenched In the .same
strong position. It has been can led once by
nrave alio uopeiiii lighting, no von uni Oi l ee
with Til F. Sun that the thing can be done again?
Walt and seel
The hone of the Democracy Is In tho loval ef.
fort or a united ureas, cheilshlng no tnenim-lea
of past differences In non-esseiitl.ils, loigetthig
everything '"it the lessons of experience, and
that victory Is a duty.
Probably yon know Tim HUN already tisi
newspaper which gels all the news and pi hits It
In Incomparably Interesting shape; wlilhli chron
icles facts as they occur and tells the truth about
men and event with absolute fearlessness, mak
ing the eninpletestHlid most clitertallitni' Journal
nubllshed anywhere on earth; aiiil which
Its opinions only to its subscribers and purchas
ers at two cents a copy-on Sundays four cents.
it you uo inn. Kiimv iiik nur, seuu ior ll illiu
leant what a wonderful thing It Is to be hi the
Dallv, per month ?o rs
Dally, per year 6 Oil
Sunday, per sear 2 00
daily and Sunday, per sear 8 00
Dally and Sunday, per month n to
Weekly Sun, one year 1 ou
Dec. 22. TTIF. SHN. New York.
$ 1.00
Ac hig a tuuille in Touts
and the like as anything
we'ye ever done. Many of
the coats that you will most
enre for have been pi shed
into the quickest of the
638 Hamilton St.,
g I g j W
Machine Shop.
The undeislened announces to the
citizens uf Lehlglitou and tho surrounding
country that he lias opened a shop for thn
Repair of
Machinery !
Such as Agricultural Implements, sharpen
ing I-iwn Mowers, deluding I'lincr Knives,
1'nper Culler Knives, Scissors, fVe.: Steam Fit
ting nnd rump Work, nnd manufacturing Grain
Fans, Farm Hollers, Hoot Cutters, &c
All work Bvaranteed at the lowest prices.
In Rear of Gabel's Hardware
AprllS8. ly
E. F. IjUcke nbach,
Competent workmen sent to any part
the county.
Wall Farers. Borders & Decorations.
Larce assortment, and the latest styles.
Books, Stationery, Fancy Goods
All grades. shade maklnt: ana putting up
promptly attended to.
Paints, Oil, Varnish, Putty,
Brushes & general Painters'
No. 61 Broadway Manch CIM, Pa.
Helow the Broadway Hnnse.
Carton Admate ! ! !
And get all the latest news,
Including Interesting New
York and Washington let
ters. You better join me.
It Is the cheapest, largest
and BEST weekly paper In
tbe LehlHh Vallev. Try It.
Only $1 a Year.
1,000 !
a year. More ioca)
than any other paper
is the price of the Advo
cate for 52 weeks.
are hereby forbid meddling wltn any I'armlmr
Implemriits or Cattle now In .,s-silnn ol
Henry vt Irth, as the same and are mv proper
ty, and loaned to him dimiiK my nleniue.
CAit i.iNi: winrn,
Doc. 10, 188MS Franklin IWp., l'a.
1st National Bank,
The Annual Klectlnn for -Seven Directors of
till' Hank will hu held at the llaiikhii; House, on
1UKSDAY, JANUAItV Mil, mo, between the
hours ut One and Three n'rlnrk I'. St.
W. W. IIOWMAN, Cashier.
I.chlghtoti.Dec. 13. 1883-td
Dissolution Notice.
LKIIIOIITON, Pa., Dec. 10, 1888.
Notice Is hereby given, that the partnership
hen-tofore exivlnjc between A. W Kaudenbush
and I liana Kclirlt; n thltilay ilKwlved by mutu
al content. All parties liuvlutl claim against
the above named 11 nil will please present thoin
to A. W. Kaudenbush for settlement, and thoso
Indebted to the said firm will make payment 10
the said A. V. Itaudeiiliush.
a. w. HAunnNiiusir,
Wife of Iteubeu Hchrlg. The business will be carried on by an
other par y on an enlai ced scale.
Dec. 14-w4
Estate of JAMES (HNDUIt. late of the Town
ship of East l'etiu. Carbon Co., Pa., deceased.
All persons knowing themselves to he Indebted
to said Estate are reuuestel to make Immediate
payment, and thine liavlnir legal claims against
the same, will present them without delay In
proper order for settlement to
A. S. STKIUimVAI,TT, Administrator.
Lehignton I'. Pa.
FnEYMAH & Kkifeii, Attorneys.
Dec. 1.18RS-wo.
Administrator's Notice.
Estate of PETEU KltUM.lateot Fianklln Town
ship, Caihon county, Pa., deceased.
Lettersof administration having been granted
l,i Ihw imrlMful,r,l l tliu ol,,..-., r-.l(..l u.i
ill persons Iml'-hti'il ins ili1 estate iirerequesii-cl
to m ite Immediate payment, and those having
iejm ciaiuin uni iiit-nt-ni nit) same Wliuoui aeiu
III proper order for settlement to
JOHN s. MIl.I.Elt, I A,,n,inl..,r.
Juril'.l'll KltUM, f Administrators
Welssnort. Carbon eo Fa, or their Attorney
li lit CB UliYDT, Esq., Iililahton.
Is the oldest and mmt popular selentlfle srd
oiscbnnlCAl psier unit has ths lanteit
circulation ot any piipvr of ltl clap. In tbft world.
11t llluntrated. Beit clan or Wood Knarar-
.-firs. iubiined weekly, pend ror appctmaB
raw a year, i-oarmonina-irtai, i.
a i-u., ruju-isacHH, 001 uroaaway, a.i.
Edition of Scientific) American. O
, A (treat iiiccpm. Eaeh lnue colored
llthocraphlc plateaof country and cttyreilden
cei or public butlrtlnxi. Numerous eoffraYlnfi
and full plan and rpeclflcatloni for th us of
vueh as contemptnte bulldlnir. 1'rlcn l.-fiO a yearf
S5cti.acopr MUNN t CQH PUOUSUXXU..
maybe iMur.
ed or apply
IniT to UUNN
I Jt Co.. who
40 years' experience and have made tiTer
l()O,U0u applications for American and For-
elan natenti. Send fnr ll&ndbook. CoiTB4
pondance strictly conOdcntlal.
In easa your mark It not registered In tbe Pat
nt OOce, apply to MUNN A Co., and procure
Immediate prstectloo. Send tot llafldbouH.
COI'YRKIIITS for books, charts, saifa,
tc, quickly procured. Addruss
BIU.NN b CO., I'ntrut Sollcltore.
Uxheual ormz Kl lluoxuwAr, If, 7
.TfcrrhrVale a larce quantity of Hawed Lumuei
it extniordlnary low prices.
io.OOO feet Yellow Pine Flooring.
iO.OOO feel While 1'lne Hoards.
U,(MJ0 feet Hemlock Hoard?.
0,1)00 feet Hemlock Seamllng.
v larce lot of 2 Inch Yellow Pine Plank
suitable for pavements or sidewalks.
V lot of flrst-class 2 inch Yellow Pine
Plank, for threshing floors or bridges.
V lot of Oak Plank, l-c.
This Lumber will be sold fully 25 pel
eiit cheaper than It can be obtained else
t here. Call on or address
Weissport, ... fenn'a.
Graduate of Phlla. Dental College.
'erserraiion of M Teeth a Specialty.
OFFICE iinUltS: From 8 a. m. to 5 p. m.
UK HALL, Maricet Square, MancH Ohunk
Two Doors North of Tost-Offlce.
FFTrE IIOUKS: 7to0a. m. aud 5 to T P.m.
April 2$-3m
SOU Awln,7-BIncIiltit''
jindi tn nil pan, bj ii ii
mil ruutlt Mhrir ttn It) ru -
iarm. w witi fnu i re Ium
iritm InrtiU loriiitf,ihti
betl FvtlufDchiut mil l
1 vrorlii.wtlli H iht AtUiIin.un
We will alo rnd 1 we run tli i,
lint of cur ivtilr ami tt
iiMinplri. In rtturo wr aik thai ui
iiiotv iv rrnn. iu uiof
ntijr rail al your bomr, tud antt
.munthaillfhall betomt your umis
.ftroitrnv. rnind ialiin fa
iit aiirr ids- isiiirrr taicuia,
i Mrh baf run nui : Itrfvrr atrnia
ruDitu h aolst ti iSiCt, v uii i h
"ismmmis, tun nun atiiia ioc
iSnPfr1'' li'H.atrtinrrit.aioai u
LHP B"fu1 narhln In tbr world. All U
I llaLUrtt. o rarhal rmulrvd. I'lalm.
briar innncuoai nnit. inoit wnownii to ut at cnea can
aura lWc ifat bat ewlDr-tnchlBa In th Morld, and lha
flifM tlnvofworkaof blfbartcrar abwn tomlitrfn Amfrica.
TKUCO,, Uuk 740, Auguitu, Maine.
Accident Life & Fire
Bank Street, Lehighton,
lias secured the agency for the following
.'AXIES which can be recounnended to
lie public as Perfectly Safe and Kellable.
fhe National Life Insurance Co.,
Hannfrs' Accifleut Inflemnity Co,
3arrisiiiir Mutual Live Stock
Henry Nolf,
mm aa Accommodation 'Bos,
Hotels and L. V. Depot
'artlesealled tor at their names by Lea Tin j or
ders at any of Uie hotels,
prll t. tl
Heydt & Seaboldt
Saeeessors to Kemerer & Hsydt
OtSesi Bank stnrst.
mpt ttuutkgi sawi W eviwy Uu4 ot Xa
.- -tf'.'jM, fa,
m 3 imvm
im .mm
For if You Do
U will see that We are Selling
Ladies Shoes from $1.00 Up.
Misses' Shoes from 85 Cents Up.
Mens' Shoes from $1.00 Up.
Mens' Boots from $1.85 Up.
Boys Boots, we have them at all Prices
Rubber Boots.Lumberinan'ft Boots and
Beaver boots at all prices.
Men's Suits from $5.00 on Up
Boy's and Children's Suits
at prices to suit everybody. And a
coniilete line of
fix TS UPS II E It W 13 Alt ,
Oil Cloths, Carpets.
I ruRks, vices, &c &c.
Come and see us before purchasing else
where. We can please you in style
and prices.
Opera Hcnise
You will certainly find it to your advantage to buy where you
have the largest, cheapest, beat and newest stock of
to select from. That place will
certainly be at
Op-osite Mie Valley Round House, North Bank Street.
Make it a.poiiil t see tho celebrated Irving Range" before pur
fhasing any other. All makes and grades of heaters on hand
and lurnithed at short notice and at exceedingly low prices,.
PEHN1NOT0N, R. J. 49th Year.
On direct line of It. It. Irom Lrhlghton.
THOMAS IIAVI.ON. 1). !.., frftilenl
''nmnieiKled ly Dr. MoCiihIi. Kxcrlls in lienltb,
dlirlpllne, home comforts and scliolnrshlp.
? 2B3 rovers all expenses and extras but Art and
Music. Catalogues very beautiful and complete.
Bwar ot Traud, u mr csjzm and tha price ui
stamped oa the bottom of all mr adrertlsed shoet
before leaTln tbe factory, wblcb protect tbe wearen
aralost high prices and Inferior g-oods. If a Uealei
offers W. I.. OotiKlaa sboes at a redeced price, 01
says he has them without my name and price statupeC
oa the bottom, put him down as a fraud.
boes cosUns; 1mm it to 19.
aud Xetter Carriers all wear tbem.
mooth Intlde as a lTand.Sewei
Eboe. KoTacltsor
DODOr.ASBa.50 BnOB Is unexcelled
for hu,
icaty wear. Beit Calf fchoefor Ifce prlt r.
SBOU Is tbe best In tbe world for roujh wcart ou
air ougbttn wear a man a yes r.
:1((bit School Shoe In the world.
JT. t. DdUOLAS S1.7S TOUTn-S School
Kibe rlTM rba imall Boys a thasc to wear the beS
wuuvm in in wona.
W. L. DOUOLAI, Broskton, Mass.
tesoectfullv announces tr, thn imbtlc that he has
peted n M'.W I.IVKltV BTAI1I.K, and that ho l
wreiKiren w, iiirumu i earns ior runeraia,
vVedd'nciorlliiHlneMTrlpi on the shortest no
l"pn,1 temu. Orders left at tba
'Carboi. House" will receli prompt attention.
text the Ht.'el, lhlthtnn. lanvJ Tl
WUI do all your
own Prln tln: or
earn money print
lot for other.
Your boy eao
ran It. Outfits,
wiin Tai roat 9J,
110. tiO. tr. or mora,
accordln to size -one
a rood at another.
In u all OTr tha
Pull Information In
a book called llosr
to Print. Free with
samples of Model
press work, upon ap-i
plication. Aodrm;
COMPANY. Llm't',
K2 Arch tlKt. PMU.trU':
See wliat ii tia abour
The Model Press.
My Model 1'ref J netted meln tare month OTir
aaoo.00 I nero: bad luitructloua in prlutlng tw-
'I ira, yet I act tip and printed 10,000 deposit ticket" s
on my Mode frost tut day otter I received ti.-l
have made more than double what my ilodel
t'resa cos', tua the first two mouths. -Hare done
about fj0.00 KortU olHorkon uirlio, 1 Model
rrets. it ueau an. Alter uin yaart- uar j
Judiry Model hruss at Kod as new. 'In
Mwli.l l'rexts Is wtU built f)d oiurlit to tut half
a oeutury.
The Model Fress
If fully equal tr the largett aud costlleat ma.
Jiues for fluv Card and GUXEUAL VD8INtSil
l.rlntlne. Any smart boy can turn out buadted
'ifdollara 'AOrih of work every wmi. cmau with
one uf tbo luuiUer aUes, Addma.
Toz Model Peess CJo,, Ltd.,
013 Aseb StfMt,