V. lied; Unsuroassed andUneaua B In Price, Quality and Workmanship, Arc the suits, parts of suits and overcoats made out of fashionable "Worsteds, Cassimeres, Corkscrews, , . Cheviots, &c, &c, - .. AT 50 0? INTEREST TO FARMERS. j)LAUSS & B-jt-tnxamn. xr:.&crxr .SULWi3a Merchant Tailorng Emporium, Bank St.- For Gents', Ladies, Youths and Children. Only the best makes at the lowest prices. You are bound to be pleased. OUR GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT Is complete in every particular. The very latest novelties in A alnabl Uedlral Treatli. The edition for 1889 f th sterling Medi cal Annual, known at Ilostelter'a Almanac, is nun ready, and may ba obtained, free of cewt, of drtlcgiit and general Country deiilera in all parts of tha United Stales, Mexico, and Indeed in every ciTiliied por tion f the Western Hemisphere. This Almanac hat bean issued regularly at the commencement ot every year for orer one- fourth of a century. 11 combines, witn tne soundest practical advice for .the preserva tlon and restoration oi neaiin, a large amount of interesting and amusing light reaiiinir. and the CHlsndnr. astronntmal n calculations, chronological Items, Ac., are prepared vrilli great cue, and will bo louml entirely accurate. Tlie issue of Hoslettcr's Almanac for 18S0 will probaly he tlie tho largest edition of a medicul work ever tililishcd in any country. 1 lie proprietor!!, lesars Hosteller & Co., Pittsburgh, Pit., on receipt of a two cent stamp, will forward a iopv by mail to any person who cannm pro cure out in hii neighborhood. Hats, Caps, Neckwear, &c, 111 1 11 J VI J Li J Li vLI Lfe L: KSOPPOSITE L. & 8. DEPOT,$r BANK STREET, - - LEHIGHTON, Pa. . Has just opened an entire new line of LADIES' FINE DRESS GOODS! Comprising all the very latest styles in White Goods, Sa; teens. Prints. G-inehams, MflTSRllieS. beersuclcers and Fancy Dress Patterns of! he very best qualities at exceed ing low prices. Groceries, Provisions, Crockeryware,Glasswaie, Wood and Willowware of the best makes at low figures. Cloths Cassimers, Hats, Boots, Shoes and ready made Clothing in great variety and at prices within the read of all purchasers prices fully as low as the same goods can be bought for at any other general store in this vicinity. Carpets, Oil-cloths, Lamps and Fixtures ' in great variety and of best quality at Hock Bottom Prices. - Best quality of Flour and Feed at prices fully as low as the same articles can be purchased elsewhere. A car load of coarse salt has just been received the price has been marked down to the very lowest notch. All goods of the very best quality and are being sold at price equally as low as the same goods can bought at any general sum in this section. Call find be convinced. Respectfully, lf You Are S.ck With llcsdacho. Neuralgia, Mr umathra Dyspep sia, Biliousness, Illood llumors. Kidney Disease, Constipation, Female Troubles, Fever and Ague, Sleeplessness, Partial Paralysis, or Nervous lToa tratlon, uso ruble's Celery Compound and bo cured. In each or these tho cauro Is mental or physical overwork, anxiety, exposure or malaria, the effect of which Is to weaken tho nervous sys tem, resulting In ono of these diseases. Ifmovo the caCse with that great Nerve Tonlf, and the result will disappear. Paine's CelGry Compound Jas. I HoTrn, Springfield, Mass., rrrl'es . " l'alne's Celery compound cannot be excelled as a. Nerve 'loiJc. In my caw rv ainglo lttlo v-rought a sroet ehango My nem iww-ss entirely i',;jppeareu, and with It too n.uUInft oCix-tlon 'ftfio rtoeineh, heart and liver, nnd the whola tone of tho system was wonderniily irwlgnriited. I ' UniT filecd?, lfe'.ok m I '..aye boon, Talno'S '" -v Compound Will Qm You I . U by druRglsts. St ; six for ! - Prepared only L . it., J, Iucimkbson & Co., Burlington, VL tor tho Acad, Nervous, Debilitated. AS WE CLIP HDH0R0S1TIB.!. " j-- llncklsn's Arnica salye. The best anlve In tho world tur cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt tlitiein.f ever sores, iettor, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and nil skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no piy required. It Is guaranteed to glvo perfect satisfaction, or money re unded. Price 25c. icr box. at Thomas.' Warranted to color mora Roods than enyotha dyes ever made, and to glvo mora brilliant and durable colors. Ask for tho Diamond, and tai no other. A Dven Dterf 1 FOR A Coat Colored r i n I u annul us nunumiu j CENT8. A Child can use them i Unequalled for nil Fancy nnd Art Work. At druggists and Merchants. Dye Boole free. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO.. Propi. Burlington. Vd Heollnc In. Wbcallier trees are to he planted1 in the fall or In tho spring It is best to procure ll.em In the fall and heel then In. "Heel- lng-ln" Is a most Important operation, and according 'o Its beinc well or poorlj done, It la of great benefit or results In loss. It Is really a temporary planting, .which will preserve the trees for almost any desired length of lime, yet allow them to bo taken out 'whenever thej aro wanted for perica. nent planting. Select a high, well-drained place. In llcut soil where water will not settle, and free, from weeds that may afferd shelter to mice. The object is to place the roots and a portion of the stems In contact with the soil. A trench Is OBCued. the head towards the South, of a width and depth governed bv the size ot the trees. The trees are laid In at an angle of about forty-five degrees; one la er being placed, tho rcots and part of the stem are ta be thoroughly covered with fine soil. Then another la.icr baing of trees Is laid in, more soli, and so on; when all are in the trach and the earth so filled in that no air spacea are left among the roots, bank the earth up over and around tbem, rounding it up well to shed water. As the trees are heeled in use every care, by labels, marking stakes or by record, to preserve the Identity of the kind. When the trees are taken out for anting, there should be no dllliculty or uncertainty about their names. This should be kept in mind when placing tbem in the trench. The trees are placed In loping position that the branches may pro tccl these below them from the sun. If th weather Is very severe and there is no danger from mice, the tops may be covered by Icaves'or other mulch. If mice abound, heel in the trees erect, aud bank up the earth well aronnd the stems. July23-871y &M0S HEIGEL. NEW FIRM I NEW GOODS NEW METHODS ! Having -purchased the entire stock, gopd-will and fixtures oi oamuel beiler, we are prepared to supply his old customers pnrl all who wish to avail themselves of the advantages we offer in the shape of Low Prices, First-class Goods, Good Accommodations, etc., with a complete line of Oils, Hardware, Cake Meal, Cement, Lime Sand, Plaster of Paris, Roofing Slate, Coal, Agricultural Implements and Repairs We propose to re-shelve our rooms at once, and then will largely increase on' sleek. A cordial invitation is extended to ail Lehigh Coal and Hardware Co. Closing Out a largains for t Cost You BE On account of rapidly failing health the undersigned will clogt out at sacrifice prices his large stock of 6entsiadies& The goods are new, no shoddies or seconds, and people whr wisely take advantage of this great closing out sale will secure wonderful bargains in the shape of good goods tit low prices. Don't Fail to Call. LEWI S WEISS, BANK STREET, LEHIGHTON. PA. I.H ,M J. L, GA -IS HEADQUARTERS FOR GENERAL HARDWARE Paints, Varnisii ALL KINDS OF COAL, &p OfS. PUBLIC SQUARE, Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa 15 QUICKEST REMEDY KNOtiftl Tor bsckacbn, nnd fill sadden, ehnrp, or tffliff-MftndiQff lain r naakneiwes of ever? Und. Vlrtaesof heml'Hk nnd pins b&luun comblnei. It Is vendcrfau SOOTHING, PAIN-KILLING, CVHATIVE and STRENGTHENING. MY BACK! It satisfoi every time. TBT OMli HOW. SO Cts. 5 for I.OO. 3-iH e?rjwhoni,cr mailed fur pile. tsnhfirfimatureitfitisrropTMort, HOP PLASTGR Co., A Greenville woman who asked for a divorce the other day '.old the cou.t that a little, measly, one aimed cuss had licked i tier husband. "My marriage contract call. for a lord and protector," ahe said, "but .then a man is so easy to get away with hi- I'an't be uiuch of a lord and nroltcther." I'hu court allowed that she bad all the logic in her side, JrOVrson's Island, InL iouislanatht omel hue winter home of the genial actoi if ltlp Van Winkle, Is a superb hill crown fd with great forest lrecs,l) lug on a tremb iliiS jralrie on seml'Uiarsli, and with u Dim ake. called l.ako l'evnler, fur its ouU uarlii. On this Island, which contain j,tXXJ acres of land, was funnel aiinrchar. of line oranges. Here .Mr. Jefferson pla U raising line cattle. He has sometbln. Her two thousand head aud a few bluode. ioi set. Oil! for one cflhoit UOV BOSTON. " ' cmulne poods. PLAIN AND FANCY Bill Heads Note Heads Letter Heads Statements, . Envelopes, Programmes, Price Lists, Blanks of all Kinds Wedding Stationer", Busiaess Cards, Shippin0: Tags Sale Bills Ball Tickets, Circulars. &c. New presses, new tvpe and excellent facilities enable us to dc all kinds of Job" Work, in the best style, ant exd taraordinan low prices. Mail orders receive immediate attention. Uh. What a CooRh. Will you heed the warning. The sljiui erhups of the sure approach of that mui errible distase, Consumption. Ask yoi.i elves if you can ulibrd lor the hake of t ig 60 cents, to run the n.-k and do nolhiii. ir it. We know from experience tin 'hiloh's Cure will cure your cough, i lever fails. This explains why moro Urn .Million Buttles were told the past ye.u ti relieves croup, and wl.oopiug cough n nee. Mothers do not be without it. Fo amtj hack, side or chest, Uso fcliiloli' l'oi us 1'laster. Sold by T. D. Thomas. Li lighten, W. Bicry Weis.sat. A writer In a recent book ab"Ut trvel ug in the Kust, telling of the slow pace ani uultltude ul amuiuls required In caravai ..itelliii:, tbacjluulaiiaulhal the Israelite hen they we.U Iroiu 12g)ijt under Moe? mist have hail a caravan at least two hui I died league lon aud must have euiplojid ix million caiut-ls. Wbut a parade fur Hi lUUthlul Egyutian as he saw it pjt. Dyspepsia ana Liver Complaint. Is it nut worth the miimII iineo ol 75ceii . i lice oiiieil ol every Biuptuiii ol the .trebMiig couipluinls, it )ou tliiiiK so ca. .tnur&torcaiid get a buttle ol Shiluh itiiluer. Kver. Louie has a lirinted uuili iilee uu it. Use neciirdingly, uud il It (lot .hi no 1,'oou u will cost ou nolliliig. Isul I'. I. Tltoinai. l.clttchtou. W. lliei Weissport. "6AM ADVOCATE" Xoand'Inded leci. We clip the following from an English xchange: A fortnight ago we gave an account of the manner in which a French poultry-keeper, by following an American Invention, proJuced cockerels and pullets as he desired. The report elicited a letter from another Continental breeder, who stales that ha has tried a simpler method tvltb success. He selected twelve ergs with pointed ends, and twelve with rounded ends; they were placed under differ ent bens, and from tho former were hatched out eleven cockerels, and from the latter ten pullets, the other eggs bavins been broken during the process of incuba tion. There Is, however, nothing new In Hits selection of the large-ended or round ended eggs, as many poultry-rearers in England make a practice of doing so, In the bfK'lef that thov are more fertile moie certain to produce chickens than the sharper pointed eggs. A lady of forty years' experience tells us that she always 'sets" round-ended eggs and that she in variably has the good !uck to have more millets than cockerels. This to some ex tent a corroboration, though not a complete one, of the French fanner's experience. Bntchtrs' Offal for Figs. There Is a woful lack of economy In the feeding of butchers' offal to bogs. Il is ota. bad nor unwholesome food itself it Us character is understood. The pig Is a arnlvoiolis animal, And a certain pro .jortlon of blood and other butchers' offal Is not bad for him. But this Is a very con centrated, heating food. If sly nail it will fat, the pig Is maile fevorlsh aud loses half he benefit it should gain. Probably if the oiitcher tnlnks to give his pigs anything Ise he throws In some corn, another heal iifg and concentrated food. It Is no wonder hat hogs thus fed are particularly liable to cholera. There is nearly an entire lack f bulky foods to distend the stomach, or those that furnish material for bone and nuscle. Milk with bran or oats should oi m a part of the feed of all b.igs. If this rule were attended to disease of any kind among swine would bn very rare, - JOB ROOMS, Bank Street, Lehigliton, Pn. A passenger on a west-bound tral rroui Chicago hid his money in one of hi uoes, on retiring for the night, atd tUei. placed the shoe and its male in the aisii. ,iear his berth. A porter, having shum pieully blackened tne shoes ami found tin 'hidden treasure," returned it to Uu owner, wbo is said to have demanded i, ugui, so tuai ne could count the nionet md see if the finder had taken any. Cucoossrul Trcntmani of Eseaso A SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY-! iUlt'KOIIli.S llio Cause ol ull Dlacoscs. miminc Microbes. Su&cessfol Treatment. cures: Catarrhs Bronchitis. Consumption, Malaria. Rheumatism. Womlerftil Tonic and Itlnod 1'uHher. Tb9 efflewy of ths Microbe Killer lu eiue of con amptiOD h boen so tX ctuillj demonstrated hat we are justified in claiming I r it cmaiiva pon m terond tnoM of iiy mftitint known. W do ho claim for il tmrticnloui power In curing caws far rone that core is lmpoFfttble, but we do claim that It will cure any ctm where the lanpa are not more than half pine I'ert-ona with poor aprwtite. weak and debilitated, will find it the best tonic. fcTery one should uw it. particularly tnoe who hare an tiered for years with incurable chronic dis ease. Microbes or irerra are camws of disease. The modi tne that will kill the germs and at the same time cure the patient is the one to ue. 3 ld only in one gallon stono jogs, Price) 93.00. snmclent to lABt about one month. Cheap; within the reach of all. Physician (if 17 years experienre in charge of the office. Send forcircularand information. Nt. Pa! Catarrh JT;i3fyv U.SJa. I MKiMMSl ' ELY'S CREAM BALM. Cleanses the Nasal Passages, Allays Pain and Infiaii matlon, Heals the Sores. Rcstoirs the senses o f Taste md Smell. jHIAY-FEVER THY Tmt cvke. A oartl' lfl applied Into each nostril and Is agree, able. Price 50 cents at ilrneiilsls: br nialLrrelS' trred, CO rents. liLY llltOb., 00 Warren streit. 1 Sew York. n)t3-wis Wm nadam'c Mirrnda llllor ?.!.. Areui-t, -I..., i.uuuni vii.iviuMwnMiui, 1'iiiinnn-. Druggists, 2Sc tCc, and (1.00.- I hail ft very Bad Cold, and got a bottle ur Dr. Seth Arnold'a Cuugh Klllur, and It helped me at once It will do all it is tecum mended tu do. Win. 1. Alverson. Branch, Ulster County, K, V. $1 13 "WEEKS. ;n: The POLICE GAZETTE will be mallrd. ecurely wrafpd, to any aditras in the Unt I ed Slates tor three mnnths on reieipt of I One JDollar. I Liberal ritarnunt allowed tu pontmnitrs acen s ami clubs Sample copici mailed free Ad drew all orders In RICHARD K. FOX, Ua? JO.lBSS-ly Franklin fqcint, N. Y Bhlloli'i Consnmption Cnrs. No. 1. This is beyond question the u.ut Uccesst'lll Uoiil'Ii Medicine we iiuvu et sold, a few doses iinariubly cures the wori. jaoes of Cough, Croup, and llronclutis,whili it s wonuenul sueces in tlie euro ol Con iiimptioii is without a parallel in tlie hibtorx il medicine, tiince it's hrot discovery l ( uas been bold on a suarantec, a test whicl 10 oiner mcdicino can btund. II you liav i uoukii we camestiv mm yon to try n 'rice 10 cents, 50 cenu, and fl, If yon uugK are bore, cnest or Hack lame, us bilolrs Porous Piasters, tiold bv T. 1 i nomas, i-emuum, s . liierv Weip. r KIiir Afaiiiia. who rules oyer tli black 1'iuvlnce of Uganda, Is not a pieasau man for a next-door neiglibor. Hu rule jver lO.OOO.OOO.subjccts, and Is as lerociou as ne is powelliil. lie lias l.&UOwIves, ant Kills fire of them every da lor his aiuuM iiieut. lie is the lariiesl slave iradei i Centr.il Africa, supplying the Mohamiiii dau dealers annually with about 160,OUt laves. One of .the hotels for wiillor visitors in So'itht'in (.'ttlilorniii lias n ' spnc'ious ludicw' billiati pnrl or.' In KntitcliV rrrcntlv tin funeral nf Air. Shivvers wns post ponod on account of tho cold weather. A feather thief wtin tecpnth arrested in a Southern city. 01 eoursi he belonged to the light- hiifiered .'entry. Why is an unpaid suhcriptioi, hill like a bottomless ehnirl bonis of editors, 1 because il needs receipting.' Jrs. Southworth has recenth ad the goltl pens with whirl he wrote so many novels madi nto two ring for her children. Observations recently made ii Knglnnd show that a tortoist nn wali a mile in four hours ST) can a district messenger bo. nit he won't. According tc a recent head- ine tlie Jianland oyster bed- were 'raked with annon omt thing very novel in the waj il oyster raited. Denys is only the middl tame of the new President ol layti, but it seems to be in nc- 'ot dance with the eternal fitness if things, nil the same. Tlie 'Oolong wave' is not n lew wniiA'ie m doing up tin mir. It is the latest designation n Washington for the gieatlj tbuse'i afternoon ten. A lecturer on astronomicn ubjects says that the moon was nan's original timepiece. It was Iso one that man never left vith his Uncle iVolomnn. Ohicago will never forget it hief distinctiun. The Inter )cean heads an account of t hrentenint' but harmless fire Our Familiar Fiend Baffled. A newspaper nscs : ' VVhithei ire we drifting!' and a IFestern otemporary replies that a strong iversion to profanity alone pre vents giving the desired itilornia- idll. A dry goods clerk in a village n this state ate three big mince pies in an evening, and went to 'icd. Instead of dreaming than le saw his departed ancestors, ic went to join them before Common Sense In the treatment ot slight .allmenl.s would save a vast nmonnt of sickness and misery. Ono of Ayfr's Tilts, taken after dinner, will assist Digestion i takoa at night, will relieve Constipation; takon at nny time, will correct irregu larities ot tho htouiadi nnd Bowels', stimulate tho Liver, and euro Rlclc Headache. Ayor'a rilln, ns all know ivho uso them, nro n mild cathartic, pleasant to take, nnd always prompt and satisfactory in their results. " I can recommend Ayor'a Pills abova all others, having long proved their taluo as a Cathartic for myself and family." J. T. Iteaa, Lelthsvillo, Pn. " Aycr's Tills bavo been In uso In my family upwards of twenty years, aud havo completely vcrillcd nil that Is claimed for them." Thomas F. Adams, San Diego, Texas. " I bavo used Ayor's Tills In my fami ly for seven or eight years. Whenever I havo an atlnck of hcndacbn,to which I am very subject, I take a dose of Ayer'a Pills and am always promptly relieved. I find thein equally benetlclal In colds j nnd, In my family-, they are used tor bilious complaints and other disturb ances with such good effect that we rare ly, If ever, have to cnll n physician." II. Voullleme. Hotol Voullfeme, Sara toga Springs, K. Y. Ayer's Pills, rnnrAncD nr Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Matt, Sold by all Dealers In lledtclne. ndultailonfreandlxivltol. UNAOQUAniTED WITH TUB GEOGRAPHY Or THE OOtTHTIlT, T7ILL OBTA1II MUCH VALUABLE INFORMATION THOM A STUDY OF THIS MAP OF A Scrap of Paper Saysd Hsr Lift. It was jut an ordinary scrap of wrapping taper but it saved tier life. She was in the ust stsges of consumption, told by phyii ans that she was incurable and could live tily a short time; she weighed less than .evenly pounds. On a piece of wrapping paper she read of Dr. King's Hw Uu nvery, una got a sample bottle; it haloed er, the bought a lart;e buttle, it help! her uort, bought another and grsw belter fast. continued its use and is nowstmn;, heahhy, rosy, plump, weighiug 140 pounds. For tuller particulars send stamp to W , 11. Cola, nruiiKist. Fort milh. Trial Bottlss f this wonderful Discovsrjr free at T. D. Thomas' j rug store. Farm Votes. Ilappv Is the man whose cowl "soma in" at the right time for winter dairying. If he cannot make dairying pay he has soma important things to learn. It Is better to All up the watsr trough before It Is quite empty, than to let cows get very thirsty and driulc so much they won't care to eat for two hours. , o animal Is more leniltiys to cold ! than a milch cow, and it is very Important 1 lo observ great regularity In time of feed- i Ing and milking. Cows keep accural tima i In these matters. The poor quality of th native wild ! grasses In the West Is one difficulty of the dalrjman in that section. Ilrl bay,, though nominally cheap, Is pjor feed, and 1 really often not so cheap it corn In tb 1 great corn producing States. , Potatoes, beets, turnlos, parsnips and other roots can be kept In tb cellar all I winter without wilting by atortDg them In ; airtight receptacles. Tbey keep equally well i if pTaced on th cellar floor and covered ;wo f Ipr thru lneuts thick wltk damp Imtm. I THE GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE. (Chicago, HocIc Island & Pacific and Chicago, Kansas & Nebraska Rye.) Its main linos, branches and extensions west, northwest and southwest lncludo Chicago, Jcllot. Ottawa, Peoria, La f alio, Mollno, Bock Island In city, Doouolnos, contro. ana Council Eluira In IOWA Mlnnnanoll St. Joaonh, nnd Kansas City In MISSOURI Beatrice, Fairbury, and Nolson iu HauADtux aorwa. lopQKn, iiucuinson, w Abllone, Caldwell, In KANSAS Colorado Bprlnco, KADO. Traverses now and vast areas of rich far Hutchinson, 'Wichita, Bellovlllo, Norton, o, uciiver, uoDio.m uulu. Idor Rtn.tnnnf1 in nu towns and oltlos In Southern Nebraska, Kaneoo, Colorado, Utah, Now allordlnfr tho bost facllltleo of lntorcommunlcatlon to Mexico, Indian Territory. Texas, Arizona, 'farmlnrr.and rrnzlnir lands. U1U Idaho, V.". kwl w 1UW Calllornla, and FooiHo solid Fast vestibule express trains Of Palacn Coaches leacHnor all competitors In epiendor of equipment end luxury of Accommodations run throueh dally bottroon Chicago and Colo rado Springs. Donvor and Puoblo. Blmllar MAGNIFICENT VESTIBULE, uaviua u tiny uoiwoon uaicajro uau vuuucu uiuub lumanai. ana Cars, TRAIN SBf ICE dally botwoon Chlcnco and Council Bluffs (Omnhnl nnri ions aairy. unoico or routes to ana xrom llnlnn- C irnle. K-c i to and from SaltLolio City, Portland, Los :isco. and Intervening localities. Qulclc urn, ram In Union DopoU. Itocumnar cnair cars (FHEQ, ana Palace tsiorpinfjuars. calllornla Escur- aions uaiiy. uaoico oi rouios to ana iroin out, jjiutu AneoleB, 3 an uior-o. Ban I'Tancli prompt cottuocuona ana irens; THE FAIV30U3 ALBERT LEA ROUTS Runs ennerblv ei Roclr Island. Atcnlson. St. Joao-nh. Licn.vonwartb. Kansas Cltv and apolla and Bt. Paul. Tho Favorita Tovu-lst Una to tho Bcenfb rceorto, end ea jszpress Trains aany eacn way Dntwoen Chlesfro. uuqvu, (juvuuv.ui Mi, uttuoaa vilv uuu Ula uiisi uno ii llorthwost Its Vvatortown Branch travol botwoon Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Lafayotte, and Council Blulfa, Bt. Joaoph, Atchison, Loavonworth, liontas City, Minneapolis, and Bt. Paul. htmtlnar and flehlnf? rrrounds tof th& courses through tho most productlvo landa of Northern Iowa, Southwostoro MInnosota, and Bast Boutnorn Dakota. THE SHORT UND VIA BENEOA ANTJ ICANKAKBH offara ftii-lllH For TloUets. Maps, Foldors. or doslred information, apply to any Oouncja E. ST. JOHN, E. A. HOLBROOK, TotheEdiiou i'ftuVe ii. ii rmyourrei i -i-b tlial 1 have u (ilivu nincilv inr tb ilme name (lin-;ife. I!y its timely i.m ihuiixaiiils of hnpeUi.s cases have Leeu lift- niani-nlly cured. I shall be glad tn kii wo hollies ot in v remedy Iree to anv i our reudeis who have ciiiibutiiptiim il tlie in dciiu me iiieir ejcprebH auu io.-.iiiih iddresK. lli-spectfiillv, T. A. tiliicum, II. I). 181 1 earl st., New York. When I say Conn I do net mean merely to stnii tli m (ur n time, ami then liavo them. re turn again. I SIEAIt A ItAlllCAL CU1UL 1 havo made the dlsoase of FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS, A life-long study. I WAimANT my remedy ta Cuitu the tvorst cases, llccausa others bare failed Is no reusonlor not nowrecelving acur. bend at nnce tur a treatise and a KnaallOTTLH of my Infai.liiiLE ltKMBDr. Giro Kxpreis and l'o-t Ollice. It costs yuu nothing fur trial, and It will cure you. Address H.G. ROOT, M.C., IS3PEAlltST.,NwrotS IfHWiM V I I EliUSION We hear of a man wlu read a New York Sunday paper all thiougb; but It I I he opinion of his physicians that what hi died of aslmpleiualterof choleia Infantum Teacher Define the-word excavate. Pupil To hollow out. Teacher Coi. struct a sentence in which the word h properl) used. Tunl The baby excavate when it gels I nit. Everybody knos tlml tlie conditions f i liealth arc nut favorable when the stomach, liver, and bowels are disordered, in stu-l cases, headai-he, indigi'stion, nnd constipa- linn ure the rcsuli; foi all which ailments i lie proper rimtdy is Ayer'a Luthart riiia. -fustomer-Wbatyo' charge for gltlln is bf tmynd by IllS iliSt'I fotogMlsiookr- 1 hotogr.il I.er-I.upcilal , , f ' -r six dollau per dozen; duplicates, thre. 111 nu PS I dollars per dozen. Customer Wall, I guess I'll jes hab I af dozen duplicates took Extraordinary stories are told of the healing properties of a new oil, which is easily nude frohi tlie yelks of hen's tgg: The eggs are first boiled bard, and th jelks are then removed, crushed and placed ovei a me, nliere they are stirred until the who substance Is Just on the point of catch ing lira when the oil separates and ma be poured off. One yelk will yield nearly two A Western editor announce hat utilrss delinquent subscrib- rs pay up more promptly he will bp obliged not only to run i 'patent inside,1 but also to se cure a patent insidts lor his wife md children The school-master is needed n Alabama, if the Montgomery Adverliser" is correct when it nys that there are in the State persons over ten years ld who don t know how to reid, mil tlmt ot these oil, 1 14 are vhite adults. Instruction in the art of eni 'mlming dead bodies, by Prof. Sullivan, of Isoston, was a fca tin; of n recent gathering of un- lertakers m Syracuse. Ibis m instance in which it may bt well to mention that it was not he yrof iSullivan of Hoston. An aged woman in New Hampshire, the widow of one nl he men who in 1840 voted foi William Henry Harrison, re-f-cntly wrote a letter to General Harrison, using paper mnde in 1.S40 for campaign purposcs,and stamped wHi the lor-cabin de vice. S'he vas made very hnp ly bv an exceedingly cordial letter from the grandson of his grandfather. The Washington jloiu inent is a great temptation to thnt varietv of fool whose folly ribing h's he Judgi' belbre whpm an offender of this cIhss was recently arraigned de Hnred that ho would do all in his poner, even to imposing the extreme penalty of $1(K) fine, to stop this defacing of tho mon ument. Hiram JBIodgett, of Urooks ville, Me., tied his row near the house to craze. His six-year- OF PURS 009 yyR0IL Almootaa Palatabloas Milk. So dllKntosll that It oan Sja Inll aiEe'ied, und Rsstmtlnted by tb mask sentltlTB stomach, when th plain oil cannot be tolerated and by tb eotav binatlnn orttio oil vrltlt th hypojikoaw pbltea 1 mnch mora sIUcccIoks. EtEuiSalib es a Sub prodnter. Pertoiu gala rapWIy rflillt tsklug lt SCOTT'S EMDI.SION Is acknowledireabaj Physicians to be the Fines! and Best prepay rauou in uio woria tor tne rouii ana enr on COMSUMfTIOM, SCROFULA, CENErtAL. DE3ILtTY, WA3TINO i DISEASES, EMACIATION, COLDS and CHnCHIO COUGHS. The great rm?y fur Oonmtnptlan, and Wasting in CMhlrsn. M ly all Jkvggl Piso's Curo for Con sumption la also tho boat Cough Medicine. If you . havo a Cough without disease of the Xiiings, n few dosoa tire all you need. But if you no glect this easy means of r, tno angut uougn may bscomo a serious matter, and several bot tles will bo required. teaspoonfuls of oil. It is In general use In South Kussla as a meansof curing cuts. nU K,,tt ..lovliirr nlmnf lu.mm l wiu wnj fjiaj lSm ut VtttllU tangled m the rope, tlie cow be- r. 1 a. i i . i Mr boy (three years old) was r.cently came rngnieneu, oroKO away, taken vriih oold in the head, it seemed land ran a quarter ot a mne. finally 10 settle in his nose, wutch was stop- draKfiinii the boy after her. A pedi.pfnrda)B ami nights so i. at it was neijrbbor, bv the aid of his dog, difficult for him to breath, .nd .le.p i t d the'eow and released tlie called a pllyslcian, who prescribed, but did ,.' . . , , . liiiiu , uui uc uua so uuuty ill him no good. Finally I went to tlie drug tore andgot a bottle of Ely'i Creara Balm. JUfCd that he SOOn flied. It seemed to work like magic. The hoy's nnce w:is clear In two ilnjs, and he has been all right ver liuce. E, J. Ilauard, Kew Yorlr. Down In Brazil th emancipation of lares was mainly du to an lltor who kept hit paper red-hot with abolition argu ment Be did not have much incests un til he printed a translation of "Unclt Tom's Cabin." Then the ptopl wakad up. Thy cried ovsr th story, and raised such , protest agalait ilV r tlial tb Oevirn mont was farced to abolish IL Thoitwhoar conttnt t boat for faults find yry fsw ylrtats. Tb fJ wbo knows bow big, it j m W Va tsn iiinhe. i saier K9 I Ptso'a Itemedy for Catarrh U to Best, Easiest to Use, nod Cheapest. Sold by druggists or sent br malL Mo. It T. IlozelUne. Warren, ra. I 1 DISEASES OF Wim OILY IJloodPntMD,DBiorKMDT.lladderanHhero Rnt,eaknesss,NerTous P iUt Lost MsiatAOa, r altsot Krori tn Yoatb BrerpMdllr nd permtosotlr cared. Uon u tRtionnndtrHt'Mi"-! dilruvmfL Adams DE OEINDZX, 171 "W. 12th BL, Ww Toe -urcl. J. . .raALL OTHERS FAIL i TlEjmim. 839 N. 16th 8 1., below CallowUUl. FbUa., Fa. SI) j'CivrV experlenrn In all Kuerlal dlmm IV r nianently re-stcres thoso weakeiieil by early India, erftlons, Ac. cvu or write. Advice fro and strlnlr cnlldantlal. Hours, 1 o A.M. till u l'.M nnl 7 to IB arealngs. jU Ma4 S n. uump tor IMolc ...cillil Jl-f Stoves. Tinware, ' Heaters and Ranges, Tn Great Variety at - Samuel Grayeii's r opular Store, Blink Street, All Kind of lob Work: 'e.it and Cheap at Office thi Roofing and fcipoutintfn special ty. Store repairs furnished on short notice. Pric V7