Original bhoap Cash Storo." ffippy f W Jm. Ten Per Cent Discount. We are now about to occupy our Ni:V RTOKK. W An nnt want to mora to our N11W Uull.t)- 1NU any more ol the present ttock than wo can avoid, itnd therefore purpose to Inaugurate, pro Tloui to removal, A SPECIAL SALE, glTlng a discount ot TEN PER CENT on Ml Dry floods. Notlenj, Comforters, Blankets, Underwear, Knit Goods, Ladles and Gents Kuril lshluics,Jevrelry, Carpets, Oil Cloth j.Uoiits.Hlioes, Kalibers. Queensware, BIlYerware, Wood and Willow ware. On January lif.lftM, wr will commtnee giving Mil i (count which will 01 continued until u mow, Jot the furpoit of reducing our Hock, The Pbioks Will Hkmaih UnchamoedI Each purchaser will receive an itemized hill, trom which will be deducted 10 per cent BEAR IN MIND that on January 1st. 1889, this Special Sale will commence and will be eoiillnued only while we remain at our present location. We earnestly advise all to avail themselves of this opportunity of making an extra 10 per cent on the low prices which are marked on all our foods. J. T. ITUSBAUM, Opposite Public Square, Banlc Street, LehlRhtou rr June T. 1884-1 Swear oil carefully. ! Bounce tho tramps. j CftS-car-rla, what Is UT Very llttlo sickness here Taking Mock account, neat. Cas-car-rla, at Thomas' ilrun Morn. John Lents Oarap. S. of V., nwv bo re-organlzcd. H'atch for the total eclipse of the sun on New Year's Day. Special police worn dolnR services dur 1ns the past week. Big reduction In hymnal at I.uckcn bach's, Manoti Chunk. It Is Illegal to Mioot plover or wood cock after January 1st. Landlords must notify tholr tenants to "acquit" on January 1st. Tho new plank walk along Oborl's alley is a big Improvement. Go to Val. Schwaru's for all kinds ot urnlturc. Prices tho lowest. Best quality raiors sold on a guarantee at Thomas' drug store. Try them 4t. Watch mectlnc services will be held 111 tbo Evanjzellcal church on Mouday evening. It is said that there are now some doubts as to the formation of a Brotherhood of Brakemen hero. The finest line and lowest prices on pbotoeiaph albums In tho Lehigh Valley at Luckenbach's, Mauch Chunk. Montzville wants a post office. In ac cordance with tho desire a petition has been forwarded to the Postmaster General Tne Interior of J. W. Ilaudenbush's TrioPcirrinn Arlunnflfp "rlTat0 offlco' '" the' rcarof hlsIIi"or sture & Swartz bavo In slock SATURDAY. DECEMBER 20, 1886 LOCAL EVENTS OUT UP. Pay the printer. New Year on Tuesday. Go to tho D. of L. ball. To more days of Leap Year. Don't dump ashes In tbe street. Predictions for a severe winter con tinue. All kinds of jowelry at Bock's Popular Jewelry Store. Tbe rain on Thursday produced tbe usual amount of mud. The Supervisor bad a ging of men at nwk filling up Bankway this week. Full Hue of Ingrain and Brussels car pet at V. SJchwart. on Bank street, tf Sunday school supplies at Lucken bach's, Mauch Chunk. Prices very low. Shooting for turkevs start a, precisely eight o'clock, P. IS., at Marsdorfa gallery eyery night, Lewis Werner, of Lehigh street, will be a candidate for constable at tho coming borough election. The Advocate office received 'a good cabinet photograph of Happy Sam Cort .right, of Mauch Chunk. Thanks I John Itehrig. of East Weissport, scored three successive ImllVeje hits at Capt. JIarsdorf's gallery one day recently. Look for red light, at Marsdorf's gallery. Shooting for turkey's commences at eight o'clock sharp every evening, Don't miss It. Tbe Mansion House bar room was ar tistically decorated with energreen g Chrlstmasr In the evening the room was, nicely illumenated. Your attention Is directed to the great discount sale at the Original Cheap Cash Store tbe same to continue until the new rooms are occupied. All preparations for the D. of L. ball are completed. A large nnmber of tickets, have been sold for The event and a good time Is anticipated. Young fellow, don't fall to go. Quite a number of delenquents have responded to our call "to pay up" but there remains a few more to do so. Come, now, send us That money jou owe, we need It badly. Dr. Wentz's two horse team ran away on Wednesday. They were stopped In front of Brinkman's marble-yard and taken to tbs Exchange Hotel stables where tbey were cared for. Tbe Y. M. C. A. will have a number of the best Weeklies on hand diirlnc the year 1889, Including "Our YoutA," "The ChrUtian Herald," "The Y. M. C. A. Watchman," and "The Caboh Advo cate." Active preparations are In making for the public installation of tbe Knights of -.the Uolden Eaglo officers at their regular sneetln.t In January. The Opera House lias been engaged for the occasion and a very nice program has been prepared. A letter received recently from our old friend and former townsman Obarles Frocllcb, of Tawnton, Minn., Informs us that himself and family are enjoying good health and prosperity. They want to be remembered,wlth the season's coniDllments, to many fi lends hereabouts. If you have sale bills printed at this office, you will not only save 10 to 20 per cent, on tbe cost of tbe same, but also se cure a notice of the time and place of sal in our "Public Sale Register." Tne bene fit of this Is incalcualile because the Advo cate has tbe largest circulation of any paper In the county. Don't forget this) Sale bills printed at short notice. Tbe game of base ball on tbe old fair gounds Christmas day between two picked nines was an unprecedented event In this section. Five Interesting Innings were plaved and tbe score stood Ave to six, Rclchard and Yenser.and Clauis and Brink man did battery work. This was probably tbe only game of ball played outside of Philadelphia on that day. Some people who allow their subscrip tion to fall In arrears think that all they .are obliged to do to get rid of the paper Is -to leave It In the post office. Tbe law does not give any such power to evade a smal but Just debt. No matter whether it Is ttaken out or not, the publisher may send (hi paper- to the address so long as the subscription remains in arrears, and the law holds good tbe debt thus contracted. Tbe election of borough officers takes place sometime In Feburary. One of tbe most Important offices to be filled at tbat time will be tbat of constable. The numer ous robberies committed during the past year and the many other evils tbat now hold swav here calls for tbe election of a good. fearless man to this Important position. A rntn wbo Is not afraid to dobls duty, consistent with the law, even to the extent ,at to endanger his re-election, Is what we .want. It Is better to be constab'e right for rbn year than to fill the position wrong for .a dozen terms. Tbe diseases of babyhood are so rapidly -weakening tbat tbe quickest means should tot nsed to check them. Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup s the unfailing remedy for these eeuplalnts. Price only M certs. Tbe greatest cure on earth fur -pain," Salvation Oil; tins the refrain. "You but to-day, my friend, In this cold -wind I thought you were slclc In bed with it cold." He said nothing but smiled a -jolly smile and led ms to the apothecary's .abon and pointing to a big advertisement ol Pr. Ball's Cough Syrup, sld: "Thw r hang lU tali; that tells Uu story." Kemercr & Swartz lmyo in slock the larg. st line of bed room and parlor suites to be found in this section. Prices low. Ono four oz. and one six oz. silver watches, with cold binges, will be sold cheap. See Milt 8nyder, East Weiss port Joseph DeFretin. of Elm street, has accepted a posltlou In the Lehigh Vallc- offices at Jerser City. He commenced work on Thursday. Ho semen and others, you will find the place lo purchase your winter blankets, bells, harness collars, whips, &c, at M, Flory, W eissport. t f. W. H Klot'z, Is now prepared to manufacture wheelbarrows or wagons at bis now factory near Buck's sawmill, rino Run. Repairing dono cheaply. tf. Prices for all kinds of Job work fully 10 to 25 per cent lower hero than o;her offices can afford to execute It. Call and see samples. Printed envelopes at wonder fully low prices. The public sale of personal propeity, etc., at tho Packcitoti Hotel, on second Christmas, wound up with a grand hop In the evening In which a number of Lehigh tonlans participated. December 23, 24 and 25, weather balmy and spring-like and tho hos playing base ball on tho old air ground. Paste this In your hat, such winter weather may never come again Laf. Schocb, of Pine street, lilt the bulls-ote five times in succession at Mars dorf's gallery the other day. lie scored Ally-nine points out of a possible sixty thus beating all local records, The statement to tha effect that Frank P. Semmel, of town Is a candidate for Commissioner's clerk, Is an erroneous one. no will however loom up as a lively candl date for prothonotary three years hence. Miss JUarale Frltzlnger, of Bank street, Weissport-Stroller. ChrUtaM Weadlnes. Ths lamps Lit.) Church Festivals. Fatal Accident In Tewamentlng. Oth; Item. J. Werner and wife, of Poilsiown, spent ssveral days hero this week. Mrs. Jlchacl Faust, residing on tho Lchlghton sldo of the Lehigh bridge. Is reported as being very seriously III. Rov. T. A. Heuhcr Is tlto proud father of a bight now baby boy. We trust the llttlo fellow may livo long and happtlr. Tho officers rccuntly cloctod by the Knights cf Honor will be Installed at their meeting on tho first Thunday In January. An Infant girl of Oliver Moy.r died on Monday morning. . Interment toolt placo on Thursday morning. Tho family bavo the sympathy of many friends In thelraQlic-tlon. Irvln Kresge, of Frar-k'ln, was united In the bonds of holy wedlock to Jfiss Belle Beers, on -Vonday evening by tho Rev- T. A. Ueubor. The young couplo havo the best wishes of nuinerons friends. Seme person or persons of hoodlumatlc propensities made themselves liable to tine and Imprisonment ono night recently by tearine the door boll from the residence of Perry J. Klstlor. Bring along the police, ireissnort now shines forth in re splendent glory tho street lamps having been erected. It was a wise uioye on the part of our people, and n commendable measure of the town council lo allow the tax payer an opportunity of voting, by pctl tlon, on tho question. As a town of flyti or six hundred population wo now stand on an caual footing with any of Its size in Pennsylvania. Hurrah for Weissport, Robert Snyder, aged thirty two 3 can, son on Soloman Snyder, of Towamenslng, while working In the barn on Jlonday even Ing was proclpttated through tho loft lo the floor below and sustained Injuries from which ho died on the following day. In terment took place from the rcsld neo on Friday morning. The sorrowing family have the sympathy of the entire community tn their sad and sudden affliction. ll'atch night services will be observed In the Evangelical church on New Year's eve. I'reatning will commence at nine o'clock, an,l will follow with the regular experience meeting. All are Invited to participate In this silent, solemn watch of fleeting tlrao that passes on Into the abyss of tbo past, without a sign or sigh sAe the numbering of days and years that tell more eloquently than words the story of Father Time, A very prettv private marriago was solemnized at the residence of 'Squire John S. Miller, on Christmas day. The contracting parties were Miss Allle, the eldest daughter of 'Squlro Miller nnd J. D. Curtis, a promising young gentleman of Brooklyn, N. Y. Rey. 8, B. Brown, of the Evangelical congregation, officiated on the happy occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis were tbo recipients of a number of valuable and useful presents. The young couple left for New Jersev at 3 o'clock on tho same day, where tbey will spend a few days and then go to Brooklyn where they will reside in the future. Tho "Stroller"' extends happy congratulations. The Christmas services In the Evan gelical church on Monday evening were of an unusually interesting character. Die programme of gospel song, bible reading, recitations and select music being recited without default. The prlnciplo part of the j VKOFLK WHO COMB B.HD 00. Terienal OosilO about Feopl who Visit and go The Labor World. Mauch Chunk. HonrvWnMrHMUt'edatHethle'i.em Himi of latorwl OIoomI BV ' Th Eody of Wn. Either net jrot Found. won the slOpurltlne prize, for some months evening's programme was tbo reprcsenta- advertised In our columns by genera! agent A F. Snyder. Miss Frltzlnger furnished over four hundred words trom the letters Purlteno. Nature's efforts are alwtys dlrecteJ aright; but sometime occasional assistance of tho proper kind ptoves eminently ser viceable to her efforts. Laxador combines every quality to 'render It of peculiar sei- vlce in very many diseases, ' 'Women never weep more bitterly than when they weep with spite," says A. fllcard. Rlcard Is a clam, he -evidently never saw how cranky a woman can be after being disappointed in not securing a pleasure rldo In ono of Ebberts easy riding and fashionable turn outs. Have you visited the schools this term? If not do so. If you find anything which pleaccs you tell the teacher of It; tbey like appreciation, If an j thing dls pleases jou tell tbe trustees or teachers. The trustees like nothing better than to hear complaints that Is wbal tholr salary consists of, While it Is yet early it Is none too soon to begin picking out tbe very best men to be voted for at the spring election to fill ti e borough and township offices. Select the best men for the offices to be Sited, and you will make no mistake. Burgess Reich- aid has made a careful and attentive official and of courso will be re-elected. A gentleman dropped Into our sanc tum one day this week and subscribed for the Advocate, remarking at the same time tbat ho had become so accustomed to having a newspaper that It was Impossible to get along without one. He will be pleased with the Advocate because we give an Immense amount of local news for $1 a year, A Platform Missionary Meeting will be held In tbo M. E. churcb, on Friday even. Ing, the SSth Inst., which will bo addressed by Revs. T. M. Jackson, T. P. Newberry and C. Burns. Rev. S. W. Thomas, D D Presiding Elder, will preach next Sundav morning and tbe pastor will hold a revival meeting In tbe evening. A cordial Invlta tlon to all. The Christmas festivals In the Lutheran Reformed and evangelical churches on Monday evening and In the Methodist church on Tuesday evening were largely attended and Inteiestlng affairs. A pro gramme of praise and thanksgiving was rendered In the churches respectively which was followed by the usual distrlbu tlon of candles and oranges to tbe dellgbt of the llttlo ones and enjoyment of the older folks. To our patrons. The carrier of the Advocate. Thomas E. Mortbtmer, will watt on his patrons In town bright and early on New Year's morning with the seasons compliments and a neat calendar, U Is a custom grown old and popular 'o reward tbe carrlor for tho faithful per formance of his duties. Your paper Is delivered through rain and snow, so don't forget to show a proper appreciation by dropping a quarter In his hand. Here we are, up to New Year, without having bad scarcely a foretaste of winter. Inland navigation has rarely remained open so long In tbe season, and, Indeed, boating on tbe Lehizb canal, though stopped a week ago, was not suspended because of lee obstruction, but oat of fear that It might come suddenly and catch many boits far away from homo. All over the country the canals and rivers are reported to be open for business, and traffic on In ternal water ways continues uninterrupted. It looks very much as If tbe winter would eontlnut an "opo" eta. All tk Indtca t(oas are tbat way. tlon of the "Ten Virgins," as follows Five wise virgins: L.JIongen, Gertie Horn, Emma Snyder, Ella Delbort and Laura Beever; five foolish virgins: Alda Marsh, Ella Laury, Ella Oswald, Clara Miller and Tlllio Snyder. The ten virgins were under Instruction of Mrs. A. P. Andrews, who deserves to sharo the credit achieved by tbe participants for the splendid rendition ot the dialogue. James Swni im, -f llnflliestcr, N. Y., Is Sojourning In town. Samuel King, ur Perth Amboy, paralyzed turkey at home. C. E. Bartholomew, of Lancaster, was homo during tbo holidays. Robert Wiilp and family, spent Christ mas with ftlends down country. Ir. F. I. Smith anil family, spent several days this week at Hnzleton. William Yentcr, a student of Urslnus College, Is spending tho holidays at homo. Charles 1). Clauis Is home fiom a Lutheran Thooloelcal Seminary at Phila delphia. Harry Sweeny and wife, of Drlfton, were guests 01 uio 0111 ioiks ai iiouio oyer Christmas. C. W. Kllno and wl'e, of Hazlcton, wcro the guests of E. H. Snyder, on Bank street, Tuesday. Rev. F. K. llerndt, of Lehigh county, while in town this week made our sauc cum an agreeable call. .Miss Lllllo, daughter of Burgess, Relchard, Is home from the State Normal School at West Choster. Miss Jennie Hughes, an estimable young lady of South street, Is spending the holidays at Philadelphia. Ed Raudcnbush and wife, of Perth Amboy, were homo with J. W. Ilaudcn busb and family on Christmas. MisC9 Corrlo Campbell .v-rt Stella Shlttzlnger, of Slatlngton, are vlsltlnglrcne Fenitcrmaeher, on Lehigh street. Misses Emma Seller and Mamie Gahcl, of the Hagcrttown, Mil., Femalo Seminary, are spending the holidays .it home. Genial Harry Hunsicker, of Reading, spenl several days with relatives nnd friends in town. Harry looks well. Frank Kershner, of New Tripoli, and Al Clauss, of Drlfton speut Christmas with tho 'folks at homo' r.nd whllo hero cava us a very pleasant call. Both renewed Ihelr subscriptions. Right I To Delinquents Only. Wo have a number of subscribers on our lists, to many o'f whom we hao sent bills, for two, three or moro years, wo now again call their attention to tho matter by mark Ing ahlue opposite tho direction tab, and earnostly request that they make an Immediate response. The Onto on tho tab will show them Just how imii-h they owe, thus: Jos. Faynutck man 88 shows that ho owes from March 7, 16S5, would be $4.00 up to .March 7, 1880. Other laten can bo rumnntcd in tiiu same man- 2 r.er. Let us hear from you at onco by Pos tal Nolo or Money Order psyable al the 1-chlshton Post-ofllhc. H. V. MonTimtKK, Jk , Publisher. Deccmbor 1, 1883. Notes for O. A. R. K011. General Order No. 29, Department of Pennsylvania, G. A. R.. announces that the new national and department counter sign for next year will be sent on Decem cembcr 01st, next. Posts delinquent for reports or per capita tax, will not receive tho countersign till they pay up. The certificate of membership of the G. . R., which was ordered by tho National Encampment, Is now ready for lsauo on the design adopted by tho Council of Ad ministration of the Twenty-second Nation al Encampment, and has been copyrighted for tho Grand Army of the Republic It can be obtained, as other supplies, from the Quartermaster General. lfaileln Two new To Delinquent Taxpayers. You are hereby notified that all taxes un paid after January S 1880, will be liable tp an addition of 5 per centon the amount due. Wm. Sciiadkl, Tax Collector. Office: Five doors South of .V, E. church. Dec. 20, 1888-2w. List of Letters Remaining uncalled for In the Lettish ton, Pa., Post-Omce, for the week ending Dec. 22, 1888. Iicltz, Alvln I Daur. John i.osee, i,co. u. Persons calling for any of tho ctters will please say "advertised." James P. Smith. 1' above M. I. O. O. T. Meeting On Saturday evening of this wpek tho Independent Order of Good Templars will hold a meeting In Reber's Hall, lo which the friends of the lodge will ho Invited to come at eight o'clock, A good program will bo rendered. Thcro will do five minute addresses on Temperance by Rev. Charles Burns, Abraham Horn and John Bohn music by Jlis Sadie Hofford; a temperance budget by C. S. H'clss, Interspersed with other exercises of a social and Intellectual nature. A BawFoital Card. ThePostoffice Department will Introduce a new postal card on the first of January next. The new cards differ from the old ones In that they furnish privacy In the correspondence contained upon them. is very much like a double card of the present pattern. The back fold Is split diagonally and opens square out. Th four corners are folded and joined together tn the centre, when the card has been written upon, wltb a. piece of gummed paper. The card weighs less than nan an ounce, and will contain no more writing than do those now In use. The Lohlgh Villi v sliopn at aro busy villi ., duii 0r cur. locomotive 1 arc ;.io being bul'.t. The hwntv.flf.u 'anniversary of the Worklngmcn's Protective Union of New York was celebrated some nights ago. San Francisco Is using Wyoming coal. Tho strike in Australia enabled the dealers lo raiso prices, but tho "trust" Lob been broken nnd coal sells for $12 per toll. San Francisco labor organizations have indorsed a bill gotten up by Labor Commis sioner Totiln. U pioposcs lo forbid .tbo em ployment of children under IS years of ago. The Easton Industrial Association has been formed In that city with a capital stock uf $100,000. Its objects U to boom cntcrpribcii and rccura nddltidnal industrial estnbllehmcntM for tho town. Cleveland city workmen work nine hours per day. Ah ordinance rt-qulring con tractors on city work (o employ nono but American citizens lias been introduced in Councils. "The American Mnnufnctiircr says: "Pittsburg's twenty blnst-furnfxrs are nil in bln6t, making pig-iron 11 1 tin- ruto of about 1,000,000 tons n yenr, which is an averago for each furnace of 60,000 tons per year, of ovpr 9G1 tons per week." Tho Lehigh Valley will bcffln running caxs lilted Willi Meant bent on the Xsew York State routes on January Ut. Thclaw compels ronds In York State to float earn by .steam on nnd after that date- About 50 cars havo been already fitted up for that purpose Philadelphia and New Ynrk factories formely supplied Fan Francisco with snap. Now there are twclvosoap factories inSan Francipci, and besides Mipplyin the homo market, they send 15,000 boxes a year to Asiatic Russia, Japan and tho Hawaiian nnd Society Ishtt.ds. An electrical locomotive It building at the locomotive works In Rome, N. Y. It will be constructed as an experiment, and if it tin bo shown Hint such engines can bo successfully operated, the Indention will rank as one of thu most Impoitnnt of the 19th century. The engine is to ba operated solely liy electricity and is designed to run on all ronds where steam is now used. David H. Frey, of this town, is the in ventor of a now plan to join Iron rails on the Railroad. A patent was applied for on Nov. 18th, 18S8, and all who have yet ex amined the model pronounce it n perfect joint. ' It overcomes throe great difiic.iiltles under which railroaders have baen laboring in the past. Firt-t, it avoids the damage caused to tracks by expansion in summer and contraction in winter; Second, tiiore is no more wear at the joint than in any other part ot the rail, nnd Third, it mnkes a smooth joint nnd has taken out the click of tho car wheel when passing from one rail to tho other. Wcbelieye-that Mr. Frey has bit upon something that will be of incacul ablo value to Railroad Companies, nnd sin cerely hope he may share in snine of the benefit. Weatherly Herald. Other Home. -Illsirl'it Attorney Itapliri-wnn1 lUlim-il to thu house eeveial daa this week. The show windows of a number of our business houses were artistically decorated. IFllllam Spencer, principal of tho Sec ond Ward schools,ba resigned. Sometime dutlng January i will leave for Kansas City. Thcro was a flerco pugilistic encounter between a number of toughs at East Mauch Chunk on Christmas day. Head wi-rn broken, faces banged, etc, Under the ausplcoi of tho school of Imaculata Conception a very Interesting entertainment was hold on Thursday even ing. A programme of music, Ac,, was re cited with much credit to tho participa tors.. Upon Information received fiom a supposed reliable soutce we, wcro last week led Into making an error. Frank Semmel is no candidate for Commissioner's clerk, The contest for that position Is now lietn een Lentz and Gallagher. "Happy Sam" Cottrlgbl's Christmas Festival for the poor children of the County Seat, proved, as usual, a veritable treat for the llttlo ones. 8,000 presents were on hand and distributed on the occasion. The program consisted of a comic force, music, etc., and was muchly enjoyed. Vp to date the body of IFllllam Either, who met such an untimely fmo by the flooding of the Nesquchoning mine, has not been recovered. Several pieces of clothing and an old hat Identified an part of his wearing apparel wcro found. Two forces of workmen are employed night and day drawing the water from tbe breast with the hopo that the body may be found and restored to the afflicted family. On the corner of Broadway nud Sus quehanna street tho other day. stood an old gray-halrcd man seven years further on tbe journey of life than the three-score years and ten allotted, according to scientists, to ns poor mortals. The man was John Mc Geady, of East Mauch Chunk, the oldest soldier in this section of Pennsylvania, He was all through tho late rebellion, partici pating In many of the prlnciplo battles; he was with Sherman on his famous march to th sea. We Would Lllto to lies A Board of Trade organized. Sneak thelYCS pulled in. Tramps bounced. Delinquent subscribers pny up. - . Everybody havo a happy New Year. Pack peddlers stopped hawking, And merchants advertise. Bank street pavements repaired. A boom in buslress. Less rain and mud. Everybody attend church. The streets properly mncinlamlzed next summer. Persons who (teal flower plants from the grave yard arrostcd and punished. ' Persons who deface and tear down bills and posters fined according to law. Advertising Fays. Many merchants think that their names aro so well known tbat they do not need to do any advertising. They, however, forgot that every year brings into trade a new generation of dealers and closes out a ccr- aln per centage of the older ones. They also forget how easily it Is to pass out of recollection unless the cobwebs In memory chain are consantly brushed by keeping one's name before his friends, tho public. The fact of letting the public know that you aro still In trade brings many a grist to your mill that other wise would probably stop somewhere else, Juen In trado are never too well known to leave their busi ness out of the columns of the newspaper. Tbe business man who says ho "never ad vertlses" must take down bis sign, stop sending out circulars and dispatching sales men to sell his wares, for all tbls Is adver tising. Snyd.r's Church to be TJsaioatsd. Next Sabbath, December 31st, tho Sny der's Church of the Evangelical Association at Lehigh Gap, will be re-opened and dedl catcd for divine services, under the super vision of Rev. J, S. Newbart, the pastor. Tho church has been completely renovated and Improved by the building of a pulpit recess In the rear and a vestibule running up Into a belfrey In front; tbe waits bavo oeen frescoed, the altar and pulolt made new and furulshed with new furniture; both inside and outside It presents an Improved appearance, and now this congregation can J truthfully say "how amiable are thy taber. nacles, oh Lord." Services will commence I on Saturday evening and continue on Sab bath. Bishop Thomas Bowman will pre side and other ministers are expected to be firescut. Mlnlstersand peopleare cordially ovlted from near and afar, CathoUo Tbankrsivlng. A decree to tbe wholo world, Issued re cently by a sacred Congregation of noli Rites, fixes tbe last day of tho vear, Mon day, December 81st, as the Thanksgiving Day ot the Papal Jubilee. That day will be consecrated in a special manner to tbe Sacred Heart of Jesus, and will be cele brated wlFETceremonles In all the churches of the Catholic world. The blessed sacra ment will be exposed, the thanksgiving prayer will be sung and the benediction will bo given. The Pope, who ordered tbls ceremony at tho request of many bishops, was pleased to grant a plenary Indulgence applicable! also to the poor souls lu purga tory, to every one who receives on tbat day the holy cncbarlst and atsltts at tbe thanks giving ceremony. General Items. Dr. Jr. II'. Mulllkeu has been practis ing medicine at Escanabe, Jl:h.,for many years. It is said tbat dutlng nearly all that time he hat been abusing young girls, Many of bis victims aro not 01 er ten years old. Several times the fact of bis Infamy was, made known to the parents of his vic tims, but they, after threatening the man, let the matter drop to prevent a scandal. Bessie Van IFyck, the young daughter of James T. Van Wyck, of Cold Spring, N. Y., was alone In tbo houso on Christ mas morning preparing the Christmas din ner, when the fire becamo low, and Bessie lo rekindle it poured kerosene on tbe em bers, the house and all of Its contents, Including $500 In money, were destroyed, leaving Ur. Van Wyck homeless and pen niless. Thero was uo Insurance. Robert Hull, a fireman on tbo Norfolk and Western Railroad, and a brother of Allen Hull, general passenger agent of thp same road, committed suicide on Tuesday night by taking laudanum At the Norville, Arlington Hotel, The remains uf the late John A. Logan woro Wednesday morning removed from their temporaty resting place at Washing ton, where they have beon for the past two years, guarded by United States soldiers, and were placed In the mortuary chapel, which has been built by Mrs. Logan, at the Soldiers' Home. In a murderous row hi tho Hungarian colony In the Socond Ward Reading, Wed nesday night Gcorgo Cbcesik was soycrly stabbed in tbe head. He was found by the officers next morning In a serious con dition and unable to give an account of how he had been hurt. A man named An drew Shoody has heen arrested. A Greonvll'.e woman who asked for a dlvorco the other day told tbe cou.t that a little, measly, one armed cues had licked her husband. "My marriage contract calls for a lord and protector," she said, "but when a man is so easy to get away with he can't be much of a lord and protect her," The court allowed that she had all the logic on her side, Mrs. Annie Boss, aged 70 years, of Aiiegueny, wmie rummaging over some old papers in a trunk a few das ago, came across three deeds which call for over 600 acres of land in the heart of Philadelphia, Tbe deeds aro dated June 8, 1817, and were made by Joseph L. Dickcrson, of Glottster county, N. J. He deeded to H'llllam F., 1 Daniel and Peter Boss of Allegheny, 200 1 acres and a town lot in Philadelphia. Tbe 1 case has been placed In tbo bands of law-, yers. There are only a half dozen heirs to tho claims, and tbey expect that tbey will 1 recoyor part of the ground,. The inau In , whose keeping tbe deed.s went was Daniel 1 Boss, ono of the first officials of the Pitts-! burg, Fort H'ayne and Chicago Itallroad I Company. He died about four years ago. Stats Oleanlngs. -Charles Hurst, aged 13 years, of Alien- town, hasbeeu arrested for robbing Samuel De Long, of Schnocksvlllc. Young nurst was visiting DeLnug and during tho night robbed blm of ?30. John Jones, an unmatrlcd man of 20, while standing beside the Philadelphia and Reading tracks at St. Clair, stepped in front of a shifting engine and was thrown some distance, landing on his hold. His skull wps fractured and ho died ot bis injuries, -Hon. James T. Maffet, member of the present Cengress from the Twenty-eighth district, has been admitted to the as)lum at North Warren as a private patient. The difficulty seems to be excessive nervousness. which was brought on by the m dnous labors of tbe recent campaign. Frank Toback, an Inmate of the Lehigh county prison, where ho awaits trial for desertion, has become violently In sane. Family trouble Is snpoosml to be the cause. Nnntlcoke, Luzerne county, Is threat ened wttb n small-pox epidemic. The body of Mrs. William Phillips was found In a cieek near her homo at Minersylllc, on Wednesday. One theoty of her death is that she sccidentiy fell into the stream, while dipping water and was drowned, but there suspicions pointing to a different explanation, Tha Coroner will make an Investigation. According to tho Annual report" of State Superintendent of Instruction Fuller there are school accomodations In the State for only about 48 per rent, of tbe children of school age. Ot the 387,487 children of school ago only 103,601 attended school last year, -Joseph Bothers, about 20 years of age was arrested at Altoona on a charge or counterfeiting. This makes four of a gang wbo have been operating in that section al ready In tbe toils. A party of drunken men were passing the bouse of John Beaver, near Brldnport, Pa., Tuesday night. His wifi) Is sick, aud his hired man, William Johnson (colored) went to tbe door and ordered tho disorder ly men off. They persisted lu keeping tip their racket, when Johnson fired a pistol over their beads to scare them. Tbe bullet struck James R. Murphy, a passer by, pass ing through his heart and killing him in stantly. Murphy is 23 years old and re cently married. Johnson flrd, and has not yet been arrested. Tbe shooting of Murpby was entirely accidental. James Hoad, of Erie who was stabbed on Christmas night, will die. Tbe citizens burnt down the house In which the affair took place. A Wrinkle on WnaiU. It Is customsry to say tbat wrinkles come from worrying, but tbe truth is that most of them come from langhlng. To know how to laugh Is just as Important us to know when to do iU If you langh with the sides of yout face the skin will work cose In time and wrinkles will form in exact accordance wltn what kind of laugh you have. Tbe man wbo always wears a milk will bars a series of semicircular wrlaklM traveling bis cheeks, a . Notice. All rxtrsun arc horehr cautioned agslnst throwing asbes or rubbish In tbe streets or alleys under penality of $5.00 fine for esch and every offence. By order of Council Madlox Reicuaud, Burgew mDUQ Date i-.Kuier. I un tne premises i.ast reun twsp , on January 1st, Reuben Itehrig will dispose of valuable real estate. On January 1, 1S-51', on the premises, In Cberryyille, Pa,, Austin Boyer, for tbo heirs, will sell valuable real estate. A writer lu a recent book about travel ing lu tbe East, telling of the slow pace and multitude of animals required In caravan traveling, th calculation tbat tbe Israelite, when Ibay wc.it from Eol under Moses, must baye bad. a caravan at least two hun dred league long aud must have employedj sx. million camels, Wbst a parade for the Youthful Egyptian as he aw It pass. mm USBkBlk mm m 1 SHBSFVjW jsm (h Mat taattuctiins srl SOU HcwineUaehlDtY ir4 i all miu. by niacin ur michta lO) SB, w wui ma F9W w KtM UfUl lotevlit, fy t wtncfciM art) U lb world, Wltb 111 tb tUcfclBMtt, vrt wui sum HDoirccmpuw Ua of vmt wtf and lnbl ut MKtplM. Inrrtarawtukthfttyea ULOW WUI W ISJ IBM WM tuf ctU l your hftnt , cad fu M r. imi tnmm mac bib Ur lb BtlDKCr MttaU. wbleb Un run swl i Wan flM rva Ml II HH for mva. wa ia tiarhmtMti, ad aow Mil tbf tim MDtlaJ rMBlnd. PUla. vsm TfcoM wk wriio la a at Mti ui m .ut .w4-v-cUfkU im ik atfll. aftd t&a at r - of bcb an avtr abawa wtatatt la Jtmirwt, TKUK c CO., Am 740, Aufyita, T. J. BRETNEY Wspsctfulty tnnouacMf'- the Merchant of Le-, Lghton and nth that h l now prepared to I d an k.ml oc Hauling or Freight., Exptikss Matiek and Baggage Oariombe teruw. Orders left RtfeMT uorur awe or i mv ream bvat ma ucmetery. win ri Font. ratvooHge MJttle4. The Oft Told Story Of the peculiar medicinal merits of Hood's Sarsaparllla is fully confirmed by the volun tary testimony ot thousands who have tried It. Peculiar In tha combination, proportion, and preparation ot Us Ingredients, peculiar In tho extreme care with which it is put up, Hood's Barsapaiilla accomplishes cures nbcro other preparations entirely fall. Pecu liar In the uneoualled good name It has mads at home, which Is a "tower ot strength abroad," peculiar In the phenomenal sales It has attained. Hood's Sarsaparllla Is the most popular and successful medicine before tbe public today for purifying the Went, eking strength, creating an appetite. "I suffered from wakefulness and tow spirits, and also bad eczema on the back of my head and neck, which was very annoying, I took one bottle ot Hood's sarsaparllla, and I hare received so much benefit that I am very grateful, and 1 am always clad to speak a good word for this medicine," Mrs. J, B. Svvnr.n, Fottsville, Penn. Purifies the Blood Henry Dlggs, Campbell Street, Kansas City, bad MTrfulous sores all over his body for fji" ;t ears. Hood's Sarsaparllla completely mud l.lm. Wallaco Buck, of North DloomBeld, K. Y suffered eleven years with a terrible varicose ulcer on his leg, so bad that he had to give up business. lis was cured of tbo ulcer, and also of catarrh, by Hood's Sarsaparllla SoUbjrtldreiUU. fltlzforf9. Frepuedonlr by a I, HOOD CO.. Apolhocsrtes, Lowell, Man. IOO C5ses One Dollar as solid odd wii.k. tmlU wttck U U. nt U. I i.ftifta. 11 .... u4 grau' UM,wUfc wrk ne XeroM la Mcfe I. Mltlr a cv tn. tanttar trittt wtolt uS fl nAta Uaa af Hoeaabslal Suaplaa- lk.aa -. 11 u ika wtuk. wa Ml Vroa. a4 aftar Taa lata k.P A GOOD SUGGESTION. ECONOMY, as wise folks say, What course should people then pursue ? Is wealth pronounced another way, In short, the only thinR to do, So while "hard times" the people cry, Though rich in bonds, or worldly poor, The Toilet Soaps they should not buy. The " Ivory Soap" they should procure, Let all who buy sticri Soaps take care Which may be bought from coast to coast, To weigh the cake exact and fair, At sixteen cents per pound at most, And find fhey pay in figures round And docs more satisfaction grant A dollar, more or less per pound. Than all the Toilet Soaps extant. A WORD OF WARNING. Thero are many white soaps, each represented to be " Just as good as the Mvorv'i" they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar and remarkablo qualities of the genuine. Ask for "Ivory" Soap and insist upon getting it. Copyright ISM. by Procter Oamble- ADAM MEHRKAM & SON, LEADERS IN LOW PRICES. NEW LOT OF Men's and Boy's Overcoats. BIG PHES OF Men's and Boy's Overcoats. ABOUT OUR. BOOTS & SHOES: Hemember all Boots and Shoes we sell to you nnd say they two solid no paper aolcs or paper counters must be us tfe rep resent them to bp, if not, bring them bank and we will return your money. THREK HUNDRED FAIR Men's Rubber .Boots. SIX HUNDRED Men's Scotch Gaps. Pleuso examine our p-oods before making purchases elsewhere.. Mehrkam fe Son, WILL SAVE YOU I0LLARS ! An Extraordinary Exhibit Fall Overcoats ! tS WSh,i: $18. and $20. The best value ever offered. S Fall SuitS, $5'50' 7-0() $8.50, $10.00 and $1 2. Very nobby, and extremely low m price. Boy's long Pant's Suitn $3., $4., $5.50, $(5.75 and $8.'()0. Boy's Short Pant' Suit $1.35, 1.50, 2.00, 3.50, 3.00,3.30, 4.00 and 5.00. Boys Kilt Suits 2 to 5 years, 2.00, 2.50, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00 and 5. Boys Overcoats "RS; 450 Mens' Heavy Ovorcoals, front 34 to 44 breast measure, 8.75 ; worth 6.00. ' In FALL SHITS nnd OVERCOATS to measure, we ilireet attention to our sntcUl Siotuh CheTioU In manv puttorna, ut $10., $12., $1S nnd on up. Surprising for vlnt and character. Our TASTALOON Department conlninn vr 300 illrVercnt patUrns. Fortrl. qualitr nnd price thoy cannot b excelled. V. rT."ra i?iTiVTaijivn ti i: 1 1 .t ...lit. . 1 l.l .l. knit jacketn, jerserg, underwear, hosiery, gloves, neeckwear, &e. Our $1.00 4ne Amt fhirt, lor (it, quality and price cannot be matched, Try ono no fit, no sale. Koch & Sh ankweiler, Hotel Allen BulldinR, Centre Square, ALLENTOWW I PUE Christmas uggestions!, BUY SOMETHING USEFUL! MAKE SENSIBLE GIFTS! Can you think of anything thut will be moro appreciated for a Christmas Present than an elegant Silk or Woolen Dress, Extra Quality in a, Shawl, Handsome I-inen Set, Fine Linen Napkins, Something ISpay in an Umbrella, California Blankets, Durable Comforts, Handkerchiefs aud Mufflers, Muffs and Boas, New Carpet, Pine Itugs, Or Something in Dishes. A call will convince you that our Htock is compW, and ot t prices the lowest. 1 ours Kcfipectfully, C. A. REX & BRO., Opposite American Hotel, 4 MAUCH CHUNK, Feni,