The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, November 24, 1888, Image 3

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    Original Cheap Oash 8toru'
Holiday Goods
Already largo lines are displayed. Unsur
prising to see how each war bilnM forth new
Ideas In fncy articles, nmt n vhlt to our Store
will bo repaid In slunl-sceing.
These arc the lending lines
Plush nml Leather Articles,
Silk Handkerchiefs and MnMc-M,
PeiTumorjr nnd Toilet Sonps,
Jewelry, Silverware,
Fancy Glassware and Qneensunre,
Willow Work Baskets,
Embroidered Slippers, &c.
TorierM 60 Cent Silk FM
has arrived. Wonderful, becauso the actual
valuo 19 DO cents. It has a hcary close pile nnd
ran bo had In all the popular colors and shades,
We want all our prices compared with those
of nnjr other storo In Carbon county.
Oppoiilte rubllc Square, Hank Street, Lohlshton
.luno 7. I8SM
The Carbon Advocate
Current Events Epitomized.
Pay tbe printer.
Leap year Is waning.
" Is yemr cotti bin loaded?
H'lnter Is Retting closer.
Mud! mudl mud I oh, mud!
An open winter Is predicted.
Are your ready for the ball?
PatronUo, home Institutions.
Sparks minstrels on the 80th.
Apples are cheaper than ever.
Wo will pilnt sale bills cheap.
December 2lk will bo tho shortest day.
A new tlmo schedule has gone Into ef.
feet on the Valley road.
Go to Val. Schwartz's for all kinds of
fnrnlture. Prices very low.
A reliable watchmaker: D. S. Bock
opposite the Fubilc Square
A few flakes 'of snow fell here on Friday
evening the first for the season.
Aaron Kruni will erect another frame
dwelling house on Lchleh street.
The Lchigbton Orchestra will play at
the teachers' Institute next month,
If vou co hunting on Sunday you ar
liable to a fine of twenty-live dollars.
full lino of Ingrain and Brussels car
pets at V. Schwartz, on Bank street, tf
The oyster supper at I'aekerton on
'Thanksgiving will be a very successful
Clark's Beer nail has been artistically
tro-papercd. Ditto the reading room at the
Carbon House.
Miss Sydney Worth played East. Lynue
5n tho opera house, here, for three succes
sive nights last week.
Jewelry! Nothing like It in beauty,
durability and varloty to select from as at
'jk. lI.TIohrB,-Mauch Chnnk.
The rnllhartnonlc singing society was
-Thegramlboarbmit.anpperand dance TO TJTC I.HRfflHNfr WORLD. ' CQUM SEAT CORRESPONDENCE
Periontl Ooulp about Peopte who Visit and Ro
a VUlUnsr.
Inlm Seaboldt. of Lchlghtoti, rcyre-
nilAir. U U DiUl I 1B9 BIIUI UU UlWStu nil
tho morning, and served for supper In the -The potato production in the tTm.od , Z selli ng ti.c largo sue factory o Ai.cmowrv.
evenlngtoaargeewwdofpleMureseekers. .Stales ihhvctrl. over 210,000,000 Im.I-. ' '""' i "tt' nd.lll.on lo ! M,B TI" et
. V t Hi, i ,,. ,, , i !,i .. i.., r . --o cn&M .oii ti have an addition to town yesterday do ng bus inss among thft
A number of Lehigh onUns wore pie n , Mulligan lead, with a product ron. l.-v ,,,,.. j. TwMlllo. , sll0(, jUlcrs.-WedneSda,' HazlctonSvafr,
among mem ino kuiuui unfcc imuuriiuusii, i ins arret, caen ncru averaguiK vo
As btforo stated John We.llor secured tho
hide and will have it stuffed and placed on
exhibition at his place of business In
Mls Maggie K. Doota certainly excels
In captivating an audience by her graceful
appearance and pleasing manner. Although facturctl ls on )ilbition at Pat T.
a stranger In tho city she lias gained a nosi . fif . f . , . , , , ,
of friends who will always bo glad to wel
come her return. Shn Is a great mimic and
Imitator, and her "Bobolink" recitation
was about perfection. Altoona TW&une.
Miss Dotts will appear here during tho In
stitute, Secure your course tickets next
week. Diagram at Rebor's Drag Store.
A secret, Is not so much in the exten
sive circulation given, as tho fact that the
papers In which merchants advertise go In
tho direction where tho goods they offer are
most needed. No matter how good a bus!
ness you arc- doing, remember to retain
your placo among the advertisers In the
town papers, or all tho people will begin by
wondering whore you are and end by
thinking you aro defunct, or have retired
upon a snug little fortun
It Is foolish for any ono to have the face
full of pimples, blotches, etc., when
dor, the golden rcmody can bo bought for
25 cts,at any drug store.
"It Is better to laugh than to be crying '
decldedlytnnd to enjoy your baby's laugh
lne society mo Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup which
relieves the chief discomforts of babyhood
without stupefying tho children. Trice 25
cents a bottle. At all druggists.
T. F. Clark delivered one of his famous
lectures In this placo nnd It was regarded as
Theru aro 7,000,000 negroes in the
United Stated. In the South there nro 10,-
000 colored school teachers. They Iiave
rollegei, universities, anil seminaries, nnd
are worlh $2,000,000 in properly.
Tho smallest steam et.gine ever matin-
It U only
ml weighs
less than one-ninth of an ounce. A watch
maker constructed It of 180 pieces.
The Real Estate Record says: Oct into
your own house. If ynu are saving anil in
dustrious you can lay by enough money to
buy your own house. You can get help from
a building association or a savings bank.
Professor Blackle says: "Never
whip your brain. All high pressure Is dan
gerous. Study to think as easily amf as
quietly as yon breathe Never force your
self to learn what yon have no talent for."
Monroe county people have not given
up hope of striking oil. The well In Price
township has been drilled to it depth of f00
feet and the Indicationx are enrouraging. A
company Is to be formed to sink the well
2,000 feet.
The American Builder wiys: "There
is no material that ran ho used for construc
tion canal to brick. Every brick bears its
own weight. Bricks have nlreidy passed
the fiery ordeal before they are used in
buildings, and arc tempered.
The London Pottery Garette says: "Tho
present condition, as a whole, of our manu
facturing, .mining nnd commercial progress
is unquestionably a great industrial triumph,
but this wonderful picture of national growth
one of tho best of the season. I consider i., nulln naturally, a scries of reverse sided
m r. uiarK a very interesting ana insiruc- . e
tlve lecturer, ne never fails to satisfy.
D. C. Thomas, Principal of State Normal
School, Mansfield, Pa.' Mr, Clark will lec
ture hero on Tuesday, December 4. Secure
your course tlckots next week. Diagram
at Rebor's Drug Store.
First Dude - H'hy do you hang two
thermometers In the window? Second Dude
My dcab fellah , one is for the beat and
the other Is for the cold, you know. Tou
ain't as well up In astionomy as I thought
you was. First Dude Perhaps not, but
I'm way up In drlycology because I hire my
teams from David Ebbcrt. the jolly livery- WJ,,1 secre ''wlU'V organization I
The 123 Albany, N. Y., switchmen,
who received $40 a monlli, and yardmen
and pin-pullers receiving $55 and SfiO per
month, and who struck for an increase in
pay equivalent to $10 a month, have won
their demand. They were out only thirty-
six hours.
If the advice of William Walls is ob
served the Lchiehtnn K. of L. Assembly
will Boor, experience a boom in membership.
The masses should be. organized for their
mutual benefit and protection, nnd the
man on North street. Tra-la.
It Is understood In railroad circles thai
tbo.tracks below Lehigbton on the Lehigh
Valley road will be used for. freight pur
poses after December 1st. Does this mean
that the Valley depot here wilt become the
exchange station? It looks a good bit that
way, don't It?
Don't buy a gentleman's gold watch
until you have seen E. H. Kohl's elegant
stock. Don't fall to learn prices, It will be
to yonr benefit. Store cm Susquehanna
street, Mauch Chunk.
Tho Post-umce will bo closed on
Thanksgiving Day from 0 a. ra,, to fi p. m.
so if you expect mail be on hand before
closing hours and you will have no need to
The largest and prettiest assortment of
ladles' gold watches ever displayed In this
lry store of E. H. Ilohl, Jauch Chunk.
(100 ladles nowiuarkets and plush coats,
Including all the latest designs, at Sond-
helm's Ono Price Star Clothing Hall.
Jfauch Chunk.
The largest assortment of fine gold rings
in Carbon county can be seen at the jewelry
store of E. IT. nobis, Mauch Chunk.
reorganized for tho winter at the home of secton of tho Stale can be seen at tbe Jew-
Mlsa Emma Obert, on uanK sircei.
Elwen Druraboro was made happy on
Sunday evening last by his good wife pre
senting him with a bouncing baby girl,
Lots of now and pretty things suitable
for Christmas presents already on hand at
K. II. Hold's Jewelry Store, Mauch Chunk,
Bny your winter suits and overcoats at
Sondhelm's One Price Star Clothing Hall,
Mauch Chunk, and save 25 cents on the
If you every hoard of Wall Paper being
sold; Blanks at 2e Gilts at Cc please come
and tell us so. E. F. Lnckenbach, Mauch
James Qelger, a Valley railroad brako
man, who had his left arm crushed between
the bumprs of two coal cars a white ago, is
Improving nicely,
Rev. J. H. Under, pastor of tho
Memoir lis L. Leockal.
Miss Ida 1 1. Leuckcl, dauehter of Mr.
Frederick Lenckel, of Lehlghlon, died In
Aspen, Colorado, on Saturday evening, tho
17th Inst., about 0 o'clock. Her health had
been falling for some time past. Tbe bast
physicians wcro employed, and all kind
friends could do was done for tier reitora
tion. As the last resort, on the second day Lower
i,.i .k ui...i..... .-.I a .i. i i dlstrlcl
U,.u,.Wit.,,lriWIUO M IHUIKIJ III tll,orol r,,Al, ChnnV ni T..I,UlT,nn n.l
the East, and started for the far ll'est, In most of tho market suonlles como ' from
Lutheran church, preached an Interesting the fond hope of regaining her health, but these districts) must all cross the bridge at
nml InRti-iietfvo fsormnn In a latpe nnd ence I alas. It was too lato. tho imnrovemcnt wns noisspou,
continual agitation.
The Wilmiugtou, N. C, Messenger says:
"The old fashioned cojored men and women
whom cycry Southern man and woman is
bound to cherish witli an affection peculiar
to the institution of slavery, arc growing
rarer every day, and in their placo como a
set sprung up since ttie war, who often show
no appreciation or their diiticn or lite, and
haye no consideration for or sense of polito
nens toward tho white people.
Tbe Welissort Bridge.
The Grand Jury has already elven Its of
ficial approval of the proposition to put up
a new and mora substantial bridge across
the Lehigh at Weissport, and It only re
mains for final approval of the Court to
authorize the Commissioners to go ahead.
It will be a matter of considerable expense
to the county. Should the bridge be locat
ed as now, It would bo nscessary first to
erect a temporary structure to boused by
the public until the new ono Is completed.
But to make a sood lob of It. the locution
must be changed so as to avoid the sharp
corner at the Lehlghton end. The course
should be In a line with the main street In
Welsiport direct ncross to a point nearly or
in line witn me street from the .benign
Valley station up to the main street, l'rou
ably a change of location, as suggested and
under consideration would cost nearly or
quite 310,000 more than placing It on the
old piers, which would, on the other band,
necessitate the unavoidable expense of the.
ine temporary bridge. All considered, we
betieve a new bridge with change of loca
tion would be by far the best, most expedi
ent and that It would meet the general ap
proval of the taxpayers. Let It be remem
bered that In point of Importance It Is sec
ond to no other brldse In tho county, as all
tne people ot raniciin and upper aim
lowamenslng. and nil from the
districts of .uonroe County having business
on Sunday ovenlne.
Lady Washington Couucll, No. 20, D,
of L.,-of town, are making preparations for
holdlnz a crand ball on Now Year's Eve, In
Gabol's Hall, on Bank street.
Northampton street, from the school
house to the Catholic church, Is almost
only temporary, and now sho is gone. She
was a young lady of marked Intelligence,
an amiable disposition and a generous na
ture and had received a liberal education.
She attended the Model school, at Trenton,
N. J., for four years and graduated with
honor. Then she went to tho Wvomlnz
entirely sldewalked. This Improvement Seminary, at Kingston, Pa., for one year,
has been made dining the past sum- and graduated In vocal and Instrumental
mer. music, after returning from school, she
-The-Pine Rnn Stono Company is a cor- spent a year with hor sister, in Lcadyille.
iporation of men from this place and Weiss- Colo. Sho was happily conrorted under
uort. with such gentlemen as Ex-Sheriff the ministry of Roy. J. T. Swindells, and
Jlaadenbush. J. 1.. Gabcl and Dr. J. G. joined the 3". E. Church, Feb. 25, 1872, of
y.ern at its head. which sho has been a worthy and eonslst-
Philadelphia nnd New Ymk Sunday ent member eyer slnco. When her sister
papors circulated here at ten o'- Mary died sho took charge of tho Infant
clock on the above day. A change In the Department, In the Sunday school, where
schedule giving us a Sunday morning train sho rendered very efficient and acceptable
uables us to enjoy this great convenience, service, until compelled, by Impaired health,
-Section Boss Waterbor put up In tbe t0 rellngulsh tho position, which she did
k.,m Tnr nn rt.v reeentlv a new very reluctantly, about two years ago. She
three fhrow point switch. If the new
switch gives satisfaction thoy will generally
rrplaco tho old ones along this divis
The Engineer's ball on next Wednes
day evening, ts a pleasure vou want to take
In. Good music has been engaged tor the
occasion and a genuine good time Is sure to
tie had. Tickets, admitting gent and ladles,
ml) one dollar. Don't miss It,
Sabbalti services In Jamestown; Sun'
lay School, at 0 A. M Youug Peoples'
meeting at 7. P. M Preachina by the
pastor at 7:30. Prayer meotlng on Tues
lay evening. You are all cordially Invited
to attend these services, C. Btmxs.
It ts reported in some circles that Leo,
pold Mo era, of tho Paekertcn Hotel Is
about completing negotiations for tbe sale
of bis hosilery at tbe above place. Thero
have been a number of applicants for tbe
place, among them Fred Horlacher, of
Slatlngton and Zach Horn, of .Vabunlng
township. The latter gontleman It Is ex
pected will securotho prize. .Vr. Horn will
io&k a good bote! man,
"I bad rather be a kitten and cry uiew"
than groan all night and scold all day with
neuralgia, when one llttlo bottle of Salva
tion Oil would make me gentle and well.
.Pussy, wouldn't you?
Coughs, hoarseness, asthma or any Irrita
tion of tbetbroat or bronchial tbbes will be
relieved by taking Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup.
It baa cured thousands. Recommend It to
your friend and neighbor.
Tho lecture was able and eloquent.
Tho life of the great ttatosman was
sketched In a vivid and scholarly manner.
Dr. Aubrey has a clear, well-modulated
voice, and his gostures aud eloquenco
T.aronlflcd. Irishmen hays In this cultured
Englishman an advocate tbey msybopioud
of. Kingston (N. Y.,) Dally ftetmm,
Dee., 11. I860. Dr. Aubrey will lecture
tie fore tbe Institute next month. Secure
Jqur course t ckets at JUber's n?xt week.
leaves three sisters, three brothers and an
aged fathor to mourn her loss, but they
torrow i;ot without hope. JKlien leaving
home, sho said, to her sisters and friends,
If I do not see you again on earth, I will
meet you tn Heaven." And in her tetters,
she always assured them tbatsbe was ready
to die. Tho family has lost a noble daugb
ter and a cherished sister, society an orna.
ment, and the church a valuable member,
"Blessed aro the dead who die In the
Lord." AY. M.
It ii uncertain at what time the body of
deceased will arrive, but dne notice of the
funeral will be given to the friends
That a new bridge there has become an
absolute public necessary Is unquestionable
ine oiu one is no longer safe, it can only
be repaired at a considerable expense, and
even then, at best It will bo a delapldated
oiu nrtdge. aiaucn ununic Jjemocnu.
The above is in substance and fact what
has from time to timo appeared In our
columns, but wo reproduce the pertinent
nrticlo from the .Democrat to show that
public opinion calls for tho erection-of
new bridge on a hotter location. AVo havo
referred to tho fact that tho viewers' rcpon
had been confirmed nt si by the court, and
thai If no objections aro presented the Jan
uary court will confirm tho report absolute'
ly, Thereafter It remains with the Commie
'loners to act on this Important matter, the
actlou of the court, not being mandatory,
It strikes us very forcibly that In view of th
fact that tho bridge in question being one
ot tbe most Important In the county the
Commissioners should not fall to approve of
tbe report prcsontcd and confirmed by the
Court. Tbe new bridge is an absolute
necessity and tbe cbangn of location will be
a wise ono In every particular. AVe liave
been informed that tho Lehigh ATalley rail
road will defray a fair proportion of the in
creased expense Incurred by erecting the
bridge on a new site, this being the rase
tho County Commissioners should not hesi
tate In their approval of this Important mat
ter. Gentlemen act quickly and wisely.
of AA'catherly, being aliout to remove to
Tho new olllelalsi elected aj the No
vember elecjtlon, wlll'be flworn into ofllco
and placed'tinder bonds on the 1st day of
January, 18811.
Dr. P. (J. lbaeh, of llin Second ll'ard,
is about opening an olllcc In the tooms
formerly occupied by the late Dr. Horace
DeA'oung, under tho American Hold.
On Jonday, AVednp&day and Friday
evening's of each week the school-room In
St. John's Cbapal, Easl Mauch Chunk, will
be open, It having been 'converted Into a
reading room.
The Adams Expiess Company will
erect n building 20x20 feet hi close prox
imity to the Lehigh A'alley Depot to be
used for expiess purposes. Jnslah Sendel
has secured the contract.
It Is said by I host who seem to know
that some of our capitalists have jolnod
with a numberof Nantlcokc, Pa., mci chants
and will soon open a National Hank at the
latter place.
Mrs. Frank Walter has had a family
vault built In tho cemetery, on tho a
cost of between four and flvo thousand
dollars. The outside of the vault Is of
granite and the Interior Is lined with mar
ble. Mrs. John Lynch's house at Easl
Mauch Chunk was set on .fire Friday by
sonie children who had been left In an iijv
per room. The fireman rescued an Infant
which lay on a burning bed, but not before
it had been severely, i.nd perhaps fatally
Constable George E. Williams was tes
tifying In tho Baranovtskt murder trial at
Pottsville this week. It will bo remembered
that iniliams arrested the murderer, at
Penn Haven Junction some months ago as
he was about escaping.
The residence of James' Keifer, Es.,
was forcibly entered by burglars on Mon
day night last and an overcoat, palrof opera
glasses and several other minor articles
were stolen. The thieves forced an entrance
In the rear of tho house and continued ihelr
scaich for booty by the light of a candle.
The St. Aloylons Total Abstinence
Society have changed their place ot meet
ing from Hall to a commodious room
In Dolan's new building on Slarket Square.
In connection with the. room for meeting
purposes they have fitted up and furnished
a room adjoining for a library. The library
Is open at all times for the members of the
Judge S. S. Drebcr heard a case before
one of our Attorney's Tuesday. Speaking
of Judge Drcber reminds us that for almost
twenty years he has been a familiar figure
hi our courts his hair having turned gray
in the service of the star-eyed goddess of
justice Ills term will uxplro two years
hence and we have no doubt but what the
Judge w 111 be glad to retire after twenty
years continual scivice. Yom correspond
ent knows htm as a genial, pleasant, able
gentleman, well versed in legal lore, and
fully capablo In tho possession of all
requisites of eecnpylng a seat In the higher
Jury Coiumlesloncr Stemler with the
assistance of his clerks, put flvo hundred
names in tho Jury Wheel this week for the
year 1889. The pioportlou of Jiuori al-
lotcd each town Is as follows: Audenrled;.
17; Beaver Meadow, 80; East Penn, 10;
East Mauch Chunk, 32; Franklin township,
32; Kidder North, 8! Kidder South, 3;
Lansford, 43; Lausanne, 2; Lehigh, 0; Le
higbton, 44; Little Gap, 7; Millport, 10;
Mahoning. 10; Mauch Chunk, 1st Hard,
84; Manch Chunk, 2nd ll'ard, 30; Nesquc-
honlng, 21; Packer. 7; Packerton, 11;
Parryvllle, 8; Penn Forest, 7; Summit Hill,
44; Towamenslng, 14; Weatherly, 40;
H'clssport, 7.
The Board of Government of the Total
Abstinence Union of the Scranton diocese
has decided to employ Attorneys C. C,
Donoran and J. P. Kclley of that city to
assist District Attorney Rapshcr In prose
cuttug the employees of tho Lehigh Ar alley
Railroad Company who caused tho Mud
Run disaster. The trial will como off at
tns January term of our county courts and
will no doubt attract widespread attention,
As stated sometime agolnyourcolumns tho
exlteme penalty Is $5000 lino and five years
Imprisonment; but It Is hardly possible that
tho extreme penalty will be Inflicted in any
of the e,ases. The defense howeyer, expects
to deduce, evidence that will result In an
acquittal, but In view of the facts presented
to tho Coroner's jury tind the finding of
ttiat body It Is hardly probable.
Dr. J. A. Mayer, Mauch Chunk's
popular dentist, was attending to patients
in town Tuesday, Tbe doctor also mad
our sanctum a yery agreeable call.
Mrs. Van ATalzab, of New Beilln,
Union county, Is visiting her daughter,
Mrs. AY. 12. Smith, on Iron street.
Misses Ella Graver and Emma Lonlz,
of Bank street, spent Sunday at Allen
town, Mrs. Frank Gcrbcr, of Leblgh street",
visited Audenrled friends oyer Sunday.
P. F. Clark circulated at Mauch Chunk
"and Ncsquehonlng on AYcdnesday.
Joseph Frltzlnger, was on a business
trip to Philadelphia on Tuesday.
Miss Jennie Hughes, of South street,
spent Sunday at Mauch Chunk.
Another Weatbtr Prediction.
Tboso who pay attention to weather
signs note the fact that persimmons, grapes,
acorns and other mast were never known
to bo more abundant than this Fall, and
according to our forefathers, tbls Indicates
yeiy cold weathor. How tbe hornets build
their nests Is another Infallible- Indication,
and tbls ) car they have chosen tbe lops of
tho tallest trees. They do this It Is said, tn
obedlenco to sonfb instinctive foreknowledge
of tho approach of a severe temperature,
but why It would not be just as comfortable
down below, has not yet been explained.
As nothing, however, Is as It used to bo
the reader must not bo surprised, If, In
spite of these signs, tho wln'er should prove
IfallPiperl AVall Paper Iblg reduction
In regular stock and remnants neatly given
I away at E. F, Luckenbach'a Mauch
600 men's overroats at $3.&0, $5, $8,
$10 and upwards at Sondhelm's O. P. S. C.
II., Mauch Chunk.
Remember, that Sharer's Book aud
Fancy Store Is not on tbe main business
street, but half a block from It, a few doors
from tbe old Allantown National Bark,
No. ai N. 7th street. Not. 17-3t.
COO boys oyercoats at 3.60, $3.50, f5
and upwards at Sondhelm's O. P. 9. C. II.,
Mauch Chant.
Merchant i alloring-
In this department you will find all the
latest styles of suitings and overcoatings,
which we will make up In tbe best style
and manner at tho following low prices
All-wool su!ts,$2, 15, 120 and np. All-
wool pants from $4 to 8. These prices .
prevail only at Sondhelm's Merchant
Tailoring nail, Mauch Chunk. i
tiparks Bra's. Coming. j
This well known troupe of cilcbrated
artists will give one of their very enjoyable
entertainments at the Lehlghton Opera
Housc.on Friday evening, Nov. 30 th. This
company appeared here last year and gave
an oxcellent performance, and this year tbe
troupe Is much larger, and tho list of ar
tists embrace some ot tbe best known tab
ant. Everything new tbls year and first
class. Secure jour seats at once and avoid
j the rush. Seats on sale at Zcrn A Snyder's
Plash Costs and Newmarkets.
Ladles, If yon ueed a plush coat or a
beautful uewmarket, bear In mind that you
can find tho latest styles and best makes of
these goods at Sondhelm's One Price Star
Clothing Hall, Mauch Cbunk.
Keroerer fc Swartz bayo In slock tbe
largest line of bed room and parlor suites
to bo fouud In tbls section. Prices low.
Boy's don't forget that you get a
school bsg free foi every suit ot overcoat
you buy at Soodbslra's One Price Star
Ciotblrg Hall, Mauch Chunk.
the Country Over. Something for Hasty Read
ers to Freete Onto.
FredcricK Thomas, aged 60 years.
committed suicide, at his home In Scranton
because Cleveland was not elected.
Joseph Schmidt, 25 years old, com
mitted suicide lu Bethlehem, Sunday night,
by taking Paris green. Ho had beenout of
work for some time.
William McElroy was struck by an
engine while walking along the Lehigh
A'alley Railroad at Allentnwn, Monday and
received serious Injuries.
Colonel S. D. Lchr has appointed Dr.
Morris F. Cawlcy assistant surgeon of tho
4th Regiment, National Guards, in place of
Dr. J. D. Chrlstman, resigned,
James E. Hlxon, of Allentown, who
forced tils father's name to several notes,
was found guilty and has been sentenced
by Judge Albright to two year's Imprison
ment. John Oxcureidcr, a farmer, aged 00
years, while driving across tbe tracks of the
Lebanon Valley Railroad, about a half a mile
I AA'est of AYomelsdorf, was struck and killed
I by a passenger train.
While George Lelbensberger, aged 10,
of Stony Run, Berks county, was out gun
ning, he jumped across a creek which jarred
tne hammer of his gun and It went off.
The charge enteted tils chest, killing him
Monday ovcuiug while Patrlclf Dnr
ktni, a baggageman of the Pennsylvania
Railroad, sat at the supper table In Eric
his wife threw a bowl of vltlrol In his face
burning out both bis eyes, disfiguring his
and neck and Injuring hint so much that
I he will probably die,
, David Danner, a prominent citizen of
Allentown, was buried at Macungle on
Monday, A week ago he dropped a largo
butcher kulfe out of bis band. Tbe point
struck his shoe, went through the leather,
nnd stnek In tho foot at tbo base of tbe big
toe. A sharp pain instantly shot through
Dannor's body aud seemed to concentrate
at tbo neck, Tbe next day tbe back of bis
neck began to swell aud turn purple. Tbe
swelling continued until Thursday, when
Danner died, suffering Intense agony, He
was 60 years old. The physicians are
puzzled over tbestung case.
County Politics.
Politics a year and two years hence as
seer, through tho spectacles of a Mauch.!
Chunk correspondent to the Lansford
"Now that tbe election Is over this town
is as quiet as a country churchyard. Still,
you hear faint whispers abont n?xt year
and the year after. Next fall the offices of
District Attorney and Associate Judge are
to be filled. On the Democratic side the
District Attomeyshln Is conceded to J. S.
Fisher, of East Mauch Chunk, who by the
way, will make an excellent official. His
opponent will be cither Klefcr, Heydt or
Gilliam. The Republican Judgeship nomi
nation Is conceded to W. H. Stroh, by vlr-:
tue of his appointment.
"Two years hence will 1ms a lively cam-i
paign. The offices to filled will bo Judge'
Legislature, County Treasurer, Register
and Recorder and County Commissioners.
"For the Judgeship, Judge Drelier and
District Attorney Rapshcr will be candi
dates: and who knows but that Hon.
Allen Craig may hncklc on his armor for
the combat.
"As Ed. Mulhoarn has stated that he
will not again ask his Democratic friends
to cut their ticket, or In other words, ttiat
bo will not endanger his health by going
Into a hard canvass, It may be i pretty fight
between two new men for tho Legislative
"Thcie Is no denj Ing the fact that James
Handwerk Is laying his ropes for a fourth
term. This fight may be between tbe same
contestants as last year Lenta and.Hand-
werk. In that fight Lenta was beaten
principally through the opposition of Dr.
Ki-amer, who believed himself deceived by
Lcntz at the nomination, in not getting the
Mauch Chunk delegation. For this Lenlz
was not to blame, for the reason that Geo.
Dolan's friends made It nlah impossible to
(.'eliyer them against him. To deliver this
delegation for Kramer Lentz would have
endangered bis own chances. Handwerk's
majority after all was but 12(1, and that with
a Labor tlcket In tho field.
"For Treasurer it will be a free-for-all
race on both sides. As it is the best office
In the county, wo know a dozen good men
who arc willing to take their chances of
election. On the Republican side: AYin.
Kane and AYm. Thompson of Upper Mauch
Chunk ; Nathan Tanner, of Lansford ; Harry
Bower, of Lehlghton. and others will trust
their chances to Democratic liberality In
Itbe way of "stickers." AVlthin the Demo-
'cratlc bosoms of those who fell outside the
breastworks last year, these lingers dreams
of handling the county finances. And who
knows but that AYcalhcrly may present Its
energetic candidate of scferal fights, In tho
person of E. P. AYilllams, now that he has
become "an oft'cnslvo partisan" through
Cleveland's defeat.
"The present Commissioners may succeed
in being nominated, and they may not. It
all depends upon how they stand with the
party workers. If Hawk is again the
minority nomlneehls chanpes for election
are good."
A Prettv Marriage at rarryvills.
On Tuesday, November 20th, at the rcsl
denco of the brldo's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob Peters, at Parrjyllle, Miss Bculah
I. Peters and Charles L. Miller, of St,
Louis, Mo., were happily united In the
golden bonds of matrimony, Ihc Roy. O,
C. Burt officiating. Mr. Miller was form
erly tho assistant superintendent of the
Carbon Iron and Pipe Co., at Parryyille,
but at piesent holds the position of Supt
of Missouri Furnace Co., atSt. Louis, Mo.
haying succeeded James Gayley, of Cata
sauqua. The bride was attired In white
silk with lace draplngs and wore diamonds
i(:heirift of the groom). Tho parlor and
dining room were beautifully decorated
with Chryeathcmums, Marshal-neat roses,
ferns and potted flowers. The presents
were numerous, costly and beautiful. The
young couple left under a shower of rice
and wcll-wlshes for a short sojourn In
New York, Albany, Brooklyn, Buffalo,
Niagara Falls and tlienco to St. Louts
where they will make their fufiiro home.
Parryyille. Pa. A.von.
A Baton of Hews Items Picks! by Our
Pierce Boyer, of Sliver Brook, spent
several day in town with his folks.
' Misses Minnie and Lizzie Laubadi, of
Lanbachavtlle, spent Saturday with friends
Miss Mattle Allen, ot Stockton, Pa.,
spent several days last week with Miss
Mary Laury.
The burning necessity of the moment.
A crossing from the canal bridge to the
Central railroad tracks,
We are sorry to note the continued
Illness of our friend B. F. Peter and trust
that he will soon be convalescent.
Key, Aaron Leopold and wife, aro
sojourning with numerous relatives and
friends In' one of the AYestern counties.
AVe wish them a pleasant yislt.
Tho borough council bayo given
property owners thlrly day more grace to
lay pavements. At the expiration of that
time the borough authorltes will take
prompt action In the matter.
The gang ot overgrown boobies who
make a practice of pulling door bells and
throwing mud against show windows, Ac,
in the precinct of East AYclssnort must
stop their funny business or they will land
In the "little sione Jug."
-Dennis Nothsteln, of Normal Squaie,
has his portable steam saw mill now located
on the Island, and has commenced con
verting the six hundred logs caught in the
Lehigh rtycr, Into lumber and fire wood.
It Is a job that Is expected to. last until
Letters In the AA'ctssport office, for tbe
following persons, remain uncalled for:
William Wesly, Sylvester AVelss, Miss
Lizzie Sherry, Ed Solt, J. F. Horn, John
Bcrgard and Annie Darher, Say "adver
tised" when calling for any of tlm above
On Thursday afternoon, at the home
of Mr. aud Mrs. Frank D. Clattss, in Great
Bend, Pa., Miss Mary J, Laury and fohert
Sewell, of ll'clsiport, were happily
joined In the golden bonds of wedlock.
The "Stroller" extends congratulations
and best wli.hcs for a safe and prosperous
journey through life.
-AVho will be tbe next nostmaster? Is a
question frequently asked just now. For
fact, we don't kno-r; but the "Stroller"
has overheard the following names men
tioned In conversations bearing on the
subject: John S. Miller, Alfred AVbittlng-
ham, Daniel Albright, B. K. Cultnn and
Frank Laury, either or all of them would
make good postmasters to our mind, but
wc opine to the belief that when it comes
to a,final distribution of the spoils 'Squire
Miller 'win come out ono point ahead, of
course, this Is only our own private opinion,
but keep an eye on the result.
The following are the names of pupils,
of tbe East AVeissport schools, who have
been in attendance every day, since enter
ing: Ghammkii AY. E. Smith, Principal;
Guv Zcrn, Emma Snyder, Tlllle Snyder,
Arthur natch., Harry Rlckert, Emma
Boyer, ll'm. Smoycr, Edith Totil, Urban
Grayer. Intkumepiatk C. A. Hank,
teacher: Harry Beever, Willie Friend,
Chas. Ruff, Hera Blose. Chester Sctzer,
EvaSmawlcv, Robt. Ilartman. PmiiAitY
Miss Gertie Horn, teacher: Arthur Mertz,
Mamie Rex, Chas. Beever, Lizzie Rlioads,
ll'ilitcs Deever, Gertie Storm, Chas.
Rhoads, Lllllc Ruff, Frank Long, Minnie
Haitman, Howard Kresge, Delia Hill,
Albert Rex, Flossie Kromer, Frank Hill,
Bella Romlg, Emma SolU
II. E. Smith, Principal,
Chronic Catarrh
Catarrh It ItitUmmstton ot tus mneouii "I am hpp W state that f ud !Wf
membrane, sttended with Increased lecretjon.
Thus catartli may affect the head, throat, i
ttotuifli, bowel, or any part ot the body
where the niucom membrane is found, nut
catarrh of the head I! by far ths most common.
coming on so cradually that often its prts-
Sstisparllla tor ratirrli. with which I haw
bun troubM tnao yesti, and rcolfl
great relief and benslt front It Ths eatatth
was very dlnire cable, eipeelslly la the
winter, esuilng constant dlicbsris trout my
un, rlnglot nolsei tn my ears, and pitas hi
ence Is not tuipectcd till it has obtained a i the back ot my head. The effort tn clear my
Arm hold on Its victim. It Is caused by a heaifln the mnrntns by hawktneand iplttJuf
cold, or a lueceislon of eoldi, combined wllb was faint nt. My trocrr advleed me tn try
Imptire Ulood. Hood's Sartaparllla,
.When Armly established the fliseaia Is ex- and It safe ine relict Immediately, while In
ceedlngly disagreeable, causing flow from the time I was entltelr enrd. t am never with,
hose, dryness ot the throat, headache, loss ot , nut the medicine In my limine, at I think It la
appetite, roaring and buzzing noises In the ernrth Its weight In gold." Mae. U. D. dun,
ears, ete. In Hood- Satsaparllla, may be two Eighth Street. Jf. vr Washington, 1. V.
found a prompt and permanent cure fori "I, lute stead ilnod'a 8artparllla Ut
catarrh. It purlflee and enriches the bloed, eatarth with very atlsfeetnrjr resiilli. I
oothea aiidrebullda the diseased membrane. 1 hare recelred more permanent haiicnt fro
and thus toon cures the disease. At the tame ! It than from any other remedy I lie ever
time It refreshes and tones the whole tystem. tried." M. E. Reap, of A, ltead Bon,
The remarkable tuecest ot this peculiar Waujeon. Ohio,
medicine entitles It to your confidence, (lire I N. B. Po not be Induced tn take eny other
Hood's Sarssparllla a trial. 1 prepaiatlwi, bnt be ure to get
Hood's Sarsaparilla
oldhyeltdrugalit. Sl.iltforJS Prtpstedeutr
kr C. t. HOOD C0..Ap9thserlet,fiwell, Mm
IOO Doses One Dollar
SnMI'j stMrinsliti, finir f,.rl. Prepared wilj
hj I. IKMIII4 13"., artherl, Lowell, Mill.
IOO Doses One Dollar
Wall Faper Kemnanti.
Two cents for Blanks.
Five cents for Gilts.
I'.. F. Luckenbach, Manch Chnnk.
AflvnPlf.Q l,0 a -year- More local
Mil w Ulld lu news than any other naner.
$1. a Year
is the price of the Advo
cate for 52 weeks; -
Originators and Leaders
, s
of Popular Prices. ""; .
At prices from $3.00, 3.50, 4.00, $4.50 rtn'rl $i".00.'
Big Piles of Mens Overcoats.
At prices from .Vf.iVi, $tt,f)0, $7.00, B,00.
S10.00, firt.OO, $i:..00 anil $111.00. "
200 Boys Overcoats 200
at miens i ttnM s.1.011 n
50 doz Scotch Caps.
One Car Load of "Rubber ioots and Shoes. Please examine our
" large stock before making purchases elsewhere.
Sudden Death.
On Tuesday morninc Mrs. Oliver Straup,
of Lehigh Gap, died very suddenly. She
left the house about nine o'clock to Co to
the out house aud not returnlne a half an
hour latter, she was found therein dead.
The cause of her death is unknown. She
leaves a family of four children and a bus'
band to mourn the untimely death of a
kind mother and a faithful wife. Deceased
was aged abont thirty-five yeais; Interment
takes place to-day (Saturday).
Litt of Letters
ltcuialnins uncalled for in the Lehigh-
ton, Ia., I'ost-Ofllco, for the week endln
A'oy. 17, 18S8.
fleer, Mlis Annie Smith, Miss Klleu
Persons calling for auy of the
letters will please say "advertised."
Jan res P. Smith,!',
Ladltt, we can tell vsu
Wliare to get the fairy heads with arms
and legs to match, the gilt stars, bordering
and white lace for tilmraing, gold and
silver paper, the thin wire on spools for
making Christmas tree ornaments, every
thing to be had at Shafor's Popular Hook
Store, N. 7th street, Allentown' Pa.
Genuine Scotch It. 15. caps at 2." and
SO cents and upwards at Sondhelm's One
Price Star Clathing Hall, Mauch Chunk.
Wo learn that 7.. II. Horn, of Mahon
ing Valley, has purchased the Dolonsbiirg
Hotel, from Leopold Meyer.
1500 men and boys suits at $11.50, $.5,
$7, $10 and upwards, at Sondhelm's One
Price Star Clothiag Hall. Mauch Chunk.
The employees of thn Packerton car
shops are now taken to work In covered
ll'e can tell you a way to use Jl'all
Paper remnants, that will astonish you;
to know how little it costs to paper a room
with gilt paper. K. F. Luekr nbach, Mauch
Williast It. Nless, a youth of 17 years.
fell from a coal train at Itethleheui, on the
Leblgh Valley Itallroad and was instantly
killed by another passing train. Ills body
was horribly mangled.
For a One suit or overcoat made to
order at 61B, $18, 125 and upwards at
Sondhelm's One Price Star Clothing Hall,
.Vauch Chunk. Lowest prices and best
LAITZI.K-IIAINUS. on Tnosday, Ni. ai, at
the Lutheran parsoiuiKO at Mauch Chunk, l'a
bv Itev. I- l.lndcnstnith, tiev. Win. G. I-illzle.
formerly rntor of Trinity Lutheran rimrch of
Lelilghloii, now of Lebanon, I'a., tn MIh
Marietta Ilalnen, of Catawlssa, I'a.
Temperance Meeting.
At Jamestown, Sabbath evenine next,
under tb auspices of the I. O. G, T., a
gespol temperance meeting will be held by
tbo members of tbe lodge, to which all are
iavlted. A good program has been
arranged, and a good timo may be expected
"Gospel nvmns" will be snng bring them
1 with you.
j To bs Close on ThinkiKWinsr-
I The following merchants will close tbeir
j respective business places on Thanksgiving
I day:
g CJ
J 1111 JjJL'Oll JL7 iJL' tiiJUJOJW -A.7lllliM'llil V
RIX'S ,1101 MAECHll.
Wm. Keuicuicr,
Mehrkam Si Hon,
J. U Cluhel,
K. II. pnjUlTi
1. T. Nusbaum.
it. II. retert,
ern& binder,
weeny & in,
CUu.ij llroi,
Curs ef Pneumonia.
H Koaii, XiaoAiiA Co., N. Y., 1
.March 21, 1880, i
About a year ago I wan takrn with a se
vere pain in both hinjis. I was first at
tacked with a violent chill, then a dread
ful pain and then a cough urenmpnnied In
considerable fever, 'it lunked very much
like a had attack of pneumonia. A friend
of mine procured five Allonck's Plasters.
One he put under each arm, one under e! h
shoulder blade, and one on my client che ,
arouud my throat. In a few hours the cough ,
ceased, the pain gradually abated and I' ' Early in the season, the choice and most dwirable good aro elected. It i wii!i
broke out In a profuse perspiration. I Ml . Rfcat pleaure we announce that wo : were ;ami.nir the early hiiyers. At no lime have we lu j
... , ., , . ' greater assortment of OH ESS GOODS, TIMMMINGS. LINENS, NOTIONS ai-'l
into a profound sleep, and he neit diiv wU, j p&iESTICS ,iall at tiu,,..
almost well. I wore the Plasters eight day 1 The very great business in tlicso department, which far exceed miythiug vvi
afterward?, and have never had any trouble reached before, has enabled us to keep our stoek new and froth, nnd to nhow thedeslral !
elice William A. Sawyi:k. ! studs that Foreign and Domestic mills have produced fur the Full and Winter scsn i
j ii nd at the same time, offer them nt such low prices that will lie within the reach of all.
The Hlack Good we oficr are of the standard cloth and finish. II. IVUm
' ly & Co. Hlack Drews Goods are made a specialty, luclndim; their celebrated I ape lvl-r
A if rl s ffiv't INTfl t PP N'iiu'k Veiling, also Coiirtalds CreM.
XllVlXliVfX 3 J.VUUIVC , In iiur Carpet Ntock you will find many lien and pretty p.-itleiiiii iii all tbedllli-iv. i
In Uie Orphan's Court of tbe County of Carbon: , klnd at price much lower than ever before.
In tbe matter of tbe first and (urtlal account ,
and. also, the second and dual account of aaBiBBaaBBaaBBaaai
JAM LONIi, Executor. &.C.. of thelas.t,
Notice Is hereby given at au Orphan's Court,
ntia ai aiauen i;uudk, iq aua ior oaia counir, on
October 15, 1SSS, tbo undervliroed was appointed '
Auditor, to audit, re-state aud settle said account ,
and to make dlrtrlbuUoo of tb funds In tbe
Hesd Qaartirs
For Christmas services for Sunday
schools, h)mn books bible, albums, books,
plush cases, gold pins, pencils, fountain
pens, children's books and games, Is at
hhafer's ropular Hook t Fancy Store, 3J
X. "th strict Allentown, I'a.
bacds ot said accountant to parties entitled
tbcrctnaceordtngtolaw. That on TUKSDA,
tliu tlth Day ot 1)L'0L'MUEU. A. U., 1S68, at OKr.
uiMtu r pi., ai iuo uuice oi t. ?i.
ItAVSlIJilt, on SusiiuehjuDi street, Mauch
Cbunk, I'a., bswtll meet all turtles bMuu
claims on said funds or account, who are re
quired to present tbeiu before said. Auditor or
bs debarred from romtiu. tn for a shared said
not. IMItS. tw
Opposite American Hotel,!