The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, October 20, 1888, Image 2

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    The Carbon Advocate
kntkuki) at tiir i.niiiouTON roT-ori'ii k as
A conBEsrortDENT whites us TO KNOW
who will be the next President? We don't
know; when we read the Philadelphia
JPrets we aro willing to risk our gold-rim-rued
spectacles against a bushel ot potatoes
that old Grover will bo completely sud
merged by Harrison's majority, and when
we pcruso tho New Yoik Star our enthusi
asm for Cleveland runs so high that It
knocks tho shingles off tho roof. Both
parties will claim the election from now un
til after the great result on the 0th of No
vember. We are sorrT wo cannot elucidate
the result more definitely but tho fact of
he matter Is, thing's are-badly mixed.
for Congress last Friday by the Democratic
conference lu session at StroUdsburc. The
district being overwhelmingly Democratic
Mutchlcr's election Is a forceone conclu
sion. Carbon county's choice was Hon.
Allen Qralg, of Maucli Chunk, a gentle
man highly qualified by natural attain
ments to fill the Important position of Con
gressman from tho Eighth District with
-ability, credit, and honor both to himself
and tho voters of the district. Ilowever,
as tho Democracy of Carbon county would
have voted for Allen Crate so will they
stand by Bill Mutchler, of Northampton.
of It. I give It up; It's a mystery as un
fathomable as that of tho sphinx.
Foster's case was different. He stole ex
actly as Bedell stole, by forging mortqaces
and pocketing tho money, As far as heard
from bo got away with one hundred and
ninety' eight thousand dollars. Now hero
is another case. Foster was tho son of a
rich father who gavo him every advantage
as far as education Is concerned. He grew
un a man about town: a clubman anil a
first-nighter; fond or a scrapping match,
loving a horse race and exceedingly attached
to the opposite sex. His devotion, how
ever, never Induced him to glvo any partic
ular female a pcrrancnt mortgage on his
property, but ho always appears to have
kept aulte a number of them about In his
handsome bachelor establishment, His
father and his brother, both reputable busi
ness men, knew very well that tho redhead
ed girl who passed as his niece was not his
niece; jet theso reputable people appear to
hnvn connived at the fraud, for tbero Is no
evidence that there was tho sllphtest ro- wo would not catch htm again, Inspector
-,,, ni,r nf M.nm WlitU nvrnes Is swcarlnc mad. bnt the thief Is
his law partner know of his loose domestic gono and that Is the tnd of It,
life, he never tboucht that Foster was a
lives. During the past wook five. All of
theso men held good positions In society
and for a time fortuno ran fair with thom,
but reaching out too wildly In the deslto to
become suddenly rich, disaster canio and
they had if&t tho courago to meet poverty.
Ono cut his throat; another blew out Ills
brains; a third went into his room, shut up
all the doors and windows, and turned on
tho gas; the fourth took rat poison, and the
fifth morphine.
Two more trusted cashiers are gono to
Canada, and the bank robber O'Connor or
whatever bis name Is, has jumped right
out of the court room surrounded by
oulceis and escaped. Harding O'Connor,
Is no ordinary thief. Tho man who walks
Into a bank In open daylight and grabs a
fortune, ought to be looked after. Ho was
only caught after a desperatehaso and
strugglo and now ho Is gono. Ten officers
worn lu court, nil of them wero paid to
watch Harding, but ho slipped through
their fingers, and now it looks as though
be election day, and already the Intelligent
and patriotic voter has settled the Impor
tant question' as to wKbtn he will or will
not vote for to fill tho various ofllces, na
tional, state and county. Naturally, the
Intelligent voter Is a xnan who reads and
thinks, and as such he will vote for the
men whom he thinks best qualified to fill
the Important public offices. If everybody
votes as the intelligent voter, the olllces in
Carbon county, Pennsylvania and the
United States will be filled with good, In
telligent and capable men for tho next fnw
years. Keep cool, don't be blinded by
party prejudice, but voto right.
Run on the Lehigh Valley ruihoad last
H'ednesday nlalit was the most revolting,
blood-curdling and heart-rending wreck
that ever occui red in this section of Penn
sylvania. Imagine a section of passenger
.coaches going down grade at the rate of
twenty miles an hour to suddenly plunge
Into a similar section of coaches, heavily
laden with human being, puffing, snorting,
blowing, scattering death, destruction and
misery all around, and you can perhaps
form some conception of the horrible col
lision that In the twinkling of an eye sent
sixty souls to meet their God and severely
Injured as many more.
While tub wheat (lAMni.tKQ con
splratlors In Chicago aro reported to be
still engaged raking In the millions they
won In tho last fortnight's grain gambling
operations, the laboring man's loaf of bread
Is growing higher In price or smaller In
size, and yet there aro Intelligent people
who give countenance to such "business
men," and wonder that socialists, com
munists and anarchists can exist In this
country, and that "they grow in numbers
and aggressiveness. Standard.
The Lansfobd .Record kntfjied on
Its tenth yolumo with the last Issue. Jlmmj
promises that the Record shall continue to
be saucy and Independent In Its minage
roent. Sir. Ifalloy's Idea of sauciness may
bo all right, but It strikes us that It borders
onto extreme domination at limes, ami the
peoplo don't like it. They bclievo In clear
ly expressed and unprejudiced opinions,
and the latter Is what Saucy Jimmy M.illoy
falls to Rive his readers.
take some measures toward protecting the
property of our citizens. Robberies have
been of such frequent occurence during the
past few months that It seems not ouly
advisable but highly necessary that some
prompt and active measures should be
taken to protect our peoplo asalnst the
depredations of the gang ot sneak thclves
who have been worklug this locality so
successfully during tue past month or more'
Gentlemen, act on this matter.
and money for the National Republican
Committee to send the Irish World to this
office. Wd know Patrick Ford so well
that we can't afford to waste our, lime read
ing his "gush."
robber, and now ho Is prostrated with grief
at the discovery of a state of nlTalis that he
should hayo known long before
Thecashlre of Southmayd & Choate,
though In nowlso Implicated In Bedell'
crime, unable to withstand the snamo of
tho dlscraceful association with such a
miserable thief, deliberately took his life,
Expert accountants are In great demand.
Every firm wants Its books overhauled by
an outsider. I heard of an lnslaneo last
week where a bank gave an expert a thous
and dollars for ten days' work.
If any one thinks we are poor In New
York he should havo been In the Tax Col
lector's office on Monday when the sum
reached was about seven or eight millions
of dollars. One check from the New York
Central R. R. amounted to four hundred
thousand dollars', one for ono hundred and
seytnty-flve, and several for a hundred
thousand dollars. Wo spend hero each
year, for public expenses and public rob
bers, over forty millions of dollars. What
service can any man render the city that
should entitle him to one hundred thous
and dollars a year? Yet that Is what the
sheriff claims, and when election day comes
around ho is expected to plank down his
check for twenty or twenty-five thousand
All offices seem to be framed with especial
reference to election day.
The latest robber Is Jonas II. Goodman,
a lawyer, who turns out to be a very Bad-
man. Ho not only stole from his neigh
bors, but he stole from his wlfo and child
ren, no swindled his sisters, his cousins
and his aunts. No gaino was loo small for
htm, from a child's money-bank to n chinch
contribution box. Gambling was his bete
noir, and by hook and by crook he got
away with nearly two hundred thousand
dollars. In his capacity of trustees he
squandered the estate ot widows and or
phans and ruined them. If he Is In Cana
da, I can only say that Canada has a big
load of sin to answer for.
Quite a sensation was created hero on
ilfouday night by the production In drama
tic form of Amelia RIyes' novel of "The
Quick and the Dead." In regard to Miss
Rives' sensational story, which has given
her a marked placo In the literary world,
there seems to bo all sorts of opinions-
Many professed to bo shocked by It. They
think that such a story written by a man,
would have been bad; but by a woman It Is
simply shocking, and the dramatization tho Fifth Avenuo Theatro by
Miss Clayton, a clever actress, has by no
means reconciled tho critics to the woik,
It Is true that the critics aro not always
safo guides as to what pleases the popular
taste, but from the rise of the curtain to
the was evident that tlioso presont,
who had read "The Quick and tho Dead,"
had been disappointed in the story, and
wero disgusted with the play. And non-
why should encouragement be given by the
public to this class of literature.' It Is true
there are p'enty of people who will read It,
but tho mental appetite that enjoys It is
depraved. Some of the critics say that Is
but a step from Rives' romance to Zola's
wickedness and tilth; not that Miss Rives
has actually taken that step m "Tho Quick
and Dead," but thero Is the constant fear
that she will. When good society was
taken into tho llitelorr of a high toned
French bagnio thirty years ago, and ro
mantle" young women went Into hysterics
oyer the woes of Armand and Camllle, wo
made a fatal step lu our society drama, tho
aftermath of which was "La Tosca," and
other plays of like character, the golden
plating of whicfi, served to glorify the sin It
W& wouldn't be much surprised to soe
"TBh Ottittts flooktray from the path of
Itepubllcanlsm and gettoit Iq tb wilder
ness of Democracy, now that they havejost
their Shepherd,
Neyer before in my memory has confi
dence been so thoroughly shaken as ll has
been In the last six weeks. Banks, saying
Institutions, trust companies, Insurance
companies and mercantile houses of every
kind are overhauling ledgers, examining
their securities, looking after mortgages
and loans. The tried services of a life,
which was once an endorsement of charac
ter, avails no longer, for, unfortunately,
the worst defalcations and robberies that
have taken place In tho last twenty-live
years have not been by novices and tyros,
but by men of tried experience, many of
them brought up from boyhood In the In
stitutions which they robbed.
It seems inconceivable that a man like
Bedell, capable of conducting the most In
tricate business of one of the most distin
guished law firms In the city, should have
gone on robbing, year after year, for the
pleasure of playing policy, and when he
sums up his losses be finds,that ho has
actually gambled away at this miserable,
low game one hundred and thirty thousand
dollars. I could understand It If It was
faro, or poker, or horseraclng, or seven up,
or any thing but policy. That Is a game
only patronized by the lowest and meanest
class of vagabonds. It Is a great game with
Ignorant negroes who dream out lucky
numbers and tben go their pile on saddles
and gigs; but thalr gambling Is confined to
twenty-five cents, or at the most a dollar at
a stake, and they go blindly ou year after
year, liut wliy lam 01 ignorance; nere was
should havo condemned and trampled
under foot. It Is to the credit of this
community that "The Quick and the
Dead" Is not a success, and if it shall serve
as a warning to Jtflss RIyes and thoso who
cultivate that class of literature, that the
taste of people of the United States is not
yet sunk to the base level of the Mabllle or
tho Chateau Rouge tho lesson will not
havo been In vain.
If you wanted to see stirring lite yon
should have dropped Into tho Produce Ex
change last week. Sweet peace seldom
dwells there during business hours, for
theso biokers are a noisy set of fellows, and
they like to hear the sound of their own
voices, especially when pitched at high 0.
Well, they had a magnificent chance on
Wednesday last when the cyclone struck
the wheat pit. For months wheat has
been dragging along, a drag In tho -market
that nobody darcU to touch. Old Hutch's
corner on September wheat set Bulls and
Bears to thinking; October opened lively,
Tuesday the dry bones began to shake, and
by Wednesday tho sIoiid broke. The
Bears were stampeded early In the day ; they
hunted their holes and climbed tho trees,
but the furious and triumphant Bulls tossed
them right and left; stood victors on a hard
fought field with not a Itye bear In sight.
We are suddenly awakened from a dream
ot security, and it now looks as though the
prico of flour might be doubled this winter,
and It so, God help the poor, ll'lth coal
raised and wheat raised and other things
rising sympathy, what will become of them?
Aboye the roar of the wheat pit ilses the
yell of the election clans. Tho blaze of
torches, the rattle of drums, the bray of
born;, remind us that tlin end hath not vet
come. The fight waxes hotter every
Mayor Hewitt, the man who would not
raise the green flag of Ould Erlu above the
City Hall on St. Patrick's day, has tbrowu
down the gauntlet of defiance to all parlies
Tammany howls at him. The County
Tho Country Over. Something for HastT Bead
en to freeze Onto.
Tho Kingston schools have been closed
on account of a fever epidemic.
A house built at Bangor by Conrad
Miller, President of tho Bangor aud Port
land Railroad, for the accommodation of
Hugarlan workmen, has been blown Up by
Typhoid fever Is cpidemlcatTobyhanna
Mills, Monroo county.
Gcorgo ilieycr, aged 29, was shot and
killed Sunday afternoon by Christopher
Heldt, a farmer Hying In tho outskirts of
Syracuse. The killing Was accidental, Helut
picked up a icvolycr without knowing it
was loaded, and snapped It at Meyer's head
Tho men wero good friends
On Saturday night In H'aCo, Tex.,
Charles W. West, secrelary and manager,
killed Charles Moran, Vice President of
tho Waco Faun Confederation and son of
a New York banker. West surrendered.
Charles Bodlo was at Honcsdale on
Monday sentenced by Judgo Seeley to six
years In the Eastern Penitentiary, for kill
I uuAueust Bender on Juno 17. Charles
Stegner, who was convicted of complicity,
lccelvcd a'threa years' sentence. John
Afiller. a horse thief, was sentenced to
twelvn years' Imprisonment.
Dennis J. Ryan, tho constable who
shot and killed Thomas Ryan, of Syracuse,
N. Y. on tho streets three weeks ago, was
brought before Judgo Woodward In Cham-
hois Monday on a wilt of habeas corpus
Many witnesses testified that threats wero
made to kill tho constablo by a mob whllo
he was In tho act of doing his duty. After
the hearing ho wis admitted to ball In tho
sum of $5000.
John narold, a Northern Central rail
way car Inspector, tried to kill Noah Shoop,
n railroad watenman, by snooting mm ai
Marysville, nine miles ll'cst of Harrlsburg.
Thero had been enmity between narold
and Shoop, caused, it is said, by domestic
Infelicity in Harold's family.
Mrs. Thomas Evans was badly burned
about the arms and body at Pottsville ou
Monday by her clothes catching fire from
an explosion of turpcntlno which she was
heating on a stove.
A distressing shooting affair happened
at tho little mining village of East Franklin,
three miles West of Tremoht, on Saturday,
A little son of John Morgan took a loaded
shotgun and, playfully pointing It at his
mother, who was nursing a young child,
fired. The load took effect In the child's
head and wounded It so badly that It can
not live, while the mother was wounded
fearfully on the breast.
James Jerrlor, who killed his wlfo In
East Boston on Aug. 20, Monday pleaded
guilty to manslaughter, and was sentenced
to State prison fir three years.
Miss Mamie Carroll, of Green street,
Troy, was assaulted on Sunday evening by
Dan Sheehan, a notorious ruffian, who
kicked her In tho abdomen, causlng-lntern-
al Injuries which will probably result fatally,
Lan Dan Kee, a Chinese laundryman,
was Jbnday sentenced by Judge Phelps of
Baltimore to nine years in the penitentiary
for attempted felonious assault on Annie
May Ifarte, a 10-year-old girl. He Is tho
first Chinaman cycr sent to the Maryland
William White, a hrakeman, aged 23,
Hying at Port Jcryts, was found dead on
top of a car when his train reached Gray
Court Monday morning, having been kill
ed while going over the Oxford bridge on
tow Prices for Job VfOtV.
Wo take ploasure is calling attention to
one fact, viz: We ftro now equipped with
the latest stjles of type and tho fastest run
ning presses which enable us to turnout at
very short notice and In the best style job
work of all kinds at prices hxchedinqi.y
low. Please remember this, prices ten to
wenty-five per cent, less than elsewhere.
A Valuable Publication.
In those dal's of special publications It to n
'rare ti eat to flirt one possessing the nitisilo und
literary merit ot a general literary nuiRazliie,
while devoting Hi energies chiefly to ronvciliiK
Intelligence of a special character. Such a maga
zlno Is Tiir Wkst SironK, published at Port
land, Oregon, at tho extremely reasonable price
of S2.CO a year. It devotes Its attention mainly
to engravings and carefully prepared descrip
tions of the Indtnlrles. resources, picturesque
scencrv, elites and tnans of that great portion of
our continent embraced within tho limits of
Oregon. Washington, Idaho, Montana, Drltlsh
Columbia and Alaska. Kach number Is a mine
of Information, any one at all Interested In that
region or desirous of rellablo descriptions of It
will do well to subscribe for the magazine. Tho
engravings arc of tho highest form ot llthograplo
art. A largo art supplement, In colors or tints,
accompanies each number, making a collection
of large engravings of the grand scenery ot tho
west unobtainable in any oiner way. a special
oner is mauo 10 inose wno suuicnuu nuwiur
1889. Jo ail sucn ino DeiuemutM, m-wocr.
November and December numbers ot 1888 will
be sent free. 8am Io copies sent upon receipt
of 25 cents. Address L. HAMUEL, Publisher ot
Tiik WEST siioiiE, rortinnu, uregon.
TON, Fcmia.,at the close of blislnes, Oct. 4th,
Loans and Discounts $124,0S cn
Overdrafts 310 oo
U. 8. HOihis to secure cirvuianon....1... 70,000 00
Other stocks, bonds ami mortgages. . . . 32,820 0:1
Due from approved resrvn agents, . . 2,431 M
Due from other National Hanks 3,0m Kfl
Duo from State Hank and Hankers. ... 1 04
Ileal estate, furniture and fixture ,27 80
Current expenses anu
Premiums paid
007 99
luri no
Checks and oilier cash Items 05 2s
Illlls of other Hanks o.cst 00
Fractional paper currency, nlckcls.and
cents K 0.1
Specie -JSJKo 00
Legal tender notes... 3,300 00
Jledempllon fund with U. B. Treasurer
10 per cciiLviiuiiittiiuu; -,oo w
Total ?BH,265 II
Capital stock" paid In 75.000 00
nurpius iuiiu ...a.. ,,um,-ui
Uodlvlded profits 2,500 47
National Hank notes outstanding 07,500 00
limucnus unpaiu ou
Itidlrldualdenosltssubleettocheck.... 123.110 fui
Certified checks 177 00
ensmers chocks outstanding..., 14 3
Duo to other National Hanks B.C20 31
Due to suuo iianKS ana uanKcrs 007 01
Henry Nolf,
an Accommodation 'Bus,
nirnvKKN tiik
Hotels and L. V. Depot.
Fiikv -ClkWKll On Sunday afternoon, Oct.,
14,1888, by tno kov. J. 11. lUKicr, Aivin Hey
and Mrs. Saraht'lewcll.botli olliChlgliton, Pa.
Total $284,265 1 1
Static of Pkxnhylvania, (.-.
T. V. VI. Bowman. Cashier of tho nbovenameil
Hank, do solemnly swear that the above statement
Is truo to the best of my knowledge and belief.
v. . jiuwma, uasnicr.
Subscribed and sworn to beforomothlsolh d'av
of October, 1888.
ConnKCT Attest,
11. ir. iioFrono, 1
,1. (I. ".r.ns, y Directors.
A. .1. DUiii.tNo, 1
October 13, 1888.
New Advertisements,
Absolutely Pure,
This iowder never varies. A marvel of nuritv.
Mrentrtli nnd wholosomenew. Mort) eeonomlca
man kuxj n uiiiai j ivi nu;, nm kiijiiui uu sum 111
competition lh the multitude, of low test, short
weigm, aium or vmosimaio powuers. nom oniy
in cans. J toy a 1 isaKiiiR rmvuer L;un)iiauy, iw
T(III illCVIi ill . Milr t-i 111 I I
Tho POLICE GAZETTE will bo mailed
ecurely wrapped, to any address In the TJn,
cd states lor three months on receipt of
One Dollax.
Liberal discount allowed to postmasters,
gents and clubs Sample copies mailed free
Address all orders to
Ma 30,1885-ly Franklin Squar, N. Y
Cleanses tho Nasal
Passages, Allays
Pain, and Inflau
matlon, Heals the
Sores, llestotes the
Senses o t Taste
aud Smell.
WAT "r.C V Ctfl TRY tiik CURE.
A particle applied Into each nostril and Is agree
able. Price DO cents at d rnggUts : by mall.regls-
tercd, no cents. KIA HIlOS., M Warren street,
New York. aept32-vt8
the Erie Railroad. The bridge is too low,
and is being replaced by a new one.
All DrufflTflfl. 2Ac.. i(tP.. nil IJKL Prr,.r1 nnl h
Pin suant loan order of the (Indian's Court
of Carbon county, Pennsylvania, will be sold at
.'mgnioii, on tne premises, in- bam county, on
172 Main Street, Datli, Va.
At Bath, WnnNKsnAYs and Satuiwayh.
OITlcft lTnurs Fi-inn 0 n. in. tn 4 n. in. Prnctlei,
tinmen to diseases 01 tne
Eye.Ear, Nose &, Throat
c-Alo. Refraction of IheP.vt'sfnrthe adlust-
meut of glasses.
Parties called for at their Homes by Lcavltis or
. .... ders at any of the hotels.
April 2, 1887
Oraduato ot Phlla. Dental College.
Ferseryatiou of lie Teeth a Specialty.
OPPIOK HOUltSi From 8 a. in. toe p.m.
OAK HALL, Market Sijnare, Mauch Chunk.
Two Doors North of Post-Ofllcf .
OF1JCK 1IOU1W: 7torta. m. and3to7p.m.
Heydt & Seaboldt
Successors to Kcmcrer & Heydt
OITlee: Bank street.
Prompt attention given to every kind ot In
To Wild' It May Concern.
All persons are hereby cautioned not to
sell or glyo to my lutsband WILLIAM E.
UI.AiNK, under penalty of prosecution any
intoxicating beverages, all of whlcli you
win uereuy taKO notice.
Lclilgliton, 3wks.
Accident, Life 8c Fire
Bank Street, Lehighton,
Has secured the agoncy for the following
PANIES which can bo recommended to
the public as Perfectly Safe and Reliable,
The National Life Insurance Co.,
MannFrs' Accident Meinnily Co.,
Harrisliure: Mutual Live Stock
Dr. 0. T. HORN,
Central Drug Store,
Bank Street, Lehightoit, Pa.,
Pure Druga and Medicines,
Fine Soaps, Brushes, Scc. &c,
Choice Wines and Liquors,
Largest, Assortment of Library
Lamps !
Wall Paper and Decorntions !
Spectacles !
AVIien you buy a pair or Shoes ynu wantii
Rood lit. Hut It you need Sl'EOTACIJiS It Is
much more Important that the BYi: Klionld be
accommodated with correct lensesand a proper.
Iv fitting frame which will brlna the lenses di
rectly before thecrntieof the etc. If nulmy
your spectacles at l)r. Horn' yon will llnd tho
above points properly attended to.
Tho undeislcned announces to tho
citizens of Lehlehtou and tho surroitndlnt;
country that ho has opened a shop for tho
The undersigned offers Ills Farm, situate In
Jlalionlnir Valley. Carbon county, Pa., at private
sale. Tho Farm contains jo acres, of which M
acres are cleared and under a high state of cul
tivation, the balance Is good timber land. Tho
Improvements are a Two and a Half Story Stone
Dwelling House, 34x20 feet with Frame Kitchen feet, Ham 35x7S feet with all necessary
outbuildings. 'Apply to
Z. II. 0. 1IOM, On the Premises.
Sept. ir,, M-tf
Repair of
Machinery !
Such as Agricultural Implements, Sharpen
ing Lawn Mowers, tlrindlug Planer Knives,
Paper Cutter Knites, Scissors, &c.; Steam Fit
ting nnd Pump Work, nnd manufacturing drain
Knns, Form Kollers, Hoot Cutters, &c.
All work guaranteed at the lowest prices.
In Rear of Gabel's Hardware
Am 11123. y
Estate Notice.
Estate of THOMAS, late ot the
Horough of Lehiglitnn, Carbon county,' In.,
All persons knowing themselves tnbeludelited
to said Estate are rpquestFd to inako immediate
payment, and those Jiavlng legal claims against
thesnmo. Mill present them without delay tn
proper order for settlement to
JULIA A. K EM Kit HI!, i ,,,.
I011N SUAHOI.DT, ,Kxecutois.
lloraco llcydt, Attorney. Scptl,N-Gw
A $10,000,000 Coal Land Dispute Settled.
The liye ejectment suits of Calhoun M.
Derringer of Philadelphia against Eckley
B. Coxe, of Drifton, and others, for five
tracts, 400 acres each, of valuabe coal lands,
continued from time to lime for the past M KJ if. 135 A rJ I-
llftecn years, were called up in court Monday
afternoon for trial. After a jury had been
drawn tho Court was Informed that tho
plaintiff and defendants had by mutual con
cessions effected a settlement, mid the
Court was asked to instruct tho Jury toren
der a verdict In accordance with this deci
sion of tho parlies concerned. This being
done, the ycrdlct was so recorded. The
lands that have beeu In dispute are locUed county. Pa., being lot number 224 in theground,
In Sugar I.oaf and Black Creek township,
consisting of five tracts of 2,000 ncres, four
mites long and one mile wide, every foot of
which Is underlaid with Lehigh coal esti,
mated to be worth not less than $10,000,-
000. Upon these lands arc several collfrles
In operation that turn out over 1,000 cars
of coal a day, cmnlovlng nearly 1,500 men
and boys, also two breakers at work, the
largest In the coal regions, and fitted with
mnct Amnnlnla at.iY Itimlanl mnnlitnaru n,
. . . .... . I at tlmo and place of sale, by
cost of fSOO.OOO. It Is said that the con- UliL'HEN FESSTEltMACHEIt,
You will certainly find it to your advantage to buy where you
have the largest, cheapest, best and newest stock of
That place will
at TIIHEE o'clock P. M., tliefollowing described
Ileal Estate, late of V. . HKCK, deceased, to
wit: All that northwardlv one-half n.irt of a
certain lot, piece or parcel of ground, situate and
ueiug in me uorougu ni ixnigumn, carDon
lanor nlotof tho s:ild Horouuh of iA'hlchton.
ounded anil described as follows, to wit:
Hounded on the north by lot Kn. 225, ou the east
by Lehigh street, on the south by the other halt
part of said lot. No. 224, ot which tills Is tho
northwardly cue-half part, and on the west oy
APPisAiiev, containing in irout, ur wuiin.on
suld Lehigh stiect, 33 feet and extending at that
width 1M feet and 8 inches to said Apple Alley.
The Improvements thereon are a large and con
Two-Story Dwell House,
20x20 feet and nil necessary outbuildings.
lemis unu conditions win ne mauo known
cession made was an eiun divison of their
lnl crests.
Sapt 23-U
this shrewd, old lawyer, a hard-fisted old
skinflint, dry as a bone, he gambles away a Democracy don't want him but stand readj
big fortune of other, people's money and to endorse him to down Tammany Dick
ends his days In States Prison. For sixteen Croker, John Kelly's successor and the
years he bad sat dally In the company of tbe Grand Sachem of the Tammany, would
ablest lawyers In New York; Sunday never rather see tbe deyll .Mayor of New York
fonnd him absent from bli rcw: he would than Abram Ilewltt. It now looks ss
have choked at his dinner if he did not say
grace before meat, and yet he was a thief,
and the meanest kind of a thief, for It was
not to keep him from starvation, his salary
btlng seyan thousand five hundred dollars
a year, mill splcnud opportunities lor non-
Rev. Dr. Kchmucker Dies oil a Train.
Hev. Dr. Bealo St. JSchnmcker, one of I
tho most prominent theologians In the
Lutheran Church In the TJuIted States,
died Monday morning on a Philadelphia I
and Heading Railroad train, on his way
from his home at Pottstown to Philadelphia,
The cause of his death was heart disease.
When ho left homo ho an I veil at the station
without his overcoat, aud hurriedly walked
back and hurriedly returned to catch the
train. After he had been on his Journey a
short tlmo he became very III, and, when
friends were about carrying him from the
car at Pluenlzville, he died In their arms.
A widow and two sons survive. He. was
02 years old, and was graduated from
Oettysburg Theological Seminary.
The Great GERM
To Cure Disease,
Remove tho Cause-.
Fhvftlcians. bv scientific re&eirchei. have ,:iuv,vrrw1
that Cennt or Haccilll commonly called Microbe,,
to select from
certainly be at
Opposite the Valley Round House, North Bank Street.
Make it a point to see the celebrated "Irving "Range" before pur
chasing any other. All makes and grades of heaters on hand
and tarnished at shovt notice and at exceedingly low prices,
An Extraordinary Exhibit
"Tll r-.4- f Satin-lined throughout.
jl- cixa v vivjuiiio . $12. and $515.
$18. nnd $20. The best value ever offered.
Men's Fall Suits, $5.50, $7.00, $, $10.00 and
$12. Very nobby, aud extremely
Tbe CURES ly deili niur Ike
micrelti. at the tame lime turiiti lit Hand and
IhiIJi tht $ftcm, Mr. Hadam hai euWUhed
though tbey would have to swallow him
St. Patrick's flags and all, It Is a mighty
purty folh t as It stands, but It looks as
though Ilewltt will come out on top.
Tin eyll effects of our wild peculation
crops out every aay in me uesperxio
The I'rets ana rrlnter, ol uoston, a
weekly trade journal, speaks of William W.
.Vor.lilmer, who graduated Irom this ofHce
and now Is with the i'fti Speaker, at
Ilazleton, as. "a typographical wonder
fully worthy of recognition In the world of
typograblsts." He is the only one.haudeU
Factory No. ill Philadelphia.
Office at 819 Arch Street.
Invalid, andcenom mCTering from CATARRH.
RHEUMATISM, Diaeasea of the Blood, etc)
by writing or calling at above addreu.vill receive
circular, giving the hlitory of die Mickohr
and the cures it has made Agencies will be estab
lished la Pennsylvania. New Jersey, Delaware, Ma
nkind, and District of Columbia, v. hkb this I'actorr
w"l supply This Germicide it
tt speculation. It Ujiio use trying to think I suicides that tU tb final ending of mined I P'iuler lu Ihl. section of tbe United States.
To Wimm it May Concern,
Al! persons are hereby forbid harboring
or trusting my son John I.ongkamercr, (as
I will not be responsibe for any debts con
tracted by him. (.'has. LoxokaMciuck,
l'act.rtoo Oct, 0, JW.-lw
low in price.
Hoy's long Pnnt's Suits $3., $4., $5.50, $(J.75 and $8.00.
Hoy's Short Pants' Pnit $1.25, 1.50, 2.00, 2.50, 3.00, 3.50,
4.00 aud 5.00.
Boys Kilt Suits 2 to 5 years, 2.00, 2.50, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00 nnd 5.
JDOyS J VGl COcllb .j.oo, 5.00 and on up.
450 Mens' Heavy Overcoats, from 34 to 44 breast measure,
3.75 ; worth G.00. '
In FALL SUITS and OVEIU'OATd to measure, we direct attention to our special
Scotch Cheviots in many patterns, at $10., $ 12., fl5 and on up. HurprUiing for value and
rliririirf pr.
Our PANTALOON Detiartnient contain over 1100 dlfl'ercnt patterns. For style,
quality and price they cannot lie excelled.
Our (1KNTS FllKNISIIlN'H Deiiarlineitt is fillet! with new and seusonahle goods
Lull Isekcts. iersevd. underwear. Iniere. rtovc. neeckwoar, &c. Our Sl.00 fine tlrcus
shirt, for lit, quality and price cannot lie matched. Try one no fit, no sale.
Koch & Slia
For if You Do
(J will see that We are Selling
Ladies Shoes from $ 1.00 Up.
Misses' Shoes from 85 Cents Up.
Mens' Shoes from $ 1.00 Up.
Mens' Boots from $ 1.85 Up.
Boys Boots, we have them at all Prices.
Rubber Boots.Lumberniau's Boots aud
Bearer boots at all prices.
uits from $5.00 on Up
Boy's and Children's Suits
at prices to suit everybody. Aud a
complete liue of
Oil Cloths, Carpets,
Trunks, Valicos, &c, &c.
Come and see us
where. We
and prices.
before purchasing else
can please you in style
Opera House Block,
Seasonable Dress
Fio-iMOiE Holies
In these Silk, Pinscl and Phenile figure conspicuously ; wide
embroidered skirt, bands have replaced many of tho old time
pannel combination dresses.
In these the tendoncy is toward the broad faile stripes in silk.
In these we are showing all grades from the correctly finish
ed, perfectly colored $1.00 quality to the finest .goods.
Or bordered woolens, in these all the newest weaves are in
cluded with Persian Hair, Satin and Camels Hair Selvedeges.
CEieeifc and llails
Tn a largo variety, from the quiet Jfriglish Cheviots in two
toned effects, to the bolder designs in all the blocked and broken
)laids. '
634 Hamilton Street, Allentown, Penn'a.
October) 11887-r
PENNINGTON, N. J. 49th Year.
On direct line of It. It. ft out I.elilRhton.
T1IO.MAH 1IANI.ON, I. 1).., J'reitlenl J
Commended by Ur. AlcCnsh. KxcelU in health,
discipline, home comforta and scholarship.
S250 covers all expenses nnd extras hut Art and
Music. Catalogues ery henutlfulnnd complete,
Kewaro of. Fraud, as my name and tbe price an
ataiupod on the bottom of all my advertised .boa
baforo leaving the factory, which protect the wearen
afralnst tilgli prices and interior gooUa. It a dcalei,
eays he ha them without my name and pricu UiupeC
Hepectfully announces to tho nubile that he has now 1,1 vkiiv hi Alibi:, and that he is
low prepared to furnish Teams for Funerals,
Wcdd'ngs or Business Trips on the shortest no
ire and most liberal terms. Orders left at the
"CiirlKii House" will rerelve prompt attention.
text the Hotel, Ieli!ihtoii. Ian22-Yl
Will do all tout
own Iristins or
earn money print
ing for others.
Your boy can
ran It. Outfits,
ulth IresscostS3.
ilO, tiO. ra, or more,
according to size ono
as goat as another.
In use all oyer the
Full information In
a book called How
to Print. Freew lib
samples of Modxl:
preas work, upon ap-.
812 Arch Strest, PMUd.tphl'.
See what Is said alou'
t-i na f
W. L. DOUGLAS; ' he Model Press.
jiyjviouei rreissneiteu ineininreeinonuiorer
$joo.oo I never had Instructions In printing ba-
$3 SHOE.
r calf 83 SEAMI.1
J TACKS or WAX THItEAD to hurtlUnmr Model Pressthe dav after I received if I
saay as haod.aewed and WILL NOT Illl.!"nm' "el 1 ressino any miivr i receiveu ir.i
uouoLAS 81 8HOK, the oririDai andlliave mad more than double what my rfodel
f.'iST!? "Ji. Ub0B fc"" custom-mada, me tl,0 nrJt . months.-jrave done
Th onir calf .i Ri?As.f t.itrs sw smooth in. 'fire, yet I set un and printed deposit tickets
vioo. nu-aAi;iv3 or
ipe reel, easy
IV. L. llfl
lJSXJ'lfiBoa' -'"" custom-ma. ,.,.. me .... flrJ, ,0 months.-jrave done
w! i" Kougms S3.BO POLIC15 SnOE.'0t.M worth ot work on inrWo. I Modal
Railroad Men and Letter Carriers all wear tbenHHess. It beau all. After tlirea years' use 1
Bmooih imlde as a lland-6e ed fchoe. No Tacks oriflnd iry Model tress as good as new. The
Wax Thread to hurt tjio fret. I.ModolTres U w.ll built al ought to last kalt
W. L. IiOUriLAH M2.50 fillnTC It utif.YCj.llMi .. ..a...
tar heaw wear. Iltt Palf Miw fur (h. .trl w.m.j.
ufrht tn wpar m nun a THr.
W. fc. IlOlinLAH 83 SHOE FOIt UOV8 is
Hiiuis is tnu tt!i.t tn tne woria lor rough weart ue-
The Model Press
Hotel Allen Building, Centre Square,
the hett Rrliool Mna In tlin wnrlil.
W. L. JjpUGLAB 81.75 YOUTII'S School If fully equal tc tlio largest and eostllett io.
tel?t'lSw'o0rldTU S' " io we" eaines for flno Cardand QENEKAL BUSINias
All mado la Congress. Ilutton and Laca. If notaold'tirlntlnir. Anv ainart liov can turnout hundred
by your dealer, write iof dollars worth ot,work every yar, avsn vrttli
one of tb sinalUrslzes. Address.
Tiik Model Pbe83 Co., Ltd.,
91U lycb Strast,
unjl2-jl ruu.ABau'atu, Pa,
W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Maas.