The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, September 29, 1888, Image 1

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    Advertising Rates
For Legal Notioos.
The Carbon Advocate,
An Inori'rniiukt 1'amii.v Nr.wsi'Aricin.riib
llshed every Saturday In Lelitghtou,
Carbon County, retiiuylvaula,Ty
Uarrv V. Mortliimer Jr.
$1.00 Por Year In Advanoo !
nest advertising medium hi the county,
Kvery doserlptlon'of I'laln and Fancy
t very low prices. We do not hesitate to say
that wo aro better equpped than any other
printing establishment In (his section
to do llrst-class Job-work, In nil'
Its branches, at low prices.
Tho following prices for lognl advents-
112 has been adopted by tho OAltBON
Charter Notices -Auditor's
Commissioner's Notices
Divorce Notices
Administrator's Notices
Executor's Nollco -
$4 00
- 4 On
4 00
- 4 00
3 00
- 8 00
Other legal advertising will bo charged for
$1.00 a Year in Advance.
INDEPENDENT " Live and Let Live."
$1.28 when not paid in Advance.
liy tho square.
H. V. ilorthimer. Jr., Publisher,
VOL. XVI., No 46
Lehighton, Carbon County, Penna.,
September 29, 1888,
Single Copies 5 Cents.
Professional & Business Carls..
Horaoo Heydt,
NOTARY runucJ,
it-Pirn':--The Boom recently occupied by V. M.
May bo consulted In English and Herman.
Inly 4-ly .
W. M. Rapshor,
First door abovo llio Mansion House,
...... ...... ,.n1tnnflni. ArrnnT- Will lttlV
HVitl JUIIV turn wrmiinrii ........-j.
..... en t...nt i.'d.n... r1.,.,,.,, nnnlttw tipfitlv tlnnf.
olleelloiis promptly made. Settling Estates pf
Decidi'tits a specialty.
May bo consulted In
English ami Herman.
nov. 22-yi
O. V. Klointop,
Instructor in Music,
Itobldns American Classical Methods a special-
.y. Terms nioiieraii-.
W. G. M. Soiple,
Mav be consulted In ICtiptisli ami Herman.
Special nltentlon given to llyneoology.
Uffick Itomts: From 12 M. to 2 1". M.,and
trom to l. M, mar. 31-yt
S. Rabonold, D. D. S.
AWil Okfiob :-Over J. W. Raudenlmsh'
Liquor Ktoro,
nentutrvln all Its branches. Teeth Extracted
without I'.iln. (las udmlnlstercd when requested.
Office Days-WUDNKSDAY .if each week.
1', O. address, ALI.KNTOVY'N,
jan 3-yi Lehigh county. 1'a.
F. I. SMITH, D. D. S
l'I Ol!:-Opposlte Wlcnnd's
nnk Street, Zchjjhlon, Pa.
Filling and making artllli'ial dentures a special
ly. Local anesthetics used,
this administered and Teeth Extracted WITH
Ol'l'ICI! HOURS: From 8 a. In., to 12 m from
1 p. m., to op. in., from 7 p. m., to 8 p. m.
Consultations In English or Herman.
Oct 15-87-1 y
Dr. G-. T. POX
Visits Alientonn regularly on THURSDAY of
each week, l'racllco limited to
Diseases of tho Eye and Ear.
Otrtce at Haydeu's American Hotel, and Olllco
Hours from 9 A.M. to 3Sl T. M. Also attends to
Refraction of tlie Kvc for the. proper adjustment
of Glasses, and for the Relief and Onto of Opll
. al Defects,
.May also be consulted at Ills office In HATH,
Wednesday anil Saturday of each week, at 11AN
UOIt on Monday, and at ICASTON on Tuesday of
each week. Jan 2-yl
Horse Doctor,
(.Honorary Graduato of Ontario Vet. College.)
Oflice: Carbon House, Bad St, LcWeMoii
Diseases of IIovsc and Cattle,
Hpecial and l'arllcular Attentliiu paid to
Splints, Ringbono,
And all diseases prevalent among Domesticated
Horse and Qatllo Powders Prepared Suit
able for each Case.
lisultatlou Free Charges Moderate.
C' telegraph and telephono promptly at-
le ded to Operations Skillfully Performed
, Practical Blacksmith Horseshocr
is nrenared to do all work In his line
In tho best manner nnd'at the lowest
prices, l'lease. call. uovJO-80-ly.
Midway between Munch Chunk & Lehlglrtoii,
I.KOl'OI.D MHYRR, VliOri!,
This well-known Hotel Is admirably relltted. and
lias Hie best accommodations for permanent and
transient boarders. Hxceltent Tnliles and the
very' best Liquors. Ktahlcs attached. hcplC-yl
ClHKtltO L l H. DfWt,
0. H, HOM, lT.Ol'RIirrOR.
rhu houso olTcrs first-class accommoilations for
trunident ami iicniiaueut boaulcrs. It has been
newly retltlcdtu all its departments, ami Is
td In one of tho most plcturemiuo portions of the
borough. Terms moderate. i& The 11 Alt Is
mppiied with Uitt cholcext Mnes, l.tipiors anil
ilfcars. Rresli itgcr on Tap. uprlT-yl
lespectfiilly uiinouiu-os to the Merchants of Ix
ligliPiu and others that ho is now prepared to
lo all Kinds of
Iauuno or FitKiniiT, Exriucss
MATJKU AKl) Baogagk
ve. y reasonable prices. Ily proinudonrlraep
ull orders lie iiiihs.iu iiiern a Kiinicoi piuu ic
ttronaiie. lcesldence: corner of I'ino and Iron
M.t. lhlL'hlOII.
Oi-ders lell at Miveeny & Son's Sorner Btoro
II ri-ceiuo pronipi luieiiiiou- ,,
nr. 12.81 T.J. UUIUNKY.
Contractor ai BniUer.
(Next door to Ileuhcn Fensterniachcr'sl
I'Uns and speflficallons, and prelwble cost I
uulldltiiis. lui Dished upon application. All woriv
guaranteed. promptly attended to
ana material nenuesucu.. jj
Velssport .-Business.' Directory..
This houso otters tlrst-class accommodations to
.1... linm-ilpr nml transient irUCSt,
Panic pi Ices, only One Dollar per day.
aiig"-iy John ItKiiiuo, Proprietor. ,
Oscar Cliristmau,
wmssroRT, I'A.
Livery and Exchange fituhhs.
liasyildliiRrnrrl.iRei and safe driving horse.
Itest accommodations to agent and travellers.
Mnll nml li-l.-irr:ii.l, orders nromiillv attended to,
Ulvemoatilnl. muyai-ly
Tho - Weissport - Bakery,
c. w. laury. ritoritirtTOR.
Delivers l'rcsh Rread and Cakes In Weissport,
Lclilshton and vicinities every day.
Tit Ilin .l.,r. I l.nvn 1L l'ltin l.lnn (if f IllfeCUOnCrV
for tho'llolldnv Trade. Sunday schools Mid f es-
llvais siippncu ill lowest prices. m t.m.ih.
Wclsspoit, Carben County, Penna.,
Henry h ristman, Proprietor.
Tho nulilli. U rcsnectfnllv Informed that this
well-know houso lias hcen refitted nlid Improved
Inn. first rate, and nblo to furnish tho very host
accommodations of all kinds
T ltl, din lintid Ian. 1'I.tK POOL
ROOM handsomely littcd up. Apri!3 87Iy
Over Canal Brklse E. Weisspt.
Sc., Sre. l'rlces tho very lowest. Quality of
Roods tho hest. Satisfaction Ruarantccd In
every particular.
Caskets, Collins and Shrouds,
Wo have a full linn which wo will furnish at
the lowest possible, prices.
Flour, Feed, &c,
Of tlio choicest quality at very reasonable prices.
Call and bo convinced.
I have Just opened a Coal Ya.d in connection
Willi my noiei in ivr.inni'in.i wucrccan
constantly be found all sires of tho
at prices Fully as Low as tho Lowest, (live me
a trial and bo Convinced.
Fort Allen Houso, ireissport.
Fnl rlmnks Standard Scales in Connection.
August a 4ni
Tlio Cream of all Books of Adventure
Tlio thrllllnc advcntnivs of all tho hero ex
iilorcrs and frontier fighters with Indians, out
laws and wild beasts, over our whole country,
Irom tho earliest times to tlio present. Lives
and eplolts of DeKoto, I.Salle.Stamllsli.IIoone,
Kenton, Ilradv, Crockett, Howie. Houston, Car
son, Custer, California .foe. Wild Hill, HulTalo
Hill, (Icnerals Miles and Crook, great Indian
chiefs, and scores of others. Splendidly lllus
(rated with 231 lino engraving. Agents Wanted.
Unv priced, and beats anything to sell. Tlni
mr payments auoweii Agems snori 01 jiiuuH
I'LANliT l'Ull.CO., llo ossi., l'hlladelplila..,,
Solicitor of American & Foreign Patents
025 F bt., near U. S. Patent Office,
Atl liihdnnss licforn Itniled States Patent Ofllci
attended to for moderate fees. Talents piocured
In the United States anil ull l'oreignCoiinlries.
Irade Mark$ and I.abtli reglstcreil. Iteiected
aimllcatlous reviled audnrnsecuteil. Informa
Hon and advice as to obtaining Patents cheer
fully furnished without charge. Send Sketch or
Model for X'mkk opinion as to j'aicniaMMtv,
Copies of patents furnished! or 25c. eacn.
Correspondence solicited. ojo
Lehighton Business Directory
Tr.lL snilWAltTZ. Ilunk St.. tho oldest lurni
V ture house ill town. Hvery ocscillitloii of
lurmtiiro aivmm on nana, jticcs very iuw.
rrr A. PlfTUltS. Saloon and Itestaunint. Haul.
VV . Street. Fresh iJigeralwaontnp. oys-
u season, nrop 111 ami .3e us. uovuriy
WSltANO'S 81IAV1NO SALOON. Oliposlto (lie
ikMlugaud hulreulthig. Cigars & tobacco sold
GO TO Fits., under the Kxchange
Hotel. Hunk stieel.for a smooth sliavo or a
lnshlonablu hair cut. tJtr Closnl 011 Sunday's.
uoctier s iiairuuuc, euros ii.iuuruu.
Jau4-88 Ol'P. I'Ulll.IC S(JUA1!E.
mill! CAU110N ADVOCATK OFI'ICI!, Jlnuk
iy. aiivocath 0110 uoiiar per year in advance
T W. ItAUDnNllllSII.Itaiikhlrwt, wholesale
U . uoaier in enoice uramis 01 MiuoKles, clu
brandies, wines, &c tW lMtrouago solicited
Our Ohurohos,
M HT!IOI)tST F.l'LSCOl'AL, Smith Hank street,
Suuilay .en Ices at 10 a. m., and 7.30 p. m.,
Sunday Schoil 2 p. in. Wm. M a.ioii, l'attor.
TlilNITY LtlTIIHItAN, Iran stieet. Sunday
herlces,40 a. 111., Kiermaiil, 7.30 p. 111., (Hug-
,....u..j m i.u. i.... .. . ... Jlllr.l..l 4MIU1.
plirOHMItl), Lehigh street, Huuday services
dbW 111. III.. .Clillilli;, l.du l. 111., ir.UgllSIUi
iniiiav scuooi z p. 111.
TtVAKOHMGAI.. South street. Hunibir wrvli
iU at 10 a. 111., (tittrman), ISO v. m., (Ibutllsh)
simday school p. In. A. S. l'attor
CATHOLIC, corner Nortlunnpton and LVial
v siree
streots. sen ices every Sunday uioinlUK am
lV. . 1. I31AI;K lUKWr,
l MK!t Till- Si V,
ttUli-ll Jvlllg nlo
moil iiecr Ui-.irsl
of-ariTHHH uiNEtliutrwiiitri-s vn i.otiifs
I'INm. I!vfr tioiiMI.eper. laundress .mil si. ire
Kwwr wants It. Kample sunt b in.m. i. n el Mr
fi.'lH., W fetforHIH. I'lllli'l.i Ai.l M-
WANTKD KonililKroi'NTY. Addn-iw. N1(
MAM It. HOND & (X).. Manulacturlng Agent.
I'hluidcliihia, l'a., (IxkA . Hox wrn. JyJl.
lle.uiovcs Paint and Oreaso from Woolens,
Silks, Satins, Cashmeres.I.aces.t.rapes,
Vc. Ily tho use of C LEAN5 INB
Clothing of any JIntcrlal, Car-
pets, Lap Robes, Car
rlatjo Cushions, Trim
mint;!, &c, can
bo q tt I c It 1 y
cleaned of dirt, crease or paint without lu
jury. It Is without nn equal for removing
(laiulrutl, ircckies, sunburn, tan, ivc.
2!i Cents a HotUo.
Trade Supplied by the Proprietor
Dr. T. E. Davis, Summit Hill.
For Sale by T. D. THOMAS, Lehighton.
witch- Back: Colli Cure
Is the most certain and speedy remedy In tho
woild Coughs, Colds, Croup, Hoarsenes. Whonii
Ing cough, Iiilmcnzn, Horo Throat, Sc. Try It.
1 lice, iwciiiy-rivu uvms.
"Comer Store"
. iFOIl
Bottled Gherkins. Sweet Pick
les, Chow-Chow, Onions, Table
Sauce, Horse-radish, Cauliflow
er, Catsup, Mixed Pickles, Cel;
cry Sauce, and all kinds of choice
Jellies and table necessaries. In
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Queensware, &c,
IFo lead, both In low prices and quality of
goods. Our largo stock Is displayed to ad
vantage, an Item which purchasers will
certainly greatly appreciate.
Corner Store,
made easy manulactur
Ingliuhher Stainps.Scnd
for prlco list (it outfits, to
.1. V. W. Dornut.i, Xo.217
Kast (lerman St., Ilaltl-moi'e.JIdU,H.A-Oi'2-2Cni
Fire, Life & Live Stock Insurance
Slieelal attention or l'armers and others Is
railed to the llhoral terms offered hy tlie llKltKS
ANCH COMPANY, for which I am the asent for
this County and neighborhood.
Real Estate Asencv,
Real Estate Bought & Sold.
Collections Promptly Made.
Bank Street, Lehighton, Penna.
Jeweler aid Watclimata
Bank Street, Lehighton, Penna.
Itespcctlnlly Invites the attention of Jib) friends
andtlio citizens generally to lus
now stock of
Watches, Clocks,
Silverware, Jowely,
at Trlcos that defy competition, It will pay yon
to call ami Inspect my slock before purchasing
Promptly done at lowest charge, and all work
Don 'I Forget tlie Place,
Panic St., Lehighton.
oDccm ucr l'.oWly
Heaters and
In Great Variety a)
Saisluel Graver's
Popular Store, Bank Street.
Roofing andSpontinga special
ty. Stove repairs furnished
on sliort notice. Prices
lteasonahlo ! !
I'or our Otiolce and Hardy Nursery Stock,
Kteudy work for energetic men, Salary and ex
penses, or eoutiubulou If preferred. Biuls'aeUoii
Ktiarauteed to customer anil hri'u's. Write Im
nicdlutel tor teruiH. Slate nue Address
n riiASF. a vo.,
H .1 Sulilll 'i nil Sil.lle l'lll.ldi lldli.l IN !.
.nil! IIMI '
Bubsoribo for the Advocate.
Its peculiar efficacy la duo
ns much to tho process and
skill In compounding us to
1 ho Ingredients themselves.
xnicoit in iimo. ttcuocks
' mseasos mtiio otilseuor lr
they be advanced will provo a potent euro.
1 lnie stalii le Wifbont It.
It takes thoplaeoot n, -
aocior aau cosily pre
scrlpllons. AUwholeail
eedontary lives will find
It tho bestnroventlvo of
nnd cure tor Indigestion,
Constipation, Ifcadncho, ntllonsness,
l'lles and Mental Depression. No loss
of time, no Interference with business
whllo taking. For children It Is most in
nocent nnd harmloss. No danger from
exposure after taking. Cures Colic, 1)1
nrilurn, Itnwol Complaints, roicrish
ness nml Fovcrisli Colds. Invnllds and
dcllcato porsons will flud It tho mlldost
Aperlont nnd Tonlot hoy can use. A llttlo
taken nt night lnsuros refreshing sleep
and n natural evacuation of tho bowels.
A llttlo taken In tho morning sharpens
tho appetite, elennscs the, stomach and
sweetens tlio breath,
"I have been pracilpng medicine for
twenty years and have neief bei able to
Imt up a vegetable compound thul would,
ike Simmons Liver Regulator, promptly
and effectively move the Liver to action,
and at the same time aid (instead of weak
ening) the dlgcsUvo and assimilative
Eowers of the system." ,
1. M. Hikton, m.d., Waihlngton, Ark.
Marks orocnnlnenossi Irtiokforthored
Trade-Mark on front of Wrapper, nnd tho
Heal and Signature of J. Il..eilln & Co., In
red, on tho Bide. Tako no other.
Coiupctent workmen sent lo any part of
mo county.
Wall Fauers, Borfiers & Decoratious.
Largo assoitmenr, and the latest styles.
Books, Stationery, Fancy Goois
All grades. Shade, making and putting up
. promptly attended to.
Paints, Oil, Varnish, Putty,
Brushes & general Painters'
No. 61 Broadway ffianch C1M, Fa.
fielow the. Broadway House,
High -Pressure
Living characterizes theso modern days.
Tho result is a fearful Incroaso of Urnln
nml Heart Diseases "Gonornl Do
Llllty, Insoinnln, Paralysis, and In
sanity. Chloral and Jlorphla nUBment
tho ovll. Tho medlclnd hest ndt'iptjid
to do permanent good is Ayer's Sar
saparllla. It purillen, onrlclies, and
vitalizes tho Mood, and thus strengthens
every function and faculty of tho body,
" I liavo used Aycr'u Sarsaparllla, In
my family, for years. I havo found It
Invaluable as
for Nervous Doblllty caused hy nn In
act! vo liver and a low sta,to of tho blood."
Henry Dacon, Xenia, Ohio.
"For somo tlmo I havo been troubled
with heart disease. I nover found any
thing to help mo until I began using
Ayer's Sarsaparllla. I havo only used
this mcdlclno six months, but it has re
Hovcd mo from my troublo, nnd enablod
mo to resurno work." J. i. Carzanott,
Perry, 111.
" I havo been n practicing physician
for over half a century, and during that
timo I havo nover found so powerful
and roliablo an nltaratlro and blood
purifier as Ayor's SarEaparilla." Dr.
M. JIaxstart, Louisville, Ky.
Ayer's Sarsaparllla,
TRcrAncD ny
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Trice I j ilz bottle, $5. Worth f 5 a bottle.
Till, limlrril(rili'rl .tOnis. Ti.r a'tn ,Iia rillmv.
lugs grades of l'lIOHI'HATIJS.
Complete Bone Phosphate !
This Is tlio best phosphate on the market, none
Complete 13one Manure !
1'JtICK, 32.00
tS-Kspeclally adapted to f i ult trees of all kinds
Lehigh Phosphate, Price $27.
Soluble Phosphate and Potash !
thick. sai.Do.
Soluble Kock Phosphate !
I'ltici;, fta.oo.
These cheap grades compare favorably with any
unos-nunies cosj uur 11 e same nrico. invoiiiuni
a trial. All grades packed DUV In 200 lbs. acld-
nrooi ones inn wcigni. Always on nanu anil
lor sale by
August 4, 3in i.i'iiKiirrox.
Weissport Planing Mill,
MAXCl'ACTUmtl! 01'
Window and Doon Thames,
Doors, Shutters,
lilinds, Sashes,
Mouldings, Ihiiakats,
All KMs of tassfl Liter,
Shingles, Pailings,
Ilt'nilock Lumber, &r.
, . l ri
very iowesi r rices
nv ntsN-iiv KtSII.
What is the existence, of man's life
ltut'olien war, or slumbered strlfo?
Where slekuoss to bis sense present
Tho combat of tho clelneiitsi
And nc er feels a lierfcct pence,
Till death's cold hand signs Ids release.
It Is a storm n bero the hot blood
Outvies In rage the boiling flood)
And oaeh loud mission of Hie liml
Is Jlko ft furious gust of nlud,
Which bears his bark ulth many a mive.
Till lie easts anchor In tho grave;
It Is a llower which buds aud grown
Aud withers as tho leeves disclose;
Whoso spring and fail riiint seasons keep,
Like fits of waking beforo sleeps
Theiislirinks Into that fatal mould '
Where Its first being win enrolled.
It Is a dream whose seeming truth
Is muiltzcd In age ami youth;
Where nil the comforts ho can share
As wandering as his fancies are;
1111 In the mist of dark decay
Tho dreamer vanish o,ulto away.
It Is a dial which points out
Tlie Sunset as it moves nbouti
And shadows out In lines of night
The subtle stages of time's flight,
Till all-obscuring earth hath laid
Tlio hotly In perpetual shade.
It Is a weary Interlude,
Which doth short Joys, long woes Include;
Tho world tho btago, the prologuo tears,
Tho nc(s vain hopos and varied fears j
Tho sceno shuts up with loss of breath,
And leaves notpllnguo but death.
"Captain Dtiplnl"' called Murat, who, In
one of tlio most beautiful halls of tlio
Prlnco do la Palx's palace, at Jtadrld, was
occupied In drawing up some military
documents. As no ono answered,
tho prince, as they called him slnco his re
cent ennoblement, raised his head, glanced
over tlio group of officers who, a lew paces
off from him, wcro awaiting Ills commands;
and, not pcrcelylngamongthcui him whom
he wanted, repeated with lirllallon:
"irell, then, Captain Unpin is not there?"
Then, In tho saino way as an article passes
from hand to hand when a lino Is formed,
tho name of the aldo-do-camp went flying
from mouth to mouth, from room to room,
through tho vast abode all its, doors being
ppen, because of tho temperature which Is
so warm In May In Spain was off on Its
way to find tho absentee. Uccause Murat
did not trlflo with tlio negligent. IIo again
applied himself to his writing iu silence,
consenting, doubtless, to-waltafow min
utes; but tho contraction of his eyebrows
Into a wrlnklo on his forehead indicated
his bad humor.
This happened In 1608, when Xapoleon's
envoy, who had easily entered Madrid,
thanks to the disturbances In the kingdom,
was awaiting the progress of events with
tho secret hope of boiug named king of the
conquered country, and hardly suspecting
that lu tho hands of his master ho was only
a pawn loft there, on ono of tlio squares of
tho Kuropean chess-board, to keep llie
place fcrr-tlio emperor's brother Joseph.
Soon was seen running, thanks to tho
obliging call of his comrades, tlio culprit, p.
charming young man of about twenty cicht
much beloved, an excellent soldier, but
who, however, for nearly a week had ap
peared 1'cs.tlcss, troubled: In a word quite
different from what ho usually was.
"Wiiero wcro you, then, captain?" said
the prince sovorely, on seeing him rome,
agitated and slightly out of breath.
"In tlio palace, marshal."
"That Is not enough. You must bo here,
near to me. Nevertheless, I havo boon
taking notice of you for somo days. You
are entirely changed. Your animation Is
gone, you hayo extraordinary distractions.
What, then, has happened?"
"Nothing, marshal, I assure you."
"Indeed. You aro no longer master of
"Kxcuso inc. That Is trim. I haye some
anxieties, for family reasons."
"And tlicso family reasons live under
the palaco roof, It appeals, because people
.have met you up yonder, gliding furtively
along tho corridors. I do not like myster:
les, captain; do you understand?"
Tho poor officer blushed and turned pale.
Then, alarmed at the increasing severity of
tho chief's tone, fearing somo ousplcion
moio serious than the truth, decided to
tna"ke a confession.
"I havo my child, a boy of four years,
with me," ho stammered, lowering Ids
Tho prlnco flow into passion.
"A child of that age!- Why not hayo a
nurse at onco? A brat of a boy in the
midst of war, when at any moment an In
surrection may hurst out against the
"If necessary, I will send him away,
murmured tho young man In a sad voice.
"ao, keep him since ho Is here. IIo
could not he sent back through a counlrj
ready for revolt. Let him remain, but on
condition that I nover see him, understand ;
and, nboyo all on condition that his pres
eneo shall not bo tho causo of the slightest
breach of your duty. That would ho very
pretty I Discipline would go on finely if
each ono of us dragged about his progeny
through a campaign."
Murat, in a state of fury,turned his hack,
leaving tlio canlnm greatly uxcltod because
he, Maurice Dupln, had not. told all. Not
only was ho hiding tho child In tho upper
part of tho house, hut the mother, too-
poor womap come from Franco' after risk
ing a thousand dangers, suffered a tiious
and deaths, during a journey In a carriage
under a burning sky in an enemy's conn
try ; because she had wished at any cost
ajain to see and embrace her husband, and
lud been unable, to roslst tho mad brained
deslro for this reunion. "Think, now, if
I wero to die. far from thee!"' alio had said,
with tho unceasing cry of a poor creature
on tho oyo of a crisis, real or Imaginary, In
which sho may bo overwhelmed. Tho
young husband did not feol himself stron,
ouough to turn her away. IIo had settle.
her on .ho third floor of tho palace, tho
room was not inlssod, and she had slnco
lived In constant flight, duo to Murat.
A week rolled by after the explanation.
The general spolco no tuoio on any subject
Ha continued, how over, to give his onjers
in short, sharp styla elgir that his dls
satisfaction was not yet dispelled. Hut
one fine morning, under the Influence of
an unknown good humor.he sudden) took
it into his head to ask Ills alde-de-eamii
iveii, now nuoiii inei-nuu ' annor in
i not
"YcsnffdceilnlirsiraTrT will "go and
find him If you wish It."
In a few minutes after I ho young father
brought a lovo of a llttlo soldier In full pa
rade uniform. A tiny sword heat against
his legs, which wcro enclosed In red mo
rocco hoots, with gold spurs, and on his
shoulders tlio hussar's pellsso, trimmed
with fur In tlio Hungarian style', com.
plcted tho rich army costume, of tlio time,
ine capiain. ioreseeing mat, sooner or
later, by chanco or voluntarily, tho prince
might sco the child, had conceived tlio Idea
of picscnllng tho llttlo follow In tho uni
form most likely lo flatter his superior.
Tho llttlo rascal, In fact, had only to ap
pear haughty and swaggering prctly
enough to eat. under his equipment lo
conquer tho rcdonbtablo chieftain. Tho
marshal took him astraddlo his knee.callcd
him "my jolly dog," and mado glorious
promises lo hlin for his future life.
"Illien you shall bo grown up I v III at
tach von to my personal staff. You shall
fight al my side."
"Yes, rrlnco Fanfarinet," warmly an
swered tlio future, aide-de-camp.
Iiul Junarl'fi faco turned dark. "I'rlnco
Fanfatlnct?" Might It bo bv chance i
sobriquet brought in by this Innocent?
"H'hy do you call ino so?" lie asked.
"Bccauso In the fairy stories Prlnco Fan
larincnt is mo naniisomest of an, anil you
rfisctnblo him."
"ITalhal Then I am greatly flattered
And you, how do thoy call you?"
-ino i-nnccss Auroral" Tiiat is also a
namo from tho fairy stories. A llttlo boy
is not called by that name."
"But I am not a llttlo boy; I am a little
girl, disguised. Ask mamma."
Then, dcsplto tho father's despalilng
signs and to Murat's groat delight and
amusement, tho llttlo girl, with all the
frollcsomencss and ingenuousness of her
ago, went on to relate that -sho had como
from l'arls In a big carriage; that they had
encountered bears In tho Pyrenees, and
also tho Spanish queen, who was making
her escape, and furthermore, that they had
been greatly frlghtoncd m an Inn, where
tho Innkeeper was killing hogs, because
she and her mamma had bolloycd that the
wcro assassinating mcil; and now they
wcro Hying up stairs in beautiful rooms,
with silk draperies, gilt everywhere, but
very villainous pictures; that among the
things there that she liked was a large
mirror In which sho could see herself all
oyer, aud also somo playthings which
wcro doubtless abandoned hy tho royal
children in their flight.
"Captain," said Murat, charmed with
this delightful chatter, "it only remains
for you to present mo lo Mine. Dupln.
have already met her in French society, I
hayo retained tho best memories of her
beauty and grace. Jl'lien a man has such
a family lie Is not allowed to conceal It.
As to this llttlo one," ho added, caressing
Aurora's cheek, "sho Is full of wit, she
tells a story with Iniinaclnatlon and nu ex
traordinary chai in. I shall miss my little
orderly, who showed such a blustering do
slro to follow I'rlnco Fanfarinet, but 1
shall not bo greatly surprised If France
flnds lu his piaco a second Mme. do Stacl."
Aurora Dupln, becomo Mme. Dudcvant,
was destined to bo still greater than De
Stael for It was sho whom tho world knows
as Ocorgo Sand.
Talking about echoes, Colonel Ogecchce
claimed that ho had ono on his place, a
fow miles ftoiu Savafinali, which beat any
thing ho had over heard or read about;ono,
In fact, which would clearly repeat whole
sentences. Tho patty of gcntloinen were
Interested, but Incredulous, and arranged
to accompany Col. Ogeochco homo the next
afternoon to test the wonderful echo.
The colonel found, on getting home, that
In tlio heat of the discussion ho had claimed
more than tlie facts justified. Determined
not to bo beaten, ho called his Irish la
"Pat," says he, "somo gentlemen aie
coming homo with mo to-morrow after
noon to hear the echo. Now, I want ou
to go ncsoss tho river before It Is time for
mo to nirlvo, so you can answer hack
whatever we may call out."
"You inano fur mo to play Ikkei, son?"
asked Vat, grinning.
"That's It, exactly." said the colonel.
"Now, do yon thoroughly understand that
you aro to answer hack e.xaclly what wo
'Oh, yls, soir; you can dcplud on me cn-
Next afternoon tho colonel took his
menus to ino nycr uaiiK, ami all were
ready foi tho oxpcrltuent.
Making a speaking trumpet of his hands.
tho colonel roared.
"Arc you theru?"
Back catno tho echo with startling dis
"Yis, sorr; Qt've been .since four
"Myljr young end," said old Mr, Sur
plus to young Mr. GIddlbpy, "do you not
think that sou wete rash to ask my daugh
ter to marry Jon when you aro not able to
support her?"
"Well," said tho young man, craftily,
"perhaps I .was. I adult my fault atld
throw myself on your generosity, sir."
"That's right," declared tho old gcntlo
inau. "You shall not loso by It, I assure
you. There, sir, Is a nloklo to pay your
car faro home. No thanks, if you please.
Good day, Jfr. Olddlboy."
Judge So you stole a sandwich from
tho lunch counter in tho railroad station,
did you?
Tramp Yes, jour honor.
Judge H'liuro you hungry V
Tramp No, your honor,
Judge TUen what servlco could tho
sandwich do you?
Tramp I wanted to halt sole my boots
with It, your honor. ,
Two heads ara better than one, oxcept
on a nail head.
Edwin Dearest, your cruel father
kicked mo down tho stopa.last night.
Angelina Do not complalu, darling,
submit to 'ate. Just think how lucky you
are. Supposing I lived on tho third floor.
A raise Ju coffee is reported. Evident
ly boarding houso coffco Is not meant, as
that is evidently too weak to raise.
In China they ralso dogs for their
skins. In this country they ralso them for
their hark.
IIo was very practical, and In order to
nayo everything fair and square before
hand ho said :
"You know, my darling, that I promised
my mother that my wlf 9 should bo a good
housekeeper and a domestic woman. Can
you cook?"
"I can," sho said, swallowing a grcathlg
lump in her throat.
"Can you make good bread? That Is
thu fundamental principle of all house
keeping." "Yes, I 'went Into a bikery nnd learned
how to make all kinds of bread." Sho
added under her breath, "maybe."
"And can you do your own drcssmaklng-
ing? I am comparatively a poor man, love,
and dressmakers' bills would soon bank,
rupt mo."
"Yes," sho said, frankly, "I can make
everything I wear, especially pattern bon
"You aro a jewel," he cried, with en
thiislasin; "como to my arms. ."
" H'alt a minute there's no hurry," she
said, coolly. "It's my turn to ask a few
questions. "Can you saw wood and carry
In coal?"
'"Il'liy, my loye, 1 should hire, that work
"Can ynti mako your coats, vests, trous
ers and other wearing appnrcl?"
"But that Isn't lo tho purpose."
"Can you build a house, dig ditches,
wcayo carpots, and-"
"I am uot a professional."
"Neither am I. It has taken the most of
my life to acqttlro tho education and accom
plishments that attacned you to inc. But
as soon as I have learned all tho professions
you speak of I will send you my card. Ait
rovolr," atld sho swept away.
An tho disconsolate young man wont to
tho nearest drug storoforntwo-for-a-quart-
er cigar, with which ho speedily solaced
A man was ono day making a trip on a
"mixed train" on a Dakota road, says the
Texas Slfllngii, Passage on these trains
is never taken except for journeys of con
siderable length; walking is as easy and
much faster for short distances. On this
occasion the movement was oven moro
deliberate than usual, .and tho passenger
called the conductor to his scat and
"Isn't this motion pretty slow?"
"Well, wo ain't flying, I'll admit that."
"Sure everything Is all right?"
"I think so."
"Wheels all greased?"
"Yes, I greased them myself."
"Tiros all on?"
"Yes. Wo run through tho crock back
hero and soaked up the wheels so they
would slay."
"Any spokes loose?"
"You aro certain tho wheels aro all oh
tho rails?"
Thoy was whonl como in."
"Couldn't be possible that any of them
aro off tho axlo dragging, could it?"
"I guess nor."
"Aro wo goingup hill?"
"No, this is pretty mlddlln' lovcl."
"Do you always run at this gait?"
"No, wo generally hump along a llttlo
fastcr'n this."
"May I ask what Is tho trouble, thon?"
"Certainly. We found a two-year-old
steer stuck lu a trcstlo back hero before
you got on, and stopped and helped it out.
You know tho rules of the road aro that in
sucli cases tho animal belongs to tho com
'But 1 don't seo why that should mako
you run so thundering slow."
"Why, you blamo fool, we'ro takiu' that
steer along to headquarters; got It tied on
behind, and It ain't used to lcadln and
don't walk up very well. I'm doing all 1
can; got tho brakeman prodding It up with
an' umbrcll' and au car of corn tied to the
end of tho bell-rope. If you think I'm
goln' to start up an' go howlln' along and
yaiiK tuo norn on as goon a s.ccr as mere
Is In tho Territory, why yo'ro mistaken,
that's all. Us train men can't expect our
pay unless we bring lu some stock oneo In
"Boy. do yot know what that can con
tains?" said a tramp to a lad who was hur
rying along with a tin pall full of lager.
uecr," rcsponucu ino sinpiing, prompt
"Exactly," continued tlio tramp; "and
that beer contains clucosc. cocculus bull
ous, corn starch, rlco meal ai'd raw grape
sugar, all deadly poisons and enough to
kill any man."
Tho lad set the pall down and moved olt
llttlo from It. whereupon the tramp
plckod it up ami was raising it to his Hps
when the boy interrupted hlin to say:
"Ain't you alratd ot It?"
"Yos: it's dreadful to die this way. but I
don't caro to llyo," and draining It empty
io handed It back.
'llo's a Koner,' muttered tho lad, as ho
walked thoughtfully ad. "Lord, what a
narrer escapo dad had I'
IIo died and Ids widow did not llko the
wording of his will, Sho was a strong
minded womau, and she was mad.
Sho went to tho marble man and had a
beautiful hcadstono cut, and when the cut
let asked for the Inscription to bo put on
sho handed him this:
Sacred to
tho memory of
John Jones,
the Only Weakness of
Jemima Jaue Jonos.
Too Old for any Good.
Thero is a thirteen-j oar-old hoy In Cam
bridge who is a great 'society man' and
who Is referred to by his friends on all
points of etiquette. IIo was overheard ono
day giving somo pointers to a boy about his
ago, but who had apparently nono of his
friend's aplomb. Boy No. 2, who wo will
call Fred, was saying anxiously, 'But 1
uovor know what to say to a girl at a party,
What do jou talk about, anyway?
'Oh, that's easy enough,' replied tlie
society man. 'First you say its a lovely
night for a party; then you ask her if she
doesn't think tho rooms are a little warm.
MI'cll. then ask her Ifsho'sfoudof waltz
lug; thon then oh, say that the floor Is
very slippery.
'H'ell, what next?'
'Ohl' ovldcntly a Hlto strained 'toll
her you like her Btep; then' sudden in
splration 'ask her if she doesn't want i
glass of water; be a long time getting it
and by the time you get back some other
man 'ill be with her.'
Sent. 8. 1888.
Woman's Belief.
"Earth lias no sorrow that heaven cannot.
heal, "whether arising from physical, mental
or moral sources. Tlio promises and con
solations of the gospel furnish abundant
remedies for nil spiritual or mental woes,
and the Creator has stored, in the kingdom
of Nature, remedies for every physical all-
nient. I' or ages the remedies were allowed
to lio dormant, through tlio ignorance of
mankind as to their uses, and for ages more
hut little attention was given to remedies
for tho peculiar allliclions of woman, who'
was looked upon and treated as a slave by
lordly, and then brutal man, ami her suffer
ing regard witii beastly indifference. - In
later times, seienco and Cliristlam philan
thropy have come to her relief, devising
remedies for her peculiar weaknesses, which
havo hcen combined in Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prebcripton, a remedy that cures the pains,
aches, naiibca, displacements, wasting ami
debilitating afflictions to which she is con
stantly oxposcd. "Favorite Prescription"
is the only medicine for women, nold by
druggists, under a positive guarantee from
tho manufacturer!;, that it will give satis
faction in every case, or money will be re
funded. Tiis guarantee has been printed
on tlio holtlo-wrapper, and faithfully car-
ned out for many years.
At .1 theatre In Dublin. a gontlman re
quested a man In front of him to sit, down,
adding sarcastically, 'I suppose you are
awareVsIr, that' you aro opaque.' 'I, shall
sit down when It suits mo,' was the re
sponse, 'and If you want to handle my
namo, mind, It's not O'Pako at all, but
Shiloh's Catarrh Bomedy.
Shllon's Catarrh Iteinedv. a marvelous
cure for catarrh, diphtheria canker mouth,
and head-ache. With each bottle there is
au ingenious nasal injector for the moro
successful treatment of those complaints
without extra charco. Price 60 c. Sold by
T. D. Thomas Lehighton, W. Btery, Weiss-
Tho Adams Exprces Company refusos
to carry llvo snakes, and when we remem
ber how Adam's express company got Into
trouble with ono of tho reptiles in Eden, we
cannot wonder at tho refusal.
Answer This Question.
No. 'J. Why do so many people we see
around us seem to prefer to suffer and be
made miserable by Indigestion, Constipa
tion, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Coming
Up of the lood, ellowbkin, wlicn tor 76
cents wo will sell them Shiloh's System
Vltalizer, guaranteed to euro them. Sold by
1. 1). Thomas, lA'liigliton, . LlIicrvJJ.ejss
lorf .'
When a writer says a certain thing Is
"Impossible to describe," and then uses a
column lu its description, he doubtless
means that nobody hut himself could dr.-
scrlbo It.
H is ntonlsliing how rapidly the feeble
and debilitated gain strength and vigor
when taking Aycr'u .Sarsaparilla. For what
are calleil "broken-down constitutions,"
nothing else hat proved so cflective as this
powerful hut perfectly safe medicine.
Lord Brougbam, bncowhcn ho was In
a facetious mood, being asked to define a
lawyer, said: 'A lawyer is a learned gentle
man, who rescues your estate from your
enemies, nnd keeps It himself.'
Wo haiu a speedy and iiositive
iKMttive cure
catarrh, diphtheria, cai
canker mouth, anil
head-ache. Shiloh's catarrh remedy. A
Nassa) injector fryo with each bottle, Uso
it if you desire health and sweet breath.
I rico 00 cents, rxilu liy I , V. I nomas,
Lcliighlon, W, Biery Weissport.
Tho tlmo for spicing and pickling of
fruit has come, nnd tho economical house
wife may bo seen going through her .hus
band's vest pocket for cloyes.
A trcmondous explosion recently oc
curred In a hall In which over two thousand
people wcro assembled, but no one was
hurl. It was an explosion of laughter.
liupluro euro guaranteed by Dr. J. II. Mayer
Sit Areli Street, l'lula. Hasoat once, no opera
tion or business delay. Thousands eured. iend
forelrculars. ;ly
Odo to tho prlnler $1.
In tho great battle of life many win by
"shooting off their moutji.
li'liy Is tho world llko a piano? Be
cause It is full of sharps aud fiats.
Car Candidate for President,
lie will he nominated by tlie convention
and will be elected by the people, because
lie will come the nourat to filling their
Ideal of a Chief Magistrate. Klectficllit
lers has Iieeu given the highest place, be
cause no other medicine has so well filled
the ideal of a perfect tunic and alterative.
Tho pcoplo have indorsed Electric Bitten
and rely uikjii this great remedy in 'all
troubles of liver, stomach and kidneys. For
all malarial fevers and diseases tccauddby
malarial poHons, Electric Bitten can no be
too highly recommended. Also cures head
ache and constipation. Satisfaction guaran
teed, or money refunded. rice 60c and f 1
at X. D. Thomas.
hi yiiilaiblpliia