The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, August 25, 1888, Image 2

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    The Carbon Advocate
LEHI011T0N, PA..
falw with which nolilior Trosldcnt Cloyo
laud nor private citizens have any particular
right to Interfere." James Q. Blalno.
Mr. Blaine Is entirely wrong. Both
Frosldent Cleveland, and tho people havo a
legitimate right to Interfere with the so
called pools, combinations and trusts that
corner the necccssltlcs of living and regu
late prices, regardless of tho natural law of
supply and demand. It the workings of
these combines that monopllzo and control
ctrtaln branches of our American Industries
are not In direct opposition to tho law
there the fundcmental princlplo of tho
Declurallon of Indcpcndanco and tho con'
stltutlon of the United States aro of no
account. But It cannot bo so. That the
sole ownership of certain Industries should
pass Into the hands and control of certain
Individuals who form themselves Into
corporation, a pool or trust, regulating the
supply and Using tho prices Is directly
against tho princlplo of American liberty.
itr. Blalno Is wrong very wrong, If ho
keeps on in this stylo "tho greatest loving
statesman to-day" will wind himself as the
most "magnificent fool of tho nge."
If indications Ann not misleading
somebody will be elected president
November 0.
sembly 135, held at Cleveland, Ohio, on
8th Inst., Master Workman W. T. Lewis
gayo a very clear definition of strikes
follows: "Through the medium of their
Coal Association tho operators of tho East
and West advanco the price of coal in the
market 25 or 50 cents per ton, regardless of
the consumer's ability to buy. That
'business,' and tho fact Is heralded througl:
our great dallies, and copied by our labor
papers, as an evidence that tho market
'In good condition.' Tho miners, through
their organization, advance the prlco of
their labor five or ten cents per ton, and
they refuse to sell for less It Is a 'strike.
and the men who have the hardihood to
make such a demand are expected to offer
the public an apology for the position they
have taken, and are counselled that thel
only remedy Is education."
Colonel Quay is cruel. It is said
that he recently mailed toJas. Dlnlne
postal card on which was nicely written
"Silence Is golden."
county meeting by Hon. Joseph Fisher,
calling for the appointment of a committee
of Ave to draw up rules, similar to the
Crawford County System, to goycrn
nominations In this county,is a step forward
In clean politics. Tho adoption of this
system will do away with much, If not all
of the predominating "peculiar methods'
ef bosses and rings that so frequently con
iroi nominations for favored parties. Tho
new system Is bioad and Democratic
spirit; the will of the voters find expression,
there Is no stilling of sentiment, no nianl
puiation of delegates no chance for cbrup
tlon or fraud. TTo feel confident that when
the new system Is correctly understood It
will meet tho hearty support of eyery
carbon county Democrat.
Kiuea io serve in me speaking camnalen
miner Hie direction of tho Democratic
State committee. All that Is needed to
carry Pennsylvania for Cleveland is to net
me issue as It Is fairly before the pcoplo of
" wuuih mate, "jsiaucu Ulinuu Demo
The Democratic State Committee has
mado an excellent hit, In securing Mr.
wapsner's services. Ills wide and favora
bl reputation, with his forceful and con.
vlncing style of speaking, will attract many
yotera to the Democratic causo of Reform
and Lower Taxes on the necessaries of
nomocracy In tho Court House at Mauch
Chunk on last Monday was one of the
largest and most enthusastic bodies that
has ever assembled In this county on a
similar occasolon. The Importance of the
present political contest was the means of
bringing out the old political war horses
from all over the county men who haye
oeen prominent In party councils for
quarter of a century and more.
The Democratic voters op Luzerne
connty wat our friend Dershuck, of the
nam aptaktr, to be a candidato for As
sembly, John Is an able and forceful ex.
ponent of tho Jefferson Democracy and
would make a No. 1 Assemblyman. Let
tne wishes of the people be observed.
In the death op Thomas Kemkrer,
sq., Lenignton and Carbon county loses
one or her ablest citizens. Mr. Kcmcrer
was a man of keen and careful judgment,
wiwilgant and capable. He held manv
positions ef trust during life, which clearly
demonstrated the confidence which tho
people had In a man who was always
honest, truthful and fair in all his trans
The mugwumps, the campaign liar
and the Hopper are enjoying an undisturbed
harmonious serenity that pales the glory of
ina oicgest snake story.
Special to the Carbon Advocate.
Glory hallelujahl The Italians are going
back to the classic land of Cicero and Cata-
llne six hundred of them In three weeks,
nag ana Dag sage; not much bag and not
much baggage, but sufficient for the day,
e. They brought a good deal of the
classic dirt of Palermo, Naples, riaa and
Stem City with them, and It Is a happi
ness to record that as man j. of them never
washed themselves while they were here,
that they carried most of the unsavory
th back to their beloved Italy, where
hop It may enrich their vineyards and en
hanee their fortunes. Indeed they were as
uncanny a lot as one would desire to see.
Hre and theie a woman had made a slight
Sort to appear a little fixed up one wore
bright handkerchief about her neck and
had on a clean apron; but the men had
abandoned themselves to dirt. Many of
thsm had been street-sweepers, low scaven
grs and rag-pickers, who sought fortune
la the ash-barrels and refuse cans. Five or
lx had monkeys which they fondled most
Jfectlonately while their children had to
lock out for themselves.
There Is no romantic nonsense about
womtn with your descendant of Julius
Ctoaar; he marries for a helpmeet ana he
to It that she does her duty. As the
salwraol wretches lay around the wharf
waiting to be admitted to the ship, a burly
brat who was smoking his pipe wanted a
triakpf water. In choice Latin he called
Uhb wlfp who was busy with three little
children ono of them an Infaut, to go and
got him a drink. Tho crying of tho Infant
prevented tho poor woman from hearing
hlra, when ho deliberately pulled off his
shoe and throw It at her, hitting her In tbc
back of the head, and supplementing his
command with a choice Latin oath, mado
tho poor woman go up to tho end of the
wharf with her babo In her arms and bring
him a drink. Tho rovalatlons before the
Congressional Committee show that these
people have been Imported here year after
year, and paupers, brigands and all sorts
of Infamous characters that King Humbert
was exceedingly glad to dump down upon
his American cousin "Uncle Sam." Now
that the hegtra has begun, let us hope It
will continue till sunny Italy claims all her
own, and tho ashes of our beloved guests
will mingle with thoso of their forefathers
by the banks of tho Tlbor or under tlio
shadow of Vesuvius; "Valol Vale I Valol
Crlsplno maledetto cospetto'"
I wonder why they bring all their mad
men here? Havo we not got enough of
our own? All tho week has attendants
here boc, Jtruggllng wlh Robcro Garrett,
onus President of the Baltimore and Ohio
Railroad, nnd It has required tho constant
attendance of a corps of skilled nurses to
protect him from doing fatal Injury to him.
self. Here Is a man who stood at tbc head
of one of tho mightiest corporations In the
land, honored In the community whero he
lived, with a fortune that Is counted by
millions, and hero ho Is at middle ago his
body a wreck and his mind in ruins.
Tho city is full of men just like Robert
Garrett, men who havo achieved what tho
world calls succccs, but what a prlco they
havo paid for it I As I look back through
tho years that are gono two figures loom
up before mo, Peter Cooper and George
Pcabody. Every day as I pass the Cooper
Institute I take off my bat in reverence, for
I know that Insldo are hundreds of busy
workers whom his blessed bcncvole.nco has
placed on tho road to Independence. Thous
unds upon thousands have gono forth from
this sacred temple to lives of honor and
usefulness, dally and nightly blessing tho
namejof Peter Cooper. I can see In my
mind's eyo that little bent form with thin
silvery hair and straggling beard, ill-fitting
clothes, and little of the hero about him;
but as he passed through the crowded streets
rude men and women gayo way to let him
pass, and even tho yllcst gamins of the
street, defying God and man, let Peter
Cooper go by. As ho crossed the busy
streets drivers stopped their vehicles to
give him the clear highway. It was the
reverence and love compelled by goodness
which never flagged till death' called him.
No king on his throne ever received such
willing homage,
I stood in front of Gcorgo Pcabody's
statue in London's busiest centre. All
around mo were the marts or tho greatest
commercial country In tho world and there
sat the great American In his regal clialr to
receive tho silent blessings of thousands
whom he had rescued from adject misery
and whose lives ho had made a benediction.
All these rich men who have gono mad, I
notice, are those who haye piled up their
millions and had no tlmo to think of the
poor humanity about them. So A. T.
Stewart died; but ll'm. II. Vandorbllt,
profiting by his example, left a million to
blessed charity, and his children havo given
hundreds of thousands more.
Larry Jerome, "Our Larry," has fallen
by tho wayside and will bo missed by tho
sporting community, of which ho was the
lifo for many years. Wrecked, say you?
Yes, wrecked wrecked beyond hope. Fas1
lives do not pay. Money Is not tho great
end and aim of man. What will Jay Gould
do with his hundred millions? Wo pause
with bated breath for a reply.
In tho neighboring suburb of Staten
isianu resides tlio Jtev. T. u. liotl, a
Baptist minister' not unknown to fame.
lie will bo remembered as having created a
profound sensation a few years ago by
eloping from Philadelphia with the organist
of his church, leaving behind him a wife
and two little children. I dou't know ex
actly how it was that this clerical beat was
allowed to keep on preaching, but he did,
and up to last week was pastor of the
Central Congregational Church In Totter:-
vllle. Early last week frightful screams
Issuing from tho Bolt mansion alarmed the
Inhabitants of that peaceful village, and
the people rushing out discovered Bott
giving Mrs. Bott what Paddy gayo Hie
drum. Mrs. Bott was found with one cvo
'umui "uu
getting ready to give her dose number two;
uo Y.BO yosunastcr rusneu up 10 expostu-
tA 1 I I
uCU uiu luimsier gaye mm lo under-
auiuuiiuai no would chastise Ills wl O 11 ha
liked, and intimated that howouldn'tmlnd
having a go at the postmaster, provided ho
would waive tho Marquis of vQueensberry's
rules and take it rough and tumble. Jfrs,
uott eventually sought refugo lu a drug
store, and Mr. Bott, catching sight of the
editor of the local paper who had published
an account of his escapade from Phllad'el
pma, cnased hlra Into tho post-office.
Yesterday he was turned out of church by
tno trustees. Exit, Bott 1
if It Lad been told as a story of the wild
West, or as haying occurrcl amonc the
barbarous savgesot Africa, you would not
oeneve it. Just think of It! In the
suburbs of Brooklyn, tho City of Churches,
a uruie oyiue name of Jlolian gouged out
both of his wife's eyes; nor did ho commit
the brutal act all at ono time. Ho destroyed
tne lirst eye two years ago and pscaped
punisnmcnt, as his wife, though thus
horribly disfigured, with a porvcrslty
peculiar to woman who aro abused, refused
to prosecute him. From that time till last
week he has taunted her with her disfigure
ment, and time and time acaln told her
mat lie would blind her other eve. Last
week the sayago kept his promise, and
now me poor creature is in total darkness
till death releases her. It Is Impossible to
read or think of such a crime
thrill of horror. It Is, fortunately, with-
out a parallel In our criminal records.
Overtopping all other excitements of the
week was the arrival of James U. Blaine.
'The best laid plans of mice and mon aft
gang aglee," says Burns, and so It proved
In this case; fortho man In whose honor
tue parade was Intended was many miles
away at sea, and as many of the delegations
had icome hundreds, and not only a few
thousands of miles to see the fun, It was
found impossible to hold them tocether anv
longer. So tho chairman of tho Republican.
league, under whose auspices tho parado
was given,
was compelled to lava it then
or not ai all. Like all affairs of tho kind
It was not without Its hatreds and bitter
nesses. Many prcmlnent people, who felt
they were entitled to It, failed to cet
Invitations to the reception steamer, and
numerous outsldo delegations, who thought
they would be the
PDnnanrn rf nil
here, were completely oycr-looked and nn-
ui U ilea I iucu me procession Ulil not ca
fAIiti - 1 1 nil . I
. kUW iGivniui: Dtnuu liii alter inn i
... t - 1
ciock in tho evening, ami it was consider-
nl,1 oft ...t l-ll . , I
mm miuuui wnen ine msi mvision leu
the oponlng of tho campaign of 1888, and 1
from now to the sixth ol Nuvoi'iIt ,
may looii for tl.undir u'A along the l.uc. ,
A circumstance look place last we. k In
Biooklyn which, though not much appuar- i
eutly in itself, uiny possibly turn tho
Presidential election. Wliou It Is rcuiein-,
bered that a change of "six hundred votes'
would liae elected .Vr. Blaine, you caul
understand how Important this local
qnariclinay bo. From tllno Immemorial
llieltiickmenandhackuicii hayo stood with
their trucks and vans around tlio City Hall.
A couple of weeks ago tho Superintendent
of Streets was notified by the Mayor to
renioyo them. Xotlco was served upon
them, but tho men refused to budge.
Then the pollco reserves were called out,
and after considerable resistance the men
werodilven oil. About the city, attendants
and all, (hero arc nearly three thousand of
them. They were Democrats to a man, but
now they swear that on tho Cth t)f Novem
ber they will make Rome howl.
Can any Republican doubt the sincerity
of James G. Blaine In his fcallly to tho
principles of the G. O. P? Tho greatest
citizen of his country stands firm, and the
words of tho poet just fit tho case: Como
one, como all, this rock shall fly, From
Its firm base as soon as I. Ashland Local.
Fiom our natural and personal advant
ages wo can beat the world In lis markets
If our Government will only remove from It
its crushing hand of taxation, and lower tlio
haulers which It has built around us to
provent International commerce.' The world
Is our oyster, and If tho obstructionists of
tho party which Harrison represents can
only bo brushed from our paths, wo shall
come to our own. Lontsvllle Courier- ,
Uandor requires us to testify that some
of Gen, Harrison's recent speeches have
been excellent spcclmans of the popular ad
captandura, off-hand style of stump elo
quence Tliero is a good deal in Harrison
and that is lucky f 01 him. Ho will have
need of support In the hour of defeat.
Now York Sun.
rrcsuient Cleveland In three years ap
proved 1,204 pension bills, only 200 less
than the number sigued by Grant, Hayes
and Arthur during twelve years. "
Tho surprises of Gen. Boulanger's career
seem destined to continue to the end. Ho
was on Sunday triumphantly re-elected In
three departments by yery largo majorities;
nearly 35,000 in Somme, 15,000 in tho
Charcnte and 3,500 in tho Nord. In the
last-named constituency tho majority Is
much less than at his previous election: but
the triple success Is too Important an event
to bo Ignored, and will rcstoro the military
agitator to his former promlncnco as a fac
tor In French politics. New York Star
N. Y. Star. Blaine does not understand
tho American people of to-day. Ho talks
as he might havo dono twentv vears arm tn
fool tlio pcoplo with his magnetic gcncrall-
ties. Ho cannot fool them now. Years of
struggle against tho power of monopoly
and ot constant instruction in labor associ
ations haye educated American workmen
so that they know moro about Industrial
and economic questions than such men as
Blalno know. Tho day of the "magnetic"
leader Is passed.
Tho Democratic voters of Carbon county
will hold their delegate election on Satur
day, September 8, 1888, between the hours
of a and 7 p. m., at tho placo of holding
tho general election In tho sovcral districts,
i.unicss oiucrwise ordered Uy tlio proper
local committee, and duo public notice be
given of tho place specially agreed-upon)
and elect delegates to represent said district
In County convention to bo held at tho
Court House in the Borough of Mauch
Ulautik, on Monday September 10, 1888, at
11 o'clock a.'m., to nomlnato candidates
for the House of Representatives, Associate
Judge, Prothonltary and Clerk of Courts,
Sheriff, Coroner and Jury Commissioner,
and to transact such other business as may
uo In order under tho rules.
'Iho Democratic county cominltlco will
meet at the Court House, in Mauch Chunk,
on tho 10th day of September, to eloct anew
chairman of the of tho County commlttco
for the ensuing year.
Ciias. IF. Lentz, Chairman.
CALL of county cninMin
for JJelegato Election to bo held In each
Borough and Township of the County, on
Sept. 8. from 2 n. m. to 7 1. m. Tim,.
0f delegates tn l.n nlwi,l In
tho boroughs
ana townships will ho as follows
Audenried . . .
Heaver Meadow. .
East Mauch Chunk.
East renn. . . .
Mahoning 2
Mauch Chunk 1st. W 3
Mauch Chunk 2nd W.2
Packer. . . .
l'ackcrton. . ,
l'arryvlile. . ,
l'eun Forest. .
Summit IIII1. .
Weatherly. .
Welssport. . ,
Kidder N. .
Kidder S. .
liiisford. .
i.ausanne. ,
l.elilth . . .
Lehlghton, ,
Millport. . ,
Lehigh Can.
TMnl '
Necessary for choice 29 voters,
Mahoning Items.
The clover seed crop Is a very rich ono
through tuo valley,
Prof. Thomas M. Balllet, Sunt, of tho
puunc schools of Springfield, Mass.. Is
spending a part of his vacation with
percnts and friend in tho Valley.
At tho picnic on Saturday at Pleasant
Corner, a base hall game took placo be
tween tho clubs of Normal Square and
Pleasant Corner. The game was won
by the Normal.
ollss Ella Mussclman, of Weatherly.
accompanied by Misses Florence IJ'rlght
and Ida Patton, of Hazleton, were tile cuests
of Mrs. Thomas Mussclman a few dav
last wceic.
Ar ...! r- vr. t ... . . ..
i mm juia. Hainan liaiuct, left on
Monday for Cape May; at Phlladelpha they
wcjo joined uy tlaelr son Dr. TIghl. M.
n..titi, ...
........... uu nn, uuL'umpany mem on tholr
trip, they expect to be gono about a week,
Mr. George Lentz, of Nls Hollow, has
a 11 fo grey fox In his possession, which ho
caught on a treo a few weeks ago.
We aro pleased to note that Mr. G. r
Frogman, who has been suffering for the
last few months with malarial troubles. Is
getting better.
Mrs. Ileuben Zellner died nulte un
expectedly of hcait troubles, on Wednesday
In her COth, year, and was burled In tha
St. John's cemetery on Saturday
Also on Sunday afternoon at the samo
attend the funeral of a two veartti ihiM ."S
Hias Stoudt, of Summit
Hill, who died of
intermittent fever.
On September 1st, tliero will boon
exhibition at the popular stovo store of
James Walp, on Bank street, the new
discovery Tho Gauzo Door Stoves and
iiaillJL'S. Jipnn iiia nnvoH ttnnrl nAH-
ti i . . ..
Ing elsewhere In to-day's Issue and then
and see the. wnnderfnllnAnii
Ji umActuou will UQ
oreanizetl hprn I
if mi tiArim,i nf iimipk m
. . M ur
tfay. Tue charter has . been applied
New Advertisements,
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A marvel nf nnritv
strength and wholcsomcncss. Atom pennnmiiMi!
than tho ordinary kinds, and cannot bo sold in
competition with the multitude nl low test, shoit
weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only
Notice to Trespassers.
All persons aro hereby forbid tresnaiOnir
my lands In East I'enn, Carbon Co.. l'a., forhimt
Ing, fishing orany other purpose All trespass-
raiLip SCHOCH,
Aus.4-.-4 w. Kast I'enn. l'a.
Tn rxinvnea fni mm nf flin lnn 1 .1 r
established, BliST KNOWN NlfltSliH.
Unoniiallcd facilities. 'OKNHVA Nttusuiiv
ii'.nm inn ro inrrv. Moot tnra urm.
Established 1810. W. & T. SMITH, (1HNEVA,
a. x. AUgSSOW
I hayo Just opened nCoal In connection
wmi my notei in wuinaruid wiiorc can
constantly bo found all sizes of the
at prices Fully as Low ns the Lowest,
a trial and be Convinced.
Giro mo
iort Allen House, TFeissnort,
Fairbanks Standard Scales in Connection.
August 25, 4in
A ppiH(nt I if a Rj Pirn
IUCV ' lJ rift;
Bank Street, Lehighton,
St!,1! J,.1,'1.0 "Sency for tho following
B.1 .?UKANCE ,?M-
n ir, which- can bo recommended to
1110 piiunc as rciiectly Safe and Reliable,
The National Life Insurance Co,
it Indemnity Co,
nal Live Stock
Compelont workmen sent to
any part of
tho county.
iinADQUAinr.ns roil'
Wall Farers. Borflers & Decorations.
I-irga assortment, and the latest stjles.
Stationery, Fancy
All ..n.tnn UI....I. .
n Hiatus. ouiiuu jnuKiiig ana putt nir nn
Paints, Oil, Varnish, Putty
Brushes & general Painters'
No. 61 Broadway Mancb Chunk Pa
Below the Broadway House.
PENNINOTON, N. J. y 49th Year.
On direct line of It. It. from Lohlghton.
THOMAS IIANLON. I). D President!
commended hy Dr. McCosh. Excclla m health,
discipline, hpme comfoits and scholarship.
SiiO covers all expenses and extras hut Art ami
...Mi.. m.iiiiKui'3 , ui-y ui'iiuiiiut una conm pin
13 "W" EEKS.
me ruwUK GAZETTE w ill 1M n,.iu.i
ffl rnl IT nrrm.rid.l sv ..... ..IJ f . , i
en ouhps lorinreo monins on recelut of
One Dollar.
mineral discount allowed lo nnslimiA
flffAnla artA ..tail. a aAM.., . . - '
Address all orders to
May 30,1885-ly Frinklin Squirk, N. Y.
Notice to Builders.
iiwuDiio in iwt iiuim, uccorduiK to plans
and specifications now at the house of ifcu i il
Kressley. The rlpht is reserved to reject a iiv m
all ot the projiosais received. '
Uy order of the School Hoard ot Mahoning Tn p.,
iiAir.i. jwiiisai.iSY, Secretary.
i.iTilero.u nIso l'0 ofered at Puhllo Kale, at
Pleasant Corner, l'n n.. ..,. ,i,..
clock r. M., by tlio School Hoard, the' Old liinf,i!
liiK unu school j,ot of w lurches, now vacated at
Heaver Itun, to the highest bidder. ,al,,Iwl 111
uy order of the School Board.
DANIEL Kltl'.SSI.KY, Secretary,
July 20. 1888-W3' " " """ "l
CcnUlot iUo fuii nt n
Ib mil klanriinl K.k..
tftiu. Ainoathtutl)Ki,i
n n vim niinierwiiuMtlinM.
uqh 1 n4u.rl to get tnr oihr. Dill
WINTER & CO.,t-uU.,aorlnsfleld, MaiiJ
Coal, Coal, Cea
Respectfully announce! to tlio public that ho lias
opened a NltW MVKUV STAIlLE,andtlintlio Is
now itrpn.ircil in fnrnUli Trnti, fnr irnnnMi.
Weddings or llinlncss Trips on tho shortest no
tloo and most liberal terms. Orders left at the
"uiiruoi; 11 ousts- win receive prompt attention.
noxt the HMcl, Lchlzliton. )an22-vl
Beware of fraud, as my name and the price
aro stamped on tlio bottom of nil my advertised
shoes lieforo leaving the faetoiy, which protect
the wearers against high prices nnd Inferior
Roods. If o dealer offers V. L. Douhi.ah shoes
at a reduced price, or says ho has them without
my namo and price stamped on the bottom, put
tin iivmi it iia (i nimui
W. L.Douglas
$3 Shoe. genSmen.
The only flno S3 Seamless Shoo In the world
mado without tapkh nit tiaii.h. as Rtviuti
and durable ns thoso costliiRSS or SO, and having
no tacks or nails to wear thostocklncor hiirtthc
feet, makes them as comfortable and well-llltiiiK
as a baud sewed shoe. Buy the best. None
penulncunless stamped on boltoin " W. L. Doug
las S3 Shoe, warranted."
W. L. Douolass SI Siton, tho oiUdnal nnd
only hand sowed welt SI shoe, which equals cus-tom-mado
shoes costing from Su to fn.
, W. 1,. Douai.As S2.S0 Biiok Is unexcelled for
ncavy wear.
W. L. Douolar S2 Shoe Is worn by nil Boys,
and Is the best school shoo In tho world.
All the abovo goods aro mado In Congress,
Button and Ijico, and If not sold by your dealer,
Quickest Selling Aitlcle eVer Invented.
Used in any Dash Churn.
1'iTTan.uiia, l'a., Sept. 21, 1887.
"We. tho unilorslirneil. eerllfv 1 1 , :i t. i linvi.
witnessed tho churning of tho 'Perfect Self-lie-
voivlng Cliuiii Dasher hi one minute mid thirty
secouds, producing Three nnd Threo-nuarter
13 3-41 rounds of Granulated Butter from ono
Gallon of Cream from tho Kecdinont Creamery.
T. D. Harmnn. Editor National Stockman.
It. J, nomlngrny.l'rop. City Milk it Duller D'pnt.
.Ino. W. TaTor. Cashier Cltv Savhicri Hank.
Cant. .1. IC. Barbour, Secretary Oil Exchange.
W. Clutter. Tro. Diamond Milk-lltittnr Donnt.
Thos. I. Day, W. Steinmeyer,
F. O. Iteed. Creanierv. C. it. Gardner. Johnson, Leader,
i,. ii. luuiiarus, no u. r. uawson. l osr.
S. S. linger. City Hall, Jas. Hughe, Press
Edward Lassus, ' T. V. Drultt, S. H. Supt
T. E. Murphy, J. W. Morcland,
.I.J. WrlL'llt.Vlcnnallest.liilliH Hoffman.
C. II. McAuley.Clty CafoDr. II. Bullen,
Capt. W. 0. Cook, John Born, Hall.
CoujfTv and Township ltionxs rouSAuj,
aus.4-13 Parnassus, Ri.
Tho undersigned nfTers far snlA fla r.,llni,.
inns grimes oi I'jiuBriiAiiss,
Complete Bono Phosphate
VltlCE, $35.00.
This Is the best phosphate on the market, nono
Complete Bone Manure !
ritlCE, $32.00
-Especially adapted to fruit trees of nil kinds
Lehigh Phosphate, Price $27,
Soluble Phosphate and Potash
1'ltICE, 521.00.
Soluble Itock Phosphate !
l'KICE, 122.00.
These cheap grades compare favorably with anv
phosphates costing the same price. Give them
a mm. ah cranes pacKCO 1JKY In 200 lbs. acid
iruui iiiiKS inn
(Till weight. Always on hand and
or sale
August 4, 3m LEUIQIITON.
Itcuioves Paint and Grease from Woolens,
niiks, oaiins, uasnraercs.Laces .Crapes,
Ac. Hy the use of CLEAN ZINH
Clothing of any Material, Car
pets, Lap Robes, Car
rlaio Cushions, Trim
mint!!, &c, can
hn nn I plrlv
cleaned of dirt, crease or paint without In-
piry. ins wunouian equal for removing
laminin, ircckies, eunburn, tan, tfc.
2't Cents a Hotllc.
Trade Supjilled by tho Proprietor
Dr. T. E. Davis, Summit Hill.
For Sale by T. I). THOMAS, Leliightnn.
Switch-Back Congb Gore
Is the most certain and speedy remedy In the
world Coughs. Colds, Croup. Hoarsenes, Whooii
Ing cough, Innuenrn, Sore Throat, (tc. Try It.
l'rleo, THcnty-Flve Cents,
Leopold Meyers
Lesooo of Dolan Stono Quarry,
Is now prepared to supply at short uollco
of tho very hest quality at prices tho I.OW
.iT Persons contemplating hmldlng
will positively sayo money hy calllnc on
and learnlnc prices. niar3-05
, , J. T. NUSHAUM. Lehlchton,
will also furnish prices on application.
Machine Shop,
'JLIio undcislsned announces to tho
citizens of Lehlchton and tho surrounding
country that ho has opened a shop for the
Repair of
Machinery !
Hitclins Agricultural Implement!), Sharpen'
Ins Ijiwn Mowers, th-lndliiB l'lani r Knives,
tint; and Pump Work.nnil inanntaclurliiK tlraln
All work Ruarantccd at tho IcnveM prices.
In Rear of Gabel's Hardware
Aprils. lv
IlavniK BtrugRled 20 years between life nnd
death will; Asthma or Phthisic, treated by
eminent physicians, and receiving no benefit, 1
was compelled durliiK the last 8 vears of my 111.
iiess to alt on my chair day and night gasping
for breath. My sunerlnfrs were beyond deserhE
tlon. In despair I experimented on mvself l!v
mcdlclno Ihusobtalned. I fortunately discovered
TAltlllt. warranted to rellevn the h,,i,k,,.
rooisnnit herbs and inballnir tho
case of Asthma In Fivr Minutks, so that tho
patient can lie down to rest nnd sleep comfort
ably. Please read tho following condensed ex
tracts from unsolicited testimonials, all of re
cent date:
Oliver V. K. Holmes, San Jose, Cal., writes
"I find tho remedy all and even more than ren
resented. I receive Instantaneous relief."
JJ- Carson, A. M., Warren, Kail., writes
"V as treated by emlnentphyslelansof this coun .
try nnd Germany: tried the climate of il liferent
states-nothing afforded relief like vourprepara-
L."lt. riielps. P. If., Griggs, Ohio, write! "Suf
cred with Asthma 40 ye!H 8. Your nudlclno In
Smlnutes docs more for mo than the most emi
nent physician did for me In tlireu years."
II. C. iMlmpton.JolIct, 111., writes: "Send Ca
tarrh ltcmedy nt once. Cannot get along with
out It. I llnd It to bo ono of the most valuable
medicines I havo ever tried."
Wo have many other hearty testimonials of
cure or relief, and In order that all sufferers from
Asthma, Catarrh, Hay Fever, and kindred di
seases may have an opportunity of tesllng the
value of tho Itemedy wo will send to anv aifdress
vour druggist fails to keep it do not permit him
osellyou somo worthless Imitation bv his ren
e.scntlng It to be Justus good, but send directly
ns. Wrlto your namo nnd address plainly.
Address, J. ZIMMKKM AN & CO., Props,.
Wholesale Druggists. Woosler, Wayne Co., O.
sire box bv mall Sl.oo. uly2ly
Competition Open to All
on the following conditions: Tolntcresttheagvd
and also tho young during tho leisure hours, day
"f evening, we offer the following prizes for the
hunt von woilDS." Fortho largest list of
words framed by tlio letters composing the
wo will give Ten Dollars: for tho next largest
.nu,i;ii iuii.,rs; ior mo next largest use Afive col
lars, tuid for tho next three largest lists Ono Case
of 1'iirltcnn each. All lists must reach mo before
uiTcnwr iiiui, itsnsnna must bo accompanied
with ten trado marks, cut from packages of Furl
tcne. No word to bo admitted which contains
less than four letters! but use no other letters
Lllilll IIIW3U tUllllHISIIlg ine WOIU
Ask your merchants fortho powder: It sells nt
ren Cents a pound, and Is superior to Soaplne or
It a trial. Insist upon your merchant getting It
,. ,(.IU IIU UlllCi.
(Jcneral Shlpiilng Agent for Pennsylvania,
Henry Jolf,
an AccominoOation 'Bus
Hotels and L. V. Depot
Parties called for at their Homes by Leaving or-
ucia ilk liny ui ine nuieis.
Aprils, 1887
Graduate of riiila. Dental College.
Perseryation of the Teetli a Snecialtv.
OFFICE HOUltSi From 8 a. m. to 6 p. in.
OAS HALL, Market Square, ilaueh Chunk.
'ino Doors North ol I'ost-Ofllce.
OFFICE HOUliS: 7 to 9 a. in. nml 5 to 7 p. m.
April L's-sm
Heaters and
In Great Variety at
Samuel Gkavek's
opulur Store, Bank Street.
Roofing and Spouting a special
ty, btove repairs hunished'
on sliort notice. Prices
Iteasonablo ! !
For our Choice and Hanlv Nurserv Hlnek.
Steady work for energetic men. Salary and ex
penses, or commission If preferred. Satisfaction
guaranteed to customers and agens, Write Im
mediately for terms, State age. Address
It. O. CHASE A- CO.,
1430 South I'enn Hanaro, l'hladeluhla Pernio.
aiu. II fw.
The moat tvonderfiillv cnmnletn erillertfmi nf
the absolutely useful and practical which has
ever been published Innny nation on the globe.
A marvel of every day talue ttnd actual money
nruliig and money saving to eery possessor,
lundreils noon hundreds of beautiful nml heln.
fill engravings. Its extraordinary low price bo
vond coiniM'titlon NolhlniMii tha wholt, lilstnrv
of tho book trade like It. Select something of.
real value to tho eople, and sales are sure
Agents Iih king for a new anil tint class book,
wrlto for full description and terms, so days'
tlmo ghen Agents without capital. SCAM
MULL i CD. I'lllI.ADKI.I IIIA.l'a. feblB-mO
Oscar Christman,
Livery ami Exclianqe Slahhu.
Easy riding carriage! and safe driving horses.
Best accommodations to agents and travellers.
Mall and teleffruiih orders innmiiHvuttenrieil tn
UHenie atrial ' tnav2My
We are positively headquarters for
anything in the way of
Boots, Shoes,
Hats and Caps,
Gent's Furnishings,
Children's Beady-Made Clothing',
Carpets, Hugs,
Matting, Matts,
Oil Cloths. Floor and Stair,
Window Shades,
Lace Curtains,
The largest
ment. The lowest prices to
found in
We Make Shoes a Specialty.
If you are having any trouble in
ting lilted m shoes,
claim to he ahle to lit everybody ; we carry
a full line of shoes in all the different styles
and widths, in hand-sewed, Goodyear
welts and machine sewed.
Wo want to call special attention
to our Patrol Shoe, in bals and con
gress, at $2.50. They are specially
adapted for railroaders or men that do
much walking, or in laet, everybody
that appreciates comfort in foot-wear.
Come and see what we hare. JNTo
trouble to show goods. Respctf y,
Opera House
With Wire Gauze Oven- Door. Everybody welcome to wit
ness the Perfection of Cooking, Broiling and Roasting of
Meats and Baking Bread by this new Discovery.
Showing a Saving of One-Half in Roasting Meats.
The Wire Gauze Oven Door
While it does not cool the oven,
a constant supply of Fresh Air to the oven, resulting in a perfect
chemical change, producing bread far superior to the brick oven.
The broad, when baked, is liclit. norous. healthv. nasilv rlifrpstpd
and never moulds ; the size is increased one-quarter ; the loss in
weight decreased fifteen per cent.
Improve the Opportunity to"
Roasting, foiling and Cooking
James Walp, Agent,
All new Spring Styles now ia
All new goods in a now store.
All old goods wero sold out at
Elegant white Back Papers,
)c. 7c. Hie. and 12c. for I'lece.
Elegant Gold Papers,
5c. and flOc. Per Piece.
Eleorant Gold JEintossea Paners,
35e. and $1.00 Per Piece.
Felts and Ingrains,
20c. nnd 00c. Ar Piece.
Samplei and estimates sent free. Ex
perienced workmen sent to all parts of the
city anil country, ah coous warranted into
from arsrnic, perfect, anil full length.
M. Merigan,
MF.W, Philadelphia.
The largest
he this region.
call and see us. We
it thoroughly nurifios it. nddinr
see the Public Exhibition of
1st, 1888,
at the popular Stove Store of
bW8? rupture RsyiEF&
rJUno." " ddrficiniiitel? thU hp-
Will do all your
uvra rjmung or
e&rrj money prist
In for other.
tour boy can
ran It. Outfit-,
" uu riw uuat 90,
f 10,' 120, 135, or more,
aocordlng to ilzo-ono
as mod u another.
Ia us9 all oyer the
Full Information In
a book called IIow
loi-riut. Free with.
umplei of ModilE
press worx, upon ap-j
912 Arch Stmt, PhlUdtlphlr..;
See what Is said about
The Model Press.
My Model I'reu netted me In three molilh ov'n
tjuo.oo-l neer had Instructions In prlutlng be
f.ire, yet I set up and printed 10,000 deposit tickets
on my Mtxlel I' the day after I received It. 1
have mad more than double what my Model
I'ress.cos. me the first two months. -Havo done
about fjo,oo worth of work on my Ho, I Modal
l'ress. It beats ail. After three years' use I
find n y Model Tress as good as new. Tho
Model l'ress Is well built nnd ought to last half
a century.
The Model Press
1; fully equal to the largest and costliest ma
chines for lino Card aud OK.NEltAI. IIUSINEHM
printing. Any smart boy can turn out hundred
of dollars worth of work every year, even with
one of the smaller sties. Address.
iiiiiiiH m.wrjt.t
Tijic Model Phess Co., Ltd.,
012 Arch Street,
uiyl2-jl FuiLAiMxi'inA, Pa,