The Carbon Advocate LEHICMTON. PA., SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 1883. RNTBtlKD AT THB HtlltonTON rOST-OFFICB AS BBOOND CLASH MAIL MATTER. DEMOOBATIG COUNIY MKBT1N0. , Tha annual Democratic county meeting will b held In the Court House, In tlio J-sronsh of Mauch Chunk, on JJonday, August 20th, 1888, at 11 o'clock a. ta. It will be th duty of this meeting to name pwionsto hold tha delegate elections In th different townships and boroughs In th county; fix the time of holding the eennty nominating convention and select a cowty committee for the ensuing campaign and transact any 6ther business upon which It feu power to act. CnAB. W. Lentz, chairman. this country who is more earnest or Indo- fatlgahlo In effort to promoio tho welfare and maintain the permanency of His party than Is this crcat millionaire. Ills present Illness Is tho result of oyer-work aud worry consequent to thorough political organiza tion. During the tlmo that tho iuills bill was before Congress ho delivered a speech in lis support, the equal of which, for logi cal reasoning and philosophy of facts has had no equal In tho past dozen years. Tlio country looks anxiously to his rapid and complete recovery. America sa.ts: "The bubal lkqis- iator It an ass.". America Is. evidently a tool. DISTRICT ATTORNEY BAPSHEE'S BEPLT, Th North American Review for August contains Mr. Rapshcr's reply to Don. Isaac H. Bromley's article In the July number ntltled "Abuse of Corporations." It Is concise, and wo think a conclusive answer, W a quote a single but significant sentence, 'I am clad to be reassured, by Mr. Broru lay, that Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska and several other, states hayo begun to control tha corporations In their several jurlsdlc lions, and I hopo the tlmo may soon como when wo shall bo able to do tlio satno hero In Pennsylvania." To appreciate tho high position which Mr. Bapsber has attained, the character and standing of this famous monthly uiaiiazino must bo taken Into consideration. Tho New Tork Herald recently spoke of Itas follows; "The North American Review holds the foremost place In the periodical literature of the United States. Under Allen Thorn- dike Bice's management It brines to all classes the profoundest thought and high est scholarship, In tha discussion of the most vital, living and interesting topics of the day. Seeking truth wherever It may ba found it presents both sides of questions In eTery field of research. Only tho very bast can gain access to its pages. It has a large circulation In all parts of the world. Equal justice to all Is Us motto. Tho readers are the Judges and Jury; tho writers the witnesses and advocates." The Revslw Is bound Into two handsome and Invaluable volumes each year contain Ing about 700 pages, and may bo found upon the shelves of every Library of any Importance In the world. The July number began "Vol. 147. Vol 140 contains Mr. Kapshcr's article on "Dangerous Trusts" which first appeared In the May number, and has attracted so much attention that It has been reprinted and commented upon by newspapers all oyar the country. It Is a matter of great satisfaction td us to be able to say that Mr, Bapiher's conclusions In that celebrated article are everywhere sustained by the ablest thinkers. Especially, is it worthy of note to obseryo that Stale, and National Committees of Investigation, who have since reported upon tho workings of the so called "Trusts," fully sustain and corrobor ate .Mr. Bapsherln all he so eloquently and forcibly said. The Review Is copyrighted, or wo would Rladlj republish these articles 'for the bene. fit of oar readers. Wo shall endeavor to secure the right to do so however. i .1... 1 . 1 - A . .. .ll.1 uiai even mo roust uuiiiiuucu hhiiusiiv looked for life beyond tho grave and found in man tho essence of an Immortality that could nover perish. Hero It Is: "Let us bellovo that pure thoushts.bravo words and generous deeds can never die; let us bollovo that they bear fruit and add forovor to the well-being of tho human race; that a self-denying life Increases tho moral wealth of men and gives us tho assurance that the future will be grander than the past It Is safe lo say that over no other man of tho century hayc tho most pronounced acnostk' and the eminent orthodox clergy. man stood to do mortuary honors. Almost every .grade of society and every shade of religious belief assembled to do honor to the deceased. IIU cremation on tho same afternoon returned to their original ele ments all that was mortal of Courtlandt Palmer, All tho week wo have been wrestling with the Italian problem, and wo arc now confronted with tho startling fact that there are 72,000 of them In the city of New Tork alone, and over 400,000 In tho United States. It Is now clearly, demonstrated that tho great body of theso aro assisted immigrants, and that their relation with dcr the beneficent Influcnco of a protective the bosses who Import them Is virtually tariff. Rnems to think that tho stockholders that of master and slave. They hlvo to- of Pennsylvania stoel works should bo In- gether, fifteen or twenty In a single room, dieted for obtaining money under false men, women and children, all packed In, nretences. and Controller Trcnholm an- till tho health authorities havo been com- nouncos. in the Forum, that tho govern- pclicd to interfero to prevent a pestilence, mcnt Is a thief, aud that tho protected In- A band of rascally Italian speculators hayo dustrles aro benefited by "systematic" leagued with certain steamship companies stealing. Bad languages Is not usually ro- from whom they received ten dollars a head carded as a slcn of Inward and spiritual for each-Immigrant; then when tho Imml eracc, nor of calm assurance in the right- grant arrived here llfey iurned around and cousncss of one's cause. robbed him of his wages as soon as ho got KvnnsfflllnTml.. JJiiJeinfRcn.). Evans- work, and this Infamous traffic has been PERSONAL AHD rOLITICAL. Washington Post. And now comes the man who went back In tho musty past and found tho fouith plank In tho platform, on which Grant was nominated In 1808, to read as follows: "It is duo to the labor of tho nation that taxation should bo equalized and reduced as rapidly as tho national faith will permit." Twenty years later thoy have foreotten cnuallzatlon and want reduction on whisky." Mail & Express, Queer lot of theso freo tradcrsl Mr. Scott, who has flourished un. The aAixANT littlk Ppil Sheridan la dead; death the great and mlchty levellci of all things mortal has claimed blm as a conquest to her unnumbered hosts that aro silently marching In tho great, unexplored beyond from which no traveller has jet returned. ylllo Is the first commercial and inanufac- luring city of tho groat Stato of Indiana, tho Statu which is the homo of Honorable Benjamin Harrison, Republican nominee for the Presidency of tho United States, Yet, In this city of such vast Importance, tho Republicans, with very, very few excep tions, aro utterly disgusted at the action of tho Chicago Convention. Every man in this community knows that tho Rullctiii'la as true lo Bopublicau principles as It Is possible for any paper In tho world to be, Those mlnclplcs wo love and honor, and wo hopo to sco prevail, notwithstanding the fact that tho Republican candidate for the Presidency has proved himself, by his record on the Chinese question, to bo an enemy to American labor and opposed- to liberal views by his fanaticism on tho temperance question." On all hands and among all classes of Republicans, we hear of their determination not to support Harri son, and it Is as well for Republicans all oyer tho Union to understand, once for all, that Evansville, the first city of manufac turing Imoportanco in Harrison's own Stato, has no earthly use for him and will not give him its Republican support. R. Norman Wallace, Esq., editor and ono of the proprietors of the nazleton Sen tinel, died last Friday morning after a few days Illness. His untimely death has cast sadness nnd gloom Into the homes of a host of friends and leaves a young widow behind to mourn her loss. Ho has been married but a month the day he died. Ho was a young man of much promise, well educated and Intelligent, an ahlo newspaper writer, one that would have made ids mark had he lived Phlh. Evening Herald lion. IV. M. Rapshcr, the leading member of the Carbon County Bar, tho author of "Dangerous Trusts," in tho "North American Review,' has a reply In tho August number of the "Review" to an article by ox-Governor Issac II. Bromley, entitled, "Abuse of No name in American history shine? Corporations." Mr. Rapshcr Is a forceful fertkmore grandly, nobly and conspicu ously than does that of General Sheridan. Bold, Indefatigable, 'honorable and heroic, he achieved a reputation during the great clyll strife that clung to him as It clung to no other man or men who distinguished themselves in the war of tho rebellion. General Sheridan first saw the light of day In Somerset, Perry county, Ohio, on thefltbdayof Maich, 1831. His parents were poor, but that meant nothing to Obloans, aud It was said of the Sheridan's that they were good stock. Little Phil was characteristic of Sheridan stock, aud many an amusing, daring and pugnacious story is told of his early life. Ho was ap pointed to a cadetship In tho H'cst Point Military Academy through the favor of a Congressman, and there, as In later life, he soon distinguished himself. He died on Sunday night at 10:20 o'clock. The wholo country mourns the loss of a gallant votary. Peace be to his ashes, writer of keen analysis and sound logtc. Befoie the Democratic Stato Convention of 18S7, ho was prominent as a candidate for Judge of tho Supreme Court Pennsylvania. Cleveland Leadar (Rep.). Calvin S, Bricc, of Ohio; Arthur Sowall, of Malno; inillaui L. Scott, of Pennsylvania, and William Barnum, of Connecticut, tho four prominent figure-heads In the campaign of the Democratic party, are connected In some official capacity with thlrty-flyo of tho mast prominent railroads of the United States, but our Democratic contemporaries have not been over zealous Jn mentioning this fact. Special to tho CAitnou Advocate, BROADBRIM'S 1 Y. LETTER. No event in our social life ha3 caused a mora profound sensation than the death ot Courtlandt Palmer, whoso funeral oration was pronounced by his friend Col. Robert- G. Ingcrsoll, assisted by tho Rev. Heber (. Newton of AH Souls Protestant Episco pal Church, Mr. Newton has long been re garded as one of tho most advanced think ers of his church, and his lectures on the Blhlo a few Tears ago gave the good Blshbp Potter tho gravest anxiety. By many ex cellent orthodox Episcopalians he was re quested to Bllence the iconoclastic preacher who did not believe In Adam and Eve, and who even questioned the story of Sampson's lialr and David's sling, and was a good deal more remarkable for what he didn't be lieve than for what he did. As I said, the good Bishop was gravely troubled; but he adylsed, Instead of expulsion and silence, spiritual purgation, low diet and rest; and the result of this treatment proved so ef fectual that the Rev. Mr. Newton, after a few months, returned to All Souls, and wo heard no moro of his scriptural vagaries till he turned up at the funeral of Mr Palmer on Thursday last. Pew men in this community were better or more favorably known than Courtlandt Palmer, The only man In this community who at all compares with him Is (Jhauucy M. Depow, late, a candidato for the Presidency and at present President of the New York Central Rail road. Mr. Palmor was born to wealth, but Instead of choosing a life of Ignoblo case, he sought aud attained distinction at tho Bar, and was regarded as one of our ablest lawyers. Tho Nineteenth Century Club embraced many of the most eminent think ers and llteratcurs In tho laud, and Mi Palmer, by reason of his fitness and position was chosen President without a dissenting voice. He was a man of great ability, of high social position, of singularly pnro life, and all these things combined to make his death one of the most marked events of tho time. Then tho manner of his death savored of the heroic, for ho was about to undergo a painful operation, where tho chanco for life was only one In a hundred, When preparing for the terrible ordeal ho gaye directions calmly and clearly for the arrangements of his functal and the dispo sition of his body, and then submitting himself to tho hands of the surgeons, In an hour had solved tho great mystery of mys teries. Col Ingersoll'a magnificent tribute Foliowwq closh on the beported to the memory of his departed friend has serious Illness ot Samuel Jackson Randall been so generally commented on that It Is and the death of General Sheridan, comes not necessary further to speak pf It; but tke news of tbe complete prostration of one little passage, which was a splendid William Scott, the great coal millionaire peroration as the Colonel pronounced It, nnd Congressman, of this state. There Is and ono which transfixed his hearers, was veibaps no other politician or publicist in a few lines which would seem to Indicate THK PHILADELPHIA TIMES OP A I.ATE date In sumlng up and discussing the salient features of the Lehlgh-Bcrks con gressional muddle says among a goodly number of other things: "Aud what gives a few politicians of two counties the right to bargain that the people of Berks and Lthlgh shall be confined to one county one year and to another county another year in tha choice of a Congressman? Congress men are not chosen to execute tho contracts of county politicians, but, presumably at least, to serve 'the people; aud while one term may be just one term too much for one man half a dozen terms may not be enough for another man, If tho Interests of the country are to he considered. If a majority-el the people want Mr. Ernien trout, one, two, threo or more terms, he should caye them; If they want Mr. Sowden oa, two, three or more terms, he should have them; or If they shall choose to take neither of them either now or hereafter, no compact ot politicians should stand In tho way for a moment." Does this not apply aa foicelully and logically to the condition of affairs In our own Congressional District. If not, why not? TKB jCT10N THAT TROUBLES THE leaders of both tho great political parties about this time is as to how Irishmen will yote. From what we know of Irishmen It strike us that they will vote pretty much ai they please. As a rule all Irishmen aro Independent and liberal thinking, and are not to be "blarneyed" into voting for tho leaders of any particular party. It Is a well-known fact that the great majority st voting Irishman In this country are Dem ocrats, from tbe fact, no doubt,that Democ racy believes In a wider and frcccr scope of liberties ot a people than does Republican ism; tt Is this great principal that makes Irishman, who come from a land of tyranny and oppression, embrace the .Tcffersonlan faith ot "equal and exact rights to all re gardless et creed or party." This being the caaa la there any reasonably apparent cause or object for Irishmen to vote different this Tear? If there Is we fail to see It. Al though, by the way, this Is a big subject (or the campaign liar to tackle. going on for years. By fraudulent swearing whole gangs of them that could not speak a word of our languago havo been mado citi zens of the United States, and the boss contracted lo vote them In grags, and this Is the matcral that decides our elections. There aro only 140,000 Chlnamou In tho United States, and thcro never has been since 1800 more than 241,000 all told. Yet wo were so fearful that John was going lo gobble us up that wo passed tho most stingent laws to keep hlin ont. John has never given us the trouble that theso Itallaus have. Tha great body of them look like brigands, and If they are not they havo evidently mistaken their profes sion. Even tho smallest boy goes with a stillcto In his boot, If he has any, and If not he stuffs It down his back. Stabbing and murders appear to bo their fayorlto past- time, anil scarcely a week goes by that does not hear of an attempted assassination Mrs.. Cignar.ile, whose death sentence has just been commuted to imprisonment for life, shot down her husband In open day, after taking lessons from her loyer how to handle a pistol nnd kill him. Andre, her loyer, persuading her that there was no punishment for killing a husband hero in tho United Slates. Wiiilo thcro aro numbers of Italians hero holding high social, mercantile and financial positions, thcro is no denying It that tlio great body of them aro disgustingly filthy nnd brutally ignorant. IPhcrevcr gangs of them work together they usually become a terror to the neighborhood, and the serious question Is forced upon us now: "H'hat are you going to do-about It?" A Congressional Committee has been sitting here all the week, and daylight is being let Into the crookedness of the Italian Padrones. But here they are. They must be fed and thoy must bo housed, and It may startle those who arc opposed lo cheap labor to learn that theso Immigrants can .live liko Nabobs on twenty-five cents a day. Wo will hayo to put up the bars and keep them out as wo did to the Chinamen, or It we would add another 72,000 to the 72,000 wo now havo In New York, the Americans about hero will haye to seek refuge In Rome, Naples and Palermo, for America will no longer bo an abiding place for them. Already they havo possession of all tho fruit-stands and boot-black stands in New York; thoy con trol tho hand organ business and do nino tcnths of the street sweeping. H'hat Is In store for us from this Latin dclugo wo know not, but in tho calamity which threatens us wo feel like crying out: Savo us, oh save us, from Julius Cresar, Jfare Antony, Brutus, Casslus, Clgnarall, Abrutzzl, and all tho rest, for if you don't we're done for. Brother Harilson still continues his tri umphant march on the cltldels of sin; hut I record It with grief that the devil, taking advantago of Brother Harrison's engage ment with the brokers, has mado a descent on Ziou's Colored Church In Brooklyn, which nearly proved Its ruin. Last week the church had a plc-nlc. They look several large barges and a towboats and went up the rlver,and now that tho danger Is past wo consider It a mercy of Providence that one half tho congregation was not utterly destroyed. Tho party got off all right, about six hundred strong, and they had laid themselves out for a big day's en joyment; but the hawser was scarcely cast oil from the wharf when It became evident that Satan was on board In propria per- sonnie. bent on mischief. A black tough on the lower deck drew a piofauc pack ot cards and challenged any of tlio lookers on to a little game of draw-poker with fifty cents anto. Another laid down a sweat cloth and started In business. A third amused tho crowd with three-card moutc. while tho fourth assured the assembled crowd that thcro was not ono of them could tell where the little joker was. Deacon Baldwin and Trustee Johnson tried to stop them, hut one half of a rip water-melon planted rudely on the top of Brothe Bald win's head Incapacitated him from further expostulation, and a plaster under the jaw made Trustee- Johnson think of the earth quake at Charleston. In less time than It lakes to tell It the air was alive with razors and beer glasses flow In every direction, There was only ono policeman on the boat aud they chased him Into tho pilot house, Later on ono of the brethren got ashoro In a small boat aud telegraphed for the pollco patrol, but when tho excursionists arrived homo tho principal malefactors cscancd, This is the season ot excursions, nnd on the wholo a very delightful season it his been. Nowhere In tho woild Is there a spot where at small cost tho citizen can hayo a creator enjoyment than In Now York. Every year In tho season of outing It Is happiness to known that the poor flotsam and jetsam ot the slums aro not for gotten. All the great newspapers have special funds which they collect and devote to excursions for the poor, Certain churches take parlies of fifty or a hundred children and give them from two to four weeks In tho country. For that time at least their miserable lives are made brighter. They are taken out of the burning streets and from the steaming ccllers and fetid garrets, and they roam In the woods and green fields and get lessons In decency, cleanliness and order which will last them all their lives. States Pi (son walls for (he next seven years will shut out from social intercourse with Brooklyn's best colored society, J. P Bronson Howard, who was known far atd wide as tbe Black Prince. Mr. Howard's father was a close-fisted old African who pinched and savod and twisted through life, who denied himsolf every enjoymont and comfort, and after a long life of miserly saving. and misery died worth $350,000 which ho left to Ills son, who had been Impatiently waiting for years to get a hack at tho old man's shekels. As soon as ho got tho mono ho did not let the grass grow under his feet, but started In to amazo tho colored aristocracy of Brooklyn, and It Is needless to say that ho succeeded. Brooks was his tailor, Knox mado his hats, his boots and shoes were imported from Paris, and alt of his Immaculate linen came from the same place, no had as fine a turn-out as yoU could seo In tho City of Churches, and a whlto driver and footman stood uncovered as ho stepped into his carriage. His house was gorgeously furn ished and all the servants were white, ne early becamo a candidato for political honors, and on account of his open-handed generosity, which seemed to know no bounds, he becamo an acknowledged leader among his people. Plenty of whlto men woro found to sharo his lavish hospt tallty, and somo of his dinners and break fasts wcro the talk of tho town. He loved quiet llttlo game of draw, and alwa) s took a flyer on tho race-course, Years rolled on, and at last the day came when tho bills for rich wines, fast horses, &c, Ac, Ac, could not be met, and notes given to tailors aud bootmakers were pro tested at tho bank. Shrewd and sharp In everything else, ho appeared to hayo lost all tract of money matters. At last he went on a ball-bond, and being questioned In regard to his financial standing deliber ately perjured himself, and swore ho was tho owner of property which ho had parted with years before Ho was tried this week, convicted, and sentenced to seven years - - I "iff i D. J. KISTLER llcanectfullv ft1ui6iifipe.i to I tin nubile that lie has opened a NEW U VKltY STABLE, and that lie Is now prepared uj mrnisii icams lor ruueruis, Weddings or lltulness Trips on the shortest no tlco and most liberal terms. Orders left at the "Carbon Housa" will receive prompt attention. STABLES ON NORTH STREET, next tbe Hotel, Lelitghtom 1an22-vl f&f fit Beware of fraud, as my name and the price rn stAmned on tlio bottom of all mv advertised shoes before tearing the factory, which protect PACKERTON, Pa., Lossoo of Dolan Stono Quarry, is now prepared to supply at short uollco All Ms of BUILDING STONE, of tho very best quality at prices tho LOW- jsht. persons contemplating muiomg will positively save money by calling on LEOPOLD MEYERS, Packerton, and learning prices. mar3-05 J. T. NUSBAUM. Lohlghton. will also furnish prices on application. the wearers against high prices and Inferior goods, u a aenier oners w. u. uovuus shoes at a reduced price, or says he lias thorn without my name ana price stamped on the bottom, put mm uown as a irauu. ! W. L.Douglas convicicn, ami sciuum-cu vu butch yeais i . Instates Prison, though defended by an VL- OTTOT able anay of eminent counsel; for with his pK -'ii.vaj. usual magnificence ho Imployed four of tho most costly lawyers In Now York. And so In prison and In dlro disgrace ends a life that might hayo been ranked among the foremost of his raco on this continent. Properly cared for and judiciously used, his fortuno might havo been Increased to million, and his Influence with his pcoplo only bounded by tho limits of the Republic. But lack of principle aud dissolute com panions dragged him down to ruin. Ho sowed tho wind and reaped the whirl wind. BROADBRIM. FOR GENTLEMEN The only line 83 Seamless Shoe In the world mnAt. WITltmrr TAPKfl (IK NATLH. As StVllSll and durable rs those costlng85 or so, aud hnvlug no tacks or nails to wear the stocking or hurt the feet, makes them as comfortable and well-ntting Buv the best. Nono genuine unlessstampeuotiuoiioni w.i.. itomk la as a hand sewed shoe, las S3 Shoe, warranted," w. r. nnrTnr.Aftfl si Sunn, the original and only hand sewed weft $1 shoe, which equals custom-made shoes costing from G to J9. W. L. Douglas 82.60 BnoK Is unexcelled for neavy wear. W. I.. DouoLAs 82 Shoe Is worn by alt llov and Is the best school shoo In the world. All the above goods are made In Congress, Button and Laco, and It not sold by your dealer, write w. i.. UUUUM3, ubuckiuo, awn, A, MEHRKAM & SON, Apts, POWDER LEHIQHTON - PA.- AGENTSWANTED Quickest Selling Article ever Invented Used in any Dash Churn NEEDS NO TALKING, HUT KEAT.T.Y IS THE l'llIiTTIKST HUUW1NU AltllL-I.K Ufl THE MAKKET. PiTTsnuno, fa., Sept. 21, 1887, We. tho undcrslened. certify that we have i nuncsseu me cnunium ui mo icncvt wiriw I vntvhiir rhiirn Dasher Tn one minute and thirty seconds, producing Three and Three-quarter (3 3-4) rounds of Granulated nutter from one Gallon of Cream from the Keenmont Creamery, T. n.Rarman, Editor National Stockman. It. J. Uemlngray.Vrop. City Milk & Butter D'pot, J no. w. Taylor, uasnier uity 7 Savlnm Dank. Cant. J. K. Harbour, Secretary Oil Exchange. J. W. Clutter, l'ro. Diamond Milk-Butter .Depot, Thos. P. Day, M.McClaln.TreasOfflce.J. H. Johnson, Leader, W. Stelnmeyer, u. u. uaraner. ,eopoldMeyers;MAKE - NO - MISTAKE. Machine Shop. The undei signed announces to the citizens of Lehighton and the surrounding country that ho has opened a shop for the Repair of Machinery ! Hueli as Agricultural Imnlemeiiti. Sharntn- lni; Iawii Mowers, Grinding I'laner Knives, Paper Cutter Knlvei, Scissors, &e.: Steam Flt liiiK and Pump Work, aud manufacturing Grsln mils, rami jtoners, itooi uunerstcc. aii worK guaranieeu ui uie lowest prices. W. G. MITCHELL In Rcnr of GabeFs Hardware Store. LEHIGHTON, Fenna. ApniJ8. iv D. LANCELL'S ASTHMA AND. CATARRH Ve are positively headquarters for anything in the way of Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, Gent's Furnishings, Children's Ready-Made Clothing, Carpets, Rugs, Matting, Matts, Oil Cloths. Floor and Stair, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, stock. The largest The lowest prices to The largest ment. as sort-be HI found in this region. years between life and We Make Shoes a Specialty, r Phthisic, treated by tf Hrivint? stniQ-pled 520 death with Asthma or Phthisic, treated uy ciuiMcub I'll) siviiiiis, mm icvciviUK lltJ uc-.nii, x was compelled uurliiK the last IS years oi my Ill ness to sit on mv t-lnilr dnv and nlcht irasnlne: lor ureaiu. my suiicriuRi were ueyonu descrip tion. In despair I experimented on myself hy compounding roots ana herns and ininuinK the medicine thus obtained. I fortunately discovered this WriNiiKltKHr. cuitK roil Ahthma and Oa- TAnnn, warranted to relievo tne most stunuorn caso or ahtjima in r iyh aunutkh, so uiui me patient can lie uown to rest aim sieen conuori- aniy. i lease reau uio lonowing conuenseu ex tracts from unsolicited testimonials, all of re cent uaio : Oliver V. It. Holmes, San Jose, Cal., writes "I nnd tlio remedy nil aud even more than rep reseuieu. i receive iiiMuuinucoiis reuei. K. M. Carson, A. M., Warren, Kan., writes "Was treated bv emlnentvthvslclansof thlscoun. try and Germany! tried the climate of different states nothing anoidcd reliel like vourprepara tlon." . L. n. rhelns. P. JI.. Grlecs.Ohlo. writes! "Suf- ered with "Asthma 40 years. Your medicine In Smlnutes does more for mo than the most cml- nent physician did tor me In threo years, 11. u. emeuv a out It. I find It to bo one of the most valuable Pllmnton. Jollet. 111., writes larrn iienieuy ui once, Send Ca- Cannot get" along wlth- medlclne.s I havo over tried." Wo huvo many other hearty testimonials of cure or reuei, unu in uruir iiuu mi sunerers irom . ... - , i-. i. ir. i r - nH.i i . i .i .i .i , A9U1UIU, VfUUlllll, jiaj icra. unu niuuini III- seasesmay havo an opportunity of testing the value of tho Itemedy wo will send to any address T1UAL PACKAdls FREK OF CHARGE. If vour druggist falls to keep It do not permit him oseu you somo worimess imiuuioa uyiusre tin; g it to be lust as good, but send direct! us. Write your name and address esent Address. J. ZIMMERMAN & CO., Props,. Wholesale Druggists. Woostcr, Wayne Size POX UY I11UU 91.1M, 1uly2ly 8. S. llager, City Hall, Jus. Hughes. Press, i!,awara iisbus, i x. is. Aiurnnv. J.J. Wright, Vli Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity, ;ui i strength and wholcsomeness. More economical than the ordinary klndsr ami cannot be sold In I competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sola only 1 ini cans, iioyai itaKing ruwuer company, luu uau street u x. auKzt-mu F. O. Reed 1. 11. Richards, do O. T. Dawson. Post T. P.Drultt,8. S. Supt. .1. w. juoreianu. cnnaRestJullus Hoffman, O. H. McAuley.Clty CafeDr. H. Bullen, Capt. W. C. Cook, John Born, Hall. COWTV AND TOWNSHIP RIGHTS FOB BALK. CALL ON, OK WRITE S. Y. ORUSAN, Ag.4-t3 Parnassus, Pa. SOMETHING NEW Under the Sun, which King Solo mon never heard of a clothes linb that rcnulres no clothes pins, isverv nouseKcener. lauuuress auu store keeper wants it. Sample sent by mall. 0 feet for 25cts.,l2feetforC0cts. FmsT class AGENTS WANTED FOB THIS COUNTV. AdUKSS, KUK- TON R. UOND & CO., Manufacturing Agents, Philadelphia, Pa., (lcK uox 033). jj-2i-4w $1 13 "WEEKS. Tho POLICE GAZETTE will be mailed. ecuroir wrapped, to anr address In tbe Uni. ed States tor three months on receipt of One Dollar. Liberal discount allowed to noatmailura. agents arm cuius sample copies mailed tree, AaurcBs an oruers to RICHARD K. FOX. May 30,1 835-ly Franklin Bqiurb, N. Y. Notice of Application for Charter. Notice Is hereby given thai an application will be made to the Governor ot the State of Pennsylvania on mundav, auuust cth, A. D. 1SS8. by Frederick U-nokcl. Win. E. Ah.Thns. Kemerer. David Ebbert and J. L. (label, under the Act of Assembly entitled "an act to pno- vinK roil the iNuonroitATiON and undula tion of CliUTAiN conroiiATlONS" annraved the 29th day of April, A. I)., 1874, and the sup plements (hereto, for the Charter ot an Impended corporation to b culled "Tbe Lehighton Water PHOSPHATE! The undersigned offers for sale the follow- Ings grades ot PHOSPHATES, Complete Boae Phosphate ! PRICE, f35.00. This Is the best phosphate on the market, none excepveu. Complete Bone Manure ! PRICE, 832-00 tarEspeclally adapted to fruit trees of all kinds Lehigh Phosphate, Price $27. Soluble Phosphate and Potash ! PRICE, 21.C0. Soluble Hock Phosphate ! PRICE, 22.00. These chcan Grades comnare favorably with any phosphates posting the same price. Give them a trial. All grades packed DRY In 200 lbs. acid proof bags lull weight. Always on hand and PIIRITFNF PRI7FS ! Competition Open to All on the follow lng conditions : To Interest the need ana aisn me young during me leisure nours, aay or evening, we oiler the following prizes for the "HUNT FOR WORDS." For the largest list of words framed by the letters composing the household word PURITEN.E we will give Ten Dollars; for tho next largest I Seven Dollars: for the next largest list Five Dol-1 lars, and for tho next threo largest lists One Cose ot Purltcno each. All lists must reach me before December isth, 1888 and must be accompanied with ten trade marks, cut from packages of Purl- tene. jNoworarouo aamnteu wnicn contains! less than four letters; but use no other letters I than those composing the word Ask vour merchants for the powder: It sells at .Ten Cents a pound, nnd is superior to Soaplneor lvonne.orany omer soap powuer maue. uive it a trial, insist upon vour merchant getting It ana raxe no omer. A. P. SNYDER, General Shipping Agent for Pennsylvania, EHiailTON, SlARliON CO., PA. If you are having any trouble in get ting fitted in shoes, call and see us. We claim to be able to lit everybody ; we carry a full line of shoes in all the different styles and widths, in hand-sewed, Goodyear welts and machine sewed. We want to call special attention to our Patrol Shoe, in bals and con gress, at $2.50. They are specially adapted for railroaders or men that do much, walking, or in fact, everybody J1 that appreciates comfort in foot-wear. uome ana see wnat we nave, no trouble to show goods. Respctfy, tor sale August 4, 3m M. HEILMAN, LEHIGHTON. SWITCHBACK CLEANZINE Comptny."the charaotnr and object of nliicli Isto supply water to the public In the borough of Le highton In the County of Carbon,) dwioui , t:,iM.-v,ma. mm iu bucij l'erauus,puri' I pprslilns. aud associations resldlm? (herein nnd 1 adjacent theretnns maydeslre the same. and for these purposes lo have possess.and enjoy all the I riKma, ut-ut-uia mm rmirKrs "1 onia Act O! AS senility una mu supplements inereio. iiuiiAur, ur.un, solicitor. .1111 12, 1B"0 HJ Administrator's Sale OF VALUABLE PERSONAL PROPERTY I The undersigned. Administrator of the Estate ot WILLIAM MILLER, late of MalionlneToKii- ship, Carbon County, Pa., dee'd, will sell at Pub lic sine tin tne premises aioresaia, on Saturday, August 18th 1888, at ONE o'eleck P. M.. the following Personal Property, vli : 2 Horses, I Cow, about TO shocks of Rye. a lot of Oats lu the straw, l two-liorse Wagon, I Truck Wagou, Lot ot Manure, Lot of nay. ig unains, aim a variety ot other Fann ing Implements and Household Furniture too numerous u, -neiiiiou. -ienns win ue mnae Known at nine auu place oi sale uy JOHIAII MUSSULMAN, July 28-3w Administrator. Removes Paint anil Grease from Woolens, Silks, Satins, Cashmeres.Laces.Rrapes, 4c. By the use of OLEANZINE Clothing of any Material, Car pets, Lap Robes, Car riage Cushions, Trim mini;!, Ac., can he a u I c k 1 v cleaned of dirt, crease or nalnt without In- Jury. It Is without an equal for removing dandruff, freckles, sunburn, tan, ivc. 25 Cents a Bottle. Trade Supplied by the Proprietor Dr. T. E. Davis, Summit Hill. For Sale by T, D. THOMAS, Lehighton, Switch-Bad Comli Cnre Notice to Builders. The linderHlirnctl will receive sealed nrnnmals up to 2:00 o'clock P. M., AUGUST litis, I8S8, for tho KltltOTION OF TWO ( NEW SCIlAOL HOUSUS lu 1IKAVKU RUN. according to plans nnd specifications now at the house of ban el Kresiley. The right is reserved to reject any or all of the proposal received. Ily order of the School Hoard ot Mahoning Twp., IJANIUL ICHKSSLEV, Secretary. There will also bo offered at Public Sale, at Pleasant Corner. Pa., the name day. at 0:00 o' clock P. M., by the School Hoard, the Old Uuild- ing anu Hciiooi im oiui percues, now vacated at Heaver Run, to the highest bidder. Hy order of the School Hoard, DANIEL. KR1JSSLF.Y, Secretary, New Mahoning, Carbon Co., Pa July 20, 1888-W3 Estate Notice. Estate of ANNIE ELIZAUETH (1I!(1(1U8. late ot the Borough of Lehighton, Carbon county, Fenna., deceased. All persons knowing themselves to be Indebted to fiAld Katate Aro requested to make immediate payment, and those having legal Claims against me same, will present mem wituoui ueiay in proper order for settlement to JOHN OEOOUS, lKl-,.. , LEWIS aEOUUS, E"C" Lehlghlou, July tU, 88 w6 Is the most certain and speedy remedy In the W1UUI Try It. world Coughs, Colds, Croup, Hoarsenes, Whopp ing cough, innuenia, sore inroat, e.c. Price, Tweuty-Flve Cents. ZERN & SNYDER, Opera. House Block, LEHIGHTON, PA. Henry Nolf, AT THE CARBON HOUSE IS NOW Runnine an AcGommodation "Bus, HETWEEN THE Hotels and L. V. Depot. KSOPPOSITE L. & S. DEPOT.-sflr BANK STREET, - - LEHIGHTON, PA Has just opened an entire new lineof LADIES' FINE DRESS GOODS! Comprising all the very latest styles in White Goods, Sa teens, Prints, Ginghams, Marseilles, Seersuckers and Fancy Dress Patterns of I he very best qualities at exceed ing low prices. Groceries, Provisions, Crockery ware, Glassware, "Wood and Willowware of the best makes at low figures. Cloths Cassimers, Hats, Boots, Shoes and Ready- made Clothing in great variety and at prices" within the reach of all purchasers prices fully as low as the same goods can be Df H B REINOHL kouhfc fr a- ftnv other general store in this vicinity. uarpets, im-ciocns, jjamps ana r ixtures in great variety and of best quality at Rock Bottom Prices. Best quality of Flour and Feed at prices fully as low as the Parties called for at their Homes by leaving or ders ai any oi me uoieis. April 2, 1887 Graduate ot Phila. Dental College, DENTISTRY ! IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. PerSerYatlOll Of tlie TCCtll a Specially, same articles can be purchased elsewhere, OFFICE HOURS: From 8 a. in. to 6 p. m. OAS HALL, Market Square, ilaueh Chunk. BRANCH OFFICE: BAST - MAUOH - CHUNK, Two Doors North oi Post-Offlce. OFFICE HOURS. 7 to 9 a. in. and 6 to T p. m, April 28-3m -the price Stoves, Tinware, Heaters and Ranges, Tn QreatrYariety at Samuel Graver's opular Store, Bank Street. Roofing and Spouting a special ty, btove repairs niinisiiea on short notice.. Prices Reasonable ! ! A car load of coarse salt has just been received- has been marked down to the very lowest notch. All goods of the very best quality and are "being sold at pricey equally as low as the same goods can bought at any general store m this section. Call and be convinced. Kespecuully, July23-871y AMOS REIGEL. WAIX All new Spring Styles now in stock. 1 4ii ,i : WANTED AGENTS ," K . ' TY "'7of TO SOLICIT ORDERS aiiuiu jjuuua vrciu duiu ui ui For our Choice mid Hardy Nursery Stock. auction. Elept White Back Papers, 5c 7c. 10c. and 12c Per Piece. Elegant Gold Papers, Mtpnf! v u nrif for eneriretic men. Balarv and ex penses, or commission II preferred. Satisfaction guaranteed te customers and agents, write im mediately (or terms. State age. Address It. G. CHASE & CO., loo South Penn Square, Phladelphla Tenna aug. 11 8w. AGENTS WANTED TO HELL AN ENTIRELY 15c. and fiOc Per Piece. NEWB0QK Till awnnt TlmliAflHArl TlnnniM MGUillll llUW MUU TdllGlu, 35c. and $1.00 Per Piece. The most Aoiiderfully complete collection oi the absolutely useful aud practical w hlcli has ..A. h.,n iiiiiiiuiieil lnnnv nation on the irlobe. a marvel of every day value aud actual money nminff nml tuniiev savliiir to every nossessor. Hundreds upon hundreds ot beautiful and help ful engravings, itsexiraoruinary low price ue yond competition Nolhlng In the whole history of the boot trade like It. Belect something of. rofli vRina tn the neoDle. and sales are sure iiJllxM' I irm ISTA WALTON ! cit en Atreius wunuui cupiuu dvaw iwww. - - - - - St CO, I'UILAPicCl'KlA.ra. Pelts and Ingrains, 20c. and 60c. Per Piece. time MELL Ieb!8-m6 Oscar Christina!!, WEISSPORT, PA.- Livery and Exclumqe vav rirtini. pnrrlniFAt and safe drlvlne Hf Hci-ninmndations to ncents and travellers. Mall and telegraph orders promptly attended to. FeW.-es Otvemeatrlal. mayiy Sample;i and estimates sent free. Ex perienced workmen sent to all parts ot the city and iiountry. All eoods warranted free from arsrnlc, perfect, and full lencth. Stables. M. Merigan, horse.. MABKET ST., Philadelphia. This paper has all the news. You should get it, $1 a year in advance. A MODEL PRESS WW do all your own 'Printing oc earn money print lnr tor others. Your boy can run lu Outfits, with Press cent IS. tLUm ttS. or more. nccordlng to Hie ono u gooa as anouier. In um ill over tha world. Full information In a book called llo loITInt. Free with samples of MoniLj preu work, upon p- pucauon. Aaartiii THE MODEL PRESS CnUPlUV I Ifn'H SI2 Arch Strut. PhlUdUfhlv See what Is said abou' The Model Press, My Model Press netted me In three mouthover $mooI never had Instructions tn prlntfug .be tire, jet I set up and printed 10,000 deposit tickets on my Model Press the day after I received It. I have mad moro than double what my Model Press cos, me tho first two months. -Have done about trjo.OO worth of work on my lio, I Model Press. It beats all, Afler three years' use I find my Model Press as good as new. The Model Press li well built nnd ought to last half a century. The Model Press It fully equal to the largest and costliest ma chines (or lino Curd and (lENEltAL BUSINESS Printline. Any smart boy cau turn out hundred of dollars worth of work every year, even with one of the smaller sizes. Address. Tub Model Press Co., Ltd., 912 Arch Street, mjl2-jl Philadelphia, Pa,