The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, July 21, 1888, Image 4

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Why Ayer's Sarsaparllla Is
preferable to any other for
the cure of Blood Diseases.
Because no poisonous or deleterious
ingredients entor Into tlio composition
of Ayor's Barsapurllla.
Ayer's Sarsaparllla contains only
Hie purest and most effective remedial
Ayer's Sarsaparllla Is prepared with
extrcmo care, skill, ami cleanliness.
Ayer's Sarsaparllla Is prescribed uy
leading physicians.
Ayer's Sarsaparllla Is for sale
everywhere, 'and recommended by oil
first-class druggists.
Ayor's Sarsaparllla is a medlclno,
and not a hoverago In disguise.
Ayer's Sarsaparllla never falls to
effect a cure, when porslstontly used,
according to directions.
Ayer's Sarsaparllla Is a highly con.
centrated extract, and therefore tho
most economical Blood Medlclno In the
Ayer's Sarsaparllla has had a suc
cessful career of nearly half a century,
and was never so popular as at present.
" Thousands of testimonials are on
"file' from those benefited by the use of
Oyer's Sarsaparilla.
Dr. "J. C. Ayer It Co., Lowell, Mass.
. Prici 1 ; tlx bottle, 5. 'Worth 5 bottle.
"Wtt do all your
; mnur or
nonty print-Irothen.
Jour boy eta
ran It. Outfits,
vtiU ma cost K,
lltieo, KB, or more,
38ordlag to ilie-ono
nu seed u ftnothtri
r,Jruo U OTOr the.
r' book tilled How
j jte Print. Freewltb;
,ple of Modil1
'fftwlrork, noon p-:
COUP1NY. Llm'd.
f 611 AfOh Strut, PMUMphtt.;
Sice what Is sutd about
- The Model Press.
Qf harmless vegetable remedies that will restore the whole system to healthy action, Is
absolutely needed to cure any disease "for tho disease that affects one organ weakens
Paine' Celery Compound Is THIS PERFECT COMBINATION! Read the proofs
"I hftvn Ml fir rod fmrihitr fwim nnrrAiiiflMii una lin
trouble. I bought two bottles of Tolno'e Colery compound,
una on, how it aid help mo l I hare bo much faith in your
iucuiv.iiiu, iur x jluuw nuftt lb lUU VJT IDCt
Ontario Centre, N.Y.
" For five ycr I raCfored with malaria and nervouraess.
I tried Tatno's Celery Compound, and I can truthfully Bay
that flvo bottles completely cured mo. I cheerfully recom
mend It, for I know it to be a Rood medicine."
Cius. L. Sieaens, Letter Carrier, Station B, BrooVlrn, N. Y.
Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Paralysis, Biliousness, Dyspepsla.CostlvonossiPlles, Liver Com
plaint, Kidney Trouble, Female Complaints, and all diseases arising from Impure Blood.
tl. i for (IS. Wti.lp, nicnmn.
BOK & Co., Props., llnrliugton, Vt
For tho Nervous,
5. ?oe that each lnt ! $1, nix for is. Vtrm. IUchaiip.
, iTopa., wmuigton.vt.
HI. ulx for AB
tie beam tlio Celery trade mark.
The Debilitated,
He was a sour looking old man,
and he occupied a flat with liis
batchlor brother on the fourth
.floor of a modest uptown apart
ment house. They were haying
a quiet lmndof whist one evening
with two friends, when the voice
of a baby in the next flat arose
in lamentation that penetrated
the thm walls and mado the
rumbling of the elevated railroad
seem like the purling of a brook.
They stood the uproar lor
some time, but when tho sour
looking man trumped his part
ner's trick three times, he laid
down his cards and went and
knocked on the neighbor's door.
"Is your baby sicks lie in
quired, as the lather appeared.
" Oh, no, my wife is just put
ting him to sleep."
"I want to aslc it Ins name is
"Certainly not, why do you
think sol"
I thought it micht be, he
to w
comes out so strong on lamen
tions. IKhat makes him weep
"TFcll, I don't know," admit
ted the half owner in the infant
property sadly. "You see it's
our first baby, and may be we
don't know how to nanule him
right. TVe've tried soothing
syrup, squills and ipecacs,and to
night I told my wife it might
be malaria and she'd better try
nuinine. so we crave him four
crams, and he's been kind of The wonderful" bargains at tho Millinery Stores of
restless ever since."
bom it Co., :
Tho Agod.
New Tailoring Establishment
.Upon Invitation fromonio qf tho rcproscntatlvo citizens of your town, I h.iyo decided
to open a
Tailoring Establishment in Weissport.
My knowledge; of making carmcnts was calncd principally In the City of Now York. Iam
also u cradttato of the Cutting Schools of that city. And after years of practice In both
Cutting and Making Custom Clothing In soino of tliehcst houses In both New York and
Philadelphia I think I may assure you that all work entrusted to my caro shall beermat
ni icasLiome ucst ouiauiauic in jour nciuuuriiuou. &g uivri iurj j iitlAI;4ti
Very Itespcctfully,
It Is fold the larks of Scotland aro tho
swoctoit singing birds of earth. No plcco
of mechanism that man has ever luadu has
tlio soft, sweet, glorious music In It that
he laik's throat has. When tho farmers
of Scotland walk out early In the morning,
they flush the larks from tho grass, and as
they rlt,o they sing, and m they sing they
irclo, and higher and hlclicr they go,
circling as they sing, until at the notes
f their yokes die out In the sweetest
strains earth ever listened to.
A portion of a petrified tree was dis
covered In a solid sandstono rock quarry at
Zancsylllc, 0., tho other day. Tho tree Is
about the thickness of a telegraph pole ami
as well-ilcllned bark and roots, it was
found while blasting, or Immediately after
blast, fully sixty, feet below the top of
tho hill, and was In solid rock. Ovct It Is
the earths formation, then n species of
shale, then limestone strata, followed by a
conglomeration of stone, then some forty
feet of solid sandstone, near tho bottom of
which Is the petrified trco.
fincklen's Arnica Salvo.
Tho best salvo In tho world tor cuts,
bruises, sorcs,ulcers,salt rhucm,fever sores,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns,
and all skin eruptions, and positively cures
piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed
to give perfect satisfaction, or money re
funded, l'rico 2oc. per box, t Thomas'.
D. J.
TheBarbeh Lost His Finger.
Tho only curious episode that
I now think of that ever occured
5n mv nam rlnnlinira witli n llfir-
8200.00-1 never lmd Instructions In printing be- ber Came about through my 00
lire, yet Isot up ami printed 10,000 deposit tickets I ggj-yjn rr that tllO knight of .the
nu mv Model Vrest the day after I received It. 11 t R mnrtamnre than rtoubl what my Model razor WUO WHS lit WUIli UU IHU
rrtis cost me tho first two months. -Havo Oone Vinrl lnur thn inrlpx
BDOUt worm oi worn on my .iu, i in t t
Preu. It beats all. After three years use IinUt Uituu. J. tuum uui uuip
afamy Model Press at good as new.-The ; ndtriirincr tllC dexterity With
which lie handled tlio tools ol
TUa MnrJal Praoo his trade despite the loss, and,
lilt lIUUVl I IWJ nWroincr mv nftontinil flirofttefl
chines for fino Card and OKNUltAI. 1WHINESS to lllS mutilated hand, lie V0UCI1-
prlntlne. Any smart boy can turnout hundred .nTprl nn ovnlnnntinn
of dollars worth 01 work every year, even Willi SUieu nn cxpiailltuuu.
one of tho smaller sizes. Address. T tlinf nff " lin Qfiirl
TnE Model Press Co., Ltd., t x.Tmv ,,v npp;Hnnt?
912 Arch Street, JVn. T m print to. Tt is the
may 1 2-j 1 Phii.Adki.I'HIA, Pa. . T i n. j
tiiUK llllUl. X IT(VO V..llliLV.U
into the armv and cut it off to
avoid the service. It didn't
work though. They took to
training men to use tho second
finger Some of them cut that
.w . .... i
pit too. but 1 couldn't -spare
another so I ran away and came
to America, ivo, 1 don t miss
it much uow, and T don't care
ill cant go back, ihis is a
pretty good place and the work
isn t iiard. I hank you, sir.
"How much will you give
me for this atlas of this cityl"
asked a Buffalo attorney as he
walked into a second-hand book
store and handed the owner the
book named. "Tain't worth
much," answeredthe dealer, as
he turned over the leaves with
an air of assumed indifference.
"There's no demand for' em.
I bought one last evening and
it's out side now. There's no
demand for 'em at all, and 1
shall think it is a good sale if I
get $1 for the one I have now."
"All right, here s your good sale.
1 his is the one you had out side,
gayiy ansewered the lawyer, as
he threw down a silver dollar
and skipped out of tho store be
fore the disconcerted proprietor
could interpose an objection.
"I had been hunting for that at
las for months and would have
given 15 rather than not got it,"
remarked the attorney as he
gleefully exhibited his purchase.
, Lehighton and Weissport.
Finest Goods ! Latest Styles ! and Lowest rices ! in
Hats, Bonnets, Notions,' and Dressmaking.
All goods guaranteed
finger on his :.r' .. J 1
v I Illlll Nil I.IN ill .1 I I I I 1 II VI' I.
.Respectfully announces to the public that he has
'opened a NEW 1,1 VElt Y STA11I.K, and that lie is
dow urenared to furnish Teams for Funerals.
Weddings or Business Trips on the shortest no
ne ana inostiiDerai terms, uruers ion at tue
"liaroon House" win rcceivo prompt attention.
ntxt the Hotel, Lehlzliton. 1an22-vl
WANTED. Permanent positions IV
guaranteed with SALAltV and
..PENSES PAID. Any determined man can suc-
Sieu wun us. recuiiarauvaniaKi'sto ueRinners.
lock complete, including liiaiiy fast selling
spwciauius. uuiii). tree,
, Address at once. (Name llils paper)
IMllMYiS lUIUllllua,
We are showing a large and choice
line of Cbtton JJrcss Good?.
Ginghams at 8, 12 1-2, 25, 3.1, 45 and
50 Cents per Yard. '
batmes at 4, , i lo, jo. ana
37 1-2 Cents per Yard.
Challies, 8 Cents per Yard..
Pennelope Suitings, 8 Cents a Yard. ,
Batistes at 10 and 12 1-2 Cents per Yard
634 Hamilton Street, Allentown, Penn'a.
tn ioot
October 30 J887
aprll 282H1
The POLICE OAHETTE will be mailed,
ecureiy wrapped, to any address in tho Unl-
ed states lonurce montnson receipt or
. . One IDollar.
Liberal discount allowed to postmasters,
agents ana ciuns eampie copies mailed tree.
Aaarcss an oruers to
May S0,1885.1y Fbanklik Squabii, N. Y.
flSil PAT
Also PUln KoIIpkI, OorrtiKned, Crimped EJ(te anil Ilendod
Iron Kooliuit Kidtoff and ceillnflr. Ajieuta w&nUd Id eur
countr. tieud for catalogue and samples.
Two Ways. Choose Whlcn?
Thcro are two usual ways of doliut what Na-
turo sometimes docs Incompletely, namely, to
relievo tlio bowels. Ono Is to swallow a drastic
uruatlve which evacuates profusely, nbruntlv
and with pain, the other Is to take llostettcr's
stomach bitters, tile effect of which Is not vi
olent, but sufficiently thorough, and which docs
"wt B"i uiu miesiincs. unionist is slcstcd.
tlio peisonemplovimc it need not expect per
manent bennilt. fttlfl ho rnntinf lim.n f.i no.....
tlio debilitating reaction which leaves the organs
as had or worse oft than before If, on the other
l.imi, no resons to tne Ulttcrs, he can rely upon
the restoration of a rcRttlar habit of body, con
sequent upon n renewal of a healthful tono In
the Intcslfnal canal. Ilesldes healthfully relax.
nginouowels, tlio hitlers arouses n dormant
liver. Iinnarts il lipni.nrini iiniwtnfn n.,in
of the kldne.s, and cnunterncls the early twlnecs
?' rl'c,11,i,l5"b a tendency to gout, and malaria
11 1.1. 113 1UIIII3.
It Rrowina so warm lmiciladn
oils tliat a postage stamp will stick to the
atmosphere. It Is rumored Unit tlio stamps
In Uin Tost OlUco are kept In refrigerated
If tlio Pope coiulcmns llcnry Oeorce's
works, It Is to be hoped tliat Henry will do
the square tiling and e,o cahoots with his
Holiness In tho profits from tho Increased
sale of his books.
Scientists arc now Inquiring how long
it takes a man to think. Well, when a man
has to think of somo way to pay a month's
board bill with only $2.10 in his pocket to
do It with, It takes him a good loin; while.
It is said that tlio shores of Franco arc
sinking so rapidly that in about twentj
centuries the French capital will becomo
entirely submerged. That being the case
any one Intending to visit Paris would bet
tcr learn to swim.
Subscrlbo for and read tho Oahhon
lift ifMjtjsyiNii
All Dmjllm. Be.. 4"c and tl W. IT.p.rtd onlj if
rptred o
ke 1.11.1
A man who was arrninged
before Judge Duffy on n charge
ot drun.-enncss, pleaueu in ex
tenuation of his offence that it
was hereditary in hie family, he
had two grandhitliefs who got
"That mai-es no difference
with your case," said the Judge,
mit would you imnisu me
for the sins 'of my ancestors'."
pleaded the culprit.
"Nnt nr. nil " wnliorl tlio
AFFUCTEDJINFOBTUNATE Judge. "Your ancestors were
March 31-m3
m mmwm. Mi nt&wmrnimirmwumm mm it i , i cn atm-mm am i Stwikali 3
329 N.l5lh8t.7blowCillovMII. Phils., P.
a)retr'eiiierlenceln118rxciAt.dlwases. Perms,
neatly rest ores those weakened by early Indiscretions
Ac. Oallorwrtte. AdTlcefreeaadatrlctlyconflden
iiaL iionrs t 10 a. m. tin J, luiu T w IV reoings.
March 31-yl
Its central position and cloao connoctlon with eastern linos at Chlccr
and continuous lines at terminal points. West, Northwest, and South
west, mako It tho true mld-llnli in that transcontinental chain of steel which
unites the Atlantic and Pacific. Its main linos and branchos Include Chi
cago, Jollet, Ottawa, LaSalle, Peoria, Gonoseo, Mollno and Rock: Island, In
Illinois: Davenport, Muscntlno, Washington, Fairfield, Ottumwa, Oskaloosa,
vvDbuiuoity, JMUIIJUD, XllUlUtlUlU, VV UlLUrBUb, XLJUUllU. 1VQDX-
vlllo, Audubon, Bavlan, Guthrio Centre and Council Bluffs, In Iowa; Oiillatln,
, ah. uusupu unu njumus uiiy, in iuissoun , ijeavenwcrtn.
Trenton, Cameron,
"fl. and la parteetrauinw. it la
not B TU8S. Uura bar and fright and it.
r?i!??. 'onwtUn. . Bend for cMaVillh . Jtl!
airtufrJl,m"t..,f 111 t aarglcal
rjdSM1 ." . "aak.nlna dUaaMi anjl.T
probably punished enough, if CHICAGO, ROCK GSLAND & PACIFIC R'Y.
the whis.-ey was half as bad as
it is now. 1 am going to pun
ish you for your own sins this
time. Thirty days, please."
A story is told of two Bos
ton business men who had a
dispute the other day about the
shortest way of returning home
from the marA-et. Finally one of
them said to the other:
"Well, you go your way and
T- oil .11 I
i wm go mine, and we will see
and Atchison, in Kansas; Minneapolis and St. Paul, In Minnesota; Water-
town ana oiuu.t x mm in i-i.inuui, una many ouiur prosperous towns ana cities.
It also offers a CHOICE OP ROUTES to and from the Paclllo Const and Inter
mediate places, maklnar all transfers In Union dopots. Past Trains of lino
AGENTS ENTIRELY who will reach tie corner first;
W iiiN XJCiU I an I JNiD W JiUUii but mind you don't run.
The most wonderfully complcto collection of One of them nrrivpd at tlio
theabsolutely useful and practical which has , U U L I ,. , , ,
eyer been published In nny nation on tlie globe. plaCO proposed Slightly blOWH,
A marvel of everyday value and actual money and the Other Came UP a few
earning ami money savins to every possessor. . , , ...
Hundreds upon hundreds of beautiful mui help- minutes later panting for breath,
mi eneravings. its extranriiinary low price be- hind exclniminp-
yond competition. Nothing in the whole history
of the boon trade like lt Select komethlns of
real value to the people, and sales are sure.
AgenU looking for ane-v and first class book,
write tor lull description and terms. 30 days'
ilin given Agents without capital, sham
J1ELL 9 CO. 1'uiiauKLi'uiA.l'a. febie mo-
ijYou too to your heels, you
'Oh, no 1 didn't." "You did
for I ran myself."
BLEEPING GAIIS, and (between Chicago, St. Joseph Atchison and Kansas
Cltvl restful REOL1N1NQ CHAIR CAUfl. seats FREE to holders of tliroiioH
-lirst-clasa tlckots.
Extends west and southwoot from Kansas City and St. Joseph to Fair
uury," Nelson, Horton, Topoka, Herlng-ton, Hutchinson, Wichita, CaldwelL
and all points In Southern Nouraska Interior Kansas and beyond, Entire
passenger equipment of tho celebrated Pullman manufacture. Solidly bal
lasted track of heavy steel rail. Iron and stono brlrtrrca. All safety appliances
and modorn Improvements. Commodious, well-built stations. Celerity, cer
tainty, comtfart and luxury assured,
Is tho favorite between Chicago, Bock Island, Atchison, Kansas City, and
Minneapolis and St. Paul. The tourist routa to all Northern Summer Resorts.
Its Watertown Branch traverses the- most productive lands of tho Croat
"wheat and dairy belt" of Northern Iowa, South wcutern Minnesota, and East
Central Dakota.
Tho Short Lino via Seneca and Kankakee offers superior facilities to travel
between Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Lafayette, and Council Bluffs. St. Joseph.
f ur iicKQiti, juupti. iiuiuure, or uuy uuureu llloruiauon
Oenoral Manager.
uiH,.'uiuuiD,i,rwiy uueiiauiiiiunuuuuiL uuuiy wunvunn.
co In tho united States or Canada, or address
Oen'l Ticket ft Fass'r Agent
For cleansiuc ami liealimTfoul niul imlo
lent Ulcers, Bores and abscesses niul rcnuiv-
iiiL' tlio bad odors nrisinir tlicrcfnmi. nod
for sloughing, contused nml laceriiied wounds
uarliys iirophylactic llinil is uncntiallcil.
"1 liave useil JXirbvs Pronlivlactie Flub
in liosiutal and privnte praetico for ten
yeara and know of notliinc better for sloucli
jngjcontnsed and lacerated wounds, foul and
inuiueiii uicers, ami as a iiisiliieciiuu. .
I'. lleustis, 1'roi. iloblle ilediral College.
A Xcw York storo dycratiscs as the
nowest tiling out Its 'patent children's kneo
pads.' The history of tho pads is Interest
ing. A Northern New Hampshire woman
witli boys who would go through tho knec9
of their knlckerbockeis and Blockings fast
er than she could mend tliem, in a moment
of Inspiration fitted somo soft leather
smoothly over tho knees of two of tier boys,
A summer visitor saw tlio sclicmo and
adopted It for her boys, and so the pads
went out Into the world, and now some
body lias patented tho New Hiimpshlr
woman's Idea, and Is making money out of
During recent violent storms In tl
English Channel, tlio sea washed , throng
a. high and hard sand bank near tlip Islo of
St. JIalo, France, nearly fourteen feet thick,
laying bare a portion of an ancient forest
which was already passing into tho comli-
tion of coal. This forest, at tlio boglnnlug
of our era, covered an extensive tract
tno land tt became submerged, anil was
covered up by the drifting sand. Stout St,
Michel onco stood In llio.mlddlo of It. The
forest had quite disappeared by the middle
"of tho tenth ceotury. Occasional!.-, at very
low tides after storms, remains of it are
disclosed, just as at present. It Is believed
that some centuries -ago tho highest tides
roso about forty-tno feet aboyo the level
of the lowest ebb. Now tho high waler
level Is fifty-one feet abovo tlio lowest.
am & big
Household Hints.
Clean piano keys with a soft rag dipped
in alcohol.
To rcmoyo lime from an Iron not wasli
In strong vinegar.
l'.irg stains on silver can be taken oil
with table salt and a wet ratr.
-When dross silk becomes wet, pat it be-
tween tho hands to dry quickly.
Apples that aro not properly looked
alter will decay in tho barrels very fast,
Jllx s'-oyc polish with soft soap mid
coffao to give a bright Imler, and avoid the
dust from polishing.
To clean straw malting, boll tluee
quarts ot bran In ono gallon of water, and
wash tlie matting with tlie water, drvlni? It
If ribbons nci-d renewing waih tliem
In conl suds, mado of soap, and Iron when
damp. Cover with aclean cloth and Iron
over It.
Trim and fill the lamps in the morning,
or yon may add to the talo of accidents, as
tlio unwise virgins whoso lamps wero not
ready when wanted.
-If you wish to keep a sharp knife don
put it in not grease. Stir your potatoes
wniio frying or turn meat with a fork or an
old caso knife on purpose.
If the .flat Iron is dirty lie up a niece o
yellow beeswax In a rag, and when tno Iron
I JC - 1 . 1 .....
is iiiuiusi. uui not quite hot enough to use
rub it quickly with the wax, and then with
a coarse cloth.
linen using stale bread for nuddiiiffs
always soak It In a cold liquid, llread that
nas been soaked In cold milk or water
light and crumbly, whereas tliat soaked
hot liquids Is boa vy.
Vegetables with a stronc flavor, sucl
as onions and turnips, will-bo much Im
piuyeu uy piuiing mera to boil In col.l wat
er, ronewing this from a kettle of boilinir
water as soon as it comes to a scald.
In boiling meats take tho fat from the
top.of the water and savo for cooking oj
soap. In roasting meat pour the grease oi.t
of the pan or d Ip it out betore It gels burned .
It will bo excellent for nse In In cooking.
But if it stays till the meat Is dono' It will
bo nearly sure to have a burned, unpleasant
ft" . vs ww tt n -HarrOTdrtkmT
Havo opened up thoir immense now stock of Spring and Sum
mer Goods, including all that is now, novel and beautiful in
Worsteds, Cassiineres, Corkscrews,
Cheviots, &c., &c.,
which they will make-up in suits the latest style and best work
manship observed at wonderfully low prices.
For Gents', Ladies, Youths and Children. Only the best make
at the lowest prices. You arc bound to be pleased.
Is complete in every particular. The very latest, novelties in
Hats, Gaps, Neckwear, &c.
DON'T FAIL TO CALL. Respectfully,
Clauss & Bro., Tlie Tailors,
- Excitement in Texas.
Circat excitement has been caused in tlio
vicinity of Paris, Tex., by tlie remarkable
recovery of Mr. J. E. Uorlcv, who was m
lielplcts ho could not turn in bed, or rnite
lilt head; every body said lie was dying nf
consumption. Atrial bottle of I)r. King's
New Discovery wns Bent liim. Finding re
lief, lie bought a large bottle and a box of
Dr. King's New Iife Pill; by tlielime ho
had taken two boxes of pills and two bottles
of tho DUcovcJy, he wns well and had gain
ed in flesh tliirty-six pounds.
Trial Dottles of tlio great Discovery for
consumption free at T. 1). Thomas' 50c. and
I liouglit inedicino in tlurteien t-l:!t, but
nothing helped mo till I used KIv'h C'remii
Balm. In four days I could hear as well
as ever. I am cured of catarrh as well.
It is tlio best mcdiciuo ever used.' (iam tl
Widrick, Hastings, N. Y.
I could scarcely epcak; it was almost im
possible to breathe through my noi-tiils.
Using Fly's Cream llalm a sluirt time tin
trouble entirely disupiieared.,1. U. Ticli
enor, slide merchant, Elizabeth, X. J.
It is announced, as a result of scientific
experiments, that fat persons who desire to
becomo lean should "confine themselves to
a diet of loan meats, acid fruits, and such
vegetables as contain but. llttlo starch.
Fluids of all kinds should be drunk sparing
ly, tea and coffee, and especially alcoholic
stimulants, being wholly avoided. Five or
six hours in tho twenty-four should be the
maximum or sleep, and daily exercise
should bo habitually and persistently taker.
The advance of spring Is indicated in
New York by the appearance on the street
of Italian women with an ice-packed pail
of ice-cream and cry, Wona ccnta class.'
Observations in the Atlantic give from
forty-four feet to forty-eight feet as the
highest measured waves. Hut such heights
aro rarely reached, and, Indeed, wayes ex
ceeding thirty fest am very seldom en
countered. It Is not an uncommon thing for Im
migrants to land at Castle fiarden with
fniiiillct; of nine or ten cbildicu, mui recent
ly a husband and wife, witli ll.litj-two
children, dlomharkrd Ihcie. It is only fall aj
Iiiiwi-vr, to mt'iiiliiii that tho woman was
the iii.-in'a tlilr.l wife
Hvi'ii the I'.ilh-nif the f.oagne
lutein nut be able In inakn a hit on tho
stage or the lecture platform.
A small boj's. splilt of economy Is
shown when he refuses to set off a pack of
firecrackers at once.
Tlio portrait p-iinter geneMly gels his
pay partially In advance. Ifo Is thus always
drawing a head.
You can now go to Chtcago and Lack
forlll.So, It Is worth that amoiit lo go
ono way, ir you stall from Chicago.
Saloonkeepers approve of a Icar if for
revenue only, because In that caso the
revenue comes Into their own pockets.
When, by reason of a cold or from other
cause, Xlie stomach, liver, and kidneys be
come disordered, no time should be lost in
ktiimilnling them to action. Ayer's I'ilU
act quickly, safely, and surely. Sold by all
druggists and dealers in medicines.
Those now-fungletl systems for culti
vating tho memory aro all well In their
way, but. wives will nover find a means of
making hubby remember lo bilng up the
coal rjulto so good as the old-fashioned
scheme of le. v ng tho coal-hod on tho front
stairs for him to fall oyer when he comes
Suggestions on Hivinir Two Svarms That Is
sued a Once.
If two or more swarms of bees Issue at
once, will these on returning separatn and
go lo ono hive? If they all go to ono hlvo
how shall they ho separated so that each
queen can have her bees?
Tho abovo queries havo recently been
answered by prominent apiarians In
different sections by American lice Journal
Following aro somo of tho replies: Jrs. L.
Harrison aud G. L. Tinker answered:
"Each snarui will return to Its own hive."
A. .1. Cook said: "Sometimes all will go
Into one hive, but usually they separalo for
uic. Simply tako the frames and shake
tlio bees in front of another hive." C. C.
Sillier said: "They will often unite. When
they do you can not separate them, but jou
can give a sharo of tho mixed bees to each
queen." -M. Jlahln said: "Generally they
will go back to their own hives. If they
do not shako a part of the bees In front of
tho hlvo that Is deficient. Hut cago both
queens for a day or two. They will stay
where they are put."
A. tt. Mason, replied: ".Sometimes the
bees will return to their own hives, and
sometimes they will not. If they arc
mado to lly before theyare ready lo break
up the cluster, and the lilyes they come
from are some distance apart, they will
generally return to their own hives."
James lleddon said : "Usually ilia bees
will not return to their owu Iilvcs In per
fect order."
G. W. Dumareo answered: "They will
generally separalo and return to their own
homes, but they sometimes mako a great
muss of il. You can divide the united
swarms and givb to each ono of the queens.
but it is tlie safest way to leave tlie queens
ctged for ntj-four hours, as tlio mixed
swarms will often 'ball' the queen."
G. M. Doollttle said: "Frequently both
ways; but with a sheet to spread over tho
hio that Is gelling the most bees, I have
no trouble In gelling them divided In each
lilyo about as' I desired. 2. You must not
let them all go to ono hlvo, but should they
gel the start of )ou and do so keep the
queens caged, and after they get settled dip
tlieui up as you would wheat till jou get
them r s jou deslro them."
It. I.. Taylor said: "if tho swarms unite
In the air they will cluster together or re
turn to one hive. If tho swarms unite
jou can give each half of the uulud
swarms, which Is just as well, if swarms
cluster together place each queen in a
separalo basket and shako into each basket
lite proper share of tho bees. If they oifer
to it-turn to one hlyo when that hlvo has
Its share of the bees, quickly reinoyo il,
substitute tho oilier hlyo and altact the
rest of tho bees to it by placing the queen
at the entrance. Hut circumstances and
expciience must often dictate l lis course lo
bo pursued."
The editor of Tlio Journal said: "The
b oi may separate and return to their
reepectives hives, but quite often they will
co to one of the hives. If they all go to
gether, giyo tho surplus bees to weaker
colonies, carefully caging iho queen befoie
doing so."
for and read the OjUihon
Bill Heads,
Uoto Heads,'
Letter1 Heads,
Envelopes, .
Price Lists,
Blanks of all Kinds,
Wedding Stationery,
Business Cards,
Shipping Tags,
Sale Bills,
Ball Tickets,
Circulars, &c.
New presses, new type and excellent facilities enable us to do
all kinds of Job Work, in the best style, ant exd taraordinary
low prices. Mail orders receive immediate attention.
Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa.
. & s.
TTas just opened an entire new line of
Comprising all the very latest styles in White Goods. 8a-
Seersuckers and
best qualities at exceed-
teens, Prints, Ginghams,
Fancy Dress Patterns off ho very
mg low prices.
Groceries, Provisions, Crockeryware, lasBwarej
Wood and Willowware of the best makes at low figures.
Cloths Cassimers, Hats, Boots, Shoes and Heady
made Clothing in great variety and at prices within the reach,
of all purchasers prices fully as low as tlie same goods can be
bought for at any other general store in this vicinity.
arpets, Oil-cloths, Lamps aud Fixtures in groat
variety and of best quality at Rock Bottom Prices.
I'est quality of Flour and Feed at prices fully as low as th
same articles can be purchased elsewhere.
A car load of coarse salt has just been received the prica
has been marked down to the very lowest notch.
All goods of the very best quality and are being sold at prices
equally as low as the same goods can bought at any general store
in this section, (lull and bo convinced. Respectfully,
July23-871y MOS REIGEL.
1810189 ifSiriish
8S9 GIcisSj
Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa.
I have removed
fresh supply of
my entire stock with an additional
the more fashionable and Reasonable
GentsMdlesMitas Shoes
Ladies' Fine Kid and Spring Heel Shoes,
of all grades and sizes, at tho lowest prices in order
to meet my competitors. I will not be undersold.
My new stock is complete in every particular. Tho
old stock will be closed out it and below cost, A
cordial invitation is extended to my iortner friends
and patrons to call at my new store, one door nbove
Sweeny's Corner Store. Respectfully,