The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, June 23, 1888, Image 1

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    Advertising Rates
Tor Legal Notioos.
The following prices for legal
Ing has been adopted by tbe Oaiibon
Chatter Holloe ' - - 4 (XI
Auditor's Notices - - 4 Oo
Commissioner's Notice - 4 00
Dlrorco Notiofcs - - - 4 00
Administrator' Notices - 3 00
Kxetutor'i Nollce - - - 0 00
Other legal advertising will be charged for
by the square.
H. V. MortMmar. Jr., Publisher.
Professional & Business Cards.
Horace Heydt,
urncxi -The ltoom recently occupied by W. M
May ba consulted In English and German.
July t-ly
W. M. Rapsher,
first door above tbe Mansion House,
Kl Htatn and tfallretlnn Ae-enpv. Will I!uv
And Sell Beat Estate. Conveyancing neatly dona.
Colltctuns promptly mad. Settling Estates ol
a specially,
May be consulted In
English and German.
uuv. i-yi
0,V. Kleintop,
Instructor in Music,
rUbblas' American Classical Methods a special-
T- M nuUi aim 1 . t f
if, Awl tU IUVUriICi huk t--l
W. G. M. Seiple,
Haj be consulted In English and German.
special anenuon given to uvnecoiogr.
OrriCB nouns; From u M. to 2 P. M., and
from to r. n. mar. ji-ji
A S. Ratoenold, D. D. S.,
2baxc Officb : Over J. W. Raudenbusli'
Liquor Store,
Dentistry In all It branches. Teeth Extracted
nltbeutralQ; Gas administered when requested.
Offlc Days WEDNESDAY of each week.
e. O. suitress, ALLENTOWN,
kU S-yi Lehigh county, Pa.
F. I. SMITH, D. D. S
OFFICE: apposite Wleand's Opera Hninu
Bank Street, Zehighton, Pa.
Filling and making artificial dentures a .special
ty.' Local anesthetics used, "
Oat administered and Teeth Fxtraeted WITH
OFFICE UOURS: From 8 a. m., to 12 in., from
1 p. m., to 5 p. in., from 7 p. m to 8 p. m.
Consultations In English or German.
Oct U-7-ly
Dr. T. POX
Visits Allentown regularly on THURSDAY ot
each-Week. .Practice limited to
Diseases of the Eye and Ear.
Office at Haj den's American Hotel, and Office
Hours Uora A. M. to 3:30 P. M. Also attends to
Retraction ot tlie Eye for the proper adjustment
it Glasses, and for the Relief and Cure of Opti
cal Detects.
May also be consulted at tils office in BATH,
Wednesday and Saturday ot each week, at BAN
GOtteo Monday, aud at K ASTON on Tuesday ol
each week. Jan 2-vl
Horse Doctor,
(Honorary Graduate of Ontario Vet, College.)
dee: Mansion House, MS L, LehigUi
Diseases of Horse and Cattle,
Bpeotal and" Particular Attention paid to
Splints, Ringbone,
And all diseases prevalent among Domesticated
Horse and Cattle Powders Prepared Suit
able for each Case.
Consultation Free Charges Moderate.
Calls by telegraph and telephone promptly at
tended to Operations Skillfully Performed
Practical Blacksmiths Horsestioer
Is prepared to do all work In his line
ln the best manner andt the lowest
prices, riense can. nor.!G-8fi-iy,
mdway between Mauch Chunk & Lehighton,
PACKERTON, - - - Pinni.
Xbis well-known Hotel Is admirably refitted, and
has tae best accommodations for permanent and
tTHQSlent boarders. Excellent Tables aud thr
rery best Liquors. Stables attached, srpio-jl
Opposite L. fc S. Depot,
This house otters first-class accommodations for
traaitcnt aud permanent boarders. It lias been
bewly refittedln all Its detriments, and is local,
est la one ot the most picturesque portions ot the
bereugh. Terms moderate. M 'I'he UAR Is
luppUed with the choicest Whirs, Liquors and
flgus. Fresh lager on Tan. aprn-yi
T. J- retny"
-Itsnectfullv announced to the Mrrcliant nt Ij.
lUhtOn and others that be Is uow preiured to
It, all kinds ot
Hauling or Freight, Express
Matter and Baggage
very reasonable prices. By promndoarlraep
atronate. Residence : corner of Pine and Iron
u ttfuwrw u. j,u99 w mem a simreoi puoi
. Lenlenton.
.tDrderalett at Sweeny & Sou's Bonier Store
11 recelde liromnt attedtloir
ar. It. as T. T BKKTNRV.
Contractor anil Builder.
(Next door to Reuben Fenstcriuacher's)
J ""7 'if Mi ,H'r-
riant and specifications, aad probable cost ot
bjllalogs, furnitbed upon application, Al) work
r-i&raateeil. ' Hsp,alrla- promptly attended to
andaaterlal furnished deured.J-lHy
$1.00 a Year in Advance. INDEPENDENT " Live and Let Live." $1.26 when not paid in Advance.
VOL. XVI., No 32, Lehighton, Oarbon County, Penha., June 23 1888. Single Copies 5 Cents.
"""" " '" .1 I , I .... ! J"' '"' ""' ' . II.. , ... ,, .,...,... ,, ilmm
J. O. ZERN, M. P.. W. I KUTZ, M, D,
jyiS. ZEItN & KDTS5,
Physiolans & Surgeons.
Ol'PICR at the residence of Dr. Zern, While
Stieet, Welssport.
All rails or snrglcal or medical treatment will
receive prompt attention, wayis-wii
This hous offers first-class accommodations to
the permanent- boarder and trauslent guest.
Panic prices, only une Dollar per day.
aug7-iy JouN Iir.Hnid, Proprietor,
All Kinds of Jewelry !
School Milk Stationery.
The - Weisaport - Bakery,
Dellters Fresh Bread and Cakes in Welssport,
inigiuon anu vicinmes every uay.
In the store I have a Fine Line of Confectionery
for the Holldav Trade. Sunday schools and fes
tivals supplied at lowest prices. deci-Cm.
Fort Allan House
wslssport, Carton County, Penna.,
Honry Christman, Proprietor,
The public Is respectfully Informed that this
well-know bouse has been refitted and Improved
Ion llrst rate, and able to furnish the veiv best
nccuinniouaiiona o an khius
A Liyery Stable
In connection with the hotel, with amnle menus
to accoinniouaiet weuuing parues, Minerals anu
pleasure secKurs wnn suio leaini.
in connection with the hotel Is a FINE POOI
ROOM handsomely fitted ur. Apr23 87Iy
For Newest Designs and Most Fashionable
Styles of
Bank Street, Lehighton.
floods guaranteed aod prices as low as else
where for Ibetaroe quality of goodi.
July 18, 1885 ly
lr. C. T. HORN,
Central Drug Store,
Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa.,
Pure Drugs and Medicines,
Fine Soaps, Brushes, &c, Ac,
Choice Wines and Liquors,
Largest Assortment of Library
Lamps !
Wall Paper and Decorations !
Spectacles !
When you buy a pair ot Shoes you w ant a
good fit. But it ou need SPECTACLES it is
much more Important that the EYE should be
accommodated with correct lenses arid a proper
ly fitting frame which will bring the lenses di
rectly before the centre of-the eje. If nubuy
your spectacles at Dr. Horn's you will find the
above points properly attended to.
Accident, Life & Fire
Bank Street, Lehighton,
Has secured the agency for the following
PANIES which can be recommended to
the public as Perfectly Safe and Reliable.
The National Life Insnrauce Co.,
which Is said to be "The grandest step In
lair dealing within tbe history of Life
Insurance." It protects acalnst
adversity In business; It pro
tects u e pen uent ones
against the contln- I
gency of death ! I
fflannrn Accident MeEinity Co.,
with a reserve fund of $50,000 guarantees
every policy In full. No other com
pany has ever put up such a fund.
It costs but a few cents eyery
day a good Investment.
HaiTiSuiiri Mutual Live Stock
Fixed rates; no annual dues. Animals ill
Tided Into classes of one hundred and
tlfy each. Members responsible
only for losses occurring In the
class In which their ani
mals were' enrolled.
August 20, 18tfi fy
Tbe Cream of all Ms of Adyenture
The tbrtlllne adventures nf h11 tbe heme
plorers and frontier fighters with Indians, out
laws and wild beasts,, over our whole country,
iromtlie earliest times to the present. Lues
and exploits of l)eHoto,ISalle,HundUli,Ilooiie,
Kenton, Urady, Crockett, Bowie. Houston, Car
sou, Custer, California Joe, Wild Bill. Kuffalo
1)111, (lenerals Miles and Crook, great ludlan
elite fi, and scores of others. Hplcndldly Illus
trated with 220 Sue engraving. Agents Wanted.
Low prised, aud beats anything to sell. Time
tor payments allowed Agents short ot funds-
ruuti ruD.tu., rox ccci., rmiaaeipms.
I lebiwai
Seller's Gorner.
I have lately added to my slock
the celebrated
Blue Diamoiiu Roofing; Slate!
and also other brands. And
Flastering,Building Lime
and Builder's Sands.
A Variety Cellar Grates.
I have the usual stock of
Cement, PewlerSaml,
Plnster-Parls, Bine
and Wliito Land PInster,
Phosphates, Coal,
Hardware, Oil, &c.
I have the most complete line
of Farming Implements, Tools,
and Repairs for the same.
Garden ani Field Seeds.
I am sole agent for The Allen-
town or Breining's ReadyMixed
.Aunts. My prices are popular
and my goods desirable. Your
orders are solicted.
Next door to Advocate office,
Bank Street, Lehighton, Penna.
"Corner Store"
Bottled Gherkins. Sweet Pick-
es, (.how-Chow, Onions, Table
Sauce, IToie-radish, Cauliflow
er, Catsup, Mixed Pickles, Cel
ery Sauce, and all kinds of choice
Jellies and table necessaries. In
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Queensware, &c,
ll'e lead, both In low nrlces and duality of
goods. Our large stock Is displayed to ad
vantage, an", item which purchasers will
certainly greatly appreciate.
Corner Store,
made easy manufactur
ing Itubher Stanips.Send
ing Jiiiuoerntanips
tor price list of outl
.1. F. W. Dorma.i, :
Kast German St.,
otunis, ro
inore,Mit.,U.ri.A -Oc226in
Fire, Life & Live Stock Insurance
Special attention of Farmers aud others Is
railed to the liberal termsolTered by the nitKKB
ANCE COMPANY, for which I am the aeent for
this County and neighborhood.
Real Estate Agency,
Real Estate Bought & Sold.
Collections Promptly Made.
Bank Street, Lehighton, Pehna.
Jeweler ani Watchmaker,
Bank Street, Lehighton, nna.
Ht-speUiiHy Invites the attention of bis friends
andlhe citizens generally to his liiimenoe
uw stock of
Watches, Clocks,
Silverware, Jewely,
at Price that defy competition, It will pay you
to call and Inspect my stock before purchasing
Promptly done t 1 1 eit charge, and all work
Don't Forget tbe Place.
Bank St,, Lehighton.
etircuiber lT.oKly
Subsoribs for the Advocate.
A urban
Your Liver?
Is tho Oriental Balutation,
knowing that good health
cannot exist without a
healthy Liver. When tho
Liver is torpid the Bow-
. els are sluggish and con
stipated, the food liea
in the stomach undi
gested, poisoning the
Blood; frequent headaeha
ensues; a feeling of lassi-
tude, despondency and
nervousness indicate how
the whole system is de
ranged. Simmons Liver
Regulator has been tho
means of restoring mora
people to health and
happiness by giving them
a healthy Liver than any
agency known on earth.
It acts with' extraor
dinary power and efficacy.
.. A a general family remedy for Dyspepsia,
Torpid Uver, Constipation, etc., I tardily
ever use anything; else, and have never
been disappointed: In the effect produced:
It seems to be almost a perfect cure for all
diseases of tbe Htomach and Iiowels.
W. J. Mcelroy, Macon, 0
Wall Fg
Borders & Decorations,
ionery, Fancy Ms.
Window Shades & Fixtures,
Latest Styles, made and put up, If dealred.
Paints, Oil, Varnish, Putty,
BriiBhes & general ainters'
No. 61 Broadway Mancli (amok. Pa-
Itolow the Ilroadway House.
Every Household
Shonld have Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
It saves thousands of lives annually,
and is peculiarly efficacious in Croup,
Whooping Cough, and Sore Throat.
"'After an extensive practice of nearly
one-third of a century.-Ayer's Cherrv
Pectoral is my cure for recent colds and
coughs. I prescribe It, and believe it
to be the very best expectorant now
offered to the people." Dr. John C.
lievls, Druggist, "West Bridgewater, Pa.
" Some years ago Ayer's Chorry Pec
toral cured me of asthma after the best
medical skill had failed to give me re
lief. A lew weeks since, being again a
little troubled with the disease, I was
Relieved By
the same remedy. I gladly offer this
testimony for the benefit of all similarly
Rfifllcted. ''-F.H. Hassler, Editor Argui,
Table Rock, Nebr.
"For children afflicted with colds,
coughs, sore throat, or croup, I do not
know of any remedy which will give
more speedy relief than Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral. I have found it, also, invalu-
able In cases of whooping cough." '
Ann Lovejoy, 1231 "Washington street,
Boston, Mass.
"Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has proved
remarkably effective in croup and la
Invaluable aa a family medicine."
" - uAjnub, juivupeo cans, iuass.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Bold by all Druigltti. prU $1 i tlx bottles, 11.
Respectfully announces to the public that lie is
now nicely located In his
New Store Room Opp. LV.Roit House
siik'k n mil una complete tine 01
Stoves ahd Tinware !
Including the Justly Celebrated and Popular
New Mayflower,
Which he is selllnit at -THE VERY LOWEST
i;asu riuuES. you are respectfully muted
to call and inspect his stock and learn
prices before purchasing elsewhere.
Roofing and Spouting
will he promptly and correctly attended. Terms
low as me very lowest.
Opp. Round House, Dank Street, I.ehlKhton.I'a.
ouip;8t i n
Weissport Planing
Window and Dooh Frames,
Doors, Shutters,
Blinds, Sashes,
Mouldings, Brackets,
All Kinds of
Shingles, Bailings,
Hemlock Lumber, &c, &c.
Very Lowest Prices
Down to the orchard spring she came.
Many a golden yenrngo:
The inornlns skies were all aflKiiie,
The gnarled old apple-trees ahlow;
Tlioy pelted her ltli rosy snow,
The willful, wild, mischievous elf t
As, stooping to the dimpling jwol,
Nhc laughed to see, nnild the cool
flrecn rucdi, the Imago ot herself.
Tar off Ibc homestead orchards lays
The grasses curled wlttl summer heat,
As down die crowded city-way,
Stunned with the noises of the stieet,
.She came, with tired, unwilling feet.
"The toll and moll for fame and pelf
Have dulled tbo rose of youth, nbisl"
She sighed, as In a neighboring filnn
She saw the specter of herself.
Tim winter skies ara bleak and gray:
A tang of frost Is In the tilr j
And there are hints of snow to-day
Amid the darkness of her hair;
And her young hopes and fancies fair
Aro laid on some forgotten shelf.
And through a mist she seems to ga?e
At this dim ghost of other thus.
The fading shadow of herself.
Where are the laughing starry eves,
The dimpled bloom, the glillsh?
Than Time's a deeper etching hc
Upon tho sad, Impassive face.
So lay the picture on the shelf:
The palo estray no one will mlis,
Smee there are brighter things than thin
t old shadow of her by gone self I
I1Y OiriNKVKM-:.
" H'cll, dearie, you're home at last, and
there's no need to ask It things went smooth
ly, for I know what that bright face and
bonny smile means. But you must be tired ;
take off your bonnet and sit down here at
All the'whlle.she was talking, Mrs. Dean
bustled about the cozy room arranging her
mistress' luncheon, and now she came and
took tho pretty straw bonnet and cashmere
shawl from her companion's hand and
pushed her gently toward tho table.
"Oh, you aro always so thoughtful," said
Violet llengarde, with a sweet smile.
"Well, I am hungry: wo had a long rehear
sal, and It Is now two hours past noon.
But I am quite elated my Hermonle will
be quite a success, Mrs. Dean, and Mr.
Lacy has promised to giyeine the principal
role In tho noxt production. If I make a
hit my future Is assured."
And the young actress clasped her hands
and raised her blue eyes rapturously.
bhe was yery pretty, with a certain charm
that was not dependent npon the pure tints
of her face nor small, regular features; it
was a charm of expression, and a plained
woman with Violet Iletigaiilc's mobile lips
and changeful eyes would si ill he very beau-!
tiful and alliactlve.
She was twenty-four, perhaps; but her
slender figure' retained Its girlish propor
tions, and her waving chestnut hair colled
low in the neck, and slmplo stylo of dress
lent her a youthful appearance.
She finished her luncheon and looked al
tin; clock with an anxious eye.
'Almost time for Nella," she said.
"That is why 1 am so happy, dear Mrs.
Uean. This meeting after months of ab
sence is wortli more to me than a dozen
successes upon the stage."
"Dear, dear, how she does love her sis
ter, to be sure," thought Mrs. Dean-
Though I don't know what she'll do with
her here, a wild miss just from boarding
school. Perhaps she'll take up the stage,
Hut Violet had her own plans regarding
both her sister and herself of which the
oilier woman never dreamed.
Yes, she was very glad of her public suc
cess-very glad; but It did not matter so
much now, for within a year she wonld
leave the profession and settle down In tier
own home.
"A sober, staid matron," she thought,
laughingly. "But what a model couple Lei
Iioy and I will be! and Nclla shall makoj
her homo with us. Ah! sheltered by his
love, I shall never regret that I sacrificed
my chance ot becoming a popular actress
a dovoted wife will be the role, then; and
If I succeed, what more could I ask?"
In this strain her thoughts went on as
she donned a pretty costume of fawn
colored cloth, and pinned a bunch of vio
lets on her breast.
Fifteen minutes later, she was whirling
over the streets in a coupe that halted bo
fore the Central Depot, where Violet
sprung out and hastened to the waiting-
She knew the train had arrived; without
doubt Nella was growing impatient; but to
her great surprise her sister was not
to bo found.
In vain she looked at evertgroup aud
In overy corner no sparkling face smiled
at her, no saucy voice called out a greet
ing; and after questioning the officials, she
returned to her coupe and was driving
There were tears of disappointment in
her blue eyes; her face looked serious, for
she feared some calamity had befallen her
idol; hut on tho threshold of her little par
lor f he stood transfixed.
The door was partly opened, and there,
In the centre of the room, sat a radiant
figure In heliotrope, with a broad hat
uuslied back from the smiling face, and
pretty, jeweled hands shaping a bouquet of
Perle roses!
Before her, in au attitude of earnestness,
sat a doubly handsome man, Le Hoy Serle.
hy was It that a sharp pang rent the
heart of tho actress as she watched? Why
did a dark cloud seem to fall upon thr sum
of her joy?
"Nellal" she said reproachfully.
The little figure sprung up, and the next
Instant the sisters were In each other's
"Now, don't scold," said Kella plain
tlvely, while she put on an Irreslstable look
of pleading. "I was so tired waiting there
in that stuffy room! I thought I could find
you, but I got lost. Yes, I did, and Mr.
Serle found tun didn't you?"
And the cast a flashing glance at the
young man. Violet looked at her longingly
oh, how bcautltul she had grown!
Her features were not unlike her sister's,
and, while she lacked Violet's chief charm
she was much lovelier.
Her eyes were dark as the heart of
pausy. What matter that the expressions
were only those of a gay, f nndovlhg dispo
Her mouth was small and perfect, meant
only for smiles and kisses, and her hair a
rich golden, likened only to corn-silk when
the sun has just touched It.
"I ara so glad you found her, Le Boy,"
said Violet. "But how you frightened me,
"Ah, I was frightened myself," cried
the joupg girl. "Mr. Serlo calmed my
ruffled spirit with these lovely roses. Isn't
he kind? But how selfish I am I"
She drew out two buds and fastened one
In Violet's hair; then, stopping before Lo
Hoy, took tho lapel of his coat between her
dainty thumb and forefinger, raising her
eyes demurely.
Where did she learn those little tricks of
hianner? She was a school girl no longer.
but a bewitching little coquette.
A premonition of coming evil fell upon
Violet for the first time she regretted her
lost youth, for how old and sober she
seemed beside this brilliant creature -and
Lo Boy admired Nclla.
I his admiration grew Into something
stronger as the days went by. Violet knew
It, and she knew, too, that her sister was
not wholly blameless. She could not help
being gay and bowltchlng, but when she
read Lo Boy Scrlc's heart In his oycs.whcn
she knew her power was drawing him to
her, why did she not quietly withdraw and
turn her attention elsewhere? No. such
was not Nclla Bcngarde's way.
she had first tried her own power, de
lighted with tho result, but It grow to bo a
serious thing with her afterward.
Violet catno home front the theatre one
day ere she was expected. As she stepped
lightly Into the parlor, she heard sobs Is
suing from behind the curtains of the al
cove, and thcn'Lc Boy's voice, pained and
"For God's sake, Nclla, don't you un
man me! I cannot comfort you. I must
do my duty, and that duty Is to he true to
my promise."
"And you will marry Violet, and 1 I
will be alone," sobbed Nalla. "Oh, why
must I b so miserable? She would not be
your wife if she knew that your loycd
'Ilush. Nclla she shall not know.
She Is too good "
But you don't care how I suffer. Vio
let has her art halt her heart Is glyen to
that she would turn to that and iorgct,
she Is cold. But I Oh, Le Boy, I
will kill myself I'll die of despair!"
''My darling, you will break my heart!"
I'hen the pale listener knew that the man
sho loved had clasped her sister to his
With a noiseless step, and face as white
as it would bo In her coflin, Violet went to
her own room.
There were no cries, no tears, but with
dry, burning eyes and set Hps, the actress
sat thero and thought thought till her
brain reeled, and her senses seemed desert
ing her.
"They love each other and I stand In
their way I" was the burden of her
thoughts. "And shall 1 make their lives
inlscrablo? Yet If I marry him and scud
Nclla away, ho will forget her In time. I
will win his heart, and she will form new
ties. Oh I my love! I cannot give you tin."
Then sho recalled Nella's words.
"She has her art, but I I will die of
Not a thought of blame for her sister,
only uity.
"Perhaps after all It was not meant that
I should turn aside from the path I chose
five years ago," reflected Violet sadly.
Shall I give hlin up to her, and go my
way alone oh, Heaven but this Is'Iiltler!''
How long she sat there sho did not know.
At last she rose, brushed her hair and
bathed her eyes.
Then she went, to the desk and wrote to
her manager, Mr. Lacy.
"Dear Mtt. Lacy. I have reconsidered
your offer and will accept the title role of
Oyrubelinc. Make arrangements to suit
yourself. Vior.KT Bbnoaiihk."
Then she weut down stairs, where she
found her lover alas! her lover no longer!
alone In the parlor.
"I shall have to make my arrangements
for a departure," she said, after a while.
"I am going to play Cymbellne."
Lo Hoy gave her a quick glance.
"Jl'hy, Violet, I do not understand.
Your engagement ends next month, does
It not?"
Her heart was like Ice, but she smiled
up in his face.
"I I cannot give up this chance, Le-
Boy," she murmured.
"Violet, I believe you care more for your
art than for me," be said reproachfully,
Oh, bitter mockery! Well.'for the miser
able wonan that she was an adept at dissim
ulation. She looked thoughtfully away aud
then turned her blue syes calinlv uuou his
'I find I am more attached to It than
I ever Imagined," she said steadily. "1
cannot give it up."
He took her hand and looked at her
"Do you realize what that means?" he
asked, with pale lips. "My wife must not
belong to the public hut to me. And you
are willing to do this will yon make yonr
"It is made, Le Hoy," she answered. "I
shall remain an actress. I believe It Is my
So tho fiat was given and Le Hoy, happy
despite his disappointment, never knew
what a sacrifice had been made; he only
thought that Nclla had spoken truly when
she said that Violet was cold. He never
knew that such loye as Violet Benitardo'a
was rare, and that he lost a priceless treas
ure when he turned from her to Nclla with
the brilliant face and selfish heart.
Two months later, In a distant city, Vio
let stood behind the scenes of the theatre
wheie, as Cymbellne, she had scored a won
derful success, ami read a telegram from
her sister:
"Our congratulations I am going abroad
with my husband. H'e will see you next
auutmn. Nklla."
The woman uttered a lonir4igh, the jew
tied hand holding tho crushed paper fell
heavily to her side, and so she stood like a
beautiful statue draped with silken, vest
ments aud bung with jewels.
A voico roused her, she started, passed
her hatid over her forehead, and then tho
woman was lost tu the actress. No oue
looked upon that brlliaut visiou that uow
dawned upon-them beyond the footlights
could guess that tbe robes of Cytnberllne
were worn by a woman for whom loe was
oyer and hope was ded. Surely, Violet
Beogarde was a true actress.
H Mads a Rsport-
A citizen of slow step and melancholy
look entered the Woodbrldge Street Station
Detroit, recently, and said ha would like to
make a report.
"On what?" queried the Sergeant.
un a matter which happened at my
house an hour ago."
"Very well."
"I had a loaded revolver liiug on a shelf
In tho closet," continued the man. "Got
that down?"
"Jy wlfo's mother, who has been liv
ing with us for a year past, went into the
closet to look after something."
"Ah! She did? I seel"
"And In pawing around on the shelf she
knocked the revolver to the floor."
"Just like a woman? It was exploded,
of course?"
"Yes, sir."
"And the bullet entered her leg?"
"No, sir."
"Hor anklo?"
"No, sir."
"Went Into her foot then?"
"No, sir; It never touched her at all.
"It didn't? Well, .that's very queer,
ll'bal did you want to report about It?"
"Why, that it never touched her. I can't
understand It."
The Sergeant laid down his pen aud
looked at the man a long time. Then ho
rose and took him by the arm and walked
him out doors and headed him down the
'Can't help It," said the man as he
bultoccd his coat. "That bullet never
touched her, and I can walk her down
here to provo It!"
What Becomes of Old Barbers.
"I noycr see an old barber, and what be
comes of thom all? A customer In a Third
aventto barber shop suokc thus the other
day to tho artist who was lathering him.
"Keep beer shops!" replied the barber as
ho grasped his bone. "You sco a man gets
played out In this business, and you can't
see ten gray-halred men behind the chairs
in all the barber shops lit New York,
There's au ex-barber keeps the p1a:e on the
corner across where you ace tbe foaming
mug, and lots of them are doing the same
thing. A man's hand gets shaky liko in
this business before his hair turns gray.
Sometimes it's from drink, but oftcucr it's
from nervousness that catches on to a man
by working In such little shops days aud
nights and half a' Sundays. It looks flue
to sco us sittlug rottud, but that Isn't al'
our work. A bather naturally sets up a
beer shop wbeu he's knocked out, for
bathers get to ho sociable with their ctts
mcrs, aud that's the kind of training for a
beer shop keeper. There's one gray halrud
barber working dowu town, and that's I lie
only one I ever saw In New York, Bay
rum on your hair?"
Boycotting Bridssmalds.
A serious revolution occurred In society.
There has been a strike In high life a
league against bridesmaids, who ate likely
to bu Improved of thu face of the earth.
The tribe of young ladies Is to vanish,
and tbe pa,;e is to appear In their place.
Unhappy bildcltnalds! they have paved
the way their own destruction.
Their rapacity Is theeatite of this anguish
their bouquets and jewelry have be cotno a
tax hardly to be suppoilcd by mortal tnati.
The page requires no bouquet, no dia
mond brooch or bangle, so tho long suffer
ing bi'Idcgroutu halls Ills advent with de
light, aud the bildcsmald Is practically
A bouquet and a bangle liiay not sccui
very much lo tho young lady who receives
them, but multiplied by nine they become
a serious article of expenditure, and have
ended by curtailing a wedding tour before
Whilst bridjmaids were corttuuted with
a small offering all was well, but the ex
travagant gifts which havo obtained of late
years havs hastened the depatltirc of the
bridesmaids, who are likely to disappear
along with other ancient abuses.
A Chititnnt in Tsnosans.
" ll'hat Is this story of 'Dr. Jokyll and
Mr. IlrdeV that everybody Is talking
about?" asked a well-known man about
towu yesterday.
"Well," said the questioned man, "is it
one of Kobcrt Louis Stevenson's stories, In
which the plot turns on one remarkable
fact. Dr. Jckyll Is a reputable and respect
able man, and highly esteemer' by all his
friends. When, however, he takes a crtau
drug.he becomes a totally different man,
loses his good Impulses, becomes yiclous
"Yes, 1 think I can tell what the stuff
Is, It's affected mo that way."
"This Inclination becomes stronger aud
stronger to use the drug, and he indulges
more and more "
"Just as I do precisely."
"Tho effects, however, became more and
more lasting, and he finds It more, and more
difficult lo become Dr. Jekyll and easier to
be Mr. Hyde. Finally "
"0. that's not an uncommon story at all.;
I could have written It myself. They are
Jokylls and Hydcs, plenty of them In Nash
ville. Tell Stevenson to trot out some
thing novel, something unusual."
Don't he a fool!'' she said, with a snap,
lo her husband, "Why didn't you tell me
lhat when I asked you to marry me?" he
The Thanksgiving turkey In Paris was
eaten wltbout Grcyy last year.
Laws are not made like twigs or nets,
to catch everything that iouchcth them;
but rather like sea-marks, lo guide from
shipwreck the Ignorant passenger.
A good man Is the best friend, aud
therefwrc Is llrtt to be chosen, longest to be
retained, and, Indeed, never to be patted
with, unless he ceases to be that for which
was chosen.
Theyouug aud mlddled-agrd are fre
quently Oltod with discontent aud rail
against life; but seldom Is this tbe case
with these who are full of years and the
wisdom of aga. They have been so long
endowed with life, and It has taught aud
is teaching them so rainy lessons, that they
cannot complain of It, still less condemn,
A young woman, who married a one-
legged man says It doesn't take' much to
make her husband hopping mad.
One bf the western ranches Is owued
and managed by a woman. She is probab
ly the cow-belle of the west.
! The Carbon Advocate,
in .lMDitrnNURNT Family NrtWNPArin Pub
' llshed every Saturday In LeiiUMon,
Oarbon Comity, Pennsylvania, by
Harry "V. Morthimer, J r.
i- . - -BANK STREET.
$1.00 Per Year in Advanoe I
Best advertising jnedlnm In the county.
Every description of Tlaln And Fanoy
t very low prices. We do not hesitate to say
I hat we are better equpped tlian any other
printing establishment In this section
Id do first-class Job-work, In all
Its branches, at low prices.
Tho harvest of useful labor Is less ex
hausting In the long run than exciting
pleasures, as most of tho devotees In middle
life sadly confess.
If good people would but make good
ness agreeable, and smile Instead of frown
log In their vlrlurc, many would tb,ey gain
to the good cause,
Unbidden guests arc welcomest when
they aro gone.
The choir organ should always be dis
tinguished by Its high moral tone.
Milk has so llttlo lo do with the mllcb
cow that a distinction Is made In the spell
ing. -What an Immense town must be'Partt
Unknown, Ontario, Canada. People keep
going thero.
Woman In Basintis.
Ill this tec of citrcmft nrtlvitv anil
wonderful rUvolopment, it is a noteworthy
fact that many women have made their own
way in mercantile life, aud successfully
compete with men in many lines of busi-
ncss. iv omen, wneilicr lliey labor in the
hbilscbold or in the store, aro all liable in
Miller from fiiucitiunal dcrangruents and the
care of maternity. For all troubles known
under Hie category of "female weakness."
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prcseriiitlmi ia a tonic
and tried tqweific. It relieves tlie greateit
suflcrcrs. and restores tho patient to vigor
ous health and strenctli. It is the onlv
medicine for women, sold bv dmcirisla. under
a iKwittve guarantee, from the manufact
ures, that it will give satisfaction in' every
case, or money will be refunded. -This
guarantee has been printed on the bottle-
wrapjicr and faithfully carried out for many
Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure mnsttnitlnn.
biliousness, sick headache, bilious headache,
and all derangements of tho stomach, liver
and bowels.
-Oftimcs tho blackness which we ba-'
llcyt we sco In others is only our own
According to the security you offer
her. Fortune makes her loans easy or ruin
ous. A lie has no legs and cannot stand;
but It has strong wings and can fly fai and
The desire for more and more rises by
a natural gradation to most, and aftf r that
to all.
It 111 corresponds with a profession ot
friendship to refuse assistance to a friend
In the time of need. ... .,
If you do not censure until you (have
heard hot sides, you will have much, let
to regret, and your opinion will be worth
If wo could read the history of our
enemies wo should find In each man's lift
sorrow and suffering enough to disarm all
The Verdict TJaanimont. ,
V. 1). Sul t. DruuiiUl. BIddus. In'd.. "I
can recommend Elcctrio Bitters as the' best
remedy, fcvery bottle sold has given relief
in cvciy case. One man took six bottles,'.and
was cured of Rheumatism of 10 years stand
lug." Abraham Hare, drucelst.' Belville.
Ohio, affirms: "The best belling medicine I
mvo oyer handled In niv 20 years'"xperi-
encc, Is blcclnc Bitlcn." - Thousands of
others have added their testimony,; so that
ine vcruict is unanimous that weetrje. Hit
lers do cure all diseases of the Liver, Kid
leys or Blood. Oulr a half dollar a bot
tle at Thomas' Drug Store.
An old yarn A now joke.
A great snare A big head.
A"lile" The.othcr fellow. . '.
Not in weed Grass widows. . .
Plain people The carpeuters. .
A shaky business Chucking dice.
Il'orklng on shares Tbe barkeeper.1
- Skoal failures The weather clerks,
A pet on the lan Pussy at a.mllk cau,
Adam was the original dude, oecaust
he had things dowu to first principles.
The difference between a druggist' and
pharuiacicn is about -'00 per cent,
-Awoiuau's heart is liko the catacombs,
apablu of housing soycral burled J issue.
Christopher Columbus was no painttr,
but all the same he was the II lit landseor
of America.
-A Maryland widow set a hear trap and
caught a joung man. We expect this will
cause a boom In bear traps.
-Tho accounts of sickness in the country
are truly alarming. Summer relations .will
do well lo remain In tbe city until frost.
Ga)ety is tho antfdoto to gloom.
Laziness hat ruined more talent than.
activity has developed. . , -
Tha right to pay taxes has never bee
denied women. . .
Tbe Widow McUulness' pig ;. was
banged, drawn aud quartered in a rattle.
A corner In honey Behind a screen, at
a parly with a pretty girl.
Wall streat men love dogs. . At least
they arc very fond of pointers on. the
Ycstotday was an off day for the JVash.
Ingtou ball club tbo boys won a game
Tbe Queen of Denmark Is passionately
fond of music. Sba'a deaf; lhat'ajTby,,.
Tariff reform In Scryla la drifting t
the rear. An Import tax on bustles has
just been Imposed by tbe Government ef
that nation.
Ayer's Hair Vigor is a universal beautifi
or. Harmless, effective, and agreeable, it bai
taker, high rank among toilet articles. This
preperation causes thin and weak hair to b
comeabaudant, strong, and healthy, and .re
lo. logray hair its original color.
Kaw holsters fresh elevator boys.
The bank teller's a paying buslnss.
Mechanics say .bat edged tools gtl
"tired." The same may be said of a' wagon
He I hear that our mutual friend.
Miss Elderly, has matrled a 'corn doctor.
She Yes, she has succeeded at last fn
getting a man at her feet. How romantic
she Is?
A whole heaven Is contataed In a drop
ef dew; a whole soul within a tear.
Ambition breaks the ties of b'lood, and
forgets the obligations of gratitude. .
The easiest thing in the world to find
is fault. Kvcn a blind man can find fault.
Oopd qualities, though bidden, becom
unveiled aud shine .throughout the worM.
They relleya instantly tbe Bains and sore
ness caused by cold, damp weather. Jfof
Platters, Use one.
Ah exchange asks what causes boilers
to explode. Boilers explode for the -tarn
reason that fools can't keep tbelr mouths
shut because they age too weak lo hold
tbelr gas.
Be ever saying.
' Preserve self-possession, aiid'ib net ii
talked out of conviction.