A MODEL PRESS vrai ao ui root own PrinUng ot imooney print In for other. . rout boy can ran It. outnu, with rrea cost S5. 110. 120. ts. or more. ooordlnt to ilxe-ono u good M another. In uh all oyer the wntM. Full Inform a,UAn In a. book called How to Print. Free with samples ot Model, firm work, upon ap-, iH ran ki WE CLIP HDM0R0S1TIES. HI MR MA I Am HAVE YOU BEEN AT bdm a lie has the agency for the best carpot-swcepor in the world viz: ITHI MODEL PRESS i COMPANY. Um'd, XfHZ Arch Street. PhlladilphU, Bee what Is said about The Model Press. My Model l'rcss netted me In threo month over 9200.00-1 never had Instructions In printing he fore, vet Iset un and printed 10,000 deposit tickets on my Model Press the day alter I received It 1 havo roads more than double what my Model Press cost mo tho first two months, -Havo dono about $800,00 worth otwoik on my JJo, 1 Model Press, It beats all. Alter three years' use I nnd 'my Model Press as good as new. The Model Press Is well built and ought to last half a century. The Model Press I fully equal to tho largest and costliest wa rtimes for nne Card and GENKltAt, KU8INES8 printing;. Any smart boy can turn out hundred ot dollars worth ol work every year, even with one of the smaller sizes. Address. The Model Press Co., Ltd., 012 Arch Street, K6yl2-jl Philadelphia, Pa. 1 IKT ; It Is n calumny on men to say tliat lo arc roused to heroic nctoln by ease, hope of pleasure, recompense In Ihe meanest mortal there lies something nobler. Difficulty, abnegation martyrdom, death arc the allurements that act on tho heart of man. Tho lark cocs m singing toward heaven; but If she stops the motion of her Ho has INGRAIN CARPET fit 25 cents ; wings then straightway sho falls. So it is BRUSSELS fit 50 CCllts a Vnrd and Up- wnrds. A GOOD WINDOW SHADE, " ready pn roller, nt 40 cents. ii a un 1 .99 with him who prays not. Prayer Is the movement of IKe wings of tho spulj It bears one heavenward, but without prayer we sink. Sometimes I am almost convinced that the reward for honesty Is far from equal to tho homaeo rendered rascality. Il'o de mand honesty, yet too often fall to recog nize," It. iThcn a man begins fankly. "Well, sir, I am ashamed to say " he generally has something to tell of himself that he is proud of. Bucklou's Arnica fsalye. Tho best salvo In tlfo world tor cuts, bruises, sores.ulcers.salt rhucm.fevcr sores, tetter, charmed hands, chllblands, corns. and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required, it is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money re-1 funded, i'rlco aoc. per uox, at tuomas-. D. J. KISTLER Keipeetlully announces to the public that he has opened a NEW LIVliUY HTAlJl.E, and that hu Is Mir prepared to furnish Teams for Funerals, weddings or llustncss Trips on the shortest no tice and most liberal terms. Orders left nt the "Carbon Uouse" will receive prompt attention, BTABLES ON NORTH STREET, next the Hotel, Lchlghton. Ian22-yt WANTED. Permanent positions Venaranteed with SALARY and EX PENSES PAID. Any determined man can suc ceed with us. Peculiar advantages to beginners. Stock complete, including many fast selling specialties. Outfit free. Address at once. (Name this paper) BROWN BROTHERS, NtmSKBVMEN, ROCllRSTKlt, N. Y. aprll 28 2m A job lotBolls. Tho farmers' share Tho plowshare. A writ of attraction A love letter. A stringed Imtrvtment The clothes line. Failure in tho yarn trade Writing un successful novels, The fellow that Is hard up Is apt to be come a man of note. Many a widow's weeds are wilted by I the simple phrase, 'Wiltthou?" Tho cockroach Is always wrong when ho attempts to argue with a chicken, We Tell You Plainly that Simmons Liver liegulator will nil you of Dyspepsia, Headache, Constipation, and UUiousncss. It will break up chills and fever and prevent their return, and is a complete antidote for all malarial poison- yet entirely free from quinine or calomel. Try it, and you will be astonished ut the good results of Simmons Ldyer llcgiilalor. impound fays i "Ttccoinmoudcd as a euro for Chronlo Costlvonoss, Ayer'a Pills havo relieved mo from that troublo and also frora'Gout. If every victim of this dis easo would heed only throo words of mine, I could banish Oout from the land. Thcso words would bo 'Try Ayer'a Fills.' " By tho uso of Ayer's Pills alone,-! cured myself permanently 01 rheuma tism which had troubled mo several months. These. 1'Ills am at once harmless and offcctual, nud, I bolievo, would provo n Bpccllic in all cases of incipient Rheumatism. $l.G0; second size, $1.25 ; .third size, 90cst. e' fto"?"0.- - ". Corn- O. F. nopkins, Novnda City, writes ! ' I have UReil Avcr's Pills for sixteen rears, and 1 think they are the best rills In tho world. AVo Jteep a box-of then? in tho house nil tho time. ihey havo cured me of sick headachn and neuralgia, Sinco taking Ayer's Pills, I havo been free from thcso complaints." 'I havo derived creat benefit from Ayer's Pills. Flvo yenrs ago I was taken so ill with rheumatism that I was unable, to do any work. I took three boxes of Aver s Pills and was entirely enfod. Bliico that timo I am never without a box of tlioso pills." Peter Christcnson, Sherwood, wis. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, rasr-Anno nr . Or. J. C. Aver it Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by nil Dealers In Medicine. "Try Ayer's Pills"1! INTEREST TO FARMERS"71 pi For Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and Gout. - f mjk It IB sZ, A SB Stephen Lansing, of Yonkers, N. Y., - -- - , ... Tl ays. "lleeommouded as a euro for I'TS H EfTOPPOSITE L. i Largest size Galvanized-boimd Wash Tub, He takes Carpet Rags in Exchange and deals honorably with .all ..M. GKEMLEY, 804 HAMILTON STREET, ALLENT0WN, PA: WEAK NERVES PAnftfB Ceuebt Compouk In a Nerre Tonlo which never fAlla. Oontalninpr Celery Rnd uoca. luose WQcneriui nerve eurauuw Epeedllr cnrei all nerrous dlsoruera. RHEUMATISM Tirxr C.rrmr Ho urn nun mrlflM blood. It driTcn out tho lactic aotd, whicli thQ KIDNEY COMPLAINTS the llTerndildnpj to lwtrct health. Ibis ouratlTe pow, conjuiiieu mm iu nerve tonlcB, mlM It tho best remedy for nil Kidney complain is. DYSPEPSIA Patwxb f!irt jtkt fioMrntTND streiitttlif nti tha Btomsch. and quiets tho nerrcn nf the tll-rv tiTO orffane, inia wny n cures even uia vorso cases ox jrspcimia. CONSTIPATION Tirwnft Oufbt OnvrnTnro la not ft cathar. tic. It is nlantlTO,grlvfDff ray aud natural lows it use. iURE3 Nervous Prostration. Nervous Headache. Recommended by profpwrtonaUnd business Neuralgia, Nervoua Weakness, Stomach . VrM. and L.iver uiseases, Kneumatism, uyi. --. v oo Vpiaiad all affections of tho Kidneys. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO. Prop's' ' " ' w UTTT1T TVnTHV VP $1 W. E E tC S . How to Feed Horses. Horses have small stomachs; remember this. A Rood plan is to divide corn ra tions into threo daily portions, tho hay two. Many object to giylnc hay just provlous to work, as It distends tho stomach and causes tho animal Inconvenience. Dcllcalo feeders must be tempted to take their rations, and such should never ho fed too strongly at one time. "A Scotch plate is a rule, very generally observed In England everything cleaned up before placing other food In tho racks of mangers. A little Unseed boiled to a Jelly and mixed m Uh tlic corn is seductive. Hay dampened and salted will tempi others, lieans, a double handful, a relish In weakly subjects, palo malt for the convalescent or indis posed; damp bran and oats arc cngaclng for others. Some grooms filve carrots and tares In small quantities. Carrots superiu ducc diabetes if given In excessive quan tities. Tho peculiar habits of horses de- maud the attention of all hoiso owners and grooms. A sufliriency of neh is ail that Is required, and not "hog fal," "beaslly fat" as some phrnso It. ECSOPPOSITE L. & R. DEPOT,-r BANK STREET, - - LEHIGHTON, PA lins just opened an entire new line of LADIES' FINE DRESS GOODS! Comprising all the very latest styles in White Goods. "Sa teens, Prints, Ginghams, Marseilles, Seersuckers and Fancy Dross Patterns of the very best qualities at exceed ing low prices. Groceries, Provisions, Crockorvware, lassware, Wood and Willowware of the bt'st makes at low figures. Cloths Cassimors, Hats, Boots, Shoes and Eeadv- mado Clothing in great variety and at prices within the reach of all purchasers prices fully as low as the same goods can be bought ior at any other general store m this vicinity. Carpets, Oil-cloths, Lamps and Fixtures in great variety and of best quality at Rock Bottom Prices. Best quality of Flour and Feed nt prices hilly as low as the same articles can be purchased elsewhere. A car load of coarse salt has just been received the price ms been marked down to the very lowest notch. All goods of the very best, quality and arc beirig sold at prices equally as low as the same goods can bought at any general ston in tins section. Call and be convinced. Respectfully. July23-871y AM0S ftEIGEL. il.3 -:o:- A Gift for All In order lo civo all a chance lo lest it, and thus he convinced oflln wonderful curative powers, Dr. King's New Discovery lortoiiKumption, uiulisniiii (Joins, win uc, for a limited time, mven nwav. Tills olli-i is not only liberal Lilt shows unbounded faith in the merits of lUU grtnt 'remedy. All who sudcr from eoiitrhf, inlds, consump' Liberal discount allowed lo noslinoslnrsr ilou. asthma, bronchitis, or any n (lection of Tho POLICE GAZETTK will be mailed. ecurely wrapped, to any address in tup Ifni ed ritatcs tor threo months on receipt or One Dollar. "IPAPFR now in All new Spring Styles stock. All new goods in a new store. All old goods wero sold out at auction. Elegant White Ml Papers, 5c. 7c. 10c. and 12c. Per Piece. Elegant Gold Papers, 15c. and 30c. Per Piece. Ehrant Gold Mossei Pagers 35c. and 1.00 Per Piece. Felts and Ingrains, 20c. and 60c. Per Piece. Why are women extravagant in clothes? Because when tboy buy a new diess they wear it out the first day. A ''great hruto of a husband" adver tised In the morning papers for a strong, able-bodied man to hold his wife's tongue. Mr. Glnn wants Ins namo changed. If ho would go to Italy and become an opera singer, he would find his name changed to Jinnluwiski before ho returned home. An Instance of throwing one's self about was witnessed a few evenings ago at a party, in the case of a young lady, who when asked to slug, first tossed Jier head, and then pitched her voice. "For a long time I had no appetite, was restless at niglit, and very much delibratcd. After taking two bottles of Ayer's Sarsapa- rilla, my strength and nppctite relumed, and my health was completely restored." I IX M. Fhher, Oswego, N. Y. New Tailoring Establishment! TO THE PEOPLE 01 IEISSPOKT ail VICINITY: tjnon Invitation from some of tho representative citizens of your town, I hayo decided to open a Tailoring Establishment in Weissport. Jlfyknowledco of making garments was eained principally In tho City of NcwVoik. I am also u graduate of the Cutting Schools of that city. And after years of piacticn hi both Cutting and Making Custom Clothing In somo of tho best houses in both Isew lorn and Philadelphia I think I may assure you that all work entrusted to mv caro shall be equal at least to tho best obtainable in your neighborhood. JEGIVE MK A TKIALS Very Respectfully, J AMES OLIVER, eeents nnd clubs Sauinlo comes mm led I'reo. jviKiross an orucrs 10 May 30,1885-ly- Vbanki.Is Squarp:, N. V PATENTS!! FRANKLID E HOUGH. Solicitor of American & Foreign Patents 025 F t., near U. S. 1'nlent Olllce, WASHINGTON, I). C. All business before United States Talent Olllee attended lo for nmderato fees. Patents nrocured in ine unucu males ami an l ortjisnuouiuncs. trade Markt and Labelt rCKlsterod, ItelectPd applications rot lied nnd prosecuted. Informa tion nud itdvlfo as to obtaining Patents cheer- luuy iiirnisueu wiinouicuarire. nenti eim'U'U or rire. Model Cor 1'iiicK oi.lnlon as to Patentability. Copies ot patents furnished tor 2.'ie. eacn. VST Correspondence solicited, ico 1 believe In legitimate prosecutions, uut persecution is something man has no authority to limber up. That cunning may succeed for the time being is perhaps true; that It will fall in the end is equally true. A sound head, an honest heatt and an humble spirit are the three best guides through time aud to eternity. ..,jKejieitbe.tkpQW -nor judca .ourselves: others may judge, but cannot know us; God alone judges, ami knows too. Wo seldom condemn mankind till they which they will make-lip in suits nave injureu us, anu wncn mey nayo we Hop Plaster AvcullarandBueoMafalcombiiuiUoaofSooth- ing, pain-killing & strengthening ngenta Tresli Hops, Ilemlock Gam and 1'lno Balsam. mo, BDrcnesa aim wcoirocus us tao uac, uud, kidneys, oheat, ahoulder, nook or limbc, are all instantly reiMveq anaenrea. Bwoet, fresh, rellablo and norer-falllriff war" ranted the best plaster known. Sold every where, price snctsi oror vi. jaaiiearor prioe. IIOI' 1'I.ASTKU CO., Praprleloni, llo.ton. seldom do anytlitng Injury. but detest them for the r !-!. .. ... r,. . ..... II mm irT i tifii t--vii I 1 u"iv nuniciiio in iinrieeu oiaien, om I 1 1 . K I I S I A WA I I lIM ! nothing helped mo till 1 used Ely's Cream -- va aw v ill ill 1 1 vii ii n., r ; ... .i.. . , - ,, ... A., wui iiujn i uui.i.i iiva. 9 111:11 ub CTer. 1 am cured ot catarrh us nell. It is the best medicine ever used. Garrett Widrlck, Hastings, N.Y. i count scarcely speak: it was almost im possible to breathe tliroucli my nostrils. Using Ell's Cream Balm a short (ime the trouble entirely disappeared. J. O. Tich- nor, Shoe Merchant. Klizabotb, N. J. Samplos and estimates sent free. Ex perienced workmen sent to all parts ot the city and country. All goods warranted free from arsenic, perfect, and full length. M. Merigan, 1223 MARKET ST., Philadelphia. . !3 tt .2 O m s a fcfl v-. .22 o S E 6 rrt CO w V, a p " is d w . S ll'hen a man arid woman undertako to lead together a life of "plain living and high thinking" tho brunt of the strugglo always must fall on the woman. rower Is not always proportionate to the will. One should be consulted before the other. But tho generality of men be gin by willing and act afterward as they can. Folly consists In tho drawing of false conclusions from just principles, by. which It is distinguished from madness, which draws just conclusions from false - princi ples. Inquiries after happiness, and rules for attaining it, are not so necessary aud use ful to mankind as the arts of consolation and supporting of one's self under afllc tiou. Tho head truly enlightened will pres ently havo a wonderful influence in purify ing the heart, aud tho heart really affected with goodness will conduce to tho direct ing of the head. It Is foolish to try to live on past ex perience. It Is very dangerous, -if not a fatal habit, to judge ourselves to b safe be cause of something that wo felt or did twenty years ago. Yesterday is yours no longer; to-morrow may be neyer yours; but to-day Is yours the living present yours, and in tha living present you may stretch forward lo tha things that are before. He thai Is found to be reasonable in ouo thing is concluded to be so In nil; and to think or say otherwise Is thought so "un just an affront and so sencless a censure that nobody vontuies to do It. fcvery ono whom we distinguish as natural has independence nf mind. The judgment may not bo correct, or founded on tho wisest grounds, but It is what It professes to bo the man's own opinion i noso wuo no it always would as soon think of being conceited of eating their dinner ns of doing their duly. What lion est boy would pride himself on not picking a pocket? A thief who was trying to re form would. lheio aro somo persons who never succeed from being too Jndulent to attempt anything, and others who regularly fall be- causo the Instant they And success In their power they grow Indifferent and give over tho attempt. The true proof of the Inherent noble ness of our common nature Is hi tho sympathy It betrays with what Is noblo wherever crowds aro collected. Never bc lleye the world Is base; if It were so, no society could hold together for a day, I would not laugh but to Instruct; or If my mirth ceases to bo Instructive, It shall never cease to be Innocent. There uro not mora than 150,000 Quakers in American, Il'e talk ot creative minds. That is but a figure of epeech--we can create noth ing. Have opened up their immense now stock of Spring and Sum,-. mer Goods, including all that is new, novel and beautiful in Worsteds, Cassimeres, . Corkscrews Olieyiotsy &c., &er, the latest style and best work manship observed at wonderfully low prices. For Gents', Ladies, Youths and Children. Only the best malcQS. at the lowest prices. You are bound to be pleased. OUR GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT Is complete iu every particular. The vcrv latest novelties in Huts GbDSq J M DON'T FAIL TO CALL. Clauss & Bro., The Tailors, BANK STREET, LEHIGHTON. OTTAWA, ILL, Manufact- , men ot r i ROAD 'OARTS. Pett mid., pcfthclr; N ii.rM Holloa. The., carta, MUlxlnniliVilatdholu'l.! tncti to barera In fowna! 'h.ra rft h.io na a.nL atna ior trco Uluttratctl ratalopie. THE ABOVE IS OUR NO. O JOGGING CART. EVERY CART GUARANTEED. NgUKW D ar, Respectfully, VVal'WrMaHS'SHWaWfMBrf VMBH Strongpst, Neatest aud best Cart inndo Hides Easier THAN A BUGGY. GAY $ SON OTTAWA, ILL. throat, chest, or luntr, are especially ro nuested to call at T. I. Thomas' DmeStore. and eel : l rial jsotile free, l.aree Monies $1. Things Farmers Tell One Another. A. B. Allen so- s: . Tho first thing In the morning Is to water tho horse, which should he done before feeding, otherwise It might work more or less of tho food just eaten undigested from tho stomach. A Vermont maple sugar maker says that the great point is to keep the sap pure and clean so as In retain its original color this onco lost or lessened caunot bo re gained. A Coniiccllcut farmer claims for com mon unuicaciicu muslin, mat u iikikcs satisfactory covei ing for liot beds, and at a much less cost than glass. A Maryland farmer tells that low wagons with wide tiros make caBler woi In hauling out maiuue. John Ji. Stahl believes that no Im provement In southern agriculture would be of greater advantage than making sheep rearing an Important Industry. Xo animal Is sn well adapted to the purification and enrichment of worn lands that aro given oyer lo noxious growths. As soon as young sctdlhig plants of any kind show a third or fourth leaf they should be "pricked out" In a lied, with suitable heat for their needs, says AY. I), riillbrlck. A New York' horticulturist reports having applied liquid manure- lo a peach orchard last year with excellent success. A Stab in the Dark. Sointtlinen fulls, of its murderous inlent. The insidious mid dastardly attacks ,mi)de upon llii'u-piitntiou ol Hostelers Btomacn liittci s hv pcitons who seek to palm on cheap and fiery Ionics are identical with.it, or "iliu i-uuie Hung under anotner name," or "equally n good," in most instances react ihmstrously upon tne unprincipled traders upon popular credulity who attempt tliein. convurtitig lliei-r speculations into 'ruinous" failures. Tho Hitters is n pure, wholesome and thorough medicine, adapted to tho total cure and prevention of fever nnd ague, bilious remittent, dyspepsia, eon stiimiion. biliousness, debility, nervousness I and kidney t oubles. Its every ingredient unlike 1 1 rose in Inn imllatioiiH ni it, is ol at, afccitaincd standard ni csivllenco, and whili tiiov. bv icnw n nt their ucrv mop- crties. react injiuioiifH upon tho brain nnd nervous HVbtctu, d Uitli these organs it i a sedative nnd IniiRoranl. Iiofuso nil these harmful imitiitionx. s -IS HEADQUARTERS FOR GENERAL HARDWARE, AJL.L kinds OF COAL, &p ' OPS. PUBLIC SQUARE, Bank Street, Lehigliton, Pa. KOCH & SHANKW TX A U Fit ureat mm un tas LER'S armors i VI III! BARGAINS ! BARG AINS ! 250 child's pleated suits from 4 to 12 years, only $1.00. Over 2000 Boys and children's Suits in all the latest styles, Corded, Pleated, Norfolk, at $1.5,0, $2.75 and $2.00. 225 All-wool Suits, $2.50, 3.00, $3,50, $4.00 and up. 5000 Men's Suits of all descriptions, make up any. style, from $3.50 to $25.00. All of our own make. Over 1000 pair good strong working pants only $1.00. 500 Pair Roy's Kneo Pants, from 4 to 13 years, 50, 75, 1.00. Extra Bargains in Our Custom De- Nearly. everybody knows of the PoTJUlar HamS CaSSimere of which we have purchased over -50 STYZiES at leSs than half the cost of. manufacture. Suits to measure $lo.0U; worth Irom 18.00 to 20.00. . 'Special Offerings of 15 styles in All-TFool Goods-r-suits made to order $10.00. Call soon as the Bargains will not last long. KOCH Sfc SIEANTCWISIIjEIB. Hotel Allen Buildipg. Centre Square, Allentown. RITLIJ cut UNACQUAINTED WITH THE OEOOHAPHY OP THE COUNTRY, WILL OBTAT MUOII VALUABLE INFORMATION FROM A STUDY OF THIS MAP OF THE RAINBOW RUPTURE nimpie, mw, reuahie and a perfect retainer. It Is w M wro "Wiu tJaj U11U ilUUl a till ltM prewnce forsotten. Head for circular wttlitoati. L liU?8 Central Medical and SurjricaT MVte 02O Locust Bt. St. Louis. AIo. an ker Locust 8t St. Louis. Mo. vale troubltn In mala and Knouts our kbeclalt HKlIlful pms mint oil W-.i. r .r H ' . ' , ?u'"r mtiac snap Vate trouble in mala and (umJannra.rl.ili are to write ujiwfore takiun tisatoiiat el.owLui iri All UruMlit, itc. Wc., and 91 W. lrcparrd only bj uri ocut 4xuom WW. vitrp.t it vtrntocact it- . CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R'Y. ita conu-oi position ana oioso connection wltn uastorn lines at Chicafro and continuous lines at terminal nolnts. West. Northwest, and Rntit.h. -west, make It tho true mid-link in that transcontinental chain of steel which unites the Atlantic and Pacific. Ita main linos and branches inoltiriR (Ihl. capo, Jollot, Ottawa, LaSallo, Peoria, Ucncseo, Mollno and Hock Island, la Illinois; Davenport, Muucotlno, WaBhlnrrton, Fairfield, Ottumwn, Oskalooea. vlllo, Audubon, Harlan, Cluthrlo Centro and Council Bluffs, In Iowa: Gallatin. Trenton, Catn6ron, St. Josopli and Kansas City, In Missouri; Leavenworth M.iroli 31-mS and Atoblson, in Kansas; Minneapolis aad St. Paul, In Minnesota Town una oioux jbiib in jjukoco, ana many oinor prosperous towns ana cities. It also otters a CHOICE. OF ROUTES to and from tho Pacific Coast and lntuv. mediate places, making all transfers In Union depots. Fast Trains of Cno DAY COAOUEa, oloffant DININQ CARS, masnlllcent PULLMAN PALAU1S SLEEPING CAUB, and (botwoen Chicago, St. Joseph, Atchison and Kansas City) restful HEOL1NINO CHAIR CABS, seats FIU2lJ to holders of through THE CHICAGO, KANSAS & NEBRASKA R'Y (GREAT ROCK. ISLAND ROUTE) Extends west nnd southwest from Kansas City and St. Joseph to Fair bury, Nolson, Horton, Topeka, Horlntrton, HutohlnBOn, Wichita, Caldwell, and all points In Southern Nobraska Interior Kansas and beyond. Entire passenger equipment of tho celebrated Pullman manufacture. Solidly bal lasted track of heavy stool rail. Iron and stono brldrros. AH safety appliances and modern Improvements. Commodious, well-built stations. Celerity, cer tainty, comfort and luxury assured. ! THE FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE Is the favorite betweon Chicago, Bock Island, Atchison, Kansas City, and Minneapolis and St. Paul. Tho tourist route to all Northern Summer Resorts. Its Watortown Branch traverses the most productlvo lauds of tho great "wheat and dairy belt" of Northern Iowa, Southwestern Minnesota, and Baat Central Dakota. . The Short Lino via Seneca and Kankakee offers ouperl or facilities to travel ueiweon ajinoiunau, Atcmson, Leave! JJDr'llCKOH, AFFLICTEDUNFORTUNATE AFTER ALL OTHER3 FAILCONSULT 329 N. ISthSI.; blowCallowhlll,Phlli.,Pi. a)reart'erprIeicalnallSrrciAt.dlseisca. Perma- noniir real oreawuse wa. .wieuujm.it nwiwrtwu. Ac. Cillor-wrlte. Adlcrrwnilatrfctlr)nndn- liai. jioursi iuo. in. uu buu t w v .icmutja. March 31-yl AGENTS WANTED TO I !il!M. AN I ENTIRELY NEWBOOK pou Ticket OlUoo.Hf the United States or Canada, oraddruuu C. ST. JOHN, E. A. HOLBROOK, Gnal Manager. OllIOAGO, ILL. Osa'l Ticket ft iui t Agent Tho most wonderfully complete collection of tho absolutely useful anil iraetl Hl which lias rverheeli imblUlietl limuy nutlon on tho globe. A marvel ofeirryilay u1ue ami lu tuul money eurulnKauil money Having to every iKmes-tor. llnnilrola upon lumdredi of liemitltul and liclp fiil engravings, flu exti-aorilluiiry low price bo joMilcumpoIlllou. Molhlnglu llit) whole history of theuooK trade llko It. Meet suinet hliis of mil value to the people, and aaJea ure mire. Agejit looking for a new and first uUss book, fwrltefor full decrlpilon and itrnjs. M days' nine. . given Avenu nitnm.t .capital. bUAM MELli f: CO, TalUiPELi'HlA, l'a. feJl8-m8 Give Milk Cowi Plenty of Water. Slllk stock are averse to any great auioutil of exercise, and ilo not ordinarily tako any more than Is necessary In supply ing themselves wllti food. Glvn tliem plenty of food and an easy access to water and tlioy will quickly fill themselves and speud most of their time at rest. Jl'lien water Is situated In out nf the way places on a farm.oows will often go thirsty for a consldcrnblo portion of the day rather than make a special journey to obtain It. This has been observed by all practical farmers, anil vet It Is curious Hint many who are convcrsatit with the fact neglect to take proper advantage of tbls peculiarity In the habits ol the animal. It Is an Important object with tho dairy man who desires the highest success to promote, as far as may be without resorting to artificial means), the taking of an abundant quantity of water by his herd. JIlk cannot be made without, water, and when It Is secreted largely" a large amount of water Is absolute ly required. Farm and Garden Hotel. Professor Ji. II. Bailey, considers native trees and sluubs preferable for wind-breaks. Of exotic trees, only tho Norwav spruce and apple are deslrablo for wind-breaks In Michigan. A practical butter-maker says: "I find that from open setting a ran of cream raised when the cows are fed hay'and grain will make tlilily pounds of biiller, for the same quamll when the cows are fecdln on gras.-, iwenlv pounds." If piyji urn tho main desideratum In keeptna fowls, avoid hoit-legsed fowjs of any breed. They rarelj lay well the second year oil account of laying on too much fat, while a fowl of good length of leg will ordinarily lay well nntll three jears of ase. When a horse has a nail In his fool, either picked up or the broken part of shoe nail, the lameness Is peculiar. Tho animal holds up the leg; when he moves he mils the foot tenderly on the ground, resting It on tho toe, and steps slowly and carefully. H'hon this! Is perccleved tho foot should bo examined. At first the foot will not 1 10 hot, but in a few ilSys Inflammation will occur, and unless tho foot Is cleaned anil the nail cut out ulcera tion may take place anil cause permanent injury. Iu relation to the cow that suck her self, the better way would be to fatten and beef her. You may possibly pi event he doing so by making a cage of slats lo fitr tho neek. aud large enough so the cow can not reach the udder with her mouth. The only adYlco for tho cows so thin that you have to lift them up at calving time, is to feed belter during tho winter. OIvo the cows equal parts by weight of brau and corn meal, commencing with eight pounds per day, wllh plenty of good hay. and warm water fo drink, and gradually Ill Create the feed to fifteen' pounds 'per eow per day.- - ' T have removed my entire stock with nn additional fresh supply of the more fashionahle hud seasonable Gents.Ladies & Chlldrens Shoes -CONSISTING OF- Ladies' Fine Kid and Spring Heel Shoes, of all grades and sizes, at the lowest prices in order to meet my competitors. I will not be undersold-. My new stock is complete in every particular. The old stock will be closed out it and below cost. A cordial invitation is extended to my former friends and patrons to call at my new store, one door above Sweeny's Corner Store. "Respect fully, LEWIS WEISS, BANK STREET, LRHIGTITON. PA. ur ll-yip PLAIN AND FANCY Bill-Heads, Note Heads, Letter Heads, Statements, Envelopes, Programmes, Price Lists, Blanks of all Kinds, Wedding Stationery, Business Car;ds, Shipping Tags, Sale Bills, ' " Ball Tickets, Circulars, &c. New presses, new typo and excellent facilities enable us to do all kinds-of Job Work, in the best style, ant exd taraordjnary low priees. Mail orders receivo immediate attention. 8AfF ADTI JOB ROOMS, Bank Street, LeJiigliton, Pa.