TheCarbon Advocate LEIIIGIITON, PA.. SATURDAY, JUNE 10, 1888. KMTEnED atthk i.KHionTov rosT-orptcx All BKriOHU OLABS MAIL MATTER. HOW ABOUT Tltlt CONVENTION', W1LI. IT coma hero? It certainly should; we have nil the advantage necessary for the enter tainment of so large a body, and if the fuels are Impartlallr considered by the couht; committee why the matter Is settled wo' 11 get the contention. DUItlNO THE COMINO POLITICAL CON- test the Advocatk will make It a point to observs strict Independence. All the can didates will receive mention and a fair re sume of what transpires In the political field will be published every woclc. Send In your subscription, $1 a year, CO cents for si: months. BBOTHEn RAUCII OF TUB DKMOCJIAT Is confident that this rock-ribbed old pro tection State will go Democratic this year. Come off. deluded brother, come off. Of course there will be a revolution In our poli tics, the contest will be the most fierce ever waged, but as to the Democrats carry ing Pennsylvania come off, come off. A COPT OF THE CRAYON POBTItAIT OF George W. Chllds, of the Philadelphia t.idger, recently Issued by Messre. Donnell A Co., ef New York, Is ou our table- with compliments of Boot & Tinker, of the same city. The picture Is a correct likeness of the world famous journalist, who by push and enterprise has placed the Ledger at the head of all the papers of the world. THH WATER QUESTION IB STILL THE all-absorbing topic here. JW11 we get It? Why, of course we will, If everybody goes In with a Tim and gives the enterprise the proper encouragement. And that Is what should be done. It will place Lehlghton where she belongs In the front rank of Lehigh . Valley towns. Let the nionlcd men respond liberally, it Is an Investment that will pay. Bismarck of Germany is in the sev-enty-fourth year of his age, says the New Xork &un. but tie is neither as healthy nor as hearty as Thurman of the United States, Moreover, Thurman Is not grumpy like Bismarck, but Is full of lively humor. Since his nomination at St. Louis be has become gayer and more youthful In spirit than he was before It. He can make as good a speech as he ever made in his lite. He is a wiser man now than ke was In any past year. He is a grand old man. IFxlt,, the Democratic National ticket has been nominated, and the candi dates are Stephen Graver Cleveland and Allen G. Thurman; the former of New York, the latter of Ohio. That they rep- reieat the cardinal principles of the Demo cratic party there can be no denying. They are strong, too, with the people, Cleveland, because he has made an honest, faithful and Judicious chief magistrate: Thurman the "noble old Roman," is popular with the American populace because his political record Is clean and above Insinuation. Special to the Carbon Advocate. BROADBRIM'S 1 1 LETTER. Two years have passed since Henry Irani Beecher laid down to rest, and In the Interval Plymouth Church has sought In every English-speaking land for a sue cessor. One eminent .English clergyman and another eminent clergyman, who did not seek or desire the place, was humbly solicited to take It, but after mature and prayerful consideration was compelled to decline the tempting offer, which Included besides other considerations, the most liber al salary paid to any clergyman In the United States. Falling In this, the church turned to the Rev. Lyman Abbott, who was the life long friend of Mr, Beecher, and who yras induced to occupy Plymouth pul pit as a temporary supply. At last hope failed the congregation, and while the call was not unanimous, a majority of tbe most In uentlal members of the congregation favored Dr. Abbott. Meanwhile tbe Rev. Samuel B. Halllday had been Mr. Beecher'a assistant for eighteen years; he relioyed the great Plymouth pastor of all the routine of church wort: he organized and kept In working ordor all the different departments ; superintended the classes, meetings and millions; dispensed Its charities, attended the sick and burled the dead. He kept that yast congregation like a shining piece of clockwork keeping the most perfect time. With all this he was a quiet, unobtrusive man, and although oyery member of tho congregation knew of his devoted service, no one for a moment seemed to think of him as a successor of Mr. Beecber. He waited patiently month after month expecting a call, but It never came, and vnis week, wnen the cliurch decided to make the Kev. Lyman Abbott the perman ent successor of Mr. Beecher, Mr. Halllday promptly handed In his resignation. Mr. Halllday Is approaching four score, and While a pious christian, he lacks those brilliant shining parts which modern Christianity demands among the chief requisites of church administration. In parting with Mr. Halllday Flymoalh church loses a faithful and a yalutd servant, whose place as a christian gentleman and a faith ful worker forTJhnst It will be hard to fill, Memorial Day did not pass by without a hitch In either city of New York or Brook lyn, for by some strange oversight neither la New York or Brooklyn did the Mayor receive a formal Invitation to review the Memorial -procession. The plain facts ' ap pear to be that the beads of some of the parties having the matter In charge were so completely turned by the presence of the President and the desire to extinguish somebody and make themselyes conspicu ous that It seriously marred what promised to be the finest procession that New York and Brooklyn has seen for jnany many years. Jfayor Hewitt failed to put lu an appearance at tbe review, and It -was pub licly said that the Mayor refused to appear on the platform with tbe President. It is well known that when In Washington he never puts his foot Inside the White House. Whatevar oddities our Mayor may be given to, he is always a gentleman, but he stands upon the dignity and respect due his office. xne Memorial committee showed him but scant courtesy, aud under the circumstances he did perfectly right. It was not out of a . tn . . ii . . I miwu w iu mi rrestaeni, lor had he as the city's representative been freperiy treated, he would have been glad ena to our CuUf-Jaglstrate a cordial weifioaw Major Cbapln of Brooklyn was UUd.ln exactly the same way but he Is any.yfi yeunger than Mayor newltt so wealth have been closed, and Slate, Nation he swallowed his wrath and attended the al and County Committees looking for reyisw. A politician' brawl added another financial assistance have had to go fishing uypitMui ieiure 10 ma uay. a air. Crets had tendsred his house In Brooklyn ioi a oner rresmenuai reception alter tbe rviw was oyer, rollce Commlislontr self sufficient the proces sion. It appears that Mr. Cross and he are bitter enemies, and In ward politics are Violently opposed to each other. It was said that Mr. Dell did not want his old enemy to have the honor of receiving tho Fresident at his house, so ho delayed start ing the procession and kopt the President waiting a half-hour so that ho would have no time for tlio reception at his enemy's house. Tho President defeated tho little game by leaving the reviewing stand befoio the procession was over, and after a brief hand shaking departed for Washington. It was anything but a day of mourulng. In the afternoon 10,000 people attended one base ball game and 14,000 another; 12,000 went down to see Buffalo Bill and there were over 60,000 at the different beer gardens and outside resorts; 20,000 went to the horse races, and thousands more to the yacht races, excursions and plc-ntcs. Busi ness was more generally suspended than I have seen It for many scats, and to the honor of our Jewish population be it re" corded that scarcely a Jewish placo of busi ness was open, unless It was some outcast who never went to school even on the Day of Atonement, and who would not be ac knowledged as a son of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob Inside the Synagogue. The departure of the clans for St. Louis has been one of tho events of the week, People constantly hear of the dolncs of the Tammany braves as If they were the only Democrats alive In New York. Thero Is a section here known as tho County Demo cracy which made far fly when they bid us eood-bye for St. Louis. Conspicuous in the delegation was the Colonel Michael C, Murphy Association, which had several special cars. Our minds are easy as to their return, for It is evident from the list of the larder that they are not going to perish by the wayside. For oyen If there should be a famine in St. Louis oui boys have enough of meat and drink to land them safely back on, tho banks of the Hudson and In the city of Getham. Here Is a list of the creature comforts carried, Read and ponder and reflect that with such a delegation prohibition is still far ou: Twelye cases of Heidsieck, six cases of Mumm, six cases of Cllquot, four cases of Holland gin, four dozen of brandy, twelve dozen of Blue Grass sour mash rye whiskey, six dozen of Bourbon whlikcy, five barrels of Dublin stout, fifteen kegs of MUvaukco lager, five dozen Santa Cruz rum, four dozen of Jamaica rum, two dozen of Angostura bitters, fifty bottles of cordials twelve dozen of Apollnarls water, four boxes of lemons, 8 cases of corned beef In cans, twenty Elm City hams, five cases of chicken In cans, boned turkey, ten boxes of crackers, ten boxes of pilot bread, fifty boxes of segars, 200 pounds of sugar, and enough of other creature comforts to last them and their friends til! the convention Is over. This Is the larder record of single association with many .more to be heard from, noorah for the Mike Murphy Association! Freedom still lives and the country Is safe. That Is to say, it is safe if nothing happens. A cloud no bigger than a man's hand rising In the Sixth Ward, which for years past has been the battle ground of Paddy Dtyver, Fatty Walsh, Tim Campbell and number of statesmen of like ilk, who haye been sacrlfllcing themselyes for the good of the people by occupying office at their hands for the past twenty years. Paddy DIvver now represents the Sixth Ward In the Board of Aldermen, and as tho Five Points and all of the opium joints and great many of tho thieves' dens, and the Is In the Sixth the friends of Paddy Dlyyer think that the Sixth irrd is entitled to the office of Sheriff. IHien Larry Hoolahan and Mud McCarthy waited on Coronor Croker and explained the desires of Mr. Dlvver's constituents, the coroner, though an Irishman to the backbone, said, "Phoo, phoo, Larry, no man wid the name of Pat will lver be elected sheriff nv Noo Yourk and don't you forglt It." "Ow, ov, said Larry, "Do ye mane it, cororncr, do you mane It? Beporra he will, and we'll elect a man be tbe name of Paddy Presl dent av the Uomlted Shtates, an don't you forglt It. Put that in your pipe an shmoke It, Mister Coroner!" Whether the fight will end here remains to be seen. Maurice Power Is yot to be heard from, and as tho Sixth Ward is a potent factor in our politics Paddy DIvver may yot be Sheriff of New York. On the sixth day of November, when the result of the election was announced. then made a prophecy that Jacob Sharp would neyer go to prison, and that no other boodler Would ever be convicted. This week witnessed the trial of Mr. Kerr, the treasurer who was supposed to have hand ed over the boodle, five hundred thousand dollars, to Billy Moloney. The jury went out on Thursday; they wrestled with the evldeuce for two days. The judge, tho lawyers and everybody else were worn out, The Jury finally announced the fact that they were unable to agree and were dis charged. The evidence was very much stronger than that which convicted Jacob Sharp; but no matter for tint. No other boodler In the Broadway will ever be con victed under the present administration justice. In speaking of the Memorial Day pro cession I forgot to mention that it was Jr. Talraage's first appearance In public chaplain of the "Old Fighting Thirteenth,1 and mighty well ho looked. The Dominlo is not what you can call a handsome man according to the Greek standards of physi cal beauty, but In a chaplain's uniform with a broad-brimmed sombrero and mounted on a horse, he certainly made most imposing appearance. As a special compliment to the Tabernacle pastor, tho procession was deflected from tho line of march so as to pass Jr. Talmage's house, Every window was full of friends and the ladles of hi j family who waved their hand kerchiefs with the wildest enthusiasm, and one old colored female, who stood upon the steps, called out at the top of her voice, "Fo de lawd sake, jess look at him jess look! Ain't be a daisy! Yankee Doodle ain't nuflhito limit" Politicians In the Immediate nelghboi hood of tbe Custom House are stirred tbelr profoundest depths trying to find out what has become of Widow McGinniss Pig. This historic porker has brought number of statesmen to grief, and only last week the head of John M. Wyatt rolled from the block of the Lord High Execution er. The history of this Immortal Son Bacon Is about as followe: Evervbodv Knows mat a political campaign costs money, and since Georce Win. Curtis nnrl -Vr. Godkln have Impressed upon the honest voters of this Republic the necessity for Civil Service. Reform, the ordmarv avenues for the collection of political among tbe falluful, who did not hold offlce, or go down In their own Dockets. At ilia close of the State election a heavy deficit occurred in the treasury of the Democratic JX SfiSK State Committee They could not call on the Custom House employees, as civil ser vice forbade it. In this dilemma, John M. Wyatt, an officer In tho Custom House, advertised a raffle for a pig belonging to the Widow McGlnntss at a saloon In White hall street, and all Custom House employ ees were promptly aud urgently requested tako a go In at llye dollars a chance. Two hundred and seventy availed them selves of tho Invitation, and $1,375 was raised, which was at once passed over to tho State Committee. Slnco then all tho parlies have been trying to get tho address of the Widow JfcGlnnlss, or to get a look at tho Widow JfcGlnnlss' Pig. Expert detective; havo been engaged to hunt them up, but as they arc, now absent from tho city and supposed to be In St. Louis, we will hayo to await deyelopmcnts. Truly yours, BROADBRIM. Special to tho Carbon Advocate. OUR WASHINGTON LETTER. Washington D. C, Juno 11, 1888 Mr. Editor: The relatives and friends of General Sheridan, who have been In constant attendance at his bedsldo during the past week, have had an anxious time, and the numerous Inquiries made for the latest news of his condition, the eagerness with which tbe bulletins issued from tlmo to lime by the physicians have been looked for and read show that, beyond the perad yenture of a doubt, the general feeling of anxiety manifested by the public Is both earnest and stuccrc. Although tho scats of many of the lead ing Democratic members of the House of Representatives weic vacant during tbe time that the St. Louts convention was In session, and It required Congressmen of the greatest application to sit quietly by and devote serious attention to tho consldcra Hon of business while reports from the con ventlon were continuallo pouring In, a fair amount of work was accomplished, and seyeral matters wore taken up and disposed of. A number of bills of special Interest to tho District of Columbia were passed, among them being a bill making inaugura tion day a legal holiday In tho District, and two bills incorporating cable railway com panies. An amendment was offered In the Senate on Monday last to the general appropria tion bill providing an appropriation of $200,000 to be expended In the establish mcnt of a Zoological garden In Washing ton. Tills project has been under considera tion for seyeral years past, but It Is but re cently that active operations have been commenced, The garden will be established In the valley of Rock Creek just outside of the ctly limits, and a more beautiful site could not well bo found elsewhere. Tho ground is rough and broken, and most of It inaccessible for ordinary building pur poses. The banks are covered with a beautl fnl growtli of forest trees, and now that the plans have been perfected and Congress has taken the matter into consideration, It may be safely predicted that wo will soon havo a "Zoo" whl;h we may well feel prom' of. The greatest anxiety to learn the news from Sc. Louis was manifested. The President had a special prlyata wire placed In his office and was constantly informed of the progress of affairs. Tbe Democrats generally expressed themselves as- pleased with the result and made about as much noise over the nominations as if they wero to have a yoicn in the election. About salute of one hundred gnus was fired In honor of the occasion. Since the news of Mr. Thurman's noml nation was received the red bandana has beconio tho most conspicuous object In Washington. The corridors of the various departments, where Democratic sentiment a few years since was at a discount, now blaze like an Adlrondac mountain side In frost time. The Houso Committee upon Public Buildings and Grounds bo's at last decided upon a site for the new city post-office, and it Is probable that Washington will soon bo possessed a post-office building which wil be in keeping with the other public btilldl lugs of the city. II, Special to the Carbon Advocate. OUR PHILADELPHIA LETTER Philadelphia Ta., Juno 11, '88 The emblem of the Democratic party In this country is destined to be an "ore- flam o" tbe Thurman bandana. Just now it obscures everything; even tho head of the National Democratic ticket is forgotten and unheard through the w a v o of enthusiasm caused by this bandana. Street fakirs bellow from every street corner "nereyo are! your bandanas; two for quarter." It Is a very remarkable thing, but all tbe same It Is the one cnshuslastlc feature of the Democratic nominations. It Is a typical evidence of the popularity and love of the populace for Allen Q. Thurman the "noblest Roman of them all." lie is the best type of a representative Democrat in this broad land. Grand and majestic In Intellect; noble In those honest Impulses that makes the true statesman and gentle man. The name of Thurman conjures much. It Is tho force and vim of party ac tion. This was very much demonstrated upon the return of tho delegates from St. Louis. The reception accorded tbcm was a dlspla of the bandana, upon hats, ends of canes, decorations of club houses and residences along the line of march. The reception thus accorded these pilgrim state men was enthusiastic and genuinely Demo cratic. A forctasto of what Is to come, The thing that Is to come is a bitter con tdst, waged In a manner so ferocious as to challenge Us equal In any political combat known to American history. The Demo crat who calculates on an easy time and wild prophecy as to success reckons with out reason. Tho contest will be Inch by Inch, and which everlpaity; wins will haye very little to boast of. Hon. J. G. Gordon, Common Pleas Judge Is establishing a reputalon for sever ity to violators of the law unknown ol 10 the Philadelphia courts. The woman who Is mistress of the bawdy house, or the man who sells liquor contrary to law, or the thief, nil get tho full penalty of the law, Last week ho sentenced, after conviction, two women to eighteen months In Moya menslng prison for being too liberal In the entertainment of gentlemen friends. Dur ing tbe same session ha senteuced a num ber of men for some violations of the Brook's license Jaw to the same Institution. All criminals endeavor to evade a trial be fore this new Daniel come to judgment. If convicted, they know what Is In store for them. Well may they fear a convic tion before Gordon, In bis Interpellation of the law he concludes that what the pro visions of the law mean is meant, and his action Is according to his belief. But with all his severity to hardened criminals he Is a juit Judge. He does what Is right and proper, and If his administering of the laW 1.1 contrary to public wishes he deems It the uty of tho public to clmngctho law so as to conform to their wishes. In this he Is right. The summer season has opened In dead earnest. The cry all along tlio whole lino Is for the sea shore away from the city and tho sweltering, seething beat. The exodus on a Saturday afternoon for tho resorts of tho sea coast, Is a sight to behold. Men and women hustlo, jostlo and push for placo ou tho boats and trains bearing them to their destination for Sunday. Atlantic City, Cape May, Sea Islo City, and hosts of other places accommodate, the many thousands from tho city who swarm like becs to enjoy tho salubrious air of tbe ocean waves, ll'liat a blessing theso places are to tho ovcr-workgl many. How they do enjoy It. What recreation It affords them and how much tho better they are for tho Invlgoiatlon afforded. Tho railroad com panies have, on account of tho great pass enger traffic, reduced tho round trip fares during these seasons to a fair charge so that rich and poor can avail themselves of these pleasurable advantages. And thoy do aTall themselyes. Some clothing houses In Philadelphia havo inaugurated a novel way of advertis ing the prices of their goods. Instead of using markers, they havo cash money to show the prlco. For Instance, a coat Is worth $25 they designate the prlco by a real $20 and $5 bills. If less tho denomi nation of Uncle Sam's representation on H. Is less; if more likewise. It attracts much notice and Is a good advertisement. -Vany poor follows behold so much money; more than what they ever possessed, In wonder and awe. One firm by such representation alone had In their show windows oyer $3,000 in 00, $20, $10, $f, $2 and $1 bills. The sight Is a galore and no wonder that many with open mouths stand and look at It. Oh I It Is so wist fell I One of the abomlablo features of the Brook's license law Is that, if blackberry brandy or an equally necessary medicine Is required for medicinal use, no ono can get it unless he first goes to a physician, pavs his fifty cents and gels a perscriptton. This Is an unjustifiable assumption, ana a uaru shlp upon some that should be remedied. It Is a case of blue law of tho worst kind. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel ot purity, strength and wholesomcuess. More economical LlldLl L1IC IMIIIilU.Jf 1VI1IU3. ..II.. V..11MU. DU1U III competition with the multitude of low .test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sola only .1... n..n h. Iln,l. niwl .tnn.n? 1. .nM 4 mtcuns. .itovai ufiKint; runner iuuijuuy, iuo- Wall Street N. Y. auttsi-mi Lehigkton Business Directory, TVAL. SCHWARTZ. Bank St.. the oldest lurnf- TTT A. I'ETEItS. Saloon anil Itestaurant. Hank VV . Street. Fresh Lageralwaysontap. Oys- ii season. jJiujj in uitu see us. uoviz-iy ESRANG'S SHAVING SALOON, opposite the Advocate Office, is headquarters for snavingana uaircuuing. uigars louacco soiu, GO TO FltS. RODERElt, under the Exchango Hotel. Dank street, tor a smooth shiive or-n fashionable hair cut. 1ST" Closed on Sund.iy's. Koeuer s iiair ionic, cures uanuruir. A RELIABLE JEWELER: D. S. BOCK, Jau2S Si OPT. I'UBLIO SQUARE. THE CARBON ADVOCATK OFFICE, Bank street, plain aud fancy Job printing it sped ly. Advooath ono dollar per year In advance. JW. RADDENBUSII, Bank street, wholesale a dealer In choice urands of whiskies, gin, brandies, wlues, etc. US' Patronage solicited. Our Churohes. METHODIST EPtSCOTAL. South Bank street, Sunday services at 10 a. n and 7.30 p. m., Sunday School 2 p. in. Wm. Majoii, Factor. rflRINITY LUTHERAN, Iron street, Sunday jl, services, iu a. in., iuc Hih), Sunday schooI2p.m Klliui a, ..., v. v.. .', .-ww I'. , lAi"- ,rt u n ffinrinnnt Tin., m ,?.. j, ji. JvuuKK.rastor. REFORMED, Lehigh street, Sunday services at 10 a. m., (Uerman), 7.30 p. in., (English), Sunday school 2 p. m. nVANOEIJCAL, South street, Sunday service.-! d.1 ai iuu. in., tuermau;, -.suit, in., ij'.UKiisnj, Sunday school 2 p. in. Klink, I'astor CATHOLIC, comer Noithampton and Coal streets, services every Sunday morning; and evening. Rkv. Hah.mackk Tastor. I)H. H. It. SCOTT, 1)H H. B. REINOHL. Drs. Scott & Reinohl, Graduates ot Tlilia. Dental College. DENTISTRY ! IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Fursemtiofl of the Teeth a Specialty, OFFICE HOURS : From 8 a. m. to s n. m. OAS HALL, Market Square Uaneb Ohunt. BRANCH OFFICE: EAST - MAUOH - CHUNK, Tko Doors North of Toat-Offlce. OFl-TCU HOURS: 7 to 8a. m. and 6 to 7 p. in. Aprll2Wm OOOO Book Agents wautcd to soil TUB LITE AND PUBLIC SX&V10IS Of Grover Cleveland rulllttd complete frou fat boyhood to hit nomlnitiro to I ati.t MinnUu hnM lu Uvkui.1 Ma unmUtil-ii Ik w kvun, wim pelican ivniiaiKnci intiacnii inn dottt, rrofuitjr lUmtrtted with tucl portititt and woo4 flrtviaci. lii book Uo conulnt ft tuperb Pomattanj totha with iuii a&4 compict iirx ur huh. clivjclanu complete Woj raphv tit thm candidal for th Vic-Pra!dncj lit lift rtAl K- l...r..t Tmi la th fr aad ihut reap th joldta harvest. Writ lor full particw V?. Spcial Ttrm itnt tit to alt. Addrfl. WINTER A CO.-i-ut., 8prlnBf1e!d. Mats. 1 Stoves, Tinware, Heaters and Range, In Great Variety at Samuel Graver's Popular Store, Bank Street. 1 Roofing and Spouting a specialty.- Stove repairs fin nished on short potiee. Prices Reasonable ! ! Over Canal Brife E, WeissprLi ex UNDERTAKER ANT) llKAl.KIt IN FURNITURE, PARLOR SUITliS, BED ROOM SUITES, Sit1... Jfcr. Prlcrs the very lowest. Quality ot coods t he best. Mimincuon guaranteed In every particular. Caskfatfl, Collins and Shrouds, W have a full Hurt which we will fnrnUli at the lowest possible prices. Flour, Feed, &c, Of tho choicest iiuallty al very reasonable prices. Call and be convinced. JOSEPH P. REX, EAST WHtSSPORT AprlMy FULL WEIGHT. STRICTLY PURE. GUARANTEE. We cuarantee the SWITCH-BACK BAKING POWDER to bo absolutely free from all injurious substante, and to contain only the most wholesome Ingredients. Ask your Grocer for it. Sold only In Cans. MANUFACTURED T Switch-Back Baking Powder Co., SUMMIT Api II 28, 18S8-ly-fl MILL., PK, Oscar Cliristman, WEISSrORT, PA. Livery and Exdiange Stables, Easv rldlnitcarrlaEej and nafn ilrlvlmr horses Best accommodations to ugeuts and tiavellers. Mall and telegraph orders pronintly attended to. Give me A trial. ' mav2My MAKE HOME ATTRACTIVE i Garret Papered? ! Bed Room Tailored? MonWantTonr I DliilitK Room Papeied? Jmui rniiereu? Parlor Panoretl? ( Celling Decorated? IK "VOU DO SEND FOR CHAS. GOTH. The same care and attention given to tlio Garret us the Tailor. The newest Ideas and the latest jiovemes in uuuging liecorauve wan.rapers. "Painting, Graining, Glazing,&c Competent workmen sent to all Darts of town and county. Satlsfaotlon guaranleed. Prices us iun us uie lowest, call at the house. Send postal and -we-will Otriee lu OR. HORN'S Dnii Store. Batik. Street. Lclilgiiton, aprllu-3m PATA E C3 M ELY'S m h tx m m mm CREAM BALM. C 1 is i ii s os tlip Nasal I'nssnfe'CH, Allays I'a In and (nil in ullon, Ifcals Hie Sores, It c s t o r r- s the Senses of Tnslo mill Smell. EEVERTRY THE CURE. A particle applied Into cadi nostril anil is agree able. Price so cents at druggists ; by mall, rrgii tercd, CO cents. ELY IlltOS., M Warren Street, New Vork. aprlt-jsw Annual Financial Statement. Receipts aiii Exoeuiilnres of Letiteliloii School Distinct, Carbon County, Fa., For year Mm Jnne 4ft, H ItKCKIl'TS. Grim amount tax duplicate (or scliool- purpnsea l-or building purposes -1120 W itHH 61 Total C.1M io Deduct abatements 2i so Deduct exonerations, ilonclen- cles and errors CO m Deduct collectors commission 170 49 S 450 19 Total tax receipts f bin 81 Casii from former treasurer 1BO 77 Hale ol lots GTS 00 State appropriation 598 23 From other sources, ball rent, etc.. Total receipts ot oo $ 7332 93 BXPENDITUHKS, raid teacliers' salailes. sots on l'ald Interest on bonds 1149 K I'nldon former loan looo oo l'ald on fuel & eontlngenclex. 812 87 l'ald on furniture & apparatus 190 13 l'ald renalm fc new building. 013 2H l'ald salary of secretary 75 on l'ald salary of treasurer, etc.. M HI l'ald miscellaneous expenses 57 75 - twap 3 ll:il.tiiie In tie.-i-.iil)' 343 10 iti:c mrii.ATioN op Miscn.i.ANi:ois IIXI'HNSKS. l'ald tlieHuvii-luima ilniiinl Klre lu-mraiuM Company. $ sb to l'ald J. 1'. Mccatkey, ix-Iiool Journal 7 00 Paid II. V. Mortlilmer, adver tising llnanclal statement. U no raid 11.. I. liietuey, auditors fees : l 50 l'ald W. N. Marcu-t, remlrs of seal a 25 l'ald .1. M. lioberts, diplomas 4 50 Total $ 67" 75 WM. 1. I.OXO. Kieslilent. Attest :-K. HKIiOH I.KNTZ. Smetaiy. We.Jlie undersigned, auditors of Leliightou, Carbon county, lia lug carefully examined Hit abote accounts of the treasurer, rind Uiem cor rect to the best of our knowledge and belief, II. .1. nilETNEY, I U J. Hau hma.v, V Auditors. J. II. ESOH, I RESOURCES & LIABILITIES RKSOUItCES Cash in. tbe treasury.. $ 343 10 I.IA11IL1TIE.S. .Bonded Indebtedness (21250 00 uaouues in excess 01 resouices aouoo no Liabilities lu excess of resources, June Ctll, 1687 2089 23 RECAPITULATION OK INDEBTEDNESS. Honda fruUtandlnff At B nerernt fifi?.iA on Vondi, outstanding at 4 per rtnt........ tooo 00 4tttitfe-K. FIERCE LENTA Secretary HUUiirvii' HAY nnnnlri Mouoro LUUpUIUIIIUJUlO PACICERTON, Pn Lessee of Dolan Stono Quarry, Is now prepared to supply at short police All Ms of BUILDING STONE, of the very best quality at prices tbe LOW EST. Persons contemplating building will positively save money by calling on LEOPOIiD MEYERS, Tackerton, and learning prices. mar3-fl5 J. T. NUSBAUM. Lehlehton. will also furnish prices cn application. Machine Shop. Tho tinileisUnoJ announces, to the citizens of Lelilgbton and tlio surrounding country tliat lie lias opened a shop for Hie Repair of Machinery ! Rtifili (ii AirrlenUtiral TmnlftnAnt. Hlinrnan- uiK JjHwu j lowers, unnuinff rianer jwiives, hapftr Cutter Knives, Scissors, &c.: Steam Fit ting and lu nip Work, and manufacturing Grain rnus, rami iiohits, iuoii;uuers,o.c. Aii norK guaraniceu ai me lowest price. W. G. MITCHELL In Renr of Gabel's Hardware Store. LEHIG-HTON, Forma. April 28. ly P. LANGELL'S ASTHMA AND CATARRH REMEDY. Having stnutgled 20 years between life and uuatu wiiu AnriijjiA or 1 utjusiu, ireaieu u cfuiucm i'iiaii:iuu3, auu receiving no Deneni. l was compelled during the last Syears of my Ill ness to sit on my choir day and night rasping for breath. My sufferlnRS were beyond descrip- compounding roots and medicine thus obtained. 1 fortunately discovered this Wonderful. Cuke pon Ahthma Avnru. TAitmi, warranted to relieve the most stubborn case ot Asthma in Five Mimutkh, so thit the l:iuem can ne uowii to rest and sleep comfort' ably, riease read the following condensed ex tiacts from unsolicited testimonials, all of re cent date: Oliver V. It. Holmes, Han Joie, Cal., writes "1 find the remedy all and even more than rn resented. I receive Instantaneous relief." E. M. Cm sou. A. M.. Warren. Kan., writes. " Was treated by eminent physicians of this eoun. try and Germany! tried the climate of different imtc-fuoiiuiig iiiiouieii teiiei iiku vouriiepura tlon." L. 11. riietps. 1'. Jl.. Orlitcs. Ohio. writes! "Muf. cred with Asthma 40 years. Your medicine In ; minutes noes more ior me man tne moit einl neut. iimsician oia ior ine in inree years. II. tnrrh ltemedy at once. Cannot iret along with u. i uiiipiu t'llmnton. Jollet. 111., wrltei! "Send Ca. out It. 1 find It to be one of the most valuable UUb lb I UI1U 11 llf Ulltl II medlcluea I have ever tried Wo have many other hearty testimonials of cure ur ichci, mm in urufriuainu SUITerers II 0111 Asthma, Catarrh, Hay Fever, and kindred di seases may have an opportunity of testing the value ot the ltemedy we will send to any address TUIAL PACKAGE Fit KB OF CHAItQE. If vour druggist falls to keep It do not permit him uacii yuu some wurwuegs iniiiaiion dt nis rep esuuu size box bv mail Cl.oo, lulyJly PURITENE PRIZES! Competition Open to All on the following conditions : To Interest the nixd und also the young during the leisure hours, day or evening, we offer the following prizes for the "HUNT FOR WOIIDH." For the largest list of words framed by the letters composing the household word PURITENE wc will give Ten. Dollars; for the next largest Seven Dollars; for the next largest list Five Dol lars, aud for tho next tluee largest lliti One Case of I'urltene each. All lists must reach me before December 1Mb, 1SSS and must be accompanied ulth ten trade marks, cut from packages ot rurl tene. No word to be admitted which contilns less than four letters; but use no olhrr letters than IIiima composing the word Ask jour merchants for the Jiowder; It sells at Ten Cents a pound, and is superior to soapine or lrorlnetor any other soap powder made. Olve It a trial. Insist uiuin vour merchant getting it and take no other. A. F. SNYDER, General Shipping Agent Ior Pennsylvania, lUlIGIlTfXV, CARBON C8 PA. Henry Nolf, IT THF. CARUON HOUSE 13 NOW an Accoiiimoaation 'Bus, H1CTWEKN THE Hotels and L. V. Depot. Parties railed for at their Homes by leaving or ders at any of the hotels. April i, tssi A GENTS WANTED!'! To canvass for one of the largest, old- t established, REST KNOWN NURSEeu jr-aiii me c-uuuiry. aiusi iiurrai terms. Unequalled facilities. GENEVA NUKSEHY. Established 1816. , W. & T. SMITH, GENEVA, N. Y. apriwteow as 8 B H 0X S J mm MAKE - NO We are positively headquarters for anything in the way Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, Gent's Furnishings, Children's Ready-Made Clothing, Carpets, Rugs, Matting, Matts, Oil Cloths, Floor and Stair, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, The largest stock. ment. The lowest prices to he found in this region. We Make Shoes a Specialty, If you are having any trouble in net ting fitted in shoes, call and see us. We claim to be able to fit everybody ; we carry a tull line 01 shoes in all the different styles and widths, in hand-sewed. Goodvear welts and machine sewed. We want to call special attention to our Patrol Shoe, in bals and con gress, at $2.50. aaaptea ior railroaders or men that do much walking, or in fact, everybody that appreciates comfort in foot-wear. Come and see what we have. No trouble to show goods. Respctf y, ZERN & SNYDER, Opera House LEHIGHTON, Farmers and A Arner & NO NAMES NAMED. To whom floes this apply T PERSONAL. TuMr. llri. and Miss 1 You will not he unduly called upon, nor will jou be subpoened to appear or give EVIDENCE l'Olt Messrs. Funk & Wngnells, the NEW YORK publishers, inasmuch as action ou jour part must be voluntary, but should you volunteer.) ou would receive liberal compensation for your trouble. You need not communicate with them, however, unless lu search of a good opiiortunlty to secure a desirable and profitable business agency, or make known of some suitable INDI VIDUAI. who If and whom you would like to be friend. They are now advertising at follows: In your locality and In adjoining counties, also Id every state and territory In tbe Union, we want reliable, energetic and ambitious meu aud women to help supply the demand for our pub lications. The Held Is a rich one, and while the trade, whldh is doing Immensely, can-not begiu to cover lt.tssra per week may readily be made by earnest work In a personal canvass -an opior tunlty for profitable employment not to be missed If you are FINANCIALLY PINCHED, or desire to Increase your Income any wuv, or If j ou are prepared to devote jour whole time to the work so as to make tbe money, now U your time. Write to ns at ouco. Address, with some par ticulars, Agercy Department, FUNK & TTAGNALLS, 18 and 20 Astor Place, NEW YORK This Is exactly w hat they advertise, and they wilt do all they say. That )ou write to them at ono If jou want money, and endeavor to ecure tor yourselves an agency fir this well-known boius, is the ad vies ot A FRIEND. m tM alio i( i'M'W iSmz' I 1 $ litis s --s:::- - " H jf sl n S 'S Soph - MISTAKE. of The largest assort They are specially Block, PA. Gardeners, See! g S3332 u 88888 CJ - Son, M'f 'rs, New Mahoning, Pa. W. L. Douglas $3 Shoe. genJlemen. The only flue J3 Hkaulkss Shoe In the world made without tacks or nails. As stjllsh and durable as those costing $5 or c,nd having no tacks or nails to wear the stocking or hurt the feet, makes them as comfortable and well-fitting as u hand sewed shoe. Iiuy the best. None fienuine unless stamped on bottom w. L. Doug s 13 Shoe, warranted." W. L. Doi olass $4 Shok, the original and only hand sewed welt tt shoe, which equals custom-made shoes costing from in to A W. L. Do I'd las $ miosis unexcelled for heavy wear. W. I,. ItofdLAH tl Shok Is worn by all Doys, aud Is tho best school shoe In the world. All the above goods are made la Congress, Button and Lace, and If not sold by your dealsr, wilte w. I.. Douglas, Brockton, hiss. A. MEHRKAM & SON, Apts, LEHIQHTO - , - PA.- iii . . i i . ... jm