GreatReduction WALLPAPER ! WHITE BLANKS, From 5c. to 12c. per roll. ELEGANT GOLD PAPER. From 12c. to 50c. per roll. Fine Gilt Embossed Papers, From 20c, to 551 per roll. Colored Borders at one-third the regular price. Gilt Borders and Decorations at half trie usual price. Window Shades, complete with spring roller, 38c. and up. A full and complete line oi Iringesirom 14 to 75c. per yd Curtain role-', complete at 40c. and upward. Faints, Oils. Varnish, Brushes and Taint' -crs Supplies a specialty. Paper haiiR-, Ine, Plain anil Decoratho House and Sign Painting, Graining. All Women uaiiantekd A. Bayer, BlUMIm BANK ST., LlilllOHTON. Estate Notice. Estate ot JACOB SMITH, latoof Towamenslm Towuslilp, Carbon county, Pa., deceased. Letters of administration havlim been itrnntec to the undei'slicned In the above recited estate. all persons Indebted to said estate are reque!te tn ntnkB Immediate itavment. and those lmvlni legal claims will present the same without dela.t in proper oraer mr seiuemeiii ui ADUAHAM HMITII, Administrator, Pleasant Comer, Mahoning ttvp., Carbon co.,Pa or bis Attorney, E. 1C. SIEWEltS, Ksq., Mawl Chunk, Pa. tiiarcnsi-cnz A GENTS WANTED! j To canvass for one of the largest, oldeM O established. BEST KNOWN NUltSKll IKS In the country. Most liberal terms Unequalled ' facilities. (1ENKVA NUItSKKY, Established 1846. W. & T. SMITH. HHNKVA M.Y. aprlWtenv. SA. WAI Kiiarai: L Ii N ill MM ItlnnsPV EX-" WANTED. Permanent nosltli 'Bimranteetl with HALAKY and EX- TENSES TAI1J. Anv detem inrd man can s c ceed with us. Peeullarndvantairestobeirliuiers Stock complete, Incl'idliig many fast sellini specialties, muuii. iree. Address at once. (Name this paper) BROWN BltOTHEKS. NUItSKUYMKN, ItOCIlKSTER, N. Y aprn za am- All new csprinpr Styles now u stock. All new goods in a new stove All old goods were sold out al auction. Slept Wliite Baci PEier, 5c. 7c. 10c. and 12c. Per Piece Elegant Gold Papers, 15c. and 30c Per Piece. Iterant (M Embossed Papers, 35c. and $L00 per Piece. Pelts and Ingrains, 20c. and 60c. Per Piece. LUCRUSTA WALTON ! Samples and estimates sent free. Ex perienced workmen sent to all parts ot the city and country. All eoods warranted fie. from arsenic, perfect, and full leugtb. M. Merigan. 1223 MARKET ST., Feb.4-88 Philadelphia. " 1-1 H 1 C n C g (j Pi co fi, e l SS?o8 CO co eS W- to . 05 , 1? liLli U CLIP HOMORUSlTltS mistake of a lifetime Tho man who inarrlea anil doesn't divorce. Tho remark, "Your mine for the nexi et," Is believed to have originated In 11. 11. Hayes' hennery, iWmc. Diss Debar can now bo used nt t hurrlblo example" by temperance, lectur es. An overindulgence in spirits is tin auso of all her woe. If you want to take the gilmp out of n tuck-up man, mistake him for the con luctor and offer him your faro as ho come. llOllR, -The reason why so many old famuli-: die out Is because tho younger ones liavi ioI bee seusu enoius to swarm. Tlu'y wan to stay together and live on each other untl hey all statVf. A comic opera has Just been written which deals with baseball matters. 1 here Is an umpire In It it would be bcttci lescribed as a tragedy. lttad In a shop wludow near one o. die principal Paris cemeteries: "Wo rnakt i specialty of onion soup, which we f urn li wbeie lefreshuients are provided a (literals. Somebody suexests that It Is useless It. 3'0 to llie expense oi utiyiug Moras ui olapuk. The dialect stories in tbeayei- ijje magazine will aiiswui all practical pui- pjbes. Bnclclea's Aruioa calve. Tho best salvo In the world lor cuts, jrulscs, sores,ulcers,salt ihuemif ever sores, Letter, chapped hands, clillblands, corns. md alt skin eruptions, and posltlvely-cures lles, or no pay required. It is guaranteeu .0 give pertect salistactlon, or money re- .unded. l'ncn iioc. per box, at "1 nomas'. It Is said that In some parts of Africa here are birds with bills a yard In length If the theory of transmigration ot souls Is a orrect one, these btrds must he the sphits jf departed plumbers. -Tho largest fit log In Washington I'enltorv was cut this year on the Skaall Hlvcr, which empties Into Puget bound It is 42 feet long, 0 feet in diameter al the .mall end and 10 feet at the butt. It wi-lgh 00 tons. Young wife -Yes, father always elves expensive things when ho makes presents, Husband So I dlscovero I when ho gave ,ou away. And men lie weni to ins nurarj io draw a check for the mouthly milliner. bill. A pastor of a North Carolina church having graduated fiom the army to t ministry, recently startled his congregation uy announcing the colleccion with the un usual command, 'Attention company Present arms!' The Saleit Medicine. To have about the mute at all times it iiinimms Liver Itesrulator. It will barn io one. It wi lbrnelitali who may mm .ittueljH of biliousness. Dyspepsia, Heai ,cli. (.'iinstii,:ilinn. or other ailments result mi' from u disordered Liver or Stomach .veeii it alwavs in the hoiihc, and you wil uive a family physician near who will bavt you many dollars ami mueu Biuxmijj. Hotel Proprietor I will send the rv- frehments up, Mr, by the dtunb-waltei. Uuest All right; and let me tell ou If In sii't here within Ufleen minutes be wil wish he was deaf as we 1 as dumb. If the 00,000,000 codfish annually taker ill the Newfoundland coast were left ii the sea It Is estimated that there .would , yearly addition of 150.000,000,000,000 o vouii" codfish for future treaty wrangler o net muddled over. The bursting of a creosote tack at th freight jard of the Midland Hallway a Carlisle, England, allowed a quantity ol ihn creosote to rm Into a small strcau .vhlch is a tributary to the Hlvcr Eden, and It poisoned tons of fish. Including salmoi tail trout. Bismarck Is repotted sick. He Is al .vajs ailing when the Prussian Diet disa ;rees with Mm. A Massachusetts doctor has discovered jernetual mutton. He probably asked ady to let hlin see her tongue, and she dli t. -A Georcia farmer made $100 off ai icre planted In watermelons, and a nell mirlni? doctor made $200 off the tain icre. Indianapolis, Inu., has a woman whos Iih beard for a m He. We do no tnow what her calling Is, but she must .uccessful in it. 1 Imve been deaf in one ear ten veal r, I ,,rtiu11v lpaf in the other for tw been treated bv ear special! n.otors and received no ueneui. jiuvm - . . ... , -n it. ...i.. -..I F.Iu'h Oream Balm for ab nit n month .n.l n,v upirrrp:iilv itnnrnved un l can hen ,e.ll and consider it a mit valuable remed; had also na-sal catarrh, and pain over m wlitoli irol loe llir-u lime cumci lUai peared. D. B. Yates, Upper Lisle, C N. y. -"Willie." said the cood pastor, win was taking dinner with the family, "I oose vou will be a literary man, llk? yom .athcr. fthen you grow up." 'Nope, sal ..he Utile bov addressed, as he looked at the ouiewhat meager array of delicacies on tin able with lofty scorn; 'literary nutliin I'm goln' to be a ten-thousand-dollar cook, v.'idi n fltlziin of Lamnkln. ba., va eleanlinr bis cellar recently, after in lm been flooded, be discovered a sllem av jression in the earth, and, examining .doselv. saw a bar of metal partly mine. ihe P.ckine it up, be found It U irao, further search revealed 1(17 bars, welshlii about a pound each. How the. got then Is not known, thouh it is surmised that ihey were burled during the Indian war ot 1S30, when a rude fort stood on tue present site ot the house. -For the delicate and aced and all in whom the vital cunent Is Impoverisheo and slucr?lsli. Aver's Sarsaparllla Is the veiy best tonic. It restoies thu wasu tissue, and Imparts to the system surpr.sltu elasticity and vigor. Trice $1. Worth &5 a bottle. A GeorcU drummer tells how bis life was saved by a pack of cards. At Amerl cus be was one ot a merry party who were engaged one night in a friendly game of 'draw,' flbicb drummers sometimes play After concluding the game he placed th cards In the left-hand pocket of bis coat. which brought them directly oyer bit heart, Soon '.hereafter one of the party, while carelessly handling a pistol, discharged and now comes the strangest part ot the stoiy, The bullet struck the drummer ibe left breast going through bis clothing and also through every card In the deck ex, cept one, this one being tbe bottom card or the last one of the deck. This card, I stranee to say, was tbe ace of hearts, at tbe character la its very center was indent, ed by tbe bullet. The. oul-fleld Cyrus W. A hot grounder Roasted hedgehog. A constable down In .Maine the ottir I di, being curious to know what a barrel of cement looked like luslde, found it contain nothing but sand packed around 'lenty-gJl)akcgof wbliky. -HAVE YOU Go I Q rimley's Carpet Ie has the agency for tho best carpet-sweeper in the -world viz: 661 Ie has INGRAIN CABPET at BRUSSELS at 50 cents a yard wards. A GOOD IVINDOW ready on roller, at 40 cents. He takes Carpet Bags in Exchange and deals honorably with all. J. M. GRIMLEY, 804 HAMILTON STREET, "ALLENTOWN, PA, 1U ame's (omiound For The NERVOUS The DEBILITATED The AGED. New Tailorin TO THE PEOPLE OF WEISSPORT ai VICINITY: Upon Invitation from some of ihe representative citizens of your town, I bays decided to open a Tailoring Establishment in Weissport. 3fy knowledao of maklnc aarments was calned .ii so H eramiate ot tne (jutting bciioois ot tint Jutting ami Slaking Custom UlOthliii; In some Miiladelphla 1 think I un assure you Hut all at least to the best obtainable In your neighborhood. BjrGlVE ME A TltIAL Very Respectfully, JAMES OLIVEK, Mmtmrnt felloe Welsepoii II AMIS. fillHGHT!, Have opened up their immense new stock of Spring and Sum. mer Goods, including all that is Worsteds, Cassinieres, Corkscrews, Cheviots, which they will make-up in suits the latest style and best work manship observed at wonderfully low prices. For Gents', Ladies, Youths and it the lowest prices. You arc bound to be pleased. OUR GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT fs complete in every particular. DON'T FAIL TO CALL. Clauss & Bro., i:anc BANK STREET. LEHIGHTON. jrAOQUAIIITED WITH THE GEOaitAFHY OP THE COONTHY, WILL OBTAW MUCH VALUABLE INFORMATION FROM A STUDY OF THIS MAP OF THE UaM4lMmi,.w-ni iwwi I ry r mm M ! wi u il CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R'Y. Its central position nnd closo connection with Eastern lines at Ohlcapo and continuous linos at terminal points, West, Northwest, and South west, maize It tho true mld-llnk in that transcontinental chain of steel whtoh umiDBicoAuanuo ana i-aciuo. xts town and Sioux Falls In Dakota, and IM)C itaisoouersauuuioisoi-KOUTijatoanairomtno racuio coaot ana inter mediate places, maklne all transfero in Union depots. Fast Trains of flno DAY COACHES, ol03Tant DININQ OABS, maynlflcont PULLMAN P ALACK ELEEPINQ CAHS, and- (botvoen Chicago, St. Joseph, Atchison and Kansas City) restful KECLIHIUG OlIAUt OABS, scats FBEB to holders of through first-class tlchots. THE CHICAGO, KAKSAS & NEBRASKA R'Y (GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE) Extend west nnd southwest from Kansas city and St. Joseph to Fair bury, Nolaon, Horton, Topcka, Horlngton, Hutchinson, Wichita, Caldwell, and all points la Southern Nohroslia Interior Kansas and beyond. Entire passenger oquipmont of tho celebrated Pullman manufacture. Solidly bal lasted track of heavy stool roll. Iron and ctono bridges. All safety appliances and modern improvements. Commodious, well-built stations. Celerity, cer tainty, comfort and luxury asourod. THE FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE Is the favorite between Chicago, Rock Island, Atchison, Kansas City, and Minneapolis and St. PauL Tho tourist route to all Northern Summer Rosorta. ItsWatertown Branch traverses the most productive lands of tho great "wheat and dairy belt" of Northern Iowa, Southwestern Minnesota, and East Central Dakota. The Short Line via Seneca and Kankakee offers superior facilities to travel botween Cinoinnatl, Indianapolis, Lafayette, and Council Bluffs, fit. Joseph, Atchison, Leavenworth, Kansas City, Minneapolis, and St. PauL For Tickets, Maps, Folders, or any dostrod. information, apply to any Cou pon Ticket Office in tho United tatos or Canada, or address E. ST. JOHN, . A. HOL8ROOK. teffrilbUffW OUIOAOO, ILL. 0n)TjtftiT A$L BEEN AT- Store : 25 cents ; and up SHADE, Largest size Galvanized-bound Wash Tub, $1.60 ; second size, $1.25 ; third size, 9()cst. A NERVE TONIC. Celery and Coca, tho prominent In gredients, are tho best and safest. Kcrvo Tonics. It strengthens and quiets the nervous system, curios Nervous Weakness, Hysteria, Sleep, lessness, &c. AN ALTERATIVE. It drives out the poisonous humors of tho blood purifying and cnrichlnglt, and so overcoming those diseases resulting from lmpuro or Impover ished blood. A LAXATIVE. Acting mlldlybut rarely on theboirds It cures habitual constipation, aud promotesarcgular habit. Itstrcngth ens tho etomach, and aids digestion. A DIURETIC. In its composition tho best and most active dlurctlcsoftheMatcrlaMedlca are combined scientifically with other effective remedies for diseases of tho kidneys, it con bo relied on to give quick relief and speedy cure. ITnndredicf testlmonlaji hive bMn rMrlvMl from pcreonn who haro used this remadj with remark&blslwneflt. Band far circulars, ctrisg fall particulars. rrlet f 1.09. Sold tf Sraiflltl. WELLS, RICHARDSON &"CO., Prop's BURLINGTON. VT. principally In the City of NewYork. I ain city. Anil after yars ot practice tn bom ol the best houses In both -New York am work entrusted tn my care shall beequa now, novel and beautiful in &c, &c, Children. Only the best make The very latest novelties ir Respectfully, The Tailors, mam unci ana orancnes inciuao unt- many other prosperous towns and cities. g Establishment wnm Neckwear, &c REASONS Why Ayer's Sarsaparilla is proferablo to .any other for tho euro of Blood Diseases. Bccntise no poisonous or deleterious Ingredients enter Into tlio composition of Aypr's Sursaparllla. Ayer's Snrnnriarllla contains only the purest ami most effective remedial properties. . -Ayer's Snrsaparllln Is prepared with extreme care, skill, mid cleanliness. Ayer'nBarsoparlllu Is prescribed by leading physicians. 'Ayer's Bnrsapnrllla Is for .sale everywhere, nnd lecoimuended by all ilrst-class druggists. Ayer's SarRaparllln Is a medicine, and not a beverage in disguise. Ayer's Snrsnpnrllla never falls to effect a cure, when persistently used, according to directions. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is a highly con centrated extract, and therefore the most economical Blood Medicine lu the market. Ayer's Sarsaparilla has had a suc cessful career of nearly half a century, and was nove'r so popular ns nt present. Thousands of testimonials' nro on fllo from thoso benefited by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. ritEfAHED I1V Dr, J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mate, Frieo (1 ; tlx bottle, (3. Worth 5 a bottle. 13 "WEEKS. .. . . The POLIOE GAZETTE will he mslli-rt ocurcly wrn ppd, t( any udilreBS in the Unl U states lorluree months mi rei-eiin ol One Dollar. Liberal dlemunt nllnwed to pnsttnasterF cents and rlubs Bainiile conies mailed Irer Vddress all orders tn HICHAM) K. FOX, Mar 30,18S5-ly Franklin Equars, N. PATENTS!! FRAMKLDJ H. HOUGH. lolicitir of American & Foreip Patenl 025 P St., near U. S. Patent Office, WASHINGTON, D. C. ill business before Unltpd States ratent Oflle ttemleil to rot moderate n-ej. ratcnts procuri n the United Ktates anil all Porvlun Countrlc! trade tlarki ant Labelt reglstereil. Hejeclo, liincaiioiis rt'Mveu anuproaeruieii. jiuiiniu inn anil advice as tn obtaining Patents rheei ullv furnished without eliante. Send Sketeli o I ml el for l'liicic otilc'.on as to I'ati'ntablUtv. Copies of patents furnished for 25 J. enen. t3" Correspondeneo sollelted. lenr Hop Plaster ApecrulUrandfmooeBsfaloombtnatlonof Sooth" inc, paln-kllllng u strcngthanlna, agents Fresh Hops, Hemlock Gam and Pine Balsam. Xaln soreness and weakness in tho back, side, kidneys, chest, shoulder, neelt or limbs, ore all Instantly relieved and cured. Bweet, fresh, reliable and never-ftilllne war ranted tho bst planter known. 8old every where. Price Sriatj O for 91. Wal'ed for price. HOT rULSTEU CO., rroprleters, llottotu OTTAWA, ILL, 2Iannact- oZ ROAD CARTS. ta3. rotitiiely. No llvrta HuLlon. Therti. trtltbflrurDdh'datnholeB'Ie! fttcet to buyin in towns Ien6 for Frs lUuttmud SfcUlogua. THE ABOVE IS OUR NO. Q JOCCING CART. EVERY CART GUARANTEED. SfTOTlgPS, Neatest and best gCart madOj Bides Easier THAN A BUGGY. GAY SOW, OTTAWA, ILL. RAINBOW RUPTURE RELIEF & S'ir'Jr reufJ d a perfect retainer, not a Truss. Worn Dar ana Mliut .1 prenence foreotten. Send or rii. Ii.iV Emonial.from Brsletal .ufferem cured tythUan ASar Central Medical and SuratJal awnSf 30 Coexist Bt, Bt, Loulf . M ua,co' .H'iSi' nnt riren all kind, of enrrfea) rat. trouble. In male and femal. oar .wwlaltr lit All nra;xl.ti. r.. A.. .rd l IO. rrniinrd only Dr.BeUi Arnold. jJaO. Corp., Voonix.ket.H.I. March 3l-ms AFFLIDTE0 .UNFORTUNATE AFTER ALL OTHERS fAIL CONSULT 329 N. IS(h8t., below CatlowMII,PhlU.,P. rftn'eirrlenc.lnatlBrEnALdlsMii. Prm- March 31-) 1 AGENTS WANTED TO ENTIRELY NEWBOOK SEtl AN The most wonderfully complete collection of tbe absolutely nseful and practical which has ever been published: In any nation on the globe, A marvel ot every day value, and actual money earntna; and moaoy saving to every possessor. Hundreds upon hundreds oi -beautiful and help ful engravings. Its extraordinary low price be yond competition. Nothing In the whole history of too Look trade ilka It. .Select something- of real value to the people,, and sales are sure. Agents JooVIng for anew and first class book, write tor tiDl .description-and terms, so days' time given Agents without capital, bQAM-, WUl -CO. Vmt&vuf'niA, Va. febn-m' 1? INTEREST TO FARMERS, r , , , ; , ,L T . ' r-! ; 1 Household Iilnti. Oil of hivi'iidcr will dilve away flics. A few leaves of green woimwiinil scatlcrcil whero hlack ants conerecale salil to he effectual In iltsloitcliiu them. Don't ask a convalescent If tie would like, this or that to eat or drink, but pre pare tho delicacies and present them in a tempting way. , A goo J rule for tho use of the different kinds of flour Is to use pastry flour whei- ver baking powder Is need and bread flotn 1 til yeast. Never throw away co'd potatoes, as there ars so many delicious ways In which they may he warmed oyer and made Into new dishes. For cunpowdcr burn, keep the wound? wet with a mixture of Unseed oil and Hun water for three days, and then apply vase line to heal. It Is better alwavs whet cleanlntr zlm nder a slovo never to wet It. hut rnh often Willi a drv. clean cloth. WIimi. necessary to wash It avoid using soap. h'o not leave any tomatoes in the hot om of a tin can, but pout them Into ai, t-aniien oowl till you want them. This ipplles to nearly nil canned vcec iihlcs. When a person Is "sick at the stomach" ice taken Into tlio mouth in small Dlcce inuaiioweu to melt before suallowlnc win, in very many Instances, relleie tlii llscomfort. a goou cement for mending a stove tiat lias a crack in It may be made b ulxiiia silicate of potash or solubls ulas.- vim wood aslies. This cement Mill no oear moisture. A lump of soda left unon Ihe drah pipe down which waste water nasses wil tireyent the cloggingof the pipe with crease. specially If thu pine Is flooded every week vuu ooliing water. tor poisoning from phosphorus, a Alien cniiureu suck matches, elva a tabh- pooniui of magnesia, and then, frtelv. turn arauic water; less magnesia if only line ptiospliorus is taken. n..... n.. uii i unuw aiiy greasy or oily rajjs oi papers to be mixed up w uli dean clippings,, rujiirgeratnouuiof clippings to reman n .Vour place (even If clean and ill bales) nun is ausoiuiely unavoidable. To cure a wart place the thumb upon lie wart and press It against llie bone. iuvq tUo wart backward and forwa ipou mo none until tbe roots become iiitated or sore, when the wart will dis appear. ll.lll'f nil..... 1 . . . . .. . uy joose-iointeu cut, uiai-ktis on jourpiemlM's, which could bt wung against woodwook, or auv ca irackets without wire screen, or ylobes, U .uy, siraw, iignt materials or window in tains are near tiiem. i pie mai is properly baked will elii loniuie un Willi careful handlli g,-aiiu t placed on a wire frame where the ttii ia access to the bottom It will coo ..miuiii, oecomnjg moist, and when read; . uo served It, can be tiaiifrri...l t... p'.ate. ror Oram 'workers who are troubled y llio aich enemy, d spepsla, cocoa wil 'o-iuunu a sootnitig anil nourishing artlel 1 diet. Several cases in which the suffer ... I'Ai-cciiiugiy acute tiaye been icliv ju in a very short time by the use ol ejeoa. That hlKhway tf Nations, -I. I l ... uiii oroaa Aimntic, Is ever n btormi Miiuujjii lure iei mow llie winds ever si .ieiely, and ride the waves eyer so loltilv cuiiicu rnusi man mo goou sliips, tuurisis .ill bravo the parage, and conimetciai raveiers aim oiytrs must visit the centra H loreign trade uud manufui'iiiro Th.. -trocious malady, seusickiieux, together Willi """J imuio ui.u uiutn inwaru iiiieuaiiita. . wien t-iaiiireu wnen llouietler's Stomac n u. in i nave lorinea me voyncei .in.tnut ilium s.. on.. ....: i . b . ........... avoiuiiuii!, anu in iacl al, aits and veteran travelers are acpuainUd ..i.l. , Im ..h... ... .: i ..... r ;r"mi vaiue oi nils estimable ..revemne and remedy, and are rarely ...LI. !. I,-. ' . . - 1 1 . ""graiiii to Hie la ii i Milium use u as a kaleguard agaim .ualana. Week the aid of the Jiilters It pepsin, constipation, liver complainl, n.uuo.. nuuuicn.aiiu an uiimentstnatimpa .ie iiurmonious and vigorous action of th viiai powers. Uo mi udder. Perhaps no crop the farmer erows can oe ine subject of more Imaginative specu anon man com fodder. Its possibilities are Immense. Thirty tons per acre are easily grown on rich land, and with the' large varieties1 planted closely more has been produced. Thirty tons Is an Immense amount of feed. Preserved green It will sivu eiit, pounds a day to the cows for one uunared days. Ulylde this by half or uj mree :or a moderate yiid. and it. mill Uives far ahead of the c-paclty for keeping stock by an acre of ordlnarj liay. It must ue remembered, however, that corn foddei at its best is not perfect ration. It Is al ways deficient In the elements for 'waking muscie aua Done. When grown in ex cessively large wops corn fodder Is besides watery and khutrltlous. CorislJerlne the amount of labor required to handle these large yields, it Is belter to plant' so as to allow cultivation and at least some nubbins of ears. Ten or twelve tons of fodder may be $rown on an acre In this way, and with, In most cases, more pri flt to the feeder than tho larger and more eipenslye crop. A OUt for A. In order lo.glve all a. chance Io test it, and thua bo convinced of .its wonderful curative powers, Dr.King' New Discolerv for Consumption, Cousin .and CoUU. will de, for a limited time, given away. Thiij. ....v. i. nut uiiijruocTui. uui snows untour.d ad laithin tua merits ' this great remedy. All who tutor from Coughs, Cold,- Con surojition, Asthma, Bronchitis, or any nflfec tion of Tin oat, Chest, or Lungs, are especi ally rcqu stcd to rail t T. D. Thoui Uriig Store, and get a Trial Bottle Kreel Large Bottles $1; Plants that arc turned from their, pots aud set in the open border are rarely worth taking up aud potting -again at the p proch of autumn ptart.a stock of vigor ous new young plants raised from cuttings Plants that are to remain in their pots should be in a partial shade, but not in tbe drip of trees. Stand them on a layer of coal ashes to prevent worms from entering the pots. Prepare the slants by exposure for the change. Itoott of dahlias, caitnas, etc., should, bo, exposed to .the sun during Ibe day, laid upon earth In boxes, and taken In at night, This will soon canto the buds to stirt, when the roots !'may be divided for plantlnconU Subscribe for tad AJWOITS. read th? CAEeon BANK STREET, - Has just opened an entire new line of LADIES' FINE DRESS GOODS! Comprising all the very latest styles in -White Goods, Sa teens, Prints, Ginghams, ancy Dress Patterns ol ing low prices. Groceries, Provisions, Crockeryware, lassware. Wood and Willowware of Cloths Cassimers, Hats, made Clothing in great variety and at prices within the reach of all purchasers prices fully as low as the same goods can be bought lor at any other general Carpets, Oil-cloths, Lamps and Fixtures in great variety and of best quality at Rock Bottom Prices. Best quality of Flour and same articles qan be purchased A car load of coarse salt has las been marked down to the verv lowest notch. All goods of the very best quality and are being sold at prices qually as low as the same goods can bought at any general store in this section. Call and be convinced. Respectfully, July23-S71y PLAIN AND FANCY Bill Heads, Note Heads, Letter Heads, Statements, Envelopes, Programmes, Price Lists, New presses, new type and all kinds of Job Work, in the low prices. Mail orders receive JOB ROOMS, Bank Street, Lehigliton, Pa. IS HEADQUARTERS FOR GENERAL HARDWARE, Paints, varnishes &LL KINDS OF COAL, &r OPS. PUBLIC SQUARE, Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa. Great Spring One BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! 250 child's pleated suits from 4 to 12 yCars, only $1.00. Over 2000 Bo)-s and children's Suits in all the latest styles, Corded, Pleated Norfolk, at $1.50, $2.75 and $2.00. 225 All-wool Suits, $2.50, 3,00, $3.50, $4.00 and up. 5000 Men's Suits, of all descriptions, make up any style, fron $3.50 to $25.00. All of our own make. Over 1000 pair good-strong, working pants only $1,00. 500 Pair, BoyVKiiee Pants, fiom 4 to 13 years, 50, 75, 1.00. Extra Bargains in Our Custom De partment! Nearly everybody knows of the Popular Hams CasshnSrtf' of which" we have purchased over -50 S'DYZiES at less than hajf, the cost of manufacture." Suits to measure $15.00 ; "worth from L8.0,a to 50.00. Special Offerings ,of 15. styles iu All-ITool Goods suits made to order $10.00. , 'Call soon as the Bargains will not last long. KOCH & SIIANKWJSIIJBIt. fifotel Allen Building. Centre Square. Allentown. I have .removed my entire stock with an additional fresh supply of the more fashionable and seasonable Gents,Ladies&ChildrensShoffs -CONSISTING OF- Ladies' Fine Kid and Spring Heel Shoes, of all grades and sizefii at the lowest prices in order to meet my competitors. I will .not be undersold. My new.stoqk is complete in every particular. Thf old stock' will be closed out st and below cost. A cordjnl invitation is extended to my lormer frjends and patrons tQ call ,nt my new store, ona-door-above Sweeny'o .Corner Store. Respectfully, BANK STREET, EHftHTON. FA, - LEHIGH TON, PA MSflllGS. Seersuckers and the very best qualities at exceed the bnst makes at low figures. Boots, Shoes and T eadv- store in this vicinity. Feed at prices iully as low as the elsewhere. just been "received the pnee REIGEL Blanks .of all Kinds, Wedding Stationery, Business Cards, Shipping Tags, Sale Bills, Ball Tickets, Circulars, &c. excellent facilities enable us to do best style, and at extraordinary immediate attention. NKWEILER'S rings ! aunona LEWIS WEISS,