The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, April 14, 1888, Image 5

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    'Original Cheap Cash Store."
White Goods.
Our stock o( White (toads Is simply stu
pendous. The csmplctcst Hue we havo ever
shown. Welted riquc, riald riqne, Flpired
Pique. Corded riqtie, Striped Plquo, Cambric,
Plain Nainsook, l'lald Nainsook, tJice Stripes,
India Linen, Victoria Lawn, Dotted Swiss,
Figured Swiss, Swiss Mull and Irish Linen.
An extraordinary collection of Laces
suitable tor trimming all sorts of garments.
Also, white and cream ALSOIN Laces for
oyer dresses.
Hamburg Edoino and Insertixo!
A full line at all prices, lu Cambric, Swiss
and Nainsook.
Qppeslte Tubllo Square, Bank Street, Lehlghton.
.luni' 7. 18M-1
Like a bar of beaten cold
I gleam In the summer sun;
I am little, I knew,
But think I can throw
A etltcb, that will hold a ton.
I send out no challenge bold,
I blow no vauntlns horn,
lint foolish Is he,'
Who o'erlookcth me,
For ho'l! wish he'd nover been born,
Like the flower of the field am I
No rivals such beauties display, -The
ladles I charm.
And with my "High Arm"
AH would-be rivals I slay.
I'm loved by the fair ones that buy me,
I'm modest, and quiet, and meek,
But with half-time at play
And half-time at work
I clear thirty $ a neck.
Though you search the wide world over
From East to IKest, I ween
Nothing you'll find,
To equal in kind,
The New Dayls Sewing Machine.
Geo. If. Huston, Apt,
Bank Street. Lehghton.
TUa OnwUK, A -4ort
I iicuaiuun nuvuoaLci
-rersons maxing payments
' to this office, oy money orders or postal notes
will please make them payable at tne WEISS
rORT TOST OFFICE, as the Lehlghton Olllce Is
NOT a monv order olllce
The attention of the people of Summit
Hill, Lansford and vicinity is directed to
the fact that George V. Hunt linger, of the
popular Switchback Restaurant, is author
ized by us to tecelve subscriptions anu
moneys for the Garbon advocate.
Current Events Epitomized.
Threo store rooms are vacant on Bank
For bargains call at Eemerer &
Campbell, the jeweler, has enlarged his
show window.
Almost dally arriving now goods at
Kcraerer & Swartz.
Go to Val. Schwartz's for all kinds ot
furniture. Prices very low.
Go to Yal. Schwartz's, the oldest furn
Iture store In town, for side-boards, etc.
Roederer's barber shop Is to be rerood
deled and otherwise beautified during the
coming summer.
The new church of the Holy Trinity
Evangelical Lutheran church In West
Bethlehem was formally dedicated Sunday.
M. & P. Brenner, as J. R. Fink's
agents, haye opened up a general dry goods
and gents furnishing store In Leuckel's
block, Bank street, where they will be
pleased to meet the purchasing public.
.Mothers, bring your boys to Sondhelm's
One Price Star Clothing Halt, at Mauch
Chunk, an we can sell you the best suits
for the least money, and will give each boy
a present to remember us by. Call and be
G. F. Buck, a substantial Franklin
township farmer, left at this office recently
an egg measuring 8 by 0 1-2 Inches. Mr.
B. said ll was a Republican egg; If any
Democratic hens can do better w would
like to hear from them.
William Hufford, of town, employed
tcmpotally as a J V. RR. brakeraan, had
his left hand caught between the bumpers
of two coal cars, at Packerton, Saturday,
and badly mashed. Under the care of Dr.
Seiptethe injured member Is healing nicely.
A number of our joung gentlemen will
shortly organize themselves Into a society
for the purpose of discussing live topics ol
the day. There can be no doubt but thai
such a society, having as Its fundamental
principles the elements of right, would re
sult In much real and substantial good.
No citizen should tire of saying good
good things about his town. No town above
earth Is faultless, and all have more or less
difficulties to contend with. These dim
cullies should be met by oyery citizen with
a strong and roanlv heart. Substantial en
couragement and hearty endorsement are
as essential to the success of local business
men as well as the welfare f a town with
treat natural resorces stand by home
trade and yoo will boom your town.
In reply to a request from a reader re
lailvelo tenancy of premises and notice
from landlord to quit exchange
says: The landlord and tenant Act of 1872
says that a tenant at will or for years Is en
titled to three months' notice before he ran
be dispossessed. The Supreme Court has
ruled In several Instances that a lease for
less than a year Is within the Act, but In
the recent case of Ilollls vs. Burns, report
ed In 4 Oulerbrldge, 200, the court took en
tlrely different ground. Under this decis
ion a tenant from month to month is en
titled only to a month's notice to quit.
List of Letters
Remaining uncalled for In the Lehlgh
ton, Pa., Post-Ofllce, for the week ending
April 7, 188S.
Prey Miss Emma I norman. A. J.
lOmerer. llanlfl Vt.
Persons calling for any of the
letters will please say "advertised."
Jaues P. Smitu, P. M.
Important to Fannin anddirdeniri
A good honejt phosphate will pay to use
on all croDs. the best Is Arner's pure bone
superphosphates, they are manufactured
With great care and from pure bonei, blood
and highest grades chemicals, and are com
plete ma nure for alt field crops and garden
vegetables. Our garden Victor phosphate
li nut ud in ban of CO lbs and 100 lbs at
2c per lb.
chaie at ,....$38.00 per ton.
our liero auper-rnospnaie ...
ur Jurabo Supsr I'hosphate at
' 3O.00
. 13.00
our rare none hci
Our Pnre Land flaster...
... iSM
Address, A. ARNER 4 SON,
This Is tho regular "apple )ear."
Dock beer has mado Us appearance In
some towns.
You dare fish for trout on and after
next Monday,
Goto Val. Schwarti's for liatidwrao
baby carriages.
If you chango your place of residence
please notify us.
Goto Val. Schwaru'a for carpets, Drus-
sel. Ingrain and rag.
The new bridge across the Lehigh
rlyer nt Coplay Is completed.
A charter has been granted to the
Lehigh National Bank Uazleton.
Go to Val. Sell aiti's, the oldest furn
iture store In town, for lovely parlor suites.
reter Brakemeyer, has been Granted
a pension for Injuries received In the late
Three rooms over S. Seller's hardware
store for rent. Suitable for offices. Apply
on the premises.
-Oscar, son of Nathan and Maria Krtim.
aged twenty-two years died Saturday after
a long and painful Illness.
A graft of a plum tree made by Geo.
Do'.an, of Packerton, last fall has put oul
sixty-nine feet of wood up to date.
Harr", a ten month old aon of Francis
and Eliza Ludwlc, of Northampton street,
died suddenly of convulsions Monday.
Interment took place on Wednesday.
flours with men and women of the
Revolution," by Ben. Losslng, appears on
our first pago to-day. The article Is bound
to prove Instructive and Interesting to both
old and young.
A rldo through our beautiful valleys
at this season of the year Is delightful be
yond expression. David Ebbert, the popu
lar North Street liveryman, hires out teams
at low prices.
A desperate fight took place between a
larce number of Hungarians near Latllmere
on Sunday night. Fence Dlckets and club'
were used, and a number of the partici
pants were badly handled, one man being
killed and his body dragged Into the woods.
The 13th annual meeting of tho stock
holders of tho Carbon County Industrial
Society convened at the Exchange hotel,
Bank street, at 3 p. m. list .Monday. The
following officers were re-elected foi
the ensuing year: President, Thos. Koons;
Secretary, Elwcn Bauer; Treasurer, Val.
Schwartz. It was decided to hold the fair
during the week commencing the 1st Tues-
day In October.
The Allcntown Dcmotrat says: Ellas
Iloppes, of Mahoning, Carbon county, the
other day moved trom said place to the
Kllngamm farm, near Stclnsylllc, which
he some time ago secured by purchase
He will however not farm the propertj
himself, haying employed another famll
to operate It. Ho will give his attention
mostly to music teaching, in which he It
an expert.
Tho collection of Trinity Lutheran
Concreeatlon. this borough, on Eastor
Sunday for Jublenberg College was $70.
The Treasurer of the Instltutlon.Itev. C. J.
Cooper, has also secured contributions
from Individuals amounting to ono hun
dred and fifty dollars. Twenty per cent,
added to this amount, which two liberal
friends of the college have offered to give
to all monies collected during? the year for
the liquidation of the debt resting upon
the Institution, would make the sum tints
far obtained from Trinity church t04.
Mr. Cooper hopes to make It a $1000 by
the close of the year.
A New York Cutter. On account of
their large Increase in business Koch A-
Sbankwcllcr have engaged a new cutter In
the percon of Mr. F. W. Hatch, of New
York. Mr. Hatch Is tin agreeable gentle
man and an accomplished cutter, excelling
In skill, accuracy, taste and stylo. He
comes with the highest endorsement from
John J. Mitchell it Co., designers anil
publishers of fashions, works on cuttlnc.
etc' through whom his services were se
cured, and he Is strongly recommended by
i number of the best custom tailors in New
York, Mr. Hatch Is to bo employed prin
cipally ou high-class work, and it is the In
tention of Koch & Shaukweller to turn out
suits to order that cannot be surpassed In
my particular in any large city. Koch &
Shankweller have always exhibited creal
enterprise and that coupled with their tire
less energy Is accountable lor tnetr success.
Allcntown paper.
1 t :ontlon I CommanderY.
All members of Robert Klotz Command-
erv. K. G. E. are requested to meet nt
Gable's Hall on Monday evening, April 10,
at 8:00 o'clock sharp as business of Impor
tance will be transacted. Ho not fall.
By order of
The Officers.
Retail Grocers.
The State convention of Retail grocers
will be held at Wllkesbarre on the 24th
Instant. The grocers ot that city aro de
termined to make a great success of It, and
with this object In view hayo contributed
$1000. Tho coming convention promises
to be unusually largo and forceful. Car
bon countv merchants will send as their
representatives to this convention, A. F.
Snyder, of Lehlghton; John Faga acd W.
H. Koons of Alaiicli Chunk.
Salts Made to Order.
Are you In n:ed of a suit ? If you are,
he sure to call at our establishment and ex
amine our line of $12, $15 $18, $25 and $35
suits. It our suits are not from $3 to 5
cheaper than the same goods are cold for
elsewhere don't buy them; If our our "fits'
arc, not satisfactory you can return the
zoods and ynur money will bo refunded ; If
our prices arenot tho cheapest In this val
ley ilo not be a tram to leu us so, anu,unauy,
do not rotss calling at Sondhelm's One
Price Star Clothing Hall, Mauch Chunk,
Lower Towamesstng Items.
Sylvester Snyder has been engaged to
teach the unexpired school term at Fire
Line, made vacant by the suspension of Mr.
Foley through Intemperate habits.
Elizabeth Blose. widow of Daniel Bloso,
died on Sunday morning, April Stli. She
was buried In St. John's cemetery on
Thursday. Deceased was 02 years old.
Lewis Roethline, teacher of Lehigh
Gap school, will give an entertainment on
Saturday evening in the school house at
that place, consisting of recitations, speech
es, Ac. Admission ten cents. All Invited.
The result of an election held for Rev.
Huber for Pastor lu St. John's Church
last Sunday resulted as follows, 01 votes In
his favor and 32 against. By the time
ParryvlUe and Big Creek make their re
turns he will no douot he declared elected.
Buy your spring suits from us and re
member every garment you buy Is warrant.
ed. You take It home, examine It, acd If
It Is not satisfactory return It, and your
money will be refunded. All this Toil can
do at Sondneltn's One Price Star Clothlug
Hall, Alaucn (J&unk,
Clark' Beer Uall nai been aUUUCAUy
jXLiamtxu, .
& wi w " " J w
Tlmety Teplcs I Willy Written Up Ij Ver-
sauie ummsi.
Sheriff Rahenold, of Allcntown, was
In town this week,
Constnble Williams donned a new uni
form Monday morning.
Hon. James Malloy, ot Lansford, was
in Mauch Chunk Saturday.
Only four prisoners are confined In
Hotel de Gallagher on Broadway,
O. B. -V. Slocker, of Armbrustcr's
Hotel, circulated at Easton on Sunday,
' Contractor Rebe, ot Lansford, will
probably locate permanently nt tho county
A new blacksmith shop Is In course of
erection near Lehigh bridge,' this sldo of
canal tow path.
A governinenlpost-offlce Inspector was
Investigating postal matters In Carbon
county during the past two weeks.
They do say In some quarters that our
genial Eddlo Mnlhcarn would llko to
tackle the assembly elephant again.
A. IK. Lelsenrlng, president of Ihe
First National Bank, Is reported as serious
ly 111 at his East Jaucli Chunk residence.
Louis Krommls. after serving n three,
month's sentence In the county jail, was
discharged Wednesday morning by the
Among familiar faces on our streets
this week we noticed, Peter Helm, of Le
hlghton; Milton Flory, of Weissport and
John Arner, of New Afahonlng.
. Pi-rhaps It would be of Interest to our
people to know that Williams tho photo
grapher, al Mauch Chunk still makes
Cabinet photo's at $3.00 per doz.
Henry, a bright a'nd Interesting nine
year old son of Plus Schwelblnz, died at
four o'clock on Sunday afternoon. Inter
ment took placo IKcdnesday morning.
It Is said that our genial old friend
Squire Mlnnlch, of Summit Hill, will be
i candidate, for the Republican nomination
for sheriff. The Republicans certainly have
in the 'squire a prominent man.
Contractor Werner, of Lelilghton, has
a gang of incn engaged tearing down the
old frame home on Susquehanna street,
purchased by William Thompson from the
L. C. !fc N. Co. Tho lumber, Ac, will be
used for the erection of a double dwelling
homo In tho second ward.
Wc take pleasure In directing your at
tention to Rex & Brothers, new announce
ment, to be found elsewhere. Rex's Bon
Mache is popular with peoplo all o-er the
county; all who deal thero am confident of
fair and legitimate treatment, both at the
hards of the genial proprietors and his
obliging clerk).
The usual number of Commonwealth
cases were disposed of by tho court this
week. A. & B. and F. &. B. cases pre
dominate extensively, I am sorry to say, as
It reflects badly upon tho morals of our
people. Owing to tho fact that I was
I'alled from town this week, I could not
roport court proceedings in full.
At the Coiner Store: Having purchas
ed the business of Messrs. Treharn Jk Co.,
and having added almost an entire line of
new goods, we are now prepared to offer to
tho public a choice line of dry goods,
notions and groceries. We also.havn some
great bargains In odds and. ends, which
nust be sold to make room for spring
oods. You aro most respectfully invited
to call and Inspect our goods. IFilllams A
lCnuffman. 4t.
A Carbon county base ball league was
organized here on last Saturday evening.
The following gentlemen represented their
respective towns: Weissport, L. K. Al
bright, Jfatich Chunk, John Faga; East
Mauch Chunk; W. A. Selgfrlcd, Weathcrly,
P. E. Faust; Summit Hill, John nogg.
John Faga, was elected president and W.
A. Selgfrled, secretary and treasurer,
l E. Faust, L. K. Albright. John Faga
W. A. Selgfrlcd, were appointed as a
schedu'o committee with orders to report
Saturday evening at six o'clock. Reach's
American Association ball was adopted;
the national playing rules were mado part
of the constitution. Each club will play
fifteen games.
The half century wedding anniversary
of James Blaksleo and his estimable, wife
was celebrated on the evening of the 10th
Instant. During tho evening it Is estimated
that five to six hundred guests visited the
home of this aged and much esteemed
couple. We extend congratulations and
best wishes for the days to come.
Jame I
Blakslce came to JIiucli Chunk
In 1833
poor In worldly goods, but rich In pluck
and perseverance,
To dav he Is the senior
director of the L. V. R. R.. Couinanv and
a prominent figure In evorv commendable
local enterprise, ins marriage iook piace
In tho then territory of Wisconsin on April
10. 1K1S the ceremony being neiiormeci nt
Ex-Goyernor Dewey, then a local magis
The following subscriptions for tlieCAit
noN AnvocATis have been received since
last report :
Win. Lovett, TowamcnsrHK 8 1 00
C. (). Heck, Hazleton 1 00
A. 1'. o ut. norma xouare i uu
1!. Ilauer, East Mauch Chunk 1 00
F. .1. Ili'lil, Franklin township 1 00
Allium Noll, llowiiuuistoivn 1 00
Win. Senilel. Lehtchton 1 OU
Sylvnnus llorcer, Packerton so
1 roi. 1. jvi. uuiiier, anruiKiicm, iuus? z w
Wm. thalK, Itlun Springs, Neb S 00
V. Schwartz. lhlghtou 3 oo
.10 in waller, iiiiuiiwu z uu
.losonli ltelnhart. Franklin tnwnshll) 1 00
H. llllibler, Uhliilitun 1 00
i., ncnreiuer, , tisspori... i w
.1. n. i,entz. Leiiuriuoii
2 oo
1 CO
l oo
Owen Itehrli;, l.ehlfihtoi ,
w. lv. iieumnuer, ijenixniou
Al. Frey, Lehlghton
1 CO
l oo
l oo
1 03
A. Al. MeiirKiuu, riinaueipuia
M. llellman, U-hlgh on
Aaron Itucli, Weatheily
nr. J. i.. jweyer, iuaucn i;iiuiik
1!. I). HimslcKcr, Lehlghton
bits Ilerger, b.iyre. l'u
l on
1 00
Dr. A. M. Stapp, formerly a practic
ing physician In l'arryvllle, this county,
died suddenlv of heart disease on the 18lh
of last month, at his home In Burlington,
Mich. His wife, also, has been seilously
Indisposed for the past several months.
Mrs. Strapp has the sympathr ot many
friends here in her sad uereayement.
The Allentown surveyors were here and
viewed Coal street. The thoroughfare will
lu all probability be graded during the com
inz summer. The unsightly pile of dirt of
which we spoke seveial weeks ago still ob
structs the street lion ever.
-Special sermons at the M. E. Church
on next Sunday, by Rev. Wm. Jajor, pss-
tor, subject, morning, "uoa-given ras
tors." Eyenlng, "Great Sinners In Le
bighton." A cordial Invitation to all.
-Next .Monday we commence to sell
men's nants at 75 cents and $1.00 per pair.
worth SI.2A and ei.bu, at bonoueira s une
Price Star Clothing Iiall, MaucU Chunk,
Go to Yal. Schwartz's, the oldest turn
Iture store In town, for bed-room suites,
-A large variety of bed-room suits at
Kcmercr cV Swartz.
Prepare to appropriately observe Arbor
Just received irom Boston,
an immense stocK oi tne genu
ine Knight ot Labor Shoes,
which we ate selling at $2.50
and $3. Warranted solid calf
leather. Clauss & Bro., the
Tnilnra nln nrrnnta for Cnrhnnl.n.!
-t,.U P V.nnrl.
i .
Town Qctstp u It is Toll to Oar Spselal Be
Jfias Alllo Jfiller, Is sojourning with
friends In Philadelphia,
Mltsess Emma Knauss and Emma
Roth, spent Saturday at Allcntown.
C. II. MacDanlel was to Easton this
week In the Interest of our baseball
James Oliver, tho new tailor, Is now
located with us. Read his adv In to-day's
Our genial tree agent B. K. Culton,
was nt Gcnevn, N. Y,, this week buying In
-W. E. Smith and Miss Whitehead,
will open "summer schools" In Franklin
Joseph Hcydt, of Ashley, Pa., was
spending several days this week with
friends In this section
J. W. Heller, has been elected Superln
tendent of tho Evangelical Sunday school,
vice George Laury resigned,
By notices posted up, persons aro ad
vised not to throw rubbish or other waste
matter In the several alley's. This Is
correct measure,
II. J. Shoemaker, of Cherryvlllc, a
pleasant and agreeablo young gentleman,
was on .Monday Installed- as clerk In
Graycr'a corner store,
Carl Miller, will sell at pub'.lc sale on
Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock tho one
and a half, story brown frame dwelling
homo on Whltefstreet
Andrew Graver was to the cltv this
week, so you want to make It a point to
call and inspect the elegant now assort
ment of dry goods, &c
Tonsorlal artl Harman, of Parry-
vlllr, will open a shopln tho building
oyer the canal bridge recently occupied by
Milton Flory, the saddler.
R. J. Hongen, has purchased a "milk
route," and will hereafter dispose of the
lacteal fluid to his numerous friends In this
borough and surroundings
.Mrs. William Schwab, of Franklin
township, died Tuesday morning, aged
thirty years. Deceased leaves a husband
and three children to mourn her death.
The people over the canal bridge arc
still pushing the pavement project. You
slow fellows who have neglected thus far
to "ponoy up" want to he In a hurry about
The bell In the North B'eissport Luth,
eran church will be dedicated with appro.
priatn services on Sunday morning. Rcys
Wackernagle, Sandt and Kuder will bo
present during the day. All aro cordially
Invited to attend,
Daniel Graverand wife, of Mountain
Top, made relatives and friends here a
short visit this week. Mr. Grayer, by the
way is spoken of for legislative honors In
the sixth Luzerne district. If nominated
and elected he would make a good official,
and don't you forget It,
Prof. N.' M. Balllet, principal of our
public schools, will open on tho 1st of next
month an institute designed for teachers
and students of the more advanced
branches. The professor Is an able edu
cator, having had long experience in practl
cal school work. We take pleasure In direct
ing your attention to his announcement to
be lound elsewhere,
Wall Paper. Wall Paper,
at 5c, Cc.,7c, 8c, lCc.
Gold Papers at 10c, 12c, 15c, 20c, 25c,
30c to SOc. E. F. Luckknbacii,
01 Broadway, Mauch Chunk.
Mahoning Specials.
Two new school houses are to bo
hero dutlng the coming summer.
The Normal Sqtiaro Literary Society
will start up again on the 21 Inst.
Miss Kato J. Arner made a flying busi
ness trip to Philadelphia this week.
John Wills and family, of Hush,
Schuylkill Co., were visiting fiends In the
valley oyer Sunday.
Elmer Beltz, of Lehlghton, formerly of
this place, spent Sunday with his many
friends in the valley.
Frank Lauchnor, accompanied by his
mother, spent a few days last week, with
friends In Lynnvllle, Lehigh county,
Among the bulldln.ts erected In our
Immediate vicinity, are a house by Alfred
Senslnger, and a barn by 'Squire Mussel-
Dnrlng the heavy thunder storm last
Thursday evening, Nathan Semmel's barn
was struck by lightening. Tho damage,
fortunately. Is only slight.
Ida Semmel, a bright nine year old
daughter of David Semmel, who had been
dangerously 111 for tho last two months
with typhoid fever Is slowly recovering.
Misses Emma L Broown and Emma
L. Kressley will start, In the near future, a
millinery and dress making store, at Hit
former's home. ITe wish them success.
John Fraze, of Summit Hill, em
ployed by UHIlam Sutler took suddenly
sick on Sunday afternoon and died at eight
o'clock the same eyenlng. The corpse was
taken home on Monday morning by Stenh
en Fenstermacber. Special.
Opinons Away from Home.
The CAnnoN AnvocATEof Lehlghton,
Pa., came to hand last week an eight pace
paper, owing to a pressure of home adver
tising, it was a daisy. Ulad to see you
flourishing so well, friend Harry. Dover.
N. J., Index.
The Lehlghton, Camion Advocate
came to hand, last week, double-geared
and crammed full -of advertisements and
reading matter. It Is an evidence tho town
has live and Intelligent business men, who
are not afraid to Invest In printer' Ink.
Bro, Musselman's Stark Ledger. Ind.
The CAnnosf Advocate, published at
Lehlghton, was remarkable last week, for
appearing as an eight-page paper, and Us
Immense advertising patronage. Lehigh
ton is a lite town, undoubtly containing
live business men. Weathcrly lltraW.
Personal Mention.
Miss Ella Teters, of New York city, Is
home on a visit.
Dr. J. A. Meyer, Mauch Chunk's pop.
ular dentist, was In town Monday.
Mr. Thos. E. Aforlhlmer. an employee
ot this office spent Saturday at Allen
Mrs. George Bower, of Catasauqua,
spent several days this" week with relatives
in town.
Gideon Kostenbader, a popular and
successful Lancaster city artist, was In town
MIssNoraClark. otNesquehonlng, was
the guest of P. F. and Miss Annie Clark
on Sunday,
IK. W. Reberand wife, attended the
funeral of Howard Shoemaker, at Hazle
ton on Mouday.
For a handsome baby carriage Kemirer
ft Swarts lead.
fin fn Vol. Rchtrirlft! tar tnflttrailftl
I HA mllihlA itfhmiVir!-T). S. Bock
I snnnelfA r li Hnlille .MninM
J I FuIIHm of Ingram and Brussels ar-
Items of Industrial Gleaned for
the Masses,
St. Thomas, Can.ypVrpenters have been
granted a nine-hour Saturday.
Massachuetts Knights will hold aSlato
Convention at Boston on April 1C.
The co-operative shoo factory at De
troit, Mich., has ceased operations.
A stove factory Is to be erected at
Florence, Ala., at a cost of $30,000.
Tho big American sugar refinery at
San Francisco, Cal., has shut down.
Some Pittsburg Pa., Iron and steel
workers have gone to Birmingham, Ala.
A clothes-ptn factory at Montpcller,
Vt., has a capacity of 200 gross per day.
New Haven Conn., strikers have been
fined $7 each for calling a man a "rcab."
The Judge decided that the offense In
calling "scab" was a threat
Hundreds of negroes aro arriving In
California from tho Southern States. They
are paid $15 per month. It Is claimed that
they wilt work for less than tho Chinese
At a recent meeting of Local Assem
bly No. OOSO, Knights of Labor, 14 new
members were admitted, making a total of
410 Knights In this town aud vicinity.
White Haven Journal.
The Knights of Indianapolis aro mak
ing preparations for the annual General
Assembly In that city next fall. A Mas
ter Workman will bo elected and six mem
bers of both the Executive and Co-cpcra-tlve
The New York Sun says: "The
strikes that have taken place In this coun
try slnco tho beginning of thoyear 1887hayc
numbered about 1000, and of the 400,000
men engaged In them from 25,000 to 50,000
men aro still out."
For t he week ending April 7, thero
were shipped over tho L. & S. division of
tho O. R. R., of N. J 110,077 tons of coal,
a total for the year to thatdato of 1,230,121
tons, an Increase of 57,771 as compared
with same date last year.
They are talking of another strike in
the Hazleton region. This Is the scheme
which is now suggested by labor unions:
That tho men be ordered out of one colliery
at a time; that the strikers as many of
them as possible get work elsewhere, and
those who can't do so will then ho support
ed by their brethren who haye secured
steady employment. In this way It is hoped
to stand out the individual companies.
Labor Commissioner Peck, of Now
York In his fifth annual roport, delivered
last week said: "Strikes havo helped to
ratso wages, to shorten hours, to Improve
the condition, not only of tho particular
workmen who hayo risen up In protest,
but also of tho masses." lie estimates
tho loss In wanes to have been $2,013,229,
and that $217,000 was paid out of relief
funds. The loss to the employers he esti
mates to have been $1,124,214. To offset
these losses he says tho wagc-carners gain
ed advances which gavo them $044,032
moro during the year than before where
the strikes wore successtul, and tuny lost
$142,1583 where they failed.
What Henry Oeorge Proposes.
He does not propose that the State shall
attempt to control production, conduct dis
tribution, or In anywlso Interfere with the
freedom of the Individual to use bis labor
or capital In any way that may seem proper
him and that will not Interfere with the
equal rights of others. Nor does he pro
pose that the State shall take possession of
land, and either work It or rent it out.
If hat ho proposes Is not the disturbing ol
any man In his holding or title, but, by
abolishing nil taxes on industry or its pro
ducllons, to Icaye to the producer the full
fruits of bis exertion. Wouker.
Death ofaForaer Lehightonlan.
Howard Shoemaker, at one time a re
spected resident of this place, but of late
ears rcsidlm: with his family at Uazleton,
lied suddenly Thursday eyenlng of typhll-
ills, or inflammation of the sccum. In
terment took place on Monday, a larce
concourse of sorrur, ing relatives and friends
following the remains to their last resting
t lie uazicton sentinel in sneakinz ot
the deceased says: "Mr. Shoemaker was
an excellent young man, of the highest in
tegrity anu character, anu was esteemed
by all who knew him. He had n large
circle of warm fi lends who will sincerely
mourn his sudden death."
Beialer Husbaum.
In Trinity Lutheran church, last Satur
day afternoon, liev. j. ll. Kuder perform
ed the ceremony that binds together " foi
better or for worse," our esteemed joting
friends i,cwls aI. Deldler and Alias Aggie,
the youngest daughter of J. T. Kusbauni.
Geo. T. Utnmnger, of East Mauch Chunk.
mil miss uiara Ulauss, ot town, acted in
ho capacityof Groomsman and bridesmaid,
Messrs. Charles Obert and T. J. Nusbaum
did the honors as ushers. .The church war
crowded with relatives and friends of the
contracting parties. The happy young
couple left the same afternoon for Phila.
ilelpbla and other places. A reception
ueiu at tne Home ot tne urine s parents, on
ineir return W ednesday evening, was large.
ly attended hy relatives and friends. They
wero the recipients of many elesant. useful
and costly presents. The Advocati: ex
tends Hearty congratulations and best wish
es lor a prosperous voyage througn life.
Contemplated Improvements.
Toward Seaboldt will build on North
ampton street.
James Nothstcln will build a double
frame bouse on Pino street.
On Northampton street. Jos. Gilbert
will erect a frame, dwelling house.
Pev. J. II. Kuder will build a frame
dwelling on Northampton street.
Jacob Blank nnd Wallace Semmel will
emprove their residences by additions.
J. L. Gabel will erect a brick addition
to the rear of his Bank street residence.
Wm, II. Montz will, probably, put up.
In various pans of town, three or four
dwelling houses.
L. J. Held will erect a substantial
brick residence on his farm, located In the
suuurus ol town.
Fred. I.euckel will Improve the build
Ing on llank street, occupied by D. S. Bock
and Atnandus Mertz.
Mrs. A. Arner. of New Mahonlnn. will
build a double frame dwelling house on the
corner oi fine and Mahoning streets.
School Director Bover will bt-lld a frame
dwelling nouse on fiortnampton st. oon
tractor Ed. Chrtstman will tee to Its erec
Before mirchaslnz elsewhere call at
Eemerer & Swartz.
Go to Val. Shwartz's. the oldest furn
Iture store In town, lor rugs and mats.
Wo advise mothers who are about to
nurchase snrlnsr clolhlntr for their boyt to
take tlietu to Sondhelm's une l'rice star
Clothing Hall, Mauch Chunk, and get the
best clothing lor the least money.
Our tax pavers will find lnterestin;
reading In the statement ot borough ex
pendltures published elsewhere..
Llvlnzston Castle. No. 258. K. O. E.
of Allentown, will be Instituted on April
10, by Orand Chief Louis E. Stllz and Stan,
Those full lndleo blue Grand Army
Suits at $10 sell very fast; but we ttlll have
enough of them left to satisfy you. Call
at Sondhelm's One Prico Star Clothing
Hall, JItuch Chunk.
NoTHSTEiK.-On March sist. Walaee reter.
son ot Mahlon and Ellta A, Uothstelu, je
ts years nnd 3 days.
Kjium. On April 7th. Oscar Nathan, son of
Kitban and Maria Krum, artd 23 years,
months and It days.
Ltrowio. On April ttn, Henry Bernard, son of
Franz and Ansa Kllxa Lndwlf , acta Deaths
Thoso nil woot Scotch cheviots and ca9
slmere suits nt $10 you will be sure to buy
If you see them. If you want something
better we have them nt $12, $16 and $20.
All goods an marked in plain figures, and
prices are lower than you can but the same
goods elsewhere. Call at Sondhelm's One
Price Star Hall, Mauch Chunk.
Is a peculiar medicine, nnd is carefully pre
pared by competent rharmaclsts. Tho com
bination and proportion of Sarsaparilla, Dan
delion, Mandrake, Yellow Dock, and other
remedial agents Is exclusively peculiar to
Hood's Sarsaparilla, giving It strength and
curative power superior to other prepa
rations, A trial will convlnco you of Us
great medicinal value Hood's Sarsaparilla
Puritlos tho Blood
creates and sharpens tho appetite, stimulates
tho digestion, nnd gives strength to every
organ of tho body. It cures the most severe
cases ot Scrofula, Salt llheum, Bolls, Pimples,
and all other affections caused by Impure
blood, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Ilcadacho,
Kidney and Liver Complaints, Catarrh, Rheu
matism, and that extremo tired feeling.
" Hood's Sarsaparilla has helped mo moro
for catarrh and Impuro blood than anything
else I ever used." A. Ball, Syracuse N. V,
Croatos an Appotito
" I used Hood's 8arsaparllla to clcanso my
blood and tono up my system. It gave me a
good appotito and seemed to build mo over."
E. M. Hals, Lima, Ohio.
' I took Hood's Sarsaparilla for cancerous
humor, and It began to net unlike anything
else. It cured tho humor, and seemed to
tono up the wholo body and glvo mo new
Ufo." J. F. Nixon, Cambrldgcport, Mass.
Send for book giving statements ot cures.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Soldby all druggists. 1; IxforfS. Prepared only
fcy O. I. HOOD & CO., ApothecarlM, Lowell, Mas.
IOO Dosos Ono Dollar
You will Save
By Using.
"r v-ic
nartlcle nnnlled Into each nostril and Is agree
able. Price M cents nt druggists; by mall, regis
tered, on cents. ELY 1)11(13., Druggists, 2J3
ureenwicii mrecr, new norK. uprit-inn
Weissport JewelryStore
Has been removed to the build
ing below Evangelical church,
opposite Square, where can al
ways be found a nice assort
ment of
Watches, Clocks,
Jewelry & Stationery,
at very lowest possible prices.
will be promptly attended to at
reasonable prices.
March 3I-m3
329 N. 15th St., below Callowhlll, Phils., Pa.
SOyesrs'exreriencelnallSrECTALdlsease. Perma-
c. Oallnrwrltn. ArtvlrnfruoiimlPtrtctlyrnnflden llnursi too. in. 11112, audi toWeyeulogi.
?Senl btamp for Uoolc
March 31-yl
Tho most wonderfiillv comnleta eollpctlmi ni
the absolutely useful anil practical which lias
ever ueen puuiisueu luiiuy naiion on me gloue.
A iimrve! of every day value and actual money
earuliic and money saving to every possessor.
Hundreds upon hundreds of beautiful nnd help
ful cnuru, inirs. Its extraordinary lownrica ln-
yoml com petition. Nothing lu the whole history
of Iho booK trade like It. Select somethliu: ol
real value to the people, and sales are sure.
Agents looKing ior a new nuu nrst class uook
write tor full description and terms, so days
unio given Agems niiuoui ca nuai. mjam
MKLL & CO. 1'ilILADF.Ll'iiIA. l'a. febis-mu
To canvass for one of the largest, oldeil
established. 11HST KNOWN NUISSElt
IKS In the country. Most liberal terms.
Unequalled facilities. UENKVA NUHSKHY.
Kstatillshed 18W. W. & T. SMITH, GENEVA,
. i , uprit-tieow
a Booming
HOOKS AND BUltSES-Alreidy FllUd.
Thomas' Drug Store,
Bank Street, LiHiaHroir, Pa
C$1 icycleA
L. fr Large ilt 8Jf.
Large Stock. Ready for Sale.
Buffalo Standard Phosphate, $35.
AEsawfeaa SluaMd9 $35
Vtoyafl BBone Phosphate, $2f
Our phosphates
Dress Textiles for Spring!!
The exhibit we make at this early staso of tho season Is certainly unparalleled In tUUt
section, If the statements nf the best informed and entirely dlslnlcred judges are to be
Fine Cashmere, all-wool, in the late&t colorings at
50 cents a yard.
All-Wool Henriettas, 46 inch wide, at $1.00 a
Silk and Wool Henriettas, 38 inch wide, at $1.25
a yard.
French Cassimers, 50 inch wide at 88c.
Light weight French Habit CTloths, 51 inch wide,
$1.65 a yard.
tn all the latest shades, numbering in nil 85 shades. The followlne: aro a few: Plum
Terra Cotta, Mahogany, Copper, Indian Bronze, Cardinal, Garnet, Navy Marino, Pon
seo Pink, Mode, Scrpant, Chocolate, Myrtle, Olvc, Gobelin, Ecru, Tussore, Groy,Steol,
Heliotrope, and moro than anybody will care to read about.
634 Hamilton Street,
October 30 1887
Alio PUlii Rolled, Ccrracttod.Crtmrtcd Ere trrlli is-3 i
Iron Kootm tiidiotf tnd vei'lux. AkuU waate-l tu tvery
county. Mod tor catalogue and i&mples.
A list nf irwl mwratvri dlvldrrt into STATES
AND SECTIONS will be sent ou application
Tothosn wbowant their advertising to pay,
we can offer no better medium lor tlioroiuth nnd
effective work titan the various sections nlour
3elct Local List. GliO. P. ItOWKI.L HCO ,
Wswspaper Anveniiiiie nun-mi.
10 Spruce street. New York
Estate Notice.
Estate of JACOB SMITH, late of TowanienslnB
Towusinp, camon county, ra., r.eceasea,
r.nttprtt nf Administration hnvlmr been cranted
lu lue umienmiiieu in iuc nuuic inj o,wir.
all persons Indebted to said estate Bre requested
to make Immediate payment, and those having
lefTBl claims win present mc name niuiuut uciay
In proper order for settlement to
ABRAHAM HMIT1I. Administrator,
rieasant Corner, Mahonlne twp., Carbon co.,ra.
or his Attorney, E, It. SH5WKRS. Esq.. Mauch
Chunk, ra.
FKEXCH SATEEN Choice Novelties and
Choice ana new ttitues in .rreucii aaieen; an me ouu, iuiui uwn uu huww
silk are reproduced in these excmlslte Sateens ol the best French manufacture.
See our goods before orderinelroni samples wblcli often repie.snU styles carried
from other seasons.
Marseilles yullts, in lijyptian ana uuinesa pauciu, bv uru-ce wuku no m
are away below the prices formerly Ved tot the same goods. Wt also hay a
complete line of Crochet Quilts.
HENRIETTA CLOTHS IN NEW COLORS. Beautiful finish, soft and elegant for
easy draping, unequalled for the price. In Spring and staple ihadas: Navy, Qreea,
Garnet, Tan, Black, Cream, Urown, Mode.
LADIES CASSIMEIIE. This new and fashionable fabric is ono of the most desirable
materials for ladles wear this season. Being 48 Inches wide It cuts to good ad
vantage and makes a rich dress at small expense, Call and see them.
Opposite American Hotel.l
are all on record at
2 fiSlt
Allentown, Penn'a.
ROOFINli 00.
. Mules for Sale.
The underslmed will sell, at private sale, Two
MEDIUM SIZED MULES, Good Workers; they
u 111 bo sold at a reasonable price for cash. For
further particulars apply to jQm
Near Hmltu'1 Hotel, Mahonlne Valley,
March 3Wi carbon County, Ta.
To Whom it may Concern.
All persons are hereby forbidden to eddlt
with ono horse, two cows, one heifer, all tne
pics, wagons, tannine Implements, all the ciopt
in the ground, hay, straw, potatoes, chickens,
Sc.. as the same is my property, having been
UDiier Towauienslnir tp Carbon county, P.
Aprlla.8Ww Little Oap, Pa.
Special Colorings. We are suowlne Terr
are offering extra values in soft import!
New MAxasxxt, TtxfJ-
us w uyt.
Ll UBUU 1 1 I, I I M I -