GreatReduction WALL PAPER! WHITE BLANKS, From 5c. to 12c. per roll. ELEGANT GOLD PAPER, From 12c. to 50c. per roll. Fine Gilt Emtaefl Pauerst From 20c, to $1 per roll. Colored Borders at one-third the regular price. Gilt Borders and Decorations at half tne usual price. "Window Shades, complete with spring roller, 38c. and up. A full and complete line ol Fringes from 14 to 75c. per yd Curtain Poles, complete at 40c. and upward. r&Inta, Oils. Varnish, Brashes nnd Paint ers Supplies a specialty, l'aper bang ing, Plain and Decorative House and Sign Palming, Graining. ALL WOBKUtMKANTEKD A. Bayer, towWmJ BANK ST., LKHICIITON. V. SCHWARTZ, UNDERTAKER ! AND DEALER IN FURNITURE, PARLOR SUITES, BED ROOM SUITES, fie., which he Is selling at lowest prices. Carpeting of Every Descriptions! Ingrain to Finest Brussls at prices lower than the lswett. Having a DKSIUN MULTII'LIEU we are cn ADieatosen oy bami-lis very oausiacior lly. By this method a room Is represent ed carpeted, so that you know Just exactly what you are buying. TV also carry a COJtrLETK LINE OF FINE CARPETS at VEltY LOW THICKS. Bank Street, Lehighton, Ponna. asm is 87 it All new Spring Styles now in stock. All new goods in a new store. All old goods were sold out at auction. Slept Me Ml Peien 5c. 7c. 10c. and 12c. Per Piece. Elegant Gold Papers, 15c. and 30c. Per Piece. Iterant Gold Emliossea Papers, 35c. and $1.00 Per Piece. Pelts and Ingrains, 20c. and 60c. Per Piece. LUCRUSTA WALTON ! Satrmles and estimates sent free. Ex perienced workmen sent to all parts ot tin- city and country. All coods warranted free from arsenic, perfect, and lull length. M. Merigan. 1223 MARKET ST., rb.M. Philadelphia. .S c B B ci S to o 12 CO 25 CN w U 3 ft W AK - d r-l Si o u 3 AS WE CLIP HH0R0S1TIES. The best time to correct our faults Is while the; nre tlll our private property. I could never think well of a man s intellectual moral character If he was habitual); unfaithful to his appointments. A parent giving his children good In strucllon and a had example, brings them food In one band and poison In the other. HI couM stop people from wasting their money while they are alive, thej might bury themselves how they liked, for aught I care. Energy will do anything that can he Jone in this world, and no talents, no cir cumstances, no opportunities will niako n man without It. The power of nionarchs are lessening and the Inlluenco of the aristocracy Is fad nig away, whllo the power of the people U increasing. If wo Dractlco coodness, not for the sake of Its own Intrinsic excellence, but for the sake of gaining somo udyantae by 11, we may be cunning, but we are not good. -IIb that has feasted upon UoU's goou- ness is desirous that man; more should sli down at the same table: "Ob taste anu see that the Lord Is good;" let this be life' test. SnckUa's Arnica Salve. Tbo best salvo In tbo world tor cuts, bruises, sores,ulcors,salt rbuem.f ever sores tetter, chapped bands, chllblands, coim and all skin eruptions, and positively Curct piles, or no pay required, it Is guaranteed 10 give perteci Bausincuon, or muuuy it funded. Price 23c. per box. at Thomas'. -If we put off repentance another day, we have another day nioro to repent of, and a day less to repent in. God has prom ised pardon ou our repentacce, but ho has not promised life until we repent. Talk about tboso subjects you Dae long In your mind, and listen to what others say about subjects you have studied out recently. Knowledge and tlmbei should not bo much used till they are sea soned. Family life has its charms and Its hap- py Influences; but we must not ask of it.? greatness, for it dissipates thought ana cools enthusiasm, without whieh a life is never heroic. Politeness is to goodness what words are to thought. It tells not only on ti c manners but on the mind and heart; it renders the fecllngs.tbe opinlons.tue words moderate and gentle. -A good man is tbo best friend, and therefore is first to bo chosen, longest to be retained, and, Indeed, never to bo that for which he was chosen. To tell nliat a man says pay attention to the tongue. To ascertain what he meant pay attention to the ye. To talk in oppo sltion to tbo heart Is ono of the easiest ililro in tbo world. It Is not ease but elfoit not facultj but difficult, that makes men. There is no station in Ufa In which illlUculties bavi not to bo encountered and overcome befon iny decided measures of success can bi ichieved. If It is foolish to give adyice too readl ly, It Is also foolish to be too ready In seek ing It. Advice should only be asked fion iliose whose opinions we value and b whose judgment we are willing to bi ;ulded. On the fence paint. A touch of nature a frost bite. Very few persons can bold their own on their first sea voyatre. Children Often need some safe cathartic and tonic ti ivert approaching bicknesH or to relieve coll neadache. sick stumach. lndhicxlion, dysen icrv and the complaints incident to chili nood. Let the children take .Simmons Livei Ueciilatornnd keen well. It is purely veu -table, not unpleasant to the last and afc 1. .uke alone or in connection Willi oincr men TUo latest society game Is progressive angling. It Is said to bo very catching. Among the Zulus young people flgb and get married Hero they get married indHglit. No jonng man Is proof against sweet ituff when bis "best girl" holds It belweei her teeth and Invites him to tako a bite. -Many a poor woman thinks she can di nothing without a husband, and when sin jets one sho llnds she can do nothing will him. A young lady being asked if there wen many beautiful women In hi place, Iniu uently replied: "Oh, no; thero are only sh of us al present. That Tired Feeling UHcts nearly every one in thoenring. Tli tybtera having become accustomed to tin tracing ulr of winter, is weakened by tin rurm days of the changing season, und read IV yields to attacks ol dibcabP. lioou iirxaiarilhi is just the medicine needed t tones and builis up every part of tlx xxly, und auo expels all linpur.tiej iron no blood, iry it tins beabon. Doing any one thing well even slltlnf. litches and plaiting frills puts a key Inti me's hand to the opening of some othei tifferent secret; and we can never know vkat may be to come out of the nieiues. druggerv. Among the best of men arc dlversltlet if opinions; which are no more, In trui reason, to breed hatred, than one that loyet Hack should be angry with him that s lothed In white; for thoughts arc the vei v apparel of the mind. -U. aspiring to bo like God in power. ho angles transgressed and Ml; by aspli- luglube like God In knowhde, man transgressed and fell; but, by aspiring to bo like God In coodness and love, ncllhei man nor angel ever did or ever shall trans- ;ress. Then reunited to the friends with tvhoni we took counsel upon earth, we shall recount our toil, only to heighten our testacy; and call to mind the toll and dim of war, only that, with a more Ooundu g throb and a rlchet song, we may feel auu celebrate the wonders of redemption. He who would bavepuulualltv mothers m'ist Mmself be punctual. If a pa: t ir or a t iperlntendent would have the members of Mr charge always on time, ho must always be on time himself whether they are or not. If the service Is announced for two o'clock, for example, that service ought to well uuJer way by one minute past two, even If there is not another person than the leader In tho room at two o'clock. That method of doing will secure punctual ity from any people, anywhere. A man aged 80, who recently in Flur anna county, Va,, had commenced to cut his third set of teeth aud his hair, which had grown white, was turning to lis natural color, it is said. Charity gives Itself riches, but covet ousness hoards itself poor. Tru merit is llko a river: tha deeper It Is, the less noise it makes. Fools line the hedges which bound ths road of life; what can the wise man do but smile as be puses alone it. -Haste Is but a coor anolopr: tiba tlma HAVE YOU 9 5 He has the agency for the best He hns INGRAIN CARPET at BRUSSELS at 50 cents a yard wards. A GOOD WINDOW ready on roller, at 4.0 cents. Grimley Carpet He takes Carpet Rags in Exchange and deals honorably with all J. M. GRIMLEY, 804 HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA, paines fombound For The NERVOUS The DEBILITATED The AGED. TO THE PEOPLE OF WEISSfORT aflu VICINITY: (Jdoii InTltation from some of the representative citizens of your town, I have dec! Jed to open a Tailoring Establishment in Weissport. Jly knovfleiluo of malilnijearnicnts was calneil principally In llie City of NeivTork, I an ilso k cradu.ite of the Cutting Schools of that 'city. Ami after vi'&rs of practice In boll Cutting anil Making Custom Clothing In somo of the best houses In both New York am Philadelphia I think I in t assure you til it all work on trusted to my care shall bHcqua at least to the best obtainable In your nclnlibbrhood. Jf-GIVE A1E A T1UALI Very Respectfully, JAMES OLIVER, Have opened up their immense new stock of Spring nnd Sum mer Goods, including all that is new, novel and beautiful in Worsteds, Cassimeres, Corkscrews, Cheyiots, &c, &c, which they will make-up in suits the latest style and best 'woik inanship observed at wonderfully low prices. For Gents', Ladies, Youths and Children. Only the best makes at the lowest prices. You are bound to be pleased. OUR GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT s complete in every particular. The very latest, novelties in Hats, Oips9 DON'T FAIL TO CALL. Respectfully, Clauss & Bro., The Tailors, BANK STREET. LEHIGHTON. JNACQUAHITED WITH THE GEOGRAPHY or THE COUNTRY, VIIi OBTAIN MUCH VALUABLE IN FORMATION TROM A STUDY OF THIS MAP Or TIIE CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R'Y. Its control position and cloao connection with Eastern lines at Chicago and continuous lines at terminal points, Wost, Northwest, and South west, make It the true mid-link in that transcontinental chain of stool which unites tbo Atlantic and Pacific. Its main linos and branches include Chl canro, Joltot, Ottawa, LaSallo, Peoria, Qenosoo, Mollno and Rock Island, In Illinois: Davenport, Muscatine, Washington, Falrflold, Ottumwa, Oskaloosa, West Liberty, Iowa City, Dos Molncs, Indlanola, Wlntorsot, Atlantic. Knox vllle, Audubon, Harlan, uuthrio Contro and Council Bluffs, In Iowa; Gallatin, Trenton, Camoron, 8t. Joseph and Kancas City, In Missouri; Loavonworth and Atchison, in Kansas; Minneapolis and St. Paul, in Minnesota ; wator town and Slouz Falls In Dakota, and many other prosperouo towns and cities. It also oilers a CHOICE! OF ROUTES to and from tho PaclQo Coaot and Inter mediate places, makln? all transfors in Union depots. Fast Trains of lino DAY COACHES, cloffant DININQ CARS, majmiQcont PULLMAN PALACE BLEEPING OARS, and (between Chicago, St. Joseph, Atchison and Kansas ityl restful RECLINING CHAIR OARS, seats FREE to holders of through rst-clasB tickets. THE CHICAGO, KANSAS & NEBRASKA R'Y (GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE) Extends west and southwest from Kansas City and St. Joseph to Fair bury, Nolson, Horton, Topeka, Horlngton, Hutchinson, Wichita, Caldwoll, and all points In Southern Nebraska Interior Kanaaa and boyond. Entire passenger oquipmont of tho celebrated Pullman manufacture. Solidly bal lasted track of heavy steel roil. Iron and stono brldros. All safety appliances and modern improvements. Commodious, woll-built stations. Celerity, cer-' tointy, comfort and luxury assurod. THE FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE Is the favorite between Chicago, Rock Island, Atchison, Kansao City, and Minneapolis and St. Paul. Tho tourist routo to all Northern Summer Resorts. Its Vatertown Branch traverses the most productive lands of tho (rroat "wheat and dairy belt" of Northern Iowa, Southwestern Minnesota, and East Central Dakota. Tho Short Line via Seneca and Kankakeo offers Btiporior facilities to travel between Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Lofayotte, and Council Bluffs, Bt. Joseph, Atchison, Leavenworth, Kansas City, Minneapolis, and St. Paul. ForTlokets, Maps. Folders, or any desired information, apply to any Cou pon Ticket Offlco In tha United States or Canada, or address C. ST. JOHN, Oioanl Kaaujor, OHIO AO O, UEEN AT Store : carpet - swocper in the world viz: 25 cents; and up SHADE, Largest size Galvanized-bovmd Wash Tub, $1.(30 ; second size, $1.25 ; third size, 9()cst. A NERVE TONIC. Celery and Coca, tho prominent In. CTcdtonis. are Iho best and salcst Kervo Tonics. It strengthens end aulcts tho nervous svslcm. curing Nervous Weakness, Hysteria, Bleep, lessness, &c. AN ALTERATIVE. It drives out tho poisonous humors of tho blood purifying and enriching It, and so overcoming those diseases resulting from impure, or Impover ished blood. A LAXATIVE. Actlngmlldljrbutsurclyonthcbowcla It cures habitual constipation, end promotcsarcgularhablt. ltstrcncth ens the stomach, and aids digestion. A DIURETIC. In Its composition tho bett and most nctlvo dlurctlcsof the MutcriaMcdica ore combined srlenttflcallywlth other effective remedies for diseases of tha kidneys. It can bo relied en to glvo quicK rcuci anu tpccuy cure, nnndrodflcf toatlmonUlshiro boon received from pcrcoM who rmo nsod this remedy with remirkablo benefit, bend for circulars, citing fall particulars. Fries s.1.00. Sold toy Dnifcliti. WELLS, RICHARDSON fi. CO., Prop'a nUM.IKOTOJJ.VT. E. A. HOLBROOK, ILL. fMa'I Ticket ft Vu'r Ageit Heokwear, &c, AND 1111111,4 ..llltfKlCll 2U J. Ill', tl itU'll lllo II cntli with Asthma or l'lriinsir. treated iniiieut pliysli-lan, and iccclvlne. no bc'icflt, 1 ins compelled dining tin- lat ftyeins ot my 111 ics1 to sit on my chair tl.iv ami nljtht tnispliii for hreiith. My Huncilniri were lieyuntl uiwil lull. In lemlr 1 cxiMMinii-ntiMl tin lnxself l 'OliinoiiiulliiKontH and herlii mid lnlimiiiL'-tin nt'dli'llio thinrhtiilncd. 1 furtuiiiitelvillwovciTc Ills WoNiiniiFUi. Ctilir. 1'on Ahthma aniiCa ,'Allllll, wt rnlilcil In relievo thr most ulnbhnri use or ahthma In 1'ivit Minuikh, so that tin iit tent ran IIimIowii to test mid sleep roinloil hly. rieue rcail Ihi- following condensed e nuts fiiiin unsolicited testimonials, nil (it re out date: Oliver V. 1!. Holmes, Hun Jose, Pnl.. writes 1 find tho remedy all and even mora tlinn rep iwiited. 1 receive Instantaneous relief." K. Al. Carson, A. M Warren, Kan., writes 'Was treated by eminent iihyslelansotthlscoim ry mill (lei ninny! tried the climate ol dlllereiii tales nothlliB nlloiUed lellelllke oiiriircmira Ion." I. . II. l'hclp.s.r. Jr., nrlggs, Ohio, writes: "Sill eml with A&lnnm40)ciilH. Your inedleino It Hilmites dues moro lur niu than tho most cml cut iihjslcinii did lor uic In three ) ears." II. 0. l'llmiiton, .loliet, 111., writes! "send Ca inh llemeily at onei'. Cannot pet along Willi ut It. 1 lliidlt to he one ot tho most Miluabh ili.'dleines I have ever tiled." Welmvo many other lieiirty testlinonhOs o! tiro or reller, and In order I hat nil sufferers fion ksthm:i,C'ntarih. Hay rover, mid It I ml red d I ases liny hae an opportunity ot testing tlx nine of II its liemeilv e will send to anv iKldies .'U1AI. l'ACKAdi; FI1KE OK CHAtKlK. I uiir ilrittrem falls to keep It do not permit hln ( sell von sonic worthless imitation hv his rei fsentlnu it to he Just as good, hut send dlrvctl) nus. Willi' mir name and mhlrphs plainly. Address, J. ZIMM HUMAN & CO., 1'iops,. WlioVs'ile Drimelsts. Wnostcr, AVaync Co., O. sl?o box hv mail 81.00. nly21 fr0MTf Growers Hands. Will send up appfetion 'HI fnEE.theirnewillusTraTm Caialoqua ofuOFagejtoriuuor FARM 8t GARDEN IMPLEMENTS If Ckvelandc5ij areiiotjoldinyc-ijr AB-CLEVaAKDCO.Li.-ity. NEW YORK :SEEDSMEN: 47 (DRTLAHDT ST. 13 WEEKS Tho TOUCH OAZETrE will Ih mailer Purely wru tl, 'lit u uy a(iilr?ss In llie Un il Sliiles furllirfo innntlis un trn'iM of One Dollar. LilrfTnl diffrimnt nllnwctl lo jKitttmiiplMri i!onts iiml dulls Suniple cnjilcs mallei! Ire. Villi rees nil onlere In Rioiunt) k. rox, May 30,lB85Oy SQUiitie, N. "3 FRAHKLlB H. HOUGH, Mcitif of American & Foreim Falcul 025 F St., near TJ. S. Patet Office, "WASHINGTON', D. C. Vll limlness lipfnrp Unltfrt Rtntes mtentOnin itlemlpil In fm niiKlerate im ralciiiH iimciin n tin1 Unlti'il Slntronnil all Forvlini Count rlw trade Markt and LabtU rt'llbtcrpil. lleli'Clci iillcallnns rcriMil aiiilirosprulPiI. lulnrma Inn mill aihicu as lo nlilaliilnz 1'utents cliet'i ully funiWIicil ultlinnl olnirup. Scnil Skelcli (ii loilcl lor l liKF. oiiU'Uin as lo raleniaiillil'. Cniilcs or pati'Dts ftirnlslipil for 23c. cash. tS7 Corrciiiinilt'iice snllelti'U. iciir ApecallArATiflTieOM9fnloombin&tIonofSooth" ins, pain-kiiitnc a. ctrcnctnanins ngents rresU Hops, Ilciulock Gnm and Tlno Balsam. kidneys chef t, shoulder, neoli or Umbs, are ou Instantly rellevrl nndenred. Bweet, frtah, roUable nnd novor-fallinfj-wn r- rnnteathOD9tpnster Known, ooiaeveiy vrher. Irloaff5o": Ofor$l. Llai'edfor prieo. JIOI J'lJLSTKU CO., Iroprleiat JUtun. ON OTTAVfl, ILL, Mann fact- crt-ra of n- . ROAD CARTC. n ilt b fm oitli'tl tt w holes'lo; iics 10 bnr rs In town wliett t l..u no Efi,t. Una ft Ftv UlusUaUi THE ADOVfX IS OUR HO. O JOGGBfuG CART. EVERY CART GUARANTEED, Strongest, Neatest and best Cart madcj Bides Easier THAN A BUGGY. GAV & SON, OTTAWA, ILL. RAINBOW RUPTURE Rgb'rST.& Blmpl., jjf, reil.bis ad s prrt rstalnsi. It Is not a Truss. Worn Do and Mutt and Its preMnc. forgotun. bend for circul.r wlih Uni- vat. troublo. lo male and femal. our .pnolaltr lla far. to writ. o. btore tnkinjj clMwhara. UonaultaUoa tree and InvaatTT MS HoS3 Ploster D 3 f !. .I?', .fl'." Contral Medical and surirical lo'll'Stf oao J-ocuatBUOt Louie, Htilllul airen all klods ot mrclral OF IN'IERESTTO FARMERS. Ihe Devil ilsh Described byllURO Is not a inoro tunacious nionslur than niaUrla. wliuiiiur il lakes iliu lurin if tli(l fver, Li 1 1 1 oils lumlueiit, ni;iiu tuhu oi liiinl) iigiii!. 1.1 Uc 1 In; iiciopus of tliu slui j l clusiis llio vliiliu In lis luiii. L'Ulao. una folds linn (.'Iujit ami closer In u tiuirlblc niliiucv. A Hack til uitli llustullui- ilumacli llillcis, liuwcytr, it ynnliunlj it'laxes lis Iti'liieiulotts nili, lluully aU.uiil- IIS It, Ulllt IIIU IIUUlllllllll HUtlt'lUI', liUL'llltUll at last, rejoices in llie bciibo ol new bum lectluni, enyi'.nileruil uy tliu lesloiailoii ol niiiiiiluiu lie.illli. Utiicuslu, too. unii con- silMliuii, tliuse olil aim lcinur.cless enemies of tliu human fuinil, glu uiounu, inul tie nnaiiv urivcii tiuiii the llelil by llili. .Nulioleun ot lcineillus, tliu eiealesl, llie oiliest ill tliu fauilly pliaitnucoi)Oci.i. Hbciiinallsiii micctinibs lo II. so tlo kklnev i rouliles. '1 lie nerves, wlim uM'isliuliicti. regain quloludu unit viur by Us alii, anu itiu ubility lo lest tiiiiiiiuilly and rat will, Zest aro increased by It. Uesort lo It in line and avoid unnecessary siilluiing. Farm and Unardea 1qUi, Milk scalded with tliu curiimcal is a Kood i-gs-riioiliiclna food. (Job-meal urouiul line Is claimed to be of v.iluo In futtuiiliifr sheen Libel al feeding of ashes, salt and cliar- coal lo swlnc, at all seasons, Is very tenei- I ly believed ill. Onu fanner claims that lie can manure ills farm with clover at less coat than to .null iihiumo. Il'astu of fodder Is pitiful after all tin. i.ibor and cuio cxiieinled In gallieilug ami jayiug it for a time of need. If tliu cow Is n good milker cotton seed liuy bu fed her after sliu Is put oi jiass as long us slut will cut It. Wooiulng plants m thugieenlioiiseanu ivlndoiv must be screened fiom tli uilghlust sun In order to retain the bloom. If we breed what the market demands ihe piucliaser will coiuu to us; but If uudo not breed what the marku. calls for, we uust seaicli lor cusiuiuers. To em lull land that is poor wo liuisi iavo manure or lis eiiiiivalent in Yegelubk matter, or auiliii plant food in soun hape to luducu tho growth of vcgcla- .iun. Tho breed of cattle that was supposed lortv jears ao to do well enough oi straw as winter fodder has becomu extinct, uccauso there Is now a better class ol laiuieis. Grapevines In llie garden and vlne- jard should bu pruned. The necessarj iiiunlng of all kinds of fruit and lianlj ornamental trees can be well perlormed ai .Ills lillll!. An English poultry keeper reports that .Ivo Aylesbuiy uucUs, wlilch had water to liitik only, aud a panful fur a wash sonic lines, laid from Feb. 15 to Jan. 10, 4"t .'ggs. eighty per cent, of which prjducei dye birds. Many newly struck bedding plant will now be potted off, aud old, woody oi naif woody plants that havo been kc(.t doniiaiit, such as ftichlas, pelargoniums, -'rape inertles, lautanas, hydrangeas. oleanders, poinemauates, roses, etc., can oe re-potted and stalled intogrontli. Homo Tiplca- Tun GAmiisN. "Whall" somebod. lays, "do you call that a household topic? ' Certainly; it Is n question of linportancu to he whole household, aud one in which, il tho housewife does not Interest hersell. . ill be very likely to bo anything but i. success. No one can dc.iy that llie pro lucts of the garden add yery much to tin iijoyment of the household, ami siireK ho fanner's family has as good a light li fruits and vegetables as dwellers In a city I'lioio is no reason why the farmer shoul. make his dinner of pork and potatoes tin year round, with turnips and cabbagt occasionally, as too many do. Spinach Is considered very healthful In th soring, and a very Utile trouble w id secure an eai ly supply, as It may be sown very eaily in llie spring. Asparagus, too. s un early spring vegelabh that no farm er's garden should lack. A bed of aspara iiis oncu estoblislicd Is food for twenti jears. Peas ought to bo planted as earl, ii tho ground can ho prepared In ihe ipiing, and then twice afterwards at Inter v.ils of two weeks, so in to insure a succes sion and prolong tho season. Snap beaut md sweet com should also bu planted ai .no or three dlffeient times for the sunn reason. Lcttuco anil ladlshes should bi sowiil as early as possible to secure the nest qualit . Heels fur early use slioul id planted as soon as the ground can b .vorked in tin- spilng. For latter tiso sow i mouth later, and fur winter use Juno I arly enough. If It is thought to bu lot until iioublu to havo a hot-bed, a few -ally tomato, cabhagu and egg plants uu ie sliu ted In tliu kitchen window and rrpa inn for all ihe trouble. Bu sure and raisi a aood supply and yariety of vegetables foi winter use. The maiugcuieut of celery s not so dilllctilt that farmers must deny themselves tliu luxury of having It on the! winter table. limit enough f.inia beans o have a supply for winter use. If they re galheled beforo the pods aie dry, shcllt d and (It led carefully, lhe will bo very nlie mil ficsh for winter use. Instead of tin old-fashioned garden, if farmers would plant their vegetables In long rows, that could bo cultivated witli a horse, the work will be materially lessened. FnriTS. If one has not already a supply of fruits grouliig, this spiing should noi pass until tliu want Is supplied. Il'lij should the fanner not have strawberries, currants, raspberries, cherries, black bjrrles, plums, grapes, peaches, pears and apples In their season as well as his town neighbor? He has land enough, and they will well repay for the Ubor and expense of raising. The best health of tho family demands them. Some fanners say; 'I cannot bother with garden truck and fruit. I would rather buy what wo want." But 1'ots lie buy them? As my experi ence goes, when the time comes to buy, the fatally does without the fruit and eary vegetables. It they were bought in the city market they would be very different from the fresh, crisp, tender and delicious products ot one's own garden. Ii Consnmpuoa Incurable? Head the followlug: Mr. C.II.Morrip, Ncwark,Ark., says:"Vad down with Abscess of Lungs, and friends and physicians pro nounced me nn Incurable Consump Ire. Began taking Dr. KinR'' ew Discovery 'or ConuruDtlou,um now on my third b t le, und ublo to oversee tl.e work on my film It is the finest medicine ever made." Jesse Midillewait, Decatur, Chlo, sire 'Hud it not deen for Dr. King's Kew Dis. envei r for Consumntion I would have died of Lun ; Troubles. Was given up by doctor). Am saw u cesi oi niaiiu," K2OF1'OS1TE h. BANK STREET, - Has just opened an. entire new lino of LADIES' FINE DRESS GOODS! Comprising nil the very latest stylos in White Goods, Sa teens, Prints, Ginghams, MarStlllOS, Seersuckers and Fancy Dress Patterns of (he very best qualities nt exceed ing low prices. Groceries. Provisions. Wood and Willow ware oJ" Cloths Oas3imers. Hats. made Clothing in great variety and at prices within the reach oi" all purchasers prices fully as low as the same coods can be bought lor at any ether general store in this vicinity. Carpets, Oil-cloths, Lamps and Fixtures in great variety and of best quality at Kock Bottom Prices. Ucst quality of Flour and Feed at nrices fnllv nslmv ne flirt same articles can be purchased A car load ol coarse salt has been marked down to the All goods of the very best quality and arc beinc sold at nrices equally as low as the same goods can bought at any general store in this section. Call and bo convinced. "Rnsnopiiniiv July23-S71y ' Cheapest Place in the Valley to Purchase OE5f -IS Joseph F. Rex's, EAST WEISSPORT. Carbon County, Penna. UNDERTAKER! Funerals attended with promptness, and Shrouds, Kaskets or Coffins furnished at lowest prices. ALSO j JIEAI.EK IN FLOUR, FEED, &c, &c, of the choicest and best quality at reasonable prices. Remember, Near Canal Bridge, East Weissport, Pa. aprl7-ly -IS I1EAUUUARTERS FOR- GENERAL L KINDS OPS. PUBLIC SQUARE, Bank Street, Leliighton, Pa. Thirteenth Annual Spring Opening of Mien's, Boys and Children's Clothing - G-ents Furnishing G-oods. rtosavdlng our iirraiiKeinciits for 1833, we Urn to state that we have made mnst complete nnd elab uiile inuiiamlliMi.-i iiis niaduiim'Kii.u'y ly tliu inarri-lous uruntli ami development ol our business vlik-li piepa -atloiH, we believe, will lie round (ully adequate In anv demands that can iiosslbly bo nado iniini us. llaiualua In Hoy and Children's Cloililui; worth coining tor n lone ways. Juit .lilnk ot II, uu, hut a Kood lileaied Milt for a boy from 4 to J yearn, nt $1.35; worth 31.75. Hundreds nt new utiles just einne, (,'orded. Dented nnd tho nnpinnr .Norfolk In all the now shades mil inlxiuri-s, at extremely low prices. $1.50 lluy'a-ii handsome Norfolk or Dented suit. and $2.25 for a nobby Corded Suit. SIM or an ull-uool, eight-pleated Milt worth $3.50. Tor $J.oaaud S3.50 you can select out ot ten differ nt styles lioiu 4 to 11 year.-i. Ail elegant llluo mill llrowu I'orkscrew suit for $4 nnd $4.50, worth -41. Our latest novelty, "A t'hreu l'leee Cutaway Child Suit" is of special attraction to those seek ,na new thins?, lojo pair lloys kneo pants, 60c, 75c. . and $1 .00. PAKEMVSj TAKE NOTICE! Confirmation Suits a Specialty. Lots of nice, neat mixtures, Cheviots, Corkscrews anil Fancy Worsteds, made up ex pressly for Conlirinatloii Purposes, lono pair of Men's Vnr!ilii!?rants,SI. wnrthSI.50 latest Improved buttons, only $10.00. Sample no pair lined throughout nt $'.50, win 111 ilso. sent If desired. .00 pairrassluierc l'aiils at $2.50, worth $3 60. Black all-wool Corkscrew Dress Suit for $10 and nil .Men's Suits, $3.50, worth $3. Vi; worth, S15. ixtr.i Ktroiu; Dnik mlxeil suits, $5. Twcntv illireii nt styles In ncnt mixed Cassimere Iruwn Clu ck Milts, $0.50. and Cheviot Suits, for $12. $14 und 815. I'en sivles 111 nenl mixed Cassimere Suits, from Special baruiilus In full lll.ick Corkscrew riress $7.60, $8.50. $11.00 and 10.00. Considered il Hull, $15, worth $18 great bargain. Special line of l'liiesl Dress Suits, $18, $20, $21 Jraud Anuy Sulis, all-wool, color guaranteed, and 525. Our Merchant Tailoring Department 'or the comiiiK Spring season, comprises all the choicest Woolens nt both Foreign and Domestic 00111s. In Snltliizi, l'.uitaloonin8s unit Spring Ovtrcoillns's ALIWOfll. SUITS to order, $10.00. Send for Sample. OUR GENT'S FUMISHI1TG DEPARTMENT We shall continue to show the lantest anil best stock of Rent's T'urnishlng's that cm bo seen In the city. We extend an Invitation to our old customers and llie general public to cult nnd seo ur btocl: of Spring Llothlng on display In Hie bcst-llxlitcd ami most convenient store In Allentown, Hotel Allen Building. PLAIN AND FANCY am PL2IJ Bill Heads, Note Heads, Letter Heals, Statements, Envelopes, Programmes, Price Lists, New presses, new typo nnd all kinds of Job Work, in the low prices. Mail orders receive JIM ADfOEAH" JOB ROOMS, Bank Street, & R. UliP()T,S)fr - LEHIGHTON, PA Crock Gi-vwnvfi lacciTirarn the best makes at low figures. ' Boots. cMirmo anA r nnn. elsewhere. has just been received the price very lowest notch. &M0S REIGEL. A.T- HARDWARE, OF GOAL, & AND - Contro Square, Allentown. mm Blanks of all Kinds, Wedding Stationery, Business Cards, , ' Shipping Tags, Sale Bills, . Ball Tickets,. Circulars, &c. excellent facilities enable us to do best style, and at extraordinary immediate attention. "i m 18 em Lehighton, Pa..