An Indispu I haye "made away" with my prepared FALL AND W with one of the most FAHIONAB1.E as well as UB TANTIAL lines of Ladies', Gent's and Children's Shoes. Ladies', and Children's Spring Heel Shoes, All Sizes Ladies American & French Kid $2, to $4, Gents' Fine Baoen SolB Ladies' Kid-Button ;i atest Styles Hats and Caps, 12' AT LOWET ' I E . Jk:.t The " COENEE STOEE." LEWIS WEISS, BANK TREET, LEHIGHTON. PA. Hir.u.y1 Office of Rocliesi It having been for some time urged as an argument against the use of malt liqnors, that they were unfit for use by reason of ad ulterations, we beg to slate that the Lngcr Beer manufactured by us ) a Pure, Healthful, Unadulterated article. For the Invalid and the Nursing Mother as well as for those who simply use it as a beverage, it is a light and nourishing stim ulant Lager Beer has accomplished much for the ennse of tem perance, in weaning many from the use of the stronger drinks, and thousands all over the land cheerfully testify to its wonderful effects in building up the Enfeebled Constitution. An analysis of our Beer has been made by Professor Lntlimorc of the Rochester University, a gentleman whose name is sufficient guarantee of the accuracy of any statement he. may make, Wc ean also produce the affidavit of Mr. Frederick llodecker, our head brewer, which must certainly set at rest all doubts that might exist in the mind of any person. Furthermore, wo will pay $1000 to any one proving that our statements and claims are not entirely true. Very Respectfully, The Rochester Brewing Co. THg. SBJECK.J iHSOTP'ES, 0 the ROCHESTER BOTTLING HOUSE, Lehighton. . ALSO, AGENT FOB The Rochester Brewing Co.'s LAGER BEER. Cheapest Place in the -IS "o5 CP Joseph F. Rex's, BAST WEISSORT. Carbon County, Fenna. UNDERTAKER ! jTunerols attended with promptness, and Shrouds, Kaskets oi ' : Coffins furnished at lowest prices. ALSO, DEALER IN FLOUR, FEED, &&, &c, of the choicest and best quality at Near Canal Bridge, East Weissport, Pa. Vise lijEittics-iiT7 Bamirisi7! Opposite Jos. Obert's Pork Packing Establishment, Bank treet, Fresh Bread and Cakes, Doughnuts and Pretzels Delivered in Town and the surrounding vicinities EVERY DAY Wait Wm Wm Wason n.m. tT-sm Call, Examine, AND Be Convinced THAT YOU CAN IIAV1! mOURAMMES, INVITATIONS. PAMPHLETS, OIROULAKS, TICKETS, NOTE HEADS, X.ETTKU HEADS, DILI. HEADS. ENVELOPES, .STATEMENTS, HUSINKSS OA I(1)S, DODGERS, and merchantilo printing of all kinds executed at the lowest possible rates. Our work will be found equal to that of any office in the county, and will be done at the time promised. Carbon Advocate JOB ROOMS, Bank St., Lehighton. 03 u CO CO Je5 CP OoiioSusionli old stock and am now fully for the . Shoes, $1,25 Up ! er Brow ntx Go Rochester, N. Y., May 12, 188-1. Valley to Purchase AT - reasonable prices. Remember, aprl7-ly SE5 CO C3 AS WE CLIP HDM0E0SITlES.i -Lawyer Little boy, ilo you know tlio nature ofjan oath? . I.lUlo boy Yes, sir; Its something my pa uses to put up stovepipe Willi. Backlen'a Arnica Salvo Tlio best salvo In tlio world tor cuts, bruises, sores,ulccrs,salt rlmom,fcvcr sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblands, corns, and all skin eruptions, nnd positively cures piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money re funded, l'rico 2.c. per uox, at 'i nomas'. -A Hartford coin collector has a ccn- plecc of the United States colnago of 1709, which is considered to be worth nearij $500. 0E FACT Is worlli a column of rhetoric, said mi Amer ican utntcsman, It is a fact, cslabliscd by the testimony of thousands of people, that floods fc.-mapanlla does cure scrolula, salt rhcuni, nnd other diseases orn(l'cclio-i aris ing from impure state or low condition ot the blood. It also overcomes hat tired fcclinc creates a good appetite, and gives strength lo every part ni tne system, iry ir. -An exchange thinks a Rlrl can be judged by her mind. Then we suppose when a girl's mind is made up It Is safo to bet that the girl Is tlio same as her mind. You may say what you pleaso nbout the switch being banished from the public school?, but $o long as female teachers are employed the "switch" will bo found there. -This Is the Christmas lime and the merry holiday season, and all. that, but still wc claim that It Is out of place for an un dertaker to gut Into llio swim and advise "taking nowllles In holiday goods." After usluir Kir's Oram Halm tivomuii'l.' t was- uliiinisetl nnd deliuhtcd to find tint the riht nostril which was closed up cntiu ly Tor over twenty year, ni open and fri .is the other, and am use it now ns I cmi! lot un for many yeal . I feel very llinnk 'ul. It. II. CrcMeiigliuui, 270 lam Slruei Brooklyn. "You say you hic starving,." said a magistrate to one of the unemployed, "and yel the Scrgant hero says you keep a dog." "The, Seraant ain't speaking the truth," "cpllcd the tatterdemalion; "tho dorg's icon keeping me." "How'" asked hit iTorshlp. "Why I takes 'lm out and sell lm for live bob or so, and he alius comet jack; that's 'ow." -p o Thu itcv. Uco. II. Thayer, ol Bourbon ind., rays: "Jlotli nijuclf and wife one om tves to rfliiloli's Consumption Cure." ol .y Dr. Horn, Lehightun, aud lliery, Weiss port . Jenny Llnd disliked llaltcry. Jl'hei lie sculptor Durham mado a bust of hei j.lic was greatly displeased with It. "I am' die said to him, "an imly Swede and yoi aave made me a beautiful English-woman. Papa (to little Tommy who had been .o see "Uncle Tom's Cabin) "I supposi you saw little Eva die and go to heaven? Tommy I saw her die, but I don't be- levo sbo went to heaven, 'cause I saw her :oino out after tho performance. Shiloh's Congli and Coi HiiuWii l. Cur old hi us on a cuara ntee. It cures con- iniptum. hold by ur. Horn, Leni"iiton, and Uiery, Wcisijiort. A bad sign An illegible signature, -The owners of the hotel weighing ma chines le'Icvo in St. Klckel-us. Chatity may coyer a multitude of sins, but Ic Is not Its regular business. Tho bucket shops are kicking the bucket. They aru dead and have no futures. There Is a big dUTureuco between get ting on well In life and getting well on in life. A terrible examplu The first one in the arithmetic that docs not have the an swer appended. Sloi'pk'e.i night.1-, made mibcrtdile b that tcrriblu cough. Sliiloh't. Cure is tnc K'iiieil) for you. Sold by Dr. Horn, Lcliighton ami Uieiy, Weissport. And so the hackmen are going to strike. Good. It will be an Immense relief to see a backman do anything. As between tho jlude and his care at this writing the cane "seems to have a tilde the best of it In tho shape ot head. "No, ma'am," said a grocer to an ap plicant for credit, "I wouldn't even trust, my own feelings." ' SIiIIlIi's Vitalizer in what you need for consumption, JOss nt Appetite, IJizznicsb and all symptoms oi uyppepsia. I'rue it and "o cents per bottle, bold by Dr. Horn, Lehighton, and lliery, Weissport. A carpet dealer should always wear a claw-hammer coat. A little girl was teasing her mother U r more Indulgence and was put off with "ll'alt till to-morrow." Tho. following da) she reDnwed her teasing, and was reminded that she had said the same thing yesterday. "But, mamma," said the child earnestly, "this isn't' yesterday, It's to morrow." This reasoning was successful. From Hid i'astor ot the Olivet lhplist Churcti Philadelphia, la.: 1 was so much iroubled with catarrh it seriously ellVeted my voici. One bottle of Kli's Cream lialm did the woik, My voice is tully raatored.--C.P. Liepsner. The country pastors are tho happiest and best cared for where they give (heir whole timo to the work of the ministry. When a pastor Insists upon running a farm a mill, a school, aulaelcsuilth shop,tannery, a post olllce, an Insurance agency and a scivlng machine agency In connection with the oversight of three churches, the said churches are not often known to he In a break-neck hurry to raise his salary. The man of solid character does not get off his baso when met by every passing breeze. It Is the man of mush who Is be ing constantly stirred pp. The rich man ridea to his business when he might walk, because he can set there quicker. He will also got to his grave quicker. Women are the dearest, cutest creat ures in the world, but they can't tell how a shoe fits until they ee the number. There is a difference between signing a marriage certltlcate aim a lecture con tract, but womenl aru slow In finding It out. John Kduian, an Ohio man, proposes to start a dally newspaper In the Finnish language at Ishpemlng, Mich., Jan. 1. It will bo the only dally In that language pub lished in the United States. The editor ought to be a Fin-lshed scholar to give tho proper tone, Subscribe and read tho C'Aitnox Ad vocate. First Actor I am golm? to have my benefit next Saturday night. Second Actor You are? "Yes; but 1 am puzzled to know how 1 am going to till the house." "That's easy done." "Hut honT' "Invito your creditors." A Lesson In Addition. ",Ouo and one is two and one to carry makes three," Is he nay Giblets figured when his wife presented him with an heir on Christmas Day. Dennis Nothstein AOKXT 1'OIt Tltl! 0. & G. COOPER & CO.'S Traotion Engine lias the lAMt Rearing, ij the RTitoXfiHxi' and moit ooNVHNinjrr In use. TlIKlK YtrMATIMIt Threshing Machine guaranteed lo elve best rcsuiidouiHinaoie Pouy an! Standard Saw Mills ! WIND ENGINE for Driving Jlnclllneo mid Tinnplng Watct; Tlic JIEADOW KINO & itKAr-Ei: and STANIIAlil HAYING TOOLS. DENNIS NOTHSTEIN Normal Sauare, Pa. mly 17- ly I'JmolHraBrton KS- Mimin, a rc-im lorn rlinple V j 'i ,'t, or nxi-uit iron mii urn U KALI tUt v.. II in; IDU&lAUliU JiUIll II JIM, JII.AC'K ukjkjif, JZtc, Ienrtnt- the akin , c'tcr m.,! beautiful. Touch wltli U'bmtnpnin-1 Hip peft Illrchwk, AnJ tha Lrifflit Blow wiiH-4 II-, vlrtiK. iak. Alto Instructions fur nrwlucuif; a luxuriant Erpwlhoflialronnf.thf or smooth face. Address A. J). fr:y pt-, ( o Ann fit., Kew York IGF.W ftSTHMA CURE'!L i violent aiun k. iuiuros rcniioiu'nj? weer. in rnrM u-Ii.-pa nil n-lii r rfn.rHf frll E.Vo vn ill tig lor rrbults Ut .r.citon fti idaiiipninift nircci unu rcntun mui n cureli cllcctcct la till ClilEAlIl.U CAMJCN 'it pcrmKncntij cured m. Kerer to tns t oy time." Uon. B. iMtt it. J .ml, i.nn 'I am entire! r reitorel ta ttetlth br Gerroin Aithmi 'Ot'naan Aithrat Cure ti all you i lalm fcrlu It tPTerl Pars." T,J. fittna. Untniltnn flkin Mj ptaydoKn rnoramen4aS. Germnn ArirJ'urvC li curod me ' Mrs. M. LfrTetrict t.bnd' 'fmxv."CTtii Thottitodi at '.mr tAttrr en flff. AtV tcr drpiuti iicrmnn Astlima I'tiro is roldnr nil dnir- Icq. 'i'rlfll iiankaii! fro in miv tulfiipva fm 1 aUinp. lt,Kl-'tU I T-M AN. M.l..t.lnMl.Mlun. ioi)C luiicip. Cut this om ami rc- mm toiKsanti we wmpomi you irc sntm thiiiL' of irrent rnhtu :ir,i! lm- nortnncp to vmi. tlutt will stint von In Itusinesr which wlllliVlnft jnntnmwe inmicy light tiwaj i ! i :i 1 1 1)11x111111? os In llilswoild. Ai'Voliocnn Ut thu work and live at lioinp. KHIht w ; 11 hech. Hoituuiiinji now mac jusi coins money mr ni woikcrs. We will start you; rapitul not needed ThU is one of tho trenuine. Inipnrtunl chances o a lifetime. Those who are amhltlous and enter nrKincw not uelav Ciniuil outfit free. Ail tlrcsn Tkit & Co., Augusta, Maine. detis-tj AFFLICTED UNFORTUNATE Afcer all others fall consult 329 XI. 15th St., below Callowhill, Phila.rPa. 20 yean experience in oil SPKCI Af diseases, rcr manently restores weakened by early indiscre tions, &c Call or write. Advice free and strictly con tidcnlbl. Hours : n a. m. till 3and 7 to 10 evenings Doecmuor 3, JKo -1 Drs. Hcdlcnl ami Surgical OIllci. 41) YKAltS liSTAllUSIIlit). 20(1 North Second Street, Plithdejphia, I'.r, nebular ltegKtereJ l'liysiiluns HiidarestlJ enanue'l In tht' treatment nnJ euro of tid t-iv )t neivmiH ilcbllil and epcehil diseases. Orflri lours Ii inn s :t. in., to 2 p. 111., nnil IiomC tot i. in. Clixi'il on rtuii'l.iv. CuiHiilUUIeu aio bj null etik'tly eontUleiitlul. A Great National Journal. THE NEW YORK Mail and Express Tho Advocnto oi the Best Interests at the Ilorao Tho Jlnemy ot tho .Saloon. The Friend ol American Labor. The ravorlto Novrspaper of People of Roflned Tastos Everywhere. Tot manr raara tb danr edition ot tho New Yoric MAlf. AND EXPIlEbS Ims teen recoc atieU as tbelnaillng attornoon paper ot tin mi; trorolls, -while its weekly etlitloii has been Till. I'AVOUITB HO Ml: V VI-.ll In thousanrts ot lamUles 111 every State In tho Unloa. It has attained Us great popularity and influon.o hr Its enter, rrtsolatho collection ot news, the piirltjr of Its tone, anil tlio ability end courage of Its advocacy ot tlio Ulshton aUnnoatloiuotimbllo Interest. ma leiSMtho Hail and Exrituss will bo a hotter pauor than over, and, as a clean, interest ing, Instructive Home Newspaper, It solicits comparison with any other in the conn, try. ltloneo(ttieI,AUtiKSTl'Ari:RS l'Ull l.lSHI'.l) any whore, owl spares neither labor nor oxpenso to secure lor Its readers the very best in alt departments ot newspaper literature. OUR POLITICS. instrument cl tlio i'OiaTlL'Alj PltOCSttEHS ot the American people, anil holrtmg that the honest enforcement ot Ita rtlnclnlcs 13 tho best porttbem with all our mlrhtt but wo shall otwnj a treat uppoalns parties with consldcratlou aud talr flay. AGAINST THE SALOON. TheMArfjAKDraritESsls tho rocctrnlied lead. !np journal ot tho country in tho great Anil. rn!non Kepubllenn movement. It pellovostliat tholhinortiailious It exists to-day In tho United btatoala tho enemy ot eucloiy, a lrultiul source ol corrnptinn In pelltlcs, tho ally ot anarchy, a school ofciluie, and, with Its avuwed purpose ot seeking to corruptly control elections and feclsla tinn, is a menace to tho rubllo weifaro ana da serves the condemnation of all cood men. . In brlct. aU who wish to havo In their homes a I'lRST-cr.AbS NCWel'Ariia ot national ccopo. broad vtows. oleaa pages and raaragenus, yet kindly, utterances on all ques tions ot rrcneral pumlo lnterost, wilt not be disappointed in tho MiiL amd KxruEss, end o rcipectlutly solicit their luilueucu aud sup '"bbnsCllIPTION UATES.-WEFitLy. per year. S t.OBi tlx months. CO cents: thrco monf lis, :m cents. Daily, per year, 8O.OO1 sis months. 3.00; throe moutlu, til.JVi one uontb, 50 cents. EVEttY SUOSCItmEa to the Wieklt who sends ten ccnta to pay tor 1 acting anil poataao receives as a present from the Mail and TIxpiikss ANY TWO of our elecant l'remlum fortrnltii of I-tnooln. Orant, Garueld, lDgtn end Beecber, exart coplgs ot tho hneat crayco likenesses, tllx'JT luchcalnello, otiitlo Ills address tree and postpaid. FCIt 81,30 we seed tho Itlit AKDExracss one year and a copy of Mnnkarsv's f.'reat rami Inttot Christ lleloru Pilaie, richly and arU.tlo. ally roproduceil tu UO colors. Tho orlf;Iual of thr. eat painting was recently sold for over A LAIUJR LIST of other popular nnd val uable premiums are offered to subscribers and sxeuta on the most liberal terms. They cannot be described here, bind for our circular. AGENTS WANTED. ITewantagoodaaeut In every town and vtl. lace where wo have not ooe now at work-. Send lor pur poulnl Circuli.r o Aacut-t and see our liberal otters. I'Usl'.HASTlinsi em their ASSISTAHT. and all others who v I ,h to lnoltaa their la como. -will nnd tutu an exocllent oppoxtuntev-. BAIIIl'1,1: COl'Il. b.-nt free to all anpll. cants, bend focoDoiuiu ouuloiu ths-addresus of four blends. Addru4 suuplr Tun ilili au -xi'mio, HowVort. Yuu will Jlouo)-, Time, Save I'niu. ' rouble, vu 11 in rue CatarrH we? It) I'slu ELY'S H-EEVEK CBBAH BALM A particle applied Into each rnstrll and Is agr?e able. 1'rlee 60 cents at druegUti; .uj- inall, refcls lered, CO cents. KLY BROS., DniEglsts, 33 tlreeuwlcli, street, New'orlC. Oet-2-l!61 V. SCHWARTZ, UNDERTAKER!! AND 11KAIXK IN j FURNITURE, I PARLOR SUITKS, ' I BED ROOM SUITES,1 &o.. whicli ho HftcUIiiK nt lowt-ft prices. Carpctiiigs of Error DcscriDlions! Ingrain to Finest Eruasla ntnrlees lower tluin the lnneit. Havlnir n nilSHlN JIUI.TIIM.IHi: we are en nbledtosell by SAJII'l.I? very Satlsfnetor- 11. n mis nieiiimi h iinini m represent ed carpeted, so that ) oil know Just exactly what roil are buylnc. Wc ali oarry a COMri.KTK LINK OF I'INF. UAiit'ifis nt viiitv iiw I'lticr.H. Bnnk Street, Lehighton, Peiina. aurll IC87-ly PATENTS!! FBAHKLIB H. HOUGH, Solicitor of American & Forcip Patents 025 1" St., near X S. Patent Oincc, WASHINGTON', 1). C. All bmlnoss before Unltril States ratent Dniee itteiided-tofortiioileratelei's. 1'ntcuts procurecl ill the Unlteil Wales ami all Forelini Count rle. i rone marni ana Leant rogmrrvil. iteiecteil tnolIcatlnnH revived uiiiliirn-ireulfMl. Infiirni.a- 'loii nnd advice as to ohlaliilng Tatents clicer- iiiiiyiiirnisiH'ii iMiuoiHcnni-Ke. rieiui KeleIl or Model for l'ltn k 011I0I011 ns to ratrntnlillltv. Copies of patents furnished Tor ac. earli. tW CorresDomlcnce solieltnl. leor . 13 WEEKS. Tho TOLICi: GAZ1JTTK will he moiled eurely wrofped, In any aililress In the Uni il Rtntcs for three ninntlisen terehit nf One Dollar. Liberal discount 'allowm! to Mslinnlers. cents and clubs Sample copies limited tree VdJress all onlors to RICH ARD K FOX, via? 30,1885-l.v Fiiaxkmx f ijUAnn. N. Y 1 READ TLE Carton Advocate , Anil get all tin? latost news, ' Incluillus IntcreiLlus New York anil Wasliinstoii lnt tors. You batter join me. It Is the cheapest, largest and UKST weekly paper in tho I.chlsh Vnllev. Try It. Only $1 a Year. Uirculatio i, ? nnn i H UUU I L.UK Itlii 1 cured of Ncr vous Prostration, Seminal Weakness, Prcraaturo Decay, anil all the evil ef fects of early Indiscretion and youthfu; follv. 18 anxious to lnnko known tc others tho sinmlfi motlo of solf-curp. '1 0 thoso whoAvish and will Rivo him theii symptoms, he will send (free) by ro turn mail a cony of tho recipe bo buq cessfully used in his case. Address in confidence, .TA3IK3 VV Pin'-ky, 43 Cedar St.. N. Y: ASTHSAA AND Having struggled 20 years between lire and ram 11 .th Asthma or I'iitiiihic, treated In imn.-nt physicians, anil receiving 110 lienetlt, 1 was coii nelled (lurlnir the last Svears of inv 111- ies-1 to It on inv clialr dav and nlcht misnlnc .or in 1 1 li. Jly siiflcrlngs wero beyond iloscrlp- lon. 111 despair 1 expcrnnenieu 011 niyseii uy minDOurdlnir roots and herbs and liiliullnir the medicine thusobtalned. I fortunately discovered JUS 11 ONUUHFUb I. UKK FOll ASTHMA AND UA- rAiiun. warranted to relleic tlie most stubborn ase of Asthma In Five Minuted, sotliattlie iia:icni ean lie uoivn to rest; anu sleep coiiuon il1y. l'leasu read tlio following condensed ex rneta from unsolicited testimonials, all of re cent dale: Holmes. San Jose. Cal.. writes: "1 find the remedy all and even more than rep- reM'uifu. 1 reeeivo iiiiuimaiicuti' reuci. E. M. Carson, A. W., Warren, Kan., writes "Was treated hvciiilneiituhvslelansoftlilscoiin tryand Germany: tried the chinato of dltlerent sillies Homing uuurueu luueume luurjireuura tiou." I,. I). Tlielns. 1. M.. Orlirss.Olilo. wrltesi "Snf. ered Willi Asthma 40 jears. Your meUlciiic In Smluules does more for me than the most emi nent plijslelan did lor me in three years." II. C". l'llmnton. .Toilet. 111., writes 1 "Send Cn- tarrh ltemeily at onec. Cannot get along 11I1I1- ouiu. 1 unu 11 to oe one 01 1110 most vumauie nuMlleines I lull o ever tried." Wt'liave many other hearty testimonials of cure or reuei, uutiiii urufi-iiiuiuusuiierers 11 0111 Astluna, Catarrh, Hay Feier, and kindred dl--tencpq mav linvc 1111 onnortunftv of testliu? IIih value of the Kemedy no will send to any addreis 1'ltIAI. 1-ACKAGl! l'ltl'.i: Of CHAltGH. II your druggist falls to keep It do not permit him 0 sell you Mine worthless imitation hv his rep eseituuglttobejustaseood, but send directly 011s. Write your nanio and uddress plainly. Address. J. ZIMMKltMAN & CO., i'rons,. Wholesalo Druggists. Woostcr, Wayne Co., O. size box liy mall 51.00, Julysiy The Weekly Press, OF PHILADELPHIA, PA. ?1.00 Subscription per Year. $1.00 The Ue9t Home Paper In America. This is not brag. It Is a plain statement of an honest fact. Ordinarily the weekly Issue of a daily paper Is esteemed to be merely a digest of the week's news, suited alone for rural rgaders. This is not true In reference to the Week ly Pi ess. It Is specially "edited by a trained corps of writers selected for the purpose of mak ing the bait paper. It is adapted to the Improvement and en ju.ment of both sexes, of all ages, of every family whether a resident of the city, vil lage or country. , Not a word of crlmo or impure sugges tion In any part of tho paper, It Is an old paper and carries its age and reputation equally well. Now we are seeking a new and larger number of readers. As an Inducement to this end the Weekly I'ress In connection with any four dollar maganlze In America nil) be mnt for the siugle subscription price of such mazazine. Or, on application, wo will make a spec I lat combination of any two or more perlod I leals published In America, either weekly ! or monthly, In conjunction with the Week ' ly I'ress al such Jnw rate as will be equiva lent to a year's subscription to the Weekly ' Tires free for one year. 1 H'e make this exceptional proposition In order that tho Weekly Press may go on trial iu a million households for an entire year. Sample copies furnished free on applica tion. Address, THR PRESS COMPANY-, Limited, Philadelphia, Fa. 1 . OF INTEREST TO FARIilERS. Farm and Oardon Notes. -Sheep manure Is a Very rich fcrtlll- Suhsctlho and read the CAltuo.v Aliyo- OATK. Most cellars aio too warm aud tlrv to keep celery well. Walnuts are the latest food suz?cs'ed for fattening patented. A straw binder to liarvestlng machinery has'been patented. Do not try lo Winter uioro stock than ean be kept comfortable. A north hill side Is tho most favorable locality for a fiuit orchard. Tho question of dehorning cattle Is re ceiving much consideration. -Some swino breeders regard a solid earth floor as best lor a pig pen. Want of winter protection Injures many blacltberrlss and laspbenles. Dr. I.orlnu asserts that "the stable should be as Well taken care of as a man's house. V. 1). Phllbrlck says that potatoes and roots of all kinds keep best In pits out of doors. -A contemporary says there Is no small fruit ceiliilii In Its crop and altogether so wholesome as tho raspberry. -Dr. Nichols says that fruit is a perfect food, the apple alone being sufllcient to sustain life and health a long time. Winter dairy pays better now thai ever before, because tho public demands f 1 cshlj -made butter the j ear around. Pat Is green for the codling moth and the jarring process for tho curcullo are the reliable methods of extermination. To keep well in the cellar apples nmsi not bo too warm. A temperature two 01 three degrees aboye freezing suits them best. Use care to see that mice aio not en couraged to gnaw the bark of trees by beinj. fostered by the .mulch put about thcli trunks. iriillo farmers-are divided on the sub jeet, tbete Is a general opinion distinctly favorable to stirring the. stubble or break ing grass lands in tho fall. It Is recommended to give the trunki of fruit trees .1 coat of thin whitewash, ii which a spoonful of carbolic acid has bcei. mixed to each pall of water. A successful flock-master tells that Ik wlnterfccds his sheep on straw durin, December and January, with either lin seed oil-cake meal or coiu-iueal or grouuil oats. Clean up the yard and make the f.irn neat. Nothing helps our country town; more and increases 1 cal estate value tastci than to ham tlie l-iuis neat and thrifty in appearance. Cabbages lhat are fully headed ate burled with the roots up thoso that nrt expected to grow and head up are burled "right side up." aud with a 1 oof of lousl, boards covered with carlh. Corn fodder piled up to .1 depth of more than tlnoe feet will usually heat If It Is at all damp. Stored In most weather would be certain to heat If placed In deei bays or In bins. A dairyman should keep as many cows only as he can fcedwel'. It is not eeon ouiica I o divide the food among a lar number, when the same lesults can hi ecureil from a smaller number wel fed. Though hens do not eat the curcullo, their presence around and under the tiees makes this shy Insect more cautious abou depositing her eggs- Paring the sol under plum tices answers tho same pur pose. An exchange s.tys the man who leti Canada thistles. ulUl parsnip, and othei noxious weed go to seed by tho roadsldi may " ove his nulgobor as himself," bn If so he must he exceedingly-short of .self- esteem. If sprouts appe.iron new set trees 1 ou can now easily pinch them off with join thumb and finger, and throw the growtl. wheie It Is wanted, ilut do not cut ofi all the growth. If the roots aro good yot, will iiml a great deal of sap sent up frou the roots, and top enough should be allowed for the roots lo grow. If you dwarf the top of a young nowset tiee that is makings rapid giowth, you aro dwarfing the roots If you a 'low too much top on a feeble tree you-will kill the tree. Chrysanthemums are vigorous feeders They should be supplied ulth liquid inanui at least three times a week, and should al so bo well watered to proieit llagsinir, To prevent black fly stevp tobacco stems In wa'er and fyiluge the plants. The stliiiu- lent used Is chiefly eow niamiri; placed In a tub of ualer and stable manure placed In a basket te In water. If large plants aro re quired, they must, lrom April 1 to Julv be pinched about twice- a week to keep thorn bushy, lho Japanese varieties are Inc'-lncd to giow upright, and ultii these the system of mauageiueut uiutu-ia lit tie. Is Consumption Incurablo? Head the folluninjr Mr. C IL ilorri, Newatk, Ark . sais: 'Was down with Al' hio of Lungs, and frituiU mid physician pronounced mean Incurablo Consu up.ive. llegaii taking Dr. King's New Discuiuiv for Consumption, uni now 011 my third bottle, aud able to oversee the work on my arm It Is the RaaA medicine ever made," Jesse Middlewurt, Decatur, Ohio, nays "Hud it not been for I r. King's Now Din- oovury fur Cousumpiiod I would havo died of Lung Trouble. AVasgiven upbydoetora, Am now in best of healtli." Try it. Trial Holtlest of this Wouiierful D scoitry for Consumption free ut T'. D. 'lhoiua,' drug store. . "Pin This Upiuthe:KUchtn. Ton tittminon.Slzed' eggs weigh one uuuud. Sof t Imltcr the slzo of an egg weighs one ounce. Ouo pint of coffee' A sugar weigh; twelve ounces. Ono pint of bet bruwn sugar weighs thirteen ounces. One and one-third pints of powrred sugar weigh one pound. Two tablasiKjons of jiowdeied sugar or flour neighs one ounce. Miss I'arloa says one gerorous pint of liquid, or one piut of flaely-choppwl Jusal packed solidly, weighs one pound,, whlel it would l very convenient to roneiu bur. Four teaspoons are equal to 0110 table spoon. ):u-(, 1:11 (heaped) of granulateJ, sugar nujgiis foin ti. 11 1. uncus. JIf ACQUAINTED WITH TUB OEOGItAlTY 01 TPD COUNTRY, WIU. ODTM MUCH VALUABLE INFOltMATION FROM A STUDY Or THIS MAP Or THE 'amimiVTi1-' 'ijt'Jijiiiuwaiu Ji iiwi ikwiwi mwwwiimw m imt tffsViS &raHs,N'nk Ira rrlispr - r&y- ftp? msJti 1b-,i,iMimib ilpwininf IU 11 JTIT llllillfl IIBIWIIH I Mil WIBWMWIIWMM CHBCAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R'Y. Its 'control position nnd closo connection with Kastern Hnoa at Ohtortso nnd continuous Huos nt terminal points, Wost, Northwest, ond Boutn Tost, malio It tho truo nitd-llnU In tlint transcontinental chain of etoel which unltos tho Atlantic and Pacific. Ita main Hnoa trad brunches tncludo Old caffo, Joliot, Ottawa. LaEallo, Peoria, Qonosoo, Mollno trad Rock Island, In Illinois; Davonport, Muscatino, wnshlnerton, Falrflold, Ottumwa, Oskalooea, West Liberty, Iowa City, D09 Molnoe, Indlanola, Wlntersot, Atlantic, Knox vlllo, Audubon, Harlan, Outlirlo Ccntroand Council Bluffs, In Iowa; Gallatin, Tronton, Camoron, St. Joseph, and Kansas City, In Missouri: Leavenworth nnd Atchison, in Kansas; Minnoapollo and St. Paul, in Minnesota; Watt-r-town and Sioux Falls In Dakota, and many other prosperous towns and oltlOB. It. also otforo a CHOICE! OF IOTTUS to and from tho Pacific Coast and inter mediate places, making1 all transfers in Union dopots. Fast Tralrm or flno DAY COACHES, olonant DINING OAI13, matrnlflcont PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CAKQ, and (botwocn Chicaro, Bt. Joseph. Atchlnon and Kansas City) restful RECLININa CHAIR CARS, ooats FREE to Holders of throuffb, nrst-class tickets. THB CHECAGO, KANSAS & NEBRASKA R'Y (GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE) Extends west and southwest from Kansas City and St. Joseph to Fair bury, Nolson, Horton, Topoka, Horlneton, Hutchinson, Wichita, Caldwell, and all points In Couthorn Nebraska Interior KansnB nnd beyond. Entire passonrjer equipment of tho celobratod Pullman manufacturo. Solidly bal lasted track of heavy steel rail. Iron and utono bridcrcs. All safety appllancoa nnd modern improvomouts. Commodious, woll-built stations. Celerity, cer tainty, comfort and luxury assured. TiiE FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE Is tho favorito betwnon Chloafiro, Rock Island, Atchison, Kansas City, and Minneapolis and St. Paul. Tlio tourist routa to all Northern Summer Resorts. Its Watortown Branch travcrso3 tho most productive- lands of tho frroat "wheat and dairy bolt" of Northern Iowa, Southwestern Minnesota, and EaBt- C! To fMort'LAno via Seneca and Kankakeo offers ouperlor fa cllltlos to travel botwocn Cincinnati, Indianapolis. Lafayotto, and Coimcil BUius, Bt. Joseph, Atchison, Loavonworth, Kansas City, Minneapolis, and St. Paul. For Tickets, Maps, Folders, or any dosirocl information, apply to any Cou pon Tickot Ofllco in tuo United States or Canada, or address K.m Oil UHr?r4 - ' . Gcaoral Kaaajcr. TO GONSDIPTIM. rn iin1nto!rmnr1 Tin Vinff (PfT Tt"r XllO U11UV, oijnv " o .7 stored io health by fcimple moans, ax lei suiTerincf for several years "with a pfvvm lung alfection, and that drea'J disease ) finvlfltlQ in It.i . known to his fellow sufTiircrs tha 1uu.1r.fe of cure. To thoso iviio ucsiro ir, no win cliccrfully send (freo of chnrpe) n cor of tl'O prescription usctl, which they will llnd a euro euro for Consumption Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis and til' throat and lung Maladies. Ilo hopes nil sufferers will try hit Remedy, ns it will cost them nothing and may provo a blessing. Thoso da siring the prescription, will pleaso ad dress, Ruv. Edward A. Wilson, filliamshurff, Kings Co., Now Tork. Menu live at Iiiiinc, and maku uioic money atnorli form than atiuijtlitnt; I'Ise In the world. Capital not needed t jniiare started free Iloth sexi'si all litres. Anyoiieian do the work. I.iirrfparnlnjrssurp frmu iirst stait Costly outllt find tonus fri lletter not delay Costs you iiotlilinr to send us jour address . and out: if ymi are ivlsi' you will do so at t IIAU.Mr & Co., l'ortl.uid, Jlalno. dec Cure siiar.nitrcd SHRlBBBJ liyl), S 1 K4JlIllll P "SilAroliSt.,I,lilla, So operation or business del: v. Tliouiands of ures. At ICcystnne Ilnuse, Ifeadln?, l'a., 2nd Saturdnv of each month M'liu ior eireninrs. 'aiiW-vi "'vice f Vgcuts to Sell tho HISTOKY of N flnmpi1tWiti. Tt 8rt illll kmil to rwr lk m etfttt tl:Ml 8.mira doriuc it rt 1779, jell 1WIX& JteliUtrraoM' TlH Xlb.ul I, feklli ft to CUrki. Kijt prvUl Armti rrpert 30 in K ft In't ntlii iLIi cbbc t niti merry, tftnd fttf sirauUn ami 11 I trniii, (I i tutevt tU filUmn bo blnJf ttor, kll frtJchtt n rI Mtto ppr AMERICAN PUB'D CO CUomo Off BtLral Ui'U3lU IPt BOOES, THREE CENTS EACH! Tho following boots aro rmbll&hdd la Beat pamphlet form, rented tram pood radabl tjp on (rood f aper, anJ m.oy of ttiem baDdsoroely lUuntratau. liter are nuliuut exception tlia chexpeit bdks ever pnb iiheJ In anv land or laneuace. and rurulth to the tnaaRei of the reoile an ortortunttr to Berure the Mtt literature of the dar at the tuott trtflintr cipenxe. timet the rrlce at which ttiey are here oirered. tachooe la completo lalteelf; Wonder nf tho WorM NTPr and Other. Oou. (tint dwerlpUuot nd liluitritlona of the tnoit wonderful work id ttftiura n4 of men, ry InttrfidoR n4 laairacllve. Vondcnf thoHea A deicrlftlon of lh ruor woatr fol n4 iMutl(ut iUlDica (gonj t fit bottom vt tL occd, wlih rofat 1Uutrkllon. A I'letMiiro ixrrllon. unit Other Sbetehe Br " JotliO ALLKX'e WirL." A collection ol Irrwalttlbly taauf itcbM bf lti moil poiuiar hnmorotii writer of tit dy, Tha Aunt Krslnti I'npere bjCLAB Avqvbta, enthr pfMlbltur lieutunt " A inott rldlealoulr fuuliy book lDTnrwy tvulH "Widow bodott.' Chrlatraae btorlr, by Chaklki Dicikkb. Conlalnt Umber of U mttcurralnjr Clirlilmaa atorle r wrlitau 7 tbacrtal wrlttrwli rvcrllrtd. lUrliono laeomptria, Iteuudtho Kvenlntr Lamp. A boak of aloriealtUtti, I'onuljtr lltvllnflon nnd Dlulosuc. bamoroni. drama fin and patballe, Includlac tl I ha Itlm, haai and moat popular. Ttie8Mf.uidfl Men of Alodrrn Time. Coulaiua por fralta and btnrapbla of famoua Belf-Oiada Atuvrlca&a,fron lb Mraaftf rriakllo to the rrcacnt. b- ami liar tiMtuiien. niainirn intorifio ana minor lion. IID IsQw Lire In JScw VorL, A atrinor Yltl.ipBrictnrii Itto'vlnc tlio dark eld of Ufa in IliacreatcUr fllutfttttit. The Uoad to Wrallh. Not n Bdvertitiac circular, tot thorouthlf practical work, polntloc out If whlctinll may rnak monay, tttilf, rapidly tnd boncatlr. Cine Hundred l'oputar Ponir, Bcnttntantat.palhetlo nd comic, incln ltnf moil of Ilia firoritoa, now and old. 8p Nocl' llfli. A Novel. B Mra, t Aoxbb FLKMIxe, A l!artif'l 1.1 Co. A N.itcl. J!j 4iom II4Blabd. An Old 31 an' Baertflco. A NotcI. Br Vri. Ahm 8 STtmtna, CS CcnteiaarfKfnfv jlt lor GO Centii the entire ltattdbooki) for IS CeuUtha entire list bound In board rrnTA will an4 mnw r.f tha tKnta KyoV K mill olth cloth back, for i .to. Thlilathirrtathanralii Satttfacttonguarante&i ormoncv refunded. Postage ttampe taken forf raetloni of ft dollar, Aa to oar relUbUIir. e refer to any newspaper puhliibed in Kew York, likewlie to the Commrc1-l Ac'Dclai. AU ordere filled by eturo waiU Addreu aj'ttera: M. X17ITONarulUahco Jfo. 3 Murray htrcvl, .owlork, M The Utile fleii bltoa trrery time and never lets co lila IkHo.- Liesche's Burglar-Proof Sash Lock AND AUTOMATIC WINDOW HOLDER. Cheapest, Strongest and only Practical Automatic Lock and Holder In the Market. TiTM") VIiflTTQIT I'WTO1,' JUilJl itUlllUU ItUUl BARRELS $3 MOST DURA. DLE AND ifiBBraBOTeir-w? BEST SHOOTING GUM ij. rctH bUa oed. II hT Ton r,.r. low n-iiBarfc 'btftttt Iw" 80,400 ' HI, K.Iiiii1iij I'insim:' . oso Hard SliootlnR Cuns nt Lo v r KTH'.JA C'JN CO., . -I. ,1MI.MIIWVI . r -r -r f , n., . 1 jam Aci6 uiriics Agouv. hwlmi Agricultural Wo?b, M In i bUaiiti Eaguu & Bi rnVA Band fbr nitutnv I uauuogio. 1 addrosa A. hi) ti '.y-$ HIGH GRA0E5 LOW PRICES. WE KIAKUrAOTUHE HEARSES, CARRIAGES, PHAETOrJS AhlD DUCGiES. Prices anil Ostaioju. j lut an M ; llcntion. SPECIAL Intlncemento to largo D:-ya.-c. RAINBOW RUPTURE Riy.!f.& bnoi-lo, ;.ve. relioblo ond n perfect rstnlnw It la not a Trims. Horn Dor end Klein tu,l Iu pnonca fornouen. fcenit for circular wllhtnti i n.ala Xiom imtefal stiCArorR cured tr tt.iaoc I 'IdtoM Oentrnl Sltdlcal nnd BurBical .'.V.V? 020 l-ocust Gt Bt Louir. M . .illfnl trelroent .irlTfn nil klndi of ramltiil . i iofliralcmm MenUnliitt dliwoni nndrrt i -ietrouiioslitiDaloaadfemtleourperlaitT llo r'TaiowrKsnalworotakiniitrfatmuitolirfwliere. rv.uuHuUinft-ooandlnvltod. In any other eerie tf these great vwtks would cost man Tho roreclllnl lluhlee. A Kovel. By W.T. Cidoi Tlio Old ItMkeii Cht-at. Ayoval. By BTLVAvee Cobb, Jr The earl ofthollcean A Koral. By Claba Avwobta IIOllOIT ABU UUlU A ftOTBJa Iff UABOABST JtwHlfT tUuttrattJ. t C'llffe llonae. A Novel. By Etta T7 nrici, -4 V rider the Lilacs. A Xovol, Jjy tb eutber ef "Cor Tllrn.', Tho Diamond nroeelet. A Keval. Br Urs.tlMlT The Ijiwrere Hecret. A Kevelt By Mtaa W. B. Brapdov. The rMranfte t'naenf Dr Jckrll oud Mr. uyd. A jSOVeil 141 1. I. BT B V BPBull A tVIL.l lilrl. AKolrl. Dt Ullf CkCIL tlir. Lady alurthe UUuaeade. A evl. By "Taa Dccmiis. Iteltreen Two Hint, A Koral. By tbe BBthor of " Dor Tt"rna." JUutlimU4. The Nine of Heart. AKoval. By B. I-Piute. DorU'a Krtuuc. ANovnl, By VLonnen Wahdbk. A Low MarrUsr. A h. By Ulaa Uvmick. XUu, The Guilty Itlvrr. A Howl, By Wilii Collin a. Tho I'olaun of A apt- ANoval. Jly Plobkmc Uaestat. lnl (lran. A lit Urt. Utnur Wood. l-'oralnir IbTe Fetter. A iSevil., By Ura. Aliumhi. By Urt. iNiia Epwikpa. fiiirpff(t. l-ttlr but Fnlih Tliorna. lllutt, attd. A 'Keval, Br the author of Dor I.aneaatcre Cahlo A Kovtt. Br Ura, lf.T.TiCTOS. Florence Ivlnttten Oath. A KotiI. By airs. Uuf A. UKtMN. IUHfll, The Woman Hater A Keval. By Dr. J.lMIoBiyieav TUuttrmtti. Tho California caoin. a otti. vy u, i. caldok il poet paid npnn receiptor onir iu cental anyrm ior r In bviki ever offered. LMnotf all toUke advantaere of U U. t'AIUlUllAR. Torli. i SiVE It Is the only Guh I-oclc la tha maikot Uut elres cn tlra BatitfacUon. It la made ot Malleable Iron, and cannot ba broken. It li ao located and constructed tiat ltlslmposslbloforatlileJ to control it from tho outalde, anil Is absolutely Biirclar-lVoof . It la Aulo inatlc In action, bcth locUng the Sacb tha moment It is clocod. and holding the vrindow at any deration de alred. It la eqnal In nil rceprcta to corda and welcbts, endatoso-tenttithii cost It la ettlly pot on, aria ca bo applied with a screwdriver by any bandy man or boy. VltlsalmplelnDStlon, and lias NO Bl'ltoO TO V&AS OUT, or complicated mcchantamto get outer Older. It la finlsbod Iu tha moat artUtle manner and packed with screws to match, li la attractive and or nameutal In dwljn. It la whit you havo been Ioolilna for for yean. Kample complrlefor ono vrindow mstUU oa receiptor IO etc. laeUiupa, ilauaJactnrod by J. R. CLANCY, Eracuac, n. Tt a It ac'.loa till paper. THE ITUAOAQUm OAI9A80US STEEi smvaitji