...... II " " - r ' 1 I I .. . I e ff ier a tea r tro n fr ni SF n mm urn mwmi ioiub j TheCarbon Advocate UmiUHTON. TA.. SATURDAY. UEOEMDEU 24, 1887. KNTIlItKll AT T1IF. MtlllOllTOX roST-OCFICK AS BuroNn clash mail MA-rrnn. r.elved, nnd that os ft result ilio strikers nro sulTerlnj correspondlnRly. It the miners won't go to work until thoy recelye the ad vance, tucy will lay out tint" spring, say tlio operators, ami tlius tho laborers' figut against capital continues. Tho Fcaoratlcn of Later. Tlio now Federation of Labor threatens to overthrow General Mnster Workman T. V. l'owderly. and. In fart, the entire cr- Eanlzalion of the Knights of Labot. At a meeting of the former held In Baltimore last week It was unanimously concluded to observe the strictest economy In the dis pensation of matters appertaining directly to tho order, liesolutlons were passed fa voiIiir eight hours as a working day ami condemning strikes ns carried on In the past. If tho new labor orcanlzatlon con tinues In tho principles marked out, there ia no question but what it will become a power in matters concerning tho welfare of the masses. Carried on on strict business principles, avowedly for the bctletment ol tho laboring class it has before It a duty to perform that in magnitude is Incalculable, Vint Inmost, earnest and determined effort will evcntuall surmount all obstacles That the leaders of tho new organization urn determined in their purpose, tho fol lowing antl-l'owderly manifesto fully at. tests: "Indlcnantat tho usurpation of power and It. 1 ail nrM.ctltlltlnU liu tlintR In authority In our order, disgiilleiTwiin the corruption-whlcli they have fostered, and filled with scum for tho sycophants who crawl before the most tyrannlcal,most hypocritical, and most befouled clique that ever ruled any labor organization, we assert that the tlmo lias come when, as honest men and women, wo must declare our In dependence of the unscrupulous usurpers whohae betrajedand plundered our or der. And rt is our duty, in view of the pretentous outlook, to reorganize the order of tho Knight of Labor. A Common Error. The surplus In the Treasury Is causing a great deal of troublo both to President Cleveland and the whole Democratic part . There aro lots ofwajsto dispose of It to be of benefit to the country, were our law makers so disposed. Tri-Wcekly Record. Our Mahanoy City contemporary falls Into an error common amongst those who see only through the eyes of bigoted party Ism. It Is not a mere question of disposing of the surplus that agitates the minds of our statesmen, both Republican and Dera ocratic, but It is the more vital and iui portant question of preventing the storing away of millions of dollars of the peoples' money annually, by a fair reduction of the unwise, hcavr and onerous tariff rates that now bear so heavily on the common people. President Arthur in his message spoke of the necessity of tariff reduction as did Sec retary Foltjer, both leading lights In the Republican party. They too, recognized the Importance of preventing a surplus not tho spending of It. Does Brother Parker understand? Broaitalnft to ml Letter. Special to tho CAhiion Advooatk. A point of surpassing Interest Is tho Oal lerv of American Artists at llroadway and Twenty-third Street, though these callerles mav nlwavs be visited with interest and in- .iMirilnn !t was hero that thecreat Mor- ean cjllectloti was exhibited to tlio public, an exhibition uiai was a revciuuuu iu v.. great mass of our people of tho wontlerous possibilities of Art: and It Is tho pride and llin l.nn.t nf Messrs. StlttOll Bn(l lvlTOy, 1110 centlemeu who conduct tho Art Association that the greatest price ever ontaineu lor picture of similar size In tho United States was secured h them, for Jules llreton s Communicants at tho Morgan sale. Hero too was sold the niagnllloent Setioy collect- Ion, when evil fortune overtook that enter prising financier, and later still, the Stow- art collection, was passed under mo nam mpr! n tew of its chlefest treasures fortu nately remaining In New York, a gift the people forevcrmore. Tho particular obligation under whlcli tho public rests to tho American Art Association Is, that it Is distinctively the patro i of American nrt and if to-day our standards of art arc high under contract to labor. Theltev. Walpole H'arren had already got warmed in his American nest when he succeeded In creat ing a sensation whlcli may gild him his mit timus without the aid of tho Oovernment- At a meeting of tho Young Peoples' As sociation at the Church of the Holy li hilly ho pitched Into Irvinu's Faust and gave him Hall Columbia, tlienlio went for uanc- may he, (Irvlns) on account of it, has re ceived lots of freo advertising, largo audi ence nt his theater and much notoriety ntitl publicity which noes a good ways In scooping In tho American dollars. You pay your $2.60 for o seat and I don't care a snap for all elso. Tlio aping spirit ol a great prrtlon of so-called Americans Is vastly disgusting and nauseating. "Irhat i.. nn.t nimrrli fnlrj. nnd In his ranhsodv fools these mortals be." ho slid off Into Sunday Visiting and Sunday Josef I. Hoffman, the mnslcal wonder nlEht courting- Ho might havo cut the and prodigy ol tuo worm, out ten years ni tall from ..or glorious Eaelo and have bust- age lias oeen tavonng iarK uumw. m ,i, iwlnmtlnn nf Independence: he the Academy or Mime lorn iuw kuis. .ii,t t,av iwirnl neat-en Washington a Hoffman Indeed is a marvel aim wonuer, "" " . . " - . " . I. ...... -i.i -. I. .(.I. I. .., myth and ills little hatchet a fable; tliesr utu ten yenrs uw, u unuu,u ..o i.tr... mmM Jivn stnntl with Chrhtlan execute at frecilom tlio most complex ami l.l.M I fmilnide. consollncourselves UlcoCoriolan- mtiiraio nimio 1ru.11 me ... ,. iit, n. il.nnol.t that "There, is a world artists, the world .has ever known ho no elsewhere," but wo warn tills Impirted only executes It thus willnut practleo but .r,tni.tp ii.nt lm must not trench unon tin- no improvisos nami, unjuc,., wi . . i.., t ..iitoi, wprn wonder children but noiio of them uearesi pi ivncui-ui m, i"" ........... - . . Mrl m, u Similar nlfflit. It ma so wondoiful nnd prodigious as Josef Hon- .mi. tlm i,ri.vnl1iiii fah mi n Ena ami. man. ills imuiiivcness m mu m ... uium . ... , i.t.,.i f Atonimtim, It lm. In such that hit can. as it wcr, make the Ulllllfl w "li ' .... , i ,1 r i,.. .i, i,nivnr,.il nminm from tho davs piano upon which he principally performs, or P..t..r sti.vresnnt and Anneke Jahns: we "talk." Resides being an executor he also "Stolia, Stupia, Ignorant Man." Cleveland's schoolbo. -essay, devoted en tirely to an attack on American labor, needs not alarm anj Intelligent and well informed citizen of the United States. It Is plainly the work of a stolid, stupid, ig norant man, who has for the first time turned his bleared Intellect uubn a subject that has for over a century occupied the attention of able statesmen, and if beseems to grasp only the weakest points of the sub ject, It must be admitted that he strikes directly at tho ono thing that more than any other and all others has developed the United States as no other country has been d ycloped. Gazette. 'Cleveland's schoolboy-essay" will cer tainly not alarm "intelligent and well-in formed citizens; ' It Is clear, bold and ag gressive, fully and unequivocally it sets forth the principle of the great party found ed by Thomas Jefferson. The Advocate is "independent in everything; neutral In nothing," consequently it readily lecog- nlzes that tho "bleared Intellect" of Urovcr Cleveland has framed a document that speclficlally sets forth a legitimate plan to curtail tho rapidly accumulating surplus by a fair, Impartial reduction of tno predoml natlng high tariff rates. American work- lugmcn are beginning to' understand this 'question thoroughly, and we believe It Is only a question of time before the "stolid, stupid, ignorant man" of the Gazette will force this wise plan of tariff reform through his "bleared Intellect" and believe as we do. that a fair reduction of tho present war tariff rates will bo for the benefit of cyer American mechanic. A Merry Christmas to You. Before tho Adyouatk reaches many of Its readers the good cheer of "a merr) Christmas" will bo echoed and ro-ecliocd throughout the civilized world. In tlious ands of churches In city, town and hamlet that beautiful story of "the babo born Bethlehem" will have found utterance, while the "peace on earth, good will to ward man" will fill the hearts of all alike with thanks for the many blessings that an all-wise and beneficent God has bestowed upon us in season and out of season. And In this period of joy and festivity, wo who have a plen'y, should not fail to extend to to tho poor and needy a portion of "our dally bread" that they too, may fed and understand that "God moves In a uirsteri ous way his wonders to perform." Eopubltc&n Convention vs. Allentown, Efforts aro being made by Influential Re publicans in this section of the State to hayo the next Republican State Convcn tlou convenoat Alleutown the Queen City of tho Lehigh Valloy. A circular, setting forth tho various advantages, &c, has been sent to tho Republican State Committee for consideration. Allentown is fully cap- ablo of eutertaiulug so large a body of men as will undoubtedly bo in attendance at the coming convention numerous hotels. means unlimited accommodation, a large and commodious hall Is at command also the only thing that the city cannot promise Is a Republican majority, hut with the rot outside tlio tleuet nominated would most likely pull through. The sentiment for holding the convention a' Allentown cr sta.lllzing rapidly and It will not be sur prising If that city secures the coveted prize. Tlio Strike Still cntinucs. Fifteen ueoks, one bundled and fiv days, of the Lehigh coal strike havo passod and tho result is as uncertain now ns was fifteen weeks ago. Miners and opera tors are firm and loud In their expresfions to hold out, Thus far the whole Lehl Valloy has suffeml more or less. News paper reports have It that the striking min ers are well supported by contributions from the labor organizations of the entire commonwealth; on the other hand the op erators deny this, and claim that but lim ited contributions hs.v thus far been re- ... n....iM..niii.iiiit , . nrt!t ttrnnt- ur than they have ever been before, it Islii no small measure due to Messrs. Sutton & Klrbv, who conduct tills admirable Institu tion. Of the present exhibition 1 have nothing to say but praise, and while It may not be quite so elaborate or extensive as omo whirls have preceded it, it has never theless enough in it to well repay any lover of art for a visit. The central attrac tion at present is Hans Markart's Diana's Hunting Party, a work of surpassing grandeur. It almost covers tho west side of the lower room, and rivets tho atten tion at onco ns you enter tho gallery. It was In these mighty canvasses that the genius of Markatt revelled, and oyer the charms of these col en haired, azure eyed beauties, he dwelt with a lover's raphsody. II ho that was privileged to see his Entry of Charles the Fifth into Antwerp can ever forget It; therein tlio mighty throng, strew Ing the conqueror's way with flowers are the samo yellow haired syrens, that glorify Diana's Hunting Party, and which will make the canvass immortal. Hans Mar kart loved not dark haired women a true Saxon he; and his most gloriour types of men and women were of tho fair-haired, blue-eyed race. It was these samo golden haired witches that eventually dragged him down to death. Toward the last when, ho realized nls deadly peril, ho made a desper ate struggle for freedom; but the meshes were too firmly tangled about his feet, and at last the mighty brain reeled and sank into hopeless ruin, Standing In the presence of this wonder ful picture, it Is almost impossible to con ceive that ho who created it died a madman Such too, wa9 tlio fate of the Great Land seer, whose marvelous works adorn the most magnificent art galleries of Europe, rhe last years of Markart's lifo were like an Intoxicating dream. Royally honored him ith a suite of rooms In tlio Imperial palace. hardly second in regal splendor to the iparmcnts of tho Emperor himself. The Iron Chancellor unbent In Ills presence, and welcomed him to his table as an equal When he entered tho Opera, the whole house rose and cheered him as if it were the -utterance of a king, but it was among tho common people that Hans MarKartlocd to well, and by them he was almost worship ped. In the bier cellars where ho sat and drank, and studied human nature, the inn that ho quaffed his beer from, is garlanded with ribbons, and hung up as a sacred relic no moital lips will over touch it more. No mere description can do justice to the grand work now on exhibition at the American Art Galleries, and wo shall not attempt it. If man was created In the imago of God, and woman, the after thought, was given to him as the most perfect typo of rflviniti, when God said, "It Is not good for man to bo alono," then aro these wonderous forms the most ideal perfection of tho Creator. riiey are not nngles, such as one only sees In dreamland; but the most glarlsus types of splendid earthly womanhood, looking as Eve'mlght lucre looked in Paradise. The great charm of the picture Is its perfect chastity. No lecherous satyr peers with devilish eyes through tho foliage, suggestive of evil thoughts. Warm with life and soul It is pure as the snow upon tho mountain top. But there are other works of great excel lence, which deserve especial attention, and which at any other time would be great centers of attraction, A French revolution ary pleco by Julian Story, depicting the capture of Monsieur du Sombreal, whose leyoted daughter saved his life by drinking the blood of a royalist, covers the wall op posite Hans Markhart's Diana, and is an admirable piece of work. The upper gal leries are rich In good things, and If It worn not for waiit of space, I should be pleased to notice them in detail. A collectlou of such general excellence should uol be missed by lovers of art, "Ifhat fools these mortals bo!" V scarcely get one swindler caged when an other steps into her shoes, alid practices the same old game, The press labors week after week to lav these matters bare before tlio public; a whole army of reporters, sharp as lighten Ing, are after them every day, but it dues little or no good, a fresh crop of fools turns up every twenty-four hours, and they seem like the eels to get used to skinning, and like it. This week it is Madam La Touch That is not exactly tho name that is found on the hooks of the State Prison and a half dozen penitentiaries, but it will do. Just think of it ladies? Hundreds of foolish wo men running after a convict and begging her to take their money, which they were unable to care for themselves, because she offered them thirty per cent, a month! Had they neither eyes nor sense nor reason? Here are Government 4 1-2 per cent, bonds selling at t-l'JJ, and yet these foolish wo men believed this swindler and thief when she told them that sho could pay them thirty per cent a mouth. So they crowded her olllce and ponied tnelr money In her lap. U'ith the stolen money she fitted ui elegant o dices and bought magnificent dresses and diamonds, and lived on the fat of the land. She had a m ile tool a con ict and swindler like herselt, and betweer ibis precious pair they did a flourishing bushiest, This week brought them to grief, Tlio stock broker's offices are closed and the divvies of thirty per cent, will not be paid nn January 1st. Moral Look out for fe male brokers, and when found mark them K. O. We Imported a preacher from England a few weeks ago and his ease Is now umr consideration of the Government as com ing under the head of the Contraband Labor Act, which forbids any person, coming here hayo all been there nnd our fathers and mothers before us and we know it is good, and wo aro not going to have our faith shaken in a national Institution, honored and revered, by an Imported minister who mav possibly be sent back home ns a con traband laborer. When the minister asked a show of hands at tho cloo of ills speech for those who agreed with him in soul! ment. only six rose out of a large coilgre- Lnatinn. midlhi) preacher felt as though he was, wmuUnjuvt; JjlauUct-- Wo havo had a decided sensation till week In musical circles In tlio shape of a whistling woman. Wo havo had slnger and players, and dancers and artists by tin lozen, but this is the only whistler, anil sho can whistle, I tell you. Tho other night at Jrs. Ogden Ooclels, she nearl took the roof off of the house. Tlio cauarj birds all stopped whistling to listen to her, and It was reported that Mrs. Goclet'i- favorite mocking bird Daisy, died of a bioken heart next day. Be 'hat as It may. she has wliistied herself Into favor will tlio Vanderbllts, tho Astors, and all of our creme de la crane, nnd has more engaue- ments on her hands than she can fill. Sin has had thirty-seven offers of marriago hi the last week, but as there is a legal moit- gage on the property in the shape of a very healthy looking husband, she can t accept without violating the law, and hcrlmsbam' Is as much delighted with her whistle as anybody else. The moral of our recent ex perience Is If you have a son whom you wish to get on In the world teach htm to box then like the Right Honorable John L. Sullivan, ho may hob-nob with H. R. II. Tho Prince of Wale9, and take a ifrjunfer a laforchelto with the Coldstream Guards. If you have a daughter whom you love, teach her to whistle then the Astors, the Vanderbllts and Goelets may take her up, and her pathway through life will bestrewn with roses. Tlio people who picture to themselves Ilcrr Most as an ugly Gorgon whom nobod) loves, should have seen his reception at t he Frehett olllce, when he cot out on ball. after being sentenced to the penitentiary I admit, that Most is not handsome, nor does ho smell like attar of roses, but as lit entered his office, a pretty a girl as yon ever laid your eyes on, ran up to htm. threw her arms about his neck, and gave lilm a round half dozen hearty smacks, Sho no sooner let go of him, than nnothei rushed up and took a hug, and it seemed to do her -good. Mos' took them as thej came, men and women, and they had grand hug all around; then tlio beer was- called on, and lines of empty kegs the next morning testified the strength of their de votion, and their hatred of the bloated aristocrats. The anti-civ!! service people who believe "That to the victors belong tho spoils," are In a broad grin for a fellow passed a civil service examination in Brooklyn last week with a rating of 07 1-2 per cent., who can neither read or write. Hurrah foi civil service,! BROADBRIM. composes with freedom. Not every gencr- eratlon has Its Josef Hoffman, Last week It was John L. but tills week It Is Jako Kllraln and Jem binltn. All iiiicric.ins are rejoicing over Kilrahi'n partial success for noboby believed that he would stand a show or chance with llie Englishman. But thu Baltlmorean nitisi be a sluacer of no mean decree. He hill bo only second in popula'lty now totWlli van, and who knows If our bloody John l.willm.eet our capital ..Take, but that .JiKe will do John up brown. J hen It wjl be Jako first and John second. I On Monday evening a very large fiM oc curred on Chestnut street next dootlto a iheater. A fire at all times when Jt be comes destructive is a terrible thlni, but when thousands of lives nro at stakclt be comes infinitely so. While tho fire ias at onn TABLE. Tlio opcnlnjt chapters of a splendid story for the young, by the famous showman, 1'. T. Bar mini, appear this week In the colnmnt ofTim Nbw Yoiik TAMtLrwronvrArr.it. Tliesiory describes tin- wlvi-unm i or n American boy, whom Mi. H.iinnin i ,illi "M riwK) tlnv Tom," iiiKlwtinin he ' l I ("linn In hi ,ii-1i i.fwlM. lli-reenml niii-nnliimls t i i-j l.u-c llnw ilcstned hv tin' ilKlstnillH tin- "I hll'l i-pnrt In t lunlltll. The render It tlnlllrrt l.v the linlr-lnenclih en roiiM nf tliii ilnuntleii Aineilean lw wlu-ii raii tiirhiK the rierivit and wlMeit iinhnal ever Keen In biiv HiiM-hiu--.li'iw Tiif Npw Yoiik Fam ily KT'n Pxi'Ht is f"i s.ile nt nil new-taiiil. The Hoier, N, .T., Isnrcx Annual for 1SS8! before (K. The volume I niilsllenllv R.itten up and reflect much credit on the typnp-rnphlcul billtv nf the Imi' fni ee. Anil like even thine In- tlint frlciul Hummel undertakes, It Is r:ind ,ueeci. Winn Awakr 1SSS. The renders of tlili won derful magiirlne for young people arc so necus- tomed to i:i,otl rondlne and pictures that they will wonder how It Is gmng to lie better than ever this eonihig year. Hut It Is. The liew year has already liegun with the holiday number Jut out n trniv trrmt number, l.iraer and richer, mnn- varied, 'therefore It must b better than ever be- loie. Alia me piinnsners nave n punier io jciin t these who want to know what wjhf Awakf is going in nave m u in isax. inewmiuern mm SUCH II lllirir,Y Ullll IU UIII- HHi'rijr ,-(,u uu k'I- " 41'uior rtir i year ti iiioinmiii iihri-h hiiii .ivnrvi.liinff fennli mill npw Ktnrles. hlalnrv. trav els, filoHiiiphy, sketches, anecdote, uilrrniurn mil an msinieiivc wcu hs cuicruiiiiiiiB, iwii nnrlils are drawn from to niako such provision fur the Hiiienrion aim pic.-tsure m our eiiiiiiren. Sohlith Is the best of vonna people' literature nowaday that we are all of us Rind to he younit. Mlie-lPIUIlS Ol ITIHUtllJ i'Mi'ie prcier lllliwiini u written fur tlicin: fnr It hit flip rare merit of tvliiK easy ns well as gmn. We know of no of a thi A for ild its highest pilch tho play house ncxldoor was filled with some three thousand people Upon the discovery of it considerable1 panic was created but upon assuranc langerous feeling was soon quletcif panic stricken crowd Is n bad thlni. life has no sccuilty against a body of w howling fiends. About a year age, the writer got Into a squeeze caused by almost a similar occurrence and therefore desires no repetition. Hut a few da,-s moro and Christinas is here. The significance of tins day Is so potent that no dissertation upon it could Improve it in any wise hut yours truly wishes the manifold readers of the Advo cate a Merry Christmas and many happy returns of the same. God bless them all. lirlstninii'irlft n sure nf brhiiflne a hnlinv re siinnse in a rciuuni; iiiinuv. wild to i. uuiinip t onipnny, nusum, mass. A Moimr. NnwflPArRn. In another column we print tho advertisement of that sterling and reliable paper, tho New York mail anii bx- riKst, and we wish to commend It to our rend- prsas In the broadest sense a national news paper, most carefully edited, nnd adapted to tlio wants nnd htstps of lntelllirpiit readers throuith- Ht lite entire conntiv ioun, Boiim, rji.si aim West. Tt. Is n. tlinrnmhlv elejin imner. free from the cortupttntr. seii-iitlminl and demonilblnir trash, miscalled news, which defiles tho p.iices -Moo inniiy uiy iniiier. me mail and six- i'Iirkh i lseues with ability nun fairness all questions of nubile Interest as they arise, ntnUs I'WIIVS lUtlll'l ill! 111' nun ill nun i nj;i t-!,-.i, -in r. t irivcs thp lMtpst news from nil p.irts nf the woilil. and presents in its special ilcpartmPMs ,n Immense ninmint of the ehnlcpst nnd Jiest caillnir matter for the Instruction iinilcntertaln- uent or ovei-y memncr oi iiih iniiiuy, oiu nmi 'Ollt)K. Mlllipie copies nre seiu nee uuu wu nil -,-lse nil our renders (o si ml for them. PLANING MILL East Wcisspori, GarMCfimityPa. ts the place to purchase, at lie most icnsoiian prices, Dltnssltl) LUMllUl!, of all kinds, vizi Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Shutters, Mouldings, Cabinet Ware, &c, &c "New Advertisements, OUR PHILADELPHIA LETTER rillLADKLl'HlA, Pa., Dec. 22, '87. It Is with considerable pleasure that "Frank" presents the compliments of the season and best wishes to our friend whoJ reads straight and Is evidently the carping critic of tho "Wcatlicrly Astonlsher." It is hoped that this good friend will not asaln be so easily aroused for somo of us aro not withiu - that sphere of perfect thought out of which harmonious results ate produced and unity of conculslcn at tained. With renewal of compliments of tho season and best wishes to Henry let there bo hope for all of us not only "some" for that entire perfection which suits all. It's funny Indeed. The dally sales of John Wannamachcr, the merchant of merchants, havo averaged $100,000 per day for a week past and foi tho last few davs. of the Christmas season will sum oyer this average For all busi ness people this has been an active ami profitable season but Wannamacher beat. ill. Tho stieets from 0 a. ru, to 7 p. m. for a week past fronting on Market and Chestnut are a body of jostling, pushing, squeezing human beings seeking entranri to this phenomenal marl. The amount ol business thus done, for ll is essentially ro tall trade, Is something marvelous. Tnere aro now emplo cd in this establishment about 4700 bundled people and of these about 8000 devoted entirely to selling goods. To do $100,000 worth of business in a day iu articles running from one cent upward Is to say the least unsurpassed. Tho differ cut departments of this great establishment If on one floor would occupy ground to the extent of fifteen acres. A small sized farm, Geo. If. Chllds, who is noted as some what of a philanthropist, has had. for a week past had considerable of a boom for President of the U, S. This prominence was caused by the fact that he is tho prin cipal owner of tlio Ledger and because the Ledger in a rather lively manner criticised the message of President Cleveland ns fa vorable to free trade and protection that ...... , fake. But tho boom was very short be cause Chllds would have none of It. He declared that political life Is altogether out side of his sphere of life and ambition That Is, lie has no desire to go through all tho vexations pertaining to so Important nnd lullucntlal a position as that of ruler of 00,000,000 people, Henry Irving the great English actor has been feted and loadvlzed since here In rhlladelphla. The hotter (?) per Ion, so called, of the city's people have been out In cavalcades to do honor to this man of big reputation. Hut why should this not be so, for did not Irving bring a bottle of wa ter, filled at tho fountain of Stratford on Avon Shakespeare from across the water for- a distinguished American. At least Irving claimed it was water from this foun tain and it passed as such.eveu If the bottle was filled at some New York hotel "before he cams to Philadelphia. Be this From Wasiimsion: Sews Hotel Special to the Cahhon Advocate. WAStit.voTox D. (J Dec. 10. Mis. Editoh: Tho question as to tho establishment of a postal telegraph system piomlses to bo oce of the leading Issues In the present Congress. The Senate has adopted ft resolution providing for the ap pointment of a select committee to consider the question. The friends of tho measure fully realize that thev will meet with oppo sition at every point from tiie gigantic tele graph monopolies whose business will be seriously crippled should the Government establish lines of its own. The bill that has been Introduced provides for an appro .lrlatlon of $3,500,000 to commence opera lions; and, should the measure become a law, work upon tho lines will be commenccn .it once. An unusually largo number of bills have been Introduced In the Senato during th past week, and a large majority of lliem ate "old timers," whose titles havo become familiar from their discussion In formei Congresses. Many of the bills are of a pri vate nature; while among the more im portant bills of a public nature, may hi mentioned Mr. Heck's proposition to reliie tho United States legal-tender and bank notes of large dcnomiLatlons and tho Issui of coin certificates. Jr. Dolph's meanm repealing the pre-emption and tlmber-cul lure laws, and a blil appropriating $120,- 000,000 In 11 years for the construction of fortifications and sea-coast defences. It is probable that Washington will soon ho provided witli a rapid-transit connection with the northern snd north-western suburbs. Since President Cleveland pur chased his country residence on tho Ten nalytown road, there havo been extensive improvements in that dlrectian and man) valuable residences have been erected at a listance from the city limits. A companx has recently been formed witli tho pnrpost of constructing an elevated railway, whlcl it is proposed to hayo follow a route lead ing through some of tho principal streets of the city, and thence to the north-western suburbs. The company has applied to Con ress for its incorporation and it is an nounced that work will bo commeuceu at once, if sanctioned by Congress. It maybe of Interest to somo to know how Uncle Sam gels rid of the unclaimed articles hat pass through tho malls. They aro sent to the "dead letter office" here, and, It there are no marks upon them to dosignate the senders, they are laid aside until just before Christinas, when all that have ac cumulated during the year are done up In bundles and auctioned off to the highest bidder. It takes about a week to dispose of the goods and the bundles are sold at the rate of four a minute. Tho bundles arc all numbered and catalogues giving a partial description of their contents, arc freely dis tributed beforo the sale begins. Here are a few extracts from the catalogue of the sale which is just closing: 01, 6 1-2 yds. sash ribbon, two lady' necKires ami a natr pin. 1204. Cheap reticule, damaged apron cheap handkerchief, 0 yds cheese cloth, box or sea shells. S438. Damaged pocket knife, cheap jew elry, urotfen spectacles, ts cigars. 31(38. Small plane, fret-saw blades. combination holders and bits, cheap pocket Knives, l iioz. lamp wicks, The nyerago price received is about fifty cents. On Wednesday evening a reception was given by the citizens of Washington, to tw distinguished members of the Irish Par 11a mentary rarty, Hon. Arthur O'Connor an Sir Thomas Henry Giattan-Iismonde. The reception was attended by prominent men of bo'h political parties, all staunch sup porters of our free system of government, who gayo assurance of their hearty sympa thy with the Irish Patriots In their struggle airalust the might and power of Itiltlsh Toryism, H. Before you make your selections of Holiday Goods go to the Eagle Store and see the great variety of I.iaseHCttfo&Ea Towels C h aeS j5 & ess a g - II e wsb Csa EBei s9 Toy Si$&olis9 BlicflBoaaracSj (IIALI PRICE) also, a full lino.of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, cheap as the cheapest. Patronage solicited to show goods. BRACKETS MARE TO ORBER. The Maehlnev la all new. and onlv the best me chanics employed. All articles are uuaninteed ot best seasoneil material, oiucrs uy man re ceive prompt attention. Your patronage Invited, Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel or purity, li-enirtli nnd w'liolesoineness. More eenim,iiir;il hail the ordinary klniK and cannot lm folil In -nninetlllnn Willi the multitude nf low test, kiim-t veiglit, alum or ptuistihate powders. .Sold mils n cans, sioyni isaninK l onuer loinnnuv. loo vail street. N. . aiur 24-11111 We have, alo. In connection with tho above business a COMMODIOUS Sl'OHK, where call always nc round one oi sue largest aim uesi us Hortinentsof l)KY 0001)3 NOTIONS, QltOOEKIES, PROVISIONS, OAUPETS, OIL OLOT1IS QUEENRWAKE ODWAKE, HARDWARE BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND OATS Hay, Straw, Flour and Feed, Catarrh WFEVEtl Tori will Savo Money, Time, 1'iiln, Trouble, AND WILLCUllE CatarrH Uy Using ELY'S CREAM BALM A nartlclo nmilleu intoeacli nostril and Is airrec- aide. lVico no cents at drnculsts; by inall.reL'Is- lered, GO cents. 15I.Y 11UOS., Uiutrslsts. Z1Z ecnwicii, sireei, ew ioik. uci-s-inu Administrators' Notice. Estate of Solomon (lonuiierv.lateol Malionlnc township, Cnrhon comity, l'a.. deceased Let ters of administration upon the above named siaiH naMinr oeen uriinii-ii io it e in mers mi eu. ill persons luilebteitto said estate are renuesteil niniike Iniinedlalo pas incut and those having latins or demands to present, rue same witnuiii lelayto WIM.IAM HOMMKltY, ' JOHN (JOM.MI'.ltY, .ehlghton, now 26,1887-iw Administrators. AL. CAMPBELL, ' Jeweler anil Mmatasr, Bank Street, Lehighton, Penna. Ilespcclhilly Invites tho attention of his friends aim iiiu citizens generally id iiis immense new stock of Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Jewely, it Prices that ilefy competition. It will pay jou n call and Inspect my stuck before purdiaslny. ,'isewuerc. REPAIRING Promptly tlono at lowest charge, ami all work .juarjiuccii, Don't Forget the Place. 68 aim H3J SJ tjy t?K A SIGN OF THE BIG WATCH, Bank St., Lehighton Decern her 17, 87 -ly The First National Bank, OF LEHIGHTON, 1A. Tlio Annual Election for Keten Directors of this Hank will he held at the Hanking House on Taesiiay, January id. 1888. between the hours of l and 3 o'clock 1. M, V. W. UOWJIAN, Cashier. Lehlclitnn, Dec. 17, 87-td Tub only safety for tho coming campaign is in the United Democracy, ami cursed he the fool who raises Ills hand to brlns devls loiip'dliconl, and ilefaat Into tho catnp!-un. Uncle Dana evidently realizes that he once upon a time made a foul out of him self ami now warns others against, '.he same folly. ' ' RliPOItl 01' TUB OONDITIOX OF TIIK 1'lltST NATIONAL HANK OK Ll'IIIIilt- rON, l'l-niia., at the close of business, Dec. 7th, KKSOUHCES, Loans ami Discounts 113,014 so uveninm! u tie t . S. Honda to secure circulation . 70.a) oi Other slocks, bond unit mortgages. . . ai,iii nd Due irum unnrmeii reserve auents i:87U in Due trusts other National llaiiks l.ost -It- iliu, triiiti KtutH Hunks and bunkers... 1.2T0 hi Ileal estate, furniture aad fixtures 8,tu7 tt, Current exiwiwe ami Uuos Ud 1,110 u, Premiums iwkl e,?C0 on Cheeks and other cash Items lun Je Hills of other Hanks 9,01 00 I'riicltoiKU uper currency, iui-Kcig,auu vents 69 71 Snw-le t.ous 00 Legal lender note 4,100 10 KuaeiupiMii tuiii wiiii v. a. iraasurcr (ft per cent, circulation) 3,376 oo And In fact any and everything usually to be rnimil In n strictly llrst-elass Coiintrv Store. No matter what sou want, ask font ami we can sup ply you at prices mat win kiiock an coiiipeiiinui far Into the shade. Call and see us, anil we will convince you of tho truthfulness of our insertion lieuiciuner inu l lacu N. SNYDER & SON, East Weissport, Peruia January 1. 1887. All DrujEziMi, 2.1c . A'k: .!$! "I J'r. rami onl j by Ur Dflia ATDOlu "U, V ol i , u i.ontucKCI, it. J 18 8 S. PHILADELPHIA. ClIKAl'KHT, BHIOHTUST, HIC&T. FRESHEST AND Tho HOST COMI'I.ETi: NKWSI'AFnit Tub Uslied hi i'lilladelphla. THE 1 IMKS Is the niott widely read newspaper published in 1'ennsvlvaiila. lis readers are amnm: the mole Intelligent, iiroxresilvo and thirfty people nf every faith, it Is emnliiitlciil lyan independent newspaper "IinlcpeiHlent in uveryiuiiii;; ueiuiai in nuuiiiix. - itsuneu-,-f Inn ot public men and public measures hid ways fearlehs and hi the Intercut of public hi toirrltv. honest emeniinent anil niosnviiius in dustry, and It kimws no party or personal allegeuru hi Ireatlni; public Issues. In the broadest mid best sense a family and general newspaper; Till! NEWS 01' THE WOItLD-TlioTiiiK'Shai ffHtlierlmr new fruin all muirters of t he Olobe r.. .. .i.i.. i .i... . i... u j....i..iu.i iwmj ,,- III IllllilllUI, ,1. ,11,11. UI III." ,,39.', IU.ll. I .-ffj.l.w., cmerlnic Hie whole world hi lis scope, inakliiK n tin- perreviiun or a newspaper, wmi eerj- tlihiK earefuuy edited io occupy tne sniaue Sluice. THE COMINO YEAU will he one of universal public Interest In tliu united stales. rari organs will perrorin ineir unties as parry ui teres! shall demand, but the raiildlv ltowIiil intelligence and Independence of the iiko calls for the Independent newspaper when meat twlltleal conflicts are to bo met. Grave prob lems of revenue, of finance, ot commerce, of industry, of science, of ait and of oery phase of enlightened pioKrrss are In constant course or solution uy me peupic in me uiiiiin, mm im progressive newsiapers Is oerin the lead hi HUil serving it, and claims that it Is unsurpassed etury struirgle for Till? TIMlIHi nnnecent itaner only It alms to have the largest circulation uy ue aiieement. lime cent paper only in price u uy in kissed 1 till the essentials of a tfi eat Metropolitan new taller. SPECIMEN COPIES of any edition will be sent flue to any one sending their uililress, SUNDAY EDITION -lupages-llanilsoinely II ln-tniled. 9.nn u sear. Weektv. Sl.lxl. rilltMS- Dully, 3 ikt annum; SI for four months; 30 cents iter month: delivered by carriers iorueeutu per wcck; niimiay eiiiiion. an Immense quadruple sheet of Vii columns, elegantly iimstrHieii, arc per annum; o cent per copy. Dally and .Sum! so cents per month. annum. Address alt letters to TIIJ-: TIMES, CHESTNUT and EIGHTH STItl'KTS. 1'llllJs.DELl'HIA Dally and .Sunday, is per annul weeKiy cuiuon, 91 per Total 8976,971 9 LIAIHLITIES: 75,000 00 u,tuo 00 n,3S7 Ui OTAl 00 271 Hi 115,515 MS 131 Ml Cashier's checks outstanding OS OS Due to other National iuiiks c.iki in Due to State hunks and Bankers aw S3 Capital stock tald hi. muiMii" ,uiu Undivided profile National Hank notes outstanding. . , Dividends uuiald I ndlvldiwl ileislb subject to check .1 i vriineu cuccks.. If you are Indebted ts the Advocate for subscription, advertlsiiiE or job printing please remit the aino'.nit. ire need the I inoucy to meet runulfie expenses of tho of- It j lice. Total 27S,971 98 STATU OK I'KKNUVr.VANIA, (a-, ('OUMTY OP CAHllO.N, l""' I, V. V. flownum. Cashier of the abovenamed llauk.dosoleiiiiil snem that the above sUleuient U true to the heat of ui kuonltMlge and belief. v.,Y. 1IOWMAN. Outlier. Subscribed and sw orn to before me this hfth day of December, ls7. 11 V. MoitTiiiNSit, Sr., N. 1". Cuimse-r Attest It. F. IIopfoiip, ) Tiros. KiiuEitEsi, Directors. J. G. ZliRN. 1 Dec. II, 7. HEEL'S IHEO i ciupir guiur, ciPiiiimiLis ftWUhftlk. AMU DURABLE. .-miu 1 ra i- I TK DnJsRIi If g-llu luisu, Vool-rluin, r iiuiuniiinn. tHXJA'.il ltlON YVOUUSI, BAIJC C.. PRANK P. DIEJHL, NOItTH STItEET, Practical lllackmiiUliit Ilorscshoer Is preftared to do all work in his line hi the best manner tuul at lite lowest prtws. Wea cjII. uot2fi-Ml-ly. No trouble ROBT. WALP. HEADQUARTERS FOR THE BEST FITTING BEST MADE AND CHEAPEST CLOTHING. An immense assortment of Summer Fabrics in stock, comprising all the very latest styles m ClotliSjCassmiers.CorkscrewSjClieyiots, Worsteds, &c, &c, Made up in the latest styles and most substantial manner at prices that positively defy competition. Satisfaction guaranteed. You can save money by having your clothing made by H. H. PETERS, The Tailor, EXHAHBE HOTEL BUILDING, LEHIGHTON, PA. .Iimctltf 0 -IS HEADQUARTERS FOR- cadi SzSe Nrf? GENERAL HARDWARE, ALL KINDS OF GOAL, OPS. PUBLIC SQUARE, Bank Street, Lelii2,'litoii? Pa. THOMAS' Bi 2 Doors above the ' Old Stand," Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa Pure Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Soaps, Per fumery, Hair, Tooth and Clothes Brushes, Musical Instruments, &c, &c. LOOK FOR SIGN OP GOLDEN MORTAR. THE :-: SUN, 1 88 8 . The year lw romli,es tobeajfiirof splpnillil political developments, one anil all rcUuuiullui; to tlio Klory anil triumph of a UNITED DEMOCRACY. IN TIIE FltONT MNB WII.I. HE FOUND THE SUN, I'ntsh from Its niaKtilflwnt victory over the com lilnrd lues of Deuioi'iaoy In Its own Slate, true to Its t-oiivli'tlons, trtitltful ittio nil else, nnil iDarlesii In the cause of trtilh anil right The SUN lia-t tlx, eliit. luehe ami sixteen partis, as decision reipures, aud Is aheail ot all ediiipelltlon 111 t-verj thing that makes a news paper. Dally .... $J.00 Dally ana ll'eekly - - - 7.50 Similar (10 and 20 paces) 1.S0 Weekly - - - - 1.00 11-3 Address TilE SUX, New York. PUBLIC SALE op vai.ua iili: Real Estate!' The undersigned will sell at pttblle sale, on the premises, tu miles East ol ililport, Carbon county, I'cnna.. on SATURDAY. Deoember 24th, at Two o'eloek p. in., all certain tract or piece of land iKiuuded aud described as follows, vl: On the cast by lands ot llurrlsmi Aureus, on the ttekt by lands of l'riuik Ash, on tho south by laud of John Craig, on thu uatt by lauds of lieu. Kunkle, contulntiii; Oae Hiiret ana Twenty Acres, more or less, about 70 at rtw of which are cleared mill under a k'MHl state of cultivation, tho bal ance is Kind tinibei'Und. '1 tie Implements thereon are a Two and a Half Story Stone Dwelling House 28x32, with Siunincr Kitchen, a lariio barn and all necessary outbuildings. Ihcre Is a fluu spring near the house, mid a riiuiilUK streaiu near the barn; also twu fliw inclmnfi of Cholvo l-'riilt frees and a (iroe of Shclltiarks. A MKI AI.I.It' .lltl-: ItKllls iu full openittou on the pr.iiH-tly, and Is claimed to Im- the tiest In t'lirbim coiuily. This Is n Hue proiierty and ol fern a niieopiMirtiiuliy tor a Krwjn of moderate capital. I Jf Tetm and conditions will bu inaile know it at time and place of sale, hv KATE AN'MIEWB, Ts Widow of Edwlu Andrews, dee'd. EXECUTORS' SALE lie 01? VALUAULB I'lirstinnt to the authority In us vested by th Will ot the late (Irdnvllle Clauss, deceased, iher will be sold at I'uullc Sale on Saturday, Jan. 7, 1888, at ONE o'clock p. m., on the premises, in tlio boroiudi of I.eliiKliton, tho followliiK described real estate to wit : All that certain messuage, tract or piece of L-roiiml sitiiato on the west side of Bank street, In the borough ot Lehlehtoii. Carbon county, l'a., Iiavltitja front on said Hank street of twenty elfht (lis) feet and a depth of one hundred and eialily-nlno ft and nine Inches. The nnnroro ments thereon consist of a Two STOItV 1- It A ..11'. Store and Dwelling House, Willi frame additions and other outbuildings. The location being iu a ery desirable dace lor business. Conditions win be made known ou dayofialo and due attendance ulveu by T. I). CI.AUSS, THOS. KEMEUKK, I.ehUliton, I)ecl4,s7-ts. Kxccutors. -GO TO- SWEENT'S r mn TF O Kfl yoroe Canned Toiratocs, " Corn, " Ojstcrs, ' I'eacliej, " Salmon, ' Mackerel, " Ssanllnes, Heans, l'lckelcd Chow-chow, " Onions, " (llierklns, " Celerv, " Cauliflower, " Horseradish " Catsup, Com Heef, 0. W. SHYDEB, D. V. S, Mansion House, U-hleliton, Entire attention devotej to the dlsaascs nreva lent amouast doniestleated nulinals. Castration lierforined with the Kernssenr It desired. Orders man prouipiiy uiu-iiueu w, The - Welsaport - Bakery, C. W. LAUItY. l'ltOl'KIETOlt. DellTers 1'rusli Dread aud Cakes in Weissport, lhltitou and tlelnlttesetery day. In the store I Unu a Flue Une of Confectionery for the Holiday Trade. Sunday schools aud fes tival, supplied: at lowest prices. dco-6in, You buy aCIUtlHTMAS 1'ItlISKNT fur your bweeetheart. Sister, Wife, Daughter or Mother, kindly call and see the NEW 111(111 AltJI DAVIS VKimCAL FEED 8EW l.Nd MACHINE; it wilt make the most deslrablo preseut of the day. Bank St., LEU Geo. W. Kustjanm. Aecm. UlIUIltON. fa, 'nuviKHW Sweet potatoes, Oranges, Dalian lias. Mince Meat, Apples, Cocoanuts, Dates, Pigs, corii-ini'.il, uiixetl nuts, grapes, apricots, citron, hickory nuts, California peaches, t'ocoantils macaroons, seedless raisins, And every thing else usually kept in n first-class general store, in cluding Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions, Qucensware, China ware, &c, &c. 11EMEMBER TIIE Corner Store LEHIGHTON, PA. Money made easy manutactur lug ltttbber Stamis.Send tor price list ot outfits, to .1. 1'. W. Dormaa, No.L'lT East Oeruian St., IlalU mare,Md.,U.S.A -OcZMtu