The Carbon Advocate, ill INIIKI-RNIIKXT FAMILY NnWSl'Al'Ifll 11111- llslied every Saturday In Ulilguton, Carbon County, Pennsylvania, by Harry V. MorLhimer, Jv. J HANK 8THKKT. $1 00 Por. Yoar in Advance 1 advertising medium In tlic nmnlyi Kvery descrlptlon'oi Main and Fancy JOB PRINTING U very low prices. We do not hesitate to saj lliatvve ate better equpped than any other printing establishment In tills sccUon to do flrst-cla Job-work, In nil Its brandies, at low prices. Professional k Bnsiness Carfls Horace Hoydt, ATTOUNBY AT Ij A W , Ovr ICR: -Tim lloom recently occupied by W. M. Itapshcr. BANK STREET, I.RIUOIITON. TA. May be consulted In Unellsli and Herman. July ! W. M. Rapsher, ATTOHNEY and COUNSEMiOll AT LAW AND 1HSTUICT ATTOUNKV, First door above the Mansion House, MAUCH CHUNK, - - PENN'A. Heal K-stnte and Collecllon ARoney. Will rm and Hell Ileal Kstnte. Cniiveyaiiclni! neatlv done Collections promptly inaiW. Hettlitij: lvtalcs oi Decadents a specialty. May be consulted II Kngllsh and (lerman. nov. !B-yl H. V. Morthimor, Sr., NOTARY I'UtlMO, Office: "Carbon Advocate" Ofllce, BANK 8TUEET, - IjKHIOHTON. All business peitnlnhiK to the olllce will rccelvt prompt attention. mar, 0. V. Klolntop, Instructor in Mnsic, Uobblns' American Classical Methods a special ly. Terms moderate. nug H-li Henry Nolf, at Tim CAiinoN litmsu IS NOW Running; an Acconiiatlon 'Bus, P.KTWKKN THF. - Hotels and L. V. Depot. I'aitles called for nt their Homes by lj-a hm or ders at any of the hotels. April 2, IM7 W. G. M. Seiplo, PHYSICIAN AND SUHOEON, SOUTH STREET, - I.F.IttOIlTON. Mav be consulted In English ami Herman. Special attention given to (lynecology. Officii Hnuiw; From la M. to 2 1'. M.,nnd from o to 9 P. M, P. A. Rabenold, D. D. S liluxcit Offich : Over .1. W. Itaudcnbusli's Liquor Store, BANK STREET, LEIUQHTON. Dentlslrvln all Its branches. Teeth Extracted without I'.Un. (ias administered when requested. Ofilce D.vys-WHDN'ESIlAY or each week. P. O. adilress, LITZHNIIMUI, Jan 3-yl Lehigh county, Fa. F. I. SMITH, D, D. S OFFICE: First Door llelow the Lehigh Wagon Works lu Jonl Mnrstelner's liulMliiir. Bank Sheet, .chighton, Pa. WJNTlSTItY IN AM, ITS ItltANCllKS. Filling and making aitlflclal dentures special ty. Local anesthetics used, lias ad iiiluUteied and Teeth Fxtracteit WITH OUT I'AIX. OFFICE HOURS: From 8 u. in., to 12 in., froin l p. in., to 5 p. in., from ; p. in., lo 8 p. m. Consultations In English or ISemiaii. Oct 16-87-ly W. A. Cortright, D. D. S., Offick: Opp. the " Uroadway House," BROADWAY, - - MAUCH CHUNK. Pjtlents baethebeuentof the latest Improve menu In .Mechanical Appli.inces ami the Best .Mruion oi Treatment in an nttrKicai i:ases. AN.KNillKTIUMiuiiinistcreii ii de.iireii. u m- tlble. oersons resldltn: outslileot .Mauch Chunk, siumtu make nrraiigcuirins uy man, J5yt EYE AND EAR. Dr. G-. T. FOX Visits Allentown regularly on THURSDAY -of raeu wcck. rracuce imoien in Diseases of the Eye and Ear. omen at ltawlen's American Hotel, and Ofllce Hours from ' A. M. to P. M. Also attends to lief ruction of the Eve lor the nroner udlustiiieut uf (Basses, nnd for 'the Relief and Cure of Opti cal Delects. May also be consulted at hlsolllce In BATH, Wednesday and Saturday of each w eek, at HAN DOR on Monday, and at EASTON on Tuesday ol men wcck. j.iiii-ji CARBON HOUSE .JONATHAN KISTI.ER, PROPRIETOR, IUsk Strkkt, I.mnaiiTos. The Pii bou House otfers llrst-class accommoda- itous to tlio traiellug public. Boarding by the day or week on reasonable terms. Choice Cigars, Wines and Liquors always on hand, (lood Sheds and Stables, with very atlenthe Iloitlers, at cached. aprlo-u P ACKERTON HOTEL, Alldway between Maucli Chunk & Leldgliton, I.EOPtDl.D MEYER. PKOP'R, PACKKRTON, Fkxxa. TbU well-known Hotel Is admirably refilled, and hu ih Hecoiniiiodalloni tor iiermaueiit and Irnusient boarders. Kxeclleiit Tables and the cry best Liquors, stables attached, sepiu-ji MANSION HOUSE, Opposite I,, fc S. I)chiI, BANK STREET, . LEIIiailTON. C. II, HO.M, PRDPRIETOR. This house oilers llrst-class accommodations for transient and permaiieut boaiders. It has been newly refittedln all Its departments, unit is locat ed lu onu of the mott picturesque inn lions of Hie buroaiEli. Terms moderate. Lsy'lhe BAR Is nipplled with the choicest Wines, Liquors and llgars. Freali Ijiijcr on Tan. aprK-M T. J, BRETNEY esiiectfully announces to tin Merchants nt Le- ilghtou and others mat he is now lrepared to to all kinds of llAUUKfi OF FnElfillT, HXFIIESS Matter and RAGfJAfiF. very reasonable prices. By prouindonrlraep tall orders he hones to merit a sbareof publ ie ttronage. Residence: coiner of Pino and iron Mtt. ljliletltini. aOrders left at Sweeny S: Son's Surlier Store II meelilH prompt attedtlou- sr. I?, M T. r BRETNEY U.S.LITZENBERG, (Lata Hpccliil llxunilm'r U. S, IVinlim Military Claim Apt ; AU-ENTOWN, Penna.,' Prosecutes claims for Tensions, Increase ol rVnslou, bounty and all manner of elaiiusniralin Hie government. Ten years exfielleiice u t In-, Peuslon business aud iteaily tlious Special l-.v . .ninH i .la II M lv,ilm, llftli-tf. I make a specially of Increase c'almej, um -an c. s. r. itzenbero. i $1.00 a Year in Advance. INDEPENDENT--" Live and Let j-iye $1,25 when not paid in Advance. VOL. XVI., No. 6. Lshighton, Carbon County, Penna., December 24, 1887. Single Copies 5 Centra. Lokighton Business Dlreotory. WA. I'ETEltH, Saloon mid ltestnurant, Hank . Street. Fresh Uicer nlways on tap. Oys lu season. Drop In nnd see us. liovhi-ly JW. ltAtlDEMll'SII, Hank street, wliolesnle . dealer In choice brands ot whiskies, lMii, brandies, whirs, S.c. fir" Patronage sollclled. ESltAMI S SI1AVIM1 NAIAMI.N, opposite uie Anvot'ATK Offick, Is headeptarters for shavliiBand lmircultliiK. Cigars & tobacco sold. Airi Til i.'nw liiilvttllMl!. under the r.xchatiir.' U Hotel, llank street, for a smooth shave or n fashionable hair cut. fcP Closed on Sunday . .1. KUTZ, Hank street, manufactiiier of choice brands of clgius mid denier lu all Is of tobacco- and smoker's inn cities. Call. kind PETER 1IK1M, Bank street, denier In ladles. Rents, misses and clillilieii'sboots.sliocsiuid sllpuers. ItepalrliiK promptly attended to. Call. JAMES WAI.P, Hank street, steam heaters, stoves, all kinds of tinware. lioollnir and spouting a specialty. Your patronage solicited. T S. KOCH, Hank street, nianiuariur it oi I -...,...., .,l...r ll.i-.nn i. .r,i All Vtll.U of smoker's supplies constantly on hand. I all. PP. CLAltK, lager beer hall and restaurant. . opp. square, Bank street. Choice wlncsitnd liquors anu cigars, rmn wr .un.iji mi mp. T S. WEIlll, saloon and restaurant, isaiiK . I .... Ii.nilniin ,itu f.I M-Lull I r.l III!,,- II Oil other drinks. Choice eatables always on hand, It. (1IM1AM, attorney nt law and notary . public, Hank slreel. May be consulted lu aigllsh mm Herman. i'.siaiecoiicciiiisiiBiiu-, ii ,iir.,u A., It'itil- ctrf.1. ilp.iler 111 U. dry L'oods, iio'tlou,"glasswa'rc, iiuccnswarc and groceries. t"rliare of pntroinige sollcted THE CARBON ADVOCATE OFFICE, Hank street, plain and fancy Job printing a sped ly. AlivocATH one dollar per ear Inadvaui-e. THE I.EIIKill WAtltiJi CO., l.linueii, lac orj on Hank street, inanufaciurcrs of butcher, baker, milk, truck and expiess wagonsft-; REAHER & Bl'SS, wholesale mill renin eon. feclloners. Hank street. Picnics and parlies supplied. Your patronage Is cordial!) solli lted. R0C11ESTEI! llOHI.IMl lioiiMii. Jiios. .i. Heck, Bank st reet, lager beer, a e. , Pprter, ginger ale, Sc. Vour orders are. .sullclted., O. .1. STRAUSS, Mahoning slicet, fresh U. milk ami cream iiememi nm inun uu,' All kinds nt vegetables in season. 1iw prices. ftO TO UEBKU;Si(! EXCItANOU llim:i., ikiiik sireei, iiioiii.i. Mailt, proprietor. Coach In and from i e poi. iiaiesieasonaiii'-nn iraiii.ii '""-"i"'"" REl'BI'IN I'liNSTISI.MAl'lll'.li, M'lllgll siivci, dealer In dry goods, notions, piovlslous. groceries, queeiiswnie, &. Patronage nolielted. MRS. DkTSCHIKSCIISIvY, l.i'iimn sireei, i, headquarters lor dry goods, notions, pro lslons, giocerles, .c. fcjrr.itiniiaRv sollclled. G1 Kt THE BEST- .OAlvl.EY S I'EKFCM": , A1 lunM. A-UEI?r. The Secret Societies. K (!. E., meet Monday evenlni: of eaeli week In liabers Hall Eagle's coidlally Invited. JOHN 1). DKUTOl.ETTE POST. No. 4M. (I. A. R second ami fourth Thursday evenings ol each month, In Keber's Hall. Comrades Invited. COf.. .IOIIN LENT. CAMP, No. M, S. of ., Ii. Pa. Dlv.. V. S., meet Wednesday even ing In lteber's Hall. Al. Campbell. Captain. 10. (1. T.. meet Friday nignt oieacn wecK i . Reber's 1 lall. Bank street, at 7:3oo clock. All Templars in lieu. a. . iiuuj, .. YM. C. A., meet every eeiilng, except hiin . day's. t-Siuiday all enmoulcct ores free. Keinerer s nan. fciou are coinuuij iinm-ii. Our Churches. METHODIST EPISCOPAL. Smith UankMieet. Sunday (.ervlces nt 10 a. in., and p. in.. Sunday School 2 p. in. Wm. M a.ioii, Pastor TRINITY LUTHERAN, Iron street, Sundaj services, in a. m ((lerniani, p. in., (Knit- llsli),Hiiliiiayscnooi2p.m. .1. n. ivi'iikii.i asior. REFORMED, Udilgh street, Sunday services nt ton. in., (Herman), T.:w p. in.. (English), Sunday scnoot p. m. u. . othiitz, i umoi- ITlVANdEI.ICAE. South street, Sundav services U at 10 a. in., (Herman), '..ton. in., (English), Sunday school 2 p. in. O. W. (iitoss, p.tstnr. CA I HOI.11 comer .Mirinanipion iinit i oai streets, services every Sunday inoinlng and evening. ItKV. Hammackk, Pastoi. Stoves, Tinware, Heaters and Ranges, Tn Great Variety at Samuel Graver's Popular Stare, Rank Street. Hoofing and Spouting a special ty. Stove repairs fui nished on short notice. Trices Reasonable ! ! z i Accident, Life 8c Fire 'INSURANCE ! A. VV. RAUDENBUSH, Bank Street, Lehighton, lias secured the agency for the following; SUDSTAJv'TlAI. INSITRANCK COM FAN IKS which can be reconiiiicndeil to the public as Perfectly Safe and Reliable. The National Life Insurance Co., OF MONTPELIER, VT., which Is said tn be "Tim grandest slop In fair ilealitis within tlio history of Life Itisiuatict'." It protects against adversity In business; it pro tects il a xc 11 ilen t ones against I U o contin gency nf death 1 ! 1 Innir1,iil T,i A nm.ii 1 if ftn OP UNITED STATES, vvllha reserve fund of SC0,000 guarantees every policy In fun, mi other coni patiy has ever put up such a fund. If costs hut a few cents every day a good inycstnient. LOCAL AGENS ARE DESIRED! Hanista Mntnal Live Stoci INSURANCE COMPANY. FKed rates; no dues. Animals ill Ybled into classes of one hundred and llfy each. Members responsible only for losses occurring in tlio class In which their ani mals were enrolled. AilKllst 20, ISmI ly riSTKlfi- HI .KIM OPP. Till! PUBLIC sqi'ARE, Bank Street, Lehighton, In Headquarters for I be Best Makes of Boots Shoes and Slippers For fields. Youths, Ijulles, Misses and Chll ureti which ne is seuiiiKiiii very reasouaiue prims. Call, examine eoons and learn prices before iiureliasiug elsewhere. Rubber Boots and Shoes ! All sites and it the best makes, ot the lowest possible tlguree, Oct. 8, m Weissprt Bnsiness Directory. .f. fl. BERN, M. 1)., W. I. KUTZ, M. II. , TVtS. ZI5HN ,V Kl'TZ. 1 J- Physicians & Surgeons. OFFICE nt the residence of Dr. Zero. Wl lie Street. Welssport. All calls or surgical or medical treatment will ccclve'prompt attention. Inayi 1-sT-lf T71UANKUN IIOUSK, EAST WEISSPORT, PENN'A. This bouse offers llrst-class accommodations to the perniaiient boarder mid transient gueM. Panic pi Ices, only One Dollar per day. ang"-iy .loiiN' Rf.uiiui, Propileb.r. All Kinds of Jewelry ! Scliooi Booh asi Stationery. augsnt7,sfl-ly. THE Weisspcrt, Carbon County, Penna., Henry Unnstman, Jfroprietor. The public Is respectfully Informed that this well-know house has been refitted and Improved to n first rate, and able to furnish thevety best accommodations of all kinds A iiivery ataoio u connection with the hotel, with amnio mcun. to accommodate wedding iiaitles, funerals and leasuro sceKcrs witn sine teams. lu connection with Hie hotel Is n FINE POOL OOM handsomely fitted up. April 7Iy have.'ir-l opened Van I III lonneetlon wnn mv notei in h ni;i wnere can constantly be found all of the Best of Goal! Ices fully as low as Hie lowest, (ilven-.e mid be cnmpicrd. . Henry Christman, Port Allen House, Woissport Fairbanks Standard Scales In Connect Inn December If, issfity For Newest Designs nnd Most Fashionable Styles of DRESS GOODS, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS. SILVERWARE, &c, &c. no to R. H. SNYDER, Bank Street, Lehighton. Goods cuarnutci-,1 and prices ns low as else. , where for Ibepame quiility of goods. Jub IS, ISSS-ly ALL THE NEWS ! The Carbon Advocate. $1.00 Per Year. Single opies, FIVE Cents . Advertise in the" Advocate. made easy inanulactur liiK Itubber Stauips.Seml for price list ot outfits, to .1. 1 . W. llornia.i, No.217 Eat tierman St., Bultb liioie,Md.,C.S.A-Oi-'i;iii AGENTS WANTED Tn onnviiss for imp ot llm lnnrcHt. nliU'st pstah ltslitt, ItKST KNOWN NUItSKKlKS In Iho onuulry. MnsMltHml UTin. lTiiom:ilh1 fnc III ties. (IKNICVA NlTILS-;itV,i4tiiMliilitil isw. W. vS; T, MITII, (iKNKVA, N. V. Novpinltor r aw BelJi r Rciiire, bnt thoi who write to Ktlnion ACo.fPottlind, MAin,wl1I recelrp free, full information about work whkh they cau do, ami llr at bome.tbat will pay them from . to 12S Mr dar, Romt have Mrne4 ovar In a day. KithtrMl.younrof old. Capital out required. You ar started free. Tliote wltoitart at uuc art abwlutelj aura of snug littla frtoot. l U uw, WANTED ! AN ENEROETIC. OO-AHEAD MAN. who has either liad experience nnd been successful, or wuo lias uie aoiiuv nun energy losucceeu, to nci as (icneral Audit for an old and prominent Life Company, for a desirable district. To sucliia man rate Inducements will be ottered. Address, statins age anil references, DBA WEB 6S3. nov. 12-lm. ALBANY, N. Y, Cflt I iff . vjauvvLiuiinnuv). mi."1 v" - IM; Will send upon appliolion 'H fREE.theirnewillulraKd Cataloqua otoUe$torl8iot FARM & GARDEN IMPLEMENTS & REQUISITE") FoSlTHE 1 If CkvdanrMwii areiiotfcldiAycjr sr h.ii U if e . owncrvi aae.siaToutrcr ista oqiife :SEEDSMEH:47649(tjRa.AKlJrS'r. itftl L 1 B H ir owes AT TUP Contrnl Drug Store, opp. Tin: priiiiic wh'ai:!'. Hank Street, Lehighton, Pm IS IIBAIXJl'ARTURS I'OR Pure Drugs and Medicines, Fine Soaps, lkushes, S:r., &c, Choice Wines and Liquors, Largest Assortment, ol' Library Lamps! Wall Paper and Let-orations ! Spectacles ! When you bnv ft pair id Shoes you want iv Ktiodflt. But if vou need SPECfACLES It Is nuicli mote liuiiorlant tliat the EYE should be accommodated with correct lenses and a proper Iv llttlni; framii wlilch will brlnn the lenses di rectly before llieccntie of theee. If vou buy your spectacles nt lir. Horn's vou will Hud the aliove points prnierly altendcd lo. PERSCRIPTIOHS Carefully Coiupoiiiiileil. Ocll.VI.ss7 H. A. P,ELTZ, JUSTICE OP THE PEACE, AO EXT FOR FIRST-CLASS Fire, Life & Live Stock Insurance Special attention of Farmers and others Is called lo the liberal terms entered bv the RERKN COUNTY M U T I' A I. LIVE STOCK INSUR ANCE COM PA N Y, for which I urn the tnreiit Tor this County mill iicfchhoiiiood. Real Estate Agency, Real Estate Bought & Sold. Collections Promptly Made. Bank Street, Lehighton, Ponna. Sept. 3, '87.-4in A proved remedy for Consumption nnd dis eases of Tluoat and Liuijts. New Lire anil Vigor Tollows Its use. AV Ask for Baker's Oil and Slalt, or write to JNO. C. BAKER & CO.; Oct. 1-Cni PIIILADEI.PKIA. l"a. D. J. K I STL E Ft Respectfully announce lo the public Hint he has opened a NEW LI VE UY STA lIl.E, and t bat lie Is ;v; , I V. Alnin im riineiHls, VeddliiL-s or Business Trips on the slimiest no. ..'. ".v.1 " 11 "s. "iiiers icit al me """"ii noose win receive prompt attention. stables on north street. next the Hotel, Lchlsliton. lan'.-.M t NOMORE BIG PRICES! W. S. KUHNS Respect Hilly announces to tlio imbllc Hint lie is now nicely located lu his New Store Room Opp. L. V. Roimfl House BANE STREET. LEHIfiHTON. and lias In muck n mil anu dimple ie line of Stoves and Tinware ! IniludliiK Hie Justly Celebrated and Popular New Mayflower, APOLO & IRVING Stoves. Which he Is selllnir nt THE VHRV i.owkst ( AMI l'RH I'-S. i on nic respectfully invited to call and inspect his Mock and learn prices before piircliasinj; elsewhere. Roofing and Spouting will be pioinplly and correctly attended. Terms low-as the vciy lowest. W. S. KUHNS, Opp. Round House, Bank Street. U IiIkMuii, P.i. .Bilpi'ssi'I ly AT PRIVATE SALE ! The uiidersitined otters at pi h ate s. e, on rea suitable terms Ids 2-Story Frame Dwelling House, i 20v2l feet.wltli Eltclicnattaclieil AXS-, with the fjit Ml reel front, and CltfZfttt'.wlm Willi llearlv two iieieunf fiml. Si i ifti" 15. Stable, fruit trees and other Im 2.iiJSHSS provemeuts. The propel ty Is siiiiaieu ni-ar uie ,innicii ciiiMii uouse, on I'll Ion Hill. 'lids Is a splendid opportunity for a man tosccuiea pleasant home. Applvto Ii. J. irO.VOEN. (K-t8--Rm Bank Street, !.ehlKliton, Pa. WORKING CLASSES! pareit to furnish a classes with employment at home. Hie whole of Hie time, or for their spare moments, Buslnes new, IIkIU and profitable. Persons of either sex easily eai n fromfio cents lo 83.011 -r evenhiK, and a proportional -si"1' by de votluir all tlielrlliiie to tlie business, llovs and Kills earn nearly as much as men. That all who see this may send their address and tekt the business, we make lids offer. Tosiii'b ns are not well satisfied we will send one dollar to pay for u,e iiouoie oi wriuoK, eon paiucuiars anu out fit free. Address liKOKur. Si inko.n & Co.. Port an. Maine. decl8-lv. WANTEH-I.AIlllisrorour Pull and Christ ' mas Trade, lo take Ileht, pleasant work at thcli own boiiies, SI lo $.1 wt dav can be ipdet ly made. W'oiK sent mall any distance. Par ticulars free. No ciinvussiuir. Addiess atonce, CHI5S0HXT ART .'(., til Milk stieet, Boston, Mass. lo nt 711. scilil lNTENDINO AOVERTlSEltS sliould address 1 (iEO. P. ROWEI.L CO., in Spruce street, New York City, I'OR SELECT LIST of 1000 NEWSPAPERS, Will be wnt l'lH'.l' on application. NovSiWw If vou are Indebted to llm Ahvocatk for siiliscrlplion, advertising' or job printing please remit the aiuouiit. H e need the money to meet miuilnc exieurs of the of' flee. f .u 1 mm "JP OreAtort Care on Kuth for rain." Willi Burns, BoJds, Cut,' Lumbal B"t iriinij, ntjTvn, rrwit DIUS,I fk fche, OulniT, Soro Throst, jjclsllcs, VVounas, Hrulitrhe, SScts. ltlli. Bold br all ktronHt. niuiHnn TI.-U JStulne fialmffim oil bf.rn our f04!m1la ttrnatare. A. a Urjtr & Co.. Solo - y , m Tl i rr . "n0 wmuu viL-aronM, zora rS..!. rlce 10 ct Soldby all Druggistfl Itcilitatcs Teething, regulates thcl Bowels, relieves Uriping and Wind I uoucand is a most certain Kem- etlv for Dvsentcrv. Diarrhrca and! Summer Complaints. For Sale I by all iJniggists. l'nce 2a cents. jiniVAituiL"iAxi:itot;isj STB- I51ITATIOXM.-L. E. F. Lucre nbach, ALElt IN Holders & Decorations, Mil Stationery, Fancy Gootls. Window Shades & Fixtures, Latest Stylos, made nnd put up, If doslreit. Paints, Oil', Varnish, Pntty, Brushes & general Painters' Supplies. No. 61 Broadway Mancb CiimiL Pa. Below the llroailway House. .-All. the latest and hest newis The Ada'OOATE, $ per year; 0 cents, six months. Stock Lane and Be Very latest Styles: Clothes anil Castas ! Coriscrews, Worsteds, &c.,&c! Best Made Clotkin-i ! Perfect Fits (inaranteefl ! Our stock of seasonable "oods is larcer and more varied than any assortment or stock ever displayed in this section of the Lehigh Valley; our prices un questionably lower than any oth er tailoring house. These arc important facts, remember them, and you will save money besides getting the best made clothing. Gents Furnishing Goods! Hats, Caps and Nectar ! Boots Shoes and liimers! For Ladies, Misses and Gents ! Latest stjles and largest stock, best innkes and positively lowest prices. Before purchasing else where we kindly invite you to call and inspect our merchant tailoring goods, gents novelties, boots, shoes and slippers, we guarantee that you can save money. KespccMully, Olauss&Bro., THB TAILORS, Bank Stretjt, Lehighton, Pa. S . . (iJt Y 1 r i l Jo -El1 $ - $ THE CHRISTMAS TREE. ? tli o Chi 1st mas tree so bright ami green, awaits O 1 il Santa Clan?. Anil I li e. chim ney plaro all swept ami clean capes wide Its ponderous j n vv s . The Utile stockings are all liutig till, a n i! baby's just maltts four. Won't Old Santa Clans be surprised vvlieit he finds there Is no more. There's an elejant place up In the tree to hang Johnny's cun. ntula ulacn for Af.iv nnd otic for Kate to leave their dolls upon. Hut lor iiuio nauy otttc eyes a lower branch lie must choose, where slip may reach and lliul the place he's hung her Hist new shoes. Turn down the light n little, now, so Old Santa Clans can see. Ami baby ami all must go to bed and be as good as good can be, and to-morrow morn get n-l-cmlj, after a long night sleep and come sofl- tly down to the Xmas tree ami see who will get the first peep. HETTY'S PRESENT. A CHRISTMAS SKLTCII. It was the week before Christmas. The middle of December It generally not a pleasant season of the year. The air Is gray and raw; the frozen ground Is not as yet mantled with the pearl and ermine of tlio snow fall; the sun sets In a red blur be hind the shuddering copses; and to all ap pearances Nature Is still mourning for the glories of the departed autumn-tliiic. lint then, lu contrast, there Is something very exhilarating In the associations of the season, and perhaps that was tlio reason that Gilbert Gray's eyes sparkled so bright ly and that lie whistled a cheery old tune, as ho came into the ItttU sitting-loom of the low-roofed house, where there was a bright fire In the wood-stove .and Hetty Plover sat at work behind the big geranium plant. "Here is your parcel, Miss Plover," said lie. "Oh," said Hetty, "yes my worsted and patterns. I am much obliged to you, Mr. Gray, for bringing them from the express office. Pet haps I shall make something pretty for you." Gllbeit's face lighted up; he. Hushed witli sudden pleasure. "Indeed, Miss Tlovcr, I" "Oil, you needn't make such a favor of it," said Hetty, mi.llciously. "I always make a llltle trifle at Christmas lime for every one of papa's clerks. "Vou are very kind!" said Gilbert. The thermometer of his happiness had fallen a dozen degrees at once. Of course It was very ungrateful of him that the same fayor which, Individually speaking, would have lifted hlui into tlio very empyrean of happiness, has lost its special sweetness wlicn it came to bcdistllbuted among every one of "papa's clerks." After all, what was he but a unit in tlio number? What right had ho to expect that he should bo especially remembered? Was not Hetty Plover tlio very prettiest sirl in all that Western settlement, which was called "Ploycrvllle," after her father? the reigning belle of the neighborhood? Il'as not George Hcrvcy al that moment hunt-lngfor"velvet-riinnei" and "princess pine" In the woods lo help make Christmas decor ations for her best pallor? And John Mere dith seeking high and low for clusters of black-green inItletoe, to hang from the hall lantern In the Plover house? And Junius Field carying wooden frames, with cedar sprigs, for her walls, In the Intervals of waiting on bank customers? And they had all been In Mi. Plover's emplnyiiieni before he had come. Alas! what chance was therefor a poor -fellow like himself, who had neither wealth, rank, nor position to back him? Nothing but his own honest heart, stalwart figure and handsome face! "I was a fool over to allow my thoughts to dwell upon her," he told himself, as he wont dejectedly back to the pile of bank books that were walling to be balanced. "If, out of the tweet generosity of her mv ture, she Is good enough to bestow some trifle of her own workmanship upon uie, I shall ticasure it always. It will mark out this Christmas ftom all other Christmases; but I shall bo even more Insane than 1 am now to allow myself to be in any way mis led by It!" While Aunt Pamela looked gravely at Hetty from over tho rims of her spectacles "Hester, Hester!" said she, "why do you torment that poor young man?" "I, Aunt Pamela?" "When you know all the time that you like him!" Hetty tossed her pretty head, all clustered around with soft, ctuly rings of yellow brown hair; tho bluo e,es, jus' the color of old Canton china, sparkled roguishly, "ll'cll and If I do like Iiitn? Am I to betray every feeling I have?" "You might at least be commonly civil," said Aunt Pamela, reproachfully. "Vou talk of 'making something pretty" when you bayc been all autumn working on those velvet slippers, stitched In arrasene, that are Intended for him " "Must I tell him so, Aunt Pamela?" "Child," argued the old lady, "there Is reason In all things. Why did you return from Doctor Crewe's with Junius Field, when Mr. Gray had come all that distance for the pleasure of walking back at your side?" "I I thought I would." murmured Hetty, apparently Intent on selecting a par ticular shade of scarlet wool out of the masses that lay lu lap. "Why did you wear John Meredith's flowers to Miss Hale's party those great vulgar camellias and leave Mr. Gray's Kngllsh violets lo fade at home on your dressing-table?" pursued tho chatcchlscr, "I shouldn't wonder," declared Aunt Pamela, "if he coinmlteil suicide ono of these days in sheer despair at the manner In which you treat him!" "Young men don't commit suicide now adays, Aunt Pamela," said Hetty, with a little f creed laugh. Hut the old lady's words had set her to thinking. She was glad that the velvet slippers were toheautlful so much prettier than Jfr. Field's pcn-vvlper or Mr. Her vey's blottlng-caso or the little whisk-broom holder thatsliohad worked for young Jlerc tilth. She wouldn't bang It on the tree like the rest of the presents. She would surround II with a Utile atmosphere- of mystciy. And llien, perhaps. If the gift ami the manner of giving It pleased hlpi, id he should speak nut from the fullness ' his heart After all, If ho really loved her, why did t he say so? She wondered, with red dened cheeks ntidprcltllvniched cyc-brows, ho expected her to fling herself, unasked, n hi arm. Sim didn't- know vvbal young men were coming lo, nowadays! If only she could have known how. In his secret heart, poor young (illbert Orny was liging for a word, a look, the mere' aes lure of encouragement! If she could have understood how Id hope were dying down nto cmbcrlcss ashes. Hut on Christinas Kvo he found a little the pocket of hi overcoat- He read it cagcrlv: "If you want jour Christmas present. you must come to the Old Mill for it nt nine o'clock.-!!. P." His heart leaned joyfully tip. There w as no mistaking tho pretty, spidery scrawl of Hetty's wilting n stylo of callgranhy which, although It would have, proved falal to the prospects of a bank clerk, was yet considered quite the proper thing for the daughter of the hank preslden'. How In consistent people are In this world, to be sure. "Where Is the place they call the Oi l Mill?" he asked of Junius Field, who was yawning on his high stool nt the. adjoining window. 'Have you neycr seen it?" said young Field. "It's tho old stone ruin down by tho brook. Miss Ployer goes there some times to sketch. It used to be the play room for the Plover children before thev died, or married, all of 'em. I've heard say that at Chiistinas time, the picsents used to be hung up there." Gllbi'itsaid nothing mure. He did not even express surprise or chagrin, when Henrv triumphantly displayed his blotting- case, and Field exulted oyer his pen-wiper. He somehow understood Hetty's mcssacc as conveying an atmosphere of especial favor. She was wlMbi?, evidently to as sociate him with tho sweet memories of her childhood days. How could he be grateful enough to her? And as the hands of tint old clock trav eled toward nine upon that windy, boister ous Christmas eve, ho inulllcd himself up and started on his walk to the Old Mill. Overhead tho pines moaned and rocked, and seemed to wiing their shadowy hands; the frozen brook uttered no sound. Here and there a snow-flake eddied tliiough the chill air; but in Gilbert Gray's heart the golden star of the Christmas-tide was flood ing everything with llghs. Hetty Plover had finished decorating the house. She had hung tin the last wreath of iyy, labeled tho final present, filled the last red stockings of tho stableman's child, and put up packages of tea and sugar for the two feeble old women at tho loll gale; and now, last of all, she had liuulcd down to the Old .Vlll, singing as she went, to put Gilbert Gray's gift on the old wooden mantel. How pretty It looked. Would ho bo pleased, sho wondered. Would he valuo tho slippers all the more because her hands had worked them? It was some time before she had got them arranged to suit her fancy, and finally she was startled lo hear tho bell In tlio ylllngr church-tower chiming nine. She wrapped her shawl aiound her head and hull led toward the door; btr, to hci consternation, the rusty old latch on tlio oiilsidu .hail settled down Into its socket, and, let her strive a she would, she could not lift it up again. - Willi crimsoned checks and a beating heart, fche stood listening for the nearer coming footsteps which she already heard on the frozen ground outside. Her litllo lamp burned steadily on Hie table; there was no sound save her own hurried breathing. "What will ho think?" she niiiiiniireil halt aloud. "Il'hat will he say?" In an Instant, as it were, the strong hand of Gilbert Gray had forced up the rusty latch, and ho stood before her. Hut, to her dismay, lie never looked at the pro'ly gift, bo carefully displayed on the mantle. He saw only tho slight, lovely llgure, ehiliiking so gracefully to one side. "JIss Plover HcttY!" he cried. "Oh, my darling, my trcasutc! was this what you meant? Do you really love me, Hetty!" "No." faltered Hetty "yes that ! 1 don't know. Oh, let me enliway!" "Hetty!" He had taken her in his arms, but Ids clasp loosened at her words; an anguished pallor crept over his face. Hetty held out her hands. "Yes," sho said bravely, "I do love you, Gilbert! Only, only" "There Is no such ii woid as only!" said tho loycr. "Het'y,my treasure my Christ mas gift!" And in after years, In spito of all her logic, Hcttv never could convince her hus band that it was not herself that sho meant to bestow on him that auspicious Christ mas Kvo. Or at least so he declared; and at last she gave tip tho point. "What does It matter," sho said, "so long as we are happy! so. long as every Christmas Is a merry Christmas to us?" "JcnKtns," said one traveling man to another one rainy day, "have you got an umbrella?" "Yes." "Will you lend It lo me?" ."No, I won't." "Why not?,' "Ilccamo I always like to entertain re spect for my friends. I'll present you with this umbrella, and sometime when you feel like it you can present it back again. Hut I won't send you into the world with tho stigma of an unreturned loan hanging over you." The maiine wreckered this yeat is growing. A well-wisher Is one who Invests In oil territory The members of the Fishery Commis sion see to have met on porpoise to rod mie another. A man sometimes loses his balance on au orange peeling on the pavement, and sometimes he loses It In a sayings bank. The following prices for legal ndver Ihg has been adopted by Iho f'Alu . AllVOCATl!. Charter Notices f Auditor's Notices ... 4 Commissioner's Notice. . 4 DIvorco Nc tires . .4 Administrator's Notices Kxeculor's Nollco - . . . Other legal advertising will hp charged , by tho square. H. V. Morthlmcr, Jr., Patlisher. Its peculiar efficacy Is d Uni-iiiMn much to tho process n HOTIIINO R51M , compounding ns LIKE IT tho Ingredients thcmsolv Tnkoit In time. Itchei discuses fntho outset, or they bo ndvnnccit will rrovo a potent ct.. No Home shonld he Without ! It take the placo or n doctor unit costly lire scrlptlons. All who lead FOR WHO: " RCdcntnry lives will find nrurn-r II tho best preventive- or BENEFIT and core lor Indigestion, Coiislljmllon, lleailHCho, llllloinnr l'lles unit Mental Depression, No I. of time, no lutcrfcrcueo with bnsli. while taking. For children It Is most . noccnt nnd harmless. No dnnscr rr cxposuronncr InkliiK. Cures Colle,:, rrmVt-nTin-vtfrcfin";oiii!ir' invalids e tlclicnto persons will find It the mlb Aperient and Tonic they can use. A II taken nt night Insures refreshlne hi and a natural evacuation of the bov, . Allttlo taken In the mnrnlnst shari tho appetite, cleanses tho stomach, t, , sweetens the breath. A PHYSICIAN'S OriNION. "I have been practicing medicine for twenty yeats and have never been able 1 fmt up a vegetable compound that vrouli! , ike Simmons Liver Regulator, promptly and elTectively move the Liver to action, nnd at the same time aid (Instead of weak ening) the digestive and assimilative powers of the system." L, M. HlNTOK, M.D., Washington, Ark. Marks of Gcnulncnessl Look forth. -Trndotnrk on front of Wrapper, anil , Seal nnd Blgnnturo of J. Il..ellln 4 LV i red, 011 tho Hide. Tnko no other. For heaven's sake, look at the in that man over there. "Yes, that's Jliu Hlnglcy." "Ho must bo a teniblo soak." "Ho used to be, but hereforinc ' weeks ago." "Itcforiued? He's full now." "Yes, 1 know. He signed the 1 two weeks ago, and ho feels so pran happy about It that hc,8 been tlrim1; since," Tho condemned frog of out belter than any other creature, riq Ibegreen-hlde monster. Crown Prince liudolph of Austr! the British taxpayer $3,2."0 for his ", Thi Is the way royalty keeps her s i . up. . t oi 1 it,- . WHAT AM I TO The symptoms of Biliousness1 are u. h ' ly but too well known. They dn. ilinerent individuals to some exi. Ililbus man is seldom a breakfast ., Too frequently, alas, he has an exc. 1 petite for lidiiids but none for soli - morning. His tongue will hardly I .1 spection nt any time; if it Is not wl.. . 1 furred, it is rough, nt till events. Tho digestive system is wliolli m 1 i oiilcr and Diarrhea or Const! patioi 1 . .'. 11 symptom or the two may nltcrnnl. '. . are often Hemorrhoids or even loss There may be giddiness hud often 1. . . . mid acidity or flatulence and tenth 1 o the pit of the stomach. To carrect a If not eficct a euro try Green', Ai(-i.-i Flower, it cost hut a trifle and tl. .... I attest il ellicacy. A Texan cut anil carried awa" of a neighbor's grass one nlghtrec, was lynched for It, Tho thcif wa inc. case of "blabe clashed to M steel to steal.', P. S. There li very sharp about this except th but It goes. Congicss has opened forbusin with tlio dance. Let jaw bo unci . A They have a Conversalloi Louisville. People who talk too ; hit with It. 1. . in'. I ! .U On Remember This If you'are sick Simmons Liver ! wilt surely aid nature in making j If you are eontive or dyspeptic or .u ing from any other of the numeric of tliu Liver, Stomach or ISovvcK fault if you ei inain ill, for Siniii. 1 ltegulalor is n Mivcreign remedy ,i complaints. Young Wife My dear, yoc haye purchased such an clegat" clothes. Ills entirely too coslli income and you certainly otig! it. Young Husband I got then, "Slill worse." "Hut I had lo have them. "What for?" 'To keep up my credit." It said Lotta proposes to f' hint for children at a cost of sho leaves the stage. This will every city lu the Union, and a ady Is now very rich she can the asylum at once. If the bid bo In Chicago St. Louis will vv.'i bcncllt. The Key. Geo. II. Thayer, Ind., savb: "Jioth myself and v. lives to Khlloli's Consumption 1 by Dr. Horn, Lehighton, and 1' IKirt From the strnge thrill that.' I 1 Jhnes' arm when ho pills It 'i' llng'swaist, he imagines she 11 -"electric corset." Il'ould it be correct to call Impoi liming tramp a kind 1 . rose? Shiloh's Cough and Contun ; sold by (is on a guarantee. Ji imiptioii. Soldliy Dr. Hon. and Hiery, Weisiport. No, my boy, the Dominica .1 no relation to our modern pai - Oyer 300 pennies were 1 stomach of Harnum's late lai. . elephant. He did not, It sen. trunk. Uoy, to bald-headed pair.. "Papa, I wish I had hair l; "Why, Freddy?" "Uecause I wouldn't haye t 1 . Sleepless nights, made mi terrible cough. Sliiloh's Cm. for you. Sold by Dr. Horn, 1 Hiery, Welssport. All bisds indicate an opi Loulsianna It is now wide op n Poor white(taklng a flstf Ironi tlio contribution bo deacon. 'F I'd a known yei coinlu I'd a h'en here afore. Sliiloh'a Vilaliicr Is win. consumption, Ixiss of Apj and all symptoms of Dyspi and TS cents per bottle, bo. Lehighton, nnd Hiery, Web A man who heard Ot asked If she was vocally di said Gerter was, which va-. , mar. Indeed. 1. ..-