The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, December 17, 1887, Image 4

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    An ...disputa
I have "made away" with my
with one ot the most FAH10NABLE as well as UB
TANTIAL lines of
Ladies', Gent's and Children's Shoes.
Ladies' and Children's Spring Heel Shoes, All Sizes
Udies American & French Kid $2. to $4.
Ctents' Fine Shoe $3l Up!
Ladies' Kid-Button Shoes, $1.25 Up !
I atest Styles Hats and Caps,
Office of Rochester
It havine been for some time
use of malt liqnors, that they were
ulterations, we beg to slate tnat tne .Lager tteer manuiactureu
bv us is a Pure, Healthful, Unadulterated article.
For the Invalid and the Nursing Mother as well as for those
who simply use it as a beverage, it is a light and nourishing stun
ulant. Laser Beer has accomplished much for the canse of tem
perance, in weaning many from
and thousands an over tne iana cneeriuuy lesiny 10 us wuuuunu
effects in building up the Enfeebled Constitution.
An analysis of our Beer has been made bv Professor Lattimore
of the Rochester University, a gentleman whose name is sufficient
puarantee of the accuracy ol auv
can also produce the affidavit of Mr.
brewer, which must certainly set
exist in the mind of any person.
Furthermore, we will pay $1000 to any one proving that our
statements and claims are not entirely true.
Veryf Respectfully,
The Rochester Brewing Co.
Thos. J" niacin Pmip9is9
The Rochester Brewing Co.'s LAGER BEER
Call, Examine,
Be Convinced
and merchantile printing of all
kinds executed at the lowest
possible rates. Our work will
be found equal to that of any
office in the county, and will be
done at the time promised.
Carbon Advocate
Bank St., Lehighton.
Cheapest Place in the
Joseph F. Rex's,
EAST WEISSORT, arbon County, enna.
Funerals attended with promptness, and hroads, askets or
oflins lurnished at lowest puces.
FLOUR, FJ3EJD, &c, &c,
of the choicest and best quality
Near anal Bridge, East Weissport, Pa. aprl7-ly
The lijEraoBttioM BSairesmy?
Opposite Jos. Obcrt's Pork Packing Establishment, Bank trcet
Doughnuts and Pretzels
Delivered in Town and the surrounding vicinities EVERY DAY
Walt Sta Waam
01. X, H-tOi
old Block and am now fully
lor tne'l
Brewing Co.,
Rochester, N. Y., May 12, 1884,
ured as an argument against the
unfit for use by .reason of ad
the use of the stronger drinks,
statement lie may make, Wc
Frederick Hodecker, our head
at rest all doubts that might
Valley to-Purchase
at reasonable prices. Remember,
F, l&MSL
Bill W
Fresh Bread and Cakes;
A Uttloelil In New York was in llie
habit of going to llio Episcopal clmrcli, and
one day she came home and nskod Iiqi
mother If llio prophet wcro hung tlie cam-
madnients as Klfls were hung on Christ
mas trees, for shoheatdthe minister say:
On these two commandments hang all tho
law and prophets."
"All I want." said ttaooperii-alngcr "Is
notes for notes; largo notes for high notes.
Simply to conceal the truth Is a llo In
To a bird whoso wings are clipped, fly
ing must bo a soar subject.
Tho man who pitches pennies throws
his money away If he loses. ,
The Verdict Unanimous.
H'. D. Suit, Druggist, Uippus, Ind., testi
fies: ''I can recommend Klecric Bitters ns
tho very best remedy, Every bottle sold
has given relief in every case. One man
took six bottles, and was cured ofKheuran
tlsm of 10 years' standing." Abraham
Hnre, druggist, lifllville, Ohio, nllirms:
"The best selling medicine I have ever hand
led in ir.y 20 years' experience, is Electric
Bitters," Thousands of others have added
their testimony, so that the verdict is unnn
oranus that Electric Bitters do euro all ills
eases of the Liver, Kidneys or Blood. Only
a half dollar a bottle at T. D. Thomas'.
The following witty reply was made by
a prisoner In the Correctional Co of matter
Seine. Tho Judgo Infoimed him tlmt,liav
ing been taken In the net of stealing a .val
uable rug from a furrier's shop, thcro could
be little doubt that he was the tlislf who
had already on several occasions robbed
their establishment lately. "Mais que vou
ez vons?" coolly. replied the prisoner.
A Somervllle girl says she never missed
a train In all her life. She has got to the
the station frequently, she says, just as the
train was eolng out, but she alway decided
right away that that was not the train she
had been looking for.
Bueklen's Arnica Salvo.
Tho best .salvo In tho world tor cuts,
bruises, sores,nlcers,salt rhuem,fevcr sores,
tetter, chapped hands, chllblands, corns,
and all skin eruptions, and positively cures
piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed
to give perfect satisfaction, or money re
funded. Price 25c. per box, at Thomas
We are told that the art of paper mak
lug has reached a point whero a tree may
be cut down, made into paper and turned
out as a newspaper In thlrty-slx hours,
This accounts far traces of the adz being so
Jay Gould's advice to boys is "keep out
of bad company nnd go to work with a
will." And if you can't keep out of bad
company, my boys, do as Jay does aud
wipe out the company.
This great remedy will ward oil, as well
as cure all Malaria Diseases, and for all
Kidney, Liver aud Stomach Disorders
stands unequaled. Price 60c. and $1, at
T. D. Thomas'
As soon as you forget to pay a man a
sum vou owe him tell him so and he will
be satisfied. It is the putting off and put
ting off of such payments and not telling
the man you have forgotten It that makes
him mad.
A Georgia man who was engaged in
nailing up a gate, was struck by lightning.
Ho Is recovering, and tho young lady's
beau continues to come every night, as
The force of habit is alwaps strong. A
Baltimore young man who was calling on
a street car conductor's daughter says that
tho father wandored In at a rather late hour
and opened the door, .mechanically exclaim
ed: "Sit 'close, please!"
Why will you cough when Shiloh's Cure
willgive immediate relief. Price 10 ct9.,
CO cts. and $1. Sold by Dr. Horn, Lohih
ton, and Biery Weissport.
While a clergyman is all right ho Is a
minister or clerical gentleman in the news
papers. When ho makes a notable break
of any kind ho Is a ,parson." In like
manner a gentleman becomes "an Individ
al" and an esteemedcontemporary develops
Into a "ehcet."
A Washington correspondent whites to
a Now York papor about the "Fresh Men
in Congress." Wc had supposed that the
colleges had all the freshmen.
At a Restaurant: Irate Customer
Walter, look hero: ihls Isn't a beefsteak:
It's a paving stone, I call it. Walter
hurries up and courteously remarks
'Oh we thought we mlglit safely offer It to'
monslcor." How so? Because monsieur
has such a splendid set of teeth.
Shiloh's C'atarrli Remeity a positive cure
for Catarrh, Diphtheria and Canker Jloutli.
Sold by Dr. Horn, Lehighton, and Biery.
As "chuck," steak Is to beef, so Is con
sciences to man tho toughest part.
I'ho mau who complains of a free lunch
should eoby the board.
Maud asks: "How can I get white
hands?" Make bread, Maud.
It Is seldou one gets off anything new,
but we noticed several people get off anew
horse car the other day,
It Is rumered that the Interstate people
are now going to abolish tho Ilocky Moun
tain oasses.
For lamo back, side or chost, use Sliiluh'k
Porous Planter. Price 25 cents. Sold by
Dr. Horn, Lehighton, and Biery, Weiusports
Deaf old age Is, after all, the 'hey,'
day of life.
"What do you suppose Jay Gould
crossed the ocean for?" Don't know
Ja le lie wanted to see bow the water was
holding out.
.Are you made miserable by Indigestion,
Constipation, Dizzinewi, Loss of Appetite,
Yellow Skin? Shiloh's Vitillzer is positive
cure. , Sold by Dr. Horn, Lehighton, and
Biery, Weissport.
Subscribe and read the Cakbox AdvO'
A Select affair a first-class oyster
The marine wreckord this year is grow,
A well-wished is one who Invests in oil
A good motto for a dime museum
"Wonders will never cease.,'
Kllraln and Smith are soon to fight
Sympathy should be extended to lue victor.
Ha Is the fellow Sullivan Intends to
The members of the Fishery Comuiis
sion seem to have met on porpoise to cod
one another.
A uuu sometimes !oc his balance on
an orange pllng on the pavement, and
sometimes he lows It In a saving bank.
A wedding celebrated In a Protestant
church, and afterwards in a Catholic ehurch
makes It rather a riwhurehv affair.
The old'faihlonetl horse pistol was
doubtless so palled, not beauie It was car
led by troopers so inntb as that It kleked
like a horse.
Sunset Cox Is supposed ta know a great
deal about Turkey, but lie can't leach this
country anything at Ibis season of the year
' AT
Cheap New York Store,
liouoklo's Blook, Lohlghton.
Only first-class goods handled at
prices that are matclilcss.
Men's SuUs, $3.00 and Upward.
Men's Overcoats, $0.00 and Upward.
Full Line of Suits '
At all Prices, in tho Latest Styles and Be)
Workmanship, for Men louthsnnil lioys.
Scarlet Underwear
A Specialty,
Dry Goods, Notions, Hosiery,
uiv ts, Jackets, Woolen
Shirts, cts., etc.
A Full Line of Groceries!
Best Family Flour at $2.20.
1G0 Test Oil, 12 cts. per Gal.
Arrosia coffee, .lrbuckles, 26 cts
Zugar-cured limn, 13 cts per lb.
Sugar-cured Shouldcrs,9c. per lb
Mauch Chunk Shoes.
A full line of Mauch Chunk
shoes at from 25 to 50 cents less
than at any other place.
Shoes from 50 oents Up.
Blankets and Comf ortablo!j.
Goods Delivered. IMca-c Call,
nov twin
Warn aHMei?
Weissport Planing Mill
Window and Door Frames,
Doors, Shutters,
Blinds, Sashes,
Mouldings, Brackets,
All KiPfe of Dressed Msr,
Shingles, Failings,
Hemlock Lumber, &c, &c.
Very Lowest Prices.
nr. 9-tv.
.Vv T Ml ft r
1 " ' "' i the it j on
recci) t of n 2 ivrt
'stomp, arocipo foraElmnlo
niTif Hint, win .
leaving tho skin jvrt, cK-nr ftiid beautiful.
And thd brL-'iit tr ot wt'l )..?.. tta vd-ft.u sl.
atlwbrU'ntg-lo-t wi'l IjosUU virtues epeak.
Instructions f r producing a luxuriant head or smooth focn.
ress A. D. firrarcu )im Bt., Kew York
Address A;
1 tlSCLE TKI1L ms-I
nneci lh lnosl strrtk it r
gmost violent attack, lusurcs comfortable Hrti ,t
cnecia cura wnere oil oilier mnedicn fail tr
I Vn tvn lintr vHetWu l(u ..tlM I
imroeainrot direct una crriniii, jirni ii
carek eflputedin nil CLJItAHl.L: CAtVt
"ii permanent! ootm m. Bewr to a t My tlini.
Hon. B. Lett. St, faKl
"I tm entitoly rcJtore to beklth bj Oeratn JUthm
Cure." That. rtU. iamillun fikla
"Qernitn Aithmm Car) Ii all vou claim for It. It n itur
rail." rraf. X, Tan Figrlit fottmUW C M
"My phyilaUn reoommcade d Oiruaa AitLma Cur. It J
cured m." Mr, it. L, TttHck. Lomlondirr otioh
TLoaMBdt of Imllar LtUr tie. lak ay tlrafbia
Oormitn Asthma Cure Is void br all ilnr-
inm nv uc. win aieur euui uy iiiau on ret HI I
of price. 'ATla! jacki free toanyaddrcnafia
Inlin ninilp. Put tlil out nntt rp-
i, i turn to us, mm we uiunm you tree
i- A ftninfthluir of ureat vnlno nnd 1m-
niirljinri' to vou. that will stmt OUln bu?)HCf.
which will brinjc you in more money right awny
than ainthlnc else In thU woild. Anyone ran ilo
tho work and live at Dome. Kltlier bexj nil ages.
tjomethint; new mat just coins money lornn
wnrkpps. W will start you: eauital not needed.
This, is one of the genuine, Unnortant chances ol
a luetlnie. Those w uo are ainoiuous anu enter
prising will not delav. (iraiul outfit Iree. AU
ilress True & Co., AuEUSta, Maine. deois-ij
After all otnera fail oonsult
If. 15th St., below CallowhUl. Phlla., Pa.
!l yoar eipiencolB ll SI'r.CI.VI. dtseae. Per
manently restore thoic weakened by early tniliccre.
ilon.fe Callorwrlle. Advice free and strictly con.
"identitl- lloun: ill m, till a, aim 7 to 10 evenings,
Decembor 25, 188 lx
Drs. J. IT. & J. B. Hofceiisack
Medical nnil Surgical Ofllcos.
"Ort Xorth Second Street. PliUadclnlila. Vn,
Itegular Registered Pliysldaus auauro still
engageil In ttie treatment and euro of all cases
ot nervous debility uud special diseases. Office
hours from 8 a. m., to 2 p. in., and from G to V
p. In. uioseu on auuuay. luusuiuuiuu msu uj
mall strictly confidential.
Dennis Nothstein
O. & G. COOPER & CO,'S
has the least
the ttTitONOEST and
most coxynsicxT
In use.
guaranteed to aire beil
Pony anA Standarii Saw
for Driving Machinery
nnd rumplng Water;
Normal Sauare, Pa.
I m m tr u u H w B H B
Mills !
lie., which he ts selling at lowoit prices.
Caroette of Every Descriptions!
Ingrain to Finest Brussls
at prices lower than the loweit.
Having a DUSUIN Mtn.TIN.tKR we are cn-
amea 10 sen uy NAjirj.ii ery nausiaeior
lly. By this nictlipil a room 11 represent
ed carpeted, so that you know Just
exactly wliut you are buying.
We also carry a COMrj.ETK LINE OP FINK
OAJtrisis at visit i.uw mints.
Bank Street, Lehighton, Penna.
auru 10 8, ly .
"Solicitor of American & Foreign Patents
025 V St., near U. S. Patent OfTice,
Alt business before United Statos Patent Oniee
al tendril to for moderate rees. I'atems procured
In the United States and all Foreign Countries.
iradt Marki end haM$ registered. Itcjected
nrjullcfitlons retlved undnropeutPd. Informa
tion and adlec as to obtaining I'aieuts cheer-
i iiny lurnisncii turnout cimi-cc. nenu sKeicn or
Mouei Tor mike opinion as 10 ratentnuiniv.
Copies of patents furnished for 23c. each.
5?" Corrcsnnndenee solicited. icor .
13 "WEEKS.
The POLICE GAZETTE will be msllnd.
ecurelr lerepped, to any address in the Unl
cd Btatcs for tbreo months on receipt of
One Dollai
Liberal discount allowed to rastmoslrs.
ipents and clubs Sample copies mailed tree
Address all oruers in
May 30, Frankux Fc.tMnK, N. Y
Carto Advocate ! ! !
. And cet all tlio-latest news.
id set all tlio-li
iludlng IdUvc
irk andflBAsli
9. YotrTCtte
1 ncludine lotorcstine new
York andflaTa'ihlngtori let
ters. YotTTJetter join mo.
It is tlio chnapest, largest
and BEST weekly papor in
the LebUh Tallev. Try It.
' Only $1 a Year,
1,000 !
vous Prostration, Seminal Weakness,
I'roinaturo uecay, ana nil tne evu ei-
recta or oarly maiscrotion antt younmu
r..ilw ta rmTlniiH to ninko known to
others tho slniplo moilo of solf-curo. To
thoso who Nvlsh and will civo him theh
eymptoms, ho will send (freo) by ro
turn man iv copy 01 mu duiuu
ccssfnlly used in his cqse.
AUarcss in conuuence, jajiivs tr
PlS-""!v, 43 Cedtir St.. II. Y;
Having struggled 20 years between life and
oath with Ahiiima or Phthisic, treated by
iniueiit puysiciauH, anu receivuiK nu wu'ieiu. 1
ias compelled during the last syears ot my Ill
ness to sit on my chair day and night gasping
nr hrpntli. Mv sufTerln? wero bevond uescrln-
tlon. In despair 1 experimented on myself by
.tompoutidliiK roots and herbs and Inhaling the
medicine inusoutaiiieu. t iortuuaieiyuiscuvereu
tils Wonderful cuke rou asthma andCa
TAnnit, rrarrnnted to relieve the most stubborn
caseot Asthma In Fivk Minutes, so that the
patient can lie down to rest and sleep comfort
uhlv. IIpiish read llm fnllnwlne condonsed ex
.recti from unsolicited testimonials, all of ru-
Oliver v. 11. Holmes, san .lose. cm., writes:
"I find the remedy all and even more than rep
resented. 1 receive instantaneous renei.
12. M. Carson, A. Jl.. Warrcu, Kan.. writes:
"Was treated by eminent physicians of this coun-trv-and
Germany 1 tried the climate of dltfei-eiit
ttittcs nothing afforded relief like vourprcpara
Ion." I II. I'helps, V. M., Orlggs.Ohlo.wrltev "Suf
ered ttltti Astliuia 40 years. Your medicine In
: minutes does more for me than the moit eml-
ent phvslclan did for me In threo jears."
II. 0. 1'llinpton, Jotlet. HI., writes : "Send Ca
jtrrh Hemedr at once. Cannot get along with
mtlt, 1 find It to be one of the moot Miliutblc
nedlclnes 1 have evertrlod."
We hnvo many other hearty testimonials of
ure or relief, and In order that all sufferers from
Vstluna, Catarrh, Hay Fever, and kindred dl
teases may Into an opportunity of testing the
value of the Heinedy we wilt semi to any address
vnnrdruinrist falls to keen It do not nermlt him
losellyou some worthless Imitation byhlsrep-
esentlnir 11 10 oe just as goou, out semi uirectiy
ous. Write your uame and address plainly.
Address, J. ZIMMEKMAN & CO., Props,.
Wholesale Druggists. Wooster, Wane Co., O.
Islze box by mall Si. CO, July.'iy
The Weekly Press,
$1.00 Subscription per Year. $1.00
Tho Best Home Paper In America.
This Is not brag.
It Is a plain statement of an honest fact
Ordinarily the weekly Issue of a dally
paper Is esteemed to be merely a digest of
the week's news, stilted alone for rural
This Is not true In reference to the Week
ly Press.
It Is specially edited by a trained con
01 writers selected tor ttie purpose 01 maic
Ing the best paper.
It is adapted to the Improvement and an
Jotment of both sexes, of all aces, of every
family whether a resident ot tun city, vll
lage or country.
Not a word of crime or Impure sugges
tion In any part. of the paper,
It is an old paper and carries lis age and
reputation equally well.
Now wo aro seeking a new and larger
number of readers. As an Inducement to
this end too Weekly Press In connection
with any four dollar niaganlio in America
will bo sent for the single subscription price
of sucn magazine.
Or, on application, we will make a spec
ial combination of antwo or more period
cats published In America, either weekly
or monthly, in conjunction with the Week
ly Press at such low rate as will be equiva
lent to a year's subscription to the Weekly
Press free lor one year.
H'e make this exceptional proposition In
order that the Weekly Press may go on trial
In a million households for an entire year.
, Sample copies furnished free on applica
tion. Address,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Largor Crops Headed.
To enable the farmers ot tlio older set
tled States to compete with the cheap lands
of tlie Northwest, tt Is necessary to glow
larger crops per acre. Take 'wheat as an
example. On land worth 0110 hundred
dollars per acre and wheat at eighty cents
per bushel, a crop of ten bushel per acre Is
AdeAtlloss;a crop of twenty bushel per
acre may be grown for the purpose cf seed
ing down tho laud, but there is no profit In.
tho crop; while a crop of thirty, thlrty-flyo
or forty bushels per acre, taking the value
of a ton and n half of straw per acre Into
consideration, enables us to hold our own
with the cheap ands and ayerago small
yields of the Northwest.
We arc using enormous quantities of
commercial manures, composed principally
of superphosphate, potash-salts, and u
small quantity of nitrogen in the form
mostly of fish, tlesh aud dried blood. The
uverage well-managed farms on which these
fertilizers are used contain all the Ingredi
ents of plant food, except nitrogen, to' pro
duco large crops per acre. All the facts ot
experience and science point to the necessi
ty of a more liberal supply of available
nitrogen In the soil to enable It to produce
large crops per acre.
There Is no lack of liltrogeu. We can
develop It from the soil, or we can make
more manure flora the cities, or purchase
from tho manufactures of commercial fartll
Izers, the nitrogen wo so much need. Hut
and here Is whero the shoeDluhos at the
present prices of wheat, corn, oats, barley
and hay, w cannot afford to buy nitrogen.
The price of the nitrogen Is too hlh, or the
price or the staple crops too low.
Exoitement in Texas.
Great excitement has been cause In the
Vicinity of Pans, Tex, by the remarkable
recovery of Mr. J. E. Corley, who wus so
helpless be could not turn In bed, or inwe
als head: everybody said he was dyiiijj 01
Consumption. A trial bottle of r. Kmij't.
N3v Discovery wan sent him. 1' re
lief he bought a large bottle mid a box ul
Dr. King's New Life Pills, by the time lit
had taken two boxes of Pills aud two hol
ies of the Discovery, he "was well and had
gained thirty-six pounds.
Trial Lotties of this Wonderful DUonvcry
I'or Consumption free at T. D.TIioinai' Drag
Scientific Farmers.
The Intelligent farmer, who gives thought
to his business, finds his mind occupied
with matters belonging to the year that It
just closing, .while lie also looks forward to
the season rapidly approaching. Have
their last year been failure with some crops,
while others have been unusually success
ful' We should examine Into the failures,
not to niotiin over them, but to ascertain
if they wcro due to avoidable cause, or to
natural phenomena beyond human control.
We ure apt to ascribe our losses to a higher
power, but are we so ready to acredb out
successes to the same controlling intluen e?
riio "scientific farmer," so-called, is the
sensible farmer who sees that all Nature,
on his farm or off of It, Is governed by wise
and immutable laws. Those who svudy to
icarn what are thoso laws, and how they
can best work with Uiem, are tho most suc
cessful fanners; they are called "scientlUc."'
Profits in Prepared Foods.
Cutting tho fodder lias the effect of re
ducing the muscular work of the cow.
Every movement of the cow's muscles,
eyery motion of the lungs as the animal
breathes, corsumes. some of the lnusculai
tissue and requires some food to repair the
waste. Every digestive function Is also car
ried on at some cost of substance tor the
repair of which food is required, The
proper preparation of the food, then, Is a
saving of labor for the cow, anu a saying 01
food for the owner. Thus-, the grain food
snould be ground as linely as possible, and
being mixed with tho cut aud moistened
fodder, is eaten with less exeition, aud is
digested with the giealest ease. More ol
it, too, is digested, because of the rlno con
dition of It by which It Is more completely
iubjected to the action of the solven fluids
of the mouth (tho saliva), stomach and In
tosllncs, As the fat and oil of the focd
exist In exceedingly line particles distributed
In the cellular tissue, the through urindiag
and the perfect mastication of It tend to its
most economical disposition In the body ot
the animal.
The results ot feeding vary with circum
stances. The character and quality of the
herbage vary, and necessarily, as grass h
the basis of a cow's feed, any variation In
this will affect the results of the grain feed
ing and make some modification uecessuty.
To oscrerye the effect of feeding, some teats,
will be found useful. A dairyman should
be very InqultlTe aud observant, for his
piofit depends upon It. He should count,
measure or weigh everything; and the
quantity of food given, Its cost and its re
sults, should all be carefully noted.
More Humanity Heeded.
What Is required to divest the tmdo in
live poultry of Its present honors Is to draw
the needed supplies from points adjacent to
all large centers of population. The State
of New Jersey alone, If wisely farmed
could suppyNew York City with fresh
killed poultry; but though Jersey men are
credited with being astute, still a hugu
monepoly stands it their threshold, and
asks In vain to be embraced. So long os
poultry alive or dressed has to arrive from
afar, Just so long will attendant loses exist;
modified more or less In the ratio of care to
want of care. Coops should be construct
ed high enough to allow of the occupants
resting at ease. These coops bid best be
constructed of cheap material, and not be
returned for use; the bottoms ought to be
of board pierced with many small circnlar
boles, the sides of wire, and the tops 01
wire, or open slats. Ir'hen poultry has to
bo forwarded alive, care should be exercised
Infeedlnsr, before belug cooped; twclvo
hours previous to the siart, all sorts would
require a substantial meal; food easy of
digestion and suboquent assimilation, with
free access to pure water. On the Journey
water should be provided at all limes; but
food only when tho trip exceeds the period
of eighteen hours. In market where
sales are effected on weights, every ounce
lost fells on the proUt side tsf the ledger.
All manner of animals suffer most In tran
sit from tho want of wter; food Is secona-
arv! silir ami air ivre life. A shipper 3
humanity Is mottt icadlly reached through
his pocket ; and it ho can be successful as
a merchant, ami lose heavily, as at present,
bis builuess wuld be far more lucrative If
better canled on. 10 tbt the minimum of
loss was attained.
By reason of Its central piulHon.'oJcsa relation to xirinclpal linen East of Chlcapo
ttn'l continuing !lii-a ot t raiual potato West, licrtUwectandBoitthwest lathe
only tniamlddlo-llnk. tn tliaL tionsooatlnontal Bystora which lnvftea and faoll
itatiff travel nn l t.'.iiio In cV.Uer duettlou betwemi tho Atlantic, end Ptclflo.
ICho Bock Izl ji inali Jfcio and b.'anchea includa ChlcairOtJollet, Ottawa, La
Ualla. t'ecifi, Oo ijjoo, Mol'i" find Ksck Inland. In Tllluoioj Davenport, Musoa-
Kanoos City, In IsUasoart; Lor.venworth and Atchison, In Kansas; Albert Lea,
Minneapolis and Ot Paul, In Minnesota; Watortowu In Dakota, and hundred
of Intermediate cities, lowno acrl villages.
Guarantees Gpsod. Co-nJfort rind Gafoty to t;aoo3 xcho travel over it Its roadbed
Is thorouahty baU-t-tl. Its track Is cf heavy steel. Ita trldfre ore soUd
etracturc3 of 3tono cud iron. Its rollliiir etoek lo perfect as human skill can make
It It haa all th3 oafat appliances that mechanical ffetiltui has invented an
CTtperienss nroviJ. valuuUo. Its practical operation io couoervatlvo ana method
ical Us discipline stria und oxactinff. 'xho luxury cf it3 passenger accommoda
tions is"5d in tho Wont nnsurpaessd in tho world.
ALL iSxVitElJ-.s TKAIIJ 3 tictvrr-en Chloasroaurt the rBOnrilUvor .consist
of comfortnblo DA OnAOKJE-O, maroifleentT?TJLLKAH 1ALA0B PAKLOB
rjid 3LEBP1UQ CAB3. elet-ont DlMlNG OAKS providing excellent meals, and
botwoen Chicago, St J06ph, Atchiooa and Ka33a3 City restful HEOLININQ
Ir tho direct, favorite Urn b9tweon Chicapo and 7inncapolla nnd St Paul. Over
this rottta solid Pant Express Trains run rtahy to tho Euaracr rescrte, picturesque
localities nnd hunting and fobJner r:ronda of Iovra and WinneBota- I he rich
wheat lielda and arannfr lands of inteiTqrpBltota nrc 1 reaohed yte.watetpwn.
A short dostrcXloroolo, via aBnocaandon!taltso, oOara supsrlcr lndncemenW
to travclors.betwoon Oinclnnatl, Indinsifipolls. Lafayotta nnd Council DlniEj, St
Joseph. Atjhison, Loavtmwoxth, Kansas Cty, Ilmuoapolls, St Paul and inter-
m AU clascesof patrons, capootally famillss, ladles and chudrsn, recelva from
oillcials and employes of Rod: Island trains protection, ro3pootful oourtesy and
bmporuets,nkan31 roldera-obtainablo at all prUielpal Ticket Offices In the
TJnited Ctateg nnd Canada or any desired information, address,
Pres't & Gen'l H'jV. CMra?o A-.-'t Gt.VI MV'r, CW-.u-io. Otn'l Tkt. ti Pass. Agt- Chicaga
The undersigned having been ro
stored to health hy simple means, aftei
suffering for several years with a, severe
lung affection, and that dread disease
Consumption. Is anxious to maXe
known to his fellow sufferers tho moans
of euro. To thoso who desire it. ho will
cheerfully send (freo of charge) a copv
of the prescription used, which they
wiH find asuro cure for Consumption
Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis and al)
throat and lung Maladies.
He hopes all sufferers will try hit
Remedy, as it will cost them nothing
and may prove a Messing. Those do
siring tho prescription, will pleaso ad
dress, Kev. Edwaiid A. WILSON,
Williamsburg, Kings Co., New York.
Mean live at home, and rliake more money
at work for us than at anything elso In
the world. Capital not needed; you inn
started free, lioth sexes; all ages. Anyouecan
do the work. Lars earnings sure from nrst stait
Costly outfit anil terms fico. Better not delay
Costs you nothing to send us your addressa
and out; If you are wise you will do so at l
HALLKTr & Co.. Portland, Maine. dec
Cure guaranteed
Ia. ICftle at nnr-n.
No operation or business delay. Thousands of
cures. At Keystone House, Heading, l'a., 2nd
Saturday of each month. Send for circulars,
ilvleo free. 'anl6-vi
Agents to Sell
Iho IHSTOIty of
K sxmiMtiiton. To tnt flt
ktt4 t tMOtd tb rvlelf tb
NtfiKO Holviim 4irtnf iba vtri
1TT6, 1011, 1SS1-C&. Na librsuy
Ma itbooltL fal ta
WbltM Mi Black. l( prBt.
Apili rtpoTt at) u K Ua jut
vswk. Itastt Bin tbla ebwsw U
maba k4 tar elwiUrs)
Ad llWnlttmt,
t. Dlvuaat blodtrtt u J1
frsofhtiMpAld. Ucatlo pPl.
ntHftvd. smm, giaitaaMV
Cunts M Blinw.
Tb following booki ro publlihed la neat Ptmrhlot form, printed from rood rttdtbl tjpfl on rootj
paper, ami many of ttiem baodsomelr Ultutratea. They are without axceptlon we cheapest booka fer pab
Iiibed la any land or laagiace, and fnrolih to the maasea of the people an opportunity to aecur the oett
literature of the day at the most trlQins expense. In any other aerlea tbeat f raat work would coat nunf
i-im. lm f,lfh ilia ana htsra niram.f. Earh nni la eniTiDlata In Ita If j
1Th4h of thm IVAflll. NATOMAL AND OTBEB. OoQ
ialni dHcrlptlosi and llluttratlooa of tha moil vondarfut
waraioi Uearn anu w mau, m; iuienn suu iuhi .
Wonder of the 8co A dMcripllonof lb niaof wondr
fal Ril tMantiru) tuinf founj al tba bottom ol IU who, with
roluM tUuftratloo.
A PlMifire KxeHlon, nnd Other fiketche. By
JoalAB Allki'i WirK." A collect Ion or IrrMlatlbly taaaf
ihaUlsU bf lit moit popular bauorosi writer oltlio day,
Th Aunt Kulah l'aorn. br Cue AoopiTA. nothor
pt Tb Han DocumaDta xiooit rtdlculouily funny book
cmiTirj way inui iv -ntttvw nvgoii,-
ChriatniBa fetorlee, by Chablm Dtcniri. Contain
fenrabarof lb moatcliarmlnf ChrUlmaa ttorlMertr wcUlto
ly ibacraataat wrlttr wImi trllftd. CacbfotUcompltia.
Itoundthe Krenlns Luntp. AbookorslorltplcliirM.
imilM tad isms, for lit tlttl lolkt t bom.
I'opuUr UeoItaUone nd DUIogue, bomorowt, drama,
lie anu patbatle, Incltnliaf U tb UlcAljlMat od moat popalar.
ThnHsiir.anaitallMi af UadfrnTlmH. CoBltlDI nor.
Valla and WogrannUa of famous aalf vadj Amrteaoa,froin lb
lira or rraoKim to in prctxni.
Fatmllla Ouof utlona. OontatnlflK tha oricia and aotbor-
imp 01 inanr tnraaa paquanny ru iaraiof; ana coovaraf
roa. a raiiiAW won ot ri.rcnc.
Low Lin In New Vork. A aarUa of !tM rtnpktarM
Ibowlnritioilark all of Ufa la th rt cttf. UuattaUaT.
The Itoad to Wraith. Kol o advortiaios circular,
t-ttt tlsorunrhty practical wnrk, polntl&c oat way ty
wiikii hi miy inana nontr. vaaiir, rapiaiy mat nvmiir,
Oue II a nd rod roptilar ng. MatlmnU!,rtbttle
nd ironic, Inoiaillnf nioC of tti ravnitioa. &w and old,
Hr Not!' Ilrl A No? I. Ey Mr liar Aami PLeanxe.
A Hurt prod llftw lNoil. By IUbioh Uarla-d.
An Old AUna SoeriBra. A Kenl. Fj Mr. Aw B.
irWj will aend
any four of the aboye booki by mail poet paid omo receipt of onlf 19 .Cente j m jf
lllO. Thlilthoraatettbar-alninbookaeTerotrrHl. 0onotfaU toukeaJTanUftreof Iw
M.". 'iitaBuyfKvnrv
salltfattlon vxtaranttrt or money rrfuruKxL rosteire atampa taken for f rkertooa or a poller. A to oar reliably,
wo refor to any newspaper pullUhed In Nw Yort Itkeylae n the Commorcljl BcleA All orders iedb
HturamsJL Addrtuan'msn: r.M.XWTOX.X'ubllaher, o, da Murray Htreet, Wew TerK.
11 TtiQ lllUafiia Dlts nrerj
Cheapest, Sfronucst and on! Practical
mm i d ill I Ella
BEST SHOOTINQ 01', 1 fc'ACc.
r'Ustsi''i!. AlIlcteTMP (rr, Tfr Jlmir r. It V-.f !.
Prlcos and C.;!alogu.;ii cout on application.
SPECIAL Inducements to largo Buyers.
Simple, Mje.rUsblend perfect nulnez. It Is
not n Truss, horn Br and Slsht ana its
Inenc forgotten. Send for circular with test I
manlals from cratefal sufferers cured br tide ep.
fL1".".?"'. JWS?' OsntraJ MedlceJ and Surgical
Wi'iV? 020 Locust Bt, Bt .Louis. Mo.
dmedlcalaaeee. Weakening diseases imTpA"
troubles in nwile and female our sneelaltr. lit
acre to write
The Foreellfhl Rtthlee. A Kortt. ByU.T.CAUdt.
The Old Okbcn Cheet. aKotI. By9ri.TAireOoair,
TheremrlortheOecAa. A Not). fcyCm AtreTa
Hollow A ah UalL aNot.1, fiy kiuiut BLotnT,
CUflTellente- AKoval. By Ktta W.rriaoi.
Under the LlUea. A Korl. fiy tho tbor efMDr
The' Diamond Braeelet. A Km!. By Urt. Bsxtj
Wood. lOuttrafi.
The Letryer Secret. A Kot.!( By KUa U. K, Baxsvea-.
Tho frtratDSO Co.a or Dt JeAyU sd Ur. Uydo. A
Noval. By R. U Sxafanaow.
A Wloted tilrl. AKot. BrUaarCacitBaT.
Lady Valworth lilamoada. A hoval. By MT
Uetween Two Stna. A Horal, By Ibe aoihof el "Hore,
Tboro." JUuttraiitt,
ZheMneerileerta. AKovl. ByS.t-aen0.t,
orla'o Fortane. ANl. By FLoaiiwca Wbi.
A Low MarrUa-e. AKol. By HIM Hp lock. Jftta,
The Oallty Jllver, Ahoval. By WiLaiaOoLUM.
TheroUonefAapa. AWot.I. By rt.omc BUaaTAr.
MoatOranee. A Notl. Br Ura.Baaar Woot.
Ferrlor the Fetter. A Vel. By Mr. Alixambca.
A llay wrtght'a Maushtcr AKovl, Byatrt. Aaai
tnwitoa. Jitu$trtud. . .
Fair but FaUe. A Kewl. By U author af MDor
Tboraa.' fUuitfUJ. .
I.a&easter'e Cabin. A yorat By Vn. V.Y.Tiorp.
Florence Ivlnsten Oath. AHorol, By Urt. UAav
A. ttaui-jji. JUuitrafd.
The Tvomaa Hater, A Fatal. By Dr. J.U.Roubm,
Ttie Callfbrala CabtjL. A Sml. By It, t. Oainek
tf" eiul rf rr )ee M- t.t.i.
r-P roof m Lock
Autoau'.lc LocV. rue Ms'crlntiiB UarJcoI,
It li thj only fiuU Ijuia ILu liiijStl thtt Avuaen-
Ur wturtl u. Ui r-j.ij ..' .-.'alhaitlj Iron, end
rsnort bo brjtcn. I' a i tctl im4 oonnructttl
tt? !t imjwss:. ii. 'f to -jitrcl It from tba
ct.te!C .ar.ll- ibf:.r'r? K-.T-tfihws. It IsAclo.
re-U cUo:i,V . iatti. .Vu Tjt.A the taonKitlt
It c'.nej, 'Jua Uolc s .u-. .1:. . ft nsy clsrUlan ao
ulrej. itlsia.'4l'i ilri7. I'i'-ottls undwslcMs,
tmlMfw Unitit?.. tveu I1 .o'.lyputca to4eau
bosprltiid vsltu & ion wi)'.u' V,? mr taoJy taui or
tj. KStatlt lDj!llo.i, 0 OtillNO 'tt
TKAVt OUT. ercc-' ;.li'4K monafxluato Ktonti)t
oiler. IticUttthJ ia u'.o moal urtUtla uDMr niti
Ii;UeUw!tUBWSvTtjrM.tcli. il Is nttrtlto nod or
i.stnecttl lu dwlja. It la what you hvo Iwea looklus
.:r fur loata. Camplu roioil. ta tor tUd vtiudu ,v!ca
oarcctlptot 0 Oti. laoftaipi.
Cyrr.cue, IV V.
Ucul'.'.'. Mt y-i'cr.
3 .1 I