The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, December 10, 1887, Image 3

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    "Original Ohoap Cash Storo.'
l'ltOACHINO and every persuii !n search of
something NKW and NOVBL In HOLIDAY
HOODS should certainly lns-i't our extrorill
nnry assortment before purchasing'.
Examination will proro Hint prices are low
rr lici o than clscwlicrcnnd Hint ourotork inukn
seroml to nono In Carbon comity.
Wo niuiic ftfow of Hio most prominent line:
Jewelry In New Desllnxl
Kino Quadruple Hllver-l'lated ware!
Nllk Handkerchiefs and Jlutllers In rent pro-
fusion I The rliolccst products ol foreign nnd
umiieslle looms.
A vnt assortment of Mnen nnd Cambrlp llwid-
Hhawles In the latest atjlosl
Fancy Embroidered Skirts!
All Hflk mill Hllk IfmbroldcredHiiMieiiilern!
New nml Stylish Dress l'abrleal
ltandiomely Embroidered mid well-made Slip
pers! IClegmit Neekware!
Turkish Towels In new Combination of Culm's!
1'nncy Handled, Past Color Umbrellas I
llruslVmul Comb and 8lm hif? Settsl
Decoralcd China nnd (llasswurol
l.ava mid llrass Smoker Sets!
Toilet Soaps and Perfumery!
Opposite Tubllo Square, Hank Street, TClitchtnn.
June 7. ltol-ly.
Ineldcnts in the lives of creut Inventors nre al
ways Interesting. It Is said of Jon A. Davis,
Iho Rreat Inventor of the Davis Son Ins Machine
that moro than twenty years iico, when lio nsert
to travel from place to place, rcrcMiitliig, ex
planlna nnd selllns his machine, ho eonld tnko
nn ordinary pocket knife, u piece of wood nnd n
scrap of Iron and In a short ilmo produce a ma
chine that would actually sew, astonishing ns It
may seem! This remarkable characteristic In
this man's Kcnms suggests tho cause for the
marvelous simplicity ot tho machine hearing his
linmo, which wHh'its many other advantages,
Elves It a place In the front rnnk of modern In
ventions. What n revolution In the history or
tin- sewing niachlno has taken place during these
years! Every Inhabited and civilized poitlon of
Iho globe now resounds with the music of this
"friend of womankind." Kurnno has long ac
knowledged tho superiority of "hie Davis ;,7!ind
Australia and New Zealand nro fields where It Is
monarch ot all It surveys." The "Vertical Feed"
Is tho principal nnd distinguishing features of
this machine, separating It from and placing It
auovo.the popular machines of other makes. To
bo appreciated nnd understood, this new feed
method should be seen Inoperntlon. Tho stitch
mado by this machine Is both mire nnd beautiful.
Tho company Is represented In this town by
tyo. ft7. Man, Apt,
Bank Street, Lehighton.
The Carbon Advocate
QPISCI AI. NOTICE Persons making payments
v to this olllcc oy money orders or postal notes
will please make them payablo at the WEISS
TOUT I'OST OFFICE, ns tho Lehighton Olllce Is
NOT a monev order ollleu
Current Events Epltomizod.
Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup Is particularly
recommended for children. It cures cough
colds, croup, sore throat, and whooplm;
cough. It Is pleasant to the taste, ami nets
like a cliarm. Price only 25cts.
"Jack shall pipe nnd Gill shall danco"
just as long out In tho open barn .is they
please. The free born American citizen
don't fear neuralgia with Salvation Oil to
the front. Trice only 25 cents.
Our young friend iniliam nuffonl was
united in marriage to Jlss Ella Kohrlt;, of
Lehigh street, on Saturday evening;. Only
the immediate relatives nml friends of the
contracting parties wore present. H'e ex
tend our hearty congratulations and best
wishes to tho happy couple. The same
evening the Arlon band treated Mr. anil
Sirs. Ilufford to n delightful serenade.
Milton Flory, of East Weissport, has
moved Into the building next to Everett's
Hotel, ia Weissport, whero he will be
pleased to meet nil old patrons and all oth
ers desiring anything In tho line of harness,
blankets, robes, bells, whips, Ac. Repair
ing of nil kinds promptly attended to and
satisfaction guaranteed. tf.
Don't forget I hat Sondhelm, the mer
chant tailor at the Ono Trice Star Clothing
Hall, Mauch Chunk, has a full Hue of im
ported and domestic suitings and overcoat
ings and will make them up to order at
from 12 up to $-10. Call and leave your
The attention of the people of Summit
Hill, T.ansford and vicinity is directed to
the fact that George F Iluntzingcr, of the
popular Switchback Itestaurant, is author
ized by us to receive subscriptions anil
moneys for the Cakhon Advocath.
Charles Henry, the Exchange Hotel
coachman, desires us to state tho 'costs In
the cruelty to animal case, bofore 'Squire
Ileltz last -Friday, amounted to a little more
than $15 and not an even $10 as stated
last week.
A usefull, val uablp and much appreci
ated present is a flno gold watch. See tho
elegant display of handsome gold watches
for ladles and gentlemen, just received at
the jewelry store of E. II. Hohl, Mauch
We call attention to the chango in H.
Uulh A Son's advertisement. Headers of
this journal who visit Allentown should
not fall to call at tho abpvo named business
T, ya, oh, oh, ich echo zum Elnen
Price Kleider Store, Manch Chunk, und
kanfo mlr aen neicn anzug. Ich Icon es
helm Sondhelm bllligcr greigen dan sliunst
Joslah Much, executor of the estate of
the lato Joel Kiotz, will oxposo at public
sale on the premises in Franklin township,
on the l"lh Instant, valuable real es
tate. Samuel Shafer, aged eighty years, died
at lirodlicadsvme last week. Sharer was
one of tho first stage drivers between Ens-
ton and Wilkesbarre.
Gold headed canes and gold spectacle
opera glasses -nnd a fine assortment of
clocks at E. II. Hold's, Mauch Chunk.
Preparations for tho proper celebration
of Christmas arc being actively engaged In
by our several Sunday schools.
Court convenes on tho second Monday
of January. Several Interesting cases will
come up for proper disposition.
Pretty rings, lace pins, ran ing, chains,
slecve-buitons, scarf-pins and lockets at E.
H. Hold's, Mauch Chunk.
You will miss it If you purchase jewel
ry heforo seeing E. H. Hold's, elegant as
sortment of new goods.
Tho now German Catholic church at
Hnzleton, was dedicated Sunday with ap
propriate ceremonies.
During the holiday season our readers
will find I' doubly advantageous to look up
Hie advertisements.
Mens' and boys' suits, from $8 up to
?15, at Sondhelm's One Price Star Clothln
Hall, Mauch Chunk.
Persons desiring to locate in a live and
progressive town are directed to Hit
For an Immense variety of Holiday
Goods, call at I(uokonbach's, Mauch
Full line of Ingrain and Brussels car
pets at V. Schwartz, on Bank street, tf
During 1888 there will be five eclipse
two of tho moon and three of the sun
Bottled and canned goods for the holi
day trade at Sweeny's Corner Store.
- -Several marrlacos are to come off in
this place before the ol d j ear dies.
Heading entertains fears of expeiienc
ing a water famine.
Tho period of teething Is the most dan
gerous to young children. They 'should
then havo extra attendance and occasional
doses of Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup.
The purity of the Ingredients and tho
accuracy of the combination In Iaxador,
coupled with the Important fact that It Is
free from any deleterious substance, is n
at ron argument for Its adoption as tho
remedy for all disease of the liver. Trice
25 cerits.
An Unknown man, aged slxiy years,
was found dead with tv large hole In, his
head on the cowcatcher of an engine on the
Lehigh Valley Hallroad at IVnn Haven
Sunday morning. The man, It Is surmised,
was walking on tho track unobserved by the
engineer between Whlto Haven and Pcnn
Haven, ns It. was not known ho was on the
engine until It stopped at tho latter place.
The remains were Interred at I.aurytown.
Odd Fellows, Attention! A special
meeting will bo held In ltebcr's Hall, on
Wednesday evenim.', December 14, 1887,
for the purpose of conferring the Hebekah
Degree. Tho ladles of the B, D., and thoso
wishing to receive tho Degree, are herewith
specially nnd cordially Invited to be pres
et!'. W. I. rKTi:n9, D. D. G. J.
The holidays aro coming;; you will ask
yourself what sort of a present you can get
for your dear. You surelv cannot buy a
nioro suitablo present than a good suit or
overcoat; Sondhelm, of the Ono Prlco.Star
Clothing Hall, Mauch Chunk, has a full
line of them at rock bottom prices.
Our old friend Charles Froelich. writ
ing from Minnesota, says that the Anvo
cAth Is eagcily looked for each week. Mr.
Froelich and family also desiro to be re
membered to old friends here. They arc
comfortably located and meeting with much
A grand shooting match will como of
at Lewis Christman's Little Gap hostelry,
Friday. Tho SDort of tho day will wind up
with a grand hop in tho evening. All lov
ers of fun should not fall to bo present. as
a good time can be expected.
The Moravian congregation at Bethle
hem appropriate annually a sum of money
sufficient to keep in good condition the
plot In the Gnaden Huctten cemetery, this
place, where tho Moravian martyrs Ho
Tho good wife of our young friend
Robert Hongcn, presented him with a
bouncing baby boy recently, which In a
ineasure.accounts for tho unusual geniality
of "Bob." Mother and child are doing
Tho administrators of the late Solomon
Gomery, deceased, will exposo at public
sale on tho premises, in JVahonlng town
ship, on Saturday, Dec. 10th, a valuable lot
of farming stock. Including horse, cows,
A young girl named Mary Schultz, of
Upper Mauch Chunk, gave birth to a male
child in a Philadelphia saloon one day re
cently, and is now confined In one of the
hospitals In that city, says the llfconl.
Overcoats for men from $4 up to $15;
overcoats for boys from $2.50 up'to $12;
overcoats for children from $1.00 up to $10
at Sondhelm's Ono Price Star Clothing
Hall, Mauch Chunk.,
Our whiskey Is diluted with kerosene
and fusel oil, nnd the American codfish
ball is degenerating, but thank Heaven the
country is safe,, while Tulip soap maintains
its excellence
The wide awake and always Interesting
White Haven .Journal commenced Its ninth
volume last week. Brother Feist has our
best wishes for future prosperity.
Lehlghton's popular cigar Manufac
turer, I. S. Koch, expects to occupy ono of
the store rooms In WIcand's opera house
on or abont January 1st, 18SS.
A poultry exhibition was In session at
Wcatherly this week. There is no doubt
but what it was well patronized by the peo
ple of that locality.
Miss Emma Fritz, daughter of Daniel
E. Fritz, of East Per.n, was married to C.
M. Rehrig, by Rev. W. Moore, at Catas
auqua, recently.
Just received a largo lino of ladles and
misses newmarkcts and coats, at Sond
helm's Ono Price Star Clothing Hall,
Mauch Chunk.
The Pennsylvania Grand Lodge of
Odd Follows will hold their annual conven
tion at Allentown on tho third Monday of
next May,
Whllo looking around for a Ohrlstmas
present call at Kemcrcr & Swartz's and see
thoso $2.00 22x50 oil paintings, heavy gilt
Trcxler & Kreidler, tho Bank street
carriage builders, have laid a substantial
plank pavement in front of their works.
3cns' all-wool pan s, made to order, at
from $3.50 up to $10, at Sondhelm's Ono
Price Star Clothing Hall, Mauch Chunk.
Christmas presents in endless variety
now open at Luckenbach's, Mauch Chunk.
Christmas Cards, December Od.
A household without. Tulip soap Is as
Incomplete as a bell without a clapper or a
young lady without a beau.
The easiest riding carriages aro to be
had at Ebbert's llycry stablo on North
street. Pi Ices very low.
Cold pens, pencils and tooth picks;
see new goods at E. II. Hold's jewelry
store, Mauch Chunk.
Wo sell books cheaper than you can
get them from tho cities at K. F. Lucken
bach's, Mauch Chunk.
A now stock of colocks watches and
ewcrly for sale at Ilagamau's storo Bank
street, Lehighton Pa. 3m
Six bundled and eleven dlyoices have
been granted In Berks county during tho
past twenty years,
During the month of October 1020 gal
lons of apple-jack were distilled In Lehigh
Counterfeit ten cent pieces aro In cir
culation. They aro exceedingly well ex
"Our keepers say that Tulip soap is
too good form." Boodle Aldermen In Sin
Seller's advertisement Is read by every
body. They can't help It, you know.
The milk "combine" iormed at Read
lug a few weeks ago has butted.
Call at Kemerer & Swartz's and see
their lino of furniture.
Diphtheria prevails extensively in
many towns.
Go to Kemerer A Swartz's for bargains
In carpets.
t wenty-one days moro until 18S3 leap
Farrvville Items.
Mrs. Emerson Carl, of Philadelphia,
spent several days hero tills week.
Prof. DeVorc whllo in town last wccli
examined quite a number of heads.
Miss Ar.nle Simpson, of Milton, Is vis
II lug relatives and H lends In this place.
A serins of revival nieotlngs were coin
mencrd Snuda) evening In the Evangelical
On Monday night several tramps caused
quite an excitement here, vthile they wero
. .ii..i.iu.i jtxKiiu one oi men, uu
I bief of ixilice in the hand, ih. y were
lakrn to Chunk on Tuesday,
. . v. .. .r ,
rclally Compiled for the Toilerstr an Ad
vocate Man
Thirty-six puddling furnaces In tho Le
high Valley aro In blast.
The Lehigh stoyo foundry, It Is said,
will close down for six or eight weeks to
night (Saturday).
It Is said that tho slate business in Le
high and Northampton counties Is unusu
ally nctlvo for this season of tho year.
Quito a numbar of coal workers who
Lhavo left tho Lchtgji roglon to work In other
collieries have met vlth fatal accidents.
If it were not for tho coal miners strike
In tho Lehigh region 1SS7 would have proyed
to bo one of the most successful years In
business circles that wo havo had In the
past decade.
Tho Philadelphia & Reading Railroad
Company hayo decided to change the color
of all their passenger coaches to n tint ap
proaching a bright yellow. Material for
tho purposo has been ordered, and tho
coaches will be repainted ns rapidly as pos
sible until all havo assumed the new shade.
Railroad companies west of the Missis
sippi will placo a largo number of contracts
this month rfnd next. Tho Denycr and
Rio Grande has just ordered 30 locomotives,
800 freight cars and a number of passen
ger cars, nearly cyery railroad west ot me
Mississippi is In tho market for some kind
of material or supplies.
What occasion thero may bo for a re
organization of the Knights of Labor "on
an honest and substantial basis," the pub
11c generally are able to estimate, but when
the tlmo for that process comes about, tho
men who aro to accomplish the work will
hardly go to Chicago sympathizers with
anarchist assassins who compose the pro-
Islonal cominlttco for Inspiration or as
sistance. Standar J,
The system of half-time was Inaugur
ated at tho Packcrton car shops last Mon
day. This, In connection with the very
low wages paid by tho company, make It
exceedingly unfortunate for tho car shop
mployees. How long the half-time sys
tem will continue Is unknown, but many
Incline to the belief that It will continue
all winter." In such an event tlio effect
can bo better, pictured than worded.
Tho aspect of tho Lehigh coal strlko
continues unchanged. Summed up the
condition of affairs is about as follows:
The miners are as Intensely determined as
ever not to go to work until their demands
are compiled with, while the operators say
they will not give the miners no mat
ter wlint the consequence may be. The
miners, it is satd, arc well supported by
the Knights of Labor In tho present fight
and are confident of success. Future de
velopments aro anxiously awaited.
The average annual ccal production of
tills country Is oyer 77,000,000 tons Witli
such unbounded resources, making this the
garden of tho world, Is It any wonder that
from hunger-bitter Ireland, and from the
shores of the Rhine, nnd from the isles of
the sea, nnd from every land they come to
iVmerlca Columbia's land for bread and
homes, and happiness. Talk about closing
the gates nnd restricting emigration. As
ell talk about reversing the tide of the
Mississippi or stemming tho gulf stream of
the.ocean, while these "Acres of Diamonds"
tempt and invite the musclo and brawn of
of every clime. The Qem.
A Challenge.
I hayo heard that you, Harry Stansucrry,
of Lehighton, desires very much to -box,
spar or fight John L. Rehrig, Jr. I will
match him against you for $25. Answer by
letter or through tho Advocate.
Fiiank Weiss.
H'EisspoitT, Dec. 5, 1887"
Tho following subscriptions for tho Car
bon Advocatk have been received since
our last report. The Advocate contains
all the latest local news, Ac., of tho week,
$1.00 per year subscribe for It.
M. O. Ilryan, Lehighton $ 1 00
-. y ., Lcuigmon, i uo
.cwlsArner. Anuashlcohi 7fi
fohn (I. Wuest. kresiniville. l'a 2 on
A. 1.. M ;inl7, Tnmanua...., 1 00
Jonas I. Moyer, Weissport 1 00
rtui. jtreiogei, eissporc 1 00
Frank Ilefmllnger, Lehighton i oo
O. O. Illosc, llowmanstown l oo
It. (.'. Wormian, Lehighton l oo
Jonas B. ltohrlg, Lchlghtou l 00
. u. nroaiineau, rnimiieipma l oo
;has. Froelich. ltlnon, Minn 1 00
Francis ltowman. I.ehlclitnn i on
John A. l'eter, Lehighton 1 00
Dennis Notlisteln. Nornml Knnrirn 1 0.1
W, F. F.srang, lehighton oo
.1 . Chrlstman, Little (Jap t 00
Ecliool Directors in Meeting.
Tho school directors of town met In regu
lar monthly meeting at tho office of 'Squire
Lents!, on Northampton street, Monday
evening. Tho meeting was called to order
by the president W. P. Long; present, F. P.
Lentz, John Peter, M. O. Bryan and Samuel
Fry. The minutes of tho previous regular
and adjourned meetings' wero read and ap
proved without correction. The committee
on supplies repotted having attended to tho
wants of Janitor Wundt, after which the
following bills wero presented:
iios. canrey, wneeinarrow $ coo
F. Lcllieiigulh, repairs, &c. no.oi
On motion the former bill was ordered tobe
paid whllo tho latter was held under advise
ment for a more definite accounting. .It
was also decided to secure five moro seats
for primary school, also boxes to protect
trees on the school grounds, after tho dis
cussion of matters pertaining to the gener
al welfare of the school tho board ad jour neb
Feoplo aa Tney Come and Oo.
irilllam Blttncr, of Bcayer Meadow,
wns In town Monday.
William Kern, of the First National
Bank, spent Sunday at Slatlngton.
Tho genial )V. H. Rcber, of Harrlty,
circulated among friends here on Wedues
Mrs. Thomas S. Beck, of Bethlehem,
waa visiting friends In this place during the
past week.
Thomas Fagan and wife, of Easton,
wero Yisltlug relatives and friends In town
over Sunday.
D. B. Bertch, tho popular Mauch
Chunk tailor, whllo In town Friday made
us a pleasant call.
Our friend Dennis Notlutein.of Normal
Square, made us an agreeable call while (n
town on Tuesday.
Hlwcn Bauer, a popular East Mauch
Chunk merchant, was In town for a few
hours on Tuesday,
M, O. Bryan, the gentlemanly L. A S
stulon agent, was on a business jaunt to
Slatlngton this week.
jirs. w. a. ituter, ot weatlierly, was
tho guost of Misses Laura and Sadie Hof
ford, on Bank street, this week.
Miss Mary Person an estimable young
lady of Slatlngton, was visiting Miss Tillle
Seifert, on South street, over Sunday.
Mrs. .Carrie Pettlt, of Bethlehem, was
tho guest of her sister, Mrs. II. V. Morth
liner, Jr., on Bank street, over Sunday,
Mrs. It. F. Hofford, of Bank street, re
turned homo Friday evening, after a de
llghtful visit to relatives nnd friends In the
, wa,0i10a. ,,v(,,rv ..... .,.
.i,i,. ,. .m n.i .i. .i..
i .
of choice goods,at tho jewelry store of E.
il. llolil, JUaucli Chunk.
Interesting Items ricked Hp andAssortod bv
the Stroller.
It Is reported that-Qcorgo Horn expects
to move his barber shop to East Weiss
port. Milton Flory, tho saddler, is nicely and
conveniently locatcil In his now storo room
on Whlto street.
Miss Katie Kclscr, of Whllo Havon,
was the guest of Misses Ella and Mary
Snyder this week.
An Infant child of Thomas Deibcrt, of
Franklyn township, died Tuesday and was
burled on Thursday.
Our jovial friend Joo Rex, had the
misfortune to fall from his wagon ono day
recently and received ovcro sprains.
Gentlemen, of the borough council,
wo direct your attention to the necessity
of laying a crossing lrom Blery's drug storo
to Everltt's Hotel.
A pleasant party canio off at the resid
ence of Jacob Straussbercer, on H'hlto
street, Friday evening. All present enjoyed
themselves hugely.
-Our popular young friend II. C. Trapp.
of tho Lehigh Valley offices, Lehighton,
was located at an Important telegraph
station at Haztctou last week.
During the holidays the store of Andrew
Graver offers unusual bargans to purchasers,
Dry goods, groceries, notions, Ac, Ac., In
great variety and at lowest figures.
-Advices from ourprivate census takers
disclose the following: we have a popula
tion of tli r co hundred souls, Including
nineteen old maids, eighteen widows, scyen
grass widows, six bachelors, four widowers;
in all, a total of fifty-four souls who lead
lives of singlo solitariness. May peace be
-Letters for tho following named per
sons remain In the post-office, here, un
called for: Reuben Arner, Paul Boycr,
Jacob Conford, Andrew Deibcrt, IKllliam
Fritz, D. S. Gregory, E. D. Hilber, David
Hess, Jacob Silk, Llzzlo Thomas, William
Zimmerman,. Persons calling for any of
the above letters will please say "Adver
tised." The members of the Evangelical Sun
day school elected the following named
officers for the ensuing year last Sunday:
Superintendent, C. N. Roth; assistant, G.
n. Laury; secretary, A. D. Rlshel; librar
ian, John Scidel; treasurer, John W.
Heller; superlntecdert infant department
W. n. Krcamcr. Tho school has a member
ship of over three hundred and Is In a pors
petous condition.
First class Photography.
Williams, the Thatographer, of Mauch
Chunk, has procured a,flrst class operator,
and Is now prepared 'to turn out any style
of work you mhv wish. Call and seo sam
ples. Prices reduced to $3.00 per dozen
for cabinets until January first. All woik
guaranteed. t.f.
Public Meeting.
Local Assembly, No. 3709, of this bor
ough, will hold a public meeting In Gable's
Hall, on the evening of December 10, at
:45 o'clock. All are cordially Invited to
be present, and especllly tho members of
the organization, as Important business Is
to be transacted that concerns every lover
of justice.. Admission free.
Comjiittep. K. of L.
Mahoning Items.
Mrs. Robert McLean spent a few days
In Philadelphia last week.
W. II. Blttncr, of Beayer Meadow, was
the guest of Frank Flexer over Sunday.
The protracted meetings in the Evan
gelical church closed Thursday eycnlng.
ro school this week on account of the
institute, and the boys and girls are happy.
Somo of our farmers lost hogs from
hog cholera. Moses Zellner lost twenty-
Charles F. Roth and George Scglln left
for Sterling Run, Cameron county, on
Last week Ocorgo Scglln had the mis
fortune to lose his pocketbook, containing
about $15.
M. G. Frantz, Milton Eberts and Wm.
Eberts left for Mansfield, Ohio, on Tues
day of last week,
Mrs. Daniel Zeiglerand Mrs. Amandus
Zeigler, of Tamancnd, Schuylkill county,
spent a few days In the Valley visiting
Rov. Mr. Slappig preached an Interest
ing sermon, in tho English language, in St.
John's church Sunday. Dash.
The Consumption of Alcohol on Morality and
The following statements made by M. de
Flalx, are deserving the consideration of
tydents of .the alcohol question. M. de
Flalx says: "The birth rate Is less and tho
mortality greater In the departments where
tho consumption of alcohol Is small; that
neither crime nor suicide Is In proportion
to alcoholic consumption. Thus In the
Sclne-Inferleure the consumption of alco
hol Is three times that In tho Novd. but
suicide is only twice as frequent. In the
Pas de Calais tho consumption is twice as
great as that of the Novo, while suicide Is
two and one-half times less. In the Seine-
et-OIso the consumption is one-half less
than that of the Sclnc-Inferieurc, but sui
cide in the former Is twice that of tho lat
ter." Comparing different nations he
says, "France consumes less alcohol than
the United Kingdom; its birth rate Is less.
and its mortality, criminality, and suicide
rates are greater. Italy consumes very lit
tie alcohol; Its criminality Is appalling tef-
frayante). Spain consumes three times
less alcohol than Italy; Its criminality Is
double. Sweden, Denmark and Norwav.
with a population of about one-third, con
sume lour times the quantity of alcohol
consumed In Italy, and yet tho criminality
of tho former is very small, whllo that of
tho latter Is appalling. Russia consumes
4 times the alcohol of France; Its birth rate
is almost double. Thus, all the hypothesis
arc upset; the most vigorous, the richest
and the most moral of the nations aro those
which consume the most alcohol. The
prediction that alcohol will destroy civiliza
tion and the human race is not supported
by facts. If France, whoso vitality Is un
dergolng a crisis, were among tho nations
which consume most alcohol, she would
serve as an excellent argument; but the
consumption of alcohol by France Is mod
erate, and It has been established already
that those parts of France are the most
Vigorous where tho consumutlon of alcohol
Is greatest. S,
J ust received irom Boston
nn immense stock of the genu
ine Knight of Labor Shoes
which we are selling at $2.50
and $3. Warranted solid calf
leather. Clauss, & Bro., the
Tailors, sole agents for Carbon
county. Our stock ol hand
made bIiocs cannot be beat by
any dealer m the county.
Latest designs In glassware at Sweeny'i
Corner Store.
County Institnte.
Tho twentj-fourth annual session of Hie
Teachers' County Institute opened at 2 p.
m., on Monday, In Concert Hall, Mauch
Chunk. Tho new law allowing all teachers
pay for attending brought out almost the
entire teaching forco of tho county ono
hundred and sixty being enrolled the first
Tho Institute wns called to order by
Snpt. T. A. Snyder, who announced that
he had appointed tho following officers
Trcsident, T. A. Snyder, Co. Supt. ; Vlco
Presidents, P. II. McCabe, J. M. Roberts
and A. S, Bclscl; Secretaries. James J.
Boyan and W. II. Sponcer;Enrolllng Clerks,
II. J. Relnhard, G. W. Hcmralnger. Er.
ecutlyo Commltte, J. M, StaufTer, J. F.
Snyder, L. M. Bcidlcr, Maitln J. Mulhall,
D. G. Watklns, Wm. McLaughlin.
Tho devotional opening exercises wero
led by Rev. Woodbury of the Presbyterian
church. Prof. Geo. C. Young, of the Key
stone Normal School, of Kutztown, then
took charge of the music and gayo the
teachers an excellent drill In that art. Prof,
Young Is a pleasant and genial gentleman
aud has an excellent knowledge of the Rub
ject of music. Ho awakened considerable
activity and precision In a very few min
utes. Prof. Geo. E. Littlc.of Washington,
D. C., then spoko on drawing, showing that
tho teaching of conventional forms Is only
a means and not as an end. Tho Prof. Is
quick with tho crayon and sketched as
rapidly as he spoke. The valuo to teach
ers of his talk was perhaps not to great as
It was entertaining. As one of the In
structors of the day failed to arrive In tlmo
thero seemed to be a yold which was not
capable of being filled promptly, and so the
afternoon session was adjourned, tho teach
ers feeling that they had hardly received a
full half day's worth in tho first half day
of tho week.
In tho oyening Prof. Little gayo ono of
his "chalk talks," which was much on-
Ioyed by all present; most of the teachers,
lowover, had seen the samo thing beforo
and henco It was not of much valuo as In
struction, but was decidedly entertaining.
These evening lectures ought to hayo an
Instructive ns well as an entertaining sldo
to them; tho entertainment may amuso
but does not so much profit tho teacher In
his or her schoolroom work.
The Instltuto was called to order about
quarter after nine In tho ntomlng, in Iho
Hall of tho public school building; devo
tional exercises being read by Rov. T. M.
Jackson, of the M. E. church, of Mauch
Prof. Young led In a short drill In music,
after which Dr. E. E. Hlgbco addressed the
Institute. Tho Dr. had unexpectedly turned
up the evening before and tho institute
manifested their delight by greeting him
with a round of applauso. The doctor's
talks aro always full of thought and this
opening ono was no exccp'lon.
Tho instltuto was then divided into twoj
parts, tho one part being taken In charge
by Prof. C. B. Cochran, and the other by
Prof. G. W. Hull. Prof. Cochran spoko
for nearly two hours on Physiology and
Hygiene, illustrating and enforcing his talk
with specimens, such as the skull and
brain of a neero, the brains of a horse,
etc- Tho talk was one of much valuo and
Interest to the teachers. Prof. Hull gayo
an Illustrated talk on Fractions, after
which ids section was taken In charge by
Miss Totridgo, of Reading, whp spoke for
an hour on Language.
After a short drill In music, Dr. Hlgbee
spoke on school legislation, exemplifying
the laws lately enacted, viz: making tho
minimum six months, fixing compensation
for attending Institute and getting an ad
ditional appropriation of $500,000 for our
schools. Ha suggested various ways of us
ing this extra money in futuro years. "Use
It by putting up better buildings, purchas-
ng libraries, lengthening the term still
more nnd increasing the wages of the. teach
ers when thoy do efficient work."
After a short recess, Instltuto was again
called to order, and Prof. U. B. Cochran,
delivered his Illustrated lecture, on "Air,"
In which he carefully diagnosed ard divided
air into its. constituent paits showing bv a
number of actual experiments how neces
sary pnre oxygen was to animal life, and
how determental to health was Impure viti
ated air saturated with carbonic acid gas,
proving that in order to support combus
tion In the body It is necessary that wo
should breath pure air, and by thus keeping
the lungs so supplied, our bodies would re
main in a healthy condition, while on tho
other hand Ill-ventilated rooms, and stilling
atmosphere that arises from decaying mat
ter, Ac, would plant and feed tho germs
of dlscaso, and broken down constitutions.
The talk was beneficial and edifying.
Another selection was sung, after which
Prof. G. W Hull gave an Interesting and
Instructive talk on "False Notions of Edu
cation," in which he faithfully pictured
the distinguishing features, between tho
falso and Hie true. The speaker holds that
the genuine education of a man is that
which directs him to higher and nobler mo
tives. "Shame," said the orator, "on an
education that will cause a man to look
with disdain upon honest toll, that will
teach him lo forget that poverty Is not a
disgrace. Many a brilliant young man, said
he, has parents who toll lrom morn till
night, even denying themselves the luxur
ies of life that he may have an education,
and after they acquired It become so vitiat
ed with arrogance and prido that they are
ashamed to recognize their parents. Shame
on him, who would forget the mother who
watched over and tolled for him. Give us
that education which will create in us a love
of home, a loyo of kindred and a love of
Concert Hall was well filled with an at'
tentive audience at 8:15,whcn tho exercises
were opened by a duct sung by Mr. C'has
Crellln and Miss Agnes Swartz, Mrs.
Belva Lockwood, of Washington, D. C,
then was Introduced to the audlenco and
was greeted with prolonged applause. Sho
lectured on "Social and Political Life In
Washington." She is a lady of pleasant
appearance and voice, easy and profuse,
perhaps, Ingesttire, and without doubt a
woman of keen observation and good
thinking power. Her description of life In
Its various phases wero decidedly interest
Ing and her remlniscnces of famons men,
Interesting and Important events and fam
ous conrt decisions were entertaining and
racy. Those who attended tho lecture
mainly out of curiosity were agreeably sur
prised to find not only their curiosity gratl
fled, but also a rich Intellectual treat given
The programme as nrranged for tho
above days was minutely carried out. The
talks on educational matters wero Interest
lng and entertaining In every particular
and no doubt much good will be the result
ot a week spent In listening to the practical
talks of able educators on subjects of vital
Importance to the common school teachers
of this couuly. The lectures on Wedmss'
day and Thursday evenings were well at
tended and unexccptlonally Interesting,
Friday ws devoted to tho clearing up and
final disposition of the programmo, so to.
day (Ftlday) concludes tho 24th annual
Institute, the most Interesting of them all,
Christmas Directory.
A flno lino of silk plush, crushed mo
hair plush, reed, rattan and carpet rockers
at Kemerer A Swartz's.
A flno lot of hanging and stand lamps
just received at Sweeny's Corner Store,
Don't fall to see them.
Sunday school people will find bar
gains In Books by an early call at E. F.
Luckenbach's, Mauch Chunk.
Chlldrens' music boxes only fifty cents
at E. II. Hold's, Mauch Chunk; other
stores sell tho samo boxes for one dollar.
-Don't fall to buy your holiday over
coats for men and hoys at Sondhelm's Ono
Price Star Clothing Hall, Mauch Chunk.
LAUn IIkck. On Saturday evening, Dec. 3,
inrw.uiiuu oiiiciiiiuig eienr'inau s lcsiuoncc,
Lchlghtou, by ltev. .1. 11. Kuilcr, Stephen 0.
Lauh and Sarah A. Ilcek, hotn of Lockport,
HuFFonn llr.nmo. On the same evening, hy
Hie same, at the resilience of the hr i n'x
cuts, Win. F. Hunnrd and Miss Ellen H. Itch-
rig, noiii ot iiiiigiiton, r.i.
Is a peculiar medicine, and Is carefully pre
pared by competent pharmacists, Tho com
bination and proportion of Sarsaparllla, Dan
delion, Mandrake, Yellow Dock, and other
remedial agents is exclusively peculiar to
Hood's Sarsaparllla, giving It strength and
curatlvo power superior to other prepa
rations. A trial will convlnco you of its
great medicinal valuo. Hood's Sarsaparllla
Purifies tho Blood
creates and sharpens tho appetite, stimulates
the digestion, and gives strength to every
organ of tho body. It cures tho most sevcro
cases ot Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Bolls, Flmplcs,
and all other affections caused by Impuro
blood, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Hcadacho,
Kidney and Liver Complaints, Catarrh, Rheu
matism, and that cxtrcmo tired feeling.
" Hood's Sarsaparllla has helped mo moro
for catarrh and Impuro blood than anything
else I ever used." A. Ball, Syracuse, N. Y.
Creates an Appetite
" I used Hood's Sarsaparllla to cloanso my
blood and tono up my system. It gavo mo a
good appctlto and seemed to build mo over."
E. M. Hale, Lima, Ohio.
"I took Hood's Sarsaparllla for cancerous
humor, and It began to act unllko anything
else. It cured tho humor, and seemed to
tono up tho wholo body and give mo new
life." tf. F. Nixon, Cambrldgcport, Mass.
Send tor book giving statements of cures.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Soldbynlldrngglsts. gltlxforf3. Prepared only
by C; I. HOOD A; CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass.
IOO Dosoc One Dollar
On or About the 1st of January,
The Tobacconist,
will remove his business Into tho corner
storo room under the Now Opera. House,
corner of Iron and Bank streets, where he
will bo pleased to meet his friends. declO
for j our Sweeotheiirt. Sister. Wife,
Daughter or Mother, kindly call
and -see tho NKW lllllll AIM!
1N! MACHINi;; It will make Hie
most desirable present of the tlav.
Geo. W. Maim. Affcnt.
Bank St., LKHIUHTON. l'a. ' norawiw
Ite&l Estate !
The umlerslnned will sell nt imhlic sale, on tho
premises, two miles Eait ol Jlllport, Carbon
county, l'cnna.. on
SATURDAY, December 24th,
at Two o'clock p. m., nil certain tract or piece of
laud hounded and described ns follows, viz: Un
tho east hy lands of Harilson Anrews, on the
west by lands of Prank Ash, on the south by
i.iun oi jouu "u mo eusi oy mutis oi wco.
Kunkle, containing
One HnndraO. anil Twenty Acres,
moro or less, about To acres of w hlch are cleared
and under a c;ood stato ol cultivation, the lial
anco Is goat tiniherland. Tho Improvements
thereon arc a Two und a Half Story
Stone Dwelling House
38x32, with Summer Kitchen, a largo barn and
lit IlCUCSThll J I'UIMUIIMIUKS, AllUll? 13 11 UllU ItH IHK
near tho house, and a running stream near the
ham; also two Una orchard of Choice Fruit
Trees una a (irnvo 01 sneunaiKs.
A M15TALLIO Ollli IIKI) Is In full oncrntlon
on the property, and Is claimed to ho the host In
Carbon county. This Is a lino property and of
fers a tine opportunity for a person of moderate
capital. ESTerms and conditions will ho made
known nt tlmo and place of sale, by
Widow of Kiln In Andrews, dee'd
THE :-: SUN,
Tho voar issa nrondses tobe a vcar of splendid
olltlcal developments, ono and nil rcdoiuiillng
o tho glory and triumph of a
Fresh from Its niaznlflcciit victory over the com-
blued foes of Democracy In Its own Ktato, true
to Its convictions, truthful above all else, and
fearloss In the cause of truth and right.
Tho SUN has six, eight, tnelvo and sixteen
pages, as occasion requires, and Is ahead ot all
competition In ever)thlug that makiis a news
paper. Dally $0.00
Dally and H'cekly - - - 7.50
Sunday (10 and 20 pages) - - 1.50
Weekly - - - - 1.00
11-3 Address THE SUK, New York.
Canned Tomatoes, l'Ickeleil Chow-chow,
Sweet potatoes, Oraugos, Hanannas, Mince
Moat, Apples, uocoanuts, .Dates, rigs,
corn-meal, mixed nuts, grapes, apricots,
citron, hickorytnuts, California peaches,
cocoanuts macaroons, seedless raisins.
And everything else usually kept
in a first-class general store, in
cluding Dry Goods, Groceries,
Provisions, Qucensware, China
ware, (fee, &c.
III the Old Stand. TJufler Helert Hall, Bank Street, LehiEhtflD, Pa
Medicines all New, Pure, Effective & Elegant.
Toilet Articles, Fancy Soaps,
Chamois Skins, Sponges, all kinds Brushes, Combs, Perfumery
ond everything else In tho Druggists lino kept In great variety and of most exoelWut
M Weiilit
N. B. Two licgulav Physicians always in attendance ODr.
Reber, the older, cau always bo found and is ready to gfre
advice, and to prescribe FREE Furnishing medicine of flnt
quality, and at as reasonable charges as can bo had elsewhere.
Office and Consultation Rooms (Moment to RcWs Dm Store.
Established 1867.
December 5, 6,
Mib Italics' ous Department
To examine our goods and prices before buying elsewhere.
It Will iBsny Yom
To buy substantial Goods nt our Standard Store, instead flatA
ing with petty dealers who have no stock. There are soma wko
say that there is no difference ia llubber Boots. The diffcrwMt
is as great as in a pair of leather boots that cost $5.0p and a ydkr
that costs $2.00. Let no one make you believe that thero k aa
difference in rubber boots.
Adaiii MeiirksuH fc Son,
Sept 17 3m
m Sim swm
A sample board showing its workings and effects.
Electricity is the power of the age, and wide-awake
people are sure-to appreciate "the efforts we are making
to introduce the results of the combined study of the
best and most ingenius masters of it. We are pre
pared to furnish estimates or take contracts to equip
business places, hotels and private dwellings with par
tial or complete sets of alarms, taps, bell pulls or any-'
thing in this line at short notice.
CLARK'S Cove Plant Fertilizer!
An article of superior merit for the conservatory
and window garden. An odorless plant food and
insectcide, producing luxuriant flowers of great
brilliancy and exquisite fragrance.
ALWAYS ON HAND A Complete Line of
Oils, Paints, Glass, Hardware, Coal, &c, &c,
ART :-: IN
Wo call attention to our magnificent stock of
Artistic Umbrellas,
unequalled both in Novolty of Design and
Economy In Prices. We have just opened an
excellent assortment of Choicest Novelties In
from tho most Celebrated London makers.
We havo tho popular
Aoaoia Wood Sticks
with Gold and Silver Mountains.
Choice Fallow Stag Hooks
Mounted on Acacia Wood Slides, with Gold
and Silver Hands.
Gold Mounted Ash,
Gold Mounted Orange,
Gold Mounted Black Horns.
Also Cold ami Slhcr Halls, Hook and Caps. S-Duniblllty
anil Kcniininv aro lint onre forgotten In all our (treat variety
llooil Umbrellas, with Hold Cajit, at $1.83 each.
Hood Silk Umbrellas, with Gold Caps, nt S3 o each.
634 Hamilton Street, Allentown, Penn'a.
October 30 1887-
Call, Examine,
Be Convinced
and merchantilo printing of all
kinds executed at the lowest
possible rates. Our work will
be found equal to that of any
ofRco in the county, and will be
done at the time promised.
Carbon Advocate
Bank St., Lehighton.
Good Snalitj!!!
Re-Established 1887.
7, 8 and 9, 1887.
IPsiy Yon
Street, Lehighton, Penna.
Samuel mmi.
Silver Mounted Pomentos,
Oxodized China Silver,
Silver Buck Horn.