The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, December 03, 1887, Image 3

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    'Original Cheap Cash Store."
Silk Handkorohiofd t
and Mufflers I
Holiday Trade!
We respei-lfully cull nltetitluii tu our large ami
well (elected stwk otclioko designs iif foreign
find domestic manufacturo. emlnac lnn nil Hie
Intest shading mul many combinations ut color
Inns not lieluro shown. Each M)ln 1ms uecn
especially selectrd for the Holiday Trade, imd
lsn OKM for tlio price. Wo )mc lliom nicely
displayed nitd will bo pleirV'd to give prices tu
uu wno may v mil our store.
We also Jiavo elegant 9locks of
Quadruple Silver Plated Ware,
China and Glasswaro,
Neckwear, Suspenders, Underwear, Knit
Goods, Shawls, Slippers, Shoes, Flush
Articles, Toilet Soaps ami Perfumery.
Opposite Public Square, Dank Street, Lrhlglitnn.
Juno 7. lMI-ly.
The High Ha Brlfiiuto was escorted to
MAtlnston by the A Hon Cornet Hand last
Thursday, whtro tlicy were tlio auest of
Fred. Hollacher, tlio ixwilar beer bottler.
Mr. Hollacher extended the hospitalities of
his establishment to the Ilrlgnde and do
nated eotno of llio"neccesary" to thu band.
Tho "boys'' lira loud and unanimous In
their laudation of their generous host. Mr.
Holachcr has ono of the largest and most
thoroughly equipped bottling establish
ments outvlde of tho larger cities.
Bpoially Compiled for tho Toilershr an Ad-
voeato Man
Two thousand tons of coal pan oyer
the main line of the Heading railroad uvery
hour of tho day and night.
According to the views of a gicat in
ventor, the multiplication ot niacin nury
means belter times for tho laborer.
The local asscuiblyof Knights of Labor
at Urlfton, offer a reward of $100 for tlio
-Not only In the spring time, but all the apprehension of the party or parlies who
far round people will need a reliable eath- set fire to CoxoV No. U bleaker, recen-
year round people
artlc. We would recoiiimcndLaxador. Price
The real need of a sick baby Is not srf
much medicine as It Is something to "assist
nature." Many things are recommended,
but the best known remedy for the ailments
of young children Is Dr. Hull's Baby Syrup,
Prlco only 25 cents a bottle.
Some few days ago a bottlo containing
the body a prematurely born child was fish'
ed out of the Lehigh tlycr, at Packcrton.
Our Informant UUs us that tho battle con
taining tho child Is en exhibition in the Le
high Valley office, at Packerton. SuppoS'
itlon naturally leads infer that "souio
dirty work" has been perpetrated by some
pary or parties at present unknown.
Having purchased tho gallery, fixtures
and all negatives of Mr. J. B. Headman, I
am prepared to do all kinds of first-class
Mr. Head.
High-Arm Davis Sewing Ma
chine, with its Vertical Feed, is
surpassing all other Machines in
popularity nnd ntunhor of sales, work u tho photojraphic lino,
wherever its merits ure known.
This is not surprising to those
who are acquainted with its de
cided qualities aad excellent ad
vantages. Geo. u7. Mam Apt,
Bank Street,
The Carbon Advocate
CI'ECIAI. NOTICIt Persons inaklnir payments
oi l nomci nv inniier omen or iwmuli no make them Durable at tho WKIf
fOKT lWrOKFlPli. as tlio Loliliihton Ofnco Is
HOT a money order olllca
It is predicted lliat the out put of coal
for the vcar 1888 will be 40,000,000 tons.
A number of new works will be opened In
tho anthracite coal region at an early
It Is said that the Increased contributions
lo tho Lehrgh and Panther Valleys strikers
have made them, If anything, more deter
mined thin ever to hold- out against the
Owing to tho inferior nuallity of antn
raclte coal furnished In consequenco of tho
strike In tho Lehigh rcalon, the Gleudon
Pinnace Comoanv will blow out ono of Its
stacks at South Easton
The Tamaaua Courier says: That
unlessald Is'soon forthcoming tolhc striking
and starving miners in that town the
mur.-nerlng that is now done secretly will
soonshoke tho Lehigh region from centre
to circumference,
Tho carrying capacity of a railroad car
of 10 tons has been figured on by somebody
who giyes this as a result: Wlieat,540 bush
els: corn, 400 bushels; potatoes, 4J0 bush
Tho new hotel of Mr. Henry Bltner, at els; apples, 370 bushels; oats 0S0 bushels;
Slatintrton. is a model of architectural do- lumber, 0,000 feet; Milter, pouuus,
alirn. and rnflccls rrm lit on that town. 5fr. flour, 00 barrels; whisky, CO barrels; wood,
" I- - ....... ma ..1.1. FA l.rIA
Bltner Is an enterprising and progressive cords; cattle, 18 to ueau, nogs, ou io,m
citizen, as well m a genial wholesouled lioad; snccp, bo to iw neau.
fellow, whom It will be well for Lehigh
tonlans to remember when they visit that
The Carbon county teachers' Institute
trill convene at Mauch Chuck, Monday,
and continue one week. A very Interesting
programme has been arranged for the oc
casion. Tho Advocate will, next week,
man will remain until December 1st, when
1 will procure a first-class operator from
the city please glyo me a trial order. Harvey
Williams, Cor, Broadway and Susquehanna
Sts.. Mauch Chunk. Pa,
Current invents Epitomized.
Col. 11. Penn Smith, well known In this
place, en account of his connection with
the coal breaker, destroyed by fire several
vears ago, died at his homo In New York
on Sunday evening. Col. Smith was born
2fay 0, 1887. In tho city of Philadelphia,
At the breaking out of tho war ho entered
the armjand distinguished himself for dar-
lngnd bravery In many of the principal
battles. He was wounded at Antletcm and
at Gettysburg his regiment held a position
In the s one wall near the celebrated Peach
Thero aro less persons afflicted with
-rheumatism, sines our druggists havo sold
Salvation Oil.
Few are aware of the Importance 3f check
ing a cough or cammon cold In Its first
istage. That which In the beginning would
:leld to a mild remedy, if neglected, soon
irrejsTipon tho lungs, Dr. Bull's Cough
Syrap afford Instant relief. It t an Infill
Inde, remedy. Price 25c. a bottle.
Reward I Lost between Dr. Reber's
drug store, Xehlgbton, and the old Moria
.Furnace, on the 16th Instant, a pass book1
containing bills, also an oblong mcmoran
dum with morocco cover. The finder will
receive a reward of $5.00by returning the
same to J. VV. Raudenbush, Lehlghton.
All persons are hereby cautioned against
paying money to any other than the above
named party,
Milton Flory, of East Welssport, has
moved Into the building next to Everett's
Hotel, In Welssport, whero he .will bo
.pleased to meet all old patrons and all oth
ers desiring anything In the line of harness,
Iblankcts, robes, bells, whips, tc. Repair-
ling of all kinds promptly attended to and
satisfaction guaranteed. tf,
About fifty couple from Mauch Chunk
partook of a hearty and sumptuous repast
at the country residence of Mr. C. A. Rex,
abont one mile from this place, on Thanks
giving day. All who were present aro loud
and unanimous In their pralso of the hospl?
tality of Mr. and Mrs. Bex
Mrs. J. P. JfcCabe. whose husband
was hanged at Honesdalo recently for the
murder of Michael Hieley, has refused to
receive $100 found on McCabe at the time
of bis arrest, as she behaves It to belonged
to the murdered man.
It Is said that Editor Malloy, of the
wide awake Lansford Jrecorct will soon be
united In marriage to a Ilarrlsbnrg lady,
In such an event the Advooatt. extends
.best wishes for future happiness.
Charles Melsel son of John Melsel, of
Jamestown, died at Delano, on the SOth
utu, and will be burled hero on Saturday at
11 30 a. m., services In the Eyangollcal
Joslan Huch, executor of the estate of
-Alio Pardee, a Lehigh coal baton,
says that he will conduct Ills business ac
cording to his own thinking and under no
circumstances will he allow outside parties
to dictate as to what he shall or shall not
do. Correct! but Mr. Pardee should con
duct his business with some idea of justice
to his employees and not swell his pocket
contain a full and complete account of tho book by oppressing tho miners,
cxerclsos, written up in a spicy manner. 1 railroads ot me unucu amies ...c
Tho Jamestown Sundav school has a equipped with ao,4lo locomoines, iu,.oi
membership of over ono hundred. Tho passenger cars, tMua Baggage aim man cars,
school Is supplied with a good library, com
prising two hundred choice volumes of
literature. 111th such able leaders
Messrs. S. A. Mertz and Andrew Shlve the
school Is an assured success,
The Individual who does tho lamp-
lighting in this borough, should remember
that it Is not safe to depend entirely on tho
moon. Civil service reform, In this town,
should Include a fair knowledgo of astrono
my. Respectfully referred to tho borough
Charles Henry, driver of the Exchange
Hotel 'bus, was arrested last Friday for
cruelty to animals. He was taken before
'Squire Helta and fined ten dollars. This
should bo a warning to others who have de
veloped a piopensity for cruelty to animals.
The attention of the people of Summit
Hill, Lansford and vicinity is directed to
the fact that George I nuntzingcr, of the
popular Switchback Restaurant, is author
ized by us to icceivo subscriptions and
moneys for tho Cakhon Advocate.
Leopold Meyer, of the Dolonsburg Ho
tel, has first-rate accommodations for six
or eight good boarders, at f.1.50 per week.
Persons who wish tlio comforts of a homo
should not miss this opportunity. Leopold
keeps a nice clean and quiet place.
Henry Helnig, residing at Klttatlnz.
crossed the Lehigh river at that place,
Friday morning last and In attempting to
juuiD on an L. fc S. coal train at Bowmans
town bad both legs cut oil. Uohrig Is a
married man with a family.
Hero aro a low ways to help your town
Sell all you can and buy all you can at home;
If you aro rich, Invest your money. In man
ufactorles; ho courteous to strangers that
come among you, so that they go away with
a good impressions.
-Tho administrators of the late Solomon
Gomery, deceased, will expose at public
sale on the premises, in Jahouing town.
ship, on Saturday, Dec. 10th, a valuable lot
of farming stock, including horse, cows,
Charles Sylvester George, alias Jerem
iah Weaver, has been committed to jail at
Easton to answer for larceny and embezzle
ment from Anthony Gardener, at Bangor,
by whom he was employed
John Klug, a medical student, and
William Franklin, both of Easton, have
been held for trial there, charged with at
tended malpractice upon Laura Mills,
aged 10 years,
Milton Hontz, of Lcblgh street, brake-
man on a L. & S. fretcht. had his right
haHbeaught betweou the L"inpers of two
freight ears recently and badly squeezed
For a fine all-wool suit or overcoat,
and 845.041 freight cars, being an Increase
of oyer 40,000 ftelgbt cars within a year,
and of 115,000frelghtcars within five years.
Within five years the increaso In locomotives
has been 4300, not taking Into account those
that aro worn out and out of use.
The heaviest passenger locomotlvo over
turned out In Pateison was shipped from
that cltv to othpr day. It was for tho
Union Pacific Railroad, and it weighed
112,000 pounds. When it Is known that
the heaviest freight engine, with oiaht
driving wheals, weighs only 120,000 pounds.
and this passenger cngmo has only four
drivers, some Idea of Its size may ba In
Earnings of 103 railways for ten months
show a gain of 12.7 per cent, over the saina
time In 1880. 20.0 pr cent, over 1885, and
17.8 per cent, oyer 1884. Railroad manag
ers are beginning to feel much more ancou-
aged than they were a month ago, and as
soon as the yearly reports shall 1i.itc boen
completod and prices settled purchasing
agents will be instructed to make heavy
The boycott decided upon by the Head
ing employees on Lehigh coal Is being en
forced. The coal that now goes from tin
Lthlgh Coal and Navigation Company's
mines Is carritd en the Jersey Central
Railroad, and much of it passes over the
North Penn to Philadelphia. The latter
company was Wodnesday morning com
palled U refuse to receive it, owing to
crews on that road having declined to take
out trains from Bethlehem. This action
will causa a reduction of crews in the
vice on the Jersey Central,
The miners throughout tho country
have palnod very llttlo permanent advant
age, by their agitators this year. The nat
ural improvement in demand has helped
wages up in some localities, but trade or
canlzatlon Is not credited fldth very much
of the improvement. The miners recog
nize that their mistake for years has been to
fight ona coal section against another nnd
State against anothor. Their effort
now is to establish a scale of wages snltablo
for tho various mining districts, and then
to act together, one section refnslng to fill
the contracts of another section in casa of
strikes Record.
People as They Come and Qo.
-Mrs. E. Rehrlc, of town, is visiting ro-
la'tlves and friends at Woathorly.
Our genial young friend Al. Mantz, of
Tamaqua, was In town last Saturday.
-Dr. J. C. Kreamer. of Anuashlcola,
was In town Friday ami dropped In to sea
Dr. F. I. Smith after a several weeks
UieJate Joel Klotz, will cxposo at public made to order, all the way from $12 up to Lhicnce returned Monday, accompanied by
i .1 i... , rr ... . S!lr. ..nil .1 Snnill,!i. (Ino Trt Slmrl..
, , . ... . . ..w -...w iiis wue.
Clothing Hall, Mauch Chunk. Revere Wertmau.for reveral years past
sale con the premises In Franklin township,
on Ae 27th InsUut, vnluablo real
'SquVre iBeltz has laid a substantial
plank pavement In front of Ids Bank street
residence. Now, let tho other property
owners along the.maln thoroughfare follow
A Hebrew pack peddler, Is -reported to
have been caught selling goods, and Is now
In the county jail. This final disposition
will be watchol with much Interest.
The Strong Point wlthlio "Dayls" has
fought and won, so many battles Is tho
Vertical Feed" an Improvement used on
no other Sewing Machine.
On Saturday, Dec. 3d, an elegant line
of Christmas Cards and Novelties will be
opened to the public at Luckenbach's, 01
Broadway, Mauch Chunk.
Some grocers object to selling Tulip
soap as Its being strictly pure It -will last
III uu Iflttltuv!. will! mutual. I
The temperance people of BTiiteHayep longer Uina adulterated soap, and does not
monoso nubllshlnz the names of all nartles Pay "lera as larBO prom.
who may be bondsmen or petitioners for -'n' "Sular monthly meetings of the
llouor licenses In that town. Borough Council and School Directors will
-Grandma, take me to Sondhelm's OneUeIJ at 1,10 usual P,aces on 'Iay oven-
Price Star Clothlns nail. Mauch Chunk. 'S next
and buy a sice suit and overcoat; they are
handsotno and very cheap.
Tho postmasters of Luzerne county
vi 111 meet In convention at Wllkesbarre on
the 17th instant, and discuss matters peril-
. neut to their Interests.
Don't tail to see tho tremendous as-
t jortment of fine Christmas gifts just re-
. celved at tho jewelry store of E. n. Hohl,
Mauch Chunk.
The call cxtendod to Rev. Moore, of
(Oaiasaunua, by the Reformed congregation
icf town, has been declined by that gentle-
- AlUn'ool pants made Jo order from
3.tOtip-to $10. at Sondhelm's Ono Price
Stariaothlng nail, Mauch Chunk,
Christmas presents In endless variety
now open at-Lnckenbach's, Mauch Chunk,
Christmas Cards. December 3d.
A new stock of colockaT watches and
jc werly for sale at Hagaman's store Bank
ttrcct, Lehlghton Pa. sm.
Clark, the restauranter,- will hold araf
flo for a threo hundred pound hog, on the
8th Instant. .
Before' purchasing elsewhere, see Kem
erer ft Swartz's large stock'of furnltura,
etc. tfl
It Is estimated that the population of
this borouRh Is near thirty-five hundred.
Sllye: ware new and artistic designs
at E. H. Hohl's.MaucU Chunk.
Christmas at E. If. Hohl's,
Tho several Snndaj schools In this
ulaco aro preparing for their Christmas
festivals. They glvo promise to be of great
Daniel H'ertman, aged eighty-two years
residing at West Penn, father of our towns
man Philip Wertnian, was burled Wednes
Don't fall to sec tho new stock of gold
watches for gentlemen and ladles at the
jewelry store of E. I. nohl, Mauch Chunk.
lloys Biilts, bos' suits; all the way
from $2 up to $10, at Sondhelm's One
Price Star Clothing nail. Mauch Chunk.
The Y. M. C. A. hall is a popular place
of resort for young men who bellcvo In
walking In the paths of righteousness.
Sunday school people will find bar
gains in Books by an early call at E. F.
Luckenbach's, Mauch Chunk,
Ladies and misses Newmarkets at
Sondhelm's Ono Prlco Star Clothing Hall,
Mauch Chunk.
For best makes of carpets at lowest
prices, go to Kcmerer ft Swartz, Bank
street. tf
The Buck Mountain breaker, recently
destroyed, by fire, it to be rebuilt at once,
There is some talk In base ball circles
of organizing a county league In Carbon,
Full line of Inera u and Brussels car-
sets at V. Schwartz, on Bank street, tf
Sale bills printed at this office in tho
Mauch ! latest style at very lowest figures.
-Head Sweeny ft Son's new ad.
a resident of mngnatupion, i. i., is uomo
on a visit.
W. H.. Woods, of town, was In attend
ance at tba funeral of rt. Penn bmllii, in
New Yoik this weak.
The cental Jos. Cuburn and C. F
Miller, of the H. H. B., circulated at Slat
Ington, Saturday craning.
The genial Georga H. Huntzlngor, of
the Switch-back restaurant Summit Hill,
was seeing "old acquaintances" here Tues
Miss Myra Good, the popular and
successful primary school teacher, of town,
spent several days at Philadelphia last
County Comnilsslonei Doranlck O'Don-
nell, of Summit Hill, while In town Tues
day made the AnvocATR a pleasant call,
Mr. O'Donnell Is an Intelligent centleinau,
fully capable of dlschaiglng tbe duties of
this office with promptness and ability.
Fred. Helm who, for the past four
years, lias ueen lecaiau ai Minneapolis,
Minn., returned homa Thursday evening,
Fred expects to remain homa oyer the holi
days after -vhlch ha will return wast and
resume his duties as salesman for a large
establishment In that city.
r.nil HaDDnnlnzs In 'Hftncb. Cbnnk Spicily Inti
Written up,
Alfred Hubbatd, of Phllad dpbla, was
In town Saturday.
John L. Dink and wlto. formerly of
town, now of nothlPhcm, spent aunuay
The storb windows of some of our mer
chants begin to assume tho holiday appear-arce.
A. H. Church, the contractor, of Ash
land, was In town durltig tho early part of
tho week.
"E," your letter was not rcctlved un
til Friday a. m., last week, which accounts
for Its non-appearance In our last.Issuc.
A yery prelly mlue locomotlvo, weigh
ing seven tons, was shipped 'luesday from
tho Stroh Iron Works. It was built for
G. B. Marklo ft Co.
Last week ex-Sheriff Lents was
brought home, haying been thrown from
his wagon and somewhat .cruised; he was
confined to his bed several.Jkv's, but man
aged to be about again on Wednesday.
Thero aio many vacant houses here.
The exticmely high price demanded by
landlords for rent has caused many fami
lies to securo houses In East Mauch Chunk
and other localities.
The fact that Mrs. Belya Lockwood Is
hooked to lecture here has excited the cur
iosity of eycry socloly lady In town and tho
prominent lecturer will no doubt bo greet
ed by a large audience.
Lawrence, Infant son of Edward and
Alice Dehart, dlod Sunday morning. The
deceased was an cxceutionally bright little
fellow; tlio parents have the warm sympa
thy of the community in their profound
Tho Wahnetah Hotel speculation has
prayed a failure and circulars are out offer
ing creditors twenty per cent. Many of
our townsfolk Invested In this venture with
the understanding that It would pay large
dividends, but they have been badly left.
E. F. Lclsenring, for some years en
gaged as a clerk in tho Central Railroad of
fice, under T. B. Kuntz, has resigned his
position, to take effect Dec-1st, '87; ho
haying accepted a more lucrative position
with tho Lehigh Valley Co., unihr H'm.C.
Peter Snyder, of Penn Forest twp.,liaa
leased the Hncklcbarnlo coal banks and Is
said to be coining money; for fifty cents he
Issues a permit to any person, which glyes
the holier the privilege of picking out one
load of coal and then he must pay the lcs
fcc an additional feo of scTcnty-flve cents
to haul It. no also hs men and boys en
gaged In picking out the coal, which he is
retailing at $4 per load. He has more or
ders than ho can attend lo and is about
making arrangements with farmors for tho
use of their teams.
On Monday mprnlng officer Dimmta
arrested Lewis Levi, a Jewish peddler, for
soiling without license. Julius Klehe, a
German painter, swore out the warrant be
cause Levi rofnsed to return tho threo dol
lars ho had received In payment for a watch
more than threo years agq. The justice
demanded f 100 bail. In defaul). of which
tho peddler was commlttcd.'but soon as
It was learned that tho charge grow out of
an old grudge and that Levi had a wife and
three children depending upon him for
support, several of our merchants 'chipped
in' and deposited tho cash as bail for his
anpearanco at court; he was released the
same afternoon.
Saturday was a day of extraordinary,
developments and accidents In town, caus
ing considerable excitement and much. sen
sation. About 10 a. m., Richard, a thlr-
teen-year old son of Edward Enbody, at
tempted to jump sn a moving passanger
train, noar the Central Statlen, and was
thrown violently against a stone wall break
ing his arm and etherwise Injuring him
Early in the day the pay car arrived and
distributed 'ducats' among the employes,
who flocked to the saloons and stores and
put the currency In clrculatisn; by oyening
large crowds had gathered In the business
part of the town and tlio startling news
came that a babe had been discovered in
tho creek at the west end. The coroner
immediately ImpanellciThls jury and pro
cseded to tlio scene of discovery and re
moved from tlm water a new born dead
baby boy. A post mortem examination
was held and officer Dimmick having re
ceived a clua went to the home of John
Stroublinger, where from tba statement
and confession of his daughter, Catharine,
the whole affair was revealed. The officer
arrested John Burns at the railroad depot?
about to leave for parts unknown and took
him before the 'snulre, from whence he
wa committed to tho county jail; lis being
the reputed father of the dead chllJ. At
midnight Dr. Frick, of East Mauch Chunk,
was arrested as a patty to the crime and he
also In default of ball was committed, Tba
girl is not yet out of dangerand the parties
are held awaiting the result. All facts and
circumstances will be developed at the com
ng term of court. Later in the day it was
learned that Charles Lobeno, Jr,, had ac
cidentally shet himself with a double-bar
reled sun; the charges so shattering his
foot and leg that amputation was nocessary
and tho sevlces of Drs. Leonard and Horn
wore called lo perform tho painful opera
tion. Mr. Lobene had been out huntiu
and In laying his gun down carelessly both
barrels were discharged into his right leg.
Same afternoon It was learned that the
domestic happiness of a west end family
was threatened by tho premature arrival of
husband at his home and thereby
surprising his wlfo and tho hoard
er who wera enthusiastically exchanging
hearty embraces. The boarder was dis
missed summarily; the. wife being forgiven
was placed on probation. The day wound
up with a general fight In a Susrjuehann
street saloon; battered heads and broke)
glass figured conspicuously In the general
result. Altogether last Saturday was the
liveliest day of tha month and the old town
had a sevoro shaking up from stem to
reports bti
Geo. C,
-H. E. Fair!
oek with his h.o. f,r.eI' B""cc""
A two year old c ww ' jal ,M "me,ly2
of Big Creek, died Sati 7l was o.ineu
Tuesday morning.
Miss M.uia Blorj, of Mvime iireei,
spent several days last week" with lUHips-
burc. N. .1.. friends.
Daniel Gra7crvho for the- jPast several
years lias been working In arftus parts of
the state Is home on a visit, i'an iooks
The lecture by Hevs.JJggc ft Freeman,
In Lutheran ft Hefon.ied cliurcii, uianKs
glylng evening, is highland appreciatively
spoken of. .
Our old friend Thomas Aoons while at
Buffalo, N. Y., this week loading cattle,
mot with an accident by whlcff pun of his
leg's was.broken.
Howard Chrlstnian has entered the
H'clssport Jewelry Store to learn the waffih'
making business, noward Is a bright young'
fellow and we wish him success.
Johathan Lclbensbcrger. formerly of
tho Exchange stable at Lehlghton, Is now
with John Rehrlg, at the Franklin House.
Itliat John don't know about horses Is not
worth knowing.
Now don't miss It. Andrew Graver Is
costantly receiving now goods which makes
his store tho most popular In town. Prices
low as tho lowest. Before purchasing else
where please ca.1I. '
The general store merchants of town
will hereafter close their various places of
business at eight o'clock p. m., with tho
exception of Saturday ovenlngs when tho
stores will bo open as usual. This action
on (he part of tho merchants Is not 'unap
preciated by the clerks.
Washlngton-Camp 122, P. O. S. of A.,
was at Bowmanstown Monday evening and
Instituted Camp 20, thirty-five charter mem
bers. The order, at this place, Is meeting
with unbounded success having a total
membership of one hundred and slxty-sjx.
The soyeral other sccrot societies aro in a
flourishing condition also.
It Is not unlikely that, the Reformed
congregation at this place, will loso Rev. J.
E. Freeman. The reverand gentleman has
met with much success herein spreading
the gospel light and hts.golng away will be
much regretted not only by the congrega
tion but by tho cntiw community, Hav.
Freeman preaches a trial sermon at Boyer
town, Pa., on SundaT,and with what result
Is obvious. We can congratulate the Boyer
town congregation on secnrlngsointelligent
and capabloan expounder of biblical truths,
while we must regret our lo.
Do not be Induced to take some other
soap when you call for Tulip, which Is tha
best made.
Fitio stock of elegant new style rings at
E. II. Honl's, Mauch Chunk.
Tha Electrlo Light in Lehigtiton.
Through the efforts of a few of enter
prising and progressive citizens, Including
Mcssers. Joseph Obert, Daniel Wlcand
and T, D. Clauss, the business places on
Bank street will, In the course of thirty
davs. be Illuminated by electricity, This
will be a valuablo acquisition to Lehlghton
somethlnz that long has been needed and
It would not be unwise If the borough coun
ell should take such action as would tend
to havo the various streets Illuminated by
tbe electric lizht. As a matter of cost it
would not greatly exceed the- amoun
annually expended on the lights now In
use, so, of course, that body will easily see
tlm nraetleabl we II as llie auvisiuiniy.
of illumination by tho slrango eloctrle
-Sabbath Services in Jamestown Sun
day. Dec. 4th, Sabbath School at 0 a. m
preaching 10 30 a. in. Class meeting 0.45 p,
m. Preaching 7.30 p. m. Young people'
meeting eycry Saturday evening at 7.30
j everybody welcome, non-church-goers
especially invited to all these meetings.
Chas. Bums, Pastor.
" Quick sales and small profits " Is Hi
motto of the grocer who sells Tulip soap,
Just received irom Boston
an immense stock of the gena
ine Knight ot Lahor Shoes
which we are selling nt 2.50
and $3. Warranted solid cajf
leather. Clauss & Bro., the
Tailors, sole agents lor Carbon
countv. Our stock of nana
mnde shoos cannot he boat
any dealor in the county.
Tvirtng Itorai kicked Up andAuortod by
llie Ftroller.
Ihrts'tnan, eur popular coaldealer,
k blues's as being good.
TjAsts was on a bti)ness trip
H. J., last week.
c,er spent several days last
FarryvtlU Items
H. (J. Bamford and wife, of Lansford.
were visiting lclallres and friends this
Mr. Stephen Snyder has returned home
after a delightful visit to Allmttls and
Allenlown friends.
Ilia Camp P. O. S. of A,, of town
participated In tha Institution of a camp at
BQWiaanstown on Monday evening,
.A delightful party In honor of Mts, L,
r. itemauy came on at tier residence on
Thanksgiylug day, all present enjoyed
lueuiieiTas uiguiy.
Chas. L. Miller, assistant superintend
ent 01 ma rurnace worKs, hero, left for 3t,
Louis, Mo., this week whera he has
obtained a position.
- triii. Kennedy, f Philadelphia, was
visiting here OTer Sunday fi'"f!r DAISY
Fifteen hundred oycrcoats; overcoats
ror men anuuojs, ai prices to defy com
petition, nl . Sondliclni 's One Price Star
uiotning iiaiiAiaucu Chunk.
Chronic Catarrh
Corner Store
wect potatoes. Oranccs. Banannas. Mince
Meat. Apples, Cocoanuts. Dates. Figs.
Corn-meal, mixed nuts, grapes, apricots,
citron, hickory nuts, California peaches,
cocoanuts macaroons, seedless raisins.
And everything else usually kept
in a first-class general store, in
cluding Dry Goods, Groceries,
rovisions, Queeusware, Uhma-
ware, xc, ibc.
Bverjuortv Kead This.
I hereby Inform the people of this place
and vicinity that I have misrepresented N.
Snyder ft Son when I asserted that they
buy their geods from Auction Houses.
Nor do they make IX) cts.on a pair of shoes,
but sell slioes on the same margin as I do.
Respectfully, P. Uiikxxisr.
Just received another Imiiienso lot of
holiday eoodsat 1). S. Hock's. Call and
sen them.
List of Letters
Remaining uncalled for in the Lehlghton
post-offico for the month ending Nov. 30:
Arner. TilghmanG., SchanhofT, Fred
Campbell, Miss Dora Strouss, Rev. A. M..
Dreksr, Miss Carrie Snyder, Elizabeth
llouscr, Mrs. Annie barfas, l'.dwaru
Ilomor, Rebecca Sirohl, Lafayette
Rush, Miss Annie Smith, Willoua
Kennel. Wm., Thomas, John
Lapp, John Weriman. Amandus
Nothsteln, Jos., Wright, Win.,
VYlslei. it.
Persons calling for any of the above let
ters will please say "Advertised."
Jami:s P. Smith, P. M.
THE :-: SUN,
The Vcar 1SSS lirolnlses InlmArrnrnfsnli'iidlil
political derelonments. one and all redounding
to the glory and triumph, of a
ieull f J Olil Us ni.lffntrWnt Tlrtnrr nvpr tlx.
blned foes of Democracy In Its own Slate, true
to Its coiiTlctlons, truthful aboro' all else, and
fearless In the cause of.trulh and right.
The SUN lias six, eight, twelve and sixteen
pages, as occasion requires, and Is ahead of all
tompetltlon n oyerythlng that makes a news
paper. Dally .... $6.00
Dally and H'eekly - - - 7.50
Sunday (10 and 20 pages) - - 1.50
Weekly .... 1,00
11-3 Address THE SUN. New York.
Practical Hlacksralthft norseshoer
Is prepared to do all work in bis lino
In the best manner and at the lowest
prices, Please etll. norJO-M-ly.
The - Woifisport - Bakery,
C. W. I.iUltY, ritOPRIRTOIl.
Delliers Fresh Bread and Cakes in Vf eissport.
i,enigmon aau TicimueseTerj uaj.
11 the store I hare a Fine Line ot Coiifectionorr
ior me iioiiuaj iraue. ounuay iciioois ana lev
eo ai
Urals supplle
Wo sell books cheaper than you can
get them from the cities at E. F. Lucken
bach's, Mauch Chunk.
- Extraordinary stock of holiday goo Is
at E. II. Hohl's, Mauch Cuunk.
Abont Kext Year.
The year 18S9, which comprises the lat
ter part of the 115th and tho beginning of
the 114th year of American Independence,
corresponds to the year 00(1:1 of tho Julian
panod; to V.IOfl-lW of the Ilyzantine era, the
year739S commencing September!; to 6048-
C0 of the Jewish era, the year .1000 com
mcnclng September 25 at sunset; to 2042
since the foundation of Rome, according to
Varrot; lo 3630 since tho beginning of the
eia of Nabonassar. which has been assigned
to Wednesday, February 20. of the 3007th
year of tha Julian period, and In the 740th
year before tha birth ot Chrlstj'to the 20S5
of the Olympiads; to 2201 of the breclan
era, or era of the Selucldiu; to 1605 of tha
era of Diocletian: to the Japaneso era. and
to the 22d year of tho period cntlted"Meii,
1 no year i.iui 01 inn 3innammcoan era, or
the Ileglra, begins on Aiicust 2S. 1889, and
tne first dav of Janusrv. issu. s the 2.411.
004th day since the commencement of the
Julian period.
Silver thimbles at E. II, nolil's.Mauch
Read Robert Walp's new advertisement
n to day's Issue.
A new lot of fine gold watches at D. S.
Hock's, suitable for holiday presents.
A handsome advertising clock will be
plaeod in tho posl-oftlce shortly It Is
great novelty and will no doubt attract
much attention.
Step In and see the handsomo stock ef
jewelry at tho store of E. H. Hob), Mauch
At a meeting held this week In New
York city It was decided not to advance the
price ot coal during tho month of Decern
her. Consumers will hear this fact In
Pretty designs in earrings, lace pins
and rings at D. S. Rook s jewelry store.
Correspondents will please remember
that their communication will not be
published unless accompanied by the
name of writer, not for publication but as
a guarantee of good fat h.
For an Irormriuo variety of Holiday
Goods, call 6t Luckenbach's, Mauch
Thero will be a memorial service held
in the Evangelical church, in this borough
on Sumlay cycnlng, 4 h Inst., In honor of
the late John H. Finch, who was at the
head of the order of Good Templars of the
world. The sevlces will bo under the aus
pices of the Lehlghton Lodge of Good
Templars, and Rcy. G. W. Gross wll) make
the addross for the occasion.
" Furniture of the best makes at prices
to astonish tha buyers, at Kemerer
Swartz's. tf
Hlg selection of cold-beaded canes at
E. II. Hohl's, Mauch Chunk.
Fino goH spoctacles at E. II, Hohl's
Mauch Chunk.
Gold liens and pencils at E. H. Hold'
Mauch Chunk.
Plckeled Chow, chow,
' Onions,
" Gherkins,
" Celery,
' " Cauliflower,
" Horseradish
" Catsup,
Corn llcof,
h llie (1 taud. Under Reber's Hall. Bank Sim MMm.
Medicines all Hew, Pure, Effective & Elegtnt.
Toilet Articles, Fancy Soaps,
Chamois Skins, Sponges, all kinds TJiushen, Oombs, Pnftiry
ond ovcrythlngelso In the Druggists line kept In great variety and of most s)1m4
N. 13. Two llcgulnr Physicians nhvnv3 in attendance
Reber, tho older, cau always bo found and w ready to
advice, and to prescribe FREE Furnishinar medicine ef
quality, and at as reasonable charges as can be had elscvrhsrt.
Office and Gonsnltalion Rooms Coralent to Rete Dai Store.
Established 1867.
for your Swecethcait, Sister. Vlfe,
Daughter or Mother, kindly call
and see the HKVf 111(111 AKM
10 MACHINE; It nlll make the
most ile slrahln ft r sent ot the day.
Ben TT. Maim.
Ilanlc St., t.EHIOHTO.I, Pa. ' nowe-ow
t Ion est prices.
Do you love fruit growing ? Do you loyo
flowers? Dfaye you a little garden? Have
you a large farm? Are you interested in
cattlo raising, In tha dairy? Do you keep
bees, poultry? Do you loye your family
and desire to provide them-nlth pure read
Ing matter? Do you wish to keep your
sons and (laughters en the farm, anil to
make them happy and contented? Do you
live In tne east, west, north or sonllir
You should read the the Run al, NewTobk
Kit. It is the leading farm weekly of Amer
ica, and eosts more ts publish than any
other, bpecimens ftee. Address the
Nnw YoRKEtt, 34 Park Row, New York.
The Rural New Yorker
stands easily at the head of the agriculttira
ionrnals ef America. Its strlklnclr oriel-
nal features and the care with which it is1
edited, render It the most trustworthy ex
ponent ef agricultural thought in tbe coun
Iry. It Is In bo lens sectional,cIrculatIng,
as It does, wherever the English language
Is spoken. It Is wholly original and pays
more for contribution! than any other Jour
nal of Us class.
The establishment ot the BXPKttlHCKT
anoraDi (82 acres) of the Rukai. New
TonKEn In 1877 marked it new era In farm
journalism, and they are now recognized
by Its readers, as well as by the press In
general, as having aided the Interests of
American AgrieulUre and Horticulture
more than any other one agency.
Its itxusTRATioxs are a strong feature,
being drawn from nature by our best ar
lists. Over 800 are presented yearly. New
fruits of all kinds, crain. live stock, orna'
mental trees and shrubs, grosses and flow
ers are faithfully shown, while its trench
ant cartoons are aids in the study of hnw
best te enjey rural life.
Tke Rural New Yorkkr has over 600
contribnters, among them the best practl
cat farm writers in ineworia. its literary,
Domestic Eeonomy, Woman's Work, News
and Market DeDartments are certainly un
surpassed, it win please eveiy ruemuer oi
the farallv: II Is pure In tone, and fearlessly
expotes all fraudulent schemes, devises or
advertisements, it is a .rami, uaroen, jie
llf Inm. News. Home and Literary Journal
all in one. ine oesi people oi America
will endorse tha above claims. Ask them.
Send for specimen copies and judge for
Tnuritelrei. The RURAL NEW YORKER 1
a in-rare n-eemv. nrinieu on nni. naiurai
rnlnred nanar. and the nrlca is ?2.00a year.
z: ' . " . . . .v.- utiii i t
it was estaDiisnea in ioou. im huiwu
NEW YORKER, 34Tark Row, N. T.
Notice Is given to all farmers, fruit-grow
ere, gardeners, stockmen, etc., that sped
men copies RURAL NEW YORKER, the
leading American weekly of its class, will
be mailed to all applicants. 'Address The
RURAL NKH" YORKER, .14 Park Row,
N. T.
Catarrh Is Inflammation of the musous
membrani, attended with Increased seeretlon.
Thus eatarrli may nfftct the bead, throat,
stomach, bowels, or any part ef the body
whsre the mucoue membrane ts found, tut
catarrh ot the head Is by far the most eouwoa,
coming cu so (radutlly that efteu Its pin
eries Is not auipeetsd till It has obtalued a
firm bold on Its victim. It Is eaused Ljr a
cold, or a sueessslon ot colds, leiiibUied wltb
Impure Illooil.
Wlira firmly established the disease U ex.
ceedhigly dltagreeshls, (ausliit flow from Ike
nose, dryness of the throat, hsadathe, lets ot
appetite, marine and Imtilni tioltes la the
oars, etc. In Hood's Birtaparllla aay be
found a rrempt and permanent cure tor
catarrh. It purlflee and enriches the kloed,
smithes and rebuilds the diseased inwabrnnc,
and thus soon euro the disease. At the taiac
lime It refreshes and tones tbe whole system.
The remarkable suceeee ef this pccullu
mrdlclne entitles It to your confidence. Ulrs
Hood's SersaiHtrllla a trial.
"I am h:ip,.y i.. sMto that I umJ livW .
Sanaparllla fur cutarrk, with tvblcti I U..
bcea troubled auuy years, aad riB
treat relict aad bcacett treat It, Tke iiuiu
ws very cU(rccakl, ecpcctcJIy k UI
winter. MuiJcf ucceal diMkaric frees uy
ucsc. rlutluf koUcc k sty eCra, ut tku ti.
the back cf wy ke4. Tke edcrt e clear uiv
bead ! the MoraJat Vf kcwkSe aad ttdittvc
was painful, My reer MrW ate tc Uj
Hood's repcu'ill,
and K tave e relief JnaacdtcCciy, wka ht
time I was entirely eared, I Ma acTcrwItb
out tbe Mcdlelac la aay kecwa, M I steak u g
werth Its neltht la gold." list . B. tceen,
lose El(htk Ue1, X. W Tf eektattea, D. U.
"I bare use ncfc larteearUta tw
caUrik with tmj satlcUcscrf recall. I
have received racrc pcraekaMt kcacBt ka
It lhaa friic any ctkec- ro seedy I kave ctor
tiled." f V. Baia, U A. Seed ft Sea,
Wausevii. Ol.lo.
X. U. Dn kuI U laiWccd c take ar ether
preparatltMi, list be sarc H fet
HoocFs Sarsaoarilla
Sold byalldmcatste.
1 1 tlx for t. rreparecaly SelkfaUariM, PielaCwS, Tr eJr
Apcthecerlei, Lcwell, Vim j kj c I. HOOD Co., Arcekceaitee, Lcwel, Uass.
Dosos Ono Dollar I IOO Doses Ona Dollar
Good Mm!
Good My!!'!
Re-Established 1887.
December 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, 1887.
It Will Hny
examine our goods and pricca before buying elt6vrhra.
It Will lDy Yon
To buy substantial Goods ut our Standard Store, initad of i.xA-
ing witli petty dealers who have no stock. Ihcra am eomt Tfb
say that there is no difference ia Rubber Boot. Tht diffnj mm
is as great as in a pair of leather boota that cot $5.00 aad a pair
that costs $2.00. Let no one make you blieT that thers ra e
differonee in rubber boot.
Bank Street, LehVj&io,
Sept IT uu
Coats, Jackets, Dolmans, Ulsters
Jackets, Raglins and Ulsters, Plain, Plaid mmE
Striped Cloth-
Plush Dolmans, Coats and Jackets.
hildren's and Misses Jackets, Coats, Raglins
and Ulsters.
Blanket, $3.50 to $8.00. 1 Bearer, 55.00 to SleM.
Imitation Indian, $10 to $50. f Real Indian, $Ss to
Black Thibet, $b.uu to jo.uu.
634 Hamilton Street, Allentown, Penn 'a.
October M lT
2 Doors above the " Old Stand," Bank Street, Labtgfaton, Pa
Pure Drugs, "Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Soapg, Per
fumery, Hair, Tooth and Clothes Brushes,
Musical Instruments, &c., &c.
Faints, Varnishes, Glass,
Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa,