The Carbon Advocate LEHIGHTON, PA.. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1887. r.MTEnrn at thk LKtuairroN tost-oiticr a BKOOM) MAIL MATTKH. Thk members of the Grand Army of the Republic repudiated tlio actions Of such partisans as Falrchlld.Tiitlleanu' company, at tho U, A. It, cncAnipinent nt St. Louts, Mo., Krlday Inst. The covert censure of President Cleveland for vetoing the Indl- gent l'enslon bill which was embodied In Falrclilld'a report was rejected by the vet' ran by an overwhelmlnz majority. This open set-back to the Fall-child Ilk will put a stop to much of the blood shirt and palsy business. Thk Democratic voters of this county will dp well to see that the names of Henry Millet-, C. W. Leutt and Paul Wagner are on their tickets when they go to vote on the eighth day of Novembbr. Nominated for the. respective offices of county conimls slonsr, .register and recorder and county auditor, without being "slated" or by aid of the bosses, they mum cleaily represent the will of the people. Honest, Intelligent and capable, they will dispose of their re- spectlve duties with credit to themselves as welt as to the whole people of the county, Irrespective of party. It s In such men as Messrs. Miller, Lentr and Wagnel that the 'people will find genuine reform an essen' tlal necessity much needed In this county. Thk strike of the coal miners In the Le- high region still continues with no appar ent sign of abatement. Tho miners who have home the oppression of the coal oper ators for so many years are determined In their demands for an Increase of wages and will grant no concession until they haye meted out to them the Justlcethey demand. On the other hand lh coal operators, haughty and overbearing, look on In proud disdain, treating contemptuously the de mands of an over-worked and half-starved humanity. The workmen need expect no mercy from the operators. Kyery device of tyranny will bo put In force to bring the men Into subjection and it will only be, af ter all their efforts have failed, that the coal operators will concede to labor their just and honest dues. The miners are backed by the Knights of Labor In their fight for right and It the fight Is carried out upon the principles of Its origination the coal miners must win, there Is no other way. Thk New York Star thusly remarks con cernlng the political prospect In that State "Never was the Democracy of New York more thoroughly united or belter equipped lor effective campaign work. The inagnl tude of the Issues of the election are well understood. The Stale Is to say whether thecountry shall go forward In the path of Democratic' reform or relapse Into those dangerous abuses which the people repudl ated and rebuked In 1884, By the result In New York this year will the country judge the probabilities of the next preslden tlal contest. It Is, of course, possible that the Republicans might carry the State now and yet lose Its vote In the college of pres idential electors. But the world does not so estimate the situation. To the general mind It seems clear that as goes New York In November, 1887, so will It go next year: and that as New York shall vote for presi dential electors, so will be the result of the national contest. Ii Is not for us to decline the gage of battle for the sMrmlsh line of 1888. If our opponents choose to place upon tuo Democracy or Mew York the re sponsibility ef determining the next Presl dency in advance, It Is our part to accept the duty of making good our posltldn as the Empire State of the Democratic party with light but determined hearts. It within our power to elect a majority of the legislature as well as the State offica rs spite of all the combinations, tricks and lavish expenditure that will be employed against us. It Is only necessary that we should bring out full Democratic .vote, and that each Democrat should labor to con vluce his doubting neighbors of the neces sity of the trlumbh of our party to the wel fare of the country and State." Broadbrim's Hew ml Letter. Special to the Carbon Advooatk. For the first three days of the week which has passed New York financially sat upon the ragged ed. The clouds looked stormy forbidding, glylng promised another UlackTrMayThe Bears had started In for a flrstclass panic, but just In the nick of time proyldence and Secretary Falrchlld came to our assistance and (he eyll day was postponed for the present at least. When we speak of Black Friday It Is in sort of careless, flippant way, for the event took place so long ago that the new gener ation of IFall Street men knew little or nothing about It, and at this time It Is al most like writing ancleut history; but we were so near a financial panic this week that I cannot help calling back the ruin of that eventful day, I arrived In the city after a lengthly tour In the upper portion of the State late the evening before, and being very tired I did not get down to Wall Street till nearly twelve o'clock. By that time the whole street -.vaa In an uproar; messengers rush ing hither and tldtber, everybody looking out ror Himself, and In the race It was the devil take the hindmost. The Stock Ex change of fifteen or sixteen years ago Is net the Stock Exchange of to-day: seats that rose In the flush times to forty thous and dollars, could then be bought for five or six. The dirty and llsreputable gold room with Its stuffy little gallery and Its ill-smelling dog pit was then In existence It has since been torn down and now forms part of the Stock Exchange. I ran down New street and Into the gold room to find pandemonium reigning; as stocks went up and eyery moment brought new orders to buy. There were no telephones then and lew tickers, most of the brokers' and bankers' business being done by private messenger. It was Impossible for one un Initiated to understand a word. The floor was crowded with men who acted like mani acs; tney rusned at each other like mad bulls; they slezed and shoo'c each other vl olently ; they thrust their fists In each others faces, and then rushed off to some other part of the floor to find a new victims- short, lhlck-setman whose lone hair ell almost on hit shoulders, Stood In the center or the pit, bis face was pale as ashes, his head was thrown back, his sblrt was open at the throat, he wildly shook a handful of paper above his head walla the crowd around him roared and yelled like a pack of hungry wolves. Tho Stock Exchange next door was like a madhouse, and It was Impossible to gel any Intelligence from any one except that ruin was everywhere. It was between three and four o'clock when a wild, excited throng of men came rushing through Exchange alley with a wboou Ilka a Um. a r v t j i , i a band of Comanche Indian,. They were ' looking for Jim Flske and his wlckedpartner Qould to hang them to the nearest lamp post; along Broad street, through Wall street and back through Fearl street to Ex change Flace the crowdsurged and roared, Into a carriage; the driver piled his lasli on but Flske and bis wicked partner had leaped the affrighted horses nor held his hand till his precious freight was safe within tho Erie offices at the Grand Opera Home. Years have passed slnco then and many of tho principal actors are either dead or sunk In hopeless poverty, The man who stood In the centto of the gold pit that day and bought a mlllon and eight hundred thou sand of gold dies In a tunatlq asylum after enduring the pangs of bitter, biting poverty for over ten years. Jim Flsk was assassi nated by the man who now keeps one of the finest and most splendidly appointed hotels In the United States, and after standing twice lu the shadow of the gallows IS nowlreported to be worth a million. Jim FIsk's wicked partner Is now realizing the truth of that excellent old adago. "Vlrtuo Is Its own reward," and Instead of decorat ing a lamppost on Broad street In front of the Stock Exchange, Is now a grandfather highly respected (by some people), and he can draw his check for fifty millions at least. Funny world, Isn't llf Well, It was just from such a scene that we were save dlast weed. Our bank vaults are pretty well depleted, many millions of dollars having been sent to the West and South. Tltien the great crops of the nation are to be moved, Wall street Is always called upon to pay the freight bills. The Bears watched the chance and jumped In, but Uncle Samuel helped us out and we are grateful. Money, however, Is llght,awful tight, but If we can tide matters over for sixty days we are tolerably safe for another year. While New York Is not supposed to be the most virtuous place on the planet, there Is something about the atmosphere of Brooklyn that Is very malarious to clergy men; not that I would haye ll understood that Brooklyn Is In anywise destitute of Christian ministers who do their Master's work and do It well, for It Is not so. With men like Dr. Storrs, Dr. John Hall, Dr, Talmage,Dr. Berhend aud many otherablo and upright Christian ministers. The church itself Is entirely safe, but Brooklyn has proved a nicTK noiu to dozens of weak er disciples who came there with a tolerably fair reputation but left It without any char acter whatever. Last week there were no less than three ecclesiastical trials for mor al tergiversation of a very heinous charac ter. In one case a young minister came to Brooklyn from a country church which he had succeeded In building up from a very small and poor congregation to one of the foremost In that district, His evaujteltcal work gave golden promise and he was looked up to with reverence and affection by old and young. He had a most estlma ble wife and an Interesting family. During a revlyal in the village he became dread fully enamoured of a youthful orphan In bis congregation, whose father had left her considerable property. Under pretense of -settling her estate, he succeeded in getting a fatal Influence over her which led the poor girl to'her ruin. Fully aware of bis domestic relations, and 05 the most friend ly terms with his wife, she appears to have surrendered herself entirely to this clerical Villain, What rendered the case more shocking, he induced two members of his congregation, a lady and gentleman, to as slst him lu bis Illicit meetings. The lady was a bosom friend of the unfortunate vic tim, and the young man was a confidant of the clergyman and be aided him In his ne farious meetlmrs under the promise of be ing assisted to the ministry. Unique let- ten have been published on various sub jects sacred and profane, but hardly any thing can be found In literature, ancient or modern, that will compare with the effus ions of this canting rascal. He writes to his friend Ilaryey to arrange a clandestine Interview with his victim and hopes that the Lord may prosper him In bis undertak, lug, and Invokes a blessing on his friend for performing the nefarious serrlce. He promises to assist him to become a Chris tian minister, and bids him be virtuous and asks to be remembered in his prayers, and at the same lime begs his assistance in the most Infamous of crimes, while plotting the ruin of his ylcliin. The proofs of his in famy were so complete that he had not the cheek to appear before the examining board but tendered his resignation, which, to the shame of the church, was accepted Instead! of his summary dismissal The other two cases are not quite so bad but bad enough In all conscience, though neither of the offenders have been yet con victed. While on this subject I am re minded of the case of the Reverend Howard Carroll whose death I noticed a few weeks ago. Some years ago he was driven from Brooklyn In disgrace and died In exile In the far west. In the height of his prosper ity bis congregation erected for him a yery beautiful church In one of the most delight ful situations In Brooklyn. It was magni ficently arranged Inside, had a grand organ, stained glass windows and attached to the church was an elegant parsonage, beautl fully furnished with everything that the heart of a reasonable man could desire When the minister's offenses became flagr ant the church divided, one party sustain ing him and the other determined to drive Mm out. The fight was long and bitter. but at last he vacated bis pulpit after one ef the most bitter and scathing sermons ever preached In Brooklyn. Another was called to fill his placo, a most worthy man anu an excellent preacher, but a curse seemed to rest upon the church; the con gregatlon struggled against fate; they could not pay the Interest on the mortgage, and a few mouths ago It wai sold to the Scottish Rite Masons and was dedicated with most Imposing ceremonies on Saturday. The eyent brought together the most brilliant assemblage of masons ever seen In Brook lyn, and It will long be" remembered as red letter day by the brothren of the mystic tie. Sunday was quite a busy and Interesting day. Tho opening of thanew Arlon Hall which began on Saturday night lasted all day bunday and well Iuto Monday morning. It was to all Intents and purposes a big time; oceans of lager.rlvers of Rhine wine, whole lakes of champagne and a supper or dinner, I don't know which to call It. Oh myl the man who thinks that our German fellow-clllzens amuse themselves with saur kraut and pretzels should have seen those tables; they fairly groaned beneath the load of good things. The Germans have got the noblest music hall in New York, and they are just the boys to enjoy It. The appearance of George Francis Train on the lecture platform after ten years' of silence brought all tho anarchists and fire eaters in New York together. When George Francis offend to lead the new revolution If the anarchists at Chicago were bung, Herr Most and the rest of the crew grew wild. At another Anarchist meeting George Block.supposed to be a baker.called down blessings on the hand that threw the ----'-"""" u i bomb at Chicago, Thl. wu too much for J some of the audience, so they hissed him and retired from the hall. I know this Block for a foul-mouthed braggart whose business for the past ten years lias been to get up strikes and foment discontent among the working classes. I doubt very much it he ever did an honest day's work In his life, nor perhaps he will not till he lands In the States Prison Penitentiary. Antt-Poverly makes, a good showing, and objecting to landlords and rent succeeded In paying two hundred dollars every Sunday night tor a place to hold their meetings In. They are going to haye a monster picnic or fair to raise funds for the campaign. Every body In favor of Antl-Pov'crty is expected to do something men, women and chil dren arojiolng to work and no doubt It will be a great success, Lily Langtry enters her second week with In a Looking Glass" and crowded houses If tho Jersey Lily can see herself M others see her the picture can hardly be a pleasant one. The scenes are drawn from tho shad owy stdo of life and among such associa tions as no decent man or woman would dare to enter. There are many things In this world which it Is wiser and belter for a good man or a good woman not to know, There Is sin enough flaunted before, us eyery day which we caunot ayold, to make the soul shudder and the heart ache. The play of "In a Looking Glass" can add notli Ing to Mrs. Langtry's fame, It Is only pain fully suggestive how much of ll Is true. Strackosh the great German reader Is our latest sensation; of him anon, Yours truly, BiioAimnw. OUR PHILADELPHIA LETTER. Pmi.ADEt.PHiA, Pa., Oct. 6,87, With tbo attending excitement and curi osity pertaining to the constitutional cen tennial festivities having passed away Phil adelphia people turned their attention more or less Into the political whirl of 1887. Philadelphia is essentially a city of political bosses and autocrats. This is particularly exemplified In the majority party which Is endeavoring to Inflict upon the Cty of Brotherly Loye a set of officials who have a record for subseryancy-and political pros tltutlon unsurpassed. To understand and fully realize this one need only be a close observer of the way party machinery Is used As an effective Instrument to bridle and overrldo the desires and wishes of good and honest citizens. W. R. Lcods, a "hall fel low well met," the Republican candidate for Sheriff, Is a boss and has been a boss of long standing; he pre-eminently represents the most vicious features of that political system of making nominations and utiliz ing public offices for Individual aggrandize ment and gain. A rule by which men are usually judged is by their past actions ;thus weighed in the balance, this boss candidate for sheriff is found wanting, for he has filled the same office before and during his term of office the officials with which he was surrounded were but a band of extor tionate robbers and blackmailers. No citi zen could transact any business under the Leeds' regime unless be was politoly and at times rudely Informed "Stand and de liver." These facts have not been forgot ten by the indulgent citizens of Philadel phia, and Leeds after November 8th may realize the advice given him before his nomination by prominent leaders and friends that he would be defeated. This candidacy Is recognized as the Incomatlon of old methods, corruption and political prostitution; it Is the same as that which a few years ago aroused the tax-payers and from which they sprung the coraniltte of One Hundred who scattered bosses, henchmen and boss tactics In all directions. The spirit of this citizens movement jdirect ed by leading Republican business men, Is vitalizing and will make Itself felt In the contest as against Leeds. Unless trades and bargains with corrupt Democratic leaders for the delivery of purchasable yotes In their control to Leeds will bo consum mated he will he defeated by the good citi zens of Philadelphia; such a defeat will mean much to the taxpayers for it will be notice to these arrogant leaders that al though by corruption and political machin ery unworthy men can be nominated they can elected; that honest govern mentthat office is a public trust Is of much more Importance than party suprem acy to citizens' lntectlon of party bias, The Democrats have wisely availed them selves of the opportunity offered by nomin ating a ticket of men of irreproachable character and standing. Tin Democratic nominee for sheriff is the exact antithesis of Leeds. Cbas. H. Krurabbaar has served the people faithfully and well, ne lias been a reformer in politics ever since he has been actiye In the science of government; as a member of council and city commis sioner, his record is clear and spotless. To each of these positions he was elected by Republican citizens, not Republican poli ticians, and it ail calculations are not a miss the same forces will place him In the sheriff's office of Philadelphia. Such a re sult Is anticipated and eyery manifestation of public comment and action tends to con firm It. Democratic aud Republican poll tlclans do not differ lu any essential as to encompassing and making nominations, Those In both parties are mainly corrupt and In politics for what Is "In It." The only difference Is that the Republicans are in the major party and thereby If not re proved by citizens movements, the main sharers of plunder, The week Just closed was one of tremen dous activity amongst Democratic workers, ieaaers anu citizens. The citizens as a re suit of their activity haye fared well as to a ticket. It Is composed of good clean men Krumbhaar, Dechert and Sensenderfer challenge the scrutiny of all men. They are cican rename men and as to the elec tion three of them have more than even' chances. The bone of contention was the commlsslonershlp. The nominee Is sure of an election. Two candidates Peter Mou roe and John Paul Jones Sensenderfer contested for the prize; the latter bagged the game; this fight was a hot one; It was fought with much bitterness; every device, mm unscrupulous tactic was brought into play; frauds on either side were perpetrated without fear or favor- The primary elections for commissioner were of the same character as Republican" primaries usually are. The machine can dldato usually wins; there were no less than twenty-one fraudulent delegates, delegates that were not elected in this convention; these were about evenly divided between the two candidates. The result fraudu- lant result was accomplished In the ward affected by the party organization beine In the hands of men who favored either one or the other candidate. The party rules give the organization absolute control of saying who Is or who Is not. There Is no appeal from such a decision; such rules are a baneful curse. The majority does not rule, and unscrupulous men who may be lu control of party organization can reader any result desired. Such Is popular gov ernment. Besides this absolute power un uoi mo iu, uiiraaryeieciions arenot con- ducted In XU glov. st,l. Fprln.tancls der the rules, primary elections are not con- on Jfohday afternoon the writer walkea down South Oth street, passing alone k well known place ho was accosted by ft friend, who Inquired as to our preference-- hot haying any he was escorted -Into i room and Informed that it was the room It Which tho primary election was t8 tnk(! place; being shown a corner of the rooiji filled with baseball bats and articles of i similar kind, anxiously Inquired what they wero lor, anu was uiamuy anil suavely ans worcd, "Why they are ballots." Any yoter who was averse to tho favored candidate wodld bo liable to get oue of these baseball ballots oyer the head. The result of It was that opposition was exterminated, uncli la representation and popular government. Tho laws allow It by not enforcing Its legal requirements; tho law's officials nro In league with these crimes and wrongs, nnd this being so, Is it any Wonder that therd are excrcssences, such as colifiontus on all sides anarchism, socialism, corrnntlmi. Ac, Ac? What a commentary on the popular nnd free expression of a frco peo ple I Bah I This condition of things not only Jiolds true In primary elections but In the general elections also, The commis sioner contest culminated In a very sensa tional way. PcterMonroe.a man of strong win and determination, holding George McGowan Natty Georse-inialnlv reaunn. slble for hs defeat, nude an attack on Mc- uowau tn the Ulrard House barroom on Thursday evening with the full Intention '. of shooting him. Fortunately for tbo little political trickster and for Monroe himself ; his nlstol was pmntv. .Inlm .1. niMmna ' a friend of Monroe's, knowing the temper , of Peter, extracted the cartridges from the pistol and replaced It. If not for this pre-, i caution McGowan, no doubt, would be a dfad man and Peter Monroe a murderer. 1 New Advertisements, i POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A man-el ot purity, strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude ot low test, slioit weight, alum or phosphate powders. Bold only In cans. Itoyal Ilftlrtnn Powder Company, 100 Wall Street. N. Y. nuc 24-mtl PURE BONE DUST ! I Pure flpne Pust guaranteed to bo tree tram ashes, muck, sand or any other worthless In gredient Intended to make up weight nnd bulk. Pure Hone Meal is a land fertilizer that rauk9 far ahead ot all phosphates: prnctlcul farmers know this and appreciate the fact. We hare a large auantlty ot l'UllE CONE BUST on hand which we will sell at very reasonable prices. All orders promptly attended to. Patronage respect fully solicited and satisfaction guaranteed, JOSEPH OBERT, Lehighton, Pa, Aug. la.-sra. Iffice of Rochesf It having been for some time UBe ot malt honors, that they were, ulterations, we beg to slate that by us is a Pure, Healthful, Unadulterated article. For the Invalid and the Nursing Mother as well as for- those who simply use it as a beyerage, it is a light and nourishing stim ulant Lager Beer has accomplished much for the cause of turn perance, in weaning many from the use of the stronger drinks, ond thousands all over the land cheerfully testify to its wonderful effects in building upfthe Enfeebled Constitution, An analysis of ouiBeer has been made by Professor Lattimore of the Rochester University, a gentleman whose name is sufficient guarantee ol tue accuracy ol any can also produce the affidavit of Wewer, which must certainly set at rest all doubts that might exist in the mind of any person. Furthermore, wo will pay $1000 to any one proving that our A A A . . " 1 , siaieroenw ana ciaims are not entirely true. Very Respectfully, The Eochester Brewing Co. Of the ROCHESTER BOTTLING HOUSE, Lehighton. ALSO, AGENT FOIt The Rochester Brewing Co.'s LAGER BEER. Call, Examine, AND -r Be Convinced THAT YOU CAN HAVE 1 STEMS, PHOUKAMMKS, INVITATIONS. PAMPHLETS, OIIiCUI.AhS, TIOKETH, NOTE UK AM. LETTER IIEAI3S, ' DILL HEADS. ENVELOPES, . . STATEMENTS, BUSINESS OAH1IS, IlOIMIEns, and merclmntilo printing of all kinds executed at tho lowest possible rates. Our work will be found equal to that of any office in the county, and wjll be done at the time prothised. Carbon Advocate i JOB ItOOIYISy Bank St., Lehighton, C9 CO Laiador cures sick stomach nnd giddiness, conquers llrer complaint. U nonpareil for loss of appetite will drlra oil sick headache, regulator tho stomach and bowols. positively cures costtreness. will cure dyspepsia and lndlgettlol sold bv all ilnttrclsts and dealer, a Laxador Laiador Bent by mall On receipt of price, 20oV AOUresSX A. U. & Props., Baltimore, lid., U. 8. A Cnm Cough. Coldi. noarMn, Croup, Irthma, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough. Incipient Oonramp dMag tlon, ancT ivlleTei conjumpUv tion. fhm Certain t tftR' in ritsnssfl IMnn M rt. rVru. Cough Syrup U told only In wramwnt. and boui our recti tt ttered Trade-Marks to wit i Strip Vautlon-Latxi, and tha Vffco-almlla ctmAtaraa of John 1C. A. KuIL'm Head in a Cirri, a lied. 'null C.Mtytr fr &., Bole lTop'a, Baltimore, ML U. B. A. Chew Tjatise'fl I'lttsfTft? irre at Tobacco . UJote:-lrlc9 10C'ii.Siat3y ftilUnififiUU. An- THOSE WHO WANT PAY1NC1 SITUA TIONS as local or traveling agents should nnnly at once to JAS. K. WHITNEY, Nurseryman, Hochester, X. Y. No ex perience is requireu, nnu omni is tree. Btenily work the year lound. Atl stock xinrrnud good condition, Juuelis In m Lost Reward ! Lost, on the 20th ult. lit Parryvllle an English Begle Hound, answers to the inline of "Mike,'.' uit.mcu uiai-it .tint ttflllu mill two uiuck -;irs The finder will lie well ItEWAICHEl) i return to ItElUlEN McDANIKL, sw Pairy title Pa, ADMINISTRATOR'S RALE OF VEJtY VALUABLE REAL :-: ESTATE ! ! Tho undersigned, administrator of the estate of Catharine Knsbaum, Inte of the Borough ot v eissnorr, unrDon county, ra., dee'd, will sell mi pumic sate on mo premises on Monday Oct. 3rd, 1887, at Ttvo o'clock l. m.. the following valn.-ihlo real estate, to-w It-. All that certain Lot or Plcceof urouiui. siiuate on itiver street, nnd numbered lu the plan or plot of said borough ot Welsspoit, Curbon county. Pa., No. 45. The linprotements iiii-icuu uic a xnv iiuu une-nuil stair Brick Dwelling House, 27x29 feet With Summer Kllcheu, 7x2-1 feet, and Stable-icimvi, and other neeeessary outbuild ings. Theie Is also a well of good water on the premises. EST- Terms nnd conditions will bo ujuuq Kiiuwn ui. unto una piaeo 01 sale by . Administrator ot the estate of Catli. Nushautn acpuuia U.S.LITZENBERG, (Late Special Examiner U. 8. Pension orace.) Military Claim Apt ALLENTOWN, Penna., Prosocntfts claims' for TVnstnns. Tnci-eaaM nt Pension, IlQUnty and all manner ot claims affairs iue government, ten years experience in tne -t ension uusiurss mm nearly uve as specuti l.x- puuuer in me u. d. i cusion umce, I make a specialty of Increase, clalmes. MaWl-CM U. 8. HTZENllEItO. 9 er Brewing Go Rochester, N. Y., May 12, 1884. urgetl as an argument against the unfit lor use by reason of ad the Lager Beer manufactured statement lie may make, We Mr. Frederick Hodeoker, our head The Lead HEADQUARTERS FOR BEST MADE AND CHEAPEST CLOTHING. . An immense assortment of Summer Fabrics in stock, comprising un uie verv oiotiisafisnners.CorksciwSjClioviots, Worsteds, Made up in tho latest styles and most substantial manner at. prices that positively defy competition. Satisfaction guaranteed You can save money by having your clothing made by H. IT. PETERS, The Tailor, UUIiAIis HOTEL B01LBING, LEHIGHTON, PA. June 1 tt r I Announce This Week ROYAL - STOCK - FOOD Tt is put up in 12 lbs. muslin till. Clin innliirliirl I Imcnonlr P.m. .... -,. . 1U1 all who have stuck ol any kind to I have also received and have on exhibition an entirely new lirtif'lc ill tlw slinno nl' ' A i. i .. , .. . . at is maue cnureiv oi cast-iron mirably suited to put on the roof both ornamental and nsnfnl TW .... , . , " "J J M-vuiu UIU riNK o lallmir bricks tumblinir on vonr linnil age around tho chimney and of O fVav m.m.r l.ttlr. nfn...... fill. u.i.v.1 i-.i-ij uwiu niuiui. niu puce is no more tnan it will cost to lut uu n uiiuk. one ami u, wm out-wear Hall a dozen of the. A Full Line of HAHDWAP.rc rro-nA t v . i msb wmm VU nsaUiAsVvh J Plenty of COAL in Stock and More is Coming;. Waaw &Tm;irc I Hfnw PBicris J I am now fully prepared to meet ....1.1!.. .'Ll. ( ,1 iiuiiuu wiin a mil Dry Goods, No Boots, Shoos, Heady-Made Clothing, iUy prices are positively as low as the lowest. The people ol Lehighton, Packerton, Jamestown and surrounding vicinities are icaiieuLiuny invuea 10 can ana geuciui hluiu guous ueiore purcnasing eisewnere. ROBERT WALP, Proprietor of the EAGLE V. Hound House, Bank Street. Cheapest Place in the GO CSS -IS Joseph F. Rex's, EAST WEISSPORT, Carbon County, Penna. UNDERTAKER ! ' Funerals attended with promptness, and Shrouds, Caskets or P. ?! 1 .1 . Junius iiirnisneu -ALSO, DEALER IN- FLOUR, FEED, &c, &c, of the qhoicest and best quality at JOSEPH Near Canal Bridge, East Weissport, Ba. aprl7-ly This is the Place You Want! I have "made away" with my old stock and am now fully prepared for the Gomimg Summer's Trade with one. of the most FASHIONABLE as well as SUB STANTIAL lines of ' Ladies', Gent's and Clouts' Fine NIiocs $2.00 Up! Ladies American &. Ladies' and Children's Spring Heel Shoes, All Sizes Laaies wa-uunon Latest Styles Hats and Caps, AT LOWEST PRICES A.t The " CORNEE STORE." LEWIS WEISS, BANK STBEET, LEHIGHTON. PA. Clothing House THE BEST FITTING inrest stvios in ... &c., &c bags and sells for 75c. a bog a Jf i , , ? . , guuu Bams, anu wouiti advise give it a trial TOPS .... m fr-M tn(mHi,.,. fl,.i.. . : of a houseas a chimney being iio having a house minus a chimnev ! . ' IV jew Coojs 2 all denlands oi the purchasing -i 1 O and complete lilie ot ti ons, Groceries, Hats and Gaps, Cloths & Cassimers. inspect my large assortment o STORE, opposite the L Valley to Purchase AT- at lowest prices. reasonable prices. Remember F. It "EX, Children's Shoes, French Kid $2. to $4. anoes, up ! apr.JI-yl CD GO TO SWEENY'S ' Corner Store ! Chow-Chow, Mixed Mustard, Pickles, C'nbhage, Cod Fish, Corn Beef, Citron, Sweet Potatoes, Mincemeat, Watermelons, Banannas, Cranberries, Lemons, Onions,. Peanuts, Sweilzer Cheese, Canned Goods in Scas.on, And everything else usually kept in a first-class general store, in cluding Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions, Queensware, China ware, &c., &c. - REMEMBER THE orner Store ! LEHIGHTON, PA. itiii&wjBro A I'rpvi-il remedy for Consumption anil tllj eases of Throat nnd Lungs. New Llftt una Vliror follows Its use. Ash for Uakar's Oil and Malt, or wilte to JNO. C. BAKER & CO., Oct. l-Cin l'lULADEU'ICIA. Pa. TI1K Kansas Trust & Bankinji Company OF ATCHISON, KANSAS. SENATOK INOAIXH, - - President. Offers guaranteed l'arm Bonds of Eastern Ii Arietta Kami nntiiinl .M...n.. . i.s . jwiwni ymcB! is7 urosawny, New York. M- MMiley, tien'l M'g'r. Mend for pamphlet. Ailff Jl 111 WANTKU- LADIES for our Kali and Clirlst " mas trade, to take light, pleasant work at their own homes. $1 to S3 per day can be quiet, lyinade. Work Bent mall any distance. Par ticulars free. No cauvasslmr. Addre, ntnnpA You'll find It good to regu tt9 The organs of both small ana great. It check! 6(3 Ueadaohe and the woe That tad Ujipeptlct eror know. Bcilde; tu pleasant to the Bo none need gulp It down In huts. Farm For Sale, Tlio undersigned offers at private sale a valuable farm sltnalcJ In Kast Perm t ship. Carbon county, l'a., about four and one-unu miles irom L,elilgliton. The tarm contains FORTY-SIX ACRES, twenty-sir of which are under good cultivation, ami the remainder Is In timber and brush. On It Is a Two-Story rioublo Dwelling House and also a Swiss Barn, and all other out buildings necessary. A stream of water runs thiough the farm and It contains a never falllnc snrlni?. Also an orchard nf all kinds of fruit. Wo will offer a rare chance to the buyer. Apply to KDWAKU Fit YUAN, East Venn, Pa. Or his son LAFAYETTE FRYMAN, Weatherly, Pa. Switchback Railroad. TltAlNS I.UAVK AH FOLLOWS, Switchback l)e)iot 8:30; lOtlOj II :37; :'.; 3:13: 5:35. Summit IIlll0:4l); HjlO; 12:20; 3S0 4:35; 0:10. SUNDAYS Swlluback Depot 1:50: 2:15. Summit 11111-3:00; 4:00. i, , ,... T. L. MUMKOUD, Les.&Mgr. 11. J. MUMFOKU, Hupt. & Pass. Agt. HEADQUARTER for JEWELRY H9 IKock, Opposite UieCaibon House, llanu Street, Lehigh ton l"eun a sells Watches! Clocks1 and Jewelry, Cheaper on au avrrage than can bo bought any where else lu tho county. Call and sea. REPAIRING- la all Its brauches, neatly, cheaply aud prompt ly attended to. ALSO A FULL LINK OF School Books a n Stationers Supplies llOYPiniMTiM iy Accident, Life & Fire INSURANCE ! A. W. RAUDENBUSH, Bank Street, Lehighton, Has 6Pcuied tlio agency for the following SUBSTANTIAL INSURANCE COM PANIES which can bo recommended to the public as Perfectly Safe and Reliable. Tie National Life Insurance Co., OF MONTPELIER, VT wblch Is said to be "The grandest step In air ueauug witnin the history of Lift Insurance." It protects against adversity In business; It pro tects dependent ones against the contin gency of dealb 1 1 Mannfrs' Accident Inleinity Co., OP UNITED STATES. ' with a reserve fund of $60,000 guarantees c.r.j injHuj in mil. no oiner com pany has ever put up such a fund. It costs but a few cents eyery day a good Investment. LOCAL AGENTS ARE DESIRED! Harrisbon Mutual Live Slock INSURANCE COMPANY. Fixed rates; no annual dues. Animals dl Tided Into classes of one hundred and my cacu. members responsible only for losses occurring In the class In jvhlch their anl main wore enrolled, AiijpMt 0. ly Bring your job work to this office: latest styles and best workmanship guaranteed.